Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 204: How to use anabolic steroids

Episode Date: December 18, 2015

First off, Mind Pump does not advocate or encourage the use of anabolic steroids or illegal drugs. OK, now that's out of the way, the reality is steroid use is widespread and ignorance to the reality ...of steroids and their use can have harmful and even deadly effects. So, with this in mind, Sal, Adam & Justin lay out what to watch out for and what to keep in mind when using anabolic steroids. Please subscribe, rate and review this show! Learn more about Mind Pump at www.mindpumpradio.com

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Gentlemen, start your engines. What? Yes. Oh, that's what you're gonna do. Good. God has something to say. Start your engines. A lot of speaking. Start your boners.
Starting point is 00:00:10 Yes. You know, we're the end of the year is coming up here. Your powers of observation are amazing. Yes. But I'm also gonna tell you it's gonna be the end of an era. Oh. The bundle era is ending. Wait, no more hot steaming bundle of awesome.
Starting point is 00:00:27 Can you insert one of the like screaming voice? I can see if I can do that. You mean, you mean, you wouldn't mean ending. What do you mean by that? Well, it's very, that's scary. Yeah, final January 1st, we're shutting down all sales of the bundle. We're shutting down any new people coming into the forum for free. Yeah, for free. Okay, so for the listeners who are listening, if you've been thinking about getting the bundle, which includes the MAP's enabolic program, that's the full body workout routine, complete with phased workouts, trigger sessions, the no BS six pack formula, which is a program specifically targeted to building a six pack, the nutrition survival guide, the no BS six pack formula, which is a program specifically targeted to building a six pack.
Starting point is 00:01:06 The Nutrition Survival Guide, the intermitting fasting survival guide, so basically you get all those in the bundle for 147 and If you bought them all separately, how much would it cost? That was $248 $248. This is a 41% discount. So 147 is the sale price. We're ending that. Yeah, but no more. You missed a very critical thing here. The bundle includes the forum.
Starting point is 00:01:29 Oh, that's free access. That's free lifetime charge for that later. That's exactly right. So we're shutting down the bundle and in January, at some time during that month, we're gonna relaunch the forum, but it's gonna be a paid option. Everybody who's in there now, awesome.
Starting point is 00:01:45 If you get in free now, it's free forever. Yeah, your lifetime grandfathered in. Oh, you want to be in no time. Where it's just for that. Yeah. So January 1st, final day is done. So that's the final day you have to enroll before then. So if you enroll and it isn't blow your mind, you can get a refund. You can't do that.
Starting point is 00:02:02 It's absurd that even have that in there. Do we actually use those words? It's so good. Blow your mind on there. Some people like to blow your mind and blow it. Blow it. To get the bundle, big yellow button, mindpumpradio.com. Mindpumpradio.com.
Starting point is 00:02:17 Mindpumpradio.com. Mindpumpradio.com. Mindpumpradio.com. If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mite, op, mite, op with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. All I want to say is I'm almost as big as you right now. Did you last, you lost a lot of weight, dude?
Starting point is 00:02:40 17 pounds. That's a soft spot right now, Salda. You melted? 17 pounds. I'm gonna do it I'm gonna do them before and after transformation pictures so I could show people how these fuckers do this all time Look how shit you know I can hug you all the way around It's kind of weird. I'm wearing seven shirts right now. Are you? Yes, so you can people dude It was seven so I had so I had this stomach virus, but mine lasted like one or two days
Starting point is 00:03:03 You had yours and you've had it for a week. So it's obvious to me how much stronger my body is than yours. Which is weird. You know what I mean? My body's strong. You got fighter cells. This is gonna be true. No, you were hurting dude for a while.
Starting point is 00:03:16 I didn't get sick at all. I was. I felt it coming on to you. And you know at first I was talking, this is what I get, because I was talking shit at first. I was like, oh yeah, I thought my body was like fighting it off, because after we were together over the weekend, and by together, I don't mean like literally together.
Starting point is 00:03:30 We were together. Yeah, we were, we were up. That was our we, a weiner. Little, a little, a little ainer guests. Our, our weekend up in Reno. So I can't speak either of you. We can the weiner's. And Sal got really sick there.
Starting point is 00:03:43 And then Monday, when we were heading back, or Sunday night, when we're heading back, I felt it coming on Monday, I still worked, but I just felt tired, fatigued, Tuesday, worked again. And then about, I was almost done working. I was like, I don't know if I can do this anymore. I feel nauseous, I didn't feel right.
Starting point is 00:04:03 But I still hadn't felt like, at that point, I thought my body was like fighting it. I'm like, it's not gonna hit me that hard. I'm not gonna go down like Sal. I'm not gonna be a pussy and stop working or anything like that. I'm gonna keep working through this. And I think because I was talking to mad shit like that,
Starting point is 00:04:16 it just ended up laying on bad. Oh, Wednesday, it took it. It took it. Wednesday, it train wrecked me. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, I finally felt like I was going to survive this thing. And then I wake up on Sunday feeling like I'm going to survive this stomach virus I had and then I catch this, catch this head cold.
Starting point is 00:04:35 Then I'm like, you got to be kidding me. You know what you did wrong? Because you were talking shit out loud to the universe about me and the universe favors me. So you don't want to talk universe about me and the universe favors me. So you don't wanna talk shit about me because then the universe is like, hey, don't talk about our boy. Whatever.
Starting point is 00:04:51 Dude, that's, but let me ask you this question. Of all the people in this room, who was the most concerned about you and texted you and called you all the time? You are, you're, you know what, you? What? Yeah, you are. Really?
Starting point is 00:05:02 Yeah, cause I thought it was me. No. Yeah. Justin's like me, women. We're, I thought it was me. No. Yeah. Justin's like me when I, my poor girl, my poor girl, she's like, you better hope I don't get this sick, cause you're a terrible doctor. I'm a big, I have like zero compassion.
Starting point is 00:05:15 Oh, I'm so bad. Dude, I'm a total caretaker. I know. If somebody sick, I just want to help them. Yeah, I want to help them out. That's a very unique quality to have as a male. I much say, especially like a macho guy like you to have that because it's not normal for macho dudes to be that way I'm totally the opposite. I wish I had that so very sensitive nipples This is true. You guys always talk about my nipples. They're heavy and sensitive. I trimmed them
Starting point is 00:05:38 No, I trimmed them. You know, I always pinching it One you're always pinching that one when we talk can we can we extract it? Can we end this talk talk talk about South Harry nipples thing because I People on Instagram People on Instagram are making comments you fuck now. I'm all I'm all insecure They ran with it. That was an our fault. They listen. They totally fucking like go to my Instagram Listen look at the pictures do you remember when I was talking about my pancake nipples? Yeah, but that's true. How come that didn't become a hashtag?
Starting point is 00:06:08 But that's true. It's not my fault. They're so pink. I'm saying that some people they catch onto things and then they run with it. They're so pink. Let's let it go. Yeah, but it was, yeah, I get worried, bro.
Starting point is 00:06:19 I like to, you know, let me put it this way. If anybody in this room right now ever had had to have a horrible terminal disease, it should be one of you guys. Let me tell you why I Will take care of you. I will be there to help you. I will buy you magazines I'll feed you and got God forbid I'll change your diaper I can agree with that I get you but let's agree with this and let's if someone has to have something That's that bad. I think Doug should get it because we could carry Doug. You can't carry
Starting point is 00:06:51 You know think of that like if he's like if we're deathly ill you might have to carry up some like we our studios upstairs We're fucked. Yeah, and like if we get a carry in the hospital with that. You know what I would do though You don't want to carry you know what I would do sack a lot. Do you know what up? Do you know what a baby Bjorn is? Yes You don't want to have to carry it. You know what I would do? Sack a loss. Do you know what a baby Bjorn is? Yes. I would put Doug in there. Like the papuce in the front earn the back. In the front, because that way me and him could talk. You know, it's so close.
Starting point is 00:07:14 What was that, what was that Mad Max? What was that one, the old one where there's the dude in the fucking Bjorn and there's the big, or is that the cartoon, pink in the brain? Well, it's pink in the brain. So I'll have him in the Bjorn in the front and then Doug, and then he can do his thing and still be mobile. And it's all good. So I have to admit, this is a goal of mine.
Starting point is 00:07:32 My goal for my pump is for us to actually get so rich that we get to just be in baby Bjorn. I guess it's kind of on those lines. I do want to get a booth when we have time at Olympia and it could do a live show record there. But when we roll up, I want to roll up and I want to bring Doug in like that. I want to put him in a Bjorn
Starting point is 00:07:52 and have him want me well be in mind, pump shirts and roll through Olympia like that. Like, check him out. Give me a rascal scooter. Like, go around, go around, go around, say what's up to everybody and carry and Doug around. I want to fucking rascal.
Starting point is 00:08:03 You know what I mean, right? I do. And it will just cruise. Kettle with me or sunglasses. I have a confession in man You're so glasses. Yeah, yeah, yeah when I have a confession make when I was a kid and I see those commercials What the rascals or someone called the Lark? I don't know which ones better Anyway, the scooters for fucking people that can't their the can't power to one. Yeah, fucking you dude when I was a kid I I feel bad now, but I would be like I'd ask my mom for one I'd be like mom, I want one of those things. She'd like those are for people. She's like no, you don't I'm like fucking rat stupid. It's a little car. It's rad. No, it's not rad
Starting point is 00:08:34 Yeah, and I just defended everybody has to use Everybody we just lost those people. Yeah, but we'd raise them, you know, I mean I put I put flames online What you what do you get what do you guys thoughts on the the new trend right now with What do they call those things? I don't need what they call them now the razor? Oh that that thing that's like a hovercraft A hoverboard balance board thingy. Oh, I want to go for I want one Dude those are stupid you can't eat it. No you're going you look like a Why do you look like it? It's awesome? It's like it's like the segue, but now you don't have anything to hold on to.
Starting point is 00:09:08 Exactly. You look just as dorky. You know what, I want one so bad, you know what, I won't get one. I'm going in a circle. I can, I can, I can just walk, but, yeah. This is so cool. I, I can't help but not think about like a mall cop, you know, Paul Markovies when I see those.
Starting point is 00:09:24 You guys are like old folkies. I, I seriously, if somebody's doing that, come on, Paul Mark's movies when I see those. It's all like old folk. I seriously, if somebody's doing that, come on, I would just like run and tackle them. Why are you so mean? Dude, I'm a guy who brings out of boards. I still do. Looks like a target to me. Young man stuff, dude. No, no, no, not that it's not young man stuff.
Starting point is 00:09:37 It's a new thing. And in the future, everyone's going to be on one and you're just making fun of it. You're like that old guy that's not about this. You don't make fun of it because we're fitness people. Exactly. Yeah, so let's let's think of other ways I'm not okay. Okay. Yeah, let's okay Let's do that. Let's put little rollers on the back of our heel, you know for kids to just Right, so the average thing the average American destroy cars fuck cars to who cares about that? No, no, no, easy bro There's people drive us around.
Starting point is 00:10:05 I'm down for that. There is a difference, bro. 30, 500 to 4,000 steps a day is with the average mechanism. Imagine if those things hit the population where everybody could afford one of those and scoot around on those things. But here's the thing. You guys are wrong.
Starting point is 00:10:16 You guys are wrong, dude. We're wrong. Yes, let me tell you why you're wrong. There's a weight limit on those things. You get fat, you can't fucking ride it anyway. That's exactly what you know. You hit the walk. No, people will do it anyway. That's exactly what you know. Get the walk, no. People will do it anyway.
Starting point is 00:10:26 The future is people would reinforce those fucking stupid things or customize them so their fat ass could fit on them. They make bigger ones. Put laser beams on it. If it was a hovercraft, I would do it. It would be cool if it was a hovercraft. It was actually futuristic. There's nothing futuristic about it.
Starting point is 00:10:40 It's a two-wheeled powered thing that you stand on and you roll forward and backwards and twist and spin. There's nothing cool about it. You can't tell me righted, powered thing that you stand on and you roll forward and backwards and twist and spin. There's nothing cool about that. You can't tell me right now, it's the three of us we're in the mall right now, and each of us had one of those things. You can't tell me we wouldn't just fucking cause a ruckus. Of course, but that's different.
Starting point is 00:10:56 I'm not saying that to buy one. Exactly. I'm not saying that I wouldn't get on one and have a ball of a time for whoever had one that bought one. I said, ruckus, he says ball of a time. We're taking it back, ladies and gentlemen. I don't have a gay old time. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, boy, wait a, it's acceptable back then. They said that.
Starting point is 00:11:15 What? Talk about a word that just fucking just got just changed. And gay old time. Hey, Hey, honey, what'd you guys do? Oh, we had a gay time. Mean something completely different now. Why? English language does that? Was that ever it? Was that ever really you guys? I think it's still happy. A court gay meant happy back in the day, dude. Back in the day, you're like oh, it's a happy word. Doug, I think Doug has the most the best in fact. There's people named gay. That was a common. Oh, yeah. Gaylord. Or just gay. Oh, yeah, gaylord Falker. Gaylord. That's right. I forgot about gaylord Falker.
Starting point is 00:11:42 Great name. Yeah. Doug, people used to actually say that you had friends that say, Gaylord. That's right. I forgot about Gaylord Fogler. You're a great name. Yeah. I went to school. Do people used to actually say that you had friends that say, Hey, Doug, you want to come over and have a gay time with me? Yeah, it's a gay time. I think that was a little bit before me, actually. Okay. That was like a really long time ago.
Starting point is 00:11:54 Let's smoke a bag and have a gay time. Woo! That was a thing back then. That was actually that. I'm not being offensive. He's not. He's not trying to be offensive at all. It's true.
Starting point is 00:12:03 What was a bag? What is that? It's cigarette. Oh, what was the fact? What is that? It's cigarette. Oh, cigarette was also called a fact. In England, I believe they still might even use that term. They still use that term. Well, we've talked about this before. That over there, cut is okay to say right over there.
Starting point is 00:12:14 Yeah. You could say it all the time. Here, it's written all words today. It's good. It's written them all. No, I think it's part of mind, part of mind pump, bro, is diversifying your vocabulary. You're bad words, right?
Starting point is 00:12:25 I'm using properly. I'm probably not the best one to listen to it. So I'll tell you why I didn't buy one of those, why I almost bought one of those fucking hoverboards. No one knew you're defending it because this fucking was shopping for one already. They look so fun. Here comes here comes.
Starting point is 00:12:39 I'll tell you why I didn't get one. There's two reasons. Number one, they're expensive. And I'm like, whatever. Of course. And number two, I'll probably fall. I'm not very, you know what I mean? I'm not very athletic.
Starting point is 00:12:46 I'll be, I'll be, I'll be, I'll be, I'll be, I'll be, I'll be, I'll be, I'll be, I'll be, I'll be, I'll be, I'll be, I'll be, I'll be, I'll be, I'll be, I'll be, I'll be, I'll be, I'll be, I'll be, I'll be, I'll be, I'll be, I'll be, I'll be, I'll be, I'll be, I'll be, I'll be, I'll be, I'll be, I'll be, I'll be, I'll be, I'll be, I'll be, I'll be, I'll be, I'll be, I'll be, I'll be, I'll be, I'll be, I'll be, I'll be, I'll be, I'll be, I'll be, I'll be, I'll be, I'll be, I'll be, I'll be, I'll be, I'll be, I'll be, I'll be, I'll be, I'll be, I'll be, I'll be, I'll be, I'll be, I'll be, I'll be, I'll be, I'll be, I'll be, I'll be, I'll be, I'll be, I'll be, I'll be, I'll be, I'll be, I'll be, I'll be, I'll be, I'll be, I'll be, I'll be, I'll be, I'll be, I'll be, I'll be, I'll be, I'll be, I'll be, I'll be, I'll be, I'll be, I'll be, I'll be, I'll No, no one of those electric ones that do them do everything for you I fell and broke my fucking leg didn't the segue owner die like honest segue. I don't know if that's true I don't know if that's true either Urban legend, let's just spread lies Yeah, they should have been just Google Well didn't he was killed by Mickey Mouse This is throw shit out. No, that's ridiculous. So Joe. We know he's gone. Joe. We choked on the protein bar way too far with that one I did way too far. Yeah, yeah, you can't go after me. Mouse is these these animated. That's not even plausible We going with a show. I don't know
Starting point is 00:13:35 We should talk losing listeners, but that's like our new goal now. Let's talk about we have too many We're trying to cut the week a slate now. Let's talk about fitness Adam You oh, you know what before we go into, that article you shared with me, sorry, later, it was in gentlemen, we're gonna talk about something else for a second. Oh, shit. You said that crazy ass article about the Vajazzle. Oh, let me share that.
Starting point is 00:13:52 Yes, that was a little bit. Can we read it? I don't read some of it. I feel like we have great. But so great is that we talked about Vajazzling, and then now we read this. Yes. You know what, we're always ahead of the curve.
Starting point is 00:14:02 I know. We start trends. Not that many people were vajazzling. And we talked about it. Like, it happened, but like, didn't people didn't know where to wear? Now we're bringing awareness back, bringing awareness and someone vajazzled their daughter, and apparently, you got, when the hospital,
Starting point is 00:14:16 No, bro, it was a 90 year old lady. That was old, right? It was a 90 year old chick, bro. A 90 year old woman vajazzled herself. She's a little late in the game and she was not to Vajazzled. She's not, you didn't even see the picture of her? There was a picture of her, of her, of her, of her, no, not of her vagina, but it's, there's a picture of her, all dressed up in like leather and shit.
Starting point is 00:14:35 So she was not, what? She's not, okay, this is a story, okay? I can't find her right now. I live here. All the four while I'm telling the story. So it's this, I believe she was 92 years old, a single grandmother, you find a dog? Okay, single grandmother,
Starting point is 00:14:51 he's got it, okay, let me read it, so I don't fuck it up here, I don't want it. Okay, okay, a frisky, 92 year old great grandmother, Mildred Vendorsom. Even her name is Filfie. Mildred, yeah. Even her name is, well you know she's 90, if someone doesn't the Madrid. Yeah. Oh, even her name is well, you know, you know, she's 90
Starting point is 00:15:05 of someone. No, Dread. Okay. Hot fries over the weekend after tricky. Oh, you know, she was hospitalized after tricking out her vagina with her tricking out. It is the word. She put ribs out of a
Starting point is 00:15:17 China in quotation marks too. Her vagina with her grand daughters, but dazzle kit. According to wrong thing to use use according to family members. Uh, Vandorsum had signed up for an online dating service recently where she met a 36 year old male who asked her out on a date. Don't say their name. Uh, after six.
Starting point is 00:15:36 Oh my God. I'm almost six. Right. Her e-harmony. I can only use a picture of this room. The family tried to convince the great grandmother of 22 to reconsider mainly because of the age of her newly acquired boo. However, they saw they say Vandorsom was persistent and ready for an adventure. But everything took a horrible turn on Saturday evening when Vandorsom began complaining of the shortness of breath, nausea and dizziness.
Starting point is 00:15:59 Her daughter Ruth insisted on taking Vandorsom to the hospital. When they arrived, Ruth explained the daughter to the ER doctor that her mom had been on a date with a younger man the previous night and it may have been a bit too much for her. But that's when Vandorsom interrupted and confessed to the doctor, the real story. Oh, I don't think it was the date itself, sweetie. Said Vandorsom as she explained the possible cause of her symptoms of the artery. I think it might have been the damn badazel kit I stole from Lizzie's room before my date on Friday. I decided to bling out my goodies, you know,
Starting point is 00:16:29 just to like those rap stars do on their teeth. And I did just that. And boy was he surprised. I laid on my side and lifted my leg in the air and said, hey, yum, yum. Do you like my new smile? All right. It's just a little, oh my God.
Starting point is 00:16:43 We need to stop right there because since when do we become inappropriate? I'm getting the visual of everything. I'm getting uncomfortably aroused right now. I don't like getting aroused by things I shouldn't be. Look at the picture. Wow, granny. Why did you show me that granny got bad?
Starting point is 00:17:00 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Have you ever had a reverse boner? Because that's what just happened. Yeah. It went backwards. So, well, yeah. Have you ever had a reverse boner? Cause that's what just happened. Yeah. It went backwards. So, um, well, that's, uh, that's a nice cover. Well, I wanted to finish here because, you know, we did talk about Vajazzling and I'm a huge,
Starting point is 00:17:12 I'm a huge fan of it. So I don't want people to not Vajazzling. So how did it, like, what, what, you didn't say when actually happened? Well, so, okay, things go in. Yeah, well, I mean, Sal and erupted there. So we're, thank God, where it goes from there, she explains what she did.
Starting point is 00:17:26 Well, this, she like, she went to town, you know, Vagina's like all over the place and she was hot glue to stick these. Yes, stick these beads to her, her vagina and stuff, her goodies. Now, when you do this, they actually make kits for this. So you don't want to go just start super gluing plastic. Hot glue. Yeah. Wow. That's commitment. I super gluing plastic plastic. Yeah, wow Commitment I'll give it to granny. Yeah, that is that is you know talk about you. I mean 92 though to be crazy enough to get down and do that and then do
Starting point is 00:17:53 Show it off is this 36 year old guy twisted fuck right? He is I don't special. I don't Put his name somebody's got a gilf. That's an issue. That is a weird fetish. Very weird fetish. Hey, there's a fetish for everyone. Gilfee, gilfee. Yeah, yeah. There's a fetish for everyone. So, the jazz one is for real, for those of you
Starting point is 00:18:13 that didn't believe me when I talked about it a hundred episodes ago. So, get out there and get your vagina's vagisled. Yep. All right. What was that other topic you wanted to cover? So a buddy of mine sent me a message and he's a huge mind pump fan. So this is a shout out to my homie.
Starting point is 00:18:33 I told you I would answer this or we'd talk about this. And I feel like it's a good time for us to have been a while since we've talked about this. Now he asked specifically to talk more about the women, which I will get into that first, but I think it's a topic that we should discuss overall men and women, the industry and the pros, the cons, the how-tos and how-not-tos, and where I'm getting with this long intro is PDs and steroids and the use of all these things within the industry. And he was wanting me to talk more about women because he's like, you know, I have his girlfriend
Starting point is 00:19:06 and, you know, we were talking about this. And, you know, I think she doesn't really realize that a lot of her girlfriends and people, they follow all these huge names and celebrities of these huge fitness icons that, you know, are these female competitors or tied to big, large companies like shreds and stuff like that. But some of these athletes, you know, to get to look like that are on a lot more PEDs than people realize. A lot of people think because they're women, like, oh, why would she do anything? Because they're not huge and muscular, that they're not taking a lot of other things,
Starting point is 00:19:37 like Climbutra all and Winstrawl and other PEDs that can be just as dangerous as antibiotics are. You know what I love and what's so funny. This is a great topic that you're bringing up, but people have to like get through Granny Vajazzling before they get it. That's what I love about our show. Right. Well, you know, before we go into the do's and don'ts,
Starting point is 00:20:01 I guess we're not giving you advice, we're not advising, we're not professionals on the subject. We're not doctors. Our knowledge is based on our experience in the industry. And very good to disclaimer. And I want to say that because a lot of the advice you're going to get from anybody is that. No doctor is going to advise you on how to use performance
Starting point is 00:20:21 and enhancing drugs or what people use for performance enhancement. You know, when a doctor gives you these substances, it's either A for a different, something completely different, or B, it's for hormone replacement therapy, in which case it's used very, very differently as well. So this is all based on our experience. Our opinions. Our opinions.
Starting point is 00:20:42 I've been in the industry for a long time. I have been around steroids and performance and dancing drugs since day one. You see it. It's just in gyms, people talk about it. Way more than people think. A lot. It's just in sports. I mean, it's pretty prevalent too.
Starting point is 00:20:58 I'm just talking about my own pur- Oh yeah, you saw it too, right? Yeah, it is. But I would say that bodybuilders and people who want to look a particular way, they take a very detailed, they try to be scientific with their approach, very little of it's based on science, but they try to take an approach like combining these two substances at this time and then throwing this in there,
Starting point is 00:21:19 whereas athletes tend to just be like, I'm just gonna take this. Right. And then, you know, get stronger. Or whatever. It's pretty simple. So you mentioned a substance called clambuteral. Yes. Clambuteral is not a steroid.
Starting point is 00:21:31 No, it's a PED. It's a performance enhancing drug. And it really what it is, it's an asthma medication. That's what it's made for. It's a bronchodilator. And the way it opens the bronkyl tubes is, it's a beta agonist and the way it it opens the Bronkyl tubes is it's a beta agonist. These are receptors in your lungs and once they get activated it dilates or opens your bronkyl
Starting point is 00:21:53 tubes. But it also can accelerate your metabolism, cause you to sweat, make you lose your appetite a little bit. It's basically like giving yourself a mild heart attack all the time. It's without nerdy Alex out. It sounds safe. Basically what you're doing. It's like, giving yourself a mild heart attack all the time. It's without nerdy Alex out. That sounds safe. Basically what you're doing. It's like, you know what it's like. Okay, so mild heart attack. Well, no, let me say so low panic attack.
Starting point is 00:22:11 It's actually not too dissimilar from a fedra. The difference between a fedra and climbuteral, climbuteral's longer acting, much longer acting. A fedra you have to take, and so you have to take it have to take it frequently. And so, Climbutorall tends to be a little more effective. It also, for some people, they'll build a little bit of muscle on it. I believe, Cumbutorall is an 8 to 10 hour half life, something like that. Yeah. I'm sure a Fedra is in and out of your system within an hour.
Starting point is 00:22:36 Now, one thing about Climbutorall is, it also causes heart damage. So, over a year, if you use it on and off for over the years, there's pretty good evidence that you're going to cause some issues with your heart. And it doesn't have effects that are long lasting. It's very temporary. If you use it, like most people use Clingbideral, which is typically for two weeks at a time, two to four weeks at a time, it loses its effectiveness afterwards. And when you go off, whatever affects you got while you're on it, you tend to lose. So people who use ClaimBeaterAll will use it
Starting point is 00:23:10 before a photo shoot or before a competition on stage. It's not really something you take all the time at all. Well, yes and no, not yes and no to take it all the time, but yes and no, believe it or not, a lot of stupid people don't use this correctly. I have taken on many competitors. And when the very first thing I always talk, especially if you were a season competitor, you've done multiple shows already. And now you're hiring me because your previous coach couldn't help you out very
Starting point is 00:23:40 well or whatever the case is, right? And the first thing everybody, a competitor always wanna talk to me about is hormones, which is number one, the most annoying thing for me ever, because normally the first thing I tell them is I want you off everything first because I need to learn your natural body before we introduce any sort of drugs
Starting point is 00:23:56 if you're planning on doing that. I'm not gonna tell you, you're a grown-ass man or a woman that I'm not gonna tell you what you can or can't do, but as your coach, I will tell you that I have no desire to coach you if I can't see the natural you first. I need to at least see what I'm gonna tell you what you can or can't do. But as your coach, I will tell you that I have, I have no desire to coach you if I can't see the natural you first. I need to at least see what I'm working with so I can tell what's going on with your hormones,
Starting point is 00:24:11 how you're, where your metabolism is at currently. And if you're pumping it full of this shit, I don't know. Your guess is as good as mine when building a program. And that's, to me, the first step. So, but they always want to talk about it. They always want to know, oh, what should I take? Or this or that.
Starting point is 00:24:24 And many, if not all, actually should I take or this or that and many Minimit if not all actually I don't know anybody that actually utilize Climb buterole probably the right or the safest way most people I knew would run computer all for long periods of time It which is ridiculous your receptors get down regulated. It stops doing stuff. Yeah Well, they'll just progress the dosage up, which is that's the that's the dangerous part And that's where this gets really bad is It is something that is so strong. It is something that the body gets adapted. Oh, dude I know guys that would take up to upwards of 200 micrograms a day work up to that
Starting point is 00:24:53 That's a lot of Now you went from a mile to like a freaking new average heart attack. You're giving yourself Well, I mean there what happens the receptors get so down regulated that they don't even feel it You know, they take that much just to see if it's feel a little something. Yeah. Another thing what's gotten more popular recently is people will take a prescription any histamine. And for the reason, for some reason, I can't remember the name of it.
Starting point is 00:25:19 Benadryl is one of them. And then there's another one I can't remember the name of it anyhow. Help, help block it. Well, help keep the receptors open. Yeah. And so now they've figured out ways to prolong kind of these. As far as steroids are concerned, all steroids are derivatives of testosterone. They just will tweak it so that it's either more androgenic or more anabolic.
Starting point is 00:25:43 And androgenic are the masculineizing effects of steroids. So women tend to stay away from steroids that are androgenic because they want to avoid all those masculineizing effects. But there's a little bit of a myth there. Yeah, I come over here, Gina. Yeah, exactly. But there's a little bit of a myth because all anabolic steroids will have some androgenic effects on women. And give them enough enough time and they'll get all kinds of weird side effects like facial hair
Starting point is 00:26:09 Deepening of the voice and my favorite literal enlargement Looks like it looks like a gummy bear looks like a pinky that's the skull there although there is Although it is prevalent in bodybuilding for women and some like that to see Anna ball kids last probably the most common the three most common that I've seen with your you know the fitness models that most people look at and they inspire to look like that people would have no idea either run anavar climbuteral or winstral those are the three monsters. So Winstrowl and Anivar, both oral steroids,
Starting point is 00:26:49 although Winstrowl can be found in injectable form, I don't know how easy that would be nowadays, it's probably very, very difficult. Any oral steroid is going to, first of all, for the most part, oral anabolic are far worse for you than injectable. Because they have to, to get the liver. They have to get past. Right. Because they have to... Process to get liver.
Starting point is 00:27:05 They have to get past the liver. And they tend to raise liver enzymes. And the one anabolic anodrol has been tied to lesions in the liver. We perhaps even liver cancer. Although women will never use anodrol because that's like gorilla steroids. You'll definitely grow a little dick if you took that. But windstroll and anivar because they're mild That's why they'll use those are they happen to be very very mild compared to like if a guy took
Starting point is 00:27:31 Anivar and windstroll he wouldn't get a huge Boost from that Men tend to focus on the guys that take them will tend to focus on a strong base of what testosterone right? Well, what's your opinion on a case you you, you, you, you, strength wise, you say that, but what's your opinion on, uh, risk as far as danger of, uh, one or the other? What do you mean? Equal versus that? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:55 Equal lesser. Whirl, whinstrawl is... No, yeah, of course, oral. Take out the, let's pretend we're injecting, whinstrawl and we're injecting testosterone. Oh, I see what you're saying. Yeah, because here's the point why I'm wanting to discuss this is a lot of people think because like Anivar, the wind straw, the computer, all the things that maybe women utilize, that oh, it's not a steroid, it's something else, so it's not as bad for the body.
Starting point is 00:28:17 They're still steroids, yeah, they're hormone, they're still derivatives of testosterone absolutely. But, you know, men will typically use a steroid like anavara windstrawl pre-contest because they'll go off of their stronger, you know, more size-producing steroids, which tend to make you hold water, and then they'll be a little bit more, they'll rely more on windstrawl and anavara to maintain some of the muscle, but also not hold so much water. That's the traditional way bodybuilders used to use it.
Starting point is 00:28:45 Although nowadays, a lot of guys use testosterone straight up into a show. That's what I'm hearing now, and then they'll get rid of the water through other ways. Is that what you're saying? Yeah, yeah, no, for sure. And I think each person is different. Some, and there's different types of testosterone.
Starting point is 00:29:01 Yeah, the longer acting of the shorter. Exactly, so different guys will utilize different types. Are bodies different? Some, some bodies hold on to water a lot more than others. My body tends to flush water super fast. I honestly had of all the things that have ever been in my system that I've ever seen my body retain in whole water more from has been antibiotics. When I take antibiotics, when I'm getting sick and I get the puffy as I've ever been from anything else, but typically my body flushes water really fast. But I've seen guys too though that if they are on a testosterone
Starting point is 00:29:33 that they'll hold water so they'll have to taper off. Some of that probably has to do with diet. He's a most of it. That's my my opinion. In my opinion in this, I don't I don't facts on this, but, uh, you know, the clients and the people that I've seen and I've coached and the pros and athletes have been around, uh, most of the time it's, it's diet related, you know, that it's not because they're, they're taking a test to austro and that their body is, is puffy and holy and water. Sometimes it's a combination though of, I've seen this a lot of times too, where guys have just taken so much stuff that their bodies just are not responding to anything anymore too. And that's, and a lot of times those guys are really puffy and full of water.
Starting point is 00:30:10 That's all they're getting. It's just puffy full of water that I can eat strength gains that I've seen muscles. And then you hear what they're on and you're like, holy shit, you're on that much gear and you look like that. That's so bad. I'm so sorry. Well, one thing that I'm hearing more too, because back in the day, people would go on cycles. You know, they'd go on anywhere between eight to 16 week cycle and they'd go off and it was recommended that you went off for equal time that you were on.
Starting point is 00:30:32 So if you're on for 10 weeks and you go off for 10 weeks, I'm hearing a lot more of these people go and just year round. They're off, they're off as low dose. Yeah, so that's kind of the talk now too, is like a lot of people that say I'm natural You can you know the claim is you can still say you're natural if you're running under a CC if test austro a week or whatever because you're You're only in taking 250 to 300 milligrams depending on your your dosage or what are what that of of test austro So a lot of people will still say that they claim to be natural because they only intake that much.
Starting point is 00:31:06 Well, so here's something I'm glad you brought that up because let's say we have two people. We have guy number one, who's testosterone levels are measured at, let's say 900 nanograms per deciliter. Well, let's first give somebody an example of what that scale looks like of what a normal and a low and what a high is. Depending on where you look, it can be anywhere from depending on the laboratory.
Starting point is 00:31:27 412 hundred. Yeah, 412 hundred, 770 say 200 to 800, but you get the idea. But let's say someone who's got good, healthy, high testosterone, 900 nanograms per desolator. And then you have another guy who also has 900, the same number. However, his number is that way because he takes testosterone. Yeah. Okay. So you have one guy who's testosterone levels are naturally at that number. And the guy who takes testosterone, let me tell you why they're not equal. When you have natural levels of testosterone, if you over train, if you train
Starting point is 00:31:59 improperly, if you eat poorly, if you do something wrong, if you missleap, that testosterone level fluctuates dramatically. It'll go down. The guy who's taking testosterone Exigenously, he has an advantage. He gets away with crazy shit. He could fucking miss sleep He could he kind of shit testosterone is always at 900. He can overtrain like crazy. Right. Just very common. Right testosterone is always at 900 Yeah, and the UFC a while ago they changed it now, but a while ago they were saying, like, oh, testosterone replacement therapy is fine. We're gonna allow that in here.
Starting point is 00:32:29 But it's not fair either because of that reason right there. And the other reason is, a lot of those, I'm guarantee you, if they're smart, they're going on a shit ton of juice. And then when it comes time to test, they go down to their maintenance level, and then they ever get the dip of somebody who would cycle it. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:32:44 So even if you take anabolic to keep you at normal range, you're still kind of in an advantage. You get you get away with more shit. But the disadvantage is this, I will say this, the disadvantage is you tend to not know what makes your body tick as well because you've all your spoiled your testosterone is always high. So you don't really maximize all the things you can. Well, this is natural guys.
Starting point is 00:33:04 This is why when I tell you when when I coach somebody, that goes away very quick. Take away all this stuff because I want to see like, and I always tell them when they fight me at that, at first, I'm like, don't you want to know if you decide you're going to introduce 250 milligrams of testosterone, that that's the reason why you added five pounds of lean body mass and it had nothing to do with the fact that we bumped your calories maybe by four or five or that we started training your program, we switched programs. Like, don't you want to know what is actually affecting your body, which ways? And if you don't start from scratch and see where you're at, you'll never know that.
Starting point is 00:33:34 And everyone thinks that that's the answer, because like you said, you can make a lot of mistakes when you're on there. You can fuck up on rest. I think the overtrainings, the biggest one. That to me, if you're a natural athlete or a natural competitor, just a natural person period at the gym goer, you have to listen to your body talking to you a lot more than you have to
Starting point is 00:33:54 if you're somebody who's, you know, got taken synthetics. If you're taking synthetics, like you said, you can get up, never sleep, or you can train like crazy. Get a good pump all that shit. Yeah, yeah, and you're still getting that. You know, your testosterone levels aren't dipping up
Starting point is 00:34:06 and down as hard as extreme because you're synthetically taking it in. So now when I was, when I was kind of in the body building world, not competing, I never competed, obviously, but I've just had friends and stuff. And I remember the popular, and I don't, it's probably hasn't changed. I don't think steroids are really getting invented anymore.
Starting point is 00:34:21 But the real popular ones back then were testosterone, Deca, which is a chemical name mandralone, Equipoice, which is chemical name Boltenone, I believe. Those three were the most popular. Then you had your wind straws and your like trend balloon, which was kind of hard to find. What are some of the characteristics of those? Maybe we should kind of go over some of those characteristics. Of each one. Yeah. Trent is probably one of the most popular now.
Starting point is 00:34:50 Try, I'd have to say. And when I remember back in the day, Trent was impossible. Nobody could get it. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I remember back 10, 15 years ago. Now I hear people say Trent hard, like, Trent hard, but they use the play on work.
Starting point is 00:34:59 Yeah, yeah, no, Trent, Trent is, why is that so popular? You know, I don't know. I think it's the immediate effect that they get from it. Um, things like, like a test, a testosterone, especially like an enanthate, a testosterone will take, you know, at least a couple of weeks before you even really sort of feel it. I mean, you could take, uh, two, three weeks in and not even really notice, uh, it in your system before it starts to elevate your testosterone levels.
Starting point is 00:35:22 It's a much more gradual spike than something like a trend. You take trend or you take something like dianna ball, you take something like that the very next day your body, your body responds a lot quicker to that and is already noticing. So those things I think, which those are actually the most dangerous, those are the most dangerous, those are the strongest ones, the ones that affect your body right away. those are the most dangerous, those are the strongest ones, the ones that affect your body right away. It's much more. I would venture to say that over time testosterone
Starting point is 00:35:48 has got to be the most effective one though, just over time. Like if you're going to be on these things for a long period of time, superior to the other. Yeah, just overall. Well, yeah, I mean, I remember talking to a, wouldn't you say it's the closest one to naturally what our body is?
Starting point is 00:36:02 That's what I'm saying, yeah, naturally to what our body is. The problem is that testosterone converts to estrogen. So a lot of these guys taking these testosterone shots will end up getting estrogenic side effects like breast tissue growth. Oh, yeah. And so then you have a whole other class of drugs that they take. The selective estrogen receptor modulators like Novodex to block that. And then some of the aromatase inhibitors to stop that conversion like a remodex to block that and then some of the aromatase inhibitors to stop that conversion like a remadex.
Starting point is 00:36:27 If you're not trying to be on stage and you're considering taking steroids, there's a lot more that goes into it than just taking steroids. Otherwise, you can fuck yourself up. I mean, I pride myself on trying to get a hold of young guys like that that are talking about possibly doing that and being able to talk some sense and doing first. You know, I was a young, uh, 20, I was only 21, 21 or 22 years old when I took a cycle of testosterone
Starting point is 00:37:00 and it was recommended to me from a bodybuilder and it was the worst thing I ever did. I mean, I changed my hormonal levels for the rest of my life. And a lot of that was- You never fully recovered from that? Yeah, I never was the same anymore. I mean, I could feel the difference. Unfortunately, I didn't have the test to prove
Starting point is 00:37:18 what I was as a 20-year-old kid and what I was later at 25 and 26. But let me tell you, it was enough to feel the difference you know for sure I noticed a significant difference. Was he telling you to take a shit ton? Yeah yeah no I was let's see here my from the first time I ever did something like that I was taking I spent a little over a thousand dollars on on a stack and I ran for 10 weeks and it was you know I started off at 250 but I worked my way all the way up to 500 milligrams of testosterone plus I was taking six to 800 milligrams
Starting point is 00:37:51 of ecopoys and I was taking what else did he have me on? So another test of testosterone. Oh, it was a three blend like a, like a, like a sessonon. Like a sessonon. Wow, that is so Oh, yeah, that was so much so irresponsible. And the worst part about it, I remember and this is why I'm so
Starting point is 00:38:09 happy. No, I'm gonna shut you down because that's a high fucking ghost. And I had no post afterwards too. No post cycle. Yeah, no, I didn't even know what that was. It just stops. Yeah, you know, this so and then here's a part that was really really frustrating for me and why I'm so passionate about helping kids. I was, you know, I'd already been working out for quite some time already and I'd just started becoming a trainer. So just starting to really get into my education piece to it and learning with the body. And I felt, and of course at that age you think, you know, everything
Starting point is 00:38:37 I thought I knew everything and I'd already diited this way. I've lifted this way, I understand a program design. And I just could not gain weight for the life of me. And I just, I really, in my heart, believed back then that that was the answer. That was why I couldn't gain weight, was because I just, I had to take my hormonal level to the next level. And what was really shitty was, I think, I gained like 10 pounds and lost most all of it right afterwards anyway. So most of that shit was water. The only thing I noticed was my strength.
Starting point is 00:39:02 I was so strong and so amped to work out. And the pumps were amazing. So, I felt awesome going into these workouts, but that wasn't the reason why I took it. I took it because I wanted to build muscle. Well, you didn't have everything else dialed in. Yeah, no, yeah, no, I just didn't understand. I didn't understand,
Starting point is 00:39:15 because I thought that that was more. I really believe that that is, man, if you do that, like everybody just gets yoked and big off of that. I've known so many guys, so many guys, like what you're saying, who, if you do that, like, every year, everybody just gets yoked and big off of that. I've known so many guys, so many guys, like what you're saying, who, like you were, will take something, and I've known guys that take some, you know, like, anodrol, which is a fucking harsh steroid,
Starting point is 00:39:34 and they'll gain 15 pounds, you know, in a month, and, but lose it, lose it, so fast when they go off. That's gotta be emotionally and psychologically. Uh, uh, it's got to fuck you. Oh, it was the most depressing thing ever, you know, because you, you're in, of course, even then I was excited a little bit excited about 10 pounds because it was more at weight than I've ever seen on the scale. You know, my, this is, I'm back at 180 pounds, dude.
Starting point is 00:39:57 It's how much I weigh. And I was just so pumped to see that weight and to, to drop it right off. And then, and, and that and then the strength, you were, I was so excited to like every week I was seeing my, you know, my bench press go up by 10, 20 pounds like every week. I was just, you know, oh, man, and then you just watch it fall off. There's this fast as it came in. And then worse off probably because you're hormone shut down.
Starting point is 00:40:20 Yeah. And then then also you're battling the mental side too, right? So it slows down and then you're losing your strength like that too And you're like fuck, you know, and so this is where I think I see so many people get caught up in it And then in their mind it's always oh, they need to take a different steroids or they need to take more of this or you know It starts to get they get caught in this vicious cycle because that's how they were introduced and this is kind of that This is exact kind of top of this what we're talking about right now is the same spiel That I give with a kid who is you know Thinking about getting into this world and he's really serious and mind you. This is the serious Competitor because if you're not competing if you're not like getting on stage and showing off your physique against somebody else at that
Starting point is 00:40:57 It's really kind of really ridiculous to even want to mess and do with that stuff unless you're like I said Well, one of the biggest risks that you make when you do, when you take antibiotics is the fact that a large percentage of them are counterfeit, a large percentage of them are fake. Oh yeah. And especially nowadays, a lot of them, they'll buy testosterone in powder form from China and they'll mix that shit in a bathtub
Starting point is 00:41:23 and put it in some oil and then make their own bottle and you get these underground laboratories, they call them. And you're getting people who are injecting and getting infections and abscesses and inflammation and swollen, you know, I knew a guy injected in his lat and I got all swollen. It's, that's one of the biggest risks is you know, you know, you know what testosterone does your body. You risks is you, you know, you, you know, you know, what testosterone does your body, you do all the research you're reading about, you're like, okay, I'm ready to take this. But you might be getting some shit that, you know, it's unpew or an unclean and you're
Starting point is 00:41:52 injecting it. Might you're about 95% chance you are. It's, especially now, and I watched that happen because this is, we're talking about it. When I was 21, 22, so shit, 13, 13 years ago, 14 years ago, whatever. Then it wasn't as prevalent. Now, I tell you what, I don't think I have seen, I don't think I've seen a pharmaceutical testosterone
Starting point is 00:42:18 being passed around in a long time. It's almost everything I see now is homemade. Somebody made that shit, man. And you're injecting that. Yeah. So if you so that's a big risk. Yeah. That you're taking. And the chances of things not being the right amount of the dosage. I mean, you're right. How are you going to know? How are you going to know if you're some kid who wants to build muscle and you go buy 200 milligrams per CC at testosterone and the guy's saving money and he's giving him 100.
Starting point is 00:42:45 Like, you're not gonna know, or 50. Or how are you gonna know when you go by an expensive steroid like tremble-own, or, you know, wind straw, he's giving you cheap testosterone instead. Like, you don't know. Yeah, you know what I mean? Now, that being said,
Starting point is 00:42:57 because I don't want to be somebody either too, because I'm very, very liberal about this. When I talk to people, I think it's, you know, to each their own and everybody should have, be able to do what they want with their body. And I also believe that anything in moderation can be okay. And I really think that the problem with it is just, it was lived most drugs.
Starting point is 00:43:17 Most people don't know how to moderate anything. Most people have, if they get into anything, it becomes this abusive and it becomes addictive and they just, and they can't stop themselves, they can't slow down, or they don't have the knowledge of the know-how of what exactly it is that they're doing. So, you know, I actually, in normally, any clients that I take on, if I take on a male who's 35 plus years old, I actually always highly recommend, hey, go get your hormones tested and let's see where your testosterone levels are. And I normally tell them if they're open-minded to it, it's something you might want to
Starting point is 00:43:46 look into is hormone therapy, especially if they're low. And to me, you don't have to be bottom of the floor low. I think they can be just on the lower end. And it's something that I've recommended to many of my clients could do because they do have that now. They do have hormone therapists where they test your testosterone levels and you can get it prescribed from a doctor and a doctor You know you're getting something that wasn't made in someone's fucking bathtub
Starting point is 00:44:09 See when I hear that though when I hear hormone therapy, it sounds so permanent You know what I mean? It's like oh fuck I got to do this forever Yeah, I know what you know, I'm saying yeah, and so for once you open that box, you know, there's really no turning back, right? Right. You've never really optimized your potential fully if you go right to that as the answer. It's a big commitment, you know what I mean? And even if you don't do hormone therapy and you're some guy or girl who wants to use
Starting point is 00:44:41 these to look a certain way and you achieve looking a certain way and you're smart about it, well, guess what you're going to have to use these to look a certain way, and you achieve looking a certain way, and you're smart about it. Well, guess what, you're gonna have to do now to keep that. Yeah. You know, again, it's a chill out. It's a big thing about how much money it is. I mean, like per average, like let's just, I don't know, I'm just curious
Starting point is 00:44:58 because I'm not in this world as much as, you know, you see. I don't even remember what they were charging back at. Because that was never really- It just sounds, I just know, yeah, I know somebody that- You want me to go over cost, right? I don't, I mean, I don't know, you see I don't even remember what they were charging back I think that was never just sounds I just know yeah, I know somebody that You want me to go over cost right? I don't I mean I don't know what it would Yeah, I mean I mean would you like me to give websites and listen to where we trying to go with this I just say that I know this guy like I don't know that that basically was like not making payments The mortgage on his house like I mean like it was like putting him under just to keep up the habit.
Starting point is 00:45:26 And then on top of that, the painkillers that went alongside it because of his over training and shit. And it just, I don't know. Like I just see the very extreme of this world. And that's mentality. And that's where I think it's important to, it's important to explain both sides of this. I don't know, probably out of the three of us,
Starting point is 00:45:45 I'm probably the most open-minded to it. I don't know, my cell has expressed some being a little more open-minded to it, and I don't know you've been around it quite a bit. Yeah, I feel like it's, to me though, I look at it the same way I look at cigarettes, the same way I look at alcohol, the same way I look at prescription pills,
Starting point is 00:46:01 the same way I look at cocaine, the same thing I look at ecstasy. Which by the way steroids are safer than all of them. Yes, and that's the thing done properly true And that's true and this is why I as health benefits to it and a load You know right and maybe this is a good transition in that direction because I feel like we definitely talked a lot of shit about it and this and that but Right, there's you know when you look at the lesser of evils You know if you're somebody who smokes a fucking handful of cigarettes every single day, yeah, compared to the guy who injects, you
Starting point is 00:46:28 know, 50 or 250 to 500 milligrams testosterone and is asked fucking once a week. Yeah, you smoking them cigarettes are a lot more dangerous. No, for the truth is the risks, if they're not oral, if you're just using injectable, here's your risks. Black market. So you're number one, you're breaking the law. So that's your risks. Black market, so your number one, you're breaking the law, so that's a risk. The risk having to do with counterfeit is it real, is it tainted? And then, are you smart about how to use them?
Starting point is 00:46:52 Do you know how to use ancillaries to combat some of the side effects? And I'd say that those are kind of the, those are really the main risks, as far as to your health. If you're relatively healthy, and you're not using huge dosages, especially just testosterone,
Starting point is 00:47:09 it's probably not really that super bad for you. It isn't actually, like we said, alcohol is a lot worse. Tobacco is a lot worse. And that's the point I think that's important to make. And if you were to compare to those two things, it's probably even less addictive. I mean, there's, you could argue that it's that it's as a psychologically addictive, but not physiologically in the sense that you're not going to get, like withdrawal syndrome from it. Yeah, you're
Starting point is 00:47:33 not going to, you're not going to die because you went off of it. Like if you're a super alcoholic and you just stop drinking alcohol, you know, you could potentially die. That's not going to happen. But if you're a guy that has body image issues, which most anabolic steroid users have some body image issues, like most people in fitness. I was going to say, is this probably anybody who steroids or not steroids? It just enhances that. But especially if you use anabolic, you're probably more likely to be in that category. They're using these.
Starting point is 00:48:03 They're all of a sudden looking a certain way, looking the way they want, building muscle. Then all of a sudden you gotta go off and watch yourself, you can do everything you want, but just, you know, you're doing all your diet, you're exercising, you're maintaining everything. All you did was go off the steroids and you're losing muscle. You're getting softer. Your sex drive is gone because you had to wait for your body to rebound. You're just, you're watching yourself in the mirror literally before your eyes deteriorate, you know, at a slow pace, that is, that right there is the addictive property because like, fuck, I don't want that to happen. I'm just going to go back on.
Starting point is 00:48:38 I don't know anybody that's done, I know very few people that have ever done just one cycle. Yeah. Well, yeah, because that exact reason, like you said, or like what I said earlier, is they think if they didn't see the results, it's on to the next one trying something different. You know, that's the word is like, oh, if you tried this, oh, if you tried that, it's like, do you idiots? You know, it's probably so much more going on. It still goes back to what we talked about before, your diet and program design and genetics plays so much more. You know what, if you're considering using these things before you do dial everything else in.
Starting point is 00:49:12 It's a lasting. And I tell you, you know what, I bet you a lot of people listening who might want to try steroids. If they dialed everything, probably wouldn't, you're probably gonna be happy once you're there. Yeah, they're probably like,
Starting point is 00:49:21 I don't want to be interesting. Yeah. Well, and then if you are really somebody who's trying to get into this world and compete, because that's, I would even that person, even someone who's like, okay, I'm on a mission. I'm going to start competing. You know, you still go in as far as you can naturally with your bodies until you, until you hit that genetic wall. And then if you're going to, if you're trying to break through that and you're trying to get to a level, because let's be honest, when you're getting into the competing world, you just can't, you can't get on that stage at the professional level and compete
Starting point is 00:49:49 with the rest of the pros unless you are. It really, unless you are. For the most part, I'm sure there's some genetic. Oh, there's a craziness. Oh, there's a 1% of the 1%. Absolutely. I mean, literally 1% of the 1%, you're talking about a genetic anomaly who gets up there and gets on stage and looks like that at the professional level that big that big
Starting point is 00:50:07 It's the body wasn't melt but made to be 255 pounds and two percent body fat. Yeah, it's just it's not you know It's not advantageous for you to be that way. I mean you store fat for a reason everybody Yeah, I just want to reiterate that the fact that you're storing fat is because you're, it's to preserve you. It's to keep you satiated, you know, when you don't have food readily available. It's just, it's a survival thing that we've always had.
Starting point is 00:50:36 And so in order to, you know, build like huge mass, it just, it goes again, it defies the laws of nature in a sense if you get like that big and you have no fat storage. And, and for me personally, you know, when I think about it, you know, longevity, especially get, as I get older, it becomes a bigger part of my goals. We're in the past when I was young, longevity, I even think about it, right? It was all about how I looked and how strong I was. Now longevity makes more, it's something that's's it's a priority now because I want to be able to do what I'm doing
Starting point is 00:51:08 for the you know 10 20 30 40 years from now, you know, and I'm gonna be able to work out. I'll be able to be fit I want to be able to move and have no joint problems and health problems stuff like that and Having to take something for the rest of my life to me is a deterrent. Even if it was not that bad of a health consequence, just thinking about having to do that, you know, and constantly rely on it, and if you got to travel, you got to take it with you, and it's just, and you got to get in a black market,
Starting point is 00:51:34 if you can't get a prescription, that is enough of a deterrent, and I don't compete, and there's no reason for me to, you know what I mean? So I don't have that motivation. Plus if I went on them, everybody would fucking know by now. I'm on Instagram, I'm all over Instagram, we're doing my own pump. I couldn't if I wanted to. Now if I did it, everybody be like, what the fuck happened to stuff? Well, no, we've talked to this before. We would announce it.
Starting point is 00:51:52 We would announce it, but we keep everything fucking raw. If we ever decide, I'll tell everybody that's the one thing. Watch what happened. I think that's the biggest. Justin's new transformation. I think the process. God God Justin would be a horse. We put them on. We put Justin on some juice. He'd be awesome. I think that's the biggest pet pee that I have with the industry is the people that are trying to sell a product or sell supplements or push that stuff.
Starting point is 00:52:22 And they promote themselves as all natural. I'm all natural. Yeah, I don't lie. Yeah, it's like either one, don't talk about it. You know what I'm saying? Don't put it out there. No one's asking your business, so don't put it out there. And either choose not to answer when people ask you that question directly or, you know,
Starting point is 00:52:37 if you do, answer honestly. You know, because what happens is it looks bad. It looks bad when you do that. And then there's this gray area for all these people That are unsure and then it becomes what I can't stand right now, which is the topic Which is is he natural is he not natural is she natural is she not like who the fuck cares? You know I'm saying like worry about yeah be that person that like I can I can appreciate somebody that looks awesome You know what I mean like that just for that period Like I'll look at you and be like, dude, you look awesome.
Starting point is 00:53:08 But once they start trying to give advice and all these things that doesn't add up to somebody that's natural, you know, that's where I have an issue. Well, not even natural, even someone giving terrible advice. I mean, just in general. I think that's the giveaway for all of us, right?
Starting point is 00:53:22 It's, you know, so funny. We just recorded with Nick, hopefully that drops, he gets a chance to listen to him. Somebody who is an all natural guy who I think is a phenomenal physique, you look at him, how we've watched him progress. Guys, brilliant, when it comes to program design and eating correctly, like, knows his shit, right? And so someone like that, you see it,
Starting point is 00:53:39 and it's believable. It's not always believable, but it's... Well, when you hear what he does, the train, it makes sense, like that adds up. When I see a guy who's, who's like always believable, but it's only here what he does to train. It makes sense. Like that adds up. When I see a guy who's pretty shredded or decently shredded, like some of these fitness icons or instant celebrity people that are out there and then you listen to their, them talk about fitness.
Starting point is 00:53:58 And you're just like, oh yeah, you definitely took some shit to look like that because you needed everything in your corner to get like, because you're laying down and curling and shit. You're out of gear. Yeah. If you're doing sideways, if you're fucking laying on your back doing things, I don't believe a word you say. Sorry. Yeah, if you do a sideways chest press, you're fucking 230 plus pounds for sure, you know, yeah
Starting point is 00:54:27 With that please subscribe to mine pump and leave us a five star rating and review. Yeah, love you guys Thank you for listening to mine pump for more information about this show and to get valuable free resources from Sal Adam and Justin Visitors at www.mine pump radio dot com Until next time, this is MindPump.

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