Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 2044: The Truth About the Smith Machine, the Dangers of Cannabis, How to Cut Weight for a Sport & More (Listener Live Coaching)

Episode Date: April 1, 2023

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Mind Pump Fit Tip: Power herbs, i.e., Rhodiola and cordyceps can increase performance and stamina. (1:40) Justin...’s bad example. (9:44) Moms are champions. (12:35) The important leaps with your children. (15:49) Adam’s dad flex. (18:15) The myth of maintenance. (21:12) The Waffle House Index. (27:31) Another reason why you shouldn’t do long-distance running. (29:35) Jimmy G approved. (32:24) The sneaky “jock tax.” (36:36) Government inefficiencies. (39:53) Schools are taking action against social media companies. (46:59) Moderation concerns on your favorite social platform. (49:54) Shout out to The Dad Father. (53:26) #ListenerLive question #1 - Can consuming cannabis affect my sleep? (54:29) #ListenerLive question #2 - Should I continue using dumbbells in my home gym or switch to using a Smith Machine at my office gym? Am I missing out? (1:08:11) #ListenerLive question #3 - How does someone maximize muscle at a certain body weight? (1:17:31) #ListenerLive question #4 - How do I help my clients properly fuel their bodies going into a day of motocross racing? (1:33:04) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout** March Promotion: “Time-crunch Bundle” (MAPS 15 Minutes, MAPS Anywhere, MAPS Prime + Eat for Performance eBook ALL for only $99.99!! Effects of Rhodiola rosea supplementation on mental performance, physical capacity, and oxidative stress biomarkers in healthy men Effect of extracts from Rhodiola rosea and Rhodiola crenulata (Crassulaceae) roots on ATP content in mitochondria of skeletal muscles What is the Waffle House Index? | AccuWeather Marathon Runners Poop Themselves An Extraordinary Amount. This Is Why. Jimmy Garoppolo offered 'free sex for life' by Las Vegas brothel Why athletes owe a 'jock tax' wherever they go - thehustle.co Obamacare Website Costs Exceed $2 Billion, Study Finds Why Bucks County, Pennsylvania, is suing social media companies Watch Money Shot: The Pornhub Story | Netflix Official Site The Dad Father - YouTube Visit Butcher Box for this month’s exclusive Mind Pump offer! MP Holistic Health Big 5 Labs – EquiLife Mind Pump Hormones Facebook Private Forum Get yourself tested and transcend your health goals! Visit NED for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! MAPS Symmetry   Mind Pump #1782: When Machines Are Better Than Free Weights 5 Exercises For HUGE Forearms & A STRONGER Grip (FREE Big Arms Guide) Mind Pump #1895: Eight Hacks For An Insanely Strong Grip MAPS Fitness Prime Pro Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Jimmy Garoppolo (@jimmypolo10) Instagram Cain Velasquez (@officialcainvelasquez) Instagram Федор Емельяненко (@fedoremelianenkoofficial) Instagram Daniel "DC" Cormier (@dc_mma) Instagram Zach Bitter (@zachbitter) Instagram   

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. You just found the most downloaded fitness health and entertainment podcast in the history of the world. This is Mind Pump, right? In today's episode, we answered live caller's questions. But this was after a 58 minute introductory conversation, where we talked about current events, scientific studies around fitness and health, our family lives, and much more.
Starting point is 00:00:32 By the way, if you want to fast forward to your favorite part, just check the show notes for timestamps. Also, want to be on an episode like this one? Email your question to live at mindpumpmedia.com. This episode is brought to you by a sponsor, Organify. This company makes organic plant-based supplements for health, longevity, wellness, and athletic performance. Go check them out and get a big discount.
Starting point is 00:00:53 Go to Organify.com, that's O-R-G-A-N-I-F-I.com forward slash MindPump, use the code MindPump, and get 20% off. Also, these are the final hours for the time crunch bundle. This is a workout program bundle we put together for people who have issues with finding the time to work out. It's a huge discounted bundle, so you probably want to take advantage of this.
Starting point is 00:01:16 And again, these are the final hours if you're listening to this episode when it drops. Here's what's in that bundle. Maps 15 minutes, maps anywhere, maps prime, and the ebook eat for performance over $200 off. So this all, all of this comes out at only $99.99. If you're interested, just go to mapsmarch.com and get yourself signed up. All right, here comes a show. Okay, medicinal herbs, plants, things that can improve performance that have been around
Starting point is 00:01:45 for a long time. Most of them full of crap, not all of them though. We live in a good time right now because we have data to support what people have been saying for hundreds, sometimes thousands of years. For example, one herb, which was highly regarded in Russia, Rodeola has been shown in studies to improve stamina, endurance, and mood. It's actually been known to be one of the best supplements to improve your ability to handle workload. Another one, cord accepts.
Starting point is 00:02:14 This is something that people have been using in China for a long time, again, for athletic performance. We now have data showing that it does, in fact, improve endurance in stamina. So it's a cool time. A lot of these herbs that we've been told for a long time We now have data showing that it does, in fact, improve endurance and stamina. So it's cool time. A lot of these herbs that we've been told for a long time that actually work for performance actually do.
Starting point is 00:02:31 Those two are my favorites. Took everything just and could muster to not go jina. Love the sod. I know. I saw it. I saw it. I've never seen that. That's out there.
Starting point is 00:02:44 Let's see that meme. It's not, I saw it. I mean, let's help finish. Let's help finish. I mean, it's got a picture of Trump, and he's doing that and it says, it's spelled CHYNA. China. It's not timing the debt that press comes out. I just, I saw it just say. When our president says something like that,
Starting point is 00:02:59 anyway, no, those are really cool. So I remember reading about both herbs as a kid, back, way back, because I used to, you know, I used to just scour books and magazines. And I remember reading a, I'll start with cordyceps. I remember reading in a Chinese herb book. And among other things, there was like Jin singing. There was, you know, just highly regarded herbs.
Starting point is 00:03:24 And I read about cordyceps. First of all, cordy like gin-sing, there was, you know, just highly regarded herbs. And I read about cordi-seps. First of all, cordi-seps is very fascinating. This is a, this is a, I guess it's a fungus that literally takes grows and takes over insects. And in fact, that shows that's out. That's out. Yeah, that show that's out last of us. The fungus that turns people into zombies is called the cordi-seps. This one do that to you, by the way. It's just people have been eating for a long time. But I remember reading about cordi-seps, but back then there was no like studies, right?
Starting point is 00:03:52 There was nothing to support it. It was just what you read. And then Rodeola was another one. I found some old books where they translated Soviet era studies. And Rodeola was among the top herbs that they used to use for their athletes. And they said that it helped them with stamina, endurance, workload.
Starting point is 00:04:14 They said work capacities, what they used to say. Is that what it takes to validate? I remember, so it was a quarter-saps, it was something that was like the Chinese team was using that gave them kind of an endurance. That's what they said. Right. Forgot which Olympics it was. It was like with maybe 15 years ago, 10 years ago, they were winning like a bunch of events.
Starting point is 00:04:36 Yeah. And then people like, well, how did you guys get so much better? Like quarter saps. Yeah. I don't know if that's true. Yeah, I don't know. I just, I know like in terms of it, people being interested in it and not like,
Starting point is 00:04:47 cause I mean, herbal remedies, this was always kind of a thing that was a little bit like, oh, okay, it was a little bit of crackery. Yeah, you know what, you know what, so two things on that one, when Olympic teams all of a sudden crush and then say, it's, or I'm gonna be honest with you, it's probably not.
Starting point is 00:05:03 Probably propaganda. Like the famous story of the East German women's swim team, you guys ever hear about this one? Yeah. This was in the 1950s or 60s, and this is, this is when Annabelle steroids, maybe it was the 50s, when nobody really knew that people were using it or whatever,
Starting point is 00:05:19 and the calm in his countries were using it before anybody else. And this East German women's swim team comes out and they were just jacked. Yeah, they were doing a, and everybody's like, what is up with those chicks? And then they killed everybody. And they, I don't remember what they said it was. Oh, some special, you know, plant or whatever.
Starting point is 00:05:35 No, it was steroids. But anyway, Cordiceps, Rodeola, and there's other herbs out there that have been basically put on a pedestal by Practices that have existed for hundreds or thousands of years. Now some of them a lot of them don't have data Support them because we either don't have studies or we don't have good studies. Now does that mean they don't work No, because when something has hundreds or thousands in some cases like Jinsing Thousands of years of anecdote.
Starting point is 00:06:06 I consider that pretty reliable. You know, if it's like a few people or 10 people or even a hundred people, okay, well, you know, placebo or, you know, I don't know if it's trustworthy, but if it's lasted that long, and it's definitely something going on. Yeah, there's something there. We just haven't figured it out.
Starting point is 00:06:22 Rodeal and cortisaps are two that are pretty good. I personally notice both of those. I notice rodeola, in terms of rodeola, that is a wonderful replacement for caffeine for me. If I'm going off caffeine, rodeola helps with the edge, keeps me feeling like I'm not crashing off caffeine, it gives me a little bit of energy. Corticeps, I notice when I'm doing anything
Starting point is 00:06:45 that requires lots of volume. So if I'm doing a long workout or back in the day when I used to do Jitsu, I could tell, I also improved my heat tolerance. So like if I'm in the hot sun, or if I'm using the sun, I'd like a last a lot longer. But they both. Well, mushrooms and herbs in this adaptogenic kind of classes,
Starting point is 00:07:03 like they're finding a lot of real benefit and stress management, right? You use the right term adapted genic. Rodeola would be considered an adapted gen. I don't know if they could put cordyceps in that category, although I would. Ashwagand is another one that would be a classic. Which one of those is in the red juice? Oh, they both are. Yeah, Rodeola and cordyceps are both in the organified red juice. Oh, they both are. Yeah, rodeo and corticeps are both in the organified red juice.
Starting point is 00:07:25 So which one would you attribute? Because that's what I love to use when I'm coming off of caffeine. I've noticed a huge difference by replacing whatever caffeine drink that I'd have with the red juice until I get completely eliminate all caffeine. What is it in there that I most likely am feeling those effects from? Is it both or is it more than? I would have to say there's probably a synergistic effect, although, cordiceps isn't something that you take
Starting point is 00:07:51 and then you kind of feel like a little bit energy from right away. You notice when you're working out that, oh, I can work out harder. Rodeola, you can tell when you take it. So it's probably, it's probably the rodeola that you're noticing, but they do work synergistically. I take rodeo, when I'm weaning off other stimulants, cordisaps, I take pretty consistently.
Starting point is 00:08:15 I take that almost every time I work out, I take it. And I've been doing that for years and years and years. It's one of my favorite supplements that's not creatine, right? Creatine is like the king. It's one of my favorites. But those are two pretty good ones. And what's cool is we have studies and data. Now that finally support those two things where you can actually look, oh, here's some studies, here's some placebo-controlled studies. You know, they have studies on rodeo-la and mental performance, where they'll give it to, Russia did this. They give it to students. I think there was military tests
Starting point is 00:08:51 and they put them under extreme stress and then saw how they could perform mentally because one of the things is if you're stressed, lack of sleep, mental performance just takes a dump. Right, yeah, you lose your IQ goes down, you just make stupid decisions. People on Rodeola had much higher capacity. Then there's animal studies, not that animal studies always translate. And to be honest with you, this is kind of a mean animal study, but they
Starting point is 00:09:13 gave rats Rodeola and some no Rodeola and then put them in water to see how long it took them to drown. And the Rodeola group lasted longer. I don't know who makes it. They did. Was it a lot longer? The law was like 40% or 50% long. Oh wow. Yeah. So they actually swam way longer on the rodeo. I know. The fuck did that? I had some messed up test, dude. It's like, you know, by it showed that, but yeah, they did. They did. Hey, luckily it wasn't on humans. Yeah. Exactly. It's still like you can swim until you drown. Would you all, would you guys do this weekend? Oh, I did. Busy. Oh, well, let's go. You will. Well, I mean, I was driving around like everywhere. I went to take the boys, the other haircuts,
Starting point is 00:09:54 the Vicky. It turns out that when I was driving back, so I have to go, I have a pretty far commute for this. So it's like in Morgan Morgan Hill It's kind of like right in the middle if I can go two different ways. Yeah, so I I went back to go 17 and there was a Somebody had stolen a vehicle and then sort of racing it and there was this high-speed chase that was going up 17 They ended up crashing it. They closed all lanes And so I like drove all the way to like Los Gattas and then realized that we're in a parking lot. We're not moving. Nobody's going anywhere.
Starting point is 00:10:27 I'm like, no. And I was supposed to meet one of my friends that came up who came up from San Luis Obispo and we're going to hang out. And so I was like, oh, well, I guess that's not going to happen. Drove back was kind of frustrated with the whole thing was like driving the kids, just mean the kids and Courtney was doing her own thing. And so I was in the rover and was just like, you know, I'm going to make this somewhat more
Starting point is 00:10:55 interesting and fun. And so I started kind of getting on it a little bit. And then there's like some openings and I'm just giving them a e-ticket ride ride like all the way around to get through Watsonville. What a bad example you are. Terrible example, but it was all confined and like strategically, you know, the risk was high but was, you know, it's somewhat safe.
Starting point is 00:11:17 There's a belt on. Yeah, that seat belt's on, you know, it's all count. High safety rating in the car. Yeah, so we drove a little fast, you know, game a little bro. This is such a bad thing to do. Yeah, I had to flex a little and show them, you know, game a little bro. This is such a dad thing to do.
Starting point is 00:11:25 Yeah, I had to flex a little and show him, you know, we can, we can have fun with that sometimes. Oh, dude, they're just loving it. You're like, go faster, dad. Yeah, I'm like, we're not gonna say to mom like how fast. You can really wait. Okay, guys, that's a little packed. We're a little pinky swear.
Starting point is 00:11:41 Did they sell you out or no? No, they kept it together. We were for the head nodded. You know, like, oh, he had fun, mom, dad drove pretty fast. That's how they left it. They didn't say any other details. Oh, that's good. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:55 So, yeah, I mean, just that. And we had a bunch of birthdays from Courtney's family. So we had, I was just like back and forth. And back and forth, like over San Jose and back. So I was just like back and forth and back and forth like over San Jose and back. So I was just like driving all weekend. Seem like, yeah, not a really. He loves, he loves hearing the car rev and you know, we can sell a little bit sick his favorite thing. So it's max. He was just telling me, let's go for a drive. Let's go for a drive. And then Jessica is like, you know, we can go my car. My car is fast too, and he looks at her and he goes, Mom, your car's not fast.
Starting point is 00:12:26 Hahaha. Cool story. Oh my God. Hahaha. He's right. No. Now this weekend, I, I, I, we've come up with now this plan that I think is, is effective.
Starting point is 00:12:43 I think it's working. So, you know, obviously we still obviously we have the four month old. She wakes up every two hours or so, wants to eat, and Jessica has trouble going back to sleep after she goes down because she gets revved up, right? So then she ends up losing lots of sleep, and it was getting real challenging. And I was trying to figure out a solution because I tried taking over a couple nights, but if she just hears the baby cry, even if she's downstairs in the bedroom,
Starting point is 00:13:09 it wakes her up and it's like a waste of time, right? Of course. So my grandmother's house is vacant because my grandmother's living with my mom, obviously my grandfather passed away, and it's not that far, it's like a couple miles away. So she went to stay at my grandmother's house while I took over and fed the baby.
Starting point is 00:13:27 So this whole weekend, I was the one getting up, giving her the bottle, putting her back to sleep. Oh, nice. Yeah, you were a little break. Give her a little break and I tell you, it does, boy, does that suck doing that every night? Like, you know, now I can really understand how hard that is, you know,
Starting point is 00:13:42 because sleep is crucial, isn't it? Oh my god. And this is like the second or third time you've done that now, right? Second weekend, I'm gonna try and do it every weekend until the baby gets more consistent. We gotta get you to as meet the fucker, like fake boobs. No. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no You know, you wear a fake boob in your head. You get the fuck out of here. Is that a real thing?
Starting point is 00:14:05 They actually make probably serious. You know what though? I thought it was like a joke. No, here's a truth. There ain't no man buying that to feed his kid. They're doing another weird shit with that. There's no way, dude. You're probably right.
Starting point is 00:14:16 And a bottle works just fine. You're probably right. You're aware of a fake boob. Yeah. Oh, this is for my kids. A whole subclass of it. Yeah, John, your kids are teenagers. What do you think?
Starting point is 00:14:24 But no, I tell you what though, you know, there's a value in having older kids. There's a lot of values in having older kids, but one of them is I truly realize how fast time goes by. Like, yeah. And I swear to God, you know, and I'll say this all day long,
Starting point is 00:14:41 if you're a parent and your kids are young, I don't know if you can completely, fully grasp this until your kids start to grow up. You just don't, it's just one of those, it's like telling somebody doesn't have kids, what's like to have kids, it's really hard. And I understand it to the point now where I'm exhausted, I'm feeding her the bottle, and I'm looking at her,
Starting point is 00:15:00 and I'm like, this is gonna be over soon. And I'll never get to do this again with her. Now that doesn't mean it makes it easier, it's still sucks, it's still hard. It's just I fully understand like, this is, this is gonna, I mean look, actually your kid's old enough now Adam. Do you look at, like pictures of Max when he was like one
Starting point is 00:15:16 and go, that was a few years ago? Oh, I mean we just, this week and we were at his best friend, which is my best friend's son, who he had his kid first, then my other best friend, and then me, so we're all right behind each other by eight month gaps or so. And it was his fifth birthday, and Max is turning four in July.
Starting point is 00:15:35 So to see them growin' up like this, it's so wild. But how weird is that? Literally, three years ago, that's nothing. I remember, three years ago, it feels like yesterday. Look at at pictures your kid. Yeah, yeah, he's not this it's not even close to the same person We were actually having a conversation kind of in the same Same type of what stuff that you're talking about right now, which is like Do you guys remember when Like the the month or the year when it like that got significantly
Starting point is 00:16:04 Easier slash better. Do you remember like so for me, the one year mark was like, oh, huge difference. Oh, yeah, yeah. I mean, obviously every month, every, there's like milestones and there's like changes to be, but I remember like that first year was a bit of a, you know, yeah, you're right. Twilight zone.
Starting point is 00:16:23 Everything from, you know, napping and schedule and feeding to them being able to play with themselves. I'd say the biggest, the first one is like six months. There's like a big difference. And then the year is a big difference. And then when they're potty trained, that makes a big difference. And then when it's like they can kind of like,
Starting point is 00:16:42 do stuff for themselves, for a case, kind of walk, and move on their ownlect. Yeah, you can walk and move on the road. Yeah, the six months one, and I think is the, that's about when all kids can sit up by themselves. Yeah, yeah. So that's why that is, because you can kind of prop them up and give them a few toys and they sit on the couch for a little bit like they're entertaining themselves for a little bit. Yeah, just relax for literally like five minutes not having to hold them. So I think that is the first bit, but they still take, you know, so much.
Starting point is 00:17:04 So I do everything. Yeah, but one, take so much. I'm sorry to do everything. Yeah, but one, once they hit one, like starting to feed themselves already, walking around, like I felt like that was a big one, and then it's a two year mark. And then for me, from two to now has been like just amazing. Of course, every, you know, presents different challenges
Starting point is 00:17:20 and there's different stuff that we're learning, but he's just, to me right now, the phase that he's at is such a fun phase. But, you know, we were at this birthday party. It's, you know, everybody's five years and younger, right? And there was probably, it was cool, these places, I'm gonna find one over here in the Bay Area. This was over in the Valley.
Starting point is 00:17:39 It's like a gymnastics, foam pit, ninja, warrior, rock climbing, silks. Everything you could think of. It's for kids. Yeah, but for kids. That whole place was ours. Just us. Sick. You could rent it out by the hour.
Starting point is 00:17:58 And then we had a birthday party and everything. I thought that was a brilliant idea. They play like crazy, and they stop and have their cupcakes and food or whatever and they go back and play a little bit and then you just, you bounce and leave. But they do their little rules and do everything when they get started and they let them go. But it had everything in the trampolines and the... Well, I want to hear... Yes.
Starting point is 00:18:16 Because I saw the video. I saw the video. You flexed. I want to hear the dad flex from a story because... This is amazing. It's a bit embarrassing too at the same time. Great. It's not embarrassing. It's a bit embarrassing to the same time. Great. So it's not embarrassing. It's been embarrassing at the same time. It's better. It's way better than the alternative though. You know, you're right. Okay, so they have this like listen, we're still guys. Yeah. You gotta show this. Oh, I know. Oh, I,
Starting point is 00:18:38 you know, you better believe my, my wife was all, you know, puffing her chest out and stuff like that. Yeah. Her husband was the only one, right? So I love it. I love the video you said. So at like towards the end of the day, like before we're getting ready to wrap all up, the guy who's kind of orchestrating the whole thing, is like, all right, give me all the dads, we're all the dads at.
Starting point is 00:18:56 And so, you know, there's like, I don't know, probably 10 of us dads or whatever that are there. And I'm like, I already had my shoes on, I wanna give that guy out there. And she's like, get out there. Get out there. Okay. So I take my shoes off. I don't even know what I'm volunteering for. And he gets everybody lined up. And there's this pole. That's, you know, like a pull-up bar type of deal that's hanging from the ceiling. And, you know, and then it's right above the foam pit. And you have like, those floors are like springy. So you run up and you spring up and you and you grab it. And you have like, those floors are like springy,
Starting point is 00:19:25 so you run up and you spring up and you grab it. And you know, there was like, I said, there was like, I don't know, seven, eight of us that went and did it. And of all the dads, there was literally only two that could even grab the bar. And my, they couldn't reach her, they just couldn't hold on to it.
Starting point is 00:19:41 Both. So there was some guys that, some guys like just whiffed, completely, couldn't even grab it or touch it. So they couldn't jump high enough, or just couldn't hold on to it. Both. So there was some guys that, some guys like just whiffed completely, couldn't even grab it or touch it. So it couldn't jump high enough, or we were all enough. And then one of my buddies brought his brother, who's younger than a little bit younger than us,
Starting point is 00:19:54 he saw how high it was. I didn't realize how high it was until I got there. I was like, oh, I saw one guy, one guy who did it besides me, my best friend, he's shorter than I am, he jumped up and got it. So I was like, oh, this will be easy. And then I got up and I'm like, oh, okay, I'm gonna have to like give a little bit of a,
Starting point is 00:20:10 I thought I was just gonna run up there and just kind of like skip off or whatever. And I'm like, oh shit, it's up there, right? So I definitely had to make sure I got after it a little bit and I got up there, right? And so I run up, I spring up, I grab it, and then I swing and I do a back flip. And you hear like all the moms, And so I run up, I spring up, I grab it, and then I swing and I do a backflip. Yeah, I'm like,
Starting point is 00:20:25 and you hear like all the moms, and you can cheer it. And you hear all the dads, and to their brother go, there's always that one guy, you should've, yeah, one guy, should've. First of all, first of all,
Starting point is 00:20:36 the organizer, what a piece of crap. Like, he's all, all right, you could cheer him up. Come on, blast, I mean, of course. Oh, yeah, I got to flab those dads, we're like, you know, you know, and your kids are there? No, I told you, right, it's all your That mean the course. Yeah, I got a flat. Half those dads are like, you know, the food. Yeah, no.
Starting point is 00:20:46 No, totally. Right, it's all your, you're the move, you're kids, right? Exactly, like all your kids are like watching, you know, could dad get up there and grab this pole and so. So you won. Yeah, so I definitely went out there and say, and I have to admit, you know, there's this little bit
Starting point is 00:20:59 of like, you know, pride that comes out. I was like, oh, about how pathetic am I now that like, I can jump up and grab a fucking pole. It's like nine feet in the air. You know what, literally the bars low. It's pretty low. So the wild part, I was actually telling Doug this earlier this morning when we were sharing the story and I said, you know, these weren't just a bunch of like dads, at least three of these guys that are my buddies were like super athletic. I mean, we all played sports all through school,
Starting point is 00:21:29 so one of them wouldn't play college football. Like, these weren't like just like lazy dads who weren't athletic ever and then they're older now. It's like, at one point, these dudes were all really athletic guys. So I was, it'd be funny if like after this, like they go back and they're like hitting the gym and it's like,
Starting point is 00:21:46 Oh, my buddy, it's like a seed. It is. One of my buddy, that one of my good friends was one of the other guys who completely missed and whiffed the bar. At least the collegiate football player sent back. He's like, yeah, I'm working on my vertical right now. So he's already, so definitely probably,
Starting point is 00:22:02 you're probably, you know, a struck a nerve for some of the dads, you know? You know what, the truth is, and this is the thing, this is, whenever I used to get clients who were older, who would comment about how it's gonna be harder to get in shape as they get older, I always say this to, this is how I'd explain it, say look, when you're fit and you're young,
Starting point is 00:22:20 the difference between you and your peers, there's a difference, but it's not huge. The older you get, this is one of the beauties of being fit or consistent as you age. The older you get, the wider the gap becomes between you and your peers. And I didn't start to see this gap until early to mid-30s. Once you hit 40, oh my God, the difference between men who work out,
Starting point is 00:22:46 who are 40 and men who stop working out long time ago, it's a different species. I really think 40 was the number. Even in 30, I was just like, you know, most guys were like still like, all right. As long as they didn't like completely go off the rails eating and stuff. And it wasn't until these last few years that I really see,
Starting point is 00:23:03 even myself, the listeners who remember me telling the story where I jumped out of the back of my truck, that was a really rude awakening for me. Like, I mean, I stress it on the show, but I can't stress it enough that that was a big deal. Like, a guy who played sports where you just jump up and down all the time, like basketball, that was a very comfortable thing for me to do,
Starting point is 00:23:23 to jump out of the back of a truck and then land comfortably. And I thought my knees were going to explode. And I remember going like, whoa, and I, you know, I hadn't done it for, at that point probably stretched five, maybe seven years. Oh, and it was, and it just kind of blew my mind on like how much I lost that in that short. And that was probably 35. I was probably around that age or so when I, when I noticed that, that was enough for that was probably 35. I was really around that age or so when I noticed that. That was enough for me to kind of wake up on that go like, oh shit, I better make sure I include a little bit of this in my training or all this shit would go.
Starting point is 00:23:52 It gets so bad or the gap is so big. By the time you hit 50 and 60, the difference is no longer, oh, he can play sports, he can run, he looks good and this person doesn't. It's, he's fully functional on his own and not on 15 medications. He can't do certain things literally, and he's on all these medications. The difference is, when I used to train people in their 70s, I had people who were consistent in their 70s, and they were fully independent versus all their peers who were not at all.
Starting point is 00:24:23 So it's like, it's it's it's I remember one time We were hanging out with some friends. This was a couple of years ago and I don't remember where we were We were somewhere and it was kind of hot so we were like wearing like tank tops or whatever and the guy one of the dad's Kids this heart broke my heart. This actually hurt my heart. So they're oh man. I feel bad for this dad The kid goes up to his dad Hits him in the belly dad, hits him in the belly, and then hits me in the belly. And he goes, wow, what a difference.
Starting point is 00:24:48 He's a little kid, he's no any different, right? He's laughing. And I could see the dad's face like, ugh, that's your kid, you know? He's like, oh man, that sucks. Oh yeah. Yeah, you gotta take care of yourself, man. It makes a huge difference.
Starting point is 00:24:59 Yeah, it declines fast. That was like my 20 year reunion where I started to see just like all my peers and everybody. And just like, and it was so visibly obvious who at least tried versus like it was just a complete like 180 for a lot of people and it was like, yeah, it's, it happens real fast. Well, I realize it because it's just you're just doing time. You're either in your job, you're, you're, I mean, even happens to us, that's the part that really kind of woke me up is like, cause I already accepted, I already accepted,
Starting point is 00:25:29 like, oh, I'm of us, I'm the one who's training still. And so, I even found it interesting that like just specific movements. You know, you're really good at this, just because out of all of us, you probably continually make sure you stay strong and functionally strong out of all of us the best. And that's an area that I really had to kind of-
Starting point is 00:25:48 Yeah, because you were still working out? Yeah, I was just weren't jumping. Yeah, yeah, exactly. So like I had to really, okay, I look good, but boy, I'm- Slopey body, but strong. Yeah, I have a minute. Slopey body.
Starting point is 00:25:58 Slopey body. Slopey body. Slopey body. Slopey body. Yeah, you are too, too, too. Hey, he's that- He's that muscle car with like primer. Yeah. You are a stupid. He's that. He's that muscle car with like primer.
Starting point is 00:26:07 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I'll do that car. Yeah. He's passed you with the help. I'll just buff it out. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:15 With the hood. Yeah. Holy shackling. What's under the hood? No, it's true though. I mean, just how much, how quickly you can start to lose those skills because they are unique and they're not things that you typically do on a regular basis. And so if you stop training them inside the gym and you're not playing any of those sports
Starting point is 00:26:31 anymore, how quickly you lose that ability. I mean, you made the, I mean, I know I tease you about running. I even felt myself before like, you know, take off to run across the street. And I haven't done something like that quick. And you kind of, you feel it, right? When you have it done in a while, you're like, oh, wow, that's something that I need to make sure I incorporate a little more of that. Well, you know why? It's the myth of maintenance.
Starting point is 00:26:54 The myth of maintenance, there's no such thing. That's right, where you're the grown or dying. That's it. There's literally no such thing as maintenance. It may feel like maintenance because you're improving and regressing at the same rate, so you know, you kind of improve, regress, improve, but the reality is your body doesn't, you can't freeze everything in a time capsule, it doesn't work that way. So you are either...
Starting point is 00:27:16 You have less working with you, it's like you're just, you know, trying your best to stay ahead of it. Yeah, so you're either pushing things in the direction of improvement or you will regress. That's the bottom line. And if you don't do one, the other one happens 100%. All right, so I got something interesting for you guys that I just learned today. Did you guys know that there's something
Starting point is 00:27:37 called the Waffle House Index? I feel like I've heard of this. So you guys know the Waffle House is, right? Yeah. Okay. So this is FEMA actually uses this. They've actually've heard of this. So you guys know the waffle house is, right? Yeah. Okay. So the wall, so this is FEMA actually uses this. They've actually talked about using this. So you know, FEMA, they like manage like storms and oh shit, what's going on over here.
Starting point is 00:27:53 What's going on? How are they using this? Okay, so waffle house open 24 hours a day, 70s a week and they're known for never closing. Like they will stay open no matter what. Well, FEMA once said that they had a fairly good measure about how bad a situation is. The waffle house. With a store. By checking the local waffle house.
Starting point is 00:28:09 So they found a correlation between the two. They have. And now that's what they're gonna use. So they have green, which means the chain is serving full menu. Then yellow, the chain is serving a limited menu, and then red, the chain is closed. And it says here, this is the FEMA administrator. If you get there and the waffle house chains closed. And it says here, this is the FEMA administrator.
Starting point is 00:28:25 If you get there and the waffle house is closed, that's really bad. That would be that's not hilarious. That would be funny, they really use that. Well, no, that's a quote from the FEMA director. I'm not making that up. That's a real thing. Check your local waffle house, that's how you like it.
Starting point is 00:28:42 I've never been to a waffle house. You never been to a waffle house. I don't even know where one exists. They's how you like it. I've never been to a waffle house. You've never been to a waffle house. I didn't even know where one of these is. They're every one of them. Are they? I've never been to one of them. They changed this to a waffle house, didn't they? No, it's not a waffle house.
Starting point is 00:28:52 Waffle house is natural chain. I think they're mainly in the south. Are they? No, I've been to one in Florida, I think. I've been to a waffle house. Are they like a dense? You're the chicken in waffles, but not waffle house. How would I compare it? They're a breakfast spot that special chicken and waffles. But not waffle house. How would I compare it?
Starting point is 00:29:05 They're a breakfast spot that specializes in waffles. They have like every kind of waffle. Yeah, there's not one. There's not much more to explain than that. It's a breakfast waffle. I thought they served tacos. And that makes sense. Well, yeah, no, it's Uncle John's pancake house.
Starting point is 00:29:19 It's a pancake house right there, not a waffle house. Yeah, that's different. I was like, I'm pretty sure it was a waffle house. I love how Americans take like desserts and then they make breakfasts as Adamum. You know what I mean? Yeah. Pancake, it's cake.
Starting point is 00:29:32 It's cake, waffle. It's like pancake, but it's, you know, any different thing. Yeah. Anyway, so here's some more interesting stuff. Actually, this is another good reason why you should not do long distance running. Found a really good reason why you shouldn't.
Starting point is 00:29:44 So as you guys know, we're not huge fans of long distance cardio. Now, it can be healthy, I mean, all joking aside, but I just learned this. Did you guys know that compared to other athletes, long distance runners, pooped themselves way more, like pooped themselves way more than other athletes. Do you know what this is a thing.
Starting point is 00:30:05 Wow. I mean, I know it happens, right? Because it's a, they actually, they actually talk, it's a big thing where, part of it is long distance runners don't want to stop. Yeah. They're in a race, they don't want to stop. They have to keep going.
Starting point is 00:30:19 That's commitment. And it sort of moves things along all that. It's not, and it's, it's not like, for example, there's Julie Moss, this was an Iron Man triathlete who's lost her, her bowels while she was running. It's not uncommon to see, I don't know, have you guys ever trained clients for marathon? If I was a triathlete, I would do it,
Starting point is 00:30:38 cause you eventually get in the water. Oh, so you know what I'm saying? Try the sharks. It was just a pure marathon that I wouldn't do it. Yeah, okay, so how many? I'm just leaving them alone. Have you guys trained athletes for marathon and condom marathon? Yeah, trying to shark. It was just a pure marathon. No, I wouldn't do it. Yeah, okay. So how many, just leaving them up? Have you guys tried athletes for marathons
Starting point is 00:30:48 and condom marathons? Yeah, yeah. Have you guys ever seen somebody run by with poop down there? No, I haven't seen that. Or she never had down the leg. I've seen it. I haven't seen that. I haven't seen that.
Starting point is 00:30:56 So they did a study as to what the heck's going on. And they said that it has a lot to do with the fact that because you're exerting yourself so much, your autonomic nervous system just basically is like not working. Solutions you're spinkering. Yeah, and just stuff falls out. Now that what's weird about that is like what there's tons of sports where you exert yourself. So I don't understand why that sport.
Starting point is 00:31:16 I think it's the type of exertion. Right. Well, I'll tell you what, all they don't poop themselves. Olympic... Long-term exertion. Yes, it's you're doing for a long time. Speaking of exerting yourself along those lines, I'll talk about the pink sock.
Starting point is 00:31:30 Oh, thanks for naming it. That's the next question. Olympic lifters, they have to, they really have to train to maintain, you know, things down there, because of the power that they exert. Because you know that there's been lifters that have blown inverted. Yes. Really? Yeah. Yeah. Literally blown out.
Starting point is 00:31:51 Blown out. Blown out themselves. Because of the power that they generate. What's the surgery look like for that? I have no idea. I don't want to watch it. Can you fix that? Yeah. Of course you can fix that. Yeah. I mean, I think you can. But there's a famous picture.
Starting point is 00:32:05 Please don't. I'm not gonna look at it. I'm telling you. There's a famous picture of this, of this happened in athlete. Yeah. Or Justin's probably seen it. I have. You have seen it. You have seen it.
Starting point is 00:32:14 Yeah. Now, I mean, part of that's impressive. That's a lot of power. You got to generate, you know, strength at whatever. Yeah. But just, you know, anyway, not the only sport. Yeah. There's a, they don't have their own risks.
Starting point is 00:32:24 Hey, since you're on sports, the, so did you, you probably don't know this. Do you know Jimmy Groplow is? Why is he sound from, oh, hold on. 49er. Yeah, he was. He was. Now he's, so he's traded to the Raiders, okay, which is already Las Vegas now. Okay.
Starting point is 00:32:40 So guess what, the, the, they just told him what he gets unlimited for life sex for free. What is local brothel? Wow. What a he's a profession. Andrew, was it called the chicken house? The chicken ranch chicken ranch. The chicken ranch, which is a which a license. It's been off of the bunny.
Starting point is 00:33:00 License. How many ranches legitimate brothel in Las Vegas Nevada? That's the big one. license, Legitimate brothel in Las Vegas Nevada. That doesn't make me want to go there. There was Mustang Ranch, there's Buddy Ranch, and this is the chicken ranch against. Unlimited. Unlimited. So this is stupid. It's like he's a professional football player here
Starting point is 00:33:17 where he gets that. Yeah, but I think if you're going to go into see professional, I don't know, if I'm a professional athlete, that's good. This here's a good conversation. If you're a professional athlete, that's like, he's not married, he's a single guy. Yeah, I'm pretty sure he's a single dude.
Starting point is 00:33:32 What do you think is riskier going to a brothel as a professional football player or just random fans that you hook up with while you travel? Rats, risky in terms of what? All the above. STD, try to get you, yeah, lawsuit, try to get you, up with why you travel? Risky in terms of what? All the above. STD, try to get you, yeah, lawsuit, try to get you, what do you think?
Starting point is 00:33:51 I can see that. Think of every risk that a professional athlete has by having sex with strangers, wouldn't you agree that having it with a licensed certified, you know, clean and verified and yeah, I mean high performance. If you have all those things, you're probably a safer bet.
Starting point is 00:34:15 They're probably not trying to get a kid from you. You know what you're getting into. I don't know. I feel like that's probably a much safer bet for you. You know what the risk though is that if anybody's ever staking the place out or following him and then would take pictures of him going in there you know that that'd be a big risk right why if it's legal because it doesn't look good I mean the news knows he's been offered it for free I'm pretty sure they all know if he actually went
Starting point is 00:34:39 if he actually went don't you think that'd be bad publicity if here he is going into the chicken house well go he's got to collect this lifetime for free membership. That's for sure. That takes real good, Doug. This is what the chicken ranch looks like. That's the chicken ranch? It looks very wholesome.
Starting point is 00:34:54 I know, it looks like, it literally looks like a restaurant, like a, like a, maybe you get chicken waffles right before. Wow. Do they have a website? I asked you for a frag, I asked you for a frag, I asked you have a website? I'm asking for a break. I love the questions. I want to see if they have a web.
Starting point is 00:35:09 I'm serious. I'm serious. Do they have a website? How does it work? Of course they do. You got to course that, though. And then what do you do? You go on the website and you order what?
Starting point is 00:35:16 Oh, they even have reviews. Oh, wow. No. What would the reviews say? Great service. Four stars and give her five, but she had cold hands. That's the only reason why she didn't get a five her five, but she had cold hands. She didn't get a five. Wow. Look how clean it is.
Starting point is 00:35:28 Have rooms and everything. Look at that. Your notes. That's a that's wild. But okay, talk about a brilliant strategy on their part, though, to get attention for this. Right? I'm just gonna have another professional athlete. There's a hockey player there. Is it to get that deal too? Yeah. Smart though, right? Smart strategy if you're them. Hey, how crappy though. Imagine if you're him, right?
Starting point is 00:35:49 You show up. You're like, all right, I'll go here, whatever I'm bored of, whatever you walk in. And then the other dudes are like, yeah. Yeah. No, go away. Jimmy G approved. That's a legit website, right?
Starting point is 00:36:03 That is a legit. All right. All right. Okay. Little new to you there. You have that on the show. Doug trying to put it on the board. No, that's not in Andrews. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:36:11 That's just his new to this. Hey, why was it bookmarked? It's his confirms. Why didn't it say confirmed? It's been confirmed, Andrew. Why didn't it say you get a free visit? I'm a poll. The other tab was open to Southwest Airlines. You know what? I'm going to stay in the in the athlete world by week by I can keep you guys there because we never
Starting point is 00:36:29 go here and so that but I was reading something else in regards to sports and athletes that I was fascinated. I had no idea about this. Did you know Justin this? Andrew you're involved in this question too because I know you fall sports. Did you know there was a thing called a jock tax? Jock tax? No. I didn't know this either. So professional athletes get taxed by the state that they're planning when they play it away.
Starting point is 00:36:53 Like in the 2018 season, Steph Curry paid like a million dollars. If you play somewhere else, yeah, every time you have an away game, you have it. And there's only a handful of states. I think Texas is one of them. There's a handful of states that don't have that tax. Everywhere else has that tax, and they tax the athletes when they come in and play in their, it's wild. I saw actually a screenshot. How do they determine how much they're... It's a percentage.
Starting point is 00:37:20 It's a percentage of their income. So obviously, yeah, absolutely. What they played for that game. Yeah, so what they played for that game. Yeah, so what they do is they divide. Okay, so if you were to let's just take round numbers and say, you have 10 games, three of them are out away. And 30% is taxed with the jock tax. Yes. Is that my right? Yeah, well, of their daily. So what you do is actually this is there's, you know, 80 something games in a season, you know, a guy makes, let's just say, 80 million dollars a year to make it easy. He makes a million dollars a game. So when, a guy makes, let's just say $80 million a year to make it easy,
Starting point is 00:37:45 he makes a million dollars a game. So when he plays that game, he gets taxed on that million dollars, a percentage of that million dollars goes to that state. Dude, that's crazy. Isn't that wild? Yeah. For anybody who doesn't understand that tax, it's, yes, come on, do you look, if I went up to somebody and I said to them, hey listen, you're going to give me 10% of your money.
Starting point is 00:38:06 And if you don't, then I'm going to take your stuff. And if you still don't, then I'm going to put you in a cage. I would get arrested for theft. That's theft. Why is this any different? This is crazy. These make shit up. And the reason why they make shit up like this is because nobody's going to
Starting point is 00:38:21 protest because it's a wow trainer coaches and doctors get hit with it too Wow, I didn't know that That's missed that's a stupid isn't that well, you're essentially working in another state So yeah, but you still pay your other state you pay your state taxes on your income too So it's not like you're exempt from that other one and you you only got to claim the income made in your own state If you let's say living California if you're a warrior and you make $10 million a year, California gets their percentage of their 10 million. And then when you go over to say Nevada or Utah or what like that, which I'm just making
Starting point is 00:38:55 states up, they might be the ones that don't have it. They tax you on top of that in terms. Yeah. So they are always talking about how to get more taxes never talking about how to spend them better That's the other conversation never spend less. I've ever seen the cost Where was this? Oh, I can't remember I wish I knew where it was because I then we could provide the example they were going to build It was like a public Bathroom
Starting point is 00:39:19 Somewhere I speed rail. No, there we go. That's that's even worse. They were gonna build a public bathroom I want to say in San Francisco, I think it was a public bathroom and the city got the bill and it was like a million something dollars. And they were like, how is this possible? And they were like, oh, the cost of the bathroom is like, you know, seven grand. The rest goes to all the bureaucrats and all the city's regulations and stuff like that. It's ridiculous. It makes no sense. Remember when they built the website for when we did,
Starting point is 00:39:56 what was it called? They called it Obamacare, that's not the actual name. A Affordable Care Act. Do you remember when they built that website? So you look at the cost of that. It makes zero sense. How much money they spent on this and then like it didn't even work. No, I would like, I want to get the actual number
Starting point is 00:40:12 because I don't want to misrepresent. It was a website, it was a website. Yes. And Doug's gonna pull up the number but it was an astronomical, was it? Yeah, the original budget was 93.7 million. For the website? Yeah But it grew to 292 million
Starting point is 00:40:29 Thank you Before the launch of the website $293 million A website developer's wet dream A website I could take five people from Silicon Valley right now And they could have built a better website for a million dollars Dude, almost $300 better website for a million dollars. Dude. Almost three hundred million.
Starting point is 00:40:45 I mean, you need a million. No. Very in a herd of a website. You just go to Squarespace and do one right now and fucking kick it. It probably has to be a little more sophisticated than that, but I mean still. I don't know. Do you crash? You couldn't even handle this.
Starting point is 00:40:58 It could even work. It could even work. For so many things, you better than that. Yeah, dude. How does that happen? It's why because there's no competition. There's no competition. There they, I mean, who's gonna compete with them?
Starting point is 00:41:11 This is how much it costs? That's how much you're gonna pay and that's that. There's nothing you can do about it. And it's not our money. If you don't pay the consequences for wasting the money and it's somebody else's money and nobody else can come in and say they'll do it for less, guess what's gonna happen?
Starting point is 00:41:25 It's gonna cost a lot. It's gonna cost way more space.com. You're gonna have a shitty product. I'm telling you. I don't know what would be scary though, just that that or you see a government website built on square space. I'm like, that would be just as scary. I don't know, man. When's the last time you went to the gym?
Starting point is 00:41:44 I mean, it's all watermarked. I mean, they don't even pay for it together. Seriously, seriously, when's the last time you guys went to the DMV? Yeah, no, the DMVs. Well, I mean, the high speed rail, so it only made it to a Bakersfield. It was supposed to make it all the way up. It was supposed to be LA to San Francisco. LA to San Francisco.
Starting point is 00:42:02 They just saw, we're done. Dude, I went to this been billions of dollars. I went to the DMB. That our buddy, Jay, I saw, said that there's gonna be a high speed rail. It's going all the way down to Mexico. Is that what I heard it when that text read? We're all in with the houses down there. Oh, did you read that?
Starting point is 00:42:14 No, it's from Tulum to somewhere else. Oh, I thought it was up to us. No, no, no. You were gonna build a rail, yeah, no. That would be awesome. You know, you're gonna have a high speed rail be able to down the code down to the Mexico Beach. That'd be right. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, it's that would never, that would never happen. Yeah, the cost of some of these projects. Again, I went to
Starting point is 00:42:33 the DMV and they're still using the green screens. The big PC computer. And then, yes, that's their first. Yeah, those printers going, they stamp something and then go to this window and then they do the same thing. They do that on paperclips. They still do the credit card. Yes. Yes. Whoa, dude.
Starting point is 00:42:51 Could you imagine if the state said, hey, private companies, as long as you become certified, you can now create. Okay, so the argument, just so you know, the argument on the other side of that actually heard at the other day from somebody who is like, you know, pro more taxes and pro big government bullshit. Okay, so is that a real smart person?
Starting point is 00:43:09 So the argument for things like that, by the way, DMV, postal service, so with that, is that it provides services that would not be profitable and that nobody would do. So if you left it to the free market, there's people that would not service it. Oh my God, hurts my people that would not service it. Oh my God. It hurts my head. That's not true. First of all, first of all, if a product or service wouldn't exist in the market, that's because it's a useless product or service.
Starting point is 00:43:34 Number one, number two, if we require people to get a driver's license, then it would exist. There is a market demand. So the government could literally say, you need to have a driver's license. You have to, these companies are allowed to produce them, go and pick one. Now we have competition. It'll be a lot cheaper. Post office. Okay. Look, I hate to say this. I have family members that work for the post office. I get it. Let me ask you guys a question. Now, there's definitely mail that you get that you need, but what percentage of the mail do you get? Do you just throw in the garbage?
Starting point is 00:44:05 Yeah, yeah. And now we have email and stuff like that. So if something wouldn't exist in the market, now I understand this argument for certain things like long-term environmental protections, I get that. I can't comprehend what a market, you know, what kind of market would want to protect something for 200 years from now?
Starting point is 00:44:28 Too long of a timeframe? So I understand, I'm not saying, you know, we should, it should be, you know, anarcho capitalism. But if that whole argument's baloney, if the market, if there is no market demand, that's because it's, nobody wants it. Well, there's gonna be, okay, so the example they gave,
Starting point is 00:44:43 they used a post office, and they give an example of like, you know, name a world city somewhere in the middle of nowhere. And, you know, for 49 cents or whatever, you can have a letter mailed to across the country or the world, not the world, probably across the country for 49 cents, I don't know what it would go for. They don't have internet?
Starting point is 00:45:01 No, we're talking about someone who's so rural like that that doesn't have that. Okay, the percentage of places like that that exists that are so small. Well, I could see supporting those places. Well, I think there are, I think there's more of those than you think. There's not a lot of people in those obviously. That's what makes it a rural place. What I mean by this is that those places doesn't, that doesn't excuse everybody paying for everything all over the place. So I could see an argument saying,
Starting point is 00:45:28 well here's 5%, which would still be huge. 5% of the US would require this public service. Okay, fine. Then let's figure out, let's pay for that. Yeah, maybe there's a compromise in the middle, right? Yeah, not like everybody. I was just sharing that because I actually had never heard that argument before.
Starting point is 00:45:44 I've always just defaulted the same thing that you say, which is like, that's just leave it to the free market right? Yeah, not like everybody. I was just sharing that because I actually had never heard that argument before. I've always just defaulted the same thing at UCL, which is like, that's just, leave it to the free market, free market would figure it out 10 times better. But this person was making that argument for that case, is that because of the fact that the government dictates that it controls it, they also can service people
Starting point is 00:45:59 that would no free market would ever go there. Nobody would ever, no one's gonna go start a pizza parlor in a town that has 50 people, right? There's nobody's gonna go do a mail service to a place where they can't be profitable if it's left after the free market. That's the beauty of capitalism is like, it decides where it's worth it for you to build and do things.
Starting point is 00:46:16 So this is a support those communities, those people that can't do it. I thought that was a decent argument. Yeah, it's just a small percentage. But I mean, here's another example. Imagine if the government made shoes. Imagine if the government said every and I can make this argument, look, we need shoes. Shoes are essential. Everybody has to have shoes on their feet. We are going to provide shoes. They're going to cost a dollar because we're going
Starting point is 00:46:38 to take your tax money and we're the government. We can figure out ways, whatever. And that's that. So now there's no competition for shoes. Everybody has to wear government shoes. What do you think those shoes would look like? Yeah. What kind of shoes would you have on your feet right now? We actually shouldn't wear shoes. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:52 It's bad for you. Yeah, we actually buy some health problems. If we actually just all were barefoot all the time again, the shoe movement. Hey, I have something for you guys that I thought was interesting that we're starting to see. And it'd be interesting to see if we continue to see this unfold. But we're starting to see, and I think I saw a buck county in Pennsylvania, maybe Doug had fact checked me,
Starting point is 00:47:11 make sure I got my stuff right. There is several schools that are starting to sue social media companies. TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, Instagram. Yeah, for mental health issues and some other stuff. Really? So, you know, no, I don't know if it'll stand up in court. If they will do some sort, if they will settle before it gets there or not, but we're starting to see this now where schools are taking action on some of these social media platforms and some of the stuff. Like, currently right now, all these schools try and ban like certain hashtags. And if you had that, they end up driving like vandalism
Starting point is 00:47:47 and shit like that. And they're blaming these social media platforms that are spreading these bad ideas. What do you got? Yeah, I just see that they are, Bucks County, Pennsylvania is suing social media companies. Let's see why. Basically, I think it's because their kids are all.
Starting point is 00:48:05 Well, look, it was mental health related and then vandalism is what I read. Okay, so here theoretically, you could see a private company for causing harm if they were aware of the harm that they could cause and they did not warn you. So in other words, if you bought a product that caused, that could cause, let's say,
Starting point is 00:48:23 some kind of cancer, they knew say, some kind of cancer. They knew there's a risk of cancer. They never told you you could potentially have a case. So if they could prove that these stuff... And as in this angle, they're going. Right. So you didn't tell us that their mental health could be an issue. But our kids' mental health could be an issue.
Starting point is 00:48:38 They may have a case. Yeah, we also didn't know that this was going to spread violence and so forth. By the way, the way they're using it. By the way, at the very least, even if they lose, this is bad publicity. Yeah, and great awareness for everybody else, right? So I thought that was interesting that we're starting to see that move
Starting point is 00:48:54 and it will be interesting to see if more counties, more schools, I think I think I read San Mateo County in California was jumping on board with it. Oh yeah, I can see it up there from here. Because I definitely saw the trend of the vandalism thing that was big on a few platforms with, you know, they just hashtag and they go into these bathrooms
Starting point is 00:49:12 and then you just destroy the school's bathroom. I think that was one of the, I can't remember what the hashtag was. Maybe that article says it or not, but there was a hashtag that I wasn't familiar with. And who went viral and it was like kids like doing destructive shit to schools. Who's gonna be held live? Right.
Starting point is 00:49:26 That's the thing. It's like even so, I mean, there was that whole debacle with like the Woodstock, the second one where, you know, some of the bands, obviously they build all these bands on there that were a little more aggressive, a lot more aggressive than the first Woodstock, but it was like, you know, the overall animosity was there and then like the music, the inside of the, the inside of the, the rise, but they're held liable for inciting the riots. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:49 And so it's like, Interesting. I wonder what's gonna happen. I wonder was, yeah, how they're gonna rule that. Did any of you guys watch the, the documentary on Netflix, the porn hub one? No. Yeah, I watched a little bit of it.
Starting point is 00:50:00 You didn't watch the whole thing? I didn't watch it. So there was a part in there. It was interesting, none the last. There was a part in it that I thought was really interesting, which was they were, they were part of the lawsuit is like, obviously, like trial pornography's gotten out and it's their job to censor it. Their defense is that, you know, we, we have all of these things in place to censor that stuff, but there's always going to be criminals. Yeah. Just like, you know, you put all kinds of security measures
Starting point is 00:50:25 to stop criminals from doing other things, they still find ways to get by it. So that's their argument. The part that I thought was really interesting was there was a part in the court case where they compare the amount of moderators for Pornhub to the amount of moderators for say a company like Facebook.
Starting point is 00:50:41 Do you know what the number it like was? It was crazy. Oh, wait, they have more or less. Less, right? Oh, way less they have more or less. Less. Well, way less. And point up. Yes. Wow.
Starting point is 00:50:49 I mean, and maybe Doug could pull this up. How many moderators work for Facebook? So I get the number right. But it was in the like, I think tens of thousands of people employed for sure thousands, if not tens of thousands of people are employed in Facebook literally just to moderate. And Portholm was like 50 people. Dude.
Starting point is 00:51:07 Yeah, so that makes sense. Like mathematically, that's terrible. And they got into it where the moderators would just like, they were supposed to do, I think 800 videos a day or something like that. Like it's like mathematically not even possible to like do a true,
Starting point is 00:51:23 so yeah, they just like fast as they can go through it and then it gets checked off of like oh this should be pulled down like a video. 15,000 moderators. Around a hundred. No, 80. Yeah, Port and that's a porn hub has 80 Facebook has 15,000. By the way, how crazy it makes us even crazier is the amount of visits and views on a dwarf Facebook. That's what I'm saying. The amount of traffic it gets, the amount of explicit content that's on it that needs more. That's what it is.
Starting point is 00:51:51 Exactly, the whole thing is that. And then only have 80 moderators. And then something like Facebook, which is, you know, quote unquote, you know, family, you tell, you know, obviously they have shit on there, but not like porn hub. Oh, 15,000 moderators. Yeah, because I was wild. I was watching. I saw, so there was just one case of like a 14 year old girl that like had been texting
Starting point is 00:52:13 her boyfriend or back and forth like naked pictures. And then the boyfriend like uploaded it and was able to upload on porn hub. And then, you know, and then they were fighting them to take it down. They take it down, but then they just uploaded it again. And it was like, it was on there and it was getting all like thousands and thousands of views. So they're making money off that video over and over again. And so it's like, they're not real incentivized to pull it. Not only that, did you see how the one and one of the ways that they're getting them right
Starting point is 00:52:41 now is like, so if they did pull it, they would, they blur out the video, but the title is still there for you to search for it, and then there's suggestions. Oh, if you liked this video, then maybe you'll like these. Well, that's disgusting. Right. Yeah, that's disgusting. So then, so if you were searching for that specific video
Starting point is 00:53:00 or something like that video that's now been removed, it's blurred out, but then if there's something that's close enough. That's terrible. That's terrible. So that's how they're getting them on some of this stuff right now. But I thought the moderation thing was enough.
Starting point is 00:53:11 I had no idea. I was like the fact that 80? Yeah. Compared to 15,000 on Facebook a platform that's not getting nearly as many visits. That's just crazy. That's just for show, you know what I mean? Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:23 Oh we got moderators. Yeah. That's terrible. Great. Speaking of social media, you have any shout outs? Oh yeah. Oh we got, we got moderators. Yeah. That's terrible. Great. Speaking of social media, you have any shout outs? If you don't have one, I have one. Go ahead, go ahead. All right, I have one that's pretty funny.
Starting point is 00:53:32 I just saw this today. It's parenting humor. So for parents, it's really good. It's called the dad.father. So the dad.father on YouTube. And it's just funny videos for parents, stuff that you can totally relate to. So go check it out. All right, check this out.
Starting point is 00:53:50 You got to check out a company called Butcherbox. They deliver grass fed meats, wild caught fish, heritage pork to your door. It's healthy meat. You eat a high protein diet. You want healthy meat so you can look and feel your best. And right now, if you sign up through Mind Pump, you'll get a 20-ounce bag of gluten-free chicken nuggets for a year for free included.
Starting point is 00:54:12 They throw it in there for free for the next year. This is a pretty crazy giveaway. Go check them out. Go to butcherbox.com forward slash Mind Pump. Again, it's butcherbox.com forward slash Mind Pump. Sign up under that link and get those free nuggets. All right, here comes the rest of the show. Our first color is Maya from Michigan. Maya, how's it going? How can we help you?
Starting point is 00:54:32 Oh, it's going great. Thank you so much for having me on. Just kiss to this podcast. You guys are also humble. Love it. Thank you. I'm a mother of four girls. I'm reading off my teleprompter here. Four girls and I'm trying to get in the best shape of my life. I've started lifting heavy back in August of 2022. Right now I'm running alibat antibiotic in my weight room in my garage. I Have been absolutely not down exhausted and this is way before I've been weightlifting. It's been for years, but it seems like when I started the weightlifting, it got even more intense on me. Even more than when I was pregnant. My girls are all a year apart, and I was pregnant for like five years straight. So I eat great, 80-20. I'm getting my steps in.
Starting point is 00:55:23 I'm getting my steps in, I'm getting my protein in, but I do use edibles to fall asleep at night and I have for the past five years. I make my own oil and my own edibles and I know that they're about 25 milligrams piece. I can fall asleep great but I don't get a good sleep. I always feel tired. So, this is my experience whenever I do 10 milligrams or more of cannabis, like especially if I do it late, I wake up groggy and then I just seem to drag ass the next day. It might be just how much of the, have you had some days or nights where you've tried to cut it out for a little bit, like maybe take a week off and just see how you feel.
Starting point is 00:56:05 Okay, so I have an update. Okay. I recently got off of the edibles and I also got on a Transdermal estrogen pitch. I got on them the same day, but for two days after getting off those edibles, I was so groggy, I can almost taste it in my mouth for two days. Yeah, wow. So the withdrawal from cannabis for some people can be...
Starting point is 00:56:31 It's rough for you, isn't it? It can be tough, yeah. And especially at 25 milligrams of THC, it's also a fat, soluble compound. So it gets stored in body fat. And so for some people, the withdrawal can last maybe a month. Some people it's mild, other people can be much stronger. And the side effects of withdrawal can be like anxiety, depression, insomnia is the most common one.
Starting point is 00:56:58 Vivid, wild, crazy dreams, and just feeling off. And it can also have hormonal effects on the body. So in animal studies, THC can reliably affect hormones in both male and female rats and animals. Human studies are not as clear, but it is probably some hormonal effects because the endocrine system is just tons and tons of cannabinoid receptors all over it. That doesn't necessarily mean though that this is the main issue.
Starting point is 00:57:29 I think it's probably contributing, but there may be some other stuff that's going on. The only way to really figure this out would be to work with someone who understands holistic health like a functional medicine practitioner because they'll be able to go down the list and look at things like gut health, hormone health, and then see what contribution, they'll be able to go down the list and look at things like gut health, hormone health,
Starting point is 00:57:45 and then see what contribution THC use is having on all of this. Now as far as what I know about THC and sleep, it does increase or improve the ability to fall asleep, but it does dramatically reduce the deep stages of sleep. So you sleep more or you sleep, but you don't get the same restful effects from it. And I just, you know, the studies on cannabis now are really starting to come out. And we're starting to find that it's not as innocuous as we first thought it was. In fact, some studies show that it age in heavy users, it aged the brain more than even alcohol use.
Starting point is 00:58:30 Now, I'm not stupid and gonna say that cannabis is worse for you than alcohol. I think if we look at the total side effect than risk profile, alcohol is just one of the worst things. But it does have some pretty profound aging effects on the brain. So I'm sure it's contributing, but I would suggest working with a functional medicine
Starting point is 00:58:49 practitioner to get to the root cause because it sounds to me like your body's overwhelmed with stress, there's some imbalances that are going on. Adding exercise, adding activity, is probably just gonna make you feel worse. It sounds like your tolerance for activity is quite low. Like you do a little exercise and you just feel more tired. So, yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:11 I will tell you, since all of this, and I can attribute both the cannabis getting off of that and the estrogen, I have had the most energy that I have had in a really long time. I felt great, I'm making gains, I've lost two pounds, I'm not to mention, you know, if I don't go to bed right away after doing an edible, I'm getting the bad munchies, you know what I mean? But I was telling my husband because it has affected my sex life and everything, everything around me for years. I feel bad. My husband's an emergency room nurse, you know, and he sees people dying and here I am complaining
Starting point is 00:59:52 about how tired I am all the time. But I feel great now. I'm on the mend, you know. Look, here's the other thing too, is don't invalidate how you're feeling because you said something like, you know, he's doing all the, he's seeing all these people dying. You know, what am I here complaining about? Yeah, I get that. I totally understand that there's people out there
Starting point is 01:00:11 that have it worse, that people have it better. But what you're experiencing is a real thing. It's really challenging to live like that every single day. You've got four kids. You said you were pregnant for five years. That's gonna have an effect on your body. It sounds like there's something hormonally happening as well because the estrogen had a profound,
Starting point is 01:00:27 seems to have a profound effect. But hormones are tricky because there's such a complicated interplay between all the different hormones. So I don't know who you're working with to work with your hormones, but like I said, somebody with a holistic approach, they'll look at not just the hormone levels, but how your body's reacting to those hormones, and then other hormones that may have, may play a role.
Starting point is 01:00:51 Because sometimes what we can do, and I'm not saying this is the case, this may or may not be the case with you, but we'll take a hormone like estrogen or testosterone or progesterone, feel better, but what's happening is we'll be masking or putting a bandaid over what may be the root cause. So I can't stress this enough. I really think a functional medicine practitioner is gonna be your best bet. At least a consultation, at least getting your blood works
Starting point is 01:01:14 and at least getting somebody to get like, read it for you and give you a low down on it. This could be as simple as a nutrient deficiency. I mean, literally, I had a client once where we couldn't figure out what the heck was going on, why he felt so terribly, and he was low in zinc. He started supplementing with zinc,
Starting point is 01:01:37 and like three weeks later, he felt like a new man. This was like after years of him trying to figure out what the hell was going on, he finally found a functional medicine practice. This was this was a long time ago and they were hard to find. They did some nutrient tests like, Oh, your zinc is low, took some zinc and then so it could be as simple as that, but but yes, you want to get to the root cause. You need somebody you want to work with someone who has a holistic approach.
Starting point is 01:01:59 You can look at everything and how they all communicate and interplay with each other. And then from there, you'll be able to really figure out, you know, kind of what's going on. Okay. Can I have one more thing? Sure. Real quick. My sister and I law and I are doing a competition to see who can lose the most fat. Now I am she's the one who does the cardio. She eats like a bird and you know, and she's trying to lose the fat. I am doing the eat what I want, get my protein, drink my water, get my sleep, everything that you guys say and lifting heavy. So this is cool, but I wanted to add a couple like little hits in between my antibiotic this summer because it's nice to get outside and
Starting point is 01:02:45 Yeah, maybe walk up or phantil and stuff. What do you think about that? Yeah, I don't think it's a good time for you to do a competition with somebody to push to push your body in Any direction. I'm trying to figure this out. Yeah, cuz you you could be making something worse and I don't know if you're how competitive you are I know I can be pretty competitive, especially if it's with a sibling. So you may push yourself to a point where you make things a lot worse. So, and to be honest with you,
Starting point is 01:03:14 if you figure out the root cause of what's been making it feel kind of crummy, you'll lose body fat faster anyway. Right, that's gonna have the most dramatic result for you if you focus more on the recovery side. Cause if we're not fully recovering, your body's not really gonna get to that point That's going to have the most dramatic result for you if you focus more on the recovery cycle. If we're not fully recovering, your body's not really going to get to that point where your physique is going to change and you're going to have that desired outcome.
Starting point is 01:03:33 It's really important you vest all your interest in that direction. Even though I don't think any of us recommend the competition, just at a curiosity, was the competition a scale or body fat percentage? Body fat percentage. I just want to prove to her that you can lose weight just lifting up. Okay, so the reason why I asked that is because actually your approach of getting healthy, building muscle, eating like you're eating right now, you very well could still win that competition without having to do a bunch of cardio and trying to add more or restrict.
Starting point is 01:04:05 Oh, yeah. Because you will build muscle and lean out, especially if we get your sleep all in line and you're feeling healthy or so at that. Let me figure out what's going on. And if she's cutting calories dramatically and being a cardio bunny, there's a very good chance at the end of this competition. You just kind of cruising along doing what's best and healthy for your body. You will still kick your ass. Totally.
Starting point is 01:04:25 Nice, thank you so much. Yep, you got it. Listen, go to Facebook, there's a group, we have there, and people. Oh, I got it. Oh, beautiful. Okay, oh yeah. Also, I do want to send,
Starting point is 01:04:36 I'm going to have Doug send Maps 15 to you. Good, cool. Oh, I wouldn't know that. Yeah, because that actually might do you better, so if you still keep feeling like the workouts are too much in anabolic, you know, instead of doing three hard big workouts, this is spread out over the week
Starting point is 01:04:52 and shorter bouts, maybe transition into that. So we're gonna send that to you free so you have access to it. Thank you so much. You got it, right? Thanks so much for the sport. Thanks. Bye bye.
Starting point is 01:05:04 Man, 25 milligrams. Big dough. That is, yeah. Put me in a coma. Like five, you know, every now and then. Oh, that would be a terrible time for me. It would be psychedelic, paranoid, freak out. For sure.
Starting point is 01:05:15 I'm making up groggy. Yeah, I'm probably still hot. No, you know the data on THC, because now that it's been legalized in many states, and we're starting to see more and more studies, chronic daily use is not as like, oh, it's not that, you know, maybe negative effects as we think it actually will age the brain. I saw that. I saw it's been going viral.
Starting point is 01:05:36 I people shared that with me, the new stuff that came out. I mean, I personally, I personally, I'd like to know more. I so I responded to someone who DM me that and I said, you know, I'd like to know more I so I responded to someone who DM me that and I said you know I'd like to see more like what else do we know about like chronic? Marijuana users to are they eating healthy are they also training are they smoking it? Are they eating it like so? I looked at some of that data what's the milligrams like well? So I looked at some of that data and it's It's decently controlled. It's not. No, it's not. No, it's not. No, it's not. No, it's not. No, it's not.
Starting point is 01:06:06 No, it's not. No, it's not. No, it's not. No, it's not. No, it's not. No, it's not. No, it's not. No, it's not.
Starting point is 01:06:14 No, it's not. No, it's not. No, it's not. No, it's not. No, it's not. No, it's not. No, it's not. No, it's not.
Starting point is 01:06:22 No, it's not. No, it's not. No, it's not. No, it's not. No, it's not good. I recall for sure. Yeah, so I mean it doesn't surprise me. Nothing is a bunch of anything is never good. You know what I'm saying? So it's a reason why we've said since day one on this. It's why I rotate through the caffeine. Why rotate through things like Crate and why I rotate
Starting point is 01:06:38 to things like this like with cannabis. Like it's just I don't know. I don't think it ever becomes not a free pass. I mean, I deal to be dependent on anything. I didn't tell her this, but she'll give a chance to listen this. And I wanted to ask you again, so I brought it up that, because I told you that I'm not an edible guy, right? So I've been trying though to smoke less
Starting point is 01:06:57 and utilize edibles more often. Part of why I don't like them is because it disrupts my sleep like this. But what I did notice, and I told you that I started using our Ned to bump up the CBD level with the balance of the TAC. To balance out the TAC, and I do notice a better night's sleep with that. So if she's still using the edibles when she hears this episode, that may be a path that you can try and see.
Starting point is 01:07:22 That helped me when I was doing the gummies like that because it was just fucking my sleep up. But when I bumped up the CBD with the THC, it actually seemed to mitigate some of the negative effects. Now, I don't, that's just my own experience. Well, I mean, you know, and this is okay, this is speculation, but when you look at nature and the way things are naturally, you often see natural balancing. What we did is we took a plant and we found the thing that makes us high and then we bred the shit out of it to make it produce way more of that thing, which then because of that,
Starting point is 01:07:55 it produces way less of other stuff. But natural marijuana is relatively balanced. Now, I mean, you go to the dispensaries. You won't find a strain that's anything less than 20% THC. So, yeah, it's no wonder. So you're balancing it out with other cannabinoids. So that makes perfect sense. Our next caller is Vincent from Ontario. Vincent, what's happening? How can we help you? Hi, how are you guys? Good. Thank you. A, just want to say first off, I wish you guys were around 25 years ago and I've learned so much over the last two years. So thank you guys for everything you do.
Starting point is 01:08:35 And I also want to reach out and say thank you for those that refer you guys. So two years ago, my friend Corwin put me on to you guys and it changed my life. So I appreciate everything. Awesome. Those people do as well. Awesome. Over the last, so here I'll get into my question. Over the last nine months, I completed anabolic performance in aesthetic. But I completed them all with a home version of the gym, mostly dumbbells, no real barbell
Starting point is 01:09:07 use. One factor is I work from home and it's easier to do it in the morning. Plus secondly, I just turned 50. I know I've tried dumbbells before and I get a little bit worried about injury because I end up loading the bar a little bit. I know I'm missing a little bit from the barbell use. So I don't know if you have an opinion on the home office versus I'm going to start going back to the office now and they just open it up an office gym that has a Smith machine.
Starting point is 01:09:49 Ideally a rock squat would be better and I've heard you guys talk about a Smith machine not being ideal. So, worried about my age and injury. Does it make sense to use a Smith machine for squats deadlifts bench and overhead press? Or is it best just to continue with my natural body movement with dumbed-out? Vincent, so so this is a It's a logical question, but I'll give you an analogy, okay? Just because escape board has four wheels doesn't make it a car, right? So a Smith machine has a bar. It's not barbell work. It's not, it's not barbell work at all. It's Smith machine exercises.
Starting point is 01:10:28 So it's not a replacement. Now that's not to say that there aren't potential exercises, you could do all the Smith machine that might have some like body builder type value. Yeah, bench press and overhead press. Yeah, bench press, overhead press, you know, stuff like that's fine. I wouldn't do lower body stuff on it really.
Starting point is 01:10:46 Maybe a stationary lunge if you want to mix it up a little bit. But you're totally fine working with just dumbbells. There's nothing wrong with working with just dumbbells. Are you missing out a little bit? Maybe a little bit of force production and all that kind of stuff. But I think you're totally fine just thinking with the dumbbells. And then with the Smith machine, you can try exercises that the Smith machine has a little bit of value with like the ones we just mentioned but It's not like a like in other words, you're like, okay, I want to do barbell deadlifts
Starting point is 01:11:14 I don't have a barbell. Let me do deadlifts in the Smith machine not the same thing or like I want to do barbell squats I don't have a barbell. Let me do squats on the Smith machine not the same thing Does that make sense to you? It does. So in some respects, my thought was to start running back through all three, back down in a ball, I can maybe then maybe using the barbell as you say for the shoulders or bench. And then I would slow down my reps, since I'm only about 50 pounds for doing deadlifts or something. It's not a lot of weight.
Starting point is 01:11:51 They have that gem or even at home. So would you recommend slowing down the rep to get the benefit of deadlift? Or with someone like you, especially, I think you look like you're in pretty damn good shape. So first of all, I think you're doing good. I would do single leg stuff. A single leg deadlift with your, what that's gonna give you for stability and strength by going to unilateral movements.
Starting point is 01:12:17 So I think that, like maybe what we'll do is send you map symmetry. Oh yeah, map symmetry 100%. Cause I think map symmetry will be extremely beneficial. To, you know, just to piggyback off of what Sal said, are you missing out on a little bit by not having barbell? Sure. But like you're talking about so little and I think what you're doing by rotating through the programs that we have and using dumbbells, you're not missing out as much as you think you are. If you were somebody who had like a set of dumbbells and you kind of did the same routine all
Starting point is 01:12:43 the time, then I'd say like you're missing out on a lot. But the fact that you already have the wisdom to kind of be working through all those programs, you're getting a novel stimulus as you move from program to program, that's going to signal to build muscle. And now that you're kind of getting to a point where you don't have enough weight for something like a conventional deadlift, well let's move to single leg stuff. You know, lateral work. You know, lateral work will be phenomenal for you, especially since the risk versus reward is something that you've already addressed. So I think that's a great option for you.
Starting point is 01:13:10 Yeah, you'd be able to build all that strength, stability with dumbbells, no problem. And I think the unilateral directions way to go, like the Smith machine just isn't the same animal that you think it is in terms of it. Looks like a barbell. And it looks like you can pull off some of these
Starting point is 01:13:25 moves however it's completely in one direction. It in terms of it just following a line and a guided line. It's not going to give you the same type of demand and force output that you would if it was a free weight situation. So yeah, I think that honestly you're going to do the best with with the dumbbells and then maybe supplement for some hypertrophy type moves like they're talking about overhead pressing and you know, I guess in that regard. But yeah, you can do a lot if you just stick with the dumbbells. Yeah, we'll send you map symmetry vince and then all you got to do is skip the last phase. The last phase is barbell five by five. You're totally fine skipping that and just running through the map symmetry all unilateral. It's all dumbbell work and you'll
Starting point is 01:14:08 have a blast. Well, part of me is even thinking do I take a gym membership for a month and do that, maybe barbell use and switch it up a little bit. I mean, if it's possible, yeah, if you'll do it, I think it's a great idea. Hell yeah. That's the thing. Yeah, if you have access, go for it. I mean, there's, you know, sustainability outweighs optimal, right? Sometimes people get so caught up on like, what is this more optimal for you?
Starting point is 01:14:38 Well, it could be more optimal for you to get in the barbell, but if you're less likely to be consistent with it and fit in your schedule, then it isn't optimal anymore for you. So you have to weigh that out. So like, yes, that would be great. Like if you're a client of mine, I'd say, man, and you're open to getting a membership
Starting point is 01:14:53 and getting a barbell, I'd say, yeah, you're ready for it. You've strained through all those programs. I think it'd be great for your body. But then if you say, like, man, Adam, it's just, it's rough sometimes to get over the gym and I'm not consistent that I say. It's not that consistency.
Starting point is 01:15:04 Yeah, that's far more important. So you got to weigh that in for sure. Okay, that's fair. All right. Well, I appreciate everything you guys do. And again, thank you for putting out the content. You do. You got to, man, by the way, we were around 25 years ago. We were just young. We were again, we were terrible guys back then.
Starting point is 01:15:23 No, we would have told you all kinds of bad shit. Thanks Vince. Thanks guys. You got a maybe, man. Yeah, it's kind of a wise question. Yeah, it was a really good question, but you know, I'm glad he mentioned the Smith machine because people look at it and they see a barbell on it and they think, oh, I could substitute every barbell exercise with that.
Starting point is 01:15:46 It looks the same. And it's the same thing, it's just more stable. In some cases, it's similar and more stable. In other cases, it's completely different. Like a deadlift on a Smith machine is not a deadlift. It's not, you can do a stiff leg a deadlift on it, but it's not a conventional deadlift. Well, especially a squat too.
Starting point is 01:16:01 I mean, it's gonna alter the mechanics of the squat when you go back to it. So it's going to actually cause dysfunction, which would be problematic. Well, not to mention that some of the greatest benefits of a barbell back squat or barbell deadlift is the instability part. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:17 So if you take that component out by putting it on a track, then you're purely just doing it for hypertrophy reasons. And if you're purely doing it just for hypertrophy reasons, I can think of a whole host of other things that I can do with you, with dumbbells in your body weight, to get great hypertrophy results from it. So the idea of loading up the Smith machine super heavy, you just so you could do some sort of a back squat, I was like, wow, I'll do some Bulgarian splits quads with you with dumbbells. Yeah, I'm going to rock that all day. And that ain't more effective. Yeah, you hang on to a pair of, I mean, 50 pound dumbbells. That's heavy for me to do both.
Starting point is 01:16:48 Yeah. And see what kind of hypertrophy that you get from that. So I'd much rather see or walking lunges or reverse lunges. No, what you have with free weights is free weights follow your body. What you have with any kind of machine is your body has to follow the machine. Does that mean that one is better than the other? Not necessarily, it just means that there's strengths and weaknesses.
Starting point is 01:17:08 And if you want to put yourself in a position to where you're forced to follow the machine because you're doing an exercise that would never work in a freeway environment, then Smith machine can be kind of cool. Like I could do like a hack squat look and squat in a Smith machine that would never work with a free barbell,
Starting point is 01:17:23 but it's not a trade, it's not an even trade. There's benefits and there's detriment and overall free weights are superior, just there's not even a question. Our next color is Josh from Texas. Josh, what's happening? What's up, I'm up here. What's up Josh?
Starting point is 01:17:36 Awesome, good morning guys, how you doing? Good, good. All right, so my question is, how does someone maximize muscle out of certain body weight? So just a quick background. About last year I competed in boxing. So and I was walking around at 150 body weight. And so and I cut down to 137.
Starting point is 01:18:00 And this was a pretty quick drastic way. Cut at least in my opinion opinion it was my first fight so Yeah, so I did that in three weeks. So from 150 to 137 It was my first meet against the like I was super hyped. I wanted to make weight and I was just kind of doing my coach at the time So it so and the calories I was eating was about 1600 so very low It was clean though, you know, I was eating was about 1600. So, very low. It was clean though, you know, I was eating my protein.
Starting point is 01:18:31 I made the way, did the fight, everything, you know, felt good. But when I, after the fight, I did jump to like 155 eating very bad, just because it was like my first weight cut. So like the, the, the, how do I say it? The discipline after was just because I did it so fast and so hard. I balanced back pretty, pretty bad like with the eating too, especially. And I also noticed I lost a lot of muscle. I got super skinny, Even though a good amount was water too, but I did lose a good amount of muscle. My lifts went down and I still felt strong like body weight-wise. But yeah, my muscle did go down. So I guess how does someone, like let's say if I want to walk around,
Starting point is 01:19:20 maybe like 145, maybe even 140, how does someone maximize the amount of muscle they can build at that certain body weight and then for those cuts maintain that maintain that muscle. Well, that's a great question because there's a lot of Neuons here, okay, so there's a lot of difference. So first off, did you win? I did not. I actually so it was a three-day competition. It was the Golden Gloves from San Antonio. I won the first match, Dino in the second one, but I was excited because after having 2020 off, you don't know why. I was like training at home, moved here to Texas, found the first boxing gym. My coach was like, you should do the same tone of golden gloves. And I only had three weeks to prepare for it.
Starting point is 01:20:07 And I just wanted to get the butterflies of competing out the way. So when are the weigh-ins before the fight? Is it right before the fight or is it like the day before, two days before? It's usually the morning of. Okay. So you're not going to do like a crazy water cut. Otherwise, you'll be dead. You know, you'll feel like your death while you're not going to do like a crazy water cut, otherwise you'll be dead, you'll feel like you're death, while you're fighting.
Starting point is 01:20:25 Here's the challenge with weight classes, especially in combat sports. You don't see this in other sports where there are not any weight classes. You would think being as lean as possible would be the best bet, right? You would think, I want the most amount of muscle and the least amount of body fat,
Starting point is 01:20:41 but at some point that starts to kind of decrease your performance as well. There's an athletic body fat, but at some point that starts to kind of decrease your performance as well. There's an athletic body fat percentage that works best for performance. Then there's like shredded where you look good at the beach or on stage and that can often be very different. Now, there's a range, like I've known people who, 6% body fat performing credibly, I've known other people who they get below, yeah, they get below 11 or 12%
Starting point is 01:21:06 And they just their performance goes down. Well, you have to understand why this is too though, right? So it's especially for an endurance or an endurance sport. I mean, you're fat stores a ton of calories for you And that is becomes beneficial when you're in a long fight or a long run So having none or very minimal that is not ideal for like stored internet. And also there's just a lot of unknowns. Like, I mean, if you follow fight sports, you know, sometimes fighters don't look shredded,
Starting point is 01:21:34 but they got like crazy stamina and endurance. You know, when they're fighting, I remember- Yeah, came Velasquez. Yeah, came Velasquez or Fedori Milinko. Yeah, yeah. He, I mean, these guys, that look like they didn't work out, but they could fight forever and ever and ever.
Starting point is 01:21:48 And then he had like these shredded looking guys that didn't necessarily have the stamina. So this is all gonna be totally about performance. Now we'll say this about weight classes. The thought, the thought process is if I could be, if I could be as big as I, if I could be a certain weight in size and then cut down and fight smaller guys, I should be able to outperform them.
Starting point is 01:22:09 But if the cut is drastic, if it's not healthy, then you, yeah, you're smaller, but now you feel like garbage. Okay, so sometimes fighters do better at higher body weights because they just feel more comfortable. I can't necessarily answer this for you because I've known people on either side of this. What's the weight class we're going for and where do you weigh right now? So again, I'm about 150 right now walking around.
Starting point is 01:22:34 Like I feel strong. I lift her getting pretty strong. Okay. As far as the weight lifting side, my training though, I do feel a bit slower, which I don't like. My endurance isn't as much there, but also just hasn't I haven't been focusing on endurance yet.
Starting point is 01:22:52 I don't know, I had a shift after that fight. I've been focusing on my strength gains and muscle and muscle endurance. But what I was training for that fight, I was around like 140 and I felt great. That's the thing. So like maybe under like the barbell, squatting, benching, all that. Like I wasn't strong, but body weight wise, like I was doing more pushups, pull-ups. Like I felt strong. Like I was pretty linked to, but I wasn't muscular if that makes sense. So if you were so I felt like an animal, but I don't know. Well, so we're okay. If we were to do the next fight, what weight class were we going to fight?
Starting point is 01:23:33 And that's what I want to get at like because what I'm trying to get at is what I think is ideal for you is to actually try during your training, get to to a place where you're you're relatively close to the weight. Yeah, you're within like seven, eight pounds. Yes, less than 10, that's exactly what I was saying. Yeah. Less than 10 pounds away and watered up, right? So I'd have you push in water like crazy.
Starting point is 01:23:53 You'd be drinking a gallon of water at least a day, and I'd want you to be within under 10 pounds of the weight that you want to fight in so that when we cut, first of all, I know I can drop, you know, five pounds of water weight off you pretty quick if you're pushing a gallon plus just alone, and then we lean out a little bit, but it's not a hard cut, so you come in
Starting point is 01:24:13 at the weight that you're kind of training at. Are you trying to do 135 again? Yeah, about 135, 137. I would have you, I would have you walking around at no heavier than 145, 143. And what that might look like right now for you, diet, so it sounds like you've been focused more on getting stronger or probably increasing calories.
Starting point is 01:24:31 How clean of a diet do you run? Do you allow junk food and candy and ice cream stuff with that? I would say, I would say like a 90-10, like five eggs a day. I got that from Sal actually. I'm not up at eight eggs yet. But I think five eggs about a pound of ground beef foot day, grass fed through like a whole ingredients,
Starting point is 01:24:55 probably processed, it's like protein powder. And then maybe weekends with the girlfriend will go out to eat and keep it usually whole food. So here and there. Okay. Don't forget women, week in the knees. Just say that. That's insane. You said that.
Starting point is 01:25:10 That's the thing that's that's so true. That's you. Okay. Hey, let me take a boxers. They so there's so There's so many of them.
Starting point is 01:25:18 Oh, that's that was a Mickey's quote in in Rocky. All right. So, so so here's a deal. I would have you walk in, I would have you walk around never any heavier than 145. So that when it's time to cut, you're cutting like less than 10 pounds, because those drastic cuts are gonna be really tough.
Starting point is 01:25:36 Now as far as the food relationship part, I'm gonna tell you something right now, this is just, well let me ask you this, do you plan on being a professional boxer or is this something you just do for fun? It's one of those things that's like, do I kind of want to make that sacrifice? And I have those like self-talks, those like meditative moments where I've just like telling myself, this is what I want to do, involve my life around even if you know, who knows outcome is it's like, I do involve my life around even if you know, who knows outcome is it's like,
Starting point is 01:26:05 like we have one life to live some lives while shoot or something. I look, I get that. How old are you Josh? 21. About a team, 22 next month. Yeah, I get it. Okay, so look, here's a deal.
Starting point is 01:26:17 I'm not gonna preach to you, okay, but here's what you're going into. Some of the hardest people I've ever had to work with were people who competed at weight class sports, wrestlers, boxers, really hard because to compete, you know, there's healthy and then there's performance. To do really well in sports where you have to make a particular weight. You are totally gonna eat and you're gonna work on building a relationship of food that is not healthy. But it's one that's gonna help you perform.
Starting point is 01:26:53 So it's like cut and the gain afterwards. And then I'm in competition, so now I'm eating strict. Now I'm not in competition. I can eat a lot more. That's gonna be really hard to break later on. But look, I also understand this you're young, you love boxing. There's also quality of life.
Starting point is 01:27:08 I'm not gonna tell you not to do it. I mean, this sounds like it's something you really enjoy. But just know that the whole like, how do I deal with the weight gain after part? Right now it just means signing up for another competition, that's it. But later on, this is gonna be something you're gonna have to work on.
Starting point is 01:27:22 You're not gonna work on it now, in other words. We're not to be able to work on food relationship now, aside from being within 10 pounds of the weight that you're going to fight at, that's the best possible thing. Other than that, I mean, this is high performance now. We're talking about high level athletics. It's not longevity-based nutrition, stuff like that. That's a totally different conversation. Right, and I know what's saying my relationship around food is pretty healthy.
Starting point is 01:27:47 Like, I don't feel like I need to eat this way. I choose to eat, you know, these whole food or gang, grass, or whatever. I choose to do that. Okay. It makes me happy. And just real quick, for protein wise, would you suggest still that gram of protein per pound
Starting point is 01:28:03 and body weight like, I may walk around with a 40 40 hours to 145 or more? Yeah, no, I would go a gram. I think you're fine with the gram awesome. Yep. Yep I will thank you all so much and it's funny because I want to start listening to podcasts I always listen to Joe Rogan like just Joe Rogan just Joe Rogan now. It's just all my Hey, well, Josh circle back circle back with us, bro. I like to in fact let's I'm gonna have Doug it's just all my phone. Hey, well, Josh, circle back with us, bro. I like to, in fact, let's, I'm gonna have Doug put you in our private forum.
Starting point is 01:28:30 Cause I've actually been wanting to go in there. Yeah, yeah. So I'm gonna have Doug throw you the private forum for free so we can keep tabs on you and just keep us, but whenever you talk in there, tag us, let us know how the training's going, inform us on the diet, and so like that. There's a lot of other coaches and trainers in there too.
Starting point is 01:28:44 So we'll just love to hear your progress and see if we can help anywhere we can. Awesome, thank you all so much. You got it, bro. Good luck, bro. Yeah, Xboxers are notoriously obese after they stop fighting, because you're so conditioned to train
Starting point is 01:29:03 and be strict for specific ways. Is it the way it cuts? Is that anymore? Because I would think that I had that experience with almost all athletes. It is, especially football players. Especially football players. Like football players used to eat like,
Starting point is 01:29:17 eat like horses and they're used to training like horses. And because the energy expenditure, they'll never be able to replicate that. No. You know like regular lives. That one here 40. It's true for all sports, that's 100%. But when you're in football, you don't really have a wake-up.
Starting point is 01:29:33 No, you're right, because you know, MMA is extremely difficult. Boxing, wrestling, you have to not only do eat like a beast, you also cut like a- Nobody lives at the weight, or anywhere near the weight that they compete at when they wrestle or do boxing, nobody. It's like, lives at the weight or anywhere near the weight that they compete at when they wrestle or do boxing. Nobody.
Starting point is 01:29:47 It's like, look at all the, look at these MMA guys when they stop. They're like 40 pounds heavier. I will say though, okay. It sounds like this kid's got a good head on the shoulder. He does, I mean, it sounds like he's into like the health aspect of it. And I really felt like that's where this question
Starting point is 01:30:00 was coming from. I don't think it was like, hey guys, I need to get shredded. What do I do? Do what I already do? He's like, hey, I want to be healthy. Yeah, I don't, it was like, hey guys, I need to get shredded. What do I do, what I already do? He's like, hey, I want to be healthy. Yeah, I mean, what's the performance? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:30:09 So I mean, he's asking the right questions. Sounds like he's eating pretty damn well. He's got a good relationship. He's already questioning, do I want to do this forever? I like this idea. I like to hear his progress. I do think you guys, yeah, Naila, it's just really as close as we can get,
Starting point is 01:30:23 within that under 10 pound kind of mark. because like if you're living in that body, you're competing, like and practicing with that body, you're going to be the most effective. It's these drastic ones that I'm like super worried. You know, I know that, and obviously if anyone has a boxer or a fighter is going to cringe when I say this, but because there is no real comparison to boxing and competing on stage, but I will say this. You know, you gotta laugh right now. You're gonna get it out.
Starting point is 01:30:50 Cause you know, so it's gonna be like so offended that how dare I could dare those real athletes. The dining. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, it makes the ex-fun. You know that, right? Oh, yeah, I know what it's like. Sometimes I get a stage of flaky. No, no, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:31:02 I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm done, we're done. We're done. With dining aspect, you know, one of the things. It's this part, yeah, I get a stage of flesh. No, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. That's a good idea. We're done. We're done. With dieting aspect, you know, one of the things that's this part, yeah, you got nowhere to go.
Starting point is 01:31:10 So, you know, I took a lot of pride in the ability to really beat, quote unquote, healthy all the way up to like the last two to three weeks, that's it. And I really think that if you, you know, your body is resilient as fuck. So an extremely low calorie diet and high energy and so that for two weeks. Especially if you go into a healthy. Yes. Is not detrimental. Where people get in trouble is these extreme diets and extreme training for extended period of time and then running it back and back and back.
Starting point is 01:31:41 All these fighters will try and cut 20 pounds, 20 pounds in like a week. That's what I'm saying. And so I think if you can do it and be in a real, and the way, so where I'm trying to go with the parallels to the competing is, I never let myself between shows get way out of control. Yeah, where would you win the OFCs in 12% body fat, mate? Yeah, no, you're not even 10. Not even.
Starting point is 01:32:00 Yeah, I would hover around 9, 10%. Most people are like, oh, OFCs in 18% body fat. Yeah, no, I'd hover around 9, 10%, people are like oh offseason 18% body Yeah, I'd hover around 9 10% and then I cut down to like four. Yeah, that's great And I would do it. Yes, slowly do it and really the the cutting or the hard you know Cardio and so that didn't even get involved until last two three weeks. You know, it's interesting about this I said this you know what to him But it really is true that there's like a body fat percentage that you'll perform your best at, and it's not shredded. It's not, it's usually not shredded.
Starting point is 01:32:29 Some people it is, but for a lot of people it isn't, where they get too lean. The leader is the best example. Yeah, we quirm here or whatever, like these guys are like, you know, and those are more extreme examples, but I've never worked with anybody. I actually think you perform great and less than 10% by now. Yeah, I think that's more rare.
Starting point is 01:32:43 I think it's an anomaly when you see these both on the the football feels like We always highlight those people right? Yeah, because they look like covers of magazines and they are crazy performers But they're such an anomaly to be able to keep that lean. I would say the body fat percentage for athletes That's generally good is like 13 to 15 percent. Yeah, maybe even a little higher. It's typically what you'll find. Our next color is Jeanette from Nevada. Hi Jeanette, how can we help you? Jeanette, did this patient survive?
Starting point is 01:33:11 They're doing great. Okay. Yes. Sorry, I am at work. I dipped out for a break so I could do this with you guys. I do work in surgery. Oh, that was just awesome. Well, thank you.
Starting point is 01:33:23 Yeah. Keep pressure on me. Thanks for having me. I'm super stoked to be here. Actually, like, super fan girling incredibly nervous. So thanks for having me, you guys. Awesome. Alright. So my question was, I am a newer nutrition coach. I've been in the health and fitness space and I work in medicine. I've done that for a decade now, but newer in the nutrition space and I have a couple of my nutrition clients that are motocross athletes.
Starting point is 01:33:53 And my question was, is I have one of them particular that is really struggling with arm pumps about three quarters of the way through his moto. So I had told him to up his sodium intake and electrolytes. And he said he'd alleviated it in the round two section of it. He didn't have his severe of arm pump. So I was just wondering is there like a nutrition aspect for feeling his body and to mitigate that? So I got, I remember the first time I had a client. We actually used the motor crosses in example.
Starting point is 01:34:28 We did. I had a client exactly same and he came to me and said, hey, my arms get really pumpable and racing. Is there anything you could do to prevent that? It's a problem. I've never had anybody, I've had people ask me the opposite where they want a better pump. So I wouldn't do anything with the diet
Starting point is 01:34:43 to prevent the pump because training. Yeah, it's all about the training because the pump is actually a good sign. It means you're hydrated. It means everything's working well. What you want to do to prevent that pump from getting the way is he wants to do a lot of frequent exercise with his hands and forearms on a daily basis. Rice buckets. So like, it. Just throughout the day. All day. And what'll happen? He'll build lots of stamina and he won't get he won't get the pump. I love the idea of getting one of those five gallon buckets and filling it with rice and having it at his house or somewhere where he's or just gets in there for a few minutes, works it, squeezes,
Starting point is 01:35:21 flexes, wrists around and then comes back back just all day long all the time. Yeah, with a low intensity. So he's not going in there like getting a workout. He's just keeping him active and moving throughout the day because otherwise he'll over train very quickly. That'll be the best way. And then nutrition wise, I wouldn't do anything to prevent a pump with nutrition
Starting point is 01:35:39 because whatever you do with nutrition, to prevent a pump is going to probably not be good. It'll probably prevent performance or reduce performance. Yeah, it'd make him a low calorie. Yeah, he prevent a pump is gonna probably not be good. It'll probably prevent performance, or reduce performance. Yeah, it'd make him a low calorie. Yeah, you'd be low calorie and probably not. Low carb or something. Yeah, we don't want to do that.
Starting point is 01:35:51 Yeah, we don't do that. He's racing. Okay, so he kind of, like, he doesn't like to eat the day he races. He said it sits like, you know, you're a nerd to get kind of nervous and it sits too heavy and is gut. So like the night prior to, can you do like,
Starting point is 01:36:06 you would do like with endurance athletes and like, carb load him incredibly and and some sodium? Or am I off on that? No, that's totally fine, but here's the caveat is you, first off, I would only do something he's done before and he knows he responds well too. Because sometimes, what people will do is the day before a competition, they're like, oh my God, I got a car bloating,
Starting point is 01:36:28 I got whatever. And then they get... The big bonk. Yeah, or they have gastro distress, right? They'll get diarrhea or bloating and then that reduces their performance. So it's got to be easily digestible foods and something he's done before that he feels good,
Starting point is 01:36:43 that he'll feel good the day after. I mean, there is, so here's a thing, this is where we have this challenge, that you have an athlete who's been eating a certain way for performance, and if we manipulate too much nutrition just to not get the pump, we end up affecting his overall performance because now it's energy sucks or whatever.
Starting point is 01:37:04 But I mean, there are some benefits to a moderate protein high fat low carbohydrate type of diet where he's running off the ketones versus being all full of carbohydrates. I mean, you have like someone like an endurance athlete like our friend, what's his face who? Zach Bitter. Yeah, who's Zach Bitter, who runs like a ketogenic diet
Starting point is 01:37:23 and then on the race day, he's. I wouldn't do that with motor problems. I mean, I would, I wouldn't, because this person has it, but if he and the off season had trained himself to get into ketosis more, there are some, I mean, one of the benefits of the high fat and low carb type of a diet is you are flat. You don't pump up as much.
Starting point is 01:37:46 So with performance, the performance that you get from running off ketones is really good for low level, constant, steady state type of activity. Motorcross is, yes, lots of endurance stamina, but there's a lot of explosive components. So to me, the point I'm trying to make right now is that there might be a happy medium for this person, right? So he may be used to running a high carb diet and now he moves to a moderate and a higher fat and protein, which less carbohydrates in him is going to be less water retention. That's just a fact, which will result in potential.
Starting point is 01:38:24 But the challenge that we have, and this is just me talking out loud between these guys right now is that, you have an athlete who's been used to eating a certain way and performing, we manipulate too much of that, just so we don't get a pump. So you just get a pump,
Starting point is 01:38:36 but then it's riding sucks because he has no energy. I mean, basically, Jeanette, whatever you do with this person, you're gonna wanna practice before competition. I do it around. Yeah, because you do with this person, you're going to want to practice before competition down around. Yeah, because you don't want him to develop any gastro issues or, you know, like, oh, I fueled up, but then I also gained four pounds of water, and I'm stronger, but now I'm
Starting point is 01:38:56 carrying four more pounds where, you know, when you're doing motocross, like, there's just, it's about strength to weight ratio. It's not just about strength. You can get stronger, but if you get heavier, then it negates it or might even be detrimental. Remember, there's only a amount of horsepower and performance that the motorcycle can produce. And if you get heavier and stronger,
Starting point is 01:39:16 but now you're heavier, now you're not gonna go as fast or be able to perform as well. That was part of what he was kind of concerned about is because when he came to me, we started at 175 and I had him high protein. If he was like 1.12 per pound per body weight on protein, and then I put him at a high carb with a moderate fat, and he's up to 181 pounds now, but he's super lean because he's, you know, he's resisted, training, he's putting those laps down on the track. So yes, I think his lean muscle mass definitely
Starting point is 01:39:48 increased, but. Does he feel better? Does he feel, is he performing better? Or is he saying he's performing worse? No, he said he's performing like his endurance like to be out on the track to rent a 20 minute practice moto. Like he said, he feels good.
Starting point is 01:40:04 And it's just like race day, he starts with the arm pump stuff. So that was, that I didn't know if it was a nutrition manipulation or a training thing to focus on. Training, yeah, training would be the main direction. It doesn't mean that you can't play a little bit with this car. How high are the grams of carbs in a day, do you know?
Starting point is 01:40:22 355 right now. Oh, yeah, you could bring that down. Yeah, he could bring that down. Yeah, he could bring that down. You could bring that down to 250. Yeah, exactly. So running like on a carb cycle, going in a couple days before. No, not necessarily.
Starting point is 01:40:31 Just bring him down to it, and bring his fats up, and bring his carbs down a little bit. Yeah. That'll, he'll lose a little bit of water by doing that. Yeah, and that might help a little. Yeah, so we don't have to go drastic one way or the other.
Starting point is 01:40:41 And that's what I was looking for was if he's that high a carb, he could easily, and how long are these races 20 minutes scale it like practice motors are 20 minutes long and then usually like a regular moto depending on laps you're gonna run 15 almost 20 minutes oh yeah he could cut 50 to 100 grams of carbs and but test it though test it out get feedback yes because there's there's a lot of individual variants when it comes to performance. But they're okay. Get that rice bucket. Go. Yeah. So but lots of lots of frequent, you know, exercise for the forearms, the biceps, the arms.
Starting point is 01:41:16 You're not looking for too much hypertrophy. What you want is incredible stamina. If he's suffering from the arm pumps while he's while he's racing. if he's suffering from the arm pumps while he's racing. Have you guys ever seen, I can't remember the name of it, it's like this little rubber bar, like sometimes people have utilized it for like the tennis elbow, golfers elbow thing to help with that, to alleviate that trisific stinsured tendon. Is it this here that rotates?
Starting point is 01:41:41 Yeah. Yeah, yeah, that's fine too, but you know what I've noticed that helps with people like this the most. So that's a good exercise. But if he has inflammation at the insertion points up here by the elbow, I have never done anything that works better than really deep tissue massage on those areas. I would add doing the risk cars from our Maps Prime Pro.
Starting point is 01:42:02 Do you have Maps Prime Pro? I have Maps Prime, not prime pro. I'm gonna send you prime pro for free. And then utilizing the risk cars in there will be beneficial to him also. Okay, that's good, that's good. Yep. All right, thanks guys.
Starting point is 01:42:19 You got it. All right, go back to saving some lives there, huh? Yeah. Thanks for having me. You guys guys keep my mind fed with all your information and highly entertained because I have to commute two hours to my job I don't live in this same city that I work in so you guys Those road trips back and forth to work you guys super keep me entertained and my brain fed and Going so thank you for what you guys do.
Starting point is 01:42:45 Well, thanks for bringing this along the ride. Thank you. Yeah, thanks guys. Have a good day. You do. Man, I remember that when I got that client, I was so like confused. And yeah, when she said, I was like, that's so funny.
Starting point is 01:42:55 You've actually told a story about a motocross client. Yeah, that's a perfect example of when it totally is a detriment to performance. Yeah, you know, you see that with, I said, do that with judo guys. You guys, I had a guy just like gives way. I had a guy who played the guitar. That became a problem. Yes.
Starting point is 01:43:13 And you told me about the same thing, right? Or your hands just freeze up. Yeah, it's a free side. I actually lost the pick because I just had such a crazy pump. That sucks. Because when you're lifting weights to build muscle, that's what you want. Exactly. You want to get so pumped, you can barely move. So, you know, it's interesting. But yeah, it's, you know, when you're lifting weights to build muscle, that's what you want. You want to get so pumped, you can barely move.
Starting point is 01:43:25 So, you know, it's interesting. But yeah, it's, you know, when you're working with people like this, you have to test it out. I made this mistake. So many times, I feel so bad. Oh, the day before, we're gonna get all these carbs. We're gonna do this. We're gonna do that.
Starting point is 01:43:37 And then the day after, they're like, I feel like garbage. You know, that was, you know, one of the things I hated about the ketogenic diet, we talked about it. If you go back far enough on the show, when we all went through it, one of the things I hated about the ketogenic diet, we talked about it when if you go back far enough on the show, when we all went through it, one of the things I hated was the never getting a pump. Yeah, that was one of the downfalls of actually running the ketogenic diet was, man, every workout I felt flat.
Starting point is 01:43:57 So I do think there's room for someone who's only 180 pounds eating 350 grams of carbs. I bet you go down to 25. I think you can at least go down to that and be fine and totally be fine. Still have plenty. So especially because of 20 minute ride. Yeah, so the combination of that
Starting point is 01:44:11 with the frequency of the strength training stuff with like the rice buckets and then also doing risk cars, I think that those three things I think could help them out. Awesome. Look, if you like MindPump, head over to MindPumpFree.com
Starting point is 01:44:23 and check out our guides. We have free guides that can help you with all kinds of health and fitness stuff. You can also find us on Instagram. Justin is at Mind Pump Justin. I am at Mind Pump, De Stefano and Adam is at Mind Pump Adam. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at MindPumpMedia.com. The RGB Superbundle
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Starting point is 01:45:28 If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing MindPump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support. And until next time, this is MindPump. This is Mindbomb.

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