Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 2056: What to Do If You Struggle to Eat Right for Your Body, the Importance of Hitting Calorie AND Protein Targets, What Being Thirsty All the Time May Mean & More (Listener Live Coaching)

Episode Date: April 19, 2023

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Mind Pump Fit Tip: One of the MOST effective interventions you can find on the legal open market to help manage in...flammation, anxiety, improve sleep, and even reduce your risk of cancer are cannabinoids. (2:26) The ‘Love is Blind’ experiment. (21:02) What industries will A.I. disrupt the most? (34:11) Creating the “perfect” political candidate. (43:07) The deepest hole on Earth. (50:16) Adam’s rib scale. (56:43) Shout out to Ted Munz Mosaic. (59:01) #ListenerLive question #1 - What is the best way to go about my nutrition regimen, continue the endurance training that I love, and not lose muscle mass and strength? (59:51) #ListenerLive question #2 - I am one of those trainers who take better care of my clients than myself. I want to lean out and I just can’t seem to do it. What am I missing? (1:13:00) #ListenerLive question #3 - I am drinking 3-4 gallons of water and still feel thirsty. Any ideas about what’s going on? (1:29:05) #ListenerLive question #4 - If I’m over on my protein every day but just under on my calories, what kind of effect will that have on my performance goal and in preparation for this combine? (1:35:28) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit NED for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! Visit Butcher Box for this month’s exclusive Mind Pump offer! April Promotion: MAPS Anabolic or MAPS Split 50% off! **Code APRIL50 at checkout** The effects of cannabinoids on glioblastoma growth: A systematic review with meta-analysis of animal model studies 1974 STUDY: ANTINEOPLASTIC ACTIVITY OF CANNABINOIDS Watch Love Is Blind | Netflix Official Site Evolution: Library: Sweaty T-Shirts and Human Mate Choice - PBS Deepfake porn could be a growing problem amid AI race The deepest hole we have ever dug - BBC Future Hollow Earth - Wikipedia Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout** MAPS Cardio Mind Pump #1705: How To Stick To Your Diet For a limited time only, Mind Pump listeners get a free LMNT Sample Pack with any purchase: Visit DrinkLMNT.com/MindPump MAPS Fitness Prime Pro Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Ben Greenfield (@bengreenfieldfitness) Instagram 𝗧𝗲𝗱 𝗠𝘂𝗻𝘇 𝗠𝗼𝘀𝗮𝗶𝗰 ™ (@tedmunzmosaicart) Instagram  

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mite, hop, mite, hop with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. You just found the most downloaded fitness health entertainment podcast in history in fitness. This is Mind Pump. Alright, in today's episode, we answered live questions, but this was after an intro portion. That was about 53 minutes long. So we're talking about current events,
Starting point is 00:00:27 scientific studies around fitness. We talk about our lives. We make jokes. It's a good time. Also, if you want to fast forward to your favorite part, check the show notes, click on the link to your favorite part. Also, you want to be on an episode like this one, where we can help you out live on air.
Starting point is 00:00:42 Email your question to live at minpumpmedia.com. Now this episode is brought to you by some sponsors. The first one is Ned. They make hemp oil extracts full spectrum. They give you CBD and other cannabinoids to help you with things like anxiety, sleep, and inflammation. By the way, this is the only CBD product I've ever taken, they actually feel.
Starting point is 00:01:00 Try it out for yourself. You'll feel it about an hour later. Go to helloned.com, that's H-E-L-O-N-E-D.com forward slash Mind Pump. Use the code Mind Pump for 15% off. This episode is also brought to you by Butcherbox. This company delivers grass-fed meats, wild-caught fish to your door, eliminate middlemen,
Starting point is 00:01:19 get better prices, get better quality meat. For those of you who like eating meat for the protein and the nutrients, it's a great company. Go check them out. By the way, right now, if you sign up, you get free chicken thighs for a year and $20 off your first box. It's a crazy, crazy deal.
Starting point is 00:01:34 Head over to butcherbox.com forward slash mind pump. We also are running a sale on two workout programs. We put them both 50% off. The first one is Maps and Obolic, and the second one is Maps Split. If you're interested in either one or both of them, just go to mapsfitinusproducts.com and then use the code April 50 for that discount.
Starting point is 00:01:54 All right, here comes a show. T-shirt time! And it's T-shirt time! Ah, shit, you know it's my favorite time of the week. We have three winners this week, two for Apple podcasts, one for Facebook, the Apple podcasts winners are Kitty 103010 and Lester Martini. And for Facebook, we have Anna Raybeen. All three of you are winners and the name I just read to iTunes at MindPumpMedia.com
Starting point is 00:02:22 include your shirt size and your shipping address. And we'll get that shirt right out to you. One of the most effective interventions you can find on the market, on the legal open market, to help manage inflammation, anxiety, improve sleep, and even potentially reduce your risk of cancer are cannabinoids. That's right, cannabinoids now have mounting evidence that they produce some pretty incredible effects in the body. Here's the challenge. When you buy cannabinoid-based products,
Starting point is 00:02:52 like CBD oils, for example, or hemp oil products, they're not regulated. And oftentimes you're not getting efficacious doses. That being said, when you do find a good brand, this stuff has medicinal effective properties. It's pretty amazing stuff, especially now that you're looking at the science that's coming out.
Starting point is 00:03:12 So this was something I read about a lot, a lot, a lot, back in the day. Adam, you remember, this is how you and I first got, even before we started Mind Pump, you and I connected over this. I had a family member, someone very, very close to me. This was probably, I want to say nine or 10 years ago now, who was battling terminal cancer.
Starting point is 00:03:34 And it was terminal, Dr. Tolde was his terminal. It was this type of stomach cancer that had like the survival rate was like 3%. And there was nothing available to help. So I scoured the internet for animal studies on anything that could potentially do anything at all. I was desperate. And I would stay up all night reading. And then I found research on cannabinoids. There was this one study that was done on rats
Starting point is 00:04:00 with multi-form glial blastoma. So I think it's a type of brain cancer, hope I'm pronouncing it right. And a Spanish researcher exposed the mice to high doses of cannabinoids, THD in particular, and their survival rate went through the roof. And this just promoted all these other studies on cancer cells.
Starting point is 00:04:21 And then I found the old study, 1974's government study on cannabis where they were trying to link it to lung cancer. They actually halted the study because they saw that it might have a reverse effect. So like, we don't want this to get out. Was it the 70s? They stopped all this research. Well, when it became, yes, when the war on drugs really kicked up and they classified it as a, what's that? There's like schedule one. Schedule one. Yeah. You could, it was so almost impossible to study. For anything other than its potential negative effects, right? So it was impossible.
Starting point is 00:04:50 But it's pretty remarkable. And so as I went down this rabbit hole, trying to help my family member and all that, I learned about the endocannabinoid system, that's our body's natural cannabinoid system. So we produce cannabinoids that are similar to the ones found in the hemp plant or in the, for example, the marijuana plant. And we have these receptors that cannabinoids attach to that are some of the most abundant receptors in the
Starting point is 00:05:16 body. They're like everywhere. And then I start learning about their function. And one of the functions of these receptors is to produce a balance. Homeostasis, I've heard it being compared to like a dimmer on a light switch. So you'll see studies where people have an immune system that's overactive and it helps bring it down. And then other studies where people have an underactive immune system where it brings it up. It doesn't block inflammation like NSAIDs do. And there's some negative effects of that, right? If you take too many NSAIDs, joints start to break down, muscle recover slows down. You start, you start to see injury risk increase because you need some inflammation as a signaling process.
Starting point is 00:05:56 But it doesn't block inflammation. It modulates it. It just makes it more balanced and appropriate. Same thing with sleep and anxiety and all these other things. So really remarkable stuff. And you can THC is the most widely known cannabinoid. That's the one that is abused that has these kind of effects on our psyche. There may be some benefits there. But it's all these other cannabinoids that don't make you high that have also some pretty incredible. So you can literally use these cannabinoids, not get high, be like totally fine, maybe just feel more relaxed or a little bit better, but get all these pretty amazing benefits.
Starting point is 00:06:35 Now, how do you reconcile, you know, the point where there was hardly any studies around this, and then all of a sudden, it becomes popular. And now, tons of stuff is getting researched around this. And there's tons of advertising and marketing around all these different benefits that does. How do you sift through all the different things that it supposedly can do for our body that's positive? And know what to take is like, oh,
Starting point is 00:07:05 that's, that's of real value right there. Right. Because, you know, this is the hard part about our space is that we tend to do this. We've done this with branch chain. I mean, you know, as is, I've seen a done with creatine, I've seen a done with protein powder, I've seen a done with anything that shows that it has some weight. Like, oh, there's some value there. And then as soon as the market recognizes that there, it's, it has some weight. Like, oh, there's some value there. And then as soon as the market recognizes
Starting point is 00:07:27 that it is marketable. And they go crazy. And they go crazy. And then so how do you, as somebody who loves to read all the research and stuff on all these things, sift through that and go like, okay, yeah, does that, but it's like, you know, I'm not gonna take it for those reasons because let's be honest.
Starting point is 00:07:42 No, you're right, because you had CBD shampoo, CBD- Right, these socks, like, just super- Just super- I mean, it just got, and then on top of it, because it's an unregulated space,
Starting point is 00:07:52 does it have CBD? Does it not? What about the other cannabinoids? Probably not. There's like this wide range of products on the market where you could take something, and here's what happens, oftentimes with things like you're saying Adam,
Starting point is 00:08:05 is there'd be like, oh, this is really, this really works. But then the market is flooded with a bunch of fake stuff. People try it, like it never worked for me. It doesn't work. But to your question, there's a couple of things that I look at. One is when there's something new and there just aren't, isn't a lot of studies behind it.
Starting point is 00:08:23 First I look at old anecdote. Like, okay, what if people have been saying for a long time, and then can I find any studies to support this at all? Are there cultures that have implemented this for, you know, hundreds of years? Yeah, so like cannabinoids for, you know, culturally in different populations, anecdotally, has been widely used for what? Anxiety, sleep, and pain. Those are the most common appetite and also appetite stimulation in some-
Starting point is 00:08:52 So creativity in there? Yeah, well, and then yeah, there's lots of anecdote with creativity, right? Some people will say it makes them more creative. So I would go there, and then I would look at studies to kind of support that. But then if I'm just looking at studies, I want to see, do we have more than one study supporting the same thing?
Starting point is 00:09:09 Do we understand the mechanisms? And then let's take it from there. But the things that I just listed, like pain modulation, we have a lot of evidence now to show that it probably, these cannabinoids probably help quite a bit, through the way that we experience pain, which is interesting. It's different than your traditional painkiller. So it's like you use cannabinoids and you get like this strong painkiller effect. You just tend to notice the pain less and in combination with painkillers, for example, there's some studies that show that people that use cannabinoids, non-THC cannabinoids,
Starting point is 00:09:45 along with opiates, use less opiates, and they get the same kind of benefit. Sleep, anxiety, it's got end-geolithic effects, there's a lot of evidence that's showing stuff like that. And then there's some interesting stuff that's out there. There's a lot of cannabinoids, right? There's one called CBC. I think it's cannabis chromine, I think it's the full name. That has been shown in studies to stimulate
Starting point is 00:10:08 the growth of brain cells, which is pretty cool. All of them have anti-very interesting antibacterial properties. In fact, I think CBG has been shown to have anti, what's that one bacterial infection you can get in your skin is called MRSA. That you can get, it's like resistant to antibiotics and it's really, really bad. They're examining it and looking at it because it seems to have this effect where it stops it or it kills it. So, I mean bone building effects in some studies. I think that, and back in the day when I was reading about this,
Starting point is 00:10:47 I ended up buying, there was a company that was researching CBD, and you couldn't even buy shares of it on the stock market. You had to buy what's called, Ping Sheets, because it was so new and whatever. And I remember I bought $9 a share because I was reading all the stuff and I'm like Oh, this this is gonna be huge. I eventually sold for like a hundred fifty dollars a share
Starting point is 00:11:08 Wow because the research is just keeps compiling That's so interesting to me about the research is that it's it's complimentary to a lot of medicine and a lot of things that People are taking anyways, and so like you said like a dimmer sort of of effect, like if you're getting too strong of a response, it'll help to kind of bring that down. If you're getting too low of a response, it'll kind of raise that up. And before that, it was like, what, you just had symptoms
Starting point is 00:11:34 and you're trying to treat the symptoms with this concentrated pharmaceutical, which then you'd have the opposite effect of that if you have the side effects. And so it's like, you know, it's an interesting one that kind of wedges in between both of those. And I know like fungus and mushrooms
Starting point is 00:11:49 kind of have an interesting adaptogenic kind of property to them as well. But it is. It's like it's one of those, you could just throw it on top of a cocktail of things and it doesn't seem to have like a negative effect. Like Eastern medicine like practitioners that utilize cannabis, you know? Are you familiar with effect? Like Eastern medicine like practitioners
Starting point is 00:12:05 that utilize cannabis? Are you familiar with that? Yeah, no. Cannabis would, there's some history there, but Middle East is where you'll see certain things. Like the, you know, what do they call the Afghani strains? Yeah. They were native to those areas.
Starting point is 00:12:20 Well, in India, they had a bunch of gurus with I think using spiritual practice. You know what's funny is that because one of the cannabinoids got us high, THC, and really, you have to heat it up in order for that to happen. That's why you light it. It's called decarboxylization. So you heat it up and then it becomes active. That's why you cook it or you smoke it. And of course, that's what got celebrated the most. Everything else got ignored. And then we ended up breeding the plants that have like, because what happens is all the cannabinoids have to be, you can't have 100% of each cannabinoids. It's like a balance, right? And so we bump
Starting point is 00:12:58 up the THC like crazy and it reduces all the other cannabinoids. So the cannabis, like the actual marijuana that people use now, is been bred to just make you high. Whereas if you go back a thousand years, it would have been way more balanced than different. Yeah, and you get more of the potential adverse effects from it, which I think one of the best pieces of advice that you ever shared that I took and applied.
Starting point is 00:13:24 And of course, there's been times where I've been inconsistent and not, which helps me really like measure like, oh wow, what a difference this makes. And that was simply bumping up the CBD with the THC. Because of that, we've bred these plants to be so high in THC, that's not how it was naturally found in nature.
Starting point is 00:13:44 We've bred them to get to that point. And like we always tend to do with stuff like, oh, more is better, right? So let's push it, push the limits. And I find if I smoke a really strong THC or eat really strong THC strain, and I in the CBD is low, I tend to get some of the adverse effects headaches, insomnia, hang over the next day, I don't feel the same way. If I just level that out, or like what I'll do, I'll take the net full spectrum, if I take a dropper full of that, with me smoking one of the strains that I have that I totally mitigates all that stuff.
Starting point is 00:14:21 Yeah, and the other thing I want to communicate to people, because that's 100% true. In fact, there's studies that show the memory loss effects, which are real from THC, right? Like abuse of THC is not good. That just be clear. It's not good for your brain. It's not good for your body. It's got addictive properties like anything that can be real enjoyable. You can get withdrawal when you go off of it.
Starting point is 00:14:41 So it's got classic potential properties for abuse, although I mean, compared to other substances, it's fairly safe compared to a lot of other commonly used substances like alcohol. But nonetheless, if you use CBD with it, studies will show that the memory loss effects become way less. You just don't get as much of that. Like, oh, I have that short-term memory loss type of thing. But one thing I do want to say to people is people have been conditioned because the market has been flooded with so much garbage that if they're going to take a product that they're going to be like, well, I don't feel it, but I think it's working. No, if you use a real full spectrum hemp oil or hemp-based cannabinoid product, not THC. I'm not talking about marijuana, I'm talking about legal,
Starting point is 00:15:29 legal cannabinoids, so the THC's so low that it's totally legal. You should still feel it, and you're not gonna get high, but if you take it an hour or an hour and a half later, you should feel something, you should feel like, wow, I feel calmer. Calming effect. I feel better, I feel something. You should feel like, wow, I feel calmer. Calming effect. I feel better. I feel a little bit of euphoria.
Starting point is 00:15:48 I'm kind of in a good mood. If you take something and you don't feel it, people are like conditioned to be like, oh, it's because it's not psychoactive. Yeah, it's not psychoactive, but you should feel something. So if you take something and you don't feel it, either your dose is too low or more likely it's garbage. It's not the real deal.
Starting point is 00:16:06 In fact, they've done, and this is just the supplement industry at large, they'll take supplements and they'll study them and find that seven out of 10 of them are totally off of what the label says, seven out of 10. I bet you if you took CBD products and you took a bunch of them and you tested. So I bet it would be most, if not all, 100%.
Starting point is 00:16:27 Well, at the very minimum, you'd find a bunch of other, you know, crap in there too. I mean, you would see them pixie dusting, you would see them, you would see them like, just like some oil in there or something. Yeah, just the process to get it down to that too. Like there, I mean, you could do a really clean, good job and then you could do like a real bang up,
Starting point is 00:16:43 shitty job to get to that point too And if it's not being regulated and then why would you waste your time on all these other processes that make it you know more pure and better It's like only you got to have some serious integrity in order to do that And I think the price point normally reflects that right the the people that are going through these extra steps To make sure that it's really really good in top notch these extra steps to make sure that it's really, really good in top notch. They're getting it either tested by a third party, they're going through multiple processes
Starting point is 00:17:09 to get it down to the purest cleanest source, throwing out anything that's not that, and then they're bringing that product to market, but then they're gonna charge, right? What sucks is that when something like this happens, the market becomes incredibly competitive, and then what we end up doing is we start competing with price. And then you have people that would be like,
Starting point is 00:17:27 I can get that same thing for $15. It's not the same. It's the same thing. And so it's just like, well, yeah, that's because they didn't get a test. That's because they didn't go through all the purification process. Like, you know, you're, or they're pixie dusting, or they doesn't even have any of that shit in them.
Starting point is 00:17:40 It says it does. It's so, you know, buyer beware. You know, I'm. Another thing to consider too is that, and the evidence on this is compiling, they call it the entourage effect with cannabinoids, where if you just use CBD, you get some of these benefits.
Starting point is 00:17:54 If you just use another cannabinoid, you get some of the benefits. When you use them together, it's not one plus one equals two, it's like one plus one equals four. You get this multiplication effect. So whatever you use, you do, you wanna probably use something
Starting point is 00:18:08 that's what's called full spectrum. It's got everything in it. Do you remember that that was one of the biggest things that we, you were all excited about when we first met the guys over at Ned was, this, that wasn't popular yet. No. So when, the soon as like any sort of information came out
Starting point is 00:18:22 about CBD and it was legal, it was legal to sell it Everything I thought everybody just jumped on the CBD bandwagon like right away And I know you were always ahead of the curve because you had already been studying it yourself And you're just like no, it's better to be full spectrum and Ned was one of the first companies out in the entire market That was going that direction with full They understood so this was how long has it been now seven years close to that? It's been a while six years, so this was, how long has it been now, seven years? Close to that.
Starting point is 00:18:45 It's been about six years. So I mean, I went, I gotta, I mean, I gotta paint the context here, like paint the picture. You know, because somebody close to me was dying, I was obsessed with trying to find something that could help her. This was a very tough process. I'm an obsessive person anyway, but I literally, for a year, all I did was read about things that could help. And then when I stumbled upon cannabinoids, I went as deep as I possibly could on it. So I'm not a researcher, not a scientist, but companies would come to us trying to work
Starting point is 00:19:16 with them. We want to sell a CBD Pro, it was a hot thing on the market. And it was very disappointing talking to these people because I knew a lot more than them. I'd ask them a question about like, you know, what kind of terpenes are you? And they would even know what that was. Or what about, you know, CBN or CBG? They wouldn't even know what that was.
Starting point is 00:19:35 So when Ned approached us, I remember I was super skeptical and I'm like, first I said, no, I don't wanna work with any, any cannabinoid companies, they're all crap. And you know, Adam's like, well, no, these guys might be different. So, all right, let me get on the phone with these two guys and see what's going on.
Starting point is 00:19:49 And they knew, this was seven years ago and nobody was talking about any of this stuff. And we were going back and forth and I'm like, oh, these guys are legit. They know their stuff. And, I mean, look, I got half my family on, on Ned, half of them. And these are, these are aunts, uncles, grandparents, my parents. Like they just want things like, you know,
Starting point is 00:20:08 my dad's got arthritis and joint issues from working hard laborers' whole life. He takes one or two of the capsules every single night. And he's like, nothing's made me feel better consistently than this. I believe that's what Drew, was it Rhett that one of the owners to CBD and like researching it was somebody that was ill in his family, right?
Starting point is 00:20:29 This is mom or I don't remember exactly who, but yeah, it has this whole story behind it. And that was like the driving factors, finding something that actually had the right dosage and was concentrated with, you know, cannabinoids to help. Yep, yep, no, they had a personal story behind it. They got a farm.
Starting point is 00:20:46 I mean, they're all like, they're these, they're legit. They're the most legit people that we found in this particular space. Anyway, interesting stuff, very interesting science for all your nerds out there. Read about the endocannabinoid system because there's more medicine
Starting point is 00:20:59 and more applications to come. Yep, it's pretty cool stuff. So I had to had I had to Bring something up because I heard you say I don't know if we were on air or off air when we were talking about this But I felt that it's something that I would normally tease you about or make fun of you And I thought that I should I should admit that I that I've like been sucked into this too is that Katrina and I now have watched most of these love is blind episodes. Oh, from both the seasons. What a shitty and lacking show.
Starting point is 00:21:29 So last night, you know, obviously we're speedy cannabis. Like that's the transition here, right? I'm like, I'm smoking weed and I'm watching watch it love is blind with Katrina. I'm going like, why do we like to watch this? What is this shit show? It's such a terrible show.
Starting point is 00:21:43 It's the worst of humans. You know, and I mean, there's something about just the psychology of these people that are, you know, getting to know each other before they meet. And it just shows you what interesting creatures we are, right? Like 100%, there's something to be said about building and creating this, you know, non-superficial relationship, right? You can't see each other. It's nothing's physical attraction. It's purely about...
Starting point is 00:22:11 It's like authentic work for... Right. They're character and they're heart and they're morals and their values and the things that they're into because I can't see you. I'm literally just talking to you. So we should probably explain what like the print... So literally they're in these pods and they just, they can't see each other and they just talk. And I don't know what the process, how I think it's two weeks.
Starting point is 00:22:30 Yeah, it's a few weeks, but it's like power dating, right? So it's like every day all day long, they're power dating like like 20 different people. And if you make a strong connection enough to want to propose, then you propose to someone. Right, and that happens all the time. And then, you know, I think what I think are Katrina and I love to do is we love to to predict before that's what we do before I'm full.
Starting point is 00:22:52 It's like, oh no, that ain't happening. She's crazy. Yeah, yeah. He's insecure. Yeah, yeah. Right. And now the like a glass. The hard critique. The hard critique that I have about that show and in fact, for every reality show on television and it's unfortunate because I think reality TV started off with some, started off kind of cool. And then it's just really gone down the hill because it's turned into a fame chasers, right? So like a show is pure on its first season a lot of times. Like I felt this way about biggest loser.
Starting point is 00:23:21 I felt this way about real world. I feel this way about love is blind, where when it first is brand new and nobody even understands how the game is played or what's gonna really happen, and you're watching it for the first time, I think you get the purest version of it. And then what ends up happening
Starting point is 00:23:36 is a lot of these people just want attention. They go through the whole process to become famous online and TV and stuff like that. They just want to be on show. They peer into the formula of what's actually gonna get an air time. Like when, you know, if I am to try to make this happen and get engaged and all that,
Starting point is 00:23:52 that's gonna be a story now that's more likely to make the cut. 100%. Or just signing up in general. Like I'm a failed actor. I want to be on TV. I'm a center for the show. I'm a center for four reality shows.
Starting point is 00:24:01 That's right. In fact, there's a guy. I'm having a relationship, you know, too, like outside the show that they're coming on the show, pretending. So Katrina can't help herself when we watch these things, like she goes and like, she wants to find out where they're at now, right?
Starting point is 00:24:14 So she'll go Google them and read all the gossip online about them or whatever. And like, you know that one of the guys, this is like his second or third, like, dating marriage reality show. Okay, is it okay? Now this might be a sexist thing to say, but like, guys is this is like his second or third like dating marriage reality show. Okay. Now this might be a sexist thing to say, but like, is that like a, a female thing? Because Courtney, like, as we're watching the show, they have to like look up all the
Starting point is 00:24:34 bio and statistics, like the actors and actresses. I'm like, well, who cares? It is. It is. Women are more, they're more social. They build communities. They communicate more. They, they want to know what's going on. That was, that's, that, the theory behind that is, they're more social. They build communities, they communicate more. They wanna know what's going on.
Starting point is 00:24:46 That's the theory behind that is they stayed behind and they built the village while the guys were out and I thought, it's just funny, it's exactly what you do. So yeah, Jessica will do the same. Yeah, there was that joke like the CIA should just hire a bunch of, they'll find out. All the bios, they're like, all the stats, dude. Right here on the board.
Starting point is 00:25:03 What's going on? Yeah. No, it's funny to watch. It's actually a little depressing though because of how few of them actually work out. They really ever work out. I think like every season so far, like, it's all. It's so hard to, first of all, when we watch it, Jessica and I, so we watch it with my daughter.
Starting point is 00:25:17 She's 13. And so I've seen before what is she thinking about it. Well, before we put it on, I said to my daughter, I said, honey, I said, I just want you to know that when we watch this, we are the worst versions of ourselves as we're watching it. So you can hear me say a lot of stuff. I'm gonna sound like, you know, whatever.
Starting point is 00:25:34 I said, but it's pure garbage and that's, you know, so we turn on, entertainment. Yeah, so she jumps on board and does the same thing. We just, you know, kind of have a lot of fun. And every once in a while, I check myself, like, God, I'm being mean right now. Yeah. But, you know, it's, it's in a while, I check myself, like, God, I'm being mean right now. We're doing this. But, you know, it's such, you have to let yourself
Starting point is 00:25:49 fall into it, otherwise it's impossible to watch. Cause, first of all, who signs up for something like this to find a mate? Like, what kind of person does that? So there's that self-selection bias. So you're gonna have like a bunch of narcissists like weird people. Then on number two, oh, you fell in love over a two day period
Starting point is 00:26:07 and you proposed, like that's making a mockery at a marriage. Then you meet and then, oh my God, we're still so in love. Then they all meet together and almost every single one of them flirts with another person's, like me. And the cameras are recorded just like. That's where you're like, come on. Just get out of watch and we're like,
Starting point is 00:26:23 don't they know they're being recorded? Like why would he, like, everyone's gonna watch this after. I'm like, it's all fake. So I'll play Devils advocate a little bit with that, right? So I think that there is some, okay, how often do people in the real world swipe an app, pick somebody, go out to one day,
Starting point is 00:26:37 hang out with them and end up sleeping with them or they hang out. They don't get married. Well, yeah, they don't get, but there's that process, the actual marriage process, before they actually walked on the aisle They spend they spend the 14 days of hours and hours of communicating then they go on a one month Or no, excuse me a two week honey moon type of vacation then they go
Starting point is 00:26:58 30 days of living together and then they have I think a wedding six months later. So it's not like literally Is it six months later the moon? No, I think the wedding's no no, no, no I think, a wedding six months later. So it's not like literally. Is it six months later? No, I think the wedding's, no. No, no, no, no. Maybe not six. It's not even 30 days, bro. Remember when, no, it's, no, remember, there's an episode I just watched.
Starting point is 00:27:13 They were in the house living together and they met the parents. They had just met the parents of the person. Yeah, yeah. So when you guys get married, first off, the parents even know. So what kind of person? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:22 A lot of them tell their parents anything. Then the parents like, well, when you guys get married, oh, in two weeks. So it wasn't. It's not that long, dude. I think the whole process is maybe a couple of months. Max. Well, it's at least a couple of months
Starting point is 00:27:33 because there are two weeks in the pod, and I know for sure they have a house together for 30 days. So it's a minimum of two months. You also notice that first off, which we've seen, you've seen crazier people get proposed to and married. And my point of point, Devil's advocate is like, you got to give them some credit for that, that 14 days of power dating. I mean, hours and hours of uninterrupted one-on-one conversation
Starting point is 00:27:53 that's, that's pure. There's no touching sexual anything. It's just talking, getting to know, taking notes like, there's some, there's some, there's some interesting idea about that like, okay, like, you know, if you really discipline yourself to just pure into somebody's insights with no distraction of our sexual attraction, how deep and how much could I learn about somebody? Yeah, but I think so. I think that's interesting,
Starting point is 00:28:17 but I think the environment is so fake that you are, and I'm saying it now. Well, what I mean by fake is it's not the real world. I think if you took a bunch of people, you locked them in a situation, you said you're not doing anything but this, you're going to find fake connections and you're going to fall in fake love.
Starting point is 00:28:35 I really think more that's gonna happen, especially if you had alcohol, they're always drinking. You're all locked up, you're kind of like, I can't do anything else but this. So you're gonna like, oh my God, I think I love this person. And then you're going to amplify these feelings because you're supposed to. You're on this show. And then because you're probably insecure narcissists because you shine up. I actually think that you want the attention. I actually think the experiment. If it wasn't a reality show, wouldn't be as flawed. It's flawed because it's a
Starting point is 00:29:01 show. There's recordings. It's got a time frame, it's like people are gonna get famous off of it. So that completely taints the test. If these people chose that, I think they created a new dating app. No, I think I see. I mean, don't you agree though, that like the idea of if everybody was forced to get to know each other on a deep intimate personal level
Starting point is 00:29:26 about character values morals before the physical intimacy part came in that there would be probably a lot more successful relationship and marriage. Problem is because it's put on a show and there's cameras and there's people that have been doing these other shows and there's social media aspect to it.
Starting point is 00:29:47 There's this whole other, it completely taints the test. It's not a good study. It's not a true, like, no, because they keep control. What do you think of it as an experiment? Yeah, exactly. And it wasn't on television. It would be a really interesting experiment
Starting point is 00:30:00 to say, what if we did take these people and they weren't on television? No one got any fame out of it. And we actually just controlled a group of 100 people and watched this over the course of six months, what would happen? I bet it would be more successful. Pretty funny, because there's been spin-offs
Starting point is 00:30:13 of this concept. And yeah, there's lots of them. Yeah, there's one about, like, they would all wear these beast costumes. Oh, I saw this before. You see that? It's so weird. So they had like, they had like four suitors
Starting point is 00:30:22 or whatever, like, they would go on these, like, separate dates with, but they all had to wear these crazy weird. They had like four suitors or whatever. Like they would go on these like separate dates with, but they all had to wear these crazy costumes. Yeah, like they look like a moose or a... That's so butt-like. Yeah, it's super butt-like. Yeah, it's super butt-like. Right out there.
Starting point is 00:30:37 And so they were like deciding whoever had the best personality and then they gelled with the best. And then at the end they have to pick and it's like oh it's just so tough I don't know because like you have no idea what they look like and then then they take their mask off and then they show you who you got rid of and lots of the time it's like the hottest one they're like no. So that's my favorite part is the part that I like and I love to predict that like by just by looking and listening to these before they all meet of like I like a Trinidad go like I don't know watch when she sees that dude who she she said no to like I'm sorry
Starting point is 00:31:13 Dude but inflections of voice and like I can kind of I can kind of tell what type I don't know I feel like I'd have a pretty decent read on like you know, they're I think physical stature like you know What kind of body they have. You know, you can do that? Like, I think you can be full. I would do a lot of phone calls for gym business. And I remember like, I figured I'd talk to them and she's like, that girl's gonna be cute.
Starting point is 00:31:37 Watch when she's like, yeah, oh, yeah. And every time. So every time, you can hear it, I think you can hear it. So in studies, there is some truth to that. So they'll have man listen to voices and women listen to voices and then rate attractiveness. And there is some accuracy. There's also some accuracy with smell. You know that women can take a t-shirt that a man wore smell it and with a greater than
Starting point is 00:31:59 random, greater than random, they can determine the attractiveness of the male based off of the shirt. Really? Yeah. Really? I think it's smell and be like, oh, I think this guy's going to be attractive. Yeah. And they're actually right, something like 70% of the time.
Starting point is 00:32:13 Yeah. Wow. Yeah. That's your hormones. Yeah. It's a big picture, right? So I agree with you. I think it would be a better way to connect with people because let's, if you look at marriage,
Starting point is 00:32:24 the idea is you partner with someone and you decide we're going to do life forever together. At some point like I hate to break this to everybody but you're not going to look like you're going to get old like you're not going to look the way you do. Only thing that's left is that is all that stuff. Whatever work you put in. Yeah, so I agree with that, but I don't know. I didn't know that. That's the such a thing about that. That's a crazy concept that somebody could smell
Starting point is 00:32:52 the attractive way. And did you know that they've done studies right? Where when a woman is talking to a man that she's attractive to, she'll subconsciously raise her voice just slightly above where it normally is and a man will just lower it down lower his Yes, yeah, because more of a booming lower voice is attractive. Yeah, right? Yeah. Oh, yeah, yeah Oh, voices like yeah, yeah, girls like yeah, like the higher they go. We're like oh really yeah So and without realizing it like you talk to it. You're watching movies where guys will do that
Starting point is 00:33:23 No, that's right. I talked to guys talks where, oh, hey, hey, girl. Yeah, we actually, yeah. Ha, ha, ha, ha. I'm a little bit subconsciously. Yeah, low voice signifies testosterone and virile. I mean, I can definitely see guys posturing different, like when you talk to like a girl, and she'll say, you suck it in, you sit up.
Starting point is 00:33:40 Yeah, you chest up so hard. Holders are back, you'll say, I'll say, you get like this bigger posture when you talk to some girl you're trying to do. Did I tell you guys, I think you told you guys a story about the guy that hired, he hired somebody to fake mug him in this girl. He was interested in so he could like fight him off
Starting point is 00:33:57 and impress the girl. Did I tell you guys about this? Yeah, I was a dude I did that. I think it's brilliant. Except I shit, well backfire one day. When they some real shit's gonna happen, it's gonna get, oh honey, we're gonna get out of here. Beat them up like that other guy.
Starting point is 00:34:07 It's the wrong guy. Anyway, so AI, lots of talk around AI, we've talked about them quite a bit and we've speculated on what industries AI was gonna disrupt the most. I have a prediction on one industry. I think it's gonna completely decimate. And there's already evidence that it's
Starting point is 00:34:25 starting to have. I have one too. So I just read an article on Reddit. So Reddit is like internet wasteland, right? You can read or see whatever forums for whoever, right? There's people selling selling on Reddit, AI generated nudes. So they're not real people. They're a i you know images okay and people are paying for them and loving them and the comments are i don't care if it's a real person i'm not gonna meet this person i just like the new ever a i generated pornography is going to decimate the porn industry it's gonna kill it going to crush it. When you can generate something that's valid for the porn industry because now you're getting rid of the sex trafficking portion of it that they've been criticized so much about.
Starting point is 00:35:11 Dude, when it's indistinguishable from a human, and I was thinking about this, I remember someone sent us this article, so I was reading it, when your industry's valued purely for its visual stimulatory effects, like you don't care about anything else. It's the fact that I look at it and it's stimulatory or whatever, right? Like processed food, it's just like processed food. Then when AI can make indistinguishable, perfect looking or distorted or whatever your face is.
Starting point is 00:35:38 Will we ever be able to, I mean, we, what a great transition to this conversation, because we are just talking about how crazy that you could smell somebody and pick up the track. You could hear their voice and notice the inflection of their voice. There's so many of these like senses that we have as humans that create this attraction to another human. Will AI ever be able to generate that fully to fool the human the human's ability to do that or will
Starting point is 00:36:05 there always be this kind of natural instinct that's so individualized for all of us that it won't ever quite replace. It could it could somewhat like it like not on all levels. I mean, it take a really long time for like the physical version of that to be believable. Yeah. In person. Yeah, I'll take a while. In on a picture or a video,
Starting point is 00:36:27 that's gonna happen. Already done. Five years, you're gonna see video and pictures and real actors and actresses are gonna be done. So that's your theory on, so I don't think that will get disrupted. Cause it's gonna be cheaper. The actors don't age. They're perfect looking.
Starting point is 00:36:45 The scenes can be whatever the hell you want. They could fill every fan, do weird. I mean, whatever, like depraved anything that someone thinks of. I mean, there's gonna be, I guarantee there's gonna be a good person to talk to this whether it's cause it's already, like if you go to porn,
Starting point is 00:36:58 there's already a whole like AI, or a whole like animated section and everything. And they already have like, yeah, but that's animated. This AI stuff looks like what they're selling from this article is. I know, but I'm not. What I'm saying is I'm speculated.
Starting point is 00:37:10 They probably already have some things that are similar and in the direction of what you're speculating right now. And I bet you that they could tell just by the increase to viewership and what's happening in there if that's actually a legitimate argument. Well, market, and that's what they're saying. They're saying that the market is showing that this is okay.
Starting point is 00:37:27 Yeah, actually. Actually, the only fan, like, sites where they have these, like, Instagram models that are already look just like a real person, but they're fake. They're completely AI-generated and they just exaggerate some of their features a bit more, like it's like over the top, you know? But it's like still somewhat believable.
Starting point is 00:37:47 So people are subscribing to that already, which is kind of a trip. Yeah, like they're saying, they were saying this article that people are being cat-fished because people are making AI-generated images, creating accounts, and people think it's a real person, but it's not. It's some dude. That's right.
Starting point is 00:38:03 They make cat money. And making money. It's some dude. And making money. An early engineer. Right. Listen, Cheetah does. Hey, that's an industry that is so easy to disrupt. If you just have something that looks, that looks better. So I definitely agree that it'll be one of the industries that adopt all that stuff.
Starting point is 00:38:18 First, I mean, we, I mean, we go back to when we first started mind pumping my uncle, my uncle Casey, right? Would always tell us is like like follow the porn industry. They're always leading the charge on the internet. Did you remember that? The innovators? Yes, that's right. Don't you remember?
Starting point is 00:38:33 10, follow the old guy. They're in every time, right? He's right, though. He's right. I mean, they're always kind of on the front end of stuff, especially when it's a fringe like this to be the first to adopt it. So I don't disagree that it'll be one of the first to fully
Starting point is 00:38:45 adopt, integrate, and use. Will it put all the porn stars out of business? I don't know if I subscribe to that. What I think is an industry that will be decimated first, or at least one of the first, is like trip advisory. So there is like, think about this right now. That's a huge market. Yeah, that's a low hanging fruit. Low hanging fruit. Like, and you can already use this in an example, we were having that great conversation with Ben Greenfield, that hasn't aired yet. And how he talked about how he planned his trip.
Starting point is 00:39:14 Like, you can now use AI and go like, okay, I'm going here to here. I want the cheapest tickets in economy for whatever you want. I want the cheapest tickets for this. This is what I like. The specifics. Yeah, literally, yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:24 Lay out the specifics of your trip that you want. Give me, give me where I go. Where am I going? What am I doing? How much in like detailed out like this? All the data ready to go. Right out. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:34 And so that, why would I need a trip advisor ever again? Yeah. Have you seen the charts on the, the markets that they are predicting are going to be the first ones to get disrupted? No, no, I haven't. Where's education in the middle? Yeah. Yeah, legal services. Legal makes, actually, at one of the highest. I do remember seeing that. You're right, because I mean, how hard, I mean, I imagine,
Starting point is 00:39:58 imagine how, like, what makes an incredible lawyer is the ability to recall all the laws and cases, which is like an infinite amount of that. And so if you can, if you can, how mad would you be into school for like years, past the bar? Yeah. And like you lost a really hard profession. Yeah. Besides maybe trial law, like, you know, the stuff you typically make money on is like, people asking questions and hiring you for this or for that. And then you just go on AI and it does it for you.
Starting point is 00:40:29 Wow, that would be so disrupting. Brutal. To that particular market. What was the other one? It was customer service. That was the number one that they think is gonna be. I mean, we've already seen that. That's already been actually in the works with like,
Starting point is 00:40:42 the way these like automated, like, I mean, you can go on a lot of websites and like like type in a question, you're talking to a machine, you're not talking to a person on the other end, but it feels like you're talking to a real person. And so that's just getting more sophisticated, right? Yeah. At what point do we replace all the DNV people? Yeah. Oh, so you never will. Yeah, that's right. You've named two things that are government. You want to be the last ones. Yeah, those will be the last ones. That'll just stay pain school.
Starting point is 00:41:09 That's where I wanted, I guess. Yeah, like selfishly. Yeah, yeah, that's changed that right. No, that's, unfortunately, that's what's won't happen. You know what's gonna be really weird, because we can, we can speculate all day on what AI is gonna do and stuff, but you know what's gonna be really weird?
Starting point is 00:41:22 We already are so dist, like just generally, the public at large, has lost trust in authority and media like to levels that we haven't seen ever, I think. Yeah. When you start adding AI-generated politicians and speeches and events that you can't tell, I think it's all the power of video and audio is gone. No one's going to believe
Starting point is 00:41:47 shit anymore. Just like when somebody sends an article, hey, check this article out that says this and you're like, oh, that's CNN fake news or that's Fox fake. You know, that we're here. He had a speech that was completely coherent sentence. That's fake. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. There's no way that's real. There was a picture of the Pope wearing a white puffy jacket. Oh, I saw that. I saw that. And it spread like crazy, people thought it was real.
Starting point is 00:42:12 Yeah, I saw that. But it wasn't real. Yeah, I saw that. So like, what's gonna happen when like, think about like, like, there's all those Trump images of him getting like arrested. Yeah, he's all tied up. He's all tied up. He's all tied up.
Starting point is 00:42:24 He's all even, yeah, the ones just the cops like. Oh, I should be that one, where it's all, even, yeah, the one's just the cops like, I should be the one with the cops. Yeah, all the cops though, look like, from the Matrix. Yeah, like just a little bit different versions to the same guy. It's like like six fingers on the one. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:37 But at some point, dude, it's gonna get weird. We're gonna be like, what's, so I, so okay, what are you thinking, Mr. Politics, right? I actually think that this election and we're gonna see something come out that's really weird. Think about this.
Starting point is 00:42:48 Oh yeah. There's the Pope right there. Look how good that is. Tell me I didn't look like a real picture. I thought it was real. That's funny, dude. Yeah, dude. I mean, that's a Pimp coat, right?
Starting point is 00:42:55 In five years, do you know how crazy that's good? I know the deal, the detail in the vein in his head and it wrinkles and expression. Like, I mean, that's hard to tell, that's fake. That's now, that's nine, five years. That's pretty crazy. Right. So you think this next election, there's that selection.
Starting point is 00:43:10 I think, and okay, okay, think about this too. Like what you don't think we already have like AI stuff than like that could literally, you could prompt it to go like, based off the polls, based off of what happened in last election, based off of what the majority of people like this, like this night, like literally write me a speech to hit all the perfect things. Yes.
Starting point is 00:43:28 Yes. That has to be happening already. I've already thought of this, so I'm gonna get crazy right? Let's go deep with this. I don't know if this will happen now, but at some point, because AI is gonna be connected to,
Starting point is 00:43:42 basically social media internet large, or it is connected, it'll be able to see and determine in real time social media posts, shares, clicks, essentially how people are reacting and responding in real time. And then modify. I believe the speech will start and it'll modify as it continues and goes on.
Starting point is 00:44:02 This is working, go in that direction. This isn't working back off, go this way. And literally, you're gonna hear speeches that are gonna tap into. Totally. Most people psyche and be very, very powerful. I have one extra convincing. Extra convincing.
Starting point is 00:44:15 You just need a guy that can finish a sentence. Once you have that, once you have somebody can actually put a full commitment sentence together. Like, that's all he's gonna do. Well, let me ask you guys this. Like, have you guys ever like... Media upgrade. Yeah. How many people have actually met and shook the hand of the president? Like that's all he's well, let me ask you guys this like have you guys ever like media upgrade
Starting point is 00:44:30 How many people have actually met and shook the hand of the president right very few Yeah, could they theoretically create the perfect candidate? From start to finish never exists and nobody will ever know and that's the leader of the country and they're doing this and they're doing that and whatever I Stop who really knows Yeah, I know That's true for like a year and you're like have you ever met him? Yeah, I've met him either You're just relying on all these other people to confirm it for you. Yeah. Oh look they tried to assassinate anybody survived this guy's crazy
Starting point is 00:45:02 Oh, he saved that kid. Did you see that? Yeah, I mean, I think what we saw with... He could fly? The social media platforms and the last basically two elections. I think we're gonna see a whole, with now with AI integrated into this mix. I think we're gonna see. I don't even think I can guess what we're gonna see. You know what? We're gonna see something that I'm gonna go, we're gonna live back and go like, oh fuck.
Starting point is 00:45:25 Yeah, do that. Here's why, by the way, for anybody who's thinking like, no, no, no, no, okay. We're saying no, no, no, you're full, I thought. You're tripping, you're tripping. Here's why, they're pressing all buttons. All the motivators, all the motivators, everything that is pro that,
Starting point is 00:45:41 there's everything in that list is this huge. Corporations would want that, because they're influenced over government is this huge corporations would want that because they're influenced over government governments are going to want that anybody with influence of power is going to want a piece of that now think on the other side zero there's nothing that would oppose that except for the average person yeah who is very easy to manipulate to get the vote in a particular direction so you know all the incentives... I don't think the past, right, for their first. All the incentives are in that direction.
Starting point is 00:46:09 So you better believe you're gonna have the full power of money, influence, politics, government, corporations behind creating the perfect, you know, political, speech, candidate, slogan, narrative, AI, generate, whatever. For sure. slogan, narrative, AI generate whatever. For sure. All everything's going in that direction. Yeah, so I don't, to tell me it's not gonna happen,
Starting point is 00:46:30 it's just a matter of time. So I think what I don't think will happen to Justin's point of view, he's sounding like a flat-earth or a thing that we're gonna have like this AI generated person, I don't think that'll happen. I think the parties, you know, liberal or conservative doesn't matter, right, left, right.
Starting point is 00:46:44 We'll find somebody, let's say like the rock who already has fame and is liked by millions and millions of people and then basically groom them. Which already kind of happens already. It'll be an actor, right? They can already follow us. That's right. Yeah, there's already some sort of like ranking system.
Starting point is 00:47:02 It's already like calculated. Now, based on people's reactions to this person. Yes, you know what they're gonna do. You're gonna get somebody, they're aggregating it right now. Like the rock who has got acting skills is loved by millions of people and then you're gonna groom somebody like that. That's better than a politician when you think about it.
Starting point is 00:47:18 Because we don't need you to know policy. We don't need you to know history. We don't need you to know. Like, no, Reagan was an actor. Yes, it's already like that. No politicians are already just actors that are too exactly it's a world stage but but now stretch that out further and further and further eventually won't be people that's what I think eventually it'll be a story that they created from scratch
Starting point is 00:47:35 kid grew up in poverty overcame this look at this look at this all the perfect like like the perfect here I see here yeah yeah that's what's gonna end up happy you know what I was totally you know I was just thinking that could happen right now literally you could literally use AI as it is to say create for me a a a video a 10 minute video of clips of so and so political candidate saying a bunch of things that sound racist or greedy or whatever and it'll generate for you right there yeah or get compiled all the tweets that they said that were the most controversial tweets, and you're gonna get all the information
Starting point is 00:48:10 that normally you would need a bunch of political advisors to research. Think about how the process has gone now, where you're like guilty till proven innocent, like for a lot of these charges, they can just like arrest you, throw you in, now you have to prove that that wasn't you. Like that wasn't me in that video.
Starting point is 00:48:25 You know, you don't have certain, like the evidence doesn't hold up, but in the meantime, we can still throw you in the court. Oh, I mean, this is just what it looks like is happening. Wow. Sorry, I just grabbed it. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:40 Oh, man. Oh, man. What do you put up there, Andrew? You remember the movie Ready Player One? Yeah, I love that, man. So the main actor and that guy, right? You know the guy that protagonist I'm talking about? Yes.
Starting point is 00:48:51 So he created this company, essentially, it's in beta motor now, but you can swap out characters and people for people that recorded video of. What? Whoa. Oh, that sucks. What in the world? So you can record a video with someone
Starting point is 00:49:06 and just swap out the face and the person. And this is beta. You can animate the characters, you can make them real people. Wow. And you know what, compliments this. There's no way we're gonna distinguish it. Is this the same guy who also created the software that does the voice change?
Starting point is 00:49:19 I don't know about that. Because it looked the UI looked just like that. They have you seen that where Elon is talking on stage. And while he's talking, it switches to Morgan Freeman, then Joe Biden, then Trump, then like he's having just like we're having conversation. And literally while he's organically talking, the guy's got the software for that's attached to the mic. And he's just dragging pictures of the actors.
Starting point is 00:49:41 And then all sudden, it also, Elon like the different. Sounds just like Morgan Freeman. Wow. No, no stopping his cadence. Nothing is in fl- And like all of a sudden switches to Morgan Freeman. It's wild. It's wild. Are you add that to this?
Starting point is 00:49:55 I still think Justice Theory that you came up with a while ago. I think you're on point, bro. Antichrist. Antichrist. It's the Antichrist, bro. I'm watching from afar. It's all unfolding. It's gonna solve everybody's problem bro. I'm watching from afar. It's all unfolding.
Starting point is 00:50:05 It's gonna solve everybody's problem. You're not the world. I don't have an answer for how to combat it, but it's there. You know, pull the plug. Paying attention. Yeah, I don't know, man. Yeah, maybe trade your stuff.
Starting point is 00:50:17 Did you see Justin that the deep, this is the long, I guess I don't know if it's connected or whatever, but kind of interesting? Did you know that the deepest hole, I gotta pull this up, maybe Andrew can look it up. The deepest hole... Sounds like a your mom joke. That's... Keep going.
Starting point is 00:50:32 Damn. Sorry. Hey. Did you know who that is? Did I just ruin the punchline? No. No, it has nothing to do with your mom. Okay.
Starting point is 00:50:41 The deepest hole ever drilled, maybe you can look this up. Russia drilled the deepest hole. Right. It's more like that joke. Damn bro. They just closed it off. They just topped it off and filled it with concrete. They stopped drilling.
Starting point is 00:50:55 But they found a lot of interesting stuff. And there's all kinds of speculation is to one, there's like one theory conspiracy theory that they got. Poo Russia. I don't know where they did it. But they got so deep that some people are saying that they heard like Russia. I don't know where they did it. Okay. But they got so deep that some people are saying that they heard like crazy creatures and stuff like predator and things.
Starting point is 00:51:10 Oh, it's just that we have an predator, predator versus alien. No. You're digging that huge hole. Yeah, but it wasn't like this. So this is kind of like along the hollow earth. People were there thinking, yeah, there's layers. How deep is it? Andrew, did you pull it up?
Starting point is 00:51:23 So a point three kilometers deep. So here's a graphic kind of showing the difference. Yeah, look's layers. How deep is it? And did you pull it up? 12.3 kilometers deep. So here's a graphic kind of showing the difference. Yeah, look at that. Okay, compared to like Mount Everest, Maryana Trech. So it's still speculated that it's like the molten lava core, right? Like this is all like in terms of the crust and like what kind of soil and everything is like underneath us. Like it's still like that's as deep as we've ever driven. That's the deepest we've ever gone.
Starting point is 00:51:49 I don't think they crack through the crust. That's the thing. That's why it's still kind of like, you get conspiracy theorists that will add their own ideas in there, because it's not necessarily confirmed. It's all the cola super deep borehole. Is there nothing, is there no did the entrance to hell Is there is there is no concern you guys is part of us
Starting point is 00:52:08 I just digging a hole till we can't stop anymore. There's no concern Well, I'm a little concerned. Yeah, I mean you ever see how a waffle ball fly or a wiffle ball flies through the air when you when you throw it You save you a big ass hole in the earth like that. I feel like it threw off the trajectory I feel like it threw off into trajectory. Yeah. I was like, I'm throwing a set of orbit. Yeah. And I was like, you're like, we're like, no one else in there.
Starting point is 00:52:29 No one's after you, you mean? No, no, no. There's no airspace. Oh, man. Yeah. You can't be a good idea. Hey, you know what, I just think the demons will come out.
Starting point is 00:52:40 Yeah, or is a bunch of like all this is full of things. Yeah, we unleash some kind of crazy creatures. And you know what's funny about this is that like a doll, like men, especially scientists, they're basically just kids that are just smart and that have fun, like fun. Like we got big shovels, you guys. Yeah, dude, because when I was a kid,
Starting point is 00:52:56 let's see who's in there. Every boy, anybody's listening right, every boy at one point, tried to dig the deepest way ever. Dig China. Yeah, like I'm telling you that wasn't a thing. We all wanted to dig China when we were younger. I tried to dig the deepest way. Dig China. Yeah, like I'm telling me that wasn't a thing. I wanted to dig China when we were younger. I tried to dig a deep as whole.
Starting point is 00:53:08 You stopped once you get tired. Yeah, all right, I'm over it. But it was, let's see, 40,000 feet deep into the crust. Wow, dude. The diameter is no wider than a dinner plate. That's because it's so- And you said that didn't even go past the the crust then the Top layer of the so how much how much does a project like this cost?
Starting point is 00:53:29 Oh and what did we get out of it? Well, so like how many man hours how many fucking shovels? Just burning money and that He's talking about Well, I just Just fucking It's got a bunch of dudes I mean to build a drill bit that deep, you know what I'm saying? Like, why? Yeah, like what are you mining resources?
Starting point is 00:53:52 Like, you're just digging a hole? They're just trying to see what's going on. That's what I'm saying. How much samples? You mean, there's got to be a price on this project. There's got to be a name of this project. Figure out the cost of this project. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:54:03 I mean, we're over here printing money and just fucking inflation. Yeah, it's about the people go in the hole. Do you know what the temperature's got to at the bottom of the hole? Oh, interesting, what's that? 356 degrees Fahrenheit. Oh shit, really? Yeah, drastically higher than their models predicted.
Starting point is 00:54:17 So that's one of the reasons why they had to stop. They had to stop. Okay. Yeah, they partially filled it with concrete, put a steel thing on top of it. And they got apparently some invaluable insights into the geology of the earth. So surprisingly, oh yeah, this was cool.
Starting point is 00:54:34 Deep rocks were found to be saturated with water, which was assumed to be impossible because the rocks were sealed beneath a layer of impermeable rock. They also discovered 14 species of fossilized microorganisms, not to mention deposits of gold, copper, and nickel. And then one urban legend is that the drill broke through the layer of rock and discovered a super hot cavern. Scientists went down and took, you know, to, like, listen to what was going on with the microphone. And they heard
Starting point is 00:55:00 hellish hells and tormented screens. That's? That's, it's an urban legend. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Jesus. You're gonna believe that, we don't think dinosaurs are gonna live. Oh my God, dude. Yeah, good. Stop saying that I don't think dinosaurs are real big. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:16 I'm just gonna believe in that. Who was it? No, cause it's just like question, bro. Yeah, yeah. The holler of people, they think that it's like not a Earth's core. It's like it's another sun. Like it's like not a earth core. It's like a it's another son Like it's another son within the the Theory I mean that's doesn't that kind of a legitimate theory if they got only that deep and they already got to 350 degrees
Starting point is 00:55:35 No, what? Didn't you just say that it was it was yeah, but the way molten I mean, but the way gravity works The the compressed molten. Yeah, the densest materials will go to the center is the theory. And that's probably, you know, that's probably, yeah, the most likely. I can't wait to hear it out of this area. He's head's turning. I don't know. I think you just, carbon dating dude.
Starting point is 00:55:58 You actually, we really need to go down here. Actually, to help Nate, to, to, hey, don't give me on that carbon dating bullshit. Don't even give me start on that. Hey, to support you. We got it within a couple million years. Hey, real accurate. Yeah. To support you though, this guy took hippopotamus skeleton and said, if archaeologists found this, this is what they think it would look like. And it looks way different than what a hippo. Oh, yeah. Because the hippos like this chubby animal.
Starting point is 00:56:23 These are all artistic renderings. So that's the thing, and that's why all of a sudden, they have like feathers now. And so again, they don't know exactly. Unless it's like a mammoth where you actually get a frozen specimen and you're like, oh, this is what they look like. Oh, yeah. So up for interpretation.
Starting point is 00:56:42 How much change, change a direction? I got a shift gears. We have to get over to our butcher box stuff. I'm gonna switch to a different type of stuff. I'm gonna switch to a different type of stuff. I'm gonna switch to a different type of stuff. I'm gonna switch to a different type of stuff. I'm gonna switch to a different type of stuff. I'm gonna switch to a different type of stuff. I'm gonna switch to a different type of stuff. I'm gonna switch to a different type of stuff.
Starting point is 00:56:58 I'm gonna switch to a different type of stuff. I'm gonna switch to a different type of stuff. I'm gonna switch to a different type of stuff. I'm gonna switch to a different type of stuff. I'm gonna switch to a different type of stuff. I'm gonna switch to a different type of stuff. I'm gonna switch to a different type of stuff. I want to say the fifth time now, since we have partnered with butcher box, that I didn't have my butcher box ribs and I had to go to Costco or Safeway and get their ribs. And I'd say that, I like to think that I'm pretty good at smoking ribs
Starting point is 00:57:17 and have done it enough times that I've got it down. And I mean, the family like the ribs, right there. All these are great, isn't that, but me knowing what are the ribs from Butcherbox taste, it is not even a- Are they pork or beef? They're pork. Oh yeah, I would never compare beef ribs to pork ribs.
Starting point is 00:57:34 They were both baby-backed pork ribs. It's heritage pork. I swear to God, the pork chops. I don't like pork, but the one from Butcherbox- He is a distinctive flavor. It's heritage. It's called heritage pork. You can read up on it.
Starting point is 00:57:44 It tastes amazing. It melts in distinctive flavor. It's heritage, it's called heritage pork. You can read up on it. It tastes amazing. It melts in your mouth. It's different. So I mean, these ribs were good ribs. Everybody was like, oh my god, these are so good. I'm like, no, they're not. If you have not had the butcher box ones,
Starting point is 00:57:54 like it is a huge difference. Yeah. On my like rib scale, I would have given the ones I just did like a seven and a half. And when I do the butcher box ribs, I'm those things, I can make those things tense. So those come out and it's like fall off the bone, melt in your mouth, it's not even the same.
Starting point is 00:58:09 And I just can't figure out how to get any other ribs to taste close to that. You got, I wanna find heritage pork somewhere else just to confirm that that's what it is. I am not a fan of pork, but when I eat the, like they make those chops or whatever, and what they're called, they're like the cutlets. Yeah. And we bought them and they're delicious.
Starting point is 00:58:27 It's got to be the type of pork. It's the, if they call her a tige, I don't know a lot about it, but I definitely could take it. Yeah, didn't you look at it? It's how they're fed, right? That's the difference. It's the breed and how they're fed. Oh, it's also the breed, it's different.
Starting point is 00:58:37 Yeah, oh, interesting. Okay, so, yeah, I would love to, I would love to track down. Maybe somebody who, I'm sure we have a listener who has probably got a line on, like, some great pork somewhere. I would love to compare what somebody thinks is, like I'm sure we have a listener who has probably got a line on like some great pork somewhere. I would love to compare what somebody thinks is like some of the best pork they've ever had and do the ribs and see if I can get them, because to this day I still cannot cook any other brand
Starting point is 00:58:56 of ribs to the level of the butcher box ribs. It's my favorite thing that they have and it's a staple that we keep in all our boxes. All right, so you got one, Justin? Yeah, I got one. So this guy actually makes these incredible signs made us a mosaic sign of our logo for us. We're going to put it in the park city place and kind of display it in our gym. Ted, what is it? Ted Munn's mosaic art is his name.
Starting point is 00:59:19 So go check him out. Support him. Does fantastic. Did you see it? So I haven't seen it. Oh, it's sick. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:24 Yeah, it's mosaic has like a LED behind it. Yeah, it looks dope. Oh, cool. Yeah, really cool. Check this out. Organify is a company that makes plant-based supplements that help with wellness, health, athletic performance, fat loss, and muscle building. It's a great company.
Starting point is 00:59:39 You got to check them out and get a massive discount by going through our link. Go to organify.com, that's orgGANIFI.com forward slash mine pump. Use the code mine pump and get a massive 20% off. All right, here comes the rest of the show. Our first caller is REL from Florida. REL, how's it going? How can we help you? Good, good.
Starting point is 00:59:58 Thank you for having me on. You got it. So for two years, I did a full Ironman. And I did two Iron Man's back-to-back. So I did one in 2020 and then I did one in 2021 and then during that time I was working with Dr. Alex Harrison from RP. During the process though I lost a lot of body fat but I wasn't lifting regularly just here and there when I could fit it in. And so I stopped being during sports last year and I went back to lifting because I just missed being strong and lifting heavy. So I lifted the gym for about five days a week last year and I
Starting point is 01:00:38 finally got my strength gains back. However, I've been missing a lot of crossfit. So I've been missing the crossfit classes, the running, the cycling, the swimming that I used to do. And I'd like to be able to train for a couple of half-distance cycles. But I don't want to lose my muscle mass and strength that I've built up this past year again. So I have a nutrition coach and she's really great at what she does, but I think that she hasn't worked with any like endurance athletes before. So I wanted to know if it's possible and what is the best way to maximize my nutrition regimen and the time that I'm spending lifting in the gym. Okay, well, first off, there's definitely ways you can mitigate some of what's going to happen, but you're going to, it's inevitable. You are going to lose some muscle if you do
Starting point is 01:01:30 train for endurance simultaneously with strength training and especially if you throw in CrossFit classes. So there's going to be a give or take. Now, the ways that you mitigate it, generally speaking, generally speaking, are don't over train. It's going to be really easy to over-train when you mix CrossFit with endurance training, with strength training. Okay. So, that's going to be really easy to do. So, don't over-train. Make sure you hit your protein targets and get good sleep.
Starting point is 01:01:58 So, that's general. But to be more specific, what's the most important out of all those things you just said? Is it CrossFit classes? Is it the half-distance cycling race or is it going to be to keep the muscle? Let's rank them in order. Okay. So my number one goal working with a nutrition coach is not performance at all. Actually, it's more aesthetic.
Starting point is 01:02:21 So I want to lose body fat. But I want to be able to do each of those things at like a mediocre level if that makes sense. So I'm not trying to be great at any one of those things. I just want to keep them in my life. And I do have these races coming up, which my cycling race is a 45 mile cycle in the mountains. So my goal would be to finish it and finish it at a relatively good pace. Okay, but you need to rank, you need to rank what aesthetics is number one. Settics is number one. Can I tell you a better strategy would be to, since aesthetics is your number one focus, you should eat and train according to that goal.
Starting point is 01:03:02 And then when you reach your aesthetic goal, train for whatever the hell you want. Because then that will be much easier, because if I was training you and you told me that, I would say, okay, I know you love CrossFit, I know you love running, I know you're saying, we're gonna do that stuff. But since your number one priority is you wanna get lean, you wanna get ripped, you wanna get fit,
Starting point is 01:03:19 you wanna see abs, whatever it is, let's do that. I'm gonna build my nutrition program and your lifting program based around that goal. Then we're gonna hit it. And you're gonna high five means say, Adam, oh my God, I feel the best I've ever looked. This is amazing. Now I wanna go after those other things.
Starting point is 01:03:31 Now I'm gonna feed your body and train you accordingly to those things. And you're gonna look great and you're gonna go kick ass at those things. But trying to do it all at once is not a good strategy. Yeah, it's gonna be really hard to manage doing all of that and trying to...
Starting point is 01:03:46 You're going to be okay. And make aesthetics the number one goal. I mean, if you did all of it together, you would look at like one day a week of endurance training with two days a week of strength training and maybe a cross-throwing in there with good diet. And then you're going to get kind of a little of everything. But if aesthetics is number one, I would focus primarily on that.
Starting point is 01:04:09 And then wait till you hit that goal. That's a hard enough goal by itself. Like adding other stuff to it is like, oh my gosh. Now we're really making things almost impossible. So I mean, I agree with Adam. I think if that's the number one goal, there's nothing wrong with just focusing on that. And doing that. And then when you get to your aesthetic goal, then you can play a little bit with the different types of training, engage how much of each you can do based
Starting point is 01:04:33 off of what type of aesthetics, you know, you have and what you're losing from that type of training. And by the way, on our way, if I was training you towards this, you know, aesthetic goal, doesn't mean that I can't include a little bit of running cycling and swimming in there. It's just not gonna, I'm not training you for endurance on those sports. It's like, hey, you know what, so you know what,
Starting point is 01:04:52 this is maintaining the skill of it, right? Yeah, it would be like, hey, you know what, I want you to do this week, this week, I want you to go for a nice swim, you know, 45 minutes to an hour, do a swim. Oh, next week I'm gonna have you do a, like I would include these things that you love to do because as a client, I want to make you happy
Starting point is 01:05:06 and enjoy that, since you've already expressed that. But your bulk of your nutrition and training is going to be focused on getting you the look that you want to obtain. And by training for endurance, for swimming and cycling and running, it is going to conflict with my training around aesthetics. So, but it doesn't mean that I can't include
Starting point is 01:05:24 some of that stuff, so you can have some fulfillment because you like, it sounds like you like doing those things. And I can find a way to include it, but to be good at it, because you're wanting to do it as a sport, right? There's a difference between swimming like leisurely or cycling leisurely,
Starting point is 01:05:41 or for cardio reasons for a little bit, versus trying to be good at that thing. That's, there's a totally different. Yeah, it'd be super challenging. I mean, I, I'm with you on that in terms of like, those activities being able to include that. If you were focused on aesthetics and you're working out with those workouts and then in between, you had like, maybe some of those other things that you're into like swimming,
Starting point is 01:06:06 even some of the crossfit work, like some of the exercises in there that require a little bit more skill and practice. If you could do that at a low, to moderate intensity and just work on the skill of it, that's gonna be very mentally challenging though with somebody that I know is like, they get into those events and those things
Starting point is 01:06:25 for that like output, that high intensity output of it and the competitiveness of it, but if you were able to do that and be disciplined with it, like it actually would benefit you. Look Ariel, to give you something specific, because we're giving you some pretty good general advice, but to give you something specific, do you have any of our workout programs? No, no, I didn't want to add one more thing to my plate.
Starting point is 01:06:49 No, no. You wouldn't be adding anything, you'd be replacing. So here's what I'm going to do. Okay. If you want to follow a program, that's going to give you a little bit of all of this, then I'm going to send you Maps Cardio, and you can follow it as it's laid out.
Starting point is 01:07:02 And in there, there's a day set aside for you to be able to include your long distance cycling. Now if you follow maps cardio, you're not going to add anything else to it because that'll screw it up. Don't add crossfit on top of it and a bunch of other stuff on top of it. Follow it as it's laid out and in the program we have designated days that you can implement your favorite form of cardiovascular activity. Those are the days you do your long-distance cycling.
Starting point is 01:07:28 Do that, and you'll have the best shot of getting a little bit of everything that you're looking for, along with working with your nutrition guidance. Okay. Since I do have this race, I've already signed up for it. Would you say just put the aesthetics on the back burner for now and just focus on doing the race? And then go back. If you're committed to the race, yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:52 When is the race again? When is it? It's at the end of July. Yeah, I mean, it depends. I mean, does this something you really want to do or can you skip it? Yeah, I really want to do it. Yeah, then, then, you know what?
Starting point is 01:08:04 Then, Maps Cardio will let you train for that. Follow Maps Cardio in there is a day that you can throw your long-distance running, and you'll get some good strength training that complements that type of performance that you're looking for. So follow Maps Cardio leading up to it. Okay. Okay. That way you have something specific, because what I'm afraid is going to happen is you're
Starting point is 01:08:23 going to leave, you're going to take all of our advice and you're trying to mishmash your own stuff together and then it's gonna be detrimental A lot of competing signals. Yeah, so maps cardio literally we wrote for people who's like main goal is athletic Cardiovascular for performance. We wrote it for people like you people like you who love endurance cardio training But then also I was muscle, but they have aesthetic goals. Yeah, so just follow that program leading up to, in fact, it sounds like about the right amount of time, right? We're in April, follow that program that should get you prepared for a decent performance for your event without sacrificing too much of aesthetics.
Starting point is 01:08:56 If anything, you may gain some aesthetics. I can get behind that. Okay, thank you. Yeah, you got it. Thanks for calling in. Thanks, bye. No problem. You know what that, so, okay, so I it. Thanks for calling in. Thanks, bye. No problem. You know what that, so, okay, so I gotta remember
Starting point is 01:09:08 when we hear questions like that, it could be frustrating because people just, they don't understand that you training for one thing and then training for another thing, it's like you can stack them. Yeah. Oftentimes training for one thing means you're sacrificing something else.
Starting point is 01:09:24 Like if I train for a way from another thing. Yeah, if I train for max strength, to them. Oftentimes training for one thing means you're sacrificing something else. If I train for max. I'm coming away from another thing. Yeah, if I train for max strength, I'm not going to have max stamina. If I train for max stamina, I'm not gonna have max strength. If I train for max mobility, I'm not gonna have,
Starting point is 01:09:35 so there's always a give and take, and this is why you, if you look at the perfect type of program for someone lifelong, they cycle through different things. But to us, it's like somebody, imagine if someone went to the average person and said, hey, look, check this out, look, I'm getting married next week,
Starting point is 01:09:51 I'm devoted to my wife, but I love going to strip clubs with my buddies and going out with other chicks. How can I do both? You know, I still, what are the other? Yeah, I still really love that visual of these avatars for like video games where it's like you're pouring in your energy, your power,
Starting point is 01:10:07 and then you have to disperse it amongst all those skills. That's right. It's like you don't get to, you know, just stack all these skills that are completely different. You know, you're gonna be more powerful in one than the other. And so as you just have to look at it, it's like what you're gonna be sacrificing
Starting point is 01:10:21 versus what you're gonna be, you know, completely. You know what the problem is too with this is that there are those crazy anomalies in the performance role. Yeah, yeah, like that. Oh, Jackson. Like there's a top of the top in their sport, which we think for some reason, you know, nothing like these people because they're such anomalies. And they are crazy at everything.
Starting point is 01:10:41 And they are ripped and they are muscular. And you think, well, I can definitely do that. Yeah, I want that. That is literally the 0.001% of people in the world. And it's not because of their training. It's because of their genetics. The training plays a role, but it's their genetics. So for everybody else listening, the 99.9999% if you have, you have competing
Starting point is 01:11:02 goals, you know, oftentimes it's better to train for one and then another and then another versus all at the same time, you often over train or you get none of what you're looking for. Well, I think when you, when you start to throw in aesthetics in that mix, it becomes incredibly difficult. aesthetics by itself is a soul. It's the hardest of all of them. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:19 Okay. Maybe the other ones are more physically demanding, but as far as understanding caloric balance and stress and frequency intensity volume, there's so many is such a higher priority and understanding understanding how to balance all that out to get the to manipulate the Body to give you this look that you want is unbelievably difficult so my suggestion for someone like this and here's by the way, too There's some asshole coach that's listening to this that we'll probably talk to her and be like, I could do that for you. No saying. Yeah, let me show
Starting point is 01:11:51 you, right? So it's like, and it doesn't mean it's not possible to get some of that stuff, but a much better approach to this would be listen, you already told me that your number one goal is you want to achieve this look. So let's let's learn everything you need to learn about caloric balance and and protein and macro stuff and strength training and and let's sculpt the body you want because that's fucking hard to shit as itself by itself. Now that I've got you to understand that and you're where you want to be, now we can just feed the body correctly giving it enough nutrients and calories to support this endurance training we're doing enough and it and it's inevitable, you're going to lose a little bit of muscle, but because
Starting point is 01:12:27 you sculpted and built the body, you want before you go into that sport training, you're going to look the best you could have while trying to do that. Yeah, while doing that. Good point. Yeah. So I just think that is the order of operation for somebody that says that, that they want this look. And I feel like that's your point about how we have these anomalies. Like everybody has seen that runner, that swimmer,
Starting point is 01:12:49 they're like, God, I wish I had that one. I look like a bodybuilder too. Yeah, they have this great physique. It's like, oh man, that's so, that's so not attainable for the average person. That person just is a genetic freak. They look amazing. And then they happen to be great at that support too.
Starting point is 01:13:02 Our next color is Andy from Pennsylvania. What's up, man? How can we help you? Hey guys, how are you? Good. Thank you so much for taking this time here to answer my questions here. I've actually spoken with Adam a couple times
Starting point is 01:13:17 through the NCI coaching. So you're new, I recognize you. Your business advice has been great. I great under focusing a lot on teaching more so than just trying to bring clients. So it's been going well. So thank you. Right on. All right.
Starting point is 01:13:34 So I'm going to just I'll just read my question here. So thank you so much. I'm a coach and a trainer and you guys have made me so much better, not just from the programs that you create, but from all the perspectives that you take in terms of trying to understand and what clients are going through as well, and I really have learned a lot from that. And I need your guidance, because I'm one of those trainers who I can take care of everybody, but myself. So I'm struggling to those trainers who I can take care of everybody, but myself. So I'm struggling to lose weight right now. I wanna lean out, I just can't seem to do it.
Starting point is 01:14:11 I feel like something's missing, so here's a little summary. I work out and train five days a week. I usually do one day where I'll do like a metabolic conditioning type of workout. Then I'll do a day where I focus on a big lift, the bench press day, a dead lift day, a squat day, an overhead press day. At the end of those workouts, I'll do like a little mini circuit where I kind of focus on work. Just get the heart rate up,
Starting point is 01:14:37 kind of get a sweat going. Always a full body type circuit. Currently, I'm at 238 pounds. My goal is to get down to 190. I focus on protein and water. I take creatine, vitamin D3 and B12, probiotic. I am working with a dietitian and I am doing intermittent fasting. So I'm not sure if my training is wrong, if my diet is not matching my workouts, or my workouts are matching my diet, am I overstressed? My online is I'm lost and frustrated, and I need someone to ask me the questions that I'm not asking myself. So I appreciate your help. Okay, okay. I have an idea, but before I get there, how many calories are you? What's your maintenance? Are you tracking? How many calories are you consuming? What's your maintenance at?
Starting point is 01:15:32 I am tracking my maintenance right now is about 2,500. A little more or a little less depending on the day. Okay. And how much, what are you eating every day? What do you mean by eating? How many calories? How many calories are you eating every day? What do you mean by eating? How many calories? How many calories, yeah? Are you in a deficit? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:48 Oh, I'm at maintenance right now. I'm sticking at maintenance. Okay, so I don't think the problem is any of the stuff that you listed, I think you might be overthinking this. It's this is all diet. I don't think it's your workout. I think your workout could be better, but I don't think that's what's gonna make
Starting point is 01:16:04 this needle move that much. Yeah, that's not horrible. Yeah think your workout could be better, but I don't think that's what's gonna make this needle move that much. Yeah, it's not horrible. Yeah, I would, I mean, you know, Matt Santa Ballack would be a good program for you. I would try to get your metabolism to speed up a little bit before cutting, but this sounds to me a lot like your struggle really has more to do with your relationship to food
Starting point is 01:16:20 than anything else. I think this is a diet issue. And just from what you're saying to me, how you're frustrated, you just can't get it to seem to work for you, you do better with your clients than you do for yourself. These are all the things that I hear from people who they have the struggle that they challenge
Starting point is 01:16:36 with themselves. And it's really the relationship to food. So I would guess you probably do really well most of the time. And then when you go off, you go way off with diet. And that's kind of what screws you up. Am I hitting the nail on the head? You absolutely are. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:51 So this is a behavioral thing, Andy. This is not a, because you're a trainer and you're working with other people, your tendency is you're trying to reflect that on yourself and get into the details of what's going on and my overstressed. This is what's, but this my overstressed, is this what's, but this is actually a pretty simple thing.
Starting point is 01:17:08 You're just consuming too much more than you're burning. Obviously, now let's dig a little deeper. We gotta look at the behavioral reasons as to why this is happening. Are you coming from a place of self-hate? Are you using food as a way to distract or self-medicate? What type of relationship do you have with that food? What does it feel like when the impulse comes to over eat? What's happening with you?
Starting point is 01:17:30 When that starts to happen and this is gonna be a slow unwinding process. Now if we're talking about like steps to take this is not gonna be huge steps. There's gonna be very very small steps that you're gonna take one at a time. So it may look like this. You may be like, okay, I noticed that when I go off, like when I go real off, these are the feelings that I have when that happens.
Starting point is 01:17:56 It tends to happen when I'm overstressed or tired or whatever, okay. Now when I'm going to do, when those feelings arise, first off, I'm going gonna try and identify them. And when I do, I want you to find a way to create a barrier between you and the impulse of eating. So fill in the blank, it could be, I'm going to write for 30 minutes about what I'm feeling.
Starting point is 01:18:22 After that, then I'll eat whatever I want. Or I'm going to go for an hour walk and just really think about how I feel. And then after that, I'll eat whatever I want. Or whatever. You're not saying you're not going to engage in the behavior that you normally engage in, but you're gonna create a barrier between you
Starting point is 01:18:40 and that impulse. This is gonna be very uncomfortable, but it's going to allow you to interrupt that impulse, this is going to be very uncomfortable, but it's going to allow you to interrupt that impulse that's causing you to go off when you go off. Then afterwards feel the shame. Then afterwards become super strict because the shame motivates you and then gets sick of the shame and then the shame becomes overwhelming. Now I'm going to feed myself and numb these feelings type of deal, which is a very common cycle.
Starting point is 01:19:06 But you have to interrupt that process with some kind of barrier between you and that behavior. I do recommend you working with somebody who will work specifically with this with you. So one thing you can do Andy, I don't know if your dietician will do this for you or if they're just about giving you foods and calories to follow.
Starting point is 01:19:23 If they're that kind of dietician where they're just like, here's what you're going to eat, you're working with NCI, right? I am. Okay. NCI, in my opinion, has some of the best coaches and trainers in this regard. I would reach out to some of your peers in the space and say, hey, and be very vulnerable. Hey, here's a deal. I have this trouble and challenge. Can I hire you? Can I work with you to work with me on this specifically?
Starting point is 01:19:51 Because I don't think and I'm giving you advice right now, but it's gonna be really hard to do without that person that you can reach out to and work with on a consistent because you're gonna stumble. Okay, I'm gonna tell you that you're going to stumble if you if you attempt to do this, but having that coach is gonna make all the difference in the world. Now, the beauty of this is on the other end of this, Andy, is a coach you, I'm talking about you, that is gonna be exceptional,
Starting point is 01:20:16 exceptional at working with people like yourself, which is almost everybody, which is most people. So, on the other end of this, when you make it through this, and you really start to feed this out for yourself in that process, number one, it's gonna create great content because you're gonna be able to put it out there, communicate vulnerability, and honestly, you're gonna be able to coach people better
Starting point is 01:20:34 and you're gonna be super effective at what you do. But I do recommend you work with somebody through this period. I have two questions. One, do you know how many steps you're taking a day? I guess so I'm around. I'm not taking a lot of steps. That's definitely one of those things that I have to take into consideration. It's between five and seven thousand a day. Okay, that's not horrible though, either, bro. It's not too bad. I've seen a lot worse than that.
Starting point is 01:21:00 I should, the average Americans like 3500. So I take less than that right now. Yeah, yeah, so that's not that's not horrible. I would just, because I was kind of figuring out, like, how far off you are from, like, a healthier maintenance level, like, for your size, I'd like you to be closer to 3,000, 3,200 or something like that as a maintenance than, than 2,500. Okay. But if you're not moving hardly at all, that's not necessarily too far off. So you're not, that bad of a position is metabolically, I think, with a focus on like Sal said, with
Starting point is 01:21:28 anabolic and adding to build some muscle, I think you you can see an increase in your metabolism. The second question I had is why intermittent fasting? So, so that was when I started working with the dietitian. So, I last year when I got a physical done, I had a higher cholesterol. And my doctor recommended through his practice working with the dietitian, and I connected with her. And I think she's great as far as what things that sell that you were saying, I don't know if she does that stuff or not.
Starting point is 01:22:01 I've never actually spoken to those things. To her about that, it's been more along the lines of like I don't know if she does that stuff or not. I've never actually spoken to those things. To her about that, it's been more along the lines of like eating practices, intermittent fasting, lowering the calories, eating better, making better food choices, things like that. Not necessarily the behavioral stuff. And yeah, I don't think I like her putting you on it. I'm really curious to why she would do that.
Starting point is 01:22:24 I'm not a fan of you intermittent fasting. If you already admitted to sell that, you do really well nutritionally and then you kind of have these off the wagon moments where you're intermittent fasting is wrong. And intermittent fasting, I think, just it promotes that. It's gonna perpetuate that behavior. Yeah, strengthening it with it.
Starting point is 01:22:40 I will totally agree with you on that. And ends. I'm not an emotional guy, but this is like throwing me off because you just hit it so hard That it's just like shaking me a little bit and that's exactly what I'm doing is I put so many restrictions on myself And then I'll slip and then when I do I just like I beat the shit out of myself. Yeah, yeah, and I come from a I'm a recovering Alcoholics so those behaviors are there. They're ingrained in me. Yeah. And I come from a I'm a recovering alcoholic. So those behaviors are there.
Starting point is 01:23:06 They're ingrained in me. Yep. And so now I can fight the addiction type of stuff, but I still have the stuff with the food addiction and the other things. And so it's like, and here's the reason why I was able to hit those buttons with you after talking to you for 30 seconds. It's very common. those buttons with you after talking to you for 30 seconds. It's very common. It's very common. I've worked with a lot of people who've struggled with this and I've had a lot of success, but it's gonna be a challenge.
Starting point is 01:23:32 If you've already beat alcohol, you're gonna be able to do this too, okay? And the things that helped you beat alcohol are gonna be similar to the things that are gonna help you with your relationship to food. Now, I gotta ask you this, before I tell you to not work with this dietician anymore. Are you, was this like, are you on medication? Was this like doctors like you got to work with this person or was this more like advice?
Starting point is 01:23:54 It was more advice. Yeah, no, I'm not on any medication for anything. And I want you to reach out to your group and NCI and find a coach there that can work with this stuff with you because just through the, you know this, you go through the program, you know that there's some good people that are excellent at this kind of stuff. And then the other thing is if you have the extra funds
Starting point is 01:24:18 in time, another person you could hire that would be profoundly helpful would be a therapist. Just working with the therapists on my, because I also have some depression and anxiety stuff. Okay, so I'm working on that. I have a therapist there. Oh, wonderful. I want you to include them in this process if you haven't already. And maybe bring to them and say, hey, look, I've identified that I'm abusing food, you know, in the ways that, you know, in similar ways to how I used to abuse other substances,
Starting point is 01:24:50 I have this relationship with food that's complex, and I wanna work on that, and then work with your therapist through that. If you work with a therapist and an NCI coach, you're gonna have really, really good chances success. And here's what I'm gonna help you, I'm gonna help give you the motivation you're gonna need okay I'm assuming you became a trainer because you have a passion for fitness and you have a passion for helping people
Starting point is 01:25:12 Correct. Okay. Here's what I want you to do right now I'm gonna tell you to love yourself, but that's gonna go in one ear the other So I want you to do this so that you could be the best coach and trainer for your clients Okay, now here's the kicker the only way to do that is to start caring for yourself, the same way you care for them. Okay. Use that as your motivation. I think you'll do okay. Andy, can I put you in our private form if you're not in there? I want to follow up with you and see how you're doing through this process. Yeah, absolutely. I'm not in the form. That would be that great. All right. Are we going to see you at the event by the way in Phoenix?
Starting point is 01:25:46 Are you going? I'm not going not this year, but hopefully next year. Okay. Next event. I want I want you to come give us a give us a handshake or a hug. All right. All right. Thanks for coming on. I appreciate we'll put you in the form. Okay. Do you have maps in a ball? I asked you that too or give that I do have I do have an abolic I've ran that a few times. Okay Okay, I want follow that program through this process I think that'll be the best one for boosting the metabolism through this process Yeah, I want I want to hear more about the dietician that you end up landing on because I don't I don't want you on intermittent fasting I don't know I think the NCI coach will be way better. Yeah, keep us keep us posted Annie All right, I'll do that absolutely. All right, man. You got it. All right be way better. Yeah, keep us posted, Annie.
Starting point is 01:26:25 All right, I'll do that absolutely. All right, man. You got it. Thanks, guys. Thanks, man. I appreciate people like that, all right? Yeah, no, I knew I recognized him right away, and I'm like, I know I've talked to this guy a lot,
Starting point is 01:26:37 and it's the NCI group. You know, it's crazy, right? Dietitian, right? So many times, you know, we're not dietitians, right? So it's the medical system, I said. They work within the system and they're not taught, they're, it's starting to change, but they're not taught to really work
Starting point is 01:26:54 with the root behavioral issue. They're more like, oh, do this attempt. Don't eat this, eat that. And it's like, that's not the issue. It's so crazy to me though, like it seems, I guess maybe it seems so obvious if somebody has a history of abusing a substance, they're struggling with that nutritionally. The idea of you constricting their, more, yeah, restricting their eating window to the idea that they're not gonna,
Starting point is 01:27:21 like this is an example of where I love like six meals a day, is he never allows himself to get really good. Much better approach. Yeah, and they're just balanced good meals. He never gets really, really hungry. And like, and then it's easier to stay on the wagon. It doesn't feel like on or off. Yeah, versus like, hey, restrict for 14 hours, don't eat. And then when you do make a really good balance choice.
Starting point is 01:27:42 It's so much intensity around those meals. Yeah, I know, and that's what we don't eat and then when you do make a really good balance so much intensity around those meals. Yeah. That's what we don't need. I can almost guarantee you that the dietician doesn't even know those things because they don't know to ask. That's crazy to me. Do okay. Think of yourself. If I ever attempted to make a poor food choice at night, it is always the days where I missed a meal or two in between, you know, it was working hard. And now I'm hungry and I'm tired and I'm like impulse levels go way up. And I'm like, that's, but if I'm like on my shit every two to three hours, I'm getting a nice, little small, balanced meal. And I never reach that point of like, oh, I need to eat the cravings
Starting point is 01:28:20 and that feeling. And then you put a person that's already spinning. But you know, I'll tell you though, I mean, it took us years of working with people and failing to figure out, you know, what we're communicating now. Because you gave this guy to me in the first, I don't know, seven years, eight years I was a trainer. Yeah, it's, oh, you gotta do this, gotta do that.
Starting point is 01:28:42 You guys are thinking calories. Yeah, and it took me a long time of Feeling clients a long time before I started piece some of this stuff together And it's it's gonna be hard and if you're watching this it's gonna be tough but You know if you if you go on this journey one step at a time and try to address the route Which is more painful and more challenging than just watching your calories, okay? But if you if you focus on that, you'll get there.
Starting point is 01:29:06 You'll be on the other end of this. Next caller is Maggie from Colorado. Maggie, what's happening? How can we help you? Hi guys, this is so cool. Thank you guys so much for having me. You got it. So my question is, I'm a high school athlete, a track and field, I'm a sprinter, and I've
Starting point is 01:29:22 also, and I also just wait train for fun. And I drink upwards of four gallons of water a day, and I'm a sprinter and I also and I also just wait train for fun and I drink upwards of four gallons of water a day and I'm a relatively small person 5 4 120 and I'm still yeah I still have every symptom of dehydration my urine's dark I am so thirsty all the time I crave salt I I am like so thirsty and feel like depleted during my workouts. And I drink the element. I feel like I'm doing everything and I'm still just so dehydrated and I don't quite know what I'm doing. Okay Maggie, real quick. You're sure about the three to four gallons of water? Yeah, I have one of these and I, yeah, I'm sure it's about three to four gallons. Yeah. Okay. I have wins the last time. I'm not going to, I don't want to scare you.
Starting point is 01:30:06 Okay. But when's the last time you went to your doctor and had, and got a full checkup, got your urine and your blood looked at. Every, I went like two months ago and they said everything was good and they just said that I needed to just keep staying hydrated. But it's like, it's like a nauseating amount of water. Okay. I would go back three to four gallons in saying, I would go back. I would, I Okay, I would go back, three or four gallons in a row.
Starting point is 01:30:25 I would go back, I would go back, say it again, I'm tracking my water, here's a problem. The problem is you're a young girl, you're an athlete, you look fit, so they probably think you don't know what you're talking about. So they probably think she's drinking a lot of her, but she's not, no, no, I want you to go to your doctor and you're gonna use these words.
Starting point is 01:30:44 I've was here two months ago, I'm back, I am tracking my water, I am drinking exactly three to four gallons of water a day. Here are my symptoms and my urine is dark. And I'm taking the element to tell. And say, and I know I'm getting enough sodium, I need you to send me to the right people to do some tests because this could be a wide range of potential things
Starting point is 01:31:06 that I'd want you to check before I give you any advice whatsoever, because I'm not gonna tell you to drink more. If you're drinking that much, so what are your symptoms, muscle cramps, fatigue, dry so like, what are you? Yeah, I just get really fatigued during my weight training and my sprinting obviously. That's when I usually drink the element,
Starting point is 01:31:24 is when I know I'm gonna be sweating a whole bunch. I just feel thirsty all the time. Like I said, my urine's dark. I crave salt. I eat really clean, so I know I don't get a lot of salt in my diet besides salting my food. And I just crave an insane amount of salt. I get muscle cramps. Here's two places I'll point to. I want, you know, I just feel thirsty all theamps. Um, here's two places I'll point to. Um, I want, you know, I just, you know, keep these in mind
Starting point is 01:31:51 or write these down. Definitely tell your doctor your symptoms. Tell them, be very clear and confident. I'm tracking my water because otherwise they're gonna, they're gonna dismiss you and get your thyroid. I would have them look at your thyroid and I'd have them check your blood sugar. Okay, those are two places I'll point to,
Starting point is 01:32:08 but I'm not a doctor and it could be many, potentially other things. It could also be nothing, but if you were my, you know, if you were my client or my daughter, I would 100% be like, we're going to the doctor and we're gonna run a bunch of tests. Yeah, to figure out what's going on. Cause I don't think this is a,
Starting point is 01:32:23 you're not getting enough water and enough salt thing Of course, it's not no way. Yeah Yeah, this is too Lerming for that and then and then please email back in and follow up with this because I want to know I want to know this I've never Okay, how to client that could drink three to four gallons in the first place Especially a hundred and twenty pound client. Yeah, that is insane when I was at the highest level especially 120 pound client. Yeah, that is insane.
Starting point is 01:32:43 When I was at the highest level, 240 pound, trying to drink and push as much water, I could get to three gallons. That was insane to do that. Do you notice any muscle work? Yeah, no, it's like, yeah. Do you notice any muscle weakness, any random fatigue that kicks in, anything weird?
Starting point is 01:33:02 Oh, yeah. Yeah, I tend to like, because I have caffeine before my workouts, I tend to get through them, but I always notice by the end, I feel like I've been walking in the desert for three days. I also just get randomly fatigued. My friend's thing, I have some kind of narcolepsy because I will just fall asleep. My fatigue is very hard to regulate if that's any indication of it. If you could go and get checked out like today, I would do that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:33:32 Yeah, and then I want I want to follow up. Yeah, don't wait. I go today if you can and have them look and and if they're you know If he's like, well, where do you know here? She's like, where do I you know say I want to be checked? I want my my blood sugar to be checked and I want my thyroid to look at, be looked at, but also list the symptoms, tell them what you're drinking, and list all the weird stuff that you think might not be connected. You also need to let them know about the element because that's a lot of sodium. They might think she's low sodium because she eats healthy. She's wearing someone. Make sure you should, they know that you're far. They'll check her urine. If you're urine is dark too and you're drinking all that, that I make sure you go, yeah, I would yeah, I would go like today if you can.
Starting point is 01:34:07 She froze. That's okay. You can text her. She got the message. Yeah, make sure you send her that. Bro, I have never had a 120 pound female client that could drink three to four times. I don't want to scare, look, we're not, look,
Starting point is 01:34:20 I'm not a doctor either, okay? But the thirst thing, the thyroid was definitely sweet. I would look at thyroid, I would look at potential thyroid issues or potential diabetes, because one of the signs of where your body starts to really become insulin, desensitized is you just get like, unquenchable thirst, the random fatigue, could be something autoimmune that hasn't been diagnosed.
Starting point is 01:34:41 Or is there, I didn't ask about our blood pressure either. I would, I mean, dark urine with that much water. I would look at kidneys. I would look at liver. Yeah. But yeah, that's not something that is within the scope of, you know, that's ways of life.
Starting point is 01:34:53 That's why I'm a big raise later. Yeah, I know enough to know that. I've never seen that. Yeah. No, I mean, I hope she emails back and gives us feedback because I would love to hear what they would think. No, I just remind, well, in mind was a blood pressure issue, but it was just so crazy, the discrepancy of potassium and how that drops so quickly with me. So it's like, there could be something
Starting point is 01:35:16 there. I had a tumor that was undiscovered. So there's just things you need to test when there's an abnormality. Yeah, there's something going on. And so they need to, this is where medical doctors really have tremendous values. Yeah. Our next color is jacamo from Arkansas. Jacamo, how's it going, man?
Starting point is 01:35:34 How can we help you? Good. How you guys doing? Good. I recognize my people from my LA, especially with a name like that. Hey, my fellow, I was gonna say my fellow Pizzano. How you doing, man? I'm doing good, man. Alright, what's going on?
Starting point is 01:35:48 Awesome. Well, before I get into my question real quick, I just want to do the obligatory. Thank you to all that you guys do. I've been following you guys starting to see you guys in college in May of 2019. And you guys have helped me so much not only with my own fitness journey, but when my client's fitness journey, I've been a personal trainer on an off since about 2020 when I graduated college And yeah, you guys have like you guys have mentioned it before on the show like Effective communication like communicating effectively
Starting point is 01:36:17 Messages to your clients like you guys have truly helped me with that not with my clients, but also with my friends and family So I really do appreciate all you guys do. Thank you, Mary. You're right on. Absolutely. So I'm going to jump right into it. So I'm preparing for a professional football combine. On May 27th, this combine will have scouts from not only
Starting point is 01:36:38 the NFL, but the Canadian football league, the USFL and the XFL. I have to perform a series of drills, testing my agility and quickness at the linebacker position. I currently weigh 220 pounds sitting at about 13 to 14 percent body fat. My goal is to add 5 pounds of muscle while also decreasing body fat to be at a solid 225. I want to look good of course, but my main thing is performance. It has to be on point for this. Starting to track, been tracking my food for about two weeks now. My goal is 225 grams of protein and 3500 calories in a day.
Starting point is 01:37:15 I've been consistently hitting my protein sometimes a little bit more, but not my calories. I get anywhere from about 3,000 to 3,300 a day usually. I'm about to start working with a track coach about two days a week this week and I've been lifting consistently three days a week. It's going to be four days. This week I've been following this program the last two weeks that one of my friends sent me who's also performing in a similar combine, just how it get me stronger. So two questions, I'll read them both, and then you guys can both answer them. Here, first question is, I can still,
Starting point is 01:37:52 can I still see muscle and strength gains if I ate my protein, but not my calories, why or why not? And then my second question is, if I'm over my protein every day, but just under my calories, what kind of effect will that have on my performance goal and in preparation for this combine? Cool questions.
Starting point is 01:38:10 Yeah, really good question. Okay, can you still see muscle and strength gains if the calories are too low, but the protein is high? Yes, but unlikely. Especially for him, because he's not like a newbie guy. Yeah, I was gonna say, like somebody who's just getting started, you'll start to see some, you know, you could see these type of gains and benefits, but someone like you, probably not.
Starting point is 01:38:32 Now, from a performance standpoint, this may be a little different, because if your performance is relying on your strength to weight ratio, sometimes you can lose weight and lose tot, like what's called absolute strength, but actually gain relative strength, right? So let's say my deadlift goes down 30 pounds because I drop a bunch of body fat, but now I can do 10 more pull ups. Well, my relative strength and the pull up went up, my absolute strength and the deadlift went down.
Starting point is 01:38:59 So this is gonna depend on what you're getting tested for, what your performance is looking like, and regards that. Now, the second part of the question was, would the low calories, but the protein affect your performance? Well, yeah, you need the calories for energy. Protein can also be used for energy, but protein, think of it as like repair and rebuild. But if your calories are too low, then your body is not going to use the protein to repair and rebuild. It's going gonna use it for energy.
Starting point is 01:39:27 So even though your protein's high, now your body's burning it for energy because it's not getting enough energy from carbohydrates or fats. That is not an ideal source it would really have. And it's not a great source of energy. Carbohydrates are much better. So calories matter too.
Starting point is 01:39:40 So you wanna hit those calories as well as the... Yeah, I wanna find out, you see, you're running a program that your friend gave you like, what does that until, what does that look like? What is your weak schedule of workouts look like? Okay, so this week has been, it will be consistent. So it's an upper lower split. I'm doing basic compound movements.
Starting point is 01:40:01 Yesterday was a lower, it was a leg day. I mean, hand-clean squats, our deals, and then today will be upper body, shoulders back, a little bit of arms, and then another lower body day. So four days a week lifting, I was following a three-day week standard full body routine. So yeah, and then Tuesday, Thursdays,
Starting point is 01:40:24 I'll be working with the track coach in the afternoon. I'm actually out here in Arizona, Doug, sorry, I don't know what Arkansas came from, but I'm not here in Arizona training in the heat. So, and then Saturdays, I'll be training as well, doing the drills, because I got an email from the Combine Association of the drills that I'll be performing. And so on every Saturday for the next six weeks, I'm six weeks out, I'll be performing or be practicing those drills on the weekends there and then soakin' like two, like one to two days of rest a week. Wait a minute, Jack, I'm about before you switched to this, you were just doing three days a week of full body. Yeah. So it was more so, it was two days,
Starting point is 01:41:05 so kind of more background. I played, I just finished up my semi-professional football season in the league out here in Arizona and Phoenix. And so we just finished our last game of the season. We lost in the playoffs. Was on Saturday. So I was really just doing like, I was doing a unilateral program that I've done before,
Starting point is 01:41:26 and just maintaining my strength. So this is like the first week of me actually, like getting after it in the gym with my training, just because I was in season still playing, like I said, my summer professional season. It feels to me like you're, you're going to, you're adding too much all at once with your new routine, because you're going from full body workouts in season
Starting point is 01:41:45 and then you're gonna jump to four days a week, strength training, plus two days a week. And track skill. And then track. And add on top of that. You're gonna probably burn yourself out, especially after coming out of season. Yeah, I'd probably keep the day a week
Starting point is 01:41:56 would have been better. Or the two even. I would probably keep what you're doing. Yeah, I go two days plus, plus the other two days you're gonna do in the track. And that'd probably be good. What do you guys think? Yeah, yeah, I mean that.
Starting point is 01:42:07 So what's your desired outcome? You said you wanted to gain like five pounds of muscle before this, like how focused are you on performing at your highest ability for this combine? I'm giving my all into this, 150%. I've been wanting to play Pro Football since I was a kid. I just never kind of just decided to do it now. I'm nothing to lose.
Starting point is 01:42:30 So yeah, I'm going to give him my all. And like, obviously, I want to be at the ideal weight for my height and weight. And so 225 seemed like the solid amount just from what I've been researching myself and what from people I've been telling you. Okay, yeah, just because I personally, I know that there was a sweet spot for me in terms of being lean and being able to move as explosively as possible. And do you know like it's a 225, that's like a range that you've performed in at a high level before. Yeah, well, yeah, so this is, yeah, good is about 22, 25 at the start of the season.
Starting point is 01:43:09 I hovered around 215 to 20 during the season here in the winter and going into spring in my previous season and so, but especially it being, you know, professional football, I definitely wanna make sure like my strength is there, but also wanna make sure that I'm also moving well and performing well at the same time. I guess my challenge is that I know a lot of these combines, it's very heavy on speed. So less so on strength and less so on your size. That's something that they can build and develop while you're on the team.
Starting point is 01:43:43 For me personally, I would lean out and try and get as fast as as possible and explosive as humanly possible Relative strength. Yeah, and that benefits relative strength like Salisay You may not have that your best bench ever your best deadlift ever but for your strength to weight ratio I think that and I agree with what little experience and knowledge I have of preparing somebody for something like this is that You know if we put too much focus and emphasis on trying to get you bigger and stronger It could I mean it could affect your 40 could affect the explosiveness your ability to rotate and take off You don't have that much time. I guess in the framer's like May 27th, right? So I'm just trying to think yeah, yeah logistics with that like you know, I'd be as focused as possible with your speed
Starting point is 01:44:26 with that, like, you know, I'd be as focused as possible with your speed, you know, your speed power and really bumping that up, and your explosivity, and then get a little leaner, and so you're nice, you're moving real quick out there. You would be surprised to coming out of season, because you're playing games, you're already lifting two or three days a week, you'd be surprised that you'll probably gain some muscle by doing less than versus doing more. You said Tuesday, okay, so you were saying four days a week lifting and then you said Tuesday and Thursday, you were doing, what were you doing on those two days? The, uh, those days I'm working with the track coach for about an hour and a half. I, uh, yeah, it was last week out in my first session with him.
Starting point is 01:44:58 It was about an hour and a half, two hours session almost. So two, yeah. So two days a week, it's on the track, and hour and a half to two. And then Saturdays, what was Saturdays? Saturdays is I'm working specifically on the combine drills. So that's like the position work itself. Well, I'm gonna give you one day a week
Starting point is 01:45:17 of string training to add to that. That's it, one, two max. And that'll, that'll, because you're gonna, you're gonna overdo it. Everything you're doing, you're trying to overdo it. And I know why you're excited. And you're gonna, you're gonna, you're gonna overdo it. Yeah. Everything you're doing, you're trying to, you're gonna overdo it. And I know why you're excited and you're like, I want to throw everything out.
Starting point is 01:45:29 Let's get it all done. But, I mean, two, two, one and a half hour to two hour days on the track outside in the heat at your size. That's a lot. The one day, and then you're doing the one day a week of the, the combine drill, which is a lot. Yeah, explosive. I mean, one day a week of lifting is what I would
Starting point is 01:45:44 probably do, especially coming out of season, and it would be a basic compound lift day where I'm doing like four or five exercises, five by five, nothing to failure, just focusing on technique form and getting, you know, trying to get stronger. And that's where I would start.
Starting point is 01:45:59 Yeah, you can always add more, but that's where I would start. Yeah, I hear what you guys are saying. I'm definitely one to like, I love the gym and I've been lifting since that. So I'll be 28 actually in a week and I've been lifting since I was 14. I've grown a passion for obviously training and like, I love being in the gym. I love it, but I'm not like once. I know when I'm overtraining and I know when I'm like under training at the same time.
Starting point is 01:46:23 It just feels like obviously been in season. I just feel like I'm under training. And I want to gain strength. And it felt good to get after it in the gym yesterday. And my body feels relatively good coming out of season this last game. But I hear what you guys are saying. And so I definitely, obviously, I'm going to listen to you guys because I believe in trust you guys
Starting point is 01:46:40 100%. And so I think that sounds good today's week as actual will probably be perfect. Definitely be perfect. Cool, very cool. Yeah, and then if you want to do extra stuff, do you have Maps Prime Pro? Do you have our mobility stuff?
Starting point is 01:46:53 So I do not, however, Adam, don't freak out. I've been following the Maps Prime Pro and Prime Webinar. Okay, all right. You get a pass. You get a pass. I'm going to send you Prime Pro. So you'll have some mobility stuff you can do
Starting point is 01:47:06 if you want to just do more stuff. Yeah, yeah, that'll be perfect. I definitely, even with the Prime Pro webinar, I'll refer back to it with not only myself or even show my clients send it to them. It's a new, some extra stuff, but I prime with that before every lift, I do the combat stretch, the 90 in 1990, all that fun stuff.
Starting point is 01:47:25 Awesome. I really do appreciate it, guys. You guys rock. Yeah, then if you want to pick us up at the airport, we'll be there in about five some hours. Yeah, we're coming out. Hey, I got you. No, it's real.
Starting point is 01:47:36 I got you. I don't want to race. I got you. I Adam, I saw your Instagram story actually earlier, before I hopped on, you guys are going to be a famous for a couple of days in Jason It's hot bring your sunscreen That's all I brought. I'll be lathered up booty booty shorts and tank tops. It's all I brought
Starting point is 01:47:52 So we're good to go. Yeah, yeah, absolutely. I appreciate you guys. I'll keep doing what you do Hey, best of luck. Hey, you keep us posted. Please keep us posted on how the trainings go on it's up I love I'd love to hear our goes Yeah, 100% we'll do just through the email here. Yeah, yeah, yeah was posted on how the training's going. It's about that. I'd love to hear how it goes. Yeah, 100% will do just through the email here. Yeah, yeah. That'd be best way. They'll make sure it gets to us.
Starting point is 01:48:11 Sounds great. Yeah, we'll do, guys. Thanks again. I got it, man. Thank you. Yeah, that was a lot. He was adding up all the stuff he was doing. Yeah, and the Johnson's point.
Starting point is 01:48:20 This is such a short notice that you don't want to try and make those huge moves on. So what are you looking at in the in the comp because I heard your comment. It's a 30 shot run. It's all running. It's all there's a big press. Yeah. Yeah. You but that doesn't weigh that much. No, it's again, like yeah, the coaches aren't looking for that because if you look at it from a coaching perspective, like what can you build in the offseason with your athlete? You can't build his speed. That's right. And reactive, like being quick. And speed is what wins games. Like these athletes don't understand. If you just get faster and more explosive, everything else you can build within the offseason.
Starting point is 01:48:59 100% bro, if he did his research and saw that probably the, you know, average best NFL guy at his positions, 225, at whatever, it's like, if they see him, they rather see him at 210 and fucking blow everyone out the door speedwise. And because they know the ball, because they'll know like, oh, but this guy is about 10 pounds under weight. We can put it, we can poke him up in the off season and put some weight on him. If he's got natural speed, yeah, totally. So I agree with you, especially with this short of notice too, like we would, we're more likely to fuck them up
Starting point is 01:49:29 by trying to add a bunch of strength and weight to him. Yeah, it's gonna slow him down. Yeah, yeah. Check it out. If you like the show, head over to mindpumpfree.com and check out our guides. We have free guides that can help you with a lot of health and fitness goals. You can also find all of us on Instagram. So Justin is at Mind Pump Justin. I'm at Mind Pump, De Stefano and Adam is at Mind Pump Adam. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy, and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at Mind Pump Media.com. The RGB Superbundle includes maps and a ballac, maps for performance and maps aesthetic. www.mapsanabolic.com 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle is like having sour, animal, and Justin as your own personal trainers, but at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day
Starting point is 01:50:32 money bag guarantee, and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at MindPumpMedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing Mind Pump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support and until next time, this is Mind Pump.

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