Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 2064: How to Strength Train for Combat Sports, the Best Way to Get Stronger at the Bench Press, Getting Into Great Shape After 50 & More (Listener Live Coaching)

Episode Date: April 29, 2023

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Mind Pump Fit Tip: Use ice baths for muscle gains! (1:52) Adam’s protein strategy. (12:33) Having kids makes... you do things you thought you would never do. (20:23) Music is profound. (22:58) Mind Pump’s musical preferences. (25:17) There is a lot of time spent as a dad repeating the same things over and over with your kids. (29:28) Have a little compassion. (31:45) A.I. is here. Pay attention! (37:00) Why Justin is excited about the latest season of ‘The Mandalorian.’ (46:18) If you want to stay sharp, take Organifi Pure. (50:25) Shout out to Thomas DeLauer. (51:04) #ListenerLive question #1 – If I continue to train like a combat sports athlete can this cause long term issues? Recently I have transitioned into strength and hypertrophy training but find myself missing the strength training work I did for boxing. (51:49) #ListenerLive question #2 – What programs should I follow over the next year to get ‘summer camp’ fit and prepare for another marathon? (1:01:51) #ListenerLive question #3 – How many times can I run MAPS Anabolic before I should switch? (1:18:44) #ListenerLive question #4 – How would you go about modifying MAPS Powerlift to mainly focus on the bench? (1:26:54) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Kreatures of Habit: Meal One for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Code MP25 at checkout** Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout** April Promotion: MAPS Anabolic or MAPS Split 50% off! **Code APRIL50 at checkout** Mind Pump #1822: Wim Hof On How To Control Your Immune System With Breathwork Toronto Blue Jays pitcher claims flight attendant ‘made’ his pregnant wife clean up after their child, fueling heated Twitter debate Elon Musk Claims Google Co-Founder Is Building a "Digital God" The Mandalorian | On Disney+ Visit Butcher Box for this month’s exclusive Mind Pump offer! MAPS Fitness Prime Pro MP Holistic Health Visit NED for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! MAPS 15 Minutes MAPS Symmetry MAPS Powerlift   Mind Pump # 1940: Chest Building Master Class Mark Bell Sling Shot  Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Wim Hof (@iceman_hof) Instagram Thomas DeLauer (@thomasdelauer) Instagram Dr. Stephen Cabral (@stephencabral) Instagram  

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. You just found the most downloaded fitness health and entertainment podcast in the history of the world. This is Mind Pump. Alright, today's episode we answered live caller's questions. But this was after a 49 minute introductory conversation. We're talking about fitness, studies, family life,
Starting point is 00:00:28 current events, and much more. By the way, you could fast forward to your favorite part if you check the show notes. So there's time stamps there. Also, if you want to ask us a question that we can answer on an episode live, email it to live at minepumpmedia.com. This episode was brought to you by some sponsors.
Starting point is 00:00:46 The first one is creatures of habit. This is high protein oatmeal, easy to make, taste real good, very healthy. 30 grams of plant protein in every packet. Go check them out. Go to creaturesofhabit.com forward slash mind pump. Creatures is spelled with a K, use the code mind pump, or excuse me, use the code MP25 for a massive discount, 25% off.
Starting point is 00:01:06 The setback set was also brought to you by Organify, makers of plant-based performance-enhancing, wellness, fat loss, and muscle building supplements. There's a wide variety of products. This is actually one of our longest running sponsors. They've got great products. We trust the company. Go check them out. Go to organify.com. Orgain.ifi.com, forward slash mind pump,
Starting point is 00:01:27 use the code Mind Pump and get 20% off. There's also only two days left for the April special. This is 50% off Maps and Obolic and 50% off Maps Split. Again, only two days left, so you need to take advantage of it now if this is something you're interested in. If you are just just go to Maps fitness products calm and use the code April 50 for that discount. All right here comes a show
Starting point is 00:01:52 Contrary to what a lot of fitness influencers are currently saying ice baths can be utilized to maximize muscle gains Ice baths for muscle gain. You know what You're crazy. Here's what annoys me. Uh-oh. Here's one thing that annoys me. There's a lot of things that annoys me about fitness influencers and, you know, people on social media, is that they don't look at the full picture. They look at one thing and then they don't realize
Starting point is 00:02:18 that you could use something in a way to maximize progress and don't just look at it as a potential negative. So I'll be more clear. Ice baths reduce inflammation. Inflammation, or the signal for inflammation is part of the muscle-building process. So if you use ice baths often, you reduce that signal and you could potentially build less muscle.
Starting point is 00:02:40 So everybody's like, don't do ice baths because you're not going to build as much muscle. Here's why that's stupid. Because, and you guys will know that, you guys know this because you guys know how to program workouts. If you have a tool that could potentially lower inflammation and speed up recovery, that allows you to increase volume and frequency. And now you could do more work and get better results. Now why would more work
Starting point is 00:03:07 give you better results? Because there's value in practicing exercises frequently. And the limiting factor is always recovery. Like if you could practice deadlifting 10 times a day and recover from it, you would get so good at deadlifting so quickly. but the limiting factor is always gonna be recovery. Well, what if we had a tool that allowed us to work out harder, more often, and longer so we could utilize that practice and get better and more proficient at these amazing exercises more rapidly.
Starting point is 00:03:37 Well, we do have that tool, it's called an ice bath. So it's not as clear cut as, hey, reduces the muscle building signal, don't do it. It's like, reduces the muscle building signal. Wow, how can I use this to my advantage? Man, nuance hurts my bro brain. It does. It stays like this and I'm reminded why I like you so much.
Starting point is 00:03:54 Yeah. Yeah. I just, but this is, you've heard me say this already several times on the podcast lately because I'm just, I'm so annoyed by this messaging that. And by the way, Lane says this really well, right? Even though I think he's actually one of the people that did this is you can find a study for almost any, to prove almost any point that you want. So if you want to find something to say to like, like a trend is going crazy. And by the way, this is the social media game now, right?
Starting point is 00:04:21 Is to counter whatever is trending because then you can hop on the wave. So there's this massive wave of like everybody finally getting on board and realizing, oh wow, which by the way, people like Wim Hof have been touting for well over a decade. Now the benefits of it, there's great documentaries on it,
Starting point is 00:04:37 all kinds of great stuff about it. It's finally getting popularity. Now it's got all this popularity. Now it's starting to go viral. Everybody that's doing all these giant, fast challenges and all this stuff like that. And then here comes the other way, right? So, okay, that's trending now.
Starting point is 00:04:50 Let me find a study that will shit on this new thing that everybody's talking about and let me make a case on why it's gonna hurt your gains. And so, now you have people doing that. And so what we're doing, we're playing 3D chess. We're waiting for the counter to the counter and then we're gonna counter. We're gonna counter the counter's counter.
Starting point is 00:05:05 That's right, yeah. No, I mean, look, here's a deal. When you understand how to program workouts, there's a lot of factors that you want to, or pieces that you move in order to maximize progress, and being able to speed up recovery and lower inflammation is a piece that allows you to increase frequency, increase volume, increase intensity. Is there value in doing those things? Abs of freaking
Starting point is 00:05:32 lily. You get really good at skills. You get really good at skills. You're able to do more often and recover and heal faster. Now for sports, this is obviously a no brainer. This is a no brainer. If I could practice my sport more often, I'm gonna get better at it faster. So ice baths become extremely valuable. But with muscle building, for some reason,
Starting point is 00:05:52 it becomes just like black or white, muscle building signal, lower muscle building signal, good or bad. The number one limiting factor to always, across the board, to somebody's ability to build muscle, always is, they're hitting the recovery wall. Like, how much can I do? How much can I play with recovery and adaptation? Where's that line?
Starting point is 00:06:10 Oh, I did too much. I'm not doing enough. Well, I mean, if you have something that allows you to move that meter so that now you could do more, now you've got a tool that allows you to, you know, like I said, increase some of those other factors and get your progress. I mean, you know, to accelerate. This is a great point to bring up because I mean, it's commonly accepted that if you're redlining like say you're double days for football or you have like a, you're playing a
Starting point is 00:06:37 sport that's like super demanding and you're always doing high intensity exercises. And this is just a way to add a bit of longevity. That's right. Without getting hurt, like everybody can accept and get behind that and support that. and the intensity exercises, and this is just a way to add a bit of longevity. That's right. Without getting hurt, like everybody can accept and get behind that support that, but you're manipulating that ability to lower down that inflammation. So to do that in a way where it's advantageous towards muscle ability is totally feasible. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:00 So if you're smart, so like if you're, like if you don't know this and you're doing a workout and you add, and you're already like recovering and adapting well and then you add an ice bath, you might see reduced muscle growth. By the way, it's almost trivial, but fine, you're going to see some reduced signaling for muscle growth. But if you're smart and you're doing the same workout, you add an ice bath, then you add more exercise or you add more practice or you add more volume or you add more intensity. Right. then you add more exercise, or you add more practice, or you add more volume, or you add more intensity. Now, not only do you offset the lower muscle building signal, but you have the added value
Starting point is 00:07:30 of being able to do more, being able to practice. You can always ramp up your intensity and add that type of inflammation in order to really hyper focus. Or as you already acquired this new skill. Or you use a pre-workout instead of a post thing. Oh, that's great. So use it as as which is how I use it. I use it before I don't use it after I workout. It's before I were I'm going to steal man this this argument to with another angle. One of the there's no argument right about the importance of recovery and sleep when
Starting point is 00:07:59 it comes to building muscle right. We all know that's actually at the top of the priority list. One of the most valuable things that Katrina and I have done, and she's really good about noticing this when I'm tossing and turning and my brain is going like crazy, is my breathing. And getting me to calm my breathing down, to get me in that state where my body will go fall into a sleep versus it going like crazy. Because I don't even recognize how I'm breathing. And she can, she hears it and catches it before I catch it on myself.
Starting point is 00:08:27 This practice has got me so good at being able to recognize that and then shift to it. I think you have to be able to hang out with ice for a few minutes. If you sit in that cold-ass water for two to five minutes, you have trained yourself to be able to calm your breathing down and under control under a crazy stress like that. Obviously, I'm not in a late in bed in an ice bath. And so it's even easier when I become aware of,
Starting point is 00:08:51 oh my God, I'm sitting here chest breathing right now. Let me calm it down and then I relax. So now you're in a highly intensified situation and to be able to find, obviously, this applies easily to athletics and when you're in a sporting event. And the highest performers out there are the ones who have the ability to stay calm under that crazy, surmountable amount of pressure.
Starting point is 00:09:13 And so to be able to train that with the ice is incredibly valuable. You know how they got a great study on that? You know they did a great study on some like, and they did like some basketball players. They didn't think they did some downhill skiers. and they took these like gold medalists, professional athletes and the most common theme of all of them in those crazy high pressure moments like game on the line got a hit of free throw or something like that. Going downhill to hit the triple back flip crazy stuff like that is their heart rate. It was like almost
Starting point is 00:09:40 like a resting heart rate. Yeah, which is crazy. You're in the middle of a high intensity sport and your heart rate, anybody's done anything even remotely close to that crazy and stressful. Most of us are like, hard as pounding and racing, but the best of the best have that ability to stay calm in those moments. I'm sure you guys have experienced this.
Starting point is 00:09:57 I know I did when I competed in grappling sports, when I would first start competing, I'd get so nervous that I'd exhaust myself faster than I did when I was in. There's so much energy. Yeah, like I'd start the match and I'd be like, 30 seconds in and I'm dead. I'm like, man, I can go and train with guys
Starting point is 00:10:15 for 10 minutes without getting tired. It was because I was so ramped up. So, I mean, that's a skill that can benefit, potentially benefit your athletic performance, benefit your ability to recover. You know, it's not, it's never black and white. This is the thing that people need to understand. For example, I use a silly example, right?
Starting point is 00:10:30 Like, okay, generally studies show that eating a high protein diet builds more muscle. Well, what if you have for whatever reason, high protein diets affect your digestion poorly? Well, then it's not a great muscle building strategy. In fact, the lower protein diets probably gonna help you build more muscle because you're healthier, right? Health is another thing that we need to take into consideration. Poor health, you don't build as much muscle as good health.
Starting point is 00:10:53 That's another thing that you want to consider. So it's never that black and white. So I waited because I see you know, ice baths, great benefits, health benefits, and then people went a little too crazy in that direction. Everybody's like, oh no, it lowered then people went a little too crazy in that direction. Everybody's like, oh no, here's a couple studies of shows that you might build less muscle. Therefore, never ice bath. I'm like, okay, you guys are, that's not, as somebody who designs workout programs, I take a tool like that, and I don't say this isn't good, I say, how can I use this?
Starting point is 00:11:20 Oh, this lowers the inflammatory. Where does this apply best? Totally. And again, like, there's a lot of value in being able to practice a movement more frequently because you're, you get better at it. And you can utilize its benefits more, you know, more readily. And you can tap into its ability to make you stronger. It's just, you know, don't forget that strength training exercises are skills and a lot of your ability to extract the benefit of an exercise
Starting point is 00:11:51 is how well you can do it. Somebody who could do a deadlift really well is gonna be able to extract more benefit than someone who does it poorly. They're gonna be able to generate more force, they're gonna have less injury. What makes them better at doing the deadlift, they practice it, they practice it more often.
Starting point is 00:12:04 I find it's the same clown saying the same thing too, about the deadlift and the squat. Oh yeah. So you know, it's the hard shit. And it's so easy for those things to go viral when people would jump on board because they all didn't want to do it in the first place. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:16 I don't want to do no deadlift. I didn't want to do no squat. They're hell of hard to do. So let's, so, so as soon as I find something, I'm like, yes. Yes, so I glom onto that right away. Same thing with the ice pass.
Starting point is 00:12:24 Ice pass are hard, they're difficult. They're not easy to do. So, oh great, somebody told me that they're worthless and it's not gonna hurt my gains. That's why I don't do it. Not because it's fucking hard. I know, that's annoying. Anyway, speaking of gains, Adam,
Starting point is 00:12:34 I gotta ask you about your diet and workout. Your body is changing every day. It's pretty annoying. Talk. What's going, what's the next step? What are your steps right now? You're about to sing John Mary to you. Yeah, well, that's what I was you. So I was waiting for that.
Starting point is 00:12:48 Wow. So I, I'm just about to, this is the most in two to eating intuitive training I've ever done to like get into the shape that I am now and to continue and I kind of wanted to see that I was like, you know, I always tell you like, ah, more of the tracking guy. And I'm like, let me see how much I can just do this intuitively before I really start to get granular, right? And that's served me up into about this point right now.
Starting point is 00:13:15 I kind of feel like I'm in this little, my first like little plateau, on the journey, it's been like you said, I felt like week over week I've been improving, improving, improving. And that's purely been out of just intuitive training, intuitive eating, listening to my body and trying to figure out what I should do every day. So I just started to kind of track protein and see,
Starting point is 00:13:33 now granted, when I say I'm intuitive eating, I already know my behaviors around protein. And so I already consciously made sure I started going after. You're coming from this point of experience and knowledge. Yeah, you can't have like your intuition without experience is nothing. Right. So, so there, so even though I'm not tracking, I already know my old behaviors and patterns when I, when I am off the wagon or I'm not really like hardcore consistent or really dieting or anything like that, I know my tendency is to meal skip, to not get enough protein. I know that that's one of the first things that I need to do. So right away, I already started
Starting point is 00:14:10 eating breakfast right away. So the very one of the very first things I did to introduce was and it's so easy for me when we get here is the creatures of habits. It's got 30 to 32 grams of protein in it. So just by adding that, you're already ahead. Yeah, I'm already starting to move in the right direction. Have you done the two packets yet? So I just did that the other night. Oh, yeah. Yeah, so I do that for a night snack. I actually had the munchies and I'm like,
Starting point is 00:14:30 dude, what can I eat right now? And I'm like, oh, you know what? Let me go try and eat two packets. I've heard Sal do that before. 60 grand of protein. It was. And it actually, you know what? Because it's the plant protein,
Starting point is 00:14:40 I actually think that it sits all right on my side. If I were to do a double dose of way protein, I would be upset or I would be on the toilet shortly after. It did not bother me whatsoever. So I definitely notice a difference in doing that. So that's become a staple. Creatures of habit is like almost every single morning for me. And then I have like a second meal,
Starting point is 00:15:04 like late breakfast or early lunch. And I'm bringing my meals right now. So I'm not weighing, I'm not like weighing and measuring exactly how much rice, how much, but again, been doing this so long, if I had a guess, I'm probably eating eight to 10 ounces of meat paired with a rice, a quinoa pasta. What do you aim me for, grams of protein wise?
Starting point is 00:15:23 So now that I'm gonna start tracking, I wanna be at 200. 200's hard though, man. It's hard dude. Yeah, that's what I try to hit. Yeah, so yesterday was the first day I really tracked and I was only landing about 160 and I would say that was probably a normal day
Starting point is 00:15:38 of what I've been eating like, so I already know that I still have room to go with the protein. Which is why I talk about that so much on the shows, is I just don't think that a lot of people, and every meal I've got, I'm eating protein base. It's either a 30-sucking gram protein-packed oatmeal, or it's eight ounces of chicken and rice. It's crazy how much you have to do in order to hit that, and hit that consistently. I've only been able to do it by adding two shakes a day.
Starting point is 00:16:05 It's so hard with food because it's so satiating. And then I just started a different peptide, Tessel Fenson, which is a serotonin dopamine, noripinephrine, reuptake inhibitors, like a cognitive booster. It's also people use for fat loss because it suppresses appetite and it does suppress appetite.
Starting point is 00:16:26 So I don't know if this is one, I do like the mental aspect of it, although the energy might be a little too high because I notice it's harder for me to go to sleep, but we'll see if that settles. But the appetite dropping plus trying to hit 200 grams of protein, I'm like choking my food down. So I'm gonna give it a good way to take this out.
Starting point is 00:16:44 So I know I mentioned the other day about, I could see I could be beneficial to someone over eats, but like this is, I don't know if it's gonna work for me. Yeah, you know, I brought up how I wanted to try ozemic because of all the hoopla around it right now. So you can comment on it. Yes, I can comment on it,
Starting point is 00:17:00 but I don't wanna do it right now because I know I'm on this path of like trying to get enough protein in right now and that'll just be counterproductive for me. I already know I struggle to eat enough. And I know there's people right now too that are listening, there's like, oh, I wish I had that same problem.
Starting point is 00:17:14 You know what, you'd be surprised. People who think they over eat carbs, carbs, and saturated fat, they've stuffed a taste amazing. It's hard to over eat lean good protein. It's hard to overeat, lean good protein. It really is. That was one of the easiest hacks ever for clients was to say, hey, I'm not gonna put you on some crazy diet. I'm not gonna tell you you can't have anything,
Starting point is 00:17:33 but you just have to go get your protein and go get it from chicken, steak, fish, all these sources. Just go hit your number every single day. Then after that, go ahead and have some things. And like, people, almost always, they couldn't eat anything after that. I mean, a lot of people wonder why is protein so satiating? Like why did we develop this satiety effect from protein in nature?
Starting point is 00:17:53 So obviously we evolved for most of human history, like hunter-gatherers, right? So in nature, foods that were high in protein were typically animal. Like it really wasn't a high protein non animal source. You're not gonna go find protein powder, growing on a tree or whatever. So it was animal and animal sources of protein are extremely nutrient dense, right? High in nutrients.
Starting point is 00:18:18 So the point where organ meats, you can actually overdose on certain nutrients if you eat them all the time. So it makes sense that we evolved to continue to have an appetite when reading, especially carbs, and maybe some fats, although fats often times were found with proteins. And then we hit those protein targets, our bodies slowed down the appetite because we probably got all the nutrients we needed. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:39 Right. So it makes perfect sense. So you're right. You know, most people you bump their protein. But I mean, you know, I know some people, they like the appetite, suppressing effects. For me, I don't know, man, it's, it's weird like yesterday I was eating chicken
Starting point is 00:18:51 and I found myself like, oh my God, I don't want any more chicken. I'm like, oh, we gotta see if this is gonna work out for me. This might not be a pet show. Yeah, I just, that's the reason I'm not a big fan of those type of pet foods. I just don't think that's ever been a great strategy for my clients
Starting point is 00:19:05 that need to lose significant body fat. I think people that need to lose a big amount of body fat, 30 plus pounds. First of all, even though I know the calories, the calories are a result of something else, right? It's normally like a root cause is related to something actually emotional. There's normally some sort of damage that they've done in the past trauma that they're dealing with, they're self-medicating through food. And so any sort of weight loss pill, appetite, suppressant, metabolism, speeder up thing,
Starting point is 00:19:35 like all those things are all temporary because the person still has the trauma, they still have all those things. And so either one, they utilize that tool and they lose a bunch of weight and they're temporarily happy until it ends up coming back on. Or they switch,
Starting point is 00:19:50 medicating with food to another drug or some other fix that they don't do that. I'd rather teach somebody how to deal with feelings of cravings and appetite and how they use food to maybe distract themselves versus take away all those feelings and now you just eat less because you wanna eat less. You never learn those skills.
Starting point is 00:20:11 You have to learn those skills at some point, right? And if you can learn those skills and you can navigate the world of highly processed foods and foods that are super readily available. So, and those are important skills in order to maintain good health. Anyway, I want to tell you guys something funny. You know, having kids, you end up doing things
Starting point is 00:20:27 you never thought you would end up doing because, obviously, you love your kids so much. So like last night, I'm putting a relius to bed. And he's going through a little phase where he'll get a little bit like, he won't want to go to bed or he's a little scared or something like that. So I put him down, I put him in his bed, and first he's like, can I have some water? So I get him some water. Can I have a tissue? I give him some tissue. So I'm bed. And first he's like, can I have some water? So I get him some water.
Starting point is 00:20:45 Can I have a tissue? I give him some tissue. So I'm like, okay, he's stalling. And I can tell he's a little bit like worried, you know, he's getting a little nervous. So I started singing to my son. I started singing to my son. I started singing to my son,
Starting point is 00:20:55 and I was making up lyrics and I was like, oh, I just sang. I just wanted to sing to my son. I just made, I'm not gonna, and I will not. I'm not gonna sing on the podcast. I lose every listen. Oh, man. But the lyrics are like, you know, like in tomorrow,
Starting point is 00:21:07 you're gonna have a fun time, but you're gonna play in your sandbox. Your mom loves you, and your dad loves you, and you love fast cars, and your favorite color's blue. And I'm singing this song. And he's like laying down, he's making this like little smiley face, as he's laying down.
Starting point is 00:21:19 And it was really cute. And so I did that this morning, I guess he woke up and he goes to Jessica, and he goes, but Pops sings to me every night. They're like, oh great. That's what we see. That's gonna be like an every night thing. Dude, you know, you gave the advice to their day about, you know, we were talking about me leaving and then, you know, telling my son a story about...
Starting point is 00:21:38 Oh, before you actually do it? Before I actually do it. So I did it last night, right? But here's what's so funny. I was like, so I'm putting him down and after we read, we do the story. And I forget what I said. I said something like, dad, he's gonna tell you a story. He's like, story dad's right. He said, yes, story.
Starting point is 00:21:54 I'm gonna tell you a story about a dad and a boy and his dad going off to work or something like that. I can't remember. I said something like that. And he pops his head up, he goes, I don't wanna hear that one. You know what that's good. You know what that means?
Starting point is 00:22:07 So he's literally feeling those feelings. So going through the story helps him process. Well, so what I did, I tricked him, right? I said, okay, well, what do you wanna hear, right? He's like Spider-Man, right? So I told him like a Spider-Man dad and son, Steve, and I, I'm with, I'm with, I'm with, I'm with the dad leaving off to go fight crime or something and he had to go for like three days to come back. And I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, something. I'm like, oh, I'm telling, I'm actually putting them down that night as normally as Katrina.
Starting point is 00:22:47 I'm like, oh, it's a good opportunity to utilize a tool that South said. So I'm going away in the next coming weekend. So I would to do it. You just, you popped this head up real quick. No, I don't want to hear that still. Yeah, so I thought that was so funny. That's funny.
Starting point is 00:22:59 You bring that like, I appreciate anybody else that like starts just singing things randomly. Because I feel like I'm like That's that's like my love language Yeah, it was one of those things where it's like I'll jock rock my way through life, you know like I just like Yeah, I'll just walk around and see and I start picking up like my kids are like even Courtney will just be like I'm doing the dishes the whole house. I got them doing it You know, just like can't help it, dude.
Starting point is 00:23:26 Bro, what did you think of that video I sent you yesterday about that, what that composer we're saying? Yeah, it was, dude, like you said, profounds of the best word I think to describe it. I think it was just one of those things where you don't have a lot of words to articulate music because it's kind of, when you really stop to think about music and what it does, and it being like a vibration,
Starting point is 00:23:48 and like how that's the whole thing starts with that and how it affects us on like such a deep level and how he related it to being the way that you communicate love was just like. Well, so when he said that, so what I love about, so it's this composer and we'll have that clip up so people can see it. He's a, I love listening to people who are super passionate about a subject who can communicate it in a way to where you could feel the passion and understand why they're so passionate about what
Starting point is 00:24:15 they're talking about. And he did that. So I'm listening to him like, wow, and I'm, he's like blowing my mind. And when he said that, I remembered how, when FMRI machines first started getting used and to watch how the brain gets lit up during different experiences, music lights up the entire brain. Like there isn't like one music part of the brain. The whole brain turns on when you listen to music. One other thing does that, the feeling of love, it lights up the entire brain. It's so profound in how it affects us. It's why it affects our memory. Like you can remember, if you wanna remember something, you put it in a song. It's how we communicate.
Starting point is 00:24:51 It can elicit feelings. Almost any feeling can be elicited through music. And it's really weird, like you earlier we were talking, you said it's chaos. It's taking chaos and then making it organized. Yeah, it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's because you're right because if you take a bunch of random notes It sounds like noise. Yeah, organizing the right way it becomes music. Yeah, so cool. I love stuff like that. That is fascinating. Yeah, yeah I mean that gets me tripping out to like my preferences and where I'm at with like my mood and I could always tell kind of where I'm at like if I'm too stressed or if I'm like If I'm feeling good or if I
Starting point is 00:25:29 You know optimistic or I'm negative or like you know what I'm doing and going to my well of music and like different artists That kind of inspire me in different ways. It's always heavy. What do you tell them? Well, it is around you guys? You know, this is my happy music. There's not a chaos set. This is my meditative suit. All the same. That's all I agree with. Disadisting it like chords and like, you're knee. And then it just, I'm able to kind of funnel that into like a,
Starting point is 00:25:54 you know, like a, a, a direction where I'm like actually moving forward. I think I'm probably the most diverse that all of us when it comes to music is what I listen to. I go all over the place. Yeah. I feel like just is the most narrow. I think you have a little bit, you have a little bit of mix of like your powers
Starting point is 00:26:10 and your, I appreciate lots of music, but I only listen to on a regular basis like a couple genres, I think you know what I mean? Yeah, what it does, like if you were to go through, a good exercise to do, this is ask somebody like, you know, what's playing in each car you have, what's on your stereo, what's on your playlist, right, that you listened to last,
Starting point is 00:26:30 and you can tell real quickly how diverse it is. If it's all the same type of stuff, then you listen to that. What do you listen to, Doug? I listen to everything, really. I do like, I listen sometimes to jazz, sometimes rock, sometimes to classical, really everything. I like a mix.
Starting point is 00:26:48 Honestly, I'm not the type of person that go, I have a favorite song I've played over and over again. I like something new all the time. You know, you're right, Justin. I went in your car once, you were playing classical. I played classical all the time. Yeah, again, like I show you guys probably the heavier stuff all the time,
Starting point is 00:27:03 because like I said, I think it's for me more of a drive. Like I want to be productive. Like I want to get up, I want to get after it. Like it hits my central nervous system differently than everything else, but classical music gets my brain firing and all cylinders. Like it's just a very cognitive thing for me. I can think more clearly.
Starting point is 00:27:26 That jazz is interesting because when you go deep into jazz, it makes zero sense to me. You hear jazz when they just start going off. I think that's the point, right? Different kinds of jazz though. I mean, there's like the free form improv style jazz and then there's others that have kind of a melody. I don't really appreciate the ones where they just
Starting point is 00:27:44 go off with these crazy sacks. I list those on Spotify, a playlist called Dinner Jazz every night. So every night at the end. Like you're cooking? Yeah, no, I'm not only cooking, Katrina, I clean. When I clean, and that's part of our routine,
Starting point is 00:27:58 she takes max up the bath. I turn on the dinner jazz, and I clean the whole bottom half of the house. Has your son, has he shown a preference? You know, um, he likes, uh, so he really likes right now that the, um, what is the trolls, the world tour? So that's rock. That's good music.
Starting point is 00:28:16 Oh, yeah, no, it's classic rock. So that's all classic rock that they're that are in there. So he'll listen to classic. They're just in Timberlake. So that's the other one. And he does listen to that. So the two trolls. The second one. The second, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:28 The one where the metal troll comes over, takes over all the other trolls song strings. Have you seen that? I haven't seen that. You would love that. You would love that. You would love that. You would love that. You would love that. You would love that. You would love that. You would love that. You would love that. You would love that. You would love that. You would love that. You would love that. You would love that. You would love that. You would love that. You would love that. You would love that. You would love that. You would love that. You would love that. You would love that. You would love that. You would love that. You would love that. You would love that. You would love that. You would love that. You would love that. You would love that. You would love that. You would love that. You would love that. You would love that. You would love that. You would love that. You would love that. You would love that. You would love that. You would love that. You would love that. You would love that. You would love that. You would love that. You would love that. You would love that.
Starting point is 00:28:40 You would love that. You would love that. You would love that. You would love that. You would love that So each, the concept of the show or the movie or whatever is, there's the jazz trolls, the rock trolls. The EDM trolls. Yeah, the EDM. And they all got a string from the guitar that represents their type of music and they all live in their own little country or whatever and they don't go outside of that. And the one girl who has the rock, the heavy metal, she decides she's gonna take over all the, and she comes in like, yeah, stills all of her stuff.
Starting point is 00:29:08 And so it's a, the whole thing is based on music. Good music. It is. It's got great music. Okay, that's cool. Yeah, yeah, no, it's a good watch. It's one of the ones I didn't mind my son, like kind of watching over and over, but I get behind the music, the soundtrack from it.
Starting point is 00:29:22 So, dude, I love when they consider the parents when they make some of these moves. Yeah, smart. I'm like, I try to introduce new movies because he'll get stuck. My son will get stuck on the same one over and over. And I have to like convince him to try a new one. And so, like for a while, it was Toy Story, it was Cars. Then it was, what's the other one that Monsters Inc.
Starting point is 00:29:47 But I finally, I'm trying to get him to watch Cloudy with a chance of meatballs, because I love that one, that's great. So I'm like, I can watch that one over and over. I don't think I've seen that one. Oh, you haven't? You know, it's a really funny one is Storks. Hello, Storks, do you see that?
Starting point is 00:29:59 Yeah, I learned so funny. Like I was like, I didn't have any expectation about that movie and then, because it's being like this kind of cheesy Cartoon, but it was like really fun. So max has this book. It's a Sesame Street book and each page is You know alphabet numbers Shapes and one of the last pages is opposites up down big small, long short, dry, wet, in out. And I made the mistake of, you know, doing the voices and characters one time. And there's one of the things is it's Ernie and Bert. And Ernie is inside the house,
Starting point is 00:30:41 Bert is outside the house. And then when you has a little flap on it, and when you flap the door, Ernie is now out, then he's in. And when you do that, in a real small picture, they change Bert's face, because he slams the door on his face. And so Bert has got this angry face. And so I turn it into like,
Starting point is 00:31:02 like he's intentionally slamming the door, and make a big deal about it, and it makes him laugh like crazy. And so this has been going for months now where I have to keep doing it over. That's all he wants me to do. Like he'll tell Katrina like daddy, I want daddy to read me. I want daddy to read me and then he'll get me and then he'll go opposites. And then he just wants me to do that. And I'll do it. And then he tries to do it the same way. And then again, again, it's just back. And for, and till finally, like Katrina will hear me
Starting point is 00:31:31 have done it for like 10 minutes straight. She'll be like, okay, it's mommy's turn to read now because he will, he won't stop. He won't make you do it. Yeah, there's a lot of time you spend as a dad repeating the same shit over and over. He's like, if people have realized that, that's a big part of being a father.
Starting point is 00:31:45 Speaking of parents and stuff, did you guys see that controversial post that went up? I think it's a professional picture's wife that he posted about. I'm gonna look it up right now just to make sure I get it right, but she apparently was on a flight with her two young children. Okay, here we go. This is a Toronto blue jays picture and
Starting point is 00:32:09 He posted about his wife and the post said That it says the flight attendant just made my 22-week pregnant wife Traveling with a five-year-old and a two-year-old to get on her hands and knees and pick up the popcorn mess That was made by my youngest daughter. So he posts that, right? And the controversy is all these people who are like clean up after your kids. Of course, you're supposed to pick it up,
Starting point is 00:32:32 your kid threw it in the floor or whatever. I'm like, none of you guys have kids and none of you have had a wife that's 22 weeks pregnant. Like, she's traveling with a five in a two year old, 22 weeks pregnant. You're gonna have her get on the floor and pick sheet up. So I'm watching all these posts, all these comments of people
Starting point is 00:32:46 who are like, yeah, she needs a clean it up. Her daughter made that mess. I'm like, you guys have no idea what that's like. I know, I can't believe people are actually not signing with them, but I guess they just don't understand. Yeah, I guess, yeah, there's a disconnect there, for sure, from people I think too. And I guess the hard part for me is some of these people
Starting point is 00:33:05 have like a, I guess like this repulsion to kids or being around kids. And I'm like, motherfucker, you are a kid. You're probably a shitty kid on top of that. You know, and you're sitting here complaining about all this, like have a little compassion and relax. Yeah, I wonder how, I don't think I would definitely side with the people that would be
Starting point is 00:33:26 all up in arms about that. I would have compassion, especially seeing. I would have picked it up for her. Could you imagine seeing a 22 week pregnant woman who's by herself the five and a two old on the floor trying to pick up? I think I would just be like whatever. I mean, I've seen plenty of people spill and make messes
Starting point is 00:33:41 and not pick it up. And so of all the people I wouldn't freak out about doing that, it would be somebody in that situation. So I think that's really, you know, it's our culture now, man. It's so weird. This this anti-kid, anti-family, you know, type of deal. That's just like you got people that are just, and I can, there's a part of me that I was 25 at one point and even at a,
Starting point is 00:34:01 a point in my life where I didn't know if I was going to have kids that totally like would just, oh, God, I'm on one of those planes with the screaming babies. Sure, right? Right. Not enough to be so angry. I'm like, shut your kid up. Like I would never do something like that. But enough to where I'm like, God damn it.
Starting point is 00:34:18 Of course, yeah, of course I'm on the wrong plane or of course I got this plane and like frustrated. But I mean, and now I don't it doesn't bother me at all because I get it, you know what I'm saying? And I know that when you're as a parent, there's not much you can do in that situation. And the more you react as a parent, the more it makes it worse.
Starting point is 00:34:36 So it's like I wouldn't be helping the cops. I just feel like people aren't raised with like general manners. I think that's general manners. Like when I was a kid, like if I was sitting close, if we were at a restaurant, okay. And I was sitting next, like within like three steps
Starting point is 00:34:53 of the door to a restaurant. And let's say an old lady was trying to walk in with a cane having trouble. If I didn't get up to help, like my dad would get up and help and any time. He'd slap you in the back. And he'd tell me afterwards, like, you see that, you go, or if you're sitting on a bus, old person gets up, get up and help him any time. You're in the bag. Any time you afterwards like, you see that you go over if you're sitting on a bus,
Starting point is 00:35:07 old person get up, get up, let them sit down. You see a pregnant woman. Yeah. Trapped. First of all, she doesn't have to be pregnant. You see anybody, any parent traveling with a five in a two year old. Do you have any idea what hell that is? Does anybody has an idea? People don't know this traveling with one child by yourself. They're bags, you know?
Starting point is 00:35:25 Oh my God, you're something else. Two by yourself and on a plane, the whole deal, like that's crazy alone. I feel the same. I feel the same way about the young guy who doesn't offer to put the, you know, seven year old lady's bag above. Yeah, but I saw that.
Starting point is 00:35:39 I just happened at the flight we were just on right now. I had a lady in front of me who you could tell she was at least, you know least 65 plus, probably 70 plus. And I saw that she had a good size carry on. And before she even got to her seat, I tapped on her shoulder, I said, hey, let me get that for you when you're there. And she was like, oh yeah, thank you so much.
Starting point is 00:35:58 I'm like, I've seen young guys standing right there and seeing the lady struggle just leaving. I saw the same thing thousandth is gymnastics term in this old lady was like trying to make her way back to the bleacher seats and it's just like she's losing her balance and like she's going past this whole row of young guys and the role just like you know like moving out of the way and I get up and I grab her arm and I'm like up she's like and I get up and I grab her arm and I'm like, how she's like, oh thanks, it's just like, dude, do something helpful, you're right there. No, sad is we live in a society now
Starting point is 00:36:29 where they're more likely to grab their phones out to catch a video. Filming, so it'll potentially go viral than they are to probably step up, grab her hand and help her walk. It's like when you watch those videos of like someone like getting like violently assaulted and there's like 10 people filming it.
Starting point is 00:36:45 You play. Go do something dude. Yeah. I'm filming it for the police. No, you're not bro. You're filming it because you're gonna post you're hiding behind your phones. Yeah, get over there and help people out.
Starting point is 00:36:54 I don't know. It's kind of crazy. Yeah, different world. Yeah, it made me mad just to see that anyway. So go ahead Adam. No, I just I was gonna ask you guys because before I was, I think it was in the restroom, I heard, I gonna ask you guys because before I was I think it was in the restroom I heard I overheard you guys talking stuff about Elon and AI stuff
Starting point is 00:37:08 And is there something going viral right now that he said or did like yeah, I guess he was talking to He got interviewed and he was talking about why he created why he was one of the founders of open was open source Open so originally one of his friends was one of the founders of Google. Larry Page, right? Larry Page. Okay. And so these to hang out like in Palo Alto and discuss these things. And they would talk about the potential of AI and Elon talked about the potential dangers. And the reason why he, you know, helped found open AI was so that they could they could, you know, keep it open and produce something that's safe because it's inevitable.
Starting point is 00:37:45 This intelligence, this artificial intelligence is gonna get built. So he's trying to head it off at the past and create like a safe version. And he's saying that Larry Page was like, I just wanna create like an AI God. Like I wanna have like a digital God that just does. And he's like, bro, like that's like,
Starting point is 00:38:01 do you not understand the potential dangers of that? Yeah. I, you know, what's crazy about this is every week something else comes out. Like I just read that Paramount, like one of the executives at Paramount did a presentation and generated images of some of their top like characters and money making movies and then animated it with an instant. And everybody started freaking out. They're like, oh, shit, our jobs are done. If we got to figure out how we can either make money off the surface.
Starting point is 00:38:29 It's not just coming, it's here. Yeah. That's sort of the sentiment. I think everybody just needs to finally kind of reconcile with the fact that it's here and now we need to start paying a lot more attention to it. So what does that look like, Casey? I've thought about this a lot.
Starting point is 00:38:45 I'm constantly obviously talking about this right now. And I think about how entertainment's gonna look in the future. And what I predict it's gonna be like, which is gonna be really interesting, is that we'll pay for a AI service, like it won't be Netflix, unless those guys get smart and build it themselves,
Starting point is 00:39:02 which I don't think they're even building in that direction. But like an AI service that can create a movie from scratch just like that one. Whatever you want. And I think that you will program it. Like I want to watch a two hour movie that is a blend of a few good men and remember the Titans mixed with like,
Starting point is 00:39:20 and you could reference a bunch of things like that. And then instantaneously it's script and create a piece of entertainment for you that you can like. So my brain goes immediately, there's gonna be a lot of shitty ideas, right? So you want a platform where people rate and review. So that way, it's like, somebody comes up with an amazing idea like that,
Starting point is 00:39:41 and then it gets all these five stars and then elevates itself to the top and then they start generating money in that direction. So you're just like everybody, it's almost like YouTube on steroids, right? So you have a way to be that creative, but are your ideas good? You know, and then we'll see.
Starting point is 00:40:00 That's actually a really brilliant theory because obviously there's gonna be a way to monetize this stuff. There's gonna be someone will find a way to create it. Cause the initial thought that we have and we say is like, oh, everything's gonna be free. Everyone's gonna have to able to do all this like that.
Starting point is 00:40:16 No, there's gonna be people that are smart that harness this power and drive it in a direction that the consumer wants it and then a way and find a way to monetize it. That's a really good theory that you're right. I could plug that in, and then the AI just spits off this. I said a football movie, a lawyer movie, and so there's this weird blend of a football player
Starting point is 00:40:36 that becomes a lawyer, and it's stupid. And you're like, that's not very good. But if you had it built into a piece of software that then rated it based off of everybody else. Well, what would happen is the AI would learn how to make your ideas entertaining. That's what's gonna happen. It's not just an order taker.
Starting point is 00:40:52 Remember, these are machines that learn and they learn from each other. So you could create something and- And then you rate it low, but then it gets better. So what? Some people are dull. Yeah, well, they are, but the AI isn't.
Starting point is 00:41:03 So the AI is like, well, I think I know what you want, but here's what you're gonna get, and you're gonna love it. Well, right, and are, but the AI isn't. So the AI is like, well, I think I know what you want, but here's what you're going to get. Yeah. And you're going to love it. Well, right. And your input is what's going to steer it to be more accurate to you. And that idea, like maybe my collection of AI movies is shitty in your eyes, but it's going to be, but it's his, he loves that. But you love it. Yeah. That's a good point too. So that's, so that's what it's going to look like. And that's how you're gonna steer it is you're going to, oh yeah, that was no good.
Starting point is 00:41:29 Oh, that was excellent. Okay, which is how the algorithm on Netflix already works right now. You rate it and then it curates the movies for you. And which is why I always get irritated when other people use my Netflix because it starts to change my curation on these weird ass films.
Starting point is 00:41:44 I'm not in it. It's getting weirder and weird. I started renting out and our place in Palmdale. You're not, because there's no flexis. Yeah, you're like, I didn't even know this existed. No, I have no idea. It's like this whole world of potential. That's how I feel when I get online and someone's been using it.
Starting point is 00:42:01 I'm like, oh my God, I even know these were like, yeah, does the CW still exist? Like, what is this? Oh man. Did you see that video that Rogan posted of that UFO? Oh, did you see that? No. Like a pilot, like it was a Navy pilot posted?
Starting point is 00:42:14 Yeah, Navy pilot, it literally looks, and I saw it. It's like, it almost looked like a Mandalorian just zipping by real quick. Oh God. I mean, there was no jet. There was no like propulsion system It's just like this loaded by health floating. Yeah, metallic looking object diamond looking thing I feel like these are happening more and more often because I think your idea
Starting point is 00:42:35 I think you're the one that told me your idea that oh that's it right there. Oh, I haven't seen this watch watch this It's gonna watch it's just gonna Just into frame and then out what the fuck It's gonna watch it, it's just gonna just end up framed and out. What the fuck? I told you. Exactly. And that's not a satellite. Okay.
Starting point is 00:42:51 What the fuck? I mean, it could be like an experimental drone or something, which I saw in the comments. Maybe it's a like a Navy drone. Yeah, look at that. So look it right there. It's like a diamond looking thing. Dude. So, you know, okay, so Justin's theory, he said this a while ago.
Starting point is 00:43:04 I got to share this again, because I think this is brilliant, right? Like, there's this like, this alien, you know, intergalactic federation in Earth is like this protected habitat. So, so nerdy. It does, but listen, it makes sense, because all these UFOs have been popping up lately.
Starting point is 00:43:18 So, they're just watching us, like, you know, here's our rules that we've made. This is a protected habitat. Do not interfere with them. What's the law? They're like a giant ant farm. Yeah, like, we. Do not interfere with them. What's the word? Like a giant ant farm. Yeah, like we're not gonna interfere with them unless they start eating each other.
Starting point is 00:43:28 They start to threaten the universe. So they're watching us create AI and now they're watching very closely. Like, yeah, we're gonna step in. Yeah, you saw them pop up a lot when we had nuclear power and we were going through that. So now we have AI is a big enormous threat. So yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:45 Does that align with your AI, Satan, the idea to though? Can you intertwine those stories in the Antichrist? But yeah, you're right. Yeah, sorry. We usher, but we have to usher it in, right? And so that's why my whole thought of like we're creating and building, I mean, there's this weird sense that we're programmed to build and innovate and press somewhere.
Starting point is 00:44:08 Right. But why are we all pressing towards AI and building out this program and this thing to become basically our overlord? Like, that's just so weird. I think this our narcissism, we're like, we're going to create something we can control better than us. That'll be this ultimate tool. Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. But it's like, that's like the most, we're never, we're never. We're like, we're gonna create something we can control. It's better than us, that'll be this ultimate tool. Yeah, that makes a lot of sense.
Starting point is 00:44:26 But it's like, that's like the most, we're never, we're never, we're never, we're never, we're gonna create something that is better than us that we're gonna control. Yeah, think about that for a second. Yeah, just completely like narcissistic. But yeah, like, I mean, the whole thing is that there has to be like one leader that everybody
Starting point is 00:44:41 subscribes to in trusts and there's no way a human being is going to fit that role. Well, so the challenge, I watch the talk on this and the past throughout all history, totalitarian regimes have always aimed to control people, always control your thought, your movement, your perk, what you use, what you don't use, all that stuff. But the best they could get was spies and threats and fear. They couldn't really control everybody and watch everything. And that's also true for markets.
Starting point is 00:45:13 The reason why free markets are so effective is the pricing system makes them so efficient. And so trying to control it from a central place, it's just so inefficient that you end up, you just collapse economy, you become inefficient. Well, AI now allows you to read all those signals and control those people. So it's like a dictator's wet dream.
Starting point is 00:45:33 Like he has this tool, he could, it can adjust on the fly, it's it. It will adjust kind of feedback. That's right, and he could direct it to do. It's crazy. I know, it sucks. Meanwhile, we're gonna be rock to sleep with all of our movies that we're all saying a whole watching. Seriously? Everything's fine. We're so forgetful. Yeah, we're gonna be rock to sleep with all of our movies that we're all saying a whole watching.
Starting point is 00:45:45 Seriously. Everything's fine. We're so, yeah, excited. Everything's okay. Everything's okay. You got your great movies. You got my movie. He's getting sad.
Starting point is 00:45:53 Here's some more serotonin. Well, think about how crazy that is. Okay, we already know how everyone in here has experienced a binge session of watching a television show or a series. Like, imagine when you can make it that good all the time that it's all binge worthy. Every episode makes you cry. Yeah. Well, yeah, every episode takes you on that emotional cliffhanger and then leaves you
Starting point is 00:46:15 in the cliffhanger that makes you have to turn it on again. Like I'm sad already that this is the finale of man, Lauren. I mean, we have you talked about this entire series. That's a whole time. It's a lot of cast because he doesn't watch it. He doesn't watch it. Well, whatever terrible Star Wars. Yeah, catch up, man, because I got my kids, bro. I can't watch it. I got not kids. Yeah, we get it, but it's it's not good. And it is good.
Starting point is 00:46:40 Yeah, there's spoilers in there, but I loved seeing our boy Tate in there too. He had a great role. Yeah, he was one of the main Mandalorians in there. So it's just leading up to finally like a cool place where I wanted to see Star Wars go. And I think that's why I'm excited to get about it. I was so flat about Star Wars there for a while. And it was just like, I just don't like anything that's coming out with. And this is finally like getting my feels back.
Starting point is 00:47:06 Have you read the statistics on how many new like hardcore Star Wars people have come on since they're like this all the new stuff on Disney and everything like that? And are they losing more people off? Like is the community growing? Or is it shrinking or is it maintaining because there's a fall off of old radical,
Starting point is 00:47:28 original purist? Can I guess, Justin, before we say something? Cause John Favreaux, is that what's his name? Favreaux and Fologne is the other writer. They write, the Mandalorian is written by like real Star Wars fans. Awesome. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:44 Yeah, so to imagine it, Cater's to the real Star Wars fan, not trying to get you one, but it's like the fans that are there. Which in fact has been their most successful show and has brought on the most new subscribers. So that's the recipe. They fucked with the formula because of all the other things they want to smash in there, which is just been entertainment in general. Like you've seen this across the board of just, it's not just about a good story. It has to have like all these other like social issues and all these other things kind of
Starting point is 00:48:17 just smashed in there. And I just think that if you just keep the story a story and it's compelling enough and it holds its own weight, it's gonna do very well, it's gonna perform at a high level. I still feel like they sprinkle a little bit like the social stuff. I thought the episode where they were,
Starting point is 00:48:33 they remember I brought it up on the episode where, and you haven't seen this yet, but the episode where I forget what planet it was and that all robots basically run everything. And so it was just like, conundrum that they were in. Yeah, like, I mean, we're, that's cool though.
Starting point is 00:48:46 Like, okay, so that's a cool real social issue. Okay, so that's a good point. It's towers has always incorporated that and that's why they deal with really deep social, like the structure of society, like, you know, like a tyranny, oppression, like, so a lot of that is wrapped in religion and how people reconcile with it. So there's a lot of really deep, thematic things that they throw in there. So that makes sense, right? I think it's the surfe, I guess it's like,
Starting point is 00:49:21 I guess the trends of what the culture is doing right now. I get some more like the lightweight kind of woke bullshit that we get right now. That's just like, okay, they didn't need to make its way in there. It's not like a deep thought out. Yes. To me, what I loved about that episode is like,
Starting point is 00:49:37 that's a very real possibility in the very, to the conversation that we are just, yeah, I love that. I love that. Very near future, like, you know, it's very real, and they paint it as like this utopia, right? It's like this, oh, this amazing place where everybody's so happy and it's like
Starting point is 00:49:51 all these robots take care of everything, but then what happens if like they've built the entire system so much on, it's like, oh shit, what happens if they start malfunctioning? And we have this button that's supposed to shut them all down, but then if we shut them all down, that means everything stops. I mean, that's how people eat,
Starting point is 00:50:05 that's how they get their entertainment, that's how they get all, it's like, it's like, oh shit, so we're in this weird conundrum of these things are starting to over, like over throw us over. And when it's in the robots, that personality, you know, and they have their own meetups,
Starting point is 00:50:17 like they want to get away from the humans. Yes, and they have this bar together. Yeah, it's so great. I love that, dude, that's such a great angle. I can't wait to get to that. Yeah, yeah, no, see, there's good stuff. Well, so we're supposed to mention organify. You know what I picked back up from organify?
Starting point is 00:50:28 Pure. I haven't used that in a while. Oh, I saw you do that yesterday. Love it. Love it. I don't know why I stopped. I love it. It's such a mild calm, definitely mood boosting product,
Starting point is 00:50:38 but so mild and calm that it's something you can use on a regular basis, not worry about it affecting your sleep negatively or anything like that. Yeah, I like that I could throw it on top of that of that fact that I'm already having a lot of caffeine right now So it's actually a balance is out. It does it does help really Well, oh really yeah does bro take it with caffeine and you won't get more amp You'll just be smoother. Oh interesting. Oh, maybe I'll do it again Then I'm anytime somebody mentions them like oh my god. I'm back on it. Yeah
Starting point is 00:51:00 We gotta just started back. I do another episode today So maybe I'll do it right now to get me over the hump. So let's give a shout out to Thomas DeLauer. We just, uh, great meeting him. Great meeting him. Great meeting with that episode will drop at some point in the near future. Great guy is a legit. Very like minded. Authentic person really enjoyed talking to him.
Starting point is 00:51:17 Good dad. Yeah, great dad. If you don't, if you don't follow him, go check him out. Check this out. There's a company called Butcherbox that delivers grass-fed meats and wild caught fish to your door. If you're interested in healthy, high-protein meats that are also inexpensive, this is a great company. And if you go through our link, you get a fat hookup.
Starting point is 00:51:37 So if you go to Butcherbox.com, forward slash mine pump and use the code mine pump, not only will you get 15% off, but you also get chicken thighs for a year. And you'll also get $20.00 off your first box. All right, here comes the rest of the show. Our first color is Matt from Ontario. Matt, what's happening?
Starting point is 00:51:52 How can we help you? Hey, how's it going, guys? Good, man. All right. Good. Yeah, I just kind of recently started weightlifting, I would say. And I'm kind of transitioning out of boxing-based workouts, I would say. And I'm kind of transitioning out of a boxing based workout, I would say. It's kind of just my passion, what I enjoy doing.
Starting point is 00:52:12 Big, combat sports enthusiast. And I don't know, every time I go to the gym, it's all right, but I find myself just kind of struggling to do the transition. So I guess my main question is like, if I continue to train more as like a Combat sports athlete, is this would I end up seeing long-term issues? Is this like a good way? Like is this a good way for like training for longevity and strength? Yeah, I mean, yeah. So here's it. So Matt, the thing with all training is that you have to modify it as your lifestyle
Starting point is 00:52:56 changes, as you get older, as you know, just things start to change. Maybe injuries start to compile. For example, you like combat sports, right? You could, you could spar for a while, but that's probably gonna be the first thing that you'll stop doing as you get older, right? Getting punched, that's pretty damaging, but you could hit the bag, you could hit the mitts,
Starting point is 00:53:16 you could do all the training, plus if you've been boxing for a long time, you can maintain the skill pretty well by simply practicing the technique and maintaining that level of fitness. Grapaling, wrestling, judo, those are probably the sports that you'll have to cut the hard sparring a little sooner, like getting thrown
Starting point is 00:53:37 and doing takedowns more dangerous than like Jiu-Jitsu. Jiu-Jitsu you could do for a long time, but you just have to scale the intensity a little bit. My question for you is Matt, what made you want to transition? Why did you move more towards a long time, but you just have to scale the intensity a little bit. My question for you is Matt, what made you want to transition? Why did you move more towards, I guess, gym work and away from the combat type training? I'm a smaller framed guy, so I was just kind of looking to put on a little bit of size. I was one of the main things, but I just, it's not as enjoyable as what I was doing before.
Starting point is 00:54:04 It's not kind of stuck in that mindset of, do I really, you know, care to get bigger? Is it a really that big of a deal? Yeah, that matters. I mean, it sounds like someone like you would do great with just like one day full body lifting. That's a, and then just compliment it. Yeah, that way it's not like a huge focus.
Starting point is 00:54:20 You're not, you're not hitting the weights like crazy, but literally one day a week of a full body good routine falling like a MAP Santa ball of type of routine, if you don't have that, we'll send it your way. And then the rest of it, what you love doing, and you will put on some muscle. If you weren't doing any sort of strength training like that, just simply doing that, feeding your body correctly
Starting point is 00:54:39 and well, while doing your sport and stuff that you love to do, you can absolutely put on a little bit. Now, are you gonna be a competitive bodybuilder by doing that? No, of course not, but that's not your passion, that's not your goal. And so I think that would be a great compliment to what you're currently doing.
Starting point is 00:54:55 Yeah, I really think just maintaining strength and then just considering the impact that you're getting towards your joints and just trying to keep them healthy and go for that longevity by implementing really good solid mobility rituals and routines that you do continuously. So this is one thing that in conjunction with your martial arts training, I would highly suggest that this is just going to be a part of your daily lifestyle in terms of like, you know, make it sure you're wrists, your elbows, your shoulders,
Starting point is 00:55:26 your knees, your hips, all that stuff is operating properly and you're giving it proper stimulus to that way too, like you're recovering and that repetitive stress is being accounted for. Matt, what combat sports do you train in? Is it just one or do you do you train kind of cover all of them? So it's been cut back to just boxing,
Starting point is 00:55:46 but I used to also train in Muay Thai. Yeah, so yeah, Muay Thai boxing the most harsh most aggressive, yes, I would say, but you know, this, how long did you box for, do Muay Thai for? About seven, eight years. Yeah, so I'm sure you saw dudes in there, you know, that were 50, 60s that didn't spar,
Starting point is 00:56:10 but they would hit the bag, they would practice technique, they would do the drills. You could do that for a long time. If you like combat sports and you're open to something that's a little easier on the body, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is probably one of the best in that sense because you can spar with Jiu-Jitsu for a long time.
Starting point is 00:56:31 Now I'm not saying it's like injury-free, it's still combat sport, but you'll see guys in their 60s, 70s rolling, and they know how to roll properly, they're smooth with their movement, they're not over aggressive or three goes, and they could do that for, you know, you could still go, if you like to go against other people, that's a great way to do it. Now if it's just the technique and skill of it, then I would say, you know, maintain
Starting point is 00:56:54 your, just the skills training. The other question I have for you is, what is it about you that wants to get? Why do you want to add size? Because in my experience, for guys, the reason why we want to add size is it makes us feel more secure but nothing made me feel more secure than knowing I could kick somebody's ass so you know you know being bigger makes you kind of feel like that but it's kind of fake yeah you're stronger that's great but you know as well as I do that when you're you know sparring and you're fighting like you feel way more confident. So is it a confidence thing or is it just a looks thing?
Starting point is 00:57:27 I think it still looks thing. Maybe there's something in the back of my head. I'm unaware of, but I would say it's definitely not a confidence thing. And boxing has done its job there. I think it's just like, I hang around with a lot of other guys and I'm probably the smallest of the group. But probably the toughest.
Starting point is 00:57:44 I just feel like a smaller guy. I just feel like I'm a smaller guy. I just feel like maybe I need to put on some size. But as soon as I start trying, I'm just like, I don't know if I care. Yeah, yeah, no, hey, that's a great realization. What Adam said then, once a week, full body training, do your combat training. And then if you want to gain or lose weight,
Starting point is 00:58:01 it's diet from there. That's it. Increase scalars, decrease scalars, get a leaner or bulk up a little bit. But I think what you're going to find, Matt, is you'll probably experiment with gaining size and then you just won't like the way you feel and move because you like combat sports. You'll notice that you won't move as well for the most part. So you'll probably, it sounds like you're coming to that realization now where it's like, that's not that big of a deal
Starting point is 00:58:26 Yeah, okay, cool. Do you have map Santa Ballack by the way? Oh, okay. Yeah, you're good. I want to send me I want to send you prime pro Yeah, prime pro for the mobility that's gonna you'll be able to use that for the rest of your life to help compliment everything that you do Yeah, that's awesome. I don't map you got a man. Thanks for calling it man. Thanks guys. Thanks You know what I love about this question is a Lot of times I do on my Q&A and I have one here before where I'll kind of rail on somebody who Have has these like specific aesthetic goals and they're like oh, and I want to do my martial arts all time and then I'm like well How bad do you want to do your martial arts because you're what then I'm like, well, how bad do you want to do your martial arts? Because what I'm hearing from you is like, you
Starting point is 00:59:08 really want to build this muscle or you really want to look a certain way. And that's not ideal for for that. Right? But from what I'm hearing from him is like, he loves what he's doing. And that's what he's been doing for seven, eight years. Probably listens to us and thinks like, oh, I probably should incorporate some more strength training. But here, this is where it's different, right? Like, if I had somebody who played basketball, five days a week, they love the sport, keeps them healthy.
Starting point is 00:59:33 They're in shape, they play every day at pickup games and stuff like that, and they're like, man, I hear on Mind Pump, I should be strength training, strength training is the best muscle. Yeah, and then they go to lift weights, and they're just like, ah, just, I'm not into it. Well, you don't have to. No, you don't have to.
Starting point is 00:59:51 But if that same person, by the way, the basketball player or the MMA guy goes, hey, I want to get down to 5% body fat, or I want to build 15 pounds of muscle, but I love playing basketball. I don't want to give that up. Okay, well, now we have a different conversation here because you care so much about putting 15 pounds of muscle, but I love playing basketball. I don't want to give that up. Well, okay. Well, now we have a different conversation here because you care so much about putting 15 pounds of muscle on your sport, maybe getting in the way of us doing that.
Starting point is 01:00:12 So, but that's not what I'm hearing from this guy. I'm hearing that. I just love doing it. Man, maybe I'd like to put on a little bit of muscle, but I don't really care that much. Yeah. Anything keeps you physically active and up and moving and driven. I mean, that's what we're all kind of seeking. And so, and, and, too, that might change for him. Like, he might, you know, be there a few years and be like, you know what, like I do want to kind of like spend a good stint in just pure strength training or, you know,
Starting point is 01:00:36 or whatever the pursuit is. Like, you know, if you're more focused on that pursuit, I think that's really where we all want to be. Yeah, there's, when it comes to muscle, there's definitely some benefit with certain populations to simply add muscle. So you can be underweight, you can have low-leaning body mass and that can have some negative effects.
Starting point is 01:00:53 And so you want to build some muscle. But past a certain point, and it's not big. It's not like, oh, I'm already massive. And I got big, it's like, no, it's like, it's not that much, you gain some muscle, then the benefit simply comes from being stronger and having better fitness. So yes, you can just try to look better, but when it comes to like health and performance,
Starting point is 01:01:14 adding size oftentimes isn't gonna benefit you. In fact, it might actually be detrimental past a certain point, especially in like combat sports. Yeah, especially if you have to be fast and loose. Yeah, like some sports you want, you know, being heavier might help like football, but even with football like past a certain point, like, okay, you're bigger, but now you're slower and you can't move as fast and I can attest to that. Yeah, you did that, right?
Starting point is 01:01:35 Yeah, I got way too big. Yeah, so that's the thing. That's the thing people need to realize. And the beauty about strength training is you can modify to complement it. And the beauty about strength training is, you can modify to compliment anything. So whatever sport you're in, you can look way to make you better at that sport, period and a story. Our next caller is Tammy from Texas.
Starting point is 01:01:55 Hi Tammy, how can we help you? Hey guys, I'm so excited to be here. I have a confession. I have a Cougar crush on all four of you. Oh my gosh. I really do appreciate your content, though. So thank you. Thank you. So after nine years at a desk job, I'm going back into the summer camp world. I used to run a camp for children with disabilities and so I know how physically demanding the role is and so I need your help. So for a little history, I'm 59 and I've been lifting and working out since I was 16 years old.
Starting point is 01:02:39 I've never really lifted heavy weights. I was more focused on running and I've never really lifted heavy weights. I was more focused on running and I've done triathlons, just the sprint distance, not the monster ones. And then I have run several full marathons. Wates have always been there, but they've always been kind of secondary to those other goals. I still have decent muscle.
Starting point is 01:03:04 I think my legs have atrophied a little bit, but everything else I think there's muscle hidden underneath some of the flap. My last marathon was in 2017 at Big Sur. I went the y'all's way. It was awesome. And I've not run since, although I do walk a lot. In the last year or so, I finished resistance and then cardio. And I just finished phase three of symmetry. I have prime and I've been incorporating mobility into my sessions for about a year now, but I know I still have some imbalances and hip problems that my massage therapist is trying to help me with. So my goals, I need to lose about 25 pounds that I gained after some trauma a few years ago and then just managed to hang on to. I know I need to increase my steps
Starting point is 01:03:58 and time on my feet to prepare for camp because I anticipate walking eight to 10 miles a day just back and forth across the location. I want to maintain my muscle. I need to keep up with young people because this is a young person's job. And then for my 60th birthday, I want to celebrate with another sprint distance triathlon. So later after summer camp, I want to get in shape for that. So my question, what programs should I follow over the next year, no one, those are my goals.
Starting point is 01:04:33 With, I don't have a gym anymore. I used to work out at a purple one and that's how I finished symmetry up to phase three. But now I'm home in a very, very, very, very, very, very small apartment. I have some dumbbells and stuff, but I'm wondering if I should try to finish phase four of symmetry at home, or should I do something else in between now and the time that summer camp starts, which is at the end of May. I'm thinking that 15 minutes is right for it that 12 weeks or so that I will be basically working from seven in the morning until 11 at night at summer camp and getting all those steps in.
Starting point is 01:05:20 And then I'm wondering after summer's over and I can get back to a gym, I'm wondering what I should do If maybe performance or something else would help would be a good precursor to triathlon training Yeah, what a great question and thorough detail for us and I think you actually are leaning the right direction already Yeah, you you know what to do. I think you got the right the right answers I love symmetry. You don't have to do the last phase of symmetry. You could just stick to the unilateral.
Starting point is 01:05:48 So for people who aren't listening right now, no, the last phase is a bilateral. It's like a five by five. Five by five. You don't need to do that. You could stick to just the first three phases. Performance, wonderful program. Yeah, perfect for you.
Starting point is 01:06:01 For you, the home version, Maps 15, another great program for you, Maps suspension Maps 15 another great program for you maps suspension would be another great program for you I think you're and by the way bless you for for doing what you do My mom works with special needs. I know how demanding that is and that's that's that's really great work I was just gonna ask it. It's it's you know, my mom says the same thing. It gives her a lot of meaning. With the trauma and the weight gain, have you identified what the food was doing for you during that period of time?
Starting point is 01:06:34 Because if we don't address that, it's going to pop up somewhere else. And I'm sure you already know that. Yeah. Back in, after that last marathon, when we ran Big Sur My husband was died and he he ran 24 marathons and he decided You know his bucket list when the doctors told him there was nothing else they could do he said I want to run Big Sur
Starting point is 01:06:56 And you're gonna run with me and I say you know how do most people go to Europe or something on their bucket list? And so we ran Big Sur and he ran it five months before he died. Wow. And I mean, it was wild. And so at that time, he and my mother were both sick at the same time. They ended up dying a few months apart. And while my husband was in at home hospice with me, Hurricane Harvey wiped out our town. And so I had him in a hotel and our business, his business, I left my disabled camp to learn
Starting point is 01:07:36 his business, which is commercial insurance, specializing in windstorm. So every one of our customers was affected. I'm in a hotel trying to help them while I'm caring for him, because the hospice nurses that have all been displaced and they were able to come see us or help. So I'm caring for him, trying to keep the business running and help our customers. And I'm in a hotel. So I started then just eating out all the time and definitely self-medicating wine and margaritas where my go-to after that. And I start kind of getting a little bit better,
Starting point is 01:08:19 get the house put back together, get the business office put back together. He died, they've, you know, start kind of, and then heart, I mean, COVID hits. And, you know, this also was the first time I'd ever lived alone in my life at, you know, 54, I think I was. And so I just, I developed horrible habits eating out all the time. Mexican food and margaritas are my go-to. I've gotten to where it's not a purposeful thing to intermittent fast, but that's what
Starting point is 01:08:53 I'm doing. It's, I'm not hungry. I work out, I walk mostly in the mornings and then I'm not hungry until 9 or 10. So then I eat breakfast and then I don't eat again until 3 or 4 because I'm not hungry until 9 or 10. So then I eat breakfast and then I don't eat again until 3 or 4 because I'm not hungry and then so 2 meals a day, I know I'm not getting enough calories and I'm not getting enough protein for sure. And so I've just developed those habits and then now I'm trying to focus on changing those habits and cooking for myself and trying to eat three meals a day, not whining down at night. And the Mexican food and margaritas though, that's the hardest part to give up.
Starting point is 01:09:42 Tim, I'm going to say this, you're the hardest part to give up. Tammy, I'm gonna say this, you're going through what you went through. Jesus Christ. And eating out and drinking some margaritas, like that's pretty damn good. Yeah, I do. I would have been a, especially all that. Yeah, and the way you're talking, I'll tell you something,
Starting point is 01:09:56 I've worked with people for a long time, okay? And I can tell whether or not somebody is on the right path or not on the right path, how much I need to guide them, how much I don't need to guide them, you're on the right path. The way you're talking right now, what I'm hearing from you, you're processing. You're totally self-aware.
Starting point is 01:10:13 Yeah, you're gonna get there. I mean, you already figured out, everything you're saying is exactly the right direction. So, you know, eating out less, you know, hitting the protein targets, you know, planning, I think planning would help quite a bit for you. So you have the food set up.
Starting point is 01:10:28 Did you see in the notes that she's met with Crabral too? Oh, I didn't see that. Yes, I did. And at 59, my hormones are in really good shape. They did not recommend any kind of therapy or all they did was put me on some of their supplements. My cortisol is a little bit high at night and they said, this is probably because of my nightly wind down habit. So they wanted me to quit doing that, but I mean, for the abuse I put my body through and I'm really pleased and I'm
Starting point is 01:11:00 not on any kind of medication at all. So just, oh, but you would love my supplement cabinet. That's the look of it. I would love it. You would love that. I mean, I really think that I think there's a testament to your 40 plus years of being in and out around that health and fitness. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:11:20 Exactly what I was going to say. That's really what this is. To me, that's what this is. And you've hit everything on the head of what you need to do. You already know you need to get those calories up. You need to start hitting the protein and take. You need to build strength and muscle
Starting point is 01:11:33 that should be the main focus right now. You add the walking in like you're doing already. And then of course, cut back and hopefully eventually eliminate the alcohol, especially at night. That's it, man. You really, you do that and you stick with that and be consistent with that. You're on the right path.
Starting point is 01:11:50 I tell you what, I almost want to ask you for advice because how you handled all those challenges. But the best thing I could tell you, Tammy, which you probably already know, is when you look at the list of things that you like, okay, I got to change all these things. Do one at a time. You know, I wouldn't go all at once. Do one at a time. You know,
Starting point is 01:12:05 I wouldn't go all at once because what might happen, what's likely to happen is you'll, you'll work on one. Let's say it's the wine. So you're like, okay, right now I'm drinking every night. So I'm going to allow myself to maybe drink twice a week or let's say you're like, okay, I'm ready to just cut that out, but I'm not going to work on the other stuff yet. Every step you take, feelings are going to pop up and you're going to have to process'm ready to just cut that out, but I'm not gonna work on the other stuff yet. Every step you take, feelings are gonna pop up, and you're gonna have to process more stuff. And then you gotta stay with that for a little while, and then it's gonna feel like second nature,
Starting point is 01:12:32 and you'll feel like you're getting back to your old self, and then you gotta take the next step. I don't necessarily think doing everything all at once. Well, for the most part, I don't think that's a good idea. Now, there are some people who can just do everything all at once, but it feels like a light switch to those people. Like it feels like that's a good idea. Now there are some people who can just do everything all at once, but it feels like a light switch to those people. Like it feels like that's it.
Starting point is 01:12:48 I'm just gonna do everything. You, I almost never say this because this is almost never the case. 99.9% of people, terrible advice. Because of your history of exercise and how consistent you've been and just hearing you talk, if you feel like that's you, if you feel like that's you, if you feel like, that's it, I'm just gonna do everything, I would trust that from someone like you.
Starting point is 01:13:10 I would never tell that to anyone else. But if you're like everybody else, one step at a time, because feelings are gonna pop up as you remove things that are kind of numbing you right now. Well, not only that, but you, and I like doing it, even with all of my experience, okay, this is how when I get back into my kick is,
Starting point is 01:13:30 and I know like, okay, there's a list of things, okay, you gotta stop the social drinking. Oh, I gotta cut out the ice cream every other night. Oh, okay, I need to start walking more, okay, I need to be more consistent. I have the same list of things I know I need to do. I actually don't do them all at once. It just, because what I know is just simply by eliminating
Starting point is 01:13:47 the alcohol or the ice cream, I'm already gonna start to see changes and feel better. And it's gonna give me momentum. And I'm like, oh man, I haven't even dialed the other things in yet. And so, and then the next week, I attack the next thing. And then the next week, I attack the next,
Starting point is 01:14:00 and then you're six weeks down the road, and you're finally addressing one of the last things on the list and the whole time you've been seeing this nice little momentum. So even with lots of experience, I still like to personally attack my fitness goals in that manner of just attacking one thing at a time. Same here, same here.
Starting point is 01:14:18 So I mean, especially because things are probably going to pop up that are going to be challenging. Kevin, how was, when you did Cobra, do you remember or did he go over magnesium with you at all? Cause I'm thinking of like the like relaxing thing. So mine's not wine, mine's smoking weed, which I also tried in curtail. If I feel myself being consistent with it,
Starting point is 01:14:39 and a good old mellow drink, which is loaded full of magnesium and the theine in it, and then like a chamomile tea or something I tell you what I get that feeling of relaxation. I don't know if you've tried that. Well, maybe I can try that because they did He did Prisk or not prescribed but on the supplement they recommended One of their magnesium supplements and I Is and they said one to three and I've been taking one and so and I can't believe it. One of this. And they said one to three and I've been taking one.
Starting point is 01:15:05 And so maybe I should stop that. Okay, if you haven't tried mellow yet from Ned, one of our partners. Try that for me, okay? Try that at night. It's a great little thing to drink at night and have that. And then if you also want like some chamomile tea, the combination of that has been unbelievable to me.
Starting point is 01:15:24 Tammy, Tammy, because I want to give you something, I'm going to send you a box of net. So why don't you email whoever you're talking to on our team, email them your address and we'll mail you, we got some in the back here. Yeah, we'll send you a little sleep pack. So I got a bunch of other stuff. I'll send some over to you. That's awesome. Yeah, you got it. So one quick question on, I've been,
Starting point is 01:15:48 I pay attention and I've been up in my water. So I'm just, you know, I'm adding things in rather than, you know, focus on taking things out. I love it. So I think I need to focus on increasing the protein. So what should my protein go be? I would use lean body mass as your target. Okay. Yeah. So you said you, uh, how, well, like, how much, how much weight have you gained above what your typical body weight
Starting point is 01:16:13 was when you were kind of working out and stuff? I had gained about 30 pounds and, and here, it's just with the changes I've started, I've lost about five. Oh, you've already lost five. Wonderful. I would go, I would hit the protein targets, one gram per pound of target body weight. So what your body weight was when you felt really good, use that as your protein target and go one to one. And go one to one with that. Okay.
Starting point is 01:16:37 And make it a personal goal to try and do it through whole foods, only use the protein powders, bars, and shakes and so that if you have to, but try and do that whole foods if you can, you'll see better results that way. Okay. Okay. All right. Tammy, make sure you give us your, make sure you, yes, make sure you send back your add,
Starting point is 01:16:55 you're mailing address so we can send some, so we're going to send some stuff to you. Okay. That's exciting. Thank you so much. All right. Thanks for calling in. Appreciate it, guys. Thank you. You're going to hug me.
Starting point is 01:17:05 God, I love her. That's why I give her a big hug. Absolutely love her. What an amazing woman. I can't believe all the stuff that she's got. I got all choked up. Do you like the shit that you do? Could you imagine?
Starting point is 01:17:14 No. No. No, the order of that stuff, the magnitude of that, and then she's all happy and chipper-y like shit. Well, she's got, sounds like she's got a lot of purpose in her life, you know, she works with these kids and I think that's what, you know, keeps you going and keeps you moving forward. But you hit the nail on the head, bro,
Starting point is 01:17:32 that 40-year relationship with exercise, you cannot maintain that kind of consistency, appropriate, I'd say consistency with exercise without developing a wonderful character and becoming a better person. You just can't. At some point, you got to face certain things. You have to work through certain things
Starting point is 01:17:52 and you really learn. And it takes a long time. Obviously, you can have a bad relationship with exercise, but that doesn't last 40 years. At some point, you got to figure it out. And I think that it's also what gave her the latitude to kind of abuse herself. Totally. And then her blood work came back and she was good.
Starting point is 01:18:07 Yes, and that's because somebody else who's lived a more normal, say life, for the last 40 something years. With no stress, what it had probably poor blood marker. Totally, so that's such a testament to what she's done. So I'm excited for, I mean, and boy, talk about knowing, I mean, she was on with the maps 15,
Starting point is 01:18:24 what she needs to do pro-tune. The whole plan was already on point. Yeah, now you could tell that she knows what she's doing. Yeah, those are the kind of clients I used to like to train, not because I help them, but because I used to ask them questions. Yeah, and I'd work out with them and be like, well, they'd fill our cup back. Exactly. Yeah, just for overall positive energy towards facing like these odds. Totally.
Starting point is 01:18:45 Our next caller is Bree from Colorado. Hi, Bree. How's it going? Hi, guys. It's good to meet you. I'm happy to be here. Thank you. So my question was, how many times can I run anabolic back-to-back before I need to switch? I did it. I've done it three times, mainly because of hectic schedules and it's familiar to me. So essentially, do you have
Starting point is 01:19:12 to phase the phases? No, and you could almost run it indefinitely, as long as you're doing something probably mobility wise to compliment it, because the only problem, I I think any of us have with running anabolic indefinitely, as far as like a result, like losing body fat building muscle, you could do it forever for those reasons because the way it's phased. But what people tend to feel is issues with like their joints because so much of it is just the sagittal point. There's not a lot of multi-planar stuff.
Starting point is 01:19:42 We don't have any sort of mobility built into that rotational movement. Not a lot of unilateral stuff involved in there. So it's limiting because of that. From a results perspective of building muscle losing body fat, absolutely, it's programmed. You could run it over and over. But what I would recommend is that if you start noticing your joints talking to you,
Starting point is 01:20:02 that's a sign that you either need to incorporate mobility or like the order that we wrote them for, which was map center blog, then performance, performance really addresses all that stuff. Yeah, and you can address that in the trigger session days as well. So if you wanted to replace like some with mobility sessions like we have in mass performance or just like be more deliberate with bodyweight exercises where you're moving Side to side and you're getting some rotation in there. That's one way to sort of address and handle it Bray, let me ask you why you're asking this question. Why would you want to run it? consecutively over and over again
Starting point is 01:20:37 Well, so I took a temporary job out of town where I'm working nights So I'm off and up for over 24 hours where I'm working nights. So I'm off and up for over 24 hours. And so on my day's home, I essentially do the foundational workouts like on the days I'm home back to back to back. Like Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday instead of separating them, I haven't been great at the trigger sessions
Starting point is 01:20:58 because of my work schedule. So I didn't know if there'd be something better for that or I'm just sticking with what I know. No, no, okay. So this is more about a just familiarity and it works with your schedule. So if I could customize what you're doing, this is what I would like. So I'm going to have Doug send you map performance. And I think I have that one.
Starting point is 01:21:18 Oh, you already have it. Okay. So what I would do is actually go one foundational day of anabolic, do a mobility day in between and then do another foundational day of anabolic. Yeah, I wouldn't want to, yeah, I don't think you should do the three foundational days. That's why I wanted to break it up with mobility. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:34 So how long have you been on this schedule? A few months and I'm only, my contract's only till the end of June. So then I'll be able to go back and do like aesthetic or something as it's laid out Oh, so okay, so after June then you'll be working on more normal schedule where you could work out space amount type of deal Okay, here's what I want you to do until June. I want you to do maps 15 because you're hammering your body with your schedule and You're probably already noticing that you're what three months in you said
Starting point is 01:22:05 Since December, so I guess a little bit more. Yeah, how you feeling? Tired. Yeah, yeah, yeah, go maps 15 hundred this it's beating you up look Schedules like this people don't realize just how demanding it is on the body It's especially when your circadian rhythm is all totally thrown off. It's a major stress on the body. And I'm gonna assume that your job is stressful anyway. Most jobs that you work those kind of hours are quite demanding. You might not ask what you do.
Starting point is 01:22:35 I'm at ER nurse. Yeah, good God. Oh wow. You're doing Mass 15. You're not doing foundational work. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Mass 15. You're up at night, you work 24 hours. Then you got three days off in a row, then you're
Starting point is 01:22:46 back at it. Like you need to do mass 15 because you're already taxing your body and you're just you're starting to feel it now three months in and it's that means it's it's probably you get it back off quite a bit. After June, I would go give yourself a month of easy workouts and then go ahead and get back into MAP's end of bulk. If you don't do what I say, your body's gonna start talking to you in big ways, with hormone imbalances, anxiety issues,
Starting point is 01:23:17 if you are already noticing those things. So I'm glad to ask you because, I mean, ER nurse, I've trained a few of you of you guys you guys are maniac So mass 15 is a way to go for now. Do you have that program? I don't all right. I'm sending it to you Okay, thank you guys so much. You got it. You got it. By the way, it looks easy And it but it's appropriate and I'm saying this to you because I know your type You love the stress. You love the cortisol. You love the excitement So you're gonna look at mass 15 be like I want to do something hard. No, do mass 15 stick with that
Starting point is 01:23:49 Don't overdo it. Trust me about it. You're doing it every day. So you're setting yourself up just 15 minutes. That's it Okay, thank you. I'll trust it. I'll do it good. All right. Thanks for calling. Thank you so much I ever did I ever share my girlfriend ER story? No. Right here. We'll do that sometime. Remind me. Oh, come on.
Starting point is 01:24:09 Not right now. We'll do it in like a quality. It's a funny story. It's not related to it. If it was related, it would help her. I would talk about it. Right. It's nothing to do with that.
Starting point is 01:24:18 You know what the irony is? Well, the crazy part about these, almost every job I've ever, every client that's ever worked a job where they work nights. It's not only the stress of the nights, it's also a stressful job, it's almost never like an easy job. Oh yeah, it's some kind of a job that you put out fires every one of them. I actually had to tell my girlfriend at the time
Starting point is 01:24:37 to stop telling me her work, talk about her work, because it was stressing me out. Tell me about it. Yeah, but I mean, every night it was like, oh, some of you, some do fell off the second floor and landed on his head and like, oh, some of the people drove a nail through his hand. Like, just everything was like crazy.
Starting point is 01:24:53 Like, yeah, I'm cool. These kids came in and you know, there's this horrible accident and like, oh my god, I can't, you know, like, I can't deal with this. Yeah, and two, to her, to her, testament like, she's in great shape. Like, that's something like, I wanna keep promoting amongst nurses
Starting point is 01:25:08 and doctors, like, if you've been in the hospital in a while, man, there is not a lot of fit people working there anymore, which is, you know, something I, like, I commend her for that. Yeah. At least the terrain and oncologist, which is a stressful job as a doctor. You're working with dying people, okay?
Starting point is 01:25:24 And he smoked. He was an oncologist who smoked. And I dealt the stress. And he was embarrassed about it, but we talk about it and he goes, you don't understand, he goes, listen, I know smoking is like the number one cause of cancer. And I'm a cancer doctor.
Starting point is 01:25:36 He goes, but my job is so stressful that I go outside and I smoke, so I can go do my job. I'm like, I get it, bro. I know, but I get it. Like, I don't know how you could do something like that. So, and ER doctors, ER nurses and doctors, it's emergency after emergency.
Starting point is 01:25:52 Yeah, no, it's, I know. It's not regular patients. It's like, I'm dying. And a special person does that job. So you hit it right on. I'm glad you asked that because obviously, my recommendation, I would have changed is how I know a stressful job she's doing.
Starting point is 01:26:04 Although I will say this and I didn't want to say it after you said it because there's no reason to even go back and forth on it because your recommendation I think is better but you could modify what I said like if you're really good about you could do an anabolic day that is a normal anabolic day you could do a mobility day for free and then you could do like a very low intensity third day and actually make that work, but you have to really you have to have very good self-awareness and control of that and that personality. I know once that's why I didn't say anything is I'm like okay she's probably gonna be the person who leans more towards get after it. Her normal is everybody else stressed out so
Starting point is 01:26:41 she cannot gauge she's not gonna be able to gauge the right intensity. I know this I've worked with people. Yeah, you were, you know, you tell them just scale it down when you feel like you're like, you're like, you're, you're scaling it down. Yeah. That's, that's, that's, that's, that's, that's fifth gear. That's it. Our next color is Xavier from Oklahoma. Hey, what's happening, man? How can we help you? Hey, thanks, guys. Hey, Sal, Adam, Justin. I like to first off, thank you guys for taking my call. I really listen to you guys a lot, like in between classes, when I'm working, stuff like that. So, for context, I wanted to say that I've ran the RGB bundle a couple times,
Starting point is 01:27:17 I've also ran Mapsplit and MapsPyolith twice. And my question I was going to ask you guys. How would you guys make maps of pilot more focused on the bench? Because I'm having a hard time bringing it up. So your bench press seems to be stuck but everything else is... How much do you mess with that?
Starting point is 01:27:40 Because it's so specific to increasing those lifts. You know what I actually think less of modifying power. The first thing that comes to mind to me is actually running something else and then maybe including including chest exercises that you don't do regularly or that are in there. Like, yeah, get some unconventional. He's been working out for a while. What are your lifts? If you don't mind me, how much do you weigh?
Starting point is 01:28:01 What's your deadlift squat and bench? So right now, we're like around 182 right now. My deadlift, I recently had 505 squat, 440 and then bench is, it's kind of been kind of stuck at like 285. Okay, you're pretty damn strong. Yeah, you are strong. Part of the reason why your weights are stuck is because you're freaking strong.
Starting point is 01:28:24 Yeah, for your body weight So you're at a level now where so incremental especially for your size like Everything's gonna move slow now. I mean you're hitting numbers for your body weight that That you're really really high like that's really good. I can't hit any of those numbers right now So so here's what so this, it's gonna change now. My advice is gonna change. I'm glad I asked you that because if you weren't so strong, that would give you different advice.
Starting point is 01:28:49 But because you're so strong, you're probably, the areas that you're probably, I don't know, lacking or could improve upon, probably have to do with stability and balance more than anything at your strength. Now, if your bench was like, you know, 185, I would just be like, keep focusing on your bench, you know, add frequency, take it away from your deadlift,
Starting point is 01:29:08 blah, blah, blah. But at that strength, there's probably something there that's preventing your body from adding another five or 10 pounds to the bench. And it's probably a mobility or stability thing is where I would guess. That's what tends to happen. So let me ask you this, when you start to push your bench,
Starting point is 01:29:27 do you notice anything in your shoulder, your elbow, do you get any like, in pec insertion pain, your wrist, anything like that? I feel like when I'm benching, my left shoulder might kind of roll a little bit forward than my right. Okay, map symmetry. I'm gonna have you done map symmetry yet little bit forward than my right. Okay. Map symmetry. I'm gonna have you done map symmetry yet?
Starting point is 01:29:47 No, I have it right now. Do map symmetry. So like I said, at a certain point, like initially just getting stronger is just getting stronger. At a certain point, when you start to get to big numbers, it's like these things that are getting in the way, have more to do with your body's ability to like stable. It's like, okay, it's like you have a car
Starting point is 01:30:07 and you can increase the horsepower, but at some point the tire's spin. You can add all the horsepower you want, you're not gonna go any faster. So then you gotta look at traction, you gotta look at, can I make the tire stick? And so I can get faster. You get into the fine tuning of it.
Starting point is 01:30:19 Yeah, so I think the MAP symmetry will address some of that. Then go back into mass power lift and then see how you feel. I like that direction, because what was on my mind, I was gonna ask you, because you're so power lift focused and getting the bench press up, would you say that you barbell press
Starting point is 01:30:36 way more than you dumbbell press? Right now, I've been kind of working in some dumbbell pressing because I recognize that myself too. So I've been kind of adding in some dumbbell pressing because I recognize that myself too. So I've been kind of adding some dumbbell pressing. I haven't really done it for like, I've only been doing it for like four weeks right now. So I probably should maybe stick more to it right now. And you're going to get that in symmetry.
Starting point is 01:30:56 So that's why I like sal going that direction because I had a feeling that there's some opportunity there for you to get really good. And that's gonna address mobility is stability stuff because you can go and go real deep by the way. So when you're doing dumbbells, all the way down real deep, do make sure you're doing incline.
Starting point is 01:31:13 I love incorporating that. And then if there's any opportunity in areas like heavy weighted dips, I'm trying to think of these movements that I remember when I was collectinging or I didn't have it and how it carried over to the bench. So looking for exercises that you kind of suck at that are for that will help your chest strength and growth, incorporating that definitely the cemetery and the dumbbells are there and then anything that you can think of that you probably could spend
Starting point is 01:31:42 more time addressing versus just continuing to get good. You're probably really good at the barbell bench press because you've done it so long for. I think, yeah, I think it nails in the head. I really think it's, if you spend the time to really address each individual joint and, you know, you are able to kind of uncover any kind of weakness there in the chain that we can strengthen up and support you better when you get to that weight again. Because then if I had any advice as you're going back and kind of benching and really getting
Starting point is 01:32:13 after it, some progressive kind of resistance for me was helpful. I know like with chains and bands, but even like a sling shot I've used before, I don't know if you've messed around with that at all, just to get me a little more acclimated, to heavier weights and then kind of work my way through that. But that's after we address the instability. Yeah, Xavier, how old are you? 19. Oh my God, bro, you're that strong right? Yeah, yeah. So listen, I don't want to talk to you anymore.
Starting point is 01:32:42 No, no, no. You're doing a more advice. Yeah, it's because he listens to that. Oh, you, we want't want to talk to you. No, no, no. You're doing more advice. You're doing more advice, right? It's because he listens to that. We want him to be better than us. No, no, listen, listen, I'm going to say something. I figured you were young. So I'm going to say something to you because here's what's going to happen. You're going to do map symmetry and you're going to be like, I want to go lift heavy.
Starting point is 01:32:58 You're going to do map symmetry and you're like, this is boring. I want to go pound some heavy ass weights. Okay. Here's the truth. That's phase four. Here's the truth, that's phase four. Here's the truth. Could I train, could I get a powerlifting coach to get your bench press to go up faster
Starting point is 01:33:13 than if you did what I said? Yes, you could get your bench press to go up faster if you did powerlifting techniques. Here's the problem, and you'll figure this out as you start to meet more powerlifters. They start to wrap their elbows, the wrists, they start to lose mobility, they start to meet more power lifters. They start to wrap their elbows, their wrists, they start to lose mobility,
Starting point is 01:33:26 they start to acquire injury after injury. So because you're so young, do it the way I'm saying it. You might progress a little slower right now, but ultimately you're gonna hit bigger numbers as you get older. And you got a lot of time, bro. You're 19, you're not gonna hit your peak and strength until about your early to mid 30s.
Starting point is 01:33:44 So you've got a long way to go. So don't do the like. You'll need the artificial stability support. Like that's 100% where that direction goes. You'll see that with these guys. Yeah, don't ignore little things because you're like, now I just want to add another thing to my mouth. Don't Larry wheels yourself.
Starting point is 01:34:01 Yeah, okay. Or Lane Norton yourself. He figured that out the hard way. So do what I said. It takes a little longer, but Lane Norton yourself. He figured that out the hard way. So do what I said. It takes a little longer, but you'll get bigger numbers as you keep working out. And then you won't get to the point where I, you know, like I know Powerlifter's my age. We're like, yeah, I used to bench. Now I can't anymore. So I let's sucks. So, so map symmetry, it's not going to be what you're used to. Trust the process. Get in the mindset and then go back
Starting point is 01:34:21 to Powerlift and see what happens. I'm'm gonna add one more thing that I would love, love for you. And this is all the advice Sal saying spot on. I would even one time run power lift, all dumbbells. Get rid of the, for Bart for the bench press. And just see how freaking strong you can get following the protocol. But instead of the barbell bench press, you're actually doing dumbbells and run a whole cycle like that. You could do that later too. Yeah, and then come back to the, and then run it again, the barbell bench press, you're actually doing dumbbells and run a whole cycle like that. And then you can do that later too. Yeah, and then come back to the,
Starting point is 01:34:47 and then run it again all barbell and see what you notice from that. I think that would benefit you. And because we're so young, we've got so much time, at some point, do that for yourself. One more thing, one more thing I'm gonna ask you, what time do you go to bed at night?
Starting point is 01:35:00 What time do you wake up on a regular basis? Be honest. You go to bed at night, what time do you wake up on a regular basis? Be honest. Probably, I would say midnight and then waking up like around eight. Okay, so that's not bad. And that's consistent every single night. Most nights, yeah, I mean, sometimes if I'm going out of my girlfriend and stuff like that, I might, you know, push it later at night, but I work in the morning and stuff like
Starting point is 01:35:23 that. Alright, that's not bad. Alright, yeah, just do what I said. I think you'd be good. I have another question kind of what Justin was talking about. If you guys have time, you're too strong. No more questions. We're just starting giving you wrong advice now. So, whenever you were talking about...
Starting point is 01:35:40 Whenever you was talking about like the bands and stuff, because I haven't worked with those, I haven't added the End of Mass Parly. I've added heavy weighted dips and stuff like that, because I hear you guys talk about that. So I've incorporated some of those things. But I was wanting to ask, how would you guys maybe incorporate bands in the Mass Parly, what I do on the heavy day,
Starting point is 01:35:58 just do how it is, and then I'm the hypertrophy day, do with bands with resistance, or maybe a slingshot or maybe even at like a third day on bench like Monday Wednesday Friday or something like that. All right. Here's out. Here's what you're good. Here's what you can do Yeah, here's what you could do. Don't do this though. Yeah until you do map symmetry. Right this is after symmetry Yeah, I feel like you're asking me a question because you know I I know you know what he's gonna do. We're not giving this answer. Tell me, go do it. We do promise you're on video right now. Okay.
Starting point is 01:36:29 I smart kid. That's what I would do. Okay, cool. I'll do that. But anyway, so if I did do, all right. So here's how you would add bands. You would add it. You could actually add it to any of the workouts.
Starting point is 01:36:38 I would do it on the heavy workout days. And what you'll find is you can add weight to the bar because of the progressive resistance. So it'll just, it'll just, it'll change the way, especially the slingshot. Yeah. So you'll feel that instant support and help to when you're at that bottom position. Yeah. But, but bands are not going to be as long-term useful for you now.
Starting point is 01:36:59 Now, let's get your body balanced out, especially at your strength. Okay. All right, man. Thanks for calling him. Yeah, keep his posted. Yeah, I love to hear back from you in a couple of months. Yeah, give that dumbbell thing a try. Now, did you guys up after that? We're going to send you symmetry to, by the way, so that's that way you got it. Okay. Thank you guys. All right, bro.
Starting point is 01:37:19 You've got a good day. You got it. Everyone, aren't you glad I asked somebody to make? 18 years. That's strong. Yeah. I know. Oh, hell it's jealous. Yeah, I know. Hey, so what I said, like I would love to see him just do a whole phase of eliminating the barbell, going all dumbbell and seeing just how strong.
Starting point is 01:37:38 Sure, let me a fun experiment. Well, I was trying to think back of being a young guy and like the thing, of course, I think we've all been in a phase of our life. We're like, just cared about getting the bench press up and the things that really moved the needle. I remember heavy dips being that way. I do remember going on a phase where like I just said, I'm eliminating the barbell and I'm going to get hell of strong on the dumbbells.
Starting point is 01:37:56 I got really good at dumbbells. Came back initially was not as strong on the barbells, but then I passed it. And so I think he would really benefit from symmetry for sure, which are gonna get that dumbbell, you know, lateral work. So of course, I think that's a great recommendation. And then I'd even run power lift and get rid of the barbell and include dumbbell.
Starting point is 01:38:16 Now I'm gonna say this, because I know, I know right now, there's some power lifters and power lifting coaches who are like dumb, stupid advice. You should do, you're stewed with the bench, you only can get massed. Here's the deal, like power lifters, powerlifting coaches who are like dumb, stupid advice. And you should do, you're stewed with the bench or you're only gonna get mastered. Here's the deal, like power lifters, I'm talking to you. You guys are performance driven, you're competition driven.
Starting point is 01:38:31 You can, yes, he can definitely get stronger faster by following your advice, but he's 19 and he doesn't want, or I don't want him to end up like you where now you're, you got all his nagging injuries and shit. So the S-advising is support system intrinsically. And at his age, think about this right now. If you're watching this and you're, you know, is Nagon injuries and shit. So the acid rising is supports this from intrinsically. And at his age, think about this right now. If you're watching this and you're power left for power left in the coach, if you could go back in time,
Starting point is 01:38:51 what do you think you would have done? Yeah. Knowing what you know now, right? Look at you all wrapped up and wearing shirts and I made the Larry Wheels comment. I mean, that's a young guy who's been, that's moving like that. And if he's not doing no mobility work and stuff like that
Starting point is 01:39:04 or unilateral shit, I mean, the guy's just guy is just on a mission to get stronger and stronger and you can and then eventually you blow out your suspension. Yeah, yeah. Look, if you like Mind Pump, head over to MindPumpFree.com and check out our guides. We have guides that can help you with almost any health or fitness goal. You can also find all of us on Instagram. So Justin is at Mind Pump Justin. I'm at Mind Pump to Stefan O'Anne Adam is at Mind Pump Justin. I'm at Mind Pump to step in on Adam, is at Mind Pump Adam. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body,
Starting point is 01:39:31 dramatically improve your health and energy, and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at Mind Pump Media.com. The RGB Superbundle includes MAPSANabolic, MAPS Performance, and MAPS ASTEDIC. Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels, and performs.
Starting point is 01:39:57 With detailed workout blueprints in over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle is like having Sal Adam and Justin as your own personal trainers, but at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money-back guarantee, and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at MindPumpMedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing Mind Pump to your friends and family.
Starting point is 01:40:28 We thank you for your support, and until next time, this is Mind Pump.

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