Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 210: Opening a gym, adrenal health, how to breathe when lifting & MORE

Episode Date: December 30, 2015

This week Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about the dos and don'ts of opening a gym, the beastly qualities of Craig Capurso vs. Joe Donnelly, best foods & supplements to support adrenal ...health, how to breathe when lifting, starting a new sales job with no experience and how to maintain a fitness routine after having a child. Please subscribe, rate and review this show! Learn more about Mind Pump at www.mindpumpradio.com

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Truck the store as red Don't forget the day after Thursday Last day for the sale The final Last time Right before Saturday Two days before Sunday
Starting point is 00:00:13 Uh, last day for the sale Map Santa Ballac Nutrition Survival Guide No BS6 pack formula Fasting Survival Guide And access to our forum For life That's it after this
Starting point is 00:00:24 We're lighting it on fire. It's done It's a 41% discount from $248 to a hundred and forty seven hundred and forty seven Dollars hell out of your cell. We're slashing prices. Have you ever heard of something so ridiculous? We're crazy I've lost my mind You'll be a fool not to get this do it or our Adam's gonna eat his hat. Quick, order now, look through it, and it's crazy to use bad. Yeah, what color's the button?
Starting point is 00:00:51 Yellow, mybubbraidio.com. The reviews. Contest. Winner. Winner. So we've had pretty slow December really. God, but damn it Adam, it's your fault. Yeah, we did have five reviews in the past week, in spite of critical.
Starting point is 00:01:12 I stopped sending the nudes out. Oh, yeah, I guess they're doing that again. I've had time, man, I'm a little fluffy right now. Yeah, makes it look bigger. Hard enough. So I'm going to announce the winners here. We've got one who wrote an absolute book. Waka waka
Starting point is 00:01:28 That's the name. That's name. Okay, and we have good joke another one Wasn't a joke okay, and we have Maria Maria Huerta. Oh, and she wins and she wins Both win t-shirts t-shirts. Yeah, So we need their size, your iTunes review name, and your address sent to minepumpradiogmail.com. And for the rest of you, let's get busy, write some reviews. Tell your friends. Should we tell them, Doug, that we only have five XLs left?
Starting point is 00:02:00 Well, we may have fewer than that actually. Really? We're running out of shirts actually. Oh, well, well, there you go. Leave a review, get a free shirt. But you will get one as long as they last. As long as they last. If you want to pump your body and expand your mind,
Starting point is 00:02:14 there's only one place to go. Mind, pop, mind, pop with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. Salda Stauhoreaefer and Justin Andrews Well, it'll be funny here is to hear me tell a story like Justin and Justin tell a story like me I don't know if you do that. I gotta get I gotta study your nuances. I think I know I think you could do you could probably do pretty well I and I could do Justin. I think I think I could I you could probably do pretty well I and I could do Justin I think I think I you know, I probably would have to practice Yeah, it would be more fun that way it's not fun just I don't want to tell if for now on no no one tells their own stories anymore
Starting point is 00:02:53 Okay for now on we share the story before air so we know and then someone else has to tell us like you cock face Yeah I keep your 30 minutes early. Bitch. No, so, but I'm really nice guys. So the other day what happened to me was I was working out, right? And these girls are looking at me and, you know, because I'm beautiful. Yeah, of course.
Starting point is 00:03:20 And by the way, I'm telling the story as Adam. I was just born this way. I'm telling the story like Adam. Okay. And I'm like, listen, ladies, it's, as Adam. I was just saying, this is supposed to be me story. Yeah, I'm telling the story like Adam. Okay. And I'm like, listen, ladies, it's, you know, I was just born this way. Actually, no, I wasn't that good looking. I actually skinny and ugly.
Starting point is 00:03:33 And I say that to them because then it makes it okay for me to talk about how handsome I am. So it's a good, it's like a way that I, you know, I make it sound okay. No, I see. Because then you don't feel like I'm your wizardry. I'm not being conceded because I used to be ugly. But now I'm super handsome.
Starting point is 00:03:50 So anyway, so these women were talking to me. And I was getting a really good pump. And I'm kind of fat right now. I'm only about seven percent body fat. Let me interrupt you. Let me interrupt you right there and tell the ladies and gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen. Ladies and gentlemen, let me tell you a little bit
Starting point is 00:04:06 about the pump. You know, a lot of people don't understand what the pump is. And, you know, to break it down for a reason. Studies have shown that the sarcoplasmic pump that you guys are getting that is actually artificially infused into the muscle that is caused by the flux capacitor and the branched shit met.
Starting point is 00:04:24 You know, acid, it are actually merging and interacting with each other and the bloodstream and causing this reaction level that is artificially pumping the muscles up. So there is actually no real science anymore that supports that has any sort of correlation with the actual growth. I'm scared really long word. Well, so, so the pump, so I used to have this friend and he was, he was really cool, right?
Starting point is 00:04:48 Big guy. Big guy, long hair. And it was like, probably like a Friday. Anyway, so we were getting a pump, we were working out. Definitely a Friday. And my wife this morning, I swear, so she's talking to me.
Starting point is 00:05:01 And anyway, we'll talk about that later. We'll talk about that later. So, um, story. It's right there. I forgot. That's pretty accurate. No. One, two, three, four class. Seven and nine. It's time. It's time for the quah.
Starting point is 00:05:25 And then I was like, how can views if they're like a recent new listener, like if you've only listened to like the last five episodes? That was like somebody just took drugs. Like what the fuck is quah? What is quah? That just happens. I don't understand any of the stories they just took.
Starting point is 00:05:40 Quah is how you pronounce the Q&A question and answer. Actually, it's not really quah, it should be Qua, right? If you pronounce QA, it'd be Qua. Qua. That sounds good. Qua? I feel like, I feel like you could finish that. Do you guys tell people when someone finds out,
Starting point is 00:05:54 when they find mine pump for the first time, or they ask you, and they actually have never heard of it yet? Do you recommend they start from beginning, or do you just say, oh, here's, down to you, tell them, down to that said. Do you actually warn them? I usually warn them. Yeah, yeah, here's down to you, tell them, I don't know, that's it. Do you actually warn them? I usually warn them. Yeah, yeah. What's your process? I'm gonna hear how you guys talk to you.
Starting point is 00:06:09 I'll be like, okay, it's really, it's really candid, raw. We say, you know, it might be offensive. I kind of like, I almost apologized for it before I had no success in it. Yeah, yeah. I do that too, but I leave it up to them to kind of figure it out. Just because I feel like our latest ones are better than the old ones But then again if you start from the beginning it kind of shows the timeline of us
Starting point is 00:06:30 Well, I agree with you. So I've been that's why I ask you guys because I've kind of done both Although I'm definitely different than Sal. I don't I do downplay some stuff and I do backpedal for us But not till first I I actually tell I tell people when I said it's gonna change your life Yeah, I said if you've never heard if you've change your life. I said, if you've never heard mine, if you've never heard mine, have you ever had a religious experience? I said pretty much like that. It's like you found Jesus.
Starting point is 00:06:52 It's like seeing Jesus for the first time. For sure, if you actually listen to mine, and I tell them that's what I tell them, I said, give me, I said, listen the first five episodes. Listen the first five episodes. I promise there'll be something in one of those five episodes that will completely either shatter your paradigm or open your eyes to a whole other world
Starting point is 00:07:08 within fitness that you didn't know before. And hopefully I got you to laugh a little bit or be entertained in the slightest bit in those five. So that's kind of like what I explain to someone. But I say, but if you're easily offended, you're not going to like it. But if you're somebody who you can listen to like a Howard Stern and you're okay with that and you're a bad word, bad language, it doesn't offend you then you'll be fine. But if those things are, then you probably shouldn't listen. Have you told anybody not to listen to it?
Starting point is 00:07:34 No. Yes. So, I have like young cousins. I have conservative people that I know. Yeah, I'd say I have like young cousins that are like 13, 14. Like, oh,'s your the program? It's going oh the podcast. What is it again? I want to look it up like Wait for a program
Starting point is 00:07:53 I don't think you should I wouldn't listen to us you shouldn't listen to it because then your mom would kill me I'm related to them if I'm not related to them. Fuck. I'll tell every 13 year old listen to my program I told I told you guys at the very beginning, this would happen to me. And so for me, I feel like that's the worst person who could ever listen to my pump, or he listens to my pump for me, who is was my childhood pastor.
Starting point is 00:08:13 And I can't believe that. Yeah, and I coach him, you know, he's all the way on the East Coast and stuff, but we remain in contact via email, text and stuff. And I've never recommended he go listen to buying plums, but of course through social media and everything like that, it's came around and he's found it. And so he brought it up one time long after
Starting point is 00:08:33 he'd been listening for a long time, that he does. And he brought it up to me and I was like, oh, you listen? I was like, oh, that was the most awkward moment. That's a so funny. I was having a conversation with somebody about this, like about offensive language. I've never been offended by language.
Starting point is 00:08:49 It's never been an issue for me, even when I was around super conservative, my whole life, it was all conservative. That's just something that never offended me. What offended me was people's actions when they do things that are evil and they mess with other people in front of me, then I get pissed off. Well, I can say this. I can say that I've never been offended really by language, but I also don't.
Starting point is 00:09:16 It only bothers me when I feel like somebody abuses it. When they can't put a full sentence together without the F word or without a swear word in there because they're just Clever we're not intelligent and that's the reason why they swear now if you swear because you like kind of like my okay So I'm totally patting myself here right if you Right now Adam is now Adam is Adam is telling a story. I know I This is I just walked into a trap where it's exactly how you just did me right here. You fucking dick. So I'm like about the display and how just to file.
Starting point is 00:09:48 It's okay, I do what I do. Admiral Acquire. Well, I feel like I speak passionately. And when I speak passionately, the words fly out of my mouth. Sometimes I don't stop to think what I'm saying. I'm just gonna speak with someone on my mind. And when I'm passionate about what I'm talking about, swear words tend to come out.
Starting point is 00:10:05 So for me, I feel like that's when you, and sometimes when I'm really passionate about something, I probably swear more than other times when we're talking common collective about a topic. When I don't like it and when it bothers me is when it's somebody who's doing it unintelligently. If you're just sound like an idiot and you're just swearing the whole time, then that's all I hear is fuck this, balls this, this, this, shit, that, fuck that, you know, all the, that's all you hear.
Starting point is 00:10:28 It's all you hear. And it's not, for me, it's not the words. It's not the words that I'm afraid, like my little cousins are gonna hear. It's the stories. That's, I got to care about the word. They're 14 years old. They hear that shit all the time.
Starting point is 00:10:39 I don't care about that. But it's like this. It's the stories. It's, you know, Adam talking about. You're right about it. How to give a good blow job. It's us talking about, you know, just some of the stories that we call, which are great.
Starting point is 00:10:50 Yeah, yeah, educational. It's just like a TV show. I mean, like, please. Yeah, that's all good. Look how far we've come. Yeah. You said come, what are we ambivalent? Well, let's come all over this.
Starting point is 00:11:04 Like, all right, it is quad time. Hit us with it, Dan. You said come what came where we am. Well, let's let's come all over this. I It is Quattime hit us with it. We got Brandon Mohal and this question is directed to Sal He's asking about Sal opening his personal training gym and what worked and what didn't work. Mm-hmm. That's good question. Tell us So let's see I opened my studio when I was, I think it was 23, so I was really young. And at the time, I had left 24-hour fitness. So let's go back a little bit. Before I ever, you know, even considered opening up my own facility, I had run gyms. I'm glad you pointed that out.
Starting point is 00:11:39 In corporate fitness for a little while and had done pretty well doing it. So that gave me some idea of how, you know, what I was getting myself into. I don't recommend opening up a gym if you've never managed one or worked one. If you can't manage a corporate gym, then you're gonna fail trying to open your own because it's actually much more difficult
Starting point is 00:11:57 trying to own your own. Well, it's the same thing that we mentioned as far as like going from, you know, not training before to independent training. Very difficult. Yeah. Unless you have a good training before the independent training. Very difficult. Yeah. Unless you have a good mentor, it's very, very difficult to do. So I worked at 24, left 24, and worked actually in finance. I was actually a, what was called a premier banker at Bank of America for a little while. Got a couple licenses. I had a six series six and a series 63 license.
Starting point is 00:12:24 And, but I hated it. I fucking hated it. You know, I'm in the bank. I had a six series six and a series six three license and But I hated it fucking hated it. You know, I'm in the bank I've always worked in fitness. You know what the environment's like in the gym music is going on That's energy. We're having a lot of fun. It's intense. The bank is the opposite of that It's quiet as fuck everybody slow motion in there You can hear the air conditioning in the background I have to talk like this because every time I talk normal, somebody would come up to me and tell me you had to lower my voice, which was infuriating because I didn't know how to do that. And I was bored of shit. So here I am working in this job and I go get some food and as I'm waiting
Starting point is 00:13:00 for my food to come, right next door was a tending salon. And I'd never tanned before my life. For whatever reason I decided to go in there so I walk in and there was a gym as part of this tending salon. Long story short I meet the owner and I asked how much I can how much to work out there and she said she was looking for someone to rent it. That day I quit my job in the bank and took it over. So it was very it was a very quick decision. And although I run gyms before, I didn't know the first thing about owning a business. However, I don't really think you ever really do
Starting point is 00:13:33 until you do it. It takes... You can have all the business schooling when until you get in and under the seat under whatever business you're doing. They're all different, that's the problem. I'm saying everything has a different issue and learning the best advice you give
Starting point is 00:13:47 that I think is you have to point this out that where you talk about your previous experience inside the gym, there's few things I feel that are like this and the fact that what I mean by this is, okay, before I go take on a new job, a new hobby, a new anything, what do we all normally kind of do? You kind of you watch it, you read it, you read about it, you maybe talk to people that do it,
Starting point is 00:14:12 like you kind of educate yourself on this new idea or new thing that you're about to tackle and do. I don't think there is better training or could be better knowledge or better, anything better you could possibly do than take going and working for a large company like a 24-arfin. It doesn't have to be a 24-arfin. There's tons of them that are... Again, up to a management position. Yeah, because you got to learn from that.
Starting point is 00:14:34 And if you can't, if you find yourself struggling to move up, you're probably not going to succeed in that. And this is why this is such a great lesson for you to do before you own one is, okay, can I prove to myself that I can stand out from the rest of these employees who clock in from nine to five, they don't really care about growing this business. They're just coming to get a paycheck and do their job the best of their ability where I want to treat this different. I'm going to take ownership of this club. I want to see what it'll be.
Starting point is 00:15:01 But the great part is you got to, you really aren't because you have the backing and the support of this huge multi-million dollar company. So you get the, you don't have the pressure of being the actual owner, but then you get to act like, act like an owner and build this business. Plus, you don't have to put your money down, you know, you know, when you open a studio, I mean, initially when I moved from the Tanding salon to open my own space and I got a bigger space, you know, I invested about 7070, $75,000 to $80,000 in equipment and, you know, promotion, all that stuff.
Starting point is 00:15:29 So, you know, it's a bit, it's quite a big investment to go that route, but I'll tell you what works, doing the footwork, like going out and just meeting people. That's the most successful thing I ever did in there. The first day I do when I have my new location, as I go to all the local businesses and I become friends with the owners. That's it. I become friends with the owners and I offer them all free personal training every single one of them because I know most of them aren't going
Starting point is 00:15:54 to take it but someone will and the ones that do their business is so close and they'll refer people to me and it's a great way to build, you know, to build my clientele. What didn't work, you know, ads in the newspaper, what awaits the money, flyers, not really, unless you use that flyers and excuse to meet people. You know, website, you know, when it comes to personal training, people that might get someone to meet you, maybe, but your most of your business is going to come through referral or through you going out to meet other people, you know, become a member of the, you know most of your business is gonna come through referral or through you going out to meet other people. Become a member of the local business, what do they call that, the Chamber of Commerce.
Starting point is 00:16:31 But get your ass out there and move and talk with people and expect to not make any money for a couple of years. You know, it's gonna be a grind. You talking about this made me just think of something that I don't know a single, I don't know a single one trainer that's worked for me in over the 10 years that I had managed trainers. So probably hundreds were talking about, I don't know one trainer who surprised me when they left the gym at their success or their lack of success as a trainer. If you left working for me after you'd worked for me
Starting point is 00:17:05 for six months to a year and you said you were gonna go off and be your own private trainer and run your own thing, I knew whether you would be successful or not. 100% and there was no, they're at a volume. None of them was somebody else. Yeah, I wouldn't like them all of a sudden they're going off of their own
Starting point is 00:17:21 and now they get to blossom. Exactly, explode. And that's why, because I knew the best of the best that were working for me are in a facility like that, are the ones that only ones that could even survive that monstrous world out there on their own, where they have to run and manage their own business.
Starting point is 00:17:36 If you were middle of the pack, or even just average, or a shit butt trainer working for me, I knew for a fact that you would fail. And I tried to let them know in the nicest way possible, because don't want to crush somebody's dreams when they say that's what their dream is they own their own facility. But when I look at them, I say, man, you're struggling in a facility where I hand you the leads. I pay for the advertisement. You ain't got to rent, you got to pay for, you pay for every, you get paid for every minute that you're here. You don't
Starting point is 00:17:59 got to be here on your off time not getting paid and working and going out and grabbing and bringing people in. And you're having a hard time. Yeah, you could look with that, bro. Maybe you might want to use your degree, though, because you're probably going to need it, because you're not going to be able to use personal training and it makes the kind of money or more than what you're already making.
Starting point is 00:18:16 So, and I think that it goes with running, even running the gym. It's all the same thing. You know what I'm saying? It's a people business. Well, I'll tell you, I did it for 12 years. I owned a gym. And it was difficult.
Starting point is 00:18:30 It was very difficult. And I didn't make shit for a while. And then I started, you know, later, it took me a while to start making money. And that was one of the top producers in one of the largest fitness organizations in the world. So, you know, some of these B&C players going out trying to do it on their own.
Starting point is 00:18:43 I don't know. It's not easy. It's definitely not easy When you're on your own paying those bills and making that should happen. Yeah, but there's a there's a plus side to it You know, you have your own gym and you get to run it the way you want. Yeah, there's the other side of the coin that like I don't think any of us Like stepped out without like some level of like Superconfidence in yourself like people people around you are not going to believe in you. You know, your family is going to, you know, it's going to be hard for them to see you make these kinds of decisions
Starting point is 00:19:15 and step out of the comfort zone because they always want you in the comfort zone. And, you know, it takes some serious balls to just like, you know, put it upon yourself. Like I'm going to do this. And then like, put it upon yourself. I'm gonna do this. And then you own that 100% yourself. Cause you can always learn. You can always learn and you may learn the hard way. And it's gonna suck.
Starting point is 00:19:33 Or you might try to take advice and really be open-minded and do the grunt work, like they're saying, like, you don't really get, like you're vested into it and Learn the business completely the ins and outs 100% that's the smart way to do it But you could do it the other way and you could fucking grind your way to get there It's interesting you say the first part where you talked about it's true You're not going to get a lot of support from people. They just don't get it
Starting point is 00:20:02 Most people don't get it when you go off to be an entrepreneur. Most people don't understand it. So when you're telling them that you're gonna do all the stuff, they're looking at all the risks and they're thinking, I don't think you're gonna do it. The only people that might believe in you are other entrepreneurs who, you know, kind of get off on that. But I can't tell you how many times I've done something and I get support from people around me, but they don't, I know they're not thinking like, Oh, shit, you're gonna, it's gonna, they're thinking like, okay, let's see what happens. Yeah, they don't believe in you until you do it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:33 That's untill it's true. I think too that, I don't know, knowing what we know and fitness and all the experience that we have that we've done, I feel like if I were like to be the outside looking in and I was like, if I was assessing my choices in fitness, there's only two ways I feel like working in the fitness industry kind of works as far as what you what you what you accept yourself to be, what kind of man or woman you you were going to be in business. And one of those is the absolute maniac and you're okay with that. You're okay with running 14 days straight.
Starting point is 00:21:05 You're okay with running 16 hour days sometimes. You're okay with filling down and having to give all this crazy energy. You have to be kind of a maniac to be somebody who runs on all those cylinders and is successful doing it because it breaks most people. It breaks most people. And then you have the other stream
Starting point is 00:21:23 where the other where I'd be okay, my wife makes really really good money and I like the flexibility of a trainer gym type of schedule Where I can come and go as I please and I get to be around health and fitness Then I then I take it more on like a hobby than I do like a career. I'm gonna make my 30 to 60 thousand dollars a year Cushion schedule and schedule, enjoying health and fitness. But if I'm in this because I love fitness, but I also want to make a lot of money, you better believe you're going to have to step into that kind of maniac world a little bit. I feel like, and I think the two gentlemen here would agree with me because I don't know anybody who's been extremely financially successful. Never found anybody successful. And he swears by the four hour work week book, you know like they had none of those get none of those guys are killing in the gym and
Starting point is 00:22:06 Street. No, no, for sure. It's not it. Next claw. Yes, little hole cat. Little hole cat. Who is more of a beast? Joe Donnelly or Craig Capurso? We did we did this question. Oh, yes, we had I Just it just it hates There's a beastly well here's a care. This is like this is a good thing to talk about for several reasons why what do they mean by beast? Well, I mean who's more of a beast than the gym like who can out who can out lift the other guy? Yeah, probably you can out well just you know, beast would be outlift out were crazy And not only if I work I haven't worked out with Craig I was a lot of these are more of rock. At least Joe let me lead the workout.
Starting point is 00:22:47 So I was, he was okay with doing my, well, in terms of beast like work ethic, they're both ridiculous work ethic. Like ridiculous work ethic. So that's a good point. And okay, so it's funny she brought up to me, Joe and Craig, because we know tons of fitness professionals and people like these guys, they just happen to me.
Starting point is 00:23:04 They are very, very similar in many, many ways. Oh yeah. They're both maniacs, and they both have a ridiculous work ethic. Yeah, and they both are genetic freaks too. If you, and here's, if you were to look at, and not to take anything away from how bad ass these dudes are, because they're not only guys that were built to do what they do,
Starting point is 00:23:22 but they fucking do it and do it very well. But both Joe and Craig, if you looked at a picture and I have seen pictures of them between 17 and 20 years old, you should see what they look like. Craig, Craig looked like he had a like a 23 inch fucking neck, you know, already at like 19 years old. And then in Joe was jacked at like 205 at 17 years old. I mean, they're just, they are anomalies and they train like it and they are bad ass at it and they're very inspiring to a lot of people. The only thing that, and when you say beast too, I follow those because those are my boys,
Starting point is 00:23:58 but I'm more impressed, you know, with someone like Sal or like someone like Elaine Norton. Somebody who has got this physique that is unassuming, doesn't murder themselves. They actually approach their training very scientifically because they know that, you know what, this is the best way to get to this, this path and the most effective.
Starting point is 00:24:20 I'm not gonna try and compete with a Joe or Craig because those guys are gonna run me over day and a day out because I'm not built like them. And then to be like someone like Sal and like a Lane Norton who are pulling deadlifting three times their body weight natural guys under 200 pounds, that's pretty, that's fucking, I mean, Craig and Joe both are probably pulling around the same way to Sal, give or take 50 to 80 pounds and they both outweigh him by 40 pounds, you know. And that's about it. Yeah, because in that, I mean, in terms of strength, those guys are both animals.
Starting point is 00:24:52 Oh, I so I would say this, I mean, I don't know if Craig's ever squatted 600 plus pounds Joe has. So Joe, but I think Craig do jump squats with 300 pounds. Yeah, so to me, I mean, I,, I'm gonna lean towards Joe just because only because Joe is six foot six or four. We move on, Doug. Yeah. Jirk, these guys off some more.
Starting point is 00:25:17 All right, all right. Next question. I can't believe we just did that. My goodness. Just. Hey, I got to move this long. All right. All goodness. Justin. Hey, I gotta move this long. Right, all right. Yeah, this is serious.
Starting point is 00:25:27 Austin MCC21 is asking about the best foods or supplements to help support adrenal health. And what is too much caffeine? Good question, well, Justin, why don't you ask today? Yeah, you dick. Oh, it's a, it moves along. Adrenal plan dick. It was a long, a adrenal plan is for you asshole. Oh, the adrenal plan. Oh, yeah, of course, I got this like study.
Starting point is 00:25:51 I just read just about that. You know, fucking Dr. Salad, they're already. I'm sure you did. Supporting adrenal helmet. You're gonna want, I mean, you're gonna want to make sure you have adequate B vitamins. You know, just vitamins that support the mitochondria of the cells. How about foods that are rich in B vitamins? Yeah, foods that are rich in B vitamins,
Starting point is 00:26:09 your animal proteins are gonna be good. You're probably gonna wanna eat a lot of healthy fats, not too many, definitely not a lot of sugar, maybe even low on the starches. In terms of supplements, you know, you have the what I I call the dapteogenic type supplements from like Chinese medicine, like Siberian ginseng is one of them,
Starting point is 00:26:32 rodeola is another one, ashruganda is another one. And they're supposed to help the body deal with stress and you know, work more optimally in stress. Some studies will support some of that. It's not like overwhelming blow you away type studies, but there's some science that'll support some stuff. The best thing you can do for your general health is rest.
Starting point is 00:26:53 Rest and train, lift weights, in a very moderate kind of straight set type of way, eat a lot of healthy fats. That's pretty much the best thing you can possibly do is give yourself some rest. I think people with adrenal issues tend to be the type A overworked, over-trained type individuals. Now, is the adrenal question, or is the caffeine related to the adrenal question?
Starting point is 00:27:15 Is he just asking in general what is too much caffeine also? They kind of are a little bit because lots of caffeine will stress out your adrenal glands. And I should note, by the way, that none of this is medically accepted. I was going to say they haven't proven adrenal fatigue is an actual... No, I think they will. I think they will. We've witnessed it in fitness. We've seen people with, you know, metabolic, what we call metabolic damage or adrenal fatigue. We've seen it. But right now, it's not accepted by the medical community. But caffeine, caffeine will definitely stimulate the central nervous system. It will have your body release certain cataclysmines, your epinephrine, or epinephrine, which people
Starting point is 00:27:56 who discuss adrenal fatigue will say you don't want your body to have to push too much of that stuff out. So, you probably want to avoid caffeine. As far as too much caffeine, if you're healthy, that's so individual. Oh yeah, very individual. And the studies that are out on that, it's so ridiculous on how much you'd have to take
Starting point is 00:28:13 before it would be adverse. It depends on the person like for me. Yeah, it does and your body gets adapted, so it's hard to even answer that. Yeah, because I do 100 milligrams of caffeine, pre-workout, and that's great. A lot of people 100 milligrams of RAM, nothing. Quite a bit. I mean I mean like I think where I'm at right now. Yeah, you probably have what six six hundred a day at least and that and I have to start like scaling it out so that way
Starting point is 00:28:34 you know I can I can actually get the effects of it again. Well let me ask you this how many cups of coffee do you have in a day? So I'll probably have like six. Fuck yeah. And they're big like decent cups. Well yeah 16 to you, you're having like 20. You're probably, you're definitely having over 1000, 1000 milligrams. But this is the things I can operate on that or I can operate on, you know, two cups. So I'm okay, but like at the same time,
Starting point is 00:28:56 I've ramped up to that. And so now I have to like, you know, I have to, I definitely have to bring it back down. I have to consciously do that. Yeah, because I think, like I said, it's an individual thing. Some people's bodies don't process caffeine very well and they'll get this cumulative effect over the course of a week where they start to get adverse effects
Starting point is 00:29:14 like heart palpitations, nervousness, anxiety. I know Doug, for a while, was doing caffeine, then you stopped. I remember you stopping. Were you getting adverse effects? I can't remember, it was a while ago. Was your brain is shrinking? No, not exactly.
Starting point is 00:29:30 It's down to nine inches. Yeah. No, I just recall that I felt really kind of weird when I was working out. So I just cut it out completely, but I'm back on it again. Oh yeah? Yeah, I do a half regular and half decaf.
Starting point is 00:29:45 So it's like 150 milligrams probably caffeine. Maybe. Uh-huh. You don't think it was the LSD you took before the workout that made you feel like? That's possible. Yeah, so that's an individual thing. This is kind of the answer to this question
Starting point is 00:29:57 is almost identical to our episode that we did on metabolic damage. I mean, it goes... It's a... That's what we call it. It's about, yeah, rest. I mean, rest in recovery. That's like, you know, what that screams to me and feeding yourself whole natural foods, you know, that are rich and nutrient sometimes it takes a while to get out of it.
Starting point is 00:30:13 Yeah, and that's what you have that approach. It's very, oh, yeah, I've definitely had clients. Shit, I've got somebody right now. I mean, shit, I'm going on four months with her and we're not we're not anywhere near coming close to budging weight right now because I can see that like she's way below where she should be calorie wise and we've been insured up and insured up and insured up and you're just trying to get her healthy. Oh yeah, I know I'm just and and she always asked me like, oh, is this gonna set us back or when do I get started losing weight and this and I'm like, you know what, we're still so far away.
Starting point is 00:30:44 And she and she's I mean, she has in me. She, you know, she knows and stuff. So, but of course, they still ask, you know, they want, of course, you sign up and you want to lose. Well, Kudos are her to be able to trust you and stick to it that way. Yeah, I know. I mean, people want immediate results sometimes. Now, we've talked about the important, that's why it's important to lay that foundation when you communicate those that are trainers and listening, you have to set that tone. I'd always rather tell someone, it could take us over a year before we see a pound, depending
Starting point is 00:31:12 on how bad your metabolism is and how much work we have ahead of us. But that way, when they find out in three weeks, we're already ready to rock a roll because they're all, their metabolism is firing on all cylinders and we're good to go. Then they're excited. You know, that she's going to change her life. Yeah. And that's the cool part. Yeah. Is that that's the winner at the end. The next question is from 500 days of fuck you. Oh, the best, the best name. I'm sure they just put that up there so they have to see. Yeah. Yeah. We love to hear you say that. Yeah. I know them. He's asking her, she, I'm not sure. How to breathe.
Starting point is 00:31:45 Oh, like during lifts. During lifts and breathe. This person gets gassed out, I think. Oh, you know why? It was longer than that. He was a fairly long question. I kind of he was, he was referencing
Starting point is 00:31:56 this certain exercise. He's how to breathe. Well, certain exercises like a squat, like when you're power out these squats, you'll exhale, you'll hold your breath where we've taught to inhale exhale. So that's where he was asking. Well, I think what's more important with that is how you brace, right? Yeah. You know, and that's what I would focus on more. I think when you start fucking around
Starting point is 00:32:15 with, with how you're breathing, I think a lot of times it detracts, you know, from the left. And then you end up getting light headed because your breathing patterns are off. Like I don't see how, I mean, what's your opinion on that? No, it's so great. It's so funny. It's so funny. Because it's exactly what I used to tell clients when they used to,
Starting point is 00:32:31 because this was a very common question. Like, when should I breathe? Am I supposed to? And yes, we all know when we're supposed to scientifically what the science pilot is. The most important piece is that you breathe. Yeah, and that's why I used to tell people that it's like a natural thing.
Starting point is 00:32:42 Yeah, breathe naturally. And you're obviously going to throw your rhythm off. Yeah, that's why I used to tell people, and it's like a natural thing. Yeah, breathe naturally. And you're obviously going to throw your rhythm off. Yeah, exactly. So I would say, breathe normal, don't think too much about it. Then later down the road, technically, what we should be doing is, I mean, if you're really on a constant train of breathing, like take yoga and like slow down,
Starting point is 00:32:57 and then start figuring out your patterns, and then you can really work on that as an exercise. Well, it's totally natural and normal for people to hold their breath when they're exerting a lot of force because holding your breath strengthens the core or braces the core. You know, through both your diaphragm, you know, the diaphragm holding all the air in and staying tight and then you're tightening your core around that. So when you're doing like a max lift or you're doing a heavy lift, a heavy rep, it's perfectly fine to breathe in, hold your breath, go down, come up, and as you come up, you
Starting point is 00:33:29 want to breathe very with a braced core and breathe your teeth. Exactly. Like you breathe like, you're breathing out kind of strong. At the top of the rep, take a couple breaths before you go down and do that again and do not hold your breath the whole time. And if you're doing a high rep set, and do not hold your breath the whole time. And if you're doing a high rep set, then you probably don't want to use that technique. Not at all.
Starting point is 00:33:48 I use that technique when I'm doing like three or less. Exactly. Yeah, that's the only time I ever do that technique is if I'm going to, because if you're going three or less, you're probably going really heavy, you know, you're running singles, doubles or triples. It's heavy, ass weight on you. It will be the only reason why I need to really brace my core like that. Otherwise, you know, you should be able to, if you're doing 70% intensity,
Starting point is 00:34:06 you should be able to breathe normally through a squat even. You know, I don't even use that squatting breathing technique in the less time power lifting, less time going for just like, like Justin said, just be conscious of breaking, just keeping your core tight. Breathe normal. Breathe normal.
Starting point is 00:34:20 That's the most important thing is that you're breathing. That's your that you're not holding your breath. It's Maddie White is starting a new job as a car salesman. Yeah, you're starting a new job. Is that what I said? I just said that. I'm glad he's converting. But he has no experience.
Starting point is 00:34:38 And so he's looking for some tips. In sales. In sales. Yeah. Well, the best thing you could possibly do is follow the top sales guy around and copy him. Start just like that. Yes.
Starting point is 00:34:53 That's a great idea. Yeah. Definitely pick those brains. You know, what would you guys say? How much, I mean, how much did you read Justin and Sal? Did you guys read like sales books and how much did that really attribute to Your growth in town. What would you say? Live very little. I think I'm very much more of a shadow guy. Did you read any books?
Starting point is 00:35:14 Or did you read a lot of books? Did you read a handful of books? What would you say? Very few very few. I'll be totally honest Sales for me right out the gates was just it was easy. I know it was very natural really honest, sales for me right out the gates was easy. I know, it was very natural. But what I did, so initially I started off and I was selling like crazy, then the company had this new sales training course, the one that was run through Tom Hopkins,
Starting point is 00:35:38 who's this like sales group, right? And I took that. And what I learned from it was how to break down what I was doing naturally and Understand what I was doing naturally and then it helped me teach others because when you do something naturally Yourself it's very difficult to teach other people because people ask you well, how do you do it? And you go well, that's how you really learn it is by teaching other people. Yeah, so so then I learned how to break it down and I So, so then I learned how to break it down and I learned how to I guess my biggest problem when I first start out in sales And this was this is unique to myself and if you're a very passionate energized person This is probably going to be you too is I would overdo I would overdo it sometimes
Starting point is 00:36:16 I would blow people out of the water sometimes. I was so passionate so excited and it worked most of the time But the times it didn't those people were never coming back. And that's something that I learned, you know, as I got, went along as I became much more refined to where I listened a lot more than I talked. I sat down and I listened to people and I asked them lots of questions. And, you know, it took from there. And I didn't try to close them on everything.
Starting point is 00:36:39 In other words, in the beginning, if I'm giving someone a tour of the gym, and the first thing out of the mouth is, my God, it's crowded. In the beginning, if I'm giving someone a tour of the gym, and the first thing out of the mouth is, my God, it's crowded, in the beginning I would try to overcome that. Well, it's only crowded because it's time of day, and it's normally that it's crowded, blah, blah, blah, blah, and then I learn later on to just agree with them.
Starting point is 00:36:54 Later on, they'd be like, oh, it's really crowded, and I was like, yeah, it is. And then we were done, because I knew it wasn't a real objection, it wasn't something I really had to overcome. Well, that's so interesting. I feel like, you know, both you guys, it would be a different experience.
Starting point is 00:37:05 So with you, definitely, I think that's the best advice because, you know, I could see you tend to want to kind of lead the conversation, right? And like, okay, I need to make this sale and then you're trying to over talk your way through. Like, you're baiting them into this process. Whereas for me, I needed to figure out ways to articulate this. And I got to lead them into this process. Whereas for me, I needed to figure out ways to articulate this.
Starting point is 00:37:26 And I got to lead them into this direction, not just sit there and listen to them and then wait for that sales point. Like I had to like create this story. And so that was the thing that I had to try and error my way through. And it wasn't really from a book or a process. Like I don't really apply things very well from other people.
Starting point is 00:37:45 Like I really like want to go 100% in myself, you know, obviously shadow the best person I know that can do this skill and just start completely modeling it. So did you follow anyone around me for a start at a movie? Oh yeah, no, I've told that I've showed you a story, I think, before I'm mind-pumped, that I did follow the top guy around. Your story, the way you explain it, I was really interested to listen to both of you on this, because I knew that was gonna happen.
Starting point is 00:38:15 I knew there was gonna be some sort of difference on how you guys had philosophies. I know how different Justin was, and how different you are, a lot like me. And so listening to you, that couldn't be more spot on to explaining it for myself. Like literally, it's to me, it's a craft. It's a beautiful craft. I love to talk to sales about
Starting point is 00:38:34 sales of people because I think it's such a bad name. People people think sales and they think of salesman and they think like this, like you're tricking them. Yeah, to see full trickery. Manipul. That're ripping them off. Yeah, it's deceitful, trickery, manipulative. That's actually shitty sales. Yeah, is that exactly the shitty sales? That to me is somebody who is not very good at their craft. If you're truly good at your craft, then you give people the most amazing experience
Starting point is 00:38:57 they've ever had. And they continue to come back and they continue to tell their people about it. And it's this beautiful thing. And it's a really neat thing to watch. It's why I loved what I did for very long. My favorite thing in the world was to teach this to other trainers and help develop that within them and to watch them develop their craft.
Starting point is 00:39:15 And a lot of that stuff, I came out the gates kind of naturally somewhat doing. Like Sal said, I just right into it. First week, I was already selling things things doing stuff. I mean, I And really had a chance to shadow the best guy that much. I've seen a couple things he did enough for me to kind of Start putting my own thing together. And then later on I began reading later on I had older mentors and people That spent time with me and then it started to confirm and open my eyes to what I was already doing and then I started to refine it. Because then when I could read it and then I was learning from somebody who was more
Starting point is 00:39:46 talented than I was at that and I saw and then they would explain to me like no no this is why you don't do that. It's more important for you to make sure you convey this or make sure you cover this or you speak this way or you listen more than you do this and you know I'd start to pick up all these things and of course that makes total sense. Why would I ever think that this was a better way to do that? Oh, well, you know, and then it's sort of coming all together for me. And then a lot of it is just being comfortable with that.
Starting point is 00:40:09 It's being okay in situations with sales, you know, when, right away, if you're not comfortable with being uncomfortable, you're probably not going to be very good at it. It's one of the things that I love about Justin, he's talked about this before. Just his mentality about coming on a radio show, something that's totally not his. He hates to fucking talk, but it's not his thing.
Starting point is 00:40:32 I knew that was, but I love the fact that he loves being uncomfortable. That just shows you the talent level that he has and anything that he does, and he had the same approach when he was in training. I think that you and I are very, very similar to how that would come together. Yeah, I think, I think, this is what I used to tell people when I would do sales training. Sales is effective communication, that's all it is.
Starting point is 00:40:56 And if you could take what you know and understand and feel in your mind, and if you could take it out of your mind and just transplant it into someone else's mind, you wouldn't need sales, right? Because they would already know know like like if I could just take what I know about fitness and health or whatever and Put it into this you know Mrs. Johnson's head. She would buy she would hire me She would take all the money she could afford and she would hire me or she would work out in a gym and she would do it Because then she would understand what I understand. Okay. That's all sales is is being being able to get what you already understand to that person to understand. So whatever product you're selling, number one,
Starting point is 00:41:29 you better be passionate about. The most passionate car salesman in the world, the guy who's selling Ford, who's a Ford Efficient Auto, is gonna be a great salesperson just because they're passionate about their product. That's number one, and number two, you need to be able to find solutions. Once you convey that passion, they're gonna come up with problems. You need to have solutions.
Starting point is 00:41:48 I can't afford this. Well, here's a solution or I don't know if I want to get this. Well, why not? Let's figure something out. You need to be able to come up with solutions. And that's pretty much it. That's really if I break it all down as basic as possible. Be passionate about your product. Believe in it. Don't be a bullshit or don't lie. Okay? Because those are shitty salespeople. Believe in your product and then have solutions. You could do those two things, you'll be a great salesperson. Yeah, practice, practice, practice, practice.
Starting point is 00:42:10 Because many people in front of you, don't be afraid to fail. I mean, that's a must. That's because that's- Put yourself out there 100% in. And be okay with it, you know. Our final question, Kevin Deep is asking how to deal with a big change in his routine.
Starting point is 00:42:25 He just, he and his wife just had a child and they need some tricks and tips. Oh, I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'll leave this for daddy daycare. That's it. Yeah, that is a life changing, shocking, you know, what was it like for you, man, when you had your first, um, man, it was crazy because, uh, uh, my son had colic and everything too. So he had colic and he had jaundice.
Starting point is 00:42:48 So we had to have the belly blanket for him. So let's just say that I didn't get a lot of sleep nor my wife. And I mean, really for a brief moment in time, it's tough and it's really about survival. And just providing your kid is of the utmost importance, you know, and that's what the priority is. And you're trying to feed and accommodate this newborn, you know, kid. And so, you know, fitness and
Starting point is 00:43:19 adjusting the schedule and all that. Yeah, it's it's it's going to be something that you're going to have to figure out for sure. It's gonna change dramatically. You have to make a plan. You have to make a plan and you have to be okay with that plan not working, and then you make another plan. Right.
Starting point is 00:43:35 Very flexible, I would say. Just remain flexible, but also be passionate about trying to maintain health because it's gonna affect the way you interact with people. Oh yeah, don't let yourself go to shit. No, because you'll have a crappy marriage. It won't work. Here's the thing, don't forget that you and your spouse
Starting point is 00:43:55 or you and your girlfriend or a team. Do not forget to take time aside for each other because otherwise you're gonna be in, it's gonna suck everything's gonna suck your identity is just gonna be about being a parent but you know really you need to just keep that relationship you have established for sure right and if you support each other in that then it won't be too hard to get your workouts in because if you're know you're a team then your wife will sacrifice for you to go to the gym and you
Starting point is 00:44:22 will sacrifice for her to go to the gym and here's the thing I'm assuming Kevin the gym. And here's the thing, I'm assuming Kevin Deep is a guy, I don't think a girl would have a name Kevin Deep, although if she did she'd be awesome. I get Kevin Deep on the weekends. Yeah. Here's the thing that I've seen more often with women that I've trained who've had babies and of course, having my own kids.
Starting point is 00:44:41 Women will more easily slip into the role of the martyr, the role of the, I'm not gonna do anything for myself while I have this infant, like it's all about the baby. And it's very commendable. You know, mothers have this instinct to do that, a lot of times, and the fathers somewhat do as well, but not quite as much. Make sure you give her time off.
Starting point is 00:45:05 And she won't ask for it sometimes. She might not ask for it, she might not even, you know, she might feel guilty. She might say that in your mind to think about that, right? That's such a great point, so. You got it and she might even feel guilty. And the words you got to use is this. Use these words, they're magic.
Starting point is 00:45:21 You deserve this. Yes. Use that shit, it works. Don't say you need you need to get out of the house. You're acting crazy. You need to go work out. No, that'll backfire. This is what you do. You buy a fucking, you know, manicure for her. I you give it to her. And you say it with conviction. You're confident. Even though inside you're like, oh shit. I'm gonna screw this up. Yeah, you give it to her and you're not gonna screw it up. Let's say you say, honey, you deserve this. Yeah. Here you go. You're gonna go Saturday. I'm gonna screw this up. Yeah, you give it to her and say, you're not gonna screw it up. Let's say, honey, you deserve it.
Starting point is 00:45:45 Yeah. Here you go. You're gonna go Saturday. I'm gonna watch the baby. Oh no, I don't wanna leave it. No, no, no, listen. You deserve this. Don't say you need to. You have to.
Starting point is 00:45:54 Yes. It makes, it's like magic. Those works like, those works like magic. You want your wife in a good mental state. Let's just throw that out there. You want her half? Well, you gotta stay in a good mental state too,'s just throw that out there. You want her half? Well, you gotta stay in a good mental state too, man. Because you meet everybody happy.
Starting point is 00:46:09 Well, think about it, like, even for the guy, for the dad, like, you're not getting any sleep. Right. The baby is everything, which is great, but also you forget, you start losing touch of everything else. You gotta plan it out, you gotta plan shit out, man. Don't miss like your two days or three days a week
Starting point is 00:46:26 of your work outsides. Do them and then make sure your wife does them and then make sure you guys work together and then know that it's gonna be tough for about a year. Yeah, the first year's tough. You know, if you're sure, yeah. But you know, you might get lucky and it'll be easier. I told you, I'm gonna have kids right now.
Starting point is 00:46:44 Yeah, you know, it's always, you know, we sound like, we sound like two veterans talking about more. I know, that's, that's a lot more. It's like hell week. It's like, whoa, you know, life changed. I will say this, man. Is it totally, but you make your way out and you're like, man, I am so much, you know, more well-rounded
Starting point is 00:47:02 of a human being. Bro, I think about when I didn't have kids, what the fuck did I do in my time? I know Like it was easy. Yeah, it was easy busy doing bullshit, bro No, that's what you were doing. You were busy doing cool shit But I'll tell you this much right now here's the truth honestly got truth the parents listening We'll test it. Okay, you when you have that baby and you start to fall in love with that kid There is I mean you love your parents. You love your siblings. You love your friends Okay, you when you have that baby and you start to fall in love with that kid There is I mean you love your parents. You love your siblings. You love your friends
Starting point is 00:47:30 Nothing Nothing comes close. It's not the same universe and you'll never understand until you have a child and people get pissed off on I say that people get mad because I don't have people it's not I got a dog is yeah You got a dog. That's great. It's not this is not I got a dog It's let me put it away. Have you ever loved someone so much that it scares the shatter like a really fucking scares you It gives you anxiety. That's what having your own child is like, right? It's and it's it's obviously a biological tricks You don't give away cuz they keep you up all night, but it's it's pretty intense amazing. And I would never imagine life the same ever again. Like if you went back, you could never do it, you know, a different way.
Starting point is 00:48:11 Doug, can you insert some cute little jingling music? Yes, right about here. Can you remember that? Remember what time it is right there? Yeah, I can do that. I can do that. I can. Do the Arctic breeze one.
Starting point is 00:48:19 It would be totally inappropriate. Never parenting advice. Yeah, it would be totally inappropriate to recommend to Kevin that he possibly considers trying to convince his wife to getting a second wife. And the second wife has all those other duties that you your first wife and you don't have to care of. So you could. I like Adam.
Starting point is 00:48:36 Oh, Wizard. I like Adam's birth control. Uh, is it? If you don't want to go put in the bus, he had. On that note, don't forget to rate, review, subscribe, five stars. Go with Adam's harem theory. Yeah, it says, say something nice about me. Yeah, let's let. Visit us at www.minepumpradio.com. Until next time, this is Mindpump.

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