Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 213: Go bang a robot

Episode Date: January 4, 2016

It is 2016 and technological innovation it occurring at a mind-boggling pace. What does the not so distant future look like? Sal, Adam & Justin discuss what may be in store for us humans. Oh, and they... also talk about big butts.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mite, op, mite, op with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. I just read this interesting study. This is true. Look it up. Women with bigger butts have smarter children. They give birth to children with higher ed. Oh, where did you hear this? Okay. No. I swear.
Starting point is 00:00:28 You can't wait. You should know everything. Oh, I'm objective. Women with bigger butts, like who's tend to store more body fat in the butt area, rather than in the waist, have healthier and smarter children. Where is this study coming from? Don't challenge me. I don't make shit up. At least I'm not making this up. Wow. Because sometimes I do make things up.
Starting point is 00:00:52 No, it's true. And I think it's because. How many people were in this? Okay, Sal. What? How do you account for all these smart Asian kids? Oh! Oh!
Starting point is 00:01:01 Oh, right there. You know what? I'm a mic. You know what it's like? Parodymics. Parody was really paradigm shatter right there. That was that was that was both that was both complimentary and extremely racist at the same time I don't think you get the best kind no, they think it's because of the the amount of Omega-3 fatty acids that tend to be stored in the hips and butt area When when women store butt body fat there, I don't know. It's a study, it was shown along with the whole theory
Starting point is 00:01:28 of why we desire bigger butts, right? Correct. This is one of those studies that if someone was telling you this that you would just pick that sucker apart, it wouldn't, you know why I wouldn't? Cause two reasons. Your mom had a huge butt. No, we're not gonna talk about mom,
Starting point is 00:01:43 we got a big old butt. I think you might have crossed the line. the finally you might have finally crossed the line Here's a deal Reason number one because I really want it to be true You know what I'm saying here's something you like I don't care if he's just trained a right scientific purpose Yeah, I want that shit to be true. But here's the number two reason because it's proven that men are attracted to a particular hip to waist ratio.
Starting point is 00:02:13 Now that I know. Yeah, that's true. And we've talked about this, have we? Maybe we haven't talked about this. You know, they've done a, I watch this great documentary on the mathematical equation for beauty. I guess, some of you are modeling your big time modeling agencies. Your big time modeling agencies, think of it in the modeling world as the NFL is in the football world.
Starting point is 00:02:38 Hang in there, so. Okay. So, you're asking me. So, this is what the NFL does, if you don't know this too. So, the NFL does a combine where they do all the, you know, your 40-yard dash and all your cone drill, all your stuff like that, your press, like all these stuff, right? So they to track all these. So you got these guys, everybody's marks assessments.
Starting point is 00:02:57 Exactly, benchmark assessments. But then they even go to the point length of like they'll measure the length of a wide receivers, his from his middle finger to his thumb. And sometimes these are the factors that keep somebody who's like a scout wants to look and see if like, you know, all these things line up. Exactly. Yeah. And then when he's there, maybe there's two guys that their this team is, you know, hey, we're going to bring in the NFL or not. And it's like, well, they're almost dead even everywhere. But, you know, uh, this guy has got, you know, one two centimeters longer of a... Well, it's just like, I mean, it's a different form of like a money ball on some sense, right?
Starting point is 00:03:30 Yes. Exactly. Yeah, be like, we're doing a lot of job. They got to go through statistics. So, you know, they're gonna... They're gonna break it down on all different types of levels. Dude, have you seen that movie? What? Money ball? I haven't seen Money Ball. Oh my god. There's hands in this.
Starting point is 00:03:44 Dude, you would love it because it's very I watch all your bullshit. Okay. All your bullshit. You said my way. Bullshit. Have I said DMT shit and like that's not bullshit. Well, is it, you know, I was just trying to make you know, I watch all your shit. My spirit elephant. Yeah, I watch all I watch all this stuff. You said my one. So you need to go watch money. I watch money. Watch watch money, but I watch even being a you know why I actually could see it you will like it so much you may start finding yourself watching sports. I will never know I know that but I know but it's a new go watch. I know never. Yeah. Anyways back to my analogy.
Starting point is 00:04:17 Never. Back to my super long analogy. So modeling is like that. Okay. Modeling they actually start where you lose me. Yeah. They actually, they measure the distance between their eyes, the nose, and there's actually a formula for beauty. They actually have a mathematical formula, and the closer that person is to that equation. Isn't it just symmetrical? It's pretty much a creative one.
Starting point is 00:04:38 Yeah, but it's a very, so they have a general formula, but it's a very difficult thing to pinpoint because they can't, for example, culturally it's different, right? Like for some cultures, like you would see like, trans of what people desire. Somewhat, like for example, has to be. For example, women find men with a scar on their face, more attractive than men without a scar on their face, okay. That's not symmetrical. Chichin.
Starting point is 00:05:02 It just shows that he probably has more testosterone. You probably, it's more likely to be aggressive, more likely to protect you, provide you with food, whatever. So it's, they can't pinpoint, look, they can't take a computer yet and CGI create the perfect, or be like, good looking person. But what they can do, and it's just like, but they know there are some numbers.
Starting point is 00:05:25 But here's a thing they want to put in front of the camera and put on a magazine. At the end of the day, there's in everything in life, I feel like there's always an exception to the rule. There's always an exception to the rule. But for the majority, and that's what's so great about money ball, that's what's so great about what we're talking about with NFL and what we're talking about with modeling,
Starting point is 00:05:42 is they're all the same in the sense that, because you can't say that just because this wide receiver has two 10 centimeters long of an index finger that he's gonna be a better wide receiver when maybe that was just on that day or maybe that. No, no, here's so weird. So let me tell you why it's different. Let me tell you why it's different.
Starting point is 00:05:58 Beauty, a lot of, okay, so beauty obviously a lot of it. Well, really, you didn't let me finish. Where I'm going with the beauty one, because it is an example, because obviously the fucking model agent isn't going out there catching a wide receiver volume. She's like, she's not catching a football, so it is different.
Starting point is 00:06:09 That's not what I'm saying. Where it's different for her, they're not catching it. They can still take, and this is why it works per society, because I think Justin's on the right track where you can't compare what's going on in the United States as far as art.
Starting point is 00:06:21 And that goes for, I think, everything. Sports, beauty, whatever we're talking about, because they're different. It's different cultures, things are played differently, things are looked at differently. So in here, you could, for modeling and for NFL, you could find what you're looking for, but mathematically. Now, they're like I said, always exceptions are rule,
Starting point is 00:06:38 but man, they got to a point now, where's the science. And all you have to do is take large polls. You take 10,000 people that look at these faces, right? And the only difference that they make between all these faces is the different, the separation between the eyes and the nose. Well, you just, if you're 90% of them all lean one way, then you can, you know, say, you'll take, you'll take like, you know, the ones that stand out, like your Megan Foxes or somebody like that, where you're just like, uh, duh. Yeah. Yeah. She's smoking hot. You try and figure out why she has weird thumbs. So here's, so yeah, she's smoking hot. You try and figure out why.
Starting point is 00:07:05 She has weird thumbs. So here's, so here's why, here's why it's different. When you look at the body, you can get, you can take very specific numbers. There's a particular hip to waist ratio, for example, and women that regardless of cultures, men will find attractive. Some cultures like bigger women, some cultures like skinnier women,
Starting point is 00:07:23 but that hip to waist ratio is fine. I get what you're going here. But the face is different. Let me explain more evolution side over there. Well, let me explain, let me explain why with the face. We don't realize, you don't realize something, but a very large, a very large portion of, you're gonna make fun of me. No, I'm serious. So I'm just jumping ahead of the game. Okay. A very large portion of your brain is directed to identifying faces. This is a big thing in human brain. This is why you can look at random objects, laying on the floor and always make out a face.
Starting point is 00:07:55 So you can look at the clouds and you always make out faces. Our brains are designed to pick out faces and our brains are designed to look at differences and nuances in faces. This is why they still now, to this day, maybe eventually they will be able to, but to this day, they cannot create a CGI
Starting point is 00:08:09 as advanced as our computers are, a CGI human that doesn't look creepy. Something about it, your brain will pick up on. Something about it, your brain will say that's not 100%. That's not 100% right. Right, so when it comes to beauty, figuring out a formula for face beauty, we don't understand it yet because it's so complex.
Starting point is 00:08:29 Your brain so much of it is devoted to recognizing faces, picking up on nuances and people's, let me give you an example. You know why people find, I might have talked about this before, but why people find clowns so scary. Like you know, clowns a lot of people are scared about. Because clowns are always smiling for no reason. Like if I imagine this, you see me right now,
Starting point is 00:08:49 I don't look fucking scary, but imagine if I was walking around like this all the time. With the fucking smile all the time. I would look creepy or sh- Oh, you're so happy. I would look creepy or sh- A smile itself isn't scary, but your brain is registering that he's smiling
Starting point is 00:09:02 for no reason all the time. Something is not right. And think reason all the time something is not right and Think about all the nuances in someone's face when they change their expression just slightly something You might not even know psych you know consciously, but you can pick up on him be like oh It looks a little tense in here or feels a little weird in here, or he gives me yeah I don't like this guy. Why don't you like that? I don't like his face. You've heard that term before So it's so complex that to say that there's a formula for facial beauty, it's not true at all. Well, there's certain things that they know, like you don't want to have bad skin, you don't want
Starting point is 00:09:32 to have fucked up teeth, although some people with bad teeth, you know, consider attractive. You don't want to have like, you know, three eyeballs and shit like that. But, um, yeah, the formula thing for sports, much more accurate, makes much more sense. The formula for modeling, not so much. Well, you know what's interesting. I just listened to, and this was on the Joe Rogan experience. So he had like, I think it's Christopher Ryan. He's this doctor and he had Duncan Trussell.
Starting point is 00:09:55 Uh, they had this interesting conversation where he would like, uh, Christopher Ryan, he was talking about, um, how they did this study. And I think we've even talked about this study where they actually had women base their attraction level towards the scent, the pheromone. So they took guys and their shirts and had them do a certain amount of exercise and whatnot to get the sweat. And then they had these women take each shirt and evaluate their attraction level towards it. Oh, like these guys attracted,
Starting point is 00:10:28 or this guy attracted? Without seeing them or anything, right? And so like his, I guess the thesis there was that basically based off of like what they would, they were actually able to smell on a chemical level deficiencies. So, or like something that they would have that would benefit. That's compatible with their DNA.
Starting point is 00:10:53 Compatible. So, on that level, and it turned out that it was like, the thesis was like 80% accurate. But they found that what was really interesting is that the 20% were on birth control. Yeah, 100%. Crazy.
Starting point is 00:11:10 No, they've done lots of science on this and they find that like, I'm so fascinated in this, our ability to sense and smell something. Think of stuff like this. When you're talking, I was just thinking of God, you guys, I would thank you guys have this. I know I do. There's certain sense that you just are just pungent to you. But you know what I'm saying? That somebody else may love.
Starting point is 00:11:30 They absolutely love that smell. That's really good. No, it's an awful smell. Or a smell that maybe goes all the way back to like my young adult teenage years as a boy. Like, there's like a smell that I just like. You know, that's just smells really good. It's about to fit your offspring somehow.
Starting point is 00:11:43 I don't even know that. Right, I so feel that way, dude. It's pretty funny how that works. Adam likes to drink some awesome sense. Adam likes to send Dracar. Dracar. Remember that, Colom? I am.
Starting point is 00:11:53 Dracar. That was a big one when we were younger. It's like brute. It's very, very complex. You know, you ever find yourself attracted to somebody and you just can't figure out why or somebody who's supposed to be, you know, you look at them and be like, yeah,
Starting point is 00:12:04 that's an attractive person. Then you get near them, they're like, I don't know. I just don't just doesn't do it for me There's a lot that goes into it But yeah in terms of birth control with women that changes a lot. They're finding now it changes a lot of things They find that when women's meet a man while they're on birth control. Yes, fall in love get married then go off They go off it. They have the divorce the control. The divorce rate is much higher in those people. It's not like, wait, it's not like double or triple, but statistically, a higher percentage than we'll get divorced.
Starting point is 00:12:33 They brought that up too. That was very like that resonated with me. I was like, whoa, that's so trippy because it's so prevalent now, like, you know, birth control. Well, this goes to meet somebody. This goes to our pullout episode that you guys are giving me shit about and stuff. But I love the fact that my girls,
Starting point is 00:12:49 you know, 35 years old, and she's never been on birth control in her entire life. She actually likes you. Yeah. Yeah. Put her on it and she'll be like, I don't like you anymore.
Starting point is 00:12:58 I'm not really a two. Well, I'm like, wait a minute, we had our first son in my wife's been on birth control. I'm like, uh. Did she like you more before? Uh. Like wait a minute, we had our first son and my wife's been on birth control. Like, uh. Did she like you more before? Uh.
Starting point is 00:13:08 Oh. Ding, ding, ding. Um, women off birth control, especially when they're ovulating, are attracted to men with higher signs of testosterone. So they're attracted to the alpha, you know, guy, the guy who's, who's, you've got visible signs of higher levels of testosterone when they're ovulating. When they're on birth control, they tend to not be as much.
Starting point is 00:13:30 And this may be why Alpha looking males start to fall out of favor a little bit. Yeah. I wanna get back to the, your theory. I wanna get back to your theory on this, the modeling in the magazine and that it's, that we're probably off on that or we don't really know because there's not the sciences and conclusive yet.
Starting point is 00:13:49 So what is, like, what would your hypothesis? So you say that to me and then I go, okay, well then, you're saying or what you would, I would assume that it's socially related more. So in other words, you know, right now we're creating this image for our country, on this is what a sexy woman looks like. She, which is what we always disagree with, right?
Starting point is 00:14:09 A lot of us disagree. I'm not into the 511, 112 pound, you know, Boraline, anorexic looking girl, because I guess we're in a health and fitness and we know what a healthy body looks like. That's more attracted to us. So maybe if, so if we went back to like maybe like it Maryland Monroe time when that, that look was, you know, those that don't know that,
Starting point is 00:14:30 you know, if you looked at her physics, she was like, you know, she was like the first, she was the first, was she the very first cover on a playboy? She was, was she the very first, I think she was the first, I don't know, she was a very first or not, but I know when she was definitely in playboy, the history of porn. Well, when she was, I just didn't use that. How about that magazine? Oh, you know, back in that time, like if you looked at the way, the women, she was very full thick woman. She wasn't like this tiny little petite or skin as well.
Starting point is 00:14:54 Well, if you look at modeling that men jerk off to, like porn, then you see that the women tend to be a little curvier. Oh, yeah. So that's different. You know, a lot of modeling is geared towards women. It's not geared towards men. It's not the men that are... But once again, is it something that's been pressed on us socially or is it something
Starting point is 00:15:14 that is already ingrained in women's head that they look at it and that's their perception of what beauty is? Women's perception of beauty and women is different than when men consider beautiful and women. Well, of course. We're like 15 pounds heavier than what we think is pick up a glamour magazine or something that's geared towards women and the women on there most men will say are too thin, but women press that ideal on each other far more than men do in modern times. I agree.
Starting point is 00:15:39 So, yeah, I mean, look at porn, look at the porn that guys look to and that's the extreme as well, but much Curveer, much more, much more of that voluptuous, you know, kind of, you know, childbearing looking body, not the not the super skinny type stuff. Yeah. So, which is, to me, I find ironic to that, that's how we've created this, you know, we've got to look at, it's all market, it's all market-driven. It's all what sells. Yeah, what's gonna sell clothes? Right, so when women complain about, oh my God, society puts all these horrible ideals on women that we need to be super skinny
Starting point is 00:16:13 and we need to do, those ideals in modern society, most of them are pushed by women. They're not pushed by men because we're not buying those fucking magazines. Like, how many guys buy the magazines that push those ideals of the super skinny and the, you need to look perfect type of stuff. None of us, none of us do.
Starting point is 00:16:29 None of us buy that advertising. Like we're not, if we're going to buy something that's advertised towards a man and they're putting women on it, they don't look like that. They look like other shit. You know, this would be a great question once again. Every once in a while we have these moments where it's like, I'd be perfect to have a woman in this room right now that's this question because I don't know enough because I haven't read enough Cosmo. But we know everything, Adam, we don't know.
Starting point is 00:16:47 No, no, no, I mean, I actually would like to think and I feel like I've heard that we're moving the other direction, you know, where, you know, women that have a full or a thicker look again is becoming sexy again and is becoming a look at more magazines like you're talking about or actually speaking out in that direction. I think they're setting the table for marketing in the future.
Starting point is 00:17:08 I think in 10 years. It's the butt thing. It's the big butt. It's the beginning of it right now, right? But I think in the next 10 to 15 years, we will start to come back around. I think people are becoming intelligent enough to know what healthy is, what looks good, what's truly sexy to them, and what they're seeing on these magazines. And I think you'll start to see that change.
Starting point is 00:17:25 It's I hate, I don't mind the big butt trend thing. First of all, I don't like the fact that you, people can talk bad about people who are away and then people talk about people who are too skinny. So now big butts are in, so if you have a flat butt, you're out. I mean, that part, I don't like at all, but here's something that I really dislike
Starting point is 00:17:44 about what's going on right now. Big butt things are coming in, that part I don't like at all, but here's something that I really dislike about what's going on right now. Big butt things are coming in, that's fine. In order to have a big butt, you should probably lift weights and work out. So you have to be kind of healthy to have them around, but not the super small, ridiculous waste that goes along with it that you're seeing now, like with some of these pseudo celebrities
Starting point is 00:18:02 wearing their wear and tear. Where's the porcids and shit? Like that the corsets and shit. Yeah, exactly. Like that part, I don't like. Well, you know what it is? I mean, you know the big thing too now is all these, even the ones that have butts or already have butt implants or already have these, are even photoshopping and adding more to that ratio.
Starting point is 00:18:17 And it goes right back into playing into that because they know that the so extreme is always what happens, right? We always tend to trend in a decent way or a good way. I feel as we get smarter as a society, but then as we get smarter, we also then also revert back always. We always get going the right way
Starting point is 00:18:32 and then it becomes extreme. You know, everything becomes extreme and then it's like, okay, well now it's bad. Think about it this way. When technology gets to the point where they can, you know, CGI make models, and those will be the models. Because then they'll be able to, they've figured out now how to make it look perfect,
Starting point is 00:18:48 and they'll, they figured out now how to make it, the perfect way to sell whatever the product they're looking at, and then the era of human models will be over. It'll all be CGI. You won't be able to know the difference. You're looking at robots, and then we'll be being in robots.
Starting point is 00:19:00 Yeah. There's definitely gonna be some sick fucker, doesn't it? That, well hold on, what do you mean some sick fuck? Don't think, don't think for a second the majority of people will either a, have sex with robots all the time or b, have sex with robots with their partners. Don't think for a fucking second that that shitting gonna happen for most people.
Starting point is 00:19:19 I don't know if it'll happen in our lifetime. Hey honey, let's get the hardware out. Yeah, whoo. I've always wanted a threesome, but you know, it's a robot. It's safe. Yeah. I need to leave. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:30 Well, maybe you broke it again. I wanted to bait you and say no, but then I can see that too. You know, I could definitely see, I can see that direction for sure. You know, people do weird shit and be behind closed doors. It'll be a long time though, because think of it. Look at a robot. It's fucking a robot is the least weird shit that people do. When you talk about,
Starting point is 00:19:48 I mean, there you are. The part vibrating like handle sticks. Oh, it's a difference. All right, well, I loved, you know what? I love when we have, when we do predictions, we normally do fitness ones. This one's a little bit different, but I would like to predict.
Starting point is 00:19:58 Banging robots is gonna be a thing. Yeah, okay, exactly. So I think, I think I agree with you, but I think it's gonna be a long time before we're there because even when the technology's there, even when it's released, it'll be like, Plasma TV's been around for like 30 fucking years, dude.
Starting point is 00:20:11 Listen, let me edge- Plasma TV's been around. They were just like fucking 40 grand. You know what I was saying? They have virtual reality, and then they have this thing that goes right on your cock. And it does things to you while the person on the other side of the
Starting point is 00:20:26 Goggles is doing things what yes If she moves Headphones like it's only the room Okay, I'll back up here. I know I'm gonna hear this again Yeah, sometimes like so there's like so there's like some live chat thing You know where the scrolls doing stuff and like so live chat thing where this girl's doing stuff. So she sits on this deal just there. She controls it.
Starting point is 00:20:48 Yeah, controls it. So whatever she does to that, you feel if you put this other thing on get the fog out of here. Yeah, that exists. That is gonna be a huge business, bro. Right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:00 Think about that I'm saying. Think about all these, that's so weird. That's so weird. Every girl, that's so bad though. Think about every girl, that's weird. Every girl, every, oh my, that's so bad though. Think about every girl, because that's what you see right now. You see this on Instagram.
Starting point is 00:21:08 This is a great fucking transition right here. Because I've been wanting to talk about this. I've been wanting to talk about this because I threw you a bone. I, yeah, thank you. This has been something that I've, I've just so fascinated with right now. I get a lot of times like these,
Starting point is 00:21:20 these random like girls that will comment on my, on my page and I keep, I can tell they're like trying to get my attention. will comment on my page. And I keep, I can tell they're trying to get my attention. I click on their page, I see what that is. And they all have this private profile and then there's this website. And I've seen them for a long, long time. Why finally clicked on one of these fuckers?
Starting point is 00:21:38 And you click on it and then it goes to like a, their subscription sites, right? And so they're building, they've built this, you know, subscription site where you pay X, my knowledge, now I'm not sure what she's doing on the other end. I figured I just assumed she's probably giving you videos and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:21:53 So, but you don't ever have to really interact with anybody. So you could totally, you could be a virgin doing this, but have had virtual sex with a million people and made a million dollars, but still call yourself a virgin, maybe, right? Right. And then on top of that, now they're adding technology to where I have a tool that I can be playing with. Oh my god, that's, bro, that is going to be ridiculous. Let me tell you something right now. Sex. Wow. Sex is so taboo, right? That is fascinating. When they finally develop robots that people have sex with that are, you know, pretty, that are that people want to have sex with that don't look creepy.
Starting point is 00:22:28 All the taboo, it's all going to go out the fucking window. All the weird shit people want to try that they never did because you have to have a human to do it. Or it's illegal. You can now have a robot that'll be able to do that for you. You know what I'm saying? It's going to be, it's going to be a very strange future. And people will have probably sex with robots more than they have sex with each other.
Starting point is 00:22:47 I tell you what, man, if I, I don't know, morally, I don't know what would stop moral, forget it, moral, moral, moral, moral, what? Yeah. It's probably more. In a different spectrum. Yeah, dude, what are you gonna do? I mean, let me ask you this, is it less?
Starting point is 00:23:00 Well, I'm trying to think this one, that's why I'm having this hard time. I'm struggling inside right now because- Bro, we're gonna be the old folks. The business side says- The business side says- Let me go buy one. Well, we go, you're that's why I'm having this hard time. I'm struggling inside right now. Bro, we're gonna be the old focus. The business side says, I can go buy one there. Well, you know, the business side of me says like,
Starting point is 00:23:08 we would be fools to not to have our hands in it somewhat because of the amount of money that's inside the robot. Yeah. Stupid. No, think of it. Think of it. I mean, if you think about a business wise, you know, it was the same, it was the same strategy when I hopped over
Starting point is 00:23:22 in the cannabis industry. Not because I had this passion for marijuana or I wanted anything to do with it, because I saw the trend to what was happening in America. It was obvious to me, and I had an opportunity, and it was something I knew nothing about. So I was fascinated to learn, I knew it. It was just a business move for me.
Starting point is 00:23:35 This would be the same thing, bro. Let's make an Adam robot that you can have sex with. Yeah, whoa dude. Whoa dude. I'm thinking you can be trouble, bro. I'm gonna have a girl say, be like, it's not you, it's a robot. It's a robot likeness.
Starting point is 00:23:47 There you go. No, it's gonna be, you know, talk about morals. Let me ask you this question. Which one is less moral? If let's say you have a girlfriend or a wife or a husband or whatever. You cheat on your spouse with a person, or you cheat on your spouse with a robot.
Starting point is 00:24:04 Right. Right. Right. See, this is what I'm talking about. Moral, like, what do you mean by that? Like, there's gonna be all kinds of weirdness. Yeah. All kinds of weirdness that they should just detoy or is it a being?
Starting point is 00:24:14 Well, yeah, well, if you make them self-aware and shit, then what's the difference? Might as well have sex with the human. No, they would make these robots so that they did whatever you told them. At least if I was a producer of robots and wanted to be rich off of it, that's what I would do.
Starting point is 00:24:26 I'd be like, here, robot will do whatever you want. Well, then if you looked at it that way, then you, then you could break it all the way down to just master, master rating thinking about somebody else or master rating to a porno would be classified the same thing. Right. So you know, you're going down the rabbit hole. I am going to do all kinds of weird shit.
Starting point is 00:24:40 I did. I did. We went left. And then you got lots of sickos that want to do weird shit. And you know that you can't like do with a human. They'll do with a robot. Yeah. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:24:51 That'd be safer for society, right? You get this. And there's the moral. Now you got the moral argument. Even that instead. Right. I'm curious to which your views are on this, because you're a huge free market guy and some of that.
Starting point is 00:24:59 So where do you go when you talk about something like this? I think if people are not hurting anybody, but themselves, if they can hurt themselves, that's fine, they own their own body. If they're not hurting anybody, then go for it. I don't see what the problem is. I'm not gonna judge anybody behind what they do behind closed doors if they're not hurting anybody,
Starting point is 00:25:21 or anybody else. Even if they're hurting themselves, you wanna go hurt yourself, then I mean, you own yourself, nobody else owns you, so you can go ahead and do that. If it hurts other people, that's when I have a problem. So, you know, people are gonna do weird shit with robots, I mean, I don't give a shit, they're not hurting anyone, it's a robot, you know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:25:37 You know, as weird as it's gonna be, there's a lot of things I don't agree with nowadays that I think are weird and whatever, but, I mean, I'm gonna get crazy with my car. What? I don't know. You're gonna fuck your car? That's right.
Starting point is 00:25:49 Be that guy. Guys, like, so what kind of mods do you want under? Like, I want the big, I want the big rims and. I get the vagina in the back. Yeah. Can you give my car a pussy? Can you be like, what? Excuse me. We don't do that. Usually people use a car pussy? Can you be like, what? Excuse me.
Starting point is 00:26:05 We don't do that. Usually people use a car to get that. No, no, no, I want my car to have one. Because I want to have sex with my car. Because right now that when I do it with my car, I burn the skin off my dick. It doesn't work. Well, right now it's not working out.
Starting point is 00:26:18 It's not working out. It's too hot. The pipe is uncomfortable. Oh, shit. Well, I don't know, man. It's going to be a weird, and you know what's funny? What's crazy?
Starting point is 00:26:27 Actually not funny, what's crazy is that this is, because of the rate at which technology is advancing, a lot of this shit's gonna, I mean, we might see some matter each. It's not a reach, I know, that's what's weird. Which is cool. It's weird. Which is cool for me, because if I'm,
Starting point is 00:26:41 that's why we need to talk about it. Dude, if you're a 95 year old man, you know, and you're a 95 year old man, you know, and you're fucking, you're like, oh, you only have 10 more years here, whatever, however, whatever the future solves in medicine, but you know, you're towards end your life, and you're old and whatever, and you're sitting there,
Starting point is 00:26:54 and what'd it be nice to buy a robot to fuck? You know what I'm saying? Yeah, I mean, you're just out there. You're just out there, you know? You're just swinging on your like porch, and you know what I'm saying? You know what? It helps you out and shit, takes you to the bathroom cause I hate you.
Starting point is 00:27:07 Why don't you give me a little handy? What's that Jetson's robot's name? She was ugly though. Yeah. Whatever. That's why the robots are star wars are so fucked up. I look at R2D2 and now I see 3p on like, come on, that's a future.
Starting point is 00:27:19 I would love to ask like a 80 year old, someone, an 80 year old like widowed person that like what, that with their thoughts on that would be. Because I would love to ask like a 80 year old, someone, an 80 year old like widowed person that like what their thoughts on that would be. Because right now everyone who's young right now or in a marriage or what I also do to that, they're like, oh my God, no, your first sign is your sound or reaction that is discussed or oh no way.
Starting point is 00:27:38 But when you stop and really think about it outside about like after you've long grown, your kids are grown, you've had your wife or your husband died and you're all alone, you're 70 something years old, or kids are grown, you've had it, your wife or your husband died, and you're all alone, you're 70, something years old, or maybe younger, maybe you're 60, something years old, doesn't matter, but you know, you're not gonna remarry ever again.
Starting point is 00:27:51 You don't want anybody else in your life or you're happy by yourself, but it is a little bit lonely. Oh my God, another thought just came up ahead. It's a sports thought. But what's today's date, write it down, first time ever. A sports thought. Sports are very dangerous.
Starting point is 00:28:06 And society's moving into like that movie concussion came out and people are starting to look at the NFL, all crazy. What if in the future all sports are played by robots? Because humans like, no, we can't hurt each other. That's that robots kill each other. I would not. Especially when it sees you, I would they look like real humans.
Starting point is 00:28:22 It will give you that same emotion like you're watching somebody who's like that. Or just actual, and then, because it's already, I mean, if you think about it, it's too glad to be in any way, right? They're enhanced and they're crazy,
Starting point is 00:28:31 genetically freaks. Alrighty, you know, it's like an unattainable thing. Why is well make it even more super ridiculous? Dude, you could do gladiator fights. You can have robots kill each other. You guys are taking this way to do more. I'm sober too. I know. I love it. Oh my god. Yeah, no, that's I mean you got to think of those things
Starting point is 00:28:49 That's what's coming man. There's a lot of better bit. I Did you watch that did you watch the video I share with you guys the on the futurist the guy the Google guy the great Curse wheel. Yeah, I don't watch that's particular video, but I someone I'm very very familiar with okay So you watch a lot of this stuff before and listen to him. Okay. Yeah, yeah. I don't watch that particular video, but I'm very, very familiar with it. Okay, so you've watched a lot of this stuff before and listened to him. Okay, yeah. I'm very fascinated with like, when he talks, because he talks about this stuff, and you think of, you know, we can't even fathom how fast stuff is going to be in the next 20, 30 years.
Starting point is 00:29:19 Like, you, and you mentioned this in the podcast a couple of times, like, when you talk about, you know, where we were, you know, 20 years ago with technology to where we are now and the how much we've increased just in the last two to three years is so much more than when we increased in the previous five years, which is so much more than what we, you know, did in 10 years and it just keeps compounding like that. And there's like, and it's moving even faster now. That's like, well, you get some saying it's, he said there's a mathematical equation for it, and you can see it. Yeah. It's more, it's more, yeah. That's why we get some saying it's he said there's a mathematical equation for it And you can see it's more it's more. It's gonna get yeah, we exactly right? It's gonna get to the point where we literally you buy something
Starting point is 00:29:52 Technology wise and it's gonna be outdated by time you drive home. You're not gonna No, no, no hard war's not gonna exist. It's all just gonna be update. No hard. Yes, hard war's not gonna exist You're not gonna buy shit. You're gonna download everything. Well, you buy one piece of hardware that does and it just Updates it just stream automatically so it's always updated and yeah, that's how the Tesla works Yeah, that the Tesla works like that. It'll like they'll like they do updates update all the time Oh, by the way your cars faster now, huh? Yeah, we just figured out this. I swear to God fixed That's what it does. Is it really like I swear to God you'll get you'll get an automatic update and be like, we just lowered your zero to 60 by, you know, 0.2 seconds,
Starting point is 00:30:27 because we figured out this new, whatever. Shut the fuck up, man. You've seen that? I know, I used to train a guy. Oh, that makes me want one now. Bro, I used to. I want one. No, I wanted one already, but now I really want one.
Starting point is 00:30:37 That's the only car I would spend a lot of. Oh, bro, I wanted one already. Now I really want one. That's cool. I used to train a guy. I had a guy that had everybody. The type S is badass. Bro, I used to train the head engineer, the dude that ran that basically under Elon. But,
Starting point is 00:30:48 look, for example, you know how some of them, a couple of them caught fire because the battery underneath. Yeah, yeah. Or I think it was because they were too low. They would hit things. So, how do they fix it? They don't have to do a recall. They immediately put out a freaking update, and every car was raised a half an inch. That's so sick. Just done. That is sick. Uh-huh. Cause it responds with the springs and everything, huh?
Starting point is 00:31:11 Yeah, everything, everything in there's like that. That is fucking dope, bro. So that's probably gonna be the first car with the vagina in it. Just for just a second. Just for talking in my language, yeah. You gotta go buy some. You know what, for the stock was just a genius. The stock was struggling for a long time, bro.
Starting point is 00:31:23 I almost bought that stock when it was 30 bucks. 30 bucks. I'm so angry. I'm saved so did I bro because I heard all these great things But then I heard a bunch of shit right afterwards remember when they first came out to the came out of this I guess sabotizing with like what it was like somebody from the New York Post or something that would drove with them and the in the test run and it was something that happened with What it like stall out or something? It didn't perform up to snuff. I don't know, dude. I didn't do it. I didn't buy it because no new car company has succeeded ever.
Starting point is 00:31:53 The old car companies you see now have been around for a long time, it's like, I didn't get to work. It's a fucking car company. It's a hard industry. That's kind of how I felt, too. And remember the very first model was that little like sports car looking go kart, looking thing in them just like,
Starting point is 00:32:04 meh, you know, but when they came out with the out with the oh yeah, when they came out the full mod them those four doors do the sedan I've you driven any of them oh brother so So I've been made an electric car look good, you know Like it took for them forever to figure that and it's got So I got I got I got taken for a ride and the I think it's what is it the P85D the fastest one Yeah, yeah, where the zero to 60's like under three seconds. Yeah, it is the the craziest I've been in some fast power is different It's a different feel it'll it'll throw you the fuck back in your seat and there's no sound So you like no and you're there. Yeah, it's very very strange. It's very cool. It's very cool. Yeah, that's the only car
Starting point is 00:32:41 It's been a lot of money on yeah, I know it's they're not that bad Justin can't have 100 grand with all the all the bells and whistles. Yeah, cuz they're like 90 like passenger 90 something for the main the top top All you get them for like 70 now the thing that should be the first car mind pump eyes the thing that sucks The vehicle you gotta get the big monster the big one the 90 grand one just to get the one that goes what 300 something miles or whatever Before I speed your charge that's the only shitty part about that. That is the worst part is all the I mean I know we're getting there though. There's more and more charge stations, but like to get to it, like if you go, well, that was a limitation there, but I think they've even surpassed their limitation they had before. It was like,
Starting point is 00:33:14 basically from here to LA, right? That was like the, the distance something. How far is that? Yeah. Well, that's, here to LA is like 500. 500. Yeah, but they couldn't even do that. They were only able to go like three. I think the top always. Oh, it's a ho. That's right. It was like basically from here to top. Yeah. And a plan in a place to were probably harder to find some of the electrical hookups like that. So there's that's the only restrictions that I didn't like about. I was like, well, it couldn't be my I'd have to have that in addition to another car. Yeah, because that would annoy me if I had to go somewhere where I didn't know if I had I had to plan out where I could get get ready as soon as they figure out the technology to charge it really fast and
Starting point is 00:33:47 it's done yeah done deal the problem is it takes it takes long to charge it yeah I I always thought they would just have a battery swap where you drive to a station and it you know real quick me it gives you a new charge battery that's what I would think too but they won't do that because then there's big money and that who owns the battery who does all that shit right? Which if they're smart they can keep it all in house and build it all with themselves and then it'll be a monster business.
Starting point is 00:34:09 I'm just gonna buy a horse. A horse. Yeah, go buy a green. Go old school. Just, oh, he horses hungry. Let's go eat that lawn over there. Yeah. We're good.
Starting point is 00:34:21 Please subscribe to Mind Pump. Leave us a five star rating and review and go ahead and leave a little quote about or a little review about Justin's vagina in the car. Come in, let us know what you think about that. Go bang and robot. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. For more information about this show and to get valuable free resources from Sal, Adam and Justin, visit us at www.minepumpradio.com.
Starting point is 00:34:48 Until next time, this is Mind Pump.

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