Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 216: Bacteria is Sexy

Episode Date: January 8, 2016

Your body has 10Xs more bacteria than cells. Emerging science is showing that the condition of your "micro-biome" can have a profound effect on your health and even your ability to BUILD MUSCLE & LOSE... FAT! Sal, Adam & Justin discuss this important topic and how you can improve your own micro-biome. Please subscribe, rate and review this show! Learn more about Mind Pump at www.mindpumpradio.com

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mite, op, mite, op with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. Welcome to ManPunch! Now everybody, let me introduce Salda Stefano! He's the guy behind the Kermit Voice. You got Adam Schafer and all his wizardry coming out to 24, 7 a day. Dog the eagle, cacao.
Starting point is 00:00:35 In the background mixing it up and Justin Andrews talking all crazy over here. Cacao. You only Justin can do that shit and one take. I absolutely. That was perfect. I still want to change mine though. I think you should say something and also besides Kermit voice because I was getting old and my fucking head. It's getting old. No, I'm gonna put my foot down right now. It's a new year. I'm not Kermit. Okay, it's a new year. We need to put that shit. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's a new year. We get a new nicknames. Is that what we're gonna do?
Starting point is 00:01:06 Yeah, I think so. New nicknames. Should we do this? I think we should throw that one out to our pump head. You can call me big swinging dick. You can call me big swing. Let's be honest. You just want a cooler. You just your jugger. You gave me wizard, which is cool. You just saw it. You know, Kermit's not very cool. So I don't know dude. I think Kermit's pretty fucking cool. You just so it's not very cool so I don't know dude I think Kermit's pretty fucking cool because I don't want to change J swoles I like J swoles up here I mean that's that's his character that's yeah he doesn't really have a nickname yeah Nick name so there's gotta be a character that's gonna call myself the dude like you guys never really gave me one yeah he is a dude yeah he's he's more dude dude I am total dude oh 100% surfy guy because we're more like I'd say me and Adam are more like,
Starting point is 00:01:45 uh, we're kind of girls. We're much more like girls. Definitely. Yeah, I think we're self. Oh, you're such a, hold on a second. Hold on a second, bro. You watched teen, if we had a girl on, if we had a girl off competition, it'd be close.
Starting point is 00:02:01 It'd be a close competition. It's a very tight race. What I'm not trying to win. I will tell you that though. You're not trying to win. No, that's all natural. You don't have to try. You know what? Once you guys go past the quad wars and you get into glute wars, I'm done. Yeah, I'm gonna get sitting up my mic. Yeah, we'll interlock our glutes. That was weird. Oh, God. What? Yeah, that was too far. Dude, I was having this conversation, I don't know why this came up. This is coming in my head, but it has to have a conversation the other night with my sister.
Starting point is 00:02:31 And there was this debate that she was on online about people arguing about whether or not gay people choose to be gay or whether or not they're born gay. Oh, this is a whole debate, right? This is an argument. This was a debate, like she was just about it and how people were making arguments and Number one, it doesn't matter, but number two I Firmly believe people are born gay for this particular reason right here if it was as easy as just choosing to be gay A lot of fucking dudes a lot of dudes to be gay
Starting point is 00:03:00 Ladies I apologize. I love you. I can't help it. I was born loving you, but you're crazy Be gay it'd be so easy think about it. Think about it. Think about it. It would be if we could just do that right Oh, we'd be playing video games sports find your your Find your you want to give me five and bang. Yeah, find your smartest most successful fun buddy friend like oh, dude I wish I was attracted to him. I'm like dude, dude, you like do you want to do you want to give me a blowjob yeah sure okay uh what do you want to do now I don't know let's go uh play video games sure yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah do you want to hug now I'm not in the mood okay cool this is great right yeah I like your belly it's getting big it's hot you know? Easy. Yeah. It'd be easy, Doug. Easy. I think that's
Starting point is 00:03:47 I think that's I'm looking at you, Doug. That's what's the art trying to change as much. Yeah. I just can't do it though. Oh, from spinner to flipper. I can't flip. Yeah. He flips for everybody. The flip. No. Not true. That's bad. Not true at all. Anyway, I hope I didn't offend anybody. I'm just kidding. I don't care if I did. Dude, not true. That's bad. Not true at all. Anyway, I hope I didn't offend anybody. I'm just kidding. I don't care if I did. Dude, I have not, I've been pretty sure I did though. Have you guys been sleeping? I have not been, ever since Doug showed us what's coming.
Starting point is 00:04:14 I have not been able to sleep, man. Really? Oh, dude, I've been so amped up about everything. I agree. My, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, you sure it's not the bath salts you started using. And I, stupid dude, stupid. Can you still buy those at gas stations? You know even people were selling gas stations though. Bro, you could probably buy them online.
Starting point is 00:04:33 Bath salts, bath salts, excuse me, to me are a hilarious example of how, especially in the future, they're not going to be able to regulate shit. Scientists are just like, oh that's illegal, I I'm gonna just fucking change it a little bit. And now it's bath salts. You're taking this shit and trip out. Oh, I, a hundred percent agree with you. That's why it's so funny that we try and regulate us because people just can't create it.
Starting point is 00:04:53 And to be honest with you, that's what the danger is. And people getting creative. We already know there's already, there's drugs out there that do certain things. There's no need to make more. But the reason why there is to make more is they make the other ones illegal.
Starting point is 00:05:03 So people are like, all right, you're gonna make that illegal. I'm going to try, try smoking these bath salts to see what happens. Well, son of a bitch, it feels just like the math. Making soda. You're like, this, hmm, let's take math and make it worse. Yeah. Here you go, kids. You know, a lot of kids have actually, there's been, I'm bumping people. There's been deaths related to obviously the bath salts,
Starting point is 00:05:27 although it's overstated, it's not that big of a fucking sun epidemic. But there's been kids dying from overdosing on synthetic marijuana. Oh, the face stuff, yeah. Yeah. Forget all about that. That's the thing. Yeah, Doug's making a face. You don't know about that, Doug. Yeah, so what they're doing is, is they'll take, and they're taking these obscure, like, created synthetic cannabinoids. That will affect the cannabinoid receptors, like marijuana cannabinoids will, and give you the high. However, they're not safe at all.
Starting point is 00:05:57 And so you can overdose on them and cause all kinds of problems. And this is because, of course, marijuana is illegal, so these kids are gonna go buy this stuff, or if you get a drug test, let's say you're a cop or something, and you want to smoke some weed, but you can't, you'll go buy this synthetic shit,
Starting point is 00:06:10 which is like 10 times worse for you. Right, pretty crazy. No, it's silly. Yeah, that's ridiculous. Hey, if you, I know you're over at your little small gym all the time and just I don't know if you bounce around, man, if you guys should see what the big gym is, okay, have you been in the golds lately since you're a kid? I go to right, I have a one of the, the Bernal one in a while. You have it. Why what happened? No, it's just it's January's here. Oh, I hate it. I fucking hate it. Yeah, it's here. I mean, it's been a while since I, I like, I have had to
Starting point is 00:06:39 Totally do a different exercise. You know, there's, there's at Bernal, there's so many like incline and flat bench benches and squat racks that's like, there's always normally one. Everybody turning sideways. And it's getting so out of control. That's getting so out of control right now. It's got I saw this guy the other day that does, you know, he's probably mid 20s or so in his girlfriend. And he's teaching her, you know, and he's like, Oh, you know, do this.
Starting point is 00:07:05 And he's like, I'm like, just go squeeze. This could, this could, this is so bad. Right. This could not be any more of a worthless movement for it. It's possible. I'm saying, help your girl out, dude. Don't teach her this. What do you do?
Starting point is 00:07:18 Honey, don't, can I do the exercise you're doing? No, no, no, no, no, those are exercises for guys. This one's for girls. This one's a, it's called a donkey kick back. And you had to do the tr, you're doing, no, no, no, no, no, those are exercises for guys. This one's for girls. This one's called the donkey kick back. And you had to do the tricep kick back. Let's have you, no, don't go do heavy, you know, you know, you know, you want to get to go. You got to kick that leg back.
Starting point is 00:07:34 Let me, guys, listen right now, if you're training your girlfriend and you like nice round butts, train them for strength, okay? Because you'll benefit. Yeah. Okay, don't train them, like the old, like you got to train a girl certain way. Train like a guy and you'll be, you'll love it. Hey, tell me what you think about the,
Starting point is 00:07:49 the Joe D post that he just posted with it. I didn't see it. Yeah, you did. Which one? The hip thrust. Oh, he's talking shit about hip thrust? Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know, I don't know what to think about hip thrust.
Starting point is 00:08:00 I don't put hip thrust in the same category as worthless exercises. I don't put it in the same category as like squats and deadlifts. Yeah, I like it. But it's kind of an accessory. I do see it having some, you know, end of range of motion, you know, glute activating qualities. I think reverse hypers and good mornings and shit like that, single leg deadlifts are probably superior. Yeah. Yeah. But, you know But when you have a trainer like Brett Contreras who I know is a shit and I respect highly, he is all about hip thrust and talking about
Starting point is 00:08:32 how they're really good exercise. So I don't know. I know, yeah, I was just curious to which it, because I know Joe broke it down pretty well and why he thinks it's a worthless exercise. It's definitely not one that would replace anything. I actually utilize it as a pre-exhaust, especially with my female clients,
Starting point is 00:08:50 because I feel like I can go over there and put a 80 pound bar on across their ways that can kind of pre-exhaust, and then we go over and we do squats, and oh man, they're glutes around fire, especially if I have somebody who is kind of quad dominant and already kind of feels a lot. Well, so you're doing it from a correctional standpoint.
Starting point is 00:09:07 And that's exactly how I've always used hip thrust. I've never used hip thrust as a main exercise. It's always, for me, it's always been correct, you know, corrective. If I see poor posterior chain activation, then I'll have them do hip thrust because it helps get them to fire those muscles. I do the same thing as you, in that sequence, except with, you know, tube walking.
Starting point is 00:09:28 Very right. But, you know, it's the same concept, trying to get that glute fire. That's, I see, I just, I see a lot of that right now. I mean, that's why I thought I love seeing Joe call stuff like that out. I just think that a lot of, a lot of trainers, a lot of people out there and a lot of these, these fitness icons are, you know, they're posting all these crazy exercises. And it's hard because then you get someone like us who, if we come over and we kind of slam it or like what Joe just did and he slammed it, then you get, you get two sides, right?
Starting point is 00:09:56 You get the one side, they're like, oh yeah, go, Joe, yeah, fuck, hit thruster and idiot if you do them, you know, because Joe said it. Or then you get the other side of them that are like, oh, why you be the hater because hip thrust I feel great in my hip butt, but really at the end of the day It's like dude. Why don't we why don't we talk and educate people on like they're the why you would use that because there's almost every Exercise that's out there. There's there is a purpose You're so you're that you hit the nail right on the head there You know we we joke around and we say certain exercises are worthless. Okay, this is what we mean.
Starting point is 00:10:25 You're going to get something out of any movement. Okay. But there's definitely a ranking. There's definitely exercises that are way more effective and those that are less effective and then at the bottom of a list are exercises that are very ineffective. Will you get something out of them? Yes. Should you spend your time focusing on the less effective exercises versus the more
Starting point is 00:10:44 effective ones? No, it's just not a good use of your time So it would be like if you had a test and you're studying and you're focusing all your time studying things that are not going to be on the test at all I mean you'll learn some things But it's not going to really give you what you're looking for so you know There's exercises that are really really good that you should not take out of your movement You shouldn't take out of your workouts and you should focus on like, you shouldn't replace squats, barbell squats with, you know, hip thrust.
Starting point is 00:11:10 Unless there's a correctional purpose, you just shouldn't. Well, that's it. The correct, the correctional purpose. Like, so that's why I don't, I don't necessarily judge you heavily on these particular exercises, especially if I see a trainer working with their client doing these types of things where I know some people, they should just be fucking squatting or deadlifting. But in reality, there are all kinds of muscle imbalances and things that you have to consider
Starting point is 00:11:35 and you have to consider the fact that maybe somebody's coming back from a back surgery or, you know, and we just have to reestablish this muscle recruitment firing process. And it cannot, like loading the back might not be a horrible idea. So there's just a lot of factors there that, you know, if you just say it from a surface level, you end up looking like an idiot. Absolutely. And of course, the way you perform each of those exercises also makes a difference. Right. So, um, so I wanted to get into a topic that we've covered a few times with not in a whole
Starting point is 00:12:10 episode, like we haven't really gone into depth on this, but we talk about it a lot. And I think, uh, especially in our industry and fitness, it is super overlooked. And right now, the science is showing that what we're about to talk about may just be not a not just a missing piece of the puzzle in terms of health, but it may be the missing piece. This may be the the next evolution of medicine and health to the point where all of these issues that we have from chronic diseases to cancers, this may be the fucking key, this may be the holy grail. And what I wanna talk about is the,
Starting point is 00:12:51 what's called the human microbiome. And we refer to the gut flora, which is a big, big part of that. But the microbiome is everything, right? It's everything. It's all of the bacteria that live on your body, the fungus that lives on your body, the things that make up. How diverse they are the bacteria that live on your body, the fungus that lives on your body, the
Starting point is 00:13:05 things that make up... How diverse they are in the different environments of your body. That's right. And interesting, we're watching this video earlier on the subject and they put in fantastic perspective. First and foremost, I'd like to say this, we like to think of ourselves as the rulers of Earth. Like, what's the most dominant species on Earth?
Starting point is 00:13:23 Humans. Incorrect. Yeah. Bacteria and virus and fungi and all those little microbiomes. Well, when you talk about a ratio, what, what, what they rule the world, we may be more powerful, we may be able to squash a bug or kill something like that, but as far as like we are not, we are no match. We are no match for those types of things. They rule the world and they've been here longer than us. And we need to realize that the, our evolution was right alongside with these types of things
Starting point is 00:13:50 and you have to understand the role that they play in human health is we understood it to be a player in some respects, but now we're starting to realize that it's actually the key player. It is fully integrated. It is fully integrated. It is fully integrated. You are more of your microbiome than you are human. If we took all your cells and added them up,
Starting point is 00:14:13 there's a hundred times more of these other things. That's actually- That's the fact alone trip me out. It's not the ratio 100 to 100. 101. That's crazy. You are a walking microbiome that also happens to have some human cells stuck together.
Starting point is 00:14:24 Literally, that's literally what it is. So are you in control of your own body? Well, check this out. You are a walking microbiome that also happens to have some human cells stuck together. Literally. That's literally what it is. Are you in control of your own body? Well, check this out. So this came to me last night after I had a relatively potent strain of cannabis. I was thinking about this and it made perfect, perfect sense to me. So think about it this way.
Starting point is 00:14:43 The goal of any species or organism on earth is to survive and to reproduce. That's the ultimate goal. That's humans goal, you know, any animal goal, viruses, bacteria, anything that's alive, viruses, there's argument whether they're alive or not, but bacteria for sure. And think about it this way. We as humans are carrying these these bacteria, these, you know, on outside of our body and inside of our body. It only makes sense that this bacteria will evolve to be able to control our bodies as much as possible to protect their own longevity.
Starting point is 00:15:19 It is in the best nature of the bacteria that lives on and in our body to keep us alive, to keep us to protect their turf. Well, when you think about that, what happens when we drink too much alcohol or things like that in your body rejects it? I mean, where do you think that first stems from? What do you think is doing that? It definitely, definitely getting influenced
Starting point is 00:15:38 by this microbiome. So it's job, literally it's cool. It's a symbiotic relationship. You guys ever see those National Ge geographic videos with those sharks that will swim and then they've got these fish. Yeah, and they have a cleaner fish that, you know, they eat all the parasites. Yeah, and it's like inside its gills eating again. And you're like, why doesn't that shark just eat that fish?
Starting point is 00:15:58 Because it's a symbiotic relationship. The shark protects the fish and provides it with, you know, eating these parasites and the fish cleans the shark from the parasites. Well, the microbiome of your body does the same thing. It's your first line of defense, but it also influences everything in your body. Think about it. If it makes sense, evolutionarily speaking, it's probably happening. So let me, let me, let me position it this way. Would it make sense, evolutionarily speaking, it's probably happening. So let me position it this way. Would it make sense for your microbiome to control how you think, right?
Starting point is 00:16:30 How you feel, absolutely. It totally makes sense. Because if this bacteria can make you feel good, then you're more likely to hunt and search for food and be productive, you're more likely to survive, right? Does it make sense if you have a particular type of bacteria that's an overgrowth that shouldn't be there, but that it craves, let's say sugar? Does it make sense that this microbiome would then, or this particular flora would then motivate your brain to crave sugar?
Starting point is 00:17:00 To feed itself. Dude, I heard this study where they actually, they replaced like an active, like happy rats gut biome with another rat and they actually had a swap of personality. This is crazy. So here's the thing. Well, think about it when you position it like that, that makes a lot of sense because, think about when you feel great,
Starting point is 00:17:23 when you feel healthy, when you feel healthy inside your energy levels your mood everything's that way and what happens when you feel like shit you know I'm saying when you from the inside you start to reflect that way too so it's I feel it I'm like good. Well two things more recent study meaning more recent studies now are showing very strong connections it's almost inclusive at this point, that your flora, especially your gut flora, your internal microbiome, it has a big, big piece in terms of your resting metabolic rate.
Starting point is 00:17:55 So they'll take animals and they'll give them something to alter their gut flora and they'll find the resting metabolic rate will lower. So they've find the rest thing that a ballaclake rate will lower. It's so they've slowed the metabolism. Again, it makes sense that the microbiome would want to control metabolism to either conserve... All to their retirement. Right, to the conserve energy or to burn and spend energy. And so for those of you listening right now who are like,
Starting point is 00:18:19 oh, I don't have any digestive problems, I don't need to worry about my gut flora. It will affect how lean you get. It will affect how much muscle you build. I'm going to say it's a fact, but it's not completely proven as a fact, but it will be, give it about five years,
Starting point is 00:18:36 and the shit that's coming out is crazy. Your internal flora directly communicates with your brain, and we used to think that we couldn't figure out how this would possibly happen because there's the blood brain barrier and how does it go directly to your brain. And we used to think that we couldn't figure out how this would possibly happen because there's the blood brain barrier and how does it go directly to the brain. Well, we now know that the lymphatic system, this was actually one of the greatest discoveries
Starting point is 00:18:53 of 2015, the lymphatic system directly now connects to the brain. So this is a direct route for your gut flora to send chemicals and messages to your brain to influence your mood, how you feel your cravings, everything. And they just did a study with a group of women where they altered their gut flora, did MRI, you know, what's called F MRI functional, you know, MRI machines where they can watch
Starting point is 00:19:20 the brain as it's thinking. And by changing the firing and everything. Right. By changing the gut flora, fundamental changes in the way the brain as it's thinking. And by changing it's firing and everything. Right, by changing the gut flora, fundamental changes in the way the brain was working. That's insane. Fucking insane. Dude, it's crazy. What, now in combination with hormones,
Starting point is 00:19:36 like what would you say, like, I mean, is it pretty equal or would you say even more that they would lean more towards the bacteria's influence? I would, I think this, here's a thing, I think I would say hormonally first. Well, yes. Stronger. But keep it, yes, and there's a lot of things that can influence hormones, but don't think
Starting point is 00:19:53 for a second that hormones are not one of the tools that your microbiome will use to change how you feel and how you move. These are all, it's all connected as my point. Mechanisms that they respond and, you know, community can't do. Right. Right, right. So if we're already showing that this microbiome influences neurotransmitters and brain, well, that will work with hormones as well.
Starting point is 00:20:13 And why wouldn't it go straight to, you know, affecting insulin production? And all these different things, we know it affects resting metabolic rate. We know that it's showing that now. So this is not something to ignore. And it's not what it used to be where, it used to be wellness people talking about it,
Starting point is 00:20:27 or only people with digestive issues, or only people with chronic issues, people say, oh, I don't have any chronic health issues. You don't have to, you don't realize that you're not working optimally because you're not doing things to take care of this biome, this microbiome. So along those lines in,
Starting point is 00:20:44 what are some measures to take care of this biome, this microbiome. So along those lines in, what are some measures to take care of this biome? Like what, I've heard a lot about pre-biotics and all that as far as fermented foods and adding in good quality bacteria into the system. Before you even get into that, you wanna stop doing the things that are killing or distorting your flora. Number one, antibiotics are the obvious one.
Starting point is 00:21:15 So it's like a nuclear bomb that goes off. It kills everything, and then what happens is, depending on your health and your food intake, it wipes out the playing field and then it gives the opportunity for other types of bacteria to overpopulate and grow and change the flora because your internal flora is like a fingerprint. Eventually we get to the point, we'll be able to test your flora and we'll know who the person is. It's very, very unique to each of us.
Starting point is 00:21:43 A lot of it comes from our parents, from everything from, we talked about this off air, but when you have a baby, as the baby moves through the birth canal, it picks up the mother's flora. It does breastfeeding, starts to feed them and change some of the flora, and then of course, as you grow up and the stuff you touch and stuff like that. But there's all these different things that we're doing now to destroy. One of them is antibiotics.
Starting point is 00:22:06 So if you have a bacterial infection, take antibiotics, if you don't think you do, or you don't take them. You know, sometimes people go to the doctor with a sinus infection, for example. You know, 80% of the time, sinus infection is viral. So you could take antibiotics all day long.
Starting point is 00:22:21 It's not gonna do anything. And it might be doing you harm in the long term. But never letting you get to like a fever where you're actually gonna fight and attack. Right, you symptoms. It's this overuse of antibiotics. Here's the other one, that's a big one that a lot of people don't realize.
Starting point is 00:22:35 Antibacterial soaps. Antibacterial soaps are, first of all, they're anoxymoram because all soap kills bacteria. But what they do with the antibacterial soaps is they put an antibiotic in it that leaves a residue on your hands or whatever that supposedly kills bacteria for longer than just regular washing. However, that residue stays on your skin.
Starting point is 00:22:59 You might absorb it. You might eat something, get a little bit of it. It doesn't do much one or two times, but you do this over the course of 10, 15 years, and now you're causing problems. Not to mention, when you wash that off your hands, that antibacterial soap gets into the water supply, and it doesn't get, it doesn't get really filtered out, very well.
Starting point is 00:23:19 And so we're getting these low doses. I would venture to say that we're probably always consistently getting low doses of antibiotics now, but all through our food and through our water because of some of the stuff. Oh, and animals, if you're eating meat, yeah. We'll have some. Are you saying that going through a purified process that's still, you're still going to get that?
Starting point is 00:23:38 I don't see how that's possible. Reverse osmosis is probably your best bet. Well, yeah, reverse osmosis, but no one's doing that right? That's probably your best bet. But I would say number one, stop using antibacterial soap. Anything that says antibacterial on it, don't use it. Regular soap kills bacteria just fine, but it doesn't have antibiotics in it. What about things like artificial sweeteners?
Starting point is 00:23:58 100% things like that, and processed foods, things that are GMO, you know, things that are not natural. I've always, to me that was always like, when we started creating things that didn't, weren't natural and consuming them as food, that was, to me, it was always like it with an obvious one right out the gate. It's like, you know, your body wasn't made to even digest and utilize that, what makes you think that it's gonna be, and just because it maybe doesn't poison it,
Starting point is 00:24:23 that we can see is it's probably doing something inside. They can't be great. Well, you want to consider it makes sense. Right. And you want to consider this like, you know, eventually I think science will get to the point where we can do all this stuff, but we have such a poor understanding of this new emerging science that we didn't test for it. So we come out with a product like artificial sweeteners or, you know, a genetically modified organism, and we test it for all the known parameters that we didn't test for it. So we come out with a product like artificial sweeteners or you know a genetically modified organism and we test it for all the known parameters that we can test it for. Is it going to affect, you know, we'll test someone for a year, is it going to affect liver function? No, it looks good. Kidney function. No, it looks good. You know, it looks good. It's not pointing to the person. Boom, it's it's safe FDA approval. But they don't know, they didn't
Starting point is 00:25:02 know to test for these other things. You know, like you don't know how to really, right? They didn't know how. It wasn't something that was on the radar. And even now, can you, we still don't even have, I mean, could we even test if your floor is being changed after? We do know. We do know now that artificial sweeteners, for example, fundamentally affect an alter gut floor.
Starting point is 00:25:22 We know this for a fact. I know, but that's such a careful word to use. Fundamentally affect, I mean, what does that mean? It means it changes it. Effect and alter gut flora. We know this for a fact. I know that's such a careful word to use fundamentally Effect. I mean, what does that mean? It means it changes it. Do we have is the is the testing there to prove that it Did something that was because okay? If I'm like a Lane Norton, which this would be a great person to talk to about this season It's Fitch your macros guy, right and the biggest problem. He thinks anything outside of that is dogmatic You know as far as like trying to come up with Reasoning why a food is considered clean, right?
Starting point is 00:25:49 And so this is something that I've noticed and then other people hop onto that because it fits within their thought process, right? And they don't want to consider the fact. They can't because it'll shatter their whole, their whole, their whole, their whole, their whole, their whole, their whole, their whole thing.
Starting point is 00:26:03 Yeah, because that's the whole thing. But, and I know if I'm pretending to be him, I think his debate would be the living in a calorie surplus or deficit, right? So, if I'm consuming artificial sweeteners or processed foods, but I'm making sure that I stay in a deficit, then I'm safe. Yeah, but that's, that's a straw man argument.
Starting point is 00:26:25 That's not the debate. We know, and we've said here a million times, that the most important big rocks, the big, big rocks in your program, the big things you should focus on first, calories, then macros, and then you start to go down the list. For comparing someone who overeats and eats too much and doesn't exercise to someone who eats at a deficit and eats clean and starting to get frozen. It's starting to get frozen, right? They're probably going to do better.
Starting point is 00:26:53 But that's not the, we're not arguing that. What we're arguing is that this is a factor that needs to be looked at as well. And when it comes to, you know, you asked the question earlier, is that a good or bad thing that the gut floor is fundamentally altered? We don't know, but I will say this, anything that's altered from a natural symbiotic relationship that our bodies evolve. Remember, we're fighting evolution in the sense that this is a long process.
Starting point is 00:27:20 Like, how long have humans been on Earth? How long have we been on Earth with this bacteria and stuff? It's gotten to the point now where it works really well together. Like it evolved to the point where it's going to work good together. So altering in any way is a crap shoe. I would bet my money all day long that we're not going to beat evolution because we don't know. We don't know how it's changing and what it's going to do. And it's probably not going to be as good as millions of years of evolution. Here's an interesting thought, and I kind of mentioned that I had just listened to those TED talks, and it was a technology-based TED talks.
Starting point is 00:27:54 And what the guy that was speaking, he was talking about what he was doing with cultures of bacteria and how he could actually program bacteria just like you could program a computer. And so what they've already shown is that basically like he was doing it through like bioluminescence and then he would show these patterns that they would all light up. And it's the sequence. It's called quorum sensing. It's very, you'll have to listen to it to get, you know, the details of that. But basically, is that with a Q spelled with a Q?
Starting point is 00:28:27 Yeah. Okay. Q. And it was just so cool because what he did in an experiment, I'm not sure if how far he is with this experiment, but they're taking probiotics and adding technology to it to basically when you go P, it'll change a different color if they identify a cancer cell.
Starting point is 00:28:48 Wow. So there you go. So it identifies a cancer cell, activates, then there's your... The probiotics that are in your body will be able to identify this. I'm telling you right now, the last hundred years was the century of physics,
Starting point is 00:29:03 of the breakthroughs in physics, and we discovered general relativity and all those amazing stuff. The next decades coming up are gonna be the decades of biology. What we're learning right now is gonna be... I think that's... In 10 years, you're gonna go in,
Starting point is 00:29:21 you're gonna have chronic illness. Well, it's a symbiotic relationship technology and biology. Oh, you're gonna go into the doctor, you're gonna have chronic illness, symbiotic relationship technology and biology. Oh, you're gonna go into the doctor, you're gonna have psoriasis, you're gonna have rheumatoid arthritis, you're gonna have Crohn's disease, you're gonna have cancer, whatever, and they're gonna test your microbiome, and they're going to, oh, perfect,
Starting point is 00:29:38 here's what we need to add, here's what we take away, take this, do that, boom, we're gonna modify our internal biome to Target what we need to target or to cure what we need to cure So getting your body to work for you. That's that's on the horizon That's gonna happen and this really supports all those, you know You know what Justin calm the munchy hippie crunchy Crunchy hippie rainy hippie that have been kind of saying it for every now They they just didn't have the belly. they just didn't have the science to back you up,
Starting point is 00:30:06 but if they've known, like, you know, eating certain foods and doing certain things of, you know, change the chemistry of their body and we're, as we're starting to get further along on science, man, it's coming together to where the fact that we could manipulate it would just be a game- Well, let's talk about.
Starting point is 00:30:20 You brought up, so you brought up our official sweeteners, but then you also brought up GMOs, right? So genetically modified organisms. We'll check this out. Again, they didn't test them in terms of how they affected the gut floor But we now know that they're a maybe DNA transfer from the actual food itself So in other words, you might be able to eat GMO corn that my alter gut flora in the sense that it's gonna change how that flora behaves and what it turns into so So we could be creating some monsters.
Starting point is 00:30:46 And number two, this one's the more obvious one that's become more obvious now, is that the glyphosate, which are the herbicides that they spray on GMOs. So they make GMOs to be able to withstand high doses of herbicides. That's what they're invented for. So you could grow this corn
Starting point is 00:31:01 and then you could just fucking blast them with this chemicals, kill all the other weeds and shit around it But you've already modified the corn so it doesn't die right so now it's easy to take care of and grow and so you can grow lots of food But now you've got this glyphosate residue that's on the corn or whatever and it's not poisonous It won't kill you you could have it and you probably be okay But we now know that glyphosate's also fundamentally effect gut flora. So if you have it once or twice, not a big deal,
Starting point is 00:31:31 but most of you who don't eat organic, you're probably having some type of glyphosate residue every single day, might not do nothing, you know, over five years, 10 years, but 20, 30, 40 years, it might cause a problem. And the guy who created it won't drink it. Yeah. Yeah, I drink that shit.
Starting point is 00:31:49 Yeah, right. Drink it. So I do it. So I think what some might argue with you, or I think if someone was just being stubborn, and especially if you're somebody who firmly backs, like if it's your macro's type of person, that okay, sure it changes my gut floors, sure it's going to evolve my body, but
Starting point is 00:32:08 who's to say it just doesn't evolve it to be stronger and better and now it can resist other things. Well, you know, the odds, look, here's the odds. The odds are that I will eventually get old and die. There's also some in some odds that I might some odds that I may grow and turn into a woman or I might become a hippopotamus. And the odds of the universe, those are all possibilities. And that's probably one in how many trillion that some weird shit would happen like that.
Starting point is 00:32:40 And it's extremely unlikely. The likelihood that you altering your flora in a way that you don't know what the fuck you're doing, you're just doing it. And that how somehow, it makes extremely unlikely. The likelihood that you altering your flora in a way that you don't know what the fuck you're doing, you're just doing it. And that how somehow, it makes you better. It makes you a better person and you're competing with millions of years of evolution. The odds of that happening are fucking small.
Starting point is 00:32:55 Yeah, sounds pretty silly. It's stupid little bit on the arrogance. You know what, okay, here's a better analogy. It would be like a tornado going through a junkyard and randomly assembling a car. Like, if we do it a zillion times, that might happen, right? But it's very unlikely. It's very unlikely you're making yourself more awesome by altering your gut flora in a
Starting point is 00:33:16 way you don't understand. Especially when you're taking it. But tornado came in and oh, my house is awesome. Yeah, it made me a fool. Oh yeah, yeah. Yeah, no, it's super, super unlikely. So artificial sweeteners avoid them. Don't use antibacterial soaps.
Starting point is 00:33:31 Don't eat lots of processed and packaged foods, eat organic. And feed your body, hold natural foods. The microbiome tends to enjoy those things. Prebiotics, Justin brought up. A prebiotic is something that feeds the flora, internal flora. So starches will feed certain type of flora, fats will feed other types of flora,
Starting point is 00:33:59 proteins will feed other types of flora. This totally reinforces what we've been saying all along, which is to you know, undulate or change your calories and change your macros. Right. And eating balanced is important. Eating balanced so different with diversity. With diversity. So I tend to eat very low carbohydrate most of the time. But as I've said before, I'll throw in a vegetarian day, a vegan day, which is a higher carbohydrate day. And some of the benefit from that would be a more diversified gut flora. And that's important. You want to get a good flora that's diversified. That's a lot of good, you know, bacteria in there,
Starting point is 00:34:35 not just a lot of one or two strains or a few strains. So it feeds again right along what we're saying. And eating the same fucking food every single day, like bodybuilders do, where it's always the same tilapia rice and broccoli six times a day because I'm getting ready for a shoot. Well, you're destroying the diversity of your flora. You're populating some strains and unpopulating others because you're not feeding. So then when some invading bacteria come in, you're only going to have like basically a couple lines of defense, you know, as opposed to having a nice diverse, you know, army in there.
Starting point is 00:35:10 The obvious thing with your immune system is fighting off other viruses and bacteria, not getting sick. That's the obvious one. We've known that for a long time, but here's the unobvious. Here's the stuff that we weren't familiar with that's becoming more obvious now, is it teaches your body, your gut flora, your microbiome, teaches your body and enhances your body's own immune system
Starting point is 00:35:31 to not attack itself, to not attack your own body. So all these chronic diseases that we have no cures for, we have no treatments for, you know, Adam, we talk about psoriasis, right? That's an autoimmune disorder. There's no treatment for it other than depressing your immune system. They'll give you a drug.
Starting point is 00:35:47 That's similar to what chemotherapy is. Literally, it's way, way, way, way safer, but what it does is it depresses your immune system because you're trying to tell your immune system to not be so vigilant. Well, that's what your microbiome does. And so these are the real problems. I mean, yeah, you might get a cold,
Starting point is 00:36:03 you might get more infections, and those are bad as you get older, but the food intelligence is, it's the allergies. Inflammatory disease. Heart disease, they just connected your gut flora to heart disease. Wow. Yeah, all this stuff, Alzheimer's, dementia. What a crazy shift.
Starting point is 00:36:19 We get from. We get from. Kalesa are all being so evil, you know, salt and all this stuff being so evil, you know, salt and all this stuff being so evil and they've had to like really just Oh, oops. Yeah, just kidding guys. It's it's it's only as good as the information, you know, the science that we're that we're looking at and how the tests are being done and now we're learning We're learning so much, but you know pay attention the next five, five to 10 years is gonna be this ridiculous ramping up of stuff, because studies now, there's more and more funding now for all this,
Starting point is 00:36:50 you know how to do this. And pharmaceutical companies are like, we need to get on this shit and figure it out because right now there's lots of studies doing, we've talked about fecal transfers where people who will go in with like Crohn's disease will have a fecal transfer. That's, it makes me hungry.
Starting point is 00:37:04 That's literally someone else's poo being transferred into my colon to get their microbiome. And then people are getting cured or you know their Crohn's goes into remission. Don't they don't they don't they do that somewhere too now some women can have women can have their imbibical cord from the baby actually frozen or what like that so later on for the baby they can come back and test and cool. That's the stem cell. That's the core. Yes, stem cell blood. I heard someone doing that and it's pretty expensive to do that.
Starting point is 00:37:32 One of my friends is actually a rep for a company that does that. Really? I've heard good things though, but I don't know a lot about it. It's expensive. I mean, it's long-term thinking. If you can sell, he sells doctors on the idea of it and then they kind of pass it along to their patients and stuff, but yeah, it's definitely long-term thinking,
Starting point is 00:37:50 like, you know, ways to address that, like, with stem cells and recreate these cells. Did either one of you guys consider doing that? Did you guys even know about that enough? I did, but the charge of it and everything, I don't know. It's pretty expensive, right? Well, it's expensive and then the likelihood of, you know, being able to use that versus being able to get other stem cells and stuff like that, it don't know. It's pretty expensive, right? Well, it's expensive and then the likelihood of, you know, being able to use that versus being able
Starting point is 00:38:06 to get other stem cells and stuff like that, it was yeah. Well, I can see like down, further down, obviously technology is gonna advance like crazy. So there, I mean, there's gonna be some relevance there, but who's to say they can't just, you know, 3D print, you know, you knew stuff anyway. All right. Let's be honest.
Starting point is 00:38:22 Oh yeah, I think the future looks pretty bright with that kind of stuff. Yeah, so. And with that, please subscribe to Mind Pump, leave us a five-star rating and review, and we hope you have healthy poop. Yep. and Justin, visit us at www.minepumpradio.com. Until next time, this is MindPump.

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