Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 2191: How to Maximize Gains Over 50, Ways to Overcome Back Pain When Squatting, First-Timer Tips for Competing in a Powerlifting Competition & More (Listener Live Coaching)

Episode Date: October 25, 2023

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Email live@mindpumpmedia.com if you want to be considered to ask your question on the show. Mind Pump Fit Tip: The... guys with the BIGGEST calves are the ones who don’t even work them out. (2:57) How parents who are too strict raise sneaky kids. (15:34) The controversy surrounding USADA’s split with the UFC. (20:21) Should the consumer stock up on peptides? (23:01) Making the case for using red-light therapy for office workers. (30:36) Mold travels. (36:50) An Italian national treasure. (39:22) An example of what will kill boxing. (44:00) The People of Walmart coloring book. (47:31) Mind Pump Recommends Dune on Netflix. (49:08) Mind Pump only helps create home runs! (50:39) Shout out to ADHdoers. (54:10) #ListenerLive question #1 - How can I maximize gains over 50? (59:56) #ListenerLive question #2 - What other options are there for me to get the lower body fat physique that I crave? (1:19:35) #ListenerLive question #3 - Any advice for taller, thinner guys with bulking and lifting in general? (1:35:18) #ListenerLive question #4 - What programs would you recommend in preparation for an upcoming powerlifting competition? (1:49:11) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Joovv for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! Visit Kreatures of Habit: Meal One for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Code MP25 at checkout** October Promotion: MAPS Bands | The Skinny Guy ‘hardgainer’ Bundle 50% off! **Code OCTOBER50 at checkout** How Your Genetics Influence Your Muscle Building Potential – Mind Pump Blog Can You Build Your Calves or is it all Genetics? - Mind Pump Blog Mind Pump #1265: How To Develop A Winning Mindset UFC creates its own drug-testing program in wake of split with USADA over McGregor Thymalin Peptide Benefits, Dosage & Side Effects - Jay Campbell TRANSCEND your goals! Telehealth Provider • Physician Directed GET YOUR PERSONALIZED TREATMENT PLAN!  Hormone Replacement Therapy, Cognitive Function, Sleep & Fatigue, Athletic Performance and MORE. Their online process and medical experts make it simple to find out what’s right for you. Optical stimulation of mitochondria reduces blood glucose levels | Research Square Joovv | Clinical Studies - Explore the Joovv Database Visit Eight Sleep for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump Listeners! **Save $150 on the Pod Cover.** 1970s Italian singer hit song People of Walmart Adult Coloring Book: Rolling Back Dignity Watch Dune | Netflix Visit NED for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! Mind Pump #1952: How To Bulk The Right Way Reverse Dieting: What Is It and Should YOU Try It?? | MIND PUMP Reverse Dieting 101 | MAPS Fitness Products Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Dr. William Seeds (@williamseedsmd) Instagram ADHDoers (@adhdoers) Instagram Justin Brink DC (@dr.justinbrink) Instagram  

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mind, hop, mind, hop with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. You just found the most downloaded fitness health and entertainment podcast. This is Mind Pump, right? Today's episode, we answered live caller's questions. People called in. We got to help them out, but that was after the intro portion,
Starting point is 00:00:25 which was 55 minutes long. Now, the intro is where we talk about current events, family life, fitness studies, and more. You can check the show notes for timestamps if you wanna skip around to your favorite parts. Also, you wanna be on an episode like this one? Email us your question at live at mindpumpmedia.com. Now, this episode is brought to you by some sponsors.
Starting point is 00:00:44 The first one is Juve. They make red light therapy panels that are exactly like the ones done in studies. What does red light do? Well, it powers up the mitochondria for hair, regrowth, better skin, faster recovery, and new study shows reducing blood glucose levels. That's, that's true. It's crazy stuff. Check it out.
Starting point is 00:01:08 Get one for your home. Go to juv.com. That's J-O-O-V-V.com forward slash mind pump. Music code, mind pump, and get a discount. The seposo is also brought to by creatures of habit. They make the best plant-based, high protein oatmeal that you'll find anywhere. So it's high protein, 30 grams of protein in oatmeal.
Starting point is 00:01:27 It's got digestive enzymes, vitamin D, some pre-bottix, probiotics. It's good stuff and there's new flavor, strawberries and cream, Adam invented it and it's selling out fast. Go check them out. Go to creaturesofhabit.com, creatures spelled with a K.
Starting point is 00:01:42 So creaturesofhabit.com, Fort slash Mind Pump, Use the code MP25, get yourself a discount. Also, we are going to be in Florida for the Olympia convention. We're going to be at the train send booth. That's booth number 13, 01 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Friday, November 3rd. And again, from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, November 4th.
Starting point is 00:02:07 Come and say hi. See what's going on. It's good time. Well, one more thing. We have a sale going on with some workout programs this month. Maps, bands, is half off, and the hardgainer bundle of programs is half off. You can find them both by going to mapsfitnessproducts.com, but you have to use the code October 50 for that discount. All right. Here comes a show. T-shirt time. And it's T-shirt time. Shit, though, you know it's my favorite time of the week.
Starting point is 00:02:36 We've got six winners this week, three for Apple podcasts, three for Facebook. The Apple podcast winners are MIG PIZ, MIKI MOTO's and Jerry bear, three, 12. And for Facebook, we have Levi A. Geriitt, Jeff Friedman and Lori Moon. All six of you are winners. Send the name I just read to iTunes at mindpumpmedia.com include your shirt size and your shipping address. And we'll get that shirt right out to you. Here's an unfortunate fact. The guys with the biggest calves are the ones that only will work them out. All right, what does that mean? Genetics play a big role in your muscular development. Here's something else. Who cares?
Starting point is 00:03:12 Doesn't matter. You can't control it. Go to the gym anyway. Train your body. Stop comparing yourself to people with different genetics or circumstances. I feel like this lesson eventually is learned if you stick to working out long enough. Eventually you get to this growth place where you're like, who cares? But in the beginning, it's mostly like, it's tough. Why don't I look like that guy? Why is that person stronger?
Starting point is 00:03:37 What's going on? When there's a deficit, there's a visible, especially one of those things, people are like, oh man, I really want my calves to grow. It just becomes an obsession. And then it's like, well, you know, somebody that just doesn't even really lift weights has like amazing calves. That's a hard pill. It's funny though, because people will say that, but then at the same, in the same breath,
Starting point is 00:03:58 they're not prioritizing it like it's the most important thing. There's still a lot that they can do. Yeah, like there, I mean, as annoying as it was to, I mean, obviously when I had to get on stage, like that was obviously a thought to my mic. Okay, if I'm gonna get up here and present my physique, I gotta make sure I bring my calves up. I'm in shorts, like that's gonna look really weird.
Starting point is 00:04:16 If I'm like so disporching it, where I'm massive up top and I have these skinny calves. And so it became a huge priority. Now, for the first time in my life, like I actually treated it as if it was any other muscle group skinny calves. And so it became a huge priority. Now, for the first time in my life, like, I actually treated it as if it was any other muscle group that like I had to develop and I had to bring up, which means I prioritize it in the workouts. It started the week out. It was the first exercise I always did. I increased the volume, I increased the frequency
Starting point is 00:04:37 and stuck with it consistently where in the past, I would say, oh, man, train calf sucks or all my calf sucks, but then it was like, they were also treated as like the red headed stepchild. I never freaking addressed them. Or if I were to miss something, it would be those. Or I never really started, how many people start their workout with calves?
Starting point is 00:04:59 Nobody does. It's always an afterthought. It is. Yeah, it's, our tendencies to want to make excuses because otherwise, it's a mirror. Otherwise, you have to look at the mirror and be like, all right, what am I not doing? Because it's very easy to look at other people
Starting point is 00:05:14 and say genetics, steroids, they don't have the same job, they have all the time in the world. It's a comparison trap. The comparison trap, it's terrible. And what it does is actually disempowers you, right? So there's a false belief that if you accept responsibility, now it's going to suck. Well, it kind of sucks because it puts the ball on your core, but it's more empowering
Starting point is 00:05:38 because there's a lot you can do. And it doesn't matter what the other people around you look like and what they can do. There's always someone stronger, always someone better, bigger, better circumstances, I guess. Nobody's like perfectly balanced in every muscle or in every like strength pursuit. It's like, I don't know, I guess that's just sort of the thing for me. It's like I try not to get into the whole like, well, I don't, this isn't working. I mean, I do like figure out where I'm weak and I'm like, okay, I got to get better at this and do whatever I can. But once you start comparing your progress to somebody else, that's such like a losing
Starting point is 00:06:16 pursuit. What do you all, man? Why do you guys think though that we've put so much emphasis on the calves and that, like, I look at calves like your forearms. Like, they're the extension of the arm or extension of the leg. It's their... Oh, why that muscle? Yeah, like, have you ever heard anyone be like, oh, your war, what's your forearms?
Starting point is 00:06:36 They've got weak your forearms are, and they can actually be just as underdeveloped and comparison to your thighs, but no one ever says that. So what is it about? Oh, I think legs in general are tend to be skipped by guys. So in general legs, and of the legs, if they do work them out, then the calves tend to be skipped because it's not like a beach muscle.
Starting point is 00:06:55 It's not a show we use from that. You know, it's the guys that just get their upper body workouts in and no legs. It is a beach muscle though. If you're in shorts, your calves are being showed off just as much as your forearms are. So I just, isn't it weird? Like what in our culture decided that because very easily, you know, it's like, yeah, very easily with that logic, it could have been the forearms. You know, why, why did we decide as a culture like that would be the thing that we would, we would target. And I would make the case that they're
Starting point is 00:07:25 as underdeveloped or like focused on as the forums. Like there's plenty of people that have small forums, especially guys that have massive biceps and triceps. I guess we could get deeper because you know, let's start shaming forums. I'm not gonna stop it. You know, no, we can't get a little deeper. Here's the interesting thing about calves
Starting point is 00:07:46 from a performance standpoint. Okay, this is where it gets weird. Big or small calves, like some of the highest performing athletes in the world have high short calves long Achilles and they don't have, like look at some of the best athletes. Look at their lower legs. They're all the fast-cloth players right now.
Starting point is 00:08:03 Yeah, and so, you know, so I don't, I don't think it's necessarily evolutionarily speaking connected to your ability to hunt or defend yourself like broad shoulders, strong hands, strong forearms, wide back, where, you know, that tells you a lot, right? Somebody who's that really underdeveloped back, you're probably not very physical. You probably don't have very good performance. Whereas calves, you know what they find with calves? It's like big, long, meaty calves tend to,
Starting point is 00:08:33 you tend to see that on like strength athletes, probably because it gives you a strong solid base. And then like running and jumping, there tends to be a, it tends to move towards higher, shorter, shorter type calves. But from a, I guess from an aesthetic standpoint, right? But yeah, you, like, you never hear, look, this is, this is talk about young men.
Starting point is 00:08:53 When or when do you hear females talk about another guy's body and be like, oh my God, you see his calves? Like, you never hear that, right? It's always abs, arms, chest, something like that. Yeah, yeah. So that's probably why. And I feel like forms are better connected to real world strengths. And you'll never meet a really, really strong guy.
Starting point is 00:09:16 With underdeveloped forms. He's going to normally have a really possible. Yeah, so it's kind of funny that I don't know that that isn't talked about as much. I mean, I think it's silly to, again, the original point. Compared to other people, we're all unique and different and so it is what it is, but I've always thought it was interesting that nobody put any emphasis
Starting point is 00:09:37 on the form, the same way that you put on the calf. Yeah, I mean, the bigger conversation is the whole comparing yourself to other people. Like genetics are interesting. I remember there was this dude who came to work out At one of the gyms that I worked at and he looked like he looked like a hundred and sixty five pound dude I mean he looked you know kind of fit But I would have never looked at him be like you live he kind of looked like a fake guy He was wearing a rash guard
Starting point is 00:10:00 So it's like a long sleeve rash guard and he gets into the bench and I you know I'm just in the gym. I'm working with clients, you know, doing my walkthrough and I walk through once and he's warming up with 225 and it was moving pretty fast. It's like, wow, he's pretty strong for his size. Well, I come back through three plates around the on the on the bar and he's bench and that. Then I didn't see for a while and then I go back through. He's got five plates on the bench. Now, I'm looking at him because I'm like, for sure he's gonna hurt himself, he's doing parcels or something stupid,
Starting point is 00:10:30 I've seen people do this before. I'm gonna have to jump in and grab the bar and help him. And this dude put up five plates, he was doing single-ish. Full range, all the way down, pause all the way up. And so of course I introduced myself, I'm like, dude, I've never seen, this doesn't make sense. I said no offense.
Starting point is 00:10:49 I said, the physics just don't make sense. I literally said this to myself. I said no offense, but you don't look like you can lift this, but you play. And I said, what do you do? He's like, I compete. I think. Power lifter and you know, Bench is one of my strongest.
Starting point is 00:11:00 So it's like genetics are interesting with how, how some people have like, just the right leverage and see an ass activation and who knows what. Yeah. So crazy. It's just so wild to see something like that. It made absolutely no sense.
Starting point is 00:11:11 And then of course we've had employees like that, right? Where they go, they barely work out. They just surpassed it. And they'll even be fired. But I mean, what are you going to do? At the end of the day, you have control over yourself and who cares? I mean, I honestly think, you know what's funny is that I feel the same way, which I know bothers people
Starting point is 00:11:32 when I talk about this too with the whole, like, feeling, coming from a place of not having a lot of privilege when it comes to life. Oh, God, this is the same thing, exactly. Like, I feel that that wasn't advantage to me because it forced me to build good habits and behaviors and work hard and be resilient. Totally.
Starting point is 00:11:50 And so that, the character that's developed from that person, I think, has served me in life 10 times better than how I had like a silver spoon in my ass. You go the other direction with your development on your body. Part of what I think made me so into exercise and nutrition, because it was difficult, because I didn't have the genetics, because I was terrible, because I was weak, I was skinny,
Starting point is 00:12:10 I was all these things that I was insecure about, and it forced me to really go deep and figure all this out. Had I been the kid who already looked, like everyone had that kid in high school, that already looked like he left weights, before he even left the weights, and then he touched weights, and then he just doubled his size. I had had a friend like that and was strongest shit.
Starting point is 00:12:27 Like I don't know, I probably wouldn't have landed in this field. I probably wouldn't have cared to go that deep and to learn that much and to work so hard at it because so I don't know, it's funny how. We always share that. You know, like again, from an athletic perspective, I was always chasing speed and I was so pissed off that like everybody's faster than me,
Starting point is 00:12:47 like off the shoot. And so I had to like learn how to like get better at being predictive watching film, like breaking everything down, like training every chance I could in the gym, like every last bit, I trained with a track team for like two years. And like barely got like, you know, 0.1,
Starting point is 00:13:06 you know, my 40 time and it was fucking frustrating, you know, and it really irritated me that these genetic gifts, like some of my friends like that got, you know, full ride to UCLA and then blew it, you know, and it's just like, I just wanna slap them, you know, like I've been more bus in my ass. Yeah, the, the, okay, you know, and it's just like, I just wanna slap them, you know, like I've been more busted in my ass. Yeah, the, the, okay, of course,
Starting point is 00:13:28 your genetic propensity for things like intelligence, your opportunities that are presented with, that you're not responsible for, maybe the people your parents know, the schools, that all plays a role. But if there was one, and it's a, look, it's a combination of factors that we, we would have to use to predict someone's potential success and failure. So that's the complete picture. We'd be
Starting point is 00:13:51 look at everything. But if you had to pick one, that would, that would be the greatest predictor of success in any area, it's mindset. There's no other greater predictor than somebody's mindset. You just set it at them. I mean, people who know you know your past, knew how you grew up. And what it did to you is it, is it, you had a mindset around it where it became an advantage. If you had a different mindset, you would have ended up like every other person who grew up in your situation, not very well. It's the mindset that makes the difference always. And to start, this is why they talk about the immigrant advantage. When you look at immigrants and you look at their children,
Starting point is 00:14:33 so people who come to this country and then they have kids, when you compare them to the same race natives, people who have been here for generations. So same color, same everything, right? Control everything. Immigrants, the children of immigrants outperform them. They have, they call the immigrant advantage, the mindset because their parents came here,
Starting point is 00:14:52 obviously because this was a better opportunity. And so it's like they have this, they have a different mindset. They see the opportunity, they see what's going on. And they're less likely to be like, oh my God, I can't control anything. I'm a victim in everything that I do or whatever. This you have to learn with fitness.
Starting point is 00:15:09 You absolutely have to learn this because I can, very easily, I can come up with a million reasons why I can't get fit, healthy, stronger, leaner. I can come up with a, it's very easy to come up with a million reasons why or I can be like, fine, I don't care. What can I focus on? What can I do? What do I have control over focus on that? That right there will dictate your success
Starting point is 00:15:31 with fitness more than anything else. By far. Anyway. Hey, did you know that before you came in this morning, Justin was sharing a story that he says he talked about on Mind Pump that I don't ever remember hearing this story. And I thought it was really funny because I was like, you know, we now have had, we've
Starting point is 00:15:47 now had some of our kids work for the company and stuff, not mine, but you guys kids work for the company. I'm like, I would totally do this. So I guess when he worked for his dad, when he was younger, did you know that his dad also did a random drug test for the company or the business? Yeah. Did you know that? So he can get you drug.
Starting point is 00:16:03 Yeah, I don't remember that. I think you did tell us that. I don't.'s so the point of bringing it up to you now, because obviously we've had like the kids come through and help out around the business. I don't know. I would totally do that. I would totally be like, if I was like, Ms. Max fucking smoking weed already, you know what I'm saying? I don't know. It'll be and he's working for the company. I'd be, oh, by the way, mind pumping drug testing. Now we do new policy seem like it's like everybody's doing it, and then I find out I was the only one that did it.
Starting point is 00:16:28 He did like that. Not cool. Yeah. I mean, I get out. I was thinking, now what's the ad move? I'm just so do that. I was thinking out of the bunch of stoners, you know, no doubt, like I'm sure that they were like,
Starting point is 00:16:39 oh man, like we gotta check up. So looking back, you were pissed, I'm assuming. Super pissed. Okay, now that's a dad. What do you think? Well, it's conflicted because it actually pushed me towards smoking weed. Okay, so that's an interesting. Yeah, I wasn't even doing it.
Starting point is 00:16:54 I was a very good kid. Okay, so let's put let's let's let's play this out with your boys. They're working for the company in a year. And you they all said you think Everett's getting high. Are you here? He's got friends that are getting high. First of all, we can't drug test everybody because we don't fail. Dad's the biggest hypocrite ever. It's random. Yeah. You were first employee A, B, C, like, God, down these three guys. Oh, man. They all kinds of stuff in their system. We're gonna find out who they are. We're gonna keep it anonymous.
Starting point is 00:17:25 I don't know, you know, honestly, I would hope more that like we just have an open conversation and communication between each other that I wouldn't need to like test them and like, you know, try and get one on them. You know, like I just don't fuck, we have that kind of relationship. I mean, I don't think it even us have that with our kids
Starting point is 00:17:40 so I think you're right. Like, I still think I would do it though. I still think I would pull that move. I think I would do it on his friends all day Well, hi, there's friends and then test them and you know, like all screen them all out What's this saying like parents who are too strict raise sneaky kids? I think that's true. I think so I had to happen to me. Yeah, cuz I So I'm I try work on this, but's so good at it. She does not react. Like the kids will say stuff to her
Starting point is 00:18:08 and I'm in the background and I'm like, I gotta leave the room because I know my face. I'll give away, you know, my cards. And she just doesn't react. She's like, oh, really what happened? Oh, okay, what did your friends say? I initial laugh or whatever. And they'll just tell her, you know, everything that's going on
Starting point is 00:18:22 and I'm in the, I'm sweating in the back. Like, oh my God, I can't believe that happened. But she has this great conversation with them, and then it allows us to be influential. Otherwise, there's no influence. We have zero influences apparent. Like my parents and I talked about nothing, nothing, not sex, not drugs, nothing controversial,
Starting point is 00:18:41 whatsoever. I had no conversation about this kind of stuff. So if my parents came to me to talk to me about stuff, I would have been like, I don't know what you're talking about, no, that's what would happen. I don't know. Not mine. All defensive, yeah. Yeah, I mean, I think I'm on both sides of this with one.
Starting point is 00:18:56 Like I think I could see myself still being like, oh man, son, the company's doing this, like I would totally like downwind. No, you wouldn't say anything. Yeah, just give it to them. Yes, oh everybody, we just say. Well, yeah, I mean if it down. No, you would say anything. Yeah, just give it to him. Yes. Oh, everybody. Well, yeah, I mean, if it's standard practice, like, come on.
Starting point is 00:19:08 Because here's how I would also like think of it too, is like listen, I mean, in the real world, this could happen. Well, I'm saying in the real world, it could be working for a company and there's consequences if you were like, so, you know, and then here's the thing. If it came out, right, like let's say I test him and he does pass.
Starting point is 00:19:24 Then the conversation is really like, you know, why didn't you communicate this to me? Like you could have shared this with your dad and this is something that we could have talked about or worked, you know what I'm saying? And like, you know, you're lucky. It's my company, so we're not firing you, you know, but you could have got fired over something like this.
Starting point is 00:19:37 And so I think there's like an opportunity for a conversation to get us to have to talk more. Did you hear about the government a while ago was gonna hire people for internet and technology like hacking and they needed like really smart engineers and they had to stop drug testing on. Oh, I bet. Cause they were all failing.
Starting point is 00:19:58 They couldn't find anybody. Like they get really good hackers. You don't pass the drug test, dammit. So they stopped drug testing people. That was like the, did you ever finish that series that was that we were all watching the um the telemarketer ones tell I don't watch it. Oh you didn't finish that? No, no, no, I can't leave you That's something you would totally like. I know. Oh wow. Yeah, you have to watch that crazy as shady as characters
Starting point is 00:20:17 Yeah, I'm just like you can't drug test these guys They're like all on well. Hey, isn't the UFC not drug testing? Did we talk about this? Yeah, you said it like pulled out right? It's they're just handling in house now. Oh, okay. So, okay, I have like a conspiracy theories around that. But you know, that's what, yeah, it's kind of strange that-
Starting point is 00:20:37 Connor don't look natural anymore. Yeah, I don't think anyone thinks Connor's natural. I think everybody is pretty like, you know, it's pretty obvious that he's taken something, right? And it's obvious of the pool that he has for the UFC. I mean, there's no money machine. He's a money machine. It doesn't matter who he fights.
Starting point is 00:20:56 John Jones can be all jacked coming back. So I'm wondering, is it like, did they do that just to make it easier for him to come back? Or is there more going on? Because I don't know enough, right? So I mean't, I mean, I follow MMA, but, and enough to know that news. We'll know if we're watching you see it. If the fighters, like if you've been fighting for years and years and years, and then you randomly get jacked. Okay.
Starting point is 00:21:16 There's something like a, I mean, imagine it like it feels like pride. So a lot of people, I loved pride. The new MMA fighters. Yes. See, in wake of split with over McGregor. So a lot of people who are current MMA fans, I don't know if they know what pride was. Pride was an organization in Japan. Is it not existing anymore?
Starting point is 00:21:35 No. Oh, wait, did they buy it and change it? I thought it was a question. I know there's other organizations. But did you know? Did you know this that I watched an interview with Rampage Jackson and probably helped him get him. Well, no, so Rampage says when he went to pride,
Starting point is 00:21:52 they got their contract. He said the first line on the agreement said, we do not test for steroids. Oh, wow. That's all it said. We don't test. We don't test. Those guys were crazy.
Starting point is 00:22:02 They look like amateur body blows fighting each other. So, okay, what does it say? pride was eventually folded into the UFC. Yeah. Oh, I didn't know. So they don't call it. They just, I guess, all the contracts. Yeah. Remember, Alexander, what's the name? Overame? What was his first? Alistar. Alistar over. Bro, he fought in kickboxing for so long. He was like a tall, screeny looking dude. And little by little, he was just getting jacked, fighting as it ever made. He was like a monster once he made it to you.
Starting point is 00:22:29 You know what else was crazy like that was? And I think they eventually kind of kind of cracked out is WWE. Back before was WWE. I remember reading Brett Hart's biography and he went into like, I mean, they had like a built in pharmacy in the, of course. Like you go see your doctor and you went into like, I mean, they had like a built in pharmacy in the like, of course. Like you go see your doctor and you'd be like, oh, my knee hurts, I'm this and that. So they would just prescribe everything. And you like, he'd tell stories
Starting point is 00:22:54 of like grocery cart shopping for like, yeah, like it was like, you just go in and get everything you want, man. It's so crazy. Oh, that's speaking of, well, this is not in that category. These are peptides. These are legal. Hey, can I tell you guys? So I've been using the sub queue BPC 157 for a while. Yeah, you love that. And then I added thymus and beta to that, which wholly, so I did, I'm messaging back and forth with the, with the people over.
Starting point is 00:23:23 Oh, this is the T. The 500 or something. The TV 500 is a synthetic version of thymus and beta, but this is thymus and beta. This is the real stuff. It's a little more expensive, but I think it's better. But anyway, same identical chemical structure, right? It is making me look gnarly, like gnarly looking in the way that my muscles look, like the hardness. So I'm going back and forth, you saw me messaging J. Because I'm like, is this, this has some strange anabolic, I know it's for healing, it's for regeneration and healing,
Starting point is 00:23:53 but I'm getting a very strange, like aesthetic muscular. Do you think that could be, especially since the amount of volume and how consistent you are with your trained, do you think maybe it has to do with your recovery and you're just leaning out because you're building more muscle and recovering better? So I looked in some forums and I was reading about this in forums
Starting point is 00:24:11 because combining the two is like a really popular combination for injury healing and just for healing the joints. And in forums, people are reporting the same thing. Like unexpected muscle gain and fat loss. And like, well, I'm getting real, my muscles seem really hard. And this is what I'm noticing as well. So what thymacin does, so, okay, BPC speeds up
Starting point is 00:24:34 the rebuilding and regeneration of soft tissues. So ligaments, tendons, and cartilage. Thymacin works on actin, which is part of muscle fiber. So muscle injuries, it would heal fast, whereas BPC would heal like tendon ligament injuries. So it could be that, it could be that it's really making the actin regenerate faster and heal faster and that's what's causing the growth. I don't know, but it's me, I look, I'm like, visual, I could visually see a really hardening, interesting effect.
Starting point is 00:25:10 I'm going back and forth with the people with our partners at mphoramounds.com because I'm like, okay, I'm very sensitive to things in my body and pretty lean so I can see what's going on. And I said, this feels very strange. Like I didn't expect that. So I don't know if you saw the message from Katrina this
Starting point is 00:25:25 morning, but she says we're getting a bunch of emails. I want to hear your opinion on what you would do in this situation because of the potential of what could happen in that market. Oh yeah. If people should stock up on their peptides. That's a good question. Um, that's a good question. I mean, I don't think you're going gonna advise other people to do some of that. I'm asking you, what would you do? What would I do? What would I do? Well, now that I got up, okay.
Starting point is 00:25:53 That's tough because I know the market shelf life. Yeah, I know that, well, you can, you don't reconstitute them so you can get them separate and then reconstitute them later so I'll give them a longer shelf, a really long shelf life. The gray market is the research chemical side. I don't like that though, because literally, the, anybody could do that. And you don't know what's in there.
Starting point is 00:26:15 We talked to Dr. Seed, he says, if the peptide's off by... I know, but I'm, I'm thinking more from the perspective, okay, say you're somebody who's already getting these peptides right now from MP hormones and they end up cracking down and saying like no more, they try and make some bullshit.
Starting point is 00:26:29 Especially receiving all the benefits from it and they're like, oh man. I mean, I would. So that's why I'm asking you. I would. I mean, that's what I would. I would. I would. I was something that I really probably, but I mean, I'm stocked up on BPC 157.
Starting point is 00:26:41 Like literally just to have case. Yeah. Yeah. Because I was like, you know what? I was saying. Part of mine wasn't had anything to do with this was before all that. I just like, I'd rather have it on hand. And for the times that I need it, then have to wait. Because sometimes it's a process to get it.
Starting point is 00:26:54 And I'm like, if I have an injury or I feel that way, I want to be able to take it right away. I don't want to have to wait. Yeah. You know, we knew this would happen with the FDA, man. I swear to so, the FDA is kind of inevitable. It just, it mirrors the medical marijuana industry so much to me. It reminds me of that.
Starting point is 00:27:09 I mean, it's the plus and minus of being early adopters like we are. And that was the same thing for me when I was in the cannabis space. It's like, when nobody's all skeptical and afraid of it, that's the best time to go into a business because you get to ride the early wave. Now, the downfall of being an early adopter with all that stuff is you're going to get all the bullshit back and forth with, you know, people need to understand that a lot of regularly, not all of them, but a lot of regulations exist to protect special interests, large corporations, most of the time, bro.
Starting point is 00:27:39 A lot of look time. Look, cannabis was made, speaking of marijuana, everybody knows this now. So I'll bring this up because nobody can argue this. It was made a schedule one drug federally, meaning most illegal, most illegal, biggest potential for abuse, most dangerous. The reason why it was put there, and we all know this very well now, was because they were trying to find a way
Starting point is 00:27:59 to throw the counter-cultural protesters in jail, and they couldn't throw them in jail for protesting, because that would require changing the constitution So they took their favorite drug and made it schedule one and then kept it that way so that they could get these dumb hippies who are protesting You know, there's like no way you can overdose I know like really it's safe enough that we don't even know We don't know what the LD50 is I can't believe it. That's how non talk. I mean, you're not gonna have a good time. It's not gonna be great for you, but you ain't gonna die.
Starting point is 00:28:27 I'm gonna die. No, so they did that. Even people need to look this up. In 1974, I wanna say, the government did a study on cannabis trying to connect it to lung cancer because they needed to continue the property. They couldn't even put that out because they didn't end up, they found that it like actually,
Starting point is 00:28:42 they saw an anti-cancer effect. You shut the study down. They saw an antichancer effect. You said they studied it. Yes. They shut the study down. So with peptides, peptides, you can't patent them because of how they already could change them just so that it's, it'll be impossible to patent them. It's very difficult. Compound pharmacies can make them.
Starting point is 00:28:58 They have real applications, real potential benefits. People are going off medications because they're taking peptides. They can become very inexpensive as a result. And this is a major threat to the pharmaceutical industry. So the FDA will step in and to protect their friends in big pharma will eliminate their competition. That's it. Or there's always like a, like in the cannabis space, there was this, these backdoor deals that, you know,
Starting point is 00:29:26 like what we would see is all of a sudden zoning would change. You know what I'm saying? We're just like, and then we'd like target, you know, competitors. And then the ones where the zoning was okay, it just so happened to be the people that were friends with the people that were making the decisions on where the zoning was gonna be.
Starting point is 00:29:42 It's like, there's so much of that shit going on on the back. Like, and I don't know enough about the peptide space. Like, I'm not, I was in the campus space. So I'm gonna let them compound is what they'll do. They'll go after the compounding ability somehow because the peptides themselves are gonna be really hard. Which is just like what they do with the dispensaries. It's like, they were gonna go, by that time,
Starting point is 00:30:01 the cat was at the bag, marijuana was doing so much good. So they made it illegal to bank with them. Yeah, so they made it exactly It was like okay, you guys could sell the stuff, but then you can't put it in a bank Well, how the fuck do I pay my tax? Well, not exactly now we're gonna get you on that. Yes This is what they did so yeah, I know it's it totally reminds me of that it's so so so now the positive thing for the consumer is eventually this leads to Eventually it leads to everybody getting involved in it the price is coming this leads to, eventually it leads to everybody getting involved in it, the price is coming down to be more accessible.
Starting point is 00:30:29 So eventually it will get there. The process on the way there though is always shaking. It's so frustrating. It's so frustrating. Anyway speaking of like cool cutting edge stuff, that study I brought up on a few episodes ago on red light therapy and blood glucose levels is flying. This was a big deal. This was, okay, so this was the study
Starting point is 00:30:49 where they took red light therapy. For 15 minutes, they shined it on the upper trapezius muscles of subjects. It doesn't matter where you shine it, but they just use that area. Lowered blood glucose, so they did nothing else. Just red light therapy. Now, red light stimulates the mitochondria.
Starting point is 00:31:06 So the mitochondria uptake and utilize glucose more. This is what ended up happening. And they dropped their blood glucose numbers by 28%. Literally doing nothing. Yeah. Just seeing down. So lots, it's circulating. People are going crazy.
Starting point is 00:31:21 Because there's very few things you can do that'll do that to you besides exercise. Like you could exercise or Walk or move after eating and you'll see really really nice significant changes. This is just you Sitting there so I could see people at desk jobs. Yes after lunch like the red light room That's it just after lunch shine it on yourself after you eat lunch You're less likely to get a crash a spiking crash blood sugar. you're less likely to get a spike in crash with blood sugar, you're less likely to get insulin insensitive, scheduled breaks.
Starting point is 00:31:50 So people could like get some kind of exposure. Probably less likely to store body fat. What would that do? Like he, so my sister, right, who works for us. She, her thing is that she puts it up by her computer. Now she just, and it just kind of, kind of blasts her. You know what she also has now, is she has the treadmill desk.
Starting point is 00:32:07 Oh, so I'm wondering her doing lunch, going to lunch, and then doing that, and then walking on the treadmill while hitting the red light. Probably one of the best situations right there. Yeah, oh wow. I'm obviously showing this. She's onto something for sure. But I mean, talk about remarkable.
Starting point is 00:32:23 So people are just, they're commenting, talk about it. It people are just they're commenting. You know talk about it It's like again, there's nothing you could do besides pharmaceutical that would lower your blood blood glucose like that 28% crazy now a lot of these studies remarkable you find because you're into all this stuff and you're always reading like science daily And she'll like that but our does Juve prop post. Yeah, oh, they do yeah, if you go on the website They have all the latest studies on I'm sure like that, but are, does Juve post, or they do? Yeah, if you go on their website, they have all the latest studies on red light therapy and what it does and what it doesn't do. By the way, just for, I know we work with Juve,
Starting point is 00:32:53 but one of the reasons why we work with them is the red light that's using studies very rarely is the same red light, like wavelength and intensity that is used by people that sell products. It's not all the same, just because it's red is not mean it's the same red light. Juve uses what they use in studies. So it's a legit.
Starting point is 00:33:10 I wonder how much the, I mean, it's not black market, but what would you call that? Like when it's like a knockoff, the Fugaisy version, like, what's the Fugaisy market of red light? Like I wonder how big it is. I want because it's been getting, it's getting more and more popular and I think I mean you even see it like when I see it in Movies and shows now like you see like people using all these different red light. I have a buddy that had So I he was like, hey, Sal, it was listening to your show I want to look into the red light thing. I'm like, oh, here's the link. You know, we have a discount code
Starting point is 00:33:40 Whatever is my friend. Yeah, idiot though. Yeah, so I found this one for you know, we have a discount code, whatever. He's my friend. Yeah. Idiot though. Yeah, so I found this one for Amazon. So annoying, dude. You don't think I did my homework? Yeah, I mean, I just exactly what I told him.
Starting point is 00:33:50 I said, bro, this is my space. If you asked me about fitness and health, trust me. Just like if I ask you about your stupid space, I'm gonna trust you. Anyway, what does he do? He goes online. He went online, ordered a red light hat. So he was doing it for hair loss.
Starting point is 00:34:05 It was, bro, I found this one. He's like, the one you were showing me was like three times expensive. This one was like, it was like 50 bucks. It's a hat you put on with red light. I'm gonna throw. I said, I said, It's like, we're gonna burn my skin.
Starting point is 00:34:18 So I pulled up the study. I said, does it have this wavelength that red light and he goes and looks it up. He's like, no, I'm fucking throwing your red light out of the way, dude. You just look like a Christmas. Fuck, we're wavelength at red light and he goes and looks it up. He's like, no, I'm fucking throwing your red light. You just look like a Christmas. You just walk around with red light. Well, you know, the unfortunate part about that, I believe that's probably why some people feel like it's a gimmick. Yeah. Because there probably are people that go buy something they hear red light and they get they get
Starting point is 00:34:38 advertised that this is like the same thing and then they try it and they're like, this is bullshit. I would every day for months. Do you guys get it. Do you guys have friends and family members like that? Who will like to eat it? A new workout or time. So you do many after asking you what to do? It's the worst. Oh, it happens to me all the time where they ask advice like that and then I see they're doing something else.
Starting point is 00:34:55 I'm like, why did you do that? Well, you told me this, I'm like, no, I told you this and then you were and decided to just do whatever you thought was a good idea. I have a, don't ask me then. I have a family member. I'm not gonna call it out. Cause they'll get mad because I've already done it before,
Starting point is 00:35:06 but they'll post. I'm on a thread with a bunch of friends and stuff and they'll post like, oh, back on my workout. This, oh, here's my diet. I'm cutting these things out and I see it every time, bro. I'm like, do you know how many times I've given you workouts?
Starting point is 00:35:19 How many times I've talked to him about diet? I'm like, here's what's gonna happen. So the last time I didn't say anything this time because I'm over it. But the last time I said, here's what's gonna happen. So the last time, I didn't say anything this time because I'm over it. But the last time I said, here's what's gonna happen. You're gonna lose 15 pounds. Three months later, he ain't gonna gain it back. Oh, fuck you, you're not supportive.
Starting point is 00:35:33 That's what you did the last five times. You want a bet money on this? Yeah, but how much you want a bet? So we bet money, sure enough, went back. I didn't take the money. He's already on the board. Just listen to me, dude. He's listening, bro. You think I'm, you know, my favorite. You know, my favorite food. I do find people say like, no, no, no to me, dude. He's listening, bro.
Starting point is 00:35:45 You think I'm, you know, my parents do five people, five people, say like, no, no, no, I know what you say, but I'm gonna do this first. And that's like the most common one. It's like, yeah, I know what you say. You know what I'm saying? I'm definitely gonna do that.
Starting point is 00:35:57 But first I'm gonna do this. So, but also I need to do cardio, top of that. So my dad, so my dad obviously is an expert with, especially with stonework, right? He's been doing this since he was nine years old. He went to go work on a friend's house and was doing their kitchen. And the friend was like, I'll help you so I can, you know, I'll pay a little less, but if I help you, my dad's, I get fine.
Starting point is 00:36:16 You can help me, I don't know, problem. So the whole time this guy's telling my dad, you don't need to do that. No, no, just do it this way. I saw it on YouTube and my dad is like, he's getting so like, yeah, dude, he's so, he does, because he does, he does a very good job. He's been doing his whole life. And he's like, crap, he's unknown.
Starting point is 00:36:33 If you do that, here's what's gonna happen. You're gonna want to damage, this is gonna break, whatever. Anyway, he ended up leaving halfway through because the guy kept telling him, no, no, no, no, listen, just, I saw it on YouTube. This guy knows you're talking about, my dad's like, do it yourself, I'm outta here. Dude, I call the back, I guy knows you're talking my dad's like do yourself. I'm out of here Dude, I call the back. I'm sorry. Come back
Starting point is 00:36:48 So no, it's so frustrating. Hey speaking of annoying things Dude, you want to talk about stress you guys okay? I moved Because we had mold in the old place had to get out right Move into this needs to put new place and you find out anything that has poor is gonna get rid of it So you throw it all your shit and mold travels with with you dude. How? Yeah. I know you told us that. How much head to get the throw away. So we got a we're getting new mattresses. Yeah. Okay. New mattresses. Like so how many is that? That's like four or five mattresses. Yeah. I mean, you got a lot of kids. Yeah. Mattresses. We got to wash all the low. You
Starting point is 00:37:21 should at least have me go try and work a mattress deal with someone first. That's a lot of money in mattress. The kids toys out all their poorest. What? Gone. Hey, did you already, if you didn't already, or we do have a relationship with sleep eight or eight sleep, always do backwards, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:39 They have, they have mattresses too, just so you know. So before you do that, I mean, I know today's not a commercial for them or anything like that, but since you're bringing up mattresses and I, so before you do that, I mean, I know today's not a commercial for them or anything like that But since you're bringing up mattresses and I and before you go and you see if I can return Oh, you already get it you already bottom we bought What are you thinking guy? I want to came with a big vat of bleach It bleach you do it throughout all of that you have to use specific white vinegar And then there's a spray that you can use if you don't want to get rid of certain things, you spray, it's got thymol in there,
Starting point is 00:38:06 which is like a plant oil, but now your house is working. So wouldn't it be a smart thing to, so you don't, that just doesn't potentially happen again to like do like a wrap around the mattress, like some sort of a plastic wrap that goes all over, like brand new mattress comes, like why wouldn't you just have like a real thin piece of plastic all the way around it,
Starting point is 00:38:24 and then put all your stuff on? I mean, you could, but if it's brand new, it should be why wouldn't you just have like a real thin piece of plastic all the way around it and then put all your stuff on? I mean, you could, but if it's brand new, it should be fine. But you know, but it came from the house and then the infantry said it wouldn't get through the plastic. Oh, you're not really encouraging mold growth though underneath that. But that better, this shit better be sealed is excellent. Oh, really? Yeah, because mold grows where there's moisture, lack of oxygen, lack of sunlight, dark
Starting point is 00:38:43 cool spaces. So you wrap someone plastic, that shit better be sealed. Otherwise you're encouraging. Yeah, because I don't know. Yeah. So we're just getting rid of everything. Oh, and my poor wife, she's like, because then you can contaminate shit.
Starting point is 00:38:58 So she's like, what do I do? I'm gonna wash this, but then if I put it over here, it's gonna touch this thing and she's like, I'm like, I don't know if it's like Ebola. Maybe we're okay if we just like, watch the house looks like dexter. So it's all part of just cause master plan to get all new stuff.
Starting point is 00:39:10 That's what it is. It's really what it is. I just really want to know. It's like, I wanted some new shit anyways. It's freaks out out easy. People add to that. Oh, the weights, we got through the weights a way,
Starting point is 00:39:21 a way. I thought of you, I saw this video and I was dying. And it was like, okay, so you know how, so people like me will give like a Natalian accent and it's kind of like, you know, you add the BBB BBB to it. Well, now imagine, imagine an Italian guy, like trying to give like a English American accent,
Starting point is 00:39:42 but in gibberish. Oh. Okay, so there's this, this, but in gibberish. Oh. Yeah. Okay. So there's this, this, this, like, I was just pertain to speak. There's a song that literally is like, a hit song that this guy from Italy, Italy made. That's an old song. I've never heard it before, but he's, the whole thing is gibberish. It sounds like it's like real words in,
Starting point is 00:40:02 like, that's classic. I'm like, what? What? What? He's talking about it.? Oh god. I'm so mad now. He's gonna put it up. I gave him a link to it. That's a famous song. I can't you know, I'm gonna get so much flack for not remembering this guy's name. He has some of the most popular classic songs. Yeah. Adriano. Tell them. Tell them. Tell them. Tell them. Yeah. Tell them. Do you like, is he like the Italian version of like Weird Al? No, no, no, no, no, don't ever see that about that.
Starting point is 00:40:30 He's a national treasure. I don't know. I like Weird Al. So he's seeing, what's the song called? It's called, oh boy, I can even pronounce it. It's pre-send, colon, yeah, put up. No, you have to hear this to see, you know what I'm talking about. Yeah, I'm so lost right now.
Starting point is 00:40:44 Okay, let me put it up. Well, you have to hear this to see. You know, I'm so lost right now. Okay, let me put it up. It's a famous song in Italy, and then there's a part where he's pretends to be speaking English, but he doesn't know English. It was done in the 1970s. 1970s. So I grew up listening to Chelentano.
Starting point is 00:40:56 Okay. Yeah, all my dad had all of his eight tracks and all that shit. Yeah, I was like, he's literally a national tracker. It's catchy for sure. He's like Bruce Springsteen. So, okay, what do you guys, I'm gonna say, what is the parallel to us? He's like Bruce Springsteen. Okay, what do you guys, I'm gonna say, what is the parallel to us?
Starting point is 00:41:06 Oh, he's like Bruce Springsteinger. Oh, yeah, in Italy. He's like, so he's really good. He's very thin. And then this is like his, and now is he doing it like, is a mockery and kind of, or just tongue and cheek, or what is it?
Starting point is 00:41:17 That's a good question. I don't know if they knew in the 70s what was going, like if he was just doing it, I don't know. He just started just like, you know, put the gibberish and then it just became like, oh, it's catchy. Yeah, we're going to put it up now. No, that's English. Yeah. Not even one to the word.
Starting point is 00:41:44 Oh, that's great What's the name of that song, Doug? I'll tell you what it is. It's like 25 letters long Like what the hell's he talking about That's great. Yeah, that's great. We literally, because I can do even that, but even that, but we, I'll look him up. It's, it's, Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:10 Right here. It's like, It's a long, I forgot to say that. It's precinct, like super piano, and fragilistic and espialidatic. Basically, yeah, it's too soft. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. One of his,
Starting point is 00:42:20 he's, he I'm looking at about, right now, he's bringing back so many, so many memories. My dad literally had every one of these freaking albums. Oh, right. Yeah, dude, he still does. We still listen to it. That's great.
Starting point is 00:42:30 Yeah, and people, I saw people commenting on that. Why we go through all that trouble, not write actual words, but it's because he didn't know any English. Yeah, he's still, to this day, he'll still get on a time TV and he'll perform a people just love the guy. Well, it's funny, because even when they write words, like there's been a bunch of these 70 songs where they just, like they get in the studio and they're like super high
Starting point is 00:42:51 and then it comes out different. And it is like gibberish, but it's like, oh, that's the one we keep. You know, just, I don't know. I think it's sometimes you get in flow and it's like, this actually makes sense. It sounds good with the beat. It's actually a great song.
Starting point is 00:43:04 Yeah, I can, you can tell. I can tell like, oh, okay, let's go, I'll have a good beat to it. It's actually a great song. Yeah, I can, you could tell. I can tell like, okay, that's, that's a guy. I'll have good beat to it. I, for, it took me a minute to realize, oh, he's not saying anything. Yeah. Yeah. I'm just, for my ears, I think he's saying another language, but I'm like, oh no, he's trying to, like, sound like he's saying English words, but there are none of those are
Starting point is 00:43:20 he. I mean, I feel like Americans do that shit all the time too. I just thought of that. I was like, yeah, is it in the form of me doing that? No, in form of me. Well, he's actually, like, did he really have an accent? What's his name's snow?
Starting point is 00:43:35 Did he really fronter make up? Dude, that's gotta be fake. Yeah, it's fake, isn't it? Yeah, it's fake. No, I think he was from Jamaica. He was saying real words, but he was doing it all fast, you know? Yeah, but it was a real accent. I feel like that's the white guy version of doing it like to
Starting point is 00:43:48 make him use it. I totally feel like that. When Americans make fun of other languages and make up words, oh, it's racist. Yeah. I'm not going to pretend. Well, this is just canceled. Hey, speaking of canceled, what's up? I'm playing that fight, huh? Oh, I watched it. I'm so I watched. I've I normally watch these and it was a weird time because I think it was in London a lot of bad press I apparently was just a joke. Oh they thought I saw the highlights afterwards Dylan Dylan down whatever's name is like he was just Not taking serious acting like an idiot pretended to like try to get team at one point got disqualified loss I mean it was it up until then he was gonna ask it. The whole time, but it went to decision too though. So such a, like I feel so sorry for, you know what?
Starting point is 00:44:29 This will be interesting, right? So I'm glad you brought it up because we have this ongoing conversation on this show about how we speculated like the future of boxing and stuff. This is an example of what will kill it, I feel like, for a lot of these people that are paying for these fights because they string enough of these types of fights in a row like this and people will stop paying that for the money because it was such a joke. It was so stupid.
Starting point is 00:44:55 There was no, it wasn't a real good competition. It was all built around the drama. Lena, it was very Jerry Springer. And I think that you have to ask yourself how many people will continue to pay that kind of money. I mean, Jerry Springer is on television for free every day. So that's a different story. Like would people actively keep paying 599 a month or whatever to catch that? I don't know. No, the reason why it was getting so popular
Starting point is 00:45:17 is because the circus, but then the fights were actually legit. If it keeps going like this, I think it's, I don't know though, right? Because there are, I mean, again, Jerry Springer is the apple. I'm gonna use this very popular, but it's also on cable TV, so it's free. Yeah, isn't that the risk though of hyping so hard? You know what I mean? It's like the dude that's like, I'm so good and bad.
Starting point is 00:45:40 Oh, baby, I'm gonna, and then they get in bed. It's like, you know, two minutes later, you know, it's like, that would have been okay. It's not happened to you with two minutes later, you know, it's like, I would have been okay. It's not happened to you with a lot of guys. Yeah, it's not. It's not happened to you. Like, it's exactly how it's happened. It's like, you know, it's like,
Starting point is 00:45:51 when guys tell you the point, right? And they totally let you down. I'm a, I'm a underseller. There ain't so many guys, dude. It's so bad. So many guys. So many guys let me down. So many guys.
Starting point is 00:46:03 Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah. Yeah, great. Yeah, come you guys let me down? So what do you guys? Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's enough. You said the table. Bring that thunder. That's enough. I mean, I saw it on Andrews, Doug's, Mays and Justice Aaron had the same thought.
Starting point is 00:46:15 I'm always letting this down. Anyway, that undersell, I get over deliver. So I wonder if, you know, keep going. I mean, again, with the whole Jerry Springer thing, I don't know. Maybe would people actually, do you think people would pay like a monthly fee or a big fee to actually watch Jerry Springer? Or do you think because it's all Jerry Springer is all fair now. Nobody watched it anymore.
Starting point is 00:46:41 All right. Oh, but rerun still on that thing. Yeah, they still people still watch that show. That show was so crazy, bro. That show was so. And people watched. You see the one with the, I don't know what you're supposed to say now, little person, I guess.
Starting point is 00:46:54 The little person stripper. It was a clip of a little person stripper who banged this girl. This like, he was like sleeping with this guy's wife and he comes out and was like, they were just like, get a fight each other. And the stripper guy had like black leather, like harness on and shit. I'm like, what, who made this, is this real? Who invented this? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:12 This is crazy. Yeah. Like, how much of it was like people they just, I don't like, are these real people like every time or is it like, did they find certain people that like have a certain role? They play, I mean, that's a hack. I think Adam brought this up. If you feel bad about yourself, watch Jerry Springer. He's on your life seems pretty well put together.
Starting point is 00:47:30 Yeah, well speaking of that, so I was ever brought to my attention that there was actually a coloring book that he was looking at getting and I just lost it. There's a coloring book literally for people of Walmart. For people of Walmart. And what? Have you ever seen, okay, if you've seen the book,
Starting point is 00:47:48 the people of Walmart. There's a famous book called The People of Walmart. And it's a whole book. Yeah, so there's actually a coloring book that these people like. Are they on like rascals? Yeah, well, it's just all the wild outfits and the wild body types and the whole nine yards.
Starting point is 00:48:07 And so I was like, it's artistic and creative. Like, let's go. So I bought that and then where do you even find something like that? It Amazon. Do they have like ridiculous? I saw the worst thing once at a Walmart. I just remember, I just, I think I blocked it out because I just remembered it.
Starting point is 00:48:22 There was a really, really heavy set woman. Yeah. And she was wearing a, just a shirt. Okay. It was a big shirt. It was just a shirt, but because it's a shirt, it was kind of short. And her belly was like exposed underneath it.
Starting point is 00:48:38 So it was covering everything. So it was like, you would see her walking. And then the belly, the bottom belly part was coming out of the shirt. Wow. And there was nothing else. Yeah, this is it right here. Just yeah Wow The American flag overalls and the cat t-shirt and that's great dude. Yeah, it's fantastic Oh, well, I'll tell you that it's called that we're making a project
Starting point is 00:49:01 That's a bad humans dude Hey, I know it's like it's been around since 2016. Wow. Hey, you know, it's on the funny now. Um, dude. Have you seen dude? The original? No, I mean that Yeah, of course, damn. I started watching that again yesterday That's one of the few movies I've watched now That's a long movie to watch multiple times. I've seen it three times and I'm gonna watch it again. It's it's one of my favorite movies. It's so well like that the just the design of it the way they present the culture of the future in in contrast to the technology. Yeah and all that like they did. I hope the second one hits so I just the same because yeah you never know but
Starting point is 00:49:44 I was really good. Oh it's such a great movie. It was good. I think that's one hits so wide. It's the same because yeah, you never know, but they did. I was so good. Oh, it's such a great movie. It was good. I think that's one of the few things that I think we were on the same page with. I think when it comes to movies a lot of times, we're off. Did you guys ever watch the original movie, dude? I did.
Starting point is 00:49:55 A lot of time ago, the Kiffel flat. Yeah, that was tough. Have you guys ever seen the actual book, dude? Yeah, yeah. I tried to read the whole thing. Yeah, it's like two Bibles. I think so. I got three quarters of them.
Starting point is 00:50:08 I mean, isn't that the idea of all these, these are like following the story, right? I mean, it's obviously that the first one left out a ton of what's inside that book. So it would be interesting to see how it does. Yeah, it is. So come soon though, doesn't it? Uh, yeah, I think this year, I think so maybe.
Starting point is 00:50:24 That main actor keeps getting himself into weird shit though. I don't know his name is Oh really? Yeah, like what's his name? I can't remember He keeps like headlines and stuff about him. Go ahead Doug. Yeah March 15th 2024. Oh good. Yeah It's coming out soon. I'm excited about that Adam. I want to ask you about the feedback on the flavor that you invented for I am gonna take the credit for actually I was just talking to Mike this morning. It is becoming everybody's favorite flavor. Wow. So we were getting that already on our end, but he's saying that that's the feedback he's
Starting point is 00:50:57 getting on his end too. So it's flying. I'm just going to flying. I'm just going to point a few things out. So this is creatures of habit. People don't know. High protein oatmeal. Adam came up with the idea for the flavor, which is now becoming the top selling flavor. So it's amazing.
Starting point is 00:51:10 So I'm just gonna put a few things out there. Sometimes there's signs in the universe that say that something should happen. And we've now worked with companies that we work with with ideas for supplements and products. So far they've all been a home run. All I'm saying is, we should start a supplement company if someone's home.
Starting point is 00:51:29 You guys should give me, let me try. Let me put some shit together. Oh, come on. Jess, we don't need you anymore distracted right now. I think the fans won, right? You guys won't be able to make some crazy. No, don't get them involved. I will put something up.
Starting point is 00:51:41 This is the perfect situation, right? We've now built such good relationships with partners that are allowing us to make these decisions. To me, without any of the stress and headaches. Yeah. Yeah, guys trying, that guy's trying to build and sell a company. You know how stressful his life sounds?
Starting point is 00:51:55 Sounds so stressful. Like all we have to do is. It's amazing. Here's an idea. Yeah. And then it crushes. You know what's it? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:03 Yeah. You don't want me to make something? No. Scary. But you care. You don't care about it. You don't it crush it. It could be us. Yeah. No, you don't want me to make something though. Scary. But you care. You don't care about it anymore, money. You don't care about it. I just want to make, I just want to make something.
Starting point is 00:52:09 You just, I mean, we've got credit for it. I mean, our names are like, our names are all over it. And, you know, so I think that, I mean, your name was on the peak power and now this and then, and then what, we're going to work on something with Ned, right? So we're going to do something. I mean, to me, that's as cool as to have all these partners
Starting point is 00:52:27 that we love and do business with. And they are coming to us to do something. Just kind of horrible stuff. So I don't want to mean that. I don't want to be the guy. I don't want to be the guy that came up with the algorithm for Google and then, you know, just the engineer. And I'm ending Google takes the algorithm.
Starting point is 00:52:40 I'm keeping my most, I'm keeping my best ideas myself. Yes, we do. We all agree. We want to be that guy. We want to be the, you know, the engineer, I'm making my most, I'm keeping my best ideas myself. Yes, we do. We all agree. We want to be that guy. We want to be the, you know, the engineer that make no money. The uphated salary. He signed it over to Google.
Starting point is 00:52:51 Oh, you think, oh, I think the guy who wrote the algorithm for Google. I don't like any of that. I mean, that might be the guy who invented the algorithm. Yeah, for sure. He's doing all right. I don't know who did that.
Starting point is 00:53:01 Actually, I'm sure it's probably the two guys, right? But, you know, that's how it happens with a lot of these companies is they have people, researchers, and they will discover things, but they automatically, when they've worked there, sign it away. So saying, like, if I come up with a huge discovery, it's, and I get why, right? Otherwise, the person wouldn't have the R&D
Starting point is 00:53:17 and the ability to do it. But that's what happens. You're like Steve Wozniak and you're not jobs. Yeah. Yeah. I don't even think you don't want the, I ain't gonna realize you don't want that. You don't, you like being anonymous.
Starting point is 00:53:28 You already don't like the, any sort of attention that you get as it is. So any more, you don't want to be the guy. No. You don't want to be the guy. No, but I want to start a supplement company. Nobody knows. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:53:39 That's gonna be real simple. Well, yeah. How does that feel? Oh, you're gonna make a, what I'm making a for profit business that nobody knows about. I'll talk, I'll talk, I'll talk about to make a for-profit business that nobody knows about Okay, I'll talk I'll talk about it like this with guys. This is weird supplements can be black market to They put ingredients in the other countries. I mean it would be fun is to do something eventually at one point
Starting point is 00:54:01 Salami subs yeah, I like it Salami subs. Yeah. I like it. Oh, I like it. Would you like to love me to capsule? Hey, I got, I got, it was down good. I got to bring something up that is so illuminating to me. You guys are probably gonna think like whatever,
Starting point is 00:54:15 we already know this, that's fine. But there's a page on Instagram called, maybe this will be our shout out, but this page is called, I wrote it down, ADHD, so ADHD and then ooers, right? So it's a page for research and behaviors with people who have about people with ADHD. So I found this page, because your wife studies it,
Starting point is 00:54:41 because she's been studying it, to try and figure me out. Yeah. And boy, you know, it's very illuminating, a little saddening, but also illuminating. Like I, so there was one, there's a doctor on their side. I'm gonna try and get these people on the show at,
Starting point is 00:54:57 in fact, it's pretty interesting. So this guy talked about it, it was this doctor and he says, yeah, you'll meet people with ADHD and they'll say, I don't have memory problems. I remember more things than anybody else. I could tell you it was on the page of this book that I read and I read this thing and he goes, people with ADHD don't have issues with memory.
Starting point is 00:55:16 They have issues with short-term working memory, meaning you'll tell them something, they'll go in the other room, forgot what was happening and then get distracted doing something else. I'm like, oh shit, that's total. Yeah, that's 100% time That's the page right there really interesting stuff time blindness. Did you guys know that this was a thing time Yeah, I refuse to believe that's a thing. Well, look I have created a lot of it. It's an excuse to be late. No First off first first of all, I'm not late to which I adjusted. I'm not late to appointments. That's the
Starting point is 00:55:52 thing. But here's where for me it comes becomes fucked up. Me calculating how much time something's gonna take is very difficult for me. So I could do that in like 15 minutes or I could do that in whatever. Very difficult or I'll go perform a task saying I'll be back in 30 minutes when actually it's going to be like two hours. But they were talking about some of the stuff and how the brain works and it's really, really very fascinating. There was also a talk on because a significant percentage of entrepreneurs have ADHD And there was this woman that interviewed people with ADHD and found what made them
Starting point is 00:56:28 the successful people so successful. And the reason why they were successful is they leaned on their strengths and learned how to outsource their weaknesses. So. I mean, that's why I think that's the single greatest piece of advice that was ever given to me. I totally was that because I don't even know if I've
Starting point is 00:56:43 never cared to decide if I was diagnosed with this or officially have this or not. I definitely have found that not worrying about the things I'm not so good at because I can't seem to focus on those things as just a smart strategy and then going all in on the things that I'm already good at because I'm good at it. I tend to really focus strongly on it. I think this is a successful way to focus. And at that point, yeah, it doesn't seem like it's something you need to solve, except for the fact that you need to just harness it and realize what you're good at with that.
Starting point is 00:57:11 Like you hyper focus, and so you can be productive and, and, you know, do well. It's just like it becomes a syndrome that they can add. You medication is another weird one. This one is so weird. You guys know when I walk in when I'm doing things I'll just be loud for no reason. I'll for no reason. I'll just yell something or I'll say something or I'll make a song or Whatever right and I just I've done this my whole life
Starting point is 00:57:34 Apparently this is a way that people with ADHD Stimulate dopamine for themselves because it helps them stay pay attention. I didn't realize that's what I was ramping it up Just naturally. Yeah, dude. I Yeah dude, I'm reading this thing. And listen, I'm like holy shit, all these weird things that people make fun of me over. That's why I do those things. Now what's your take on the fact that like, what 50, 60 years ago, like none of this like existed.
Starting point is 00:57:56 And then now it's like this widely accepted thing that we in diagnosed all these kids. And I told them. My take is, if you use it as an excuse, just like the beginning of the episode, we'll talk about, right? If you use it as, if you use it as an excuse, just like the beginning of the episode, we would talk about, right? If you use it as, you can use anything as an excuse. And when you do that, now you get a disadvantage.
Starting point is 00:58:12 The, here's the benefit, understanding yourself. Because then you can help design and create structures and create a lifestyle. You can optimize it. Correct. To work with, now I've already done a lot of the shit without realizing it. Like, there's a lot of weird things that I do that now, I'm like, that's why I do those things.
Starting point is 00:58:32 But that's what you need to do is understand yourself. Oh, that's what I, okay. Well, then now that I know that this is much more challenging for me, obviously I know this, but now I know why. Let me design my life around it in this particular way. For example, organization, terrible, terrible. I can be so disorganized. Well, knowing this and knowing that this isn't just me
Starting point is 00:58:51 not trying, it's just actually a chunk, like hiring an assistant or somebody who organizes for you is very valuable worth your money. Whereas the average person will look at you, be like, what do I weigh some money? Why are you hiring someone to do your schedule? Right, I know you're splitting your money up. Totally.
Starting point is 00:59:03 I thought you were serious, because there's a page that I saw it was like D80 HD Erz or something, because it was all these dads that, like, that's fine. Yeah, yeah. But it's a good page, it's a good page. If you have kids or a partner or you wanna learn about yourself or whatever, really interesting stuff.
Starting point is 00:59:19 Very cool. Sweet. There's a lot of CBD products out there. Here's a problem, you don't feel any of them. Well, that's because either they don't use CBD, there's no regulations, or they don't use full spectrum hemp oil with all of its terpenes and other canada bonoids
Starting point is 00:59:34 that make the CBD more effective. Well, there's a company called Ned that uses full spectrum hemp oil. You take this, you feel it. It's not like other CBD products. This one you actually feel for real. Check them out. Go to helloned.com. That's H-E-L-L-O, anyd.com forward slash my pump. Use to go to my pump and get 15% off. All right, back to the show.
Starting point is 00:59:55 All right, here. First caller is Tyler from Iowa. Tyler, what's happening? How can we help you? All right. Hey guys, thanks for taking my question. It's fun to be on with you. But off, thank you. So, all right, a little bit of background. So I'm 52 years old, six to roughly about 210 pounds. Battled my weight, my entire life, kind of a classic on-off light switch dieter, had several events of relatively extreme
Starting point is 01:00:26 weight loss that always would land me back where I started or even worse. My latest fitness journey started about four years ago I started working out with my son who was then a high school senior. He's also the one who turned me on to you guys and he's a a recent NCI grad. So, shout out to my son Solomon, who's been a huge part of my success and my fitness journey. So, originally I intended to lose about 10 pounds.
Starting point is 01:00:58 And just once I got on track with a healthy diet and weight training, I ended up losing about 50 pounds in that first year. And again, that was about four years ago. And so over the last four years, I've been spending four to six days a week in the gym, just weight training, walking, spending time in the sauna. And clearly, at this stage,
Starting point is 01:01:23 weight training was the game changer. I have, yeah, it's a genuinely have adopted a lifestyle that I know is going to remain with me indefinitely and just fell in love with the process of weight training, love being in the gym, got focused on the process and not the outcome. And so, yeah, weight training has so the weight training has transformed my body and truly changed my life. To recently, I started MAPS Antibolic at the recommendation of my son.
Starting point is 01:01:54 And before that, I was sort of doing my own thing with traditional splits, with doing push pull, upper lower, full body stuff. But I've really enjoyed the maps programming and being on maps at a ball, I can just really excited to see where that takes me. So that's again just a little bit of background on me, which will take me to my question. So through the course of that, like everybody else, I have been tracking some of the key metrics. Just body fat weight, all the standards. Going back even three years ago have just not seen a lot of dramatic
Starting point is 01:02:37 changes in those numbers. I've been fluctuating around that 210, been fluctuating in the 14, 15% body fat and looking back again, you know, that gets gets a little bit frustrating. And so my, I guess my question at my age and stage and my fitness journey, how should I think about gains should, you know, should I be just okay with knowing that it's going to take this kind of work to maintain where I'm at or should I expect more? Yeah, that's a great question. So first let me answer that last part.
Starting point is 01:03:10 Should I, and I'll rephrase it a little bit, should I be okay with the process and whatever the result of that process is, so long as I do the process in a healthy way? The answer is yes, that is the answer to long-term success with fitness. Now, the rest of your question is, in regards to your age and how that's going to impact your progress and what you can expect at this point, you're 6'2, 210 pounds sitting at about 15% body fat.
Starting point is 01:03:40 Very good place, by the way. Like, you've got a lot of lean body mass. You're very fit and 15% is a great body fat, right? Very good place, by the way. Like you got a lot of lean body mass. You're very fit and 15% is a great body fat percentage to maintain. Now the challenge with getting leaner is right around 15, 14%. I'm speaking generally, some people, it might be a little leaner,
Starting point is 01:03:59 some people a little higher, but right around that number, if you wanna get any leaner, you really have to start to be very detailed with diet, like super consistent. 15% is typically right around where a person will sit when they're doing everything right and they're healthy. Getting down to like 12, 11, 10, now you're getting to measuring. The excessive a bit. Yeah, you got to be meticulous every day. Weekends included.
Starting point is 01:04:26 And if that's what you want, and I think it's fun to go for it, I don't necessarily think it's a great place to maintain. People who tend to maintain that kind of lean body fat percentage tend to have a challenging relationship with diet and exercise myself included anyway in the opposite, right? So I tend to struggle with letting off a little bit and not being a little body obsessed. But if you wanna get a little leaner, then you gotta start to get really detailed
Starting point is 01:04:53 with tracking, you start with the tracking for two weeks, find your maintenance, get your macros down, hit those targets, day in and day out, and then you'll start to see that number change. As far as building muscle is concerned, that's more of a slow consistent process with your strength training. I do want to ask you this over the last three years, have you seen changes in performance? Forget the physical, like what you see in the mirror and wait, are you seeing yourself
Starting point is 01:05:19 stronger, more mobile, more stable? Yeah, and so that was something I should have added, not really. So when I, and I'm not super diligent about tracking, you know, all of my, you know, all my volume, but of course I know, you know, what sort of my standards are. I know what dumbbells I'm gonna grab when I'm doing, you know, depending on what types of curls I'm doing
Starting point is 01:05:41 or my bench press, you know, I know all those stats and it honestly again over the last three years, not a lot of change in that. Lots of, I feel like there's a lot of physical changes again, thrilled with where I'm at, probably in the bed, for sure, in the best shape of my life, certainly for my age. And so I am satisfied with that, but sorry, that's a long answer to your question, but not really. Not a lot am satisfied with that, but sorry, that's a long answer your question, but not really. I have a lot of progress with my volume. I have a theory on what might also be going on here too.
Starting point is 01:06:12 So a lot of times when I have a client that has dropped a significant weight as you have, they're really hesitant to go back into like a bulk because they have finally shed all this weight and they haven't really put effort towards a legitimate bulk because in fear of putting on that body fat. And even if they do kind of go to a bulk, they do it for a little bit and they go, oh God, I'm putting on weight. I don't want to go. They go back the other direction.
Starting point is 01:06:39 Right. Is this something that you've experienced? Have you actually ran a consistent bulk and seen if we could build some and put some size and weight on? Yeah, no, my son's gonna love that you said that because he's been telling me that for at least a year He's been encouraging me to try it. And yes, I am Again, as somebody who's I literally my entire life battling my weight the idea of doing that is it's something. Yeah. Yeah. This is the progress. 100% how this is so normal. And I had a feeling
Starting point is 01:07:13 when you first like you laid everything out really nice for us. And I'm like, I bet he hasn't gone on like a serious bulk in a long time. And by the way, that is just enough to kind of keep you there. And's, and this is a perfect thing where I have this conversation with clients, so I go, okay, you're healthy, you're fit, you're strong. We're in a place, and if you like the way you're eating, we can stay here kind of forever. But if you want the next level,
Starting point is 01:07:36 then what we need to do is we need to go into a bulk for a while and actually build some muscle and support all this work you're doing, so you can get extra calories to build more muscle and you'll see the strength gains go up. And then we'll come back down the other direction. And I think it'll come off pretty easy. You're gonna see that,
Starting point is 01:07:53 but it's the psychological part of getting past like, oh shit, like I went up three, four pounds and thinking that it's body fat because that's the struggle that somebody who is carrying that extra weight on that worked their ass off to get where you're at now. But it's, if you want to go to the next level of body fat percentage and strength, it's necessary that you're going to want to track with that too. Because of your fear of gaining body fat, tracking is going to help because it's going to give
Starting point is 01:08:21 you parameters and you're going to hit specific numbers. A reverse diet, which I'm sure your son is very equipped to individualize for you, much better than we can because we only have a little bit of time here on the podcast, but a reverse diet is exactly would be the exact prescription that I want you to do in pursuit of building strength. And what will happen is your weight will go up a little bit. It'll probably be just lean body mass. And as a side effect, you'll get leaner
Starting point is 01:08:49 because you're probably not going to gain body fat if you do the reverse diet the right way. Especially because you've been doing this for a little while now, pretty consistently. But you'll see the strength gains go up, your metabolism will kick in, it'll feel great. And then you can cut down from there. The other part of this that's important, Tyler,
Starting point is 01:09:07 is because we're talking a lot about, especially in the beginning of the question, how to do this forever and enjoy the process. There's a learning process here that is, it's basically being shown to you right now, or revealing itself to you. And the learning process is to become comfortable with eating more food
Starting point is 01:09:28 So that's gonna be very helpful for you long term because this is always gonna be something that is gonna be in the back of your mind or maybe be challenging for you as you continue down this process Okay, yeah awesome so You know, I assume and and tracking is something that I've struggled with and something that I know that I need to start doing. But as I start in that bulking phase, are there any things, sort of any benchmarks, things to look for to say, hey, you're not actually gaining lean body mass.
Starting point is 01:10:00 You're just overdoing it. You're overconsuming. I mean, is that, or am I overthinking that piece as well? You're overthinking it a little bit. I think that someone like you, the thing that I know that I'd be most concerned about, and I know what will happen because I've done this enough times with someone in your exact position, is you're going to increase calories a little bit, and you're going to see the scale bump a little bit. I mean, it's just, you're eating more calories, you're eating increase calories a little bit and you're gonna see the scale bump a little bit. I mean, it's just, you're eating more calories,
Starting point is 01:10:27 you're eating more carbohydrates, which means your sodium goes up a little bit, which means your body's gonna retain a little bit of water. It's completely part of the process. And then you go the other direction, right? So like, you start adding calories and you go, oh shit, I put too much weight on too fast and then you go back to the other direction
Starting point is 01:10:43 and then it's like, we were in the same spot again. So the big thing I would want you to do if you were my client is like, okay, we're going to focus on protein first. We got to track that and make sure we hit that. That's a bare minimum. Like let's make sure we hit our every single day, 210 grams of protein and let's be consistent with that. And then if as long as you're eating whole foods, I really would just encourage you to try
Starting point is 01:11:04 and add a meal in there or add a portion size. So let's say you eat six ounces of meat every meal and let's say a cup of rice, I might just bump you an extra half a cup of rice in two of your meals, or I might just bump two or three of your meals, the ounces of meat from six to eight ounces or from eight ounces to ten ounces.
Starting point is 01:11:25 It doesn't have to be a lot. You really don't need to like radically change or go on this crazy aggressive bulk. It's like if you know what you kind of eat like your portion size literally bump the meat a couple ounces or bump the carbohydrates, especially good sources like rice or a quinoa or potato or potatoes, just bump the ounces by a couple of ounces and you that's enough to feed an actual bulk and then the goal should be to slowly be able to increase it. It sounds like already you've got a pretty smart kid.
Starting point is 01:11:57 Yeah and it sounds like he and the fact that I would have him do the reverse. I would. I think between if you track and do a good job of tracking protein and then like filling out either of my fitness pal or fat secret, and then he has a very good non-biased view of what you're doing, because you are gonna have to get out of your own head while you do this and kind of trust him
Starting point is 01:12:19 to kind of guide you through this. I think he's gonna do you right. I have a lot of faith in him and just a little bit of time we've talked about him. Yeah, it sounds to me too. Like, I mean, the going to do you right. I have a lot of faith in him and just a little bit of time we've talked about him. Yeah, it sounds to me too. I mean, the more we can move towards focusing on the performance gains and strength gains and your sort of mentality going into these workouts of like, I just want to see incremental growth there and just focus all my attention, just like you're focusing on your intention on being lean for so long. This needs to be a massive shift just in your thought process with that.
Starting point is 01:12:47 So now, too, a lot of that just kind of happens naturally, but initially, of course, tracking just to make you see that there is going to be progression with it is important, but really to relieve yourself of that stress of the scale and how things are going. If your progress is moving forward with your performance in the gym, things are moving the right way. I'll echo that right now. That's the best way to get out of your head is to focus on the strength in the gym.
Starting point is 01:13:14 If you're doing a good whole food-based calorie surplus, if you're working with your son and you're tracking, I wouldn't weigh myself at all, if I were you. I would just look at the weights on the bar and be like, okay, I had 10 pounds on my squat. Whoa, there's another 15 pounds on my deadlift. You're moving in the right direction. Then you know, like we're moving in the right direction, we're doing everything right. And you could do this for a little while.
Starting point is 01:13:37 And then when you get to the point where like, wow, I feel good. I'm eating a lot of food. I'm getting really strong. I feel great. I think it's time to cut. Then you can go and go for a cut It'll be a lot easier to get lean from that point for sure Mm-hmm
Starting point is 01:13:48 Is there a certain program that once so like again? I'm doing anabolic that's the first one I've run Is there one that I should go to and then to go back for the sake of Trying to lean back out. No, they're all, I like you there right now. Yeah, I like Annabale. They're all, you can, any string training programs in the book be good for either one. The key is, the key would be that you're doing something novel, which it sounds like you are,
Starting point is 01:14:14 because you just started in Maps Annabale. So I would stay in Maps Annabale, follow a reverse diet, and after, probably after the program is over, see how you feel, and then maybe go on a little cut. And always give yourself, like if you and your son do like your body fat or check some of these things occasionally,
Starting point is 01:14:32 make sure you give yourself a good amount of time. I never would judge myself on my diet and my training in a like a two week short period of like, oh, this isn't working out. Like make sure you give yourself a solid month of trusting the process, sticking to the diet, sticking to the training the way, and then you can look at the like month movement and go like, all right, am I moving in the right direction? And if so long as you're moving in the right direction, stay the course,
Starting point is 01:14:57 if you're not, because sometimes this happens, you overcrack, maybe, you know, you somehow we eat 700, 800 more calories a day than you should, and you put on, say, 2% body fat, then you go, okay, I didn't need to put that many calories. I can scale back a little bit on the calories, but just avoid tracking and measuring the body fat stuff too, too close together, and over correcting left to right. This is gonna be a lot of this. And I think the fact that you have a son who
Starting point is 01:15:25 is, as I can tell, knows what he's doing, I would kind of trust him to be the one who kind of says, Dad, you're doing good. Or I think we should go this other way, because you're going to get in your own fucking way. For sure, when you, when you've, what you, you've come from where you've came, you'll probably get in your own way. And so just kind of relinquish that a little bit to him and trust the process. I think it would be just fine. Yeah. Okay. Awesome.
Starting point is 01:15:49 So quick on anabolic then. So I'm in phase three and I've had some interruptions in my weekly routine. So okay to restart anabolic. I've heard you say that to others like it's okay to, we don't have to move from program to program. It's okay to exactly mean what I start back over and one again. Yeah. And then I don't know you've been, you're almost done with maps in a ball.
Starting point is 01:16:10 You know, I like, I like, I like, you know, I like him doing that. With a leather surplus. Yes, because I like you doing that. And because you just came through it. So when you go back and start over again, you're going to remember, oh, I was squatting this much or I was dead lifting this much. And hopefully if we're in a good surplus back to Justin's point, you see a performance in gain on some of these things. Yeah. And phase one is where you'll really start to notice it. So I like you running it
Starting point is 01:16:35 again. Okay. So quick question, I'm anabolic. How important are the trigger sessions for whatever reason I struggle getting him done? I'm great when I'm in the gym, very disciplined, but yeah, the off days, it's hard for me to just stop what I'm doing and hit a trigger session. They'll add a good three to five percent. So not insignificant. Okay, just make sure you don't do them super intense.
Starting point is 01:17:00 The goal is just to get a little bit of a pump. 10, 15 minutes. Okay, that's it. It doesn't have to be a lot. That's it. Okay. All right. Awesome.
Starting point is 01:17:08 Thanks for calling in. Hey Tyler, follow back up with us too. Yeah, thank you guys. I'd love to hear how you and your boy are doing in about two, three months. So I'd love for an email back. Let us know how things are going. Right on.
Starting point is 01:17:17 I'll do it. All right, thank you. Thanks for coming in. That was awesome. Yeah. You know, it made me think like killing it. Yeah, you know, I had a feeling though, right out the gates because of his. I called that. Yeah, you hit that I made me think like killing it. Yeah, you know, I had a feeling though right out the gates because of his
Starting point is 01:17:25 I called that. Yeah, you hit that right the nail head man. It's interesting. It's like you know if if like we lived in a world without scales and mirrors that required us to have to climb and move and and have strength People would look better. Yeah, everybody would look a lot better The irony right? Yeah, yeah, and then and just realizing the reason why we value the way people look when they look a particular way is because it's the- It's because of the work. It's actually the fact of the fact that the person can move
Starting point is 01:17:54 or it's a sign that the person can move well. It's not the thing that we're actually desiring. It's come doing what their body needs and wants. So, you know, him not weighing himself, just focusing on strength, it's gonna be key to this whole process. Yeah, it's a really hard place to come from, right? When you've, when you've totally, because he said he struggled with way
Starting point is 01:18:12 for, it sounds like most of his life is kind of. Well, this is the opposite for me when it was cutting. It's opposite. It only looks great, so it's like he doesn't want to lose it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And of course, you bump your calories and go into a bulk. The biggest amount of waking happens right away. So it's really a mind-fuck.
Starting point is 01:18:30 You increase these calories. Five pounds easy. Yeah, all of a sudden, three to five pounds come on the scale. And you were like, oh my God, all I did was eat a few more ounces of this or one more meal. And you think in your head, oh, that's fat. And it's like, no, it's not. And that's why I liked another number
Starting point is 01:18:47 that it gets kind of bashed. Again, I used to love to use this for clients. It's like 3,500 calories equals a pound of fat. If I just bumped you, 500 calories, and it's not even possible that you put body fat on. We had to build some muscle, a lot of that's water, so just keep that in mind that you gotta eat a lot of extra calories
Starting point is 01:19:09 to put on in a week's time a pound or two pounds of body fat. And I think you end up thinking that that weight that on the scale, or even the way you looked because, you know, you know, the way you look is if you play tricks on your face. Yeah, especially if you know you weigh it. It's floundering so much. Yeah. And you look in the mirror and like, oh my Yeah, especially if you know you way it's not so much. Yeah, you look in the mirror and like, oh my God.
Starting point is 01:19:28 Yes, it's all, it's all big. Sounds like his boy though, you know, I love it. I think it's guy-grading. You know what he's doing. Yeah, yeah, that's awesome. Our next caller is Kimberly from Iowat. Hi, Kimberly. How can we help you?
Starting point is 01:19:41 Hey, how are you guys today? We're good. How are you? Great. Doing great. Good. Good. Hey, I just want to start off with saying thanks so much for you know, just cutting through the mainstream jargon and really promoting and teaching what role health and wellness should look like. Thank you. It's really awesome to hear from you guys. You are doing an awesome job out there.
Starting point is 01:20:01 And I personally just I appreciate it very much. Thank you. Thanks for calling in. Talk to me. Yeah. So, you know, I wanted to say that I, I bought some of you guys's programs last year. I wanted to really get my body in this shape for being 50 years old. And so I'm there.
Starting point is 01:20:22 And so last year I bought the Vikini body kind of aesthetic program. Worked through that really hard. I did 11 weeks of that. And I felt really good, felt great about my body. Had used the focus and fortify part of that in the off days for my lower half, lower body, which is always kind of been an area for me that I want to work harder at.
Starting point is 01:20:47 So aesthetically, I just thought, you know, I had had some people saying, oh, you know, you're looking great, you know, and like I said, I'm a fitness trainer and have been doing it for 16 years or better, so I know what, you know, how to exercise, but I just really wanted that extra, you know, how to exercise, but I just really wanted that extra, you know, just really going a little harder. So bodybuilding was an area where I thought about aesthetically being able to get my body there. And some people that I know have done it, a girl half my age recently has a co-coup, she's
Starting point is 01:21:21 suggested I could use. And I guess that's just where I'm kind of not sure because I've been listening to you guys the past couple years pretty closely and most recently you guys say a lot of bodybuilding coaches suck and you know bodybuilding is really hard on the body. And so I guess you know I thought, the alternative may be some power lifting, but I really don't know how that's going to make my body feel or look. So I'd really like to hear more about that and what you guys think may be a good alternative for me, somebody who, you know, I value health, I value fitness. It's just my lower half of my
Starting point is 01:22:03 body. My everybody, I always feel like does really good. And I get lots of compliments. Nobody doesn't compliment my body. That's not what I'm saying, but I personally want to really work between where the hamstrings and the glutes meet. That's where I have the biggest problem. And so I was just kind of thinking about,
Starting point is 01:22:21 you know, these body building or powerlifting types of programs and how that might really put me there. All right, good question. It's all strength training. The, they're all gonna build muscle. The one that's gonna work most effectively for you is gonna be typically the one that's most novel. Now powerlifting the sport and bodybuilding
Starting point is 01:22:44 the sport are very different. But for someone like yourself who's been doing this for a long time, you love fitness, you love training your body. If you've never done powerlifting style training or programming, you'll probably get really good muscle sculpting effects from it, probably better than bodybuilding style programs, if bodybuilding
Starting point is 01:23:06 style programming is what you tend to always do. Now I see in your question, you have some questions about your SI joint and how it's going to make you feel. The challenge with powerlifting style training because it's so focused on strength and performance is always gonna be mobility. It's always gonna be, is my body stable enough? Do I have, is it bolster enough to push weight
Starting point is 01:23:37 in certain lifts? I don't know the answers to that. So if you notice mobility issues with yourself, you say you have SI joint type problems, I think working more towards mobility might be more beneficial unless that's your M.O. right now to begin with. So I get the better question would be what do you do now? What is your training typically look like now? I just want to add something to what you're saying, so I'm because I 100% agree with the direction you're going. If you are limited to what you can squat and deadlift because you're
Starting point is 01:24:05 essence. Okay, well, this is also probably what's hindering your progress in that specific area. So you could be, I mean, that sacred, Ilyac issue that I have, and it's probably from beating myself up all these years, guys, you know, I've been in group fitness for 20 years. Then that I've learned a lot through, well listen to you guys though, about the symmetry and about slowing down and form and just, you know, all of that. So, but my doctor, my chiro, he's what I do. I don't do a lot of mainstream doctors, but anyway, they said, he said 90 pounds would be tops. And right now he's suggested maybe not doing it because I'm a little inflamed at the moment
Starting point is 01:24:45 because dead lives and squats and flamed that joint back there and so I've been a little concerned about what I can do when it comes to power lifting then. Yeah, I would avoid, in that case, I would avoid power lifting training. And here's a deal, you said something that I wanna address. You said it's probably because I'm in beating my, you know, training so hard
Starting point is 01:25:03 or beating my body up. You've been training, you haven't addressed the right things. You've just been training wrong for a long time. Joint pain is not the natural state of the body because you work out. Joint pain if you work out is a result of strength and balance and weakness and stability issues. So we do have a program or two that I think would benefit you. Symmetry would be where I can.
Starting point is 01:25:27 Map symmetry would be excellent. And you know, prime or prime pro for its correctional exercise, I think those two things would help quite a bit. You probably lack some type of lateral stability, maybe always working in the sagittal plane. There may be some core stability issues. People with hip mobility will be a big focus for me. But, Matt, it's still solvable.
Starting point is 01:25:49 I want to make that clear too. This is solvable. This isn't like you have this and you're just going to be riddled with low back pain for the rest of your life and then you should just squat. That's why I don't think bodybuilding or powerlifting should be our focus right now. Our focus should be's let's solve this Yeah, let's solve it a big roadblock. That's in your way. That's right because once we solve that and then we can start to load the bar And you can start to squat and deadlift because it's not squatting in deadlift. That's a hip hinge movement
Starting point is 01:26:18 That's a that's a movement your body should be able to do pain free And the fact that you're limited to 90 pounds or less because it inflames you so much, means we have a root cause we need to address, so we can progress not only strengthwise, but progress your physique the way you want. You want to build that lower half and sculpt it. You've basically, you've probably already tapped out all the possibilities of doing that
Starting point is 01:26:44 without actually loading the bar and we've gotta get to the place where we can load the bar and so we gotta fix whatever this issue. Right, and how restrictive is your depth? Like even just gaining a few inches of depth is gonna give you a whole new exercise potential and like different muscle gain that you're not seeing in your legs.
Starting point is 01:27:03 And so just the restriction there and trying to work through a lot of the barriers that the pain is signalling, to be able to bring back some stability there in your hips and also your lower half is going to open up a whole new world of potential. I see that you do hot bar and yoga consistently. I do.
Starting point is 01:27:23 I don't think flexibilities are issue, if you've been doing that for a while You got I can get past 90 degrees in the squad. It doesn't hurt during the swatting a bit at lifting It's the day or two later is when my joint starts my low back first a little bit sometimes I push through Yeah, no, this is a strength stability issue strength. Yeah, it's a strength stability issue. So There's there's there's something lacking in your ability to stabilize when performing under load. We have to address that. Otherwise, it's never going to go away. No matter what you do, it's always going to be there. And you're going to eventually be limited on the exercises you can form. You don't want to not be able to squat
Starting point is 01:28:02 with some load. That's going to cause issues later on in life anyway. So we got to figure out why your SI joint keeps hurting you when you do a fundamental human movement. Yeah, what's Kimberly? What's your chiropractor doing? Is he just adjusting you or is he actually giving you like movements and exercises to do to correct this? He has given me some moves and exercises. I actually ask, you know, for those.
Starting point is 01:28:27 So yes, he's given me some, but a lot of it is just a light adjustments or he'll tell me you need to lay off the squatting like right now, since I'm a little inflamed, lay off the squats all together, which I love squats, you know, and so I'm doing like band work and some of the other stuff that was in the bikini and I got the map 15 to which kind of helps. So I was adding in those because I just don't want to go a full hour all the time either. So I like that. Yeah, I was just I just really didn't know where I should go with this so that I could get that body where I wanted it. And I'm not realizing that SI is. You guys now are saying that's the biggest problem. Yeah, this is it.
Starting point is 01:29:09 This is it in your way. Have you done any isometrics? Have you messed around with that at all? No, I haven't a whole lot. Probably just in group fitness. I've done isometrics. You guys, I have the, I do priming. I did buy the anabolic too.
Starting point is 01:29:24 And I like said, I do priming, but maybe I don't do enough. You just haven't addressed the issue. Do you know, do you have an idea of where the instability is coming from? Yeah. Yeah. So I have a little note here just what's going on is that my Ilium is chipped forward. On my right side and it causes a little nerve interference. And so then my, I have a rotated low sacred and sacred too on the right side. So it's always the right. Yeah, yeah, but that's like saying, that's like saying my SI joins some flamed and I got to MRI on it. So it's not telling us why. Why is that happening? It's probably a dysfunction between the communication with your so-as, your QL, maybe your core. It could be all the way down to your ankles.
Starting point is 01:30:12 Could be all the way down to our foot. Yeah, so Map's symmetry is the program I'd want you to follow. I want you to start every exercise with your stronger, more stable side. Copy the weights and the weight with your stronger, more stable side, copy the reps and the weight with the weak, sorry, with your weaker side, copy the weight and reps you do with the weaker side with the stronger side, even if you feel like you can do more, be limited by the weaker side. This is not a compromise, by the way. You're going to see body progress by addressing this the right way as well.
Starting point is 01:30:41 So it's not like you're putting all your progress on hold. You're going to see some progress by addressing this as well. So it's not either or it's actually both. So map symmetry would be the program to do for you. I also, so if you don't have that Doug will send that over to you. I also would like to get you in the private form if you're not in the private form already. Are you in the form? No, I don't believe so. And I would love to do that. I also, because I'm very interested in some reverse dieting, Adam, that you've mentioned. I think you had a family member, your wife's family, that you said each of us kind of keep fat in certain areas. And I feel like that's my my low spot.
Starting point is 01:31:17 Maybe this is obviously an issue too, but I wonder about some of that as well, because I seem to keep the fat right there. In the unfortunate saddle bag area, they call women's form. Well, you know, so. Let's get you in the forum. I want to get you in the forum. I really want to address this pain. I think when we address this, we're going to unlock a lot of things for you.
Starting point is 01:31:40 We also have Dr. Brink who is in there, who is our go to doctor when it comes to a movement specialist. And I would love for you to actually video yourself performing like a barefoot squat. You don't need to load the load it. Just literally barefoot squat as deep as you can. Show us, you know, a front side view of that and tag us and Dr. Justin Brink, and I'd like to take a look at how you're moving in a squat, and maybe we can, maybe something will be a little enlightening for some of us to give you even better eyes.
Starting point is 01:32:14 But I'm telling you right now, I need to see you move, yeah. This is the limiting factor for you seeing the gains you wanna see and the change in your lower body. Like, 100% is, you've maxed out what you can get down in your lower body through working around this issue for so long. We need it now. If you want more, you want to build more muscle, you want to tighten the butt up the saddle about all the things you're talking about, then we got to address the thing that's limiting
Starting point is 01:32:40 you right now. So let's fix that and then we'll go from there. Thank you. You got it. No, I just didn't I didn't realize I was going to be the topic. I really thought I could go into some bodybuilding, but obviously none of that's going to work if I'm not feeling good. Yeah, you know, the irony of this Kimberly, you've been training people for a while I bet you if you had a client who came to you with the exact same stuff, you would have given the answer that we gave you. Right, absolutely. I want them to get healed. Yeah, that's the being of being a trainer. I think so funny. It's different when you're working with yourself. Always, always.
Starting point is 01:33:16 It's always a root of it. Always different. Thank you, Kimberly. All right, Kimberly, we'll see you in the form. We'll see you in the form, okay? Take care, guys. I'll see you in the form. We'll see you in the form. Okay. Take care guys. I'll see you there. You guys ain't that the truth with trainers every time every time. I know so much better with our clients. Yeah, I mean look if you have pain that is that not allowing you to perform
Starting point is 01:33:39 What you feel like you should be capable to perform with these kind of fundamental movements. You don't address the pain issue. If it's not an acute injury. You do whatever you want. You ain't going anywhere. That's not going away. Yeah, it's just going to exaggerate it and it's going to get louder. But yeah, I, it's one of those things like we can throw ideas on and just spitball with it, but I have to see her move and really see how that compensation happened.
Starting point is 01:34:04 I would speculate though she probably had a previous injury that didn't even realize, you know, affected all that. I'm the reason why I wanted her to do barefoot squat is I think I'm going to be able to see something from her foot all the way up. Yeah, so that's what I think. I hope I don't offend her, but I also don't like the chiropractor. I also think that I think that giving her the generic diagnosis that he gave her and to not be stressing specific movements and strengthening and the advice is don't squat or deadlift or avoid.
Starting point is 01:34:32 Who knows what the whole conversation was. I know. But I mean, and then it sounds like they just mainly do adjustments. You know, this is, this is an area where I get, and of course, I don't have all the information, but I don't know, I'm willing to bet that we're gonna get her in that form. We're gonna see the way she moves and between the three of us and or Dr. Brink,
Starting point is 01:34:54 we're gonna be able to give her things already to start to progress and improve her current situation. Yeah, the whole like your sacrum is tilted this way and your really is this and then, oh look, here it's all straight now because I adjusted you yes and they come back next week and it's back the same exactly just come see me every week and I'll say that five I why is it
Starting point is 01:35:12 keep happening though yeah yeah yeah yeah how I strengthen it so it actually supports itself that's right. Our next caller Zach from Illinois Zach what's happening how can we help you. What up? What's that, man? Be here, man. First of all, like everyone else does, I just wanted to thank you for not only guys who are here, but also kind of the mental health and minds that side of things. You know, as a young male growing up in today's age has truly been eye-opening. You really transform my life in such a small amount of time. So sincere thank you for that.
Starting point is 01:35:46 Love that, man. Right on, thanks, man. Well, background, I'm currently a 24-year-old physical therapy student, former collegiate basketball player. My measurables are six foot six, ranging from 205 to 210 pounds. And I've been lifting consistently for probably six or seven years. During my playing days, I suffered multiple stress fractures due to over-training and under-feeling.
Starting point is 01:36:10 I would, even outside of practice times, do more lifts or do more cardio than I should be doing, and then not eating enough. Obviously, it takes a lot of calories to build that back up. So, I had a couple of stress fractures. But ever since here, you guys, my mindset has changed dramatically. So I'm happy I know about you guys now, but I'm wishing I knew about you then because I would have spent a lot less months in a walking boot and I'm not suffering those. So my main question has to do with bolting and adding size as someone with taller and thinner frame like I do. You know, it's been hard for me. Like the mental side of things, to engage in a true bowl for months at a time. I'll add like five or seven pounds and then I'll lose
Starting point is 01:36:51 that within a few months. And it's kind of that same cycle over and over. So I've been falling the same weight for probably five years now. So I know I've also heard kind of adding to this, just the genetic side of things, you know, that maybe if you have smaller wrists, then it's kind of predispose you you and not having as much muscle or a telelimitio from that. So overall, you guys advise kind of going into this winter, trying to bulk up as a taller thinner guy, and maybe that genetic piece as well. No, good question. So you're in a different headspace now around your overtraining and all that stuff 100% definitely. Yeah, okay. So here's a deal with with genetics. Yes at six six you probably not gonna compete in bodybuilding
Starting point is 01:37:37 However, you were a division one basketball player Basketball is there is a lot of explosive Explosiveness in it and basketball players at that level, even though they're tall, they typically have pretty good muscle building jeans. You don't typically get to division one unless you have some pretty damn good athletic genetics. So you've got the potential for sure, but you're probably gonna have to track
Starting point is 01:38:00 and be very consistent with your bulk and not over-training the gym. I think a three dayday-a-week full body lifting routine with a nice five to seven hundred calorie above surplus bulk and watch your strength gains go up and watch yourself pack on some muscle. At 20566 at your age, knowing your history, I think you could gain probably 10 to 15 pounds of lean body mass within a relatively reasonable amount of time. And that's a decent amount of lean body mass within a relatively reasonable amount of time. And that's a decent amount of lean body mass.
Starting point is 01:38:27 Easy, and I think you're also heading into for a tall, also tall skinny, like a guy, not so skinny anymore, but I used to be that tall, like a guy, this is the age where it gets easier for you. Like it starts right now. Like it'll get from 26, 27, 28, 30. Like your lifestyle will probably be less and less active as you're getting the,
Starting point is 01:38:52 not saying that you, because I still did a lot of things active, but not like it was when I was 22. When I was 22, I was playing basketball every single day, lifting every single day, wakeboarding, snowboarding, doing everything. I mean, it was like nonstop. So you'll see that will work to your advantage
Starting point is 01:39:08 as you start to get to, you know, the later 20s and early 30s for packing. And that is advantageous for being able to pack on muscle. Normally, one of the hardest thing to do, if you've got the training, you've listened to us long enough that you've figured out like, okay, I was probably over training before,
Starting point is 01:39:23 say you're following like a MAP Santa Ball program. You're set on that, like that's the perfect program for someone like you to be falling. The hardest part is the diet part, which is, I mean, I was a notorious meal skipper. I was notorious for not being hungry in the morning and wanting to eat like a big breakfast, or I'd eat a big meal and then I wanna eat
Starting point is 01:39:42 for like six hours and so, and then, or maybe I would for a week. And then if I just wasn't thinking about it or measuring and weighing it, I would naturally go back the other direction because I just wasn't a huge eater. And so probably the thing that is gonna be one of the biggest hacks for you
Starting point is 01:40:00 is figuring out the, where are, what is your thing, right? Are you a breakfast skipper? Are you not a big lunch eater? Like, what is it about you? And then finding little hacks, I saw that. I've shared on the podcast, I'm sure you've heard me talk about, like a big hack for me was making a, a double or triple size dinner, carrying that over for breakfast in the morning.
Starting point is 01:40:20 And then literally like cracking three or four eggs on top of that, like meat, potato, scrambled egg. And now I'm eating like a 900 calorie, 50 gram protein breakfast. Like, that was clutch for me to put size on because otherwise, I was easily the guy who could just eat some oatmeal or nothing. And then it's noon. And I'm already trying to play catch up on calories. So, you know, how is, how is eating to bulk
Starting point is 01:40:46 bin for you? And where do you struggle if you struggle anyway? Do you have, do you track, do you have an idea what you eat on a regular basis? Yeah, I used to track more regularly. Right now, I pretty much eat the same things every day, just like listening to you guys. And I'm not that, you know, ground beef, rice, and eggs, and vegetables, chicken thighs, being pretty consistent with that, but I think maybe adding those snacks in is kind of where I give those three meals but then it's hard to get, you know, 3500 calories. It's kind of that's where when I track these days, it's probably around 3,300, 500 calories
Starting point is 01:41:19 of where I'm at right now at me. So, you know, like four meals of doing that seems to be quite a bit, but it's something that I better end might even the last few weeks I've actually gained three or four pounds. So it's definitely improving for sure. I mean, that's it, bro. Yeah, that's, that's a mean for big guys, like that's three three thousand three thousand calories is low for us. Yeah, that's low. So, so, I mean, when I was up to 240, I'm eating 5,000 calories. So obviously that's a big jump from where you're at now. But just imagine like the road to go that,
Starting point is 01:41:51 to put on that kind of size is gonna be through eating more food consistently and good choices, right? Getting your protein to eat. If you know what you're eating every day and it's the same thing, you add an extra meal. Literally just add an extra meal. I would follow maps at a ball, and get strong. And you'll see the gains.
Starting point is 01:42:09 Now, remind me again, so in terms of like your playing basketball, your activity levels, your tracking steps, like what does that look like for you now that you're not at that high volume you were before? Obviously, back to those insane. volume you were before. Obviously back then I was insane. I was having a burn test out with basketball. I've got the girl in the game with pickle balls by my new thing.
Starting point is 01:42:31 So I play pickle balls with F right now, do some running. But in terms of anywhere from 10 to 20,000 steps a day, the against your cock bottle. But I'm definitely trying to maintain at least 10,000 steps a day and be active at least every day. Yeah. Against the sky. Okay. A lot of. Um, I'm trying to, I'm definitely trying to maintain at least 10,000 steps a day and be active at least every day. But like, I would never take any days off. And after this guy is like at least one day, we doing more recovery mode, um, more mobility
Starting point is 01:42:57 stuff. So that's changed the game too. Yeah, I think, do you have map Santa Bollock? Because I think that'll be the program. That would be perfect. On my black Friday. Well, we got you, we the program. That would be perfect. On my black Friday. Well, we got you. We got you. I really did. Santa Kim early.
Starting point is 01:43:08 Yeah, we'll give it to you. And we'll give it. We'll give it map Santa Bolog. Follow that program. Add an extra meal. Make sure you get good sleep. And you'll be good. I would I would add an extra meal every day consistently to Salis Point.
Starting point is 01:43:20 And then I would also when you have those days where you decide to play pickle ball or do something that's kind of outside the normal extra activity, make sure you have like a high calorie sugar drink before or right after. After a bit, think of it like you, that is an extra thing. And so you need to eat a meal or a shake or to cover that so that it, because that's not pushing you back to other directions. So that'll help. The last part of your question, you asked about, because you're going to be a physical therapist if we had any advice.
Starting point is 01:43:49 Yeah, it's quick. I'm actually, I didn't add this to like a personal trainer right now. I do some online coaching and stuff and I have that entrepreneurial mindset. I was just curious, I was, you guys have built a huge thing with what you guys have now. Just, I asked you guys for a physical therapist trying to enter the space and make on more of that entrepreneurial side of things would be great to hear. Well, I've worked with some incredible physical therapists,
Starting point is 01:44:13 like some really, really good ones. Great career to have, compliment, personal therapists. I was just gonna say, the one weakness, the one weakness I saw with physical therapists was they didn't understand traditional strength training that well unless they did it themselves, they were excellent at diagnosing and excellent at correctional exercise. But when it came to traditional progressive overload, compound lifts, squats, deadlifts,
Starting point is 01:44:42 presses, rows, you lifts, presses, rows, you know, the physical therapists I worked with, they taught me correctional exercise. I taught them traditional strength training. Now the fact that you're also a personal trainer, you've got it. So I would say, I would lean heavily, if you stay in the personal trainer space, I would lean heavily on your ability
Starting point is 01:45:03 to, on your knowledge on correctional exercise. That's going to make you, that'll put you head and shoulders above all the other transits of demand there. If you go the physical therapy route, I would lean heavily on your knowledge of progressive overload and strength training, where instead of, you know, discharging your patient, okay, we're done. It's like, hey, listen,
Starting point is 01:45:24 I can also coach you from where you're at now to where you wanna go. It's not physical therapy. At that point now, it's online coaching or personal training. I also offer those services because now that we've got your function back, you wanna get stronger, you wanna get more fit, I can do that for you as well.
Starting point is 01:45:42 So those are the two avenues I would look. Do you already, Zach, you already own prime and prime pros? Is that on your black fray list? to get more fit, I can do that for you as well. So those are the two, the two avenues I would look. Do you already, Zach, you already own prime and prime pros? Is that on your black fray list? It better be. Tell them. I did. Yeah. Okay. Better fucking be on your list there. That's it. Okay. That is, that is literally us bridging the gap between physical therapy and personal training. I mean, that, that's
Starting point is 01:46:02 one of the things I think all of us are most proud of is because there is a huge need for what exactly is out saying, this ability to rehab somebody at the DBT level, and then how do you take that same person and progress them to their fitness goals? Because a lot of times, DBT's, they do all that work, they get them back healthy, and then it's like, okay, go figure it out on your own. And we really felt there hasn't been anybody that's really done a good job of bridging that gap. That program represents that. So you'll get a lot of benefit. It'll make a lot of sense to someone like you and what you're going through. So very, very valuable tool for you to have.
Starting point is 01:46:34 But yeah, man, I think what you're doing is the best thing you can do, which is experimenting with yourself with diet and exercise and training and going through all of our programs and learning that way because what you're learning in school for DBT That's only going to compliment that business. That's gonna. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, you're in a good place, dude I'm actually really excited to hear your journey. I think you're gonna be a good trainer, dude All right guys, I really appreciate it and I've been continuing to tell like our faculty enough Fast nights about you guys so hopefully continuing to bridge that gap. So, thank you.
Starting point is 01:47:07 Thank you. Thanks. Awesome, thanks Zach. Thanks Zach. All right guys, take care. You got it. Yeah, shout out to the, the PTA I learned the most from,
Starting point is 01:47:19 her name was Laurie Matroka. She was incredible, but the one area, and I was so honored when she asked me, she comes to me, she comes to me and she goes, can you teach me traditional strength training? And I taught her dead lifts and overhead presses and bench presses and all that stuff. But the correctional exercise side was so, you bridge those two, your value goes through the roof, whether you're a trainer or a physical therapist, like each space could use the other
Starting point is 01:47:44 so much. It's, I can't express it a bit. So you don't just throw them out to the wolves, like they have a plan that they can continue. That would be perfect. It's crazy how closely related our fields are, yet how far apart we are. It's so crazy.
Starting point is 01:47:56 You know, you remember Melissa Woof? She was going, she's now a doctor, right? She went through her DPT, right? And I remember talking to her through process, and she's like, you would be blown away out of them by how foreign traditional strength training is to these deep. And she's like, they're brilliant. As far as corrective actions, she goes, but I'm blowing their, she was telling me she was blowing their mind with the stuff that we were doing for her bodybuilding show. She was like, it was just so foreign to them. But yet, we're so close.
Starting point is 01:48:24 It's so wild. So I think this as like having a, like the only other thing I think could add to this type of a person is the psychology so like a therapist. Oh God, right. Like you're looking at it. Maybe the perfectly, that's a superhero. The trifecta has to be like some sort of psychology therapy
Starting point is 01:48:39 background with DBT type stuff and personal training. Are you kidding me? Yeah, I'm like, yeah. You, if you, and so, you know, I guess we didn't tell him this, he'll hear this now. I would get into reading about behavioral psychology and therapy around dysfunctional eating. Yes, substance abuse.
Starting point is 01:48:56 You want to make yourself unstoppable in this field or connect with people who do those things very well. Right, which is what I did. Yes, connect with them, learn from them or read in that direction. It will, I mean, to me, those three things as a trainer, you, you could tackle almost anything. Our next caller is Sarah from South Carolina. Hi, Sarah. How can we help you? Hi, guys. How are you? Thank you so much for having me. Yeah. Thanks for calling. Awesome. Awesome. Look, I just really want to share with you guys my key in the decision to be strong instead of always chasing being skinny has been
Starting point is 01:49:29 incredibly liberating. Wow, that's awesome. It's into your shadow and following your programs has been like inter-rulling in the development of that mentality for me. So I just really appreciate you all. Awesome, thank you. I'm more nervous than I thought I was going to be. So I just have two questions in reference to preparing for a panel of competition. So I'm very much a beginner lifter and I've just been toing the idea of enrolling in a competition. I found some local people and just wanted a big strength goal to really strive for instead of chasing aesthetics.
Starting point is 01:50:08 And I was pretty intimidated at first, but they've actually, since I submitted my question, they've reached out to me, been super amazing, said, like, don't even wait, just getting there, don't worry about what you can lift, just they've been really, also really encouraging. So anyway, I just sat face-free with Annabelle. I've always intended to follow up with performance and aesthetic, but based on my change of heart and goals, I picked up how lift and split, and I was just wanting your thoughts on what trajectory I should now take,
Starting point is 01:50:40 should I stay on track, run through performance, aesthetic, and then maybe focus on the lifting or get stuck into something like Power Lift now. We shouldn't, we should add that in July 24th is when the competition is, is that right? Okay. Okay. So, let's go backwards.
Starting point is 01:50:57 So, Power Lift is, is that three months or four months? Three. So, I three. Is it a three month program of Justin knows? Yes, three months. It's my three. Is it a three month program? Justin knows. Yes, three months. It's three months. So I would go, I would start Power Lift so that you can finish it about a week or two before the competition.
Starting point is 01:51:14 So basically we just need, we need to get her to May. So I would, I would follow the other program leading up to May. Yeah, I like performance and I like symmetry just to keep you balanced so that when you get into power lift, because power lift is so focused on the three lifts, just to prevent injury, to keep you healthy, to keep you feeling good, and then power lift will take you right to the competition. Okay, okay, great. So skip aesthetic. Yeah, I mean, aesthetics fine, but that's so bodybuilding focus. It's so high volume. I think there's value in it, but because you have this competition focus. It's so high volume. I think there's value in it,
Starting point is 01:51:45 but because you have this competition, yeah, performance is gonna be great for mobility. It's gonna be great for multi-planar movement. Symmetry is gonna be great to keep your body balanced. Then you get into power lift, and that's the one that's gonna take you right to the competition. Right, okay.
Starting point is 01:52:02 Okay. Are you doing this all on your own, or do you plan to have a coach? Sure. That was actually my my fellow up question was if I can find a coach, I have a few limits around here, even the the local competition is a couple of hours from me. So that's a gym that actually does powerlifting and they hold me. Like I said, I'm kind of rural so, within a couple of hours, but actually finding a coach who's familiar with competition around here
Starting point is 01:52:30 is gonna be a little difficult. And yeah, so I wondered if just working with somebody now would be a good idea, or if I should wait until I'm a few weeks out from the competition, to be someone and make that effort. The sooner the better and mainly for your technique, right? So powerlifting.
Starting point is 01:52:50 It's a mechanic, so you mentioned that you're relatively new to lifting to all of this stuff. I totally agree with the day since it. I think, hey, just go. Go for it. I love the attitude of like, don't put any limitations on. You need to be this strong before you do. Just go do it.
Starting point is 01:53:04 I think you're going to enjoy it. I think you're going to learn a lot from it. I do think there would be lots of value in having somebody who's proficient in the main lifts and that could teach you that. And so that doesn't necessarily mean you need to have a powerlifting coach, although I think that would be ideal. I just would want a trainer or a powerlifting coach that is proficient in the main lifts, and that's what they're really there to help you with is technique. And also with powerlifting,
Starting point is 01:53:31 because you're doing to do the competition, there's a lot of ins and outs of the competition day and what to expect and all that stuff. Even an online powerlifting coach would be valuable. Yeah, especially good news. Somebody to check in, this would be a fun one. Yeah, someone you could check in with, you can send video of your main lifts,
Starting point is 01:53:49 and then they can tell you, if they're good powerlifting coaches through video, they'll be able to give you some good pointers. So obviously, I'm actually, I'm already in the form, and I didn't start doing deadlifting until about phase two of Annabelle, because I just had a squeaky back and I started with a track bar. And then when I finally went to pick up the barbell, I was very humbled. And really felt like I just wasn't connecting.
Starting point is 01:54:15 No idea what I was doing. And I posted it in the forum. I mean, I'm just amazing group of people in there. They were awesome. So I've already improved it, but I mean, it's really low lift. But yes, so I definitely technique is definitely something I'm really trying to focus on and just being comfortable with the environment. Yeah, we probably have actually a good trainer in the guarantee in the forum. Yeah, you could probably just I would make it an out. I would make a post
Starting point is 01:54:41 and say, hey, I'm looking for an online powerlifting coach who could help me And you'll probably find one in the forums Especially. Yes, since you can use mass power lift. They can just you know keep an eye on your forum and make sure you're on track Yeah, now you have mass performance So that would be a good program to go to and then we're gonna send you symmetry so follow it up with symmetry And then and then power lift after that and you should see so yeah, and you know the powerlifting community is Such a supportive community. They're they're they're one of my favorite strength training communities That's like man. It's so awesome. They're all there just everybody cheers for everybody. It's so great
Starting point is 01:55:22 Like yeah, yeah They're all there. Just everybody cheers for everybody. It's so great. It's not like. Yeah. Yeah, I was really impressed when they, it was a few days after I contacted them by email and this lady got back to me and she was like, don't even worry about July. She said, we've got to meet in May. It's old ladies come out and I was like, I can barely lift the ball.
Starting point is 01:55:36 And she just, he doesn't matter. You know, I'll tell you, because I've been to a few, the first time lifters get the most support. So fully. Yeah. Yeah. It's like everybody just,
Starting point is 01:55:49 it's just such a great support. It's one of my favorite strengths training communities and it's a healthy community, especially in comparison to bodybuilding. So yeah, you're doing, it's gonna be great. Yeah, I love you. I can't wait to hear about what I have. Here in the forum already, so I love it.
Starting point is 01:56:01 So just keep us posted. Just tag us when you do some updated posts. And so we'll keep an eye on you. Do the best we can to help support you. I do think if you can find someone to hire, it's only going to be that much better for you. But even us, we'll do as much as we can to help support the journey and excited to see you go through it. Awesome. Excellent. Well, thank you. Look, I really appreciate the feedback you will have me today. And thanks again.
Starting point is 01:56:24 Thank you so much. I'm very me today and thanks again. Thank you so much. I'm very happy to hear about this. Thank you. Well, that warmed my heart. I wish you'd want to end up. I wish more women, especially entered powerlifting competition. It's happening, dude. It really is. It doesn't trigger body image issue. It looks powerlifting to get unhealthy to you. Any sport can., it doesn't trigger body image issue. It looks powerlifting to get unhealthy too, any sport can. But it doesn't trigger body image issues. It's so damn supportive. It's not even funny.
Starting point is 01:56:50 Like it's a good foundation. Even the most competitive power lifters who want to just crush each other on stage, backstage or on when they're doing the lifts, it's like high fives and let's make this happen. It's a great place to, it's such a great, especially for women, because I, I mean, yes, I know there's always an exception to the rule,
Starting point is 01:57:08 but I actually have never met a woman who is taking it too far and unhealthy. It's normally men. Yeah, because we got the crazy girls. Yes, men typically go overboard with the unhealthy side of powerlifting. Oh, there's some women that can do that. Sure, they can, that's what I said.
Starting point is 01:57:22 There's always an exception rule, but I have a met one. Most women that I know that I've introduced to powerlifting, it's very women that can do it. Sure, they can. That's what I said. There's always an exception rule, but I have them at one. Most women that I know that I've introduced to powerlifting. It's very enlightening for them. Yes. They normally have, they're on the other end of the extreme. And so being introduced to training this way is very enlightening and empowering
Starting point is 01:57:36 and it ends up being incredible for them. So I'm glad that we see more of it. So I'm excited here. And I love that she's doing it, even this early in her journey. Oh yeah, she's yeah. She admits that it's hard for her to even to deadlift. Any way to learn from the eyes of benefits. She's going to get from there. She's going to get a lot of a lot of benefits. Look, if you like the show, head over to mindpumpfree.com and check out some of our free fitness guides. They can help you get
Starting point is 01:58:00 to your fitness goals. You can also find us on social media. Justin is on Instagram at Mind Pump Justin. I'm on Instagram at Mind Pump to Stefano and Adam is on Instagram at Mind Pump Adam. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbundle
Starting point is 01:58:22 at Mind Pump Media.com. The RGB Superbundle includes maps and a ballac, maps performance, and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels, and performs. With detailed workout blueprints and over 200 videos. The RGB Superbundle is like having foul and an adjustment as your own personal trainers, but at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day
Starting point is 01:58:55 money-back guarantee, and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at MindPumpMedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing MindPump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support, and until next time, this is MindPump.

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