Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 2200: Seeking Truth in a Divided World With An0maly

Episode Date: November 6, 2023

From a rapper to a news analyst, the background story of An0maly. (1:33) If it doesn’t make sense, it doesn’t make sense. (6:12) How his hustler mentality propelled his early success. (8:27)... What platform did he get his start? (13:31) Being mentally prepared to take the hard road. (15:18) When did the political commentary come into play? (18:39) Why he parted ways from supporting Donald Trump. (26:22) Are we wired to want to follow? (32:25) The importance of building self-awareness and self-accountability. (35:02) If you don’t buy it, they can’t sell it. (37:09) How you’re raised isn’t necessarily how someone else is raised. (38:38) The trend of going back to old traditional values. (47:45) Is new media controlling the narrative? (52:05) Do you think we’ll get to the point where people want more control? (56:08) Should we have AI politicians? (1:03:49) Does he care about hit pieces about him? (1:06:55) His take on the political debates so far and the top candidate. (1:14:25) The importance of having your word and being authentic. (1:31:01) At what point did he start to make a legitimate living for himself? (1:35:38) The transformation with his faith. (1:40:22) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Seed for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout for 30% off your first month’s supply of Seed’s DS-01® Daily Synbiotic** November Promotion: MAPS Resistance | MAPS Prime Pro 50% off! **Code NOVEMBER50 at checkout** An0maly - News Analysis & Hip-hop - YouTube Ron Paul: What If? (speech on House floor 2/12/09) - YouTube The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve Vivek Ramaswamy & An0maly Discuss Controversies, Big Pharma & Soros Scholarship J&J Vaccine Pause Creates 'Perfect Storm' For Misinformation : NPR What Is a Woman? - Rotten Tomatoes Tao Te Ching – Book by Lao Tzu Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources Featured Guest/People Mentioned An0maly (@dreamrare) Instagram Website Joe Rogan (@joerogan) Instagram Vivek Ramaswamy (@vivekgramaswamy) X Robert F. Kennedy Jr (@RobertKennedyJr) X Ron DeSantis (@govrondesantis) X Hodgetwins (@hodgetwins) Instagram

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mind, pop, mind, pop with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. You just found the most downloaded fitness, health, entertainment, podcast, and history. This is Mind Pump Rite. Today's episode, we have anomaly on the show. Otherwise known as Dream Rare, this gentleman is a news analyst. He covers politics, current events,
Starting point is 00:00:29 very controversial. We enjoy a lot of his content, actually enjoy just the way he presents it, even though we may agree or disagree with him. He definitely doesn't follow the narrative. So if you're a little sensitive, you might not want to listen to this episode. The rest of you, you're going to love this.
Starting point is 00:00:45 This guy pulls no punches. We learn more about him in this episode, where he gets his views and where he's going. We think you're going to enjoy this. This episode is brought to you by a sponsor, Seed. This is by far the world's best probiotic supplement. If you want to improve your digestion, inflammation and health, and you want to try a probiotic, make it seed. Go to seed.com forward slash, mind pump, use the code mind pump, get 30% off your first
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Starting point is 00:01:33 Namely, welcome to the show, man. Thanks for having me, Pimmy. So I found you a long time ago, I was on, I think it was YouTube, but I remember where I was, and I see that it's got the thumbnail of you. And then the title didn't match the thumbnail in the sense that you look kind of look like a California dude.
Starting point is 00:01:52 You know, I would have predicted that your views were different or whatever. Then I listened to you talk, you were super objective with your commentary, very intelligent, I think, with the way you broke things down. And I just had such a different idea of what I thought you would say. You really grabbed my attention. And so from then on, here and there, I would watch your stuff.
Starting point is 00:02:12 And I really liked just the authenticity and the objective, the way that you communicate certain things. And that's really what got my attention. And I want to know more about you, because I don't know a ton about your history How did you get to that point? Oh, you started in music and then you moved over to commentary. Let's go back a little bit like where did this all start? appreciate it I would say when I was in high school interesting time because of you know
Starting point is 00:02:39 I don't want to get into it now, but like Israel Palestine stuff and there's like a lot of war kind of brewing and I remember it now, but like Israel, Palestine stuff, and there's like a lot of war kind of brewing. And I remember during 9-11 after it happened, of course I supported America. I thought what happened was terrible, but when I saw the war in Iraq and the Patriot Act and stuff like that, I remember everyone told me I was a conspiracy theorist. Like if you don't want the government to spy on everyone, you must be them. And all of that stuff. So I always kind of saw through certain stuff, and I wrapped about that. So I was always wrapping about real stuff.
Starting point is 00:03:05 And I had a couple million views on YouTube. I was doing well when YouTube first came out. There weren't that many people on it. I actually had record label, I would say interviews or meetings like Gemester J's sons from RundymC. They really were fans of my music when I was like really young. And they brought me to New York and kind of like introduced me to record guys. And some of them were cool, but they always wanted me to like do something like wear clothes
Starting point is 00:03:27 I didn't wear like Hollister evercrombie and I was like I'm, I do want me to get beat up in the hood or some shit like you know what I'm saying? I don't even wear that now. So the, and then it was like always like a little gimmick and then even one time they flew me from when I moved to L.A. for music, they flew me back to New York and told me stop rapping about politics. Even though I didn't even know I wrapped about politics, I just, M&M wrapped about politics. Sometimes I just thought I was rapping about everything. So that's kind of what happened was I kind of feel like
Starting point is 00:03:55 now looking back on it. There was this game that they were playing where yeah, I had talent and I had some views, but it was like, will you listen to like what we're telling you to do or will you not say certain things and I never would. So I feel like it never doors really never opens, but I'm not a victim or anything. It's all good. Then 2016 hit, it was like Bernie versus Hillary, Trump was coming out. Everything was hot on social media and I had an opinion. So I just started doing it naturally, but actually it wasn't like I was just doing rap and I kind of crossed over.
Starting point is 00:04:25 I was always kind of politically intertwined. And like for example, when Ron Paul ran, I didn't even know he was a Republican or libertarian. I met nothing to me. I just had good instinct. I was like, that guy is more honest and they don't like that guy. You know, like I had that vision even when I wrapped and I would, I wrapped about Ron Paul one time. So I may be like record exact for like, you don't make fun of Obama.
Starting point is 00:04:48 I didn't mean to. I wasn't trying to be rude. It's just M&M was so crazy. I thought being crazy was cool. You know? So that's kind of how I got there. Just wrapping, following kind of my soul. And then 2016 election, just like social media was hot with everything just seemed so much bigger then. What was the first, that's great. So it's very similar to how I started getting into certain things. What was the first rom-pall clip you saw? That for me it was the What If clip that he did
Starting point is 00:05:17 where he talked about like, what if we got invaded when he did this whole scenario and kind of painted this picture like, oh shit, like, I never heard anybody present things this way, it sounds kind of honest. Right. I was young at the time. I remember because I was very familiar with the internet and I was on the internet probably since I was 10 years old,
Starting point is 00:05:35 so I was pretty good at like understanding trends. I could just tell that when I heard him speak, I can't think of a specific thing. I was like, oh, he's authentic. And I could tell at the time that they were trying to blacklist him. Kind of like how with Trump instead of blacklisting him, they just talked about him and hated on him with Ron Paul.
Starting point is 00:05:50 It's like, let's just pretend like he doesn't even exist. And it kind of works, you know? Because he was, to me, the coolest one. But I just, I felt like I could see the establishment media just like putting a lid on his character. And that bothered me because I feel like I always had a good like judgment of character. I was like, let the guy compete.
Starting point is 00:06:07 If he could beat him, he'd beat him, but stop trying to put a shadow on him. Now, as a kid, what got you into even being interested in that? Were you interested in it from the jump in high school? Was it the rap that led to it? Like, what got you into that? I don't know. I don't wanna say drugs,
Starting point is 00:06:24 because I don't know if that's the right proper't, I don't want to say drugs because you know, I don't know if that's like the right proper answer, but I do know like I did smoke marijuana. I did experiment with like LSD stuff like that. And I remember I just like thought about things a little bit differently. Maybe I did before that as well, but people like Alex Jones, Joe Rogan, I'm not saying I agree with everything Alex, but like he would say some stuff. And then I would kind of ask people about it
Starting point is 00:06:45 Or like even like Joe Rogan would say some like weird trippy stuff and then people just always would say like you're especially back then you're conspiracy theorist And I'm like Okay, but you didn't answer the question like I'm not saying it's right But do you that's all like what what if the government uses the Patriot Act to then spy on you in 10 years and be like oh No, that's just for the Muslims and the terrorists. And you're like, like everyone's felt so normy to me. Like, and I always just felt like, I was like, I feel like I'm so alone
Starting point is 00:07:12 because I just never saw things that way. So maybe it was that or just. Were you a counter authority kid? Were you that kid in class? Were the teachers like, everybody do this and you're like, why? Yes, for sure. That was a part of it too.
Starting point is 00:07:24 And to get even deeper, I mean, my parents divorced when I was like three or four. And I always just got in trouble since kindergarten. Like I was just like a good kid, but I just didn't listen. I think even now I don't really listen to the sense of like, I like to play sports. I like to, I don't like to sit in a cubicle for nine hours
Starting point is 00:07:42 and I was never a good employee. So that's been since I was in kindergarten, maybe it stems from that. But in hindsight, I'm glad because I remember one time in school, they had like four answers. And there was one answer and she said, it's A. And I said, well, isn't B right, too? And I remember the teacher was like, six grades.
Starting point is 00:07:58 She goes, B is right, too. I'm like, so do I get credit? She goes, no, I was like, why? She goes, A is like more right. And that was like, am I smarter than my teacher you know I'm like this cheeks retard you know like so like even as a young kid is like not every teacher was a winner some of them were some of them were great but like I just yeah I didn't listen ever and I feel vindicated now where I'm like I'm glad I didn't listen because I don't know.
Starting point is 00:08:25 If it don't make sense, it don't make sense. What's the work career look like? So at a high school, I know you're rapping and stuff like that, but how did you, how did you survive? How'd you make money? What got you to hear with work? Shout out to my mom, she's a hard ass. So she had me working when I was 15,
Starting point is 00:08:42 doing five dollar an hour jobs. I grew up on a farm, I worked on a farm, I worked at a supermarket. I dropped out of school, I did an overnight stocking, like, you know, late night hours. I probably had like 20 jobs. And then when I moved to LA, I started kind of just using my social media skills to try to get jobs and stuff. But I dropped out of school and I just started working at a library. I worked at like shop right. It's on the East Coast.
Starting point is 00:09:08 You know, it's like a croaker, I guess, for people who aren't familiar. And I just kept working, kept working. So I always just did whatever I had to do. But I always was wrapping on the side and I always had like, I would say, and maybe you guys have a similar story. But to people that aren't doing what they're doing, like I spent from the time I was 17 to like 30, every hour that I wasn't working
Starting point is 00:09:32 and making money to pay rent and stuff, doing what I loved in college all the time, where it's like some people are like, oh, it's not working now. It's like, did I put more work in from the time I was 18 to 20, then you have in your entire life and you want it to work, like how bad do you want it? So even when I was working like double shifts, triple shifts, I'd always then like wrap on the way home,
Starting point is 00:09:51 put my little camera up and try to like record a freestyle. So I've been just like, I always had like a hustler mentality for sure. You grew up on these coasts. Yeah. Where'd you grow up? You say you grew up on a farm, I had no idea. And New Jersey actually, so yeah, I moved around a lot,
Starting point is 00:10:04 but my stepfather is a farm manager, so I lived on a farm. I had no idea. And New Jersey actually said, yeah, I moved around a lot, but my stepfather is a farm manager. So I lived on a farm and I don't want to sound like I'm that big of a hard-ass because I was kind of growing up. I was like, shit, I'm a soccer player. I play sports. I was like, I'm an athlete. I'm not trying to be a farmer. But as I grew up and you start to realize it and I needed money, I was like, all right, I'll work on the farmer stuff. Stuff work. But yeah, my stepfather's a beast. He just like can do anything. He can like any animal, any, you know, I would say crafts. He can just like resurrect it out of nowhere, make a whole thing. He's a he's like a professional farmer. And what brought you to LA was the music. Did you have anything set up or did you say I'm going to LA? Oh, lesbian couple
Starting point is 00:10:41 from Beverly Hills saw my videos and they hit me up. I was broke. I was actually in West Virginia at the time. I went to school, dropped out, went back there because it was cheap. Just was like, nothing was happening. Like life was like in kind of, I was like, I'm in a weird space. I don't really know what I'm doing. I have no money. They saw my video. They said, hey, you can come out here. We'll record your album for free, no contract. We want to manage you, but to gain our trust, you'll do it all and then we'll pitch you to our friends
Starting point is 00:11:07 and you can stay here. And I talked to them and everyone's like, are you afraid to go out? I'm like, am I afraid of a lesbian couple in Beverly Hills? No, I live in a bad area of estrogen. You know, I'm not at all afraid. They were really nice and it was cool and it didn't work out,
Starting point is 00:11:22 but it was kinda like a leap of faith where it's like they really did set up studio time two weeks, they paid for it, they let me stay there, they did see what they could do, and it was like a really just like kind of spur the moment, like I ain't got shit, let me, let's just hop on a plane and do it. So they kind of held it down for a while,
Starting point is 00:11:38 just really nice ladies and then ended up just like moving on my own out there. So what happened from there? Did you still have a relationship with them? Or I haven't talked to them in a while. I was young at the time. I don't know. There was definitely like a miscommunication.
Starting point is 00:11:53 Like I would say once they kind of pitched it to one friend and they didn't like it, they kind of like didn't know what to do. And like honestly maybe like they brought me out and were like, I don't want this kid living in my house. You know, I want to get on with my life. Nothing wrong with that. But it got to a space where like I always believed in myself.
Starting point is 00:12:09 And if someone said, oh, I don't like it, I'm not just going to give up. So it's like, you know, if you're not into it as much as me, then I'm just going to go on and do it somewhere else. But, you know, they were nice to even make the attempt. And I think in hindsight, they weren't super, super experienced like in music or anything. They just really liked me and wanted to give it a shot. Like, they worked kind of in film and stuff. So it was just kind of like, let's see if it works.
Starting point is 00:12:35 And I would say it got me there. But at a certain point, I wasn't trying to just like stay with them for years if things weren't working out anyway. So they did what they could do. Nothing really, no one really bit on me, no one wanted to pay me or anything. So it's like, all right, I'll move, pay for my own stuff and get out of your way. Was it amicable when you guys left or was it you? I think it was, yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:54 I'm cool with them. And definitely like the more I grow up, I'm like, that was cool what they did. I don't know if they're mad at me or not. In fact, actually one of them commented on my Twitter like yesterday. So I think they're cool too. I was like 23 or 24th at the time. So it's one of those things where it's just like, same with like certain exes and stuff. I'm like, man, she sucked.
Starting point is 00:13:12 And then like what I was like 25, I was like, actually, I wasn't really a real man at the time. It's like it kind of my fault. You know, like looking back at it. So with that, I was so young that I think at hindsight, I'm very grateful for what they did. And I hope they they liked me too, because I was a pretty easy guy. I didn't I don't hindsight I'm very grateful for what they did and I hope they they like me too because I was a pretty easy guy. I didn't I don't think I did too much. I didn't go out or it wasn't like a crazy. What was the platform you started off on? I know my space like when I was in college. Yeah, it's like the first thing right and then it was like YouTube kind of came a little bit later but where'd they even find the video at? Real quick I just with my space to crack me out because being from New Jersey like remember when the Guido thing was happening
Starting point is 00:13:47 I was like wait are those real and then like on my space like my friends like like some of my friends We're like turning into Guido's and they were posting like with like the die and like their hair is But I was like, yeah, it's like such a crazy culture man my space Yeah, shout out to Tom. We're trying to get him on at some point. He's really imp- He's laying low with the cash. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, more guy. But a lot of musicians start out on MySpace, right? Yeah, I had on MySpace.
Starting point is 00:14:12 I would say I'm trying to think of my first really break. Probably was on YouTube. There was a contest these guys wax an herbal tea. They're two twins and they're really good rappers. And they would just freestyle in the car. And they kind of inspired me Because they were some of the first ones to get like a million views a couple million views just car-free styling And we all did it in our hometowns, but I'm like, oh, you could put it online
Starting point is 00:14:33 So they had a contest. I entered it. I won my first contest I entered and then I got some internet cloud I would say within a year Posting on YouTube I had a million views and I had a hundred thousand downloads of my songs and No money. I just gave them out for free on mixed tapes and I didn't even have a microphone So like that's what a house I was I and then eventually I had a million downloads and I was like pretty well-known underground rapper and People didn't even know all I had was a laptop like I'm Macbook or whatever I was just using the built-in microphone and trying to mix it good So yes first it was YouTube and then for the political stuff. It was actually like Facebook
Starting point is 00:15:09 but My space I never really had a pop and you know Sliding and DM's just So you I mean you were young like all of us kind of naive and then you start you you commented on you know Getting into the music industry and being like, oh, they want me to crazy cool, but only the kind of crazy they want you to be. Right. Or, you know, it's okay to comment, but only if the comments are approved type of deal.
Starting point is 00:15:36 Did you start to like, because you go from naive to like, oh, this is kind of weird. Was there a moment where you're like, oh, this is, this is not cool or this is a lot different than I thought? Yeah, but at the same time, I always like, like underground rappers like, yet I mind tricks, immortal technique. And I'd kind of decided that, you know, I might have to make it underground.
Starting point is 00:15:56 So when they told me to do stuff, I never wanted like money, cars, like I wasn't like that type of rapper. So I was mentally prepared to take the hard road. So I never got enticed. And I think that bothered them even more. There were certain people, like, yo, let's fly to Asia. Trying to give me trips and stuff.
Starting point is 00:16:13 I'm like, dude, I'm 21, I don't fucking wanna do that. I don't even know you. But maybe if I was 35 and broke this down, cool. But there were always trying to give me stuff and do stuff. I'm not dressing up. I'm not a little puppet. I'm not dressing up Like I'm not like a little like puppet, you know like I'm not gonna wear Abraham be and get like a bunch of like so that's really rare You where does it come from because that to be 21 years old and Growing up on a farm and then you have these people that are throwing flights across the world to add you and trying
Starting point is 00:16:42 I mean what was it where does that come from that ability to do that? I don't know if I could have done that. I think it would have been really tough for me to say no to that. I guess at first maybe I would thank my parents. I think they did a good job and stilling good, you know, mindset into me. And then also, I don't know just my soul and spirit. I just, I never wanted that stuff and it's interesting now.
Starting point is 00:17:04 And I feel like I have the last laugh and in the most humble way possible because I I knew what I was gonna do is gonna work and I was like I feel like it would be bigger if I was actually Myself and people could connect to that like if you dress me up in evercrombie like you might self you record But then I'm gonna get hit with tomatoes and I'm gonna be a drug addict in five years like it's almost like it's it's too fake Where like you might hit a demographic but eventually it'll fall apart. So I always took the long road.
Starting point is 00:17:29 I just was like, that's not gonna work. How am I gonna do it's gonna work? And I sat in meetings like I have so many friends that work with major labels and stuff. And I remember I was sitting like this and they were like, what type of rapper do you see yourself as? And they went around all the rappers, right? And it was a pretty high level A and R. And I was like, you know, I want to be like as fire as Kendrick with the lyrics, but,
Starting point is 00:17:48 but so full, but also make hits like, you know, and he's like, you can't do that. And I was like, what do you mean I can't do that? I already do that. And like the guy hated me. I was saying like, I was supposed to just get on my knees and be like, oh, can I lick your shoes, bro, but I don't care who the guy was like, dude. And then I kept just doing it my way. And like now I look at all these
Starting point is 00:18:06 A and R's and I'm like who are these guys no one gives a shit about them or like who's the artist that they told me was gonna be bigger than me I forget the guys name you know, so it's like I don't I don't know where it came from But I always had that chip on my shoulder where I was like no, I'm not doing that. I'm not dressing up like that I'm not even they'd be like oh we don't know if you can do this We don't want to sign you because you're just doing it on YouTube. I'm like, well, if I have this many views on YouTube and I have no microphone and I have a million downloads, what do you think I could do with a microphone? You know, like I always had like a attitude, which doesn't fare well in business all the time, but yeah, it worked out, you know.
Starting point is 00:18:39 When you when you started to kind of, I don't know, I want to say switch gears, but when you started comment on current events and policy't know, I wanna say switch gears, but when you started to comment on current events and policy, when did that first start to really take off? And then when that happened, where you're like, what's this? I would say Bernie versus Hillary. I was enticed not by Bernie's policy, but by the fact that he seemed more authentic and the whole establishment wanted to kick him out.
Starting point is 00:19:02 So I kind of like rallied behind him just from like a run, Paul type angle. I know they're totally different policies, but like just him being the underdog, them trying to like basically cheat him in my opinion. And then once I hit 26, all this happened at once. Like Trump got in office. I realized he wasn't as bad as everyone was saying he was.
Starting point is 00:19:18 Like he wasn't like the next coming of whoever. And then also I turned 26 and like all the things that I was being told by the left and Bernie like oh the healthcare the bill The bill you know, then the one percent the one percent Wow, and it's like is that a I know just get about that And I turn 26 and I had no money and in California There's a mandate where you have to buy health insurance at other states You don't so like it was like four thousand dollars for health insurance that I'd go and use it and it wouldn't work.
Starting point is 00:19:46 Long story short, I'm like, I'm broke and I'm losing money. Like, this is not the billion. I'm not a billionaire, bro. So I feel like I didn't know what conservative or liberal man, I didn't pay attention to school. I didn't, I knew that both parties were fake but it wasn't, I didn't know what libertarian,
Starting point is 00:20:00 I didn't know Ron Paul was even right-wing or libertarian, I just knew he was authentic. So all the policy hit me when I turned 26 and I started paying taxes it libertarian. I didn't know Ron Paul was even right-winger libertarian. I just knew he was authentic. So all the policy hit me when I turned 26 and I started paying taxes, paying healthcare. And it was like the Trump era of Trump would say something. And I'm a reasonable guy. And then how they would react. And I'm like, you don't have to like him,
Starting point is 00:20:18 but you said that. Or he said that, you said that. And I just thought the left just like, you know, they went nuts where I was like, actually what he said kind of made sense. Can I say that? And everyone's like, you can't say that. I'm like, why?
Starting point is 00:20:30 You know, it all kind of just like came at me at once. And then real quick, that was like my biggest video ever. I feel like because of also how I look and like Republicans often don't portray their message well enough, I made a video as really well thought out. And I said, here's why Trump's not that bad. And here's actually a bunch of like liberal things he's doing that like prison reform that Democrats used to want
Starting point is 00:20:52 and like human trafficking, whatever. And that video got like 30 million views. Because I, I think I saw, I came from the perspective of like I didn't even vote for the guy, but like you guys are acting crazy. And that one like blew up because it was so just like reasonable and neutral. Like I wasn't like, build a wall, you piece of shit.
Starting point is 00:21:09 I was like, you know, it's not that crazy, guys. Like you got to calm down. You just said something that Sal always says, which is, can I say the curse, sorry. Of course, of course. Of course. That conservatives are really terrible at selling their ideas and liberals are much better politicians than they are.
Starting point is 00:21:25 Do you feel the same way? I think so. I definitely think so. I think they've figured out how to seem compassionate and sometimes even be compassionate and I think that conservatives, even in the Trump world that I'm seeing now that kind of bothers me a little bit,
Starting point is 00:21:40 I don't care. I do actually like people that are like, get the fuck off my lawn, I don't care what you think. I do like that on a personal level, but on a media level, you wanna get through to the people who don't agree with you already. So sometimes I feel like people are just like, this is what I think we all agree.
Starting point is 00:21:56 Ha ha, screw you, screw you, ha ha, lib chart, ha ha, like look at these college kids. It's like, I don't know, I think that's a weird trend. I get it, it's viral and you're educating people in college, but like if you're 33, like shouldn't you be able to debate an 18 year old, like liberal shit? You know, like, oh, I crushed that lady.
Starting point is 00:22:11 I was like, bro, I would crush myself when I was 19. Did I embarrass myself? I was an idiot, you know what I'm saying? I was like, hi shit. I still am, no, I'm not. I'm not a kid, but it's smarter, no. So yeah, I do think that the left is better at communicating and like kind of faking a moral high ground.
Starting point is 00:22:28 I'll give a quick example when it comes to like the environment, not all conservatives do this to Republicans, but like the left will be like, okay, we're destroying the environment, which is true in many ways. So this is why everything we say about climate change is real. And then sometimes the Republican response, like I screw you, I don't give a fuck, you know,
Starting point is 00:22:44 like I'm just gonna do what I want. And it's like, I went on Fox one time and I was like, well, there's volcanoes under the ice glaciers. So like, maybe it's melting from that, but there's also a full blown volcano under it. Like that might be contributing to the ice melt. And I, I like, constructed an argument that like if you told it to a liberal, they'd be like, oh, that, oh, you don't like just want to kill Penguins or something, you know, or it's like, fuck that turtle. I want my straw. You're like, I get it. The straws are annoying, but yeah, there definitely is a way to like relay the message to Actually convince people and wake them up out of the slumber versus just kind of pushing them further in the corner And then both sides see the extreme or the angry on both sides and then that makes them feel more right because like if I looked at like left wing
Starting point is 00:23:23 Lunatics all day. It would make me feel a lot better. I'm not that, but there's enough crazy reg wingers also to go around that they're looking at to make them feel right. Yeah, for me, it was, I had a client who, I remember he was asking me just general questions. Is that the time I was a kid, I was young, I must have been, or you know, early 20s,
Starting point is 00:23:43 might even been 19. And instead of asking me popular media questions, he just asked me general questions, like how do you feel about business owners and businesses and I'm the son of immigrants and my parents had to work very hard. And I think they do a good job. They're trying to work, they're trying to do their best.
Starting point is 00:24:01 And what do you think about if someone came in and told them how to operate their business? I think the customer should tell them how to operate their business to do their best. And what do you think about like if someone came in and told them how to operate their business? Right. I think the consumer, the customer should tell them how to operate their business, not their government. Like, okay. And then they would ask me other questions like, do you think people should be able to say whatever they want? Um, you know, and, and that's okay. And you know, the consequences are if people don't like it, then it's up to them. So we kept asking these series of questions. And then he told me how each one was on each side. Like this one's over here, this one's over here, this one's on like, oh, I don't really agree with anybody.
Starting point is 00:24:29 Right. And he goes, yeah, yeah, that's, you know. So that's when I was like, wait a minute. Yeah, wait a minute. What the hell is going on in a kind of a place where the rest of us, that's the fact. Yeah, it got me to kind of like look at things. Did you, did you have, because I remember specifically
Starting point is 00:24:42 feeling like this, at first I was not aware of anything. Then I started becoming aware of the game and then I became really like sat, like oh crap. Like what is happening here? It's so big manipulate. Yeah, did you get to that point where the more you learn, the more you're like, oh shit, there's really no where. Yeah, we could go.
Starting point is 00:24:57 Yeah, I had a full loop and I'm back to where I started. Like I started at like, you know, there's certain things above politicians and both parties are fake. And then I kind of had a loop of like, oh, these guys are gonna be really different. And then I, like you said, I started seeing how both sides could be manipulated.
Starting point is 00:25:12 And then I'm back to like, oh yeah, both parties are kind of still the same way. Like, I thought that certain people were gonna change, but there's definitely times where like emotions are high. And I could see the tricks that they use. And both sides are just so like stubborn like I must be right because they're wrong and it's like they are no they are wrong like the left is going nuts in the cities they don't know how to run it yeah I agree but also you just
Starting point is 00:25:34 got tricked over there but like you don't want to admit it because you're right about that so yeah it does get to a point where even as someone with like a big voice I'm sometimes I don't even feel like posting I'm like what's the point you And if you were just, they're gonna wake up on their own terms. Yeah, you filtered all of that in terms of like taking it all in. I know you have to kind of like, you feel like you want to report on a lot of these things to your audience and it's sort of like what you've been known
Starting point is 00:25:58 for. But, but how do you, how do you like sort of block out enough so you can feel like you stay sane? Yeah, I guess I kind of just go with my intuition because every time I wake up I don't really have a team or anything It's just whatever I want to talk about however I want to package it and then sometimes I just I'm just not in the mood to argue You know, it's like I don't feel like I just don't feel like it that day So I guess I kind of just wing it just go with high how I feel. So at one point, you were like super,
Starting point is 00:26:26 I don't wanna say super, but you were pro-chump, pro-wish Trump. And then you went on the opposite and you're like, no, no, Trump's not the guy. This happened during the pandemic when all of this started happening. So what was that like for you during the pandemic? Well, because that was a crazy, that was a crazy time.
Starting point is 00:26:42 I think a lot of people have been traumatized through that, and maybe don't want to admit just how much it affected their health, or their mental health. What was that like for you? I'll take it back just real quick, because there were a few things that Trump did, because I was like, overall, he's doing a good job.
Starting point is 00:26:57 There were a few things that he did that I disagreed with. I remember in 2018, he said, I'll never sign another one of these spending bills, because every year, no matter who's in office, they do these multi-trillion dollar bills that nobody reads. And Trump was like, yo, I don't wanna sign this. It was crazy.
Starting point is 00:27:10 I'm never gonna sign it again. And then 2019, he signed it again. And he was like, oh, I raised the smoking age. And it's like, wow, cool bro. You raised the smoking age. Like, he just started acting like it was so cool. And then I remember people were pissed at me for like reporting on that.
Starting point is 00:27:24 And then like Trump and DeSantis passed these laws that I perceived as kind of like opening the door to like hate speech rules and I reported on that and people got pissed at me. And that was the first like, oh damn, like, you know, people don't want to hear this shit. They only want to hear when I agree with him. And then the pandemic happened. And I would say after 15 days of slow the spread, I literally, one of my favorite tweets I've ever did, it was before they locked the country down, and like people are like, it's prophetic, it's not prophetic, I could act like I'm a secret wizard
Starting point is 00:27:52 or whatever, I just read research and I saw what's going on, and I was like, here's what they're gonna do, they're gonna do mandated vaccines, before they had vaccines, I said government lockdowns, you know, bigger speed censorship, I called it, and I said life will never be the same, and Trump doesn't have a magic plan. And my comments, I Trump does have a plan. You piece of garbage and I like it. Whatever. And then after he looked at the chart and extended the lockdown, this is when I kind of started parting ways with them because
Starting point is 00:28:17 I always just try to be accurate and I'm not like a professional daywriter. And then I started realizing in the Republican movement, there's like real journalists, real analysts, like real people, and then just professional politicians pretending to be journalists and media people. And I remember Trump said, Sweden should have locked down. They were regretting their decision not to lock down. And as somebody that's way more into liberty,
Starting point is 00:28:42 I was like, wait, you think Sweden should have locked down? And when I'm tweeting that, now I'm arguing with people that I'm friends with because they think it's cool that Trump told Sweden to lock down because they like Trump. And it turned into this whole thing where I was like, wow. And then when he did Operation Warp Speed, I'm like, listen, as a person that does think that capitalism is pretty solid, that's not capitalists, that's socialist they're giving eighteen billion dollars of government money to the pharmaceutical industry
Starting point is 00:29:10 and then trump and by the both bought hundreds of millions of doses so outside of the mandates which is another travesty it's still a socialist game and trump's really proud of it and it's like i know i'm not saying all pharmaceuticals are bad i'm not saying they don't, but as you know, it's like they're everywhere on the television, everywhere you turn. Everything's a pill. We're one of two countries that they're just promoting like doctor prescribed pills that you can't even get without a doctor. And it's too much and people are fat and people are depressed and people are overdosing on opioids and opioids and fentanyl. And like now you're giving this industry 18 billion dollars of taxpayer money that we don't even have a choice of and now they're shoving it down our throat
Starting point is 00:29:47 because it's free because it's not free. And I'm like, I thought socialism sucked. That's what Turning Point USA says and Trump says. But everyone started getting mad at me. So it's funny because like I really didn't go through some sort of like metamorphic shift or I turned into like frickin' Rachel Maddow or something like everyone's pretending like,
Starting point is 00:30:04 I just kind of stuck to what I believed and Trump started doing all this other stuff. And then after the pandemic, like when he was out of office, he pretty much just ran around conservative media saying like, it was the greatest achievement of mankind. It saved a hundred million lives,
Starting point is 00:30:18 like stupid stuff that like, not even Bill Gates would say. So then it became sort of a thing where there were people that liked Trump and voted for Trump that disagreed with them. And how I feel, it's almost like a religion where it's like just trust in him. And you know, even say like a Ron Paul,
Starting point is 00:30:35 if Ron Paul did something I didn't agree with, he earns my trust by doing things I agree with. He doesn't do things that I don't like. And then I'm just supposed to blindly follow him. Like, trust is earned. Even with me, I don't say, hey guys, if I say something, believe everything I say,
Starting point is 00:30:47 because you like me, it's like, check it. You know, like you like me for a reason, and if I ever fail, then, you know, like an athlete that's past his prime, call me out. Tell me, I'm a husband. Don't just blindly worship what I'm saying, respect me because what I'm saying is true. And that's, that was like the whole disconnect,
Starting point is 00:31:04 and it's been a, I would say chaotic in the conservative movement ever since 2020 for multiple reasons. One of the more dangerous things that I try to talk about is when you have somebody you like pass a policy that you like because it's a guy you like. And it's for a reason you like and you and people can't Conceptualize how that policy could potentially be used by someone you don't like so for example
Starting point is 00:31:32 You got to let's say you got someone in office who you love and you love their support and I like listen These are the bad guys when I pass these laws to get these bad guys and you're like I like that But then nobody goes wait a minute those laws aren't gonna go away after we got the bad guys and you're like, I like that. But then nobody goes, wait a minute. Those laws aren't gonna go away after we got the bad guys. How can that law be used in a way that I maybe don't support? Like that's the part that I think people, because what happens is the next guy comes in,
Starting point is 00:31:54 next guy comes in, nothing goes away. These laws get piled on time. You brought up the Patriot Act, that's a great example. It's still here. They're still spying on everybody. They can do this. They can, you know, National Defense Authorization Act.
Starting point is 00:32:07 They can throw you in jail without a jury or a trial and never tell anybody. It can keep you in there forever. Yeah, cool if we catch a dangerous terrorist, but is that the kind of power you want anybody to have? But if somebody who's really evil is in office, which will happen, that's the kind of stuff that really bothers me. I think people have trouble with what do you think?
Starting point is 00:32:27 I is you think it's just that we're just just wired to want to follow somebody blindly. What do you think that is? I want to real quick on that note because I just I don't like to argue that much, but because of all like the war propaganda coming out in the last couple days, all I said on the one page is I was like, hey, remember the Patriot Act? Like, it feels like the same script. And it's like, emotions are high. Like, there's real tragedy. But just watch out for this. And someone commented, he goes,
Starting point is 00:32:51 well, dude, screw you, man, because, you know, Republicans passed it, yeah, but it was liberals who abused it. And it's like, exactly, you know, like just like you said, it's like, yeah, Republicans passed it. And then eventually the power, like everything, exactly what you said every time you pass anything whether it's Trump Biden Obama the other side's going to get that power.
Starting point is 00:33:10 So it's like that doesn't make it right. That means you're stupid. You pass something that but what is that? I think it's the tribalism for sure that both sides are just like fighting these like little proxy wars against each other even in the conservative movement. Now you have like Trump people fighting to Santa's people. Some of it's righteous, but like it's like they're all like right or die with their guy and I'm watching both of them.
Starting point is 00:33:33 I'm like I have a preference, although it can shift based on like what they do, but like these people they're just like being the same type of hypocrite that they hate in each other. Like just anything I gotta do for my guy, now they're looking at Trump rally saying there's not enough people there and there's not enough people there and he's wearing boots and it's like,
Starting point is 00:33:50 all this stupid crap they did to Trump, they're doing to each other. I think it's tribalism, but yeah, I think that, you know, and this is probably unpopular to some, but like with George Bush, you know, he was the American Patriot and he tricked Republicans and now they know they got tricked by George Bush, but it's a little too late. Then Obama came in and he was like the cool guy for eight years and then they, and now
Starting point is 00:34:11 there's Trump. And everybody doesn't want to admit that they, that it could happen again, but I'm seeing the same type of like 2000s Patriot act type of stuff going now like Republican pages posting like, why aren't they on the FBI watch list? It's literally actually, I saw people at a protest, they go, why aren't they on the FBI watchlist? And I'm like, bro, you don't have to like them, you don't have to respect them. But like, you're on the FBI watchlist now because you did that to terrorists in the 2000s
Starting point is 00:34:35 and now they label you a terrorist because if you expand the definition of terrorists to include 50 different groups that aren't terrorists, eventually they're going to say Trump supporters are terrorists. So it's like the same Trump supporters that i know and i like that are complaining that the feds are like investigating them now are calling to investigate random innocent people at a protest because they're siding with the wrong policy and i get attention to hire right now but it's like they're making the same mistakes that they made during the during the bush air yeah do you think there's a guiding principle that could help because, you know, it's like,
Starting point is 00:35:08 I'm against, for example, I'm against capital punishment. I think, you know, legislating, executing someone, in my opinion, is a bad idea. Now, somebody may come up to me and say, well, what if somebody killed your kids? What would you want to do? I'd want to kill in my own hands, with my own bare hands, right?
Starting point is 00:35:24 And so that's a human natural human emotion. It's like, I have a principle, but if you get me scared enough or mad enough or upset enough, I will break it. And even though, for whatever reason, because this is how I feel, do you, like, is there a guiding principle someone could follow to help them, you know, make these decisions that aren't going to backfire? I think it all comes down to self-awareness, and even with the type of stuff that you guys do,
Starting point is 00:35:48 and I'm not just saying this because I'm here, I think people that are building people's bodies and minds is more important than politicians because it's hurt people, hurt people. People that don't take care of themselves, how are you gonna take care of the whole world? People are making fun of Chris Christie, and he makes some good points,
Starting point is 00:36:03 but it is also like, dang, that guy's kind of large. And God bless him. You know what I'm saying? But how are you going to take care of the whole country? You can't even take care of yourself. So I think if people kind of built themselves up, I think there's a lot of that now. Depression is at an all time high. Obesity seems like it's at an all time high. Divorce is at all. All these bad things. And then it's like we expect these politicians that are so amazing, even though our country is in massive decline. We're going to get Trump versus Biden again, 2.0, because we need to build ourselves up. I think also, as a person, if you're honest to yourself, it's harder for other people to
Starting point is 00:36:40 lie to you. When you're weak, say you're just strung out, and it's easier, you're more desperate. But when you're comfortable, you're... Harder to you. When you're weak, like say you're just like strung out and you're, it's easier, like you're more desperate, but like when you're comfortable, you know, you're like harder to manipulate. Harder to manipulate. Harder to manipulate. So like it all comes from that where I'm at the point now. It's like, if I don't want to go somewhere, I don't go somewhere. I don't give a shit. Who pressures me? But like in my 20s, I might go, you know, because I got nothing going on. So I think it really stems from that, like self-awareness and self-accountability, which apparently is extremely rare in these times, you know?
Starting point is 00:37:09 Do you, who do you think are pulling the strings? Who do you think is really making the decisions? How much trouble you wanna get in? I'm not saying it. I'm not saying it down the road. I mean, at the end of the day, I will say that, you know, on the self-accountability tip, it's like if you don't buy it, they can't sell it.
Starting point is 00:37:26 And like the fact that so many people are buying it, we could play the victim. Yes, there's a lot of propaganda manipulation. But I think at the end of the day, we're in control of our own destiny. So everything they do needs enough people to buy it. But I definitely think there's people above the politicians. And it feels like, to me, at this point, that the politicians and it feels like to me at this point that they the politicians are almost like professional middlemen in the sense of like what's going to make people feel like there's going to be change you know like okay well Bush is
Starting point is 00:37:56 like the American guy who's going to like fight the terrorists Obama's like the cool guy who's like half black and like like Kendrick Lamar and plays basketball and he's kind of different right and he's like really like nice nice guy well spoken whatever. And then all right, well you guys are tired of him. Here's this guy and like there's this Trump narrative now where like Trump's really gonna fix it like maybe but like if you really follow the policy and stuff, there's certain things that happen anyway. So you know, I would say there's definitely know, I would say there's definitely, there's definitely people that are above that pay grade, you know, I would just say that certain industries, certain groups, certain media organizations, and the, I would say the more you figure it out, the more they get
Starting point is 00:38:37 mad at you. Do you think they're, do you think whoever or whatever we talk about this sometimes? Like is this guy's talk like that? And I always go like, who's, who's day? Do you think it's a group of malicious people that have ill will, or do you think it's just greed? That there's people trying to, because I feel like it's greed.
Starting point is 00:38:54 I think that everything goes back to the money and they're just trying to line their pockets. I think it's part that, it's part human nature. I think it is part malevolence, but at the end of the day, I would say in certain countries, like, if you look at what I'm going to say might be controversial, but, and I'm not going to, like, promote these countries, but there's a reason that the elites want to go after them, like, say, like, China and Russia. I'm not a fan of China or Russia. I'm
Starting point is 00:39:17 American. I love America. But, like, Russia has a strong national identity, and, like, they don't allow that much foreign influence. Not saying what they do is right or they're amazing, but like any country that doesn't allow massive foreign influence in will become a target. Even though China is like super powerful and super corrupt and I don't think they treat their people well, you'll notice that like there's only one thing that George, George Soros says they're the biggest threat and so does Vivek and so does Trump and so does the Santis and so does Democrats. They all do.
Starting point is 00:39:45 And I'm not saying China's our friend. I'd much rather live here. I'm a proud American. With that being said, China is run by China. Like they don't really let a lot of shit in. You know what I'm saying? They're not doing it completely right, but they're not allowing America. It's like we're so overrun by so much propaganda to point the blame at one person would be
Starting point is 00:40:02 disingenuous because there's probably like a hundred different countries here, a hundred different, like that's why people are so scrambled because there's like, we allow everything, you know what I'm saying? We don't even have a closed border. We're allowing millions of people from a hundred plus countries to come across the border. Like, I have friends that report there
Starting point is 00:40:17 over a hundred different countries, people are coming in and they're just allowing it. And none of these politicians can agree to close it, but they can agree to send foreign aid to multiple different countries. All of them only agree on that or agree on a vaccine. It's very bizarre, but I would say that there are people out there that have certain mindsets, certain religions,
Starting point is 00:40:38 certain cultural trends and norms where some people really don't like Christians, some people really don't like Americans. And I do think that there's a tanglement of different influences and entities out there. But the more I study and realize it's like, how your race is not necessarily how everyone's raised and there are some people, and you could just see it
Starting point is 00:41:00 in how everything operates, where they're not operating under what a Christian will want. Like a Christian would say like, okay, do it this way, go to church and like don't curse in your rap songs. And then like the other person would be like dress up as Satan and satanize, you know, 15 people on a music video. And you're like, whoa, whoa, whoa, like, you know, it's like there's competing world views
Starting point is 00:41:20 right now. There's some people who say believe in this God and this is the way we want to live our lives and get married. And there's some people say have a eight, you know, say have a brothel, satanize everybody and dress up as the devil and laugh in the face of these people and push pornography. You know, it's like, so there's, I think there's a lot of different competing ideologies and world views and different groups with different ideas of how to run a nation. And we're seeing like the breakdown of like, I would say fake capitalism, like basically like crony capitalism, government, you know, and where it ends, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:41:57 but I think it's a mixture, sorry, long winded. I think it's part malevolence, part human nature, and you know, part greed. Yeah, you know, just to speak to that, I think it's part malevolence, part human nature, and part greed. Yeah, just to speak to that, because I think a lot about that, and our country used to allow a lot of people in, and it was actually quite easy.
Starting point is 00:42:15 I'm the son of immigrants, and they came over here, but there was a difference back then in the sense that, and people were always like, yeah, they were all European immigrants, like, okay. they weren't anything like each other. They went to war with each other two times. So, yeah, you had Germans, Italians, you had Jewish people, Irish people, sure their skin is white or whatever, but it wasn't like they were all like, we're all the same. They were all very different, but they all had one common purpose. And this is what I think might not be the same today. Right. Back then everybody had different beliefs, but you came here, nobody gave you anything.
Starting point is 00:42:49 All you had was opportunity. Right. So everybody came here, had the common purpose of opportunity, leave us alone, we'll build our business, and if we got to figure out how to work together. Right. And that maybe what's what's missing today, where people come over and maybe they get stuff and they get catered to and they get whatever. Whereas back then I was like, you come here, no problem. You gotta work your ass off, that's it. And we're not gonna give you much,
Starting point is 00:43:14 we're just gonna give you the opportunity to pursue those things. And that led to an incredible country, which I think the direction is going maybe in a different way. I'm not quite sure. I know it it isn't they don't have that same common ideal like we used to because back then I was like yeah, okay differently whatever But everybody came here for the same reason like I'm here for the opportunity
Starting point is 00:43:36 Right, and we all have that in common right and I think part of it there is an agenda there where I do think because like even looking at like Old videos of the sky G. Edward Griffin. I don't know if you if you've ever heard him is an agenda there where I do think, because like even looking at like old videos of the sky G, Edward Griffin, I don't know if you've ever heard him, but he wrote a book, Creature on Jackal Islander. Yeah, yeah, about the Federal Reserve. This guy is the biggest G, like he had a black and white video from 1969,
Starting point is 00:43:56 where he's reading a communist book from the 1930s, and it's like identical to what's happening today, and he explained where he was like, they're using certain racial division, they're doing this. Because their idea is like break it all down, screw it all up and then they're going to come in and do it. So I think a lot of this stuff is not natural and it is planned and orchestrated.
Starting point is 00:44:16 But at the same time, this is a philosophical question that I think most people won't bring up. How much would have broken down over time anyway? Because let's just say you're a Christian in 1950s, right? Like how are you going to cheat on your wife? How's she gonna cheat on you? You gotta do it with like someone or in the area, because you're not really going that many places. They gotta call the house phone. You remember when someone called the house phone? The husband could be the hell with the hood fuck is this? You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:44:37 But now every chick, every guy's got a cell phone. So now, you know, myself or my girlfriend is like, she's not stuck in the house with a ring phone. We got access, she could go to Dubai. You know what I'm saying? So it's like, there's so much more opportunity out there where even without malevolence that I do think is a part of it, how much of this would have broke down anyway because it's like, there's just so many options
Starting point is 00:45:00 and so much where like any person, it would be like a guy who says, I would never like say some guy that's like, just ugly in fact, I'd never cheat on my wife. And it's like, you might be right, you might be that guy. But what if I put you in a room with 10 hot chicks from every country and they're on top of you, now would you?
Starting point is 00:45:16 I bet eight out of 10 of those guys would. And I'm not saying that's good. It's just like, that's the where we live in now. There's so much at our fingertips with technology that it's hard to maintain traditional values. But I don't know you guys see it too in this industry and just in the world is like everyone's running back to tradition now, it's like the trad.
Starting point is 00:45:34 Because people are like, fuck, my cell phone's pissing me off. I'm all over the place. I don't wanna have sex everybody. I just wanna like be celibate and go find a trad wife and make butter, you know? That's becoming more popular because people are freaked out by the options. Well, something I think about too
Starting point is 00:45:48 is how much of these competing ideologies, how much of that do you think is really authentic versus, because what you've seen in terms of how they've been able to use bots and how they've been able to use a lot of fake groups and things to really influence culture, and then the culture becomes a reflection of what we see on the internet. So how much of that do you think, like, where we're at in terms of our actual culture versus
Starting point is 00:46:14 what's being portrayed? I mean, I definitely think there's a lot of, I do think there's a lot of false influence, but let's say with the schools real quick, the left wing would say, okay, we're making the schools LGBT because it's more compassionate and we need to like, you know, there's going to be kids that are gay and that don't know their gay. So we're being nice. You know, the left wing would be like, we need to just be more thoughtful. And the right wingers say like, that's messed up. Like, you know, the kid doesn't even know who he is yet. And you're trying to like, change his gender and child off his genitalia. And then outside that left wing and right wing debate
Starting point is 00:46:45 of like what to do in the schools, I'm not saying this is why they're doing it, but like if you wanted to conquer a nation, would you want a bunch of strong men that work out? Like you guys, or would you want a bunch of guys that turned into girls that couldn't even hold a gun? So it's like, is that randomly happening? You know, it did do people mean well?
Starting point is 00:47:01 Maybe, but it's like, I do think that in certain countries like in Russia and China Like they completely reject that like in China. They're making the kids stronger purposely You know saying a Russia they completely reject that stuff in America It's like there is gonna be less and less opposition like a weaker military all this stuff Where it's like that's the question is like is that completely random just a sign of our times or is like that's the question is like, is that completely random just a sign of our times or are there people in the world that are playing chess that know that over time, you know,
Starting point is 00:47:30 America's gonna be like one eighth as strong as it used to be when it had like you were saying people from all over but they celebrated the flag and wanted to be a part of this country versus they wanted to like, you know, give it back. Yeah, common purpose. You mentioned, because you said you, you see trends and obviously your business on the internet and you mentioned how you're talking about how people now seem to want to go back to old traditional values or whatever. You see that as a trend? Do you see
Starting point is 00:48:00 that growing? And what do you think is that's a consequence of? Yeah, no, that's definitely growing and I think it's because people are exhausted. Even myself, I make money online. You know what I say? I've created a business online. I've done my dream life. I don't even know if I have fun on social media anymore. And I should be having the most fun because it's just like what's more fun? It's more fun to talk like this. It's more fun to be at a beach than it is to be arguing with someone. So I think people are just exhausted from the mental over simulation of technology.
Starting point is 00:48:28 For example, like, I don't, like, and this is a problem that I have, I wake up and I'm in my bed. And now I'm in the middle of an Israel Palestine conflict on Twitter and it's 9 a.m. Is that healthy for a human being to see a thousand different opinions videos right before you take
Starting point is 00:48:45 a shower or you know what I'm saying or take a drink of water and it's like that's the world we're all living in so I think a lot of people are like this is not it and same with like casual sex and just like having a bunch of partners and stuff like can it be fun in some way I'm sure yeah sure but you know the the more entanglements you have, the more your mind sort of scramble, where if you have a wife or you have a girlfriend, it's like, okay, I don't need to be on a dating app. I don't need to be flirting with everybody.
Starting point is 00:49:12 It makes your life more simple, so you can focus on what you actually wanna do. And I think over time, all the things that I thought were outdated, once you hit 30, you're like, oh no, that's the right way to do it. It's just natural, I forget. You know, like it's just natural. I forget. You know what, I'm finding interesting right now, because I noticed the same thing.
Starting point is 00:49:28 In fact, I told these guys a while ago, I said, it's weird that it looks like stuff that was like not cool and that's like outdated. All of a sudden, people seem to be going in that direction. And they're not just going into the direction of like, let's say, religion, for example, that would be a traditional way of living or whatever, but they're picking the most traditional forms of that, it seems. I'm hearing people, a lot of people are saying, okay, I'm a Christian, but I like the Latin mass. I'm going to go, that's like the old school before they change things, type of mass, you
Starting point is 00:50:01 understand what they're saying, type of deal. Or I like the structure. I like, I even find myself. Would have never thought that'd be punk rock. Yeah. I look at, like, even the omniscient, you know, where I look at them, that's crazy. Now part of me, not that I want to do it, but part of me is like, maybe they figure a few things out, like they seem to be pretty chill right now. Right.
Starting point is 00:50:20 Do you think that that's happening because, because my theory is, like you said, that's so chaotic that what's like, we want a little bit of structure. We want a little bit of that feeling, which is maybe why I feel like people are moving to the more, even more traditional forms of some of this stuff. Right, and that's the good kind of bounce back, like, say with food. It's like, as the food gets more fake in GMO
Starting point is 00:50:45 and you got people talking about how they want to like eliminate meat, you're inner human is like, yo, let me get a farm and get my own meat. So they can't take it from me. You know what I say? Like let me churn butter like I grew up on a farm. I've I've farmed like my my stepfather's a beast with the farming.
Starting point is 00:50:59 I'm a you know, I'm an American. I would say mostly Caucasian. I was soft out there. I was with like immigrants yell like I'm like shit, dude, I want Caucasian. I was soft out there. I was with immigrants, like I'm like shit dude, I wanna go freaking on Twitter. You know, I'm not built for these times, but I've done it and like people are like, I wanna go live on a farm and say it's tough work,
Starting point is 00:51:14 especially a bigger farm, but people wanna put in that work. And yeah, it's appealing to just get off the grid, get away from all this stuff. I definitely think it's the bounce back, and I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing. I think it's definitely good to. Oh, it's definitely good to.
Starting point is 00:51:30 Yeah. I wonder if it's more though, just, I mean, don't you feel like every generation of teenagers rebels against whatever was right before that? You know, like I almost feel like it's actually rebelling to be the good kid who goes to church now and screw it.
Starting point is 00:51:45 You know what I'm saying? That's what's weird about it. It's like the whole, you know, wrapping and devil shit and like going so far that way. Now it's like, oh, this is me rebelling. I'm going to church this weekend. I feel like it's almost like that. Like it's becoming a trend more so just because it's
Starting point is 00:52:02 different than what everybody else is trending towards. Yeah, you know, an interesting speculation that Adam likes to make, I think I agree with, because sometimes I look at things and I'm like, is it getting crazier? Like, what is going on? Like, the, the propaganda, the media is more, they're more brazen.
Starting point is 00:52:19 They lie differently than they used to. They used to lie and used to have some cunning with it. Now it's like, like I remember doing the pandemic, I'm pretty professional. I brought this up before, because I remember watching this on the news and being like, did they really just, it was literally, they literally were talking about how,
Starting point is 00:52:35 do not go outside, don't be around anybody because you're gonna kill grandma, okay? Then the next clip was the George Floyd protests, where thousands of people were packed together and they're like, this is a no way contributing to the spread. Right. It's like one after another, I'm like, they've never lied this brazenly before.
Starting point is 00:52:53 And Adam's theory was, and I think I agree with this, is that is it because new media is making it so hard to control the narrative that this is like the, this is like the Hail Mary, like those that control shit, they're like, they can't control it, so they're getting the narrative that this is like the, this is like the Hail Mary. Like those that control shit, they're like, they can't control it, so they're getting crazier and crazier. Right. Do you think that that's what might be happening?
Starting point is 00:53:11 Yeah, and to your point, I remember like, I think it was New York Times, they wrote this article like she was like, I was just against people going outside, but now I'm supporting it. She was like, am I a hypocrite? Cause I was like, I was like, she was like going through a line. And I'm like, yes, you're an idiot, Debra.
Starting point is 00:53:26 You're like, whatever, you know, like Sarah, you suck. No, but yeah, no, I think that is happening. And I also think it's like, if you can just, this is the, the pro side of it is they are losing the narrative. I'm seeing the comment section, like on Twitter, Elon has done a fantastic job to level the playing field, even Instagram and Facebook, like I'm seeing the comment section of all political parties that are pushing SuperCrap.
Starting point is 00:53:48 Their audiences are like getting smarter than them. And I feel like everyone has options. So some of these people, they get their power and they get their little social media channel and they forget that they're listening to your podcast and Rogan and like there's people that are educating themselves from everywhere. So if you can't keep up intellectually,
Starting point is 00:54:04 you're gonna get got by your own audience. But, you know, the bad part of what the media is doing is I feel like they know in this like day and age, like say like 15 years ago. If they say it's a big story, it's a big story. Now, there's gonna be 15 big stories that would elastity year that are gonna go away in 48 hours.
Starting point is 00:54:20 So they are doing these Hail Marries of like, say with the border, there's no way Democrats or Republicans would have allowed millions of people to come across the border Like me I'm not talking like a couple immigrant millions from a hundred different countries China, Russia. It's really happening and knowing but like they know that the narrative is so Watered down the right feels the way they do the left feels the way they do. There's nothing you can really do about it So they're like all right. Let's throw them off. Let's do it all now because no one can really do anything about it. So I think it is a combo of them getting desperate and them knowing in the social media age that if they just keep doing it and bouncing to story
Starting point is 00:54:54 to story that by the time like during the Trump era, that was like my whole career. It's like I debunk it, then they'd move to the next one, move to the next one, move to the next one. And it's like on one hand, they're getting found out and people are catching onto it. On another hand, they're getting found out and people are catching onto it. On another hand, they don't even care because even though most people know that they're lying, they somehow get away with it. And like, even if 80% of the country knows
Starting point is 00:55:13 that like what's going on at the border is a little strange, it's still open. Well, look at the little reports on alien stuff, like from UFO stuff. That would have like 15 years ago. That would have blown up. Now people are like, who cares? No, but cares. Oh my dude, they literally just hit it. There's UFOs, you know? Does the alien have a TikTok channel?
Starting point is 00:55:31 No, no, I'm giving shit. It's like, wait, does the alien have a TikTok channel? What do you mean? Like does he have like a TikTok paycheck? No. I think the algorithm also petuates this behavior also, right? Because even if your audience is disagreeing and arguing with you,
Starting point is 00:55:48 them arguing and engaging feeds the algorithm, puts you at the top, gets more views, potentially gets more money. So incentivize you. I, yeah, it doesn't incentivize you. So it's like, who gives a fuck if this is outlandish and crazy and extreme? It's like, let's put it out there because at the end of the day, it's going to get the most views and likes or dislikes, which still feeds us. So I think that's, yeah. You know, it's like, let's put it out there because at the end of the day, it's gonna get the most views and likes or dislikes, which still feeds us.
Starting point is 00:56:07 So I think that's, yeah. You know, it's really crazy. So in our, we're in the health space. So it's really easy for us to see propaganda in relation to health, because we understand health pretty well. So news articles come out, and the average person might be like, oh wow, but we'll be like, that's total bullshit. I'll give you an example of one that's kind of crazy.
Starting point is 00:56:25 There's a peptide called semi-glutide ozampic, right? You see all the articles about it. Oh, it causes 20% of your body weight and weight loss. Actually quite effective when it comes to weight loss. There's definitely potential side effects, but it's the first pharmaceutical, quote unquote, that actually causes weight loss. And then we're seeing these articles
Starting point is 00:56:42 that are talking about how bad it is for you. And then I'm reading executives from the largest process food manufacturing companies got together and they're like panicking. What do we do about this pet head that makes people eat less? I'm like, it's because you're a profits. It's big pharma versus big food. Like this is a propaganda war and you got to kind of sift through. And then that leads me to this fall to the following, you know, kind of comment, which I would love to hear what you take is we were talking earlier about AI and I told you how we cut an ad, somebody sent me an ad of me selling a product that I never sold.
Starting point is 00:57:16 And it's my voice and everything's really weird. So crazy. Are we going to get to the point where, where, because everything's so free, but then there's so much fake stuff that's out there. Do you think we're going to get to the point where, because everything's so free, but then there's so much fake stuff that's out there. Do you think we really get to the point where people are gonna beg for more control? We're gonna want arbitrators of truth, government arbitrators, so it's gonna make full circle.
Starting point is 00:57:35 What do you think about that? I think so, I mean, even during the pandemic, you saw a large portion of people either want that or just be completely complacent about it. And that made it interesting to do like a not normal job, because at first, it's like, yo, my job's so crazy, but then even normal jobs got kicked out.
Starting point is 00:57:52 Like millions of businesses got closed, like dentist's office were closed down and I was like, oh, I'm still working. Look at how that turned out. You know, like my job seemed more stable than it was, but yeah, I mean, the AI stuff is interesting because you don't wanna let it go unregulated to some extent because I don't know.
Starting point is 00:58:08 This is a very bizarre problem to have where someone could literally create a fake U, sell products, do whatever, say you did something on camera, they could literally try to arrest somebody in the future for something they said on a video that wasn't them. You know what I'm saying? So, you almost do want some sort of rule, but yeah, the chances of them. Exactly. The positive side to that, right? My the optimistic view I have of that is that people now, I don't think like even I was guilty of this, right? I would read some article and respond right away, like, oh, my reaction to that,
Starting point is 00:58:46 where I don't do that anymore. Like, I write away, like, if I read something that, like, is at all armist, like, I need, I have to go find the counter, I've searched to see if it's real, it's like, I didn't do that, but I've already been trained to do that now because I've already made mistakes, where I respond to something or share something,
Starting point is 00:59:01 and then I find out, oh shit, well, that's not the whole truth, and so, I think that more people, because there's so much bullshit are Becoming like that. Don't you think do you feel like within the native? Or are started to become more aware that there's so much of that so that you're you're less likely to jump on trends right away Yeah, but my fear is this because the Soviets did this right where they would Constantly change what was okay to say to the point where people didn't know what to say and so they would say nothing just to say to say it. What can we say?
Starting point is 00:59:30 So it's like my fear is it's gonna get so like I don't believe anything. Yeah just tell me what to be exactly. You're not wrong. The media did like a crazy like a big like hip-hop epi after the Vivek interview like a bunch of different media things. And the weird part was like, no one cared. You know what I'm saying? Because like they do all these articles and like they're losing that audience, that cares. Like if you go on Rogan, it's a million times bigger than that. Like no one cares what they're saying. So with that being said, moving forward, like what I'm wondering is if things get so fake on the internet, like at a certain point, are people just gonna wanna tap out completely?
Starting point is 01:00:07 Like, what if it gets to the point where like, you don't even know who you're watching, if it's real, if it's not real, like it's you, it's the rogue, it's fake rogue, and it's fake Rachel Maddow, where everyone just smashes their phone, and they're like, yeah, I gotta like completely get off this, because there's no point in even being here anymore,
Starting point is 01:00:22 because like, I don't know what's real. Like, is it gonna get to that point? Because it's not even evolved, yeah, AI, like say in 15 years. What is, I don't know the answer to it. What is the solution between letting it go unregulated and regulation of a literal hologram of you that could commit a crime that makes people think that you committed a crime in the street, but it wasn't even you,
Starting point is 01:00:47 and now the police are like, it's a really like, there's gotta be a thing down the pipe, right? Like look what we did with like blue checks, right? To authenticate who you are. Like there's gotta be something in the future where, because I do think that's an ever going to happen. I mean, I've already seen that kind of happen. Right, that out of you is nuts.
Starting point is 01:01:04 Yeah, I haven't been selling something with you. Right, that. Have you seen it? I have some of selling something with here. Well, when we got this, so when we saw that, we immediately, if you look at our, I don't know what you call it, our emblem or whatever, when you look up our podcast on an icon, an icon and now says on it 100% organic human made. I'm like, we need to put this on here.
Starting point is 01:01:20 We're like, well, let's just look at this. I think it's gonna be a thing. Yeah. Right, no, you're ahead of the stuff. I think it's gonna be a thing. Yeah. Right. No, you're ahead of the curve. Yeah, it's already happened to you. And it's not even like near the peak of how realistic it's gonna be.
Starting point is 01:01:33 Nor are we even that important. It hasn't been so important, you know what I'm saying? So it's, so I think it's gonna be something like that where there'll be some sort of way to verify people are thinning. And I do think that we are just in a weird time of watching the old media die. And this is their last dying, this craziness that we have,
Starting point is 01:01:52 because I do think that the place people are gonna get their news in the future is a Joe Rogan. Is a voice that you've built a relationship? You've just did voice. And yet try or someone like you where you're like, I relate to this guy, I agree with you, or I've met him, I'm gonna watch CNN, I'm gonna watch, I don't care,
Starting point is 01:02:09 I trust that he's gonna go do all that work for me, and so I just think that we're moving into that time. Well, being a musician, I want to hear your thoughts and take on a lot of the AI mashups that they're doing lately, and how they're actually getting a lot of attention and getting good placement in terms of iTunes and all that, where does that, where do you see that evolving?
Starting point is 01:02:31 And maybe the potential for an AI artist to just emerge who's not even real. I would say I don't like it personally, but it doesn't matter because it's happening. It's one of those things, but when I see AI songs getting to the top of the charts, something just feels off. It feels like gimmicky and also just not ethical,
Starting point is 01:02:51 but from the business perspective, say you're Drake. You could block it like they've been doing because people are making some fire fake Drake songs, and you could block it and take it down, or you could sell a $300 package where people can use your likeness or you could like sell a $300 package where people can like use your likeness or you create royalties off of it. So that's like you could actually monetize it and if you decide like Rick Ross, like, or say an artist that like maybe doesn't
Starting point is 01:03:14 care as much, I'm not saying Rick Ross doesn't, but like he's like, oh, and you want to do a Rick Ross song. He's like, you can do it. You can hit the iTunes charts, but I'm taking 50% of the song. That I see that becoming sort of a business too, but. Totally. That makes a lot of sense. I see that as an online, I made the prediction that what we're gonna see with actors in the future is actors
Starting point is 01:03:33 just selling their lightness. They don't even have to go act in the movie anymore. They'll just be like, Tom Cruise will say, like, yeah, give me 50 million, and then you can go use my character forever. Forever. Yeah, forever. Yeah, five years, you can use my character
Starting point is 01:03:45 for whatever movies and he don't even have the act and he just gets royalties. Yeah, I totally think that's true. I heard Rogan on a podcast, this one scared me because I think a lot of people agree with him and I don't think this is a good idea. I heard him make the argument that, hey, when we get like artificial general intelligence, right?
Starting point is 01:04:02 So AI that actually is, you know, I don't know, sentient, right? That maybe we should let that lead the world. Maybe we should have AI politicians because they're objective, they're non-biased, they're based on facts. And I'm like, you know, when you get that's, that's not a good place to be. That's not a good place to be either because when you get that's that's not a good place to be program that's not a good place to be either because you can you know what if the thing to say what if to save lives to save more people you had to kill all the people with the bad genetics right that's that wasn't that's a logical idea you know it's called you that's that's that's a logical idea like let's get rid of all the people that have the bad genes and we get good genes I'll save millions and millions of future people.
Starting point is 01:04:45 But obviously our humanity, yeah, our humanity's like, no, no, that's not a good idea. Like we shouldn't do that. Or to save more people, we need to lock them up. Right. Like this is the kind of stuff that I think, like, well, okay, logically, you're so far, but you also have to have kind of have this humanity.
Starting point is 01:05:01 Cause it's logical to not protect individual liberty and just to go after the collective, but we know where that goes. Yeah, it's a dicey situation where on one hand, you know, that sounds like a nightmare sci-fi movie. On another hand, it's like, these politicians are so pathetic. It's just like, you know, it's like Joe Biden's like, you know, I know he's not really doing that much. And they're so dishonest and disingenuous where you're like part of me's like
Starting point is 01:05:25 What could it be that bad to do that for a couple years? It's like with a vaque where it's like, you know, I girled him an interview and like I gave him a tough interview And I don't know if I trust him yet, but like Give him a shot in the Republican party He'll be better than 90% of the Republican party if he just does like five good things You know like they're so pathetic and fake that he has a spot there. I was just trying to give an interview It's I don't know five good things, you know, like they're so pathetic and fake that he has a spot there. I was just trying to give an interview. It's, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:05:54 Yeah, I don't, I don't, I don't know that a AI would do worse, but if programs, like algorithmically, like, you know, they put in like, oh, don't do this. Don't, that's racist, whatever this is. Like they like artificially program it. But like you said, if they don't, then it starts spinning out things. People don't want to hear it. I'm like, fuck, I know it's going to say that. out things people don't want to hear. I was just calculating crime rates and they're like you told out you're going to get canceled. He's like I don't get a carriage. Justin's theory is that AI is going to be the antichrist. He's like that'll be the antichrist. He's going to write up for more miracles and solve all of our
Starting point is 01:06:19 problems and get worship. I thought that was a pretty cool theory. It definitely could be an out with the conversation before about the likeness and stuff, the Native Americans used to say taking pictures of them was capturing their soul. They hated pictures being taken to them. I have a little bit of that energy in me, clearly not with pictures. I missed that time frame. But with the AI, did you feel violated when you saw it? It's not only is it faking you, it's just spiritually, it's just weird. Where you're like, dude, someone's literally like taking their time to like remake me
Starting point is 01:06:48 and make me talk like me. Like it's almost like Voodoo-esque. It creeps me out. 100% right that way. Yeah, I told you about the hit pieces on you after. I didn't know that. So I know we saw your interview with Vivek. It was short because they only gave you,
Starting point is 01:07:01 they gave you a short period of time. You gave them, I think, the toughest interview he said. I think you did a good job, but your questions were great. I liked it because you were educated on the positions that he had. I didn't know they did hit pieces on you. What would happen? No one did, so it's like, I don't even need to talk about it
Starting point is 01:07:22 because it went out the window because no one really cares what the media said, but basically I got tangled up and they've already not liked me for a while in some cases, but I guess Vivek has been saying in certain interviews or in certain things, like talking about ending certain foreign aid because that's what a lot of people want to do.
Starting point is 01:07:41 And they are basically trying to frame him as anti-Semitic because he wants to cut foreign aid to Israel similar to Ron Paul And, you know, they are basically trying to frame him as anti-Semitic because he wants to cut for an aid to Israel similar to like Ron Paul or Thomas Massey, like very libertarian on it. And they basically try to like frame me as an anti-Semitic YouTube channel. And they just like went and got like quotes. Some of them they pretty much just like ignored and like re-written to make it sound crazier. And it was basically a way to try to get him to make it sound crazier. And it was basically a way to try to get him to I think like just kind of cave on what he said
Starting point is 01:08:08 and feel bad about it and do it, you know, certain people wanted him to do so. That's happened to me for a minute. I'm trying to think the first time, like I interviewed Candace Owens and like they didn't like Candace Owens because she wouldn't condemn yay or something. Like, you know, and it's like,
Starting point is 01:08:22 I think I just got on certain people's radar and they just started digging, digging and trying to find stuff. But it's not unique to me at the time they were doing it, you know, Elon was having the whole ADL thing where he was considering suing the ADL for defamation because they were going behind the scenes and saying that they wanted to take, you know, certain advertisements away from him according to Elon. And it's one of those ways that, you know, they, they, they just, it was almost seemed like pre-planned where they just found every quote that I've ever said
Starting point is 01:08:48 out of context and tried to just make it seem as crazy as possible to also make Vivekla crazy, so he caved on that. Oh, interesting. Yeah, that's one of those things that like, you know, if you want to cut foreign aid to Zelinsky, they will say you are a pro-Poot and propagandist. If you didn't want to sign the Patriot Act,
Starting point is 01:09:04 they say you're a terror sympathizer. If you don't want to sign the stimulus bill or whatever it's called the omnibus bill, they say you hate poor people. You don't want to get people money. And if you ever question anything about Israel or foreign aid, you know, they're just going to say you're anti-Semitic. It's something that I've been dealing with for years because I saw in 2019. Trump and DeSantis passed these anti-Semitism speech bills and college protest bills. And while I don't agree with everything on it, obviously, it's more like a free speech sort of thing. And I think, you know, Ron Paul was hated for this reason. Also, he got called that by Shapiro and others. It's like they pass certain things
Starting point is 01:09:40 under the guise of things you agree with. Like you said, and then they expand it and use it against you. And once I noticed that not just Democrats, but Republicans were doing that, all of a sudden I saw certain media that liked me and certain people that liked me kind of shift pretty much ignored what I was saying and just run with it. The same way as like the left would say, like, if you don't support the George Floyd protests, you must hate all these people. And you're like, it's not really how it works. You know, but you could pretend like it is. It was that sort of situation.
Starting point is 01:10:11 Yeah, it's protecting speech exists specifically to protect unpopular speech. Right. That's that we know popular speech is any protection. That's it. So what they'll do is they'll take speech that everybody agrees it sounds terrible. Like saying terrible things about kids or being racist or not.
Starting point is 01:10:27 I agree. Like that's a terrible thing to say. Right. But if you pass a law banning a speech, then that that law can be used to ban whatever they deemed to be, careful or wrong. And we know that they can go in all kinds of different directions with that. So that's what I think people need to look at. During the pandemic, NPR and I think it's taxpayer funded,
Starting point is 01:10:47 so it's extra embarrassing that my taxes are paying for smear pieces against me, but they wrote a soft one, and it said, anomaly, and it was funny, well, not funny at the time, but now it's funny. I Chelsea Clinton tweeted it out, and she was like, yo, this conspiracy, there is Tucker Carlson, and I was like, oh shit, it's like a coordinated, like, you know, whatever.
Starting point is 01:11:03 So I'm reading the thing, and it's like, anomaly on Facebook, because I was in the top five most like post, like biggest posts out of every, it was like, New York Times, Fox, anomaly and like, who the hell is this guy? And they said, he's a conspiracy theorist because he thinks that they use the pandemic for government control. And I said, I, everyone knows they use the pandemic for government control. The question is, was it justified or not? Some people would say the government control was justified. Others like us would be like it wasn't justified. But the fact that it exists isn't even controversial.
Starting point is 01:11:33 No one's even, so I was like laughing at it where like, and even in the recent ones, they're like, he also questions the pharmaceutical industry and it's like, who doesn't? Yeah, it should. If you question the pharmaceutical industry, they call you a conspiracy theorist, anti-science, or anti-vaxxer. If you question anything they say on race, they call you racist. If you have traditional relationships
Starting point is 01:11:53 between men and women, they call you a sexist. If you question what they're doing at all with climate change, they call you a denier. And if you question certain things in foreign policy, do you remember in 2016, when it was like Bernie and Hillary, when Bernie bros liked Bernie, they would be like, oh, you're Putin people.
Starting point is 01:12:10 And at the time I was like, who's? Like I didn't even, you know, they kept calling me Russian when I wasn't like a Russian bot. Because that like Hillary like to justify, she's like, oh, nobody hates me. It's all Russian bots. And you're like, oh yeah, yeah, everybody like, all the Trump supporters secretly like you.
Starting point is 01:12:25 They're just Russian bots. So like I've gone through this narrative. It's just some, you know, sometimes it's like more brutal than others. But I think, you know, I can't imagine like I'm watching the stuff that Bobby Kennedy and Vivek are going through. Like, you know, dude, it's like running for president is like a whole other level of like, I'm, dude, they got 10,000 different angles. They're coming up both those guys. I'm like, sheesh. Yeah, for me, the scariest thing is when you see a political party organized effectively to get someone out or silenced in their party.
Starting point is 01:12:56 They saw a mole rally together on Trump. Well, you saw it with Ron Paul. Literally, I remember this one, when they were, you had the votes were going on, the delegates were trying to vote. And Ron Paul delegates were putting a bus, and the bus never got to where it was supposed to go. Do you remember that? It was so, oh, they were tweeting from the bus or like, they won't drop us off.
Starting point is 01:13:19 They were just circling around. I'm like, this is, this is wild. And I was totally not a Bernie supporter whatsoever, but it was interesting to see the left organized to silence him and kick him out. I was like, holy shit, this is, that's not fair. Like, I don't like the guy, but let him go. Let's see what people vote for.
Starting point is 01:13:36 And they have like super delegates, right? At least on the Republican side, it's just like who you vote for. On the Democrat side, it's like who you vote for, except for like 400 or however many delegates that just like it's like basically got a win by like to 15% because there's like an unelected group that just votes and you know you always hear Republicans are worse than Democrats like growing up is like a kid and you're like no for sure this party is way more corrupt than
Starting point is 01:13:58 the Republican party because they're both corrupt but like you can vote for Trump over jab bush and you could win but like Bernie's going up again. It's like starting a basketball game 20 to zero. It's like this is fucking up. Yeah, this much super delicate. Yeah, who are these? Who are, like, can I see them? Like, I bet they're very unimpressive people, you know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 01:14:18 Disgusting pizza bait, like, slavering, you know? You're like, I'm a super delicate. It's really important what I do. Yeah. The fuck are you doing? How did that end? What did you get's really important. What I do, yeah, the fuck are you? How did that? But what did you, what did you get the debate so far? What did you think of the debate so far? Who do you think and who do you think? What do you like and what do you not like that you're seeing with the camera? I mean, it's interesting because Trump's not there. So you know, I like I talk about that play actually
Starting point is 01:14:39 He's doing he's playing smart, in my opinion. I think he's so far ahead in the primary, according to the polls, that it's smart for him to not get on stage and get compared head to head. He's playing, in my opinion, he's playing smart politics, I think. I would say strategically, he's right. Ethically, I'm a little annoyed because I would say as somebody that liked his debates in 2016, he won the election because of the debates.
Starting point is 01:15:01 He went from nothing to everything, because he just mocked the floor with those idiots. So you know what I'm saying? So it's like as somebody that came up through the base and that was the only way he came up, he's talking about like canceling the third one. It's like, all right bro, you don't have to show up but to try to cancel a debate
Starting point is 01:15:14 when you came up through the base is annoying but strategically I do think it's smart because if you're up that much, you know, he is like the main attraction. So it's like, you know, if he doesn't show up, it's like Chris Christie yelling it around to Santa. It's, I thought Vivek probably did well, the first one, I thought to Santa's did well,
Starting point is 01:15:31 the second one, some of these other guys, it just doesn't matter what they say. Like it doesn't, no matter how good Chris Christie does, he's not gonna win. You know, no matter like Mike Pence, he has no chance. So it's like, I felt like, what's it got Doug Burnham? I guess he did okay, but like, exactly. So it's like, it's really, I think, between DeSantis and Trump, Trump's
Starting point is 01:15:51 up a lot of points. I think Vivek is like the youngest, most impressive person that could find himself in a cabinet or something. But yeah, I would say, I would say the debates are kind of a snooze fest. There's not that much like interesting going on, but I do like how DeSantis is pointing out things that I want, like I wish him and Trump would debate because he did give an award to Fauci on the last day of office. Like he is saying outlandish things about the vaccine.
Starting point is 01:16:16 So it's a weird space, man, because Trump doesn't like to be like question, like even with the Megan Kelly interview, he got pissed because she asked a few good questions You know, it's like it's getting It's getting weird, but you know, I think that Trump doesn't he doesn't need to do anything different because no one cares You know like that. It's like he's still leading 30% so why would he shift? I think what's more interesting is not so much the Republican primary
Starting point is 01:16:43 I think what's gonna be interesting is what the left is gonna do because Biden is in serious mental decline No, no, no. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, is probably unpopular too, but I think all the Trump indictments, like the first one, it shot Trump up in the polls, and I think their Democrats think that Trump's the easiest person to beat because he's so like love and murder. They're trying to pick their enemy, right? I think so, and here's my, I was thinking about the other day, here's how the Republicans can win, and I don't know if this will actually happen
Starting point is 01:17:19 because there's a lot of like animosity, but say Trump gets the nominee. If he put DeSantis as attorney general and put him in a high level spot, and he put RFK as like HHS or FDA, you know what I'm going to say? And like said, hey, guys, you're not going to win. You know what I'm saying? Like, RFK loved the guy, but if he runs independent, like he's probably not going to win. DeSantis if he loses, he lost, it's over. If Trump like plucked them both and said he would give them both cabinet positions and took their audience to say hey guys like we like as the dissent and trump
Starting point is 01:17:47 camps are fighting like hysterically i'm not going to vote for either one of your candidates like to the fuck out guys and the bobby kennedy people rightfully they like him more than these guys because say what you want about bobby kennedy he spent decades at going after monsanto the pharmaceutical industry so those people are not going to vote for trump if he's running around shilling the vaccine too hard so So it's like there, there are millions upon tens of millions of people like Bobby, you know, I think if Bobby runs independent, if Trump and DeSantis just keep fighting, like that's how that's the only way Biden's going to win.
Starting point is 01:18:17 So if Trump could swoop them up, you think can't be, I feel like coming in by 10 points to be that would be brilliant. Do you think Kennedy will pull more from the Republicans from the Democrat as independent? He said on a podcast, he thinks he pulls more Trump voters. They put up his donations, and I think he got more from Democrats, but barely. I think it's gonna be close, because I do think that he has got a lot of progressive
Starting point is 01:18:39 like people that are in the shadows, but also I know at least in my own personal circle for two-time Trump voters that want to vote for Kennedy and they're just disgusted with his rhetoric. And like, you know, that's the thing with Trump is like everyone makes mistakes, but like the more I like he'll go on a thing and say, you know, the like it doesn't even matter what the San Justa did in Florida, like the Democrats did fine and like it's just sunny so like it's easy to run. And it's like the Democrats did fine, and it's just sunny,
Starting point is 01:19:05 so it's easy to run, and it's like, broke California's run horribly, and it's really nice here. So he's doing so much stuff that's pushing the Kennedy people away. It might hurt Trump more. I feel like it's gonna be really close up. I think Biden would get cream by Trump this time,
Starting point is 01:19:24 but I think if the left put Newsom, we would get, I think he would get cream by Trump this time. But I think if the left put Newsom, we would see, which God please don't let Newsom run. He's terrible. For people who live in California, I don't understand why anybody would like the guy. I think I heard, I've read like theories and rumors that Michelle Obama could be put in. That would be the kryptonite.
Starting point is 01:19:41 I don't think Trump would do well on a stage debating against Michelle. I think he bullies would do well on a stage debating against Michelle. I think he bullies everybody. But I think with Michelle, I would look bad. I don't think he would look, I think he would lose. She's definitely popular. And I don't think she's gonna run. What do you think about this as like a,
Starting point is 01:19:57 you're kind of libertarian right? Yeah. Like in certain other countries, they have more political parties. So they like have a block right? And they use that block for leverage. What I, so they like have a block, right? And they use that block for leverage. What I've always thought of like libertarians, and a lot of times they don't want it, because
Starting point is 01:20:09 like, no, we want to run for president, but like, say you have like five, like Kennedy has like 10% of the vote, 20% of the vote. DeSantis has millions of like, people that are like, I don't want to vote for Trump or whatever. Like, I feel like these politicians should use that leverage and like, maybe try to make Trump sign a paper or something where it's like, okay, you put me in this cabinet position or you do this libertarian thing that you'd never do because realistically it's like, you know, if all the dissentist people throw a fit and won't vote for Trump, which I don't think my necessarily and all these people
Starting point is 01:20:37 that are like don't like Trump anymore because of certain things he did that like Bobby Kennedy, like that is like Ross Perroesque enough to like win an election for Biden, but like they don't, I don't see that enough or like the libertarian party pretty much, I like Dave Smith, I don't think he's running, but like, you know, I don't think they have a chance, but if they have 5% of the vote, what's the shame of being like, okay,
Starting point is 01:20:57 Republicans are more libertarian, close to it. Let's make them make a deal. I'll give you our 5% of our votes. I'll give you the Kennedy vote, but you got to put me at FDA. You got to actually do something libertarian and stop governing like socialist and Democrats. I feel like that would be so effective because I'm worried that Trump's going to lose to Biden because if he like said, like after the DeSantis thing, if he's just like screw you, screw you, like talking shit there, but he's like, You might want to strike a few deals because I know at least multiple people that are like, yeah, I'm not voting for Trump. I'm voting for Kennedy
Starting point is 01:21:31 Yeah, even if your runs independent. Yeah, well organizing Here's a problem with libertarians. It's like trying to hurt cats like I've never seen I'm serious I mean, you know, I mean look at libertarians. You have anarchic capitalist. You have you know classical liberals You have libertarians. You have anarchic capitalist, you have classical liberals, you have libertarians almost like Republicans. Trying to get them unified, forget about it. And the party itself is, it could be a clown show. Yeah, people that go up represent the party
Starting point is 01:21:55 and they're like, yes, brothers and sisters should be able to marry each other. And like, oh, bro, why are you making that point? No, like legalized heroin, like, okay, the moral argument, but you're not gonna win any, so they don't do very well. So getting them to back anybody is like, even a libertarian, you know, Canada.
Starting point is 01:22:14 Do you think, like, do you think Kennedy would be better off trying to strike a deal with Trump, or do you think that he's justified in just being like, screw it? I don't like either party. You guys haven't done shit for me. I'm here to just throw a wrench in. Cause the thing is running independent.
Starting point is 01:22:28 Like if he really does, like he's, as much as I like the guy, he's not gonna win. So like what are you trying to accomplish? Maybe you just don't care. Yeah, I think I don't know. Maybe it were, maybe you're trying to get the message out there. Maybe they both screwed you over. Like Democrats hate them.
Starting point is 01:22:43 You heard the story that Trump almost partnered with Kennedy. He told that story a few times where like Trump was going to hire Kennedy to run a vaccine safety council. And then Kennedy says Trump took a million from Pfizer in a donation and then hired a bunch of pharmacy labby's to run HHS and FDA, which literally happened. And Kennedy like, you know, Trump knows about certain stuff and new Kennedy and called him,
Starting point is 01:23:05 and Kennedy said that he met with Trump, and then Fauci walked in, and he was like, yo, Trump chose that path instead of mine, huh? So maybe he's like, screw it, none of these people like me, I'm just gonna screw the system up, but, you know, if he helps Biden win, that would suck. That would, yeah, I think,
Starting point is 01:23:22 I think Trump square-worn. Yeah, I think so. I think Trump square-worn. I think Trump will win the primary, I think that's easy for him to do. I think the general is he would need somebody on his team that can communicate his message better than him. I think Vivek does that very well. I think Vivek can communicate the message in a way that comes across to most people. You know, Trump is like, Trump is one of those people,
Starting point is 01:23:45 you like him or you totally hate him. I think Vivek can deliver the message much better than him. So if I were running the strategy, I would tell Trump, like, look, I have to win the primary, give Vivek on your team, have him communicate your message, he does a better job than you and you just chill, like chill, because here's where Trump really screws up. This is from political, like not saying I support one person
Starting point is 01:24:08 the other, but when shit gets heavy and hot, this is where Trump says the wrong shit. Like when the, when the George Floyd protests happen and all I should, I knew Trump, oh, Trump's going to say some stupid shit. What did you do? Instead of getting up there and be like, we all need to work together or whatever. He's like, you loot, we shoot and say oh fuck bro
Starting point is 01:24:25 And then he was just tweeting law and order and all caps but like not doing anything Or it's like bro the tweets ain't gonna fucking bring the order background. Yeah, law and order You're like yeah, that would be ideal right now. I actually think there's there's no chance that he wins I think that the people that I know that are friends of mine Voted for Biden and even admit how horrible it's been still hate Trump more. That's the feeling I get still is that the people that have always not like Trump still no matter what no matter still for anything. Yeah, and I even think some of the people like ourselves we probably like some of the policies and stuff Trump did what he did with
Starting point is 01:25:02 the vaccine said was enough for us to be like ah a fan. And so I really don't think there's a chance that he can win. So I actually think in South called this early on that, he thinks that the Democrats are helping Trump be the main candidate. Because they believe he's the only one that can be. You know, there was a poll, the, you know, the Hot Swans, you know, so they did a poll like three months before
Starting point is 01:25:22 the Alvin Bragg Trump arrest and they said, who do you like better for president and DeSantis won by 65 35 and then right after the Alvin Bragg arrest They did the same poll and it was 67% Trump like that alone flipped the support for DeSantis and Trump It was the Alvin Bragg arrest and the revenge narrative it helped them it helped them fundraise even the mug shot is good for merch It's like either you have to assume that the Democrats are stupid and they just help Trump, but we know from the 2016 emails that you're not allowed to read, you got to go through Chris Cuomo and CNN, that's what they said.
Starting point is 01:25:53 But like they did the Pied Piper strategy the first time. So we already know that that's in their wheelhouse of elevating candidates that they think are easy to be. So you know, I think they did that during the midterms, right. And it's a smart strategy. It can backfire, but it they, they, they did that during the midterms. Right. And it's a smart strategy. It can backfire, but it's just, look, look, it's, here's the analogy I'll use.
Starting point is 01:26:09 Boxing promoters and managers are known to do this. They'll have a fighter, they wanna protect them and they'll pick his opponents and they'll say, I know everybody wants to fight that guy, but his style's not good for you. Right. He's gonna hurt you. Right.
Starting point is 01:26:22 We're gonna pick these other guys that you're gonna fight because we think you have a better chance of it. It's a very nice, they a very smart case, right? They make him do something or say something that's pissed off so that now everybody wants to watch that fight. Well, yeah, look, it's a very smart strategy and it makes a lot of sense, especially when the Democrats
Starting point is 01:26:37 are being blamed for the economy, COVID now everybody changes their opinion, everybody's like, oh my God, that was a terrible policy. They're getting blamed for that, inflation, gas prices. Like, we need to pick somebody we know we can be. Because they canceled them. He had no way of communicating. Trump was out.
Starting point is 01:26:51 All of a sudden, he was resurrected. And so I'm like, did they do that? So they can be. I think they did too. And I know that the policies are actually getting more popular. Like, when Matt Walsh did that, what is a woman documentary? I had Democrats text me like privately,
Starting point is 01:27:05 like friends that I'm minding, they're like, bro, do you see that? And I'm like, I saw parts of it and like, it's kind of crazy. You know, like even though that he's perceived it extreme, it's like that man, woman, like, kid, like the fact that they couldn't even say what a woman was like, blue Democrats mind.
Starting point is 01:27:18 They're like, what? You don't even know what it is. And then like the school stuff and the crime, there's so many and the border, there's so many things going in favor of the Republican party but this is what I try to tell people that really like Trump that want him to win. When he talks and I voted for him, I made a song about him like I've always liked the guy. He puts this message out there where it's like kind of like about him and his
Starting point is 01:27:39 story and like that makes sense to you guys that love him but the average person like they want to hear about what's going on in their world. And he makes a lot of it about him, which is good for the primary and bad for the general. And that's what they know where, if he could get out of his own way and be like, oh, the crime, all the things he actually cares about, but it seems like, and when I say this sort of stuff,
Starting point is 01:27:58 people get mad at me, because I'm always thinking like game theory and stuff, like how to win the election. Like, shut up, we agree, that's the problem though. I talk to some of my neighbors, I'm not this way, but I know women that are stuff, like how to win the election. Like, shut up, we agree. It's like, that's the problem though. Like, I talked to some of my neighbors, I'm not this way, but I know women that are like, I'll never vote for Trump. They're just, they hate him.
Starting point is 01:28:10 And, but they vote for DeSantis or Kennedy. You know what I'm saying? But they won't vote. And like, that's real. I have four friends that voted for Trump twice. They're like, dude, the more he talks about this stuff, like if he just dropped it, it's fine, but he says it saved the world.
Starting point is 01:28:21 And I think he's a shield, I think he's in on it. So what I was saying to you is like, I really feel like that's his best path of victory. And I think he's a shield. I think he's in on it. So what I was saying to you is like, I really feel like that's his best path of victory. And I know he probably won't do it, but like as much as he hates the Santas or whatever, Attorney General, the Santas is really good at actually doing stuff and not just talking about it. Like he's, Trump is like a salesman
Starting point is 01:28:39 and he's like a really good talker. But when he tried to like do stuff, he like have bad advisors. He's really not good at getting stuff done. Like he did foreign policy well talking to people, but like DeSantis is real like lawyer-esque. He knows how to like get it actually like passed and legislated. Put him as attorney general, put Bobby Kennedy at the head of FDA, Trump wins the election by 20 points. You know, I wish he would do that because like, dude, if not, I swear that the Democrats know how to make it not about Biden, where they're like, oh, no one likes
Starting point is 01:29:09 Biden. Yeah, but they like climate change and they like abortion. You know, like, they'll figure out a way to do it. And like, it's like, there's like going to be that pause. Like you said, like, what's Trump going to say? And he'll be like, pieces shit, bird brand. She needs treason, treasonous treason. And, and dude, there's two days till the election, just wait till it's all happening. We'll put out this huge, true social value. He's like, your wife's fat and you know it. I know it and everyone knows how fat your wife is.
Starting point is 01:29:37 And we're like, yes, she is fat. She broke off your mouth. Yeah, like it's not now, dude. Yeah, you know my issue with Santis is, he's got an authoritarian streak, which I don't like. Like I remember when he was going after Disney and he was trying to use the laws against Disney and he's trying to pass laws to support,
Starting point is 01:29:52 some of the stuff I agree with, but I don't like his use of the law to do it. And I tell, even these guys, I'm like, I've got an authoritarian streak, I'm not too happy with, because I feel like if he had the power to pass certain laws that those laws would be used, potentially could be used against other people in the future.
Starting point is 01:30:09 So that's always my word. It was just a Disney thing though, right? That's the only thing that you didn't like. Yeah, there's that. He did. He did the royal clause. We were split on that too. He does that though.
Starting point is 01:30:17 With the Disney, because I kind of like briefly looked at it, they had a special set of laws for them for themselves, right? So it's like, I don't know. There's a shelter there, yeah. Right, right? So it's like yeah, I don't know It's a shelter there. Yeah, so what he took it away. Yeah, well, he's threatening like he's using authoritarian like kind of tendencies rather than And honestly if Disney has an opinion they have an opinion and he's more like oh you have that opinion Well, now we're gonna do this to your taxes. That's the part that I go I forget sure, but he didn't say anything
Starting point is 01:30:46 until he didn't like their opinion. Yeah, and that's the part that makes me go, uh, that's my own personal. They're putting up billboards and things to kind of like, I guess, like kill some little momentum he was getting there. Yeah. So then he struck back with those laws. So I want to ask you this because you, you know, some of the stuff you say is pop, some of the stuff you say is not popular, or at the time when you say it's not popular. Do you ever get like, do you ever feel like paranoid? Do you be like, oh shit, these like what they're attacking me? They're trying to take my channel down. What the hell is going on?
Starting point is 01:31:16 Like how popper is flying over? Because I have, look, I have certain strong opinions. And if someone asks me, I'll tell them. But thankfully, I work in a space that, although starting to get politicized, isn't generally politicized, I couldn't imagine being in that space in the feeling of like, oh, fuck, I hate this. I don't like this. Yeah, tax, and I know how nasty it can get.
Starting point is 01:31:35 And if you get loud enough, they can get real nasty. Like, do you ever do this sleep? I'm pretty peaceful guy, but yeah, definitely at times, like, you know, for the most part, it's pretty chill, but yeah definitely at times like you know for the most part It's pretty chill, but yeah now there's been like when they write hip-hop pieces and publish your full name and say all this stuff And the way certain people say certain things like you realize their intentions and they like hate you and they want to do stuff You know when I would say when the capital thing happened I Wasn't at the capital. I wasn't there. I wasn't in DC
Starting point is 01:32:04 I didn't even really like Trump at the time because he signed the vaccine too much. And the FBI called my father and said that they were going to show up. And I needed to call. And I thought it was like a hoax or something. So I looked at the number. It was real. And they were just like seeing if I had information, which I didn't because I wasn't there. But they used that event to basically I feel like try to like scare journalists and stuff. You know, like an envy like, well they use that event to basically I feel like try to like scare journalists and stuff, you know, like an envy like, well, I'm trying to think why would they ask me,
Starting point is 01:32:29 maybe because I was at a lockdown protest and somebody was there, you know, I'm trying to figure out in my head, like why would they, why would they call me? I wasn't even in DC, but they like, they use that event and here's the thing about like the Patriot Act too. When you broaden the terms of what it means to be a terrorist or you can do like six degrees of separation sort of thing, they now have the legal president
Starting point is 01:32:48 to just like act like everyone's doing something. So nothing happened, it wasn't a big deal, it was a short conversation, because I had no information. You got to- But just enough to try to intimidate you. Because that would do, I mean, I think a lot of people would be like,
Starting point is 01:32:59 oh fuck it. I'm done, I'm not gonna do this anymore. That's creepy, yeah, or like Chelsea Clinton sharing you and calling you the internet stucker Carlson, that's creepy. You know, times of Israel, Jerusalem Post and 15 different news organizations calling you a anti-SMI. That sucks. You know, like when you're not so Yeah, there's times where it sucks You know high-level people trying to tie you to like actual events that happen that you have nothing to do with You know, I'm saying like going past just speech and trying to act like
Starting point is 01:33:25 You know That's a new game that they're playing to where it's like your words can cause this event You know like to try to shut people up It's creepy, but I would say the one thing that gives me solace in a weird way was like I was a very chill guy And then the lockdown happened and everyone that played is safe all of a sudden they nothing was safe You know I'm saying like you played it safe your whole life you had the safe job and now I'm making money on the internet And you can't make money and the government's telling you can't go to the beach and it's like being a normie for lack of better time But I'm not acting like I'm so special. I'm not I'm just saying like that ended up not being the safe route and the in the more you were
Starting point is 01:34:00 Emboldened in the system the harder it was to not get the vaccine or else they were taking everything from you. So it's like, you know, the game. So it's an illusion of like safe and not safe. So if you're not saving them out of what? Yeah, and for sure. And like people sometimes they try to scare me and stuff and it's like, I don't really like to drive long distance. Like I will, but like highways, I'm not a fan of.
Starting point is 01:34:18 I drive, I'm not a good driver, but it's like, you're more likely to get in a car accident than like something happened with this. So I try to put it all in perspective, but at a certain point, it's just like, you're more likely to get in a car accident than like something happened with this. So I try to put it all in perspective, but at a certain point, it's just like, it's been tough at certain times, but it's like, this is the life I chose. You know, this is why someone like my favorite athletes
Starting point is 01:34:34 and the greatest athletes of all time will message me and I hang out with them and I get put on guest list and my favorite bands. I'm saying like, it's been a very rewarding experience as well. I've been connected with a lot of cool people that appreciate what I do. And it's like, that's just where it at. But I would say I don't worry about it because, um, you know, it like, imagine if you had to go to a company for not that much pay and they're
Starting point is 01:34:55 telling you, if you don't put your gender on this piece of paper, then we're going to fire you and we're going to say you hate gay people. It's like, would you, you know, like that's the situation a lot of people are in. They're like, dude, if I don't put a pronoun on my thing, they're going to call me, you know, so like the persecution is like hitting everyone. At the end of the day, all I have is my word, my, you know, and even seeing now with like, what's going on, I see people that I really like say something that I don't agree with and all the comments are like, you're ratioing them and telling them, oh, you're wrong, you're like, you know,
Starting point is 01:35:25 I don't really have to, like, at the end of the day, it is what it is, you know? Like there's only one way to build certain type or respect, you can't be afraid, or, you know, like change what you believe to appease somebody. How is it all affected your business? One of the things that I didn't get to ask you yet is, you know, on your come-up, at some point, obviously, and I know it doesn't, some people think just once you
Starting point is 01:35:49 do one viral video else on your rich, it doesn't, I know it doesn't work that way. I wish, yeah. Yeah, so I know that even though you had, you talked about a couple viral videos early on, I'm sure you weren't really making money for a while. At what point did you actually start to make a legitimate living for yourself and then also take me through when all these hit pieces and bullshed happens, does it positively affect the business? Is it negatively? What's it all been like? Yeah, so I first started actually making money. I mean, I quit my job maybe like two years
Starting point is 01:36:17 before the pandemic. So I was able to just scrape by barely and do it full time, but I was making nothing. It was actually the pandemic. and even though they took money at times, like for months there, before they started censoring and stuff, I was just getting millions of views on Facebook and getting paid pretty well. And then when they cut off my monetization, I made a Patreon and a donor box,
Starting point is 01:36:37 and then I started selling merchandise when they cut my revenue on Facebook. So I actually made a lot from that point moving forward, and I started doing really really well Because especially at the time outside of politics like a lot of people didn't get it So like there there was a really like everyone stuck at home No one could do anything and they're like what the hell's going on? So that was actually like probably following that
Starting point is 01:37:00 But yeah, it's been tough because I don't get like as many sponsors as everyone else You know, it's like a different lane I'm in for as far as if I was a game ride. We make a million just off sponsors, but I still have certain sponsors, but I there are a lot less likely to work with me than like Normie accounts. And like when hip-heats and stuff come out, how does it affect business? You know, I would say like it doesn, yeah, like maybe positive in some ways because like if any press is good press, but for me like in the Republican party and the conservative movement, I realized in 2019 that just like with the music industry, how they said, hey,
Starting point is 01:37:37 dress up, like they're playing these little like rituals with people like, will you do this, will you do this? And it's like if you pass four of them and they let you in. And the politics is just like that obviously the Democratic party but even the Republican party when I started taking a more libertarian Thomas Massey style stance on certain topics that they wanted to start a war with or they wanted to pass a law against I started getting black I feel like I'm even soft blacklisted from the Republican party even though I vote Republican because there's certain things
Starting point is 01:38:03 I won't do so I just don't consider myself a victim, because I'd rather be in this position than a sellout or some loser or some talking head. So it's just interesting where like, there's a lot of doors that close, and it's just made me have to work that much harder with entrepreneurship, because like, you know, there's people that are way less impressive,
Starting point is 01:38:22 way less popular, way less tickets, that'll be making 30,000 a speech. You know what I'm saying? Because they play ball or because they won't rock the boat. But that's, you know, there's also people making a hundred million dollars selling like plastic like brooms. It's just like, I don't, I don't, you know, it's like, and there's nothing wrong with that. I'm just saying, I'm not a big, I'm not a big like victim.
Starting point is 01:38:41 I don't, I don't feel like, oh, I got a shout. It's like, all right, well, I got to make a new business then. What kind of companies do sponsor you? Who is willing to get in bed with a guy who is inside? I would say American Heart for Gold, they've been cool. It's just like gold and silver so far. Who knows?
Starting point is 01:38:57 I'm probably having you in the past. And I'm not even getting paid for that, but I knew. It's not a lesson, yeah. Yeah, nice. Maybe I'll probably get banned just for selling that ad, right? They'll be banned like, I'm not even getting paid for that, but I do. Yeah, nice. Maybe I'll probably get banned just for selling that ad, right? Don't they ban like, unads and I'm supposed to be shit? But yeah, then I would say this mushroom company
Starting point is 01:39:12 that I haven't even promoted yet because I haven't figured out a good one. But I made my own merch on like, it's a dreamrare.com, D-R-E-A-M-R-A-R-E, dreamrare, that's also my Instagram. I sell Made in America hats, sweatshirts, and it was funny, I lost a lot of money when Facebook took it away. And then I was like, I got to start merch. And then I did that, and I made the same amount that month that
Starting point is 01:39:34 I lost on Facebook. So I just like, I did it really quick, and now I'm looking at new avenues. But, you know, I've, things have slowed down in some ways from like, certain times for multiple reasons, but I'm not very, I don't know, I consider like a message from God in a weird way where it's like, you know, if I get, like, I already have enough where I could, like, I could fly, do whatever I want, you know, I don't need 15 cars and stuff, so like, when I screw up and I lose money and something, I almost feel like God's humbling me.
Starting point is 01:40:02 I don't look at it like, oh, poor me, I'm not making as much as I did. It's like, I bought the car I wanted. I live by the beach. I could travel. I could see my family whenever I want. What else really do I need? When I fuck up, I feel like it's God. Like, you'll get back to work.
Starting point is 01:40:15 Do some push ups. You know what I'm saying? Get back on the computer. And I'm like, okay, okay, my bad, my bad. I got a little excited for a while. I got money. Along that note, I mean, you didn't talk a lot about your faith at first, and then you started talking a lot about your faith.
Starting point is 01:40:28 Was there, was there like a transformation? Did you, or was it always that way, and you said, you know, I'm gonna talk about this now. It was, and I grew up Catholic, then I rebelled. I was atheist. I read like Richard Dawkins, and I was like, this spaghetti monster. I was like, a annoying kid, you know?
Starting point is 01:40:42 Like, this kid's like, I have a soul, and I would be like, your dog doesn't have a soul. I was like a dickhead, you know? And this kid's like I have a soul and I would be like, you're dog doesn't have a soul I was like a dickhead, you know, and it's funny. I'm friends with that same Christian kid that we got in an argument Now we're cool and he's like conservative. It's kind of funny But then it was like I became spiritual right because I was like, oh and I still like this book a Tao Tao Qing by Lao Xu It's like a classic Taoist book and that that first changed my life before like being a Christian where like coming back to Christianity, it was more like it was like,
Starting point is 01:41:09 you know, stop playing the victim and like all these kind of things like live in the present moment. And I really did what it said, not from a religion standpoint but from like a mindset spiritual standpoint of like understanding that like the Yinn and Yinn and like my whole life changed at that point
Starting point is 01:41:22 because I just stopped. I used to be like, oh, I'm broke and that guy had rich dad and blah, but you know that point because I just stopped. I used to be like, oh, I'm broke and that guy had rich dad and blah, but he got the record deal. And I was just like kind of a soft, I almost had a bitch, but like, you know what I'm saying? I was playing the victim too much.
Starting point is 01:41:33 And it's like, well, I gotta work that much harder and when I did everything happen. And then just like the spiritual chaos of everything it led me back to Christ. And I think that now, my faith is stronger than ever and anytime someone tries to like take me out of it, it's like I already know I was atheist for a year so it's not like a new thing I've never heard. You know, I'm back and I've gone through that gauntlet so it's not like sometimes people
Starting point is 01:41:57 think they're blowing my mind by trying to like take me away from it. It's like, dude, I've been there. So I'm in a good place. I think we'll see. Well, good deal, man. Well, I appreciate people who are authentic, who speak opinion, who don't necessarily agree with everything just because they're told to, whether I disagree with them, whether I agree with them or not, it's not common. It's rare nowadays. So that's why I invited you on the show.
Starting point is 01:42:25 So I appreciate that, keep on what you're doing. And hopefully you don't say anything to damage you for yourself. If you do, you know, you got strong faith in that. You can always come back on the show. You got a lot of purpose. I mean, the wrong things I say they get me in trouble, it's always the right things I say.
Starting point is 01:42:39 You know what I say? It's like, well right there, it's real. And thank you guys, I appreciate it. Like anybody listening, I think like self-awareness, self-accountability is important. So, you know, just like working on yourself, it's like that's more of a political solution than like freaking out and yelling at people on Instagram.
Starting point is 01:42:54 We make that point all the time. It's like, if you are healthy, if you take care of yourself, if your growth minded, if you're fit, you're just less likely to be manipulated, you're more gonna be more innovative, more productive, more positive, it's just gonna affect all your decisions in a better way. So that's the argument we always make.
Starting point is 01:43:10 Can we be 100%. Clean your room, Bucko. Yeah, it's good. Peter said, how'd you get in? Yeah. Hey, is there dirt on the floor? Can you clean that Bucko? All right, dude, geez.
Starting point is 01:43:20 Good stuff, man. Thanks for coming on, bro. Yeah, thank you for your time. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve Thanks for coming on, bro. Yeah, thank you very much. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at Mind Pump Media.com.
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