Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 2211: Losing Fat With A Limited Amount of Time, Increasing Your Strength While Maintaining Endurance, & MORE

Episode Date: November 22, 2023

Mind Pump Fit Tip: The best results are often NOT visible. (2:31) Gluten and sleep apnea. (9:33) Hospitality vs. entertainment. (14:08) The value for kids hanging out with kids 3-4 years older.... (16:40) Vuori has hoodies! (20:37) Sumo & sushi. (22:44) The San Francisco farce. (28:00) There is no honor in destroying people’s property. (30:46) Why are girls starting their periods so early? (32:58) The sneaky issues affecting kids in school these days. (38:24) Alarming Adderall statistics. (42:57) Black Friday deals are live! (46:55) Shout out to the Mind Pump Personal Trainer 3-Day Training. (47:40) #ListenerLive question #1 - What training/diet advice would you recommend for someone trying to lose body fat, but keep their gains with limited time? (49:26) #ListenerLive question #2 - What is the best route I should take to make serious progress in my strength gains, while also being a decent endurance athlete? (1:03:10) #ListenerLive question #3 - What is the best way to balance my strength training and jiu-jitsu? (1:10:14) #ListenerLive question #4 - Any advice on how to transition from competition prep to everyday life? (1:22:43) Related Links/Products Mentioned BLACK FRIDAY SPECIAL: ALL MAPS Fitness Products & Bundles 60% off!  **Promo code BLACKFRIDAY at checkout** (Code expires Sunday Nov. 26th) Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit NED for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off EVERYTHING (From 11/17-12/1)** Visit Vuori Clothing for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! The Common Rule: Habits of Purpose for an Age of Distraction – Book by Justin Whitmel Earley Sumo + Sushi San Francisco 'Cleaned Up' Streets Ahead of APEC. How? Why Are Girls Getting Their Periods So Young? - Scientific American Annual prevalence of use of Adderall for grades 8, 10, and 12 from 2009 to 2022 Personal Trainer 3-Day Training – Starting Jan. 15, 2024 Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout** Mind Pump #2112: Is 15 Minutes Enough Time For An Effective Workout? Mind Pump #1565: Why Women Should Bulk Reverse Dieting: What Is It and Should YOU Try It?? | MIND PUMP Mind Pump #1915: How To Re-Ignite Your Metabolism Mind Pump #1057: How To Get Stronger For Fat Loss & Muscle Building Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources  

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Starting point is 00:01:31 All right. So today's episode starts out with an intro, like most of our episodes. Today's intro is 46 minutes long. That includes talk about fitness, current events, family life and stuff like that. If you want to skip around your favorite parts, check the show notes, you can do that. Also, if you wanna be on an episode like this one where you can call us and we can talk to you live and help you out live, here's what you gotta do because that's what we do in the back half of the episode. It's email us your question to live at mindpumpmedia.com.
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Starting point is 00:02:45 It's also 20% off when you go to our link go to vjory clothing dot com that's vu ORI clothing dot com forward slash mine pump and on that link again You'll get that 20% off all right here comes a show And it's t-shirt time ah Shit, you know, it's my favorite time of the week. We have three winners this week. One for Apple Podcasts, two for Facebook. The Apple Podcast winner is Rach face zero one.
Starting point is 00:03:15 And for Facebook, we have Damien Rubenick and TJ Doyle. All three of you are winners. And the name I just read to iTunes at mindpumpmedia.com. Include your shirt size and your shipping address and we'll get that shirt right out to you. When it comes to fitness and health, the following is extremely important to understand. The best results are often not visible.
Starting point is 00:03:38 Most of the best results you'll ever get if you follow the journey of fitness and health won't show up on the scale or the mirror. They happen on the inside. And those of course lead to the visible results. Now coaches and trainers, learn this, understand this and teach this and coach this. Everybody else pay attention.
Starting point is 00:03:55 The stuff that's not visible is often the most important. God, this is so difficult though, because, I mean, including ourselves, almost everybody gets started in working out for the visual stuff. Visual, the aesthetic reasons. There's a subset of people that the doctor told them to and if it's health, but for the most part,
Starting point is 00:04:18 I would say 80%, would you say that's a fair number? Probably more. Yeah, I'd say at least 80% of clients that came in to get a membership or buy personal training, it was something physical they wanted to see different, right? Totally. It was a significant amount of weight or sculpt their body a certain way, build muscle.
Starting point is 00:04:36 Totally, one of the things I figured out, probably got at least 10 years in my career, when I was trying to figure out how to keep people consistent, because I ran to the same problem that all coaches and trainers run to, which is they'll be consistent when they're with you and then when they're not with you, they're not consistent, or they'll be with you for a while and they'll stop. And then you'll see them again, and I was really, really dedicated to like, how can I turn everyday people into people that want to do this for the rest of their life?
Starting point is 00:05:02 Ten years into my career, I realized it was telling people or teaching people or coaching people and how to like identify the non-visible results. So because what happens is when your eyes are so focused on the scale or the mirror, it's almost like, it's like that video, you guys ever watched that video, it's famous now, but there's like people throwing a basketball back and forth and you have to count
Starting point is 00:05:24 how many times it passed the ball. In the meantime, a guy in a gorilla suit walks behind the background, and then it literally fools you. It's like, okay, did you see the guy in the gorilla suit? And you say, no, and then they replay the video. And literally right in front of you, a dude walks by in a gorilla suit and you just didn't see it because you were so focused on the guy on the people passing the ball. Well, this is what happens to clients and to ourselves.
Starting point is 00:05:45 They're so focused on the scale and the mirror that they completely miss the fact that they feel better, they have better mood, better sleep, their energy is better, their outlook is better, that they're not as impulsive, like all these really important things that you should focus on. So I learned how to like, you know,
Starting point is 00:06:03 talk to clients about this and point them out and have them realize, it was funny because I would say things like, how's your sleep in? And they'll, oh, it's fine. I'm like, okay, well, was it like it was, when we first started, then they'll think about it. You know, that's funny. Is that walking up in the middle of the night?
Starting point is 00:06:17 Like I used to. I'm like, well, that definitely could be a result of sleep. And then they pay attention to that. Oh my God, my sleep is better. Or my mood is better. Or, you know, you don't seem as agitated. I don't crash in the middle of the day anymore. Yeah, it's a very strange.
Starting point is 00:06:30 I've also energy that came out. Yeah, you have to point it out. Otherwise, it's like, it's just the waiting and the delaying of until they get the physical change that they've been seeking like a laser-focused person. Oh, I think this is actually one of the things that separates the really good trainers from the great trainers.
Starting point is 00:06:47 Total is you start to piece this together that you can't give anybody physical results overnight or even in a really short period of time. I mean, it's very difficult to see real physical change in the first month or two of training somebody. It's just gonna be very incremental. And so once you learn to communicate those other things for them to pay attention to and get them excited and bought into that,
Starting point is 00:07:15 it really makes a huge difference on one, their adherence and sticking with you. And or from the trainer's perspective on a business side, the ability to reassign them. Because a lot of people have this misconception of, I'm gonna go to the gym, I'm gonna change my diet, I'm gonna start working out and I'm gonna see, like week over week, I'm gonna see these physical changes. And if you don't, as a coach and trainer, set the table properly for this person,
Starting point is 00:07:41 they're gonna be really discouraged, and the likelihood that they continue with you is really, really low. Yeah, and the irony is if they do see those physical changes too quickly and too fast, you know, they're probably completely outtracked. Probably was a rack and it's unsustainable and you know, they're setting themselves up for failure. So it's a tough one because you do have to pull back and kind of slow them down sometimes, but highlight all the other benefits.
Starting point is 00:08:03 So it still gives a motivation. Would you guys say that was probably one of the greatest challenges when you were first You have to pull back and kind of slow them down sometimes, but highlight all the other benefits. But still gives a motivation. Would you guys say that was probably one of the greatest challenges when you were first were building your business? Because you have to understand as a trainer, you only eat by making sure you have a client book, a list of people that are showing up on a regular basis. And they are telling you, I want this, I want to lose this, I want to look this way. And so there's this part of you that's just like, I need to show them something so that they can,
Starting point is 00:08:30 and so you're wrestling with that for the first three to five years. You're young trainer, that's what you're really focused on. Oh yeah. I got to get them something so they see, so they want to buy in and keep going. Yeah, it's, by the way, it could be a subtle as, like I just remembered one story where, it was really profound for this client,
Starting point is 00:08:48 where they were doing really well, they had issues with impulsive eating, and like most of us, and they had done really well, and then they had come back from a weekend, and they had gone out with their friends over the weekend. So she comes in, I'm like, oh my God, how was it with your friends? Oh, you know, it was good, but man, I really messed up.
Starting point is 00:09:05 Like, what do you mean? It's like, well, you know, afterwards we got dessert. And, you know, I know I'm trying to go real little sugar, but I had a dessert. So I'm really just disappointed in myself. I said, okay, well, how did you feel afterwards? I kind of felt bad about myself and whatever. So how much did you eat? Because well, I only ate a small piece.
Starting point is 00:09:23 So what would you normally have done? And she goes, oh my God. I would have eaten five times as much until I made myself sick. She's like, I literally had four bites and then I stopped. And then she realized like, what a profound change she had made.
Starting point is 00:09:39 So she was already stuck on the fact that she screwed up, but then she realized in the context of herself, like I only had four bites. Normally I would eat like the whole thing he stuck on the fact that she screwed up, but then she realized in the context of herself, I only had four bites, normally I would eat the whole thing and feel terrible about myself. And so, it's significant. Yeah, and so she was able to realize the changes that she was making.
Starting point is 00:09:55 And when you do that, it's so profound. And you wanna talk about consistency, I mean, if you don't pay attention to the non-visible, first off, even if you do everything perfect, the visible aren't consistent, and they won't continue forever. You're just, you're not gonna build muscle forever, you're not gonna lose body fat forever.
Starting point is 00:10:11 Obviously, there's gonna be a limit. What's gonna keep you going is the invisible, is the understanding of all the other values. And this is very important. It's not communicated enough. People think that the happiness comes from the weight loss. The truth is you feel the happiness first. And then the weight loss starts to follow, you know, so how have you guys been doing sleep wise? So that I was thinking about this the other day that this is the most
Starting point is 00:10:38 travel and different time zones I've spent the night in in that short period of time, like literally in what two weeks time, we've spent the night in that short period of time. Like literally in what, two weeks time, we've been in four different times zones. But then it's been the night in four different times. So I don't know where I am. I mean, that, you know, really, the people that have to do that a lot, I have a lot of respect for the ability for you
Starting point is 00:10:59 to do that and make, I'm barely feeling like I'm getting back to normal and then we did Arizona. So like, man, I feel like it's been a rough trip off this. Right. So I fall asleep exhausted at night because I'm just so tired. But, and you know, I've been kind of battling snoring and it wakes up Jessica and it's like really frustrating.
Starting point is 00:11:19 And I figured out ways to like keep it from happening. But lately I've just been snoring like crazy. No matter what device I use or tool. I just- To your so exhausted. No, I thought that's what it was. I think I'm so exhausted. Do you still do the tape?
Starting point is 00:11:31 Yeah, mouth tape, and I have this mouth piece that pulls my lower jaw forward, and she's like, I'm like, how bad is it? She's like, it's worse than ever. With everything, I'm like, oh my God, what is going on? So I was trying to figure it out, and you guys know me, I can be like a sleuth on Google, right? So I'm trying to figure out, am I heavier?
Starting point is 00:11:48 I weighed myself, I'm like, I'm only like a couple pounds heavier, I can't be that, but I could feel in my throat, I can feel the palette and the muscles of the, that cause snoring, almost like they're, either more inflamed or they get more in the way, right? And I can even feel it in my voice. So I'm like, this is really strange. I'm like, what have I been doing differently
Starting point is 00:12:08 since I've been traveling? You know what I've been doing? I've been eating gluten almost on a daily basis. So I'm like, wait a minute, let me look this up. Gluten and sleep apnea or gluten and storing. Did you guys know it's established? This isn't like, this isn't like theory. This isn't like wellness.
Starting point is 00:12:23 Like, you know how it takes the wellness space, like they'll say something for a while and the medical space will follow up. Yeah. No, no, there's studies. That gluten, yes, and people who are sensitive to gluten will increase snoring or will affect sleep apnea. People.
Starting point is 00:12:37 That's exactly, that's what I've been doing. I've been getting away with it or so I thought, because I'm having some, I'm like, I'm not that bad, I think you're okay. I'm sure your tongue didn't just grow. Okay. It happens, look intoue didn't just grow. Okay. It happens, look into it. I just sat in.
Starting point is 00:12:49 I just think that Tongue. He talks so much now. You've really been building it up. Hyper-trophy? Yeah, hyper-trophy Tongue. No, it's my theory. No, I'm reading about it. I'm like, holy, you know what it is?
Starting point is 00:13:03 Is the, you know, the peptide BPC. Like my gut health is like almost impervious. So of course what I do, like most people is, oh, I can get away with it. So I'll just keep going. Yeah, but apparently I can't. So it's the gluten, dude. So I'm cutting it. I'm gonna have, and I've had a little bit almost every day since we were in London. I mean, I also ran out of my mellow too, which doesn't help the cause for me because I I always know when I, when I don't do something I always remember a reminder to the significance, right? When you get consistently using some of that and you have these kind of ebb and flows of like better nights less less good nights sleep or whatever, yeah, and I'm still consistently taking that and then I fall off of it
Starting point is 00:13:39 I fell off of it when we traveled and then when I came back I had one night of it and then I didn't have it so my dad So we had our family over yesterday, which I'll tell you guys in a little bit, but my dad was telling me how he gets restless at night. It's almost like restless legs syndrome, but not quite where he just feels antsy. And so, gave him me a mellow, took care of it. So he must have a magnesium deficiency, I think,
Starting point is 00:14:00 like you, for sure. You know, they just came out with some, so it was like an immunity product, that they just come in, immunity hero. I think I was taking that consistently. I don't know if I told you guys, my son had strepth throat and it was like, we quarantined them off and like,
Starting point is 00:14:13 and this is like right when we came back from London, I'm like, oh no, dude, I'm like, at my most vulnerable. You know, I was like super worried about it, but everybody else in the family was doing it and none of us got it. Oh, wow. Yeah. I'm reading it right now.
Starting point is 00:14:28 It's helped. So it has a combination in it, which that's like a staple thing that can turn into her family always taking it. I think a straggulous elderberry. It has elder flour. Elder flour. Is that like the same thing? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:38 Okay. I haven't tried it yet, but she was sick and so she was, she was taking it. Did it help her? Yeah. She did. All she's doing it consistently all day. Wow. You know, taking drops. So she's always taking a Kinesha though.
Starting point is 00:14:48 So I think that's what sold her. Kinesha saw that was in there and then she was like, a Kinesha, if I take too much of it, uh, can make me feel, I can get more sensitive to allergies. Hmm. Cause I think it does ramp up the immune system. So if I take too much of it, I'll get like, like, like, uh, there's certain types of like, uh, like I just noticed that myself.
Starting point is 00:15:05 But so so we had a bunch of people over yesterday. So Jessica has been reading, I gotta find the name of the book. She literally told me, if you forget the name of the book on the podcast, I'll be so mad. So I'm gonna find it right now. I know. It's a good call, the common rule by Justin Whitmel early. A common rule.
Starting point is 00:15:23 Common rule. A rule. Yeah. And essentially it's about how to make your life more Christian or godly or how to create these practices. So there's pretty cool stuff in there, but they're very like objective practices. And one of them is talks about hospitality versus entertainment. So entertainment, you invite people over,
Starting point is 00:15:40 house is perfect, you made all the food, you whatever, he talks about hospitality which uses, she's open the door. Open the door, people bring food, we all work, you made all the food, you whatever, he talks about hospitality, which is as she's open the door. Open the door, people bring food, we all work together, we all come together. We all, so she created this like, like open invitation on Sundays, you guys run the same thing.
Starting point is 00:15:54 Yeah, so, where anybody's invited on Sundays and come over and bring food or not and we'll hang out and have a great time. So what's the theory on it being just kind of open-ended versus having structure to it? It's communal. It's Sabbath. It's like Sabbath.
Starting point is 00:16:11 Like, you're not really working. You're doing stuff together. It's not like I'm here trying to like entertain. It's like, we're just all coming together. And it's also, from this sense, it's more relaxed because sometimes you don't have people over. Yeah, no, that's interesting because sometimes we entertain a lot. And sometimes I feel like, you know, I don't...
Starting point is 00:16:28 I don't have a chance to. Yeah, sometimes I don't want to, just because I'm like, it can be exhausting because you're entertaining. Because you're like putting on basically an event for people. And so sometimes when I could have people over, I'm like, you know what, I don't feel like entertaining tonight. I don't feel like I want to do that. So she literally put on the Sunday threads, that we that we love and care about. So it could be crazy.
Starting point is 00:16:51 50 people could be two people. That'd be wild. And it's in prom too. You don't have to tell us the same idea at once. Yeah, you don't got to tell us just show up and then we'll make it work and we'll just all work together. That's exactly what happened. We had her friend Nicole and Martin with they have four kids. My brother and his wife, they have two kids and then my parents. And so I, and then afterwards everybody was cleaning everybody. Brough, I wonder who that would be more challenging for with Katrina and I like who I'm like at a YouTube, who's, who is that more challenging for to be like, Hey, just let's not overthink it. Let's just let it happen. Is that harder for you or her? Probably her because the house is her domain. So she feels very, you know,
Starting point is 00:17:27 like, at the house, what's it clean? Yes. She's presenting the home and she, that's her, that's her domain. But it worked out. Yeah. That's probably a different one. Yeah. I got to tell you guys, so my brother comes over with this two kids. So he's got a four month old now. Just the cutest. By the way, this kid is so adorable and just loves Jessica. She was holding him and he just like, turned her eyes and I'm like, uh-oh, don't get any ideas, Jessica. She's like, oh, I love him. He's so cute. I wish, I wish Dalai was four months all the way. Oh, no. So cute. But anyway, his son, who's two, is his clone with his energy and person out. So my brother when he was little,
Starting point is 00:18:06 it was like he was like he had a nuclear reactor inside of him. He never ran an energy, ever when he was little. And unless he was asleep, he was climbing the walls, running, breaking shit everywhere. His son is literally, in fact, the joke is he doesn't know how to walk because all he does is run. He just, just run and go nuts. So he comes over and my son, Aralusus III,
Starting point is 00:18:30 and you know, two and three year olds don't like to necessarily share. Yeah. That's the age when they're figuring it out. So, you know, we got for his birthday, we got him that car that he can drive in. And that's like his car. He's like an old man with his muscle car.
Starting point is 00:18:43 Like don't touch my car. So I'm like, hey, Angela's his, like his muscle car, like don't touch my car. So I'm like, hey, Angela's coming over. He's like, he can't touch my car. I'm like, well, okay. Right away. Then we won't play with your car. No, I want to play. If you play with it in front of him,
Starting point is 00:18:54 then we gotta let him share that. It's not fair. I don't want him in my car. I don't want anybody in my car. Here we go, right? So they come over, sure enough, you know, he wants to get his car. They start fighting over it.
Starting point is 00:19:04 And so I'm like, all right, so my brother takes this and my brother's like the most patient dad. I love watching him. He's so patient. His son's throwing a fit like two year olds do. And he's just so patient, so calm, so cool watching that. But then finally we got them to agree. So they could take turns.
Starting point is 00:19:19 But every time we would switch about, there was a dead trip. So his son would drive it, you know, And they were like, okay, one more lap. And then it's the only sister, that would stop. And then this is the funniest thing. And his son's fucking strong like he is. Like he's got my brother, genetics, right? So he's two, but he's a giant. He's bigger than a railie says.
Starting point is 00:19:35 And he's holding on to steering wheel and he looks at his dad. And my brother's like, all right, come on. He won't let go of steering wheel. So he's trying to peel him off the steering wheel. It was like literally picking up the car. So my brother like, Piles has a work crack it up. I'm like, bro, he's like you did.
Starting point is 00:19:50 He's too strong. Then he took his hands off and then he wedges legs under the sea. I get it. It was so funny. It was so funny. They were fighting the whole time. Nicole has two little boys too.
Starting point is 00:20:03 And they're just all like fighting. They're all the same, and they're just, it's like Lord of the Flies, right? And we're trying to intervene only when we need to, see if they'll figure it out. What do you think happens? Literally 30 minutes before everybody needs to leave their best friends, and then they cry
Starting point is 00:20:16 because then they want to be separated. Like you're fighting for four hours, and now you don't want them to go home. That's how it goes. Yeah. It really highlights, you know, I remember watching that phase like with Max, right? The two and three for sure is a lot of that, right?
Starting point is 00:20:28 They're really figuring that out. How valuable it is for kids to have like, to also hang out with kids like three or four years older than them. They have no problems with them. Yeah, I know. At all. If there's the same age, two to three,
Starting point is 00:20:42 hell, all hell breaks. You know, if it's two and five, totally fine. Yeah. Like the five year old has gone through that enough and there's the same age, two to three, all hell breaks. If it's two and five, totally fine. Like the five year old has gone through that enough and there's more patient. It's so weird. Or even when they're really little because it's four month old, we bring him in in the carrier
Starting point is 00:20:54 and I really just so enthralled with them. He's over, he's like kissing him and touching him, but then with Angelo, his cousin is like a year younger. They're like trying to kill each other. Literally at one point, I was just hilarious. Angelo hits Nicole's son, right? So he's kind of like holding his face and then Angelo walks away.
Starting point is 00:21:15 So before we can intervene and do anything, Nicole's son walks up and goes to Angelo, looks at him around the face and then, wow, hits him in the face. And they're both rubbing their faces like, well, I guess you guys are figuring it out. You know, nobody was crying. They just kind of like hit each other like, like, holding it out themselves.
Starting point is 00:21:31 And they play school. Yeah, the 10 seconds later, the play with cars. So funny. Hey, today I know we have Viori. Is that a Viori hoodie? Where is it is? It is. Yeah, I know.
Starting point is 00:21:41 So I'm, this is not Viori. And I love this like, that we happen to be wearing some similar today. Similar. And I thought I saw the Viori logo on that. I didn't even know they made that yeah I got it. You don't know the name though, right? You oh man. I went to Santana road to get it Okay, yeah, cuz they have a store there. Yeah, that must be new. Maybe tell you why we're going this you can look it up Because I'm really I love it's really style of like kind of a lighter comfy. It's a lighter It's a lighter sweater, so it's not super thick, but it's really comfortable. And there's no like pocket in the front or whatever.
Starting point is 00:22:09 Sometimes I like pocket sometimes I don't. Is that an XL or large? This one's XL. So that is XL. Yeah. So I want to find the goal. A little go up a little. I think that's the Strato Tech hoodie.
Starting point is 00:22:17 Oh, pull it up. Yeah. Let me see. Pull that up. Yeah, I like it. They make, they make really good. They have a lot, they have a wide range of things now. I mean, they make everything. That's right. I didn't know they had that. Yeah. Yeah, it is. Oh, yeah like it. They make they make really good. They have a lot of they have a wide range of things now I mean, they make everything that's right. I didn't know they had that yeah, it is. Oh, yeah
Starting point is 00:22:28 Yeah, yeah, so the StratoTech T-shirt I like to so it's the same thing. Okay. Yeah, I think that's like Is that a newer line because I know the last time we did ads for them that they they wanted to talk about the StratoTech T's Hmm, and I don't remember now the winter stuff They've had the T's for a long time, but the hoodies knew. Yeah, I started wearing a sweater in here because you got the fricking. I'm totally gonna get one. I know. It's a nice. Not the climate control now.
Starting point is 00:22:55 We got the thermostat thermostat Nazi Adam. And if you touch that, tell the audience, we have literally, tell the middle of the show. We'll change that. So, yeah, it's out. Eight percent less back sweat, dude. I know, I can point. Justin and I are totally fine.
Starting point is 00:23:08 So, it's fine. You guys always strong arm your own, which you won't be with. Sal being the center of attention is now backfired on himself because he's got the best lighting, the front of the camera, looks the best, but guess what, the vent. Doesn't have to try to buff his head.
Starting point is 00:23:22 So, you can't you can read everything easy. I'm like, my neck. I got just an iron. My neck now shadows you can say that you're like, I think I can't tell that's Adam or Justin and the guy. Through a hard here. Right on my head, man. It's cold.
Starting point is 00:23:37 There's glass. You know, it's blasting you. I'm like, yeah, we got sick. I've been waiting for us to fire the the mic set because I want to share this with you guys and I wanted to wait to talk about it on Doug. Can you pull up on it? Did you get tickets already? I haven't yet. I haven't seen it yet.
Starting point is 00:23:52 So I just bought tickets to this Saturday. What is it, hey? Yeah, come on, dude. You're talking about your own covertly. You know what my buddy is? So Saturday, Kitsune and I are going to probably like, that's going to be like our birthday thing, right? We're going to do.
Starting point is 00:24:02 Oh yeah, birthday, yeah. Both of us have our birthday stuff. 43 or 44? I don't know actually. You have to do the math. Check this out. Sumo and Sushi in San Francisco. No.
Starting point is 00:24:13 Bro, I got front row seats. No, no, I wanna watch Sumo. Bro, and have Sushi served to you. Wow. Off Sumo wrestler. That's cool. These are all like champion dudes too that have been pros for like 10 years. Look at that.
Starting point is 00:24:26 Look at that. You know, that's a bucket list thing for me, right? Dude, me too. This was like, I've always wanted to watch a sumo. Look at this. So it's got like an open bar set up. They have the tables around. Wait, you didn't get us to get?
Starting point is 00:24:36 I don't pay you back. I don't know if everyone that's why I'm bringing it up right now. So you guys could get in on this. If you guys want to adjust, good, because we're going to I'm going to go this is this cool or what? Hell yeah. Super cool. look how you get to sit right here in the front Well, what people are look at that so people have no idea about the athleticism and the skill of some wrestlers It's it's like pure power. It's a martial art. Yeah, I mean they have technique. Is that awesome? Yeah, they're strong What a brilliant idea oh to do that. I'm so mad. I can't believe we didn't know about this
Starting point is 00:25:04 I just the only way this came about. I was literally gonna go meet up with my buddy. We're gonna do we were gonna guy drive to the coast or something together have lunch with our wives. And he's like, oh, I think my wife already booked some this thing. And he sends me this link. And I'm like, oh my god, I got to tell my buddies. They're gonna they're gonna love this now. Okay. Wow. It's Koneishi's still alive. Yeah, he's still alive. He's actually hosting this. Do you know how big he is? Do you know how big that guy is?
Starting point is 00:25:28 Like size wise? Bro, is that him right there? That's him right there, yeah. He's giant. Oh, I mean, he's a giant. It shows the lineup guys. Okay. I'm gonna be there too.
Starting point is 00:25:38 They're all like, like I said, eight, 10 year pros. Like, it's like a legit thing. Wow. You know what? Tell me I'm not alone, but like, they have to be like massive in order to like pull off the little thing they have to wear. If you're seeing one of the SEMA guys, it's not quite that big. Oh, and they're just looks like a thong.
Starting point is 00:25:54 Yeah. Like it looks all awkward. Yeah. Because there's international SEMA fighters that are that they'll be leaner. They're just kind of like thick summer leaner than others for sure. Yeah. Yeah. I mean just kind of like thick. Some are leaner than others, for sure. Yeah, yeah. I mean, they had something like a big, big boy. A convention, but I mean, I want to see like a legit,
Starting point is 00:26:09 this is like legit. Now, was Kunishi, was he Hawaiian or Japanese? He's Hawaiian. Yeah, because that was kind of a big deal. He was one of the first or a few. He was, yeah, he reached the highest level. Uh, I think Ozeki's the highest. Maybe there's one above that.
Starting point is 00:26:21 Now, you, you took a picture with him. I have a picture. The next one. Yeah, I do. I mean, you have to go. He's, he's the highest. Maybe there's one above that. Now you, you took a picture with him. I have a picture. Yeah. I do. I do. I have to go. He's absolutely massive. I felt like just like a little tiny thing next to him. Do you know when they turn, is it 40 or 50 that they make a big deal?
Starting point is 00:26:34 I don't know. Because they mostly don't live that long. Because they have short life span. Yeah, but when I took a picture with him, he was in his prime. Yeah. And interestingly, if you've seen the arrow Smith album big, big ones, I think it's called. He's on the back cover. Oh, wow. Yeah. Uh, and interestingly, if you've seen the arrow Smith album big, big ones, I think it's called he's on the back cover. Oh, yeah. What, uh, so what's the typical like for the big heavy weights, like what their calorie amount is, like, that they can. That's a good question.
Starting point is 00:26:56 I wonder, there's a specific, I brought this up on show. Chunko Nabe is, I think what's this? Chunko Nabe is a, is a, is the spam rice thing? No, it's like a hot pot. It's got lots of vegetables, meat and rice. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. They don't eat a bunch of garbage traditionally. It's just a lot of food.
Starting point is 00:27:14 It's just a lot of calories. And they drink sake. Probably sake and beer. Sake and beer. But the culture for people who are like, this is the sound silly. No, look into the culture of sumo. When you go to traditionally a traditional sumo school in Japan and you want to learn, it's
Starting point is 00:27:29 like you're an apprentice and then you move up the scale and you have to like clean their thing that they wear. You guys basically do whatever they tell you and then you move up in the ranks and it's very honor based. Yeah, you're the whipping boy. Yeah, I'm so pumped that Katrina was like totally about it. That's because, oh my God, I'm totally down. There's just one little sumo guy,
Starting point is 00:27:47 because you ever really thinks it's just like the biggest guy. There's just one dude, I can't remember his name, Japanese dude, and he was small or compared to the rest of him. And he was so good at moving out of the way or using his body weight to throw the other guy. And then they slap each other. Have you guys ever seen that? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:01 Remember a street fighter? Yeah. Yeah. They would, bro, if you, Ehonda, they would bro if you I Honda they They would ask somebody with those with those hands. So is that okay? You just brought up the pot right there. I'm assuming those are like really high fat
Starting point is 00:28:11 if those have fat meats is like a pork or something. What is it? Yeah, I suppose they have pork in it. I'm not sure exactly the ingredients. Because that doesn't look like it would be super high calorie. It doesn't it looks very healthy actually. Yeah, yeah, however, I do think there's a lot of rice that they eat, so I think that rice combined with the fats
Starting point is 00:28:29 and then having fats because of here. There's a genetic component too, some of these people are course, right? Of course, it's just big dudes, but they're not, they're not athletic, that's the thing. Oh, they're super athletic. They do the splits, the workouts are intense. It's very explosive, like sprint style training. They do the splits, their workouts are intense. It's very explosive sprint style training.
Starting point is 00:28:46 So this is cool for our audience because even if you're not, you don't live here, it's a tour. So it just happens to be in San Francisco this weekend, but they're touring all over the country and they're hosting these events. What's good timing, right? You guys see San Francisco miraculously steamed up? Did you see this? Perfect transition.
Starting point is 00:29:03 Did you see that? Oh my. Oh my. Newsy entertaining, shee-shin-ping and cleaning the whole street. So, everybody knows San Francisco's got this open air drug markets, homeless and terrible drug use like businesses are leaving. And just side shuffle on real quick. Looks like a hellscape in some of these places. Crazy. All of a sudden within two weeks, spotless and clean. The streets are clean. Nothing. You know why? Because the Chinese, was it?
Starting point is 00:29:34 Chijing Ping is coming to visit. Yeah, present. And visit with Gavin Newsom. It's like, clean the streets up for two weeks. Yeah. What do they do with the people? I think they put them in straddle the area of the city zoned areas. Yeah I know it's just what a farce
Starting point is 00:29:49 It's serious after everybody. Oh, we can't clean up. We can't do anything about it. You know boom two weeks Yeah, and then they didn't every week show yeah, and he literally is like okay So everybody's saying we only cleaned up the streets and we did it quickly because of the you know the Chinese Politicians who are visiting and he goes and that's true. That is why we did it quickly because of the, you know, the Chinese politicians who are visiting and he goes, and that's true. That is why we did that. He goes, but, and he's winning some other bullshit. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:10 Shut up. But, yeah. If that guy runs... If that guy, I'm telling you from, from a California, if that guy runs for president, please just look into what he's done. Nothing positive. Net zero positive.
Starting point is 00:30:20 Oh, yeah. Look at what he's done here. But yeah, everybody's, so I got family over there and they're like, bro, it's so clean now. Yeah, now's the time to visit, I guess. I've missed my window, for that I went up and saw a concert when it was the apocalypse.
Starting point is 00:30:32 So yeah, shoot a wait, your actual address of where I'm at as far as the thing, the event. I mean, like I said, I knew I wanted to go to a matter of what, but hopefully it's not one of the worst. No, it's down by the, I forget the name of that area.
Starting point is 00:30:44 It's the art dome down there. I forget the one of the worst. No, it's down by the, I forget the name of that area. It's the art dome down there. I forget the name of the, anyway. So you know what I do now when I go down there is I live in. Are you private parking? Yeah, I've had a palace of fine arts. It's where? Is that the palace of fine arts?
Starting point is 00:30:58 Okay. So I think it's part of the Darrow, no, is that where that's at? Ah, no, I think it's. I don't know the area that well. Yeah. But yeah, no, that's the move is to find. And it's not like that crazy morx. It's not like it's crazy expensive.
Starting point is 00:31:11 You still get a good deal. I'm paying. And what's the site? There's an app, right? Yeah, there's an app. I don't know the app up to the top of my head. I mean, you can literally Google like find, looking for private parking in San Francisco
Starting point is 00:31:20 or any big city for that matter. It's a big thing. People do it all the time now, especially in cities where parking is really expensive. There's people that have these houses or garages that have four, six, eight parking spots. They rent them out. And then they have a guy that attends to the vehicles
Starting point is 00:31:37 the whole time and there's security cameras. And it's just like it's not on the streets. So you don't have to worry about. That's the way to do it. Yeah, we just Katrina did her car got keyed this weekend. What? So pissed, dude. So pissed.
Starting point is 00:31:49 I mean, we think it was at her keyed, deep too, like a deep key. What? Yeah. What did people do that door? I'm a door, dude. So I asked her, I was like, honey, this doesn't make sense. Why would someone do this? I said, did you park somewhere?
Starting point is 00:32:03 She goes, honestly, the only thing I did, when I parked it, her park somewhere? She goes, honestly, the only thing I did, when I parked it, her brother Larry's house, she was in the driveway, and her rear end was halfway in the sidewalk. And that's perfect. It's exactly what happened. Somebody walked by,
Starting point is 00:32:16 was jingling their keys or had their keys on them, and her rear end was on the sidewalk a little bit. It's been social justice for real. And so somebody just, and I mean, they, they dug in. They dug. It's like, it's a deep all the way across her back.
Starting point is 00:32:30 Why is that infuriating me so? Oh, it makes me so mad. And I actually just right before we started right now is texting her, because this just happened. I texted her, I was like, hey, her brother has cameras like we have in front of the house. So I'm like, if it happened there, we should have it on film.
Starting point is 00:32:44 What this person looks like. I'm definitely gonna go knocking on some tors. If that's a J.D. I just, just so, such a cowardly, like what a, it's like when we talked about the other day of cowardly. Stealing, and I guess we should have wrapped that in there because I would put that right there too.
Starting point is 00:33:00 Like just destroying someone's property like that is like, I don't know, I don't know if it's because I'm like a car dude and so I'm like, there's no honor in that. There's no justification for that. Like there's nothing of value that you're my wife's car too. And like, that's making a good for that reason. You know what I'm talking about, right? If you're in the driveway and it's like, the, where it's like kind of time parking. Right, people do that all the time. Let's say I'm in. But any of my family parties and there'll be cars in the driveway,
Starting point is 00:33:24 halfway off the driveway on the lawn. It's part of your house. It's gotta fit it in there somehow. Wow. And I remember being a punk little young kid when someone would park close to us, but I didn't do something that would destroy their car. I did things like, you know,
Starting point is 00:33:36 spit a luge on their door handle or something like that for doing some shitty ass like, you know, pin you in or something like that. Nothing that you couldn't wash off. Nothing that would be like, oh, it's disgusting. Like, but the key, someone's car and, and, and destroy like that. Like, that's gonna be expensive to get that fixed. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:53 So that's a super pissed. So I'm gonna go into a little bit of a health segment here. So there's these articles that are circulating on social media about how young girls are starting their periods earlier than ever. And there's all these different speculations as to what might be going on. But the most obvious one isn't really being addressed,
Starting point is 00:34:15 which I don't know if you guys knew this, but did you guys know that girls used to, the average woman in the 1800s I wanna say started her period right on 17 or 18. You guys know that? That link. Now it's like fourth and fifth grade. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:30 Now it's like, it could start as young as 10, 9, 10. Yeah, we have what my, my niece was fourth grade. And I knew a girl. It was like third grade. Yeah. Yeah. So yeah. And so there's like, oh, you know, see, it needs, you know,
Starting point is 00:34:42 estrogen and just the other, but it's probably because they're, they were malnourished for so long and now they're overnourished. So obesity calories, lots of tells the body, okay, you're ready to procreate. So especially for girl is eating a lot or eating much more than she needs. Then they'll get their periods a little early. So, but yeah, it's interesting, right?
Starting point is 00:35:06 I mean, we've been noticing that for a while, don't you think? I mean, I remember people talking about the girls were maturing earlier and earlier and earlier and earlier, that's just a small. Because you're not the case of the boys too. I mean, I've seen this in regard to like my oldest friends, like some of them that were like bigger guys
Starting point is 00:35:20 and like have been, you know, a little bit more on the obese kind of side, like have mustache and are very much That's a good question. I it makes sense. It would be the similar signal right? I mean obviously for for for girls. It's a stronger signal because they have to Well, isn't the other theory like just the amount of like hormones and set them up up into animals and it's like But it's probably more to do with calories than it then it but I mean that's got to play roll to I'm sure It's probably more to do with calories than it then it but I mean that's got to play roll to I'm sure it's probably more to do with calories. I mean you eat to meet from this cattle
Starting point is 00:35:48 they're pumping them full of hormones hormones. Even if it's not harmful, you would think that if you over years in pounds and pounds and pounds of meat that you eat, you would think that you don't know if that would induce a period or if it would just affect the hormones negatively or or just you know maybe affect them. I guess that could have an effect if you think about it. But I do know for I mean, even Doug, you can even look this up like the average period in the 1800s. You know, it's funny. There's definitely somebody who's scoffing at that right now. Oh my God. There's studies around this that prove that it's like you have like six week 12 week studies on stuff like that's a perfect example Why the study stuff sometimes is such bullshit? It's like, yeah, no, okay if you took a if you ate an animal that was getting pump full hormones
Starting point is 00:36:35 And you measured what it did to your hormones over six to 12 weeks like yeah, I'm sure it's okay. So it was off I was off, but still a lot so the average age In 1840 was 16 and a half years. Okay, so almost 17 off. I was off, but still a lot. So the average age in 1840 was 16 and a half years. Okay, so almost 17 and now it's 13. Yeah, so, but now it seems to be getting younger again. Interesting. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, it would be a multitude. So the length of time during which women are exposed to endogenous estrogen has therefore been increasing. And this is the national institute of health. Okay, so they are saying that the Zenoestrogens
Starting point is 00:37:07 are probably playing a large role. But at first it was had to be cal... They're emitting that, huh? Because that used to be like on the woo-woo side. Yeah, you know, that's now being widely accepted. Uh-huh. It's on the body. It's on the body.
Starting point is 00:37:20 It's on the body. Yeah, within the body. It's got, it's, it's, look, if a girl doesn't have enough calories or enough fat under body, her body, look, by the way, this will happen to any, to a woman at any age, you're 25, your period will stop. It's not eating up. You're right. Actually, that makes way more sense out. That's the more obvious. Right. That's going to be a big, simply there. Like, especially when you consider like in the last, even in our, in the last few decades like it was still normalized to be really skinny.
Starting point is 00:37:46 And now it's more accepted to be fuller, thicker, and there's abundance of food. Well, look at childhood obesity over the last three decades. That makes way more sense. Yeah, childhood obesity is exploded over the last few decades to the point where it was non-existent. So I've said this many times in the podcast, when we were kids, type two diabetes was called adult onset diabetes because only adults got it.
Starting point is 00:38:11 And then they changed the name because then kids started getting it higher and higher rates. But childhood obesity was almost 0% for a long time. So let's see. Wow, in the last 30 years, childhood obesity has more than doubled So let's see, wow, in the last 30 years, childhood obesity has more than doubled in children
Starting point is 00:38:28 and tripled in adolescence. Holy cow. Yeah. Look at this, thanks to readers. The prevalence of obesity among US children in adolescence was at 18.5% in 2015, 2016. Holy cow, that's almost two out of 10 kids is gonna be obese. Not overweight, obese.
Starting point is 00:38:53 So overweight has got to be like 30%. Holy cow. And you know what's crazy about this? This is based off weight, I bet they're undermuscled. Also, so it's probably even worse than the last day of the show. Physical demand, less opportunity for physical education, extra curricular activities, and then yeah, then look at what their feed in them at the cafeterias. It's like promoted by, you know, the government. It's like, oh man, it's alarming. Oh, dude. It's like, what kind of food is
Starting point is 00:39:21 in it? You're doing it in the machines at the same time? By craft. Dude, I were doing tours of high schools and for my daughter and from the vending machines at the time? By craft, I agree. Dude, I were doing tours of high schools and for my daughter and all schools have vending machines. Yeah. You asked me how many healthy things are in these vending machines? There's like, there's no protein option. No, none. It's all carbon-hypnotic.
Starting point is 00:39:35 It's all candy, chips, cheese is as much proteins you're going to get. Yeah, and then on top of it. I mean, the difficult situation right there is like, if you had a healthy option, do the kids even choose it? Well, they will if that's the only option. Well, yeah, okay, yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:49 So if you, if you do that, don't give them an option between Doritos and... Right, right. And then you have to ask like, how much less money does the school make or who? That's it right there. Yeah, like how much less money do they make if they give them a healthy option only.
Starting point is 00:40:01 Absolutely, right there. Yeah, for sure, right? I mean, they, you know, it's motivated by that. And not only that, you know what else I saw in the school, uh, bending machines, energy drinks. Oh my God. It's such a problem now. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:13 Energy drinks. Huge problem. 150 milligrams, 200 milligrams caffeine. Yeah. And these are like, you know, these are 14 year olds getting after it early, I know, which is like setting them up. It's so interesting. Is there any, is there any places that are trying to put an age limit on caffeine? Yeah. So surprised we have it. It's so interesting. Is there any places that are trying to put an age limit on caffeine?
Starting point is 00:40:25 Yeah. Yeah. So surprise we have it. It's a drug. Yeah. And it is a drug that is deadly. Yes. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:40:32 That if we were to have found it like today, we know what it was. We just found it. It would be scheduled to. Oh, yeah. There's no. And even if it was legal, we would have an age limit on it. 100%.
Starting point is 00:40:43 For sure. So it's so crazy to me that we, that's not really talked about. Like super crazy. It's in the, in the, in the vending machines, such as crazy. I was looking at them, like, holy shit, I could buy an energy drink here.
Starting point is 00:40:55 Well, I, I really think that it's, it's just now getting on people's radar because of prime, because prime blew up so big in the kids, among kids. Yeah. And it's what 200 milligram caffeine drink. Yeah. That's a huge problem.
Starting point is 00:41:09 There's another sneaky one because of the legalization of marijuana a lot of places too. Like the edibles are going around like crazy with kids, gummies. And they're all the eatin' them in class or vaping. Like, and this is not something, it was like, you knew kind of who was the ones that would sneak off, you know, on one day and go up in the woods and smoke. It's like, now it's so elusive because it's these gummies and it's getting passed around. And is that happening?
Starting point is 00:41:33 Yes, dude, it's, I was like, oh my god, of course. I wonder how many high school teachers are doing with that, like, and you know, right? Like, you can tell when a kid's like blitzed and like, they just had like a gummy. Like, you can't see them smoked, they don't smell like weed. Like how do you what do you do? Like, and how do you as a as a teacher, how do you make that call unless you're 100% sure with allergies and other things like yeah, you can't test them right? Yeah. So how do you do that as a teacher? You got kids in your class. You know damn well that they're they're messing around. They're doing shit like that. But then you can't really single amount,
Starting point is 00:42:06 call them out if you didn't catch them doing some like that. So we're like, is there, what? Well, some of the parents are so like, just like, well, free about it and like it's like, it's not that big a deal and like, it's not that big a deal. Really? Yeah, like I've had to remove myself from some of these parents.
Starting point is 00:42:24 Really? I was like, I will slap you. it myself from some of these parents. Really? I was like, I will slap you. You know what, my parents would come up blue. You can't, THC has very negative effects on the developing brain. Yeah. That's what they show. Yeah. If a child, because of the way it affects the developing brain, they're much more like
Starting point is 00:42:37 the short-term memory, all kinds of things. Well, not just that. They develop higher rates of psychosis, anxiety disorders that are hard to get rid of once you develop them because the brain's plastic. The brain is still shaping. And so you're sending it the strong signal that's telling us to shape in a different way. Once it's done shaping, that's it. You know, once you've got that plasticity's gone, it's gone. Yeah. So I remember we
Starting point is 00:43:00 had that problem that controversial debate you and I had about what we would let our kids do more. Yeah, more and I was I was the one who's ironically more anti weed. Yeah, and and part of that the why I am is because because it's become so so normalized. Yeah, and it doesn't have these crazy adverse effects and it doesn't seem to be as dangerous. And so then the justification for kids to abuse it is going to be much higher because of that. And you know, I've seen firsthand in myself and in my siblings and friends. Like it's one of those things that I don't care what you say. You're not productive on that. But just think about the mixed messages that we're sending kids, right? We're like, don't do that. Take your meth from the prescription. Yeah, right. From the prescription bottle. There's a whole other problem there. Yeah, don't do that, take your meth from the prescription, right? Yeah, there's a whole other problem there.
Starting point is 00:43:47 Yeah, don't take that, take your anti-psychotic, whatever medication that you're supposed to take every day because it keeps you from feeling sad or hurt. We've been talking about this, and this is for a while, and I know there's been documentaries now I've came out on this, is the prescribing of these ADD and stuff like that, like medications, are they, are they going down, are they leveling out, are they, because they were like on this
Starting point is 00:44:12 crazy trajectory, the last 10 years, and I know they've done some crazy documentaries on how many kids are being medicated by it, but I also feel like there's now enough people kind of talking about this and I, more people, I think a lot kind of talking about this and I think a lot of people were oblivious. I think a lot of people had kids that were restless and doctors said, do this and so, okay, for my doctor, I wasn't really, I think when more and more people understood that it's like literally math
Starting point is 00:44:35 that you're giving your kids, I think that really is. You need more awareness from the parents. Because I think now people will start to go like, oh, may impact that, but I feel like it's still prescribed. Oh, devil, you still, I'm curious to like, if it's still, are you looking at updug to look at the picture? I am looking at up. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:51 Anything, anything, any hits there? Yeah, I'm not seeing anything specifically yet, but this is interesting. The US has been struck in a shortage for Adderall. Yeah. Wow. Since this is September article, which is interesting. Yeah, I did, I didn't know about that.
Starting point is 00:45:05 What's the what's the black market on that look like? I'm not. What's an Adderall pill go for? Andrew everybody's weak confident in opinion. Now, address. Yeah, Andrew. You like rattles off right?
Starting point is 00:45:18 25 if you get like a four milligram. No, you get a fit. No, you never tried Adderall. You've never tried it. No, never. I didn't until I didn't until my late 20s. It a fit, no throw. I actually never tried Adderall. You've never tried it? No. Never? I didn't until, I didn't until my late 20s. It's, yeah, late 20s.
Starting point is 00:45:29 Yeah, it was at least late 20s, maybe after that. I never had one either. I didn't know what, so that's why I think that's part of why I think some of these parents are the way. I didn't realize what it was. I just, I'm like, oh, I didn't think I had ADD. I don't think I ever needed it. And so, don't you think that should almost be one of those things
Starting point is 00:45:45 that considers a parent, if you're gonna put your kid on it to try it and at least see how it makes you feel? Oh, right. Yeah. Yeah. I think that's a, yeah, that's a state of a standard. Before I give my kid something,
Starting point is 00:45:55 let me try. What does that say there, Doug? So the prevalence of use of Adderol for grades 8, 10 and 12 from 2009 to 2022. So, look at the, how's it going down? It's gone down in some areas. For example, 12th graders has gone down quite substantially for the eighth graders, I
Starting point is 00:46:13 believe it's gone up. It's fluctuated quite a bit. But yeah, overall, though, it looks like it's been going down. Good. I think more I think it's like the backswing. I mean, look how 2015 it was like at its peak. Yeah. Yeah. Around 2015 or 2012. Right. That interesting though. Back in 2015 looks like it was at its peak for the older kids, but not so much on the and the younger kids is actually climbed since 2015. Yeah. You know, when you look at this, that's kind of crazy. I wonder if that's actually more awareness
Starting point is 00:46:48 to these old, the kids choosing not to. These teenagers and so what that and high school learning more about it and going like, hey, I don't think I want to take this stuff. We got to look at the full picture and see what else is being prescribed or what else is being done,
Starting point is 00:47:00 because who knows. Look, this is coming from someone who's like, I am officially diagnosed, ADHD as an adult and I have the prescription of Adderall, which I don't use because I just didn't, I could tell I was developing bad relationships for me. There are, and you can look this up, look at the data on things you can do to help and like things like exercise, diet, different learning strategies or teaching strategies have profound impacts on a lot of kids. I'm not saying it's for everybody.
Starting point is 00:47:30 I'm sure there's some kids out there where it's really, really tough, but there's lots of things you could do that will have a positive impact. And unfortunately, you know, teachers can't necessarily change their model to help some of these kids. So let's say get a fit the kid into the, you know, it's like fitting the square peg into the round hole rather than changing the hole, you know, type of deal. So anyway, we should talk about how Black Friday is starting now.
Starting point is 00:47:56 Is that it? It's starting now. Yeah, right now. Now here's what the best time of the year. This is what they did. 60% off everything. Everything. Bundles?
Starting point is 00:48:08 Bundles too. Oh wow. 60% off even our latest programs. Every program and every bundle, 60% off done. And we started a little early this year, right? Is that it? Yeah. This is before Thanksgiving or Black Friday.
Starting point is 00:48:21 So there you go. So if you want a program or programs or bundles and there's no limit to what you can use this for you, it's all 60% off. You go to mapsfitinistproducts.com and the code is literally Black Friday and that'll give you the 60% off gangbusters. All right, so today's shout out is actually the event that we're putting together for trainers and code. Shout yourself out. Yeah, am I on that? Shout it, shout it out loud. So we're doing this like I just want to shout myself out. Yeah, real quick.
Starting point is 00:48:49 Give me a follow. So it's a three part trainer training. So there's three of them. And I'm going to be teaching and coaching trainers is totally free. And then Adam and Justin are going to be there. It's going to be live. So you can ask questions or whatever
Starting point is 00:49:02 they'll be answering questions. And our goal is really to make trainers and coaches better or provide them with resources to help them be better. So it's starting January 15th, but you have to go sign up first at mindpumptrainer.com. The exciting part about this, and I kind of alluded to it a little bit on the forum and some of the talks that I've done is that this is going to be a, I think, a real shift of focus for the business that we haven't really put a lot of energy and effort into that I think all of us are really excited about. I mean, yeah, as much as we love helping the general pop, our passion and what we did for
Starting point is 00:49:42 most of our careers were actually training other trainers and coaches. And so, you know, for the first time, we're really starting to put a lot of energy and focus into that direction. So I'm pretty excited to see what comes of it. All right, everybody, check this out. Organifies having a huge sale right now. Check this out. You spend $100. You get 20% off and free shipping, spend $150. Get 20% off free shipping and a capsule of your choice. That means free supplements, everybody loves free supplements. Anyway, check this out. This sale is ending on the 27th.
Starting point is 00:50:14 All right, so go to organify.com, that's O-R-G-A-N-I-F-I.com, forward slash mind pump. Use the code mind pump, get another discount. All right, back to the show. Our first caller is Robert from Connecticut. What's up, Robert? How can we help you? Guys, hey, what up?
Starting point is 00:50:32 Super excited to be on a little bit nervous. I'm a reasonably new listener, just started with you guys back in January, but I've gone back and, gosh, listen to hundreds of episodes. So just want to say thanks for the awesome content. It's been amazing. I got some family members turned on to you guys and it's just been really great.
Starting point is 00:50:50 So thank you. I had a couple of initial questions for you. One of them, I'm going to change a little bit if that's okay. Sure, because my circumstances have changed. The first question I had was about going into a bulk and how much bumping up my I should do with calories, but what's changed for me is back in September, I bought RGB bond and I started in a bot like about a month later, I had my calories of five or 600 per day and I ran that for about a month. And my gains, my strength gains were just incredible.
Starting point is 00:51:29 I packed on some good weight, some muscles, some fat as well. I think I probably went from about 16 to maybe 19 or 20% body fat, which was okay. So here's my question, my circumstances have changed. I'm a recovering alcoholic, I'm in recovery, and I've come into a treatment center. And in that treatment center, I have limited time to be able to work out.
Starting point is 00:51:58 I also don't have a whole lot of control over my diet. So I think protein, staying over 100 grams per day is gonna be a little difficult for me. I'm about 170 pounds at the moment. And I'm going to have limited access as far as time goes and equipment goes. So I was thinking of either making an attempt at Maps 15. There is some equipment here, or potentially doing anywhere. What would you guys recommend? I'm going to be here for about 90 days. First of all, I want to congratulate you on the decision to do what you're doing right
Starting point is 00:52:36 now. We just talked about this other day about the entire sphere of health, right? Is so much more than just macros and lifting weights and what you're doing right now and getting through that is by far the most important thing. And so if you're a client of mine, like I'm going to put together a routine like say, like maps 15 or and honestly, it's literally, I'm not really worried about if you're hitting your macros right now because it's more about the consistency
Starting point is 00:53:07 and what that's gonna give you, like of, okay, every day I get to do my little routine. That helps me break peace of mind. I'm not tripping about, do we hit our grams of protein? Do, are we building muscle right now or not? It's like what you're doing to improve your overall health right now is massive. And it's you're moving in the right direction no matter what you do inside the gym or not. So I just want to make that clear. I would use, I would use a strength training
Starting point is 00:53:35 as a discipline tool as one to bring you structure and start your day off versus a tool to build muscle or burn body fat. Now, the odds are you probably will do both because, you know, because it's a workout. And it is effective, but I would treat it, like I said, treat it like a discipline practice. And so 15 minutes every single day, 15 to 20 minutes, every single day is a great way to start your day. I do have a question though on the 16 to 19% body fat or 20% did you test your body fat? Through that period. No, I guess.
Starting point is 00:54:12 Those are just my estimates based on a scale. It gives you that information. There is not. Super accurate. Very, very, very unlikely. You went up three or four percent body fat with a 500 calorie bump. So very unlikely. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:28 And your strength went up a lot. You might be mistaken. It could have been more, but I went up 20 pounds. I went up like 18 pounds in four weeks. Right. And you in this in four weeks. Yeah. From 500 calories of an increase.
Starting point is 00:54:41 I think it could have been more, I'm guessing somewhere between five and 600. Unlikely. So next time you do something like that, really track. Unless you were so depleted before, there was a lot of water and hydration, but even then, you did say your strength went up. What did that look like? 15 to 20%.
Starting point is 00:55:02 Oh wow. I gained more strength in my lifts You know running around up 15 to 20% in weight at an 8 to 10 Rep count range. You know what the numbers that I gave you guys are wrong. I'm up 20 pounds now that first month I probably went up 10 pounds Okay, I could I could have been as high as 700 and 700 a day versus five. Okay. I just wanted some clarity. So I was drinking my ass off. I was okay, Robert. I'm saying that okay, that makes a lot of sense. Yeah. Look when you get out of this And God bless you for success when you come out of this and you attempt this again
Starting point is 00:55:43 I want you to track it. I want you to count and track it. Do it without alcohol, whatever you experienced before, it's going to blow, it's going to blow the doors off of what you did before the second time. Yeah, I think the, the maps 15 and really focusing on that right now. That's, I don't even want you stressing about food right now. Eat when you're hungry, you know, make the best choices you can in the situation you are. If you can have a protein shake, if you want that as a snack in between, I don't know if they like you to bring that in, but that would be the only thing.
Starting point is 00:56:09 But just stick to the math 15, and then when you get out, I actually want, I want you to get in the private form with us. Cause then, cause then I would like to, then I would like to keep an eye on you on what you're doing nutritionally and working out and use that community as a support group through this process, because what you're doing and what you're doing nutritionally and working out and use that community as a support group
Starting point is 00:56:25 through this process, because what you're doing and what you're focusing on is far more important than body fat percentage, but it doesn't mean that we can't accomplish both. I wanna make that clear. So it's not, doesn't mean that you can't get more fit and ripped and build some muscle and do all those things. It's just that you're tackling a monster already, it is,
Starting point is 00:56:44 and I wanna make sure that we're focused on the wins of you being consistent with that first, and then all this other stuff that we're doing is just a bonus to that, because you're moving in the right direction for overall health already. Another practice you might wanna try with food is fasting. Not for fat loss, not for muscle gain, nothing else, but you're practicing
Starting point is 00:57:07 a form of detachment. And it's a nice practice to help you do with what you're doing now. So like a day or two fast, might bring you some clarity and help you with the entire process. So right now it's all about improving your health and that's it. Got you. I really appreciate that advice. You know, it's so easy having, you know, reasonably addictive behavior for the exercise to become more about results than it is about just staying healthy. And so I really like your advice about staying focused on on that and not necessarily what's going on With my by composition, but just keeping that discipline of trying to eat healthy and get some movement every day
Starting point is 00:57:51 Robert, do you have a thank you? Thank you for that. Do you have a spiritual or religious practice? I Do yeah, yeah, okay. Yeah, I'm gonna have dogs I practice Buddhism. Okay. Okay. Okay, Buddhism has got yeah Okay, so all the major religions talk about detachment in some way shape a form. I'm gonna have Doug send you a video that I watch actually this morning. It's really serendipitous. It is from the Catholic faith. So it is a different religion, but the spiritual truth in it you'll see resonates with Buddhism as well. And again, it's taught across every major world religion that I'm aware of and I think it'll help every major world religion that I'm aware of, and I think it'll help with some of what you're dealing with. So I'll have Doug send you that link,
Starting point is 00:58:28 and I literally watch it this morning, I literally watch this morning on the way here. Awesome, I can't wait to see that. Okay. Okay, can I ask one more quick question if you guys? Of course. Of course. Is my second question in my original email had to do with,
Starting point is 00:58:43 what are your guys thoughts experience? opinion on the amino acids in like a pill form so while I'm here Getting enough getting 150 grams of protein a day is going to be very difficult Is supplementing with that something you think would be helpful in your opinion as it effective. You know, they have all these stories about it being super pure and blah, blah, blah, what are your thoughts on that?
Starting point is 00:59:10 I mean, helpful for what you're doing, though. Okay. Yeah, not really. I mean, if you want supplements that will help you with what your current goal is, I would look into things like Sam E might be beneficial, creatine, might be beneficial. Both of those have positive effects. Yes, they both have positive effects on liver health and positive mental health effects.
Starting point is 00:59:34 I would add the protein shake too. A shake would be better than branching in the whole. Yeah, yeah, if you want your protein, access to that. Yeah. I haven't talked to the doctors and nurses and the med people here yet. I don't think they're gonna let me full with creatine or protein shapes or any of that
Starting point is 00:59:49 A couple of them all stuck but they might let me take Something in a pill form. Well, creatine can come in pill form. Yeah, that's right. Yeah, so I'll go create team on a hydrate It's there's another tap. There's another one called San E They're both excellent for liver and mental health. And that's, the outside effect, the other effects are muscle building on stuff. I do want to make it clear though. You get through this process,
Starting point is 01:00:13 and you come out the other end of this, and I don't give a shit if you ever hit your protein intake or your supplements, but you get through this process, and come out, you're gonna feel amazing just getting through it. And if you actually even created a discipline around working out every day for 15 and 20 minutes, we are fucking massively winning.
Starting point is 01:00:32 Massively winning. And now you are perfectly set up for, okay, I'm back into the real world. Now let's start to introduce some of these supplements. Let's start to get on my protein intake. Let's start, and then you got a great foundation to build on that. Like, that is the main thing.
Starting point is 01:00:47 If you're client of mine, or we've been friends for a long time, you're going in on this, that's what I'm telling you. This is our goal. Come out the other end of this, that you've been consistent with your 15 to 20 minute workouts, and you came out 100% sober and feeling good. Now let's go fucking tackle this body composition thing
Starting point is 01:01:02 you wanna do. Awesome advice. All right. Wow guys, really appreciate it. Well, real quick, do you have maps 15? Because we'll send it to you, Robert. I just want to make sure you got that. Maps what? 15? No, I have the RGB bundle just that. We'll send the two and have maps 15. We're going to send maps 15 and send you access to the private form. So you have access to us. Yeah, we'll send that over to you. Oh, that would be amazing. You got you. We got you. We look. Thank you guys.
Starting point is 01:01:29 Please, I'll let you know how I make it. Yes, please. When you get out, that's a mask. That's the other thing I'm going to ask you. When you get out, I want you to make sure you message in the forum and tag us to let us know you're out. I will do that. All right, brother. All right, man. Thanks, guys. Thank you. Take care. That's tough. You know, um, the, the, the, the,. All right, man. Thanks guys. Thank you. Take care. That's tough. You know, the discipline that the regular exercise provides is going to be way more valuable
Starting point is 01:01:53 than what's for people watching. Then the, which one's going to build the most muscle, which one's going to burn the most body fat, him starting his day off with a 15 to 20 minute structured string training workout. Yeah. Does set the tone for the rest of the day. him starting his day off with a 15 to 20 minute structure, string, training workout, does set the tone for the rest of the day. It literally sets the day up with a structure discipline. I do it whether I want to or not.
Starting point is 01:02:15 And that is more likely, he's more likely, he's gonna benefit more from that. Yes, literally the structure of it in the consistency. That's it. You know, you know what's interesting about this conversation is that of course he's coming forward and he's admitting that he has this addiction that he's checked in for,
Starting point is 01:02:33 but the truth is this is not that far different from a lot of fucking people. And a lot of people get started on this journey and pursuit of bettering themselves and they throw the whole fucking kitchen sink in themselves. I'm gonna die, I'm gonna hit the PCAAs. I'm gonna hit my creatinine. I'm gonna hit my protein and take it.
Starting point is 01:02:47 I'm gonna train every single day. And then what ends up happening is they set themselves up for just way too much, way too fast. And then it ends up happening is they fall short somewhere or another. There's just most people would. And they fall short and then they end up spiraling out of control because, ah, fuck it. They didn't hit one of those.
Starting point is 01:03:08 Ah, yeah, or I had two bad days in a row or I have a this and then it's and then they and then someone like this goes and grabs a drink or the other people that don't have maybe an alcohol thing go fucking binge on the food or go do something else. You can make anything of drug. That's right. If you try to fill whatever whole alcohol wasn't working for with fitness, you're also going to have problems.
Starting point is 01:03:29 So it's not about fitness replacing alcohol. It's just it creates discipline structure. It allows you to become healthier. And then hopefully, and oftentimes, provides you with the resilience and strength to deal with what you need to deal with. But if you replace one addiction for another, you will end up in a bad place. And yes, we can argue whether or not fitness is a better addiction than alcohol or not.
Starting point is 01:03:50 But it can also be ravaged you. So, and that's what happens is they go from, they go, I'm done with alcohol or whatever. I'm going to do everything now to distract myself. I'm going to beat myself up on a run every day. I'm going to lift weights twice a day. I'm going to count every calorie type of deal. And then they end up in a bad place. I'm gonna lift weights twice a day. I'm gonna count every calorie type of deal. And then they end up in a bad place again.
Starting point is 01:04:07 Our next caller is Luke from Ohio. Luke, what's up, man? How can we help you? Hey, guys, how you doing? Thanks for having me on, I appreciate it. Good. So about six years ago, I started my fitness journey. I was just doing normal strength training,
Starting point is 01:04:19 focused around power lifting. And seeing great results, I continued this journey up until about 11 months ago. I plateaued pretty hard on like all my lifts, couldn't see any gains and I knew a change was necessary. So having little to no cardio experience, I figured an increase in cardio would be a good starting point to round out my overall fitness. And as someone who is goal centric, I needed some sort of goal to center my cardio training around. This is when I decided to compete in my first Iron Man. After completing this goal a few months ago,
Starting point is 01:04:48 I once again want to start building as much strength and muscle as possible while keeping some of the cardio vascular gains I have made during my Iron Man journey. Is this possible? What is the best route I should take to make serious progress in my strength gains? Well, also being a decent endurance athlete.
Starting point is 01:05:02 I like this too. This is cool. Let me ask a little bit more in regards to keeping some of this, right? So some is, it could be a wide range. I got to define it. So do you want to just have like a really good mild time still, or do you still want to just be able to throw your sneakers on and run for half marathon? Like, how much, how much endurance do you want to have?
Starting point is 01:05:23 How much, like, how much do you care about that as your primary and then how much endurance do you want to have? Like how much, like how much do you care about that as your primary and then how much do you care about packing on muscle or getting building strength? Like give me an idea of like the ratio we're looking at here. So when I first started, I could really only run, you know, three miles without just being completely gassed. So I think right now would probably,
Starting point is 01:05:42 if I could just throw on my sneakers and just run, you know, eight, nine miles pretty easily, I think that would would probably if I could just throw on my sneakers and just run you know eight nine miles pretty easily I think that would be like a good like a good two hours or so a week of you know like zone two training is kind of what I'm looking at Okay I would do a traditional strength training program. You want to build muscles. So a map Santa Bala would be perfectly fine If you ran now you want to run be able to run what eight to nine miles. Yeah. If you ran six miles once a week, I think you'd be able to do that.
Starting point is 01:06:08 I wouldn't run nine miles every week. I'd run about six. And when you feel good, push it so you run faster when you don't feel so good, run a little slower, but that'll keep you in striking distance of being able to run nine miles. Now with maps and a ball, like I will add, after following that program, you're going to want to go with something a little more more mobility focus because just running and just Maps and Obolic too long will probably result in some mobility issues because running is so linear. You're just running in one direction and Maps and Obolic is basically all of one plane,
Starting point is 01:06:40 right? You're really getting strong with those foundational lifts. So after Maps and Obolic, I would go Maps performance and continue to run, you know, six miles once a week. And that should keep you where you're at. Also keep in mind what's kind of what's really cool about cardio is, you know, as long as you don't go the complete opposite direction, you can get that back really quick. Like I don't, it's not like you played sports. I mean, you probably remember, you know, before football, basketball, whatever you play, like, you used to call it Hell Week, you know, and for one week coach, coach ran the shit out of you. But it was crazy. By week two,
Starting point is 01:07:12 you were already, I could run a full game, no problem. I could go from playing video games, to neatin' pizza, all summer with my buddies, to all of a sudden, okay, Hell Week hits, and now I can run up and down the court. That week was miserable, but then after that week, you adapt cardiovascular really quick. So as long as you don't massively go from like the guy who could run an Iron Man to being a couch potato and never running or lacing up, you'd be surprised how quickly you can get that right back.
Starting point is 01:07:41 So I think just doing these 15 to 20 minute kind of leisurely runs one to three times no more a week is enough to keep you in cardiovascular shape to where you have, especially if you follow programs like Maps Performance, which has like a little bit of a stamina endurance component in there. That combined with that, like you're gonna, you're gonna keep pretty good cardiovascular shape. I think a seasonal approach, you know, like it in there, that combined with that, you're going to keep pretty good cardiovascular. Take a seasonal approach. In terms of you signing and getting yourself involved in another competition, another Iron Man, in between that, you take a few months where we're just focusing completely on strength training, but you're supplementing that in between on these days to maintain a
Starting point is 01:08:24 bit of a cardiovascular endurance, but not intensively, right? So you're bringing that intensity down quite a bit and you're sacrificing that now and moving more on the strength side of it. And you just un-delete those. So you kind of like plan it out throughout the year based off of like what types of events you want to sign up for. And so there's nothing wrong with that.
Starting point is 01:08:44 And that's basically what most athletes do anyways. So you've got to account for this offseason where we're putting the work in, back in the body to strengthen, maintain muscle mass, also keep those joints nice and fresh and healthy. And so, you know, mass performance, we do need to move in different planes. We need to supplement that so you stay strong
Starting point is 01:09:02 and there you don't have problems of this overuse and turn that into injury. Do you have any of those? Yeah, I just said you have any? Any, no, I do not. All right, so we'll send you maps at a ballac and then after that I would go performance. Okay. But if you've got one, now that you have the stamina, if you maintaining it's not, I mean,
Starting point is 01:09:19 you're not going to be able to maintain what you do for the Iron Man, but what you said you should be able to maintain without too much work. Yeah. Okay, yeah, that's awesome. I just don't want to lose everything out of head, and I'm sure to meet goals like specifically in the strength world. Yeah, the interesting thing about performance adaptations
Starting point is 01:09:38 is getting them as harder than keeping them. Yep. Very true with string training, less true with other adaptations, but there's still some truth there. So cardio's more affected by not doing as much, but still, you know, you wanna run eight, nine miles. Like if you ran, like I said, five to six miles once a week
Starting point is 01:09:54 every week, you'd be able to go nine miles and you should be fine. New's me. Okay. Cool. Awesome. Yeah. Thanks you guys.
Starting point is 01:10:02 I really appreciate it. Thanks for calling in. Yeah. Thanks. Did you have a week for basketball too? Yeah. Everything. Thanks you guys. I really appreciate it. I'm out of things. I'm calling in. Yeah. Thanks. Did they do Hell Week for basketball too? Yeah. Everybody every every double day. Yeah, we do liners and stuff. Yeah. They did double days for basketball. Yeah. Yeah. We said, wow. Morning, 6 a.m. was the in in cardio. And then at night, we played the skill. So it was heavy condition. And you just for one week, one week was hardcore, you know, training. And then by the second week, you're already running up and down that court pretty damn good.
Starting point is 01:10:30 That first week is rough. It is rough. So I, I didn't play obviously football or basketball, but I remember when they did Hell Week, I said, I'm going to do this on my own with like workouts and stuff. And it's just brutal twice a day. Oh, yeah. I mean, when you're young, like that, you're so resilient and get away with one. Is that funny? Yeah, get away with one. Yeah, I would never do that now. And I don't think you need to do that extreme
Starting point is 01:10:51 to obtain like kind of what he's wanted to do. I think what you gave him is that advice, which is, you know, as long as you can run relatively close to where you want to maintain your fine. And then it's literally like, if you had this plan, where I'm gonna go for a, you know, 12, 15 mile run with my buddies in two weeks. Yeah, we could literally train for that.
Starting point is 01:11:07 You probably won't even need to be out there. Yeah, it will weaker to before and you'd be ready to go. Our next color is Monica from Louisiana. Hi, Monica, how can we help you? Hey guys, how are you doing? Good, how are you? Good, I'm super excited to be on the show. I listened to all your podcasts. I actually got
Starting point is 01:11:26 introduced to you guys by my husband who wanted to convince me that women should be eating way more than I was eating. And then also, he also had a podcast about salad did you get to. And I've been having some issues along my jujitsu journey and I thought maybe that you guys could give me some help or information. I am testing, I'm preparing for my blood test in January. It consists of a lot of hip throws and putting my shoulder in some weird positions. And I had an AC joint separation quite a few years back. And I never, my shoulders have never been the same since. I've always seemed to have issues with my shoulders locking up on me.
Starting point is 01:12:22 And it starts with my shoulders. And then it eventually goes down to my hips. So my whole shoulder girl seems to want to tighten up and lock up on me. And when I'm trying to lift weights and I like doing kettlebells, I can only get to a certain point before everything starts locking up. So I'm trying to find a good balance between jujitsu and struts training so I can do both because I love both I just can't seem to find the right balance between the both of them. Well unfortunately Sal is not qualified to answer this because he kind of knows what your body goes through Giu-Jitsu, right? Actually, he's got EC joint issues.
Starting point is 01:13:12 Yeah, I had more than gone. Did I have my EC joint? Except, yeah, I separated my energy. Giu-Jitsu was I was posting back, you know, coming up from the bottom and then just to just separate. Did you get surgery on it? Is it, is it, is it okay now? I did not.
Starting point is 01:13:26 It was a grade before surgery. So what happened was, is I was doing a move. My hands were locked up. And when the guy went to do the reversal, I landed on the mat with my neck shoulder like slammed into the mat. So they did think at one point maybe my shoulder had been fractured but then they didn't see anything else on the X-ray so they just said it was just my AC joint. Okay how much how much do you
Starting point is 01:13:59 do Jiu Jitsu now? What's your what's your rolling schedule look like? Roll right now. It's two days a week. It used to be a lot more, but because I'm trying to prep for my test, I'm trying to be conscientious of putting myself in rolling a lot at one time. So I made a do like on Mondays and Wednesdays, three to four rolls. And obviously, well, obviously you would know that but everybody's bigger than me in our class except for my daughter. She plays less than me. But you know, everybody I'm rolling with does weigh significantly, you know, 50 pounds more than I do. Yeah. Do you can you do the you do the test require you to use both sides? Like, if you do a hit throw or a hit throw,
Starting point is 01:14:48 or do you have to demonstrate on both sides? It does not, but I'm right dominant. So I've been doing everything right side. My whole you did to journey for like the last 14 years. So everything I do is on my right side, even though it was my left side that got messed up, my right side also gives me problems. Okay. So the perfect program for you is map symmetry. And I think map symmetry is going to help you a lot, not mainly because of the unilateral work, but also more precisely because of the first phase of isometric work. Isometric
Starting point is 01:15:25 work is going to improve your stability in your shoulder, which is what you're lacking right now. Okay. And I would move away from the kettlebells for a bit until you really start to balance things out because kettlebells are great for building stability, but if you're really unstable, they can be really tough because of the way the weight is kind of offset, okay? Whereas dumbbells are a little bit more balanced. So I would go map symmetry with her rolling how much, how many times it will.
Starting point is 01:15:53 Well, I was gonna say, so with map symmetry, that first phase is only two weeks. I want you to do that four to six weeks. And it's gonna look boring because it's all isometric based, okay? So it's not full on boring because it's all isometric based. Okay. So it's not full on strength training, but that's okay. I would do it for about four or five weeks. And then when everything starts to feel good, then progress through the program. Now along with jujitsu, which is twice a week, which you've probably been doing
Starting point is 01:16:18 for a long time, probably more than twice a week, right? You've been doing this for 13 years. It probably more than twice a week, right? You've been doing this for 13 years? Yeah, yeah. Yeah, I used to do way more training, like probably five times a week. Yeah, you're fine. And I mean, obviously, as I've gotten older, to my body can just can't sustain rolling two hour open mats anymore with people way bigger than me.
Starting point is 01:16:43 Yeah, I would go, I would follow map symmetry like it's laid out. You'll be totally fine. The only thing I would do is I would make sure that you don't go too hard on the workouts. So bring the intensity down. Okay. But so phase one, extend that for about four to six weeks. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 01:17:01 When you get to phase two and beyond, then just keep the intensity moderate at most and maintain the rolling and you should be totally fine. The only thing that I would add to that is just the mindset that you go into map symmetry is like perfecting the movement. Like technique. Yeah, think of it like an art form and the beauty of the world. Think of it like Jiu-Jitsu.
Starting point is 01:17:22 Yeah, like then the beauty of the movement, right? Versus, oh, I can do more weight, just add more weight. Oh, I can do more weight, just add more weight. But you're trying to make that right and left side. intrinsic, right? Look identical and move the same way. And if it's, even if you have enough strength to increase weight, but you can see in the mirror
Starting point is 01:17:41 when you're doing the exercise, like, oh, it just doesn't look as perfect as the left side or vice versa. Like that should be at the pinnacle of like, you progressing and moving through the program is trying to perfect the movement on each side more than it is, you know, can I push harder or less rest or add more weight?
Starting point is 01:17:59 Now while doing this, I do think you need to bump your calories at the same time. If you just add this and you don't increase your calories, you may find yourself burning out. So I would bump your calories by about three to 500. Go ahead. Okay. I am right now.
Starting point is 01:18:14 I am counting my macros. It had me said at 2000 calories a day. But I do, I'm not gonna lie, I have issues with weight. I guess as most women do, we all, at one point, when we were younger, all wanted to be super skinny, and that body type obviously isn't that I will never be a twig. So when I go to think of eating more food, it overwhelms me. I'm going to be honest. Yeah. Well, look, I tell you, it's a practice. I want you to take your scale and throw it away. I don't want you. No, Siri, don't weigh yourself anymore. Here's how you going to judge your diet. How strong do I feel working out? How good do I feel in Jiu-Jitsu?
Starting point is 01:19:05 your diet. How strong do I feel working out? How good do I feel in Jiu-Jitsu? Okay. Literally place your focus there. When you find yourself wanting to look in the mirror and focus on the mirror or wanting to weigh yourself, focus on strength, focus on performance. It is a wonderful way to distract yourself from the tyranny of weight and appearance. And it will move you in a much better direction. So I want you to keep your calories a little bit above 2000. And I want you to do that consistently. Follow map symmetry like I told you.
Starting point is 01:19:35 And just focus on performance because here's what you're gonna notice. You're gonna be stronger, you're gonna feel more energy, you're gonna have less inflammation. And you'll probably solve your shoulder pain and hip pain, probably by the fourth or fifth week of MAP symmetry. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 01:19:51 Yep, and I think that's where I went wrong in my journey as well. I was eating way less and requiring my body to do a lot more than I was feeding it. So I think at one point I was over training and under-eating. And like I said, it wasn't until my husband gave me the podcast with you, guys talking about how women should be eating more was it was kind of a light bulb that maybe, you know, when I started looking that I was only eating 900 calories a day. And my body's burning 18, like it just,
Starting point is 01:20:26 it was kind of mind blowing for me. And you guys are one of the reasons why I started counting macros. And we actually got my son to start counting macros too, because he's a teenage boy. He wants to eat everything. And we're trying to tell him not to eat all this stuff, but now he's counting macros.
Starting point is 01:20:42 So he's keeping it in his macros. And he's a happy teenager. So thank's keeping it in his macros and he's a happy, he's a happy teenager. So thank you guys for that. I appreciate it. Yeah, focus on performance, Monica. It will guide you in the right way. It will guide you in the right way.
Starting point is 01:20:53 If you look at the scale, it's going to tyrannize your promise. So take that scale and toss it out. I swear to God, don't even weigh yourself and you'll find yourself in a much better place. Okay, sounds great. All right, thank you, Monica. Thank you, guys. Oh, and we're going to send you a map symmetry by the way, unless, unless,
Starting point is 01:21:09 oh, awesome. Thank you so much. I really appreciate that. Yeah, you got it. All right. So I am when I do test and hopefully receive my light, but I will send you guys a picture. Yeah. I love that.
Starting point is 01:21:20 Excellent. Thank you. All right. Thanks so much, guys. Bye. Yeah. So with, when you get to Black Belt, you,. All right, thanks so much guys. Thanks. Bye. Yeah, so with when you get to Black Belt, you, especially once you're a Black Belt, they want you proficient.
Starting point is 01:21:32 Everybody has a side, a favorite side, as you go through Jiu-Jitsu, like you'll do a moving, it'll be better on one side than the other. Yeah. But once you get to Black Belt, you need to be able to do, that's what they want. They want you to be able to do both sides. What martial art is it where you like,
Starting point is 01:21:43 you have to take on a guy, then take it on another guy guy than take it on another guy. Is there one way to do like a keto? Is there is there one where you have to do like one one guy comes after you? I don't think it's a specific martial art. It might be a school. Oh, that makes you that. But jujitsu is interesting. It's funny that they're testing typically Brazilian jujitsu doesn't test. What they'll do is they'll watch you train and if you compete and then time how long you've been doing. Oh, interesting. That's how that works.
Starting point is 01:22:07 Jiu-Jitsu's performance-based. That's why it takes so long to get a belt. We also have to teach, right? At some point. You don't have to. I mean, once you get to purple belt, they want you to start helping and teaching. So purple and up will typically teach a class. But that seems kind of weird.
Starting point is 01:22:22 It's very subjective then. So somebody else just watching you goes, oh, you know what you're a purple belt Yeah, and in there, well see, jujitsu's gotten so popular now, but but before it got so popular It was like getting your black belt was like you had to be able to kick someone's ass Otherwise, they're not gonna give it to you. Sure. Whereas other martial arts are like yeah, you're four You're guaranteed to get a black belt so long as you show up jujitsu like I don't give a shit if you show up every day Yeah, if you suck and you keep getting at it. Your tight coin dough is a lot like that.
Starting point is 01:22:46 It's like, oh, here's the next belt. Here's the next. Well, they have a lot of belts as a result. Cause they know every two or three months that they give a kid a belt. They're motivated. You just use literally white, blue, purple, brown, black. That's it.
Starting point is 01:22:58 And it's like a years to get from one to the other. It takes a year. So it's typically you compete or you're really showing proficiency in the class and then the coach is like, I think you're ready. It also makes sense then why there's so much pride and I think why it's so popular now because it's probably coveted more to be able to achieve a black belt. You know how many MMA fighters don't have a black belt? Who are amazing at your Getsu? Just because they do it no ghee or they train MMA. And they'll go back, you'll hear us all the time,
Starting point is 01:23:26 like so and so middleweight champion, just got his black belt, like what? He's a whizzing a black belt. Yeah, so purple belt's very powerful. So it's really, you can basically win any MMA match. Yeah. Our next caller is Megan from Arkansas. Hi, Megan, how can we help you?
Starting point is 01:23:46 Hi, thanks for all the content that you guys put out, obviously. Um, and for taking my question, um, my question primarily relates to transitioning from competition, and just being really stringent to everyday life. Um, so I spent 16 weeks in a prep. I'm 31 years old. I have a three-year-old daughter and Mary. And I ultimately did not step on stage because my daughter told me I was no longer fun. And so I didn't feel like the ROI with competing, it just wasn't there. Like family comes first for me. But I had a really hard time with my reverse.
Starting point is 01:24:27 And one, I just felt like really hungry, even though I was eating more calories. Like I felt hungry or eating more than I did when I was eating like 1300 calories, 1600 calories. And ultimately I just wasn't able to stick to the reverse is what ended up happening. So I just didn't know you guys had any advice there. Where are we at right now? So you were at 1300, at 1600, you felt like you were just getting hungrier. Like do you know where you're kind of landing right now? What are we looking like? I spent like a month probably just not tracking it all.
Starting point is 01:25:01 What do we look like? I spent like a month probably just not tracking it all. So you can imagine a lot of fingering up the so's and things like that. That happens with a first time competitor, even though I didn't end up being on stage. So I thought I could handle doing the rehearsal my own. And so I fired my coach. That was a terrible idea in hindsight. But I've hired her back on to kind of just get back into a good routine. And she has me at just under 2000.
Starting point is 01:25:31 Did I have you guys eliminated the cardio? Are you doing cardio still too? I wanted to keep my cardio because I beg my husband for a peloton. And so I'm trying to prevent him from calling it a paperweight. So I do 20 minutes four times a week. Okay, okay. So what's more important to you? Winning the argument with your husband over the peloton or what's best? Or getting help or being healthy? What's more important to you? I mean, I like the peloton and 20 minutes is good because it's a five minute warm-up and then 15 minutes of actual work. So I don't mind the cardio And I like the cardio vascular end in the morning and it also came out those kind of things
Starting point is 01:26:11 So it is partly to win I got some husbands, but also I do like Also keep in mind what I mean with this the way the car the question started was more about your metabolism Right, I mean that's basically what you're asking. And so it doesn't mean that we can't do the cardio or that eventually it's not something that we add into your routine, but it's not making it... It's not helping. It's not helping the goal. So the goal is to get you metabolically healthy
Starting point is 01:26:41 and get you at a calorie intake that's sustainable, that you feel good at, that intake that's sustainable, that you feel good at, that you feel strong in, that you're at a body, fat percentage that you feel healthy and stuff. That is not helping right now. So, it's working against that. Right now, the goal should be to build muscle, build strength, slowly increase calories in the diet.
Starting point is 01:27:02 And I would do that by not doing any cardio at first. It would literally be, you'll do it again later. Yeah, that's fine. If you like doing it and you, as you've admitted, I would say, okay, cool. We'll get there. And that'll be a good goal. A good goal will be, let's get your, your metabolic rate up. Let's get you to a good place with good balance of strength training, say three days a week and you're eating a good amount of calories and feeling good with no cardio. And then I'm going to bump your calories again, and then I'm going to introduce the cardio
Starting point is 01:27:31 that you want to maintain and sustain. But right now, there's, it's not helping us at all. So I would make you drop it, and then I would want to know where the calories are. I'd put you on something like MAP Santa a ball, and slowly increase calories every couple weeks. Yeah, I would, I would really focus on just getting strong right now. That's going to be your best weapon against kind of the metabolic, I don't know, for lack of better term damage that might have been caused from the prep. The, the, the getting hungrier with higher calories.
Starting point is 01:28:04 Body telling, starving. Well, there's a huge psychological component that plays a role with hunger. It's very big. This is how, in extreme cases, anorexics can tell you they don't feel hungry, even though they're literally starving themselves to death. When you're in prep, you can shift into this mental state where you're just hyper-focused. Then when you come out of it, you lose that prep, you can shift into this mental state where you're just hyper focused.
Starting point is 01:28:25 Then when you come out of it, you lose that goal, that focus, and now it feels like almost like the reins are off. Like, oh, I can, oh, now I'm feeling what I normally was feeling before that I might have disassociated from or detached from at the time. So it's not a bad thing. It's just you're more in touch with your feelings, you're more in touch with what your body's telling you. But yeah, you need to focus purely on strength training right now. I would eliminate the cardio. You can walk. There's nothing wrong with walking, but I wouldn't do the Peloton stuff. And that's MAP's endabolic. Once you get your
Starting point is 01:28:58 calories up to a point where you feel really strong and healthy, then we can reintroduce the cardio a little bit. But I think where you're at now with your calories, that's where I would keep them. Cut the cardio first, then maybe a couple of weeks, I would slowly bump it by maybe a hundred calories to 200 calories a week and just see how you feel. And really just gauge your strength, really just look at how strong you are and what your performance feels like. Did you notice any hormonal effects from prep? Not really just because I mean it was only 16 weeks,
Starting point is 01:29:32 which I guess I say only but I wasn't experiencing any of that. Okay, good. I was tired, but that's okay. That's really good. You're tracking again right now. So where are your calories now here? What you said? It's at 1970s, just under 2000. Okay, and your what's your body fat percentage? I can you look pretty lean? I would guess I'm about 90 probably about 20% maybe look 20s. You're good. Yeah. We're in a good we're in a good place. You're in a really good place. Would you be interested in a strength-focused program
Starting point is 01:30:08 where you're doing maps power lift, because if you have trouble moving from one really specific goal, competition, sometimes it helps to be like, well, now I'm going to follow a program where it's very direct. I'm just going to get stronger at the bench press, the deadlift, and the squat. and that sometimes helps with that psychological transfer. Would that be something you've said? I thought about transitioning into more of like a essentially doing power lift competition versus like we're gonna have you do maps power lift them. I'm gonna send you
Starting point is 01:30:39 a mass power. And you don't need to get into a competition unless you want to. If you want to it be great. It's a very supportive community. It's very different from the bodybuilding or but I love that. I love that advice. Yes. And the goal right now is literally like all I'd want you focused on is to let's get stronger and slowly increase those calories. So a massive win is can we say in three to four weeks from now have eliminated the peloton and actually been able to bump the calories somewhat and you've seen strength go up and you don't feel like you've put on
Starting point is 01:31:07 much body fat at all. That's the main goal right now. And even if you do put a little bit of body fat on, I just don't want to see a major swing, right? So I don't want to bump your calories to where you feel like you're putting body fat on week over week. If we do a good job, those extra calories will get partitioned over a billion muscle because you're sending a loud signal with Maps Powerlift. You have advice on having that conversation with a coach of, hey, so I received this programming that I would like to. Are they giving you a workout too? They're giving me a workout. They're giving me a workout in macros.
Starting point is 01:31:46 Okay. How much of you, are you like locked in? Did you pay for this for a low extended period of time? It's month and month. I mean, you could just say, hey, I'd like to just focus on nutrition with you. I'm following mind pumps, maps, powerlif program. If they're a good coach, they'll know who we are.
Starting point is 01:32:02 And they should, yeah, they probably will respect our programming. If they're not familiar, send them the program and show them and say, this is a powerlifting program. I got it from this podcast called Mind Pump and I'd like to follow this and I would like for you to help me with the River Steier part and not the workout. That's very optimistic. Thank you. Let's see.
Starting point is 01:32:20 Let's see. But most trainers have got a massive ego and have a bit of a God complex. So it'll be interesting to see how this goes for you. You might have to just tough it out for a month and just use them for what they can't help you with and then transition to what we're telling you because you might get into this back and forth of them trying. I mean, essentially, you're asking them to just do the diet and not the workout in the diet, and you're going to pay them the same amount.
Starting point is 01:32:46 So they might be okay with that. Yeah, they might. They might. We'll see. So it'll be interesting. I'm actually, have you ever asked them, do they listen to the show? Do you know if they're familiar with Mind Pump at all?
Starting point is 01:32:56 I haven't asked them. I think she primarily works with competition clients. I mean, she has lifestyle clients, but I'm not sure. But Skage presentation, not powerlifting clients. Yeah. Oh, she has lifestyle clients, but okay, but the stage presentation, not power lift, not power lifting clients. Yeah, she doesn't. I'm in the forum, so I'll be able to follow up. Yeah, I know, okay, she can't if she did, if she does stage competition workouts, she doesn't know how to write programming for power lifting is very different. So that
Starting point is 01:33:19 might be enough for her to be like, okay, cool, you follow that. But yeah, let us know what happens. Yeah, sounds good. All right, thank you, Megan. You will send that to you. Yeah, we'll see you in the forum, Megan. All right. Thanks. Bye. Rick. Yeah, the, um, yeah, you're pretty optimistic about that. Well, listen, I'm optimistic that our coach knows who we are. And at the very least, either they respect what we say or they fear the fact that
Starting point is 01:33:41 we'll give them a shout out. You know, I love the competitors we get to like shift over into power. Yeah, I think in that direction, it's like it's such a healthy. Listen, if she was competing, she was training for powerlifting competition, she probably would not have been in the position her daughter. Listen, for the coaches and coaches and trainers that are listening to this, this is a, this is a, this would be a cool trend to start in that space. Hold it is when you get any competitor that finishes a show and they're done with a show and they're getting out and they need to do something and they need to do something.
Starting point is 01:34:17 It's like switch everything. You're switching their mindset to let's go and don't think that's going to lose traction towards their body sculpting gold. It'll help. It'll only improve that. It's just a good shift to, okay, let's get out of this, like, you know, cutting and sculpting the body. It's like, let's go get strong. Let's increase calories and focus on the metabolism. Like that's going to be a build focus. But when she was like, oh, I'm just doing it so that my husband doesn't say, I told you so. It's worth it to let him win that one. Yes, yes.
Starting point is 01:34:48 Okay, you must be a joy to argue with. And there's also gonna be some people that probably push back on that advice. But it's, and it's not that one that I wouldn't allow her to do that in the future. Right. And it's not two that she couldn't possibly do it. Why also doing it?
Starting point is 01:35:04 It's like, why? Why though? If it's not, if it's not two that she couldn't possibly do it. Why also doing it? It's like, why? Why though? If it's not have any little deterrence. If it's not going to metabolically support us and help us right now, okay, which again, that's gonna get people to, oh, you know, here with study. If it doesn't help that journey right now, then I would put it aside for the moment until we get to a place where,
Starting point is 01:35:26 and this is for all people too, like you wanna know what a week or three weeks of eating a certain way and not doing any sort of cardio looks like for you as far as what you need. That's right. That way when you decide you're going to add these things, you know how you should adjust the calories based off of that. And so you don't get into adjust the calories based off of that.
Starting point is 01:35:45 You don't get into what happens to a lot of people, which is overtraining and grossly under-eating and then not getting any results at all. So look, if you like Mind Pump, head over to MindPumpFree.com and check out all of our free fitness guides. Download them to help you. You can also find us on social media. Justin is at Mind Pump Justin on Instagram. I'm at Mind Pump to Stefan, I want Instagram, and Adam is at Mind Pump Atom. You guessed it on Instagram.
Starting point is 01:36:08 Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at Mind Pump Media.com. The RGB Superbundle includes maps and a ballad, maps performance, and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels, and performs. With detailed workout blueprints in over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle is like having Sal and I'm in Justin as your own personal trainers, but at a fraction
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