Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 2234: How to Add Muscle After Age 50, Ways to Avoid Cravings When Cutting, When to Stop Reverse Dieting & More (Listener Live Coaching)

Episode Date: December 23, 2023

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Email live@mindpumpmedia.com if you want to be considered to ask your question on the show. Mind Pump Fit Tip: Wha...t you look at is what you see. (2:17) A toddler’s day can be ruined by ANYTHING. (15:00) The mystery Secret Santa list. (19:51) What ‘Quah’ stands for in the Urban Dictionary. (22:20) Kids say the darndest things. (23:22) Who has the higher body fat percentage, the average pig or American? (24:38) Southwest’s latest annoying policy move. (25:36) Why Seed stands above its competitors in the probiotic market. (34:10) Dolph Lungren, Sylvester Stallone/Richard Gere and petty pranks. (36:57) Do men lack vulnerability or stoicism more? (44:24) The market for men’s skincare is exploding thanks to Caldera. (57:58) Shout out to Bye Bye Barry on Prime Video and Mind Pump’s 3-Part Trainer Series. (1:03:45) #ListenerLive question #1 - Why am I “crashing” after a few weeks of cutting? (1:05:43) #ListenerLive question #2 - Am I too old to put on weight and gain size? (1:24:12) #ListenerLive question #3 - Any side effects with the peptide BPC-157? What should I expect to feel or notice? (1:38:30) #ListenerLive question #4 – How do you overcome the psychological aspects of reverse dieting? (1:51:55) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Seed for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout for 30% off your first month’s supply of Seed’s DS-01® Daily Synbiotic** Visit Caldera Lab for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Code “mindpump” at checkout for the discount** Special Launch: MAPS 40+ ** Code 40LAUNCH at checkout ** Promotion ends December 24th, act now for $80 off + 2 FREE eBooks! December Promotion: MAPS Old Time Strength | MAPS OCR 50% off! ** Code DECEMBER50 at checkout ** Parable of a Chinese farmer: How an ancient story resonates in today's hard times What a porker! Why pigs have got slimmer as humans get fatter Southwest Plus-Size Policy Offers up to a Full Row for Free Here's What Sparked The On-Set Fight Between Sylvester Stallone And Richard Gere Modern Wisdom Podcast: How Can Men Take Charge Of Their Lives? - Scott Galloway Watch Bye Bye Barry | Prime Video Forever Strong: A New, Science-Based Strategy for Aging Well – Book by Dr. Gabrielle Lyon The Resistance Training Revolution – Book by Sal Di Stefano Personal Trainer 3-Day Training – Starting Jan. 15, 2024 Visit Hiya for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! Mind Pump #1342: The Top 4 Mistakes Skinny Guys (Hardgainers) Make Working Out For a limited time only, Mind Pump listeners get a free LMNT Sample Pack with any purchase: Visit DrinkLMNT.com/MindPump Visit NED for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! Mind Pump Hormones Facebook Private Forum TRANSCEND your goals! Telehealth Provider • Physician Directed GET YOUR PERSONALIZED TREATMENT PLAN!  Hormone Replacement Therapy, Cognitive Function, Sleep & Fatigue, Athletic Performance and MORE. Their online process and medical experts make it simple to find out what’s right for you. Mind Pump #2125: Heal Like Wolverine: BPC 157 With Dr. William Seeds MAPS Fitness Performance   Reverse Dieting 101 | MAPS Fitness Products Reverse Dieting: What Is It and Should YOU Try It?? | MIND PUMP For Mind Pump listeners only, Equi.Life is offering $120 off their Food Sensitivity Test. Click here for the special deal. Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Adeel Khan, MD (@dr.akhan) Instagram   Chris Williamson (@chriswillx) Instagram Scott Galloway (@profgalloway) Instagram Jordan Shallow D.C (@the_muscle_doc) Instagram Justin Brink DC (@dr.justinbrink) Instagram Dr. Stephen Cabral (@stephencabral) Instagram

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mind, hop, mind, hop with your hosts. Salta Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. You just found the most downloaded fitness health entertainment podcast in history. This is Mind Pup Writing. Today's episode, we answered live callers questions, but this was after the intro portion. Today's intro was about 63 minutes long, so we talk about current events, we bring up studies, and we talk about family life.
Starting point is 00:00:30 If you want to skip around to your favorite parts, check the show notes for timestamps, they'll take you right to where you want to go. Also, if you want to be on an episode like this one, email us your question at live at mindpumpmedia.com. Now, this episode is brought to you by some sponsors. The first one is seed. This is the world's best, most advanced, probiotic period, and of story. Go check them out.
Starting point is 00:00:50 Go to seed.com-mindpump. Use the code MindPump and get 30% off your first month's order. This episode is also brought to you by Caldera. They make skincare products that are all natural and that have been shown in studies to dramatically improve the way your skin looks and feels. Go check them out and get a discount. skincare products that are all natural and that have been shown in studies to dramatically improve the way your skin looks and feels. Go check them out and get a discount. Go to calderalab.com that's C-A-L-D-E-R-A-L-A-B.com forward slash mine pump. Use the code mine pump and get 20% off your first order. Also, 48 hours left for our launch of our new workout program maps 40 plus this is a program for people 40 and over This is not a beginner program. It's not a water down workout program
Starting point is 00:01:31 It is a program for people to fit and healthy But who are also over 40 so takes into special consideration the strategies needed to get back youthful levels of hormones To help with recovery to help with muscle gain and fat loss. And it's two days left for the launch, which means after two days it'll go up to retail. So here's what you gotta do. Go to maps 40 plus, so that's maps 40 plus.com. Use the code 40 launch that'll get you $80 off
Starting point is 00:01:58 and we will give you two free ebooks. The first one is a guide to balancing hormones and the second one is a four phase histamine reset plan. So again, maps 40 plus.com and then the code is 40 launch 80 hours off plus you get the two for ebooks. All right, here comes the show. All right, look, if I asked you to tell me how many red cars you saw today on your way to work, you probably have a tough time remembering all of them. Well, what if I said this to you earlier, for every red car you saw, I'd give you a 50
Starting point is 00:02:30 bucks. I bet you wouldn't have a tough time recognizing those. Well, guess what? That's how luck works. What you look at is what you see. If you look out for opportunities, if you look out for blessings, you'll notice more of them. Yes, that changes everything. It changes absolutely everything. So if all you're looking for, all the reasons why you can't succeed, you'll notice more of them. Yes, that changes everything.
Starting point is 00:02:45 It changes absolutely everything. So if all you're looking for, all the reasons why you can't succeed, you're gonna find them. If what you look for are the reasons why you can succeed in all the opportunities, guess what, you'll find those. What you look at is what you see.
Starting point is 00:02:58 Wow. Have you guys ever heard that before? Yeah, that was... 12 red cars. Yeah, this is whatever you're going with that. I know. I know. Let's spark that.
Starting point is 00:03:04 Let's spark that. I actually saw someone else say the same thing earlier on social media. I'm is whatever you're going with that. I know. I wrote that up there. Let's spark that. Let's spark that. Actually, someone else said the same thing, earlier on social media, I'm like, I'm gonna steal that. That's what we do. Brilliant. And then not give them any credit. Yeah, I don't know where I said it.
Starting point is 00:03:12 No, it's an eye. Apparently it's a common thing to hear. But I mean, I've heard it said in different ways. It's true. It's so true. It's like, you know, it's like, when you feel blessed, for example, you start to see blessings. When you feel like you're just a victim, well, you start to see blessings when you feel like you're just a victim
Starting point is 00:03:27 Well, you start to see all the reasons why you it's a mindset shift and in fitness if all you're looking at is a scale You'll miss all the other incredible things that are happening to your body as you embark on this fitness journey If all you see is the mirror you're gonna miss out all these amazing things, right? So it's important to keep your scope wide, to be present, and to have that positive outlook. Like, all right, what are the positive things that are happening? How am I moving in the right direction? Not only does it allow you to see the things that are good,
Starting point is 00:03:57 but it allows you, I think, more importantly, to reframe the things that are tough. I think I brought this up on our earlier podcast. I can't remember, there's actually a term for this, but when people look back on challenging times in their life, they tend to look back on them and they tend to refrain them and say, you know, that was really tough, but here's where I learned, here's where I grew from.
Starting point is 00:04:17 So we can do this, you know, on our own when we look back. It makes a big difference. So it's interesting you're bringing this up. I was actually building this list last night. For the audience that doesn't know, we just recently have launched the 40 plus program. In there is the first time that we have ever put any real emphasis on lifestyle stuff included. I've decided to one not only follow that, but I'm also going to kind of add to that list. And this is my thought process. So this is what I was doing as a me that
Starting point is 00:04:50 list. We have a bunch of things on there for lifestyle things to encourage people that get the program. But then I had a bunch of things that I wanted to add in there, like reading. And I'm also trying to get back into the reading the Bible. So I want to have my book that I read that I want to work on my, you on my spiritual health, and there was something else that I was just talking to Trina that I wanted to do at the camera. Oh, as far as doing for others and giving, and like, so I have all these things, right? And I would categorize them all as like my overall health,
Starting point is 00:05:17 right? And my thought is, at first glance, some of my go, that's a lot, you're gonna overwhelm yourself with all that. That's my big goal. These are all the things I'm gonna list off. And part of why, and of course, all the basic stuff, like eating better, eating my protein intake, and all other things we talk about.
Starting point is 00:05:35 But what I know that I'm setting myself up for is an opportunity to move the needle in the right direction on any of those categories. And so long as I'm chipping away at any of them, I'm moving in the right direction on any of those categories. And so long as I'm chipping away at any of them, I'm moving in the right direction. Now, ultimately, I want to do them all, right? Ultimately, I want to read this, read that one, give to someone, do this, hit my workout,
Starting point is 00:05:55 hit my protein, do the water, do it. But the really the way I look at it and the way I would teach clients is that, pay attention to all those things because all those things are serving you and making you a better version of yourself, a healthier version of yourself. And there's going to be times when unfortunately you don't get to the gym or you don't hit your macros like you're supposed to or maybe I didn't read the book, but maybe I
Starting point is 00:06:17 did a couple of the other things and doing those couple other things, moving the needle in the right direction is still a win. It's not the ultimate win for the day. It doesn't mean that I hit it out the park, but what happens is if you can focus on those things, it's a lot easier to stay motivated to keep getting better in a few minutes versus all you think about is the scale. I want to lose 10 pounds. I just want to lose 10 pounds and you get fixated on that and that's all you're, and then you have a day where the scale goes up, or you didn't get your workout and then you're beating yourself up
Starting point is 00:06:48 over this one failure, this one thing you're focused on versus having all these things that I'm trying to keep my eyes open for and pay attention to and get better at and being able to celebrate those wins. I've just had way more success with framing my health and fitness pursuit like that or from that lens. Oh, 100%. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:06 You know, I look for, you know, I've been challenged with finding opportunities to, you know, connect with my older kids. Teenagers can be kind of tough like that. And, you know, my wife's always telling me, just create space. I'm like, what do you mean create space? She's like, just be around them
Starting point is 00:07:23 where you guys are both doing nothing. You know, driving in the car, hey, don't be on your phone, we're just gonna drive or just sit with them and hang out and have nobody be distracted type of deal. And so I'm like, okay, I'm doing that. And at first I'm like, it's not working, we're just sitting there and we're bored or whatever.
Starting point is 00:07:40 Like, let's go and not type of deal. And she's like, but are you guys sitting together? Like, well, yeah, she's like, okay, well, is that more than what you're doing before? Is what I guess you're right, you're right. Now, of course, as I continue to do this, then those opportunities do arise and we start to connect more.
Starting point is 00:07:54 And sometimes it's through challenge, sometimes it's through whatever, but it's really about where you place your focus. And we tend to look at such small things or we tend to measure our success based off of, like money's a big one, right? Like, businesses, people will start a business or start working and they'll look at just the profit.
Starting point is 00:08:12 Do you know how many businesses were not, like Netflix, you know, long was not profitable before it became ultra profitable? Like, if every year they were like, oh my God, guys, we're in the red, you know, the sucks, they might have bailed or made decisions that would have tried to force profit that would have been not so smart
Starting point is 00:08:28 and the long run. So it's just really about how you look at things and, you know, I brought up luck earlier. You know, when you talk to people who feel like they're blessed or lucky, it's really these opportunities that pop up that they were just kind of open to. It's like, you know, like, oh, I went to this business event trying to talk about my product and
Starting point is 00:08:50 I ended up failing. That product actually didn't succeed, but because I was there, I met this one guy. We became friends. It turns out his cousin had this other idea. We started working together. And it's like they're able to look back and connect the dots to and that's how I became is preparing for that moment. That's right. You know, and it's that constant thought process and preparation of how to you know create that kind of space for something awesome to happen. I mean, I've actually been talking a lot about this stuff too with my kids, especially with my youngest because you know, there's bits and bouts of frustration and it's very frequent. And so what something I've been trying to do with him actually over the
Starting point is 00:09:30 last few weeks has to start reframing a lot of these things. And we before bad and I'll put them to bed. We'll talk about three things he's grateful for. And so he's constantly trying to kind of like figure out those things that like, recurrently he's like very thankful that he has or like are going well for him, but also to one thing that he's gonna improve tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:09:57 And it's always like the next day, just one thing, I just want you to improve anything. And we go through the list. It's like, you know, being on top of your schoolwork, you know, accomplishing these things in gymnastics, you know, having a good time with your friends and, you know, being a good friend or, you know, speaking up in class, learning something, you know, whatever it is, like, and trying to give them as many examples as I can, but it's starting to kind of build some momentum. And so we're gonna see if hopefully, like,
Starting point is 00:10:30 you can start learning that. It's a skill. Learning that, because it is. It's not just something like, otherwise we're just reactive and like, oh, you know, when it's awesome, it's like, yeah! All these things are happening to me. And it's like, no, it's not like,
Starting point is 00:10:42 it's not magical that that's happening. There's a process. Psychologists and, you like, no, it's not like, it's not magical that it's happening. There's a process. On psychologists and experts on human mind will tell you that the stories would tell ourselves is how we frame the world. It literally becomes the roadmap and the lenses through which we view things, right? So you're either telling yourself a story or you're letting someone else tell you a story. And typically the other people that are telling your story are trying to sell you something,
Starting point is 00:11:07 trying to manipulate you or scare you or cause anxiety. So a story's being told and that story is how you're gonna view things. So you can either make it intentional like you're telling your son, this is what we gotta do and you gotta make it intentional. Look, it's like living in the modern world. If you live in the modern world and you don't intentionally try to eat healthy, you don't intentionally try to
Starting point is 00:11:28 be active and exercise properly, you are going to be unhealthy. That's the default. 100%. That's what's going to happen. Or you can be intentional about how you live, how you exercise, how you eat, and you can, you know, you could change that story. And so that's essentially, you know, what this, this is all kind of about. I love that. I think it's a Chinese proverb. Maybe Andrew can, can find it. For the editing team, hopefully can, can put it in
Starting point is 00:11:52 and be cool to insert it right here for the, for the YouTube and Spotify viewers. But it's the one where he died. And I remember here. Oh, his son gets called off. Yeah, yeah, his son gets called off. He's on his terror. First he falls off though.
Starting point is 00:12:04 He gets a horse. I think his son gets called off. Because on his terror that first he falls off though, he gets a horse. I think he gets lucky and like a horse like a horse just ran away. He caught a wild horse and then that that he, oh, how lucky you are. Oh, maybe, you know what I'm saying? And then and then it's son falls off the horse breaks his leg. And it breaks his leg. Oh my god, I'm so sorry. Well, maybe, you know, and then it then finds out that they come by and it's like they're recruiting
Starting point is 00:12:23 for for young men to go off to war and because his son was injured from the horse, he didn't have to go to war. And so his son is like, oh, it's so good. It's, I mean, and it's such a good way, I think, to look at things in our life that, you know, we look at, and when I think about the things that have gone through in my 40-something years, the stuff that was some of the most difficult
Starting point is 00:12:45 and challenging and stressful and hard it also resulted in some of the best things afterwards. It's just when you're in it. When you're in it and you're not seeing the results or it's not happening for you, you're getting frustrated, it's like, yeah, the difficult part is to push through. The difficult part is to battle through that
Starting point is 00:13:03 and to not give up and to stay focused and to reframe this as an opportunity for growth and opportunity to get better and opportunity to learn. And then when you make it to that, right, on the other side resides success, right? So if I can get on the other side of fear, then there's where the success is at. And so as you fear this unknown, if I don't know where I'm going to make it or I'm failing, man, the other side is so great. And what I found is the harder, the darker, the worse the thing is in my life, obviously the more challenging, but also the more rewarding when you get this. Things that are minor obstacles and challenges, we all face them every
Starting point is 00:13:41 day, right? And they're little, I mean, great. I solved that problem, not a big deal. But when it's like, man, that would have crushed another person. Well, you're forced you to change and grow. That's how you're able to get out of the other. And it brings the best version of you out. To me, I think that's so. Remind, I remember, I've told this story before,
Starting point is 00:13:58 but I had this one woman. This was a turning point in my career as a trainer, where she was coming to work out with me. And, you know, she was supposedly keeping a food diary and she wasn't losing weight and it turned out she was lying or not being honest on the food diary and I had this really like basically confronted her and was a bit aggressive with that. This is what you blew out.
Starting point is 00:14:16 Yeah, and she never came back. And I remember thinking like, oh man, like my whole lens was, you know, that she has to lose weight, like that's why she hired me. But I ended up missing out on the fact that a woman who never exercised before was showing up consistently twice a week and had been with me. Like, that was a win. The fact that she was showing up in my asshole approach,
Starting point is 00:14:36 basically blew her out and I pretty sure she never went back. I'm pretty sure her experience was so bad that she probably never tried again. If she did, thank God, but if I hadn't looked at it differently, because later on, I was good at that. Later on, I'd have people who'd be so frustrated with their weight, you know, fact that they weren't losing weight and I tell them, but you're showing up. And then they would be like, you're right, you're right. And then eventually the weight loss would happen. But yeah, I did the opposite, you know,
Starting point is 00:15:00 initially speaking to kids and stuff, I gotta tell you guys this. Toddlers are great because a toddler's day can be ruined by almost anything. So this is hilarious because this morning, and I knew this would happen. So in the morning, I'll make my three-year-old two egg yolks and a slice of toast. This is like his traditional breakfast. We take his, we like to eat. So he went with his mom to Starbucks. Sometimes she goes in the morning so she took him So I'm getting his breakfast ready and I opened the bag of we got this gluten-free bread really good, but every once in a while
Starting point is 00:15:32 Not super common, but you get the sliced bread and the bread itself has got like a hole in it or like doesn't shape The way it normally is So I'm like, oh damn it, dude the bread's got it's kind of got like a hole This is like the breake this dude, the bread's got, it's kind of got like a hole. This is like the breakey, this is like the bread and the banana. Yes, dude, like it happens to be any pairs. So it's got like this hole in it, kind of, right? So I'm like, oh man, I'm like, well I'll just throw this piece away. But anyway, the hole ends up going almost all the way through.
Starting point is 00:15:56 I'm like, I'm not gonna throw away a whole loaf of bread. So I find the one slice where the hole is maybe not so whatever. Tost it. Put on the table, I'm not gonna say anything sure enough, dude You know I sit down. Oh, he sits down There's a hole in my brain Oh my ass lose his shit. It's all good Oh, man, I should just cut it off
Starting point is 00:16:22 And she just cut off the piece of bread and give it a bit But even then it would have been. Kids are hilarious like they are. He's so funny. He's so funny. Give me some water, okay. Not in that cup in this cup. No, now I want to hold it, okay, you hold it.
Starting point is 00:16:35 No, you got it. Now I spilled it. Ah, well that's because he's the wrong cup dude. Oh, it's just a, ha ha ha ha. Just a pinch of needles. It's just a good time. It's gonna be great,
Starting point is 00:16:44 because yours are so close and age, it's gonna be fun to see the two of them in the next probably year. Oh, he's at one right now. Yeah, so little ones and one. So, two's when it starts to really get fun. Well, he's got definitely some jealousy with her, but my wife is so good at getting him to identify,
Starting point is 00:17:04 or getting the kids to identify how they feel. So he'll say it now, like, I'm jealous. You know, I don't want her to play with my toys. I don't like her right now, you know, and so he'll say it, out loud. But he's been going through this like little period, right? Well, kind of turned to corner yesterday where I was with both of them, and he was including her
Starting point is 00:17:22 in the game that we were playing, which normally he wouldn't do. Normally, he'd be like, he just wants me and him to play and she can't even approach me. So he was giving her the ball to throw and then he had this little toy that there was this door that opens and he spent like 10 minutes. That's an eternity for three-year-old. He spent like 10 minutes teaching her how to open the door
Starting point is 00:17:42 and then she would try to do it. No dolly, it's like this and he's trying. And he was like, so patient, I was just sitting there and I pull out my phone trying to like, hopefully he didn't see me recording because that ruins the whole thing. Right, right. So I caught some of it, but it was so cute. So I'm like, oh, are we, are we on the other end
Starting point is 00:17:56 of the jealousy thing? I'm always so torn in those moments, right? Like of like just being present and like enjoying it versus recording it, because there's, I see the plus to both, right? Like obviously you're in that moment and you're like, oh my god, this is such a wonderful moment and then you're like, oh, here I'm gonna bring my phone out, right? But then there's also, I've caught some of those on camera
Starting point is 00:18:16 and it's so awesome because I'll go back and I'll watch that and I'll, oh, I remember. If they see the camera ruins with them. Yeah, that's the key is that you don't allow them to see that you're recording and you're doing that I just I got Max the other night. This was really just a few nights ago and he was like in his bed by himself like he can't read But he thinks he can read right so he's like All by himself just reading through the book, you know, I'm like literally for like he was doing it for like 10 minutes
Starting point is 00:18:41 I'm like oh my god catch us on film so I creeped over the door and I was like standing right right as a doorway and I probably got a good solid minute of watching of recording before he popped up. Hey, you're right. You're recording me and then he saw, but yeah, so yeah, it was it ever it was he was singing in the shower. He had his music. Oh, that's great.
Starting point is 00:19:01 And he was like just a belting it out. You know, he's really getting into singing and he was like just belting it out. He's really getting into singing and trying to find his voice. And it's cute. It's hilarious, but it's also like, he would kill me. If you knew, I kind of went down the hallway. The door was closed and everything,
Starting point is 00:19:20 but I just wanted to capture just his voice. What was he singing? Is he singing popular songs? Yeah, it's all like 70s just like his voice. What was he singing? Is he singing like popular songs? Yeah, it was like, dude, it's all like 70s rock stuff. That's what he's singing. That's gotta make it more and more. Wow, that's wild. He's really into it, dude.
Starting point is 00:19:32 And he'll sing like, all like the really impossible song, like Journey and stuff. I'm just like, I'm like, you gotta start with like the Ramones or something that's like, you know, somewhat easy range. For whatever you guys. You know, I don't even try to do any of that stuff. But oh, there's this other funny thing
Starting point is 00:19:52 I was gonna bring up to you guys with the kids. Like there's so in gymnastics, they do the white elephant thing, which they're kind of picking. So white elephant, everybody brings a gift. You pick one and then someone can trade it with another one. Oh, okay, so that's not white elephant.
Starting point is 00:20:08 So it's like a draw of the hat thing, but it's like a certain secret Santa. Oh, that's what it is. Okay, I was trying to figure out what the hell it is, but they pick it and it's like 20 bucks or something. Yeah, I'm like, what can you get for 20 bucks anymore? You can't even get 10 bucks for nothing. You can't get anything like Pack of Gum or something. Yeah, I'm like, what can you get for 20 bucks anymore? You can't even get 10 bucks for one of those. Nothing.
Starting point is 00:20:26 You can't get anything like pack a gum or something, but this guy like, No, that says she's a burger cost 20 bucks. Dude, I have no idea. I was like trying to think of what I would even have asked for. And so I think some of the kids in there, like the old, so there's older kids and then the younger kids. And so, uh, Everett got this older kid
Starting point is 00:20:45 who handed him his list and it was like, it had, okay, so here's what it is. It said he wanted window swiping. And we're like, window swiping. Window swiping. What's that? What does that even mean? And so this turned into like,
Starting point is 00:21:04 like we're all driving home and we're like trying to like think about this. Is this some kind of urban dictionary term? And then we're going down the rabbit hole. Look at, we're asking all the other parents, like what is Windows swiping me? Is this something I'm like unaware of, you know, like all this stuff?
Starting point is 00:21:20 And I'm like, this kid just must be trolling us, like crazy, you know, like what? And so we start trying, nobody could figure it out. And so what we're gonna end up doing, it's like, I guess like, you know, we're gonna get some kind of like a squeegee. And then like, you still don't know what it is? No, I have no idea. Oh my god, what a horrible story. You have no idea, like this whole time, you guys window swiping and no one got to the bottom of it?
Starting point is 00:21:42 Nobody got to the bottom of it. Dude, this kid, did you Google it. Yes, Google it look through it You have no idea with it window swiping present or something like that or window swiping jiff. Yeah, that's the Google master Yeah, yeah, I'm so ahead cuz no We're gonna find out like I like No, so so my thing is like he's I think it's a troll Dude, I think he's trying to like be funny guy and so we're gonna be that with like a door out of the explorer You know like like stupid like card. Oh, yeah, what's that guy? Swiper no swiping
Starting point is 00:22:13 I'm trying to think what else do you maybe spelt something wrong and just reading it wrong no It's it's completely like who okay? Here's a funny one then for you because of the urban dictionary thing Do you guys know what Qua stands for in the urban dictionary? Do we make it? Yes. No, oh, that's awesome. Apparently is okay. So it's quad hairy Dude butts what wait wait wait together a Qua is for a quad is for hairy asses together Wow, yeah, that's that's what I thought that
Starting point is 00:22:46 would work. I don't want to work with this because Doug's. Yeah. I can't do it. I don't care on his Doug's part of it. So, super. Anyways, that was interesting. I've I've concerned you know that. Somebody else like told me they're like I just I was searching what claw was and then send them down that rabbit hole. So there's another urban dictionary when it says a mass quantity of all things amazing, concentrated in one person place or thing. For what? It's a claw.
Starting point is 00:23:11 Oh, that's, that's, that's better. I like that one better. I like that one better. The hairy ass part, I'm not so worried about. The claw and asses. You know that, um, you get four hairy guy asses. You guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys,
Starting point is 00:23:23 you guys, I forgot the, so I remember I've been telling you guys how like, we're not, we're at the phase we're at now, is that we're, he's not just repeating us, he's repeating strangers and random people and just, and inserting it and just like, so, perfect timing, I'm always so impressed when he says some of that. And Katrina's reading to the other night,
Starting point is 00:23:41 and he goes, mommy, this is boring. She's like, what? Where did you learn boring? Who told you boring? You don't even know what boring means. So he's picking up all these random words. And when he, and I'd say he's like maybe 50, 50, on like when he inserts it sometimes it doesn't.
Starting point is 00:23:57 It's just cute to hear them speak like, like, a higher level. Yeah, I look what like. Yeah, that's what it is. It's so, when you see a little kid do that, a realist is like, he comes up to me like, do I like what I mean. Yeah, that's what it is. When you see a little kid do that, a realist is like, he comes up to me like, do you understand what I'm trying to say? You thought I'm like, what?
Starting point is 00:24:10 We didn't come like trying to. By the way, you know he will not. No, I don't. He will not stop talking about Max and going to your house. I'm going to go to Adam Katrina's house. I want to play with Max. I'm like, you didn't play with Max. Max just let you play with all his toys.
Starting point is 00:24:22 That's why you like him so much. Perfect. Yeah. Because Max is just literally Max is like, here's my toys and he leaves in a wrist like, you didn't play with Max. Max just let you play with all his toys. That's what you like from so much. Perfect. Because Max is just, literally Max is like, here's my toys and he leaves in a race like, this is the greatest kid in the world. We're best friends. Oh!
Starting point is 00:24:32 Yeah. Let him play with all his toys. And he's got all kinds of toys that are around him. Oh, yeah, no. Yeah, he's got all the, he's got too many toys. Dude, I got to ask you guys something. I did not know this, this is, apparently this is true. So, the average pig versus the average American,
Starting point is 00:24:49 who has a higher body fat percentage? It must be the average American. Average American has a higher body fat percentage in the average pig. Yeah. What? Yeah. The average American man is 28% body fat,
Starting point is 00:25:02 whereas the average pig is about 16% body fat. Apparently it used to be 20% but now it's leaner because people like leaner meats. I don't know that. Pigs don't look lean to me. Yeah, that's actually that you less about the, I mean, obviously it's still not good that we're that we're that fat, but it that's actually not as, it's not as bad on the American side as, and it's not as lean as I would have thought on the pig side. I would have thought pigs were way more than 18 or 12. Yeah, it's got to be context, right?
Starting point is 00:25:29 The what would considered lean versus fat on an animal versus a human type of deal? Yeah, yeah. That's wild. I'm offended. Which brings me to the next thing that just happened. You guys hear about Southwest? No.
Starting point is 00:25:41 Oh God, really? No. This makes me annoyed. But it doesn't make me annoyed for the reasons people would think I'll tell you what makes me a no what what's annoying about it So Southwest Airlines has this policy that now is going viral where If you're a passenger of size. This is what they call people now a passenger of size that they will give you a free seat or a free row to accommodate for your size. Okay.
Starting point is 00:26:12 So this is what Southwest is doing right now. Why? Here's, I don't know why. I think probably the version of average is for you. I mean, as long as they don't discriminate and a six foot three 240 pound dude could get two seats too, I feel like well that's not fair Yeah, you know why you know why it's not fair though because people are thinking well what's the different who cares Southwest is giving them here's why Southwest
Starting point is 00:26:34 Still has to make profits. So how do you think they can afford giving away free seats? They raise it by by having people who are not Passengers of size exactly pay more. Yeah, they're gonna subsidize the tickets of people who are not passengers of size, pay more. They're gonna subsidize the tickets of people who are not passengers of size and they keep using their stupid term for people who are to make up the difference.
Starting point is 00:26:54 So what's the, that 9% for a pig is really low. That's low. Pigs are ripped. Yeah, they are, they're more muscular than I thought they were. That's awesome. So, I'm really curious about this the Southwest thing? How do you determine if somebody is a person of size? Is it yeah, the obesity or is it being a tall? Yeah, like yeah, like do I determine that like or do they Yeah, cuz we don't I don't like sitting on a side. I'm not a huge, but I'm six foot
Starting point is 00:27:22 I don't feel very comfortable in those chairs. I definitely don't. You don't, for sure. So how do they decide? Yeah. Do we know? Do you know? I feel like they're opening themselves up for some lawsuits, don't you?
Starting point is 00:27:34 I feel like some tall dudes are gonna be like, give me some free seats, no. Yeah. Why not? Is it because I'm not? You're not fat. Yeah, sorry. I'm not fat or what's the show?
Starting point is 00:27:42 By the way, I think it's even worse because the six foot eight guy or seven foot guy who's 270 pounds. He didn't eat himself to that. That's right. He can't control that. He's forever going to, like, he's told you nothing he can do. He ain't going to die. To not be six, seven. Yeah. Like, that's crazy. If he gets discriminated against. So now why it isn't this supplied to like roller coasters? So this is how they determine. Oh, it's here. So the armrests are the gauge.
Starting point is 00:28:11 So if you're unable to lower both armrests and or encroach upon any portion of a seat next to you, you need a second. So it's not height, it's width. It's how wide you are. I mean, I totally encroach on the seat next to me on the, it's like, that's one of the things I can't stand. It's like you, if I can't, bro, I mean, I totally encroach on the seat next to me on the psychic. That's one of the things I can't stand as like you if I can't broke.
Starting point is 00:28:29 We don't fly Southwest because they're okay, but if you do, we should do this. We should have you go in. You're like, hey, can I have some free seats next to me because I can't fit. Yeah, and do does the customer request it? It's gonna be interesting how this unfolds. Yeah, so it says, basically what Doug said about the encroaching is correct. Does the customer request it? Is it gonna be interesting how this unfolds? Yeah. So it says, what Doug said about the encroaching is correct. Like if that's what qualifies you,
Starting point is 00:28:49 so you can either buy one ticket and then talk to the customer service there at the departure gate and they will accommodate you and then move people around or you can purchase two tickets before and then get a refund after. For what. Unbelievable. So it's not about, because I thought for a second, well, if there's not a seat that's
Starting point is 00:29:09 available, then they can't do it for you. But no, you could buy two, take up that seat and then get a refunded afterwards. Holy shit. It used to be. You had to buy two seats. That is, and what makes me annoyed about this is what what, what Southwest is not cutting into the profits to make this happen. Southwest is everybody, the profits are total.
Starting point is 00:29:29 So, people who don't do this are going to pay more to accommodate people who do this. It's so wild because I don't even think, so if I qualified for this for being too tall, wide and everything like that, and that would happen, which is a very good chance that I wouldn't, I wouldn't even, I still would not want that. Like I just don't think that's fair. It's like, because I'm a big guy, I got, and again, I can't control my width and height really. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:29:56 Like maybe if I got really, really skinny, I can control my width a little bit, but not for the most part. Well, is obesity a disability? That's the question. This is where it's going. That's what, okay, that's the angle. Okay, I'm trying to wrap my brain up.
Starting point is 00:30:07 They don't have it assigned seat. So you're gonna have to profess that this is, you know, like they're gonna have to tell everybody, well, you can't sit there because they need that. What is it, space? Very rarely that I've ever flown on Southwest is there been extra seats too. So if you don't buy the second ticket
Starting point is 00:30:26 and you think you're just gonna go up to customer service, how often are you gonna get even be able to get a second seat? Exactly, that's gonna move everybody, like, so what? Imagine if you get off the plane? That would be hilarious. That's what they're gonna run into.
Starting point is 00:30:35 That's just crazy. They didn't handle this very well. This is crazy. This is insane, but yeah, do you consider it a disability? I guess if the context is, it makes you less able to do things, yes. But if the context is that a disability
Starting point is 00:30:50 is something you kind of don't have control. So you know the other thing that I always go to my head when we went something like this happens to is because the time that we live in, of social media, podcasting, clickbait, like how much of the stuff stunts like this are purely just to get this. No, to get us talking about it.
Starting point is 00:31:10 Like now, because there's going to be a whole host of people that are going to think like we do, which is this is bullshit and they're going to talk all about, there's going to get the other side that's going to defend it. And it's going to just get a lot of, so no matter how it ends up playing out, you know, with the accommodate they don't, it's like, here's the bottom publicity they're going to get from doing something like this is massive. I want to be clear by the way, this is a private company. They can do whatever they want. They can do whatever they want. I think it's a stupid business decision. I think as a customer, it will annoy me to see this because I'm like, I know I'm paying more so this other person
Starting point is 00:31:44 can get this. So, but I think, but there are private business. I'm like, I know I'm paying more so this other person can get this. So, but they're a private business. I'm the I. So, I don't know. And we have a discussion about this before. I mean, we talked about this with like the, the Gillette and things like that. Sometimes these stunts, I think,
Starting point is 00:31:59 end up working out for, I mean, I don't know if that's a good example because I don't think Gilletteette it worked out in their favor. But sometimes when they do stuff like this, because they get all the publicity around it, I mean, like that old, that old adage, right? That, you know, we are bad publicity is good publicity. We are heading to a point here where a majority of people,
Starting point is 00:32:17 if we continue, let's try and we'll be obese. So the minority will be the person who is complaining about this. The majority is gonna be everyone else. Yeah, and then what right? Well the trends are going to be I mean, I would I would argue that we're already there because a majority of people are I mean a Almost the majority of people are already physically there and then there's a bunch of people that I just agree with that that aren't there Right, there's there's people that are not obese that agree with that obesity is a disease, right?
Starting point is 00:32:46 So there's definitely that. All right. So let me just keep pushing this. You go to a restaurant and there's a standard serving size of a meal. And somebody shows up and says, I'm a person of size. This is not enough to accommodate someone like me. It's not fair that I pay the same amount as that small person.
Starting point is 00:33:03 They're going to go home with leftovers. I need more than this. So you need to accommodate it. It's not fair that I pay the same amount as that small person. They're gonna go home with leftovers. I need more than this. So you need to do comedy. It sounds crazy, but it's in the same breath of what we're talking about. It's not that crazy. I mean, this is what happens when you open Pandora's Box, right? You do this and you go down the rabbit hole. You eliminate it with personal responsibility.
Starting point is 00:33:18 Again, it's a private company. So they'll see how well this is. I imagine me being a teenager or something. I'm like putting on extra coats and, you know, like well this is. I imagine me being a teenager or something. I'm like putting on extra coats and all this stuff because you're so self centered and thinking, I can get away with this. There's always a way to hack the system. It's like people that take advantage of it too.
Starting point is 00:33:38 Yes, and you know what's funny? There's pro athletes that would qualify for this. There's some big people that pay professional sports. Sure. I don't think they would ever, they have a different view of how big they are because to them it's not, it's bad thing. It's obviously they became professional athletes.
Starting point is 00:33:53 In fact, if somebody who was trying to become a professional athlete or a wrestler or whatever tried to approach it this way, I bet they'd probably get a lot of pushback. Well, what do you mean? You're the call big and strong, you're or whatever. It's very interesting. It's a strange, it's a strange, you know, precedent.
Starting point is 00:34:09 I had something I wanted to bring up with you guys, but before I do, I wanted, I'm going to ask you a question about one of our partners. Today we have C, right? And I, one of the things I didn't ask you and I didn't get a chance to ask Dr. Khan is while I'm going through this whole process, I have a protocol afterwards like we're doing the poop pills and I've got on the copper stuff and I think thymus and beta. Is that right?
Starting point is 00:34:34 I have a whole bunch of things that tell my protocol. What I didn't see on there was a probiotic seed. Do you think I should not do that because I'm going through a certain protocol or would it benefit me to do that also or like I don't see how it wouldn't benefit you although because yours is so specific I would just clear it I would just clear it with with Dr. Conn because it's so specific And you're doing the you call it the poop pill that's the like the fecal transplant. Oh yeah, I forgot you're doing that Yeah, so that's that's that's that's that's I don that's that's another level of probably isn't it similar in that like we're repopulating my gut very yes but totally like that's that's a
Starting point is 00:35:10 totally like you're looking ahead X amount of years and yeah I've I've actually stopped messing with the seed just because I didn't wasn't told to them like I want to you know speaking of probiotics I just read something interesting did you know that that they did this study and they found that, well, first off, the most popular strains of probiotics have beneficial effects like lactobacillus. When they're dead, they don't really elicit much benefit. Then I read another study that showed that anything over 45 degrees Celsius tends to kill these probiotics. And when they're manufactured and shipped,
Starting point is 00:35:45 they reach those temperatures. Seed is very different. Seed guarantees you what's in there. It says, so if there's, you know, X amount of billion of this bacteria being alive, they are. In fact, you don't have to refrigerate them in order to keep them alive. What is it?
Starting point is 00:35:58 Is it the way it's encapsulated? It's okay, so I don't know. Yep, it's the whole process that they've put together. They're the most advanced when it comes to that. So it's alive and it gets to the target tissue because I used to get the refrigerator ones to try to guarantee that they're alive. When we first met,
Starting point is 00:36:14 that's what you would tell me, you're like, when you get to probiotic, make sure you get the one that's refrigerated. And then I remember, I remember who it was, we talked to you and they're like, well, that's better than the other ones, but your body's warmer than the refrigerator. So when you swallow it, what do you think's happening?
Starting point is 00:36:29 Oh crap, you're right. It's not being protected at all. It's getting destroyed in my gut. So seed is totally different in that sense. That's why when people take it, they're like, oh, this feels totally different. I mean, that's probably one of the biggest things that's different, right?
Starting point is 00:36:42 Because a lot of the stuff that's in it is similar to other probiotics, but it's the fact that you're... It's alive and how it gets there. Yeah. 100%. So like, let's say somebody else's probiotic, they're up regulating 40% of it or seed, you're getting the full.
Starting point is 00:36:55 You're getting all of it. Yeah, yeah. 100%. You know, early real watch, I was showing the editing team that Rocky IV, Montag, Josh and I have seen it. So great. He's a fighter and he's never seen it. No, I feel like he's so motivated now,
Starting point is 00:37:07 because you watched it. Anyway, so. So you guys, did you guys know Dolph Lungren? So Dolph Lungren, I watched this interview with Sylvester Stallone, recent one. So Sylvester Lama is what he's in his seventies. He was talking about Dolph Lungren, he goes, I hated that guy.
Starting point is 00:37:19 And they're like, why? And he goes, he was six, four, handsome, muscular, martial arts expert, master's degree in chemical engineering. I did not know that. I got a scholarship to MIT. Did not know that. Wow, he was brilliant.
Starting point is 00:37:31 He's a brilliant, everything. He's one of those rare people. That's like, you got like the next. Yeah, he's an active. No idea. Oh, yeah. I mean, he made, he came back in those. Because he does look like a god.
Starting point is 00:37:42 Like six, like if you looked at him in the 80s, he was like tall, jacked. you know what was martial artists like smart What was the soldiers one that he did I love that one? Oh? Is that with Van Damme? Yes, that was it. There's like street fighter. No, no, no, something soldier It was where they were like perfect. They were like yeah, they were genetically engineered soldiers or something like that Yeah, find that one. That was a classic. I, I've watched that a long time. I love that. I watched that over and over again. Universal soldiers?
Starting point is 00:38:07 Yes, yes. Was you say? Universal soldiers. I think that's right. That was it. Maybe if someone could pull up the photo or whatever. I forgot about that movie.
Starting point is 00:38:15 Yeah, that's worth a watch. It's hit a long time. It's probably terrible, right? I watched it in the show. It's so bad. But I loved it. I remember watching it over and over. I'll tell you guys I've been watching
Starting point is 00:38:23 the Godzilla films with my kid Yeah, they're so cheesy. It's so best. It's so bad. How cheesy there like there's literally a costume There's one guy. They're all people in costumes. There's just one monster Godzilla fights. That's on on all fours Did even try to make it look like it wasn't a dude the back legs is literally a dude's leg being So we probably yeah Dude, so that's It's so bad. Dude, Sylvester Stallone, like, you brought him up, like, you remember that whole rumor about, like, Richard Geer,
Starting point is 00:38:52 having a gerbil, like, being a gerbil, like, I don't know. You've never heard that? No, no, that's a herb, that's before the internet. So Richard Geer, like, Blaine's Sylvester Stallone. For passing that around. One passing around that. Oh, yeah. That was universal soldier.
Starting point is 00:39:05 Yes. Yeah. 2021. My wife is still convinced that that was real. Like that Richard Gehr was into that case. I have no idea what you guys are talking about. You don't know that the gerbil, gerbil, and verbal.
Starting point is 00:39:16 Okay, he put a gerbil. A verbal gerbil. He put a gerbil. Gerbil. Up his butt. And then the gerbil died. And he had to go go hospital and pull it What a weird thing it was on like
Starting point is 00:39:27 And it dude it was on mainstream news. It was not like yes Yes, I feel like that was like trolling before trolling was yeah, so do I feel like the urban yeah It was and then it caught steam and then everybody just like so it was in the news that it was an urban legend that it happened No that it happened and they are all were like you know, had to like, that's like, I feel like that's like you can look at Richard gear and gerbil. Yeah, I've been trying to really pin this out because it is an urban legend but like don't click on images. I feel like that's like a disgruntled like client friend or so somebody that's mad at you puts out a rumor like that. Like a few of us. Yes, but that's why it was interesting.
Starting point is 00:40:05 I'm like, why did he pin that on Sylvester Stallone as the one that started the rumor? You know what's funny? You could only do that about Sylvester Stallone. He said Richard Gears said he started it. He blamed Sylvester Stallone. Wow. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:19 Okay, so what? I feel like you could only do that about celebrities because if you made that up about someone else, people I shut up. If you say it's about some celebrity, that's like way at the bottom. That's like stuck. I saw I saw an Instagram real maybe ducking Can friend this is a little bit hold on for a second. Well, so it's probably urban urban legend There's nothing to verify it. What do you say what did it say? Of course. I mean, yeah, alone is Implicated in starting this somehow. Hey, what a, what a great prank. It's so specific, you know, and it's like so taboo and bizarre that like it went like gangbusters.
Starting point is 00:40:55 Everybody's like, oh, do you hear about Richard Geer? You know, so it came to think. So, tell about pranks, okay, and things like screwing people over like this. I thought this was a really interesting real life. So Doug, what's it, when we do like, when we do like small transaction business stuff, where we hire contractors and like that, what is the thing that we,
Starting point is 00:41:14 what's the, is it a 1090 that we said? 1099. 1099 is what we send them to. Yeah, yeah. Which, so I thought this was really cool. And maybe you know if this works or not. If you've ever had somebody who's kind of fucked you over not paid you back or not giving you money
Starting point is 00:41:29 You know what there's good that is issue them a 1099 and he says what that does is it triggers the IRS that they did work for you And whatever that and that and then just let it go just issue them a 1099 let it go and That it'll trigger the IRS to see where they should be getting taxes from that person. And if they don't get taxes attached to that person, then they'll do an audit of that. That's fascinating. Yeah, first off, that's really dirty.
Starting point is 00:41:53 Yeah. Well, don't do that. Don't do that. Yeah, well, even so. But here's the other thing though, maybe it will go back to you. It will. Because if you haven't reported that on your return,
Starting point is 00:42:04 obviously it would be an expense. So that wouldn't be such a big thing, but I mean, it could be traced back. I would not use the IRS in a prank. Why would you want to mess with me? Yeah, I mean, I think that's pretty cruel thing. Honestly, obviously if you're enemy, I guess. Yeah, that's the parking ticket won the best. All right, so out of the car then.
Starting point is 00:42:23 You rent a car in your friend's name or something like, what was it? Yeah, no, you buy a car. You buy a car in someone's name. You buy like a beater, like you buy a like a... That's right, piece of shit. Yeah, piece of shit that doesn't even run or well. And you go park it somewhere.
Starting point is 00:42:33 Yeah, park it the airport and you leave it the airport. They get built up. Yeah, yeah, they just get built ran up on them like crazy. Did you ever see that guy? I think I talked about a long time ago. A guy who, he made his last Alimony payment to his wife and he showed up and made it in pennies
Starting point is 00:42:49 He rolled up he backed up a truck and jumped like Thousands of pennies that happened with um, what was that? Yeah Spotify thing there was a real dark place there was a deal Because he had to go on kill the pennies. He went free for me. I mean, I did the same thing right away. I know that story. So I got a little bit more information about the gear, Stallone.
Starting point is 00:43:12 Oh, good. Please, solve this for me. I was literally trying to figure this out. This is why Richard Geer thinks it was Stallone. So it was in 1974, they were on the set of Lords of Flatbush, both of them. And apparently they got in some kind of a fight and the tension got so high that Geer got kicked off the film
Starting point is 00:43:30 which still angers him. And so apparently he thought Stallone started that because I think it's around that time the the the gerbul story went out there. So anyway, Stallone claims he did not. So what a random thing. I know. So you heard random thing. I know. That is so weird.
Starting point is 00:43:46 You hear that thing about gear. What do you do? I mean, his South Parkman hold like episode. Oh, they did. It did little turbo like. Yeah. I was like, dude, I feel like there
Starting point is 00:43:55 there has to be like some sort of validity to it for it to even take legs. Right. And there had to be like a turbo on set or someone found out that he knew this was a weird thing that like, you know, only fringe people or anything. Yeah, that's what I mean.
Starting point is 00:44:08 Like, there's got to be something like, well, you know what? He did own a bunch of gerbil. You know what I'm saying? And you know what I'm saying? Like, there's got to be somebody who can validate part of the... He did disappear. Yeah. No.
Starting point is 00:44:19 He's buying one of mine. Like, how does that stick? That's so bizarre. I had kind of an off topic type of conversation I wanted to have with you guys. Not even sure if this is the right time to insert this, but it was on my mind. I wanted to bring it up.
Starting point is 00:44:34 Okay. Right after Gerboult. Yeah, I don't think that's a great transition. I apologize. Guys, I'm gonna insert something. Yeah, yeah, sorry, sorry. So I'm listening to our buddy, Chris Williamson interview, Scott Galloway. And they're talking about the Caleb Williams, who is the quarterback of USC.
Starting point is 00:44:55 So I think it was a month ago or so, roughly. Caleb Williams is the quarterback for USC. I don't follow college sports at all or very little, but I know a little bit about this story in him. He had all these super high expectations to be the Heisman winner and USC was supposed to go to one of the bowl games and he's super talented, obviously awesome if he has all those expectations. They had a loss. I think it was their second or third loss of the season, which probably
Starting point is 00:45:30 knocks him out of the running for a Heisman and maybe even a bowl game. So it was like a big deal. And right after the loss of the game, like he breaks down, he runs straight after the whistle, runs straight into the audience, jumps up, grabs his mom, and you can see him just sobbing. Because his mom covers like with a binder over his helmet so people can't see, but you can just see the way he's crying so hard. Scott Galley brings it up and he talks about how much he thinks that moves, he moved society in the right direction with masculinity that, you know, you hear you have this guy that all these kids look up to because he's a badass and football and stuff like that. And a moment on television they see this and he breaks down and he cries.
Starting point is 00:46:07 So it's caused a big divide of people that are, you know, all these soft and then the other people that are like, man, that's, that shows you how much you care and he's vulnerable and things like that. And so Scott Gallo is talking about the vulnerability side and how important that was. And it sparked this thought for me, like, you know, that's interesting because I don't disagree that vulnerability is very important. I think men have a tough time sharing their feelings and with that, I think that it should be okay for men to be able to cry all those things.
Starting point is 00:46:36 But then I also think that, you know, we also lack a lot of stoicism in our society and that men are getting weaker and we talk all about that. And I wanted to ask you guys, do you think men we lack vulnerability or stoicism more? And which one is the last? The stoicism, huh?
Starting point is 00:46:56 Stoicism, all day. I always see is, well, I mean, I might be alone on a lonely island here these days. But I mean, the whole push and drive for everybody to share their feelings and show themselves crying and show themselves like at this moment of despair. What, you know, for me, like in terms of like how I, I think it's important, it's important to share that amongst your spouse, amongst your kids, but the whole world and the public display.
Starting point is 00:47:31 And to me, I just think it's overdone these days. So I prefer to see a lot of that under control. And especially in that kind of a setting where it's like, you're playing a game and there's high stakes. And you know, and this happened when I played and there was guys that like cried after we lost a humongous game. And it was like emotional.
Starting point is 00:47:56 And it's a very emotional moment, you know. But to just have a, you know, total breakdown, I think it's like, I think let that happen, but like why are we put, like, why are we zooming in so much on that? Like let him have his thing with his mom, like this isn't a public discussion to me. Like that.
Starting point is 00:48:18 It was already bidding films, that's tough. I hear we're saying someone's crying, like a film is so hard to do. Yeah, like I just, we're just like, I knew this would be an interesting conversation because I don't think they're independent. I don't think that they crying, like a film and so on. Yeah, like I just, we're just like, oh, I knew this would be an interesting conversation because I don't think they're independent. I don't think that it's either war. Okay, so what is vulnerability?
Starting point is 00:48:31 Real vulnerability is courage. It is not weakness, but there's actual, there's weakness, which is fear-based, which is not real vulnerability. So like real vulnerability would be like, you know, me and you are gonna get in a fight, okay? And you got all this armor on, and I take my armor off, and I say, let's go.
Starting point is 00:48:51 You gonna look at me and think I'm weak? No, I made myself more vulnerable. That means I'm stronger. Not, I learned this more recently. Not allowing yourself to feel things isn't strength, that's fear, it's running away. Oh, I can't feel that, let me just avoid that, let me, so I don't think they're both the same.
Starting point is 00:49:09 I think weakness is, you can, weakness is, is not vulnerability and nor is it stoicism. Weakness is like crying and complaining and whining and you know, poor me and everybody look at me and look at my attention. It's just kind of like, that's very different. Look, if you see somebody, you see an athlete break his leg, and he cries because of the pain,
Starting point is 00:49:35 or he cries because now he can't play professional football. Which one feels strong? Yeah, right? Not because of the pain, it's because, oh, I can't play football. It's because he can't, yeah. That's totally different. It's understandable. Totally different. So I don't think there are either one. I don't think it's either, oh, I can't play football. It's because you can't, yeah. That's totally different. It's understandable.
Starting point is 00:49:45 Totally different. So I don't think they're either one. I don't think it's either one. Yeah, I think they're the way we see now. It's more of a few is projecting it like it was a display. Yeah. I think that was what I was trying to convey. So let me back up a little bit,
Starting point is 00:49:58 or back up back you up just a little bit worth where you're going is I don't think you're wrong either. I think that, so in this isolated incident, to me, it's less about him and what he did. It's more about the conversation. Yeah, so what I really think it's more about, and what it highlighted for me is actually how wrong as a society we're getting it on the left and the right.
Starting point is 00:50:19 I feel like there's just turned out like everything today, has turned into like a political thing. You have the, and in Scott Galloway, by the way, it's like an ardent left, you know, left leaning type of character. And he openly talks about his politics and where he is. I would say that Chris is more of a right leaning, so he's more of the stoic. And so you have, like, I love that they had this conversation. And I just think that the the right would demonize is that the crying of that and it's weak and it's soft. And then and then the left, the toxic cell celebrates that it's like vulnerable and stoicism
Starting point is 00:50:58 is toxic masculinity. And it's like that. I think we're both failing society by making it so black or white. Now to your point where I agree, it's a little more gray than that. Like I don't, real courage is facing the fear and the anxiety and the sadness, and then not letting it rule you. Yeah, okay, that's strength.
Starting point is 00:51:20 Fear is either it rules you, ah, and now I'm like frozen and I can't do anything or it's avoiding it and shutting off Which is you know what you would say the toxic side of stoicism what would be? I don't think there is a toxic side but because that's not real stoicism But the toxic displays that we see it's like this. It's like you got two guys in a bar They both get an argument. Okay One guy waits outside for the other guy to come out, and when the guy's not looking, sucker punches him. That's weak. You are weak. Yeah, you hit the guy,
Starting point is 00:51:50 but you're weak. You're actually a weak person. You have no honor. A real strong guy would say, hey, look, let's go outside one-on-one if someone hits the ground, the other person stops. That's strength, right? That's different. So I think what we're seeing, it's like masculine, like they say, all, you know, toxic masculine. No, it's a lack of masculine. It's all these young men without fathers who think they have to emulate what social media and what media shows them that men are, which is what?
Starting point is 00:52:15 Bang a bunch of chicks, you know, make a bunch of money, you know, braggadocious, you know, whatever. That's not real, like, that's not real masculine. If you had a father, he would tell you, stop show boating. How many dads of athletes, when their kid makes a touchdown or whatever, and the kid goes around, like shoves it in someone else's face, a dad goes up for, what are you doing?
Starting point is 00:52:34 Don't show boat like that. You guys see the documentary? That'll be my shout out today, if we don't have one, is the Barry Sanders documentary. Along those lines, what are the things that he was known for and was just so unique about him was like, you know, and his dad always taught them, act like you've been there before.
Starting point is 00:52:49 Yeah. And so he would not celebrate. Like he would, like he was, sees if you watch all the clips, you watch documentaries a great documentary, every time he, and he would just break off this crazy run that you just see nobody else do before. And then he runs a touchdown,
Starting point is 00:53:03 he just walks over and he hands the, the ref the ball then goes right back to no Celebrating pump and arms dance and doing photo fake photos for the can't like just that's how he that's how he put I learned that in judo so that's very stoic when I learned that so I went to old judo school here in San Jose when I was a kid San Jose Buddhist judo club shout out they've been around forever and I remember if you want a match and you Sheered and jumped up and down or whatever disqualified. Oh, I'll disqualified. If you win and you go, yes, okay,
Starting point is 00:53:30 they'll let you a little bit, but really what you need to do is win, get up, bow, show respect. And you're not, I remember it was such a valuable lesson for me. Well, it's the whole Jordan Peterson thing. You know, it's like you want people to continue to play with you.
Starting point is 00:53:43 You know, like you're gonna be that guy guy that shoves it in the person's face every time you make a play. You're an asshole. At some point, you're gonna be off on all alone. Even your teammates aren't gonna wanna play with you. So at that point, you have to be a good athlete, a good representation of a game player. Look, real men know it when they see of, you know, a game player.
Starting point is 00:54:05 Look, real men know it when they see it. Like, I've been around guys like this. I've been around men who pro MMA fighters, the black belts and jiu-jitsu boxers, like dudes that could legitimately beat the crap at a 99.9% of the people out there. And I was out with one of them. I've told you guys this before.
Starting point is 00:54:20 And a dude was really poking at him and starting shit and whatever, because he recognized it. And so you're probably gonna get some shit. And remember, my buddy just like, hey man, listen, and he bought him a drink. I had way more respect for him than I would have had he like kicked the guys ass because he could have very, he could have kicked his ass in one hand. Yeah. Well, not spilling his drink.
Starting point is 00:54:38 Right. But instead what he did was, is he bought him a drink. And I remember thinking like, wow, what a, what a class act. Like that is a, that is a awesome dude. Same thing, like you got a buddy who, let's say, he's married or is devoted to his wife, but all these women come after him and he's loyal to his wife.
Starting point is 00:54:54 Any man will tell you that they'll respect that guy over the guy that ends up sleeping around with everybody, which, but see, media, you've got to keep your... I like to open your impulses. That's it. That's it. I mean, I think that's really, if you want to sum it up to one thing, it's like being able to have that kind of like reserve
Starting point is 00:55:09 and control over just reacting my emotionally. And so if it is an honest, authentic, emotional moment, you know, like, that's, I'm not demonizing that. There's points of pain. And there's things that grant and warrant, crying and really feeling that feeling. Like that's, I'm not coming down,
Starting point is 00:55:34 especially when somebody has a huge game like that, I've felt that, I've had it, I'm fighting it back, because I'm that asshole that's like, I don't wanna show it to you. And so I don't feel like it's my place to judge that on him, but at the same time, what I do judge is like, these videos, like I don't know if you've seen the one with the Starbucks employee that's just like,
Starting point is 00:55:54 you know, there's, there was only four of us today and you like locked himself in the storage room by himself, put him on self-on camera to the world, puts it out there, and starts crying it historically about how hard his job is, and how the world's against it, and how everybody, like, have they set them up for failure, and it's like, what are you doing?
Starting point is 00:56:16 Yeah, yeah. What is this? That's a weak narcissist, that's what it is. Let me post this on social media. Well, I think that situation, the Kale Williams situation, the thing that I think is the worst is that I think the rest of us are getting it so wrong. Forget about that exact situation.
Starting point is 00:56:34 Because for all we know to it, even like let's use that extreme Starbucks, who knows what else was going on in that kid's life? Like maybe his mom died yesterday. But why film in post-a-social media? But it's the conversation that has that the defending of it, like, oh, he's being vulnerable, he should do that.
Starting point is 00:56:48 And the other side has been like, oh my God, he's a pussy. Why did you do that? I feel like both sides are getting it so wrong. I feel like both sides are not helping it because you can be stoic and you can also be a man that cries and you can be vulnerable. You can be all of those.
Starting point is 00:57:03 And one reaction or action that you take is does not define who you are. My grandfather who passed away recently, one of the toughest men I've ever met in my entire life, had a really hard life growing up, like really hard not knowing if you had another meal, you know, 10 years old, had to go off, leave town, go God knows where to try to bring food home,
Starting point is 00:57:23 and like a really, really tough life, okay? You know, immigrated to this country, you know, other places. There isn't a single event of his grandchildren that he went to where he didn't cry. We, it was a joke. I talked about it when my cousins had his funeral. Like, you could always see no, no, in the back.
Starting point is 00:57:39 And it didn't matter what recital it was, it could be first grade, it could be second grade, it could be high school, it could be this big thing, it could be a little thing, it could be a kid. One of them, one could be high school. It could be this big thing, could be a little thing, could be a kid, one of them, one of them is grandkids drew him a picture. And you'd always see my grandfather sit there and you'd always lift his glasses and wipe his tears
Starting point is 00:57:52 and he would, was he weak? No, it was the last day, last week. Last person I would ever call weak, so. Anyway, I wasn't gonna ask you about, so all your treatment stuff, are you also using the caldera still on your psoriasis? So, I'm still doing all the, now that, and they told me it would get to this phase. So the initial treatment, I was blown away by already when I was starting to see happen
Starting point is 00:58:14 with the psoriasis. She actually even told me, and she says, like, you know, don't get over the excited because you still go through like a scabbing and healing process. I am, I'm stabbing you 50 times each one of these spots. So you're going to scabbing and healing process. I am, I'm stabbing you 50 times in each one of these spots. So you're gonna, you're gonna scab over and heal. So I am, I'm at this point, this peak right now where it is starting to scab over. And so I'm back to, I wasn't using anything,
Starting point is 00:58:35 I wasn't using anything literally just to the treatment and I've been sitting back watching what's going on and paying attention to like how I feel and what I see. And in the last two days, I've started to notice it starting to scab over. And so that really helps keep it from getting really dry and scabby. You know the market for men's skincare exploded because Caldera. Are you watching the ads with Caldera ads? I don't know how they did it.
Starting point is 00:59:03 It's got to be the product, the way the bottle looks. I'm not sure maybe the right timing combination, but like comments underneath it for men about using the skin oil, it's insane. It's great, that's a market that, you know what I mean, times, you know what I mean, times make up companies and stuff
Starting point is 00:59:19 have been trying to take the male market and just been rejected. And Caldera has really made a huge... Yeah, that would be, I'd be really interested to see some more data on what you're talking about. I like, I wonder what, obviously it's super effective.
Starting point is 00:59:33 So that has to be half of it, because I think, just like, I also think it's representatives, because they got, they went into podcasts, they went athletes, they went like, yeah, they went to the right people, yeah, they have a lot of masculine characters, and what are they doing that, right?
Starting point is 00:59:44 Obviously that helps, right? I mean, advertising advertising marketing is but it doesn't matter though because if I get Advertised to and market to really well that might get me initially to try something and to try something like like Taking care of your like I mean look at like Justin right we joke about all time. How is this like? I don't do no that shit. It was a like Rub some dirt on it. You don't say like that. So, and a lot of guys identify with it. I even kind of identify with that. Yet I'm open to like, okay, I'll try this on C. But if it didn't have a profound effect,
Starting point is 01:00:13 it wouldn't be enough for me to keep doing it. Like, if it didn't work, I would be like, oh yeah, because I'm already, if there's, you know, being honest, there's a little bit of, as it's like, okay, I'm not gonna get into this like face routine like my wife does does like every night. Six different bottles. Yeah, like this is ridiculous.
Starting point is 01:00:28 I tease her all the time about how ridiculous all this stuff is in her counters and her showers. Yeah, yeah. So, but you know, when you apply it and you see it and you actually see how effective it is, I was like, okay, I'm, I'm bought in a little bit. Yes, somehow they, they bypass the whole metrosexual. Like that was a big thing
Starting point is 01:00:46 back in the day, right? That was like, you're only metrosexual if you take care of yourself. Yeah. Yeah. If you just silly, because it's like, you're just taking care of yourself. But if you go to the extreme where you're doing all the beauty stuff as it do, and that might be sound a crazy point. I'll never forget I saw a TED talk that I thought was really good. And they listed like the five most impactful or powerful things that the determines of a business is going to be successful. And number one is timing. Oh, right.
Starting point is 01:01:14 Timing of a market. Of course. And they give examples of like even a crummy product at the right time, sometimes could outperform a superior product at poor timing. You know, I just got interviewed this morning by the Wall Street Journal, which sounds kind of cool. I mean, it's an old publication,
Starting point is 01:01:32 but I was able to even ask you on the show. In the 90s, that would be like the thing. Yeah, I don't know if it really is. But anyway, I got interviewed by them, and they were asking me about fitness gadgets and trends. And the first thing I said was strength training. I said, we're seeing a massive upswing in the interest in strength training, especially among women. Big box gyms already identified
Starting point is 01:01:49 this about a year or two ago. They're changing the footprint. They're building bigger freeweight areas, smaller cardio areas. I said, you know, Dr. Gabriel Lyons book came out, mine came out like more and more people are talking about strength training. And I think 2024 is going to be highlight, that's going to highlight, it's what's going to highlight it. It's going to be a talking about strength training. And I think 2024 is gonna be highlight, that's gonna highlight, it's gonna highlight it. It's gonna be a lot about strength training and the female market's driving. You're seeing women in their muscle. What was, what was that like?
Starting point is 01:02:12 I didn't even get a chance to ask you. That was it. I talked about that. I talked about red light therapy, continual glucose monitors, devices that help you improve your sleep. So that was pretty much it. She was looking for like 2024.
Starting point is 01:02:24 I think it's probably gonna be an article. Yeah, they're very gadgets. Yeah, heavy, yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, did you like it? Did you think, did you? It was cool, it's the phone interview. So she was just taking notes. It's so funny, we were talking off air before you did it
Starting point is 01:02:36 in, you know, in your telling families, so like that, like, you know, outside people, or family, my family's like this too. Like when I tell them about either a guest or like an article that shared us and it's like, dude, people still think like the Forbes, the Wall Street Journal. I've always on the cover of legacy media.
Starting point is 01:02:56 I don't know how many newspapers still exist, right? But if I was on the cover of a newspaper that's still existed, my parents would think I've made it right now. Because of what newspapers meant back then. When now they mean absolutely nothing. They don't mean anything. It's funny. We could have somebody like say like a, you know, I don't know, Joe DeFranco or a Jordan Harbinger or like a friend of ours that like mentions us on a podcast of theirs, which is massive. And that's a bigger deal than like getting into Forbes or Wall Street.
Starting point is 01:03:24 But it's like it's so distorted still because they still have that. Media shifting a lot. It is. And I wonder how long it will take before that becomes like the norm where someone's like, oh, big deal you're on for. Oh, but so and so talked about you on their Instagram or so you'll say, like that's, that's a bigger deal. I mean, when you talk about moving the needle business wise, it's so interesting.
Starting point is 01:03:44 How much that's speaking of business, you brought up by by Barry as a documentary deal. I mean when you talk about moving the needle business wise. It's so interesting how much that you speaking of business You you brought up by by Barry as a documentary for yes Yes, I wanted to mention our train the trainer series coming up in January because We are a pro we're over four thousand people now signed up to watch this thing live It's still open as of right now So you could still sign up and it's a three day training course where I'm talking to coaches and trainers, how to be more successful. It's at mindpumptrainer.com and I would love to see that double.
Starting point is 01:04:13 I would love to see that number double and have people just just and what's going to be cool about it is the people will be asking questions. You guys are going to be on there, interacting and just see. We'll get a lot of value out of it. The goal is to have over 5,000 show up. I'm guessing we're gonna need seven to 8,000 signed up for a 5,000 show. That would be my guess.
Starting point is 01:04:32 That'd be random. For those that are wondering, oh, what day, what time, and listen, get in there, get registered. We have all those things, right? But even if you can't make it. That's gonna be a replay. Yeah, you'll be able to replay it.
Starting point is 01:04:41 So if you register, if you don't register, you won't be able to do that. But if you register, then you'll be able to get to replay it even if you don't make it. If you make it live, then you'll be able to replay it. So if you register, if you don't register, you won't be able to do that. But if you register, then you'll be able to get the replay, even if you don't make it, if you make it live, then you'll actually get the interaction with us while Sal is going through it. But it's absolutely free. Even if you're not a trainer,
Starting point is 01:04:55 but you're aspiring to be a trainer, right? You're thinking about doing it, something you wanna do. This would be extremely valuable for you to come to so, all your gym owners, if you own small franchise, anything in the health, anything in the health space too. So not even just personal trainers.
Starting point is 01:05:08 I'd even put chiro's in there, PT's in there, like, I mean, anybody like that's going to benefit from this conversation. So get in there. Multivitamins are great, but children's multivitamins are just glorified candy. Well not high, high a health makes multivitamins for kids that aren't packed with sugar They're not essentially candy and they have adequate nutrients for your children's developing needs Go check them out get a discount go to highahelst.com. That's h-i-y-a health.com forward slash mind pump and with that code Or with that link you'll get 50% off all right back to the show
Starting point is 01:05:42 Our first color is Amber from Georgia. Hi Amber, how can we help you? Hi. It's nice to meet you guys. I've been listening for a couple of years. I'm very excited and very nervous. Oh, I'll help you. We'll help you. It's going on. I've been having this problem really for about two years now where when I tried to cut I kind of have this like crashing that's the only thing I know to call it I'll read my email
Starting point is 01:06:11 but I said I experience like hunger that wakes me up in the middle of the night and I can't go back to sleep unless I eat something I have trouble falling asleep I have these crazy food cravings they leads to to like, binging, I'm bloated, and my period also ends up coming late. So in a cut, I eat about 1600 calories, and I track my macros, so 120 grams of protein, and then carbs and fats kind of follow wherever they fall. I run about 12 miles a week, strength train two to three days a week. I get 12,000 steps a day. I get seven hours of sleep at least if I can sleep and I've tried like pushing through and then
Starting point is 01:06:53 it's just getting worse and worse and worse until I get out of control and have to stop. I'm 52 and I weigh 155 pounds. Okay. So I really want to lean out and I want to look like I work out and I just 155 pounds. Okay. So I really want to lean out and I wanna look like I work out and I just am really struggling. Have you, so you said every time you try to do this, this is what you experience.
Starting point is 01:07:13 So this isn't the first time you've experienced this. No, and this has been going on for two years. So I've always struggled with my weight. I was obese as a teenager and was really on a rollerco coaster till about 10 years ago. I started tracking macros and working out. And for a long time, I was able to maintain my weight and didn't have these problems. But now, over the last two years, I've had these problems.
Starting point is 01:07:38 I put on some weight when I had my son five years ago, and I have not been able to get it all off since then. Why do you run? Why the run? I enjoy it. I hear what you all say a lot of times for people that I feel like are going through similar things to me. And I have like ADHD and so I feel like it really helps calm my brain down and helps me
Starting point is 01:08:02 just be better throughout the rest of the day if I get a running. Why not something else? Why the running? It's easier. I live out in the country and it's it gets me out of the house. I get outside. I don't have a really good place to cycle or anything like that. I don't enjoy yoga. It's just too slow. yoga it's just too slow. I just I don't know. I guess I've just always done it. If the running didn't burn any calories or let's say the running was making you gain body fat would you still want to do it? I don't know because I do acknowledge that it burns calories. I think it shows running because of its attachment to the calorie burn and it's a form of exercise. And then what ends up happening, and this is very common, by the way, everything you said that you experience and the fact that you've experienced it before, otherwise I would ask you more questions because there could be other things that could be happening. But because you've experienced this before,
Starting point is 01:09:06 I'm pretty certain that I know what the issue is. Now, let's talk about the running for a second, okay? What happens for a lot of us, this happens to me too, just with different stuff, is that we will do things that help us deal with an insecurity. Let's say for me, it's the opposite. So for me, it's lifting weights or taking supplements. For someone else, maybe that they were heavy and so they always kind of struggle with that. So they tend to to choose things that can help that. And then what happens is they justify it by saying
Starting point is 01:09:43 things like, oh, it helps my mental state, or it's good for me, or I get to go outside. I don't think you really like running. I think you're afraid of gaining weight. I am afraid of, I mean, I'm afraid of gaining weight. So all of your symptoms are, it's literally like the perfect,
Starting point is 01:10:03 it's like you gave me the answer, and I know what the problem is. So it's like if you said the answer is four, what's the question? I could easily say, well it's one plus three or two plus two, like four plus zero, like there's, you're the, everything you're experiencing
Starting point is 01:10:18 is telling me you're doing too much and you're doing too little for what you're doing. So I don't know what the rest of your life is, but you've overwhelmed your body with stress. And the running is serving you nothing positive at all. Now if you want to get out of the house and get a break, you could do it by doing a slow walk for the same time it takes you to do that run. So however long it takes you to run. Okay. Morning, you could do a slow walk. You could sit outside, read a book, something like that, just get out of the house, whatever.
Starting point is 01:10:51 But the run, that would be the first, that's the easiest thing to cut because based on what your goals are, it's not helping you at all. It's just adding more stress. So what I would have you do for your, your my client is I would have you increase your calories a little bit and have you cut the running out completely and then I would have you lift weights about two to three days a week. Tell me about the lifting though. What's your lifting look like right now? Are you following one of our programs? I'm not. I've been working out in my garage. I live in a small town and I just found a gym that has child care. I plan on joining the next few weeks.
Starting point is 01:11:28 But I've been working out in my garage with like, I had up to 20 pound set of dumbbells. So I've just been doing like some strength training squats, deadlifts, a bicep curls, things like that off of that. What are your rest periods of like? Do you rest or do you do a kind of circuit style? I rest. I learned from listening to y'all not to do a circuit style in high speed, you know? Yeah, I think I think we're going to sales advice plus actually getting into set. If you only have up to 20 pounds, I think you're going to really benefit from some like serious strength training. You've probably gotten pretty adapted to the weights. Yes, I have. And it's time to progress to some good weight. I think actually feeding your body, giving yourself more calories, less of none of the running, going to walking, and then a true,
Starting point is 01:12:15 you know, straight training protocol, like a MAPS Santa Ballac program, I think you do wonderful. Yeah. All of your symptoms are stress symptoms. So period Changes in your menstrual cycle very clear Tip of the sign that either there is a nutrient deficiency illness or your body's overwhelmed by stress because this has happened You before I don't think it's the first two. Okay, I could be wrong
Starting point is 01:12:40 But because you've you've experienced this each time you've tried to go on a cut Your body's over one by stress stress, so you get menstrual changes. Bloded, digestive system also gets affected by increased inflammation and changes in the microbiota, which can cause things like bloating, constipation, diarrhea, intense food cravings. When your body, keep in mind our body's evolved for the most part with scarcity. And one of the, there's two main causes of stress that we would encounter for most of human history. One of them is danger.
Starting point is 01:13:18 I'm going to get eaten or killed, okay, or something like that. And the second one is not having enough food. And so what your body does when it thinks, when you're under a lot of stress, it kicks up hunger because one of the best insurances against scarcity is body fat. If you have a lot of body fat on your body and you're not gonna eat for the next two months,
Starting point is 01:13:39 you're gonna be better off than the person next to you that's lean, okay? So it'll kick up food cravings. And they're not gonna feel like normal hunger. So let me person next to you that's lean. Okay, so it'll kick up food cravings. And they're not going to feel like normal hunger. So let me explain something to you. You let me know if this is what it feels like. Okay. There's hunger. And then there's the cravings where it's like, you can't get it out of your head. And you're like, I got it. It's like overwhelming. And you get an overwhelming craving for either... High calorie.
Starting point is 01:14:06 High calorie, carbohydrate, sugar, type of food, that hyper-paladability that you're really, really craving. And it's like, if it's there, it's gonna happen. I'm gonna eat it, or I have to fight it this entire time, that's what that feels like. Is that what you're feeling? Okay.
Starting point is 01:14:22 That's exactly how I'm feeling. I got where I don't keep stuff in the house because I'm afraid that'll come and I won't like it's and it usually hits the worst in the middle of the night Yeah, when I know eat it I can go back to sleep and So I'll get up and just eat whatever I want. Yeah, tell me about the rest of your life. Do you work? What's the rest of your life? Look like part time. I'm a state-owned mom though, I'm a school my five-year-old son. And I don't sit a lot, I like to be busy moving around. If there's nothing to do, I'll make up something to do. I guard in things like that. Okay, do you have a lot of things you do on your own?
Starting point is 01:14:58 Like time outside the house, just for you, hang out with your friends, go do something just for you. Just thing, really. I think that's why, like, such a lifeline. Yep. Yep. Yep. Your body's overwhelmed. Yeah. So it's overwhelmed by stress.
Starting point is 01:15:13 I'm, my, our expertise is fitness, so I'm going to tell you to cut the running out. Okay. But if you were a close friend of mine, I would also say to add activities or things that you could do by yourself. Okay. To get out of the house and go do something just with friends. Or with friends.
Starting point is 01:15:29 Yeah, with friends is what I mean. Like just, when I say by yourself, I don't mean like take your kid with you. I mean like, you know, kids stays at home with dad or you got nanny or mom, and you go do something on your own because that's also recuperative for a mom who homeschools. You probably get almost no time to yourself.
Starting point is 01:15:50 And so that'll wear on you as well. Did I hear you say you're going to get a gym membership? There's, well, didn't you say something while I was on daycare, right? In January, I plan on joining. I've finished it up with working out with my friend. She comes and works out with me a little bit. But I've told her I'm joining a gym. They have child care. finishing up with working out with my friend, she comes and works out with me a little bit.
Starting point is 01:16:05 But I'm told her where I'm joined in a gym. They have childcare, so I would be able to either go without my son or if I have to take him, he would be able to go to. So I would love to see you follow Maps and Obolic. If your friend is gonna work out with you too, reach out to us, I'll send it to her for free also. So the both of you can have Maps and Obolic
Starting point is 01:16:24 and go through that process together. I think that in combination to the tips that Sal is giving you right now, I think we're gonna start to see a difference. The one last thing we didn't dive deep in because I see that you actually wrote on here, you're getting your protein intake. What does like when you are eating good, are you like a balance of carbs, fats, you're not following anything radical or doing anything outside the norm other than restricting calories. Who are you getting your protein from?
Starting point is 01:16:52 Mostly chicken. I do eat some beef, but beef doesn't sit good on my stomach and I don't like fish. So chicken and pork mostly, but I try to eat beef a couple times a week. I don't do a lot of shakes and bars, but I get much good from like whole real food. Yeah good good. Yeah. So look, cut the running. Okay. Bump your calories to it says here that you think your maintenance is around 22. 18 to 18 to 2000 maybe. Yeah, I would I would bump your calories up to 1800 calories. No more running if you want it. How long does it take you to do your morning runs?
Starting point is 01:17:27 About 45 minutes. Okay, do a 45 minute walk. Okay, just, and it's not a workout. Don't walk like I'm gonna work, you know, this is my, you know, literally, literally meditated. Yeah, you just cruise, okay? Just like if you just cruise for the same amount of time. Bump your calories to 1800 when you start to feel really good,
Starting point is 01:17:47 which you'll start to notice within two or three weeks, bump your calories again up to 2000 and then keep doing what you're doing and pay attention to how strong you feel with the weights. I don't want you to cut your calories until you start to feel real strong, real healthy and your calories are like around 2500 or something like that, and you feel good. Okay. I guess I hear you all tell people that, but I guess I always assumed that you were talking
Starting point is 01:18:14 to people that are thinner than me. I have like 30 pounds. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. I don't care if you had 100 pounds. It doesn't matter. Extra on you.
Starting point is 01:18:22 I'd still give you that same advice. Okay. What it's about right now is getting you healthy and starting to tackle some of this stress. Because nothing you do, your body is not going to respond the way it should respond until we tackle that. So it's about getting healthy first and balancing all that and then getting the body to respond.
Starting point is 01:18:43 And the idea right now with the advice of cutting out the running, increasing the calories, go get strong is to build your metabolism. That way, that way when you do cut calories, you really start to lean out. So let's do this too. So I'm going to have Doug put you in the private form too so we can keep an eye on you because I'd love to, I give us two week check-ins. Yeah, I'd love to hear you check in with us every two weeks, kind of giving us an update on how things are going,
Starting point is 01:19:09 especially once you get rolling on maps and a ball. Because I think that's when we're gonna really start to see change. And Amber, pay attention to energy, mood, outlook, sleep. If you're always watching the scale, your water is going to fluctuate a lot as you go through this process, especially as inflammation goes down, you bump your calories, you're holding more glycage or whatever, and that's going to
Starting point is 01:19:33 mess with your head, okay? But look, just to hammer this home, if you keep pushing in the direction that you're pushing, not only will you not lose the body fat, you're going to get to a place where you're going to go in the direction. You're going to get to a place where you'll start gaining body fat at very low calories. Well, I believe that because, I mean, my son's five, and I've been trying to lose the same 20 or 30 pounds for five years.
Starting point is 01:19:57 Yeah. Yeah. I've probably seen a lot of sense because I didn't have the trouble before him, but my husband't get my husband. I can't have children. So we went through IVF three times and then my pregnancy was bad. And so I think maybe it's all kind of making sense now that it's all just a stress problem. And I've just been more stressed on myself trying to lose weight. Oh yeah. Listen, I want you to listen. I'm going to say this again. I want you to feel good about what I'm saying, okay?
Starting point is 01:20:25 Because I can I can tell you're afraid of Making these changes because you don't know what's gonna happen Yeah, I've heard you your story at least a thousand times Yeah, okay, this is nothing you said to me is like wow or perplexing or shocking It's all super common. I've worked with women like you so many times the challenge was always getting them to trust me and to trust the process. It's a snowball effect. What you're going to notice first though is you're going to start to just feel better. So you'll just notice like, oh man, I'm starting to feel good. I think I'm starting to feel
Starting point is 01:21:01 really good. That's what you'll start to notice. But as far as the body fat and all that stuff, that's going to take a little bit of time because we've got to get your body to feel safe enough to lose the body fat because right now it doesn't. It doesn't feel safe at all. Okay. All right. That makes sense. Check in with us every two weeks.
Starting point is 01:21:19 We're going to send anabolic over to you and then follow up with us. Okay. Yep. I will. Thank you all so much. with us, okay? Yep. I will. Thank you all so much. You got to have this. All right. This is why good coaches are so important because, you know, thank you, we have a forum.
Starting point is 01:21:37 And maybe our words are, they have more weight with her because she's listening to it, listen to us for two years and et cetera. But the reason why, one of the reasons why a coach is so valuable is because when you go through this process, it's not as easy as just, you heard what I said. Oh, that sounds good. Let me try it.
Starting point is 01:21:53 She's going to question it the entire time. The entire time she's going to question it. And when you have a good coach, the good coach can tell you what you're going to feel. Here's what's going to happen. Here's why it's happening. Cost it reassurance. Yeah, it's okay. trust me, we're moving
Starting point is 01:22:06 in the right direction. And then when you start to feel and notice the things, and you start to go, oh my gosh, this is really working, then it becomes a lot easier. So, but I feel for her, man, I've had so many clients with the exact same symptoms, exact same. I wonder how many people are listening,
Starting point is 01:22:22 just like her, who the advice that we're giving to say her is Perfect for them, but they think that they're different. They're different. I know. I mean, that's such a Created like it's so crazy because We've have addressed Almost identical question is this right and and her thought was oh because I'm not I have 30 more pounds Yeah, I have 30 pounds. It's like, let me make this clear. She could have been 150 pounds overweight, and I still would give this advice.
Starting point is 01:22:51 This still would be the advice for someone. So just, it's not just because you have way more weight to lose that person. And then the same would go if you maybe only had about 15 pounds or 20 pounds. If this is your symptoms, and this is how you've been treating your body, and this is the level of stress you have going, this advice is the same.
Starting point is 01:23:10 And if you were a man, and you had all the advice would stay the same here. So the only difference would have been, and the answer was there because she says, every time I try to lose weight in this way, this is what happens to me. The only other thing I would have asked, if this is the first time that this happened to her,
Starting point is 01:23:29 was I would have asked if she's had any nutrient deficiency tests, if she's had any changes to her hormones, or because those could also cause some of this stuff, but the fact that she's repeatedly done this and had this exact experience, and then you know, ask her questions about her life. She's plateaued and installed for three years. Yeah, listen, you're gonna stay at home mom.
Starting point is 01:23:49 She's like, I live out in the country, and I homeschool. Okay, so you know what that means? Everything she does is for her family, and probably does almost nothing for her. And she's always on her feet because she's got a bunch of shit to do. So it was really easy to cut out the running. That's that one stress I could easily just cut out and then get
Starting point is 01:24:10 her body in a place to where it can start responding. Our next color Sam from New York. Sam what's going on? How can we help you? Good old. Good. Thanks for having me on. You got it. so I'm calling because I'm apparently what you call a hard gainer and I'm 58 I'm in the middle of my second round of anabolic and I keep trying to eat more and more But I don't seem to be putting on any weight Actually did lose a few pounds initially,
Starting point is 01:24:46 which I assume was some fat. I don't know if I should be lifting more if I need to keep increasing my food intake or if you have any suggestions. Yeah, okay, so I'm reading your email here Sam, and it says that you're stronger. Yes. How much stronger, tell me about the differences in your lifts.
Starting point is 01:25:11 Well, before doing anabolic, I'd never done deadlifting. So I started out pretty low, but I'd say I'm doing 70 more pounds than when I started. Okay. That's incredible. What about your bench press, all that stuff? Bench press that I've increased working out with it probably 50 pounds.
Starting point is 01:25:32 Wow. Okay. It's the same with my squats. Wow. You're doing pretty good right now. Yeah, you're doing all right. And then it says here you work a job in construction. What kind of work do you do?
Starting point is 01:25:43 There were electrical contractors. So I'm a foreman, so it's not as physical as it used to be, but I'm still moving a lot. All right, so look, so you get stronger, there's a few different reasons, or ways that your body gets stronger. One of them is the, your central nervous system adapts, and so that's like the computer, right? And it's sending the signal to the muscles and you get more what's called neural drive. You get better technique and form, just like anything else.
Starting point is 01:26:12 So that'll increase your strength, but then you also build muscle, which will also increase your strength. Now the strength gains that you've experienced, a big part of that is probably central nervous system because you just got started. Some of it's muscle. Without body fat testing you and all that stuff, I would guess that you've probably already gained, you've probably gained some muscle with those strength gains and the scale went down a little bit and you probably did get, get leaner.
Starting point is 01:26:39 Now do you feel good? Do you sleep well? Do you feel like you have good energy and you joint pain? Is everything else feel okay? I've never slept well so I still don't, but I feel good. And my workouts, I love the workouts. And I have some achy joints, but a lot of that's probably job related over the years, a little wear and tear on me, but I feel pretty good. Let me ask a little differently. Did any of those things change? Did your sleep get better or worse?
Starting point is 01:27:11 Pain get better or worse? Pain, I think, is better. I feel better physically. My sleep's still probably the same. The same, okay. So, all right, yeah, you gotta eat more. But, you know what? Because you're talking about your sleep, I would right. Yeah, you got to eat more, but you know what because you're talking about your sleep I
Starting point is 01:27:26 Would really focus on and I don't know what you've done what you've already done to try to improve your sleep We can get into that but that'll make a big difference With getting your body to build a little bit more muscle. Have you done any interventions any kind of Protocol, you know before bed Not really. Okay, so I think there's some gold there. Yeah, I sleep here, but you sleep makes a huge difference. Tell me about your sleep, what's wrong with it?
Starting point is 01:27:52 What does it look like? I tend to go to sleep, you know, nine o'clock at night because I get up at 4.30, but I don't usually make it past 2.33 o'clock before I wake up. Okay. And then, you know, and then, and an out from there. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:12 You drink coffee or have caffeine? Two cups in the morning, that's pretty much it. That's it, it's always been that way. Yeah. Okay. I try to eat after dinner much either because I've never been one of much of a breakfast eater, so I try not to eat at night so that I can eat in the morning. Okay, how's your blood pressure?
Starting point is 01:28:32 I had a glass like checked, it was normal. No health issues. Not that I'm aware of, no. All right, here's what we're going to try. I want you to try taking some electrolytes throughout the day. We work with a company called Element, Elemente. And you can add up one packet or soda or water.
Starting point is 01:28:54 And I wanna see if that makes a difference with your sleep. But then before you go to bed, I think a magnesium supplement would be really good as well. There's another company we work with called Ned that makes it a product called mellow. And you take that right before you go to bed and see if that makes a difference. In my experience, the people that seem to respond the best to magnesium supplementation before bed seem to be people who work jobs like you. Okay, so I have a lot of blue color family members
Starting point is 01:29:30 and I've had them all try mellow and all of them are like, whoa, what? And I think it's just because of the type of activity you've been doing, you've been doing it for so long. Yeah, I think you probably have a little bit of a deficiency possibly. It's quite common. It won't hurt you to try, but you'll notice a difference within one or two nights, if that's the deal. Now besides that, you got to eat more.
Starting point is 01:29:53 I hate to tell you. And you know, you got one of those, you got one of those fast metabolism. So have you tried adding shakes to your day? Because that would be the easiest way to add calories? I did I'm doing a thousand calories shakes smoothie in the morning because I was never a breakfast eater And I'm pushing to get three thousand calories a day right now, but I usually fall a little short Yeah, probably
Starting point is 01:30:20 I mean he's an example of somebody who I would let's hyper palatable foods Oh, yeah, just so we can get some calories up They're one last thing too that I want to ask about have you had your hormones checked At all anytime recent No, I've never had anything done like that Considering considering your age and the fact that you have a hard time eating enough calories And we don't get a lot of good sleep and sleep could absolutely deeply affect that. I love to get you, love to have you get your blood work done and just see where you're at.
Starting point is 01:30:50 Just to see where your testosterone levels are at because you want to talk about a massive difference of packing on muscle and weight. If your testosterone is in the dumpsters and you're doing all this training and all this exercise and you just have not you're not going to gain a lot of weight or build a lot of muscle, but simply addressing that can make a massive difference. And with the appetite, by the way, appetite will increase a lot of times too when you increase your testosterone. If you go from low to high, is your libido normal? Do you have a like okay libido or do you have any notice any changes in it?
Starting point is 01:31:21 No, it seems the same. Okay. Okay. I think it's a good idea Okay. Okay, I mean, yeah, you know, I think it's a good idea always to get your hormone levels checked anyway, because if they're good, if they're at a nice level, then you'll have something to reference to it, you know, to later, you know, let's say when you're in your 60s
Starting point is 01:31:36 or 70s. Everything we've talked about too, by the way, Sam, because I know I see you taking notes and stuff, you can find at mindpumppartners.com. So that's the list of all the companies, right? So you'll see element on there, you'll see the Ned company on there. And then there's actually a company too that you can take, get your blood work done and have them look at your, your testosterone levels all through there, which is transcend. So all three of those companies
Starting point is 01:31:58 are connected. But besides the sleep, you know, and because I think that's a big one, you know, you're doing your smoothie in the morning. Another thing you could do, so you got that, then you eat your lunch, then you eat your dinner, is to add either shakes or something that is easy and tasty for you to eat in between meals. So you could have more shakes, you could have nuts, you could have jerky, cheese, but basically you want to just, you got to eat more. The fact that you're getting stronger is a very good sign.
Starting point is 01:32:32 If you keep getting stronger, you will build muscle. I mean, that's just the bottom line. So if you weren't getting stronger, then there'd be, I'd be a little bit more worried in the sense of, okay, let's try to figure this out. The fact that you're getting stronger is very good. That means that you're doing a lot of things right. And building muscles is a slow process. It just is.
Starting point is 01:32:52 It's just nobody packs on muscle very, very, especially if it's lean. If you're the kind of person that you got one of those metabolism's, or just gaining body fats even hard for you, then you can't expect to gain more than five, six, seven, eight, ten pounds of muscle in a year. It just takes a long time. People are like, yeah, I gained 20 pounds and whatever.
Starting point is 01:33:11 A lot of it's body fat, you know? So I was expecting too much to soon. Yeah. How long have you been working out now with this? With your program since end of August, I guess. You're not doing bad, you know? And it's literally just gonna be about being conscious about getting those calories in. And then if the element T and the mellow
Starting point is 01:33:33 help with your sleep, that's gonna make a huge difference. Yeah, I actually see in yourself in recovery. I mean, those are your two main levers right now. Yeah, I actually think you're doing really good right now, Sam. But I do think that all the advice we gave is all things that are going to take you to the next level. But I think your progress, believe it or not, even though I know your main goal is probably to put weight on,
Starting point is 01:33:52 you are building muscle. It's just, and what happens too, is you build a couple of pounds of muscle. The metabolism gets even faster. So then you have even more calories you need to keep that pace up. And so that's probably why you lost a little bit of weight on the scale. So you just leaned out a little bit because you got more muscle now on the body.
Starting point is 01:34:07 So you're not doing any cardio on top of all this, are you? Just work. Pretty active at work all day. Yeah, just making sure. Oh, you're good. I mean, if you weren't getting stronger, then this would be a different conversation. Yeah. I actually think you can, I know Sally told you one packet, but I think you can afford to walk around at work with drinking
Starting point is 01:34:27 Sipping on the elementary and then also probably when he works out. Yeah, I mean you could probably afford it Easily have that it just depends. I would start one just see how you feel but you know The I've had tremendous success with the people in my family who do the kind of work that you do By adding the, you know, so long as it's not contraindicated, so long as your doctor isn't saying, you got high blood pressure, avoid this and that.
Starting point is 01:34:50 If everything's okay, you add that, element also has some magnesium. It's got potassium magnesium, but it's mostly sodium. And then the company, Ned, that makes the mellow, it has a magnesium blend in there that is specific for the brain and for the muscles on the body. And so a common side effect of not having enough magnesium is not that you can't fall
Starting point is 01:35:15 asleep, it's that you can't stay asleep. So the fact that you told me that you wake up at two or three o'clock in the morning, then you're tossing and turning until you got get up. That's why I recommend that. It's in expensive supplement. The ones we mentioned aren't these like, they're very inexpensive, and the ones you can always take, you don't have to cycle it or anything like that.
Starting point is 01:35:38 All right, great. Thanks. You think there's any value in him? So he's on his second round right now of maps and a ball. If there's any value in potentially moving him to like a maps 15 or another program that for him to try out. He could, but I mean what you know we can send we can send you another program to do after this next round of anabolic, but I want you to stay in maps and a ball can do the things that we said just so we can see you know, some of us on the gains. Yeah, I'd like to see it through one more time and then we'll yeah, maybe switch it. Yeah, what do you guys think maps give him like maps 15
Starting point is 01:36:05 How I'm doing? Yeah, I think what's another other solid option from is is maps 15 I think we'll send you another program Sam just for free and then when you're done with this round of maps That'll all look follow maps 15, but do the advanced version Okay, awesome. Okay, you got it, man. All right Sam. Stay in touch, huh? Thank you all All right. Yes, it's so funny when somebody gets on his agent says that there's about 15 other people are like, oh yeah, you know, I'm I wish I had a tough time. I'm glad we talked long enough to figure that out that he's actually just really getting started. Yeah, he's doing fine. So he's just
Starting point is 01:36:41 doing really good. And you know, here's a funny guy. I'm talking about the sleep though, because that's that's an issue. Well, that's where I said there's gold there. Right. There's if he's always been a poor sleeper and he's never tried to figure that piece out. Him figuring that out could be massive. I have a feeling too. If he actually goes and does his blood work and gets his hormones, that you can have lower testosterone to be 58 years old, low calorie, sleep also. Oh, yeah. And poor sleep. Probably it. And the fact that his libido hasn't gotten worse,
Starting point is 01:37:08 it may have always been kind of low. And so it's not like he noticed, he doesn't know what good feel. How many times have we met somebody who doesn't think they feel bad? Well, it's just that they, until they feel better. It's interesting because I had a client like similar
Starting point is 01:37:20 to this, but it took like a month, never done it before, took a month off and like a tropical place got a ton of sun, a lot of sleep came back completely like transformed. Yeah. It was like, it was almost like resetting your entire body in this canyam rhythms, like everything like balancing the hormones. I mean, there's just so much there in rest and recovery that, you know, even like a massive intervention like that, I'm, even like a massive intervention like that on a true impact. But what sucks is a lot of the things
Starting point is 01:37:46 that are attributed to aging are often symptoms of... Just repeated patterns. Yeah, chronic stuff. Yeah, it's chronic stuff. It's chronicly being under vitamin D, chronicly under vitamin D, chronicly poor sleep. And that causes all those.
Starting point is 01:38:01 Oh, I mean, like, I told you guys about my dad, he had all these aches and pains, and he's got arthritis everywhere and all that stuff, and he's getting older. All, I mean, like, like, I told you guys about my dad, he had all these aches and pains, and he's got arthritis everywhere and all that stuff, and he's getting, you know, his older and, you know, he's just, he's like, oh, my body still hurts, my body here, I can't figure it out, I've been this, that, and what's going on. Anything, so it's just because I'm getting old. Well, he went and get a vitamin D test, and his vitamin D was lost, or taking vitamin D, gone, everything was gone.
Starting point is 01:38:21 So that's the problem is like getting older causes these things, but so does oftentimes like really easy to fill Neutranteficiencies and you often won't know unless you test our next caller is Nick from Hawaii Nick What's going on man? How can we help you? What's up? Hello guys, super cool to see you, kind of way there in the background, but if you can help me out with a couple of questions, I appreciate it. You got them here. Here it. All right. I hear people do background first. I don't know if that's a thing, or I can jump straight to the questions up to you guys. You can go right to the question, and then if we need to,
Starting point is 01:38:55 we normally last backpriced. Otherwise, it sounds good. So basically, I just jumped on BPC157. So I recently injured myself at work, and I was just wondering if there's what I can expect, and if there's any side effects that you guys have noticed, or that's like the first half of my question. Okay, where's your injury? Ah, so lower back, possibly L5, I still haven't gotten my MRIs on.
Starting point is 01:39:26 I'm getting some sciatic pain down the right leg. So it feels like it's slowly getting better. I just started a couple days ago with the injections on that massage. I haven't started PT yet either. Oh good, okay, so you got some PT too. Are you administering it yourself or do you have somebody administering the BPC for you? So my girlfriend is actually a PA so I Served you a good and she's like, you know, you ordered this thing. I'm not sure what this is
Starting point is 01:39:56 But so basically, yeah, I did it myself yesterday for the first time. Okay, so are you injecting right into the site or are you somewhere else? So that's a question that I had is it on You know, is it better if I go right into the site? I just right into like belly fat. Yeah, it's better to go it's better to go into the site It is, but here's a deal. Okay, depending on where the injury is you you want a medical professional Yeah, because you said your's L, L5, talking about the spine, I would not try to get a long needle to hit the area where because yeah, you could end up with something pretty bad.
Starting point is 01:40:36 Yeah, that's all you do. You know, low back will be better off in shooting. I mean, maybe, but it's more systemic than that. So, systemic, you'll get in effect, meaning if you do it, you know, sub-Q, you'll get kind of the systemic anti-inflammatory, kind of accelerated, you know, healing type of an effect. If there's a slipped or herniated disc, it may help it heal faster,
Starting point is 01:40:59 but combining it with the physical therapies, your best bet, because there could be something else that's going on. Everything's okay, and it's just a muscle strain, muscle pull, then you're gonna be good. But I see you shaking your head, you think no, no way. I mean, that is my hope, but the fact that I have this sciatic nerve
Starting point is 01:41:19 shooting down my leg, like that pain, originally I had maybe my first visit to the urgent care when I went I actually had some loss of strength in like my, uh, force of flexion in my foot. So that's kind of what really concerned the doctor the first time when he put me out. Closed that since I've come back. I can feel that it's a little weaker than normal, but I still have that shooting side of pain. So that's basically what's coming work. Oh wow, did you, how'd you heard it? Yeah. I was opening this gate that worked where we parked our patrol cars and the thing that's
Starting point is 01:41:58 broken for a while, it's a giant gate. It was probably a few hundred pounds and it's kind of funny because I deadlift all the time as a trainer. Basically I lifted and twisted weird like something like you guys say right everybody kind of reaches in the backseat of their car and that's how they enjoy their back and that's basically that. So the thing that concerns me is the loss of connection, the weakness. So it could be a herniated disk that or something something like that that's inflamed in pressing on the nerve that connects to those things and oftentimes if the inflammation goes down things get better then the the function comes back so there's not much I can say until you get
Starting point is 01:42:43 your MRI back and see what's going on because if there is something pressing on that nerve You definitely want to get that address because then there's not much else you can do Then try to work with what you got and if that get of course, you know look you're a trainer you said Yeah, yeah trainer Cop out here boy, so I got to do, you know, physical stuff all the time. Yeah, yeah. Run it with your career. Could you actually feel a pop?
Starting point is 01:43:09 Like, was it like, cause I feel funny. Okay, yeah. So there's, yeah, there's probably something there. It'd be interesting to see your MRI. Definitely, yeah, definitely get the MRI. See what that says. Work with a movement specialist, not just the surgeon. Yeah, I'm gonna put you in the forum
Starting point is 01:43:24 because I think one of the greatest movement specialists, we have two of the greatest movement specialists between Dr. Brink and Jordan Schallow or both in our forum. And so until we get a true diagnosis of what's going on, we're all gonna be sitting here speculating quite a bit, you know what I'm saying? And I think our advice greatly depends on what the
Starting point is 01:43:42 diagnosis is before I tell you, oh, try some of the rehab movements. We have rehab moves, we don't know if it's very good idea. Yeah, so I think right now and back to your BBC 157 as far as what to expect or is there any side effects, there's no negative side effects you're going to feel from BP 157. And the only thing you'll may notice is recovery faster, which may be really difficult for you to measure and tell because this is the first time you've had this kind of major
Starting point is 01:44:09 injury. I've re-injured certain parts of my body, used it, and I can tell how magical it is because something that would normally take me, say, two to four weeks to recover. I recover in seven to ten days. So it's like that, right? It makes that big of a difference as far as the recovery process. But that's easy for me to measure because it's an injury that I've seen before in my body. And then something that's brand new, it might be hard for you to tell how effective it is,
Starting point is 01:44:36 but it's probably helpful. The only issue I would have with the BPC is that if you got it from a research chemical lab, there's no telling the quality or the, you know, what's in there. Did you go through Transcendor? Yeah, so I actually went to Transcendor and it was funny because I placed the order, I think, on Friday,
Starting point is 01:44:56 or I actually got to their compound lab on Friday. And I was like, hoping I could get it. Said them, but email was like, yeah, I'm going to be on the Mindbump Q&A, and you guys get exiledated and they actually did. Smart guy. All right. You guys are so quick. So shout out the transcend making it happen. Listen, Nick, Nick, you get a forum tag, Dr. Justin Brink. And when you get your MRI, you could probably even show him what the MRI looks like. And then you'll have a good idea of, have a good idea of where to go from there. Awesome. Could I throw in my little second half question
Starting point is 01:45:31 everybody gets me? Basically, my schedule is pretty busy. I'm hoping when I get that sooner than later. I'm just trying to figure out what's the best way for me to kind of maintain what I've built or actually get that to where I was and maintain and also go on a little cut. Right now I'm like sitting out about 210, I'm 62. I feel a little soft since I haven't been living for the last couple weeks. Well basically I train clients before I go into my shift at work on patrol. So I might work like a 12 or 16 hour shift and maybe four hours prior to that I'll go into
Starting point is 01:46:12 the gym that I work at and training the client or two a days a week. And I feel like I miss out on a lot of workouts myself because I'm in there training other people. I try to do stuff in between or before I get to work, but I'm in there training other people. I try to do stuff in between. Or before I get to work on, just wondering what's like the best program to run in my situation. So I have two thoughts around this. I wanna hear with the guys if they agree with me
Starting point is 01:46:33 or not on this. One, because of your schedule or thing I go on, Maps 15 I think would be a great resource for you. But I also think because of the injury that you've had and the type of work that you do, Maps performance would really benefit you because of all just bulletproofing your body and the rotational stuff. So if you were a client, I'd actually try and kind of blend the two. I'd actually have you following more of a fifth maps, 15 type of a protocol because of the amount of work and stuff that you have in time. But then I would probably
Starting point is 01:47:02 modify some of the movements to be more beneficial to rotational strength and things like that that are gonna benefit your day-to-day work. So that's kinda where I'm thinking with him. Yeah, Nick, the only thing is, until you get the results of your MRI, that's completely... That's a complusive.
Starting point is 01:47:18 Avoid anything that requires that kind of stability. So you would do a lot of seated exercises, upper body exercises, and then for your lower body, you could do leg curls, leg extensions, but no leg press, no squat, no lunges, no standing extra. Nothing that requires any stability from your lumbar. That'll be the best thing you could do to prevent those from happening. Well, that's, I mean, my advice is assuming you're fully recovered and you're back to training and you're I'm answering that question right now.
Starting point is 01:47:48 Right now, everything should be centered around rehab. I mean, everything that you do should be centered around recovering and getting back to yourself. Then, after that, the advice I was giving you, but yeah, no, I agree with Sal. Like, right now, it's, you have to. But like, right now, you could probably do leg extensions, you could probably do leg curls, you could probably do leg curls,
Starting point is 01:48:05 and then just upper body stuff. Machines coming handy here. So seated chest press, seated row, seated overhead press, like just like body builder kind of stuff, just to keep yourself from losing muscle. Yeah, I think I'm going to have to get a membership to like plan of fitness or something. So I work out a climbing gym or rock climbing gym. We just have a small gym area with free weights, so we don't have any really machines Yeah, that's I guess the irony of our our advice for someone like you in this case would actually be a lot of machine work
Starting point is 01:48:36 Yeah, yeah, I'd be doing a lot of machine and cable work with you right now keeps stimulus and volume Mm-hmm. Yeah, just just get a pump. Yeah. You want to minimize anything that requires lots of course stability or less intensity more in the volume spectrum. That's right. OK, less intensity more volume. Got you. Yeah, right on. You got that.
Starting point is 01:48:54 So over for the best. Appreciate your time. Yeah, we'll see. Because you're fitness level and your background and all that stuff, I wouldn't be too freaked out. I think whatever you're gonna see is probably gonna be okay. You're gonna be able to work with. You know, but if you do have a herniated disc
Starting point is 01:49:12 and it's swollen and pressing on the nerve, that's what you're gonna feel. But the good news is that's often solvable, especially when somebody's fit. You know, we're not dealing with like this super deconditioned individual, what's like, it's gonna be really hard. I mean, you're fit. You went into it fit So just make sure you do the right thing because if you'll the best drinks stability again Yeah, what you don't want to do is be like I think I feel okay
Starting point is 01:49:34 I'm gonna go deadlift and then you know, cause some real damage So wait till you get that MRI and then go in the forum Tag Justin Brink and and and that guy that guy's he's the best he's the best at that Tag Justin Brink and and and that guy that guy's he's the best he's the best at that Got you. Thank you. Yeah, man. Hopefully don't need to fight no crazy bad guys to off this We'll see you in the forum, Nick. Thanks, brother. All right. Thank you for your time, guys.
Starting point is 01:50:08 Thank you. I've had a couple of clients, the exact, almost the exact same thing, where they did have a herniation, slight herniation, and it pressed on the nerve, and it caused like loss of, basically, it could have, they got a little numbness or whatever. Yeah. You know, it's crazy, is, Iraine Assurgeon who would work on backs. And I'll never forget we were sitting there talking about this and he goes, you know, it's weird so he goes, if we took a hundred people outside right now and we image them, a
Starting point is 01:50:35 lot of people have it, right? He goes, there would be a lot of people with stuff that I could see on the imaging that I would normally want to operate on, but they have no symptoms. And he goes, you want to know what else is weird? He goes, you know, sometimes I have people come in, we image them, we can't see anything wrong, and they have all his back pain. This was years ago, treat me out. We're on his press on the nerve, I mean, that's a pretty obvious lake.
Starting point is 01:50:55 Okay, we can address this. I also want to take this as an opportunity to shout out mass performance because if you looked at our three core programs, maps performance is sold the least of anabolic performance and aesthetic, right? Everybody is drawn to anabolic and of course aesthetic for sculpting and it's like significantly different amount. But the truth is everybody who's training those two programs
Starting point is 01:51:17 should absolutely have rotations of maps performance in there for this exact reason, right? You could be the strong fit guy who can deadlift all this way and simply just rotating or twisting a certain way that's out of a normal movement pattern that you would do. And this is how all of my clients, that I trained, got hurt.
Starting point is 01:51:35 Nobody ever got hurt, deadlifting or squatting with me. They always got hurt doing a movement that was rotating or twisting and it was always light and easy, pulling weeds, picking up the shampoo bottle, lifting a gate and rotating. It's always something like that. And that program, that's a lot of how we designed that
Starting point is 01:51:52 was to bulletproof the body for these exact reasons. 100%. Our next caller is Justin from Ohio. What up, Justin? Justin, what's happening? Fabning. You guys, thank you for taking my question today. You got it, man.
Starting point is 01:52:05 So a little bit of background about me and where this question's coming from. So I'm 41 years old, about six to two, 15, somewhere between 20 and 25% body fat. About 15 years ago, I had half my thyroid remuted to the tumor. And so ultimately that kind of led to me gaining and fluctuating weight, a lot of water retention, things like that. Ultimately the other half kind of gave out
Starting point is 01:52:30 and they put me on a lidoe scentery. But because of that, I entered into some very unhealthy relationships with diet and exercise. So the past 15 years of my life, I've been popping from program to program, trying different crash diets, things like that. How did it came to a crash this summer, where I was, you know, doing a pretty intense training regimen, also running and hitting the peloton sometimes on the same day, all while eating somewhere between 1800 and 2200 calories. And when I found you guys, I recognized some of the damages I was doing in my body. So this summer, really at the end of the summer, I started consuming a lot of the content
Starting point is 01:53:09 you guys are putting out. And cut all my training, got anabolic, just doing two days a week on that, started reverse diet. So I've ramped up slowly to where I'm about 2700 calories now. Put on about 15 pounds over that time, but again, I'm trying not to focus on the numbers, trying not to look at scale. And ultimately, that leads me to my question of, you guys have any tips or tricks to deal with the psychological aspects of a reverse diet. And how do I know when to stop?
Starting point is 01:53:41 Right? Because I mean, there's really just messing with my brain. So that's all. I mean, it's a great question. And I think super common when somebody is going through a reverse die, especially for the first time, when I try to client like you, especially when you've actually gained, like you got pretty good momentum right now.
Starting point is 01:53:57 It sounds like you've increased your calories quite a bit. You've been able to reduce a ton of activity and movement. So just think about, first of all, just think about that for a minute. Like you've radically reduced the amount of calorie burn you've been doing while also increasing calories and then I'm assuming if you're lifting weights too, you know, if some of that 15 pounds, probably a good amount of that's definitely some muscle.
Starting point is 01:54:20 Do you feel a lot stronger? I am getting stronger. I definitely feel different than when I did this summer. I'm actually getting ready to finish in a ball. Instead of just doing it again to kind of compare some of those numbers. Not a bad idea. And you're doing the two day week version?
Starting point is 01:54:36 I did, yeah. What other activity are you doing? Just daily dog walk. That's it. I cut all cardio other than just like like walking the morning, walking the evening. Oh, he could do three days a week. Yeah, I do a three day a week version of maps.
Starting point is 01:54:50 Oh, three day a week. And then where I was heading with that conversation was, first of all, that's how I would start it is making you realize how far you've already come. Like you're doing a really good job right now. And then I would say to a client like you say, hey, listen, if I can show you how good you're doing already really good job right now. And then I would say to a client like you say, hey listen, I can show you how good you're doing already, just by simply cutting your calories for two weeks
Starting point is 01:55:09 to watch what will happen. I mean, you can do that where you'll interrupt a reverse diet or interrupt a bulk with a short period of cutting just so you can get that psychological relief of like, oh wow, okay, I see what's going on here. I could, if you're at 2700, I could take you down to 2022 for two weeks and you'll watch yourself lean out. You will.
Starting point is 01:55:31 And just to show and prove to my client, we're doing the right thing. Can you see? Like, look at boom, we'll just cut the calories, watch how the body responds just in two weeks, not changing anything else but the diet part. And then I would put you right back to the reverse again and say, come on, let's keep going.
Starting point is 01:55:46 Let's keep going down this path. Let's get this sucker up to 3,400, 3,500 calories. And just imagine what it's gonna look like when we cut down to 2,500 calories. And so, a lot of times that will really help my clients psychologically, or just meet constantly reminding them like, man, you are, like, think about that.
Starting point is 01:56:02 You were doing Peloton, you were running, you were doing all this movement, you are. Like, think about that. You were doing Peloton. You were running. You were doing all this movement. You were eating less calories. Now you're eating more calories, moving less and building muscle, building strength. And you've only gone up on the scale 15 pounds. Like, we're doing the right thing. I would add a third day.
Starting point is 01:56:17 So I'll follow the maps. So maps at a ball gives you that, you know, A, B workout. So you just, now you go A, B. So it'd be Monday, Wednesday, Friday, instead of like whatever you're doing now. So add just now you go AB so be Monday Wednesday Friday instead of like whatever you're doing now. So add that extra day. Go ahead and cut your calories for go ahead and do it for three weeks four weeks. That's fine. Nothing wrong with
Starting point is 01:56:32 that. Just see how you feel and then go back on the reverse diet. All right so just don't get caught because what happens sometimes is you start leading out. You get real excited. You want to keep going that direction and two to three weeks turns into six to eight weeks, and then before you know it, then you hit a hard plateau, frustrated again. Here's the key to overcoming the psychological aspect of what you're going through. The key is always gonna be to change the patterns of thinking.
Starting point is 01:57:01 So anytime you find yourself going in that direction, catch yourself and think of something else and then don't weigh yourself literally don't weigh yourself don't pay attention to that and place your focus on the strength that you feel in the gym. It's a much better place to put your focus especially when you're on a reverse diet because you're going to get stronger and that's going to encourage you that you're moving in the right direction. Every time you weigh yourself, it's gonna be that reminder of,
Starting point is 01:57:29 oh, am I doing the right thing, what's going on, or whatever. But if you just focus on your strength, that's gonna be great, because if you're doing it right, you'll be getting stronger. But there'd be nothing wrong with a cut for three or four weeks. Just don't get Adam hit the name on the head. Is you might see some weight loss and be like oh here we go
Starting point is 01:57:46 Let's add some cardio. Let's add some let's come more calories So and you don't want to end up at 15 her calories your size You know trying to get leaner because then you know where that ends up. It's it's not a really sustainable good sustainable place Yeah, no, I mean it's I really appreciate the insight and kind of help them talk through that because again, I Like you said Adam, it's you get that taste of it, right? Oh, man, I'm starting to lean out I can I can make it by summer. So yeah, I hear you're going with it. I appreciate it. You're hitting your protein targets, right? Yeah, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, really focused on sleep, you know, I'm averaging between seven and eight and a half hours a night So just really trying to put some recovery.
Starting point is 01:58:25 Excellent. It's not like you're doing really good for all of this. And you're T3, T4, everything's balanced with your, how long have you been thyroid on synthroid? About 13 years. Oh, you're good. So the newest thing was they put me on Calcetriol for the hypoparathyroidism as well. So those two parathyroidists got removed as well. So the active vitamin D3 is a little new to me. That's about being one of about
Starting point is 01:58:54 a year. So still putting around some of that stuff. How do you do with carbohydrates? I feel like I do pretty well. Okay. Okay, good. Yeah. What about gluten? I feel like I do pretty well. Okay. Okay, good. What about gluten? Never noticed any problems. Actually, one of the, I got Dr. Charles Bowles test set now on the counter.
Starting point is 01:59:11 It got here yesterday. So I'm gonna do a food sensitivity test and see how that turns up. Okay, often times, not always, but often times people with anything related to the thyroid gluten tends to be an issue. No, I'll call. No, I'll call. Yeah, I'll call you alone, but gluten is because,
Starting point is 01:59:29 and there's some data that supports this, but this is a lot of this is just anecdote. And in my experience, the functional medicine practitioners I work with, that people with thyroid type issues, either develop antibodies or, like people think like, look at people with the Hashimoto stuff like that. You know, thyroid related issues, gluten tends to be an issue with them more than the average person, but you'll see from this test that you're doing with them.
Starting point is 01:59:54 You could also just experiment by cutting gluten out, needing carbs from other sources and see how you feel after a few weeks, but that'd be the only thing I'd say, the other thing I'd say look at. Okay, no, I appreciate it. Yeah, mostly potatoes in the right sky for carbs. So, awesome. After you do MAP Santa Ballack, I'd like to put you on a different program. Do you have access to a gym or is this a home gym? A little bit of both. So I travel for it, but I always can find a gym on the road.
Starting point is 02:00:23 But I have a pretty good home setup as well. Okay. I actually just purchased performance And thought about going to it, but again, as I'm kind of winding down a ball like that's when it kind of hit me like maybe I should try this again. Yeah There's nothing wrong with anabolic performance is amazing. It's one of the best programs someone can do I'm gonna send you maps power lift because At some point if you start to get frustrated like you start to get like, oh God, I'm worried about getting weight losing weight.
Starting point is 02:00:50 Powerlift is a strength program. It's all a focus on you. That's all you're going to focus on. It's a really good program for people who struggle with the reverse diet situation because I mean, Powerlift's about getting strong. So it's a really good place to place your focus. I'll send you that so you have it, okay? I love hearing you toggle between those three by the way too like anabolic interrupt with performance Nax and then do power lift and kind of do a rotation like that. That's a may I'll be great. Yeah, that's those are a great combo of of
Starting point is 02:01:19 programs to have That sounds awesome. No, I really appreciate. Thank you. You got it, man. All right, Justin. Thanks for calling in. Thank you all. Appreciate the appreciate the insight. Thank you. You got a brother. You know, for people listening right now, the psychological aspect is always the challenge. Yeah. Nothing else is a challenge. It's always the mental games, always, always, always. It's so tough, it's so challenging to deal with it. And the best approach that I've seen, that work that I'll do for myself, I've seen with clients, is the place, because I could easily, you know, it's easy to say, just don't think about that. Like, okay, what do I think about it? I go, it's like, place your focus on something else.
Starting point is 02:02:04 I go, it's like place your focus on something else. And if you're, if your fear is gaining body fat, well, put your focus on getting strong. That'll help you, that'll help encourage you to eat enough nutrients because getting, you can't eat too little and get strong. It just doesn't work. Well, crazy part about this. I think this is the second person today
Starting point is 02:02:19 that we talked to that actually is doing really well. Yeah, doing good. I mean, put it in perspective, like, okay, if you put 15 pounds on the scale and you've been training and you eat relatively good, but you, we can probably guess for sure there's been some body fat, there's been some muscle and there's definitely some water.
Starting point is 02:02:37 So 15 pounds while dramatically reducing the amount of cardio activity, only strength training two days a week, increasing your calories by a significant amount. That's a fucking huge win. I mean, that's a huge win. Yeah, he's a big guy. So 15 pounds, if you did, if the five of that was lean body mass, it could easily be another
Starting point is 02:02:59 five body fat and five water. So that's not bad at all when you're reversed diet hiding from a position where he came from where he had dealt with waiting overweight. And the reason why I bring that point up is if this was a client of mine, many times I'd be encouraging just work to keep going. Yeah, keep going. We're going right and get out through this list. Keep going on this on this path. We're heading the writer. But I also recognize because I've had this so many times where someone that's really struggling
Starting point is 02:03:24 with the psychological part. And so I'll interrupt it sometimes just to show them. Okay, let me show you what we've accomplished already. Bam, I take them down to a low calorie for a couple of weeks, and they go, oh my God, they say, okay, but that'll end if we just stay here. So let's get back on our plan and just trust this process. And a lot of times that gains their confidence
Starting point is 02:03:42 in, okay, he knows what we're doing, we got this. 100%. Look, if you're a trainer or a coach, you love the show, process and a lot of times that gains their confidence in, okay, he knows what we're doing. We got this. 100%. Look, if you're a trainer or a coach, you love the show, you want to learn how to become more successful. You want to get your clients better results, more sustainable results, and you want to make more money, and you want to work less.
Starting point is 02:03:58 You can do all those things. We've trained trainers and coaches for years. Go to mypumptrainer.com, sign up. There's a three-day course I'll be doing for free for trainers and coaches. Also, if you want to find all of us on Instagram You can find Justin at my pump Justin. You can find me at my pump to Stefano and Adam at my pump Adam Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body dramatically improve your health and energy and Maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at MindPumpMedia.com.
Starting point is 02:04:31 The RGB Superbundle includes MAPSANabolic, MAPS Performance, and MAPSYSTEDIC. Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels, and performs. With detailed workout blueprints in over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle is like having Sal Adam and Justin as your own personal trainers, but at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money bagback guarantee and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at MindPumpMedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing MindPump to your friends and family.
Starting point is 02:05:18 We thank you for your support and until next time, this is MindPump. And until next time, this is Mindbomb.

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