Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 2273: Building Muscle Working Out Only Two Days Per Week, The Value of Unilateral Training, Tips for Overcoming Rotator Cuff Pain & More

Episode Date: February 16, 2024

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer four Pump Head questions drawn from last Sunday’s Quah post on the @mindpumpmedia Instagram  Mind Pump Fit Tip: Want to get your gains m...oving forward? Change the tempo of your reps! (1:51) Is there an adaptation process that happens with your diet? (14:17) Justin’s love of peanut butter. (20:34) Mind Pump’s viral peanut butter moment. (23:34) Daily mobility hacks. (24:30) Busy saving lives. (27:43) New sponsor alert! A Mind Pump favorite, Brain.fm! (30:40) Come see Mind Pump at Pros Gym in Columbus, OH! (35:21) Human psychology and the endless potential of technology. (38:27) Joovv x San Francisco 49ers. (49:51) Shout out to the Mind Pump x Pre-Script L1 Live Event! (53:00) #Quah question #1 - Other than serious athletes, shouldn’t 95% of training be unilateral, so we can fix muscle imbalances and then avoid them in the future? (55:13) #Quah question #2 - Are two days of full body training enough to still see results if you feel burnt out? (58:33) #Quah question #3 - What do you recommend for rotator cuff pain? Mobility? Rest? Strengthening other areas to support? (1:00:34) #Quah question #4 - How do exercise and strength training improve brain function? I have a client recovering from meningitis and gets exhausted from focusing on movements and balance. I know it’s good for brain health, but I am not sure about the science behind it. (1:04:12) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Brain.fm for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners. ** Get 30 days of free access to science-backed music. ** Visit Joovv for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP to get $50 off your first purchase. ** February Promotion: MAPS Performance | Extreme Fitness Bundle 50% off! ** Code FEB50 at checkout ** Why Your Tempo Matters When You Workout! – Mind Pump TV Mind Pump #2042: The Essential Habits You Need To Move Freely & Live Fully With Kelly & Juliet Starrett Mind Pump #745: How To Improve Focus, Sleep & Meditation With Brain.Fm CEO Dan Clark Pros Gym Arnold Sports Festival Mind Pump Fitness Coaching Course Gran Turismo (2023) - IMDb MP x Pre-Script: Join us March 15-17 for an unprecedented collaborative education event hosted by Mind Pump Media and Pre-Script® Visit Sleep Breakthrough by biOptimizers for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP10 at checkout** Strength training can help protect the brain from degeneration Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources Featured Guest/People Mentioned Dexter “The Blade” Jackson (@mrolympia08) Instagram Dominic D'Agostino (@dominic.dagostino.kt) Instagram Paul Saladino (@paulsaladinomd) Instagram Kelly Starrett (@thereadystate) Instagram Juliet Starrett (@julietstarrett) Instagram Jordan Shallow D.C (@the_muscle_doc) Instagram

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Might pump with your hosts, Sal DeStefano, Adam Schaefer and Justin Andrews. You just found the most downloaded fitness, health and entertainment podcast. This is Mind Pump, right? In today's episode, we answered listeners questions, but this was after an intro portion.
Starting point is 00:00:23 Today it was 52 minutes long. That's where we talk about current events and studies and fitness and a lot of fun stuff. If you want to skip around to your favorite parts of the episode, check the show notes for timestamps. That way you can kind of find out what you want to listen to. Also, if you want to post up a question that we can pick from, go to Instagram at mine pump media. Now this episode was brought to you by some sponsors. The first one is brain FM. Now this stuff is crazy, right?
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Starting point is 00:01:38 and the extreme fitness bundle of programs is also half off. If you're interested, go to mapsfitnessproducts.com and use the code FEB50 for the discount. All right, here comes the show. One of the simplest, easiest ways to get your gains moving forward again is to simply do this. Change the tempo of your reps.
Starting point is 00:02:01 Now check this out. Fast tempo reps build muscle. Slow tempo reps build muscles. Those in the middle also build muscle, but they all work best when they're new. In other words, change the current tempo you've been using to a new tempo and watch things move forward. It's really easy. You don't have to change anything else. Just change the tempo. This actually used to be one of my favorite. It's been a while since we've talked about this music all the time.
Starting point is 00:02:24 He used to, what'd you say? I see you do some music. Yeah. That makes sense. I was watching Seinfeld last time. It was that one of that, that famous episode where Elaine dances. Yeah. Oh, weird.
Starting point is 00:02:37 The kick. Yeah. Yes. Yes. Dude, the kick in the face. It totally sells it. No. So this used to be one of my favorite things to do with somebody who's been
Starting point is 00:02:45 lifting for a long time and, you know, they've under somewhat understand programming and they've, and they, they've been consistent. They eat well, all these things. And they just haven't manipulated this variable yet. And one of my favorite go-tos is because most of these people are trying to build more muscle, uh, hypertrophy, right? Uh, is very few people ever follow a true four, two, two protocol. And I challenge anybody who's listening to this.
Starting point is 00:03:10 If you're a four second negative, two second at the bottom and then two second back up, which is what they would, what they have deemed the protocol for hypertrophy, right? Like that's the hypertrophy protocol tempo. And if you walk in the gym, nobody does that, and you actually do like count that, you'll see like nobody actually truly does that. Everybody does like adds an element of difficulty that people don't expect. Yeah. Everybody's two second down, two seconds up, zero pause.
Starting point is 00:03:37 Exactly. And, and here's the thing. You have to be aware. And, you know, it's a lot of this is because the gym still is predominantly young men and young men have egos when they lift and nobody wants to lift, you know, it's, and a lot of this is because the gym still is predominantly young men and young men have egos when they lift and nobody wants to lift, you know, 30% less weight because they're weaker. They want, they'd rather put more weight on, do a faster tempo and look stronger to everybody else. But if you're in the business of building muscle and you don't give a shit about if you're the strongest guy in the gym and not, but you care about, you know, body composition, changing your physique, changing your tempo to a 422 is one of the best things that you could possibly do. And you'll see most people don't do that.
Starting point is 00:04:12 And even though you get a reduced weight a little bit, watch the strength gains. Well, here's a deal. You'll gain muscle and gain strength and it changes the rep range for you. So take a weight that you could do 10 reps with and let's say your normal tempo is like everybody else, a two, zero, two, right? Two reps down, no pause at the bottom, two seconds up and then you do it again, right? That's everybody, everybody does that. Don't change anything, just go four seconds down,
Starting point is 00:04:37 pause at the bottom for two seconds, come back up as fast as you normally do. Here's what'll automatically happen. You'll cut your reps down by like 30, 40%. Yeah. So now you've changed two variables by simply changing one. By the way, all these speeds,
Starting point is 00:04:52 now there's things to consider with the different speeds, right? Like you have to maybe go lighter, if you go slower, if you go fast, you gotta have really good technique because risk of injury is a bit higher, that kind of stuff. But all that being considered,
Starting point is 00:05:04 it's the simplest, easiest thing to change that changes your programming. It's very simple. You can manipulate any one of those three factors in that timing. And I would argue even that a lot of women I train like to get them to move weight fast is completely game changer. Totally.
Starting point is 00:05:23 Because, so that's the thing is just kind of like picking up on your habits of like what you're normally doing and what you, you tend to, to fall in line with doing because it's comfortable and that's what you're used to like shake it up, like try that, that tempo switch and it's going to. I'm glad you made that point just because that's true because obviously if we were, you know, maybe there is somebody who's out there who actually does follow a four or two, two, right? Like that, but it's rare, very, very rare. Or maybe they even follow a slower tempo, right?
Starting point is 00:05:49 They're just very, very timid. So they go really light and they go really slow and controlled teaching that person to do something explosive is going to give them the greatest change, right? Because it's the most unique or novel. That's the key here is to do something that's different from what you're currently doing. Here's a game that I like to play. I like to go to the gym and this I think is more valuable for people who are more advanced. In other words, you're pretty experienced with your workouts. Here's a fun game.
Starting point is 00:06:15 Put weight on the bar that you know is relatively light for you. Think go have a sandwich. Watch what happens. Yeah, yeah. You just see you messes with it. It's fun. No, no, no, put a weight on the bar that you know is relatively light and then say to yourself, I'm going to make myself get pretty close to failure with like eight reps or
Starting point is 00:06:34 something like that. So in other words, I'll put a weight on the bar that I know I could do like 20 reps with. And then my goal is to see if I can make it feel like I'm failing at 10. And the way I do that is with my form and my technique and my speed. I'll slow down, I'll squeeze, I'll pause rather than adding weight to the bar. I'll make the weight feel heavier. Uh, and that has produced better results for me than just adding weight to the bar all the time.
Starting point is 00:06:58 Now adding weight to the bar is something that you want to do, especially in the first couple of years of your training, but after a while, adding weight to the bar isn't the best, necessarily the best way to progress. Then it becomes like, can I make this weight feel heavier? And that has to do with temp out more than anything. Yeah, that's better in my game. I usually take the weight normally for my friend, I'll stack the same weight like in numbers, but it'll be in kilograms.
Starting point is 00:07:24 We see, we see what happens. I actually, I actually, even with clients that, um, like we're just starting out, new begins are coming on. Um, I like to go this tempo route first, uh, because people tend to get sloppier with their form as the, as you increase weight, and then it turns into a just get the weight up off, off your chest or just squatted out the hole and mechanics start to get pushed back. And I just think that really stressing mechanics for the first few years of your training is so important because if you lay that solid foundation of what
Starting point is 00:07:55 really good solid mechanics look like, I think you're better off. And you're, and you're, you're, you're hoping to make sure that you don't run into a lot of these nagging pains or, you know, poor muscle recruitment patterns because you got so caught up in the chasing weight thing and adding weight to the bar that your form has suffered. So I'd almost always rather when I have a client and we choose a weight that they're moving, they're moving at and we're doing, say we're doing 10, 12 reps and they're getting stronger, I could tell it's like, okay, I could go out of weight to the bar or I could
Starting point is 00:08:25 slow the tempo down. Many times that would go that route. I see that with all that. Yeah. Cause then you can cue them more effectively too. And you can be like, you know, you want to grip the bar and, and focus on bending an hour, whatever like the cues you can kind of like work through as they're slowly bringing the bar down and pressing it up.
Starting point is 00:08:41 You have a lot more opportunity there to make those micro adjustments. I also love this, this tip within a set too when you choose a weight that is easier than you thought it was going to be. Exactly. So you start to make it feel harder. Yes. And so like I'd have clients sometimes where I'd put it on and it's okay, we're doing 15 reps. And we would, I could tell by the time they get to 12 and 13, like, oh, shit, I underestimated it. I could have went, I could have put 10, 15 more pounds. So then what I would teach them is like, Hey, instead of like stopping the set and then adding weight, just slow way down,
Starting point is 00:09:14 take those last two or three reps and really slow the tempo down to make 15 reps really challenging. That is a really good solid technique that I don't see a lot of people use. They, they, or they're, they've been told or they follow a program and it says, Oh, it's 15 reps. And so they, they choose a weight they think is, is, is right. And they either underestimate or overestimate what that is. And then it's like, listen, you could, you can go on the lighter side. And when you realize that you're going to get to the rep range, whether that be 12, 15, whatever the desire rep range is in the program, and you realize
Starting point is 00:09:48 it's, it's too easier. It was too light. Then, then just slow it way down and make those last three reps really challenge. I just had it. If it's so funny, I totally forgot about this. I just had a guy. So I work out in the morning. Uh, and if I go to a gym, there's one gym that I typically go to.
Starting point is 00:10:02 And in the morning crowd, typically it's pretty consistent. So if you've worked in a gym for there's one gym that I typically go to. And in the morning crowd typically is pretty consistent. So if you've worked in a gym for any period of time, you'll notice that the six amp crowd is always the same people. So this is this guy that I see. And if I go four or five days in the week, I'll run into him at least two or three days. So he's there pretty consistently and we'll say hi to each other, whatever. Anyway, he came up to me the other day.
Starting point is 00:10:20 So I've now seen him, you know, if I go consistently to this place, cause sometimes I'll work out here at home, but I've probably seen this guy now over the last two or three years, right? So now we say hi to each other. It's all cool. So he came up to me and he goes, I got to ask you a weird question. So yeah, what's going on? He goes, I've noticed that you'll do the same exercises with half the weight sometimes and sometimes with twice the weight, but it always looks hard. He goes, what's the difference between when you're so much stronger and so much weaker? I said, it's not that I'm so much stronger and so much weaker.
Starting point is 00:10:51 Sometimes I choose to make the weight feel heavy. Sometimes I choose to make the weight feel light. And he goes, how do you do that? So with my form, technique and concentration, sometimes the idea is to move the weight. And so I'm focusing on the movement itself and really getting everything to fire and just move the weight. Sometimes I'm like, I'm gonna go half the weight. I'm gonna try and feel the muscles.
Starting point is 00:11:11 I'm gonna fire every muscle fiber possible with this lift. And he goes, wow. He goes, you can do this. Because it looks hard every time. He goes, I thought it was like, had to do with your diet or what I said. No, it's just how I'm approaching the workout. And sometimes I want to go heavy and sometimes I don't, but I'm always
Starting point is 00:11:26 training with an appropriate intensity and it really has to do with how you concentrate. This is definitely a, a bodybuilding, uh, attribute or skill that a lot of time, like bodybuilders are really good at this. Really good. Bodybuilders are really good at taking eight pound dumbbell and just burn out their rear delts by now by doing a million reps. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:45 Yeah. It just by just really concentrating and slowing it down and po, pa, pa, pausing more in the flex position and the stretch position. And so there's definitely a skill and tremendous value to that being able to target an area and to be able to make a light weight feel super, super heavy. Yeah. Well, I mean, think about the longevity with your routine when you can, we can, when you can do that, if the only way you can get a good workout.
Starting point is 00:12:11 That's why I said this is such a good tool for people who've been working out for a while, because after a while, like putting 300 pounds on the bar, like, you know, it's like, okay, I want to get a good workout, but I don't want to play with 300 pounds right now. I want to be able to do this with 150 pounds. It could take a toll on your joints after all. It could take a toll on your joints. And if my form and technique is off a little bit, but I don't want to play with 300 pounds right now. I want to be able to do this with 150 pounds. It could take a toll on your joints. It could take a toll on your joints. And if my form and technique is off a little bit, you know, whatever,
Starting point is 00:12:29 and it'll send, it'll stress my CNS differently. So yeah, it's, it's, it's definitely a skill, but when, if you, I bet you, and I'm sure this test, these studies exist, if they did a study on a bodybuilder, I bet that bodybuilder will be able to fire as many muscle fibers with a lighter weight as they could with a heavier weight. Now, beginners can't necessarily do this because they don't know how to necessarily make this happen. Yeah. You know?
Starting point is 00:12:52 But if you can build, if you, I mean, the muscle doesn't understand the pounds that are on the bar, it understands perceived intensity. And so if you can take a 150 pound squat and, and full the body and the muscles into thinking it's three or 400 pounds. The adaptation problem, you're going to get, you're going to build muscle from that the same way that someone's doing the 300 pounds. By the way, if you, not, not that they're always the best examples, because I think the highest level athletes are terrible examples for the average person. But here's an example where I think this kind of makes sense.
Starting point is 00:13:19 If you look at like the top bodybuilders, that the ones with longevity, the Dexter Jackson's that have been training and now they're in their fifties. They competed in their late forties at the highest level and you compare them to other bodybuilders, uh, who also did very well, but trained very differently. You'll notice there's a difference in longevity, like Dexter Jackson still lifting weights, still looks good, still everything good. You know, Jay Cutler was very smart with his training. You got monsters like Ronnie Coleman and Dorian Yates who trained with the up
Starting point is 00:13:46 most intensity, not taking anything away from them. They obviously accomplished tremendous things, but the injury and the stuff that they did, that they did to their body versus these bodybuilders with longevity. It's a surgeon or brain, another example. Like here was a bodybuilder who in his sixties, Frank Zane, like in his seventies, they still look amazing. You watch them work out. They have the ability to take a lightweight and make it feel heavier than muscles
Starting point is 00:14:07 And now they have longevity in their training because throwing around super heavy weights at some point, you know Becomes like okay risk versus reward, you know ratio and is this you know making some speaking of which I got to make a comment on On this and this happens every single time I go on a ketogenic diet Now I'm not doing this for any fat loss or muscle gain reasons or whatever. I do this purely for two reasons. One, I think for me it's a good idea to cycle in and out of ketosis once or twice a year.
Starting point is 00:14:36 Metabolic flexibility, I think is a good idea. I also notice cognitive benefits when I do this, which is the main reason why I did it. I just feel sharper. But I do notice that I do this, which is the main reason why I did it. I just feel sharper. But I do notice that I do not really get sore or I don't seem to, like the damage that it caused in my body when I lift weights on keto is so much less. Like as soon as I start bumping up my carbs. Is that just the inflammation factor? Either the inflammation or the strength gains from the carbs and the weight
Starting point is 00:15:02 that I'm using is heavier. But I feel like I could do way more volume, way more frequency, not feeling any soreness versus when I eat carbohydrates, where I'll get like this deep soreness sometimes, which is really interesting. And I don't know if you guys, I think it, I don't know. It could be the reduction in inflammation that the ketogenic diet tends to produce, or it could be that I'm stronger when I eat carbs, so I'm lifting heavier and that's causing more damage.
Starting point is 00:15:29 I don't know. What's his name? Dom DiAgostino? Yeah. Yeah. So I just remember him deadlifting, like a substantial amount, and he's just been keto for a long time. But yeah, same thing, like low inflammation, but still had those like crazy
Starting point is 00:15:46 strength gains. Yeah, I don't know. It's weird. I just don't get sore and I just feel like I could train more volume, more frequency. I definitely noticed some performance drops. I think, I know with carbs, I'm stronger, but I don't, it's definitely a tough one to keep. It's weird. I don't get sore. What are your thoughts too on just, okay, like the body has this crazy ability to adapt to like everything, you know, our skin, our brain, our metabolism. Like there has to be some sort of an adaptation process that happens with diet also. Of course.
Starting point is 00:16:15 And there's got to be something as far as a novel stimulus that happens to metabolically or digestively that happens by, I've always believed that. I've always believed that there's gotta be some tremendous, there's gotta be some value to switching up the way you eat occasionally, just simply from that. Just that like... Evolutionarily speaking, it makes perfect sense,
Starting point is 00:16:35 because you ate according to the season. Like you're not gonna eat the same foods that you will in the winter, that you will in the summer or the spring. Things pop up. It's an artificial thing. We've hacked, that you will in the summer or the spring, things pop up. It's an artificial thing. We've hacked in order to provide abundance when we, so we don't starve. But yeah, I mean, we always followed the seasons.
Starting point is 00:16:57 We followed what was out there, what kind of plants were out there, what kind of animals were available. I could go to the grocery store and I could get any fruit or vegetable I want at any time of the year. Any time of the year. Like there's never a season, you know what I mean? I could get strawberries 24 hours, you know, 365 days a year, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:15 We didn't evolve that way. So I think it does make sense out of it. I do notice most of the benefits of going keto, most of the benefits of adding carbs back in in that first three month period, two month period. Right. In that process. And then I start to kind of play.
Starting point is 00:17:29 I feel that way kind of about almost every diet that I've done before. Anytime I, I change something up. I mean, and we've, we used to talk about this a lot, right? At the beginning, when we first started the show, we used to talk, we all were playing with different diets and I remember used to do a vegan day every, every week, I believe you were doing it for a week. We used to fast once a month. We all ran keto. And so, you know, something that I, that I've noticed is that whenever I tend
Starting point is 00:17:51 to have any sort of like structured regiment, and maybe there's something to be said about that too, like you're making a change. So you're getting more structured again. Like you probably intuitively eat most time when you make a decision that you're going to, Oh, I'm gonna do this I'm gonna go keto or I'm gonna go vegan like now So you bring structure back into the diet and there's probably some value around that also right? So I can tell you the two things that are the big difference besides the carbs being gone, right?
Starting point is 00:18:16 So carbs are gone. I the way I bump my calories up probably also I would say does definitely increase my protein as well calories up probably also, I would say does definitely increase my protein as well. So when I tend to eat keto, I also tend to bump my protein because I'm trying to make up the calories that I'm losing from not eating the carbohydrates. And so it's coming from things like fish, meat, and eggs. There's got to be some other benefit too because I know it's, you know, low inflammation of the brain, but like running on ketones versus like glucose. Yeah. There's, and it just seems like the brain operates better when you interrupt that,
Starting point is 00:18:49 that sort of energy that you're introducing. It does. And then of course I've worked with clients, so they were going keto for so long, they started to get negative effects. We threw carbs in and it was like a miracle. Yeah. Even the zealots, even the extreme people like Paul Saladino Yeah, have you noticed the evolution of his diet?
Starting point is 00:19:11 Yeah, then some fruit and then some honey on top of it and he feels you know better on it It's it's true. There's you can also look you could they talk about insulin sensitivity going ketogenic You know if you stay no carb for too long You actually start to become insensitive. You start to develop insulin issues as a result and you have to throw some carbs in as well. Oh, that's funny. The thing that I noticed about going, I mean, I went keto way back when we used to talk about it a lot.
Starting point is 00:19:35 I've never been the carb guy. I was after that. So for the first time in my life, it did completely did. And, and the thing, the big takeaway I got from it, that my favorite part of Keto is the, the cravings. So somebody who is a major sweet craving and, and, and loves carbohydrates and has always been challenged with hitting protein intake by switching to a higher protein, allowing more fat in the diet, uh, and a lower carbohydrate type of diet.
Starting point is 00:20:08 It's actually made the discipline around not reaching for carbs, snacks or sweets way easier for me. Way, way. It's weird. I had the same experience with the carnivore diet. It was very much like, like at night, especially, it was when I would get those cravings to go grab something that was like either like peanut butter, you know, chocolate, like something, you know, something sweet, you know, I'm like looking around. And yeah, I just don't have that. I don't have that as much anymore.
Starting point is 00:20:35 Do you do, do you get peanut butter, actual peanut butter and put it on chocolate or do you do Reese's? Yeah, bro, actual peanut butter on chocolate. On chocolate? Is it Hershey's? Is plain old Hershey's yeah, probably well no It's like I mean, it's a very you've ever heard of like Tony's like it's Tony's chocolate. Oh, honey Yeah, dude, so that's the one so my wife is it not gonna get me back on the chocolate train That sounds really bad That's the only girly thing about you. I know My
Starting point is 00:21:01 I know. I know. You like chocolate so much. I'm out of time days coming up, so. I picture him eating it to you like this, like the tub between his legs and his fucking scoops of the peanut butter. He bites the chocolate. Does he? No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:21:13 You know what? You're probably right. Do you put the chocolate on it? I'm watching my Discovery Channel show. How do you put the peanut butter on the chocolate or do you bite the chocolate, eat the peanut butter? Bite the chocolate. I told you.
Starting point is 00:21:24 I told you. I told you. I told you. And it puts a smooth. Why would I smear it? Katerina is a dipper. She's like she's not a child. She's apple apples and peanut butter is like her. So good. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:34 That is like her favorite snacks ever. But you know what's really good for people that have that that have that craving or struggle with that. I actually think the little individual packets was one of the smallest things. Of what? They have those little dip packets. Oh, like I think Jeff makes them. Yeah. Oh, really? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:50 They, and they come in the, and they're already measured out. So you know how many calories you're getting and they're perfect for dipping. And then it's like, cause one of the things that's dangerous is dipping. Anytime I need to lose weight, I'm just no pain bar. No, like that's 100%. Yeah. That alcohol course. How many calories of it?
Starting point is 00:22:03 Well, hold on. Are you, are you a scene when I put in my protein shakes? Yeah. Oh, really? It's how many calories of it? Oh, hold on. Are you a ton? Are you a scene when I put in my protein shakes? Yeah. Oh really? What is it? It's gobs, you know, it's like Yeah, that's like 400 So love more not do you go? Do you do processed peanut butter like jiff and skippy or do you do like the legit? I do the legit But but I love the the process. Can I just tell you, bro? I didn't realize there was that big of a difference
Starting point is 00:22:27 till I got married. My wife is like, she's like, no, we are not getting that crappy peanut butter. So we get the like where it separates, you have to fucking mix it. Yeah, oils and stuff. That's not gonna be the answer. Then the other day I was at the grocery store
Starting point is 00:22:38 and I bought the old process shit. It's very processed. It's so processed. But it's like candy peanut butter. It is like candy. That's why. It It's so processed. It's like candy. Yeah, it is like candy. Yeah, that's why it's not the same It's not the same. Yeah, I don't feed that to how do they make it like that. It's like it's It's delicious. They've mastered it. It's very there's some stores where you can like put the actual peanuts in and then you can yeah Yeah, you actually get it. You can do that. I do that in Op Hill. Yeah I know there's some grocery stores I've been to where you can actually like it. Not a pill, you can do that. They do that in a not pill. Yeah, I know there's some grocery stores I've been to
Starting point is 00:23:05 where you can actually make the peanut butter right there. Oh, yes, the move. I mean, I had to cut that habit out. That was when I was bodybuilding, that was a go-to, like peanut butter was the treat. Oh yeah, yeah. But the processed peanut butter, I just did it the other day and I'm like, oh my God.
Starting point is 00:23:20 I haven't had it in so long. This is like candy peanut butter, it's not actual peanut butter, it's a candy peanut butter. It tastes so different. Yeah. It tastes different. It looks different. It mixes, spreads different.
Starting point is 00:23:28 It's all the above. Oh, you I could eat it like, like a whole bunch of it. Just spoons of it. Yeah. Oh, man. You know, the peanut butter. I cannot believe the virality of that. Oh, of the PDJ.
Starting point is 00:23:39 And I tell you what, I mean, when I was first giving you guys a hard time, I just thought like, oh man. I bet you know what's funny about you, Adam? I bet you there's I mean, when I was first giving you guys a hard time, I just thought like, oh man. It's silly dude. I bet you know what's funny about you Adam? I bet you there's like 15 things like that. You know what I mean? Like regular stuff that we all do. Yeah. That you have figured out.
Starting point is 00:23:52 He does it in a totally quirky way. Like I've seen where you're going. Are you guys watching the people though? You know what's really interesting to see? Is that there's some people that are just like, oh, that's ridiculous. And then there's other people that are like, open mind. They're like, you know what? I've never done that this way.
Starting point is 00:24:04 And then they're doing it. And they're like, I'm forever changed. Well, there's always like a method to your madness in any of these things. And so it's like, okay, well, I can see why you think that way. Just I don't think like that. I think it's weird that anybody would be married to it. Who cares how you put your peanut butter jelly on?
Starting point is 00:24:18 If somebody says something makes sense. Why would someone get married? Oh, I know. I mean, that's just, you probably don't like me. It's right. You know how our audience is. Like we have a, like you're a, you that's just you probably don't like me. That's right. You know how the audience is like we have a we have a like you're a if you're a you know, a salphand don't like me. You know, I'm saying so. All right, let me ask this.
Starting point is 00:24:31 What sock do you put on first left or right? Left. Okay. Left. Most people are left. Is that true? Yeah. Does that not have anything to do with right or left? I have no idea. Now, I know you're ambidextrous, right? Yeah. Yeah. So I do buy handed. Well, I try. He's a byhandy. Yeah, I usually try to like put my socks on standing up.
Starting point is 00:24:51 So I do the whole like balance thing. Oh, yeah. Like the starettes actually brought that up in there. I actually, I'm glad you brought that up because this has been on my mind a couple of times. And I catch myself doing more of this stuff as I've gotten older. And we talked about this one episode a long time ago with Bing Greenfield. And I do think that I catch myself doing more of this stuff as I've gotten older. And we talked about this one episode, all the time you go with being green filled. And I do think that there's something here, like, I don't know whether we,
Starting point is 00:25:10 like how we teach it or like, whatever, daily things. Yes. Like there's always something in your day where you could choose the easier path or you could just make it a little challenging for yourself. And it's, and it's just good to do that. And the things that I'd like walking upstairs, I'll do weird stuff, like calf raise with like a little challenging for yourself and it's, and it's just good to do that. And the things that I'd like walking upstairs, I'll do weird stuff or I calf raise with like a little balance. Like, you know, I'll step up calf raise to balance.
Starting point is 00:25:31 I wish I saw that. Yeah. I'll say, I wish I saw you do. Yeah. I do stuff like that. Or, or when I put on socks, I'll, I'll balance on one leg, why I put it on and then switch over and balance,
Starting point is 00:25:42 balance on the other foot and do that. I do that with, put my underwear on things like that. I challenge myself stability wise because I've, because I've noticed I've lost it. If you don't, if you don't train that shit, it goes. No, you're right. A hundred percent sitting on the floor. That's another one.
Starting point is 00:25:57 Yeah. Like, like sit on the floor. I, I played with my kids on the floor. I now I'm like, why am I uncomfortable on the floor? I need to start doing more of this, bro. Yeah. Even laying flat, like on your kids on the floor. I now I'm like, why am I uncomfortable on the floor? I need to start doing more of this, bro. Yeah, even laying flat, like on your back on the ground. And then I'll do basically the wall test and like flat and just watch seating like press into the floor.
Starting point is 00:26:14 Like it just helps like counter a lot of what. Are you guys socks or underwear first when you get dressed? That's another one. Underwear. That's weird. So you go underwear first? Oh yeah. So I had a doctor.
Starting point is 00:26:24 You go socks first? Yep. Really? Hey, I'm about to blow your mind right now. I'm waiting. Okay, so I had a doctor tell me Why you should always put your socks on because like foot fungus and she's you're in especially for the gym Well, that's different. You could carry the the a foot put on your jacket Hey, he puts his socks on and then he sits. His nails on the bench. His balls are resting on the bench. I gotta take care of this. Don't worry though.
Starting point is 00:26:51 No athlete's foot here. Got God, Aria, but I don't got no athlete's foot. No, I don't want to. God, Aria, God damn. No, I think, I don't think I've ever had that. I know I've had athletes foot a bunch of times, maybe one time. So that's different. Okay.
Starting point is 00:27:04 That is, I mean, that's like logical because you're inside of a gym But now I always do it like that because he told me that one time. Oh, yeah, I'm like if I'm home I'm not you know, but I you have we've already teased me about that I sure I teach that teacher. No bottom so I'm like winning the poo or Piglet or Dottleduck. Is Dottleduck that way too? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Not those characters. Or the peanut guy.
Starting point is 00:27:28 They never wear pants. You know what? I'm telling you, bro, the whole Disney conspiracy is real. All of them are naked from the bottom. Oh, God. What do you think they're trying to teach kids? Oh, God, here we go. There's so many innuendos and phallic symbols and things in there.
Starting point is 00:27:41 Weird, trust me. Weird, bro. Hey, I gotta tell you guys a crazy you from my sister-in-law. She told me this morning, and I'm like, can I please share this? This is insane. So she's a nurse. She works in the emergency, but she also does labor and delivery. And I know your Courtney worked as a nurse, so you must have heard.
Starting point is 00:27:59 Yeah, my Courtney does that. You must have heard so many crazy stories from her when she would come home Oh, yeah, so she tells a story so oh this is insane. I gotta tell you guys she was delivering a baby and The cord was prolapsed and compressed So she had to put her hand in and push the baby's head up off the cord and stay in there Oh my god holding it until she was cut out. Otherwise she would have died within minutes. She's all doing this shit. Baby might die.
Starting point is 00:28:28 Mama's freaking out and she's in there and she told me this. And I'm like, and it was, dude, that's like, give me like PTSD for 12 minutes. She had to do this until they could get to the, get to the, uh, the operating room or get the instruments out. So the doctor said, wow, that's insane. And the, and I'm like, I'm like, that just happened like last night or the night before, what? Yeah, because she didn't reply to some texts
Starting point is 00:28:49 and then she gets on, she's like, sorry guys, and she tells this whole story. Busy saving lives. So I said to her, I said, you, that's crazy because, you know, we joke around in the fitness industry, we're saving lives, right? But, and I guess technically you could say that,
Starting point is 00:29:01 but that baby and that mom, if she wasn't there doing that, that baby wouldn't be here. I know, all those stories, you know, Courtney would come home and tell me and then also to just even like providing medication and like getting the right exact like dosage and like making sure all these things are like completely. That's why she's so attention and detail. And it's like, you know, now she kind of helps out with our company does emails and things like she was like really like had all this anxiety and like all the stuff about like doing work for us. I'm like, you're not going to kill anybody. You
Starting point is 00:29:36 know what I mean? Like you can relax. This is the by way. Oh, yeah, you're right. My sister in law's name is Kate Rothenberg. I want to give her a shout out. She watches the show. Your what cracks me up about your wife too is I know when you do your, your peptide or whatever, she preps it for you. Yeah. So she sits it up like it's a whole medical.
Starting point is 00:29:50 Oh, God. It wiped. I remember when I found her. Adam and I are like fighting like an old woman. Yeah, reused needles. Really, did she use this? How long ago did she use this? Oh, give it to me.
Starting point is 00:29:59 Yeah. Which is that she couldn't, she came and take that as a joke. Like she was like, stressed, I have to leave. City Justin down in town, you need to talk to Adam about this right now. Yeah. I'm all conditioned, like, oh, this is how it is. You know, everything is so, so political. So my wife worked as a phlebotomist for a little while and so she seen me do the sub
Starting point is 00:30:21 cure or whatever. She's like, it's not at 45 degrees. Put it in the whatever. I'm like, yeah. It's worse. Put it in the whatever. I'm like, yeah. It's worse. Put it in at the point. You're fine, bro. You're OK.
Starting point is 00:30:30 Of course. You're freaking out every nurse that we have. I know. I know. You're not supposed to do it. And listen, right now our partner at MP Hormones is like, shut up. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:38 Yeah. Hey, speaking of partners, I have exciting news right to announce. So this is somebody that we have worked with for actually one of our longest, uh, like standing partners. We don't talk about it on the show that much because we actually didn't have a paid partnership with it. It was a company that when we first started, uh, that we all fell in love with
Starting point is 00:30:59 and we worked out an affiliate deal on day one. Now over the years that we've done well, we've performed from them now over time. They've noticed obviously that there's like, man, there's just these random huge spikes that we get from you guys. Well, it's because we randomly bring it up in conversation when it comes up. We've never a formally like advertised with them before. And so this year they signed a contract to actually do paid advertising, which is great because this is a product that I
Starting point is 00:31:25 still to this day, and it's been what, I don't know, eight years. It's like a big secret. Who's the company? Brain FM. Oh my God. Yeah, yeah. Brain FM. And we haven't, we've never done paid advertising with them before.
Starting point is 00:31:37 They're paid advertising this year. And it's cool because that, that product is so fucking good. I have it on my phone right now. Always use it. Listen, it's magic. It's actually no, no, listen, it's weird. It is weird. It's weird. So they have figured out how to get your brain into different states that they've identified with alpha weight. Didn't we didn't we have the the founder on it and we did a long time ago. And it's really weird. So do you know what? Okay, I'll call. He was talking about it to counter a lot of the ADD medication. Yes. And like had like, if I listen to focus, so focus is a category. If I listen to that while I'm working within about, it takes me about seven minutes.
Starting point is 00:32:19 It changes my state. I notice I'm all of a sudden. My kids make fun of me. Because anytime I do any work, I'll throw that on, because it just helps me to stay right there. Can I tell you the best, the number one, like the thing that pops up from you with Brain Affem, a success story for me personally, that was just.
Starting point is 00:32:36 And I'll say, as I tell the story, you guys remember this, because I know we all have a little bit of PTSD from this. Do you guys remember that plane that we took from Spokane? Yes, yes, yes. It was the worst plane that I ever had. We got on, was it a propeller plane? It was, right?
Starting point is 00:32:49 It was a fucking chicken plane. And it was, we got on this plane, it was late, right? Late at night, it was crazy stormy outside. We get on this plane and we all joked about it because it was a tiny propeller plane. Like whatever, it was only supposed to be what, a two hour flight or something like that? Not even an hour.
Starting point is 00:33:02 Not even an hour. We get on there and I swear swore I am not exaggerating. I know I could be dramatic. This is true. You guys all, you guys all backed me up. It was violently, violently turbulent. I mean, I, if you didn't have a SIPA on, you were, you were messed. You were fucked up.
Starting point is 00:33:16 I was laughing. I was like, this is ridiculous. I didn't do good. It was worse than laying out. I don't do good. Bro, there were people on the plane that were crying. I heard there was a woman praying out loud. She was doing the rosary.
Starting point is 00:33:28 Someone vomited. If you didn't have your seatbelt on, and this is the success story. And I'm getting just on planes anyway. First of all, I have a level of anxiety that's higher than everybody anyway. Put me on a plane, it goes up a little bit. You put me on a plane, and it was like,
Starting point is 00:33:40 don't, don't, don't, don't, don't. My little picture, like barn yard animals, like just flying around in there and like crates. And I mean, it was like, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't. My little picture, like barn yard animals, like just flying around in there and like crates. And I mean, it was like up and down, so violent that you feel like you're going up and down in roller coaster. That's how big it was. I had my arms crossed. I had my headphones on and I had brain fm meditate and I swore to God to save me.
Starting point is 00:33:59 The whole time I was listening to meditate and I was just, and we were good. You know where else it works? Uh, that I've used even with you. If we share a room and one of you snoring, it drowns that out completely. So if you put it, so if you're ever like that, that's been a go to for me. If I'm ever in a hotel room and I'm sharing a room with somebody else, if I put it on between the two of us, it'll, it'll drown them out. I used to use it for the dogs when we had the, when we had the dogs with
Starting point is 00:34:21 fireworks and stuff like that, you could put it by the door and it would drown out any of the fireworks noise to calm them down like crazy. Like, we use it with Max anytime that we travel, especially if we don't have his nest with us or whatever like that, we just fire up that we have brain FM on his iPad and all of our phones. And so, no. And then I use it for focus.
Starting point is 00:34:41 If I'm trying to get, if we're working on something where we're having to do research or read or write a bunch of stuff down, playing focus in the background light has been like, it's one of the pro, one of the companies I use the most. Like I said, it's on my phone right now. You know, and since we've been working with them on, and I don't know how much you go through the, I mean, they've changed the user interface big time. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:58 So the sleep one that they have music option, if I'm in a car or on a plane and I can normally fall asleep pretty easily anyway, but one of the secrets is I put brain FM on and I'm out like three, four minutes and I'm in a car or on a plane and I can normally fall asleep pretty easily anyway, but one of the secrets is I put brain FM on and I'm out like three four minutes and I'm asleep. Yeah, no It's an incredible product. So I'm excited that we're officially Officially officially partnered with them. I mean, we've always been working with them It was something that we occasionally brought up every now and then but they're you know, officially on the sponsors Oh, I wanted to say Doug, maybe you could pull this gym up. So we're gonna be at the Arnold Classic March, what are the dates of that?
Starting point is 00:35:27 Let's find the dates. March first. Yeah. March first. Okay. Two to four PM pros gym. Pros gym. We're going to be at pros gym.
Starting point is 00:35:33 March first between two to four show up. We'll probably answer questions hanging out. I'd love to see what this gym looks like on, uh, I'll give you the no thumb handshake. Why do you do that? I just a mess of people. I don't understand. I don't understand.
Starting point is 00:35:48 I want to see what this gym looks like. It sounds like a pretty awesome place to work out. Yeah, okay. Okay, so it's a pretty legit gym. This will be fun. Yeah. This will be a lot of fun. It's not one that we went into last time, was it?
Starting point is 00:36:00 Because when we were out there last time. We went to one last time. We did. Doug, do you have pictures of the actual gym side? I'm looking for it right now. Okay. I'd like to see what the, they sell apparel and stuff. Cause it looks like it's kind of in the same area. It does look like the same.
Starting point is 00:36:11 I've seen some pictures of Arnold being there in the rock. And so they, that's like a bodybuilder. Yeah. Yeah. I think that's the one, that's the one we went into. Do you remember? I'm pretty sure that might be it. Was it an old world gym?
Starting point is 00:36:24 Oh, I don't know if it was a world. And they have Arnold passes as well. So you can't find a photo of the gym. I'm trying to find one. You know, you do Doug, this way you do. You type in pros, Jim, Columbus. And then you go to images. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:36 And then you'll, and speaking of working out in gyms, you guys know Doug's brother might be working with one of the mine pump trainers. One of the trains that went through one of our courses. He was looking for a personal trainer. with one of the mine pump trainers, one of the trainers that went through one of our courses. Oh wait. He was looking for a personal trainer and so Doug went to our forum with all of our trainers. So Doug's got a little side hustle on our business. He's going to get commissioned.
Starting point is 00:36:53 Yeah, he's going to do it. I'm excited to hear about this to see what it looks like for him. Yeah, yeah, no, that's great. Because these are good, these are obviously trainers that listen to the show and we have them in the forum. Okay, I found a picture here. This one on the right here. I'm not sure if that's good. Because these are good, these are obviously trainers that listen to the show and we have them in the form. Okay, I found a picture here. This one on the right here. I'm not sure if that's the same one.
Starting point is 00:37:09 There's also another one called the powerhouse gym. Nothing's coming up. So maybe that's the one we went. Might have been the tower. Oh, yeah, we don't see anything. It didn't switch, but. That's what I see. I remember going to a gym
Starting point is 00:37:18 that and the building looked like the one that's on this picture. Yeah, yeah. That was either, it was like a worlds or it was a powerhouse. So maybe this is the same. I think the powerhouse sounds like it. Oh, no way, that is it. The pros gym worlds or was a powerhouse. So I think the powerhouse sounds like it. Oh, no, wait, that is it. The pros gym is here.
Starting point is 00:37:28 The powerhouse is here. Oh, OK. So the powerhouse one is the one we went to. Yeah, powerhouse. I remember that. Not the same one. OK, that's not the same one. OK, so we're going to pros.
Starting point is 00:37:38 Pros gym. Pros gym. Doug, your brother, what are his fitness goals? Do you guys have similar build genetics? I mean, he actually has better genetics than I do as far as building muscle. Really? He was always one that could put on size fairly easily. He's been very much into endurance type activities.
Starting point is 00:37:55 He got into long distance cycling and he's of the mindset too. He's one of these, you know, no pain, no gain guys. He likes to really push things to the limit. I've been encouraging him for a long time. I was just do some resistance training, these, you know, no pain, no gain guys. He likes to really push things to the limit. And I've been encouraging him for a long time. I was just do some resistance training, just, you know, stop, change your mindset a little bit about it. So he's open to it. Awesome.
Starting point is 00:38:13 I'm gonna try it out. Yeah, we'll see what happens. Yeah. So that'll be exciting. So I did, I posted on the forum for all the trainers and said to anybody in this area and a couple people, you know, raise our hand and here we go. Can we order the Apple goggles? Why?
Starting point is 00:38:30 I kind of want to mess with the side. We have to figure out how to test that. Since we talked about it, I've been kind of like searching around like the different applications and stuff like that. You said we do. There's some cool stuff. There is some cool stuff.
Starting point is 00:38:40 So I mean, I know none of us are like big like F1 racing guys, but I saw the F1 racing feature. You can think about this. Hold on. If you're a quick, how much money you spent on things that you don't use after a week? I know like Oculus was fine. And he doesn't do it on his own anymore.
Starting point is 00:38:55 You guys notice he pulls everybody in. I know. I bought those Oculus. Yeah. I think I used it once. Yeah, see? And whose idea was it? I mean, I still use it with my kids, I'll be honest.
Starting point is 00:39:03 Oh, yeah. You were used at the party the other day. So and I my dog didn't chew mine up. I do you still use mine. There's been a couple of times where I wish I had him. Maybe I'll buy your guys's from here. So I, I, uh, I definitely would still kind of use it. Not a lot.
Starting point is 00:39:14 So could you play a lot of games on this? Like you sit down and pretend to give us no, no, it's not even like this. Literally for spectators watching. So you're watching, you're watching the race on TV because you can see through the goggles. But then like in your peripheral, like so down here below is the, is a virtual view of the race track and the cars down see the top. Yeah. So yeah. So I'm like watching the TV like everybody else is, but then down below I can kind of glance down and I can see like a bird's eye view of the whole track and where their cars are. So just gives you another layer to mention. Yes. At what point do you guys think, or if at all,
Starting point is 00:39:47 do you think watching TV with friends and family is going to be that? Where everybody has. For sure. Goggles on. For sure. Especially if you're going to be able to interact. Well, I imagine we're all watching the same thing.
Starting point is 00:39:58 But they have to make it feel like you're still sitting with people. Dude, because you don't want to be. It is. Here's the thing. I see those two is like skill acquisition because they have like apps where you can learn music and it like literally lights up a key on the piano and it'll show you exactly like it's right here and you push it and you do it with timing almost like it's a game and then I mean they have stuff like that too where
Starting point is 00:40:21 eventually I guarantee like it's sort of watching a YouTube video about how to fix something, you know, they're going to have like actual like, you know, it's animation is helping you. Did you, did any of you guys ever watch the Gran Turismo movie I told you to watch? No, I did. I watched it. Good. Right? Mm-hmm. That's great. Is that not fascinating as shit that a kid is like self taught on video games. There's now like a fucking F one race, like racing cars and stuff is crazy. You know what I'm thinking about with these goggles or whatever? Imagine the access now to hyper talented surgeons or people that have to do intricate work.
Starting point is 00:40:55 They could put the goggles on, have a machine that follows your movement exactly and they could operate from a distance, which they've already done that by the way. They've already done that with technology that's not good. The gesturing is really interesting. So imagine that like you need the top heart surgeon or whatever can't afford to fly to, but boom, they'll operate on you virtually. So here's the hilarious one that I saw though that I was like, oh, this could be really interesting like how people use this as the deep fakes where basically like with your face, I could turn you into like Matt Damon, you know?
Starting point is 00:41:30 Like the face will just like, oh man over your face and you'll talk and I'm just like, I'm sitting here with Matt Damon. But now let's imagine like, imagine it's your wife and it's like, oh, but maybe you're somebody else right now. All right, bro, that's gonna cause so many fights. That's gonna cause so many fights.
Starting point is 00:41:47 Why are you doing it with the goggles again tonight? Yeah. You know why. What the hell, honey, I put your goggles on. Everybody looks like Denzel Washington. What the hell's going on? Oh my god. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:41:58 That'll be interesting. That's not cool. That's, I don't know. That's not cool. That means better than going out and doing it right. I mean, come on. Is it? Yeah, I don't know. I don't's, I don't know. That's not cool. That means better than going out and doing it. I mean, come on. Is it? Yeah, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:42:07 I don't know. I don't know. It adds a new wrinkle. It's a little weird. It is. You know it's gonna be used that way. I feel so uncomfortable with all of this. It's so weird.
Starting point is 00:42:15 Like, you know, the direction we're moving is so, and we make parodies of it because we know it's weird. Like Wally, the movie Wally, when I first watched that, it made me very uncomfortable Because of and it was uncomfortable not because it was too accurate. Yes because it was like oh, I could see that It made me feel super uncomfortable. Yeah, it's you know, I wonder how many people are gonna adopt this like just you're aware Right now. It's it's really expensive right? It's like 3,500 or something like that But you know, that's gonna change. Yeah, that technology is only going to get better to where, you know, we're only so many steps away from it being contacts.
Starting point is 00:42:49 You know what I'm saying? Like contacts in your eye, no one even sees it or knows it's in there. Like that's not far. Talk about, talk about, uh, like augmenting your senses so that you're more like a machine. This is so sci-fi where I could look far away and I could easily focus in with this. So this is what changes the lens of reality for you A couple years ago We brought up like a we brought up this conversation and the conversation I Proposed you guys is is it gonna be a RVR first and the the prevailing theory is that AR is gonna is
Starting point is 00:43:20 Of course is it not VR everybody's talking about VR VR was the big hype It doesn't interrupt your lifestyle. Yeah. Well, not just that, but VR feels fake. Whereas this just feels augmented and better enhanced. Yeah. Exactly. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:32 Exactly. Just think about that. Think about where this is going to go. You know that there's already apps and technology that can read a person's facial movements and gestures that you can't necessarily pick up on and tell you the likelihood that they're lying. Yeah. You imagine wearing some shit like that, talking to someone, oh, where were you?
Starting point is 00:43:50 Tell me again. And then you think there's a 75% chance that you're lying or whatever. Yeah. Turn your machine off. Yeah. I don't want to talk to you. Did you guys see the other? So I don't know if I sent this over.
Starting point is 00:44:02 I might have sent it to the YouTube group, Andrew. I don't know if I sent this over. I might have sent it to the YouTube group, Andrew. I don't remember. There's a, there's a video I sent and this guy is wearing this, uh, and it was on, um, was it 60 minutes? It might have been 60 minutes. I can't remember. And he's wearing like a white earpiece around his ear connected to his jaw. And it's basically connecting the internet to his brain. Right.
Starting point is 00:44:19 So, so they were asking him questions, like, like, like really tough math questions and history questions and so like that. So you're like three seconds and you come up and it took him a few seconds and then he hears the answer and then processes it. It's like literally like it's crazy. This is why this is where we need philosophers. We don't need scientists for this.
Starting point is 00:44:39 We need philosophers because the question is how we don't even need philosophers. They this is stuff that has been addressed in stoicism. You could read philosophy. I know, but my point is if you read stoicism, it still applies to what I mean by that is not like we need new philosophers, but we need philosophy to be valued. So like here's a good philosophy question, right? The story of the vampire that lives forever. Okay. If you could live forever, only philosopher or somebody could think this
Starting point is 00:45:05 would, would be able to answer whether or not it's a good idea. Scientists would just say, do it. How long does it take you to be evil? Yeah, or lose your mind or like, is there, does it change the value of life? Like these are all questions that we need to ask. Yeah. Having access to all of the recorded information instantly in your brain so that you think it's your own thought and be able to augment your ability to the point where you're limitless.
Starting point is 00:45:27 Is that a good thing? Problem is we're not made up that way. We're made up with, we will keep going until we get burned and then we'll, then we'll, then we learn it's not, I mean, that's just how we are. We were designed so, and we're so far from living forever. So it's like, Hey, let's increase it by 20%. Let's increase it by 30%. Let's live for 50% longer. And then, then we'll wait until we realize like, Oh, let's increase it by 20%. Let's increase it by 30%. Let's live for 50%
Starting point is 00:45:45 longer. And then, then we'll wait until we realize like, Oh, shit, that wasn't a good idea. Look at what's happening to society. So, but that in that wild where we're at. And I'm like the back to the Apple driving all it like, it's pretty trippy to see what the how far technologies come that a kid could never get in a car can learn how to drive in the virtual world. And then make it to that level. And then make it to the professional level and compete at the highest level, like actually be good. Yeah, but you know what though, let's be clear though.
Starting point is 00:46:15 Yeah. The game definitely was just training, okay? But what you're also dealing with is a highly gifted individual because someone may be listening, be like, oh, this is how I do it. Well, yeah, it's going to happen for everybody. No, bro.
Starting point is 00:46:26 Yeah. I had he trained the con. Here's the real question. The real question isn't. Could, did he, was he, is it, was he able to do it with this video game? The question is, would he have been better? Had he done it in real life, the conventional way? And that's the question that we don't know.
Starting point is 00:46:39 Well, yes it is. I mean, here's the thing that you know, is that that's what makes this so cool is that it makes it accessible to a lot. To get into race car driving is not cheap. Oh, no. So it already. I always wonder how the hell the kids. Well, that's why I'm, yeah, I seriously, I don't know if it's been
Starting point is 00:46:56 since like the pandemic, but I've seen more like virtuoso guitarists and musicians like that have just locked in on the skill that to where I'm like wow there's just so many really talented people out there that just emerged all of a sudden. I don't know if that's just like me in my own perception but it seems to be the case. I wouldn't you know with fitness it's going to be very interesting as well although you're always going to have to contend with human psychology which is always going to be the roadblock, always, always, always. But if beyond that, um, I mean, I could see just endless potential. Like imagine, you know, having something that literally shows you the
Starting point is 00:47:34 intensity of muscle contractions while you're exercising. I mean, I think we already seen an example of that with the, the tonal mirror bullshit. Everybody was so excited about that. Oh yeah. Human psychology is always going to stop. Yeah. You hear anybody talking about that bullshit anymore?
Starting point is 00:47:46 No. You know what I'm saying? Where you all at now? It's just so funny. I mean, everybody, they got valued at a billion. Oh my God. Everybody was like, so, oh, it's like it does all this cool shit. It's like, yeah, it's like, yeah, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:48:01 Like, I don't know if there's going to have the thing that we'll have to disrupt that space or our space like that is like a pill that you take. And then you're buff a pill you take. I get as far as like, talk about a philosophical question. Yeah. People are going to realize very quick when that's invented, that is not going to give you terrible idea.
Starting point is 00:48:18 Well, that's what's scary about this, like this, you know, the MIT thing, right? With the, the, you know, if you could skip, you could skip all the learning and the, you know, reading and all to get to be in brilliant. You don't need to do any of that because you automatically have a built in Google in your head. Is that a good thing or not?
Starting point is 00:48:36 I don't even need to test it to know it's a bad idea. As of right now, the neural link, I mean, we're kind of, yeah, we're going to see that. The first human, you see the first human test had been done with Neuralink. I actually had a human test it, which is proof. Yeah, unless you could download wisdom, but for now, it looks like the formula for wisdom is time plus mistakes and, you know, trying over and over again.
Starting point is 00:48:56 Yeah, you have to test it. But if you could download wisdom, then I guess you'd solve that problem. I mean, there is some, I mean, there is some, some possibilities there, Sal, right? Like you brought up right there, like how, like, you know, AI will get to a point where I can have a conversation with Justin and it can be computing, oh, 70% chance he's lying to you. You could also have AI that could support like this is 80% risk to do this.
Starting point is 00:49:17 This is 20, you know what I'm saying? Sure, but that's not going to give you wisdom. Like wisdom is developed through time. Okay. So wisdom isn't the right word for it, but I mean, you could, you could get the answers. Yeah. That's, that's about right.
Starting point is 00:49:29 Well, maybe they just get better at this, like simulating like a, like they speed up that experience somehow by like simulating a lot of those obstacles that you have to work through like a video game, or they put you in a fake reality where 10 minutes is like 10 years. Exactly. That's what I mean. Yeah. And maybe we're in that now, Justin.
Starting point is 00:49:46 Stop. And we just ended the podcast. Hey, I gotta tell you guys, the Juve light, guess who's using it regularly now? Well, that's when we know my family. Oh, of course I got a huge family. So I don't care. I had something else I want to talk about you, but go ahead. Oh, my dad.
Starting point is 00:50:02 Oh, yeah. So my dad's always my back, my back, my back. And I hired him a trainer, which has made a big difference. Finally got him to use the juve regularly. And he's like, it's sold. I think sold. I think what Justin shared is an even cooler commercial is the 49ers. Did you see that 49?
Starting point is 00:50:18 Did we send it to the YouTube channel? The YouTube group? Like I said, Justin, he didn't know what he was saying. What? Yeah. What did I do? He said, what did I do? Which thing?
Starting point is 00:50:24 I did something brilliant Yeah, no that was a really cool commercial that they did so I mean that's kind of cool. So what did they do? You didn't see it. No, yes, you didn't got you were the worst about anybody's in you I'm honest though You know what we gotta do as I'm gonna put in my phone number salda Stef and I'm going to send it to you as if you're sending stuff to yourself. And then maybe you'll actually. Sal's going to be like, dude, they have a whole recovery. This is the smartest thing I've ever heard.
Starting point is 00:50:53 Hey, I have a great idea. I'm so brilliant. I sit myself. I'm going to do that in your phone. It's going to be. Sal is my voice. He's calling my voice. Oh, I'll definitely listen.
Starting point is 00:51:05 If it's me. So if you want to do. Shut up. You're stupid. No, Justin shared it with the group and I think you shared it with the YouTube group too. Did he share with you guys, Andrew? Did you guys get it?
Starting point is 00:51:16 You. Oh, yeah. I saw it. I don't think they got it. I think it was just with you guys. Yeah, it's cool. It's right here. So great, uh, great ad for them, man.
Starting point is 00:51:24 I thought it was, I don't know. I love that. Of course, out of all the teams, I'm like, of course, partial's cool. It's right here. So great, uh, great ad for them. And I thought it was, I don't know. I love that. Of course, out of all the teams, I'm like, of course, partial to this. Oh, wow. You know, I think this is a company. It's found like in the model with this thing. That's good. Right? Yeah. So, so this is why we need a tour. I remember when we first met with you,
Starting point is 00:51:51 we all thought it was, well, this is weird. Of course, it's got a lot of science and data backing and it's a lot of data backing. So, it's a lot of data backing. It's a lot of data backing. It's a lot of data backing. It's a lot of data backing. It's a lot of data backing.
Starting point is 00:52:04 It's a lot of data backing. It's a lot of data backing. It's a lot of data backing. Good, right? Yeah. So, so this is why we need a tour. I remember when we first met with you, we all thought it was, well, this is weird. Of course, it's got a lot of science and data backing it up. Okay. And it goes back to the seventies or even sixties, even some of the data on this. But what's amazing is how far, like, like this is massive. They've gotten so huge. Yeah, no, it works. Well, and you know, too, when, when I mean professional teams, they have the money,
Starting point is 00:52:25 the budget, they have the resources, the people that are doing that are looking into the most cutting edge stuff. And so, you know, when you see a professional sport team adopt something like this, you know, it's like, it's only done their homework. They don't promote like, yeah. 100%. They don't, they don't have time to like fuck around with something that you sit in front of for 12 minutes.
Starting point is 00:52:44 It's not, if it's not beneficial, those guys can be doing other things that are going to improve their performance or improve their recovery. And so if they've adopted that to do that, you know that that's something that's super valuable for the recovery for the athlete. So pretty cool though, right? Yeah. Shout out is, is that, is that, am I reading that correct? This is the, the prescript event that we're trying to go. Yeah, that's it Okay here. Yeah, so prescript is doing an event here at mine pump headquarters. It's gonna be boy. I wish I had the date here
Starting point is 00:53:16 Well, I know what we did is I know that prescript is holding a certification course here, right? So Jordan is gonna be doing that by the way here He's like he's like one of the best in the space for yeah, we've been, we've been promoting Jordan for a long time. And as far as like, the guy's absolutely brilliant. We call him beast, right? Cause he's like X-Men beast. He's just this big old buff dude that's super brilliant and his certification course, a lot of our coaches and trainers have gone through it.
Starting point is 00:53:41 He's hosting it here. I told him to come down here. Why don't you host it here? We'll do like a meet and greet with our listeners that come in, that actually fly in, that actually want to come do this certification. So you'll be able to do it in person here the day before you'll get a chance to hang out with us inside the studio. So that was the idea was that our audience that will come in here. And I think he's also doing some sort of a discount too for our people. So yeah. So it's March 15th, 16th, and 17th.
Starting point is 00:54:07 We're going to be meeting everybody on the 15th. There's going to be a swag bag that everybody's going to get, a mind pump merch. And we're going to do a live podcast for the first 10 people who sign up. Oh, wow. In other words, you can sit in and listen. Sit in and hang out with us.
Starting point is 00:54:21 The link, is that the link right there? We need a better link. Yeah, the link is not easy to say, but I'm gonna say it anyway. It's pre-script.com forward slash mine-pump-psl1. And we'll have another show notes. So you can-
Starting point is 00:54:36 Remember that. Yeah, yeah, on the video, the guys wrote that down. Yeah. Yeah. All right, look, there's a company called Sleep Breakthrough that makes a drink called Berry Dreams. That is a pre-bed drink that has been shown to improve the quality of your sleep and also help you fall asleep faster.
Starting point is 00:54:51 Now it's not like a sedative, it won't knock you out. It's all about improving your natural sleep. So you have better stages of sleep, better recovery, better memory, retention, and of course, a better hormone profile. Go check them out. Go to sleepbreakthrough.com forward slash mind pump. By the way, you have to use the code mind pump 10 to get that discount. All right, back to the show.
Starting point is 00:55:13 First question is from CMOS23. Other than serious athletes, shouldn't 95% of training be unilateral so we can fix muscle imbalances and then avoid them in the future? You know, this is actually a pretty good question. I can see the rationale behind why somebody may think this way. Now, the reason why I say no to this particular question, which is 95% of training, by the way, if you only ever train unilateral, you'd be totally fine.
Starting point is 00:55:39 Yeah. There's nothing wrong with that whatsoever. You could do that. But you would be missing out on some potential strength and power gains that come from bilateral training because you're able to generate more force through the central nervous system when you're operating bilaterally. So you'll always be able to bench press more on a barbell than you will with two individual dumbbells, for example.
Starting point is 00:56:01 You're limited by load. That's right. We literally just had somebody call a caller on one of our, our last cause call in and he's been listening to the show. I think he's listened to every single episode. He's gone through most all of our programs, but he's been working out from home and had incredible results. Right.
Starting point is 00:56:17 So you've seen all kinds of great results. And he's had a hundred pound dumbbells dumbbells that go to a hundred pounds. He's modified all of our programs to do it at home. First time ever, he got a gym membership and he's blown away by the gains. He saw himself put 15 pounds of muscle on. He saw his deadlift, his bed, all these moves go up in strength. And he's been training for a long time. And the reason why he called in was because, because this be possible.
Starting point is 00:56:40 And our answer was that that's exactly the benefits of barbell training can be. And so by loading barbell training has tremendous value for building muscles, beating the metabolism up, power, strength, all of these things. Now, if I had a client who didn't really care about any of those things and they literally hired me for like longevity and I just want to be strong enough and healthy enough and I love, to be strong enough and healthy enough and I love, yeah, I feel good. I love unilateral training and I have no desire to get that much stronger.
Starting point is 00:57:13 I just want to be strong enough. Like then yeah, but if I had that same client, we hit a plateau and they're like, man, I don't know, like we haven't been gaining any more strength and I'd like to get a little stronger and we've been training for two years and all unilateral and I go, well, we could pick up the barbell and I'd like to get a little stronger. And it's, we've been training for two years and all unilateral. And I go, well, we could pick up the barbell and we're going to see a nice little bump because we haven't, you haven't done that. Or are you content with where you're currently at?
Starting point is 00:57:33 And we can also keep going that route too. So that's kind of how I would approach it. Yeah. I mean, you're going to stretch your capacity to produce more force bilaterally. That's just like a fact. Uh, and, and I know like even in the athletic realm, some people have made arguments just for always doing unilateral training because, you know, in most situations, like you're in a split stance or you're just using one arm or the other arm.
Starting point is 00:57:55 Sure. But to be able to train your body to, you know, maximize that potential of recruitment, you know, you're gonna, you're gonna cap, you're gonna maximize that most effectively by bilateral training and then going back to, you know, utilize it. It's all valuable. And even with the athletes, I would say younger athletes will get more benefit from bilateral training than advanced athletes who've been training for a long time and in which case then, more unilateral training makes sense.
Starting point is 00:58:24 But why does it make more sense for the younger athlete? You're trying to build force and muscle and you maximize that with barbells. A bit more than you do with unilateral style training. Next question is from SLB Anon. Are two days full body training enough to still see results if you're feeling burnt out? Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 00:58:43 In fact, for the average person, for the average person who wants to maximize their time, who has a busy life, it's not, doesn't live for the gym, but they want a faster metabolism. They want to build muscle. They want to feel great. Two full body training days, well-programmed with appropriate intensity is perfect. It's perfect. In fact, 90 throughout my entire career, well over 98% of my clients trained this way, two days a week. In fact, Doug trained two days a week with me.
Starting point is 00:59:16 God has deadlift up to 400 pounds. There's so much you could do with two days a week before you have to add a third day. Now the question is if you're feeling burnt out, you can even over train two days a week, it depends on the person, but two days a week for most people is, is great. I wanted to address that part. Cause if you were feeling burnt out, I actually might push you in the direction of like a map 15, uh, like, like, like 20 minutes a day, yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:41 Cause that's when, if I'm feeling burnt out, uh, sometimes a two, a full body workout for an hour, right? It is, it feels too much, but doing two work, two exercises every day is actually feels a lot easier and better on my body. So maybe consider that, right? And both are, are incredible. You could absolutely do maps, anabolic two days a week, see tremendous results. Um, you could also do the map 15 routine and actually get just as good of results also.
Starting point is 01:00:10 So I would consider that like if you're, if Bert, if you feel burnt out and that's the reason why you're scaling back to two days a week, maybe consider actually doing more days in the gym, just way less intensity and volume. Sometimes the body will respond even better to that. It probably a little every day is probably better than a lot. the gym just way less intensity and volume, sometimes the body will respond even better to that. It probably, a little every day is probably better than a lot, you know, every other day or twice a week, even if you control the volume. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:34 You know. Next question is from Cassandra Sieg. What do you recommend for rotator cuff pain, mobility, rest, strengthening other areas to support? You know, rotator cuff pain for in the context of somebody who works out regularly because the, you know, typical decondition person, you're looking at overall weakness, overall, you know, need to improve or increase your strength.
Starting point is 01:00:58 Um, and your pain is coming from just general overall weakness with the person who works out consistently. This is more of an imbalance or to put it more clearly. This is, this is more to do one direction. Yeah. This is more to do with a strength imbalance. Okay. So when you look at the traditional lifts bench press, row, pullups, overhead
Starting point is 01:01:20 press, you have these really big, strong, prime moving muscles, the chest, the deltoids, right? So the front head, the side head of the deltoid, the lats for these back exercise, rhomboids, even for the shoulder blades, like really strong, big muscles. And then you have like the infraspinatus, super-spinatus, subscapularis, you know, the teraisminer. These are these little muscles that attach along the shoulder blade. It's called the cuff and they, and on the humerus. So that's the, the long arm of the bone and they maintain stability.
Starting point is 01:01:51 They keep your arm from twisting off or from moving in the wrong direction. Cause if you look in that pocket, yeah, if you look at the shoulder joint, it's like the, the, the, the bone of the arm moves in the shoulder joint. Then you have the shoulder blade that also, so it's a very complex loading. It's a very complex joint. It's one of our more complex joints because we evolved to throw with accuracy and at least that's the argument. So when these stabilizers can't stabilize the weight that you can handle with these prime movers, these big prime movers, you develop problems. This is why big strong people will all
Starting point is 01:02:21 of a sudden hurt their shoulder because they, they grabbed a shampoo bottle wrong. Symmetry then performance. Yeah. Map symmetry. Yeah. Symmetry and performance. I mean, to me, this is, and this is actually more common with people that have been lifting.
Starting point is 01:02:33 Like I used to get power lifters. I'd have power lifting clients all the time because they've gotten so strong in one direction on these bilateral type of movements and they just haven't addressed unilateral instability stuff. Right. This is the, this is why the first question, the argument of could you do unilateral work forever? This is one of the positive things of someone who trains unilaterally all the time, especially in rotational. Well, you got to constantly assess your stability and your mobility and things like
Starting point is 01:02:58 that as you're getting stronger. So you can balance that out and compliment it because, yes, you could get to a point where you can accelerate so quickly with your throw or I could like lift so much more weight. But if you don't have that stability and structure in place to keep your joint healthy, then it all goes to... Look, think of it this way. You have a truck that's pulling a trailer. The strength of the truck matters up until you exceed the strength of the attachment to the trailer. Once the trailer attachment breaks,
Starting point is 01:03:27 you can get as strong as you want with the truck. It's going to break. You can't pull anymore. This is what happens when your stabilizers don't match the muscles that move things. So you have to keep up the strength. So you can actually have strong stabilizer. In fact, the average lifter has strong stabilizers compared to the average person. They're just too strongly. Other areas.
Starting point is 01:03:43 And this is also why when we originally started creating all the programs that we did, that we have the, the anabolic, the performance and aesthetic was, was designed to be like ran in that order and that you could recycle that order over and over is because we're always coming back and addressing this with like unilateral and rotational work in performance. And so even though anabolic is very much so sagittal, plain focused aesthetic is very much so focused around building muscle.
Starting point is 01:04:08 We want to make sure we always have that performance component in there. So things like this don't happen. Next question is from Fitlife with Jen 13. How does exercise and strength training improve brain function? I have a client recovering from meningitis and gets exhausted from focusing on movements and balance.
Starting point is 01:04:26 I know it's good for brain health, just not sure about the science behind it. Well, first off, the simple, very easy part to understand. And by the way, there's some studies that have been done on this where the initial strength gains that somebody makes. So when you first start working out, you'll notice like from one workout to the next, like, wow, that's a huge improvement. Like I could only do one. Now I could do five, right? You don't see that much later on. But they've tested are there changes in the muscle, the muscle fiber, or is it the central nervous system? And of course, the brain is the hub of the central nerve.
Starting point is 01:04:58 It's the central. And most of the gains you make in the beginning, especially the central nervous system. All right. So what's happening? Well, that your brain is controlling movement and muscle contractions. It has to develop and build along with your muscles. And as your muscles build, so does your brain. Your brain is attached.
Starting point is 01:05:15 All the fact, if you lost the limb, the, the part of the brain that is connected to that limb, or if you lost speech or you lost your eyes, you would start to potentially see some atrophy or some changes in that part of the brain. So it literally builds the brain because the brain controls the body. You know, strength training is amazing because it's so dynamic and moving in so many different directions and I can rotate and I can go forward and back and whatever and I have to balance. So it requires arguably more brain development in that sense.
Starting point is 01:05:43 I think we forget that. We think it's like automatic, but like as you're, you know, a child and you're having to go through all these developmental stages, like you're literally teaching your brain, uh, you know, these patterns and then you get better at them and then you get stronger and at these muscle contractions and it all kind of follows in that alignment. It's the same thing with training is, you know, we have to really like introduce it and introduce it more frequently and get that pattern established So we get stronger and we send an effective movement pattern. Is it a fair comparison to say it's like reading
Starting point is 01:06:16 for your vocabulary. Hmm like Doing reading more is going to learn more words and you're going to learn more words increase your vocabulary Your ability to strength train is like your body's ability to communicate that that communication itself is going to Strengthen the brain. Well, I'm more Language yeah, and Justin is a great example of motor skills with children when they're assessing motor skills on children They're not assessing your kids muscles necessarily right looking at brain development, right? So that's on that's's on the very surface level.
Starting point is 01:06:46 And that's big, by the way, it's not just per, you know, imagine that's not a big thing, but then there's more, right? There's your body's ability to utilize, uh, energy sources like glucose more effectively. Look, uh, you know, Alzheimer's, a lot of researchers now, especially, I remember when this was controversial, but now a lot of researchers refer to Alzheimer's and dementia as type three diabetes because there's such a strong connection between your, between having issues with using glucose for energy, like insulin sensitivity or resistance or
Starting point is 01:07:15 diabetes and brain dysfunction. The brain on a, on a, you know, weight per weight basis is actually uses a tremendous amount of energy. In fact, you're seeing the studies on chess players. Yeah. How many calories are burned? Calorie burns. It burns. It's crazy. It's the brain. So when your body can utilize energy more effectively, it works better.
Starting point is 01:07:32 And that includes your brain. So there's also a lot of interesting research in that area. In fact, there's a study that I quote all the time from Sydney, Australia that shows that strength training stopped the progression of Alzheimer's or seem to it's nothing's been able been able to show that that hasn't been like a medical intervention. Well, I mean, we think when, when you wiggle your fingers, okay, the muscles wiggle the fingers right here, but it's the brain that communicates to those muscles that allow that to do that.
Starting point is 01:07:55 That in itself is training the brain. So if you're, if you're trying to strengthen the brain, you lifting weights is yes, effectively moving muscles, but it's the brain that communicates the ability to move those muscles. Therefore, of course, it's going to. By the way, people think that we take it for granted. The reason why it's taken so long for scientists to be able to
Starting point is 01:08:14 get robots that move like humans is there's a lot of physics involved with balancing and walking. And you ever seen the physics involved with like throwing a ball or catching a ball? Like your brain has the process. Oh, it's crazy. The amount of math that you do in order to throw a fastball is incredible. It's crazy.
Starting point is 01:08:28 So movement in general is one of the best ways to reduce, uh, you know, to, to prevent the reduction of brain function, building muscle in particular seems to be one of the best ways to do it. Look, if you love the show, head over to mind pump free.com and check out all of our free guides. We have a lot of free fitness guides that can help you with your health and fitness goals. You can also find us on Instagram, Justin is at mind pump, Justin. I'm at mind pump to Stefano and Adam is at mind pump. Adam,
Starting point is 01:08:52 thank you for listening to mind pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Super bundle at mind pumpia.com. The RGB Superbundle includes Maps Anabolic, Maps Performance and Maps Aesthetic. Nine months of phased, expert, exercise programming designed by Sal Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels and performs. With detailed workout blueprints and over 200 videos, the RGB Super Bundle is like having
Starting point is 01:09:28 Sal Adam and Justin as your own personal trainer but at a fraction of the price. The RGB Super Bundle has a full 30 day money back guarantee and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at MinePumpMedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing MindPump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support and until next time, this is MindPump.

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