Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 231: Shoulder Pain, Rich Piana, Mobility Exercises & MORE

Episode Date: February 3, 2016

Quah time again! This week Sal, Adam & Justin answer your questions about the cause of postural imbalances, the amount of weight needed when performing MAPS Performance Mobility Exercises, Rich Piana ...showcasing his daily anabolic steroid use and correcting shoulder pain. Please subscribe, rate and review this show! Learn more about Mind Pump at www.mindpumpradio.com

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Ladies and gentlemen, today is the final day. Final, it's the final day of the final final day. Yeah, surprise. Shut the fuck. It's the final day. You can't stop his final. For maps performance to be on sale. After today, the price goes up. Goes up.
Starting point is 00:00:14 If you want to do the program, you better enroll now. The repeater! It's... hey! The repeater, the repeater is Adam's the repeater. Mind pump media. Mind pump media, don't forget.com. Don't forget mindpumpmedia.com. Maps performance on sale.
Starting point is 00:00:30 It's the map performance. It's on sale. Last day, too. It's the final, final, final day. Billy Blanks. Here we go now. How many, how many, this week? Good.
Starting point is 00:00:42 Here we go, here we go. Yeah, we got. Hold on a second. You can't see Adam That was a rule made Seeing right there God that was me just chanting Chanting Go dying fuck off What are we doing? We're giving shit away. Oh, yeah, we're giving more shirts away.
Starting point is 00:01:07 More shirts away. Where did we get all these fucking shirts? I don't even know we had this many shirts. Well, we don't actually. Oh, I'm making them in the back on a loom. A loom, wow. He's committed. He's committed to this process.
Starting point is 00:01:20 Doug's old. Yeah, we are. I use all these loom. What do you, what do youumple still skin in the back? Yeah. I'm spinning the gold. Exactly. They're all colored red for God's blood. How many reviews? How much should we give away? We got 10 reviews this week. We're giving three shirts away. Three. I thought we give away four. We do when we get 12. We get 12. Wow, we did. That's a big hardcore here.
Starting point is 00:01:46 Yeah, you got to be a great man. Lay down the law. Someone has to get a dick. Yeah, exactly. Nobody else here is. I'm glad it's you. Yeah. Alright, so who won?
Starting point is 00:01:54 Well, we've got Derek Stenberg. Congratulations. Derek. We got Jarrr with lots of rs on the end. Jarrr. And we got Edal 29. What is it? Edal 29 or Ed all could be one of the two. Oh man, you guys are dicks. You guys didn't pick the guy that talked about me. What is that? No, of course not.
Starting point is 00:02:16 Oh, you guys fucking suck. I finally get a review. This is something I can't even hook my boy with a shirt. Oh, you mean this one right here? You mean this one right here? Completely. No, I'm a reader. This is from I can't even hook my boy up with a shirt. Oh, you mean this one right here. Oh, you mean this one right here completely I'm a Rita's from Shane Hamill. All right, Adam. This is for you. You're the best and you're jacked You're the best. Yeah, and then he said some stuff about us great show listen great show I'm watching on campus very nice. Thanks guys You're the best and your Jack that intelligent of a post, I think he gets a shirt. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:45 Adam, send him yours. I love it. Yeah, I get that much. Someone got clowned. Yeah. Clowned it. All right. Well, I want everybody to do who won to send your iTunes name, your size, your address,
Starting point is 00:02:58 and send it to mindpumpradiogmail.com. And for the rest of you, if you haven't left a review, we have more shirts. I'll weave some more. So please leave it and we'll give out a bunch next week. Please don't send a surprise cockpit. Leave a review for Sal this time or do. If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, please only one place to go. Mind up, mind up with your hosts.
Starting point is 00:03:25 Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. I just discovered something very interesting. I know that you're gonna point out. No, no, no, I know. Listen, very interesting. Did you know your phone has a panorama function that allows you to take pictures from wide angles? Do you know why that's gonna come in hand?
Starting point is 00:03:41 That way, that came in handy for just in the other day? Yeah. You guys are such like, roll you under the bus. Do you know why that's gonna come in hand that white why that came in handy for Justin the other day? Guys are such like roll you under the bus Just you know you're gonna put it out. You know what I love about us If one of us tries to be private and share like a still private story Here yeah, yeah, so what happened just of course you're bringing on hair. Yeah, yeah. So what happened yesterday? Why did you have to use that?
Starting point is 00:04:06 Okay, this was like, wait, I'm sorry. I wanted to set the full stage here, right? Well, last weekend, why if he's out of town? Yeah, so anyways. She went out of town with her friends and decided to stay at this hotel. I'm like, yeah, yeah, have fun going out with your girlfriends, you know,
Starting point is 00:04:21 get away from us and kids and I got them all weekend, you know, all that stuff. And so I'm trying to be like super cool and, you know, like, everything's fine. And she'll text me, you know, how's everything going? I'm like, y'all don't worry about me, whatever. And so then, bam, I send her a dick pic. What?
Starting point is 00:04:39 What? Yeah. Cause like, I'm at that point where logically, that's the next thing. I'm at that point, right? Or I'm like, okay, we've been married for a good amount of time now. And I'm at that point where logically that's the next point right where I'm like K we've been married for a good amount of time now and it's like it's time for the dick pick I got it you know you got to shake it up I'm in any like well I gotta keep her guessing What did she say to you she's like what what yeah you've never done that before never that is so
Starting point is 00:05:00 Never done it. I was like I was thinking about that. I was like this is so sound atoms influence on me Yeah, cuz we said shit is true So, whatever, that's why I was thinking about that. I was like, this is so sound atoms influence on me. Yeah, cause we said, shit is true. We said dick pics all the time. Yeah, to each other, to the group text. So, so that's through. So the whole story is there's,
Starting point is 00:05:15 there's nothing weird about it until you say you've never done that before. I don't know anybody that's never taken a picture of the real deal over the, well yeah, but not like, like here, you know, congratulations. Yeah. What, that don't care. Did you tell her, your friend?
Starting point is 00:05:31 No, no girl on this planet is like, yay, you know, thanks for the, it doesn't work. Thanks for the meat hawk. It didn't write my face as all of my screen. I mean, use it as a screen saver. Well, I was like, it looks like someone was standing on the roof and took a picture of it. Of a piglet on the ground. I'll be honest though, like he gets pretty good angles. And I was kinda like, whoa.
Starting point is 00:05:51 Looks like, look at Daddy's back here. It looks like it's bruised. Oh, no, that's just, it's just throbbing. Yeah, it's throbbing. How's it throbbing? He's still at the same time. Oh my God. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:06:01 That's disgusting. Yes. How many dick pics have you taken? I don't know, I don't think I've taken any actually. This is the first time I've ever even thought of that. No. What's that? Such a liar.
Starting point is 00:06:14 Liar. I can't believe that. That's the first time I can't believe you've never just wondered. You've never wondered what it looks like from that angle? Well, I have done that. No, no, no, no, no. I just, what I'm trying to say is I've never actually been like, yes, okay, now I'm gonna put this in a text message form
Starting point is 00:06:31 and send it across the world and the internet, ethernet. I just, you know, I always feel like something. She's like, honey, you sent me a picture of your dick one time. I'm gonna go to like my grandmars. And we went over our day paranoid. Yeah, so I use all the data with that massive. So, take that AT&T boom. No, do you do other funny,
Starting point is 00:06:50 cock block everybody? You guys do the dear girls, you guys do weird, like everyone's so wild, just be weird like that, we're just totally out of left. Right? Like I totally do that. Like, I mean, it's been, obviously escalated now.
Starting point is 00:07:01 Could you know, be like reading on the couch and I'll come up and I'll just like set my nut sack on our shoulders Don't you wow Want some tea and then like your bags That'd be a great joke It's just gently I don't know. It's just it's just gently. Yeah, yeah, just over that
Starting point is 00:07:25 I think it's like hitting it like a tear drop like hitting this Wow, did you need two sugars? I don't remember Blink blink What the fuck is wrong with you guys? That's what you know, it's fun. You don't do that, bro? No, dude, I don't like you and Mary the longest I was like bro, I would say you know, we get ripped off. You grow like whack. I don play for sure. I would be in the army. And we get ripped off. You grow like, whack.
Starting point is 00:07:45 I don't, we had randomly walk up and like, surprise, nothing is shown on earth. No, I don't even just rip it off. My goal is always to see how long I can get away with it before she notices it. That's the like, I can set it on it. Yeah, like something's, yeah, what is that? What's that?
Starting point is 00:07:58 What is that? That's warm, like smell. What is smell is like old spider here. It's kind of moist. I think I'm my shoulder What is that put it put cheese on my shoulder? Oh It's like gum That's enough you guys it's time for cross the line. We gotta get serious now all right
Starting point is 00:08:17 It's time why cuz now we gotta do the claw. Oh Motherfucker cool now. We gotta do the claw claw claw claw Let's do it like that. Cue a dog do not and do not edit out the nut story No, don't worry. It's in there Where's the nuts confirm it's in there All right, Cue a the burly boy asks what causes posture imbalances repetitive movements lack of movements. Muscle imbalances.
Starting point is 00:08:49 Bottom line. Yeah, if you're not overusing ones and underusing other ones, that's what I'll do it. Yeah, if you place your body in a position for long periods of time every single day, your posture will start to adapt around that position. So the muscles that are shortened become tighter, the muscles that are lengthened become looser, things become weak out of that position and you become stronger in that position. So then when you get up to walk, you have like what's common, like a very common, you know, posture imbalance would be like forward shoulder where your shoulders are rolled
Starting point is 00:09:24 forward or your head jets forward You see that much more much more commonly now because of tech right people Yeah, the desk is yeah, yeah, yeah, I was leaning over there. Sure. I look at I look at this too like muscles really that there are What's holding everything together right like in your spine? I'll call them everything all your bones or skeletal structure and Another thing that that comes to mind is injuries, right? So injuries are definitely going to affect the way that you're going to be imbalanced posturally going forward because you're going to compensate for that injury. You're going to try and rehabilitate to where you still can get the proper connectivity
Starting point is 00:10:00 that you used to have, but it's not always going to be, you know, right away. And here's the thing, you said something interesting about them holding you together and holding you up in your spine. If you look at your spine, because we're talking about posture, the spine's a big part of that. There's lots of other things involved, but we'll just look at the spine. The spine has got a lot of joints on it. That thing can move in all kinds of different directions.
Starting point is 00:10:20 So if muscles are tight or weak, it's gonna follow the path of least resistance. And you're gonna have bad posture, and over time, your spine can actually grow and change to, extreme cases, people get things that hump backs and stuff like that, or they'll get permanent, bad curvature in their spine. But that can happen over time. Not to mention poor posture makes you weaker, because you're not in a biomechanically advantageous position
Starting point is 00:10:45 because your posture is poor. So you're weaker and more prone to injury when you do everyday activities like lifting a box or moving a chair or stepping over a curb or something like that. Your chance of injury is that much higher. And it's also unattractive. A lot of times you're not attractive. It is unattractive. And I think that's why it's unattractive is because we recognize how inefficient that is.
Starting point is 00:11:07 It is, 100%. Yeah, and it's like a lot of times if people are in that, like severe sort of postural distorted body, it like you're not even gonna be able to fire these major muscle groups. Like you're using all these like, smaller muscle groups to do all the lifting, all the heavy load, that's to stress them out really quick.
Starting point is 00:11:26 Yeah, I'll say it with forward shoulder, because that's a common one. Shoulders rolled forward just to give some tips. You want to work on what's called scapular retraction and depression. So you want the shoulder blades to be able to squeeze back and down at the same time. It's like you're squeezing them together on the back and then putting them in your back mongons. And so what you want to do is you want to pick a cable row is really good for this. Make it light.
Starting point is 00:11:48 You can't really add much weight because you have this muscle recruitment pattern that's going to turn on as soon as you give yourself too much of a challenge. That has to be really light. Go real light and focus on that part of the movement, the squeezing back and down. And believe it or not, a lot of people, I train a lot of people and they just can't fucking do it. I have to literally place them in position to teach their body how to move that way. But you've got to train the way you want to correct the posture.
Starting point is 00:12:15 It's not just the exercise. So if you're doing rows, but you're not getting scapular retraction, you're actually going to strengthen the imbalance. You're going to make the imbalance worse. So that's how you correct imbalances in a nutshell. And you know, it's interesting. Like some people, I think a lot of people think that they're wired a certain way. Like they're genetically wired that way. Like I don't move that way. But they've never really addressed it specifically. Like I need to correct this because there is no
Starting point is 00:12:39 connectivity here. Like they never even thought of that. It's more just like, well, you know, I was, I always like, you know, I couldn't really like lean that far to that direction. Right. My mind just doesn't do that. But I used to remind me, now that you guys brought this up, this is a really good, I'm glad we went here. I'm going to, you're glad we went off the nuts on the shoulder. Yeah, yeah, we got serious. That's the, you did exactly this one. That's what really matters to butts. Yeah, right. Oh, very good. Oh, yeah, we got serious. That's the thing. Yeah, exactly. That's what really matters. Not just the butts, right? Every time. Oh, very good. Oh.
Starting point is 00:13:08 Remind me to do a video for the forum. It'll be a short little, I do this little posture check. This is what I used to do with people. I just a simple little posture check and puts you into neutral spinal alignment. And I don't tell people what I'm doing. I just tell them, you know, spread your feet out, tell them to do this and then these movements.
Starting point is 00:13:25 And then once I get them in that position, I tell them to hold that position. And like most people feel super awkward in that position. And it's really where they should be. And I put them in the anatomical position. I say, okay, this is the way you should be walking, sitting, standing, most certainly moving around throughout your day.
Starting point is 00:13:43 And the more awkward this feels for you right now, and I'm normally talking to a group of people is that's how bad you, that's how bad your imbalances are. Because if it feels like work to do that, that means you got some serious imbalances that we should address. Otherwise, it's going to get into causing a promise and continue to worsen as time goes on. It's not going to just naturally get better and simply just working out and exercising isn't going to necessarily get that better either.
Starting point is 00:14:06 It's learning how to focus specifically on what's wrong. And then I would give them like a small ways to, you know, here's some other signs. If you sit down to do a seated row like Salisane and you feel it in your biceps more than anywhere else, you feel your biceps pulling and you don't ever get sore in your back. Your back doesn't really get sore from the exercise or you lay down on a bench press and you fill it all in your shoulders and your triceps, you know, all shoulders and triceps. You you're you've barely feel it in your chest. Your body's not in the right position to activate and recruit the right muscles through that movement. Like Justin is saying, you've now formed it shaped it in a manner that it's going to do whatever whatever is most conducive for it doesn't necessarily mean what's best for it. It's become efficient at it.
Starting point is 00:14:47 It's what's happened. Your body has learned because your central nervous system wires itself that way. Your body has now learned this particular pattern and it's learned it so well that it becomes more efficient to do that pattern even though it's wrong than to do the proper pattern because it hasn't learned it. Does that make sense?
Starting point is 00:15:06 Yeah. So it becomes efficient to go in that direction. But once you teach it proper posture, good muscle recruitment patterns, then it becomes effortless and it becomes second nature. It's like breathing and you move in with good posture. That's something you need to think about. That's the other thing.
Starting point is 00:15:20 It's not something you should have to think about. Oh, I gotta fix my posture. Good posture happens naturally when you're free of muscle imbalances and you have good recruitment patterns. I just had like a, uh, uh, uh, you saying that with the central nervous system. You know, I love the, I love the analogy that you've given. It's, it's changed just the way I look at so many things with, uh, the central nervous system being like an apple fire to speakers. Because then when I, when I think of that, of that and this analogy that we're talking about with posture and trying to fire and activate the right muscles, imagine you have that 12-inch woofer, you have that amplifier and
Starting point is 00:15:54 there's 40 other 12-inch woofers and you're spreading the connection to all those those woofers, how powerful and how much bass are you gonna get out of those 40 whoopers versus if all of it's being directed right towards one pair of twig whoopers. Or cutting off a lot of your channels. Yeah, right. I mean, you would be like letting your body form into these like not advantageous postural positions, right? Now you're now you're dampening the signal in a lot of different places.
Starting point is 00:16:20 Exactly. Exactly. And yeah, and I look at like that too, but I also look at like, you know, it's communication. So like if you're interrupting communication or you're just telling your body that like, well, I don't really, I don't really use this that much. It's gonna prioritize the ones that it's gonna use more. Right, cause then it's gonna, you know,
Starting point is 00:16:40 really charge that in opposition. Right, cause when you're using your analogy at a with the 40 speakers, really, if you really break it down, the central nervous system is firing. These speakers over here with a lot more power than this one over here is kind of off. And so it's got a pattern that it fires at, and the pattern is wrong.
Starting point is 00:16:58 It's not making music. You want to teach it to use the right pattern and the way you do that. You want the death metal is through. Come down. Next question is from Secret Agent Bob 2000. How much weight should he use when doing maps, performance, mobility exercises? Okay, so we should explain what a mobility session is to those people listening who haven't enrolled in math performance.
Starting point is 00:17:27 So a mobility session is a workout that you do in between your main foundational workouts that are designed to increase mobility, flexibility, movement, facilitate recovery. And so you were at Facilitate Recovery. Recovery. Yes. And a lot of what we put in that came from the brain of the gentleman sitting in my right, Justin, who's much more of an expert on this subject.
Starting point is 00:17:52 And I was actually blown away, Justin, honestly, looking at some of the stuff that you put in there because you used things like, you know, phone rolling, everything from phone rolling to active dynamic stretching to other techniques, maybe you can go into. Right, yeah, so I mean, the point of this is that you're asking for like a specific amount of weight.
Starting point is 00:18:13 Well, really what we're trying to do is promote tension, but we're doing it like with recovery on our mind. So I'm not trying to use this as like a workout where I'm really going to feel like I'm going to get exhausted or I'm going to over. Yeah, I'm going to try really hard to pursue my way through this exercise. It's more of a movement quality and what I'm focused on is being able to connect and get the right type of tension where I want to get it. So what this is doing is reinforcing that signal. It's reinforcing that central nervous system signal
Starting point is 00:18:48 to keep those amplifiers on point as far as bringing that now into our major compound lifts and more highly intense days. So I'll actually be charged going into one of these foundational days. So other ways that I use this too, and I'll use some techniques with isometrics, with the stick, mobility, stuff like that. What I'm doing is I'm creating this tension by self-enforced tension. So what I'm doing is I'm applying this force through the stick into the ground. And I'm actually, I'm going through range of motion,
Starting point is 00:19:28 but I'm also, I'm doing that actively. I'm doing that actively, not passively. And we kind of explain the difference between that. That's why it's not a day of just stretching for an hour or two. No, no, no. There's, there's, look at it this way. No, it's a workout, but it's not.
Starting point is 00:19:42 Yeah, and Justin, you can correct me if I wrong, but I treat it like this. I look at my mobility days as your priorities have switched. When I'm in my foundational days, I'm there to put some work in. I'm trying to progress my way. I'm trying to move up, challenge myself physically. On a mobility day, my priorities are more about range of motion,
Starting point is 00:20:03 flexibility, form and technique. Yes. You know, I'm very heavy on the technique. Yes. I'm getting more into the craft and the art of my movement and the flow of what I'm doing. And it should be something that's, it will be a little challenging because I'm working for sure, but it's, that's less of a priority. I'd rather walk out of the workout and feel like, oh my god, I didn't even break a sweat
Starting point is 00:20:23 or I didn't even burn any muscles were never burning or never pumped. That's okay Because my priority isn't there, you know my priority is like I said flexibility range emotion movement circulation Like all these things. I mean that's really what it's promoting and that's where the recovery happens is because we're getting this Blood flow we're getting this oxygen to move throughout your body the way we wanted to to heal cells But at the same time It's at a low enough intensity where you know, it's not gonna You know lower your performance going into the to the more intense days So what we're trying to do is really you know, promote better performance when you need performance right?
Starting point is 00:21:01 This is all part of the program right because if you look at it, you know, here's a deal You have your workouts to produce the bulk of your results. Your body has a limited ability to recover and adapt from those. So if it had an unlimited ability, we would just do foundational workouts, you know, three times a day, every single day, but we can't. We can do them, you know, so many days a week and then any more than that, it's going to be too much, but we've got days off and between. What do we do with those?
Starting point is 00:21:26 Well, the best focus on those days is to take those days and use them so that the next time you do your foundational workout, you've increased its effectiveness. So, all we're doing is we're taking those days and we're leveraging them to make the foundational days that much more effective. And with math performance,
Starting point is 00:21:41 we put mobility sessions in there because a lot of the workouts and math performance are functional based. They're not your bodybuilding, muscle pump movements, they're very functional. And we know that you got to maintain mobility and have active recovery. Go into those workouts and have good performance.
Starting point is 00:21:59 And you can also look at it like if you're doing some kind of movement within your foundational days that you're not as familiar with, you can really go light and just duplicate that movement. That's where the freedom and flexibility of these mobility days are therefore is really for you to, because they're more complex, you don't have a machine to dictate where you should orientate your body. Right.
Starting point is 00:22:24 So if you're listening and you don't even have the program, I mean, just like what we're talking about, you can go in the gym with this intent and you can come out with something that's gonna benefit the next hard workout that you do. That's the concept and the philosophy behind. I love what I enjoy about it too, is it's a mental change too,
Starting point is 00:22:41 which I think you need to learn to have that. If you're somebody who heads into each workout with the same mentality and saying intensity, you need to have a different mentality. That's where I really, great point. I really look at those days as like, I'm trying to perfect this craft. I'm really analyzing my form on everything that I'm doing because that's what I'm trying to do. And you really as responsive as you think you are
Starting point is 00:23:07 and go through that lift. Exactly. And that's what I challenge people that challenge the intensity. That's a great, say that again, that's freaking awesome. Are you really as responsive? You said something like that. Are you really as responsive as you think you are?
Starting point is 00:23:21 Yeah, that lift. Yeah, that lift. That's great. Yeah. I got my mind thinking. No. So I mean, that's, uh, so I know he asked what weights we should do is like, you know, the long, long, winded answer from us is that you need to find a light enough weight that is, is not going to have any sort of hindrance on your foundational day the next
Starting point is 00:23:40 day. When you go to, if you are, if you're challenging yourself in any way that is is going to, you know, hinder the performance of your next workout, then you definitely went too hard and you need to light the weight up. That's it. Yeah. Our next question is from Games and Games. I love saying that. Games and games. Games. Their question is about whole lot about him, other than what I hear. But for someone who does, who takes steroids, looks the way he does, and is honest about it, I respect him.
Starting point is 00:24:12 I mean, that's a straight up. Well, I need to be honest about him. I'm with you on that. I do subscribe to his channel. I do subscribe to his channel. I do subscribe to his channel. I do subscribe to his channel. I do subscribe to his channel.
Starting point is 00:24:23 I do subscribe to his channel. I do subscribe to his channel. I do subscribe to his channel. I do subscribe to his channel. I it, I respect them. I mean, that's the straight up. You need to be honest about them. I'm with you on that. I do subscribe to his stuff. I do enjoy listening to him, even though he's not in no offense rich, you know, he's not like a lame,
Starting point is 00:24:35 norton type of knowledgeable guy. No, I don't, and he would, and he knows that, right? He would, he would, he would, he would, he would, Yeah, yeah, I don't think he's the type that's like that. But what I do, he would like us, he's very raw, very real, very candid. He does anybody that's transparent in like his honest about their process.
Starting point is 00:24:50 Like you really can't fault the guy for that. Well, and I really feel too, like so I have, I don't mind him to, and I know I'm sure the person who's asking the question, maybe they have a young son, or they're just questioning if that's a good thing that we think that somebody should be on there talking about their steroids.
Starting point is 00:25:07 But hey, I think that's healthier and better. I mean, if someone, I mean, if you look at him, he represents a very small percentage of people want to look like that. And if you really want to, then I appreciate him putting out there what it took for him to look like that. And you're going to commit to looking like that. It's kind of part of the process. It is, right?
Starting point is 00:25:27 And I talk about it as to kind of, you know, it's a disservice. To me, I would be more angry to hear him push, you know, some protein powder or some, you know, muscle building stack that's just a piece of shit stack that he takes just so he can pedal it and sell it. And not disclose that, you disclose that 99% of his results are coming from all the hard work in steroids he's taking.
Starting point is 00:25:50 And I could see from a parental perspective, like yeah, you don't want your kids to be exposed to certain things, but at the same time, it really is on the parent then to help that kid understand that this is why these are some of the health ramifications, if you're really gonna pursue this, you really wanna overeducate more than to just keep it a mystery. Well here's a deal, parents have told their kids
Starting point is 00:26:19 don't have sex for freaking thousands of years and the way they do it is they say it's bad and the devil, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And you know what that does? It creates problems. Rather than now, a lot of parents just sit down and you talk to your kids, you know, you're open with them.
Starting point is 00:26:32 This guy what he's doing and he's being honest about it, about his use and stuff, I don't see the harmony. And look, when your kids walk out the front door, they go on to real life. And real life is full of this shit and the internet's there. You can't stop it. So I might, I wouldn't be like, yes, son. I'm glad you're watching that. You know, especially he's exactly. I mean, he's under a certain age. I can change it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:52 But I would rather him do that than have him on their saying, no, I look this way because of supplements. Like Adam said, next thing you know, my kids working out, taking supplements, and nothing's working. And now he thinks he has to take steroids. You know what I'm saying? Exactly. So I think if you're gonna do dirt, you're gonna be that kind of person, but you're honest about it. Well, I'm just gonna hurt anybody else.
Starting point is 00:27:12 Fine. Yeah, no, I have a lot of respect for him for doing it. Tiffany Alana's 15 is asking about her dislocated shoulder. She did that about eight years ago, but recently it's been hurting her when she's doing pull downs. So here's a thing with shoulder pain. I don't know where her shoulder hurts. I can't see how it moves, so I can't help her.
Starting point is 00:27:33 But I'll say this, the most common problems with shoulders with people working out, really kind of fall into a few categories. You have shoulder impingement, which is where the clavicle in as too close to your scapula because of the shoulder position and there's muscles and stuff underneath that that get impinged and it causes inflammation. That kind of pain tends to go down the arm, so people will feel it kind of going down the side of their shoulder. And to correct that, you want to be able
Starting point is 00:28:06 to bring the shoulders back and down. You want to strengthen that back and down kind of position. The other shoulder pain that's common is the pain in the front of the shoulder. Actually Doug came in today with this kind of pain where they feel it right in the front of the shoulder and any type of press hurts like hell, especially a chest press or an overhead press.
Starting point is 00:28:22 That tends to be indicative of bicep tendon inflammation. So it's actually not the shoulder. It's the bicep tendon because it wraps over the top of the humorous. That gets inflamed and then the front of the shoulder hurts. Anytime you try to abduct the humorous or move it into a press of some sort. And then the other type of pain is the one
Starting point is 00:28:41 that's behind the shoulder. And people will have trouble putting the arm behind their back. Like if you're going to kind of put your arm behind the back and like rub the back of your hand up your back, the back of your back. Hold it like you're getting handcuffed. Yes. And that has to do with the rotator cuff, the muscles of the rotator cuff, the infraspinatus, super spinatus.
Starting point is 00:28:59 And for that same thing, the fix would also be shoulders back and down, but also do like external rotation exercises to strengthen it So I don't know what your pain, you know what kind of pain you have, but those are the three most common and many times there A lot of times people have them all at the same time and they kind of like the trifecta Oh, and then the other one that's not as common. They do butterfly pull ups butterfly Then the last one that shoulder pain. It's not as common is still there. It's still there. Butterfly pull ups. Butterfly pull ups. Then the last one, that shoulder pain,
Starting point is 00:29:27 it's not as common, but it's still there's a chromio-clivicular joint pain. This is where the shoulder, the collarbone joint goes all the way out to the shoulder and some people have that kind of bump, you know, right before their shoulder. It's like extension of the collarbone. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:29:43 That'll get really sore. Sometimes it gets separated. And you'll know that if you have real, if you have heart trouble putting an arm like a cross your body, like you're going to lay down on it. If that hurts really bad, then a lot of times that's AC joint pain. And if that's separated, not much you can do other than strengthen. That's one. Yeah. I, you know, I might try some dynamic flexibility for my shoulder to start off.
Starting point is 00:30:06 I might do some prone cobras, some movements like that, I think, before I start my lifts and see if that helps out a little bit, because that kind of targets that shoulder scapular retraction and depression at the same time. You want to do something real. And then when you do your pull downs, like Sal was talking about earlier, they should be really, really lightweight to where your
Starting point is 00:30:28 focus is being on the squeeze and retract. Yeah, I wouldn't even do a pull down. Actually, with this with a lot of shoulder issues, you'd want to focus on the horizontal straight C to row. Yeah, because what happens when they're doing a pull down, I can guarantee you right now. She's fighting against that. Yeah, and her shoulder blades are probably the ones to dislocate, right? Well, their shoulder blades are shrugging, probably rolled forward.
Starting point is 00:30:48 She's probably to cave down. And if it's bicep tendon, that's kind of a bad position for the bicep when you're pulling down that way sometimes. So yeah, I would go rows, definitely rows. But here's a funny thing about all joints. OK, here's a crazy thing. Here's a little cheat code for any joint in your body. Find out or learn the most optimal way it should move.
Starting point is 00:31:11 And almost every rehab you have to do for that joint, regardless of the injury, all go centers around getting that. Try and keep you there. So whether you tell your A, C, L, your PCL, your MCL, you have issues with your Patel, or whatever, strengthen your hips and getting good hip mobility
Starting point is 00:31:25 is gonna help with the shoulders. If you get the shoulders to track probably with the shoulder blade drops back and pinches back and everything's moving the way it should, that helps pretty much any problem with your shoulders. That's rotation, all that stuff. So for all your trainers that are listening right now, if you just understand that,
Starting point is 00:31:41 like you understand optimal function for a joint, that's your cheat code, my friend. Your clients come in with pain. That's usually the answer to fix it many times. Yeah, so with that, leave us a five-star rating and review, and thank you for listening to Mind Pump. Yep, check out the new Mind Pump Media.com website. If you guys haven't been on the new Mind Pump Media.com,
Starting point is 00:32:01 go check it out. Make it pictures of Adam. Yeah, sometimes. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. For more information about this show and to get valuable free resources from Sal, Adam, and Justin, visit us at www.mind pumpradio.com. Until next time, this is Mind Pump. Yeah!

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