Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 2314: The Best Way to Train to Lose Fat, How to Choose Between Enclomiphene & TRT, Staying Jacked as a Runner & More (Listener Live Coaching)

Episode Date: April 13, 2024

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Email live@mindpumpmedia.com if you want to be considered to ask your question on the show. Mind Pump Fit Tip: If ...you want to move in a direction where your life changes, having a mentor or a guide is your best bet. (1:45) Kids say the darndest things. (13:04) Sal’s devastating night of sleep. (14:22) BPC-157's healing ability. (21:38) GLP1’s use for impulsive behavior and another Adam Tirzepetide update. (24:12) Beware of studies. (37:12) Preventable measures to ward off a cold. (40:49) For every one idiot, there is a sea of good stories. (45:08) Celebrity gossip and conspiracies. (49:45) #ListenerLive question #1 - Any advice on natural testosterone enhancers and when to seek out medical intervention? (1:03:17) #ListenerLive question #2 - What is the best approach to becoming a true hybrid athlete? (1:15:39) #ListenerLive question #3 - Would having an outside source (in this case, the EMS suit) make muscles contract illicit hypertrophy? (1:24:06) #ListenerLive question #4 - When trying to lose fat, is it better to reduce weight training and do more cardio? (1:32:30) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com For a limited time only, Mind Pump listeners get a free LMNT Sample Pack with any purchase: Visit DrinkLMNT.com/MindPump Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout** April Promotion: MAPS Anywhere | MAPS HIIT 50% off! ** Code APRIL50 at checkout ** TRANSCEND your goals! Telehealth Provider • Physician Directed GET YOUR PERSONALIZED TREATMENT PLAN! Hormone Replacement Therapy, Cognitive Function, Sleep & Fatigue, Athletic Performance and MORE. Their online process and medical experts make it simple to find out what’s right for you. 3 Day Mind Pump Personal Trainer Webinar Mind Pump Fitness Coaching Course Mind Pump #2125: Heal Like Wolverine: BPC 157 With Dr. William Seeds Mind Pump #2187: Why Building Muscle Is More Important Than Losing Fat With Dr. Gabrielle Lyon Doctor explains new study on salt substitutes, plus swaps to decrease sodium New Study: Mediterranean Diet, Daily Glass of Wine May Lower Depression Risk Beyoncé Accused of 'Extreme Witchcraft' by Former Drummer Kimberly Thompson The Fanatic (2019 movie) Mock human sacrifice at Cern Dark Parody and Villainous Clowns | Matt Walsh | The Daily Wire Guantonio's Mind Pump #2312: Five Steps To Bounce Back From Overtraining MAPS Fitness Anabolic MAPS Fitness Performance   Mind Pump #1237: Why Most Group Exercise Classes Suck Mind Pump #1987: How To Burn Fat & Build Muscle At The Same Time Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Dr. William Seeds (@williamseedsmd) Instagram Christina Hathaway (@mindsetofmattercoaching) Instagram Dr. Gabrielle Lyon (@drgabriellelyon) Instagram Michael Churnow (@michaelchernow) Instagram

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mind pump with your hosts, Sal DeStefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. You just found the most downloaded fitness, health, and entertainment podcast. This is Mind Pump. Right in today's episode, we answered live caller's questions. So people called in, we got to help them out on air, but this was after a 61 minute intro portion. This is where we talk about fitness, current events, family air, but this was after a 61 minute intro portion. This is where we talk about fitness, current events,
Starting point is 00:00:27 family life, and we basically just have a lot of fun. By the way, you can check the show notes for timestamps if you want to skip around to your favorite parts. Also, if you want to be on an episode like this one, where we can help you out, email us at live at mindpumpmedia.com. Now, this episode's brought to you by some sponsors. The first one, LMNT.
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Starting point is 00:01:00 will probably improve your performance. Anyway, go check them out. They're offering our listeners a free sample pack with any order. Go to drinklmnt.com forward slash mind pump. This episode is also brought to you by Organifi. They make organic supplements for fitness and health. Today's episode we talked about their green juice and immunity juice, both great products. We use them pretty regularly. Go check them out. Get yourself 20% off. Go to organifi.com, that's O-R-G-A-N-I-F-I.com forward slash mind pump.
Starting point is 00:01:28 Use the code mind pump, get 20% off. Also this month's workout program sale, Maps Anywhere 50% off and Maps Hit also 50% off. If you're interested, go to mapsfitnessproducts.com and then use the code April 50 for that discount. All right, here comes the show. If you want to lose weight, if you want to get in shape, if you want to get fit and you want to make sure that it happens and that you can maintain it, in other words you want the best odds, nothing is more effective than
Starting point is 00:01:57 hiring a good guide, a good coach, a good trainer. By the way this is true for any personal growth. If you want to move in a direction where your life changes, having a mentor or a guide is your best bet across the board, right? Yeah. What if you know everything though? That's, that's a big problem stuff. If you think you know everything. This was, I think this was the greatest challenge we had when we were writing programs, knowing this. Oh yeah. It was knowing that, you know, we're going to go out and create these programs for the masses, but deep down knowing that no matter how good,
Starting point is 00:02:29 how much time we spend on thinking of all the possibilities, the variables. We're not going to compete with that. You just can't, you can't compete with. Now, thank God we had the podcast to compliment the program. So most of the audience that follows the programs also hears our advice. And so it's kind of like having a coach through it, but it's not the same. It's not the same as having me standing there in front of you, having a plan for us to do something today. And then I watch the way you move. I can tell the way your posture is when you first walk in. I can ask you questions like, how did you sleep
Starting point is 00:02:59 last night? How did you eat yesterday? What's going on? And then go, oh, okay, I need to make a pivot. Look, it's like, think back to when you were a kid, right? I mean, um, we all took the, the, the classes that you required, you know, math, English history, whatever. And there's that one teacher, right? Everybody can think of that one teacher that just, not only did they stand out, but they made you love learning something that you didn't know you had a love for. That was the teacher, right?
Starting point is 00:03:23 That was the, the, the guide. That's what a good trainer will do. something that you didn't know you had a love for. That was the teacher, right? That was the guide. That's what a good trainer will do. A good trainer doesn't just know exercises and form and technique. They don't just know how to change those exercises or your form and technique based on how you move.
Starting point is 00:03:35 They don't just know diet or how to change it based off of you. They know a good coach or trainer knows how to guide you in an effective way. And that is so different from person or person that it took me, I loved being a trainer. I knew I wanted to be a trainer and work in fitness at a very young age.
Starting point is 00:03:53 Like it was a passion of mine. I mean, I'm going to be quite honest with you. It took me a decade to get good at being a trainer because it's so nuanced. There's so much individual variance. It took me, I mean, before that I knew exercise and diet and stuff like that, but it took me a decade to get effective at getting
Starting point is 00:04:10 people to make these changes and then keep these changes for the rest of their life. So that's how hard it is, but when you find someone like that, there's no program that we could create that would ever compete. Yeah. Well, once you graduated past, like just giving them a plan and educating them and
Starting point is 00:04:26 kind of having that in front of them and just peering more into their behaviors and trying to really dig into that from the very beginning and find out what those buttons are that kind of motivate them or, you know, might cause a setback. Like you get to understand how they interact on a daily basis.
Starting point is 00:04:48 You just become so much more effective like immediately. It's so funny you went this direction because we just got back from the coaching con and this was one of the things that I was expressing to so many of these great coaches and trainers that are like so inspiring seeing some of them and the traction they've made already in their first couple years of being a trainer. But like me having to them, like, hey, calm down, dude. You're on year two right now. You guys see the success of the business, but what you don't realize is that a majority of that success is not the, oh, we figured out podcasting,
Starting point is 00:05:17 or we understood sales funnels, or we built this great website. It's like, no, it had nothing to do, what it really had everything to do with was the 15 plus years that led into that. I was almost two decades deep in fitness before I started the podcast.
Starting point is 00:05:30 Yes, I said, so you guys are doing so good already, you gotta be patient. Now, granted, they're probably gonna be a lot better than I was a lot sooner because we were like figuring it out for ourselves in the trenches, learning through trial and error and just repetition through clients. Hopefully we've provided and created enough good solid content, especially now with the coaching program
Starting point is 00:05:50 to help accelerate that growth, but you gotta be patient. Some of this stuff just takes time. It takes time to see the same kind of problems continue to reoccur with your clients, to know like, oh, okay, I know what to do. And then the next level to that is, how do you learn to forecast it before they even hit those things? I was just, I was waiting to say that.
Starting point is 00:06:10 Like when you can forecast to somebody, here's what you're going to notice at this point. And here's the challenges you're going to run into. And here's probably what's going to happen. And here's what we're going to do. And then they experience it. You've earned so much trust. And the person goes, okay, I see that you know what you're talking about, and this isn't. And to have the confidence, Sal, to allow the client, because here's a mistake
Starting point is 00:06:30 that earlier trainers make. You get all the knowledge and you know that that's the wrong way, this is the right way. And part of the art of being all the coach people is to, when you first meet somebody, if you're combative and you argue with them or you tell them how wrong they are, they're going to put a wall up or they're going to bounce on you. So there's this delicate dance that you have to do with a client of kind of nodding your head when you know that's not going to fucking work. Like, okay, yeah, we can do that. Okay.
Starting point is 00:06:56 And then knowing like, okay, now I know what to be prepared for because I want them to relax, let their guard down, build that trust with each other. I haven't earned that trust yet. So then I'll, okay, nod my head yes, and they go, okay, well, you know, here's some of the things that we might run into. You know, and you do, do, do, do, you start laying out all this stuff, and then you let it unfold,
Starting point is 00:07:13 and like, shit, that's exactly what you said was gonna happen. Well, what's your goal, right? Is your goal to be right, or is your goal to help get this person to long-lasting, sustainable progress, results, have a good relationship with fitness and nutrition. If your goal is to win or to be right in terms of
Starting point is 00:07:29 arguing with them, well then okay, go argue with them, tell them how wrong they are, but you're not going to succeed at what your real goal is. You're not going to get buy-in. No, man. I mean, I tell that one story so many times because hopefully this woman listens to the podcast and here's how bad I feel, but I blew
Starting point is 00:07:44 someone out once because I was right. I was right, she was wrong, she wasn't telling me the truth, whatever. And she left, she never came back. And within a few days I'm like, what have I done? Like yeah, I told her the truth and she figured out that I was right and whatever, but gosh. Did I turn her off?
Starting point is 00:08:01 Not only did I turn her off, I hope she might have never tried again because I made her feel so bad. Did I turn her off? Not only did I turn her off, I hope she might've never tried again. Because I made her feel so bad. And what have I done? Like, did I succeed in anything except for making my ego and my pride feel better? So yeah, if your goal is to get that person to figure this out, first off, it takes a while for the most part. Very rarely do you get that client who just kind of figures it out and falls into it. That's like the perfect student.
Starting point is 00:08:25 Very rare. Usually it takes a while. Sometimes it takes way longer than you anticipate. I mean, I remember one guy I trained, you know, and he was consistent with me. It took us over three years to lose 30 pounds, but it wasn't the, he didn't lose the 30 pounds in a three year period. He lost in the last like four months. So it was like over two and a half years of nothing. And then it finally clicked at the end.
Starting point is 00:08:48 By the way, he never gained it back. I'm still friends with him, right? This is at least 10 years ago. So that's what you're dealing with when you're a coach or trainer. Now, if someone's listening and they're disheartened, here's a deal. Your odds without a good coach or trainer are almost 0%. That's just the data. The data will show you that when you go do this on your own, you're trying to
Starting point is 00:09:06 figure this out, the fail rate is through the roof. Um, you know, luckily if you have like, one of the reasons why we do so many podcasts every week is we know that there's people who are on this journey. And we're like, okay, if we can be in their ear often, that is going to be at least a, what it's like to be with a coach to kind of hear these things being communicated and help keep those people moving in the right direction. But nothing will ever replace. Speaking of that, Doug, you got to share that. So when I was in Utah, I had Jerry with me. And so she was still working and stuff with that. And she's like, oh, look, I just got this great email.
Starting point is 00:09:38 And she read this email to me. I want Doug to read it to you guys, because it's along these lines of us coaching people through the podcast. Do you have it, Doug? Yeah, I do. Actually, it's posted right here. His name is Kyle Saliba. I hope he doesn't mind being shouted out on the show. Well, he was live, right?
Starting point is 00:09:55 He was live. So he goes, I was on the show a while ago in mid-November relating to my low testosterone, which concerned me, especially since I'm only 20 years old. Just wanted to send a check in as Adam requested. I did on the call. Thanks to your advice, I got my vitamin D tested and it did indeed come back deficient. I implemented all your advice and did maps anabolic and had my testosterone checked again recently.
Starting point is 00:10:19 My testosterone numbers have doubled since the call and I'm now in a healthy place. I can't thank you guys enough. Yeah, that's phenomenal. So great. That's excellent. But you know, I don't remember, I think I kind of remember that in fact. I remember as a young kid.
Starting point is 00:10:32 20 years old. I remember that. Yeah, I looked us up. I think I remember him. I think he originally was asking if he should get on hormone therapy. That's right. And we told him to do this first
Starting point is 00:10:41 before he did something like that. Yes, yes, yes. And then that's, so that's why it's such a, so, I mean, again, for all the other younger, cause it's wild that we have this conversation for 20 year olds and old, but it's becoming super popular. I remember when we first started working with the hormone companies and that was like the most common DMs that I got were these 20 to 25 year olds that were coming back with low testosterone.
Starting point is 00:11:01 And the answer is to not jump onto synthetic testosterone right away. The answer is first to check all these boxes before you, because at under 30, you shouldn't have to do that. No. If you're under 30 years old. Still young and resilient. Yeah. You should not have to have to use hormone therapy.
Starting point is 00:11:17 Now, of course, there's always exceptions to the rules, I know it's a bit of an overgeneralization, but for the most part, if you are under the age of 30, it's typically too soon to jump right to hormone therapy. It's usually nutrient deficiency and or lifestyle factors. And lifestyle for kids and their guys in their 20s and 20s is radically different than what it was a few decades ago. Way less active, less sunlight.
Starting point is 00:11:40 Yeah, less deep sleep. No strength training, sleep is all being affected. Diet has changed radically over the last few decades. And there's probably some environmental factors too, but I mean, doubled, doubled his testosterone. That's, that's amazing. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:53 That's, that's incredible. By the way, I got at the, uh, the coaching event, I had a few, uh, trainers approach me and say that they did our three day free training. And, uh, one of them came up to me and goes. Double sales. Double sales. Yeah. Yeah. I them came up to me. Double sales. Double sales. Yeah, I heard all kinds of things. Double sales.
Starting point is 00:12:07 Like I've doubled my sales since watching you guys teach how to present myself properly and how to, you know, teach how to, how to present packages of a training and stuff like that. So. Yeah. Watching that community grow right now has been fantastic. And you know, I did get a chance to talk to a few that weren't in there and a lot of them was because they had just invested in the coaching con
Starting point is 00:12:27 and some other things, and they didn't know that we have a payment option, we go monthly on that so it's not a huge burden, and I said listen. Or just do the free 3D training too. Well I mean, bare minimum, do the free training, that's why we put it out there, but if you invest in the actual coaching program, there's monthly payments on it, and so far,
Starting point is 00:12:43 what we've done is almost everybody I know that's been inside that thing has seen an increase in their revenue that's significantly greater than the investment it was. It just scratches the surface. I mean, yeah, we just like put that out there because that's like the immediate, it's like, I can apply this right now to my business and I could see a return. Well, there's just so much more you can do. People watching and listening, it's, uh, it's mind pump trainer course.com,
Starting point is 00:13:03 right? Doug, did I get that right? That's correct. I got to tell you guys about something funny too, by the way. My three year old gets about my son. By the way, I had the worst sleep of my life over the weekend. Which I'll tell you guys in a second. I feel like it's getting worse and worse. I have four kids. Okay. This was the worst night I've ever experienced in my entire life. I'll tell you guys the same, but he, he goes up to,
Starting point is 00:13:24 he goes up to Jessica and he goes, mom, I got to tell you something. He took me upstairs and he did something really funny. And she's like, what do you do? And he goes, he shaved the beard off his armpits. I was hanging out with him. Yeah. And I was like, you know, cause I'm like just trimming my underneath and he's like, oh, you're shaving your beard? I'm like, that's not a beard. That's just armpit hair. Speaking of which, he also, he was laying out in the sun and he was looking down and I guess he saw a little peach fuzz on his chest.
Starting point is 00:13:54 And he goes, mom, mom, and he goes, but boss said I'd have to wait a long time to have a beard, but I already have one. Look, he's just looking at the fuzz. Little peach fuzz on his body. I saw the video of him doing pushups this morning by himself. Hey, what is going on? That was awesome.
Starting point is 00:14:08 I don't like talk about work out. He's all by himself over there just doing these pushups. On his own, in the playroom. She saw him and she started filming him. That's cool. He's just trying to do exercise. He invented some and then one is pushups because he must have seen us doing pushups at one point.
Starting point is 00:14:22 But anyway, let me tell you guys about this night of sleep that was just devastating, dude. So we were traveling, which always messes with my sleep and flying just kind of messes me up. Especially that way. Florida back is. Oh, just, it was just, I went Florida, beast.
Starting point is 00:14:35 I went to Florida, Texas, Texas back home. I had to wake up super early to get back and it was just really just, it doesn't feel good. Right? In that, during that period of time though, my kids were starting to get sick. so my daughter was giving Jessica some trouble, so she was having some poor sleep, so we're leading into this incredibly horrible night of sleep, both of us are already
Starting point is 00:14:55 kind of tired. Oh God. So I get home, I'm like, you know, I'm getting over. You guys are still married? Hey, you know what? I'm going to tell you dude, sanctifying. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:04 I know what that means now. The term sanctifying means when you go through challenge and it brings you guys closer. Oh good. Not apart. Good. So actually, the good news with this is that we went through the toughest, which I'll tell you guys,
Starting point is 00:15:18 night ever, and the next day we're both exhausted, dead, completely just out of it. Moments of laughter, being with the kids, you know, hugging each other, even while it was happening. So anyway, we go to bed and right away, we went to bed at 10, midnight or so, the baby wakes up and she, you can't, she, the only way she stopped crying is if Jessica held her while either standing or sitting up.
Starting point is 00:15:44 That was it. She couldn't, she couldn't lay down with her while either standing or sitting up. That was it. She couldn't, she couldn't lay down with her. I couldn't take her. She'd freak out just mom and mom has to sit up. Okay. So that's happening and it's just all night. So we're like, Oh, this is terrible. So I'm staying up with Jessica because, uh, I, I realize how isolating it is if you're up with your baby by yourself and you're just exhausted.
Starting point is 00:16:04 So I'm going to stay up and just give her support. Right. So I'm there. Meanwhile, my son wakes up for some reason in his room. So I run downstairs, try to put him down, put him to sleep, come back upstairs. He wakes up again, go downstairs. Four AM, the baby finally falls asleep. So for midnight or so to four AM, she was up, both of us up.
Starting point is 00:16:24 And I went up and down the stairs two or three times. 4 a.m. finally fall asleep, I go downstairs because I'm like, okay if my son wakes up again I then I got to be down here because otherwise he'll come up and wake up the baby too or whatever. So I go downstairs and he wakes up at 5 15 that was it. So I probably had a grand maybe three hours sleep in one night, the whole night just back and forth and totally brutal. It was devastating. But I took some pictures of Jessica while she was holding the baby so I could show her.
Starting point is 00:16:53 It was really sweet. We had the iPad at one point. Jessica's trying to sleep while sitting up with the babies doing her thing. But it also brought us together, man, which is pretty cool. So let me ask you, because I know you're also working on this exercise relationship that you got going on too,
Starting point is 00:17:12 did you still work out? Did I still work out? Did you take it off? No, no, no. You took it off? Oh, good for you, because actually normally your psycho ass would still have worked out. No way, man.
Starting point is 00:17:20 Because I feel like that's a situation right there where the right thing is to let your body rest and not do it, the addictive part is that I would go work out still because I say I need it. Bro, I was dead, there was no way. Oh good for you. Yeah, there was no way. Well good for you.
Starting point is 00:17:33 I think that's growth there too. I think that's an area in the country. Maybe, yeah. Or else physically unable. Let me think about it. No, I thought about it and I didn't. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, no way.
Starting point is 00:17:42 Yeah, I think that's an example of that right there. Of old you still would probably go and get that training and tell yourself that you absolutely have to. Bro, that's brutal. I tell you what, man, the sleep with kids, cause here's the problem, cause then I have, we're on a family threat, right? And I have a family member that doesn't have any kids
Starting point is 00:17:58 or anything. People with kids, whenever someone without kids makes a comment, there's always a part of you that your ego kind of like goes, shut up, you know, because I'm like, oh, it's terrible, no sleep or whatever. And then this person goes in there and goes, yeah, you know, those are the worst nights. And I'm like, you don't got no kids,
Starting point is 00:18:13 you don't know what the hell you're talking about, because when you lose sleep and you don't have kids, you always have the next day. You can always sleep in the next day. Yeah, yeah. Kids don't sleep in. They don't sleep in. So the next day is,
Starting point is 00:18:25 I actually think that has a lot to do. I mean, obviously age plays a massive role and stuff like that too, but there is something to say about the psychological part when you were younger, single, and no kids of like, when you know you were pushing the limits, but you knew that like, I'll just, I'll get it all back on Saturday or tomorrow. I won't get up till noon. Yeah. Versus when you're an older guy, you're a dad now, you got four kids and you're going, where am I gonna recover this? Like you're like, cause you already,
Starting point is 00:18:52 yeah, cause you exactly, it's gone forever. A piece of me is gone forever. I'm gonna go back, yeah, I'm gonna go back a year in life, right? No, you lost it forever, man. I was like, so I see that text, you know, that come through. Oh yeah, those are the worst. And right away I wanna be like, you don't know why?
Starting point is 00:19:04 Cause your dog kept you up one night? Yeah, I mean, until the teenagers in there, just they'll sleep till noon. Isn't that weird too, that that's a, is that, what is that, do you know what the, is there a physiological reason why teenagers go through this part of their life where all of a sudden you sleep, and I remember that too.
Starting point is 00:19:18 Some developmental thing. Brain, neural. It's a brain, so it's a brain thing. Yeah, so the group of people that require the most sleep are teenage girls. So teenage girls actually require something like 10 hours of sleep versus the average person. So teen girls, and I know, because my daughter could do this,
Starting point is 00:19:36 teen girls can sleep a lot, and they need to, for some reason. It's pretty crazy. You know who requires the least amount of sleep? As you get older. Older. I know. It goes down, that's what I mean so if I were call seeing this chart, it's when you're very very young. It's super high
Starting point is 00:19:50 right the amount and then you kind of plateau a little bit and then you spike it like Teenage years and then it's a gradual drop all the way down for the rest of your life Yes, less and less and less and less sleep as you get older It's all about the brain development interest pruning and all that stuff. Yeah, I've always wondered why it makes sense when you're young because your body's growing and you need all this. I remember, do you guys remember that when you were a teenager and you could just sleep until like noon? I could sleep for 12, 14 hours.
Starting point is 00:20:14 That's what I mean. You could go, you could grind and not sleep for a day or two doing something. Because I would do things like that where I go like, yeah, it's okay though. Saturday, I got nothing. I'll just fucking sleep all day. And you could, you could lay in bed till four o'clock. That's the other thing too. I mean, I could kind of sleep in now,
Starting point is 00:20:29 but sleeping in for me would be like an hour pass when I wake up. My hips start to hurt. Yeah. I'm like on the side, I'm like, ah, it always wakes me up. It makes me angry. How many pillows do you use when you go to sleep now? Bro, I have like five.
Starting point is 00:20:42 I swear to God like at least four did because I have one on the face and they got one I'm hugging and I got to you know so you do that at home my hand out my reflex doesn't get all crazy we always stay in the same room right so I just and I was meant to ask you that pillow yeah he's always got like two pillows over his face like this and we all for a wall is a wall inside it's a pregnant lady with one between his legs. Really also it's protection, you know, in case Adam makes up the middle of the night. There's no way I'm getting in, dude. There's a full Ford Fortress going on there. Hey, you should get one of those pregnancy pillows, bro. The big long ones.
Starting point is 00:21:14 Body's in it? Yeah, I've seen those. I don't know. That's a whole nother level right there. What do you mean? You already got four or five pillows. Just get a big ass comfy one. Once I do that, it's like, I mean... You surrendered by then. Yeah, I've surrendered by then. Yeah, I've surrendered. You're fully committed to that.
Starting point is 00:21:27 All in. We should buy one for him. But have you seen those pillows, like these huge body pillows, but they're like anime characters? Weird dudes that like to sleep with these. They have like a face on it. Yeah. Oh, god.
Starting point is 00:21:36 What's wrong with people? I don't know. Hey, I was going to ask you this. So you know what Justin told me when we were gone? OK, so the audience knows, because it was on the show. He almost cut his finger. He did cut a big ass chunk of his finger off.
Starting point is 00:21:46 Bro, within a few days, it's completely healed. I would say maybe like two weeks, but yeah. Are you on BBC right now? Yes. Oh, okay. Well, and we did the stem cell treatment, so I don't know, I'm like, I don't know, I feel like a lizard, I'm gonna be honest.
Starting point is 00:22:01 Maybe I'm a lizard person, and I've been like, oh, radar. You didn't know about it? Yeah, because I'm one of them. Yeah, I a lizard person and I've been like, oh, radar. You didn't know about it? Yeah, because I'm one of them. Yeah, I don't know. But like seriously, and people asked me at the NCI event about the finger, because the episode dropped and it was like, I'm like, I'm embarrassed.
Starting point is 00:22:16 It's like all the way healed. It's like a little scratch. It was like, well, let me see your figure. He's like, look at it. See it right there? It's like all scar tissue. It's like, wow, you made that big of a deal over there, huh? Layers grew back all the way to where it doesn't even
Starting point is 00:22:28 have like a dent like it did before, where it had like a chunk like out of my finger. So I'm on BPC also, and I cut my finger, Doug was there when I cut my finger, and it's almost completely healed. That was only a few days ago. So I didn't notice that, but I think you're right. OK, that's right.
Starting point is 00:22:41 Do you remember? Well, I mean, that seems to be, of all the peptides, that's the one that has the most research, the most positive feedback of what it's doing. Well, that's the one Dr. Seed said he would recommend the most. I mean, every doctor, every person that I've talked to has said that BPC-157 has the most backed research
Starting point is 00:23:00 around what it's doing for people, and it's just been insane. And I mean, I experienced that with my Achilles. It was scary how it felt. I remember. And it's just been insane. And I mean, I experienced that with my Achilles. It was scary how it felt. I remember you were worried to go test it. Yeah, because it was like, the way I knew it just had felt like weeks prior,
Starting point is 00:23:13 to make that big of a leap when I had been dealing with that injury for such a long period of time was like, this is kind of weird. Speaking of which. So is this, OK, just on the BPC front, is that what they found is the biggest impact is tissue healing? Yeah. Yeah, across the board. Yeah, blood vessel healing, tissue healing, and it's got some... Yeah, this is insane.
Starting point is 00:23:31 It's actually got, I never talked about this, but BPC also in animal studies has been shown to reverse the damage caused by drugs that influence the dopamine system of the brain. So they'll give methamphetamines to rats and mice, which by the way, what do I want to mouse up? That's such a fun experiment. Yeah, we need to do some drugs. But, and it causes certain structural damage, then they give the mice or rats BPC and it heals the brain.
Starting point is 00:24:00 This is good for people, by the way, who take stimulants for ADD or ADHD, because it does impact your reward system. So there may be some, there may be something. Yeah, there may be something. I didn't know that. Anyway, speaking of peptides, so I gotta be careful how much I say,
Starting point is 00:24:16 because I don't wanna say too much about this person, otherwise people might know who he is. But I know somebody who is a very, he's like a Silicon Valley. Billionaire, you said? Person, yes. Okay, I can't say that. Yeah, yes you can. No, you can. I was like, whoops. who is a very, he's like a Silicon Valley person. Yes. Okay, I can't say that. Yeah, yes you can.
Starting point is 00:24:28 No you can. It's like whoops. And he's using I think Terseptide, I think it's Terseptide, or some, it's one of the GLP-1s. He's not using it for weight loss. He's using it for sexual addiction. He's using it for addiction.
Starting point is 00:24:44 So there are people right now who are using GLP-1s, not for just to lose weight, but rather to help them with impulsive behaviors, which we talked about on previous episodes, which is wild. Wild. So you actually treat that up. I just said week four, so I'm on one month.
Starting point is 00:24:59 So it's still, what do you think, wild? It's, yeah, it's fucking tripping me out. So yesterday was, so I started this at 231. I weighed this morning at 215. Oh my gosh. That's a lot, dude. Yeah, now again, I'm still, you hear me still kind of coughing a little bit.
Starting point is 00:25:16 I have not had two full weeks of complete health and so I want to be able to report back. That'll make you lose weight too. Yeah, and also too, you're trying to, I'm trying to read how I feel and signals and appetite and all those things like that. Those are affected by how I feel too. My sleep's not the greatest because of all these things.
Starting point is 00:25:33 So there's some variables I want to get leveled out so I can really continue to report what's going on. But what has definitely been consistent, that is interesting, is day six is if there's ever a time where I think about something that I would have like an ice cream, candy or a treat or something outside of like really whole food, healthy foods, it happens day, day six, late afternoon to evening. So before, so last night, cause it's once a week. Yeah. It's a once a week injection.
Starting point is 00:25:59 So you can totally totally tell. And it also makes sense why you're supposed to kind of keep going up as you go to week four, which by the way, I'm not going to do, we're going to keep that. I want to let you know that you're supposed to kind of keep going up as you go to week four Which by the way, I'm not gonna do we're gonna keep that I want to let you know that I'm gonna stay on the low dose I'm gonna stay on the low dose It's crushing the appetite more than I would like anyways in the first place So he did a full day where he didn't eat anything. We just realized that I was like, oh my god You even eat like all day. Yeah all day didn't even because we were so busy and stuff like that I actually had a protein bar. It's all I had that day
Starting point is 00:26:24 That was a total amount of all I had that day. That was the total amount of calories I had and felt fine. Didn't have like, and then the next day when, so that's happened in my life, right? Where you just get so busy, right? And you don't think of food, but then the next day, the body goes, oh, I need it. And then I, again, another day.
Starting point is 00:26:39 So that's been crazy, right? And so last night, so I had like this little like, oh, and we've had this ice cream in there. And I'm like, you know what? I'm going to go have some. I want to see how this goes down. Like I just wanted to see if I enjoyed it the same, if I could just have a little bit and put it away, if I had to like really think about that or just like, bro,
Starting point is 00:26:58 I ate a 10th of what I normally would have had and had no problem putting the rest of it back in the freezer and felt 100% satisfied. I did not have this like, oh, I want it. So for people that don't. That is fucking trippy. So something that hits that, man, when I hit ice cream, you look out.
Starting point is 00:27:17 This is a strong one for you. Yes, I'll just. It's like a drug. I've seen you. So what's weird, as I continue to look into this and you hear people's anecdotes and then you see what's coming out, this is going to be, most likely gonna be
Starting point is 00:27:32 the biggest medical intervention across the board, bigger than Prozac, bigger than the PDE5 inhibitors like Viagra, bigger than statins. This probably is gonna be one of the most widely used, these class of peptides, most widely used, and the addiction side of it's really weird. It's really gonna be interesting. That's really weird.
Starting point is 00:27:52 And we're gonna see massive division here. There's gonna be a lot of hate on one side and a lot of love on the other side. We're gonna see a ton of that, which is typical with anything that's like this groundbreaking and huge, right, because here's what's gonna happen. There is gonna be a whole subset of people that this is literally going to be,
Starting point is 00:28:10 this is life changing and amazing for them. Then there's gonna be another subset of people that are just. Abusers, there's a huge potential for abuse here. Looking for shortcuts, looking for shortcuts. I had this great conversation with Christina, who's our friend, it's a coach, we've shot her on the show before. She has a psychology background.
Starting point is 00:28:27 And so she's like a therapist first before a coach and trainer. And she really wanted, like she was really digging into me like to be like, well, don't you think this would be bad for these people and this and that and really challenging. And I'm like, listen, the verdict's not out with me as far as like who for sure I would do this with and not do it with.
Starting point is 00:28:42 The thing that we had this, she's like, you know, one of the things I do in therapy is when people have these triggers and stuff like that, that opens up an opportunity for me to go in there to work on it. That's right. Like, what was it that triggered that? She goes, so if it eliminates that,
Starting point is 00:28:54 aren't you worried that these people are, and I'm, oh, I said, you're 100% right. Like, if you're not already thinking of, like, I went into it, and you heard how I'm talking already, like, this is making me rethink my relationship with food. So I didn't go in it, like not thinking that there's potential work. You have the awareness of a trainer with two decades of experience working with other people.
Starting point is 00:29:13 Right. Now think of you're somebody else who's just- And you're not working with a coach. You're not just- Yes. You just take it. Who just wants to lose weight and then it has this miraculous, doesn't make you binge, but then, but the real root of all that's binging is, because it's a coping mechanism, okay? What people need to understand is that when you binge and you overeat food, it's just like somebody who,
Starting point is 00:29:32 even though it's not, because we justify it, but someone who smokes cigarettes, does drugs, whatever sexual pornography. Yeah, when you go into the point of damage and hurting yourself, which is what obesity is. Yes. There's something there driving it. That you're coping.
Starting point is 00:29:44 Yes. And so if it now cuts that off, then they're not, so, and this is her and I ping ponging back and forth. And I said, yeah, but you could also say this to them though. Maybe that helps them at least get through the initial weight loss and they get to that point and then maybe they get off of it and then start to come back and then you can start to, so I can see a lot of ways to work around it.
Starting point is 00:30:02 Well, from her perspective, I guess, like the ideal situation would be to kind of go through you know, a I can see a lot of ways to work around it. Her perspective, I guess, like the ideal situation would be to kind of go through a few weeks, a month, and then really detailing out a lot of the triggers, a lot of all this, and then going with the trisembatide. There's also this, a significant minority of people who get heart disease or diabetes are not overweight. It's something like 20% or something like that of people who have heart attacks or who get
Starting point is 00:30:26 diabetes are not overweight. There's metabolic issues, they're under-muscled and I wonder how many people who are obese even just are under-muscled, which the data seems to show quite a bit. So what happens when you just eat less? You don't change anything else. You don't increase your protein intake,
Starting point is 00:30:42 you don't start strength training, you just eat less. What happens is the body, and the data on this is very, very different. So what happens when you just eat less? You don't change anything else. You don't increase your protein intake. You don't start strength training. You just eat less. What happens is the body and the data on this is very clear. And it's not the GLP ones that are doing this, by the way. This is just anytime you cut your calories, you eat the same
Starting point is 00:30:55 of what you were eating, you just eat less of it. You don't do any strength training. You don't modify protein intake. You just eat less. Your body adapts the lower energy intake by pairing muscle down. So you're going to get a bunch of people who are already undermuscled to lose muscle theoretically. So I don't think this is a panacea. I think if it's used the right way with a trainer or coach or awareness therapist, some modifications, this could
Starting point is 00:31:19 be one of those powerful. Yeah I do regret a little bit of not doing a DEXA first so I could show people because I know I've lost muscle. There's no doubt in my mind I've lost muscle too. There's no way I lost that fast, eating the calories I'm eating to not. Again, I had told you guys that I didn't care, right? The idea was. You're trying to go through the experience
Starting point is 00:31:36 of the average person. Like a client, yeah. Not like the trainer guy in me who has the discipline to be like, oh, I need to eat right now because I need 60 more grams of protein, so I go make myself do it. I've proven myself, I can do that to be like, oh, I need to eat right now because I need, you know, 60 more grams of protein. So I go make myself do it. I've proven myself, I can do that to extreme levels, right? To extreme competitive physiques.
Starting point is 00:31:51 So now I'm going about it like, okay, let's just allow it to take this course and see kind of where I land, how I feel and what's going on. But all in all, even with the fact that I've had these colds with that, I feel really good. Like my overall like inflammation on my body is like, is like, it makes me feel like, man, I had been in just this constant state of inflammation.
Starting point is 00:32:11 Even when the diet's good, quote unquote, I think that I was still inflamed. My psoriasis is pointing to that too. Well, for years, decades, you pushed yourself, even when you weren't, quote unquote, trying to, you were pushing yourself to be bigger than probably what your body wants to be. I know, because I'm the same way. And that consumption probably caused some inflammation. It has to.
Starting point is 00:32:37 That's the only thing that makes- Your skin, I was telling you out there, your skin looks better than ever seen. It looks like he's younger. I know. I mean, and it feel good too. I do feel low energy though. And that's obviously because of all these calories
Starting point is 00:32:48 and also I'm recovering from being sick. So this is why I want to put two weeks because I haven't had a great workout. The workouts I've got in have been like going through the motions like to get through it. But also understanding that I'm battling a cold and it was battling a flu, flu bug the week before. And so I knew I couldn't like, I didn't want to, first day I feel kind of good.
Starting point is 00:33:07 I didn't want to go slam it in the gym. And so I'm kind of tiptoeing my way around there, but all in all, I mean, my, my body feels really good. I've never seen, so, and because it's so effective, the potential for abuse is through, I could see first off, competitors abusing the hell out of this. I could see people who have food issues who just want to restrict, use the hell out of this to make it easier. That's the abuse potential there. Well, so I was sharing this with Jerry and Katrina, and not to get too far ahead on, again, get over my skis on this yet until I see everything. But I would, I am, my plan is no
Starting point is 00:33:39 matter what, because I see the power of it and knowing is that I'll keep a bottle of it always on hand. And I could see in times where I'm going to do something, where I know I'm going to be challenged with overeating, or eating out, or bad, making bad, is using it just. And then, because it's not a fast and effective. It's not like it needs weeks to build up. I mean, I felt within day two or three, like I felt a difference.
Starting point is 00:34:01 So I can imagine, like, I'm going on a trip for like a week, and I'm like, oh, I'm just gonna take it for this week. I'd rather come back low calorie, not ate very much than to over-aid all kinds of shit. When you see something this potentially powerful, you always see market changes in other products and services that this affects. The processed food industry is freaking out.
Starting point is 00:34:25 I talked about this already. Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, no, they're freaking. I get why. They're actually meeting with each other, trying to figure out how are we gonna deal with this if this becomes widespread and mainstream? And there's even speculation, you ready for this?
Starting point is 00:34:38 There's even speculation that they're starting propaganda wars to try and scare people because, if you're a snack food company. Like misinformation campaigns? Yeah, dude, because if you're a snack food company. Like misinformation campaigns? Yeah, dude. Because if you're a snack food company, this will destroy your profit. Well, I cautioned the coaches and trainers I was talking to.
Starting point is 00:34:53 And I said, here's my thought process on this. I already know from what I've experienced and seen already, this shit ain't going away. And you as coaches and trainers are going to have to deal with it. Now, do not feel like you need to choose a side with it. Now do not get feel like you need to choose a side with it because I feel like that's what's happening right now. You're either I'm all 100% pro science and peptides and this is going to be miraculous and then the other side of this is
Starting point is 00:35:14 the worst thing for you you're not and it's like stupid. Okay yeah both are stupid. This is cheating. There's gonna be situations where this is gonna be amazing for people. There's gonna be situations where it's not going to be. As a coach and trainer, you need to be informed, educated about it, and understand what the potential pitfalls are, what the benefits of it are, and then be able to communicate that to your clients. And you're working with a physician.
Starting point is 00:35:34 I think this will be, this potentially, this is how I was telling the same trainers, because they were like, why would someone want to work with a trainer? I'm like, are you kidding me? This could potentially be a massive boom to the trainer industry. Because as people use this and just take it, they're going to lose muscle. They're going to lose strength.
Starting point is 00:35:53 They're going to be like, Oh my God, I need to do strength training. I think this is only going to fuel the strength training trend that's already started. I think it's going to make it even grow even faster because what people are gonna do is they're gonna go on these and they're gonna be told by doctors, friends, and so on, you need to lift weights and do strength training when you're doing this. And they're gonna need trainers for that. I agree with that because I agree with the the whole statement that Dr. Gabriel Lyon said which is that we're not overweight, we're under-muscled,
Starting point is 00:36:18 and I think we're already in that situation. This is certainly not a pro-muscle peptide. This is certainly not, this is not a pro muscle peptide. No. This is not something that is going to support. It just makes you eat less. Right. This is going to be great for obesity, be great for people that need to lose weight, that have struggled with binge eating, has bad habits around stuff like
Starting point is 00:36:36 that, that's going to be, but then the next challenge that they're going to have after that is their doctor's going to be like, Hey, we, you need more muscle. You don't have enough muscle. And so I agree that's going to point back to a lot of trainers. So trainers and coaches that are going through it right now, continue to learn, continue to get your... And know how to work with it. Yeah, and work with it.
Starting point is 00:36:54 Instead of feeling like you need to choose a side of it's all good or it's all bad, it's gonna be somewhere in the middle. Totally, and I think people using them are more likely to hire a trainer than people not using them. Just like men on TRT are more likely to go do strength training than people not, whatever. I think it's going to only make the industry grow. And speaking of which, the studies, and this is across the board by the way, it reminded me of a study that my brother-in-law
Starting point is 00:37:18 sent me. He sent me a study that showed the top causes of poor health. And the third one on there was like cigarettes, alcohol, something, something, and then it was sodium. And he goes, and now he trains jujitsu four days a week, lifts weights, right, eats a whole food diet. And he goes, hey, you know, I know you gave me the element, element T to have during jujitsu. He goes, should I stop taking that? Is that putting my sodium too high?
Starting point is 00:37:43 I'm like, bro. I'm like, bro. I'm like, what they don't show with those studies, and this is true for all studies, by the way, and I'll bring, I'll explain another one here in a second. When you look at a study that, that, that connects high sodium to all these poor health outcomes, what they don't control for is that in modern societies, when people have a high sodium diet,
Starting point is 00:38:01 it's a high processed food diet. If you control for that, the negatives go away. Especially if you're active, you sweat and you move a lot, you need to have that sodium. So I told them, do not cut your sodium intake because it'll crush you in jujitsu. The other study that I could talk about with that or studies are the ones that show in a lot of these Mediterranean countries, how drinking a glass of wine a day improves health. I had a trainer bring this up to me, uh, uh, at the event as well. And he's what, you know, these studies that show like a glass of
Starting point is 00:38:33 wine is good for you or not. He's like, what's going on? I said, it's just like the sodium studies. I said, what they're not controlling for in Mediterranean countries, if you have a glass of wine with dinner every night, it's probably because you're with other people and you're eating in a communal setting. These aren't people by themselves isolated drinking.
Starting point is 00:38:51 So if you control for that, then what you'll see is the alcohol is a negative. But it's a net positive if you only have one glass, but you're doing it with friends and family. The positive of the social interaction outweighs the negative of just one glass of wine because of that. But if you control for just that, if you're by yourself in your house,
Starting point is 00:39:07 watch TV drinking just alcohol or whatever. Negative. That's an interesting to speculate on too. I wonder, like I'm trying to think of it by my own behavior. Yeah, that's the most benefit. Cause they would try to deduce it down to like some of the, uh, uh, resveratrol,
Starting point is 00:39:19 some of the other like elements within the wine. Well, not only that though, but I'm trying to think of like your theory on like, if you were, if you're drinking by yourself, are you more likely to be someone to just have one glass? Are you more likely to, if you're drinking by yourself, someone who's gonna have three, four, five glasses because you're doing it to kind of medicate yourself
Starting point is 00:39:36 versus I've done this many times where I'm just in a social environment or having dinner and like, oh, a nice wine would pair with that steak, you know? And so you have that. And so it's more likely that I'm with people when I'm having one. Do you think that there's a lot of people that just do one by themselves, drink one drink?
Starting point is 00:39:50 I know in the Mediterranean countries. You already got a problem if you're drinking by yourself. Yeah, look, if you look at the studies that show the benefit, a lot of them are these countries in Europe, France, Italy, Greece. And I know, I'm from these countries, but you also look Europe, France, Italy, Greece. I know I'm from these countries, but you also look at the data. It's communal.
Starting point is 00:40:12 They're enjoying a glass of wine with friends and family and eating together. Being with other people is tremendously beneficial. Good relationships are very good for your health. Bad relationships, terrible for your health. No relationships, worst. Isolating yourself is one of the worst possible things you could do for your health. So what they don't control for in those studies is that. Nobody's ever really controlling for that
Starting point is 00:40:30 when they look at studies on that. But if you did, which I've seen people parse that out, it's like it takes, because alcohol's not good for you across the board. There's no benefit to drinking alcohol unless you're doing it with other people, in which case, again, the social benefits outweigh the negative of the one glass.
Starting point is 00:40:46 Stay home, stay safe, right? Yeah, I wanted to ask you something, speaking of stay home, stay safe, right? I wanted to ask you, Sal, about something that I never did until I met you. I was always this guy who got sick and then laid up forever and you're so notorious for, like, as soon as you think someone's even sick around you,
Starting point is 00:41:04 you have your stack of friends that you do. And I've adopted that. And you know, and of course, you know, I'm biased in that situation is because I feel like, oh man, that makes a huge difference. Is there research to support like, because right away I go right to my elderberry, the zinc and then the green juice.
Starting point is 00:41:24 All three of those, green juice and or immunity, but I feel like the green juice has a lot. Well, the organifier. Yeah, so I do that, and I'm like, basically all I'm drinking in the daytime, like fluid-wise, I'm mixing either the immunity or the green juice with that, and then I'm sucking on Elderberry,
Starting point is 00:41:39 and then I have my zinc, lozinger stuff. If I'm doing that within the first 24 hours of feeling like, do they have research to support what that does? Yeah, elderberry and zinc in particular, it reduces the severity and or the time, so it's not gonna prevent you from getting sick. No.
Starting point is 00:41:55 But you'll get better a day or two faster. So what I think I feel, okay, what I think I feel, it doesn't ever feel like I don't get sick. It's like if I get sick, but it just feels like it doesn't hit me nearly as hard. I mean, I would say like't get sick. It's like if I get sick, but it just feels like it doesn't hit me nearly as hard. I mean, I would say like 50% less. Like it's significant. Elderberry for influenza and upper respiratory,
Starting point is 00:42:12 it's been shown that. Zinc, lozenges, because the zinc, they think, has to do with preventing the replication of the virus in the throat, which is where a lot of it. Also zinc sprays, they do in the nose, is another one. So yeah, but it doesn't make you, it doesn't cure you. What also about like the water and fluid
Starting point is 00:42:30 and drinking lots of it, because I feel like that's another, and this is also part of why I do the immunity and the green juice, because it keeps me drinking, like oh, I need to drink this, and I feel like when I'm drinking and peeing, I get through the cold faster. I don't know if it's the miraculous benefits of drinking a lot of water, or it's when people
Starting point is 00:42:47 are sick they tend to under drink water. And so they also get the compounding effects of dehydration. So you know, okay, you guys have kids, you know this. When you have your kids, what does the doctor always say when your kid's sick? Make sure they drink lots of fluids. The reason being, your kid will not reach for water like they normally do when they're sick. And you can see it in their lips sometimes and so you have to like get
Starting point is 00:43:07 them to drink because they're not feeling good they don't want to get up and drink water harder for their body to regulate temperature and all that like in terms of like well because obviously like it's beneficial if that happens and you get like to the point where you get a fever because you're fighting off but the same time too like if you're not properly hydrated, I'm sure you'd throw everything off. Yeah, body regulation, temperature regulation goes off. So I'm wondering then,
Starting point is 00:43:32 that makes me wonder if it's the actual water that I'm feeling the positive benefits or it's the green juice and all the vitamins and minerals that I'm getting inside there. So vitamin C, so immunity is high in vitamin C, but there's some other herbs in there that have been used historically for viruses. Vitamin C is mixed, so there's some data to show high doses of vitamin C can reduce the
Starting point is 00:43:54 severity of colds. Other data showing maybe not so much. It's tough, but the stuff like Ayurvedic medicine, Chinese medicine, then there's like, you know, old wives tales, they'll call it, but these are things that people have used for hundreds of years. There's benefit and then oftentimes it takes us a long time to have studies to show that, oh, that's why it works. Like a good example is honey for coughs. I remember, you know, going to the doctor and saying, this is one of my oldest was a kid, so this was a long time ago, he has a cough, should I give him some honey?
Starting point is 00:44:27 And the doctor's like, no, that's an old wives tale. And I remember I kept repeating that. And then a study comes out, by the way, honey has been used for coughs forever. Hundreds of years. And with high performing singers. Yeah, forever.
Starting point is 00:44:37 They find that there's a compound in honey that actually reduces the cough reflex, somehow it affects the brain in such a way. So they were right. They were right. So it just goes to show us like, um, you know, anecdote that goes for a hundred years, 200 years, thousands of years, just cause we don't have a
Starting point is 00:44:55 double-blind placebo controlled study doesn't mean we should discredit an entire culture that says, if you take this for this, then it tends to help. Cause that's a lot of anecdotes. It's not a study, but it's been around. If it's lasted for that many years, then it's probably got something to it.
Starting point is 00:45:08 I'm so annoyed with the community of people that latch onto a single study so hard, and it becomes like dogma. I saw that one doctor again that did a viral post of a clip of you talking about a study. God, that guy's so annoying. It's, well, what's annoying? I, you know what's annoying?
Starting point is 00:45:25 You know what I get? I don't know if I get more upset at him doing dumb stuff like that, because whatever. I know what he's trying to do. He's trying to build his business. Yeah, we know what he's trying to do. Yeah. Isn't he the guy that got paid by the beverage industry
Starting point is 00:45:35 to talk about our business? And people think that he's like doing the Lord's work, because he's out there busting all these studies. And it's like, dude, there's way more nuance than this isolated study. It's not, and it's like, everyone thinks it's like this gotcha moment. Like, ha, there's way more nuance than this isolated study. It's not, and it's like, everyone thinks it's like this gotcha moment, like, ha, finally! We got Sal.
Starting point is 00:45:49 We got Sal. The context wasn't even there. So what we've always said, by the way, if he did literally 30 minutes of research, he would have seen for himself. By the way, anybody who does social media posts wearing a stethoscope is already stupid. Lab coat or anything, like get out of here.
Starting point is 00:46:05 I mean in our world that's the same thing if you do it in every video with no shirt on. No shirt on. Same thing, you get the no shirt or the lab coat. I mean that's what goes with it. But we've said this, look, the data on protein intake from vegan sources and animal sources is clear. So I'll have him watch this so he could try reposting this.
Starting point is 00:46:21 The data shows, and he showed this in the study he quoted, when protein intake is high enough, it doesn't matter the source. But if it's not that high, and what he quoted was 1.6 grams per kilogram body weight, which is right around 0.6 to 0.8 grams per pound of body weight, which is what we quote, or when we round it up to make it easy, because we're trainers, when we talk to the average person it's much more effective to be, to give them something easy to remember than it is to target six, five, seven, whatever. One gram per pound of body weight always kind of gets people to hit the mark. Okay. But if you're below that 1.6 to use the data, grams of protein
Starting point is 00:46:57 per kilogram of body weight, which is 2.2 pounds, when you go below that, then it matters. Then animal sources are superior for muscle building, recovery, and performance. So unless you're eating a high protein diet, the protein sources matter. If your protein intake is high, then you have enough amino acids and it doesn't really make a difference. Now, here's what Dr. Sanctimonious doesn't understand,
Starting point is 00:47:21 is we trained everyday average people. How many clients did you ever train? They hit over their protein intake. That hit those high protein intake on their own. One percent? Never. Barely. Never.
Starting point is 00:47:31 So that's why we say, you know, look, if you're gonna throw a shake in there, it's still not gonna get you that limit that we like, but why don't you make it way it's better than this, or even better, eat meat, it's gonna be better than the vegan sources. So that's all. But he took one clip and then, trying to make himself look smart.
Starting point is 00:47:47 And then the amount of people that come to his defense and then think that we don't know what we're talking about, it's like, dude, this is crazy. Internet's ridiculous, dude. Internet's wild, yeah. It's breeding dumber people is what it's doing. We have more information, more knowledge out there, but it's literally breeding more people,
Starting point is 00:48:01 because then people just blindly follow because it's like, oh, he's an MD, what are you, a tattooed meathead, what do you know? You can get whatever you want. Okay, guys, okay. Really, do people say that? Oh yeah, dude. Tattooed meathead?
Starting point is 00:48:14 Yeah, yeah, yeah. I engaged for a minute, then I'm like, I gotta get out of here. No way. Yeah, yeah, I gotta get out of here. You know, a lot of positives happen though, too, man. Again, this morning, I'm working out in a commercial gym, and the amount of people lifting weights properly
Starting point is 00:48:27 and following, doing good exercises is so much better than it used to be. I can't even believe it. Like all the squat racks were taken, people are dead lifting, women are bench pressing properly, arch back and grounded feet and overhead pressing. I'm watching people do box squats properly I didn't see anybody did that 15 20 years
Starting point is 00:48:49 No, no, and you know as much as I literally you just I opened my idea today And I got this message from someone I've never spoken to before as I can't tell you how much your podcast has changed my life I was so stuck in a binge restrict overtrain circle And I felt so misunderstood from the people around me that I really gave up on finding a partner at some point of my life. I've now thankfully to you completely turned my life upside down and now trained appropriately, feel better than I ever felt before, and finally have made peace with my body. But also the stories about your family are so inspiring to me. Although I haven't found a partner yet, I know now that there are people out there who have some goals and mindsets as I do. Also, loving myself was a huge step and without any relationship would have been useless anyways.
Starting point is 00:49:27 Wow, that's great. I know. So, you know, for every one idiot that we have on the internet that posts stuff like that, luckily we have a balance of like 10 messages like that that will come in the same day and I just remind myself. They're just the prodigal son. That's how I look at it. You just gotta let them go and then they'll come back and then show you. Dude, I gotta bring this up to you, Justin. That's how I look at it. You just gotta let them go, and then they'll come back eventually. Dude, I gotta bring this up to you, Justin. I learned something, this is real, okay?
Starting point is 00:49:49 This is a real deal. I learned something the other day about Beyonce. You know that there's all this conspiracy theory going on. Oh, wait a second. Yes, come on, let's bring on all the celebrity gossip. So did you know? Did you do a triple fact check before you talked about this? I did, I did.
Starting point is 00:50:02 Can I, yeah, I'm gonna go ahead and make a statement here. Well, I don't know. Okay, so we got called out a bit on our forum and I appreciate that. Oh, is this for the Tom Hanks thing? Tom Hanks, I know, apparently Tom Hanks is the beloved golden one in some people's mind. He's a good actor.
Starting point is 00:50:19 Yeah, he's great. I love his movies, you know, but I'm not the guy that's gonna defend any of these characters with their personal lives. I don't know anything you know, but I'm not the guy that's like gonna, you know, defend any of these characters with their personal lives. I don't know anything about them. Right. And, and to, um, so I think there was like some article like that, uh, with satire that, that was promoted. And I, I mentioned, uh, Mark Wahlberg. Not wanting to work with him. Yeah. Not wanting to work with him. So I just kind of regurgitated that and it wasn't completely accurate. It was satire, right?
Starting point is 00:50:47 So I acknowledged that. You got me. But at the same time, the Epstein thing, that was weird that they started to try to also tie that in as that was also fact-checked. Was it fact-checked? Because they don't even have an official list of the Epstein list out there. I've dug, trust me. And, uh, there's a lot of stuff on conspiracy internet land
Starting point is 00:51:08 about Tom Hanks being part of exactly. There's a whole, there's, there's like thousands and thousands of people just like incessantly like commenting about. So I'm not real quick to defend him. I'm just going to put that out there. So if you want to do that, you know, that's up to you when the information really comes out. But you know, for right that, you know, that's up to you when the information really comes out. But you know, for right now, you know, I'll admit,
Starting point is 00:51:28 I was wrong, it was a satire piece, you got me. It's harder these days to kind of sift through all that for sure. Well, so this is not satire. So Beyonce's drummer put a restraining order on Beyonce. This was real. Do you know why? This was a while ago.
Starting point is 00:51:43 A dude drummer or a girl drummer? No, a female drummer. This happened, and I looked it up. I'm like, this was real. Do you know why? This was a while ago. Do you have a dude drummer or a girl drummer? No, the female drummer. This happened and I looked it up. I'm like, is this real? So this was in 2018, so I'm like, can't be real. I looked it up. Her ex-drummer filed a restraining order against Beyonce. You ready for this?
Starting point is 00:51:55 Do you wanna know why? Why? Extreme witchcraft. Shut your face. Yes. Dude, that's. That Beyonce. Shut your face. That Beyonce practiced extreme witchcraft,
Starting point is 00:52:04 was putting curses on people on her Magic spells of sexual molestation Or harass her that she's like I just need a restraining order on her or whatever Yeah, see no stuff like that and you're just like, okay, you know, that's that can't be that can't be true Yeah, well, I mean she put a restraining order on her for it. Yeah It's pretty well the Lizzo stuff too, right? Like she had all these like dancers coming out about all that and that that kind of came out and was you know Inflammatory towards her career and then now she comes out later like I quit Like all like, you know, I'm just gonna be I'm just gonna stop
Starting point is 00:52:40 Yeah, I actually you know the the forum member that that called out the Tom Hanks So first of all, I was tagged in there So I was like did I say that I remember saying that and you came forward and said that was you so yeah I mean, I didn't even remember it. I did I did appreciate the conversation and dialogue I had with her she didn't I don't mind when people ask and challenge. I love that That's great. And she was but she and I just was straightforward like no I don't think that I'm going to go back and fact check every celebrity guy. So the part of the show that we claim to be
Starting point is 00:53:07 is fitness experts. So when we talk about studies, and we talk about stuff related to that, you bet your ass we're- The rest of it is just three dudes having a good time. Yeah, that's right. The rest of it is like, there's no script to this. Like I had no idea just-
Starting point is 00:53:17 We're riffing, dude. Yeah, it's, yeah. And you know, you read something five minutes ago, you bring it up. The Beyonce thing, like I don't know. Yeah, exactly. We're just riffing, dude. I didn't go, I have no idea. I'm going to take his word for it.
Starting point is 00:53:26 We're going to argue about it. We're going to laugh about it. It's like, that's part of the formula of the show, is that there is our knowledge that we've acquired over two decades of training people that we bring to you, that we promise, is going to be factual. And then if we're ever wrong, we'll also, the type of guys that will come out and say, hey, new study comes out,
Starting point is 00:53:43 or this has changed, this is no longer true for celebrity gossip, not for celebrity gossip. I'm not going to spend hours digging and doing homework just so I could have a conversation. My buddies about bullshit that I'm seeing on the internet. Like, you know, it's not happening about that. I like totally remember this being a formula even with my clients, like, you know, certain clients I'd have, like we'd start off with like, Oh, did you hear Beyonce? You know? And so you kind of get into it and it's funny too.
Starting point is 00:54:07 I have two other like celebrities. I'm going to bring up some stuff. So I did not know that Fred Durst, okay. You know, amongst all these other projects he's done, like he actually like wrote a script and created a movie that had John Travolta in it. Really? People wait, wait, it was actual movie they made. Yes.
Starting point is 00:54:24 What's it called? It's called, uh, the fan. So no one's everta in it. Really? People. Wait, wait, wait. It was the actual movie they made? Yes. What's it called? It's called, uh, the fan. Hold on. So no one's ever heard of it. We, how do you get Travolta and we not hear it? I have no idea. So, oh, it's called a fanatic. Okay.
Starting point is 00:54:35 And get this. So they actually like opened it up, uh, for 52 theaters. So this was like, they pushed it out there. Like it wasn't just like some, you know, like independent project or something. You know how much money it made? How much? $3,153 when it opened. With John Travolta in it? Yeah. Three thousand dollars. And it had, I guess, also. Doug, can you pull this up? Can I see it? It's all family members. Yes, in 2019. Can I see it? I want to see it. It was recent? Show me it.
Starting point is 00:55:05 Show me a picture. Yeah, 2019. I had no idea. And so he plays like this autistic, like, psycho fan that's like, basically stalking a celebrity. Shut up. Yeah. I want to watch it.
Starting point is 00:55:18 I want to watch it. I know. I kind of want to watch it, too. I want to watch it. The guy that was breaking it down, and I got caught, like, in this article that was talking about it, was talking about it was saying that it's like super quotable too. It's like a horrendously like great movie to like, you know, sometimes you watch bad movies. Sometimes bad movies are cult classics. Yeah. They're so bad.
Starting point is 00:55:36 Well, you can make a case like in a toy and dynamite was like that. Yeah. It's just so ridiculous, but it's so good because of that because it has a million one liners in it. Cause it's so good because of that, because it has a million one-liners in it, because it's so silly, right? So, I was super curious about that. I'm so gonna watch this, I wanna see. That's wild. That's our homework. What about Diddy?
Starting point is 00:55:53 You haven't brought up Diddy yet. Do you guys like, do we wanna talk about that? That's so dark, dude. Hey, hey, did you, hey. Bro, talk about not having to give you facts to fact check right now, because that shit is like, we're in the throes now, right now. All I know is I heard-'re in the throes now, right now.
Starting point is 00:56:05 I mean, it's not arrested, like, so far. I heard leaked audio. I heard leaked audio that his bodyguard said he recorded. You sent that, and that was, that just ruined my whole day. I don't know what it is, but it sounds bad. I'm so skeptical that with AI technology now, with like, leaked audio, even visual, I'm questioning now, because how great the AI technology is.
Starting point is 00:56:26 How easy is it to fake some voices and insert stuff like that? Well this sounded, it wasn't voices. There's a lot of weird shit. My point even more though, you're gonna say how hard is it to fake stuff like that? Gross. And why is he not arrested?
Starting point is 00:56:40 If the FBI goes in, okay like they kick your door. If they did a raid. Yeah, they do a raid, they kick your doors down. They've got something. You don't just randomly go in. They have enough for that. Yeah, like you get a warrant like that to kick the doors down.
Starting point is 00:56:52 Well, you know what art theory is, right? I say our, I'm throwing Justin in this. Yeah. They're going in. It's a conspiracy theory. Not to convict them. I know, to get the stuff. But to throw shit.
Starting point is 00:56:59 That's why I said. Yeah, and because of all of the high profile celebrity, you know, athletes, you know, yeah, and because of all of the high-profile celebrity, you know, you know, I power eats, you know Yeah, like real family, you know, like people like that that might be intertwined there that have dirt So yeah, it's so crazy cuz I mean, of course, you know in that world. That's a currency You know blackmail and in having information about people is very valuable. So I think there's somebody, let me put my tin foil out and play this game
Starting point is 00:57:28 since I never do with you guys, is that this is connected to the Epstein thing. And whoever it is that is powerful enough to make moves like this, that was almost caught up in Epstein, is also connected to here. So Epstein was to control politics and billionaires and some entertainment people.
Starting point is 00:57:46 And scientists even. And then P. Diddy was used to control the music industry and the black male. And for sure there's crossover in those parties. Of course. For sure there's crossover in those parties. So. Cause they found, well, this again, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:57:56 There's definitely somebody, whether that's, you know, somebody of royalty or a president or somebody who's got some serious power, who I think has been to both and is cleaning up their trail. It's like, okay, I've got the Epstein thing handled because he's no longer here to give me, but I still got caught up in the P Diddy parties. And so I think whoever that is, that's where this is coming from. Didn't cat Williams say like this is it this year, it's all going to come out.
Starting point is 00:58:21 He said 2024 is a reckoning year. So that's where like I'm like,, instead of the media companies that have fact checkers and all that, like I'll go through cat Williams. Hey, bro. What's that called? He's pretty accurate. So what's it? What's it?
Starting point is 00:58:34 When you're a genius, what's it? MENSA. I keep trying to, so I was telling someone that who like trying to discredit him. I'm like, you know, he's fucking MENSA, right? That's literally like brilliant. Yeah. Like brilliant. Justin, did you ever watch in 2016,
Starting point is 00:58:47 you just reminded me of this, there was an event that they did to kind of signify the opening or we're gonna turn on the large hadron collider, the whatever. Did you ever watch that? It was like a ritual, right? It's a ritual for reals. Like I saw a video of it in 2016, by the way.
Starting point is 00:59:03 I heard about it. By the way, everything got weird after 2016. This is when the whole world seems to have gone into a dementia. This is where our whole, yes. I don't know, did you finish the octopus? No, we watched more though. Stop, finish it please.
Starting point is 00:59:14 I should have watched it, I was up anyway, right? I'll come babysit the kids for a day just to go watch it. No, you watch it. I can watch the damn thing. I'll take care of that. Because you know why? Because what you're saying right now,
Starting point is 00:59:23 I'm like, oh, this shit has definitely been going on. This, like, the opening of CERN, bro, I gotta show you the video. Like, it's the strength, it looks like a satanic ritual, the whole thing. Oh, God. Sacrifices, dead people, a portal, hell. And this was like for European leaders.
Starting point is 00:59:38 I wonder why we are like weirdly obsessed with like, I don't know why people aren't weirdly obsessed with things like that. It's like, if you have a ritual, literally if that physically happened, right? Like that happened at that spot before that opened up, like what are we dealing with here, right? And now you have NASA sending four rockets,
Starting point is 00:59:56 sound rockets into the atmosphere, basically to study the eclipse. Hold on. Is it happening right now? You're shooting rockets? The eclipse happened, right? It already happened. I know the scientific, the eclipse. Hold on. Is it happening right now? You're shooting rockets. The eclipse happened, right? It already happened. We're recording the eclipse now.
Starting point is 01:00:07 I know the scientific rationale. Yeah, so they're talking about the ionosphere and trying to like, when there's less rays of the sun coming out. Is that why? So they see the temperature changes and all this and how it's affecting, because the outer limits, you have the space station, and so they're kind of seeing
Starting point is 01:00:22 how they can get a better accurate like portrayal of like how it's affecting it. But I'm like no it's definitely like a demon opening. That's cute NASA. Yeah we know what you're doing. You're trying to go work with demons. You're bringing on. Iowa or what are they called?
Starting point is 01:00:41 Yeah AY I think that's the conspiracy theory. Do you think the acceleration of all this is because also the growth in wealth? Because when people reach a level of money, wealth, and the next thing is power, control, and weird shit like that, I really feel like, and that's why it's not a far-fetched conspiracy for me to think that it's all these celebrities.
Starting point is 01:01:01 I think more people think it's, the people that think it's like, why would them? Or then it's like, I'll tell you why, because when you get to a point, and I was just listening to Will Smith talk about it, and you could tell, you could see it in his face. He had this interview just recently on a podcast that he, and remember when, who else came out
Starting point is 01:01:18 and said this about, when he was, Jim Carrey, about wishing that people could experience, they almost talk about it as a miserable thing, to having so much money that you could literally buy anything and everything because it really puts you in this weird predicament of like. Why am I not happy? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:34 What am I? What am I? What am I? I watched an interview with Jordan Peterson and Matt Walsh and Matt Walsh can come definitely be a douche sometimes and so he had did a tweet that said something like depression isn't real, I don't remember what it was. Jordan Pearson educated him and he was very good at it
Starting point is 01:01:48 and he made some incredible points. He said in the past, questions of existential crisis were answered by spiritual leaders or philosophers. Now we've done it all with doctors who don't have any background in that. He says that's a big problem. You need to be able to understand all of that. And if you understand what the philosophers or spiritual leaders have talked
Starting point is 01:02:08 about for years, sin is literally moving away from where you're supposed to move. And one of the problems with sin is that more you move towards sin, the bigger and worse the sin gets because it's like drinking seawater. I'm not thirsty. Oh no, I'm thirstier. Oh no, I'm thirstier. So it gets worse and worse and worse and worse and worse and so very well I'm very good at that makes so much sense of the super powerful wealthy Yeah, the drug sex money. This isn't enough more drugs more sex more money This isn't enough and you keep going and you have to either face the fact that like maybe that's not the direction or I'm gonna Keep chasing that right, you know, that's why you have all those problems. Yeah, I know
Starting point is 01:02:45 Today's episode you have all those problems. Wow. Interesting. I know. That's good stuff. In today's episode, you heard us talk about terzepatide, semaglutide, or GLP-1 agonists. We also talked about BPC-157 and testosterone replacement therapy. If you're interested in peptides or hormone replacement, go to mphormones.com. Doctors will work with you. It's real prescriptions coming from FDA regulated laboratories and pharmaceutical companies. So it's not just something online that you get that you don't know what's in there. This is legit. NPhormones.com.
Starting point is 01:03:13 They'll help you out. Go check them out. All right, here comes the show. Our first caller is Nick from California. What's up, Nick? How you doing, Nick? What's happening? What up?
Starting point is 01:03:23 Who's gonna be in Lodi? I am. My best friend lives in Lodi. I go there all the time. Oh, right on. I have a restaurant here. Oh, you do? Yeah, I come through. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:31 What's the restaurant? It's called Guantanios. Guantanios? Yeah. All right. I'm writing it down. Oh, your last name, I'm assuming. Is that what that is?
Starting point is 01:03:40 It's our family name. It got changed in the 50s when it wasn't so great to be Italian in there No way. No way the US. Are you gonna so I'll be there on Friday Saturday, yeah. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Okay, cool. I'm gonna hit you charging full price. Yeah, he makes a lot of money How can we help you man, um, so Just fine, you know getting back in gym, played sports and things in high school, and then kind of kept that up through college. But then with work and life and everything, kind of got out of working out as much and not much at all the last probably 10 years with travel and getting the restaurant open and all that kind of stuff so within the last six or seven
Starting point is 01:04:29 months finally got my butt back in gym working out getting getting healthy was doing you know research for opening restaurants so like I say eating like an asshole and drinking like an asshole for 15 years but it was part of my old job doing sales I could I was basically paid to eat. I was working in the meat industry. So anyway got back in the gym with the help of a good buddy of mine and within the last six months lost 30 pounds while putting on muscle. You know listen to you guys regularly and hearing the same info. So I you know protein has been you know listen to you guys regularly and hearing the same info so I I uh you know protein has been you know hitting those protein targets have been a big part of helping me kind of clean up my food and a lot of egg whites and chicken breasts and
Starting point is 01:05:13 veggies and quinoa so um did it the right way not not not fat you know not not eating um but also putting on muscle so um so got some blood work done with my trainer kind of suggesting and then coach mentor of mine that I've been working with kind of suggesting getting some blood work done just to kind of see where we're at. Got some family history with heart disease and all that kind of stuff.
Starting point is 01:05:40 So got that back and there's some some things other things on there but there was the my main question is about the the TRT and then in clopamine or however you pronounce that my they might they got my testosterone in the 400s my trainer that I work with so I do CrossFit and then I added in some strength training on top of that but he seems to think in that 400 range is fine and look at it again in three to six months and see where we're at. Of course the company is suggesting some either TRT or the enclopamine and then my coach mentor suggesting one of the above.
Starting point is 01:06:27 And I know you guys have talked about Shilajit in the past as a natural testosterone enhancer. And as I wrote in my email, I do see some fatigue. I'm a father of four, being a chef and owning a restaurant and different hours, trying to keep my sleep pattern as close as possible, but just sometimes it's just not possible. Um, you know, I do see all those things, um, that you hear about with, with low T. So I just thought, you know, get an unbiased educated opinion from you guys and appreciate you taking my call and
Starting point is 01:07:00 email. Damn bro. You are a father of four chef a chef, restaurant owner, and crossfit guy. Uh, you got a lot dude. Yeah. I think you're, you can, you can, you probably can positively affect your natural testosterone quite effectively without doing anything, uh, in terms of, uh, medical intervention. So in clomophene is what you're referring to.
Starting point is 01:07:21 This is a, uh, it's, it's, it's in the old days, they would use something called clomaphene. This is a selective estrogen receptor modulator. By blocking the estrogen receptor, it actually causes the body to produce more testosterone. So it is one medical intervention way of raising testosterone naturally. Uh, the challenge is going off the end clomaphene, then you lose that signal. And so where do you go from there? TRT is testosterone. This is just testosterone that you inject once a week. Sometimes they have gels or creams that you can use.
Starting point is 01:07:54 And that'll raise your testosterone artificially. And now here's the deal. You'll get, you'll feel stronger. You'll build more muscle. The beta will definitely go up with TRT, possibly with enchlomophen as well. But the problem is you may be stronger, you'll build more muscle, the beta will definitely go up with TRT, possibly within clomophene as well. But the problem is you may be blunting some of the signals that your body's telling you that are based off your lifestyle. In other words, if your testosterone is at 430, and let's say that's low for you, right? Let's say if you were doing everything optimally, your testosterone will be closer to 650 to
Starting point is 01:08:22 800 or 850, then taking testosterone, it'll fix some of the symptoms but it's not addressing the root issues. So at a 430 level with what you're doing, if you were my client, I would look at lifestyle factors to see if we can affect your testosterone a positive way. And the places I would look first are sleep. Is your sleep consistently good on a day in day out basis? And then number two is your training and how many days a week are you working out? How many days a week are you doing this this CrossFit and then and then the strength training? Four to five. Okay you might be overdoing it
Starting point is 01:08:58 especially if you're doing a CrossFit style of training or you're doing this kind of high intensity type of deal. How often is the Crossfit happening? Yeah, four to five. Oh wow. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I would I would I would back off I would do more traditional strength training Two to three days a week at Mount at most and then I would be active on the other days I would look at just regular total activity I would have good clean diet like you're doing and I'd look at just regular total activity. I would have good clean diet like you're doing. And I'd look at my sleep.
Starting point is 01:09:27 I'd be very consistent with my sleep. And then you could supplement with nutrients that, if they're low, tend to cause testosterone issues. Vitamin D, boron, zinc. These are the more common offenders. And then I'd see where you're at in 60 days. And I have experience with clients with this. where I've seen, you know, I had one guy who's testosterone went from 400 to 900.
Starting point is 01:09:51 I had another guy go from, you know, the 300s to the 650. So, uh, you can make big, I mean, testosterone fluctuates pretty dramatically based off of lifestyle. Um, and you know, some of the things I mentioned over training or, or doing a law and, and, you know, you might be things I mentioned over training or doing a law and, you know, you might be able to tolerate the workouts, but I don't know if it's the, if it's optimal, it might be too much, especially considering all the things for kids and owning a restaurant.
Starting point is 01:10:14 That's a lot, you know, and I have family members that own restaurants. That's one of the more stressful things to do. One of the more difficult entrepreneurial processes. So that's where I would go first. Yeah. I would love to see if you let me, I would really prefer to see you on like a MAPS anabolic routine. Totally.
Starting point is 01:10:33 You know, two to three times a week, full body type of routine, prioritize the sleep. A lot of my training would be around, you know, trying to relieve the stress. And sometimes too, when you have a lot, four kids, you have all this going on, sometimes we think that the feeling that we get from kind of beating ourselves up in the workout is this sense of relief, but it really isn't.
Starting point is 01:10:55 I mean, it's just your- Cortisol feels good. Yeah, it feels temporarily good, but it's not doing yourself a favor. Like you'd be better off scaling back on the intensity. And I do think that you're, and if it's difficult to hear that or want to do that because maybe you really love doing CrossFit,
Starting point is 01:11:12 which I'm sure you do, you know, I would just urge you to try it for 30 days. Like give me 30 days of you kind of following what I want you to follow, go back and retest, and let's see what the testosterone naturally does. And my guess is I think just by scaling back on the volume and intensity of training and then putting some, you know, prioritizing sleep and then trying to improve that,
Starting point is 01:11:34 I think you'll see a difference in testosterone. And if it doesn't, if it doesn't significantly move, um, then, you know, TRT, I mean, you have four kids, I'm assuming you don't want any more kids. No, we're good Typically not not able to anymore. I have four kids too. So it's like, you know at that point, you know If you don't mind taking testosterone For the rest of your life. There's nothing wrong with it And you'll definitely and you'll feel good if you can't raise your testosterone naturally through lifestyle changes.
Starting point is 01:12:05 But I'll be quite blunt. Good, healthy, natural high levels of testosterone is better for you than high testosterone levels from medical intervention because your natural testosterone levels fluctuate. They move with your body and your stress. Having artificially high testosterone with high stress isn't necessarily a good thing. There's a reason why your body lowers its testosterone when you're under a lot of stress. So you know that's just yeah. And this is coming from someone who I'm on TRT myself, I couldn't get it to move up naturally, but that's a whole other story. So that's um, that's the direction I would go in and you would know, you would know within 45 to 60 days if it was working.
Starting point is 01:12:48 Yeah. That's what I say. I mean, you'd give me a good solid 30 days. I think you'll even start to notice a difference in 30 days. You should feel, you should feel better. You should do some things you should notice is strength going up and energy levels more sustained just by simply doing that. Then you know, you're on the right track. If we don't feel that and see that or notice that then you know, maybe TRT is just another blood. Yeah. get another blood test? Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Okay. All right That's it man. Did you oh do we do do you have maps anabolic already?
Starting point is 01:13:14 No, I don't okay. Let's send that to you. We'll send that over to you. Yeah for sure, man Okay, appreciate it fellas. You got a brother. See if I try and book a Friday or Saturday night with you. Yeah. Yeah All right. Send me an email or through social media or whatever. We'll get you set up. Right on, man. Thank you. While we were talking, Doug brought up pictures of the restaurant. Looks bomb. I already sent a text to Katrina. We're eating here. That looked good. That looked really good. Yeah. So, uh, you know, 430, you know, 430 total is not low.
Starting point is 01:13:48 It's not optimal, but it's not low. Considering all the things that he's doing, God, I hate saying this, because he obviously likes his trainer. And I know there's different ways of applying quote unquote crossfit, but if somebody says, in my experience, I'm a crossfit trainer and I train people crossfit, it's 99.9% of the time too much for the person that they're training.
Starting point is 01:14:12 They find out kind of like what they can tolerate. I think that's just kind of the state he's in right now. It's like, I'm doing what I can do right now that I can tolerate, but it's not necessarily benefiting me. I don't know what he, I don't, I don't honestly know that he knows what that feels like right now. Yeah. Well, I don't, you know, I didn't feel like I got pushed back from him. So I do, I mean, hopefully, but I also don't know if he was just like, yeah, fuck these guys. I mean, he might have a really good, he might have a great, I get a lot of that from CrossFit guys. Yeah. And, uh, it's just, you know, when CrossFit, the brand, okay, of CrossFit style training
Starting point is 01:14:48 is really, it's really only appropriate for people who compete in CrossFit. You know it's funny, by the way. For a person getting in better shape, it's not an appropriate way to work out. By the way. It's a sport. Yeah, I hadn't shared this with you guys, but he was rocking the creatures of Habit Hat,
Starting point is 01:15:02 which, you know, Mike is a big CrossFit guy, and was actually messaging me last week that he needs to start switching his training, but he was rocking the creatures of Habit Hat, which Mike is a big CrossFit guy, and was actually messaging me last week that he needs to start switching his training, because it's taking a toll on his body. It's inevitable. And I have a love-hate relationship with him. They did some things in the fitness industry
Starting point is 01:15:17 that everybody else failed to do. They got people to squat and deadlift, and barbells became cool, they got women to lift weights better than anybody else, and that's true. They also did some stupid shit, like beat the crap out of people and take everyday people and say, this is how you need to work out.
Starting point is 01:15:31 And we're going to do circuits with Olympic lifting and just insane, not great programming. So people just needs to know there's other options out there. Thankfully. Our next caller is Aline from Toronto. Aline, how can we help you? Hi. Oh my God, guys. This is so exciting.
Starting point is 01:15:47 Uh, thank you so much for all the information I guys put out and everything that you do. Um, and also a shout out to my sister, Anna. She's the one that introduced me to you guys. Um, just as a background, I've been lifting consistently for about five years, kind of started off doing all the wrong things. I would run a 5k before every lift. Um, and I just wasn't eating enough but slowly
Starting point is 01:16:05 started learning more about you know the importance of protein, importance of sleep, and just eating enough to you know build muscle. I recently bought Maps and Ebolik. I've run it once already now on my second time running it through and it's been amazing. I haven't seen like I hadn't seen upper body gains like that until this program and it's been incredible. My question for you is I love running and I am inspired by these quote unquote hybrid athletes online like Nick Bear and Lucy Davis who both run and weight lift.
Starting point is 01:16:39 And I wanted to implement some sort of system to allow me to continue to build muscle but also continue to run. Um, so yeah, I was just wondering if you guys had any suggestions on like, what kind of programs to follow when I'm kind of training for races, um, and what kind of programs to, to, to use when I'm like really trying to build. Yeah, that's great. Maps cardio.
Starting point is 01:16:59 Are you, are you, so you like running cause you like running. It's not for physique goals. It's cause you enjoy the run itself. No, yes, I do enjoy running. You know, the best way to do this is to train in seasons. So when you have a run coming up, you train for the run and you follow a program, like Adam said it, like Maps Cardio, which would be more appropriate. And then when you're out of that season of running, you would do something more
Starting point is 01:17:23 like a Maps Anabolic or a maps strong or map symmetry. And you would just do enough, just enough running just to keep yourself, you know, from losing the ability to run. And so you would just train in cycles and seasons. That's the best way to do it. If you want to kind of be able to do both, doing it all at once, not a good idea. Yeah. Off season, twice a week on your off days of training would be fine.
Starting point is 01:17:43 So like running an anabolic and I think putting in a run two times a week would be enough to sustain like definitely the ability to go out and run like you want to. And then in season running something like maps cardio. Well, yeah, I actually, I mean, I love maps in a block, but I think performance might be a better fit just because you know, you're running and you're, you're fixated in that one. No, definitely. You're right. Uh, to, to be able to strengthen and support you, uh, you know you're running and you're fixated in that one. No, definitely you're right to to be able to strengthen and support you you know so that way too because
Starting point is 01:18:10 Inevitably like we do we get into these patterns where we're just constantly applying the same type of stress in the same direction So to kind of disperse that make sure that you have You know good supporter on your joints would be good that yeah That would be the number one thing that I would caution you about the you know Going after like the hybrid athlete thing and seeing these weightlifting and runners and stuff like that like and I don't know I think Nick's pretty cool. Like I know we know him really well, and he's a good dude I don't know how I don't fall rains and seasons I know and I don't know how much he like shares about if he if he suffers from like, you know knee hip stuff
Starting point is 01:18:42 But that's the most common thing you hear with with people that are trying to do both is they're not addressing kind of what Justin is saying and then they get these chronic nagging pains and then they ignore it and they still power through and that's their body telling you like there's something off in your pattern because when you do something like that, you know, repetitively for miles and miles. Like it doesn't take much of being off your heel strikes just a little off and that just compounds over time. And so just be aware of that stuff, be aware of it. And since you're not, you're not competing, you know, trying to be hit PRs
Starting point is 01:19:17 or doing anything crazy, uh, listen to your body. And when you hear it talking to you like that, go back and address it. And I agree. Maps performance is probably the best. The mentality is like this is, um, I'm focusing more on, I'm focusing on building muscle in this season. So more of my training is geared in that way and less of it is geared towards endurance or running.
Starting point is 01:19:38 Now I'm in another season. Now I want to focus more on running. So now I'm going to do more of my training and running and less of it with strength training and be very judicious with this. The trap is I'm going to do strength training and focus on running. Or I'm in this season of running, now I want to build muscle, but I want to lose what I just got with the running season. So now I'm just going to do all of it.
Starting point is 01:19:59 This is where people tend to screw themselves up. But if you train in seasons and get used to how they feel, they feel very different. So what you'll notice with the strength training season, tighter body, things feel solid, you got a nice sculpt, good metabolism and appetite. That's what that feels like. The training feels different. Now when I'm training for the running, okay, body softens a little bit but I have the endurance, I have the stamina, I get those endorphins when I'm running. You know what that feels like. It's very
Starting point is 01:20:27 seasonal but if you try to do it all at once this is where people tend to really screw up is they don't want to they don't want to give any of the other to pursue the other one. Right yeah I feel like that's definitely where I've kind of screwed up in the past and I was actually gonna ask about performance because it seems like a good program for me to kind of do as well. So would I be doing that one and kind of during the weightlifting season?
Starting point is 01:20:50 During the weightlifting season. Yeah. Performance weightlifting season and then switch to MAPS cardio. And you can modify MAPS cardio for like what you, cause we program cardio in there, but when we, we alternate through different modes of cardio, if you're primarily just interested in running, you can make running your primary cardio.
Starting point is 01:21:07 So like wherever it recommends cardio sessions, you would just insert your runs. Just to give you an idea, like when I used to train- You like running in the off days to kind of make sure that that's still a skill that you have. Yeah. So when I used to train clients that ran marathons, when they were training for a marathon, we would do one day a week of strength training. That's it.
Starting point is 01:21:26 And it would be like four exercises. That's all they did in the season of training for the marathon. Then when they would stop the marathon, then we'd move up to three days a week of strength training. And then they'd run once or twice a week, just to kind of maintain that, that endurance. So that's what it looked like.
Starting point is 01:21:41 But when they were doing marathon training, it was one day a week. I have never, I have never trained a marathon runner where we did better with more than one day a week of strength training. It was always one day a week was, that was it. More than that would take away the performance. Right. Awesome. Well, thank you so much. And before I go, I just wanted to say, like my sister and I have been trying to get our parents to get into like weightlifting. They're kind of resistant to it, but we were able to get my mom to get into like weightlifting. Uh, they're kind of resistant to it, but we
Starting point is 01:22:05 were able to get my mom to get started on anabolic. And, um, yeah, just thank you so much because they're very important people in my life. And we know all about how muscle is important for longevity. So, um, it was only through you guys that we're able to get to them.
Starting point is 01:22:17 So thank you. That's awesome. That's awesome. By the way, do you have performance? If you don't, we'll send that to you. No, I don't have performance. That'd be amazing. You got it. Awesome. Thank you so much guys we'll send that to you. No, I don't have performance. That'd be amazing. You got it.
Starting point is 01:22:26 Awesome. Thank you so much guys. Really appreciate it. Thanks. It's true though. Parents do like us. I don't know about you guys, parents love me. We're a big family. I am a parent now. It's the parents. I know. Yeah. It's trying to do everything at once where people tend to screw up. But if you train in seasons,
Starting point is 01:22:42 you're that whole hybrid model. I mean, it's to be quite honest, if you want longevity with fitness, that's kind of what it should look like. It should look, you should train in seasons, mobility, strength, you know, endurance. Like. It's the best way to actually acquire those skills. Yes.
Starting point is 01:22:58 Well, she has the right attitude too. Like if you see it, like we didn't say it, but she says it in her question here. She talks about that. I don't need to run a three hour marathon. I'm not trying to hit crazy PRs in the gym. She just enjoys it. Yeah. So she enjoys it.
Starting point is 01:23:09 And so, and then all she really needs to do is she goes through this process is to listen to your body because it'll let you know when you've been doing too much of one or the other. And then to just be able to back off and scale or change in pivot directions. And because she doesn't have this major, oh, I got to do this, or I have to do this, it's totally okay. It's okay. You could be in the middle of your run, season or training and realize that the aches and pains are coming. Hey, nothing wrong with pivoting out of it. Say, hey, you know what? I can tell my body's talking to me. I need to move over into more mobility, unilateral work and start addressing those things. And then when you feel good, hey, let's come back into it.
Starting point is 01:23:44 In the real world, that's how with this client who has these goals, we don't have very specific dates we have to get ready for. This is how I would work you is that we're not gonna say it has to be this way. We're gonna move in this direction with a plan like you're saying, which is we have an off season, we have an end season, this is the program we run,
Starting point is 01:23:59 but that doesn't mean that we might not pivot. We still need to supplement it. That's right, we might change something out or pivot if your body starts talking to you. Our next caller is Ben from California. What's up, Ben? Oh, thanks for having me on guys. I really appreciate your time.
Starting point is 01:24:13 You got it, man. How can we help you? So I had a quick question, and this stuff actually was about a new type of workout that my wife has been doing. Just a quick background. She is a college, she is a college athlete and really did work with a lot of strength training, weight training, and is very proficient in those things. But her concern was she got too big and bulky when she was in college. I really never liked her shape
Starting point is 01:24:45 Kind of big quads wide shoulders. I didn't know her then so I'm just taking her word for it She does understand the importance of weight training But seems to gravitate towards more of the Pilates and other group type fitness classes. So my question is She's in this group fitness class and I know you're already not liking it, where these participants get into this body suit that's hooked up to an EMS stimulus, which intermittently contracts the major muscle groups who approximately like a 25 minute workout.
Starting point is 01:25:17 Workout consists of mostly body weight exercises like squats, pushups, lunges, et cetera, with some mixing in of bicep curls, shoulder presses. But these are with like five pound dumbbells. So you're all the while getting this EMS current, you know, every 10 seconds that's it's contracting all the major muscle groups. So I'm not quite sure if this type of workout is actually building strength and muscle for her.
Starting point is 01:25:40 My question really is, would having this outside source of EMS contractions elicit hypertrophy, or is it a waste of time? It's a waste of time. This is a gimmick. It's a new gimmick right now. Have you seen all these now? It's circulating again right now. Okay, so EMS has been around for a long time.
Starting point is 01:25:57 Yeah. We have lots of data on EMS. Electronic muscle stimulation or electric muscle stimulation has benefits for reducing atrophy when people are immobile or through. Injured. Therapy, right? So you tore your knee, you can't do anything.
Starting point is 01:26:17 It's immobilized. So you could use EMS on the quads and hamstrings and it'll reduce the amount of atrophy, but it's not an effective muscle building tool. Now in this class this very gimmicky and nine out of ten times classes are gimmicky and you'll see this all the time. They'll have drums that they do or they'll hang from something or they'll call it some weird thing or they'll combine two fads like Pilates and yoga, Paiyo or strength training and Pilates. You know, those spring
Starting point is 01:26:44 shoes. Yeah, very gimmicky. So what the EMS is doing is it's just making the Pilates in yoga, Paiyo, or strength training in Pilates. You know, and- You've seen those spring shoes that they're using now? Very gimmicky. So what the EMS is doing is it's just making the workout feel harder. So as you're moving, it's contracting muscles that either oppose the movement or go with the movement to make you feel like, oh my God, I'm squeezing really hard. Are you getting any additional benefit?
Starting point is 01:27:00 No, it's not doing anything. It's an intensity-based group exercise class with a gimmick. Really not that different from any other quote-unquote strength training group class. So in terms of in comparison to let's say traditional strength training, it wouldn't come close. So this was um when when Katrina and I first started dating, this was kind of one of the hurdles I had to overcome. Although she wasn't as hardcore into like group classes, she was hardcore into like circuit type training. And that's how she had trainers trainer in the past. She was an ex collegiate athlete.
Starting point is 01:27:35 And her big fear was she, you know, she would say she's boxy. She had broad shoulders and kind of wider hips and she hated that she was, Oh man, if I live, when I lift weights, I just get this boxy look. And so she would always defer to like these circuit, running, sweating type classes, because it made her feel like she wasn't getting bulky. And I explained to her that it's all about how you lift and train and how you diet with that.
Starting point is 01:28:00 And a lot of this is done through nutrition and making sure that I'm feeding you properly while also building and sculpting the physique. even I said even if I build your shoulders Which you don't which sounds so scary to you If we do that while also tapering your waist in you'll get more of an hourglass look and you'll like your look Even though I built your shoulders so a lot of this has to do with you know building and sculpting the physique and then also diet and eating properly with that. She would be far better off running a MAPS anabolic program, following a good diet and
Starting point is 01:28:33 dieting to be lean and she'll see the look she wants. What sport did she play in college? She was a diver. So similar, broad shoulder, right? She probably complains about broad shoulders or feeling that way. That's a structured thing. The only time I've ever worked with somebody, a female, where I saw that this was a thing was a shot putter.
Starting point is 01:28:56 And that's just a whole other level of genetic development. I mean, she was built a particular way. But yeah, if your wife strength trained appropriately, sculpted her body in ways that she wanted focused more here, less here, and then worked with her diet, she'd get what she thinks she's going to get out of these crappy classes. She'd get the body she thinks she's going to get out of doing these classes, what I'm trying to say.
Starting point is 01:29:20 Okay. And so that was my follow-up question that you would recommend, say like a MAPS anabolic program for her She's she'll be 42 next week, but she's still fairly very active Is that the route you'd take? Yeah, I'd start her there and then I'd actually like Katrina loved aesthetic She felt that she got a lot of that from aesthetic because she's a big fan Yeah so especially she because she's trying to sculpt her body to look a certain way and she's a was concerned about it looking
Starting point is 01:29:42 because she's trying to sculpt her body to look a certain way. And she's a, was concerned about it looking boxy. And so I ran her on anabolic first and diet her properly through it. And then I went into aesthetic afterwards and she, she, she loved the results from aesthetic. Okay. Well, thank you guys. I really appreciate your time. Did I see you have, do you have a anabolic already? Yeah, I actually have both programs. So I think I'm all set. Right on dude. Yeah. Keep us, Ben. Good luck. Alright, thank you so much guys. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:30:12 Let me ask you guys a question. What percentage of the time when a woman would come to you and say man when I lift weights I get bulky. What percentage of the time was it the weights? Was it actually the weight trainer that did that? It never is. It's never that. It's hard to... I mean it's so... I saw a picture of... what's his name? The wrestler that went to the W... there was WWE, went to the UFC. Big, Jack, huge... Brock Lesnar? Okay. His daughter. I just saw a picture of her. That would be the case where I'd be like, okay I believe you. I don't know if you guys see a picture of her. She looks like Brock Lesnar with long hair. No, 99.999% of women, that's not the problem.
Starting point is 01:30:49 The problem is diet, and what you're attributing to the weight training has nothing to do with you building tons of muscle. That's not what's happening. Yeah, Katrina was, she was eating a lot of foods that she wasn't tolerant to, she didn't know. So she was constantly in a state of inflammation. So she was always-
Starting point is 01:31:06 A lot of bloat. A lot of bloat, a lot of extra water. And then you added weight training to that and it would just make her feel bigger and wider. And there was nothing that I could originally do to convince her. That's why I had to let her come to me, right? Took years of dating before she finally,
Starting point is 01:31:19 okay, tell me what you would do. I said, okay, we're gonna lift like that. You're gonna lift heavy, like I'm trying to bulk you up. But then I want you to eat this way and we're gonna lift like that. You're gonna lift heavy, like I'm trying to bulk you up, but then I want you to eat this way and we're gonna cut out these foods, cut out these foods, hit your protein intake. And then it only took about 30 to 60 days of her seeing the body start to shape up
Starting point is 01:31:34 and she realized- He's gonna have a hard time pitching this to his wife, dude. I know, I know, it's tough. I mean, imagine, it was hard for us and work. Yes, that's what I mean. We're like professionally doing it. I got a top- top ring podcast, honey. Hopefully she'll at least listen to this conversation.
Starting point is 01:31:50 Just like I told Katrina, I don't need very much time. Just trust me. The diet will be huge. I'm going to tell you, obviously I don't know her, but if that very well could be adding to the problem because I do know that you add weight training to somebody who's also eating an inflammatory diet and it will feel like it's bulking you up. But if you eat the diet right and you will tighten up, that waist will come in and even if the shoulders broaden, this is what I had to tell Katrina, even if I build an extra inch on your shoulders. What you're not going to do. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:32:23 But you will taper your waist in. It's going to give you the hourglass look that I know you want. So just trust the process. And of course it did. Our next caller is Becky from the UK. Hi, Becky. How you doing, Becky? How can we help you?
Starting point is 01:32:34 Hi guys. Good morning. So nice to see you. Yes. Thank you. How can we help you? Well, um, actually, do you know what I, emailed in on Sunday and I was really surprised to get a message back yesterday to say, would you like to come on the podcast? So super
Starting point is 01:32:51 quick. I was impressed. Awesome. Thank you. The only thing is I am doing this zoom link through my phone and the email. I don't know if I can get it up to read my question. Doug can read it. Yeah, is that okay? Yeah, Doug. You want me to read the whole question? Is it?
Starting point is 01:33:10 Yes, please, Doug. You don't mind. Okay, sure. So you're a 39-year-old busy mom who's recently gone back to work pretty much full time and is eating into your usual routine. You've been bulking for a while now, recently started a cut and have a nutrition coach to guide you through this. Let's see, oh NEET is really important. How should I prioritize this over lifting weights?
Starting point is 01:33:36 I'm currently lifting three times a week but if I have a low step count I wonder if subbing one of the lifting sessions for a big walk is the best way to go. Or does it not make much of a difference? I'm fully aware that building muscle really helps with revving up your metabolism to burn more calories in the long run, but it's only 45 minutes to an hour compared to a full day of walking around doing life. My usual step count has always been around 7-8,000 steps per day, but I've upped it to
Starting point is 01:34:06 10,000 minimum for this fat loss phase. I have about 3-5 kg to lose. My lifting routine is mainly a full body, power lifting style and I change it up every three months or so. I've done maps anabolic, prime pro, performance and strong. I'm just going through the motions for the health benefits of lifting weights and as a long time lifter with decent muscle mass I feel I can pull back from it for a while to get more steps in.
Starting point is 01:34:31 I wouldn't trade strength training for more steps. Definitely not. Unless you like to walk more and you just want to get better at walking. For enjoyment. Yeah, but I wouldn't trade them. The strength training is going to give you more results. Does it need to be an either or? I mean, because I love you following a MAPS anabolic type of protocol, right? Three days of full body routine. I love what you're doing there. And instead of
Starting point is 01:34:55 saying, Hey, should I cut one day out and then just go for longer walks? I mean, can you still walk that day for 20 minutes here or there? Like there's just too much, you know, people think like the workout, right? A lifting weights, if you compared your full day of walking, like you said, to a day of lifting weights, if you compare it compared to the calories you burn in the comparing the two, sir, the left, the lifting weight session is less in calories than, you know, 10,000 steps of walking, but it pales into comparison of what you get benefit-wise for building muscle and the recovery process and speeding the metabolism up. It's way, way, way.
Starting point is 01:35:33 What are these long, so what does it look like? 78,000 or 10,000 steps a day on the days you don't lift weights? Is that what you're saying? No, so it's, yeah, sorry. So when I'm not lifting, I'm aiming for, well, every day I'm aiming for at least 10,000, but on the days that I've been lifting and working,
Starting point is 01:35:54 I'm barely scraping five, 6,000. So I'm trying to make up- Oh, I get what you're saying. Yeah, you're still- No, you're better with the lifting. Yeah, don't trade them. You're still better with the lifting. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:36:04 Okay. I mean, my job is pretty active. I Yeah. Yeah. Don't trade them. You're still better with the lifting. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. I mean, my job, my job is pretty active. I don't have a huge step count though. So, I mean, I'm getting plenty of movement at work. Yeah. I wouldn't worry. So I wouldn't worry about it.
Starting point is 01:36:16 Like, okay. So when you think of steps or cardio, don't think in terms of fat loss, just think in terms of health and improves my health. Okay. When it comes to fat loss, uh, lean, sculpted, you know, the aesthetic type of stuff, strength training is the way, is the way to go. Now that also improves your health too. So it's all good for you, but if you're trying to accelerate in terms of, you
Starting point is 01:36:40 know, aesthetic results, training, strength training for walking will reduce that progress. So unless you hate the strength training, you love walking, which case it's a go for it. But if it's just for the aesthetics, yeah. If it's for the aesthetics, don't trade them. No, definitely not. Okay.
Starting point is 01:36:55 And you can also where are you at a calorie wise? Are you tracking calories? Do you know how many you're eating a day? I do. Yeah. Um, so my coach has got me on a, um, a range between 1750 and 1900. Okay. How long have you been, how long have you been doing that for? Uh,
Starting point is 01:37:13 so I'm just going into my third week with her. Okay. Okay. And you're reverse dieting, right? No, the other one. Yeah. Are you increasing calories over time or are you reducing calories? Reducing. We're reducing. Oh, you're reducing. Oh, you're already in a cut. Yeah, she's in a cut right now. Yeah. But she's only been doing that for three weeks and she's only got, would you say three to five kilograms?
Starting point is 01:37:33 Something like that. Sounds like seven, eight pounds. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah. You're not. You're not. Not a huge amount, but I'm not losing for aesthetic purposes. I've got some pull-up and push-up goals in mind for the end of the year,
Starting point is 01:37:47 and I figure being a bit lighter might help with that. Yeah. Yeah, well, for sure. Do you have a bike, a treadmill, stair, anything like that, access to? A bike over here and a treadmill over here. Okay. So, you know, you're close enough to your goal, right? When I met the last five to 10 pounds to drop, post-workout, 12 minutes of HIIT cardio afterwards. Okay, perfect. Yeah. Now, I would only do that when I start to see the progress stall from the calories, right? So I always want to manipulate calories first.
Starting point is 01:38:23 So if I feel like, oh, I'm leaning out, and then what you'll see is when you're at that calorie intake, your progress will start to stall. And then I have two options. I can either create more movement and calorie burn, which would be the hit cardio, or I can reduce calories. When I get a client who's starting to get close to that 1500 calorie for a female range, that's about as low as I ever really want to push somebody. So in this case, I would probably go, okay, let's add a day or two of 12 minute of hit cardio post workout and see what that does. Okay. Yeah, that sounds good.
Starting point is 01:38:53 That should help accelerate. I like your goals, by the way. I like the way that you've positioned your goals and I like the way you train. I think you're doing it the right way. Yeah, yeah. And you're right there. You're right there. Thanks.
Starting point is 01:39:04 I've been listening to you guys for a few years now, so you guys have definitely helped me navigate the best way, the most healthy way to get to my goals. So thank you. That's awesome. And then you said you have an active job, but you don't do a lot of steps. Do you mind if I ask what kind of work you do? Sure. I'm a painter and decorator.
Starting point is 01:39:24 I've got two jobs actually. And so I, I decorate Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and then I PT Monday and Tuesday, sorry, Monday and Friday. Yeah. Your activity's good. Yeah. Your activity's fine. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:39:36 Totally. No, you're going to, yeah, you're, you're on your right. You're on the right track for sure. Yep. Okay. Cool. Thank you. You got it.
Starting point is 01:39:41 Thanks. You know, when you're thinking all these things and they just go through your head and I thought, I know I'm going to ask the mind pump guys. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You're doing great. Thank you so much. Stay the course. Thank you. All right, Becky.
Starting point is 01:39:53 All right. Cheers guys. Bye bye. Yeah, just for people listening, when it comes to fat loss, so long as it's appropriate, okay, so that's the context here, trading strength training for cardio is not a more effective way to burn body fat. It's a less effective way to burn. In fact, I typically would take people and do the opposite when people would hire me as I'd look at their routine and say,
Starting point is 01:40:13 oh, we're gonna take some of that cardio out and add more strength training to get better results. Yeah, you wanna maintain whatever lean muscle mass you have. And you rarely hear us recommend cardio for fat loss, but she's three kilograms. She's close. She's so close. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:40:28 And she's trying to, and I could tell she's limited with time, right? She was to the point where she's thinking, should I trade my lifting for more walking? No, I wouldn't do that. But a 12 minute hit session, and this is actually how I would introduce it for competing, right? So it's like what, three, four weeks and then you get some- Yeah. When I get down to the last three weeks before a show and I'm down to the last five to 10 pounds, I need to lean out and I have done no cardio up into this point.
Starting point is 01:40:51 The first thing I do is I add 12 minutes post workout. So post workout, the end of every workout, I finish it with 12 minutes of, of hit cardio on elliptical or stair master, whatever, it doesn't matter. And then I would normally the next week or two, that would actually kickstart, accelerate the fat loss a little bit more. And then only if that stalled before the show would I add any more of like steady state outside of that. But a lot of times that would be enough
Starting point is 01:41:15 to get me ready for the show. Speaking of fat loss, we have a free fat loss guide. You can get it at mindpumpfree.com. You can also find us on social media. Justin is on Instagram at Mind Pump Justin. I'm on Instagram at Mind Pump us on social media. Justin is on Instagram at mindpump Justin. I'm on Instagram at mindpumpdestefano and Adam is on Instagram at mindpumpadam. Thank you for listening to mind pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy and maximize your overall performance,
Starting point is 01:41:38 check out our discounted RGB super bundle at mindpumpmedia.com. The RGB Super Bundle includes maps anabolic, maps performance, and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased expert exercise programming designed by Sal, Adam, and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels, and performs. With detailed workout blueprints and over 200 videos, the RGB Super Bundle is like having Sal, Adam, and Justin
Starting point is 01:42:07 as your own personal trainers, but at a fraction of the price. The RGB Super Bundle has a full 30-day money-back guarantee, and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at mindpumpmedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing MindPump to your friends and family.
Starting point is 01:42:30 We thank you for your support and until next time, this is MindPump.

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