Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 235: Hip mobility, pet peeves, bringing up lagging body parts & MORE

Episode Date: February 10, 2016

In this week's Q&A Sal, Adam & Justin answer your questions about improving hip mobility, their biggest pet peeves living with their significant others, how to bring up lagging body parts using MAPS A...nabolic triggering sessions, times their egos got them in trouble and their favorite kind of client to train. Please subscribe, rate and review this show! Learn more about Mind Pump at www.mindpumpmedia.com

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Is it that time, Dougie Doug? It is that time. Hey! We're giving away t-shirts. We are. It's winter time. Until we get some new items to give out. Which we are working on as a matter of fact.
Starting point is 00:00:11 New items? We need a good like game show music. Bain, bain, stain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain, dain first time. It says mind pump and then when you put it on to get a bonus, it says mind pump media. It'll break. dot com dot com. Mind pump media dot com. Sal Adam Justin and it was a plan B. Phil right next to it. We do have some t-shirts to give. How many reviews did we get last week?
Starting point is 00:00:36 Six. What? Unacceptable. It's a crock of shit. It feels really light. It is very light. But for those of you who gave reviews, we're very grateful. I feel like I feel like we're feels really light. It is very light, but for those of you who gave reviews were very grateful Getting less light Yeah, I don't think that you know why that is it's probably like when we do episodes and I talk about myself and the guys don't save me Never happens
Starting point is 00:01:00 Probably when I'm drowning you over here the boys don't put their supposed to bail me out so they're like we're gonna let this Oh, we like think your thought through We're gonna let this more on finish Tell us why we interrupt each other tell us about a very vulnerable time in your life. Well, you see You know because I'm normally really good-looking It's right, but I felt like I wasn't happens a lot Get things right a lot Fucking dicks all right right, who won?
Starting point is 00:01:25 Who won? Who won? We've got two winners, even though we only had six reviews. We're giving out two shirts. Nice guy. We've got the merciful dog. Yeah, it's guys guys. The chiseled, not down.
Starting point is 00:01:35 I don't know how to say this. It's CHI, ZUJ. Chizug. Yeah. Chizu, yeah. Chizu, yeah. Chizu, yeah. Chizu, yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:44 That's one. And the second on the edge. Oh, Chizug. Yeah. That's one. And the second one is P. Ringquist. And the beautiful thing about this review is a 47 year old woman. And they listen to the show as a family affair. They talk about it at the dinner table. No, they don't. Really?
Starting point is 00:01:58 I love it. Re-loved it. Re-loved? Re-loved? Is it long review? It's fairly long. But I'll read it. I am confident that I'm not your typical listener. I am a 47 year old woman.
Starting point is 00:02:07 I started lifting weights two and a half years ago. I was a runner previously. My husband and sons, ages 24 and 20, are avid weight lifters, and I have learned a lot from them. However, we all have learned a lot from Adam Salon Justin by listening to Mind Pump. And what is so cool is that we discuss your podcast as a family. We discuss the tips you offer plus the funny stories you tell. It is a connection we share as a family. I have seen amazing results. Wow.
Starting point is 00:02:38 Hitting the weights two and a half years ago. Wow. I am now squatting 185. My husband bought the new MAPS program. You just released and I'm excited about incorporating it. Oh, I want to give the whole family a share. Give them all shirts. Give them all shirts. Get the whole family a share. All right, the whole family a share.
Starting point is 00:02:53 Look them up. There we go, four shirts going up. You know what, I bet they have amazing sex. Whoa. Your kids are listening. Oh, shit. Come on, man. I bet they're kids.
Starting point is 00:03:02 I bet they're kids getting much for them. I bet they're kids getting laid a lot too though. I thought we'd do it. But then the parents don't want to hear that. It's a sexy family dude, obviously. You know, when Doug first said that, Doug said her, which he said her husband and her kids are 24 and 20.
Starting point is 00:03:16 You thought her husband was 24? That's a, that's a, her son's plural. Yeah, got it. That's a badass family. I put it in. They all get shirts. You guys all get shirts.
Starting point is 00:03:26 So all the winners, what you gotta do is you gotta email Doug at minepupradiogmail.com. And leave your address, your Instagram name, so we know what's in your iTunes name. iTunes name, excuse me. And your size. And your size. And so for the family of four, leave the sizes for everybody.
Starting point is 00:03:41 Fantastic. Excellent job. If you wanna pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Might, I might, up with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. I think we're recording. No, we're not.
Starting point is 00:04:00 Here we are. No, we're not. Yes, we are. Ruggie. Yes, we are. Yeah, so stop texting or posting. I was texting your mom Sit I'm gonna be I'm gonna be home late tonight You know I it's fucking hot in here
Starting point is 00:04:21 Sweating my dick off right now. Yeah, the room. We need AC in here, Doug. I blame it on you. It's given us crazy brain. I feel like we took a step back. I was like, we're on it. I felt like we're moving it all up. And we were coming in and we had this badass studio. And now we get this fucking heater that doesn't turn off
Starting point is 00:04:37 in here. We should be drinking alcohol right now. We make a lot of noise. I know Doug doesn't think so. I think these lights put off some heat too. They're like, fuck yeah, they're like, you don I think it's these these lights put off some heat to their life Fuck yeah, they're like you don't think it's me putting off the heat could be that too. Yeah, I mean you look oily though right now Huh you look oily so let's just let's just the third time now
Starting point is 00:04:54 You said that on air First of all the lights are shining right out. I'll say it when I notice it that's it for so three times that I've no second second I produce I see it. I produce it natural a natural coat of Fera moans and it just sits on my skin a Dracovor of sweat and attract your mom right to me That's like that's like eighth grade no more mom jokes Let's get off you guys moms because I already did
Starting point is 00:05:20 No more mom jokes. Let's get off you guys moms because I already did. Yeah. Oh, wait. Oh, yes. Sorry. Who worked out today? I did. I'm sick, dude.
Starting point is 00:05:30 Every time. I know. What do you have? The same thing, bro. What do I have? Again? Yeah. Gunnery.
Starting point is 00:05:38 Yeah. Did you get a fever or just a cold? No, no, no. I'm fine. I have a, I had a cold? No, no, no, I'm fine. I have a fat a cold. I had a cold probably last week. And because I just said, fuck you cold, I was gonna let it slow me down.
Starting point is 00:05:50 I kept doing me. So it slowed you down. Slow me down. I do me. Slowed me down today. So today I decided to put my feet up a little bit, work from home. And I'll probably, I've decided to do the same thing tomorrow too.
Starting point is 00:06:01 Oh yeah, just gonna take it off and try and get better. Yep, drink some horny goat weed. I thought working for you, is it? Oh, not the way it's not becoming a horny goat. I don't know if you're using it, right? I feel like I'm not gonna sell the goat pro. Wait till you try this. You're gonna want to hunt the lampshade as soon as you're done.
Starting point is 00:06:17 You know what I'm saying? So I'll sit on the couch just waiting. Hey, is it kicking in yet? Is it kicking in yet? Yes, it's at my crush. It's working. You're in no sweats, I bought you right? Is it working?
Starting point is 00:06:29 Is it working? Is it working? Bro, I'm giving him a placebo. I want him to think he's fucked. I'm like, Adam, trust me, this works on everyone. Give him nothing. So smart. Give him chamomile.
Starting point is 00:06:40 How about you, Justin? Did you live today? You know, I didn't live today. I lived it yesterday. Wow. Today, yeah. So I'm the only one that likes to work out all the time. No, I'm just, lift today? You know, I didn't lift today. I lifted yesterday. Wow. Today, yeah. So I'm the only one that likes to work out all the time. No, I'm just, I'm taking it off, man. It's okay.
Starting point is 00:06:50 Listen to my body, my rhythms, you know. Really centering myself. Hey, did you watch The Super Bowl? Dude, I'm telling, who played? Was it the, was it the, was it the Cincinnati Giants? It's the Celtics versus the, yeah. Was it the Cincinnati Giants? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:03 It gets the Brooklyn Sharks. That's right. The Royals. Oh, so embarrassed. Cincinnati Giants? It gets the Brooklyn sharks? That's right. That was the Royals. That was like, oh, so embarrassed. You know what, I did watch. So here's a deal. I'm at my parents house. The kids are there where everybody's hanging out. Super bowls on TV.
Starting point is 00:07:15 I'm not paying attention until commercials come on. I'm the, I watch the commercial bro. You do sell a good chick. How stupid is that? Well, I mean, they used to be. And the commercial were shitty, the thing that you knew that Beyonce was gonna be that. They've been shitty for the last, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:07:30 I don't know. Eight to 10 years. I think most big companies, Pepsi, car companies, they're learning that their money is better spent other places because commercials, I think those commercials cost like a ridiculous amount per second, it's like a million dollars per second. Dude, it was like, yeah, it was like five million
Starting point is 00:07:45 for 30 seconds. Is that what it is? I know it's something ridiculous. So, I mean, they had a lot of people pull out. Like, they just didn't want to do it. Well, think about it. Five million dollars, I mean, if I'm Pepsi, right? It's fuck.
Starting point is 00:07:56 If I'm Pepsi, five million dollars, right? Five million dollars to reach. What do they say? A hundred million people are watching the game. Is that what they say? I don't know, so they like what they say? I don't know. So they like that, right? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:08:07 I look at like, look at the salachia. Isn't any idea? I know. I don't know. I know. You're a good smart statistic. You're something that I don't know. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:15 He's like, I'm fucking lost right now. I just listen to the story. You're telling Adam. That's what I do. You just sit there and look for any. Yeah. Adam. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:23 I think it's like five million somewhere, it's something like that. But it's a ridiculous amount that it costs. And you know, I think it's like five million somewhere it's something like that But it's a ridiculous it's a ridiculous amount that it costs and you're you're getting to what a hundred million people out of those hundred million people I mean how do you know even X amount are even your customers? It's better well spent now like with social media platforms and stuff I could find well here's what they're doing 10,000 kids with a hundred thousand followers. They pay him a grand. Oh shit good idea Yeah, well, it's interesting because what's happening now is that a commercial will go on the internet first and say, oh, check out this Super Bowl ad
Starting point is 00:08:52 that's gonna air on the Super Bowl. And some of those will go viral before the Super Bowl will come out or they're leaking them early. They're leaking them early. And then afterwards, they're having rankings and then some of them go viral. So the value now may be going up again because of that. Yeah. That's true. Yeah. Did you did you guys hear about how much the seats cost at the
Starting point is 00:09:11 Frickin Stadium? Yeah, they're like three grand or something. Bro, for the shitty seats for like the nosebleeds, three fucking thousand dollars for a seat at the Super Bowl. Pretty normal. Yes, sweet was like 200,000. That's just stupid to me. Yeah. Like you can, if you had a lot of money, man. Did you go, did you remember, you remember when I mentioned you guys about this being the highest week for prostitution and stuff? Is it really? You didn't know that?
Starting point is 00:09:32 No. So super bowl, you could, you could support it like you wanted to. Yeah, super bowl week. That's why we couldn't get all of you. In the super bowl town is the highest time of the year and in the country for prostitution. Wow.
Starting point is 00:09:44 And I mentioned this to you guys. You probably went over your head. But just like what three days before the game, I think second string or third string safety for Carolina Panthers got sent back on the plane because you got caught up with the fucking prostitute. Oh, yeah. You know, that just goes, that's crazy because it do get a sex in the pants, bro. You could have sex with anyone, but that's not why he had sex with a prostitute.
Starting point is 00:10:06 He has sex with a prostitute because he doesn't want to have sex. Nobody to know. No, let me get caught. Well, yeah, but you know what? Let me tell you something about it. And this is just, this is my own experience. So obviously, I'm, this is overgenitalization because I don't know. So we're going wizardly now.
Starting point is 00:10:18 Yeah, yeah, yeah, we can't, this exactly. Welcome to wizardly. We have no, so the professional athletes that I do know and then I've been around, we need a noise there. You do like, you know, something like, you know, gendoles. Yeah. Most pro athletes are, I mean, they were special in high school.
Starting point is 00:10:40 And we kind of talked about this before in a mind pub. So they were badass athletes back there. Yeah, they're just, yeah to be these athletes and a lot of them okay not all them like I said This is the originalization part but in my experience all the ones that I've ever met Have zero game they literally because and I and you oh zero game in terms of picking up. Yeah, so yeah It's it's quite interesting to be around it and to watch because you most people think like oh I but they get all the ass And they get all this and that. And I'm not saying that they don't. They're all like scared.
Starting point is 00:11:07 So if the girl doesn't recognize them or know that they're making, that they have a lot of money, they're fucked. Yeah, they just or and or. Or besides the fact that they're usually big muscular. Yeah. Or it's easier just to pay for them. It's a pay for you got that much money to throw around
Starting point is 00:11:20 and stuff like that, which is really. So you're thinking of like, oh, line men. No, I'm thinking of like everybody I know that's like that. Like, and they're, we're talking about linebackers, white receivers, quarterbacks, like, you know, basketball players. It doesn't matter. Like, they all kind of the same way when they've got that, they've been. There's never too focused on sports that whole time they never develop.
Starting point is 00:11:39 Well, and everything's still. Or maybe that's how they got all the girls that they got. Exactly. That's where I'm getting some. I I mean, from, and you know, if you had anybody who went pro when they were a high school or go back and think about, I mean, they were already, you know, treated differently in high school
Starting point is 00:11:54 and then college for sure are treated differently. And then when they make it to the professional level, they used to be treated that way. And then you put them in a setting where it's, hey, you and the boys were out at the bar and nobody knows who you are, nobody knows who I am and we're out picking up on chicks. How do you do? It's like, it's pretty hey, you and the boys were out at the bar and nobody knows you, you are nobody knows who I am and we're out picking up on chicks. How do you do?
Starting point is 00:12:07 It's like, it's pretty funny to watch, dude. And they are, they rely on that, that, that's, not like I said, it's an overgeneralization because I can't confirm it. But I got only stats. Yeah. Right. Yeah. So I would think that's a, that's a big reason too.
Starting point is 00:12:21 Why you just hire. Yeah. You know what I'm saying? You just, you just hire out. That's crazy. Something that you can give to each other for free, you you just hire. Yeah, you know what I'm saying? You just hire out. That's crazy. Something that you can give to each other for free, you get, you're asking get thrown in jail for trading money for it.
Starting point is 00:12:31 That's just crazy to me. That's just weird. That's just my view. That we police that. That we police that. That's just weird. You had two adults that both agree on a condition and do something with each other.
Starting point is 00:12:42 I think it's a little. You're the exploitation of, you know, the rings that come out of nowhere from like the young girl. And that's all in the black market. That's black market. Well, that's what you make. That's why if you make it legal, it's your number one, you'll outcompete the, you know, you're going to have a cleaner prostitute.
Starting point is 00:12:58 You're going to have them be checked. You're going to have ideas after the drug market. It is. And if you're a guy that wants to sleep with a prostitute, you can take the risk of going to the black market or you can go to the legal market, which is there, which you know, they're getting tested, you know, they're clean, you know, how much you pay and all that stuff. It's just, it just doesn't make sense to me that people would have jailed and get busted
Starting point is 00:13:16 for that. So weird. Yeah. No, I think it's weird. That's just weird. But we also, like we said, we think that we feel the same way about drugs too. Yeah. I mean, I think they go hand in hand with both those like drugs and prostitution go hang in hand.
Starting point is 00:13:28 It would be one killer business Pick up your dime bag and your hooker Drive through Drive through you see mine pump is a fitness show Talks about fitness and trust you to help Hey, give you the back of the truck. I'll take two number twos, number three, and actually make my eight ball. Yeah, yes, yeah, just on the side. Please just one of those things that you do with it.
Starting point is 00:13:56 Ladies and gentlemen, if your children are listening, you're a horrible parent. Okay, Doug, bring us the quaw show is not always. Guaranteeing. Yeah, I didn't think we're gonna do that today. Okay, Doug bring us the clock show is not always Quadratating Yeah, I didn't think we're gonna do that today. We go I'm just gonna talk about drugs Let's do it. What's what comes our 23 how to improve hip mobility hip mobility Well, Justin is the big dip thrusting master. I have a hip thrust and S.O.B
Starting point is 00:14:23 Which I want to say I'm so glad you finally posted a video. I was wondering when you're gonna do a kettlebell swing on there and to show people. Is it on his page? Yeah, so. Mine pump just them. I want to point out that this is funny that you did that and I had been meaning to tell you guys.
Starting point is 00:14:37 So at Orange Theory for the lot, they always introduce new movements like, you know, on the, and I just, that day I get there, I see him, I turn him on and I see this one, I'm like, oh, look oh look at this it's a kettlebell swing but we don't have kettlebells and we have dumbbells which that's fine you can still make a you can still do it with a dumbbell but then they call it a half squat swing and so like so here I am teacher classes like so the idiot up on here the TV is what they call it let me explain this is really a hip hinge and breaking it down everybody this is what it's really supposed to look like. And then Justin Post that's all those awesome because I was just
Starting point is 00:15:05 talking about this. Because it's not a squat front raise. It's a hip-henge movement. It's explosive. We're driving with our hips. It's something, you know, that it's got ballistic movement to it. You know, it's not something that I'm I'm pulling with. I'm not I'm not trying to use my arms. And this all you can see how I posted that to about, you know, why I implemented the, the high pull and all that kind of stuff. It's like, people have to understand the reasoning and the rationale of what it is that you're trying to do. And how you're getting explosive through driving through your hips and loading, you know, your heel to toe and like getting all the mechanics aligned so that I'm using my whole body in unison.
Starting point is 00:15:46 And it's a way that I'm sequencing what comes first, what comes second, what comes third. This is perfect because a big factor that goes into hip mobility is strength. That's it. 100%. I've seen several yoga instructors now who did no strength training and would teach and do lots of what's called Yin yoga, which is more of the, it's similar to corrective extra stretching, where you sit in a stretch on the floor. So it's not the functional type of, you know, flexibility type stuff. And they've had hip problems because of lack of strength, even though they've got lots of flexibility. So strength is a very, very big part of hip mobility, but you want to make sure it's strong.
Starting point is 00:16:29 Right. In each of it's, each of it's the ways it's moves. Everything from extension to flexion to abduction and adduction and rotation, both internal external rotation. So you want to have strength in each of those positions and then of course you want to have flexibility. Yeah. And that's a good point that you brought with strength because a lot of people assume that it's about opening everything up and everything has to be open. And in reality, it's more just like you said, for the for the hacks with, with the joints, like we want
Starting point is 00:16:59 to make sure that we're in optimal alignment. So everything is in its length tension relationship is established the way that it's most optimal and that doesn't mean that it's super elongated. You know, you have to have a certain length where it feels like you have support and tension, but it's also allowing the travel and allowing this range of motion to occur. So that way my leg can go through all these angles and different movements. And by the way, when it comes to hit mobility, the top of the femur that fits in the hip
Starting point is 00:17:31 joint can be very different from person to person. Oh, absolutely. And so can the actual socket that it fits in inside the hip, the pelvis. So what might be a good squat for you, a good position, feet straight, you know. Didn't you post this on the forum? I did post it, I actually posted an article on it. You know, feet straight, knees straight, you know, shoulder width, stance, squat down.
Starting point is 00:17:53 That might actually cause him, impingement or issues in the hip, with other people who might need to get a wider stance and point the toes out. So hip mobility in terms of functionality for certain exercises like a squat and deadlift. It can look different from person to person. I have such a good point.
Starting point is 00:18:09 I have a feeling that a lot of people ask that they think they have poor blood. They think something's off because it doesn't look like somebody demonstrating it. Or they do a squat like they think they're supposed to and they're like it catches my hip catches. Why is something wrong with my hip? And it's like actually let's let's identify what the problem is first make sure it's not a muscle imbalance. Maybe you just need to open up your stance a tiny bit
Starting point is 00:18:27 and widen your feet a little bit and watch what happens. That's right. It's one of the reasons why, like for me, I consider myself a relatively good deadlifter. Typically, don't get, I rarely ever get injured deadlifting. It's a very natural movement for me. But I deadlift with a narrow ass stance. I mean, if you see the way I stand,
Starting point is 00:18:44 my stance is narrow, my toes are slightly pointed out, and that's just for my hips that works best. And when I squat, it's not quite as narrow, but it's very similar because I, a long time ago, I read article on this and I had always had issues squatting. And so I adjusted my stance and changed it. And so, okay, this isn't what the standard stance is supposed to be, but let's see how it feels.
Starting point is 00:19:04 And boom, I felt that. It's so crazy to think about bone length, because I think like for forever, like I was so conditioned and programmed to think of everybody's squat and mechanics based off of musculature and like how long or, you know, short. That was just the muscle. It was a muscle thing. It was a muscle imbalance, but in reality, you know, you have to account for the fact that their bones are a certain length and that's going to already place them in a certain gate in a stance that their alignment is going to be most optimal in. So it's really about evaluating that and then building that length tension around that to support your mechanics.
Starting point is 00:19:48 Now, what about flexibility with the hips, right? Static stretches are good to gain new range of motion, but make sure you strengthen yourself in that new range of motion. Dynamic flexibility in this. Dynamic stretching is fantastic. And Adam, I want to give you credit for this because you had talked about this a few episodes ago on how you stopped foam rolling and now you do a dynamic warm-up and Adam was nice enough to film himself taking a shower. Oh oops, wrong film, sorry. You filmed that too. Sorry about that one. You were filming yourself doing a functional or dynamic
Starting point is 00:20:23 warm-up and we were able to post it on the forum. And so a lot of people in the forum got to see it. And so I've been doing that. I've been actually copied your warm-up exactly. I haven't foam rolled. I haven't stretched. That's all I've done. And I've had the best, so far, some of the best workouts that I've had in a long time
Starting point is 00:20:40 in terms of jumping right into the exercising, be able to go straight to depth. Whereas before I'd foam roll stretch, and then I'd go in and I'd have to do all these warm ups as to start moving, you know, to start feeling good. Now I can kind of jump in a little faster. So the dynamic flexibility aspect is like, what is that called when you kick your leg to the middle and to the side?
Starting point is 00:20:58 Is that just that's just adduction abduction? Yeah, and it's a term for it. Yeah, it's popular with like ice skaters and stuff like that. Justin, you know the name of it? I don't know. Is the legswing? Yeah, and it's a term for it's it's popular with like ice skaters and stuff like that I just you know the name of it. I don't know. It's the leg swing. Yeah legs swing. Yeah, there you go So leg swing is a great warm up to get some of the ab the adductors have doctors warmed up Yeah, before you do a squat that'll increase your hip mobility before you go into your hip movements and but you know Before we move on to the next question the hips are incredibly important for the rest of your body. If you have imbalances in your hips,
Starting point is 00:21:27 it will, and it can, it can, and it will, cause pain, and your knees, ankles, your lower back, and even your upper back, it's all connected, and that center area, that lumbopel the hip area, is very, very important. And I would venture to say 80%, at least if not more of the people that I see with knee pain and problems come from the hips Every time and back pain and back pain. Yeah, so it's like it's very much of a relationship that's intertwined. So
Starting point is 00:21:54 Yeah, most of that is it derives from the hips and pelvic area. So Be conscious of that So you another point I wanted to bring up, make sure that you're getting rotation at your hips, which I don't think a lot of people really implement in anything. No. And then when they do, it's like this, this pull, it's this tear, it's this, it's this shocking thing in their, in their movement pattern,
Starting point is 00:22:17 when in, in fact, like your hips are made to do that and also to really work on rotating with tension with your hips. So just consider that for hip mobility. You're going to get even greater support when you go into squats and deadlifts and things like that to implement like that transverse movement. And start slow with the rotation. Well, that's really slow.
Starting point is 00:22:37 When you slow and nice and controlled intense. When you talk about this stuff, I mean, and when people ask these questions, I mean, it just, this is why we created performance. I mean, this is what, this is what performance is really about. Yeah, you're going to perform faster. Yeah, you're going to look better, yada yada. But, you know, implementing a lot of these exercises and movements, when, when you're talking, I'm listening to what you're explaining, like, well, there's, you know, you've got a lunge with rotational in there. You've got a wood chop in there. You've got, you know, all these movements, even our maps hide aloe like all the different movements and planarings. Yeah, the true.
Starting point is 00:23:09 If you're rotating in, yeah, and I have to say I love it right now. I'm going through it and it's been great for me. And I know that I've been on this whole aesthetic kick for so many the last few years with the whole competing world. And I've been in some serious need of this. And the old trainer in some serious need of this. And the old trainer in me, which is kind of naturally cycle this type of training in, I never had a set format that I was following or whatever. And so until I got into competing,
Starting point is 00:23:34 then I followed this aesthetic building, building building. Well, I can see too, and like don't get you wrong. Like I can see why people like to just focus on the aesthetic aspect of training because that's the desirable thing. And that's the first thing people notice is that, oh, I'm overweight. Oh, I'm looking better.
Starting point is 00:23:54 And in fact, this is more of a selling point on my end to try and promote the fact that if you're moving, if you have quality movement, it's gonna benefit you when you go do these other types of lifts that are more aesthetic based, because now you're not gonna have these pains and these aches and these nagging or just like over patterning that same movement. And just the fact that it's not as effective, like you can't do the exercise as effective.
Starting point is 00:24:23 Look, if you took two groups of people, you had one group just focus on aesthetic type training, and you had the other group that focused on aesthetic training, but would also throw in performance or functional type training, yes, who's going to look better at the end of it? Okay. It's the other group. It's the group that incorporates the performance and functional type training. They're also going to beat the other group in terms of aesthetic.
Starting point is 00:24:44 So you will look better anyway because you're incorporating smart training into your program. And it looks like your body's supposed to be like, you know, it's how you're supposed to move in sense. So I posted great stuff as far as dynamic flexibility for hip mobility. What would you guys say are some of your top, you know, top two or three exercises for hip mobility as far as performing exercises, because bangs for your butt.
Starting point is 00:25:06 For me, I get a lot of clients that are older and beginners, so one of the first exercises I do is I try to teach people to be able to step up on something and get that hip extension at the top, so I'll start with a short step and then move them up, and that's how I'll progress people to be able to do squats. Then move to like a box squat. Just to be able to get the hips to fire.
Starting point is 00:25:29 And then in more advanced clients, I'll do rotational lunges, I'll do side lunges, I'll do back step lunges. Just moving the hip and it's different ranges of motion and in different planes and getting stronger in those different planes. But yeah, what about you, Jess? Yeah, I mean, just squats in general.
Starting point is 00:25:44 And then I'll actually have, you know, we'll start out doing like hip extension, like floor bridges and stuff like that too, just to really build that glute strength and support system. And then just taking them through, like I said, like real slow rotational movements and really focusing on stabilizing and being able to move properly and take it through all the range of motion is naturally able to do. So step ups, of course, and single leg touches and things where they have to stabilize a bit more.
Starting point is 00:26:16 Cool. Next, Qua. Next, Qua from Chris 86. That's our boy from the forum. Yeah. He's asking about your biggest pet peeves regarding living with your ladies. What?
Starting point is 00:26:29 Wow. I didn't even see you pick this one. Wow. She always leaves a toilet seat down. Yeah. Leave it up. Trying to get us all like in the dog house. Leave it up.
Starting point is 00:26:41 Yeah. Biggest pet peeves. I'm not gonna lie, my girl's pretty easy, pretty easy to live. Leave it up. Yeah. Uh, biggest pet peeves. Uh, I'm not gonna lie. My girl's pretty easy, pretty easy to live. Come on. Yeah. No, she's, uh, it probably has something to do with, uh, like a bathroom stuff because I'm pretty, I'm pretty finicky about like my toilet paper. What? Yeah, like my bathroom. You're trying to avoid the word saying anal. Yeah. Right. I see what he's doing there. No, I'm pretty anal.
Starting point is 00:27:05 No, I, and just recently I had some of the trials. Give me, if you come around to me, I'll be able to think of something that she's probably done to me that's gotten me. I probably do a lot more of the dry sore crazy, I'm sure. Like I know it drives her nuts when I leave my beard clippings. Isn't that the case though?
Starting point is 00:27:22 Like we're so much more annoying. Yeah, we are. I will highly admit that. Yeah, we are we I will highly admit that Yeah, that's why I say she's not I mean she's like super curious to she gets up sometimes mornings But before me and she'll let it go downstairs and do her hair and stuff like so she don't wake me up. I don't hear that It does drive me crazy though if like she I I feel when I fall asleep like I have a hard time fall asleep, but when I do finally fall asleep I'm I feel when I fall asleep like I have a hard time fall asleep But when I do finally fall asleep. I'm pretty out right
Starting point is 00:27:50 But she's a light sleeper and if the dogs wake her up So like you have to go to the bathroom for some weird reason the middle night Which happens every now then two or three in the morning and She if she doesn't want to get up and get them she'll wait till he cries enough to wake me up And I know she's I already know she's been awake Mother fucker like if it woke me up, you know, I'm saying and you I would win that battle I just lay there fucking still Pretend asleep, no because what she will do sometimes to is maybe didn't even wake me up she'll wake me up Billy's headed with a bathroom Billy's gonna go the bathroom like oh and then I come back and you can hear like
Starting point is 00:28:21 I'll come back. I hope I can fall back asleep I come back and you can hear the like, I'll come back and I hope I can fall back asleep. I should be on my breath, elephants. I, you know what girls leave in the shower a lot of times? They're long hair. Yeah, but they'll put it into a fucking, they'll like make it into a ball. Okay, that's grubb it and they put it on the wall.
Starting point is 00:28:35 And stick that shit on the wall. Why? What the fuck are they doing that? What is that? Why is there a ball in there? On the wall. Seriously, like what if I did that shit? That always gets on my arm.
Starting point is 00:28:45 That's so, I'm just like, what? Why do I have long, long hairs? It's so over. But it's so weird. I've noticed it anytime, anytime I've spent the night at someone's house, every is randomly women do that. But again, it's better than my boogers. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:29:01 Do you leave your boogers on the wall? I mean, that's where I clean house. So sometimes you miss some. Yeah, I just, I just piss the hair off the wall. When I see it, I'm like, all right, let's do the challenge. See if I can. See that fire on. In game, you know that hose game. That is a common one.
Starting point is 00:29:16 We all have those. The hair, I think. It is. I remember when we were my girlfriend, the tree. What mine is? She tried to blame it on me. On the drain? Yeah. Should have blamed on me. Because one time I was before competition, I was like, were my girl clock the two of mine is she try to blame it on me I'm the dream. Yeah, she didn't believe it on me because like one time I was before competition I was like shaving my legs and I'm like the one time I shaved my legs does not clock the clock the drain after all this Clumps of balls in I know I know exactly what my pet peeve is and like it falls in line with with the whole
Starting point is 00:29:40 I don't know like they want to pop your pimples and shit. And like, I don't know why, but this is like this thing. It's like a obsession to find something wrong with you. You know, and like, like pulling my hair out of my eyes. Dude, out of my eyes. Here's when I'm gonna try and say, like, I have this thing. It's this thing about ears, right?
Starting point is 00:29:59 And so she's always so pissed off at me because I don't put like, like, it deep enough those, the Q- the Q tip because it freaks me out Feels like I'm like stabbing my brain And I hate it and then she like comes out of nowhere and then tries to put it in my ear and like jabbed it in there really hard one time. I was like that's good She hasn't tried since he's like that I beat her, but yeah, no it is that's my one pet peeve girl Do you like to do that? I like to pluck hairs and fucking pop shit on it like you know what I just realized that's chimps
Starting point is 00:30:29 chimps I know I don't like monkey behavior she's trying to find like ticks and parallel monkeys oh wow I didn't put I didn't I haven't been hugging Adam and I'm having skabies yeah I'm good poor Adam shots have been fired tonight Next quah all right next is from Adam Jay Castro He's asking if he should be doing the same exercises for each of his trigger sessions If he's trying to build his leg in body parts now is this a question is this trigger session or is he talking? Yeah, no he was asking about is this red map the green map it was longer than that. He's running a regular maps. It's trigger. Sets. Yeah, red maps and a ball of maps and like that. And he is and he just wants to know if on those trigger sessions, if he should be doing the same trigger workouts or they
Starting point is 00:31:16 should change an alternate or if he should focus on well, before we go into that, let's explain what a trigger session is real quick for the new listeners. Trigger session is a quote unquote mini workout. So it's in between your big hard workout. So let's say Monday I did my full body hard workout. Tuesday, I don't go to the gym, but I do little mini exercises with bands on target areas of my body. I'll do those several times a day, two or three times a day. It's not intense, but the idea behind a trigger session
Starting point is 00:31:45 is to send or to maintain that loud muscle building signal that I set the day before. And in fact, they do work that way. They're extremely effective. And when you do them properly and consistently, you do get a major boost to everything, fat loss and muscle building. Yes, and his question is asking,
Starting point is 00:32:02 should he focus on lagging body parts? Absolutely, that's like the perfect thing. Trigger sessions are for. If you have a weakness in your chest or your biceps or your back or your calves, your trigger sessions should definitely involve an exercise on those lagging body parts because they will get more attention.
Starting point is 00:32:18 It sounds a lot like, you know, when Adam was going for his prep for a show, like kind of like some techniques you were implementing. So he's not talking about trigger sessions or mobility sessions. So he's talking about focus sessions. Oh, focus sessions. Sure. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:33 Exactly. But yeah, so definitely, definitely pick those lagging body parts. And so for those of you that are not in the forum or involved with the program, what you do is on your, you know, some of you guys will follow Body Parts splits, which we're not huge fans of, but if you love them, that's fine. On the days, let's say today's Chess Day and tomorrow's back day, but Chess does your weakness, then you would still do some really light sets, real light and easy sets for Chess on back day as well, just to hit that body part again. And just enough
Starting point is 00:33:02 to get a little bit of a pump and burn, you're not looking to train it like you did the day before. So that would be similar to the trigger session concept within inferior type workout, which is a body parts part. Is Adam not on the forum? He's not on the forum. I don't know if Adam is on the, Adam, maybe on the forum. Get yourself on the forum. This is the type of stuff that we talk about.
Starting point is 00:33:20 Other trainers, convers about on a daily basis. People are always throwing ideas out on things they're working on, they want to try to do. So if you sound like an advanced guy, you sound like someone that would totally benefit for this. So get your ass on the forum. Well, mindpumpmedia.com, you can see access to the forum there. And you can just get on.
Starting point is 00:33:34 That's for anybody. Next quaw. Yeah, this next quaw is from actually a new forum member. Joseph Aurelua 89 and I may be destroying his name. So he can let me know on the phone. I'm good to me, Doug. Joseph, you're a bad ass. Yes.
Starting point is 00:33:48 There it is. Uh, name one time your egos gotten in your way and or went bad. That's the question. I think Adam should go first. She go first. The talent. I'm trying to limit to it.
Starting point is 00:34:00 Where what's the best story? If you can't think of when I got one on the top of my head, you can go ahead because I got quite a few. I'm trying to think of what's the best way to show you. I think of one I got one on the top of my head. You can go ahead, because I got quite a few, I'm trying to think of what's the best for you to share. I got a story about the time I got in your way out of the counter.
Starting point is 00:34:10 I'm out of my way. I got it in the way of yours. No, I'll tell you a time I got it my way. And it's relatively, it's not recent, it's relatively recent, so it's like two years ago, and this is a gym moment. I was maybe three years ago.
Starting point is 00:34:23 Before I ever deadlifted 600 pounds, and I did pull 600 pounds at one point, but I was heavy, I was like three years ago. Before I ever deadlifted 600 pounds, and I did pull 600 pounds at one point, but I was heavy, I was like 225. I pulled it with the trap bar, and for those of you who've ever used a trap bar or a hex bar, just means it doesn't count. Most of you, you'll be able to lift it and you're between, no, it doesn't.
Starting point is 00:34:39 It doesn't because I can lift 30 to 50 more pounds in a hex bar than I can with a straight bar. So I tried 600 pounds with that first before I did that I did 580. So I did 580. I did a set. It was heaviest fuck. I put it down and I'm working out in the gym. There's got a few people in there, including some of my trainers and some of my trainers
Starting point is 00:34:57 like, you know what? So you should probably stop right there in a couple weeks go for 600. But my ego decided that I was in a pull 600 today. I'm doing it. Yeah, it's going to happen. So I get on that hex bar and I grind the shit out of it. It's probably the slowest lift of my life. And about two thirds of the way up, I feel a painful pop in my, right around my shoulder
Starting point is 00:35:22 blade and the thoracic kind of areas near my ribs. I popped a rib, is what the chiropractor said I did. This is two thirds of the way up. Now the smart person would drop the bar, but I'm almost all the way up. I'm finishing the fucking lift. And I did finish the lift,
Starting point is 00:35:39 and then I laid down the floor, no joke. I laid on the floor and I couldn't move for about 20 minutes. It was like, hurts a breathe. And then I finally was able to get up. I took some ibuprofen and I got my ass to the chiropractor right away and right away and I had to take two days off of work. But I was able to pull 600 pounds. You got that trophy. Ego wins. Yeah. What about you guys? You guys got fucking stories. No, I have a ton in fact this is actually You got a big if you want if we want to keep it real we keep it on the stage So this is something that some have some goods gonna come out. Yeah
Starting point is 00:36:16 This is something that I struggle with when you get when the dick competition No, no, no, I think that we all are battling our egos on a regular basis. I think we all have them. And it's something that I think the more self-aware you are, the better you are keeping it in check. And I'm pretty aware that I have one. And I'm pretty aware when it comes out. But then I also have times where I fuck up.
Starting point is 00:36:40 And it's more often than not. And part of one of the things that I love about Katrina is that she's pretty damn smart. She's been with me for a very long time. And part of one of one of the things that I love about Katrina is that she's pretty damn smart. She's been with me for a very long time and she knows me very well and she a lot of times can see that coming out in me. I'll give you an example. So being somebody who I didn't finish college. So and I was also very young when I was out and I was very young when I was successful. And so I always felt like I always had something to prove and I gotta to tell people or show people because I was always the underdog and a lot of that is my ego getting in the way especially when I've gone on to have multiple
Starting point is 00:37:13 businesses that were successful and I've done well for myself and I'm into my mid-30s now and you know who do I have anything to prove to you I don't have anything to prove to anybody else but I still have that chip on my shoulder and you know when I get in positions where I feel threatened in that manner, I have this need to want to project how smart I am. And a lot of times that can either be be littleing for somebody else
Starting point is 00:37:38 or rub somebody the wrong way. Now because my girl knows me and she knows that person that I am that I care about people and I'm not that type of person who's ecotistical or feels that way but those are the moments that will start to come out. And she always gives me a nice little elbow or lets me know like why you do that, you know why you're doing that, you know how smart you are, there's no reason for you to have to tell that person that you're that smart or explain or make them because all you really are doing is making them feel inferior to you because of that,
Starting point is 00:38:05 and you felt the need to do that. Why would you do that? And it's always a gut check, and of course I always retaliate with defensive and me saying, oh no, no, no, I try to explain myself, but in reality, she's right. It takes a lot to see that and to catch it before it happens. And it happens every day to people. Every day you run into somebody or somebody makes you feel threatened in some manner where they
Starting point is 00:38:28 make you feel like they're smarter than you are. They're stronger. They're better looking than you are. Whatever it is, there's things that our egos are always showing themselves to us. And it's just a matter of you act upon it and you recognize it. And it's one of those things that I'm always trying to catch and see. And it's definitely one of those things that I'm always trying to get better at. And that's mine. I definitely have a chip on my shoulder. I'm always trying to catch and see. And it's definitely one of those things that I'm always trying to get better at. And that's mine. I definitely have a chip on my shoulder. I have always felt like I'm trying to prove stuff.
Starting point is 00:38:50 And a lot of times, and that's why I said, I've got a lot of stories that shit's fucked me in the long run. A lot of times, we talked about before where we'd love to hate Adam came from. And a lot of that is that. Should you were cocky? No, it's not even that it was cocky as much as it was.
Starting point is 00:39:06 No, I had this ego of, I knew I was good. I knew that I was talented what I did and I was going to have, and if somebody would threaten me, I had the idea, I'd fuck it. I don't care. I'm saying it didn't matter if they wrote me off because of that or not. And a lot of times, I'd be blackballed in companies or, you know, people felt threatened by me because I had that type of personality. And, you know, if I had a different approach, I know these are my early 20s. I wasn't as self-aware as I am now, but it's definitely something that it'll always be a constant. Well, I think a lot of times, even when you meet someone that's an asshole, your ego makes you think it has to do with you. And you got to be like, ah, that asshole. When
Starting point is 00:39:42 a reality has nothing to do with you, you know what I mean, you end up owning their shit when it has nothing to do with you at all. That's ego too, you know what I mean? Oh yeah, you know, so. Well, in most of the times when you, anything like that where you get, it's normally a reflection of yourself, you know, normally if you see that and it bothers you,
Starting point is 00:39:58 normally that's a reflection of security, yeah, right, so an insecurity or something going on with you. So it's taking a lot of work for me to overcome that and to be aware of that. And to this day, I still got to keep myself unchecked. Now, being honest with you guys, I'm saying that it's something I'm working on. I like to think that I have it in pretty good control nowadays. But if I ever do fuck up, that's probably one of the first places I do is I have a tendency to do that. Say more than I need to, you know. Yeah, I guess that for me, along those lines, like I get some, I get pretty insecure, like if I say dumb shit, like, and I know like ahead of time,
Starting point is 00:40:31 like I have a limited amount of knowledge in something. It's a perfect case in high school. I was in auto shop because I want to learn, right? And I was at this auto shop with my buddies. And so my buddies have had previous knowledge and have rebuilt motors and, you know, all kinds of shit. And, I mean, I had a pretty good database as far as like, okay, this is a carburetor, you know, and like, I knew all like the basic stuff. And I'm like trying to get in and we're learning
Starting point is 00:41:03 how to, what was it, I have something about like doing the valves basically, something like that. And this is so silly, but I remember getting so fucking in infuriatingly pissed because just the reaction I got from this, it was crazy. So the teacher, and I still remember his fucking face, right? He's like, he's like, hey, can you go in there and tell me what's on the odometer? And I'm just thinking, my old dominer, as I've only heard it being called myelage.
Starting point is 00:41:39 Right? And so I'm looking around, I'm like, there's a gasket, there's this and that. And then I was like, look at my band, I'm like, there's a gasket, there's this, this and that. And then I was like, look at my butt, I'm like, I'm a fucking little dominer. I'll under my breath, you know? He's like, you don't know who a dominer? And then the teacher, like, heard and he's like, you don't know the old dominer?
Starting point is 00:41:58 Yeah. It's like laughing in my face. Straight scarred him for life. I fucking turn bright red. I picked my fist up like this, like in laughing in my face. Straight scarred him for life. I fucking turned bright red. I picked my fist up like this, like in front of his face. And then you just like to the teacher. Yeah, I wanted to fucking hit him. Wow. Yeah. Oh, you're a bad guy.
Starting point is 00:42:15 He's laughing in my face. I probably like to this day, I probably would not. If you laugh on my face, I'll kill you. That's that's something that you don't fucking do that. But anyway, that like so that was like my ego getting shattered, like I look like a fucking idiot, you know. Well, that's the thing, see, here's the thing, like if you don't let people do that to you, because ultimately that was your fault, it wasn't him.
Starting point is 00:42:39 You allowed him, but his reaction was uncalled. No, no, no, that's what I mean. But you allowed him to get you to make you feel that way. And that's the old, that's when you start to. I had to learn that though to like, yeah, reverse that process of reacting, you know, immediately. Right, that's how, that's when you start to evolve your ego when you stop, you really don't care.
Starting point is 00:42:59 Like, okay, this guy's laughing at you. Well, the best evolution for that for me was, you know, working with my buddy Mark Baker, who was, I just think with people, he was very, very intelligent, very intelligent businessman too. And I remember him as the first person to sit down and talk to me, you like, desired outcome, you know, before you respond, before you act, before you say anything, let that fly through your brain first. What is your desired outcome to what you're about to say, what you're about to do?
Starting point is 00:43:24 And when you really think about that, what's my complete desired outcome? What do I want to have? Even if, like, let's say, for example, in Justin Sinaria, we're taking an extreme analogy like that. Like he want, the teacher just embarrassed him. My extreme, I would want to embarrass him back. Well, what's gonna get that?
Starting point is 00:43:38 You mean yelling at him or putting my fist up or making a scene would not get that response. So why wouldn't I even do that? You know what I'm saying? So if I'm really gonna get back at this person or I'm really going to make this happen, I have to think through this instead of just reacting emotionally,
Starting point is 00:43:52 which is what we most of the time we do, right? It's something happens to us. It affects us emotionally. We react. I'm still pissed about that. I literally think about that. Like I get,, ragingly mad. We'll see, and like, the wiser you would think now, like, you know,
Starting point is 00:44:09 okay, going back, like, I should have thought this through. I could really embarrass the fuck out of this guy somehow. I know, I, yeah, I can reverse it on before I even answered it. What was the teacher's name? I don't even remember his name. Fuck, I was like, you can totally embarrass him right now. Yeah, fuck you. No, don't remember about me. You are.
Starting point is 00:44:25 Okay. And you're stupid beard. Huh? You think it's funny making fun of like, little high school kids? Huh? You're funny guys. This is why Justin became a trainer and not a mechanic.
Starting point is 00:44:35 You're probably fat and dead. Oh my God. Probably. Cross the line. It's, you cannot tell that affected you at all, actually. I can't even tell. You're gonna involve the life actually I can't All the life No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no So this is how I know I'm supposed to be a surgeon. Look at my handwriting. Yeah, you can't read shit. I can't read. Does that
Starting point is 00:45:14 shorthand? I can't read my own fucking hand. I will write notes and be like, I don't know what the fuck I just wrote. I have no idea. See, that's why I remember. About him, even though this question is directed. Yeah, yeah, I see that. Sorry about that. I got it. So the training hours asking Justin About his favorite type of client and why is it just me such a great question? Is it just me Adam or is this question or is Justin getting a lot of female attention? Well, that any a lot of questions man. I feel like oh, no you guys are talking. I have one macro day And I'll say that it gets robbed from here. Yeah, but this one's directed at him. Then somebody else that's something about him
Starting point is 00:45:46 is he asking if he was single. Like there's all these different, you know, I feel like Justin's just, I got long term skills. Damn, it's not very obvious, but you know, it comes a bit later. Long term skills. Thank you Adam.
Starting point is 00:45:58 Thank you for your video leak out on the internet. Yeah. Yeah, I was doing helicopters. So your favorite, what's your favorite client, bro? What's your favorite type of client to train and why? Well, I don't know. Like, cause I like, I mean, I like diversity and rich clients.
Starting point is 00:46:13 Here's exactly, it's not, no. This question's for Jessima, where I'm gonna ask all of you. I like athletes. I mean, it's kind of like you would assume that it would just be athletes because, like, anything I wouldn't assume that. I wouldn't because like anything I want them to do. I wouldn't assume that.
Starting point is 00:46:26 Well, I'm interested. It's because of the fact that their performance is ridiculous. And so you could make them do all kinds of crazy workouts and things that you wouldn't even, you would never attempt with your average person. And so it's something, anything that you institute, you would see a lot earlier than you would on some average person. Because they're disciplined level. Yeah, because they're disciplined level
Starting point is 00:46:49 in the way that they adapt will be so much more advanced. So I guess it's somewhat on that end, but it really for me, my favorite kind of client is the one that listens to everything I say. And especially nutritionally, you know, like they want you to put into practice. Yeah, just somebody that's just like so open-minded and willing to go through each and every step and give you a lot of great feedback.
Starting point is 00:47:20 And also because I learned from them, you know, like that's my whole philosophy going into each great point. Training session, it's just like everybody is so diverse and has different variables in. So that feedback that they give me is crucial for me to make little micro adjustments and tweak their program more to form into making them the most optimal. So I just get a lot of to make them the most optimal. So I just get a lot of happiness and satisfaction out of seeing somebody really progress and take ownership of these concepts and then you just see like your work come to play.
Starting point is 00:47:55 Well, that's interesting, because you're basically talking about a good student. Definitely. Like a really good, yeah. I would say probably for any trainer, that's gotta be one of the top, right? Is that it's having a really good student because there's say probably for any trainer that's got to be one of the top right is having a really good student Because there's nothing more satisfying than having someone come in
Starting point is 00:48:08 Which is just hungry to learn, you know something deaf and apply yeah and apply With all with that being equal. Let's say if that was equal across the board for me Athletes are okay, but they don't excite me that much old people. I love really I love Training it is gold people so that makes me want to ask you both now just my favorite is your least favorite so favorite and least favorite I'll tell you so well, let me tell you first. Why it's my favorite. I love training the elderly and I'm talking when I say the elderly I'm talking about like Doug's age. Yeah, no, he's too old Doug's not that old. He's a hyperformer though. No, I would say like over 65, okay.
Starting point is 00:48:49 Especially over 70 and they're 80, so those are my favorites. And the reason why it's my favorite is because, they're far on you. They got a lot of personality. It's because they have a weird sexual attraction. Because they, a couple of things. Number one, the stories that they tell are the best. You will, the best stories you'll ever hear out of someone.
Starting point is 00:49:08 Cause they got 80 years of experience. Exactly, exactly. You'll hear the best stories and the best advice. And you gotta understand something right now. As smart as you guys think you are, you're gonna be so much wiser in 30 years. Of course. But you get that right in front of you with this client
Starting point is 00:49:22 who's more than happy to give you advice and talk to you about shit So I love that I learn so much from the older people that I trust you But the second reason which is almost tied with the first is because the changes that happen to them through proper exercise are life-changing They're not you know, I lost 10 pounds. I lost 15 pounds. I feel better. I'm stronger You just took like five years off there. Get out of this chair, I don't have to use this cane anymore.
Starting point is 00:49:48 Life changing, exactly. I've had jog for the first time in 10 years. Bro, I'll never forget this, five years, I used to train this lady, Kim, Kim Kennedy. She was at the time when I trained her, so this is a long time ago, she's probably 87, I believe. She came in after a couple months of training, she had gone grocery shopping, my gym was right next door to a grocery store.
Starting point is 00:50:09 She came in, it wasn't even a day that she worked out. She came in all excited, I'm with another client, waiting for me so she could get, she could tell me something, I go over to her and she goes, I closed the trunk of my car by myself. Like, these are things that we take for granted. That they, you know, they lose functionality and mobility in everyday life and to be able to impact them
Starting point is 00:50:30 in a positive way, to where now they can go up the stairs by themselves or where they don't have to go and rely on, you know, care 24 hours a day when they can do shit for themselves, when they can lift, you know, things off the floor, they couldn't, they can reach above their head without pain. That is so life changing and for me, it's't, they can reach above their head without pain. That is so life-changing. And for me, it's extremely rewarding to see that. It's very rewarding.
Starting point is 00:50:47 Extremely rewarding. Very slow and boring. I love it. I love it, man. The story's hard to say. I know the best. That's why it's good that you like that. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:50:58 That's why it's, it doesn't work with me very well. Like, I definitely have a lot of rehabilitative clients, but it's more, a little bit more on the younger side, but at the same time, these are problems that are going to stay with them. They don't address them now. I guess that's, I'm in that preemptive, like, you know, get ahead of it. Yeah. So absolutely. My least favorite, probably type eight personalities. Oh, yeah. The people that break, the people that come in, they're like,
Starting point is 00:51:26 I need to work out every day. I need to, I need to, I need to eat less calories. I need to, you know, and the work work work work work out workout workout, they go hardcore and they stoke then they don't fucking show up for three weeks. They burn themselves out and then those people get on my nerves because they're very difficult to break like you're saying. Where I tell them, okay, I need you to stop doing cardio.
Starting point is 00:51:42 Because they're the show much and everything. Everything. I need to feel sore, every workout. It's very, very difficult to get through that. So I would say this part of my least favorite type of person. I would say clients that are just like soft mentally. Because I sort of get like pussy. That was a nice way of saying that.
Starting point is 00:52:01 So jib pussy. We won't be resigning. Dude, I'm just not like, there's some people that they have, like, they have some, like grit in there somewhere. You know, like, I know, like, I can find it. And there's some people that don't have it. They're just very soft. So like, when they're, when they work out, it's like, it's like, it's like, I, they're
Starting point is 00:52:21 there because I'm forcing them to be there. It turns into this weird, like, wait a minute. you sought me out, but now I feel like I'm holding you hostage or something. This is really weird. And not only that, because they're the same ones on the other end of the thing where everything like, oh, I don't like the grip. And oh, it rests on my arm. I'm like, it bruises there.
Starting point is 00:52:41 Oh, yeah. And you know, I'm like, be fucking tough. You know what I mean? Like, I have so many girls that are badass and tough. And you're being a snippy little bitch. Oh my god. Like, in the nicest way, I can say bitch. It's just like, it's frustrating, you know, cause it's like, be tough.
Starting point is 00:52:59 I don't care like who you are. You can be tough. That's true. Sorry, I had to vent. No, no, that's great. That was be tough. That's true. Sorry, head event. No, no, that's great. That was actually great. So what's your favorite at them? Well, I'll tell you my list.
Starting point is 00:53:10 I'll send, let me tell you my least favorite. Let me tell you my least favorite, children for sure. Oh, I do not like training kids. Really? Oh yeah, I've trained hundreds. Are you good with kids? Yeah, excellent, excellent. But you can't train them?
Starting point is 00:53:24 No, it's not that I can't train them. I've trained hundreds of kids. But for us? Yeah, excellent. Excellent. But you can't train them? No, it's not that I can't train them. I've trained hundreds of kids. But one out of every 10 kids. They're challenging, that's for sure. Well, yeah, one out every 10 is the kid that I do enjoy, which is the athlete or the one that really wants to be there and learn and work.
Starting point is 00:53:38 Oh, yeah, I have to time their parents for some time. Yeah, most of the time kids are signed up by their parents' thing. And they have mindset. Their attention span isn't there. They don't want to learn. And at that point in their life, too, they're, I mean, their whole equilibrium is off.
Starting point is 00:53:52 I mean, they can't stand on one leg. They can't do, I mean, they are just, so they're a mess. So they're, it's, it's, but then their parents just want to move, move, move, move, move. Exactly. I gotta address. So I'm a fucking babysitter.
Starting point is 00:54:03 You know what I'm saying? Like I'm overpaid babysitter. That's all I really am. I mean, a fucking babysitter. You know what I'm saying? Like I'm overpaid babysitter. That's all I really am. That makes you move. You know what I'm saying? And then plays games throwing a ball against the wall and shit and doing pops. You should just be playing catch with their buddies.
Starting point is 00:54:13 Exactly. In their yard and training. Why pay me $150 an hour to do something that you should be doing with one of his friends? Kids need to play more. Yeah. Kids need to play. And that needs to be instituted from the parents.
Starting point is 00:54:23 Absolutely. Go get them to play and that needs to be instituted from the parents absolutely go get them to play and be active and do Go on like these structures that are built so they have to do pull up That's they have to do climbing things that you know It builds these skills that then they build up towards and then you know the way training You don't want to make that into a job, right? You know like I hate that mindset like, now it's like you're, we're in this setting now and you have to lift and curl
Starting point is 00:54:49 this specific way. You're here to work out. Like, kids need to play. That's it. Like, I'm sorry, but I'm in the camp of like, getting kids into sports and making things positive and fun and super active without that pressure of you look fat.
Starting point is 00:55:04 You know, or you are looking a certain way, and I'm worried that you're not eating correctly, or whatever, like meanwhile, their activity levels are terrible. That's the first thing you gotta do. And let's be honest, what are we, what are we as trainers doing? That's all we're fucking doing is playing with them
Starting point is 00:55:19 for the hour. Yeah, that's why I don't like it. And now you get one. Everyone wants one. I've had those kids that, you know, he's 13, 14 years old here, she's and she's a hockey player already and she's doing traveling team and they like super talented already and right. I can I can teach them some cool movements that, you know, nobody else is teaching these kids at 13 years old that that's fun, dude. That comes around once in a fucking
Starting point is 00:55:44 once every couple of years, you get one of those. The rest are the kid who exactly what Justin just described. It's some parents that are overweight. They got overweight kids and they're way of dealing with their guilt is by bringing them in paying $150 an hour for their trainer to play with them for an hour basically. So they'll lose weight and lecture them about food. Meanwhile they sit out in the car and they fucking McDonald's true story that's happened. Oh, that's literally what that's like. So that drives me crazy. So I'm not a fan of young kids. I'm not a real fan too. I hate to say this with the older people too. I agree with you though. I have just an all-around asshole.
Starting point is 00:56:19 No. Yeah. I don't like kids and old people. This is why I was... I wonder if there are no clients. You're hitting that middle margin. Right, right. No, I just said it's kind of slow. This slow, yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:39 But I do love and I absolutely, I mean, some of my favorite clients were older and they couldn't move very much and some of the best stuff I ever learned, not just fitness related life related. Bro, I used to train a guy. Therapist psychiatrist from doctors, from lawyers, from a business perspective. CPAs, oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:58 Pay management will pay you better than any other focus. Oh, this industry. In this industry. Yeah, you're there forever. You're there answer. Dude, I used to have this 84 year old male client who would tell me the dirtiest fucking jokes you've ever heard in your life. Like, filthy.
Starting point is 00:57:14 I kind of guy. Filthy fucking jokes. And he was like the sweet old guy. And there were, and I had, so when I used to own my gym, I was the only guy in there. I had all female trainers, whole female staff, and just me. I planned it that way.
Starting point is 00:57:27 And I would be training him, and he'd be so nice to everybody. Like the girls, oh, hey, how are you? You know, everybody's all good. Then they'd walk away, and he'd tell me the filthiest, most horrible shit. And he would laugh, and I'd fucking die laughing because they had no idea. Or he would like check him out, and he'd wink at me,
Starting point is 00:57:44 like, look at that one over there And I loved it. So you know you know you and I would probably make a really well actually all of us together Probably make great business partners if we know we cover we cover You know sex Because I actually had a bit of the middle The penis in between us. Oh, I actually in the middle. The penis in between us. I actually like the demographic you talked about. I actually like that type A personality who is hard to break.
Starting point is 00:58:11 I enjoy somebody who is so far. Oh, fuck, take them. I like somebody who's in their mid to late 20s all the way up to their 50s. They're very similar, I think. It's because of the way you sort of canceled me because I was at 24. Yeah, and I do.
Starting point is 00:58:27 You gave me all those people. Yeah, well, because you were the best trainer. That's if I was going to hand over clients to somebody else beside myself, I had the next best guy. I would do it this way, and I was on this program, and I throw up. Yeah, I'm like, I don't want to deal with you.
Starting point is 00:58:42 Those are the ones that I, you know, and the reason why I like them. So, you know, we're laughing and making fun of this whole thing. But they're actually- They are a challenge for sure. They are, they're very challenging. I can relate to them. I'm a type A type of personality. So, typically, you know, you're attracted to other people like you that are like-minded.
Starting point is 00:58:58 So, when we talk about business and a busy life, I can totally get where they're coming from and I understand and on that way too. And so, and the thing that I think that the breaking part is really challenging. in a busy life, I can totally get where they're coming from and I understand and on that way too. And so, and the thing that I think that the breaking part is really challenging, but then when you do, and you get that type of personality because they are very focused like and they will dial in and they can follow through on something and I get them to just have blind faith in me and let me show you the way and you listen and you do what I tell you, those people are the coolest to change. And between that age of 30 to late 50s,
Starting point is 00:59:27 I feel like it's still an early enough part of their life that you could change their, not only their current life and where they're at now, but the rest are life forever. For a trajectory. Yeah, I mean, so I like to think like Doug would be like one of my favorite clients. Like when you got Doug and you and Doug
Starting point is 00:59:41 first started working together, like the way you guys, the way you trained him, and the impact that you've had on his life. Doug was a student. Doug was an absolute student, just like what we were discussing earlier. And now to the point where now Doug can train people. That's what I mean, the keys if you want to do.
Starting point is 00:59:56 Because that's to me, that's another type A type of personality. Not only will he, is he going to follow, but he's going to embrace it and want to learn himself and grow and put, that's kind of, you know what I'm saying? And like, so those are the people I like. And I, most, be honest with you, most everybody I train right now, I mean, are like the women are like, the leaders. So we, I have a mark. Followed. I keep on that we can all talk to you like all my feelings and literally the title of
Starting point is 01:00:18 the group is bad bitches. Like that's all those are my girls. You titled that. Yeah. Sure. Client. Yeah. Those are my bad. You titled that. Yeah. They're my bad bitches, dude, because they are they're all they're all bad advice trainers listening right now. I'm gonna do that tomorrow. Mrs. Johnson. You're bad bitch. Well, you've, we've always talked about that we slap the the perks of doing it as long as we have and the ability to be selective. We definitely
Starting point is 01:00:46 get away with the shit. Well, you, I mean, listen, you probably trained most of what you just said you really like. You probably trained most of what you really like. I most all my clients are exactly that because I got rid of all the other. I don't train no kids. I don't train anybody who's 85, but there's a conflict in personality. Let's just say you're going to be. Yeah, I tell people too, when you hire, like when they hire on with me, so it's a three month minimum contract, right? So I, because I have a wait list,
Starting point is 01:01:11 I can't have somebody, oh, let me try it, see how it works out, that doesn't work with me. So you have three months, and I tell them the only thing that could break this contract is me. I may decide a month later that you, I don't wanna work with you anymore, and they always get this look on their face, like, you look it serious, like, yeah, I said,
Starting point is 01:01:25 you know, I won't be a dick about it. I've definitely let go of clients, but just if we don't work well together, and you know, I'd much rather work with somebody who definitely wants to put in the work and do what I tell them to do. Otherwise, you know, let, let somebody else come in and get the help, you know, that's going to do it.
Starting point is 01:01:38 And it's always like a great way to set the tone from beginning, because they realize that like, it's going to be no bullshit either. Either you really wanna learn and you really wanna follow what I show you and you're gonna get, I promise you, that's gonna change your life. Or you're gonna fight me tooth and nail and wine
Starting point is 01:01:51 and excuse and this then, I'm gonna let you go. Let me ask you guys this. How do you deal with, because this is a client that I fucking hate, 100%. Is, and I know you guys have had this too, so don't make me feel like an asshole by myself. The client that flirts with you, I can't stand that. That's all that's all I wanna do, you mean?
Starting point is 01:02:09 I can't stand that. I've had some ladies that I've trained, and you know what, it's usually the older women, they're older than me, and so they think, I think they think they can get away with it, you know? Like, I'm just gonna tease them and flirt with them all the time. And it's fine a little bit, but I've gotten uncomfortable, you know, where you just don't know how to respond.
Starting point is 01:02:24 I don't like that. Especially when you can, where you just don't know how to respond. I don't like that. Especially when you can't have that. That hasn't happened to me in a long time. I feel like I don't sign you up if I get that drift. You know, if I catch that, like, you're not really, and I feel like I can, when I'm, you're talking to me, when we're sitting at the desk,
Starting point is 01:02:37 we're talking about your goals. Yeah, but I feel like your tolerance is a lot higher than mine for that though. Yeah, you know what I mean? Like if a girl was like, oh nice, but you're not gonna be like, oh yeah, that wouldn't freak me out. Yeah, after a while, I'm like, okay, that's cool. Thanks, you know, I mean? Like if a girl's like, oh nice, but you're not gonna be like, oh yeah, that wouldn't freak me out. Yeah, after a while I'm like, okay, that's cool. Thanks. You know, he said that.
Starting point is 01:02:48 Well, yeah, she said that every day, but even that I don't, I mean, that doesn't happen. You know, saying someone doesn't really say that. I can't what you're saying. I'm just really looking awesome today. I mean, I've had clients that I didn't pumped. Yeah, hired me in the past and when you were trying to build your schedule. Things going to sweats. We're that we're like that that were, you know, you know, they're paying purely to build your schedule. Things going to switch. Were that were like that, that were, you know, you know, they're paying purely to have your time for that hour and they had the kind of money
Starting point is 01:03:09 where they could do that and it was like whatever. But that had not in that position anymore where I have to take those clients. So I had this client that I dropped a long time ago because you still don't know though, right? You don't take clients. You don't wouldn't have, when was the last time a client like that you've dealt with?
Starting point is 01:03:21 Oh, most of my clients have been for a long time now. That's what I mean. So that's what I mean. I remember a long time. That's what I mean. So that's what I mean. I remember a long time. That reminds me of the Moning client. Yeah, I mean, we've had crazy clients going all the way back. That mean you don't want to. Do a bench press and she's like,
Starting point is 01:03:33 Ah! She's like, makes me like, spot. Yeah. So I knew, like, you're moning and doing this weird thing. I thought you meant you spotted like, Yeah. I had a client one time, I would train. I only train to three times and this was the kicker.
Starting point is 01:03:48 I told her to get down into a plank and this is, she goes, oh, she goes literally like this, she goes, you mean like this and she's on her knees and she lays on her chest down. So she's like head down, ass up. And she looks back at me and she wags. She wags her butt at me. Oh wow, see I've never even had that before.
Starting point is 01:04:05 And there's two other trainers in the gym right out of a video. Yeah, that's awesome. There's a, why are you mad at that? And there's two other trainers in the gym looking at me. And I'm like, what the fuck do I do now? I come here. How do I get these trainers out of here? So I can hit that.
Starting point is 01:04:18 No, I stop booking her. I couldn't train her. I can't stand that. Yeah, so, yeah, so. It's because the other people, Stop flirting with ladies. Stop it. Salas so hot. Salas so insulted when a woman is turned on by his looks. Oh, he only wants in the fuck of his brain. Yeah. Tell me how smart I am. Yeah. That's hot. Oh, that's sweet cutie. You can find us at Mind Pump radio on Instagram.
Starting point is 01:04:42 You can also find me at Mind Pump Sal. You can find Adam at Mind Pump Adam. That's right. And you can find Justin at Mind Pump Radio on Instagram. You can also find me at Mind Pump Sal. You can find Adam at Mind Pump Adam. That's right. And you can find Justin at Mind Pump Justin. Please explain what you would hit on Sal with. And leave us a five star rating and review on iTunes. Don't forget to check out the new website if you haven't been there. Mind Pump Media.com.
Starting point is 01:04:57 That's right. By the way, you can get access to our forum now. You don't have to buy anything else. You can just get access to the forum for life. Mind Pump Media.com. We're just get access to the forum for life. MindPumpMedia.com. We're on there all the time. Coming out. Thank you for listening to MindPump.
Starting point is 01:05:10 For more information about this show and to get valuable free resources from Sal, Adam, and Justin, visit us at www.mindpumpradio.com. Until next time, this is MindPump. Until next time, this is MindPump.

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