Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 255: Hunger, Training & Dieting Guidelines For The Over 40 Crowd, Opening A Gym & MORE

Episode Date: March 16, 2016

QUAAAAAAH! Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about what to do when calories haven't changed but hunger is getting progressively worse, if weight training & dieting guidelines apply to men ...(and women) over 40, pros & cons of opening a gym and gym coops. their thoughts on the presidential election and who they would choose from the Mind Pump Crew to live with when they were 20 (and why not the others). Please subscribe, rate and review this show! Learn more about Mind Pump at www.mindpumpmedia.com

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Starting point is 00:00:00 All right. All right. What's up, Doug? What you got for us, Doug? We got to talk about the forum. What happened? What? It's getting really busy. It is.
Starting point is 00:00:08 It's super busy. And it's super great. I was off. Really? I was, I was literally off for what? I don't know, two and a half weeks, whatever that was, that my computer was down. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:16 Yeah. And I came back. Thanks for that. I know. Sorry. I apologize. I do. I apologize.
Starting point is 00:00:20 Don't worry about that. Our forum members, I missed you guys. The death. I'm glad to be back on. I had crazy problems with my Apple, my MacBook. I'm back, yeah. Way too much. I showed you guys the post.
Starting point is 00:00:31 That's what happened, right? It's overload. So boy, I was blown away on the growth in just two and a half weeks and the activity that's on there. It is crazy. It's super busy. I check it. I check it almost every hour and there's like 15 to 20 questions, comments, people who are
Starting point is 00:00:49 helping other people on there, other trainers. So it's a super pack. So. Yeah, it's amazing. However, we want to, you know, be able to interact with all these people as well as the mind pump team here. Okay. So I'm thinking, well, we need to kind of dial back
Starting point is 00:01:06 a little bit on how many people are coming into this thing. So make it exclusive. Yeah. Well, you want to limit the number? Yeah, limit the number. So you're gonna say only this many people can enroll or you're just gonna raise a price so that less people enroll?
Starting point is 00:01:18 We're gonna raise a price. You're gonna raise a price? Yeah. Always a dick. How much are you thinking? Delward or how much? Not only $10 more. Okay. It's still a bargain. I mean, an a dick. How much do you think I'm like, double or how much? No, only $10 more. Okay.
Starting point is 00:01:27 It's still a bargain. I mean, it's an absolute bargain. So it's a one time fee, one time, and then you're on there for life. Yeah, it's $37, but we're not gonna start that right now. What are you gonna close? Okay, so it's gonna be $27 till when? Until the end of the month.
Starting point is 00:01:40 So the end of March, $27 after that. April 1st, one time fee, $37. $37 is gonna still be an amazing deal. There's probably a few less people joining simply because $10 could be a deal breaker for some. However, we want to give the best of ourselves on there. And we wanna interact with everybody as much as we can. Obviously, we are limited in our time and our ability
Starting point is 00:02:08 to talk to everybody all the time, but we have a lot of trainers on there helping. And it's a community that everybody's supportive. It's amazing. And let's not forget anybody on the forum, if you're a member of the forum, you get massive discounts on any program where we release everything that we do.
Starting point is 00:02:25 Yeah, so all the insight and support with that for sure. Right, so if we release a new program like Maps Black, which we're not going to talk too much about yet, but that's becoming out soon, and you remember the forum, you will get opportunity to enroll in it first, and you will enroll in it at a much lower price than what everybody else will lower than what the forum costs you'd even get into it. Yeah, just in that one program, you already met. Yeah, exactly so. No, Brainer. So forum is totally worth it.
Starting point is 00:02:47 So get in there before it goes up to 37. Like no, it's just. And you'll be in the army. Don't we have some stuff we gotta give away to Douglas? Yeah, we've got some t-shirts. T-shirts for me and you. Nine reviews. And all of us.
Starting point is 00:03:00 Just to keep this short, I'm gonna read them off. Please send your iTunes name, your shirt size, your address to Mind Pump Radio at gmail.com. If you don't hear your name, put a review up. The names are K Nwin 89 Jeff Mac 661 and Ugly Jr. Awesome reviews everyone. thank you right on if you want to pump your body and expand your mind there's only one place to go might up might up with your hosts Salda Stefano Adam Schaefer and Justin Andrews Adam do your best guttural growl I got out of my butt right you wow you might actually join my metal band I
Starting point is 00:03:44 thought that was pretty good. I can't It sounds strange, but he can he can I'm a screamer. Yeah, are you? Yeah, that's what she said It sounds strange. It sounded strained like cookie monster like you were like, ah, but then like it was something preventing There's a cookie. See there it is right there. That's the real way to do. Why do you always get a critique and make fun of my scene man? Huh, I thought that was really good. Justin was even impressed. I was impressed if it passed the test with Justin I know what like I could put a beat behind that and it would have been all right You might you might have got down to that all right. I'm gonna admit it
Starting point is 00:04:16 You don't look at me when you sing you look at him when you sing. Yeah, thank you Doug. When can I get our coffee cup? When can we get those? We can we get those? Coffee mugs? We can, we have those. It's awesome. We'll have all that stuff soon, but we have some programs that put together. Oh, yeah, we got that first. You guys see how I did that?
Starting point is 00:04:34 I put pressure, we're live on air right now. Pressure, yeah, there's a lot of pressure going down here. You realize this was the one that's dropping like first. You know what, you know what, the duck, duck, duck. You don't find out in the next episode this week, I did it again to duck, so I'm putting a lot of that's dropping like first. You know what though? You guys will find out in the next episode this week I did it again to Doug. So I'm putting a lot of pressure on Doug. Right, he's such a nice guy.
Starting point is 00:04:49 He's doing it again. He's doing it, he's such a nice guy. Be pressure the Doug. He's like, oh yeah, we can do the cookie cup. Now he's sweat. He's like the coffee cups, but we have to finish the program. 99% of the work that's left now is all done. We've done everything so far that we're gonna do.
Starting point is 00:05:04 We got it all. I speak about myself as a wee. Oh, third person. You're like three guys. Yeah. You tell me, are you in the eagle? Yes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:13 Doug, and the eagle. Seven PM on CBN. I just, I gave my, I gave my coffee cup to my mother-in-law, so I, I want one again. And I'm gonna take Justin's if he doesn't take it home. Yeah, man. So, you can have mine if you want. So selfishly I want it, but I was curious about the listeners because I know we have
Starting point is 00:05:28 a lot of listeners that do bull proof coffee and would probably use his cups to cups our circus fuck and Justin put the new logo on it. Yeah. Yeah. So well, I think if we just sell them from the other site, we'll be fine, but we're not going to integrate it into our site. Oh, can we do that? So we can do that.
Starting point is 00:05:44 We can make it available. Well, yeah, Doug, just look at what is right now. See what Adam just did there? Do we still get money for it? Yeah, we'll probably make a dollar or two per cup. Okay, bro, it's not about that. It's about everybody having these bad-ass cups and us being all the share of that. I love it when you lie.
Starting point is 00:05:58 Drinking and pushing. No, no, no, no, no, no. That's not where I'm gonna make my money. This best part of waking up, your mind pump fucking cup. Yeah. There's a thing about these cups, they're print on demand. So they're rather expensive for a coffee cup.
Starting point is 00:06:12 Oh, so we're just gonna pass on, you know, the bulk of our product. Well, see, that brings me to this topic I wanna talk about. There's lots of, okay, when you look at worldwide issues in the world, there's a lot of poor kids out there without jobs. And I think if we were to help them give them a job so you can build this up.
Starting point is 00:06:33 You should have been in jail. I'm not sure that this episode should have been Martha Stewart's PR person. Right, to have it to the work. We gotta introduce ourselves. Just kidding, no child later. I'm here with the great Sal de Stefano. He's great now. Yeah. Yeah, he is great. The even greater Yeah
Starting point is 00:06:54 Best Adam Schaefer if you don't say so yourself with my side kick here to my left does Fresh I'm glad you brought me up We have to do that every now and then what Tell me just call him a human backpack, right? That's his wrestling move That's a signature technique if you were a professional wrestler. What would your signature technique? Dogs would be the human backpack. Yeah, you know, I'm here's would be the you're supposed to be lightning glutes for some way It's better than being the human fanny pack.
Starting point is 00:07:26 Oh, yeah. Very true. Very true, Doug. Good point. I want to try that. Yeah. Danny Pack. I think I could do that with him.
Starting point is 00:07:35 The big one. I'm going to have a link arms and legs around. Yeah, I think we could do that. Just run around. Put that on the list. It could you write that down, Doug? Hey, put this in your mouth. Just one more thing to do.
Starting point is 00:07:45 We're gonna try that on Friday. Let's try that out. Can you hold this in your chin? You know what I was just thinking the other day was, you know, I need some lifting chalk. Justin tends to talk about mindless shit before we start this show and I was, Whoa.
Starting point is 00:08:00 Whoa. Nobody else does that. No, no, just me. And I was wondering, I just, I take all, you know, claim for that. What do you think the sweet spot is? What do you think, where people, where do, where do, where do you think it is, where everybody gets fucking annoying?
Starting point is 00:08:13 Yeah, right? Justin's crazy shit that he brings up. Right, what, what, what do you think the minute mark is, where someone's like, where's the time for us to talk about fitness? Right. Yeah, yeah, what are you not bullshitting? Yeah, what do you think that,
Starting point is 00:08:24 what do you think that, what do you think people are turned off? I don't know, I've heard, what bullshit. Yeah, what do you think that? How many people are turned off? I don't know. I've heard what are you guys hearing? I've heard mixed reviews. So I've got clients. You know, it's funny. It's either one or the other. I have people who tell me they love listening to us bullshit.
Starting point is 00:08:35 And then I have people that tell me they just love to listen to us about fitness. But the beauty is that the technology lets you still listen. That's forward, if you want. Or rewind if you want to listen to the funny stuff. You can grow an appreciation for it and not be a total stick in the ass. There you go.
Starting point is 00:08:52 So I have no fun in your life. You know what I'm saying? I've noticed more that. The feedback that I've gotten, you're right, there's definitely, there's camps on both sides. There's camps that just in do not, actually we actually have,
Starting point is 00:09:03 here's a one that's for you. There's total division. Look to your left and look to your right believe it or not there's probably somebody that stands that sits next to you and never guessed is of mine publicity we have people that don't even are not even in a fitness that actually listen to the show which is kind of unique right so I have we do have both camps we have camps that are here just for the information and the people that are just here for the random bullshit that Justin likes to bring up. But then we, don't give a model credit.
Starting point is 00:09:29 But I've actually had, I had a client of mine who was turned off at first initially but because that's as far as she went because she's like, oh, a bunch of broke guys. Did she wish you'd seen you talk too much? No, she thinks like, yeah, I don't know, you see how he's eliminated himself from this conversation?
Starting point is 00:09:47 Can we just talk about macros for a while? No, no, no. People get turned off by that. No, that's just you bro. I really want to hear about it. I'll tell you, I'm in box. I'll tell you, I'm out of, I would like to create a poll for that.
Starting point is 00:09:57 Yeah, we should create, we're gonna create a mind poll. Yes, we are gonna create a mind poll. There'll be a macro, there'll be a silly random like horrible shit, and then there'll be like super intelligent, you know, focused topics. He said that looking over at your dumbass. Oh, but he's just...
Starting point is 00:10:14 Who wants to use big Latin words? And share the definitions. You know what was funny the other day, didn't you? She carpeted it. With the union. Exactly. I mean day didn't you? Carpius union exactly. Yeah, I mean, don't you say? I'll be like, brand of stuff.
Starting point is 00:10:30 What is that? It's the majestic. Oh, quaw. Motherfucking quaw. Whoa. Doug, it's time. Yeah. It's time, Doug.
Starting point is 00:10:40 It's getting louder every time. Charge it up, Doug. We're getting sick of this. Grab it, squeeze it, slap it, go. Sick of the bullshit. Give us a real talk. Give us the meat and potatoes, Doug, charge it up. We're getting sick of this. Grab it, squeeze it, slap it, go. Stick it up, bullshit. Give us a real talk. Give us a meat and potatoes, Doug. Here it comes. We got my mom.
Starting point is 00:10:50 Fabian Barka, oh nine. This person's keeping their calories consistent and getting hungrier. What does it cause? Should this person up their calories and their goal is weight loss. So what's going on here? If you're at a calorie deficit,
Starting point is 00:11:06 and you're initially you're not going to get as hungry as you might later on because your body's trying to get you to eat more calories, that's kind of how it breaks down. One of the best things you could do for this is to undulate your calories or eat maintenance sometimes, eat at below maintenance sometimes, eat it a deep, you know,
Starting point is 00:11:22 even more below maintenance at other times, maybe a slight surplus. And that kind of makes a dent in this. But at the end of the day, you gotta keep in mind, if you're eating the leaner, your body's going to most likely send you the hunger signal more often than if you weren't, right? So you gotta kind of be okay with that,
Starting point is 00:11:42 every once in a while. It's okay to feel hungry. I think we were taught to be so afraid of, oh my god, I'm hungry. Fuck, I gotta eat something like, it's okay to be like, okay, I'm hungry, but I'm hungry. If you had breakfast, you're not hungry. I was falling.
Starting point is 00:11:53 That's not hunger, right? So there's actually, I'm surprised how they get into it because he typically loves to jump all over the nerdy stuff. There's a hormone called leptin that is responsible for a lot of this feeling that you have. And there's a couple things that are going on for sure, because obviously if you start to build lean more lean body mass, because you're lifting weights too,
Starting point is 00:12:15 that's going to kick up your metabolism. But also if you have this slight spike in food or a lack of mobility one day, so let's say one day you, let's just use hypothetical members. You only burn, you know, 1500 to 2000 calories that day, but you consume 2500 calories. That would be a surplus of calories for the day. That surplus is going to spike the leptin levels up because it's going to tell your body that you have more fuel, more energy than that your body is used to today.
Starting point is 00:12:44 That feeling that you get, that, more energy than that your body's used to today. That feeling that you get, that is a great, awesome feeling. Now, what happens to a lot of people, they get that feeling and then they're ahead, they go, oh shit, my body, my metabolism's speeding up, I need to feed it more fuel. And that goes back to the old bullshit
Starting point is 00:12:57 that we used to teach people of, you know, keep throwing, you know, little bits of logs on the fire to keep fuel in the fire, keep fuel in the fire. That's a crocush. Shit. Um, what you want to think of is this, and this is what I teach my clients is when you have that feeling, uh, give yourself a pat on the back and a thumbs up in a glass of water. And guess what? You can be sitting in your car or watching your fat burning.
Starting point is 00:13:17 Exactly. And enjoy that your body. And that's normally is that body kicking over to start metabolizing fat for energy. And that's what's going on is, hey, you know what? I'm not doing much right now. I'm not exercising. I'm not moving around, but I have this feeling of hunger right now. And more than likely the body is switching over to metabolized fat as its source of fuel now. Well, like anything in the world, and especially in fitness, there's a pendulum and it swings one way and it swings the other way. And I think for a long time, when it came to dieting,
Starting point is 00:13:46 people were told that you should never feel hungry, right? Because people were starving themselves before. I mean, literally, they would go too long without food or too low of calories. And so I said, you should never be hungry. That's a bad relationship with food. Well, the other side of that coin is it's also a bad relationship with food to feel a little
Starting point is 00:14:05 hungry and then feel like you have to satisfy that hunger. Like I have to eat something right now or I have to eat more so that I'm never hungry. Like if you're never hungry, you're going to be overweight. That's what it really literally breaks down to. If you never have a craving or never feel hungry, you're going to be eating in a surplus all the time. And so understanding what that feeling is and understanding what normal healthy hunger is and I'm getting leaner versus what real hunger is
Starting point is 00:14:29 where I need to eat something because I'm lacking something, a nutrient or I'm way too low or I feel horrible, my energy's low. Understanding the difference between those two is part of having that good relationship with food. It's a discipline and I feel like I got the best, well, experience for me, like just fasting gave me this whole new appreciation for food and like, how my outlook towards food. And
Starting point is 00:14:53 as far as cravings go and as far as necessity and amounts, all these things totally changed. Once I trained my body to understand that, you know, maybe I don't need it right now. Maybe I'm okay with a 24 hour fest. Oh my God, that sounds so extreme, but when I actually did it, I don't do it that often, but occasionally I may do it, but guess what?
Starting point is 00:15:20 It just keeps those demons away. You know that whole, that hornyness about food where I'm like so fixated on it. And it's so, this huge part of my day is like focused on that. So like my focus is not so intense with food anymore. I'm glad you brought it fast because fasting for me completely it made my relationship to food so much healthier and better.
Starting point is 00:15:45 Whereas before, nobody, you know, you wouldn't look at me and think, oh, this guy has issues with food, but I did. I was a guy, a regular guy, and I would make the same fucking meals, and I'd have six to eight of them with me, and I'd eat the same shit every day, and I'd eat exactly the same time every single day. I'd be every three hours, I'd feed myself every three hours, every three hours,
Starting point is 00:16:05 every three hours. And it wasn't healthy mentally, and it definitely impacted my life in the sense I couldn't enjoy certain things. And I'm not just talking about foods, I couldn't enjoy certain activities because I had to eat my fucking meal, or I can't go over there because then what am I to eat?
Starting point is 00:16:20 Or I have to take it with me. And fasting for me, or me, and by the way, you gotta do it properly. So we talk about fasting, it's not just not eating. You gotta know what you're doing. We wrote a guide about it, a fasting guy that teaches you how to use it. So I'm mindpumpimedia.com.
Starting point is 00:16:35 I wanna say that to be responsible because fasting done improperly is the opposite of a healthy relationship to food and it's not healthy. Well, in there, first of all, we talk about six different ways to apply it to your lifestyle. The other thing, there's a page that's literally dedicated to all the health benefits behind it.
Starting point is 00:16:54 I mean, there is just a gang of... It's just a gamut of... It is. A ton of health benefits. One of those health benefits that's in there is appetite control. That's what it means by appetite control is exactly what the two of you are explaining, which is the exact with your leptin talk yes it is just understanding that is to get comfortable with you don't have to eat every you
Starting point is 00:17:13 don't have to eat every five to ten hours you'd be amazed how long we can go without any and you'd be amazed on once you break through the mental piece of it how great you actually feel you know I all I used to have that same, oh, I can't work out fast. Did I need these calories? Oh, I can't go that many, oh, I get headaches, I get this, I get that. When in reality, it was had nothing to do with that.
Starting point is 00:17:33 It was my body's either detoxing for some reason, or I'm, you know, that's just a mental block that I have that I need this fuel before I go inside this workout. There's a lot of things that happen when I started incorporating. And I incorporate fasting at least one day, one day of the week, I will fast,
Starting point is 00:17:48 and I'll not only do my warrior fast, which is one of the fast that we have in the guide. Something that you started to touch a little bit on though, there also could be a balance, you could be off on your nutrients a little bit. So, and this is kind of new, a new kind of thought for me because ever since we've been kind of eating keto, I'm extremely fascinated with my control with carbohydrates. And if you eat a diet that's your basic balance diet, which is, you know, the 60, 65,
Starting point is 00:18:25 2015 type of ratio or a majority of your intake is carbohydrates. Um, you know, if you get carbs and you pay attention to where all your carbs are coming from, and if you actually are getting a decent amount of sugar, uh, in your diet, uh, which a lot of people get a lot more than they realize. And I'm talking 20 grams plus, which is really easy to pick up through food, package food, and bars, and shakes, and shit like that. It's crazy what it does for cravings. It kicks that, it spikes that up big time.
Starting point is 00:18:59 And when you start to take a lot of that sugar out of your diet, replace it with like a healthy fat. The feeling of being satiated all day long is completely different from me now. So that is something that could be assessed also, which that's also why it's different. Sure, sure. It's an operating system too, that you're tapping into. Right. There's a clear distinction between that. And that's, I mean, that's another similarity for me with fasting. It's like it's understanding how your body is in,
Starting point is 00:19:27 how it works really in a sense. Like if you're not in a situation where food is abundant, guess what, you're still gonna survive. And it's the same thing like if fat is more prevalent and that's what's the available resource, your body uses it very well. And it's a very, very fluid energy system that you already have built into your body. Right. We will find, we will find in the future, I'm going to make this prediction, that
Starting point is 00:19:55 sugar, refined sugars and refined carbohydrates are fat producing or body fat producing foods. And part of the mechanism through which they work is they stimulate appetite. That's part of the reason why they promote fat gain, but they also promote fat gain through the ways that they work in the body. And it's going to come out more and more. I think those types of sugars and refined carbohydrates, it will look at this stuff 20 years from now, the way we looked at cigarettes back when they used to pay scientists to defend
Starting point is 00:20:23 cigarettes and say, oh, no, those cigarettes are totally safe. They don't cause lung cancer. I think we'll look back on today and laugh at some of these fitness professionals who say, it's all about the macros or who say, sugars don't make you fat, it's only excess calories. And not, not, not, not anymore, not necessarily. We understand a lot more now.
Starting point is 00:20:41 Because cigarettes, they make you feel good or like spiked up or whatever. Right. There's always some sort of association there, right? When a donut tastes so good though, smoke a donut. Smoke a donut. East Coast Kinney is asking, do all the same weight programs and dieting guidelines apply to men over 40? No. No. I, you know, I'd say over 40, here's a thing, when we give a number like this, it's not
Starting point is 00:21:09 like this. Well, before you address over 40, let's address all these weight programs and tidying guidelines. No, I mean, there's a lot of... Effective training and effective eating, healthy eating and, you know, healthy training applies to everybody regardless of age. There's considerations on the individual that you have to take into account. I could take a 40-year-old who is very healthy, very fit,
Starting point is 00:21:32 and they're gonna have much different considerations than a typical 40-year-old who sits down at a desk all day long. Whenever people give me a number like this, like 40 or over 50, it's as if there's like this. Before that, it was so different. All of a sudden, you turn or over 50, it's as if there's like this, before that, it was so different. Honestly, you turned 50 and boom, it's like this completely different human being.
Starting point is 00:21:50 It's not, it's actually a quite slow, gradual change in your body and the good news is, when you exercise properly, and what I mean properly is you train in a way that your body adapts. It's not, you're not turning it down more than it can recover. You feel good, you're mobile. Your body will continue to progress for a long time and then it will regress eventually,
Starting point is 00:22:12 but it takes a lot longer than you think and it's not at 40. You're looking at, you know, in your mid 50s or 60s is when you start to see losses and strength, you know, from what you were doing before in the gym. And you're still light years ahead of your peers. So it's really the same rules that apply to everybody else will apply to you. Listen to your body, focus on big gross motor movements, you know,
Starting point is 00:22:35 eat whole natural healthy foods. I mean, those rules apply to everybody regardless of age. Well, and that's why I said, address the guidelines and promises. Where are you getting your guidelines and your, your guiding guidelines and your programming from? Because if you're, are we talking about maps? We're talking about the nutrition guide or are we talking about, you know, what a lot of people are preaching out there and what you're seeing flooded all over the internet because
Starting point is 00:22:56 those are two totally different things. I mean, would you just mention, you know, I, I, I, I, I, I'm type of mentality. It's very popular and prevalent right now in the, in the fitness world is that, you know, hey, make sure you follow your macros and you can be healthy and you'll lose body weight and whatever the case would be. And that applies for all ages, all groups. And we're just get done finishing saying, well, no, that's a crock of shit. You know, there's eating like Sal said, whole natural foods will always be the way to go. And there's things that take an account as you, as, as we age, as we get older, 40, 50, 60 on up, your testosterone levels
Starting point is 00:23:28 are going to reduce. And that's really what attributes to most of the diminishing strength, let's be honest. I mean, you put a 55 year old on hormones, and he could probably be as strong or stronger at 55 than he might have been in his 3540. So a lot of that's normally due to that, more than anything else,
Starting point is 00:23:45 is the hormonal levels that are going through a 55, 60-year-old man in comparison to when he was 40 years old. It's funny, strength is the last thing to leave though. I will say that. If you train properly with weights, you'll lose as you age, you'll lose agility first, then you'll start to lose stamina,
Starting point is 00:24:03 but strength stays with you for a long, fucking time. It does. It's essential nervous system response. Like it almost, in a sense, like we mentioned this before, like as you age, you get more connected to your body. You understand your body because of all these movements over the years, your body is able to fire and recruit at a more efficient and
Starting point is 00:24:28 rapid pace. And that's that old man's strength. So if we're talking about that versus like, you know, what you're overall aesthetic is and like, you know, the size of your muscle and, you know, like, obviously there's going to be some diminishing factor. What a great thing to study or to look into, right? I think that would be a fascinating study because I agree with you, Justin. I think that it only makes sense.
Starting point is 00:24:53 The way you train your central nervous system, a lot of that is practice. It takes time. I think it's the loss of movement, to be honest with you. I think if you did a big case study of that are older than then fit 40 to 60 or whatever If they have diminishing strength it I guarantee they're not moving as much Correct. That's why I said it would be a fascinating study because I'm willing to bet because I know and I know you guys have had this too I've taken a client on at 50 years old before 50 he'd never really wait trained before and we're 55 going into your 60s Stronger more muscular than he's ever been in his entire life.
Starting point is 00:25:28 And here's the thing with, and I can say this with man a hundred percent. If a man takes care of himself as healthy, eats properly, eats adequate, you know, fats, lifts weights, his testosterone levels will stay youthful for a long time. If not forever. Now aging, aging process is a lot more than just testosterone levels, but you've taken a 70 year old who's very fit, lifts weights, eats right. I bet you he'll have the testosterone levels
Starting point is 00:25:53 of a healthy 30 year old. Well shit, look at Doug. Yeah, I imagine. He's not that old, but I mean, what I'm saying is he's keeping that signal alive. Come on Justin, you know I'm old. Yeah, you're daddy. Yeah, wow, that signal alive. Come on Justin. You know I'm old You're daddy. Yeah, wow Super perfect time to transition the next weird
Starting point is 00:26:12 Rock and Rose fit pros and cons of opening opening Jim and thoughts on Jim co-ops Oh thoughts of opening a gym. Oh, I've done it twice I owned a part of a gym when I was 21, and then I started the gym that I recently sold. Save your money. And yeah, it is a gym is really a tough way to make a lot of money. Think of it like this.
Starting point is 00:26:41 If you love it, if you love the gym, and you just want to be in the gym all the time, it's awesome. But if you want to make a lot of money, owning a gym is, it's, it's tough. I mean, it's a tough business. You got to get a lot of people to enroll. It's, you're there all the fucking times. Like owning a restaurant. Like you're there all the time. We're about to open it. We're about to get ourselves a gym, but we're not going to get a gym to run it as a business. We're going to get a gym because that's where we all what we want to be every day We want to be there every day. We want to utilize it to shoot videos. We want to work out We want to train people only big enough for what we need exactly and we're in a place where it's it's gonna suit our needs to
Starting point is 00:27:16 Expand our virtual presence and here's here's a totally different idea and here's where you got to be careful With the gyms, a couple of things. Cause I think I know who this is. I think she takes classes. She does. Okay, that's what I thought. She's a forum. She's a forum.
Starting point is 00:27:34 Yeah, just a. So Jess, if you were talking about a, in particular, gym like the one that you might, you might be taking or going to, I think it's a great idea if you've got that kind of money for the next three to five years. It's like a franchise. Yeah, it's like a franchise type gym.
Starting point is 00:27:52 If you are, because there's all types of gyms, right? Like, you know, we got CrossFit boxes, we got these orange theory type of boxes that are popping up all over the place and then you have your basic brick and mortar. If you grab onto the trend right now, hold onto that shit, quit and then get rid of it. So, and that's the one thing that I've been trying to tell people
Starting point is 00:28:10 that about some of these boxes right now, I mean, let's be honest, we talk a lot of, we talk a lot of shit about CrossFit, I contemplated buying one, just keep it real. I contemplate because I'm so, I'm such a, you almost closed us on it too. I literally, I'm a business guy first fitness guy second
Starting point is 00:28:26 I have to admit I mean I have always been that way I have been a fall in love with fitness to become a passion of mine But I I have learned to look at at the business side always first and when I saw Where the CrossFit thing was going whether I believed in the philosophy or not? I thought oh shit This is gonna make a lot of money and And it's going to really low overhead. And I see it growing really fast. Oh shit, look, they just pair it. And this was well before they had partnered with Reebok.
Starting point is 00:28:50 When they partnered with Reebok, I just was telling everybody, told you so. Well, dude, I almost bought a frickin' what was it called? The curves. Right. I was very close to buying curves back in the early 2000s. The thing is that where we are in our careers now, if I were to do any of those things, and I don't put it past me to To not do something like that because it's I know that this will not end in 10 years from now
Starting point is 00:29:11 Here's a prediction. We love the due predictions on here. We talked in an earlier episode Actually, maybe a later episode Doug hates when I do this because I'm not sure if this one's gonna drop before or the other one after We talk about mobility being a very popular thing. And that's, I think that's a new functional movement mobility. I would not be surprised if we see some sort of wave that hits where that becomes this huge hip trend where
Starting point is 00:29:38 you find these places that are just group class style that are geared around that and people hop all over it and it becomes this booming business at the end of the day though the snake yeah right at the end of the day I would put it right the same the same box as I can OTF the same boxes across fit the same box as any of the curves these these businesses they take a very intelligent thing about fitness. They take a little bit of science. And then they take a trend that's happening right now, and they run with it, and they run the shit out of it, and they make a ton of money, but they're short-lived. Well, you gotta look at the model. If you own a gym, here's what your market looks like. Okay, and we're talking about a big box now. Big box gym, here's your market.
Starting point is 00:30:26 You can charge, or here's what your competitors are charging between 20 to $60 a month. Okay, that's the mid-range for a gym membership. So that's who you're competing against, which means that you got a charge in order to compete, probably right around that. Now, if you have a 20,000 square foot gym or 30,000 square foot gym, which is a big gym, you can only fit so many people in there.
Starting point is 00:30:50 And it's a lot less than the amount of people you're going to need to make a lot of money. So the fact that, you know, kind of catching on to those trends and getting waves of people in and out is part of the fitness industry and it sucks. Like, they don't make money off of you coming in, staying there forever, getting a super awesome shape and never leaving. They don't make money off of everybody doing that. If they did, then your gym membership would cost you $1,000 a month, or $700 a month.
Starting point is 00:31:13 That's all the months that you're not in there. Yeah, it's not gonna cost 20 bucks a month. Now, some of these other places get much better retention and much better use and they're charging a little bit more. But they're still relying on that hype factor because of every single person that enrolled in these places that even charge $100 a month or $150 bucks, these smaller boxes that are more popular. They too would not make any money if everybody who joined stayed and never left.
Starting point is 00:31:40 They either A would run out of room or b wouldn't make any money. So the fitness industry is kind of in this weird, you know Space that they're a little bit fucked In that sense and that they have to kind of They got to understand that you got to understand that you're constantly selling to new people and you're constantly losing people And it's just the way it's gonna be and if it were any different than the prices would not be as cheap as they are now I want to I want to start opening trainers minds to other things because in this industry, if you're a personal trainer, I swear the first thing that they think is the progression to be in a personal trainer's to own a gym.
Starting point is 00:32:16 100%. And this is such a narrow way to think about what it is, what the fitness industry has to offer, because, you know, and myself included, I wanted to tell, like, I almost opened a gym, like maybe three times. And right when it came to the point where I was gonna commit and I was gonna sign, I was gonna get this loan and do all this stuff, you know,
Starting point is 00:32:42 this creeping feeling like came over me,, look, you, you, you're going to be under this same ceiling for the next, I don't know how many years. And it, like, it's going to be blood, sweat, and tears for me just to get, uh, it ramped up to a position where I'm out of debt. Now I'm out of debt. And now I'm going to be able to somewhat start getting a profit margin established. But debt and now I'm going to be able to somewhat start getting a profit margin established, but guess what? I'm going to have to expand in order to make more money. So now I'm going to have to pour back in higher trainers, you know, to work under me because you're not going to make money, you know, the model of having independent
Starting point is 00:33:19 trainers coming in your gym is great for us, individual trainers, but I'll tell you what, speaking for personal experience, personal trainers, but I'll tell you what. Speaking for personal experience. Personal experience. Correct. You get tiny, tiny margins. Correct. Very tiny margins.
Starting point is 00:33:30 Yeah, when you own a gym and you want to make it a personal training studio so that personal trainers pay you to train their clients. Which is like the co-op is what she's explaining. No, co-op is totally different. Yeah. But you even got to that. Well, yeah, I've got that there.
Starting point is 00:33:42 But if you own, it likes what I did. Basically what you're doing is you're giving yourself free rent to train your clients. That's what you're got to that. Well, yeah, I got that yet. Yeah, but if you own it lights what I did Basically what you're doing is you're giving yourself free rent to train your clients That's what you're gonna make right you're gonna make enough to cover all the expenses So now you could train your clients without without having to pay anything to do so and that's why you're a little better off Then you were as a personal trainer paying rent. However Multiply the amount of shit. You got to manage and all the stuff you got to deal with and the you know the people you get to deal with So only only a gym is I mean you got to manage and all the stuff you got to deal with and the people you got to deal with. So owning a gym is, I mean, you got to have a real, here's a deal. You know, we make it sound like it's a horrible thing.
Starting point is 00:34:09 I'll tell you something. If you have a passion for fitness, if you love this shit and you want to bleed for it, then you can own a gym. Go for it. No, you might succeed. You might succeed. No, you might succeed. You might be one of the few that succeed.
Starting point is 00:34:22 If you don't have that passion, you're probably going to fail. Well, there's a 20% chance you will. That's what it is. It's the 80-20 role when it comes to training. And that's just period. It doesn't matter if you're owning a jam or not. Most people that get into this industry don't get into it to make a lot of money. You don't, you may, maybe you know somebody, maybe you met a trainer like, and he brags about how much money he's made or whatever the case may be. But that's an anomaly when you see someone like, we're not stock brokers. Yeah, no, if you're like the best trainer in your area, you're doing okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:55 If you're the best stock broker in the area, you're a fucking millionaire. Yeah, it's not that. Yeah, training is not, I think we could all agree here. It's taking us a very long time just to get to the level that we're all at. And by no means are we a bunch of millionaires running around, turning money. Not at all. But what I want to do is start planning the seed that there's a lot more options that give you more flexibility where you can make the kind of income you're seeking within this industry. And so these are all things that behind the scenes,
Starting point is 00:35:26 we're already working on, and we're creating these avenues and these tools and these guidelines for you trainers to become successful in multi, a lot of different options. So it's not just owning a gym. Well, I think we let the cat out of the bag just recently when we mentioned that in the podcast about,
Starting point is 00:35:46 the ultimate of it, you guys are, you like where mine pumps out right now, you like what you've experienced with maps, we haven't even scratched the surface of what this business was intended for. So hold on to your fucking pants because this is right in the wheel. That's what I'm trying to say.
Starting point is 00:36:00 I mean, don't get yourself locked into a situation where you're gonna have to grind your ass out of it before you explore multiple avenues now She was asking about also a gym co-op and a co-op is Where the members own the gym you know where like everybody a horrible idea horrible horrible? I don't know if you guys familiar with the term the tragedy of the comments, have you guys ever heard that before? So it's an example they give in economics sometimes, but it's like this, like if there's a bunch of farmers
Starting point is 00:36:32 and they all have all of their sheep grazing on one big field of grass that they all share, nobody owns it, they all just share it. It becomes the best interest of each farmer to get their sheep to eat their, their shape to eat as much as grass as possible before the other guys do. So he could grow his, his, his, uh, you know, how many sheep he has. And so that's the tragedy.
Starting point is 00:36:52 The comments that when nobody owns something, it gets destroyed because nobody has invested interest in protecting it. They only have vested interest in exploiting it. Okay. So when you own, when you co-op a business, it sounds great. Like, oh, we're all going gonna own the gym and love it. It's not. They're gonna, it's gonna, most of the people are gonna treat
Starting point is 00:37:08 like shit, people are gonna take advantage of it because they can. And you don't have those, nobody really protecting it because they own the, the majority of it. They just have every- Let's remember, let's remember, this is America. This isn't, you know, like communist Russia. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:22 Okay. This is America. Joseph Alweilua is asking about your thoughts on the presidential election. Oh my god. Oh, here you go. So how do you want to? Perfect segue.
Starting point is 00:37:35 You really want to go into this? You're your softball pitch. This has to be the... Try not to lose this a bunch of members right now. I'm not gonna go crazy. This has... I want you to. No.
Starting point is 00:37:44 This has to be the absolute most ridiculous presidential election I can ever remember. It's an embarrassment. It is a fucking joke. On all levels, everybody's a fucking joke. The whole thing is insane. You've got Trump who's obviously backlash against the pc police who've been just ridiculous all over social media so now this guy comes out as the anti you know uh... politically correct guy let's elect him and he's a complete authoritarian is a very dangerous person
Starting point is 00:38:17 you put someone like that in charge all he wants to do is get more power and he's nothing he's not a uh... a small government person likes big everything wants to spend big money on big things. Dangerous guy. I mean, you got Clinton, who's part of the hardcore establishment. And her hand isn't so many pockets and so many people's hands are in her pocket. She's following her federal investigation. I mean, it's just horrible.
Starting point is 00:38:38 And then you got a self-proclaimed socialist who's close on her heels, running as a Democrat. And it's, this is a fucking joke. If this doesn't bring about a third party, then nothing will. I swear to God. This doesn't bring about some like third party candidate come out and be like, everybody's crazy. Let's just be cool now.
Starting point is 00:38:55 Yeah. I'm not even that good. Definitely, but I'm not into Nicki Mouse. Dude, I'm seriously for the first time ever. I might actually just start, just start promoting, don't vote. Like I'm almost like, it's not fucking worth it number one You can you can vote and a lot of times it doesn't do you any good. I hate to say that so the check mark will just have a big like circle I hate to say that man. It's sucks. Don't vote. This is adorable
Starting point is 00:39:16 Yeah, and it's funny because when you see Politicians working together is when they're doing some slimy shit and then you'll see them really working together is when they're doing some slimy shit and you'll see them really working together. But these people are by the way, they're supported by the same people. So don't think for one second that one guy. Well, I think I shared with you one of my clients, shared with me that supposedly the rumor is that Trump and Hillary are the best of buds behind closed doors, although they sit here and they rip each other apart. And that if one drops the other, the other ones end up back
Starting point is 00:39:45 and supporting the other ones. I don't know. All I know is that that. Crazy. The illusion of choice is necessary for people to feel free. So we have to feel like we have a choice between two, what seem to be opposites.
Starting point is 00:39:58 And reality when they're in there and working, they're almost identical. There's almost no differences. But we want the illusion of choice. And the reality is that they're both supported and working, they're almost identical, there's almost no differences. But we want the illusion of choice and the reality is that they're both supported, both sides are supported by the same massive mega corporations of money. Most, a lot of them give money to both sides
Starting point is 00:40:14 because they hedge their bets and that's the way the game works. And we think we're making a choice when we're not making a fucking choice. So I might actually not vote. I vote Congress. Yeah, exactly. Congress has way more power than the president.
Starting point is 00:40:26 Exactly. Yes, president's hilarious. Yeah, bits of fucking joke. So sorry about that. If I pissed you off, whatever. I mean, you know what, we're America. That was good. We love America.
Starting point is 00:40:37 Stephen, one, two, three, four people to roommate with in this room, right? To choose you in just one person. Yeah. One person. And why not the other one and okay We get to roommate with one. Why would we roommate with them and why not one? We say when we are in our 20s, right? Yeah, so it's like we're in our 20s. We're single. Okay. Okay So different okay, if I if I if I roomed with Doug Mm-hmm. I would be I would eat clean I'd be fucking good it be awesome in terms of like straight, you know ifamed with Doug, I would be, I would eat clean, I'd be fucking good, it'd be awesome in terms of like, you know,
Starting point is 00:41:07 if it was with Adam, somebody would die. Somebody would die either because we overworked ourselves to death. But it might be really fun. Some crazy shit happened. Justin would be, we, it would be very regimented structure to be awesome. It would be clean clear. So I don't know who I'd pick. Every one of you guys has a, has a, has a benefit. Oh, come on. You have to pick. It's where 20 years old. It's PC.
Starting point is 00:41:29 Yeah. You shouldn't have started if you're going to be so PC. You're pussy. I don't know. Why don't you guys go first and then I'll see you. I want you to razus. Then I'll see you as being an asshole roast. You must have roast. Well, like you say, okay. So, um, Sal and I, uh, boy, would we have some fun?
Starting point is 00:41:45 Yeah. It would, as I say, somebody would die. Okay, let me say this, the 35 year old me would pick Justin to be my roommate at 20, being 35 years old and being intelligent and thinking what's best for me. The 20 year old me that would want to pick, who was, I mean, the one that would pick you up
Starting point is 00:42:02 from the hospital. Exactly. Well, okay, Sal, I would be the one to put you down. So those that know me personally, uh, and actually listen to this podcast probably, probably know this because they know my, my childhood best friend, uh, Jared, is very, very similar traits as Justin, which is part of why, uh, we have hit it off so well and became such good friends. So obviously if that's my childhood best friend, we've been friends since we were kids
Starting point is 00:42:25 and still good friends, we compliment each other very well. I think Justin and I compliment each other really well. Now at 20 years old, I don't think intelligently like that. I remember when I was at 20 years old, 20 years old, I had just bought my condo. I got my new car, I'm making good money, I'm single, I'm Sal and I are going out. Sal and I are going out and we're being irresponsible and we're being in lots of chicks
Starting point is 00:42:49 back to my place and we're having a hey day like that. We're probably waking up hung over at least three out of the seven days of the week, but we're grinding and making tons of money. We're not going to bed till two in the morning until someone dies. Yeah, he's probably right there. So I would say that the young version and then probably the 40 year old version of me wants Doug to live with you know, because I'd be like, you know, he's responsible. We see I'd I hear we get along together. Like I would love to live. He's probably
Starting point is 00:43:14 cook. He probably cooks the best out of all of us for sure. I will say this though when we do our our work retreats, when we go off and we're like just grinding up all night, Doug's got like the most fucking energy Lord. He's like up late with us rocking and rolling. All of us are, you know, kind up all night. Doug's got the most fucking energy, Lord. And he's like, up late with us rocking and rolling, and all of us are falling asleep. It's usually not him that says, hey guys, let's go to bed. You guys notice that? I'm actually interested when this goes around.
Starting point is 00:43:34 Well, who does that, Doug says that. I really like that. Justin, you're in it. Well, I honestly, if I'm like, okay, so using your guys example of the older me, I would probably totally pick Doug. I mean, he's the safe guy. He's the guy that's gonna make me some food.
Starting point is 00:43:50 You know what I'm saying? He's the guy, we're gonna hang out and we're not gonna, like, I don't know, I'm not gonna get this. You're gonna get some storage of talking, you know, constantly, where I just, I can't even think straight anymore. This is fucking garage talking in my head. I was like, dude, where I just, I can't even think straight anymore. This is fucking talking in my head. I was like, dude, I just want to chill. I'm just, can we just chill?
Starting point is 00:44:12 And then you understand, you know, the need for having a website, you know what I'm saying, like that kind of stuff, it gets me. You know what I mean? But then there's Sal and there's Adam and then you guys are are you guys are so challenging Yeah, they're so challenging, but in a good way and I don't know I swear to God you guys are the same guy
Starting point is 00:44:31 You know that right you're the same guy Adam's a little taller He's got you there, so any plays basketball so I mean, there's there's two things on there But Sal could teach me some jiu jitsu. I really I really have wanted to learn. So I'm kind of I'm kind of torn to be honest with you guys. You probably I would I would have a three-sum. Okay. You guys. That one's younger. I want to have three-sum. That works. You're in the middle. Okay. Cool. Doug, Douglas. All right. My turn. What I'm getting here is if you want to have
Starting point is 00:45:02 fun, don't pick me That's not what that meant Doug come on. No, I am pretty consistent. However, when I was 20 years old I was looking for adventure Sal would have been married So Not a lot of adventure here. So I would say consider that Doug. I can I retract my I would say Adam is would be my choice as a 20 year old. Boom. Yeah. It's down to have some fun. Well, he looks, you know, the backpack. He went back back back. Yeah. I would. I would just throw Doug on my back. Doug. We're going out tonight, bro. We're going to paint the town brother. Back to any pack style.
Starting point is 00:45:41 Back to any pack. Just hop on. Let's go. No, no, my 20s, I was into adventure, new experiences, and I like to align myself with people I wanted to emulate. And I can see that Adam has really good social skills. I could learn a few things from him. So that's, yeah, I would certainly get on Adam's team there in my early 20s. Bern, I love you even more now. Very very good. You know, uh, Fuck you very much. Well, what's actually what's kind of crazy because he they asked you like why would we not room with the other one What I think obviously what has made this dynamic so special is I don't think any of us would have a problem living with one of the other ones
Starting point is 00:46:22 Like that's why that was such a hard question to probably answer. It's like, I literally, none of these guys get on my nerves, but I think even like Justin was teasing about, you know, sound I could definitely talk the ears off of probably just about any, but I enjoy it because you know, you learn a lot and I enjoy that conversation. Justin's the opposite. He totally complements that side of me. Like that's like my best friend him and I sometimes could
Starting point is 00:46:42 literally just go and sit in front of the pool and not talk to each other and be right next to each other for three hours and enjoy each other's company. Like I seriously feel like all of us have this about each other where there's there's traits and qualities about each of us that we really really enjoy. And there's not a lot of stuff that gets on my nerves and we we spend a lot of time together. So, and it is rare. Right. we spend a lot of time together. So, and it is rare. Right? Yeah, I know. Everyone has a very mutual respect for each other's talents and intelligence level. And I feel like no one really steps on each other's toes.
Starting point is 00:47:14 I think we all have this really neat social awareness ability to kind of feel like, you know, there's definitely times and it's been neat. I've watched, I've seen everyone in this room go through like a frustrated phase like everybody has their little tell signs, you know? there's definitely times and it's been neat. I've watched, I've seen everyone in this room go through like a frustrated phase. Like it and everybody has their little tell signs, you know, like when Doug gets mad, you can sense it. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:47:31 He gets this like, he clenches his fist. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. You know, and it's very rare. It's very rarely gets that way. But then you know when he gets that way, you stay back to fuck up a little bit. And this is not one of those days I fuck with him or tease him or give him any shit right now because he's, he doesn't get like that and if he is like that that means there's
Starting point is 00:47:48 a lot of shit going on and stands up and he's sometimes he like slams his hat down and goes come on guys for punch a punch the refrigerator yeah I get I get a little more I probably get the loudest and most physical for sure. I don't see you getting dramatic. Sal is probably the most emotional, right? And you say that? Exactly, exactly. You get kind of emotion. What do I mean? I try. Yeah, you're the most sensitive. If you're, if you're, you know, guys, you know, I might not be myself.
Starting point is 00:48:14 Yeah, yeah, right. Oh, yeah, I'm just expressive. It's like, no, you're yourself. Don't worry. And then Justin is probably the most straightforward about when he's fresher. I mean, I'm in a bad mood. Yeah, I just come up. Be careful. Yeah. I mean, I'm in a bad mood. Yeah, I just come. Be careful.
Starting point is 00:48:26 Yeah. I might fucking piss somebody off. Fucking tired. Yeah. You guys need to handle that member or I'm going to fucking kick his ass. Yeah. I'm just going, wow. Yeah, that's kind of how Justin has it.
Starting point is 00:48:38 But no one, no one, no one really, uh, overdves that. Everybody has the ability to feel each other out and respect those boundaries. And I think that's something that's special. I can live with every one of these men in this room for sure. Feel each other as long as we stay within the boundaries. Of course, stay within the boundaries. Let's say we can touch Oras, but not give Oras. That being said, you can leave us a five-star rating review on it on iTunes. You can also find us on Instagram at MindPump Radio. You can find me at MindPump Sal. You can find Adam at MindPump Adam. You can find Justin at MindPump Justin. And you can find the handsome Doug at MindPump Doug. By the way, check out our testimonials, MindPumpMedia.com, and don't forget the Facebook
Starting point is 00:49:21 Facebook page where MindPump Radio or MindPump Show. MindPump Show. Check out the Facebook page where mind pump radio or mind pump show. Mind pump show. Together Facebook. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. For more information about this show and to get valuable free resources from Sal, Adam and Justin, visit us at www.mindpumpradio.com. Until next time, this is Mind Pump. This is MindPump.

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