Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 265: Workout Programming for Clients, Carnivores vs. Herbivores, Boot Camps & Group Classes & MORE

Episode Date: April 1, 2016

Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about how to reduce time writing programs for clients and spending more time building a training business, the pros/cons of boot camps and group workouts ...vs. resistance training and how to integrate the two, whether humans were meant to eat an animal or plant based diet and if it is healthy to eat a diet high in meat, fish & eggs and finally the scent of a Mind Pump aftershave. Please subscribe, rate and review this show! Learn more about Mind Pump at www.mindpumpmedia.com

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mite, op, mite, op with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. Dude, I didn't get any sleep last night, dude. I'm going to be so burnt today and I would joke. Why, do you have the poops? No, I got it into it. I got it into it. I don't know why.
Starting point is 00:00:21 I don't know why. I don't know why. I don't know why. I don't know why. I don't know why. I don't know why. I don't know why. I don't know why. I don't know why. I don't know why. I don't know why. I don't know why. I don't know why. I don't know why I said I don't even want to say got into it. I was emailing back and forth would be with Brendan, OTF stuff. So I was just really, really frustrated about something. Oh, okay. And I made kind of a mistake yesterday. And.
Starting point is 00:00:34 Well, let me guess before you tell us what the mistake is. I go. Did you? Did it, did it, did it have to do with, you don't like being, uh, uh, uh, uh, saying the wrong words? Yeah. So what, what happened was, you don't like being, with saying the wrong words. Yeah. So what happened was, I can't stop being a leader.
Starting point is 00:00:49 Well, no, and what's happened in my facility, right? So because I was there at the beginning, I created this relationship with all my staff there. You know, and I see, I even say my staff, it's not even my staff, I'm just a trainer there now. That is my staff. See? I told you. I have this relationship with all of my employees. Yeah. Everybody. To me, you know, and I know you know, you know, when you get, when you've,
Starting point is 00:01:14 when you've been with them since they started and you've helped foster them and you've seen, seen how much they've grown, they're all great trainers now. The facilities, the number one in the company, we destroy everybody numbers wise. We don't even technically have a head trainer in there anymore. Once we got, once I stepped down, we had one for a little bit and they moved them out. And yet the place is dominating, right? Well, you know, there is a, there's a regional guy who, you know, kind of rubs a lot of the staff the wrong way. And I've been trying to tell B kind of subtly this and without trying to
Starting point is 00:01:46 step on it. So he's going reverse grip. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Well, you got to go underhand. So we have this meeting. We have this meeting, bro, on Monday, on Monday, and we get over these meetings, they go over like all the exercises. These are all the exercises we're going to be teaching. So they decide they're going to do this, this coming week, and it's this, it's their performance they call peak performance week. And they've put in all these different exercises that are for a speed and time. Now when I go to these meetings, I've I've tried to get better and better about saying less and less. And so I'm in there and I'm just kind of listening
Starting point is 00:02:17 and I'm looking at and I'm looking at it and I see they've got dumbbell ground depress for time. And I just cringe. And I go, man, I just, I said, I asked all the trainers. First of all, what's a dumbbell press? Ground depress means you actually take the dumbbells, squat all the way down to the dumbbells, touch the ground, pick, curl them up and press them over your head. For time, so it's trying to get you to do that quickly. Yeah, as fast as you can as many reps.
Starting point is 00:02:42 Oh, that sounds good. And, and if you have, that's a recipe for disaster. And if you haven't done it, you should stand up because when you, it's not squat curl to a press, it's ground-depress, you're supposed to take the dumbbells, all right, which you're taking them from a deadlift position basically. Lower than a deadlift because their dumbbells are small.
Starting point is 00:02:58 Exactly, so it's about 90% of all members that do it end up getting rounded backs when they come all the way down and knees are over the toe I mean, it's just it's a mass exercise. It is that it's already takes a lot of coaching So and I see this because I'm in there and they teach this exercise already Well, then when they decide they're gonna do it for time. I'm just like this is not a good idea. Well So I'm so disconnected there that I don't really know a lot unless I go to these meetings and I kind of get filled in And this is one of the things I'm getting filled in. And I see that and I pointed out,
Starting point is 00:03:27 and everybody right away was very receptive. They're like, you know what, you're totally right. Like, let's all agree on something else that's safer and better and we thought, well, maybe we'll do thrusters or do just regular dumbbell squats or something like that, right? So, we all, yeah, that's a great idea. So, we all agree on that. So, that's all that happens.
Starting point is 00:03:41 Well, then later on that afternoon, the head trainer of the other location sends out like, Hey, you know, any he sees, sees everybody. So all the trainers are bred in all the owners. Everyone's on this email. And it says, we've changed this, we decided to change this exercise because we think it would be in the best interest of our members and safer to do this. And like, maybe, I don't know an hour later, the regional guy sends back and you like bullet ponds. Like, no, this, you need to be a better coach
Starting point is 00:04:12 and learn how to teach this and this and that. This is a move. And he like totally like his, and I'm like, and then so what happens? Oh, this sounds like a... It's your fault. This sounds like ego. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:21 And so what happens is, and I don't, I think it's unintentional that this has happened that the trainers of natural just kind of pitted me against him because they don't they're all afraid to speak up to him They don't know what to say and and you and you relish Let's see when all of Adam's people go to Adam, Adam, can you please speak out for us? I'm like, okay. I mean, if I must, I'll do it. Well, and I'm sure it looks like that in this situation because I definitely spoke too soon
Starting point is 00:04:55 and put my foot in my mouth because I just assumed that it was either one, the regional guy who got really defensive and started firing at the email or the original trainer who was explaining that that changed it. I didn't know that it was written by Brendan. So then when I came, so I came back and I replied to all, I kind of like, you know, was really direct about how stupid of an exercise it was for us to do. And then I found out later, oopsies,
Starting point is 00:05:28 the way I found out was then Brendan responded and he kind of put me on blasts and everybody and I'm just like, dude, why is he, I don't understand why he doesn't see this and then it dawned on me, that oh shit, this probably came from him. I totally just wrote this email thinking that I'm firing at the regional guy who I thought was so silly for undermining the other trainer, but in reality, I just looked like I was undermining Brendan in front of all his staff. And I'm like, what a dick move. I just broke. I wrote an email to him like just
Starting point is 00:05:57 him privately. It was just like, hey, bro, I'm so sorry. This and that. But hey, man, then we got it. And then it ended up being this all the way till three in the morning. I'm going back and forth on emails with this guy, debating semantics over like training. And what there's no such thing as a perfect training program. And blah, I don't care if it's maps, crossfit, or orange theory, there's not. And you know, coach around it and trying to tell me to teach me
Starting point is 00:06:17 how to be a better coach. And I'm like, no dude, what a good coach would do is see that that's an issue that somebody shouldn't be doing that yet. There's a lot of other things their body should be doing before they do a movement like that. And I care, and me, I look too, because I've been in a big box, I've had HR and lost prevention and lawsuits I've been a part of,
Starting point is 00:06:35 I see that stuff ahead of time. I look at that and I go, that'll be an issue for sure. Yeah, yeah, I mean sure it's fine right now. We're still small time and the guy who gets hurt is gonna be a friend of the friend and so right now. But sooner or later, we're gonna hurt somebody who we shouldn't hurt.
Starting point is 00:06:48 And then we're up for a big loss. Well, here's what you don't want. This is exactly what you don't want. This is the mistake that CrossFit made. Is once you start to develop a reputation of people start to get injured and the intensity's applied too high or whatever, you'll lose. You'll start to lose credibility,
Starting point is 00:07:06 you'll start to, people will be afraid to come work out there, it won't become, it will be looked at differently. Of course, there's a certain percentage of the population that you'll appeal to who's like, yeah, I get to go in there and beat the crap out of myself, but that's not a very large percentage population. That's not the demographics they're portraying anyway. That's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:07:24 It's completely a mess. Yeah, so no, and in any given class I have, you know, two or three athletes, you know, a class of 30. Right. There's two or three athletes. And then there's going to 10 five to 10 percent. And then there's five to 10 that can perform the movement if coach's properly. Then the other 20, you know, are people that shouldn't be doing it. You know, that there's other things that would be far more beneficial for them than even do attempt to movement like that. That's just so, you know, I struggle with that. It's a, it's a tough thing for me to do. The what I love about B is he gives me a lot of freedom in room.
Starting point is 00:08:01 He doesn't mess with me. If I do change template stuff or I do modify things like that, I just go ahead and do it. And this was a situation that I felt like we I had explained everybody, everybody totally agreed they understood and we're all on the same page. And then it would like to get slammed back. No, this is what you're going to do. And I even went to the point to saying like, you know, with my I refuse to teach this. So if it's on a day that I'm teaching, someone's gonna have to cover my class because I have too much integrity as a trainer, knowing damn well that I shouldn't be doing something like that, that I won't teach it.
Starting point is 00:08:31 So, you know, I went that far to do that and I was just like, fuck, I didn't even know that it was B who put that out. You know what, it just, it just goes to show you in really, none of us are meant to work for anybody. I need to say it. Yeah, exactly. We're just not made, I'm not,
Starting point is 00:08:48 look, I'm the same way, I'm not made that way. When I left 24-hour fitness the first, could I left twice? When I left the first time, my exit, the president gets on the phone. This guy presides over, I don't know, how many clubs were in Northern California? The, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the I don't know, how many clubs run in Northern California, the divisional president was like 175.
Starting point is 00:09:07 175? I mean, this guy's like a big, he manages more clubs than any other company has in fitness. This guy gets on the phone, trying to talk to me why I quit, and I tell him to shut the fuck up fat ass. I said that on the phone to him. This is horrible. This is not good.
Starting point is 00:09:22 If you're listening right now and you work for someone, don't be like, oh, it's not where you're going to see it. Mind pump says do this because it's bad. You'll get fired. So we call burning bridges. Yeah, and I thought I did. I thought I scorched that motherfucking bridge. Yeah, we're going to take back gasoline.
Starting point is 00:09:35 I came back and ran another one of the clubs. I'm going to the title this episode. You better be freaking talented. I'll tell you that. This is not the episode you listen to Mind Pump. No, don't take my advice on a situation like that you should not I mean, and I was totally apologetic too because I did not realize that I did That was totally disrespectful It did live thing I was under this is the owner you know, I'm saying and it's my boy and he does give me complete freedom
Starting point is 00:09:57 He does that fuck with me. He's also a cool guy. Oh absolutely. He's not a dick. He's a great guy very Very intelligent very good man like I got a lot of respect if he not a dick, he's a great guy, smart guy. Very intelligent, very good man. Like, I got a lot of respect. Because if he was a dick, then you would have bit. Yeah. Yeah. No, absolutely. That email would have got really gnarly in front of everybody if it was, if somebody I did,
Starting point is 00:10:13 like I have a lot of respect for him and I made the mistake in that situation. But it's tough, you know, it's like you said. It's hard when you have a big mouth. I can, I can, I can fuck man, me and Justin, we can feel you, bro. He's just pointed out. Yeah, we can, we can't stop. We can't stop
Starting point is 00:10:31 It is again, it's that time it's the mother fucking Just won't die I'm bringing it up. I was waiting. I saw zero hash It just won't die. I was waiting. I saw zero hashtags. I'm sorry. I'm gonna make it happen. I know there's a couple big die hard salphads, and I know they were trying to fucking feel like I was spelling.
Starting point is 00:10:53 They're like, right? We gotta get back on this one. I'm not gonna give you his back. I'm not sure how we hashtag that. I don't know. Well, we do have questions. We have the metabolic seahorse, who is saying. That's the best name I've't know. Well, we do have questions. We have the metabolic seahorse, who is saying. That's the best name I've ever heard.
Starting point is 00:11:08 That's like a, just a metabolic seahorse. You're just the metabolic seahorse. You're just the bad ass. Yeah, seahorse is all day. He's a trainer who spends way too much time programming and wants to spend more time on his business. So he's asking for some advice here. Mm.
Starting point is 00:11:21 Oh yeah. So he's spending a lot of time putting together his workouts for his clients. Here's the deal. When you're designing a workout plan for a lot of people, there's a lot of time that needs to be spent programming. The vast majority of the programming for your individual clients or one-on-one clients actually happens during the time that you're training them. So, and let me explain, if I have a client come in, I have a general idea of what we're going to do today. happens during the time that you're training them. So, and let me explain. If I have a client come in,
Starting point is 00:11:46 I have a general idea of what we're gonna do today. Yeah, you get your framework established. General, and it's in my mind, it's general, okay. Maybe I'll write it down, but it's a pretty general idea. As I'm training them, the programming gets modified according to how their body moves. Well, using example, we just did it. Now, maybe you had planned,
Starting point is 00:12:04 you were gonna do some ground to presses and then you notice something and then what happens. Right, exactly. Then I'm gonna modify and change it to a new exercise. I'm gonna, you know, as we're doing squats, I notice, you know, maybe the hips aren't firing the way they should.
Starting point is 00:12:15 Okay, let's stop right here. We're gonna move over here, do some floor bridges. Maybe do some single like toe touches. Maybe there's a pain there that we really just need to work on mobility for today. Yeah, you don't wanna get stuck in the rut of making, of programming all the workouts before you train your clients and then you train them and unless there's something dramatic that happens, you stay rigid to your program. Because that's not the strength of personal training.
Starting point is 00:12:37 The strength of personal training is be able to change on a whim. And my workouts really are dictated by my clients and my programming happens right there live as I'm training. Yeah, I'll give him credit though. It's a great discipline, you know, for him, he's very focused. It sounds like on his clients getting, you know, the best service that he can provide, which, you know, I can kind of identify with this
Starting point is 00:12:59 just in the beginning stages of training. Like I was very focused on like having the best programming, the best exercises that are gonna benefit this person, everything's all written out, planned out. And like you said, it's just like, you have this framework, you have this sheet in front of you. And what happened with that is I just, I'm like, uh, uh, uh, looking down my list
Starting point is 00:13:22 and guess what, if I'm in a big box gym, something's taken. Now what? Now I have to readjust, okay, uh, uh, looking down my, my list and, and guess what's, if I'm in a big box, Jim, something's taken now what now I have to read just, okay, well, well, maybe we'll do it in this sequence instead. And then, you know, and it just comes with experience to where you can actually just start to see that by, you know, how the person moves and like, okay, and then what, you know, in a general sense, what we need to cover for the day. You, that's a great point you made about, if something's taken, because I'm gonna tell you something,
Starting point is 00:13:47 right now as a trainer also, how you handle situations like that, outwardly in front of your client is very important. So let me explain. If I have a client who we've been progressing and we've been, or we've been adding weight to his squat and he's doing very well and he comes in, he knows today we're gonna do barbell squat. He comes in, he knows today we're going to do barbell squat.
Starting point is 00:14:05 He comes in and oh shit, all the racks are taken. We can't do a barbell squat. Now either A, I can be like fuck, all the squat racks are taken, we're going to have to wait or I don't know what we're going to do and now disappoint the client and the client's like fuck, the sucks. I don't know if I want to work out at this gym or you can come in, I see all the squat racks are taken and so I make it appear to him that that's not part of the program today.
Starting point is 00:14:27 Yeah. Actually, today what we're gonna do is we're gonna do walking lunges because I wanna work on, and it's not a bad thing, it's a good thing to do different exercises, but I also wanna present to my client that I've got it under control, this is part of the plan. Right.
Starting point is 00:14:39 Because if you, I've seen trainers do this with their clients, like, sitting wait for a, they sit wait or, oh crap. We can't do this exercise I walk around aimlessly. Yeah, what am I gonna do? Watch walking dead last night? Exactly and you don't want you want your client to feel like you're in control and you want them to Appreciate the gym there. You could be training people at prime time It could be packed in your gym, but you've always got the answer We're gonna do this exercise today. Oh don't worry. I wasn't planning on doing that one anyway. So that's also another important thing that I wanted to say that because Justin brought up something extremely important
Starting point is 00:15:10 If you're in a big box, that's gonna happen. Well, I mean, I was waiting for one of you to do either want to do it So I'll go ahead and do it. I'm gonna give us a shameless plug here. I mean, honestly, this is what this is what maps is kind of all about This is what maps is kind of all about. Ultimately, we are trying to teach the general population how to program design for themselves. It's not just that we're providing programs for people, but we're trying to provide a resource for them to learn how to program themselves. These are great skeletal structures. This is why we offer the forum also so people come in and modify and change. I mean, if you don't already have maps, this would be an ideal situation is if you
Starting point is 00:15:49 had all the maps and then you use that as your foundation and being a smart trainer, like you definitely sound like you are, you use that as your foundation and then you modify according to you. So you already have something. We've already got quite a few trainers that do that. You have to follow the maps template and train their clients according when they had great success. And what I love to see on the forum, and I'm starting to see more and more now,
Starting point is 00:16:08 where these trainers are actually, they'll modify our program and incorporate their own mods and different exercises and movements in there, and then they'll post it on the forum and say, hey, what do you guys think? And then we give our feedback. We'll say, oh man, that's super awesome.
Starting point is 00:16:24 I just read one the other day. I told someone, well, you might want to consider that you just did this movement and then going over to do a zircher. You're going to be super fatigued for that. So if you really want to focus on, you know, getting your strength, building your strength up in your zircher, you're probably going to be hindering that because you did this movement right before. But other than that, I think that's an awesome, awesome workout.
Starting point is 00:16:44 So I think something else too, and I'm really just reading into this as far as general, as far as schedule is concerned. There's a sequence I'll use, I'll make sure that I stack clients back to back to back and then I give myself an allotted time to work just on my business outside of the business, right? And, you know, if you haven't done that already,
Starting point is 00:17:08 you need to a lot a specific time during the day where you work on your business, you work on your marketing, you work on your website, you work on networking, creating joint ventures. Like, this is what being an entrepreneur, you know, a business owner is all about. That's very, very smart. Yeah, so. One of the best things I ever did
Starting point is 00:17:31 as a manager of trainers was I would have them schedule time to get leads. So here's your hour, your break, your goal is to get three leads. And what a lead means for a trainer a lot of times is scheduling clients. Yeah, well scheduling three goal assessments. So do that for yourself.
Starting point is 00:17:50 And trainers suck at that, I'll just be honest. Most trainers are horrible at that because trainers love to train people, but they hate to prospect and they hate to sell for the most part. So if you schedule the time and force yourself to do it, you'll build your business. I'd say that's probably the biggest weakness in most trainers is that inability to do that.
Starting point is 00:18:08 And scheduling it and forcing yourself to do it, you'll be light years ahead of your peers. Colin Sailor is asking about the pros and cons of boot camps and group classes versus traditional resistance training. Well, this kind of goes into our intro. Yeah, a little bit. Yeah. The pros, well, I'll go into the pros.
Starting point is 00:18:27 The pros of group classes are, is the motivation. The energy. Everybody provides. It's fun. Yeah. The camaraderie, all that. It's accountability. Accountability.
Starting point is 00:18:39 It could get you to, you know, work out. Sometimes you don't feel like it, because you know you're going to be there and you're going to see, you know, your friends or whatever you don't feel like it because you know you're gonna be there and you're gonna see, you know, your friends or whatever. Some of the cons, it's the very non-individualized. Not specific. Not specific, you could be doing the wrong things for your body.
Starting point is 00:18:54 Yeah. Either too easy or too hard or the wrong, you know, exercise, you know, sequence. Combining it with an individualized program is, I think, a good idea. If you did, let's say, three days a week of resistance training on your own with excellent individualized programming, one or two additional days of a group class, so long as the intensity is in so high that it, you know, counters what you've done on the other days, it's probably it's fine.
Starting point is 00:19:22 It's a good idea if you're fit enough to do that. If you're not, then don't. You should spend in that case, and just speaking from a results perspective, you're better off spending your time doing the individualized type workouts. Now, if you hate exercise so much that working out on your own is will never happen. Then boot camps will win and do boot camps because a shitty workout is better than no workout, usually unless you do really, really bad stuff. So if you're just like, man, I just don't like working out by myself.
Starting point is 00:19:57 And the only way I'm active is if I do these group classes, then go ahead and do those and focus on those. If that's going to get you to exercise and move. No, I don't think I could say that any better. That's for sure, the group classes, when I recommend to somebody, it's exactly that is if you feel like you're not the type of person that will go to the gym by yourself
Starting point is 00:20:18 and learn on your own and will motivate yourself to get there every morning that you need to and you feel you need that accountability or you need that motivation than like, South said, I think, then it is for you. But I get people to a lot of times that right now that like I coach, that I met through Orange Theory and they're also going through maps.
Starting point is 00:20:40 And so I've incorporated it with it, but I have to get them to modify some things. I can't have them. I tell them when they go to Orange Theory, they need to bring down the intensity a little bit so they're not super balls the walls, hammering them south there, then they go and hit themselves really hard. Resisting is training.
Starting point is 00:20:56 We need to pull back a tiny bit, but yeah, you can absolutely, like Sal said, if you're athletic enough and you're in that kind of condition, handle both of them, but it is. It's a lot about listening to your body and then your goals, what it is you're trying to achieve. I've got, I used to run boot camps for years. I had them all over the Bay Area and I had a lot of guys and girls that, for them, it was that.
Starting point is 00:21:23 They weren't trying to progress their physique. They weren't trying to really improve it. They, they knew that if they weren't, they didn't come see me with the other, you know, couples that were going into the camp also, that they wouldn't come at all. And, you know, I taught them a lot of good mobility stuff and stretching and, you know, I'd get them to do things that they knew they wouldn't do on their own. And so, and they, they enjoyed it for that reason. They weren't like I said, they weren't trying to make major gains or changes in their body. Sure, they wanted to lean out a little bit or they wanted to cancel out the, the wine drinking and the fun they were doing in the weekend. But that's kind of their mentality. If you're somebody who is interested in progressing your body and maximizing your results, well,
Starting point is 00:22:01 then you can't, group is always going to be inferior to one-on-one or training yourself correctly. So that's the only con that I have to say about it as if. One thing that I say a lot of times to people who take classes is this, because there's this factor that plays into group exercise that is detrimental. And that's this, that you're in a class and you're afraid to modify or change what you're doing because you're in the class and you're embarrassing or the coach said to do this,
Starting point is 00:22:32 so I'm just gonna do what he says and I gotta do it everybody else does. You don't wanna look like a weakling or like you need help. Right, here's a deal, don't forget this. When you take a class, you're there to work yourself out above all things. It's your practice. It's your, they say that in class, you're there to work yourself out above all things. It's your practice.
Starting point is 00:22:46 It's your, they say that in yoga, like this is your individual practice. When you go in there, if the exercise bothers you, don't do it. Modify it. Go easier if you feel you need to or ask for a substitute. Don't worry about doing something different from everybody else. It's all about you and you're still going to get the benefit of working out with other people and the motivation. Don't feel like you have to do exactly what they tell you. That's exactly the advice I would have given because that's what worries me the most
Starting point is 00:23:11 about somebody coming in that has any sort of pain or some kind of like imbalance that they know and they inherently know and then they just feel with the momentum, they kind of go with the momentum of it and well, you know, maybe I can do it this time and you know, that's where you get into trouble and I feel like also momentum, they go with the momentum of it. And well, maybe I can do it this time. And that's where you get into trouble. And I feel like also too, I put coaches on blasts a lot of times that train these group classes because that becomes the driving motivating factor is to get them to press harder.
Starting point is 00:23:40 And so then they'll go around the class and try and get people motivated by getting them to go harder and outside of their normal capacity. And that's dangerous because you might get somebody like that that is like, oh, well, he told me, you know, I should kind of press a little harder and really work towards the end. So anyway, just really, it has to be about, if you're gonna go into a class, you really gotta consider your limitations
Starting point is 00:24:09 and take things very personal. Like, I can do this, you know, this one I'm gonna lay off. Exactly. Emily K. Hamm is asking if humans were meant to eat animal or plant-based diets. And is it healthy to have a diet of meat, fish, and eggs? Humans were, this is a, this debate makes me laugh. Well, we got the teeth, bro.
Starting point is 00:24:32 We got the teeth to do it all. Besides the teeth, like this just makes me laugh. Like humans were meant to eat all of it. Okay. Where's a lion meant to eat another animal? Yeah, I mean, yeah. Here's a deal, man. But here's a deal, though.
Starting point is 00:24:45 You have carnivores, you have herbivores, and you have omnivores. Humans are omnivores. We're meant to eat all of it. And the best science that we have shows that you can be very healthy with the wide variety of diets. There's general rules.
Starting point is 00:25:00 Don't overeat. That's number one. Eat natural whole foods, that's number two, but ultimately eat, we can eat a diet that's high in plants and be healthy. We could also eat a diet that's higher in animal products and be very healthy. Speaking from a science perspective, we wouldn't have the massive brains that we have
Starting point is 00:25:22 and the digestive systems that we have if we didn't eat meat If you just eat plants you need to have especially raw plants You need to have this really long complex digestive system and you look at animals like cows and they've got like four stomachs And there's lots of this you know breaking down fibers over and over again to get the nutrients out of it Humans are smart and we learned how to cook our food a long time ago and cooking our food, when people don't realize, when you cook food,
Starting point is 00:25:49 you're partially digesting it with an outside force. The cooking breaks it down and allows you to unlock the fats and the proteins and the nutrients that are in that food. If we didn't harness fire, it'd be very, very difficult to eat. We eat the way we do. You know, it's funny when I think about this.
Starting point is 00:26:06 I think back to like, you know, the earliest humans, like they ate fucking everything. Dude, you know, I'll tell you, they ate everything. When I mean everything, I mean everything. It's trial and error. Bugs, no, no, dirt, rocks, you know, I'm saying like they've tried every, oh, that didn't work. Yeah. I'm sure like it then tried every, oh, that didn't work. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:25 I'm sure like it then fire came in and then we decided, oh, like this is better because now I can burn like it just they just figured it out, but based off of trial and error. Oh, this plan is poison this because Jim died. Yeah. I mean, like that's how they found out. And in the evidence, you know, depends that. I mean, there's evidence, you know, there's the remains, you know, old fire camps where we can see, you know, that we obviously were eating animal flesh and then of course plant, you know, there's evidence that we ate plants. And then if you look at cultures now when they do these big, big population studies and they find, look at the healthiest cultures, what do they eat?
Starting point is 00:27:01 Some of them eat, you know, animal products a lot. Some of them eat a lot of vegetable products. All of them are active. All of them don't overeat. And all of them focus on whole natural foods. I'll give you an example. If I eat beef that's grain fed, antibiotics raised in confined spaces,
Starting point is 00:27:25 the fatty acid profile is gonna be different. very different in that meat than if I ate from a cow that was grass fed and allowed to roam and move around. Our bodies evolved eating, you know, more of these natural sources. The same thing goes for plants. I could eat, you know, broccoli that's natural organic, or I could eat like a broccoli chip that was processed and turned into some kind of like snack in a bag or whatever. One is gonna be healthy and one's not gonna be so healthy. Not all vegetables are good for you. Not all, you know, not in not preparing them all in the same way
Starting point is 00:27:54 You're gonna be healthy. Look if I I can eat canola oil canola oil is vegetarian canola oil is very bad for you Yeah, I could eat animal products that are bad for me too. I could eat you know Salamis and you know pepperonis and stuff of highly processed meats and that's not gonna that are bad for me too. I could eat, you know, salamis and, you know, pepperonis and stuff of highly processed meats. And that's not gonna be as good for me. I'm crazy, everything else. It's not gonna be as good for me. So, yes, humans were meant to eat all of that stuff.
Starting point is 00:28:14 And this is why every single culture in the world incorporates both of these things. It's very diverse. I'll go across the board. It depends on the region you're in. Like everybody has like, it's what's available. Whatever's available here, maybe you don't have that many plants available
Starting point is 00:28:29 and there's just grass in these big ass animals. What are you gonna eat? Yeah, and it's likely that the human diet was very sicklic. So if you're in the summer or spring, when things are growing, and if I'm a human and I'm a hunter gatherer and I see a tree with fruit on it, guess what I'm gonna eat today? I'm a human and I'm a hunter-gatherer and I see a tree with fruit on it, guess what I'm going to eat today? I'm going to eat all that fruit, you know.
Starting point is 00:28:48 And if it's, you know, I can't find any vegetables or fruits or whatever and I'm trying to, you know, scavenge and out there's an animal right there and I'm going to kill that. Guess what I'm going to eat the hell out of. I'm going to eat the hell out of that animal. And I'm going to eat, by the way, I'm going to eat everything at that. I'm going to eat its eyeballs, I'm going to eat its tongue, I'm going to eat its frickin' liver. This is why organ meats are also healthy to eat. So you gotta look at, you know, the ability of the human body to flourish on a wide variety of things.
Starting point is 00:29:13 And it's just, this is just so indicative of people, isn't it? People will do something and then all of a sudden, they develop their cult around it and it's like me versus you. It's so funny to me. Like, I don't give a shit. You wanna, you know, vegan diet, that's fine.
Starting point is 00:29:25 That can be healthy. You wanna eat, you know, more of a paleo style diet. That can be healthy too. That's why I actually love for when we get into debates with some of these cult like, you know, pages or people because we don't have a stance. We don't have a, oh, this way of eating is better than your way of eating.
Starting point is 00:29:41 It's that we can. And then we have valid points like, but they're, but that's where it stops. Yeah. You know, like you have a couple valid points, but then the rest of it is just all, like, total dogma. Well, and then it, it's like, it's very similar. Reminds me of like the supplement industry. They take a little bit of science, you know, they take a little bit of truth. And then they just, they turn into the, they turn it in this huge thing where it's like,
Starting point is 00:30:03 oh my god, I can't, the meets, these are so bad for you, because this study showed this. It's like, you find one study that showed something, something that was adverse in somebody's body, and now I'm suddenly gonna run with, and what people don't get, the people that fall right into that trap, have don't see the sales pitch, you know?
Starting point is 00:30:24 They don't get it. They don't get that it's a you know, they don't get it. They don't get that it's a whole, it's a whole pitch, you know, creating these acronyms around, you know, I-I-I-F-Y-M and she's like creating things like that. It's just like, dude, it's, it's marketing, dude. Humans like to make religions. We like to develop our own cults. They want to put you in a box.
Starting point is 00:30:40 I don't know how many times we gotta say this. Stop letting people put you in a fucking box. We don't belong in a box, man. No, and I tell you what, you know, when vegans are against people that eat animal protein because of moral reasons, they can argue all day long. And you know what? They have their points because of their beliefs. I get that. But when you're trying to argue against, you know, eating animal product because you think, it's unhealthy, you're just wrong. And people who eat animal product who against who argue against vegans, because they say they're always unhealthy, are also wrong.
Starting point is 00:31:09 And let's also consider this. There's a tremendous difference between individuals. So I might be able to write down what I think to be, generally a very healthy diet, but if you can't tolerate beef, if you eat beef and it makes you feel like shit, and it makes your stomach hurt and you can't tolerate it, guess what you should need? You know, you shouldn't tolerate beef, if you eat beef, and it makes you feel like shit, and it makes your stomach hurt, and you can't tolerate it, guess what, you shouldn't eat. You shouldn't eat beef.
Starting point is 00:31:28 So listen to your bodies, one of those things. I can't tell you how many times I've seen people go, oh, I want to, they'll stick to a diet because they think it's so good, but they obviously feel horrible. And they'll be like, put the science in, it's good, and this has to make this world. And it's like it doesn't fucking work for you, man.
Starting point is 00:31:43 I'm glad you're talking about this right now because I actually, this is a good little thing. We should a little side note here because since we've all been doing keto gin and can go in that way, we've had this huge flood of people that are doing it like crazy. And I've helped a lot of people out lately with it
Starting point is 00:31:57 and given them like, hey, these are things to look for and you might feel like this, if you're not getting enough of that, you might want to bump this and trying you know, trying to advise people. And then I've got some people that are just, they're so, they're closed. They built, you mean, we've talked about what we like about it. Like this is it, I gotta do it.
Starting point is 00:32:11 They gotta do it. And then they're gonna feedback, they're giving me, they're just like, I've got headaches, I feel miserable. It's so hard for me, I can't even find it. I've been doing it for two weeks. I figured it was gonna work now, and it's still struggling.
Starting point is 00:32:22 Yeah, and they're asking me questions like, you know, when's this gonna get better? Or what, I mean, this is really a challenge. When do I, and I'm like, listen, it sounds like this is not for you. It sounds like you're miserable. Yeah, I mean, I said, at the end of the day, you always gotta look at this. And this is for vegans, carnivores, you know,
Starting point is 00:32:38 keto people, everybody. Whatever it is that you decide that you're going to follow, it's you gotta be able to pull yourself out and look at it and say Is this a way of life? Is this a way that I could see myself any and do I like it? Do I like it? Is it Realistic is it something that I'm into and I find works for me? In addition is healthy for me, you know because you can you can argue all those things and the science behind why they can be super healthy They all those ways of eating can be healthy and they all have their science to support
Starting point is 00:33:08 what's great about it. But in the day, it's really what is best for your body and learning that. It reminds me of like when we do, when we talk about fasting and the science of fasting, how fascinating it is and all the benefits. And then inevitably we'll get messages from some people who'll be like, I tried fasting, I felt horrible, you know, I got dizzy or whatever. And it's just couldn't think straight. Don't do it.
Starting point is 00:33:30 It's okay, if the science says it's great, but for you, you don't feel good, then that's fine, the science, the study didn't include you. You weren't in the study where they studied it, obviously. You're the one we left a camp, to bring the food back to. Yeah, it just doesn't, it's just there, you know, to bring the food back to you. Yeah, it just, it just doesn't, it's just there, you know, rest up.
Starting point is 00:33:47 That's it. There's, there's gonna be things. There's gonna be things in fitness and in nutrition that work for a lot of people, but there's almost nothing that works for everybody. Don't ever forget that. Almost nothing. Even our programs, as awesome as our programming is, as great as it is, we know it's gonna work
Starting point is 00:34:04 for the vast majority, for the vast majority of people that follow any of our programs, they're gonna get better results than they ever had in their entire life. But there's gonna be some outliers, there's gonna be some people whose bodies respond differently. Without, we have yet to run into anybody's been vocal about that for the most part we've gotten
Starting point is 00:34:17 in great amazing feedback. But it's inevitable. But don't feel bad if you feel bad, right? Like just recognize it and adjust. Exactly. Dan R87 is asking if mind pump made an aftershave, what would it smell like? Collectively or individually. Yeah, I was going to say this would be an interesting.
Starting point is 00:34:39 I think we'd all have different smells. If sexiness had a smell. I don't know. I pictured Justin like all have different smells. If sexiness had a smell. I don't know. I picture Justin like this. I would. Yeah. Just oak. Gasoline, man.
Starting point is 00:34:50 Or gasoline. Gasoline or else. I think maybe combination that. Like gasoline oak. Gasoline to love it. I like it. Yeah, I do see that. Yeah, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:34:59 What would mine smell like? Sardines. Sardines. Some racist. Sardines. Sardines. Sal, did you? Did you rub some? Sardines. Sardines. Some racist sardines. Sardines. Sal, did you?
Starting point is 00:35:07 Did you rub sardines and aqua? What's that one? Aquabilva. Aquabilva. Sal, did you just... The Jair gel and sardines. Did you wash your hair in tomato sauce this morning? You smell like...
Starting point is 00:35:19 You smell like a broccoli. That's basil and broccoli. Yeah, that's what you smell like. You know what? Adam's a smell like? Broccoli basil and You know what atoms will smell like bubble gum It would smell like my taste Oh my god, I just you just said fruit loops and I just remembered what it smelled like I haven't had fruit loops in my Yeah, I just got 30 years. It's very distinctive. Fruit loops, yeah. God, damn. You can smell them right now, huh?
Starting point is 00:35:47 Yeah, I can smell. You know what's so funny? Isn't that fascinating? The nose. I was like that where you just had these distinct smells. Right. Well, that's engineered in there. You know that.
Starting point is 00:35:54 The senses of the part of the brain that processes smell or understands smell is so close to the part of the brain that remembers memories, that this is why you can smell something and instantly you'll be taken to that memory. Oh, yeah. Yeah. So there's so close to each other that they happen.
Starting point is 00:36:09 But you know how it's funny back on the fruit loops, it's hilarious knowing as much as I know now when I look at foods, it's insane the engineering that goes into fucking food. Yes, dude. It's like we're going to create this crunchy circular shape product and we're going to make it taste like fruit. You have a crack head to can to be like, and we're going to and we're going to give it a shelf life of five years.
Starting point is 00:36:33 Ladies and gentlemen, that's science. That is some amazing engineering and science that goes into that. Well, they, I mean, I play, I play your Mario Brothers. If you guys didn't watch that general mills thing, I sent over to you. Remember, I told you that general mills was coming. They're going to they're moving to getting all the artificial sweeteners and colors and everything. They're getting other cereals. And it's a whole transition they're going through. And I watched this whole video process of, you know, they're working super hard to try and keep the cereal looking.
Starting point is 00:36:59 Looking and tasting the same. Yeah. You know I you know I'm gonna trip you guys out in salupriary. You know this but They're actually working right now on creating Actual meat like like they they create meat grow it in the life feed it right so that they're working on a way They can process like blood flow and everything with the nutrients and then they basically can feed this meat So then they can serve it and give it different textures and everything. They're gonna grow, they're growing meat and the laboratory. They're growing it.
Starting point is 00:37:30 So you know who loves that? Begins. Begins, yeah. Begins love that shit. Yeah, they'll love it because then now there's, you know, but so what they do is they take, they take a little bit off of the animal, you know, and then they grow.
Starting point is 00:37:41 You know what, a steak. So it didn't taste good. So I read an interview by a scientist who actually ate a steak that was growing a loud. Oh yeah. And he said it didn't taste good. And I know why. Because the meat didn't have feelings. You have to crush their feelings.
Starting point is 00:37:55 When you eat the meat, you need to eat the- Oh God, you just pissed off all our vegan listeners. I'm just too nervous. They know I respect it. It was just a joke. There was no tears in it. I'm just making a joke. Here's the thing about all this,
Starting point is 00:38:08 you know, like what we're talking about, about the general mills changing their, you know, their stance and they wanna go, you know, no artificial sweeteners and all this and that. I've had people, so we've recently talked about supplements in the supplement industry and people have said to me, we should have the FDA regulate, you know, supplements,
Starting point is 00:38:23 which is a bad idea. It's a bad idea. Let's like government get more. Well, here's what I think. You know, luckily with the technology, the way it is, with the internet, with the way that people can share ideas nowadays, checks and balances are there. This is why the changes are happening so quickly.
Starting point is 00:38:40 General Mills, five years ago, would have never considered that. Now they have to, because the market changes so quickly now General Mills, five years ago, would have never considered that. Now they have to, because the market changes so quickly now, because of feedback. I like to think of my publics being one of those checks and balances for these companies. Case and point, this debate that I got into with this big fitness name,
Starting point is 00:38:59 I don't wanna keep talking about his name, because they keep giving him all kinds of credit. But, shows like ours and other people on social media, other fitness professionals, they act a little bit as the checks and balances. And we're gonna continue doing that. If you're gonna start peddling shit and talking crap, FDA's not gonna come down on you
Starting point is 00:39:16 because there's supplements that are not regulated, but mine pumps gonna come down on you. We're sitting pretty high, not for long. High and under your bed, we're coming for you. How'd your kids, How'd you wife? Pump's gonna leave us a fab you the night five star rating review Just an appropriate. Can we start asking for a six star rating? Yeah, leave us if you can leave a six star rating You know I love petition that to iTunes five star rating listen if you live a good if you leave a good rating a good review
Starting point is 00:39:43 Excuse me You might get a free t-shirt also check us out on Instagram. I gave away four last week Give away four check us out on Instagram. Check this out go on Instagram. Look at each of our posts There's some controversial shit that we've been posting lately I personally have posted a couple things that have brought down some serious heat on me and part of me Love it gives me anxiety as well, but whatever I got big You can find me at mine pump sal. You can find Justin at Mind Pump Justin. You can find Adam at Mind Pump Adam and you can find the Mind Pump show on Instagram
Starting point is 00:40:12 at Mind Pump Radio. And before we sign off here, I just want to say the Mind Pump will not stab your kids. We will not stab. Thank you, Doug. We love everybody. You saved my ass. Oh, Mind Pump Media.com. We've got some awesome testimonials. We love everybody. You saved my ass. Oh, MindPumpMedia.com. We've got some awesome testimonials. Go there, too. Thank you for listening to MindPump. For more information about this show and to get valuable free resources
Starting point is 00:40:32 from Sal, Adam, and Justin, visit us at www.mindpumpradio.com. Until next time, this is MindPump. Next time, this is MindPom.

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