Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 266: Joe Donnelly Interview Part IV

Episode Date: April 2, 2016

This is the 4th installment of the marathon Joe Donnelly interview that took place in October last year. Joe stopped by the studio this week and recorded a new episode, one that can actually be broadc...ast uncut, so it was time to release this final episode before the new one drops. Please subscribe, rate and review this show! Learn more about Mind Pump at www.mindpumpmedia.com

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mind, pop, mind, pop with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. You know, one thing that I think is cool about Joe is, you know, that he is somebody and he mentioned it a little bit before. So, in an episode that we listened, you guys are probably listening to before, is his lifestyle. He's somebody who has learned how to figure out his metabolism, figure out an idea of what he needs to eat on a regular basis
Starting point is 00:00:34 and kind of stay in that realm to keep himself and maintain that for the rest of his life and then also incorporate fitness into his life too. And it's not this huge swing of his fat for three, four months. It isn't shaped just for a couple pictures and then he's fat again. And let's talk a little bit about the journey and the importance of loving the process of. I mean, it sounds like you figured yourself out. Everything about your body more recently. Not everything, but more. Yeah. So one of the most important things you kind of were touching on just a second ago is that people get too caught
Starting point is 00:01:09 into trying to be the exacts and the specifics. One of my biggest problems is they're like, oh, I finished the day at deficit or I finished the day at surplus. They're all focused on that. I gotta get my cardio and I gotta burn these calories off. The body does not change based on a 24 hour swing. You're not gonna gain weight if you have a piece of pizza
Starting point is 00:01:30 before you go to bed. And if you're weighing yourself morning and night and every day, you're fucking moron. You shouldn't be doing that. Like we talked about your amount of calories you take in should be averaged over like a seven day period. Because there's gonna be days where you hit your macros or your below. There's gonna be days like today, you know what you're,
Starting point is 00:01:47 here's the life happens man, you're not gonna be able to get all that stuff in. Who cares, we still average it out. You average out the next day or this and that. So people get caught up, they think everything is such a specific, what drives me, also drives me nuts is when people say things like, I was at 400 deficit, they go, how the fuck did you know that? Were you in a bod pod yesterday? Do you know exactly what your metabolic rate
Starting point is 00:02:09 was, how many calories you were burning? Did you have the most specifically amazing, like MIT calibrated, like, you know, caloric monitor, which told you how many calories you were doing, when you were doing this cardio? Because when you gripped those handles on the fucking libtical at 24-hour fitness, that was inaccurate.
Starting point is 00:02:23 So people are like, people think they're like, well, this is my basal metabolic rate and this is what the readout gave me. And so I should be a deficit by 300, but yeah, but you're still gaining weight. So everybody assumes all these numbers make sense. But they really don't know what the fuck there is they're talking about.
Starting point is 00:02:37 Well, let's be honest, even the deepest science, a lot of this is kind of guess. It is a lot of right. That's why I tell people, don't try to be so specific. It's something that's over time like a seven day period, like track your calories, track your macros, and try to hit certain numbers. But here's the thing, if I came to the math,
Starting point is 00:02:56 it came to conclusion, my basal metabolic rate without exercise was say 5,700 calories, and with exercise, it's 7,000. So if I didn't work out, say if I had, you know, knee surgery, right? And if I didn't work out for like four or five days and I ate 6,500 calories, um, am I awesome? Am I going to gain like two pounds of body fat? No, it's not, it's not going to happen like that.
Starting point is 00:03:17 First of all, as we know, the metabolism, it fluctuates. So especially when you put more calories in your metabolism, if you're a healthy person, your metabolism will go up. If you're a healthy person. So people that are so focused on the fact that, oh my god, I'm in surplus, or I'm at deficit, no, you don't even know where you are. Get a general understanding of where you should be, use some common sense and move forward
Starting point is 00:03:39 accordingly and average things over a week. In other words, listen to your body. Absolutely, listen to your body. Yeah, that's probably the best lesson I learned for myself. Training was to listen to my body because I would follow a specific plan, a specific outline of what I need to do, and this is what I need to do on this workout, and this is what I need to eat on this day. And when I finally slowed down and learned to listen to my body, I figured out a lot of things. I figured out that eating every two or three hours for me
Starting point is 00:04:06 was totally inflammatory. I was like shit, why did that? Right, it was very inflammatory. I feel I realized for myself, I did a lot better when I would eat much less frequently. I also realized I did a lot better when I would train more frequently and less volume. In other words, let me explain.
Starting point is 00:04:23 Rather than doing 30 sets on Mondays every Monday's, doing 10 sets three days a week, for example. So I'm still doing 30 sets, but I broke it up and I got more frequency. I figured out that for me, that worked best. That does work best for a lot of people, but you really got to listen to your body. Everybody works a little bit. I also figured out that the low rep sets for me, oh, I thrive off of them.
Starting point is 00:04:44 And I do sets of one, two, and that's the body type. And that's right. So I was more responsive to that. Here another thing was when I used to eat like 350 grams of protein, once I started paying attention, once I cut it back, you know, and so I ate less than one gram of, you know, protein per pound of body.
Starting point is 00:05:02 Let's say that again. But it's true. No, no, you gotta say that again, because I swear of the, of everything that we preach on Mind Pump, that's the one thing that people trip out the most. To be honest, they freak out. I noticed less water attention. My stomach was smaller, um, you know, not consuming all that protein. I, I replaced those calories with fats and carbs.
Starting point is 00:05:21 I looked better. I looked fuller. Felt like I'm better. I mean, it was, it wasn't so tired trying to digest it all the time. It was like, I'll be honest, like today, I've probably only taken 120 grams of protein. Right. Who cares?
Starting point is 00:05:33 Did you know, did you know? Did you know? I lose all my muscle, my meat catabond, I lose all my muscle overnight. No, no. As a matter of fact, throwing in days of low protein actually increases your body's sensitivity to protein. And you'll utilize what you do on the next day, whatever for efficient.
Starting point is 00:05:47 Because tomorrow, now it's gonna be starving for us so then when you feed it that 230, it says. And high protein diets are not unhealthy, but the ultra high, that's one and a half, that's just between a high protein diet versus a stupidity high protein. High protein, not like, you know, if you're 200 pounds, you have 200 grams of protein,
Starting point is 00:06:02 great, but 400. Joe, we got a, we have, we, there's a buddy I have who's getting ready for a show. The dude weighs, what's he weigh 200 pounds? He's eating almost 400 grams of protein a day. But that's what his coach is telling him. Yeah. Of course, he's stupid. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:06:17 And that not only is that, my problem with this is like, if you were going to like traffic order, if you got charged with a crime, would you let your accountant defend you? Fuck no. If you're having orthopedicic surgery would you let your attorney do the surgery? No, then why the fuck is Johnny Jerkoff trainer at the gym? Doing your nutrition. Why is he is he working with your body chemistry when he was only trained with the weekend course on fucking Google none No, no, no, no, not even that I don't know. These are these are at people who've competed. Yeah, and so then they coach because they've competed No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no you just eat the right amount of protein, maybe like 0.7 grams per pound of body.
Starting point is 00:07:07 I'm just gonna point it out. If you just do that, if you're already eating a shit ton of protein and you drop it down to that, that alone you will start to blow yourself away. And replace it with healthy fats and carbs. Your body's gonna be much more, it's gonna work more often.
Starting point is 00:07:20 When I started doing that, I built muscle. I used to trip myself. I used to eat a shit ton of protein. You know what's funny? They're also finding that these super, super high ultra protein diets increase health risks, including cancer, certain types of cancers. I believe it.
Starting point is 00:07:33 It's not healthy. It's just not a good thing. And one of the number one things you see bodybuilders, especially, you know, now you're seeing bodybuilders from the 90s start to have all these problems. The number one thing you see, kidney problems. And high protein diet, healthy for the kidneys. Ultra high protein diet, definitely, probably not good for our kidneys.
Starting point is 00:07:49 I think it was the high protein diet, the oral andabolic steroids and all the diet drugs. Oh, it's the combination. They were shaking up, yeah. But it doesn't help. No. But it baffles me when I see guys are like 185 and they're taking more protein than I am.
Starting point is 00:08:01 And they're like 30 grams of fat a day. Right. It baffles me. When I finally start to figure out like my nutrition like fat is my here's thing. You guys to say whatever you want to me fat is the most important macro nutrient. That's not just your thing that is actually a sexual tyranosaur. Right. Let's trademark that term sexual tyranosaur.
Starting point is 00:08:21 No, you can't trademark you know what said that first. That was what's oh yeah, you're right just a Berture on that I knew that I said so many times you're right. I want to trademark that would make a feature But it's true man like these guys are in these low fat diets and they're like mid-20s They have like no sex drive. They look like shit and feel like shit to cut your protein back I want to take like 230 grams of fat a day and And I'll be honest, like, it's hard for me to keep weight on sometimes.
Starting point is 00:08:47 I have to be at most of the time. It really is. And I have energy all the time. I feel great. I fuck like a fucking champion. Why I'm not at the movies by myself watching that Damon and you know what? Or feeling seven hours of radio on a Friday.
Starting point is 00:09:00 You just hit on one day a month. You just hit on two things. One, the most common thing that I have when I take on a male. You just hit on one day a month. You just hit on two things. One, the most common thing that I have when I take on a male client that I'm coaching and I have them show me what they're doing. I go, okay, great. We're going to cut that protein in half and I'm going to double your fat and they trip out right away. Like, what do you want me more fat? What about my protein? I'm losing muscle. And then the other thing is when I take somebody on and they're, you know, they hire me, they pay this money and they're like,
Starting point is 00:09:23 okay, well, what's my meal plan? I go, you don't get a meal plan. And they go, and they're, you know, they hire me, they pay this money, and they're like, okay, well, what's my meal plan? I go, you don't get a meal plan. None, I hate that. And they go, what do you mean? What am I supposed to follow? So I want you to tell me what you've been doing for the last week. And then you're gonna record everything for a week. So I can see where we're at, and then from there,
Starting point is 00:09:38 I'm gonna coach you. Well, see, of course you have to do that. It's crazy to me that you don't know when people don't do that. Everybody does this. Here's your meal plan. here's your meal plan. Here's your meal plan. The quickest way to fail is giving someone a preset menu because it's only sustainable
Starting point is 00:09:50 for a fixed amount of time and you're going to get sick of it, you're going to fall for you, you're going to binge. When you can teach people to hate, hate when people are like, oh, they're like, I, F, I, M, it's eating pop targets. No, it's not motherfucking stupid. That's not what it is. It's finding healthy foods and calculating the macros and fitting them into where you should be. That's what it is.
Starting point is 00:10:10 That's what it is. Oh, it is. Here's the thing, every body builder does, if it fits your macros, they just don't fucking know it. Cause here's the thing, the J Cutler's, the Ronnie Coleman's, the FlexWit, those guys, they weren't waking up every day and having 10 eggs in the morning.
Starting point is 00:10:24 Meal one was ground turkey, meal two was chicken, meal three was steak. That was a pre contest. They weren't, but they weren't doing the same thing every day, so I asked Jay about it one time, and he's like, oh, on two days I'd have like some halibut and some ground turkey and one cheese, I've got this, and I have ground beef on Thursdays.
Starting point is 00:10:37 Is it different now? Wait a minute, I go, so you were doing if it fits your mat, you were doing flexible diet and you just didn't fucking know, and he goes, yeah, you're right. They're all doing it, They just don't fucking know. Everyone thinks that if it fits your macros is some type of philosophical. We know why.
Starting point is 00:10:48 It's not. No, you know why? There's nothing new about that. It's something that's been around forever. The problem is. Well, where's how that started? All it was was some dude on a blog. He was answering questions, some PhD and someone asked them, like, can you have a cookie
Starting point is 00:11:02 when you're prepping for a show? And he goes, yes. If it fits your macros. It fits your macros, but he didn't want to keep writing it out. So he wrote IIFYM. That's all it is. It's calculating it in the numbers. That's it. And it's something I always tell you know, what it is,
Starting point is 00:11:14 it is exactly what was been around forever. The only problem with it is now people have turned it into a reason and excuse to eat shitty food. Yes, that's it. And that's what we did a whole episode on that because people would post like, ah, I ate all this pizza. It fits my macros.
Starting point is 00:11:30 Ah, look at all. And then I'm like, all right, now you're promoting an unhealthy side. Here's the dude, if you're 19% body fat and you meal four or whatever and you have three pieces of pizza, yeah, it may have fit in your macros, but your macros all may have also dictated you getting fat.
Starting point is 00:11:44 So that's fine, but you have to understand where you're going, what's your goal? So people are like, oh, but it's fit in my macros, dude, don't have donuts pre-workout when you're a 15% body fat. Right. Well, you're like seven, that's okay. Yeah. You didn't need, you could have one crispy cream, you didn't need seven. Yeah. Sorry. Like, you don't need to be, you don't need to be bulking for four years, compete in men's physique. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:12:01 No, that's, that's it. They had a protein intake one man. Oh, sorry. And the macros. Yeah, if, if, if, why am, No, that's it. They had a protein intake one man in the macro. Yeah, if I FFYM, that's what it's supposed to be. But people promoting the unhealthy stuff, that's when we get that's when we have a problem. The other thing that I have an issue with,
Starting point is 00:12:16 I'd say the second most is to lobby. No, no, no, but that's a lot of experience. To lobby an asparagus for the last two, just to lobby the fish that eats on poop. No, the second or third thing that I think I get the most questions on is that when people go low carb, they say to me, well, when I go really, really low carb, I feel better when I bump my protein. And it's like, well, yeah, because that extra protein is being turned into glycogen.
Starting point is 00:12:40 It's getting turned into what the carbs are supposed to be. What you should do is bump your fats. Absolutely. You feel a ton better. It carbs and fats to be. What you should do is bump your fats. That's a ton better. That's a ton better. It carbs and fats should be, I think, inversely related. One is high, then they're those low and vice versa.
Starting point is 00:12:50 And that's about it. When I hear of these like 20, am I gonna name it? I have these like 20 something guys that are hot on all these drugs and they're probably for a show and they're like low carb and low fat and they're like, do I have no sex drive? And I'm like, no wonder your girls banging every other dude in the fitness industry.
Starting point is 00:13:07 I'm like, you gotta be kidding. You're on a thousand milligrams of test a day. You're 25 and you can't get a fucking hard on. Like, really? You know what, let me ask you this question. This is since we're getting into this controversial subject. Yeah, see if I bang those dudes girlfriends. Yeah, if you're a guy.
Starting point is 00:13:21 What are the doses that some of these guys take? Yeah, I mean, that's a good question. It's from what I'm familiar from the people I knew and I didn't know a ton of anybody compete with me, but it would be anywhere between one to three grams of like a thousand a week. So recently for me to hear, I mean, I thought a thousand milligrams. I mean, I thought a thousand milligrams of test a week was like a body builder dose. Right. Right. But apparently it's not. Apparently that's like, no, no. I mean, apparently I've heard like body builders to make some guys take
Starting point is 00:13:52 between like 600 and like a thousand, but I've heard these men's physique guys are taking like a thousand to like 2800. So the difference. A lot of, you know, it's crazy. I thought the difference between physique and bodybuilding was all about the drugs. But from what I've heard, there's a lot of physique guys that are taking more of the drugs than that That's that's in the last four months. That's pretty much what I've heard Wow, yeah, it's kind of amazing. What's the big difference then is is it growth hormone insulin? Is it insulin? What's that I don't know because they don't talk about that much, but what I've heard is At least with bodybuilders the the guys that I traveled with,
Starting point is 00:14:25 when I first got into the show, I was sponsored. They would talk about they'd be like, yeah, we get our blood monitored by doctors, and we come off for a certain time, and they were very worried about their health, and they were very analytical about the things. And I'm hearing these young guys that are competing in men's physique,
Starting point is 00:14:42 and they're on like all year like they don't come off When you're 20, come a cozy style. Yeah, when you're 23 24 years old and you can't produce testosterone anymore because you've been on so much gear for so long Like that's how you gotta be kidding me like yeah, that's a bad thing. What long-term effects are you going to have? You know, I have only had I've had two I've had two clients that That have hired me that are combat one was a bodybuilder, one was a men's physique athlete, and both when they first hired me, told me, you know, one of the questions they asked, you know, what should I take,
Starting point is 00:15:14 or what am I supposed to do? And I was sitting right away, I asked them, you know, what have you taken, or what have you taken in the past, or tell me your history, and they both have listed, you have listed well over a gram. When I trip them out is when I tell them, they're like, okay, I want you to take nothing,
Starting point is 00:15:28 get off everything, because I need to learn your metabolism. Yeah, learn your body. And I need to learn that. And then once I figure that out, then if you want to try and add something on there, like, and then you want to ask me, then I can give you recommendations.
Starting point is 00:15:40 But I'll tell you right now, like, that is a lot of shit for us to be taking and to be where we're at, right? Do you know what the bodybuilders used to take in the 60s with the traditional dose was? I'm talking about like, Larry Scott, John Grimick, these fuckers, if you saw them today, are big dudes
Starting point is 00:15:54 and they're strong as shit. You know what those guys just take? One D-Ball a day. One D, you know what was it? What was it? 10 milligrams or five? Five milligrams of D-Ball a day, one. That's not even frickin, that's like a vitamin,
Starting point is 00:16:06 you know, compared to some of the stuff they do nowadays. I mean, absolutely insane. It goes like I told my earlier, it's more like I said, I was like, they should make these guys get them back on stage three weeks after the show, so people could, I mean, I've heard in the past three months, I've heard of these guys taking things
Starting point is 00:16:21 I've never even heard of, like these types of drugs to help get them lean and all these things. I mean, it's just like, like I name any names, but there's certain guys that like literally it takes them 10 months to get in shape because their bodies are so fucked. You know what's the worst though? You know what's the worst is the synthol.
Starting point is 00:16:35 Yeah, that's the worst. That is the worst. That's not even muscle. That's a new thing for me. I thought that was like a few bodybuilders. No, no, no, no, it's everybody's doing it. Like wait a minute, they inject oil into your muscle. And if not even real muscle, it's just swollen.
Starting point is 00:16:48 Yeah, that's ridiculous. It's crazy to me. You can YouTube it, you can see guys on stage flexing and oil shooting out of me. Oh, I saw that. It's hilarious. Well, you know, it's fucking awesome. When I was in Vegas, it was like a sprinkler.
Starting point is 00:16:59 I didn't share this with you guys when I was in Vegas for Olympia and I was at the Las Vegas Athletic Club, which is like for sure, if you've never been to Las Vegas and been to that gym, it's a must go there, for sure. It's all it's, you know, if you want to go to work out in No-Gro. No, no, no, absolutely. Thank you for correcting me. It is not the best place to go for a workout. It is the great place to go people watch. And there was this dude that probably was anywhere between 275 to 320 big ass fucking dude. And he had these just he was so out of proportion. It was just he
Starting point is 00:17:34 looked weird as fuck as shoulders and that. And I was with my buddy and we're working out and like, look at that guy looks weird, right? And I was watching him and he gets over to shoulder press. And I'm this dude dude, I'm 275 through some, just these crazy looking shoulders on him. And he is like, I watched him and he's wrapping out a 25 plates on each side of the military press and just struggling with it, dude. That's like, oh my God.
Starting point is 00:17:57 You know, that is sent all to its best right? You know what, I'm, it's one that one dude that's so, oh my God, my name is Dan, we know the guy, the Instagram bodybuilder, who's just so massive, but just full of oil right? Yeah, I think he doesn't I think he doesn't lie about it, right? I think no, no, I was saying why would you want to do that? You know, I I would you want to look like a Smurf who's deformed all year round listen
Starting point is 00:18:20 I come from a different school and not everybody's like this, but for me personally I like to yes, I like to look a certain way, but I like to be able to perform I don't want to be a Ferrari with a freaking pretty ascension, you know I'm saying if you see these guys are all muscular and they're in the gym Yeah, right back to the pony That's right, and you look at the weight that they're lifting. You're like what is going on right? I like to be able to perform I'm good of a balanced guy, but. I want a little bit of both.
Starting point is 00:18:45 You know what I'm saying? I don't got to be the strongest guy in the game. Not about being the strongest. I like to be the best. I'm looking at the gym. But you like to be strong. Oh, absolutely. I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:18:53 I do not going to be the strongest, right? There's other dudes that I want to be able to work out with you and be able to hang. That's, you know, I really just want to give a fuck. I really just want to be the guy that fucking nails all the chicks, what you guys are being strong in the gym. That's, says the guy who gets squats and he's had it some pounds. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know, a photo shop, it's all fake.
Starting point is 00:19:08 It's, yeah, it's, yeah. When I got posted on my picture yesterday and he's, I was like, I was like, name your best trolling comments. When one guy was like, your reflection's not in the mirror, so I know this is a fake picture. I wrote back, I was like, ha, ha, ha, good, and he's like, no.
Starting point is 00:19:20 He's like, I know this pic is fake because I don't see your reflection in the mirror. Dude, we're shooting it like, I was like behind, it was like kitty corner. Like, do not understand the laws of dynamics of reflection. Just tell me you're a vampire. You should just send your gun. He should be unbelievable.
Starting point is 00:19:33 You should see when I first started. I was like, you actually trolling because you can't see a reflection because you had a fucking angle. When I, when I first started, we didn't actually go to the moon either. When I first started, I love that's what everyone. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, when I first started. I love that's what I know that guy the one that Damon that Damon fucking
Starting point is 00:19:47 Seaman went to Mars and They moved out of it. He killed all those people in Jason born and then he's shit I can't find the time to go to fucking Mars. Yeah, holy shit. I can watch the guy the guy multi-task How can one man possess so much talent? It's amazing. It's a true story brilliant It's those all the reds. He just does this all day. High like them apples. It's unbelievable. I got a question for you, Joe. You have a weak body part in an area that doesn't respond easily for you. All of them. The only thing. So you can have asked me, what
Starting point is 00:20:17 is your one body part that's good? The only body part I have is a strength is my triceps. Everything else is a weak part. So everything else, you just have to you had to really struggle. Absolutely. You notice, I mean, it's just I the strength is my triceps. Everything else is a weak part, yeah. So everything else, you just have to, you had to really struggle to do it. Absolutely. You notice, I mean, it's just, I was built to be like, and I had big joints, like you, like I have big knees, I have big elbows.
Starting point is 00:20:33 Right. You, like we were to sit down, like, I mean, it's amazing, like I am most way almost 20 pounds more than Adam, but if we were to sit down and like measure body parts, like size of biceps, like people would probably be, like shocked, because he looks people would probably be like shocked because he looks big.
Starting point is 00:20:46 He looks like a big motherfucker, but just my genetic structure. I have big joints. And I think that's because I, I think that's why probably I can squat maybe, you know, six, five, seven, seven hundred pounds in my heyday, and I didn't need a belt or a mask. My joints were made to handle it, you know.
Starting point is 00:21:01 Where some people, they could be the, they could also be six, three, two, four, five, two, fifty, but maybe you have narrow hips or you have smaller knees and you just can't handle it. Where some people, they could also be 6, 3, 2, 4, or 5, or 250. But maybe you have narrow hips or you have smaller knees and you just can't handle it. And, for example, it's like Phil Heath. What makes Phil great bodybuilder, he has tiny joints and has really round muscle bones. Look at Flex Wheeler, remember Flex Wheeler back in the middle of the day.
Starting point is 00:21:20 The guy, the guy looked like a cartoon character. I give someone like, that's before he did so. Branch Warren, an incredible amount of credit. He doesn't have an ideal physique. The guy, the guy looked like a cartoon character. I give someone like, and that's before he did, that's not. And that's before he did, that's not. And that's before he did, that's before he did, that's before he did, that's before he did,
Starting point is 00:21:29 that's before he did, that's before he did, that's before he did, that's before he did, that's before he did, that's before he did, that's before he did, that's before he did,
Starting point is 00:21:36 that's before he did, that's before he did, that's before he did, that's before he did, that's before he did, that's before he did, that's before he did, that's before he did,
Starting point is 00:21:43 that's before he did, that's before he did, that's before he did, that's before he did, that's before he did, that's a workhorse. He's working. And it might be just because that was the heyday of bodybuilding when I was into it, but that's my favorite. Get him, but also, during the eights also excelled at a time when, Leigh Haney, what Leigh Haney had the ideal physique. He had the tiny waist and the small joints. Right, right.
Starting point is 00:21:57 Ron Muscle Bellies, and he competed in the era where Lee's one of the best bodybuilders ever. So it's not like he competed in he won when there was a lag, I guess, in professional bodybuilding. That's during the eights, he won against the best. Oh man. And he's a self-made guy. Look at the guy.
Starting point is 00:22:13 He was not a gifted bodybuilder. I mean, he was not someone that was just, I mean, I'm sorry, I'd say about Phil, but he ever seen Phil lift. He called Mr. Sypex machine. Like, all he does is machines. Isn't trained or already do anything. Sybex machine, like all he does is like machines. He's in train hard and do anything. Wow.
Starting point is 00:22:27 I mean, it's great. Hey, if you can have unbelievable genetics and do nothing but like, you know, sets of 15 or 20 on the machines and leave, that's great. But, you know, most people have to work their fucking tail off. You know, if you can do like the, you know, fucking, you know, in hotel room, you know, video on demand cardio, work out,
Starting point is 00:22:42 lifting, workout from Netflix, whatever, that's great Phil. That's fine. This is such a good topic because people don't realize the difference of that, you know, video on demand cardio workout, lifting workout from Netflix, whatever. That's great, Phil. That's fine. This is such a good topic because people don't realize the difference to that. You know, there's, and that's where it goes back to that everyone asking, oh, is Joe on anabolic, is my co-herner on now, but at least people, it doesn't fucking, you know, how many people I've seen that are on anabolic that can't hold a candle to a guy that is fucking
Starting point is 00:23:03 a genetic freak that works as his ass off versus somebody. You know what I'm saying? Come on, most guys that take gear look like shit. I'm not talking about most bodybuilders. I'm talking about most people look like shit. I think it's, I mean, you can tell. It's obvious. When I see guys who are like my size, it's easy to spot guys that are on, you know, that
Starting point is 00:23:23 much gear. They just look like it. The shoulders are over that much gear. They just look like it. The shoulders are over to fell up. They just kind of look a little funny. They're too much size for their frame. But I'll be honest, man, I've known Mike for a couple of years and just knowing what I know about steroids. I do believe the first of all,
Starting point is 00:23:37 dude, the guy competed in natural shows for like 20 years and they give you light attack their tests. He passed all, maybe sure you can pass a drug test But you don't pass polygraphs like I'm just saying like it's just yeah, it doesn't look like it the guys fucking 75 years old he looks 20 It's face looks ridiculous Saying he was born he was fucking born when Hitler was fucking, you know, in power and he looks awesome It's younger than us
Starting point is 00:24:03 For fuck you know what I would love to do, just for fun. Not be that way to ever happen, but just for fun. It would be to take someone like him, who's natural or whatever, not a lot of stuff or natural, and put him on a shitload of stuff,
Starting point is 00:24:14 and just have him like, you look ridiculous. You know, 10 times a century. To me, that's true. If you were to put him, like, he would be ridiculous. Well, the genetics are unbelievable. And that's, and that is a,
Starting point is 00:24:23 that is a, that is the type of person who goes. Him or Frank's happy. That's the other guy who go and I'm on the phone with which we did. And fucking win Olympias because that's what people don't understand is that the Kai greens, the Phil, he's even it all the time. And he competed naturally.
Starting point is 00:24:36 Yeah, exactly. Even if those guys were natural, they would be fucking freaks. Yeah, Suddrick Mcmillan. Great story. Suddrick has one of the best physiques in pro bodybuilding. But Cedric's also, he's active military, so he can't get above a certain weight, so he may step on stage of 270,
Starting point is 00:24:50 but he can't get off season above 290, and he's six feet. And literally, I remember hearing the story we were at FIBO in 2013, they're like, yeah, Cedric had just started taking low doses of gear last year. But he's been a pro for like five years. Wow.
Starting point is 00:25:08 You know, yeah, just ridiculous. That makes me angry. Yeah, like just ridiculous. I quit. I'm going to start swimming. But I was like taking it was like taking like nothing, like 500 milligrams a test a week. Right.
Starting point is 00:25:18 Well, there was like, I've heard stories like Kevin LeBronie back in the day would go off season, would go off would completely deflate. And within three, four months, he'd be ready. Like he just blow up. That's how fast, how much his body responded. Ronnie Coleman apparently competed as a natural for a long time, and then finally went on stuff, and then of course he became like a great, great, awesome, awesome. I remember Jay telling me one time that once you've stretched your muscle bellies, like so far, you can come off for a long time and you can
Starting point is 00:25:45 kind of just maintain just training the off season. And then you like when you get to that level, then you know, three or four, three or four months out, then they, these guys get on and they can fill themselves out. But he said, you know, if you're trying to stay on, like year round or push it hard for like nine or 10 months, that's, that's when you do a detriment to your body. You know, he's like, because you can only stretch your muscle belly so far. I thought it was interesting because most guys are like, oh, I gotta make so much gains in the off season, but I now I understand what he's saying. So I imagine when guys like Jay and guys like Phil, like Phil's not in the off season,
Starting point is 00:26:17 like, well, fun, Phil isn't trained hard at all. He's, you know, what is what it is. But it feels not in the off season. I had to make so much gains? Does that feel just like, I just have to come in and shape and I can be everybody. Well, so my experience about, yeah, maybe, I don't know, 12, 13 years ago, when they used to have over the counter,
Starting point is 00:26:34 these come pro hormones, but in reality, they were designers. Now I remember, I would take these and... So you aren't natural, so you did take these? Not lifetime natural. No, no, no, no, no. You never claims lifetime. No, I never claim this one. That's my natural. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. He never claims lifetime. No, I never claim that that's my natural. No probably worse for me than if I were to do legit stuff. For all the research I've read,
Starting point is 00:27:08 like pro hormones are so unhealthy for the body. Well, you know what they are, right? These designer steroids were rejected steroids from pharmaceutical companies. Why were they rejected the side effects? That was why that law was passed last year. And all the, we were talking about those companies earlier that had to pull all those cells.
Starting point is 00:27:22 Well, one of them was, I think a sparrie sold one of them. Halladrol, something like DMZ like DMZ, the things got pulled. Yeah, the one I do was methyl-mastodrawl, I think it was called. But anyway, your body stopped responding, and then you'd have, if I went off and went back on, then they would respond again. So, you know, bodybuilders knew this in the past. Arnold, there's lots of pictures of Arnold in his heyday in the off season.
Starting point is 00:27:42 He looks totally different. And you could tell he went off, you know, and then he'd go back on and he'd win this contest. But I don't know, a lot of bodybuilders, I hear stay on all the time. That's crazy. It is crazy.
Starting point is 00:27:53 And it's like, you have to understand a little bit of science at the point. What benefit are you really gaining to that to yourself? I mean, it's like, and what longevity do you really have? What are you doing to to danger to your organs? I mean, staying on year round, I mean, does that even make sense? I mean, what, you have to give yourself some type of therapy.
Starting point is 00:28:11 And it's all, on top of that is like, remember that movie they had was called Generation Iron, whatever, and there's a lot of animosity between the guys and stuff, but Ben Bukowski, he makes some really good points. He's like, a lot of these guys, they train stupid. They just, they train. I love them. I love them too. He's one of my favorite. I love them. He's like, a lot of these guys, they train stupid. They just, they train. I love them. I love them too.
Starting point is 00:28:26 He's one of my favorite. I love them. He's the nicest guy, but he also knows his shit. But it's like, a lot of these guys, they train so hard. They train like warriors. And he wasn't trying to knock them. He's like, I admire that. I admire the warrior mentality.
Starting point is 00:28:38 But if you're goal is to build the best physique, maybe that's not the best way. I kind of thought about it to myself. It's like, hey, that's kind of like me. It's like, I'm not trying to be on stage or to build an awesome physique. I am who I am, but my priorities are a little bit different. I have employees, I have businesses,
Starting point is 00:28:58 but I also have what makes me in life is mental stability, is mental strength, is, I'd be honest with you how I look really physically. It's how mentally dominant am I. And so, and when you're physically fit, you're more mentally fit, all right? I mean, that's part of the reason why you exercise. But if I go into the gym at five in the morning
Starting point is 00:29:18 and I do 12 sets of of shoulders and then I leave, okay, that's cool, maybe I built my shoulders a little bit bigger, but if I go on and I punish myself and I destroy myself, I walk out like a humbler, better person and I always tell people like, well, so you're training your mind as much as you're training. It's my primary focus.
Starting point is 00:29:36 So if I walk out and I always tell people, like, find the heart in your day. Create the heart. If you don't create the heart in your day, it's gonna be creative for you. So if you don't run your day, your day's gonna run you. So I make sure that I find the hard every day. It's under my control.
Starting point is 00:29:52 So no matter what happens, no matter what house fires have to pull out no matter what should happen, banks, and attorneys, property managers, and businesses, suppliers, people calling me and chicken go crazy sometimes. Law suits, blah, blah, this and that, you know, chicken call you paternity suits, whatever. Law suits, whatever, by the way.
Starting point is 00:30:07 Yeah, yeah. But if you can punish yourself, you can dictate things on your terms, you're always gonna be have the upper hand on stuff. Well, this is that, this is very unique. This is how the military trains the super high level, everybody brothers and army rangers, that's where I go. Oh, when you go like Navy SEALs, for example,
Starting point is 00:30:22 pretty much everybody that enters a Navy SEAL program is fit enough to pass very Mance, but it's not the it's the mental thing 100% yeah, 100% my brother he was You know, he went to West Point and and he was you know the first freshman to start you know as a middle linebacker And like 25 years for army and But my brother's a big dude, you know six four to 55 and lean And when he went into range of school,
Starting point is 00:30:45 they're like, dude, you have to lose like 50 pounds. And he's like, why? And he's like, you're not gonna hide in a bush. You're gonna get shot. You receive most Navy sales and army ranges to like, 5'9'1'5. They're tiny. And then my brother got shot twice and I have Afghanistan.
Starting point is 00:30:58 So he's just too big. His shoulder's too wide. He got shot once in the fucking calf, once in the shoulder. But he told me, he's like, it's not the physical. He's like it's the mental I'm we're talking a great pit about that. He's just like you had they have you out in the field during rake ranger school And he's like there, you know, you may be up for 72 hours on like 400 calories a day No, and they're forcing people to quit. They want to if you're if you made it that far. It's like what I'm about being the NFL If you've made it that far, it's like, what's on my being the NFL. If you've made it that far, physically, it's not
Starting point is 00:31:25 a problem. It's mentally, can you learn the concepts? Can you learn, can you understand the schemes? Can you fucking, you know, sit there under, dress and handle the pressure? 100,000 people and see that the safety walks off the hash. And if they won't, they stem from cover for cover three, here comes a zone blitz, they stun underneath and the middle line back comes over top. So they're probably going to throw hot. So you better run a fucking slant rather run an out cut. That's what
Starting point is 00:31:44 most guys don't make it because they don't fucking understand the mental the scheme of the game. They rely on the physical. It's no different in the Navy SEALs or Army Rangers. They weed out the week because the end of the day the mental is more important in the physical. Anybody can fucking be in shape. You can run hard, you can do tons of pushups this and that blah blah blah. But the mind is always the most important thing in business, in relationships, in life. Whatever it is, you do the mind is always gonna be your most important asset. And so for me, I wanna train my mind more than anything.
Starting point is 00:32:13 So am I going to the gym every day? Sure, maybe the way I train, maybe it's the smartest idea, whatever, I don't get it. But it allows me to dominate my life and it works. Well, I'll tell you what, when I'll probably be dead by I'm talking about it. One thing that I do is I like to meditate, right? And I sit there and I try to test my life and it works. Well, I'll tell you what, one thing that I do is I like to meditate, right? And I sit there and I try to test my abstract thought,
Starting point is 00:32:29 my mental capacity, how can I challenge my paradigm? How can I challenge my current state of thought, who I am or what I am? And I try to do that on a daily basis. And it's very difficult, it's much easier said than done, but it allows me to break through my shell on a consistent basis that allows me to shed my skin and to grow and to change.
Starting point is 00:32:49 Anybody who's known me for any length of period of time knows that my core is remained the same, my core values, but I've changed quite a bit as I go along because I constantly challenge myself by questioning myself, by questioning what I'm doing, who I am, my views, my thoughts, my opinions. How about this? How about this? Do you work out by yourself? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:10 See, in that unique about all of us. We work out a lot. Most people like, oh, who's your workout partner? Work out part of your career? I guarantee we've all found they don't last very long, right? Not only that, but it's my meditation. Yeah. And we also all have a very. You know, you know, it's funny. We
Starting point is 00:33:25 worked out. We have all have a different philosophy on why we do it. You know, why just like Joe saying, I love that because one of the things I, you know, I have to admit, why I remember looking at some of his work as I'm like, do this guy's fucking nuts, dude. I'm looking at his workouts. I was a little annoyed and I was driving out today. Like, I'm moving to lift. I'm like, dude, I thought we were gonna work out today, that's why I flew in early. Oh hell no, bro, I will not lift with you. I was looking at your work, I was like, this motherfucker's leaving. It's full matter all.
Starting point is 00:33:50 Yes, I've got. If I were, I am. No, I know. He's like, now I'm going to lift. Like, it's hotel, there's no reservation. Like, fuck, we fall asleep. No, I'll tell you something, I worked out with these two guys today, right? Three of us were, we never worked out.
Starting point is 00:34:02 Oh, wait a minute. So all you motherfuckers worked out without me, that's fucking awesome. We did, we're not the right, we need to. We need to dirty with that. I'll tell you a story. We started off together, we checked and weed each other, but a lot of it was kind of like,
Starting point is 00:34:14 we were working out alone in the same room. We're doing your thing, yeah. Right? Because we're in our thing, we're in our zone, it's our own meditation. And that's why I can't work out with somebody else. I just cannot have, either one, if you're working out with me, I feel't work out with somebody else. I just cannot have Either one it's if you're working out with me. I feel like I'm just somebody who's
Starting point is 00:34:32 Amazing what you may as well be a client of mine because we're doing what I'm doing I'm teaching you and telling you what we're gonna do or if you're somebody who's trying to tell me what you want to do I'm like fuck you I have I know what I want to do for me and this is my time for myself and you know And it's the journey. It's the process, it's the mental side of it. It's all these other aspects that people don't think about. Everyone gets so caught up in the five sets of this, the seven sets of this, the 12 sets of this, or splits of that.
Starting point is 00:34:54 What's best for this is like, motherfucker, being consistent about coming in there and getting after your body like you're supposed to on a daily basis and doing it for you and doing it for all those things is so important. And you know, having somebody who you rely on to be your partner to push you. That's my biggest problem.
Starting point is 00:35:12 It's, you know, you can like, you know, we could have worked out to do. We all probably went an awesome workout. We all don't live near each other. So this is what it is. But I'm saying, but it's not. It's not what I'm saying. It's like, it's hard to count on people.
Starting point is 00:35:23 And so I don't like to be dependent on people because this is a fucking terribly pessimistic thing. I say, but people tend to let you down. They do, you know, that's purely because most of us live on our own schedule and we have to do our own thing. So things don't always work out. And I've had workout partners and it's like, oh, you know, they don't show up.
Starting point is 00:35:39 They're a little bit lazy or they don't bring it one day. They like talk. They not be honest, man. Like, you know, I run my workouts like I run work. It's kind of like, are we going for Montoraj? You want to be someone that wants to post a bunch of selfies and talk about being an IFB, be pro, and post all your work, all this stuff, and you want to post pictures
Starting point is 00:35:57 about how hard you're training. You ain't training that hard. You ain't doing what I want you to do. And you're not giving all you should give. And if you want to go through life, you're going to be living under, you know, the potential on that, and those on that's great. I've been above that for so long.
Starting point is 00:36:11 I'm trying to go to the next level. And I can't, to me, it's not, like I said, it's not about the end state. It's not about the finished product, it's not about the visual representation of the mirror. That doesn't mean anything. It doesn't fucking matter. It's, what do you derive from your work out mentally? And how is it going to take you further in life. And so it's, if
Starting point is 00:36:28 somebody's holding me back in the way that I'm training or their mental capacity of how they talk about their day and what they're doing, it's slowing me down, that's not helping me at all. You know, I'm saying, so you have to be careful of the circle you surround yourself with. If you surround yourself with people that aren't goal getters in life, they don't have the same goals. And while you're going to be, and you surround yourself with people that aren't go getters in life, they don't have the same goals, they're gonna be, and you're something that wants to do big things,
Starting point is 00:36:47 it's gonna hold you back. And the people that are most successful in this world, which you guys have found, it's a lonely road. It's tough. I was thinking about how I was driving down here today. It's like someone made a comment on my Instagram another day, they're like, you know, you post all these things about, you know,
Starting point is 00:37:02 working hard and being a leader in this and that, but they're like, what kind of personal life do you have? Talk to any leaders, talk to any innovator or any entrepreneur, these people that are truly have transcended something, become very successful, they live a little bit of a lonely life. I mean, they live a little whiter day. Let's be honest, you gotta be a little bit crazy.
Starting point is 00:37:18 You gotta be a little bit crazy. Yeah, that'd be very crazy. I drive my entire family crazy because I'll be up till one, two o'clock in the morning, reading, writing, doing something and I'll be up at five, six a.m. doing the same thing and... Because you don't look at us at job. It's your passion.
Starting point is 00:37:32 No, it's an obsession. It's a passion. And I have to learn, look, I have a family, right? And I love my family. I love my family more than I love my kids more than I think. And I have to learn how to shut it off sometimes. And it's a very difficult thing to do because I'm not wired that way. It's a very, very difficult thing to do because I'm not wired that way. It's a very very hard thing to do.
Starting point is 00:37:46 However, on top of that, what I'll say is that it's gonna be a very important message during and part on your kids someday. Of course. Because they get older and that's gonna help them be successful. Well, you want to know something? Because all they're going to know is that this is the way my father is and they're gonna take that and they're gonna adapt that to their studies. Bro, let me taste that. Well, I'll tell it for you. Because I want to think about it. Yeah. Well, I know one of the things that, you know,
Starting point is 00:38:06 and I will give Sal this, you know, being a guy who's not a parent, not married, not so already time soon. Yeah. He time suit, right? So see after tonight. All right. Thanks, Dick. You know, this is one of one of the things I have a lot of respect for this guy is that he does have this ability because I feel like we're all kind of neurotic the same way. I have this crazy thing too. I was so thankful you mentioned that earlier because my girl looks at me like I'm insane sometimes at midnight still on my phone and answering stuff and doing shit.
Starting point is 00:38:36 I just don't know how to shut it off, you know. And you know, we're all like that. But he is a very, and this is the self-awareness part of him that is on another level in the average person is the ability to see that, which I like to believe we all have, is to see that and then to know that the importance of how to deliver that message to your child. And even when we talk about nutrition, this guy's, Sal talks about this, like, you know, trying to raise your child in a healthy environment, you know, you don't relate food to't relate food to being fat or out of shape
Starting point is 00:39:07 and stuff like that, learning how to relate food to energy and feeling good, son, and knowing how to deliver the right message to your child. So not only do they look up to you as this, maybe let's be honest, most kids look at their parents as superheroes. They do, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:39:22 And so understanding that and understanding that, you know, and understanding your weaknesses and the things in your flaws. Like, there's a part of what makes this all successful is all, I always say that your greatest strength is also your greatest weakness. It's what being self-aware of me will self-aware. Yeah, it's what. So we all have this, you know, we're all neurotic in a sense it's what's made us all successful, but we also are aware of that.
Starting point is 00:39:42 You know, you're also aware of that that that that work a little crazy that way. We were talking about earlier that the worst kind of CEO or the worst kind of business manager, somebody who thinks they know it all. You have to be self-aware, you have to be able, uh, perfect example, when I was when I was in my late 20s and you're on 30 years old, the most arrogant I ever was in life was when I was bleased self-aware. I thought I knew it all and I was great and it wasn't until I finally took a step back and looked in the mirror and I was bleased self-aware. I thought I knew it all and I was great. And it wasn't until I finally took a step back and looked in the mirror and I was like, wait a minute, I'm not the person I wanna be. I'm not the person who I think I am.
Starting point is 00:40:09 And I'll be honest, I was quested as a talk show and I went on a show with the CEO of the company, I talked about it. That was the first time I went through depression because I had a look in the mirror like I'm not the person that I thought I was. I wanted to be. But from that moment forward, I became self-aware.
Starting point is 00:40:24 And I started to, you start to address your shortcomings, you start to address your faults and be true to yourself. Man, you create a real man out of yourself. Well, you're no longer living a lie, right? Here's how it breaks down. So it's especially with kids. Like, you know, if you have a child and your child excels in school, one of the worst things you could tell your kid is you're so smart.
Starting point is 00:40:44 Okay. Because that kid will then identify with that and be afraid to do anything exiles in school. One of the worst things you could tell your kid is you're so smart. Okay, because that kid will then identify with that and be afraid to do anything in which they don't come across as being smart. The best thing you could do is tell your kid, you know what? I saw you did good on that test, I can tell you worked hard. It's the boost that worked. And I'm gonna tell you guys a story. So my son, I have my son in judo. So my son does judo class. And my son takes after me, you know, naturally skinny, not athletic, same way I was. Handsome.
Starting point is 00:41:10 Now let me tell you something as a father. Like one day you guys are gonna be fathers, you're gonna go through this. I'm watching my son train, I'm watching him practice, and every time he's going against a kid, every time something happens, he looks back. He wants to see if dad's gonna be able to do it. He wants to look and see if I'm watching.
Starting point is 00:41:24 I'm watching him every single time. So, and I always tell him, just work hard, don't give up, work hard, I don't care if you win, lose, whatever. So he's going against these, they're doing a round robin where there's three kids and you go against one kid and when the bell rings, the next kid jumps on you, regardless of what position you're in,
Starting point is 00:41:39 they'll just jump up. So you're exhausted, you're gonna get your ass kicked. So it's my son, a boy who outweighs him by like 20 pounds and a girl and at my son's age he's 10, girls and boys are almost the same in terms of size. So they're going back and forth, back and forth. My son went through like three rounds, by the third round, he's tired, the girl jumped on,
Starting point is 00:41:56 he's already on his back, the girls on top, and she's holding him down. And he's looking at me and he's trying to, he's like, dad, this girl mounted me. Right, right, he's trying, well the other kid, the other kid, how old is he? Oh, he's like dad this girl mounted me right right. He's trying well the other The other kid I'll do I'll do it. I'll always ten. I never send me that joke. No, no, no, no, no That's alright. I know how I was at 10. That's so so so this this big kid this other kid this piece of shit This little shit. Wait a minute. Wait a minute
Starting point is 00:42:17 We just got a 10 year old piece of shit. Oh, let me tell you why holy fuck. We have taken this radio show to a new low I'll just call a 10 year old a piece of shit. You talk shit. Let me tell you why holy fuck we have taken this radio show to a new low No, let me tell you why I'll just call a 10 year old a piece of shit. You talk shit I haven't gone that far. Let me tell you what happened holy fuck dude. So this was worse person history I want to nail you right now. So this little so this girl Wow, I was gonna hold on my son down right my son's trying to go this other kid this other kid goes He goes you're getting held down by a girl So I'm like this little mother like how dare you say that to this poor girl who's trying, so my son's pissed up.
Starting point is 00:42:47 So then anyway, they go back around Robin. Now this other kid is on the bottom and the girls on top. So my son gets in his face and he goes, who's laughing now? So I had a nice talk with my boy after that, because he got arrogant. He got, you know, he lost that sportsmanship. So I took him outside afterwards. I didn't say anything during the,
Starting point is 00:43:02 I don't want to embarrass him or for anybody. Took him outside afterwards and I said, you worked hard, I said, you work want to embarrass him Refer to anybody took him outside afterwards and I said you worked hard. I said you work your ass off I said, but I saw what you said to that kid. I said don't ever do that again He goes, but he said to me. I said look that kid was acting like an asshole. I said I understand that I said But you just get better and you work your butt off. I said, but don't ever don't ever stoop to that someone's level If someone says that to you something like that to you and makes you upset You just realize how much harder you're gonna work the next time. That's the kind of lesson. And I'll tell you, as a father,
Starting point is 00:43:26 one of the greatest things you can see. Okay, so that was a great lesson, but here's the fatal flaw. You was an asshole. So self-signed went back in and went up to the kid and was like, hey, listen, my dad says you're an asshole. I'm sorry, that was rude to you, because my dad said you were an asshole.
Starting point is 00:43:39 And also a piece of shit. So when we get back in there, I'm like, there's nothing wrong with getting mounted by a chick When you become a manual understand when you when you when you when you have a kid and you watch some kid at Act like a little shit to your kid. You're gonna say the same thing That's fucking just a hat you ever see your kid to playground and see some kid trying to sound like Exactly somebody married you and that kids with you holy
Starting point is 00:43:59 Oh, this guy's got fucking two kids. Oh my god. They both yours. That's surprising. Yeah, holy shit balls. You've been quiet this whole time I'm not telling you shit This guy's on some kind of level I can't even understand balls I see Instagram names of pictures right now. So I need to fucking get some material And that bears from the mother fucking her But so your your story was awesome. And basically, that's kind of what I try to teach people in fitnesses.
Starting point is 00:44:33 And we get so worried about the goal. Like, did I win or did I not win? Did my bench press go up this week or not? And like, Lane Norton, he had a great video blog about, if you judge your progress by performance, you're lying to yourself. Because here's the thing, you're not going to get stronger every week.
Starting point is 00:44:51 If you did, we'd all be benching 700 pounds. Not linear, we talked about it. It can't happen. There's gonna be days where maybe you didn't get a good enough night's sleep. Fucking maybe a high-pressure system came in and you're retaining a little bit more water, so your hormone level's different. You couldn't bench as much. Maybe you didn't eat as much on retaining a little bit more water, so your hormone levels different,
Starting point is 00:45:05 you couldn't bench as much. Maybe you didn't eat as much of the day before. Who cares, whatever, you were stressed. You're not going to get stronger, you're not gonna do always do more reps. So I try to teach people is judge your progress on how much effort you gave. So like, you know those calorie monitors
Starting point is 00:45:18 that people were at the FitBits and all that stuff, they're not accurate for measuring how many calories you burned, because they're there off. However, I'll wear one I'll use it as a barometer for output. So if I wear if I wear my Fitbit and it says like 1500 and six after like 60 minutes. I Don't use that as 1500 calories by use that as an arbitrary number of Comparing to what you did the last time output. Yeah, so if the day before and in 60 minutes
Starting point is 00:45:44 I was at 1300 maybe I got a little I got to work a little harder maybe I got. So if the day before and in 60 minutes, I was at 1,300, maybe I gotta work a little harder, maybe I gotta pick up the pace a little bit, and that's kind of what I use it. So I'll measure my progress of how much effort I gave. And if you're a bodybuilder, okay, you're gonna train specifically. If you're a certain type of competitor type, but most people, they're just trying to get in shape.
Starting point is 00:46:01 They're just trying to get better. So for most of those people, if you can just try to instill in. They're just trying to get better. So for most of those people, if you can just try to instill in them, to just try to best yesterday's effort to just try to, if you can make your goal to improve from yesterday to increase your output, don't worry about how much weight you lifted or how many sets or how many reps you did, just increase your output. They're always going to be correct. Yeah, but you also got to be clear for two things. Number one, listen to your body, but number two,
Starting point is 00:46:27 a nominal increase is an increase. A tiny increase is an increase, right? Or even just matching, what it was. Right, on sometimes a victory. That's a victory. That's a victory. And sometimes a victory is. We're not just trying to say,
Starting point is 00:46:39 like, you ever know we go in some days in the gym and you just don't feel strong, you just don't have it. But doesn't mean you have a bad workout, like Layne Nord always talks about. He's trying to appropriately. He's like, he's like, some days you go in some days in the gym and you just don't feel strong. You just don't have it. But it doesn't mean you have a bad workout, you know? Like, like, Lane Nord always talks about it. Hey, you're trying to appropriately. He's like, he's like, he's like, some days you go in and you're just like, I went on the other day and dude, like,
Starting point is 00:46:50 495 on squat felt fucking heavy. It did. You know why? Because it is fucking heavy, that's why. No. That's why I felt heavy. It's not true because you didn't do a shot of test. No, but it did it.
Starting point is 00:47:02 495's heavy. Yeah, it did. More than my max, right? But it did like, I. No, but it did it. 4.95 heavy. Yeah, but it did. More than my max, right? But it did like, I did four reps, and I struggled. It felt fucking heavy. Here's the thing, there's everything's not going to be consistent. We live in a perfect world, you're not going to get stronger every week.
Starting point is 00:47:17 Especially if you train legs like three times a week, you're not going to be strong all the time. And Lane has a great video about this, and there was times where I took, I tried it. I thought he was full of fucking shit. And I was texting him one day and I was drunk and I was running my mouth to him. He's like, dude, he's like, take seven days off and see what happens.
Starting point is 00:47:32 And so I was getting, you know, like, four, any five for like, you know, five sets of five. And I took like seven days off. And I wasn't hit like six, twenty five for four. I've never done that ever. It was like ridiculous. All because I allowed myself to recover So I was making progress, but I gave myself a window to recover
Starting point is 00:47:49 You know, you listen you had you were just weren't listening to your body. Oh, I was listening to my body He was listening to my body. He told me to fucking stop being dickhead and just right that's what I mean You sometimes you know the the unsexy kid in the group, right? It's the recovery. It is Nobody wants to talk about that shit everybody thinks you grow in the gym. right? It's the recovery. It is. Nobody wants to talk about that shit. Everybody thinks you grow in the gym, you go outside of the gym. 100%. It's true.
Starting point is 00:48:09 It really is. There's so much overtraining going on. Everybody's like, oh, you work harder. And these shadow pages that are like no days off. Am I getting it? No days off, no gains, and no testosterone levels, and no life, you know, like ticket day off. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump.
Starting point is 00:48:23 For more information about this show, and to get valuable free resources from Sal, Adam and Justin, visit us at www.mindpumpradio.com. Until next time, this is Mind Pump.

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