Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 276: What is MAPS BLACK?

Episode Date: April 19, 2016

Sal, Adam & Justin have mentioned MAPS Black numerous times over the past couple months. What IS MAPS Black? In this episode all is revealed. Please subscribe, rate and review this show! Each week the... best reviewers are announced on the show and sent Mind Pump T-shirts! Learn more about Mind Pump at www.mindpumpmedia.com.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Five shirt five shirt Douglas. Hey, how come now that Adam's shipping the shirt's out bug You want to give out more shirts is a lot of shirts? Yes, do the packing and shit. Yeah, because I don't have to do the work No, as soon as we farmed it out Doug was like hey, you know my generosity just expanded so you guys didn't notice this earlier I had my food on the table right? I just have to tell us fucking I wasn't told So I'm gonna tell you I wasn't told With the lid kind of open and this son of a bitch Justin's got his Oh, he's got his bare ass feet and he just started he just started prodding the fucking the plate It kept it crept up on it. I wasn't denial like it's this motherfucker
Starting point is 00:00:45 Poke my my food Justin at Justin's feet Justin's feet like mouth exactly what you would think his feet look like Glorious yes to fucking lumberjack guy has feet just like Fucking big ass ugly feet guy has feet just like you. You're not fucking big ass ugly feet. Or I don't say what I know, it's ugly ass toes. I don't deny that at all.
Starting point is 00:01:07 Adam, they're horrible. Adam, for 50 bucks. Okay, would you, would you, would you, no, fuck no, I don't you say that on my growing show. Oh, for 50 bucks, would you, I'm not gonna say that.
Starting point is 00:01:18 Would you interlace your toes with his toes? No, no, no, no, no What did I have a say? I don't want that. His feet are not pretty. They are. I would not let my pretty toes have toe sex with his. Well, they're going to get a disease. I'll play it right now. Can I take some right up? Leave us some athletes. That's, let's be honest now. That's almost worse than making it out. It's almost worse than kissing a man on the whole thing. Interlocking your turn lock. Like that's that's one step away from docking. That makes.
Starting point is 00:01:47 Let's just be honest. Hey, let's not Google that. If you're listening right now, I don't want to do anything mom doesn't radio down. All right, Doug, who wins the t-shirts? Is that what we're doing right now? Yeah, we're giving out a bunch of them. How many reviews did we get last week?
Starting point is 00:02:00 15 reviews. Holy shit. There's a people like us. Yep. It's expanding on a week by week basis. We're getting popular much like so because I am not shipping out the shirts anymore. I'm going to be very generous It's so tired of going to computers and having to fucking fill out reviews for us. Well, we thank her. I'm just glad my cousins and Minnesota have like two of them.
Starting point is 00:02:23 I'm just glad my cousins and Minnesota have like two or two of them. Yeah, I mean, keep producing kids. So we have five shirts going out to five lucky winners. We have two keyf, rock, chalk, 404. I guess they're expecting it. I'm like, I said, Irish Boxer 29, Power Tool 53, and Jenny Berry. All of you are winners. Winner, winner, chicken dinner. So what do they got to do to get their shirt out?
Starting point is 00:02:52 Yeah, turn that on. Our tool on, brah! The exact thing. That's it. No, an email to iTunes at mindpumpmedia.com with your shirt size, the iTunes review name that you used, and your address so we can get that out to you. One of the shirts we're given away by the way,
Starting point is 00:03:09 which ones are there? They are the MindPump Black shirts. Extremely popular. They're so sexy. It's made with baby goat skin. Oh, that's good. Remember, you could win too. If you sent a new to Doug, right?
Starting point is 00:03:22 Is that right? No. Crefably 70s style. Very fun. If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mind, pop, mind, pop with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. So Adam, I got to what happened today when I walked in.
Starting point is 00:03:44 When you saw Justin gangly as fee. No. No. No. But that's nice calling it on the end. It's not like that. It's worse. It's because they're not painted, dude.
Starting point is 00:03:53 Let me, let me, hey, can I tell you something right now? Well, what? If there was a flood and we had to climb the fucking walls, he would survive. I would. He's got the, he's got the claws, bro. He's ready to go. He's got the claws.
Starting point is 00:04:03 He could just, like a, like a, like a Bobby Schwambi's bro. I'm up a tree. Like a Velociraptor. You know, when they tap their fucking a big toe. Remember that? I'm a Jurassic Park.
Starting point is 00:04:12 Whenever you reference Dinosaur, it's like, I find that very ironic. It's just funny. Like you've seen one. You know, remember Jurassic Park? Well, I do. I do. I do.
Starting point is 00:04:20 I do. Always the Velociraptors, huh? When was Jurassic, how old were we when Jurassic Park came out? What, what, you remember where we were? Where were we? I don't remember What year was that like 91? Yeah, you said it weird. I said Velasa raptor. It's Velasa raptor You must be thank you. You must be Canadian. Velala. So so I walk in right I come in this two Cajussin was here before all of us and I saw the most unexpected thing that I I mean I would have never guessed
Starting point is 00:04:44 You were way first time I'm I would have never guessed you were Wait, first time I'll be a face. What were you doing? Bro, I walked in a little bit shocked. Bro, I'm ready. I walk in and Adjusted in his shorts and he's got nothing else on his head. Oh, sure not Hot man, bro, he's sitting in the chair and he looks back at me like I cut him drinking off I don't know what to do. I did. You ought to go back. He really was. He was shirtless.
Starting point is 00:05:07 He was barefoot right now. I was working on my computer and like, he didn't turn the AC all the way up yet. I had to go down there and knock on the door. I'm like, I'm dying in here. And so I just took off on my clothes. All I know is I am never going to sit in your chair because I guarantee you've had bare nuts on there. Haven't you?
Starting point is 00:05:24 Absolutely. I'm so glad you finally went down there and you had that taken your chair because I guarantee you've had bare nuts on there. Haven't you? Absolutely. I'm so glad you finally went down there and you had that taken care of because I feel like for some reason and I have a feeling Doug slept with her and that's why now she's bitter that she's not doing anything about it because she's- She isn't Doug. Well, he's in your pants. Here's a problem. Doug is just- his sexual prowess is just ridiculous and then he decided not to go out
Starting point is 00:05:41 with any more Sonoma fuck. Yeah, so she's like, I'm talking to you. Yeah, I'm talking to you. Yeah, yeah. Ficking shoes, you know what I mean? Ridiculous and then he decided not to go out with anymore so number fuck Ficking shoes Yeah, I'm glad you guys got all figured out He's like screw guys so it's always banging people getting us in trouble So hey, have you guys be I've been getting a lot of this lately Curious if you guys are getting this I'm getting a lot of people DMing you right private? Private messaging me about. On what? About. I'm getting there, antsy pants.
Starting point is 00:06:07 Oh, I'm getting to the story. What? What? What? Say what? Oh, how to go. It's not ants, it's crap. Yeah, it's been a handful of people lately.
Starting point is 00:06:18 So it's not like hundreds or something like that. It's been a handful of people have done this and then I've gone and looked. And people are leaving me inboxes saying like, oh, look at this, you see this guy? And it's normally somebody with a large page, 50, 100,000 plus people. That's a fitness person, whether it be an IFBB guy
Starting point is 00:06:33 or some trainer or whatever like that, that's on there. And tagging me on all their posts. That are the same thing. That are totally mind-pump related type stuff. It's interesting. Yeah, and a lot of them were like, they're all pissed about it because they don't give us credit or anything like that. You know, honestly, I don't care.
Starting point is 00:06:49 I'm actually excited. That's what mind pump was all about was we're trying to, we're trying to change the industry for the good. And I don't care about the credit. I don't need, I don't need someone to tag me and say, like, oh, thanks to mind pump. Now I know this shit. Yeah, we just want money.
Starting point is 00:07:03 I mean, we don't care about it. Yeah, we just want the money. You just, yeah're shit. I don't want that. We just want money. I mean, we don't care. Yeah, it's just for the money. You just send me a first to market. Send me a check, bro. No, no, no, no, that's the idea. The idea, and I think it's actually very exciting and it's very cool. So even though they were tagging me like,
Starting point is 00:07:15 oh, they should totally hashtag mine pump. I'm like, dude, I don't care. Well, secret, secret mine pump. We need to tell people how they can find us because you're talking about Instagram. It's flattery. You can find us at Instagram at mine pump radio. You can find It's flabby. You can find us at Instagram at Mind Pump Radio. You can find me at Mind Pump Sal.
Starting point is 00:07:27 You can find Adam at Mind Pump Adam and Justin at Mind Pump Justin. I just want to say that because- What do you normally say to it? If you want good information, you can come to Sal. It's awesome. If you want really good content, come to my page. No, I'm typically bass. I feel bad for saying that and then I realized that they're gonna go on our pages
Starting point is 00:07:45 And they're gonna realize that anyway I'm just kidding oh dude so People won't have a good time. So Doug I have a I have a question for Doug Well, first of all before I ask Doug this question. I got to give Doug props Easily the hardest working member of mine Pump, Mr. Doug, I guess. Especially as the last couple of days, holy shit. This guy has been grinding so hard. On fire.
Starting point is 00:08:12 On fire to help us get our next maps program out. And I think when this airs Doug, is it gonna be available? Are we gonna air this on the day it's available or not? We're airing it today. It's available to the four members. So, but okay, but when are we releasing this for the public tomorrow?
Starting point is 00:08:28 Tomorrow. Okay, good. So I'll just say it then. I'm gonna let everybody know what the name is. Uh, yeah. It's all exactly. I like the thing. I like to keep it to that bitter end.
Starting point is 00:08:39 Yeah, we can announce. Okay, well, okay. We've been calling it maps. We've been calling it maps black for a while now, but the name of it is maps aesthetic. So the... Sorry, I need to light something off. So people have been asking for this, and so we've delivered. For a while now, people have been messaging us, saying, you know, I want to program specifically for appearance, specifically for balancing the out on a appearance
Starting point is 00:09:11 level, how I look, the symmetry, all that stuff. And Adam's been bridging everybody's balls. It should, it should finally drop this program. Just, he's like, we got to do an aesthetic program. So finally, finally, we have a really good program. Do you have any videos yet? Oh, Kermit, we're going to launch this shit. Yeah. So finally, finally we have a really good program. Do you have any videos yet? I don't care man, we're gonna launch this shit. Yeah, so we got in their hands.
Starting point is 00:09:28 What I wanted to do, if you guys don't mind, is I think we should just talk about it, talk about the programming that went into a program that's specifically designed for aesthetics. You know, what went into it? How do you design a workout? Cause okay, here's a deal. Everybody who, most people who work out in a gym, the main, one of the main motivators is to change how they look, right?
Starting point is 00:09:49 Everybody, they lose weight, build some muscle, whatever. But what, and all workouts will change how you look to a certain degree. But as we've proven in the past with our other maps programs, if you're very specific with your target and you program your workout and you program the system specifically to that target, you're going specific with your target and you program your workout and you program the system specifically to that target, you're gonna get the best results because the more specific your target is and the more specific your programming is,
Starting point is 00:10:12 the more success you're gonna have. If we just have some general weight training routine with no particular target, you'll get some results, but you're gonna maximize how your body is. There's definitely a science to this. Well, and you know what, I think, I mean, all of them have all kinds of great science behind it. But when I got into competing and I saw all these, these competitors and the workout
Starting point is 00:10:35 regiments, it's all the same row split shit. And, you know, and that there's no rhyme or reason to why one day is this and the next day is that and why you chose these exercises versus other ones. There's no math behind it. We don't get into knowing talks about volume or progressive overload or things like that that are so important when designing a program, especially when you're trying to specifically bring up lagging body parts. Like when we did maps read, maps read is literally for, I think, everybody should go through that.
Starting point is 00:11:05 I think that is the most ideal for every single person, whether you're advanced or not, I think if you're a super advanced person and you follow these programs that are crazy high volume and more than you're supposed to, I think, deloting and actually training with less intensity and more frequency, which what maps red is in comparison to 99% of all programs out there. I think that's important. And then before you venture into like a black, maps black aesthetic, it's important to build up to that
Starting point is 00:11:34 because this one has probably got the most volume out of anything that we've done so far. Well, it has lots of volume and it's the most moldable, I would say. Now, all the programs we designed are, we always have the idea that the person's going to modify and change it according to how their body responds. And this is because we are personal trainers first. And this is, I wanna be clear on this.
Starting point is 00:11:58 We're not fitness people first, like fitness celebrities or people who study fitness or whatever first, we're personal trainers before anything else. At the end of the day, that's what I am. That's what you guys are. We've been personal trainers for a very, very long time. And so one of the problems with designing a workout as a personal trainer, especially if you have integrity, is you're like, well, fuck, I want to design a routine that's going
Starting point is 00:12:21 to work for most people. It's very different. You can't just do cookie cutter shit because people are so different. And we've made this program extremely modifiable. And I wanted to talk about kind of some of the program that went into this, if you guys don't mind, some of this program. I believe in being very transparent. I know you guys do too.
Starting point is 00:12:38 So we don't want to keep it. But more they know the better. I mean, in a sense going into it, I think it'll really give them a clear idea of what they're in for, and then also they can appreciate it as they're going through it. Well, here's a deal. Here's a deal.
Starting point is 00:12:51 A lot of people are gonna enroll in this program. A lot of people are gonna buy this program, but a lot of people are not. I would like to help everybody. I would like to let the people know who were maybe interested, what this is all about. And I would also like to let people know who don't get any programs.
Starting point is 00:13:03 Give them some tips, and they can kind of learn some stuff from us and how we program this to at least improve upon what they're doing themselves. I'm saying, because at the end of the day, you know, that's what makes me sleep well at night. So, but with with with maps aesthetic, the ultimate goal is aesthetics. And I think we should talk about aesthetics for a second. What does that mean, Adam? You're the you're the king of aesthetics. I can't get you to set it up. Well, you've been judged the king of aesthetics. I can't give you the aesthetics.
Starting point is 00:13:25 We haven't been judged the most on it. Let's just put it out. Well, you've been on stage and judged. I think we talked a little bit about this. Why I thought that was so cool to do the whole competing thing too was because I'm really not Mr. aesthetics. I'm not the king of aesthetics. I do not think that I have a body type that is naturally gifted
Starting point is 00:13:44 that way. And we've talked a lot about this on my pump before, that genetics play a huge role. It's always terrible to compare yourself to the other guy who was just genetically gifted and made for bodybuilding because you look at him before he ever touched a weight, and you've seen these kids before in high school before, and in early years of college, they already have this great proportions. Their biceps and triceps are pretty even to their shoulders. They've got a good chest to them already. Their legs and calves are symmetrical. And then they touch weights and then it all comes up and grows together. Which this is what's the probably the most popular amongst your bodybuilders. And when you look at them, the problem I have
Starting point is 00:14:23 with them, they're all of them. They're all, well not all of them. There's rare cases like myself who they look at that and aspire to be like that and they don't realize they don't have the genetics already to look like that. Now does that mean somebody like me or a person who was not genetically gifted, are they able to build a physique that is aesthetic
Starting point is 00:14:42 so they can get on stage or they can compare themselves. Like, hey, do I, can I, yes you you can? Well, I think that's, it's, I had so important that you're the one kind of voicing this is because, you know, what, what we had written in, in like, saw was mentioning as far as going to the general public, like, you can't really make a general program, but you know, like there are specific people that like fit very well to being a competitor and, but what about your average person? Was that look like? What is aesthetics look like for that average person who just wants to look, you know, awesome and presentable on stage, but maybe that's not like their life goals or anything like that. Well, it's just going to the beach or to the beach or just wearing a fitted shirt.
Starting point is 00:15:25 It's for me, now I'm not in the competitive world like Adam. And so Adam's definition of aesthetics, he's going to be much more critical in terms of aesthetics because he was on stage and being literally judged by balance and symmetry. But for me, to put it very simply, is somebody looks put together well. I mean, we've all seen those people,
Starting point is 00:15:46 we've all seen those people who work out in the gym and they've got to overdevelop something and underdeveloped something else. I mean, the most obvious one is like a guy with skinny legs and a big upper body. But of course, for the most people who work out nowadays, hopefully, they understand at least they gotta work their legs out, but there's still parts of their bodies that they say, okay, I have, I want to develop this one a little
Starting point is 00:16:08 bit more because it doesn't match the rest of my body. Now, typical routines don't address that. They just don't. And it's crazy because they used to. I remember reading about Arnold Schwarzenegger back in the day, and he had the skinniest calves when he first entered into bodybuilding. And there's the famous stories of him cutting off the bottom of his pants, so we'd always walk around. Or he'd take pictures standing in water or covered his calves.
Starting point is 00:16:33 Oh, because he was embarrassed about the small calves. And a couple of things he did to build his calves up, is he dramatically increased the frequency and volume of how he worked his calves out, but he was smart about it. Now, he did this instinctively. Arnold's a very smart guy, but I don't see people understanding this anymore. Like, you see people do these body parts splits, and they're like, oh, my arms are weak. Well, what are you doing specifically for your arms to change? Are you addressing that? Yeah, to address that. How are you changing your routine to address that particular part of your body that may need more development?
Starting point is 00:17:05 Well, this program does that a whole lot more, and that's how we designed it. That's how we designed it. A lot of it was based on the same concepts of the original math programs, but also, we're lucky because Adam competed, and he went through this, and he figured out lot of this for for that level of development. Well, and that's what you I'm glad you brought up the fact that there's there's some similarities to it still in red, you know, as far as like how how things are broken up foundationally and some of your big movements. That would never change to me. There's certain movements you would never get to drop a squat out of a routine or drop unless there's like a a reason that they can't because biomechanically, could they have something going on with their back or an issue that does not allow them to move that everybody else, you know, the squatting and
Starting point is 00:17:52 deadlifting type of movements should be in everybody's base, their base foundation because it's the most bang for your buck. If you want to see the most change in your physique, you want to make sure you're incorporating some of those moves. Well, that's your gauge too. That's that's sort of how how you can see how everything is transpiring. That's where you want to keep yourself level. I can check what I'm doing over here and if that's progressing my major lifts. Very good point.
Starting point is 00:18:18 That's a very good point. And you know, Sal talked a little bit about comparing this back to the general population. And I don't know about you guys, and I'd like to hear what you have to say. I know in my experience with all the clients that I've trained that, you know, when they do a routine, they tend to always go towards what they're good at. You know, like if you're a good back guy, you, I mean, you know, nobody likes to go right for the bench.
Starting point is 00:18:42 Yeah. Yeah. You know, if you, if you're somebody who has, you're, you have this really strong row or you have a really strong back, you tend to continue to favor what you're good at because you, you feel good. It feels good to be successful at it. Nobody likes to go in and do anything whether it be an exercise or a sport
Starting point is 00:18:56 or anything in their life and fail at it or be bad at it. You want to do the things you're good at, but that also creates even more imbalances when you continue to favor this move or pattern that you are really, really good at. And I think programming for aesthetics, one of the hardest things to do.
Starting point is 00:19:11 And let me tell you some of them. When I did mine, you know, Caves was definitely one of the focus points for me early on when I first started. And you know, talk about painting the ass, sending, having workouts that are centered around my calves. You know, like my calves were like the main focus for an entire 30, 45 minutes in addition to coming back
Starting point is 00:19:30 and hitting again two, three times a week to increase that. Now I progressively worked up to that, but you know, that's hard to do because how boring is that? How boring? And then let me tell you, when you got shitty calves like me, like the amount of gains you see is so incremental. It's tough.
Starting point is 00:19:45 It's still night and day though, you still made tremendous gain. Well, I eat, well, and it's because I stuck to the program, I stuck to the plan and I continue to do that. The other thing that I think it's important to address is understanding volume and progressive overload. Not a lot of people have to apply it properly, right?
Starting point is 00:19:59 Yes, not a lot of people talk about and really, truly understand volume. And I'm gonna explain why a lot of programs out there that people think that they're following is really good because they got a bunch of results from it because it's centered purely around tons of volume. That's all they do, lots of volume. So volume is sets reps times weight.
Starting point is 00:20:18 So how many sets you do an exercise, how many reps of it you do, multiplied by the amount of weight that you do it at, right? So that gives you your total volume for that. So if you were to use squats as an example, you do 10 sets of 10 and a hundred pounds, you would multiply, multiply, multiply, and gives you your total amount of pounds that you're doing for that muscle group. So what people tend to do is they just, they write these programs that are just way above the amount of volume than the average person would already been doing.
Starting point is 00:20:45 So when someone hops on that program, they start to, they see instant results. If you, of course, if you go from 10,000 or 5,000 pounds of volume on your legs to also doing 30,000 pounds of volume on your legs, no shit, you're going to see your body adapt in two to three weeks. It's going to have to because you're going to pound the shit out of it and it's going to be forced to. All right. Problem with what ends up happening
Starting point is 00:21:05 is you now become adapted to this new and then now the amount of volume you have to take your body to see another big bump in your growth is ridiculous. So understanding volume and then understanding progressive overload and how to do it correctly. I ramp it up properly. Yes.
Starting point is 00:21:19 Well see, that's the thing I was just gonna say like there's more factors than just volume and there's ways to break down volume. There's, you can increase frequency. You can adjust your intensity based upon how you feel, based upon the type of volume that you're doing and the frequency that you're doing. When you're looking at frequency, intensity, and volume,
Starting point is 00:21:35 and you're manipulating them properly, there's so many different variables you can play with to get your body to change and respond. This is one of the reasons why maps programs tend to be full body routines or should I say the hard workouts, what we call the foundational workouts, the ones where you're going in and you're really going after it, are tend to be full body. Because when you're in the gym and you're doing three days a week of full body hard workout, you're hitting everything three days a week. But that leaves you, you know, four more days where you have a lot of play and what you can do. But that's not all, right?
Starting point is 00:22:08 How do you phase your workouts? Here's another thing. Most very, actually, some people understand what periodization means, but phasing is not the same as periodization. Periodization is just adjusting intensity a little bit, you know, lightning load, you know, go deloting and heavy or weight or whatever, but it's always kind of the same focus. Facing is changing the focus of your workouts. So, for example, if you, when you, if you enroll in any of our mass programs, you'll notice that they all start with a phase in strength, maximal strength. Why do we do that?
Starting point is 00:22:41 That is the foundation for all physical pursuits. All of them. If you're not, if you don't have good strength, I don't care how flexible you can have the most flexibility in the world, you're just going to become unstable. You can have amazing endurance, but you won't be able to go anywhere. You're just good at sitting. You can have great agility, but you'll have no power. Strength is the foundation. I don't care who you are, you'll benefit from having more strength. But not only that that training specifically for strength Now of course you get stronger doing your traditional 8 to 12 reps bodybuilding routine as the most carryovers But if you train for strength like a strength athlete like you do a three-week phase where you're training in the one to
Starting point is 00:23:17 Four rep range and you're doing like lots of sets of squats at three reps or two reps and you're You're programming your workout specifically like you're training as a strength athlete, you're going to have a very responsive, strong, healthy, solid, central nervous system. And then you can move on after that and move into a different phase where you're working on something different. So in that sense, it's no different than the others in the sense that we start with strength. That's what you work with for the first three weeks.
Starting point is 00:23:47 Well, I think that's what I was saying about the carrier has a huge carrier because let's take somebody else who may follow in another structure program and they've got their first day or their first workout and they're doing 10 to 15 reps because that's the standard or whatever. And they've got this exercise, that that exercise and 50% of them are machines and cable stuff and, you know, you got a couple of your maybe, maybe they got a compound movement or two in there. Like the amount of, of carryover of from that workout that that,
Starting point is 00:24:16 that's been designed compared to a purely strength based foundation program moving into the next phase, you're going to get so much more carryover when heading into the next phase, you're going to get so much more carryover when heading into the next phase when you transition to that. So, I mean, all of them have that base, like we talked about the foundation, but the very unique thing about Maps Black was getting into the focus sessions, which I was so excited about doing this because, you know, for me it was tough getting ready for a show. I'm training. I'm in the gym seven days a week.
Starting point is 00:24:47 So seven days a week, I'm in there working out. Now, I'm not doing seven foundational days, but I'm in there seven days a week. And the other days, or this is how I was already naturally doing these focus sessions. And they were always based off of what a judge was telling me I had lacking body parts. So, oh, you're, hey, chest looks great, man, but your shoulders are a little, you know, small compared to your chest, or, hey, you know, you got a really nice base on your quads and your legs, but then your back is kind of small in comparison. So I'm getting, I'm getting critique like this from my peers and judges and stuff. And so based off of that, I would go back to the drawing board and say, okay,
Starting point is 00:25:22 I'm not getting away from my foundational workouts that I get the most bang from my buck to keep all my growth and size up there. But now I need to start addressing these other things. This is where the focus session, the evolution of this came from was addressing those exact points on specific workouts. This wasn't just an answer for you to start hammering those body parts of death, right? Which is what I think most competitors or most competitive people would would see it.
Starting point is 00:25:48 Like now I really have to like build the intensity around this area of my body as opposed to, you know, what we do in the focus sessions, right? It's, it's not, that's not the focus. It's not the focus of hammering it to death. It's the focus of just the frequency of it and being able to build the volume and times that you're doing in that specific focus point. Yeah, one of the techniques that you use
Starting point is 00:26:12 is you do exercises that just don't damage the muscles as much. Now here's a thing, damage is one way that muscles respond and grow, but it's not the only. It's not, you don't have to always, look, you're limited by your recovery ability. If damage was the, if we didn't have to worry about recovery, we could just beat that crap out of ourselves
Starting point is 00:26:30 every single day and continue to build muscle. Instead, we're limited by recovery. But the muscle building signal actually starts to dampen after 48 hours or so, even though it's still recovering. That doesn't mean you can't hit the muscle again. You just want to choose exercises that don't beat the crap out of it. Let me give you an example.
Starting point is 00:26:47 Barbell squats will destroy my quads way more than leg extensions will. But if I do a leg extension on a focus session day, maybe the day after I do heavy squats, now I'm using it for what it's good for, but I'm also not compromising my ability to recover from the damage. And so this is kind of the gist of how these focus sessions work.
Starting point is 00:27:07 And you, you know, you plug them in around your foundational workouts, but we talked about strength, right? People, I would say most people listening right now, if they just went to straight strength training, they will get results right away. Why? Because they never trained that way. But don't get stuck in that. Then you move into other phases like muscle hypertrophy, right? Growth, or you're building more size.
Starting point is 00:27:29 And then you're looking at your more traditional eight to 12 rep type of deal. Yeah, you know? Which, you know, that's getting into your the circle plaza hypertrophy. The pump, yeah, the pump, the importance of that. You know, the thing that was so cool and fun about this doing too with getting back
Starting point is 00:27:43 to the focus sessions was The ability for people to change and do stuff. I love that. I've never seen a program at least That I've seen anyone design where it's so has so many ways that somebody can change it for themselves You know most people oh I'm falling this program and then they hand it over and it's the exact same thing for him There is nothing like that for people and in fact the, the way the focus sessions work is, so when you get through the first round, so you go through phase one, two, and three, and on your off days of foundation, you're doing your focus sessions, and you're picking two body parts. And there's even room for that. You don't necessarily have to pick two body parts. If you want to pick two body parts, that's how we've structured it in its ideal. But you can pick one. You can start with one and just develop one if you
Starting point is 00:28:24 want, or you pick two muscle groups that you really want to focus on, and those become their own days where now, and we'll just take you, for example, let's say it's my biceps and my calves, are gonna be that. So now on those days, that's the primary work that's being done, and you're utilizing like Sousa, and you're getting to use machines
Starting point is 00:28:41 and different type of exercises like that, or body weight movements where, and not as much damage is gonna go to it I'm getting plenty of that on my foundation work all I'm trying to do now is slowly increase a little bit of volume and frequency That's it a little more volume a little more frequency And I'm gonna do that all the way through faces one two and three and then when I come back around I assess my physique And I say are my calves still my bias I still lagging? Do I need more? Do I need a little more volume and frequency
Starting point is 00:29:07 from these guys or do I feel like they've really came up and now I want to add another muscle group to those focused days. And so it's now designed to where I can say, hey, you know what, my calves are still hurting, I need work, but my thighs came up, I feel they're very symmetrical and balanced my triceps. Now I'm gonna keep that volume that I've already created
Starting point is 00:29:25 for myself so I can maintain my size to my buys and then I'm going to now increase more volume to my calves and maybe now I'm gonna pick another muscle group that like my back now I wanna start to add that into there. So you can continue to evolve, but it's designed for a progressive overload and people don't understand really how to do that. We take a lot of that out of it by doing that for you.
Starting point is 00:29:48 And let's also, you know, I think this needs to be clear, like the body adapts in many different ways, but it also adapts in its ability to recover. If you, if you progress it properly, like Adam's talking about, if you progress it properly, your body will learn to adapt and you'll, you'll blow yourself away at how well you end up recovering. Like, if I years ago when I was doing your typical body parts splits, and I wasn't getting nearly as much progress as I get now, right?
Starting point is 00:30:13 But whatever I made some progress, chest on Monday, back on Tuesday, whatever, and I had hammered the hell out of it, if I had gone from that workout to extreme frequency right away, I might have overdone it. I might, with the same intensity I was training right away, I might have overdone it. With the same intensity I was training with before, I would have overdone it. If I progressed it properly,
Starting point is 00:30:31 which is what I learned how to do, now I can train body parts daily. I know how to adjust the intensity. I know how to use the right exercise. I know how to progressively overload the muscle. And because I'm able to train it more frequently, because I'm able to train it, and with because I'm able to train it and you know with the right intensity I just I continue to progress. I'm can I continue to progress at 37 years old. I'm hitting PRs
Starting point is 00:30:53 Over when I was 27 years old. You know, that's typically not supposed to happen the crazy thing is I've been applying these principles Now you guys laugh at me because I train a lot of people in advanced age or I train a lot of people over the age of 60 But I apply these principles to them. Let me tell you something. You can't get away with shit when you're training a 65 year old or a seven year old. You have to have very good fucking programming. And here's the other thing.
Starting point is 00:31:15 I've learned a lot about how to program workouts for myself based upon when I train those people. Now of course, everything I scale, right? So I'm gonna train more harder, whatever. But I've applied some of these principles to them because they're feedback, right? It's insane. It's insane.
Starting point is 00:31:30 It's like, ouch that hurt, bro. By the way, what we did yesterday. Oh, I could tell by the next workout if we're doing it right. And let me tell you, the progress they're making is blowing me away. I have a 70 year old that I train right now who is hitting PRs and his deadlifts in his squats
Starting point is 00:31:44 and his bench presses. And this guy's been lifting weights since he was probably 35. who is hitting PRs and his deadlifts in his squats and his bench presses. And this guy's been lifting weights since he was probably 35. He's hitting PRs and his deadlift at 70. Now, he was, and this is also somebody who considers himself, you know, a hard gainer. And I will admit, this is someone I've worked with for a long time, very difficult to get his body to respond. But when you're, you know, he's a smaller guy, he's 130-something pounds. He's deadlifting 260 pounds at 70 years old and this is a dog right now. No
Starting point is 00:32:08 Actually, Doug's another example. He's not nearly as old obviously. He's what about you 68, but he But same thing he was hitting PRs that he hadn't hit in his 20s and 30s at the in his late 40s and now he just turned 50 so These principles work if you apply them properly, and that's kind of what we put together in Maps. It's that we talked about the strength phase, we talked about the hypertrophy and the cycloplasmic size phase, and then here's the other thing. There are techniques in bodybuilding
Starting point is 00:32:37 that don't get enough credit. And one of them is super setting and changing the tempo of your workout. Bodybuilders are pretty good at this. What bodybuilders are bad about is doing it, you know, programming it. They tend to overdo it. Like, all I ever do are supersets and all I ever do. What can we touch on that first decade?
Starting point is 00:32:53 Yes. The reason why they can, this is where the anabolic steroids do play a part. Right. People, we always talk about how, you know, genetics play your number one role that's most important. Here is where anabolic steroids really matter. At all, this is it. You can build a guy who has better genes better than the guy who's got the steroids in a promise you if he's got if he was genetic way better genes. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:33:12 these are way better genes than the poor guy who has horrible genes is going to have a hell of a time to and taking out a box series thinking that he's going to out surpass the other guy. The only time where this where the Anna Boksa heroids really come in to play, it allows bodybuilders to get away with shitty program design. It allows them to, like you said earlier, you mentioned it, I was going to talk about this when you first mentioned it, is it allows them to do overtraining, to keep just pounding, pounding the body because they're taking synthetics that are helping their body repair at such a fast rate.
Starting point is 00:33:44 They're Annabelle around 24, 7 on the window. So yeah, a lot of their shit that they don't do very well, guess what? It flies under their radar because their body is anabolic and anabolic enhanced. These rules become extremely important for the natural. Now, that doesn't mean that they still don't apply for the anabolic athlete. They still apply for somebody who's on anabolic. If you're... But they can get away with abusing themselves
Starting point is 00:34:06 in this manner as far as like, you know, supersetting in these types of techniques that can really be damaging. If you continue it up long term, right? And that's why it's a phase that you need to go in and out of that we had to make sure that, you know, yes, the recovery has to match this and account for this, but we're not going
Starting point is 00:34:25 to stay in this phase forever. This is very specific to what we're trying to accomplish for this. Well, dude, what you just talked about, Adam, so I've had experience now with a few people who I've trained who used to take anabolic steroids for a long time, then stopped for a long time, right? So, you know, one guy was in his mid-40s. He took steroids throughout his entire 20s and then stopped and then throughout his 30s and then into his 40s, he continued working out. But what happened is he didn't understand
Starting point is 00:34:54 how his body responded naturally. So his understanding of how to exercise and work out was based on his 20s when he was on, you know, a shit. Which is exactly where you're going right now is exactly what I make everybody build their men's physique, any athlete that I compete that takes anabolic when they first hire me, you have to get off everything so I can teach you naturally first. I will never tell somebody they can't take that.
Starting point is 00:35:14 In the professional world, it's almost a must. You know, so I'm not gonna tell you not to at all, but let me teach you first what we're naturally capable of. So then when you put any of that shit in there, you really know what it's doing., you really know what it's doing. You're seeing what it's doing. Yeah. Exactly. And you maximize it. You know what I'm saying? You maximize how your body naturally works. You put it steroids on top of that and boom. And that's kind of
Starting point is 00:35:33 what happened. Like this guy came to me. I would train him. And first of all, he came in. He's showing me his routine. I'm like, okay, we need to change your routine. He's like, why? This is a routine I've always done. It's always worked for me. Like, well, you're number one, you're natural now. And number two, how you stop progressing. And you're telling me that you think that your jeans are bad all of a sudden. I'm looking at this guy. I think he's got decent jeans for building muscle.
Starting point is 00:35:53 So I change his routine around. I change his programming. And in his mid 40s, he was comparable to how he was when he was on steroids in his 20s. Now, it's not because the steroids didn't do anything for him, it's because he took steroids and had shitty programming and now he's natural but with excellent programming. And that's the difference it could make.
Starting point is 00:36:11 So yeah, if you're on gear, train properly and you do much better, but that's especially true for the natural person, you just don't get results, whereas the guy on gear might get results, you're not gonna get any results from working out improperly or you're just going to spin your tires in the dirt. And that's the, that's the biggest bone that I had to pick with, you know, that world. Like I said, if you're at the professional level, I mean, pretty, you can pretty much
Starting point is 00:36:35 guarantee, you know, everybody is using antibiotics to be at that level. There are exceptions to the role. There are some genetic freaks out there, but for a majority, everybody is from the men's physique up to bodybuilding for for sure, bodybuilding, in order to be that size and to be like that. But what people don't realize that, you know, when those guys are the ones that are out here coaching and teaching and showing people what they're doing,
Starting point is 00:36:57 their exercises and posting all their workouts and showing people like they're all these crazy intense things. And then everybody else looks up to that and they think oh my god Like if I ever want to look like that. I've got I'm gonna have to do I'm gonna have to do that And he's got it's just insane and it's like no and we've been made fun of but you know We've been nicknamed team no sweat and stuff like that because we put we pride ourselves on doing as little as possible to a Lista change right why the fuck else would I do it any other way? I am not, I do not have that big of an ego where I feel like I need to be able to tell someone,
Starting point is 00:37:28 like, bro, I did fucking 25 sets of this and 15 sets of this and just dude, what? I'm martyred. Yes, we are. Everybody wants to be a martyr over it and talk about how crazy, no, like I wanna, you know what I wanna say? Yeah, when I did like five sets of squats,
Starting point is 00:37:43 I did some calf raises that I needed. Yeah, check it out. I still look pretty cool, right? That's in, and then, you know, then there's a place for getting up to this intense level and you better, but now we've been made fun of a being team no sweat. I talk about I want to do as little as possible as a change,
Starting point is 00:37:57 but don't get it twisted. When I'm getting ready for a show, I ramp up to a point where, I mean, I don't even want to work out with me because it's fucking intense. But, and then I get to that point and then guess what I do. I cycle out of it, phase out, cruise back. I want to where I train the way I train right now is. Well, you also look pretty close to competition all the time. And I think this is why you see
Starting point is 00:38:18 a lot of competitors burn the hell out. Yeah, they swing big times. Big times swings. And that's part part of it's their diet Okay, let's be honest and a big part of it is they're they're they're programming They they do is they have such shitty programming live It's very short lived and they don't understand how to move through different phases of training You know when they're trying to get their body to to look a particular way or even to stay a particular way And this is why a lot of them have such a short shelf life. They'll compete for three four years The irony is if they actually went through the proper programming, like, you know,
Starting point is 00:38:48 how much better they would even look, you know, doing it that way, right? On top of all the additional, you know, performance enhancing help, you know? Well, this, I'm very excited to see Maps Black make its way through the competitive world. I know this is for everybody, and anybody that has areas in the front of it. Well, that's the first program we've designed that's specifically designed about looks. This program right here will make you look the way you wanna look more than anything we've ever put out.
Starting point is 00:39:15 That is the ultimate priority with this particular type of work. And the phases that we included, we included because they're the ones that elicit visible change more than anything. Your strength phase, the eight to 12 rep type of hypertrophy phase and the workouts and the exercises that we put together there. And then of course the supersets and the quicker pace at the end, all of them elicit some
Starting point is 00:39:35 kind of a visual change to your body and the way we've designed the workouts within them in terms of exercise sequencing and rest periods and how you use the focus sessions. It's all 100% designed around you looking at your body in the mirror and saying, I wanna look this way. And so that's why we call it aesthetics. And I don't, I mean, I think it's, begrudgingly, I think this will easily be the most popular program we've put out.
Starting point is 00:40:01 Not, and I say begrudgingly, only because I'm kind of like in between you and you and Justin, right? Justin really, the most important thing for him is how we perform. That's what gets him excited. Adam really likes to look a certain way. You said it a million times, you could care less how much you bench or whatever, if you look amazing, you know, aesthetic and built. And I like both. I like to look a particular, I like to look good. He's by. But I also I'm by. Yeah. It's true. And but I like to, you know, also have that string that's branding strength in the gym. And I know aesthetic because it's specifically designed for looks. I know people are going to freaking go for it. Oh, yeah, I thought the same thing,
Starting point is 00:40:39 too. And I totally like tongue in cheek all like joke about it and stuff with guys on the forum and all that. But it's like, I first and foremost, that's the first thing I address with any client that comes to see me. And I know that and I'm not shying away from it either because I know that inherently this client really wants that. And so I want to be able to provide that. If I'm a good trainer, care less about my goals specifically for them if I don't match
Starting point is 00:41:09 that with what they're coming at me with as well. This is just one of those great rewards we should get for being fit. We should have some kind of a trophy that you're aspiring towards. And, you know, if this is an aesthetic look that you've always wanted and you wanna be able to show up somewhere and like, look your best and, you know, there's nothing wrong with that. Well, dude, what's around the corner? Summer.
Starting point is 00:41:36 Yeah. Summer's right around the corner. It's funny, because we did not plan it this way. It's not like we're like, we're gonna finish this program and release it right before summer, but it worked out perfectly. No. The fitness gods smiled upon us. No, it did.
Starting point is 00:41:47 It did, you know, I do, we keep things very real at everything here on here. And I think this is important. And hopefully, don't doesn't get mad at me for putting him on the spot here. But, you know, I'm the black, black max five, right? It's all a static, systemic guy. I've been waiting for this, waiting for this,
Starting point is 00:42:01 I'm excited. And then I listen to you guys talking, it's funny because I feel it's important to address this and say that even though I'm all waiting for this, waiting for this. I'm excited. And then I listen to you guys talking. It's funny because I feel it's important to address this and say that Even though I'm all about this program. I love this program. It's it's definitely a baby to me at the same time too Every single person I I highly recommend going through red and green before they they moved to black Can you do black? Someone's asked me, yes, of course you can. You can do any program without any certain order, but there is an ideal order,
Starting point is 00:42:29 and there is a reason why we did, there is a reason why I had to hold back on black. You know, we had to wait until we did that, because we hold back on black. Yeah, because we know that the three of us know that there isn't importance, and we would be doing it just, you know, it would have been easier for us
Starting point is 00:42:43 to drop for sales purposes and making money. Yes. It would have been, we do everything backwards. We do. We do. It does. It's awesome. We do. We do.
Starting point is 00:42:53 We really do. It would have benefited us way more financially to go after the look because we know even the people that want to perform better. That's what sells. You know, that's what everybody's been telling us. You know, all the, since the very beginning of this show, like every idea any outside person has ever had is always like totally opposite of what we're doing. You know what though, I'm gonna love it!
Starting point is 00:43:11 I'm gonna disagree for a second, this is why. In the short term, yes, financially releasing a program specifically on aesthetics would have been great, but in the long term, I think we made the right decision, I'll tell you why. I love the fact that we released the program specifically that targeted performance specifically before anything else because it also lent us credibility.
Starting point is 00:43:31 It's our integrity, right? We understand like performance, we're trainers and people are begging us for a program to change is how they look and they want to, you know, be able to sculpt their body the way they want or whatever, here we go, here it is. Here's the skin layer, you know, I'm just starting with the bones and the muscle and the skin layer, man.
Starting point is 00:43:47 Like that's as deep as this, you know, can get, but it's what everybody wants. And this is what you want to like get to that pinnacle, right? This is the pinnacle of, you know, your fitness. And so that's why it follows the order. And it was very, very intentional. So the reason why I was saying putting Doug on the spot is I feel like, you know, and I don't know if they need to inbox Doug privately or whatever like that, but if there's somebody who hasn't got any of the programs before and they don't have something within
Starting point is 00:44:14 10 weeks, they have to be ready for, they do want to do it the right way and they want the option to be able to go through all the programs. I think Doug should put some sort of special bundle or something together for somebody who liked that because we obviously have a lot of people already who are like part of the forum and that they've gone through red, they've gone through green, they've been waiting for black to come and they're they follow that perfect or but then we have a lot of people that have literally just found possibly mind pump yesterday or the day before. It was cool program.
Starting point is 00:44:36 Yeah, they're like cool. They buy they buy a maps black because it sounds awesome, but I'm still staying, stand by what I say, which is I would I would love to see that same person go through red and green and then black. Not that you couldn't do black right away. Well, you could go, I think it is going to benefit. Well, you could go, you could go from black and you could go through to red and then you could go to green. I mean, if you cycle these routines, actually, you can cycle them, you can cycle them differently than the way they put out. The way they put out is perfect. But if you want to cycle them differently, you can, if you have lots of experience, look, we have a lot of listeners, don't forget Adam,
Starting point is 00:45:06 we have a lot of listeners who've got lots of gym experience, who've been working out for a long time in the gym, maybe are totally plateaued or just frustrated, they've been working out for a year consistently, not getting the results they want. If they jump into black, that's gonna blow them the fuck away. Oh, of course.
Starting point is 00:45:21 Their minds are gonna get blown, of course. In terms of, you know, and like I said, let's face it, this program is the appearance. It's the visual maps program. It is the one that helps you change. Here's the, here's one of the look sharp. And check this out. Now Doug had access to this program way before anybody else, because obviously he's a producer and we like him. And he was with us when we designed it. And Doug's been doing the program and he's been working on his weak body parts and Doug's was already pretty muscular and developed
Starting point is 00:45:50 that we should post that picture of him again where he's, you know, where he got really lean for. So people can see Doug's built super Vera. Doug's a little, he's a little tank. But he, you picked, what did you pick, Doug? Shoulders? Yeah, delts, what's your delts that was your weakness?
Starting point is 00:46:03 My delts, my quads. Delts and quads. Yeah. And was it safe to say I could tell, but I mean, what did you notice? Oh, absolutely. You brought them up. Yeah, brought them up.
Starting point is 00:46:12 My shoulders got wider, my rear delts, which have always been a really lagging body part. In fact, there was a time I actually was questioning if I actually had real, real, real. That maybe God didn't give me those muscles. I don't see them, so. Yeah, I didn't see them. I kept looking in the mirror, but yeah, they started to really pop out. So I was very happy with that.
Starting point is 00:46:33 My quads definitely grew. Always felt like my legs were kind of a lagging body part, so to speak. And yeah, got incredible results. And then I went out and got five stitches in my knee and stopped squatting. Oh, that's what he heard. But from your gang five, really.
Starting point is 00:46:49 I went through, yeah. I took my own shift to my knee. But yeah, no. So I went through one entire cycle of maps black. And I loved it. And I'm gonna go through it again here. Now that my leg is back in order here. Well, I've been incorporating,
Starting point is 00:47:04 I've been incorporating the focus sessions myself. And I mean, it works, man. It really works. It's, like I said, with other programs, you're working the whole body, whether it's a body part split or whether it's one of our programs. But with this one, you can really pick out those individual muscles that you want to develop more to give you more of that
Starting point is 00:47:27 aesthetic value, that symmetry, that balance, and you can develop them more along with the rest of the body developing, but you will bring them up. You'll bring up those lagging body parts. And this gives you the tools to do that. So for me, I'd say this definitely delivers on the aesthetic tip. Now, some of the takeaways, look, when you're designing your routine, we typically recommend full body workouts, but also include frequency, include more frequency on some of those days off. Like we do with maps, aesthetic, we incorporate focus sessions and phase your workouts. If you enroll in maps, aesthetic, you get that all broken down for you.
Starting point is 00:48:05 You also get... Stan Volume. Understand. Understand progressive overload. Understand that there is a systematic way to do that. And understand that simply going to the gym and going beast mode, although that may have been a great workout and shown you great result. But it could tend to hinder your workouts going the rest of the week, which in turn ends up decreasing your volume, which in turn can go backwards for where you want
Starting point is 00:48:29 to go. So it's a very, very important piece to program design that is extremely overlooked. And that was one of the things that we made sure that we did that hard work for everybody. You don't want to spin your wheels. You don't have an answer as to where you need to go next and then always have that in front of you. So, you know, nothing's a question for you anymore at that point. It's all right there.
Starting point is 00:48:49 And for the new listeners, like with all of our programs, we included lots of video demos. And all of these, you get the bonus of having Adam demo most of these exercises. Thank God. And he's naked. Yeah. He's got closer.
Starting point is 00:49:04 We were uglying him. But background, there's like 80 exercises, I think, that He's got clothes. We were googling him in the background. There's like 80 exercises I think that we have videos for. If I'm not mistaken, Doug, 80 videos, well, Adam demonstrating each of the exercises, lots of room for modifications, but then we give you our donky kids. We give you how we would program this workout.
Starting point is 00:49:19 And so you have your phase workout. So basically, what is this? How long is it six, 10 weeks? A 10 week? Is it 10 weeks? Three weeks in the first phase? Four weeks basically, what is this like? It's like, how long is it six, 10 weeks? A 10 week, is it 10 weeks? Three weeks in the first phase, four weeks in the second phase, right? And three weeks, yeah. And we designed that, the reason why we designed it that way
Starting point is 00:49:33 is because we designed it for you to get ready 10 weeks for your peak. So if 10 weeks to your event, 10 weeks to the stage, 10 weeks to the beach, start it 10 weeks before. By the time you get to that 10th week, you're gonna look the way you want to look. And I think this is available, right? MindPumpMedia.com when this airs Doug.
Starting point is 00:49:50 Well, this is going to air today, we're recording it on Monday. Okay. So it will be live tomorrow at 5 p.m. Pacific. That's the 19th of April. You can get it. However, we have a bunch of people who are already starting it. Oh, the forum. The forum members. Yeah, who are already starting it. Oh, the forum. The forum members.
Starting point is 00:50:06 So technically they could buy today, by the forum, then they get access to a higher discount than what they would even get the next day. So it's- Is there anything else after that? You almost- If you get the forum, you get a discount on MAPS aesthetic, you get early access, and you almost get the forum
Starting point is 00:50:21 for free when you do the math. Yeah, absolutely. So you actually get both. You free when you do the math. Yeah, absolutely. So you actually get both. You'll get access to the private forum, which is just a treasure trove of awesome fitness information. We have personal trainers on there, we have some doctors, some scientists, and then it'll be T's.
Starting point is 00:50:35 Lots of physical therapists, entertainment people on there. A lot of intellects for sure. Yeah, and so really, really awesome place to post your PRs, talk about different, you know, programming and modifications, stuff like that, latest science, everything. So you enroll in the forum and then you get a discount on maps aesthetic and you get early access. And so if you do the math, it breaks down to almost like getting the forum for free versus
Starting point is 00:50:58 if you just waited. And then by the way, if you're a member of the forum, you're a member for life, anything we release in the future, you also get a big discount. And so this is available, mindpumpmedia.com. Doug, can we talk about some of the bonuses that, are we allowed to talk about that? Yeah, absolutely, let's put it out. So what do we give in a way, specifically,
Starting point is 00:51:16 there was a t-shirt, the Mapsesthetic, the Black t-shirt. Yes, and then 50% off any additional guides. Any guides or a peril, right? Or a peril. A peril, yeah. Right, so an additional peril then 50% off any additional guides any guides or a peril right or a peril a peril Yeah, right so an additional peril 50% off or 50% of guides. We have the occlusion guide We have the nutritious survival guide the the intermittent fasting guide so you get those at half off to that's at mine pump media calm And don't forget to leave us a five star rating review on iTunes Thank you for listening to mine pump for more information about this show and to get valuable free resources from leave us a five star rating review on iTunes. you

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