Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 286: Correcting Squat, Needed Studies, Sales Success & MORE

Episode Date: May 4, 2016

Q&A time! In this episode Sal, Adam & Justin answer your questions about the most important sales skills, the research study they would most like to see, how to correct forward lean in the squat and w...hether or not they thought Mind Pump would be a success when they started. Get MAPS Aesthetic NOW at www.mindpumpmedia.com Please subscribe, rate and review this show! Each week the best reviewers are announced on the show and sent Mind Pump T-shirts! Learn more about Mind Pump at www.mindpumpmedia.com.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Doug's got bad news everybody. What? Fuck. Well, it's good news, bad news. It's kind of one of these bitter sweet things. Bad news, bad news. How's it good news? It's like a tickled.
Starting point is 00:00:09 Well, the good news is we're getting so many people on the forum. That's great news. Yeah, that's good. That's good news. The bad news is we're getting so many people on the forum and we want to over-deliver as always. Right.
Starting point is 00:00:23 And so we always have this one really good tool to use to kind of restrict flow a little bit. So you're going to make the price go up aren't you? Yeah. That's my tool. That's my tool. That almost sounded like a tampon commercial. What?
Starting point is 00:00:38 This is going to reduce flow. Dear God. We have one tool. We have two tools. Listen. They have wings, but they don't fly. This is gonna reduce flow. Oh, dear God. We have one tool. We have two tools. They have wings, but they don't fly.
Starting point is 00:00:50 The forum has become... We're not gonna do a forum tampon. No, the forum has become so popular and a lot of it's word of mouth. It's people go on there. Pretty much like Disneyland on Facebook. It's like so much fitness information. You can interact with other, you know, mind-pump listeners. And in me, Adam and Justin are on Facebook. It's like so much fitness information. You can interact with other, you know,
Starting point is 00:01:05 mind-pump listeners. And in me, Adam and Justin are on there daily. We're almost pretty much on there daily, so we can answer questions and help. We can be talking about, but it's run there multiple times. I don't want to over-deliver. I don't know about promising.
Starting point is 00:01:17 Yes, sometimes we're on there. Sometimes. But we're on there quite a bit. And the price of the forum, right now, before the price goes up is what, 37? 37. $37, you pay that one time. $37, one time, you're of the forum right now before the price goes up is what, 37? 37. $37, you pay that one time, 37 bucks one time, you're on the forum, you ask questions,
Starting point is 00:01:30 you get all kinds of great information, and you get massive discounts on programs that we release, but that price is going up, when? The 10th. The 10th. So after the 10th, it's what? $47. So that's the last day for 37 dollar lifetime access to the
Starting point is 00:01:47 forum. If we're going to go up in price, Doug, I want to do something then. And and boy, I hope I don't get trouble with this. What I want, if we're going to, if we're going to do that, then I want to give the forum some sort of like, because you're on the forum, you get some lifetime discount on something forever, like on a peril or something. Can we do that? I think we can do it on t-shirts.
Starting point is 00:02:10 Okay. So if you're a forum member now, and if you enroll in the forum, yes, always half off any apparel we ever saw. Half. Is that what you just said? I didn't say that, but I just said a discount. We say half.
Starting point is 00:02:23 Oh, my bad. Whoa, did. Sal. And just we gotta go say half. Oh, I'm mad. What did, Sal? And just we gotta go with half. We just like, opens the floodgates. What, I'm mad. Doug, is that, can we get away with that? We can do half. Yeah, we can do it.
Starting point is 00:02:33 Okay. Now that we're recording this on air, yeah, we can do that. So, $37, the last day for that price is the 10th. After that, it's 47. Lifetime access to the mind pump private Forum where you can interact with other pump heads and you can also hear from me Adam and Justin Do it now 50% off. Oh mind pump media.com. That's where they find it. I guess I better say that right. Yeah Mind pump media.com. That's right
Starting point is 00:03:02 Adam I'm gonna say something about your calves right now. Why am so Adam, I'm gonna say something about your calves right now. Dude, why am I so insecure? I'm gonna say something about your calves right now, bro. Say something, go ahead. They look average. They look not bad. Not bad. Average, really delicious.
Starting point is 00:03:14 No, they look average. They look small anymore. They look average now. Did you're such a jerk, no, they look bad right now. You know why? Because I did crease the volume on them. I'm like crazy. Why?
Starting point is 00:03:22 Because it was cold, they had pants on. Yeah. Ah. No, because calves, three to five times a week, just is a lot. to volume on my crazy why cuz it was cold at pants on No because calves three to five times a week. Just is a lot you know, I hate them. It's fucking boring There's only high heels everywhere. I'm getting him plants. I don't care what you guys say don't get in plans I'm getting implants don't get fucking I just I don't want to do it. I don't want to do a seat I don't want to do a seat in a restraining calf raise ever again This what you do if you're gonna get implants get breast implants So at least me and Justin can enjoy it, right? Because I don't give to do a CD. I don't want to do a CD to a standing calf raise ever again. This is what you do If you're gonna get implants get breast implants, so at least me and Justin can enjoy it Because I don't give a shit about your cut. We'll do these podcasts without a shirt
Starting point is 00:03:49 But if you had the same thing, but if you had some titties titties make the world go around And so do t-shirts Yeah, great segue. Yeah, beautiful. Yeah, we had 15 reviews this week. 15. Yeah, that's beautiful. As Adam's titties. That's there it is. That's it. So I'm going to give out four shirts. What's the record?
Starting point is 00:04:12 15. We need to go for a record week. Yeah, I like to see at least 20. 20. That would be a record. Okay. We're asking you guys. We need 20.
Starting point is 00:04:20 Wow. Yeah, this is not to be 20. You can do it. I've always wanted to try that. Maybe now that we can we do that? Can we just try and ask people? We need 20 reviews. You guys have to sound, we need 20. Let's try this.
Starting point is 00:04:28 Let's see if this works. I think you just didn't gonna pay attention. We're gonna have like a shit week next week. We can't feel like crap. Leave a review and maybe you get a t-shirt. Look, Doug's gonna give out four right now. You know what the odds are of getting a t-shirt if there's 15 reviews?
Starting point is 00:04:38 Pretty hot. Do the math, because I don't understand my head right now. 20%. He's about 25% now. That is the number. One in four. Practically. all right. We got four winners Greg C1 BVET Keeley D12 the cuddle cracking the cuddle cracking.
Starting point is 00:04:57 That was a good one. That's what I call my and do on Fridays. And we do on Fridays. And M 2015, all of you are winners. So how do they get their t-shirt, Doug? Yeah. Yeah. Send an email to iTunes at mindpumpmedia.com, include your iTunes name, as well as your address and shirt size. Oh, quick contest.
Starting point is 00:05:23 If you send an email to Doug guessing Adam's favorite flavor of ice cream, you'll get 20% off any of our maps programs. Oh, that's a little bonus. Sorry Doug, you gotta go through a budget email. I don't have enough work. So yeah, you're like 15. Rocky Road.
Starting point is 00:05:42 The sad thing is, it's vanilla. Oh, I just said the answer. It's not a fault. It's not a fault. You just sabotaged the contest. I think I've said it in an episode before. Maybe. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:05:52 Maybe. Maybe. I'll tell you the brand, the brand's thrifties. If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mind, hop, mind, up with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. When I used to manage gyms,
Starting point is 00:06:09 this was something I couldn't fucking say, because you have a name tag right, and it says general manager or whatever, and people recognize you. Every time I would go into the fucking locker room, every time, it would be a full naked dude that wanna talk to me about some shit in gyms. Of course, yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:23 Full naked, oh maybe socks, they always have fucking socks on, right? What's up with that Of course. Yeah full naked. Oh, maybe socks. It always had fucking socks on right? What's up with that shit? You know, or how about the guy that just puts his t-shirt on that's another one right? I'm gonna let my dick hang out, but I better put the shirt on It works by the way Nothing like this. Hey, he's close. He's not close With the wrong places. Yeah, totally you're me. Totally insecure about his belly, but not about his dick.
Starting point is 00:06:46 Yeah, no, but the shirts. But the shirts were like, they would just have a shirt on. I have a good lift. I did. It was either a guy with no pants and under on and just a shirt on or completely naked, but the shirt, dude, with just a shirt on, it's not like the shirt was short, so you see the dick. It's just long enough to where you see every time he takes a step,
Starting point is 00:07:04 you see the dick come out a little bit. You know what I'm saying? You just need a bottle. A little turtle face. You see bottom. What is what is clothing etiquette? What is the etiquette to as far as the process of putting clothes on? What's the order? What were you put yours on? Let me just clarify something with the shirt thing. It's too reminiscent of like, you know, when you're girlfriend or your wife or something puts on like one of your old shirts. And that's sex. And they're naked underneath.
Starting point is 00:07:26 But that's hot though. But then you see some dude. It ruins everything. Yeah, dude. I don't want to see that. That's why it's the worst. Let's see order. Order of putting your clothes on.
Starting point is 00:07:36 Yeah, how do you get dressed? Well, you get out of the shower. What is your process? At home or at the public bike locker? Not at home. Not at home. At home? Yeah, at home.
Starting point is 00:07:44 How do you do this? I go left sock first. Well, you come straight out the shower. You dry off and straight to a left sock. Why left left sock? Right. First of all, everybody puts their left night. Most people put on their left shoe or left sock on first. I don't know. This is a fact. When you put your shoes on, right? Right. You don't just wear my life. Everybody cranks you to right. I'm left handed. So I'm sure I do, you don't. I swear on my life by everybody. I'm scared to remember too. I'm left handed, so I'm sure I do. I don't know, you're left handed. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:08 You're left handed. I didn't fucking know that. That's crazy. That's weird. Did you know you have, there's a higher chance that you'd be gay than, than, right, and a person? No, you don't know that.
Starting point is 00:08:16 Yeah, that, and similar that, you know, the most popular vehicle driven by gay men is actually a jettah. That's, can. Now we know why, me and Adam play indoor soccer. Now we know why me and Adam are playing indoor soccer. Now we know why me and Adam have butt sex. No, it's all day. I went too far.
Starting point is 00:08:31 I knew that was way too. We had to go there though, because you guys were on this. We totally don't anymore. We don't do that. There was tension then. So I go, I go sock sock, underwear. Socks are first. Yeah. Wow. You know why We'll get underwear. Sucks are first. Yeah, wow.
Starting point is 00:08:46 You know why? Sock, sock underwear. Yeah. Bottoms. What do you mean bottom shorts or pants? Those are bottoms, you know. Oh yeah, no, it's fucking weird to put your shirt on before you pants. That is so fucking weird.
Starting point is 00:08:57 There's nothing more unattractive. Ask any woman than a dude who has a shirt up with no pants on. It sucks. Well, it's like how are you gonna do your helicopter, you know exercises? Yeah, that's what I'm wondering. It's a Chinese Yeah, just a shirt on just shirt naked just a shirt. Yeah, you do you do at home? Well, that's like a cover those things up. Oh, that's like are we joking? Are we serious? I want to know I want to know for real serious. Is it a drift shirt? Yeah, you don't even need the whole shirt
Starting point is 00:09:35 It's like a natural nip shirt. It goes like it goes just a little bit better I don't know nip shirt. Can we make that dog? He's talked to blonde gear. Let's do this guys Mini nip shirt Well, uh, bring back the 80s remember the 80s were dudes all of a sudden thought it was cool to wear a fuck right a fucking just a chest shirt Yeah, it's like it's all like free to the bottom. It was cool for a second. I got one of those measures It was never cool, bro. You were one of those guys. No, okay. So hold on a second I want to I want to be I want to be clear. I would have visualized this I want to be clear. No, I don't want to be like it. I want to be clear. This is serious now. We're serious. Not fucking joke. I serious you put you you walk around on your shirt not always but no bottom sometimes I'll put a t-shirt on and just walk around no bottom horrible vision. No, but can we? Yeah, do you do you say normally do I normally
Starting point is 00:10:18 Sit on your couch and stuff like this. No, no, this would be in my bedroom. So I'd be walking around my bedroom Okay, could I sit on your couch? I know right? I I'm not coming up. I know I do it after I've just man-scaped. It's kind of like showing off a new haircut. Got you. Right after a streamlined. Yeah, you want to feel the wind. Everything looks good. Somebody close the door again, please. Yeah, I'm waiting for Katrina to come home and see it, you know. Maybe see it. It's like, I do the Captain Morgan pose on the edge of the bed. it, you know. Maybe you see it. We have it. It's a bad come so I'm like, I do like the Captain Morgan pose on the edge of the bed. No, you know, you do, you go up to the counter,
Starting point is 00:10:49 like the kitchen counter that, you know, where you can, and you stand there. So she thinks I have clothes on and then just walk around the corner. Boom, boom. But you last the podium all the time. But you were expecting that. Socks for it.
Starting point is 00:11:00 What about you, Justin? What's the order? I do underwear, man. Like a first regular person. Right. Sometimes they have a hole in the crotch and they're like, oh no, I got to throw these away again. So when you guys, when you guys get in, is he pulling out the first time? Yeah, well, you know, rinse and repeat.
Starting point is 00:11:17 That's what my grandma taught me. When you brush your teeth, yeah, you brush your teeth and they hit her, or will you wait to brush your teeth out of your completely dressed in about the walk on the door. Uh, it depends on my mood. Yeah, it depends, it depends a lot on the mood. I'll just fill in the, you're brushing your teeth. See, here's the thing, I have this visual now,
Starting point is 00:11:33 I'll never forget this, I walk in to the gym, the locker room, and there's always a site to be hold in the fucking locker room, the men's locker room, the most disgusting place on planet earth. There's ever a need for horse blinders. That would be the most important. I just wish I never had to go in there. But anyway, I walk in there and there's a fucking dude brushing his teeth naked,
Starting point is 00:11:54 but the counter is about as right below ball height. Those balls are resting on the counter. He's resting on the counter. They're touching it. Not touching it. Not touching it. Sitting on the sanitary hazard. They were sitting it not touching it not touching it sitting on the sanitary hazard they were sitting on the counter So imagine I so would come in and slap the counter
Starting point is 00:12:10 So imagine I want you to picture this right now. I'm gonna paint a picture imagine a balloon Okay with water in it, but it's not it's not filled the water so it's not tight. It's like a loose balloon All right, I kind of like water thing. I got you now imagine if I see it now imagine if I slowly place that balloon on something It kind of like watered the, now imagine if I, now imagine if I slowly placed that balloon on something, it kind of spreads, right? That's what it looked like. It was like sack, disgusting. It's ruined my life. Really?
Starting point is 00:12:33 Yeah, it's horrible. Do you know why I put socks on first? This is what I learned grappling. So when you're grappling and stuff like that, you gotta be, you start to learn like hygiene with when it comes to like fungus and stuff and stuff like on the mats like ringworm and and you know athletes and stuff like that. And so I used to have this, I used to train when I used to do jiu jitsu, there was a doctor there and he we started talking about it because someone had gotten ringworm and so we had to clean the mats and do all that stuff. And he said, hey listen, when you guys get dressed in the morning, especially if you shower a, like a locker room shower in the gym, put your socks on first because you could pick
Starting point is 00:13:08 something up on your feet, put your underwear on. What do you do? It was sandals on in the shower. I always wear sandals if I'm in a pub. Oh, yeah. Yeah, sure. In the publet bathroom. I think I piss all over my feet, you know what I walk out.
Starting point is 00:13:20 I have to. That's actually, that's actually, I think it's good advice. I think it's good. It is. Why would that be true? You kind of kill. Yeah. Well, I know I know you do that if you get stung by a jellyfish. That's like the only time. Yeah, if you get ever appropriate. It is. I'm fear you know what? If you see, but here's the thing. I want to know the science behind us. Why does P help a jellyfish? It's like a water
Starting point is 00:13:39 that has some kind of ammonium. Yeah. Yeah. So I think you're right. I love what you guys get all sides. Yeah. You know, it's got some kind of a meridian study. Well, yeah, because Justin, I can't pronounce the word. So we don't even try. I remember that. Hey, Justin, I remember that. I don't. Yeah. See. I remember that study. Well, it could be in an urban legend. Oh, I know. No, no, that's what my brain is. Duck. Can you Google that? Isn't that true? That when you get stung by a jellyfish, I believe- I'm just saying I don't trust my brain sometimes because all the head collisions I've had.
Starting point is 00:14:10 So that's why I'm like, yeah. But you don't mix it up. I heard it. I heard it on your friend, and I mean, I got stung by a jellyfish. Hold on. Let me shut on you real quick. Don't think that works.
Starting point is 00:14:19 I find it to be on the rub between the toes. Exactly. You know, I would think that putting socks on right after a shower being wet with all the... No, I'd dry myself first. Yeah, you had to dry yourself good though, but maybe as you add socks are like the last thing I put on. Yeah, but then you got to sit down and put on your socks, right?
Starting point is 00:14:35 That's a little weird. No, I put my socks on standing. You do? Yeah. Do you really like single leg balance? Yeah. It's good for course. Sometimes I do course stuff like that when I'm getting dressed.
Starting point is 00:14:44 I do the same thing too. Well, single leg squat into my shorts. Do you really? Yeah, I's good for course. Sometimes I do course stuff like that when I'm getting dressed. I do the same thing too. I'm seeing a lake squat into my shorts. Do you really? Yeah, I do wear socks. You know what I do that's disgusting? What? Sometimes when I'm changing from my sweats to my shorts, this is so, I don't even know why I'm saying this.
Starting point is 00:14:56 It's pretty gross though. I don't even take my shoes off. I just take my pants off over my shoes and put my pants, my shorts back on over my shoes because I'm too lazy to take my shoes off and put it back on. Well, why would you be switching? When I go workout, so I'm like in my sweats for work, right?
Starting point is 00:15:12 So I want to wear my shorts to work out. I didn't take my shoes off. I do it, you can do it. I just stretch my pants over my shoes and then put my shirt over. That's like the guy who knows that, you know that trick, where they take your outfit,
Starting point is 00:15:20 I don't think that's weird at all. It is, because you know, filthy your shoes are? Yeah, no, I get it. I'm just saying, you're talking to me. Oh, I just uh Wrong audience I just not oh shit It's the majestic Quikwa Eagle. It's the motherfucking quah. It's time for questions Enough bullshitting. Bring it.
Starting point is 00:15:45 Thank you. Yeah, Doug, could you start this question? Yeah, here goes. My name is Carlos is asking about the most valuable piece of sales knowledge you have learned. That's easy. My name is Carlos. That's easy for me.
Starting point is 00:15:58 Wow, Ralph, top of your head, you know the most, the most all-time best. For me. Okay, let me hear. I'm nervous. Okay, so I, considering you're the third best closer in this room, I'm really interested to hear what. Merced. We should come up with a contest.
Starting point is 00:16:12 Fourth. And why do we need to know how to test this? We do. I believe, I believe last week, Justin sold 30 programs and I sold 31 and used like 20, dude. I don't know what? These are numbers that are floating around us. So here's let me a little history first because this piece of sales advice was very valuable for me in particular, because I was well, first off, when I first started in fitness, selling was very,
Starting point is 00:16:38 came very natural. My literally my first day, my very, very first day as a trainer, I shadowed another trainer. Now this is back, you know, when I was 18 years old, so this is like almost 10 years ago. And the top clubs at the time didn't sell tons of training back then. And these were big, these big clubs. And the top trainers was selling like,
Starting point is 00:16:59 maybe $2,000, $3,000 a month in personal training. That was a big fucking deal. If you're selling $3,000 a month in training back then, you were one of the top sales people in the company in personal training. So I shadowed this guy who had, you know, was at like $2,800 for the month and it was like the 21st or the 22nd of the month. And everybody blew it up like,
Starting point is 00:17:20 oh, you get to shadow so and so, he's like this great sales person. I had no idea, I don't know, to me, it didn't mean anything because I don't know what the numbers meant. So I shadowed him for a couple of assessments and then he's took off. He said, hey, what do you want to do the next few? So he decided he was going to take a long ass break.
Starting point is 00:17:36 So I said, sure, no problem. I sold $3,500 that day. I had outsold his entire month in the single day. So sales to me came very, very natural. It was natural for me to talk and express my passion, express my knowledge a lot like I do on the show. It was just something I enjoyed doing. So right off the bat I did well.
Starting point is 00:17:55 I did well for a while. And then I worked with a very, very good friend of mine. Suspense is killing me right now. I worked with the points. I worked with the skill of me right now. I worked with a very good friend of mine. Youpense is killing me right now. I worked with the points. I worked with the skill of me right now. I worked with a very good friend of mine. If I could tell me the device you got. This is how he sells you though.
Starting point is 00:18:11 I built it. I built it. He mailed it. You guys know Don Cardone. I good for my business. So I worked with Don and Don was also a phenomenal sales person. He had a little more experience to me. And so we sat down and he was doing a TL for me.O. for me one day. And a T.O. by the way,
Starting point is 00:18:26 it's, T.O. stands for turnover. And this is when someone has an objection or a question about what you're selling, you bring in your manager or someone else to answer the question. But in reality, the psychology behind it is that they have to talk to someone else. And now they might have said no to you, but they don't say no. They haven't said no yet to this other person. It's actually a tried, a tested, tried and true sales technique technique if you ever go by a car, you know, exactly what this is. But anyhow, he sits down and he does the T.O. and then I would interject and talk, which at the time, I didn't realize what I was doing was horrible. Like I kept talking and ruining the momentum of his presentation. After we were done, I don't remember if the
Starting point is 00:19:05 person bought or not, he sat me down, he said, Sally goes, this is something I'm going to teach you. That's very important. He said, I want you to use your ears and your mouth in proportion. And I said, what do you mean? He says, listen, twice as much as you talk. Sales is not about talking. Sales is about listening. And it just struck me so crazy because I always thought, when you're selling something, it's about all this information that you have to give someone a talk
Starting point is 00:19:30 and give them all this passion and whatever. And I got away with it because I was naturally good at it. But when I finally and firmly understood that you listen and ask questions and have the person tell you what they need and then you come up with solutions, I became so much more effective
Starting point is 00:19:48 and that's when I really took off to the next level. So for me, that was a most valuable piece of sales knowledge was to learn how to ask questions and listen to the customer, listen to what they're saying and get them to divulge their information through asking questions. See, that was most valuable for you because you talk a lot. Right. I'm just gonna put it out there.
Starting point is 00:20:07 For me, that was just okay. It was get some balls and just go out there and don't be afraid to say the wrong thing. Be yourself, like have personality, be super confident in your own skills and ability, and that will exude. And once you get into that spot
Starting point is 00:20:31 where you get into repetition of it, it just becomes like a conversation. And then I could just, I could win you over with my personality and then the rest is just details. It's signed this like great, you know, we're gonna have a great time. It's less thinking about like, here's what we're gonna do and here's your program and
Starting point is 00:20:48 I'm gonna articulate every little scientific detail about all the stuff that's going on. It's like, no, do you like me? I like you. Let's fuck the sign this, give me your money done. Sales class has ended. Did I say it just like that? That was, that was, that was, yeah. Sales class has ended. Did I say it just like that? That was that was yeah, yeah, Adam taught me that that was brilliant. Oh shit. That was brilliant. Let's see here single most. Yes. Oh, fuck me. You know what? This is a hard question. This is a hard question for me because I think of it, I was the one teaching. Because they know it all. That's not why that is not what the reason why because I think
Starting point is 00:21:34 the process that I went through through, he liked Sal said, I was natural to beginning too. But I definitely got better over time. The same way I fell about training. So I feel like there was like moments was moments in my sales career where like light bulbs went off or like this, oh my God, this just totally brought me to the next level of being all the clothes, right? So one of the first simple things, and I definitely, this is,
Starting point is 00:22:00 and I know Justin's heard this a million times from me, I used to tell people the difference between a good closer and a great closer is this. A good closer can push anybody into the cell. They teach you how to overcome objections and you overcome that objection. They say another objection, you overcome that objection and you just bam, bam, bam, bam,
Starting point is 00:22:17 and then before you know it, you corner them and you sell them. That's a good closer. Now a great closer can pull somebody into a cell. And in order to pull somebody into a cell, you have to learn how to work in reverse. So I would decide what I'm going to sell somebody before we even sat down. So if I had an appointment at a client that was coming in and you know, I had an idea of who this person was, I would have an idea of the direction I wanted to take this sale, whether it be I'm going to sell them 50 sessions of personal training or
Starting point is 00:22:47 Six months or whatever it was that I was selling at the time But I would I would have decided what I where I was going to take this person based off of what they needed or what their goals were or what I saw best for them And then I would work backwards by asking questions and then I would spend the the entire, the whole sales process with them with just probing, probing, probing. And knowing the direction that I'm trying to get them to go by asking all the right questions. So that was probably the first bit of really good advice. And I don't even remember who gave me that advice, but focusing more on asking all these questions
Starting point is 00:23:20 versus me telling them or overcoming objections really changed the game. Well, if you do it right, because we're talking about in-person sales, right? Because there's all kinds of different sales. This is when you're meeting someone and you're selling them something. When you're talking about in-person sales,
Starting point is 00:23:34 if you do a good job, if you present properly, you will anticipate objections before they come up. And you'll answer them before the person gives you an objection. And the reason why that's important, because that's kind of what Adam's talking about, to say that to someone, right? Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:23:52 Because if you anticipate, let's say I'm training a woman and through asking questions and asking what her goals are, she expresses to me that she is maybe a single mom, three kids, once they get in shape, but in the past, what's really gotten in the way of her exercise has been her schedule. She just can't find the time. Wait, are you braiding my wire?
Starting point is 00:24:16 You're braiding the French braid. Sorry about that. Yeah. You said to point that out. When you're, when you're, when you're asking, if you're talking to that single mom and her, she's telling you that her schedule is an issue and it's about time in the gym,
Starting point is 00:24:32 I know not to talk about a workout program where she's working out five days a week. I know I'm gonna focus on how we can make exercise effective with two days a week because I know that that is an objection already. Because when an objection comes out of her mouth and you're trying to overcome it, at that point, it's now in a pill battle.
Starting point is 00:24:51 When the person tells you their objection, like, oh, I don't know if I can get started because I don't have enough time. Now when I try to object it, I just sound like a salesperson trying to overcome an objection. Which if you're good, if you do a good job because still do it, however,
Starting point is 00:25:04 if I overcome that objection before it even comes out, it's no longer an issue because she's not gonna be worried about scheduling and time because I've just explained how we can come up with a effective routine working out. Exactly. An example of that,
Starting point is 00:25:18 let's say time, commitment, money, right? These are three big ones, right? Time, commitment, money. So I would ask somebody during the whole process before we even get to trying to close yet, you know, I'd want to know, I'm going to ask her, you know, what's your availability? You know, how often can you come in the gym, first of all? And then I would get her to say three times a week. So you adjust everything you're going to talk around. So now I know it's three. So that boom, mental note, I take in my head, okay, I need to know that she's three times a week.
Starting point is 00:25:44 So when I present a program, it's going to be three times a week. Then I go to the next objection, which is going to be, she will eventually bring up money because it's always about money at one point. Then I will just straight up ask somebody, do you have a budget for yourself? Do you have an idea of how much you're willing to spend on yourself when it comes to getting in shape and what you're telling me as far as your goals are concerned? Well, I mean, that's somewhat goes in line with with, like I was gonna talk a little bit more about, like writing ad copy and like what you would wanna present
Starting point is 00:26:08 as far as like pitching yourself online. And this is something that I do, like I dove into quite extensively when I was off on my own. And, you know, writing my own ad copy, which is really, you're selling somebody that is potentially reading everything. So this is somebody that's gonna meticulously go through and try and hear the voice from you as far as,
Starting point is 00:26:31 what you're portraying about yourself. You're selling yourself. And so there's a whole process behind that that I started to sort of hone in on. And one of them is really diving into your demographic. And so, you know, what voice are you trying to portray that's going to sort of laser into your niche audience? And you have to identify that. If you're not going to identify who your niche audience is when you're off on your own, good luck, you know, because you're just going to be,
Starting point is 00:27:01 you know, a white noise in a sea of other people competing with you. Well, see, the rules of sales always apply, like, you're talking about selling online, knowing who you're selling to, when you're doing it in person, the way you know who you're selling to is by asking questions. And so, that's, here's the bottom line, by the way.
Starting point is 00:27:21 If you don't believe in what you're selling, you're not gonna be a good salesperson. And if you are a good salesperson selling something you don't believe in what you're selling, you're not gonna be a good salesperson. And if you are a good salesperson selling something you don't believe in, you're a scumbag, you're a piece of shit, right? So for me, when I would train salespeople, they had to believe in what they were selling. And I believe in fitness, I believe in what it does for the body, I believe in what it does for the mind and the soul.
Starting point is 00:27:40 And so it's easy for me to use my my effective skills of communication to bring that person in to hire me or to whatever because I know what it's going to do for them. So you've got to believe in what you're selling. And if you truly believe in it, you're going to be much better at it anyway. Oh, absolutely. That's rule number one. But I think there's also a lot of very, very smart tactics as far as how you deliver messages. That's effective communication. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:28:09 I mentioned earlier about the good clothes or the great clothes. The other one was learning how to do it in alternate advance clothes. In alternate advance clothes was probably one of the best tools that I ever learned also because most people want to be led. Most people want to be told what to do. You're just going to be clever on how you do it. You know, if this tells you about, get this or you need to do that, it's not going to get over as very well, but learning to give someone an alternate advance, which is giving
Starting point is 00:28:34 them options on what you think they should do and either option has could for you. You know, so the lady who told me that she's only can come in the gym three times a week. I'm going to present, let's just say hypothetically, I'm going to present her a program for the next six months and an example of an alternate advance. What I would say, okay, so the next three months, I think you're going to be coming in the gym three times a week. This would be the ideal program for you. Now, you can either see me one time a week, two times a week, or three times a week, whichever one best, you know, which one suits you best.
Starting point is 00:29:02 Either way, I support you, right? So in either way, you're either getting one time a week with me, two times a week or three times a week. And they say 80% of the people pick the one right in the middle. So most of the time, she's gonna go towards two times a week, she's gonna be personal training with me. But giving them alternate advancing to that, so you're going directly for a close,
Starting point is 00:29:19 then you have some people, and I know every anyone who's listening right now is at one point in your life you've been in this position. Have you ever gave somebody money or bought something that you didn't want to, but you felt like you had to or you felt obligated to or you felt uncomfortable saying no. And it is uncomfortable for people to say no. It's a lot harder for people to say no.
Starting point is 00:29:41 So when you put somebody in a position like that, that now puts it on them, they're now in a position where it's more uncomfortable. So as a salesperson, you've got to be comfortable with being able to do that, with taking the pressure off of yourself and learning to apply it on the other direction. And that's leading after Sal talking about all the sweet and nice stuff. There is a point and there is stuff to be aggressive and understands to get what you want. It's called effective communicating, and it applies to sales, it applies to relationships, it applies to conversations with strangers. It's absolutely.
Starting point is 00:30:13 It's knowing how to communicate effectively. And it's not tricks, it's not trickery, it's not that stuff, it's understanding human behavior, it's understanding how people will receive what you're about to say, it's understanding how words are received, nobody likes to buy shit. Everybody likes to invest in something. Well, there's a thing reading the person, right? Yeah, yeah, social awareness. Get all that like nonverbal communication that they're presenting back to you. This can be a whole episode.
Starting point is 00:30:39 Adjust all of your, yeah, all of your communication around that. Yeah, and there's so much to all of your communication around that. Yeah, and there's so much to go with all of your... We better move on to the next question before we spend an entire hour on this one for sure, but maybe something we revisit, maybe we do an episode on this one time. I think a whole episode on sales. Yeah, a whole episode on sales.
Starting point is 00:30:58 Why not? A bit of four hour episode. We have a lot of trainers, we have a lot of people that probably need help in sales. Why not? I'm sure that could help, so why don't we go that direction one time? Cody Boomboom.
Starting point is 00:31:09 If you had your own lab and unlimited resources, what would you research? Oh, this is for sour right here. Wow. I wish you would have kept his old name. Cody Boomboom. That's the same guy. I don't know. Cody, hit me up.
Starting point is 00:31:23 Let me know. Yeah. I, um,. I don't know. Cody, hit me up, let me know. Yeah. I, um, hmm, I love this. So now, are we limiting it to? No, no limits, he said you. No, no, no, no, no, what I mean is fitness or whatever I like to study. No, he said fitness related.
Starting point is 00:31:36 It has to be fitness, okay. Because if it was on, if it was like anything, I have all kinds of ideas. But if it's just fitness, I would love to do a controlled study where, and I know what the result I'm almost 100% positive knowing what the results would be, but I would like to see a study comparing Maps and a ball, like one of our programs to traditional body parts split. I'd like to have a controlled study So I can have the numbers and show people exactly what percentage how much percentage more effective it is to work out,
Starting point is 00:32:06 but full body versus body parts split, to use trigger sessions, and to not train to failure, or to stop a couple of reps short. I would love to see a study just like that, because I think just because I like research, and I like numbers, and I like objective numbers, I think it'd be pretty cool. The other thing, I could even just break that down,
Starting point is 00:32:24 and it would do a study on going to failure versus not going to failure, phasing your workouts versus not phasing your workouts. You know, all the stuff that we talk about that we know through our years and years of training, I'd love to put into specific studies. So yeah, I was just gonna say, I wanna create gold. I mean, yeah, alchemy.
Starting point is 00:32:43 Alchemy. No, yeah, along those lines, I wanna create gold. I mean, what? Alchemy? Alchemy. No, yeah, along those lines, I would love to, I guess without revealing too much about like this, this invention that I've been working on the past, fuck, you know, however long. It's the self-blow job machine. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:01 I want that. Yeah, basically it falls along lines of fitness and everything else. I would love to get it tested and get a huge, you know, group study group to go through and the effectiveness of it and also, you know, what it did to your overall strength gains and overall neuromuscular connectivity, all that kind of stuff. So that would be my first thing that would be awesome. And then, you know, like also, I would like to test out performance just, you know, it's because like on the athletics and oh, maps performance. Yeah, get like a team. I would love to get a team involved and then and then take them through, you know, their offseason all the way up until, you know, go through their actual season
Starting point is 00:33:45 and see how it affected the whole team as a whole and throughout the season. Also, like, keep keeping them healthy in their joints and injury free. You could look at performance increases. Yeah. How the teams performed on the field, how they performed in the gym. You could look at injuries injury, you know, how many injuries happened versus regular season? That would be fucking awesome. It would take a lot of money, but that'd be awesome, especially all the mobility stuff that we include in performance.
Starting point is 00:34:15 What would I want to do? I think I would, I would like to take, um, and I don't know how I would do this. I would want to round up all the genetic freaks that I could find. All the people that just respond. Yeah, respond well to that. Yes, I would want the super, super responders.
Starting point is 00:34:32 To me, and then I would want. Sounds like X-Men. Then I want the opposite, the complete opposite. So the non-responders. Yeah, hard gainers, non-responders. And I would like to give anabolic to the people that are non-responders, and then I would like to do everything else nutritionally and program-wise- No steroids.
Starting point is 00:34:51 No steroids. That would be awesome. With the groups that are genetic freaks, and I would like to see how they would compare. I think that would put to rest a lot of stuff that's out there with people like so concerned about somebody who's on steroids or not steroids. What do they think it's a miracle? Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:35:07 And I think that I think they would be a lot closer and we might see some really surprising things with that. And obviously, there's never been a study done like this. I think it would be very interesting to see. See, I feel like I feel like a study like that would be like a duh study. You know, like we'd see the results and be like, that's because for us, it would be. Yeah, maybe not everybody else. Yeah, I feel like I feel like a study like that would be like a dog study. You know, I mean, like, we'd see the results and be like, that's because for us, it would be. Yeah, maybe not everybody else. Yeah, I know. I don't think it would be. I think we would actually learn.
Starting point is 00:35:31 I think there would be a lot of stuff. I think we'd be surprised in different things. I'm sure there we would probably find a couple random people in the non-responders that respond very well to anabolic and saw huge gains from that or what that. And maybe the surprise you guys both didn't mention cannabis. Oh, I'm marijuana study on exercise. And exercise. That's a good one. That would be a great one. I would love to see how cannabinoids affect recovery.
Starting point is 00:35:55 There is some long population based studies that consistently demonstrate that people that use cannabis regularly are leaner, lower, and have lower instances of diabetes. And we do know that cannabinoids help with insulin sensitivity. And there's actually some pharmaceutical companies studying cannabinoids for potential diabetes drugs. I would love to see that because I called this a while ago and I guarantee you it's going to happen soon if it's not already happening.
Starting point is 00:36:23 That supplement companies are going to start using cannabinoids from hemp. Did you just tag me on those? It's already happened. Yeah. I bet you it's going to start to get big because there's got to be there's some there's some benefit and whether it be recovery or I don't know I'd like to see some studies though to get more specific. The reason why I don't really give a shit because I don't think think it's, it's not, even if we did, like,
Starting point is 00:36:46 what, right, stuff came out, right? It would be like branch channel amino acid difference to me. I can't imagine marijuana being like the holy grail of muscle building, you know, like holy shit. Or else we have a bunch of buff ass donors walking around all over the place. So I don't really give a shit about that study because the best it's gonna come out is we're gonna find out
Starting point is 00:37:03 it's, there's some serious good benefits for me. And I think it would be just as equally beneficial as probably branching amino acids or antioxidants or you don't want a bunch of buff hippies. That's why I don't like them to be. I think we could learn a week in our heavy metal overpower them. I think I think we can learn a lot with the the the anabolic group on the non responders and some people on steroids ideal. He's gonna take skinny people. I would I would love to see I would love to see a study with bodybuilder doses of steroids because every study on on on testosterone is like, you know, subject A, receive 50 milligrams, it's like fucking bodybuilders,
Starting point is 00:37:47 like, you know, they'll be back to like healthy, you know, grams. They inject 50 milligrams of testosterone, I, that's nothing. Well, this is also why I would like to see like bodybuilder doses like this. But this is also why I would like to do this study, too,
Starting point is 00:38:00 because I feel like, oh, great. We would learn so much that more of the genetics has to play with it, anything else. And that a lot of these people that have creeped up on these crazy amounts of dosing are not realizing that the people that are that you look up on stage are not only dosing high, but they're also genetic freaks together. And the combination of that turns into these super freaks. So then you have all these normal guys, Joe blows, who are trying to look like these guys that will never be ramping up like over the years. They've been doing it for years.
Starting point is 00:38:31 Yes. You know, like they can't get up to those levels of just like in one year. Right. You're right, dude. Just some people are going to die, man. Well, some people think they can. I do it all the time. You know what, I'm up to, I talked to my peers and I'm like, Just people are gonna die man. Well some people think they can. I do it all the time.
Starting point is 00:38:46 You don't know how I'm gonna talk to my peers. I'm like, hey, what are you running over there? What are you doing over there? Oh, it's got like 750 milligrams of this and 500 milligrams of that. I'm just like, what the hell? Fuck, bro. Dude.
Starting point is 00:38:57 You know, it's funny and the fact that they're telling him openly means they're taking the telling floor. Oh, more. Because nobody tells you how much they're taking. Yeah, yeah, no, no, for sure. It's like a girl who says how many people she sleeps with you always divide by are you multiply by three whatever she says you know she says she says three she's being nine dude yeah yeah and guys are divided by three guys fucking get the wizard where have you been oh yeah any more
Starting point is 00:39:17 wizardries divide by three multiply with it's a good one next next question right chisity fitness if you have a client with excessive forward lean in the squat, how would you change phase one to correct it in maps red? Slap them in the face. Yep, no. Make some lean back real quick. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:37 Well, you could stimulate. The way you would correct excessive forward lean would be how you would correct it with any program. First and foremost, if you find an imbalance or something that's not desirable, you should focus and fix that before you try to progress in the exercise. So at this point, corrective exercise would be very important. Now, what I would do back up, back up and explain what you just said right there because that you just, you use some of our nerdy terms. What did I say? Well, no, no, listen, what do you mean by what do you mean by before you progress?
Starting point is 00:40:08 In other words, this person before maybe you would start putting more weight on their squat or challenging more spot wise. Right. Right. Before you're trying to train your client to get stronger in the squat or lift more way, focus on correcting the excessive forward lean first. I would do hip mobility movements. Number one, an ankle mobility because sometimes the ankle is the problem. And here's the other thing. Femre length makes a big difference with this. An ankle mobility, which I just mentioned.
Starting point is 00:40:41 With some of these people in the past, we would always tell people do not put anything under your heels because in the back of the day, people would use like a two by four something to put their heels on. Or now people wear squat shoes. And then for a while we said, no, don't do that, that's not good. And now we're reversing that.
Starting point is 00:40:57 And the reality is, a little elevation in the heel helps a lot of people squat better. They sit in the hole a little bit better. For me, it reduces my forward leg quite a bit. It is not playing into their deviations. No, I mean, does it? Here's the thing, not everybody's built to squat great. And so a little, I'm not talking about.
Starting point is 00:41:17 So we're finding out more with bone length and how your structure overall is. That's right, I'm built to deadlift great, but my squat is always to be more difficult for me. I always have that forward lean. And so squat shoes and it's not much. I have, you know, it's a little bit of an elevation. I'm not wearing high heels, but it just allows me to sit
Starting point is 00:41:34 in it a little better, huh? It's on Saturday. Right. I don't squat my heels without pants. I step on Adam with my heels. What? God, I want to work. We're an Adam's nipple shirt.
Starting point is 00:41:43 All right. So the elevation of the heel helps a little bit. The other thing too is I would, sometimes with these kinds of, with these people, I'll have them do split stance lunges and get really good at that first. A split, a lunge is really a squat. The first ability. It's really a squat with a split stance,
Starting point is 00:41:59 if you think about it. That front leg is doing the squat motion. And so you get them really strong, up you able to get that knee flexion. Sometimes when they get strong with that lunge, they get better at the squat where they can sit in. Well, no, it'll tensify their ankle mobility as well. So like, you got to get good. It's almost like, well, it puts them where unstable situation that you have to stabilize a lot more
Starting point is 00:42:19 lateral forces. And of course, we're not talking about a front squat. Like a front squat is a great way to teach people had to sit upright in a squat because with a front squat The weights in your front of your body. You can't lean forward too much. You'll drop the weight and that personally speaking for me Helps me sit in the hole a little bit better when I squat. That's not bad advice. I didn't think you were gonna go there What you think doesn't go. No, no, I mean that last bit That's not bad advice. I didn't think you were going to go there. What do you think, I was going to go.
Starting point is 00:42:43 No, no, I mean, that last bit, the rest of it, I don't know how much I agree with. I don't know about the squat shoes. I don't know. I'm with Justin on the crutching a disability or a deviation. And excessive for lean hip flexors are really tight. We sit down and when we're bent and 90 degrees, right, we sit down in a car, we sit down on our desk, we sit down, we have humans, very few of us walk around all day long I was sure in construction or something like that
Starting point is 00:43:10 So more than likely this client is seated a lot more than likely their hip flexors are shortened and tight So then when they go to stand up they already have a slight anterior pelvic tilt and already have a slight forward lean before they go into a squat. So then when they go into a squat, if you guess what, it feels really comfortable for them to do, is you go right back in that short hip flexor and let the chest fall forward. And this ends up making them quad dominant, makes them all their weights being shifted to the top.
Starting point is 00:43:38 So floor bridges are something that I would probably do with someone like this. I would probably do it before I have them go over and do the squat. So like, like, I was saying, I'm not going to progress the way. I'm still going to have them squat, but I'm going to, I'm going to put some emphasis maybe on like the floor bridges before I go into squat and see if that helps improve it. Now, of course, stretching flexibility and mobility, all that stuff.
Starting point is 00:44:03 Well, see with, with the hip flexor thing that you're talking about, this is why I disagree with that. And I know that's what we're taught. We're taught, it's a hip flexor tightness issue, but here's the thing. I've trained way too many people who want to bend over when they squat, rather than sit down the squat. And it's not because the hip flexors,
Starting point is 00:44:19 because their quads are weak. Believe it or not, it's because they're quads, they bend over into the squat because they can't bend their knees and sit down. If you try and get them a little bit more upright, they're, they're gonna lift their heels up and they're gonna try and like compensate. They, now lifting the heels again, that's, that, that's something different. But I've, I've had people, like I said, I get them into that lunge where the assistant may be, hold on to something and get more knee extension
Starting point is 00:44:42 and knee flexion, get the quad stronger. And the next thing you know, they're sitting in the squat little more because tight hip flexors. I see. I get a full body extension for me is a big deal, especially when it comes into a forward lean situation. So I actually take somebody not like, Sal was mentioning a lot of like hip mobility and stuff. And I think a lot of it does derive there.
Starting point is 00:45:06 Alongside that is, yeah, you're gonna get some forward shoulder protection that we need to address. And so I'm actually taking the whole body through this hip-hinging movement, and then bringing my shoulders back and my whole body is in this. Like if you're not experiencing full extension,
Starting point is 00:45:24 you're never patterning that throughout your day. So very good. This is why I do that. I bring my arms over my head and my head. I can't help but... Right. So anything that emulates that. So I'll even do it on the TRX,
Starting point is 00:45:35 where I'm hinging my hips, and then I'm actually stretching my hamstrings out, and then I'm coming up into full extension. Like a reverse eye. Right. And so now I'm, yeah, I'm, I'm heel loaded and then I'm, my hips are in full extension and my arms are all the way over my head. So just different, different things to think consider, uh, you know, when you're in a situation where maybe it is a sedentary job where you're always
Starting point is 00:46:00 crouching. Well, see, when you think about someone who has a barbell on their back, and they're bending over a lot, the muscle that's really active at that point, besides their back is their glutes, their glutes and hamstrings. And so when we say, okay, work on the hips, work on the hips, their hips are getting a lot of work,
Starting point is 00:46:17 they're bending over a lot. It's almost like a good morning that they tend to do. That's all glutes, with their lacking is quads, they're not getting knee flexion. Oh, God, I disagree. I. You know what? I disagree. Yeah, I know. Really? Yeah. Because I don't see the hip flexors getting in the way. If I, okay, here's a deal. If someone comes into me and I want to, I do want to make this clear. This makes this challenging. We're not actually looking at a person. If we were all looking at this person, it would be a little bit more. It's a lot easier.
Starting point is 00:46:46 But when I see someone, if they're standing straight normally, then I don't think hip flexors are so tight that it's bending them forward. You know what I'm saying? They're already standing straight. Well, okay. Who do you know stands the fuck up straight? Well, okay. Out of your clients, what are you training?
Starting point is 00:47:01 Well, here's a thing. When you see someone with a strong anterior tilt because of a hip flexor issue, do you see them having more of a bend over issue than say somebody with a posterior pelvic tilt? Sometimes, sometimes not. Like I don't see enough consistency in this to say hip flexor, I feel like that's more of a crapshoot than getting the quad strong and then seeing people
Starting point is 00:47:22 get more aggressive. Like I rounded back too with the success of Ford, lightweight. And so, yeah, so, the rassic mobility, right? Therassic mobility hit ankle. Yeah. Yeah, you do, but yeah, Adam, right?
Starting point is 00:47:35 I see your point with strengthening the quad, so, I can't see that. Yeah, I can see that. I did like your idea of a front squat. I think that would be a great way to be able to figure that out for sure to see what they did right if you maybe do like You have you have to have a front squat. Yeah, accommodate that load So you have to like re position your body so you're yeah, or gobbled squat right a great gobbled squat or or a front squat
Starting point is 00:47:57 So I train I train probably people that are more decondition a more decondition than the clients you train, because I do train a lot of people at advanced age. One of the progressions that I do before I ever take them to a back squat, because a back squat I do after I teach someone a front squat. And the way I do it is I'll put a broomstick across their shoulders, across their arms, and they have to balance that broomstick on their shoulders as they sit down in a box and stand back up.
Starting point is 00:48:21 And it just teaches them to stay upright, but also activate the hips. Then as they progress and I use more and more weight, then I move them and stand back up. And it just teaches them to stay upright but also activate the hips. Then if they progress and I use more and more weight, then I move them to a back squat. But I always start with the front squat from the progression because it just teaches them to sit in that squat. And I have them sit down on a box
Starting point is 00:48:35 as it's very hard for people to sit down without a target. And then we'll just do them just to basic step up with like a real upright posture would be like ideal. I do that before I do the front squat, right? I'll have them do your step up typically for your de-condition person. See, but you don't think that somebody in like an anterior pelvic tilt,
Starting point is 00:48:50 which is lower cross syndrome, which is the most common syndrome besides upper cross syndrome, is someone with that tilt, the ass is elevated out. It's sticking out like that. Hip flexors are shortened and tight. You don't think we're losing a neurological connection
Starting point is 00:49:02 back to my glutes because you're not, you're not used to extending your fully extending your hips. Depends, it depends on, it depends. It's very hard to see if, it's easy. Okay. Justin, where you at? There's an interruption there. There has to be an interruption there. Yes, there has to be an interruption there. If you're not, if you're dormant in your, your hip flexors aren't getting any full range capacity, then yeah, like I don't see, I don't see you getting the proper contraction out of your glutes.
Starting point is 00:49:27 That's why I feel like floor bridges are a must. I think floor bridges regardless if you have someone who just started squatting you're probably going to have to do floor bridges with them. I mean I can't think of a person that I went did a squat without having them do floor bridges to fire the posture or chain. So but it's tough. It's tough to again it's it's so individual, right? Like you said, without us looking at someone,
Starting point is 00:49:48 very weird different. We are arguing. It's amazing. It's really not, we're all viewing a different person in our eyes, but no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, she's more rounded here. Just like, well, you got to think her shoulder's only a minute.
Starting point is 00:49:58 Okay. Next question. Oh, shit. Oh, damn, that's just an easy question. There's a weird argument. Did we, did we help that question? No,. I'm done. Ask us any questions. There's a weird argument. Did we, did we, did we help that question? No, I'm sad. I think you could do this.
Starting point is 00:50:09 I'm shit. I don't know. Oh well. Basically, correct, correct. Correct. Correct. I love, I love, I love the out of that right there. So we've get some of this up.
Starting point is 00:50:18 I love floor bridges. I love the reverse eyes. I love the box, front squats, box squats, or goblet squats. I think those are all money step ups. Yes. Excellent. All right. And Dorfon Ahalek is asking when we started Mind Pump, did you think it would go as well as it has? Mm. And Dorfon Ahalek, that's Aaron, right? That's our OG, OG, my mom. Sozzyman. Yeah, one of our first, so our favorites. Speaking for me personally,
Starting point is 00:50:50 I don't go into anything ever, not thinking I'm gonna kick ass. Now have I kicked ass at everything I've done? No, I've definitely failed a lot. I failed more than I've succeeded. But I have the attitude that it's gonna do great when I start off. Now here's the interesting thing about Mind Pump. And keep in mind, my first stint is an entrepreneur,
Starting point is 00:51:11 official entrepreneur. I was 21 years old when I bought ownership of a gem. So I've been an entrepreneur for a long time. So this is definitely not my first rodeo. But something unique happened to me when we started MindPum. When we recorded some of those first episodes, and I listened to them, for the first time in my life, I actually became, I actually got a little bit of anxiety over success. Like, I actually said to myself, like, I always believe I'm going to succeed. But when I heard them, and I heard the episodes,
Starting point is 00:51:42 and I heard the chemistry that we had I thought to myself like oh shit This is definitely like it's gonna happen things are gonna change very rapidly and what we say is gonna be heard by people and We have a platform where we can speak our mind and I got a little bit of anxiety I got a little bit of anxiety because I knew for sure it was gonna do well I knew for sure it would grow but also because I knew for sure it would grow, but also because I knew how passionate we were about what we were gonna say and how we would ruffle some feathers and piss people off and how nothing would stop that. And it was like, I knew like, okay, we're gonna get
Starting point is 00:52:14 shit. Like, we're gonna start getting some heat. It's gonna happen and that gave me a little bit of an exact, because I knew I knew that would happen. But yeah, I don't know, it's been kind of a rollercoaster, I mean, you know, it's been an exponential kind of growth when it comes to downloads and some of our influence in the fitness industry. It's kind of exciting. It's a little surreal, I guess, to have people recognize you, you know,
Starting point is 00:52:37 at the gym and stuff. It's kind of weird. Yeah, I think I could echo that, especially the nervousness initially in the beginning. And I think, well, some of it was that I knew, I knew like what our big goals were. And I just, I knew the way that we were approaching it, I was going to have to get, you know, out of my comfort zone completely. And, but I just, I knew the chemistry was something that was very unique and people would
Starting point is 00:53:04 totally enjoy it. And I just, I already know from working with Adam previously and then you're the same exact guy too. It's just like, this is unstoppable, dude. If we just all put the same amount of effort we've put into every single thing we've done previously to this, which is, the main thing for me is to this, which is, you know, the
Starting point is 00:53:25 main thing for me is that this is not like, this isn't the thing that I was like, you know, thinking I was going to work my way up towards, you know, this is just, this is just what happens when you put your fucking head to the grindstone year after year after year, and you work your ass off. And then you finally start to kind of get what you've been working towards. And it's never stopped like that, that work ethic and that hard work going into things has never stopped. And this is just, this is, this is how things go according to math in my opinion.
Starting point is 00:53:57 Yeah, I would say though, you know, I want to add something. I remember we released, how many episodes when we first, first, first came out, like three episodes, something like that? So we released three episodes, that was our launch. And I'm at the gym, training clients. I'm super nervous and super excited. And Adam calls me on the phone. This was what, a week, maybe a week into it.
Starting point is 00:54:22 Yeah. And he calls me on the phone and he goes, I'm gonna put you on, he goes, hold on, I'm gonna put you on a conference call or something like that. I remember, gets Justin on the phone and he goes, I want you guys to go to iTunes right now and go to the new and notable section.
Starting point is 00:54:37 And so I went to new and notable and there we were. We were on the, right there, ranked up with, I don't remember where we were, number 10 or something, on our first week of launching among all fitness podcasts on all of iTunes, all new fitness podcasts on iTunes. Which is a very big deal if people don't realize
Starting point is 00:54:52 because not because, of course, it's good because you're in the top 10 or whatever, but most people that are very successful in podcasting were famous doing something else first. Yes, this is a point we have to make. Yes, you're Julian Michaels, you're Joe Rogan's, you're fighter in the kids, Brennan Shobbs, We're famous doing something else first. Yes. This is a point we have to make. Yes. You're Julian Michaels, you're Joe Rogans, you're fighter in the kids, Brennan Shobbs, those guys like that.
Starting point is 00:55:09 They all had big names for themselves and something else that they did and then they brought and you know, Tim Ferris have wrote a book. You have all these famous friends that they can just call, they'll come on the show and then it's just like people know the name. They're going to download it. Bava, this is all just our own experience. Yeah. So I think, I think that was, which is gonna download it, blah, blah. This is all just our own experience. Yeah, so I think that was. Which is crazy.
Starting point is 00:55:28 Yeah, it is crazy. You know, I knew, and I'm gonna take some of this credit right here, I'm gonna steal some of the credit. What's it? I'll tell you how I'm gonna steal some of this. Do you see that? Well, first of all, I think one day we will probably release some of this stuff.
Starting point is 00:55:42 Doug has recorded everything. Almost every conversation ever had about business. What are you doing, dude? He's not releasing shit. You gave me that guy, like the basketball player, was it the Clippers? I got what the boss. That fucking guy.
Starting point is 00:55:57 No, don't be that guy. We have definitely, and if you could have heard the first, the very first time everybody got in the room, I think everybody just kinda knew it. And I knew it ahead of time and the way I was gonna say, I'm gonna take this credit for this, is that I kinda put these guys together.
Starting point is 00:56:14 I've had an opportunity to work with hundreds of trainers in my career, hundreds. And lots of very talented ones, lots of talented. I could probably name anywhere between 25 to 50 easily trainers that are very successful at their doing or whether it be in fitness still or moved on to other bigger, better things that would be great guys, great guys to work with and stuff.
Starting point is 00:56:39 There's a reason why I'm with the gentleman in this room and we have something very special. I've known that we've had something very special. And when you put all of us in the room, the very first time, you just kind of knew it was there. And to be honest with you, the big the big one is knowing that first of all, these guys are all badasses. So of course, I knew that. Of course, I wasn't going to, if you're building the dream team, you're not going out, I'm just picking average Joe. So in our area, what we do, these guys are very, very bad at what they do. Well, I have to have to sort of interject too, because we, you and me both have worked
Starting point is 00:57:13 together and we've worked with like other contractors and the limiting factor really was always that, you know, we were having to outsource and we have the outsource work in like, we just would be up in our, up to our hair in all this stacked up nuance stuff that we had to accomplish every day. And then Doug comes out of nowhere, did? And it's just like this stack became like this little tiny form that, oh, hey guys, sign this.
Starting point is 00:57:42 Yeah, I mean, Doug is just a champion. Well, that was, that's why we're moving so fast that that is what was the cool part about the relationship was Sal kind of had this relationship with Doug that was very similar to the connection that Justin and I had where they had done business together before. They already knew how compatible they were with doing business and getting things done and then lo and behold, you know, Justin and Doug have a lot of similarities, Sal and I have a lot of similarities. But the biggest thing I think and I would I think everybody is, especially someone like Katrina, who's a diehard fan of ours, listens to everything we do, knows all these gentlemen
Starting point is 00:58:15 very well. And has seen me build businesses before and have partners before is she always talks about how crazy, how confident everybody is, everybody knew it was going to be successful. But then what I know everyone thinks right away, like, oh, at one point, like the bands that always break up or like the ego would get in the way. That's that's a great point. Egos would get big and things like that.
Starting point is 00:58:39 I'm actually I knew from the beginning, just the way we all handled each other and the respect that we had for each other that no matter How big no matter how successful it always went that everybody had so much love and respect for the other person And it was it was extremely humble was extremely humble, but yet super confident And I used to always say this to trainers that you got to have this Altra cockiness about you, but then extremely humble at the same time. It's this crazy juggle that you need to have. Exactly what we want by the way, which is crazy. Well, part of it too, I think you got to consider that the message that we're giving right
Starting point is 00:59:15 now, it's the right time for this message. It's the right time for someone to come out and call out the bullshit. It's the right time for someone to come out and say, there's a lot of timing for you. You know, the fitness industry's full of crap. And you know, it's the right time for someone to come out and do that. And so luckily it was us. Yeah, we had to go through those experiences
Starting point is 00:59:35 for us to make this show possible, right? And like go through a lot of the building of our knowledge base, you know, on top of that, just like having funny stories and all these things happen as far as life's concerned. So yeah, timings huge. Yeah. It's a huge deal.
Starting point is 00:59:51 Revisiting the ego thing too, that I think is very unique about all you guys is that. Normally when you meet really intelligent, successful people, they all kind of have this like, they wanna be the authority, they wanna be the, they need to be the smart guy They need to always be right. They need to come off a certain way and none of us give a shit about that Nobody cares if somebody talks more nobody cares if you're right. I'm wrong about something like at the end of the day like
Starting point is 01:00:16 Oh, we're and we're we always have that this we all had this ability and I knew right away when everyone had this natural Self-depreciating humor like I do none of us have a hard time with being made fun of or being wrong or feeling stupid or acting stupid. It's hard to find that in super-altered, confident, successful people. That's their pitfall. The only one that happens to those same people is they're the most insecure people. They have major ego issues. It was very rare to find some other men that were this talented, that
Starting point is 01:00:46 were this intelligent, and then that didn't have the egos to go with it. I want to give a huge, I want to give a ton of credit to our listeners because our growth has been 100% grassroots. We have not, I mean, we've had a couple people that we've interviewed with large social media followings, but not like other podcasts that have interview after interview. ours has all been word of mouth. And I think like loyal, loyal people. Loyal and I have our back. And what we have there is,
Starting point is 01:01:13 and I think part of that again is our message. I think there's a lot of people out there lost. And here's these fitness guys who sound like they know what they're talking about, who are telling me things that kind of make sense. And oh my God, I've been doing things wrong and no wonder, and this is all making sense. And wow, someone's out there really fighting for me
Starting point is 01:01:31 and really wants cares about my fitness and cares about me actually seeing results and cares about my health. This is a message that is not prevalent in the fitness industry. It's rare. And so I think this is why we've grown as fast as we have. I think this is why we have a lot of people
Starting point is 01:01:49 referring to their friends, they're like, hey, I know you like to work out, listen to this. These guys are telling you, you're eating too much protein or these guys are telling you, eating small meals is a myth and you know, all that stuff. So. The point is we knew it though. Yeah, we knew it.
Starting point is 01:02:02 Yeah, we did. We knew when we sat down. There was no doubt in our mind that where it would go, it was more really a matter of time. And I think that's been the most, where it's at now is nowhere, it's nowhere near where it's gonna be. Oh yeah, no, it's so,
Starting point is 01:02:15 that's what I also believe in. I think it's gonna get a lot bigger or so. No, absolutely. If you like our show, please leave us a five-star rating review on iTunes. Also go to mindpumpmedia.com where you can check out maps and a ball, maps performance and maps aesthetic and some of our awesome guides like our Nutrition Survival Guide and our Fasting Guide.
Starting point is 01:02:34 And that's pretty much it. Thanks for listening. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. For more information about this show and to get valuable free resources from Sal, Adam, and Justin, visit us at www.inepumpradio.com. Until next time, this is MindPump.

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