Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 289: Tait Fletcher- The Full Interview

Episode Date: May 10, 2016

Tait Fletcher is a SAG award winning actor (Breaking Bad, Jurassic World, John Wick, The Equalizer, etc), an accomplished MMA fighter and BJJ Black Belt, host of the Pirate Life Radio Podcast AND a su...ccessful entrepreneur. He, along with Lacie Mackey (who joined Tait in the Mind Pump Studio) and Keith Jardine, founded Cave Man Coffee which produces superior coffee products made with hand picked, wet processed beans and roasted in small batches by a master coffee roaster. (www.cavemancoffeeco.com - use the discount code: mindpump for 12% off at checkout.) To say Tait is an accomplished and fascinating human being is an understatement. Not only has he been wildly successful in the sports, entertainment and business arenas he also embraces a philosophy and way of living that the Mind Pump Crew can get behind. Please subscribe, rate and review this show! Each week the best reviewers are announced on the show and sent Mind Pump T-shirts! Learn more about Mind Pump at www.mindpumpmedia.com.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mite, pop, mite, pop with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. That is the handsome as beard I've ever seen in my life. Thank you, thanks man, thanks. I spent a lot of time with you today. How long did you take you to do that? Which part?
Starting point is 00:00:21 The whole thing, because when I saw you... Mustache has to take the longest, no? Three minutes. Three minutes. Just a little little twirl there. It's quick. Is it wax that you use a twist the size there? Yeah. Because you were a sun's beard. You had no beard back at all. Was it you when you were a ultimate fighter? My whole life up until like maybe 2010 or 11 or something like that. You think there's an advantage in a having a beard in a fight in life? No, in a fight in life. No, in a course, a better human for sure.
Starting point is 00:00:47 In my scene 300 or not, but the facts are up. Test hospital levels 20% higher. Look at you. Right? In prison, always on beard. I think I have to and get yoked. You're gonna be a bitch. Jack, because I feel like the re I think I read some articles. evolutionists. So we're talking about why People had why men had beards and women didn't one of the theories was Why do we have here with the evolution or evolution? Evolution or
Starting point is 00:01:15 Number one a displayed health so like we had a healthy beard at man that we have like mites and lice and stuff like that So healthier than where healthier than women if we're gonna compare and contrast I mean This is why the other theory came out because it like, well, that would make sense for women to have a bigger one, right? So then the other one was that it would soften the blow for like getting hit in the face and stuff like that. Then if you like, shock and grab it, women, they can take a punch. I think in that this whole theory, maybe you should get on different. I don't know. I process anyway.
Starting point is 00:01:45 Yeah, that's off. Yes. Same as Nipples. Yeah. So tell us a little bit about, you know, what you're doing right now, because you've done quite a bit of things. You've fought professionally in mixed martial arts, actor, stunt man. Hey, it sounds maybe an intro.
Starting point is 00:02:00 No, well, well, I want to get to fucking know him first. My name's Tate Flutcher. Yes. Yes. Welcome, Australia. Awesome. You guys big in Australia? We are a little bit.
Starting point is 00:02:11 Yeah, a little bit. Australia is badass. It is. It's a great place. What was the last time you've been there? I've never been there. Me neither. It's just a place I want to go to. Then this is Lacey Mackie, co-hort and caveman coffee.
Starting point is 00:02:21 Hello. We're watching a launching caveman Australia this week. That's why I'm excited. Okay, all right on. Nice. Are you trying to get to go out there? Oh, Horton caveman coffee. Hello. We're launching a launching caveman Australia this week. That's why I'm excited. Oh, okay. All right on. Nice. Are you trying to get to go out there? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:29 That's a good idea. Whenever we got time. Yeah. Yeah. You know, it's hard to find that. So you've been out there, Bonsi went out and wrestled crocodiles before. Yeah. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:02:37 So you brought us these, I mean, these are like single servings of your caveman nitro. Right. These are nitro cans. Now, how big is this can? Because it's like half the size of a cocan. Eight ounces. Eight ounces. And you said it was 240 milligrams of caffeine
Starting point is 00:02:50 that little tiny. Yeah, 240. So a lot of people have said why such a small can? Honestly, if you go much further than that, A, you're gonna waste coffee. Nobody's gonna drink that much. And B, you don't really need more than 240 milligrams of caffeine pulsing through your veins.
Starting point is 00:03:03 And if you're a habitual drinker, like I am, you want to know like, hey, I've got four empty cans laying here. Maybe that's probably, if you just have one can, you don't know. Yeah, because that's, that's what I gauge that. I'm not responsible enough to do that. Well, I was, I was saying earlier like a regular coffee about eight ounces is probably half, half the caffeine. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:24 Why, why does this have more caffeine? How does that happen? It's the cold brew process. So instead of, you know, when you heat caffeine or you heat protein or anything, you kill it. Obviously, you're going to roast the bean a little bit. So you're going to kill a little bit of the nutrient value when you roast it. But then if you don't heat it again to actually brew it, then it's not going to lose a lot
Starting point is 00:03:42 of the nutrient density. There's more than caffeine. There's chlorogenic acid, other things that help with hormone control, energy levels, the way your brain reacts to coffee. So if we do a cold process, it's gonna be a little more powerful in that aspect. So that's one of the main differences between this and let's say some other coffee up at the grocery store or whatever. Yeah, you got a reverse engineer kind of back to the point where the being is a fruit,
Starting point is 00:04:09 right? It's a berry. And so the, you know, like any fruit, like a apple falls off the tree, however much nutrient value as it starts to degrade instantly, right? So the same thing as we cook things, like you can cook all the nutrient value out of a broccoli if you boil it too long or things like that, raw things are better. So the closer it is to its original form, the more nutrient value and antioxidants and caffeine being a good element to that is diminished.
Starting point is 00:04:37 You know that from like Starbucks and stuff right now, right? Starbucks is, that's the hottest thing right now is Colbert. Everyone's doing Colbert. Everyone's doing Colbert. Yeah, they just started it up. It's also a way of extracting all of the flavor without the acid. So if you have any like acid issues, like a lot of people can drink actual coffee because they get that stomach feeling, they get kind of nauseous, whatever that is, it doesn't, you neither need heat or pressure to extract the acid.
Starting point is 00:05:02 So without the acid, you don't get the bitter flavor and you also don't have that weird stomach feeling or elevated acid level of the body. Yeah, because when I drink coffee, I have to be careful because if I drink too much of it, it can upset my stomach. Yeah. And so that's the reason that I'm not here. Mainly because you're a pussy,
Starting point is 00:05:16 but yeah, that's how they're there. They're the reason, yeah. Yeah, it's the acid level. Well, we're complex people. We have a lot of reasons. So what got you in the coffee business? Because it's so different from what you were doing before, I guess. I don't know, just we're interested in it, I guess. I'd always been a bit like, I just only do stuff that I like. And I like coffee. And then
Starting point is 00:05:37 I got into. He really likes coffee, too. It's like, this is someone. He got a cold brew coffee, and then I got a hot coffee also like Rogan would always tease me because we would go get coffee and then I would I'll be like hmm We're in air conditioning right now, but it's 90 degrees. Oh, maybe I'm gonna need both and Just yeah, man, I'd always get to no matter what at least so anyway. We're a real a fictional I'm I'm a I don't know if that's that or a glutton. fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a fictional or a um, Lacey works in film also, uh, or was at the time anyway, and um, and we both had time off and so we started doing like butter coffee, like when that all kind of, we kind of popped all that out.
Starting point is 00:06:34 And then whatever I talk about, I can't stop talking about. So I got really vocal about it. And I was saying that this is, uh, you know, this is fucking awesome. I started, what happened, I guess, is I got got I was on a movie called two guns and I was on a ketogenic diet For like six months or something like that really strict and and so one of the big things that I infused my diet with was coconut oil and butter And so I would just I didn't know any better. I just put it in a Nalgene Container one of those hard plastic ones. I don't know if I leech poison into my body or not. But, and I put-
Starting point is 00:07:06 Melted plastic in there. I'm gonna be in there and I just globs of grass-fed butter and globs of coconut oil and I'd shake it up and I'd take it to set with me. And I just drink that all day if there was, you know, nothing good to eat there. And that kind of took care of my nutrition in a lot of ways. And kept me at an elevated level of fat
Starting point is 00:07:23 so that I didn't crash and then I was able to keep my carbohydrates down below like 90, I guess I was at that time and that was kind of my first. Like after I quit fighting you don't have to make a wait and so I kind of started to play with my diet and I'd get really strict about a primal diet or I became friends with Rob Wolfe
Starting point is 00:07:40 and I went paleo strictly and see what my results are with all these things. I'd done the zone diet before which which is ridiculous, but it's a thing. Like, there's all these things that are out there, like, and so I was like, well, we just have a plava, if I don't do it, I just have talking points that don't mean anything. So I want to go ahead and get into it and have some substance to whatever it is I say. And so I just tried all these different things. Keith had had some troubles cutting away.
Starting point is 00:08:03 He went to 185 and then I started talking to about different things and about how these things can affect your hormone levels and that and stay on a ketogenic diet does that for a long time. I noticed my cortisol level spiked after like six months and then I didn't feel as good. So it's all you know it's all a dance that you do with your biological organism that you walk around in right and so you know everybody's got to find their own sweet spot like I was listening to you guys, and you're like, some guys work better off of a lot of carbs and other guys, like, et cetera. And so I just started that journey for myself,
Starting point is 00:08:32 and that was kind of a journey into nutrition, and that's where coffee came into play for it. And then I started to look towards high grade coffees and Lacey too, and I started doing like, like a coffee club kind of online on Twitter, like a top club. Yeah. People were like sending in copies and single origin copies.
Starting point is 00:08:49 And we started learning about what that meant, single origin, one place, one location. Yeah, I've heard you guys are big on that. Yeah. I mean, if you look at wine or something, so that really refined wine, you're not gonna find like a hide podge of grapes, like a blend of something. So really refined wine, you're not going to find like a hide podge of grapes, like a blend of something. You know, Charles Shaw is famous for taking like all the grapes
Starting point is 00:09:10 and putting it in one mix. That's kind of what the coffee industry does. Like Starbucks where a bigger place isn't going to be able to work with one farm or one flavor, so they have to buy a ton of beans and then really dark roast them so they taste the same. Or you'd also call that burning. Burning them, yeah. Because you can't really taste it to uniformity when you have different product, but you can burn everything so it tastes the same. So that's why you have that beautiful uniformity of taste at Starbucks is because everything is burned to the point where there's no nutritional value and there's no real flavor of what the coffee being ought to be anymore. Which I love for a long time. I'm like, fuck, whether I'm in Amsterdam or
Starting point is 00:09:43 New York or wherever it's the same cup of coffee, they've got it nailed, you know. And so you work towards thinking about what that is. And for me, I was like, I don't want to live in this homogeneous society where everything comes in on a Cisco truck or whatever. I want to be able to have choices. And so we started looking at the value of sustainability and small farms and farm to table movements. And learned a lot about that with Rob Wolfe, like, so, you know, part of what we do is looking towards there's funds that help small farms be able to fight groups like Monsanto or things like that.
Starting point is 00:10:14 But that became the whole discussion of it really, and then Keith was on transcendence, I guess, we were on that together, and then we met David and Juan, who are our roasters in Albuquerque, New Mexico. And they were, they've got a fucking awesome story. They were refugees from Colombia, bunch of kidnapped attempts on their lives
Starting point is 00:10:33 and like a real colorful history. They fled to America and then end up in New Mexico and they're roasting beans there and Keith Mellem. From their farm, from their family farms. So is that my farm is still sustaining and that's re-started? In Colombia. Yeah, that in Columbia. Yeah, that's what we started. Oh, right. Yeah, that's now where is that. So you got you guys still get beans from that. The beans you're drinking are from Columbia from the Calca Valley. And it's from their farm that they took back about six years ago.
Starting point is 00:10:57 So it's still all run by their family and basically all the beans come to Rose for cavemen and a couple projects that they do. And then we have a partnership with the Farman Brazil and then one in Ethiopia. I see. Fantastic. Now, you're, I guess one of your bigger, your biggest competitors will be like a, what's his name? Dave Asprey's like Bulletproof Coffee.
Starting point is 00:11:20 What would be the big difference between, you know, the two or, or is it similar? I mean, I've had, I would say as far as an idea like, when I first heard about, when I first heard about Dave Asperger, I fucking blew him up and I talked about him on shows everywhere and I kind of made his, I was like, I'm not, I'm shitty to say I made his brand. I didn't do that. Like, he had a lot of work that he'd done. I called him. I loved a lot of his ideas, man, and, and so I started talking about Dave a lot of work that he done call the guy. I loved a lot of his ideas, man. And so I started talking about Dave a lot. And I was like, man, this fucking bulletproof coffee. And I was super stoked about it.
Starting point is 00:11:49 And then the more I knew Dave personally, it became a thing where I was like, you're supposedly a fat guy that got skinny that hacked his body or whatever. That's what I made a post once. I'm like, hey, biohackers, you know, we can see your whole life, right? You throwing up in a trash can at night
Starting point is 00:12:08 and then talking about getting up magnesium, eat all the dicks, just shut up. You know what I mean? This topic. And so like, the thing is, is like, you know, if your life is a wreck and you turn it around, like, that's a great story, man. And I love to hear that.
Starting point is 00:12:20 I want to hear that. I want, like, that's my life. That's everybody's life. Everybody's got these things. They're fighting. But when you pretend you're a scientist, then you make claims that maybe aren't true. And I'm like, hey, maybe move away from that. And maybe you don't work with corporate Starbucks people that were fired from Starbucks for whatever
Starting point is 00:12:34 reason they were fired from a huge corporation to work for you and to blow your, like, and then Dave got really mad at me. So we went a different way. And then, you know, and then Rogan and him had their own thing. I'm not sure exactly. I mean, he claimed a proprietary process that his beans went through and they were organic. The mold and the last one. Yeah, and, you know, and we tested all those beans to results that maybe Dave wouldn't like, you know,
Starting point is 00:13:00 and then he was like, well, as a dude, I just want to know that I had the best stuff. I really admire you. And he got really weird. And I don't know what all that is. But I think my takeaway is that I think it's great that I see those stores that all those things are happening. Like, he said that to me too. He's like, oh, well, you want to be a competitor. I'm like, no, I want, I just want everybody to have good stuff.
Starting point is 00:13:21 And I think that's source from everywhere. And I want everybody to be accountable to their own choices, to know what those choices are, to be more informed, and to have a broad spectrum of products to search from like, are we competitive? Like, that seems weird to me. Like, I don't have that. So you had this real scarcity kind of mindset about it, which thought was odd. And so anyway, we haven't spoken since then, but I'm excited whenever I see his stuff or anybody's stuff because that's a great conversation about that kind of autonomy of body and knowing instead of going,
Starting point is 00:13:56 oh, will you just tell me what's, I mean, you guys must run into it as trainers or whatever that, just tell me what's good for me. I don't wanna know. And it's like, I'm not really interested in you even drinking my coffee. If you don't know what it is, because if you don't have the conversation inside your heart
Starting point is 00:14:09 and you don't have a result that you've activated through manifesting action towards that end, then you don't have anything to talk about. And I need you to save all the people around you. Like we all need to be engendered with this kind of a conversation if you want to make any kind of difference in the world at all,
Starting point is 00:14:25 otherwise you're just selling a fucking product. And the thing that I think Keith and Lacey and myself were really clear about is we wanted a movement towards health. We don't want a fucking product. I don't care to be a businessman. That's not something I ever aspired to. I just wanna have fun and I want people to do awesome shit and I don't want anybody to suffer on me if I can help.
Starting point is 00:14:44 You know what I mean? And so, that becomes that becomes the charge is me here you see that this is the main reason why we wanted you to come on the show So that you know even though Doug does not use Google No, no a lot about you and and have read a lot about and can I get an idea of your your values what you stand for and what you talk about is Very similar to our mission with the supplement industry. We have an issue with these people that are PhDs or these people that these big supplement companies that pay for these studies to promote all this propaganda
Starting point is 00:15:15 that makes people think that, oh shit, if I buy this supplement, I'm gonna look like this guy, or if I take this fat burn, I'm gonna look at this. And the industry is fucking, it's unbelievable how much we're drowning in it. It's gone away from health this. And the industry is fucking, it's unbelievable how much we're drowning in it. It's gone away from health. And, and it's yeah, and so we, this is where the three of us came together and said, somebody has to fucking do something about it. Somebody has to come
Starting point is 00:15:34 out and say something and start calling all the bulls should out. And that's where that's where this evolved and came from. So, you know, listening to you talk about that and the way you feel is the same passion that we have for the fitness industry and how corrupt and how fucked up it is. And it's, and we don't see anybody as a competitor. We're just trying to enlighten everybody. We're trying to show everybody that we encourage it. Really, yeah. Well, it's interesting. I'll tell you what you said something interesting. You said you had a scare city mentality. You know, years ago, when I would manage health clubs and
Starting point is 00:16:03 another gym would open up down the street. A lot of a lot of gym managers and owners in that situation would be afraid, right? Oh, here's a competitor. When I saw another gym open up nearby, I knew that they were going to bring more awareness to the area. I knew they were going to bring more customers total. And the reality is it brought everybody up. And so that's the way I viewed them. So, you know, and coffee's got a very interesting story over the last, I don't know, 30, 40 years. It wasn't that long ago. I mean, when we were kids,
Starting point is 00:16:30 coffee was considered unhealthy. This was because the science was bad. You know, they had bad science at that time. And also, if you have, you know, none of those tests are done with the same beans, none of those, like, so there's no uniformity of any kind of testing that they were doing at the time either, which is interesting. Wellity of any kind of testing that they were doing at the time either
Starting point is 00:16:45 They which is interesting well one of the major issues that they did that the problems that they had is when they would test People who drink a lot of coffee and they said oh drink lots of coffee. You don't live as long or you get heart disease Whatever what they forgot to do was control for the fact that you know 30 40 50 years ago people who drink a lot of coffee also Smoked a lot of cigarettes And they never controlled for that. Or even though it's all day long. Right. I mean, it's like, you know, that was bad. There's so many things.
Starting point is 00:17:10 There's a lot of facts. You have cholesterol is horrible for you. Oh, it turns out that if you don't have any, you also have Alzheimer's. You know what I mean? It's like, I mean, there's all that kind of stuff. Right. And so it's made this huge turnaround. And rightly so, it is, it is a product that's from a natural,
Starting point is 00:17:26 it's a plant. It's really not that different from tea, right? People drink your tea, coffee, very high-nan oxidant, it's very good for you. So I enjoy this movement quite a bit. I think it's very, very good that it's happening. So it's now the second largest traded commodity to oil. So it's like, it's the coffee is, it's the largest.
Starting point is 00:17:40 So it's got that much power. What's that I was introduced to? I can't go away from it. Yeah, it's the most addictive substance I actually had a guy had a fitness event I guess it was a year ago now and he was 82 years old a Trainer hadn't had coffee before and it had decided two weeks before I met him that he was gonna try He was like I can't believe I was missing out of this for 82 years and he proceeded to drink for and I was like
Starting point is 00:18:03 You really should like lay off and he was like no,. And I was like, you really should lay off. And he was like, no, no, no, I'm good, I'm good, I'm good. And he hung out there with me the whole day was so pumped, sold more memberships to whatever gym he was on like two. And probably had a heart attack when I was at home, but he was so pumped on it. He was like, I never knew what I was missing out on my whole life.
Starting point is 00:18:19 So you guys are gonna be opening up in Australia and right now you're in the US. We're just starting distribution in Australia. So it'll be cavemanman coffee code.au. And people can go on there and order. There's a bunch of amazing supporters from Australia that will order a bag of coffee and ship it all the way there, which is $90.
Starting point is 00:18:35 I know it's so exciting. It's unbelievable. Yeah, so we met some really cool distributors that work with a couple of other companies that we trust. And so they're going to help us with that. And that starts this week. Now, Tate, is this consuming most of your time right now focusing on this part of the business?
Starting point is 00:18:50 No, I mean, no. Tate has a lot of projects. I'm lazy as shit. That's really, like I, I, uh, I barely get the thing done and, and Lacey is really, like she and Keith push this brand in the, in the biggest way and, and, um, make sure that it all works and that there's a can with coffee and it doesn't have poison. I mean, like I would say to people too, I'm not responsible in a lot of ways.
Starting point is 00:19:13 And it's a horrible analogy maybe, but I would be a horrible owner of a vagina. You know what I mean? I would use that thing as a purse or pocket to be litin' it. I would never get it checked. I'd be the most unhealthy owner. It'd be a filthy vagina. It'd be horrible.
Starting point is 00:19:27 And so left to me, it's not gonna be a delicious beverage probably in the can. I don't know, maybe. But really, great image. Just to play your hand. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah. But as it is, you dirty vagina lovers and coffee lovers.
Starting point is 00:19:40 It would have nice pubes. You got to braided pubes. The thing about, you're talking about about the gems and all the different Like for me like I look at that and you're like everybody gets better if there's healthy competition everywhere and the only person that suffers is a guy with a mindset That's broken and that's done That the guy that's I remember when I was a little kid I was like oh fuck it'd be great when I can retire and just do nothing I had no idea what I want to do. I'm in fourth grade, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:20:07 But I just, I knew like, everybody around me would be complaining or they're not wanting to do much. And I was like, that seems great. Like if there could be a beach somewhere. And the more I get busy doing life, fuck, I don't ever want to stop. Like there's always more to do. There's more projects to do. There's more people doing power. There's more people to empower.
Starting point is 00:20:25 There's more to be involved with where you, like, so the only person that suffers is the guy that's done and it doesn't want to learn anymore. There's always more to learn, you know? And so if there's a gym that opens next door to my gym, that's fucking rad because my personality better, get better, my deadlift better, get better, my cue is better, get better. I betterlift better, get better, my cue is better, get better,
Starting point is 00:20:45 I better clean the bathroom better, like everything gets better. There's not one thing that gets worse and we compliment each other like that, because my flavors, I'm like, you know, clearly, I'm not for everybody, you know? But like, the guy next to me, like I still want everybody to have help,
Starting point is 00:21:01 I want everybody to have wellness, and so fuck, maybe you can speak to that person better than me, and maybe that you know what I mean? And like, and that's what community is, right? Well, that's no hate in community. That's a message that is sorely lacking in particular in the fitness industry, because I know you also operate a gym, right? And the fitness industry has been so far separated
Starting point is 00:21:20 from fitness and actual from health and wellness for so long that it's ridiculous. I can no longer mean. Remember when I was a kid and you'd look at Flex Magazine or whatever. And I'm like, Shaw, I need that as that. If I save up $68. Welcome back. We actually lost power to the entire blog.
Starting point is 00:21:36 What does sound echo to me? I don't know. It's not echoing. You already have a shitty voice as it is and then it sounds even worse than the shittier. Yeah, it sounds better. It sounds better. It sounds better. So we're back. You were talking about Flex Magazine shittier. Yeah, it sounds better. Now it's gonna sound better. So we're back.
Starting point is 00:21:45 You were talking about Flex Magazine, I believe. Oh, yeah. We're talking about, we're talking about, I guess I'm sure listeners will tweet this in that you're all fucked up, Tate, and that was wrong. But like looking at supplements, and you look at like one of these huge guys, Ronnie Coleman, or something, and you're like,
Starting point is 00:22:02 oh, there's plenty of rest and creatine, and then there's your results. Or what you know what I mean? And it or something, and you're like, oh, just plenty of rest and creatine. And then there's your results. So, you know what I mean? And it's like, and all these things, and you're like, whether you're a little kid, or whether you're an older person that's looking for fitness, it's the same eyes of Nivea Tay that are out there, and you're looking for somebody that has some kind of
Starting point is 00:22:18 dominion over that. And if you got 22-inch arms and look like Hulk Hogan, you're like, well, maybe that guy clearly knows something, you know, and so there's no health conversation about it, and then there's no regulation on that supplement industry. And that's kind of like, so what we look to do with, whether it's nutrition or with, you know, a pirate life podcast or whatever we do really is like looking towards a movement of empowerment for people. It's like what you guys are talking about with supplements is the same kind of thing, you know.
Starting point is 00:22:44 Just empower them with information so they can make the right decision. I mean, I don't even give a shit of people around drugs. I mean, like whatever, if you want to take Diana Ball or whatever, awesome, but your supplement company that makes up a fake name for it, God knows what you're actually taking. And it's a weird thing where that industry is like that. Well, there's over the counter stuff that's worse than the frickin black market stuff. But, and that's the thing is, so then you're a 16 or 18 or however old you are at GNC, and you're taking things that are altering your hormone level, but there's no studies
Starting point is 00:23:13 that go into that. There's no healthcare professionals that are adapted dealing with that kind of a thing. And so, you're left to rely on black market information or message boards or whatever for all your education about it. And people are doing that. Like it just seems like there needs to be a more honest discussion about it. I just saw a guy that from a company and he's got like one of these kind of cross-fiddy coffee companies and he just got busted for steroids at a lifting meet. And I don't know what it was. I couldn't even pronounce what it was. He got busted with some kind of androcystendion type of thing or something and all the letters.
Starting point is 00:23:51 And he goes, you know, while I was just trying to take some creatine and some, I usually take creatine before I lift. And that's, and so I just went to another competitor. I go, hey, you got any creatine and he gave me a pill, and I thought it was like a creatine. And it's like, how about you just cop to it? Like, for sure, that's not what happened. For sure, that's not true. You know what I mean? All right, Lance Armstrong.
Starting point is 00:24:12 You know what that reminds me of? It reminds me, I've trained a lot of, I've had a lot of surgeons and doctors as clients, and they'll tell me about the funny stories they get in the emergency room. And it reminds me of the dude that comes in with a cucumber up his ass. And it's always the same story. I slipped and fell. He always brings that story. I slipped
Starting point is 00:24:27 in the shower. I was changing the light bulb. I was making a salad in the shower. I was making a salad in the shower. The four batteries all got for this. They were all stacked. There's all peels in my bathroom. When you talk about like, you know, is there anything off limits or whatever? Like when before we started? And it's not you got to say that to guests or whatever, but and my heads are something like are there secrets anymore? I mean, because everything is what it is, man. And so I think it's a nice, freeing place where society's going towards that,
Starting point is 00:24:56 but to still try to hide your ass in those ways and be like, I mean, it's inevitable. Everybody knows everything. There's not an email that you've ever deleted kids. They're all out there. All your dick picks, They're all in the world forever. You know what I mean? And it's like the cloud is a big hard drive. That's what yeah, the cloud is just somebody else's phone and they're looking at it
Starting point is 00:25:13 right. Exactly. You know, they're jacking to it. And if that's the truth of it all, then fucking you better be fucking free living on front street. And being like, this is it, man. And yeah, I did this and I did that. And like, and everybody's doing that. Like, I mean, at I did that. And everybody's doing that. I mean, at a certain point, all the Republican guys that are not, you're all getting blow jobs from other guys in Minnesota bathrooms. How about you just go ahead and go,
Starting point is 00:25:32 I'm gay and maybe Jesus doesn't hate gays or whatever the fucking thing is. It doesn't be reasonable. But a lot of people are scared of the information age, of the age now where everything is shared, everything's recorded. I personally love it, and I'll tell you why. All the bullshit that we hide behind closed doors.
Starting point is 00:25:50 Well, you're a marquee guy, of course. Well, I love it. I like free-to-beam information, because it empowers the consumer, it empowers the little guy, but besides that, all the shit that we hide behind closed doors, all the fakeness that we put forward when we judge other people, well, guess what?
Starting point is 00:26:02 When all of a sudden it's all out there, when we can see what porn sites everybody's looking at, you can't say shit, Mr. Preacher, because we see you jerkin' off. So true. You hear what I'm talkin' about? 100%. And I love it because how are you gonna judge anybody
Starting point is 00:26:14 when all this stuff is out there? And it's gonna be out there, it's gonna happen in our lifetime. It's not gonna be that long before we're all recording our entire life, or we can walk around and we'll record everything that we see. I mean, we're already our own snitches. Like if you're not okay with that, get off Facebook or whatever. all recording our entire life, or we can walk around and we'll record everything that we see. We're already our own snitches.
Starting point is 00:26:26 Like if you're not okay with that, get off Facebook or whatever. It's like everything is already everywhere. And like that is the thing. And like, yeah, the whole, I mean, it's not a multi-billion dollar business because nobody likes porn. Like that's not how that happened.
Starting point is 00:26:40 You know, people generate money because people fucking love it. They create that. It's so big and it's conservative area. It's so big in a conservative area is only. Yeah. Right. All the interracial and all that is all in the deep South where they're like, that's the exactly.
Starting point is 00:26:52 Yeah. I, and this is why I can't wait for presidential elections 15, 20 years from now, because I can't wait for them to pull up people's Facebook pages and we'll be able to trace it all the way. Yeah. Yeah. 30, 40 years from now. Right.
Starting point is 00:27:04 Well, then you go, we're all just, oh, we're all just people. There's no pedestals, there's no anything. It's like, oh, everybody's just people, okay, cool. Like, it's a way more level playing field and it's more fair. I mean, I've seen a lot of people like celebrity and such that are put on a pedestal.
Starting point is 00:27:18 And it's one of the most unkind things you can do because you're asking people to not be who they are anymore. They lose a family. You know what I mean? And that's a weird place to live, you know? It was one thing we promised ourselves when we started the show that we would always keep everything real and raw.
Starting point is 00:27:35 And you know, at first I believe like I was kind of telling you off air, but when the lights went out that, you know, there was a bit of nervousness about that. There is a little bit of hesitancy because the world doesn't roll like that. Everybody else rolls differently. Everybody else put bullshit out there, be lying about earth like that. There is a little bit of hesitancy because the world doesn't roll like that. Everybody else rolls differently. Everybody else put bullshit out there, be lying about earth with that. So to be those people that put everything on front street, it takes balls. It takes press balls to be there. But the beauty is that when you do, like you said, you can't ever call somebody out on it. If you put everything out there, then you're like, yeah, well, motherfucker, if you listen to me, I said that like six months ago, you ain't
Starting point is 00:28:01 too, you ain't telling me you don't. It allows you to be more thoughtful about your actions and your behavior. And you go, okay, if I can't defend this and I don't believe in it, then what am I doing doing? You know, you have to be more honest, you have to be more authentic in that way. And I think people appreciate it because so many people, I mean,
Starting point is 00:28:17 one of my pet peeves is if you have an Instagram account and it's private, you're pussy. For sure. For sure. And then guys are like, well, you don't live in a small town. I'm like, how does that make it any different? Or what? It's great for kids.
Starting point is 00:28:31 I'm like, are you trying to hide that you have kids? I don't understand any of that. I don't want some pedophile jerk and all. I'm like, who follows you? Do you know that that doesn't happen? Like, do you know that that thing? And your kid's ugly. It's like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:42 Yeah. Oops. Nobody's gonna find yeah. Yeah. Oops. Nobody's looking at me. Nobody's looking at me. Nobody's looking at me. Nobody's looking at me. Nobody's looking at me. Nobody's looking at me. Nobody's looking at me.
Starting point is 00:28:52 Nobody's looking at me. Nobody's looking at me. Nobody's looking at me. Nobody's looking at me. Nobody's looking at me. Nobody's looking at me. Nobody's looking at me. Nobody's looking at me.
Starting point is 00:29:00 Nobody's looking at me. Nobody's looking at me. Nobody's looking at me. Nobody's looking at me. Nobody's looking at me. Nobody's looking at me. Nobody's looking at me. Nobody's that we draw on the sand that are illusions. And I think about that even with our presidential races and all that kind of stuff going on. How you felt all about all that?
Starting point is 00:29:12 Man, I feel like my mom gets all pumped up about it. I feel like it's like, hey, did you see Game of Thrones last night? It's like that a little bit with the debates or with whatever. And I'm like, I mean, it devolved into a place where it was, it was an actual big dick contest that literally, literally, he's showing happened with his hands. He's like, I've got big hand or whatever. And I'm like, this is a big, that you want to be taken seriously.
Starting point is 00:29:41 And you're measuring your dick on TV in a national debate for presidency for the most powerful seat in the world. That's amazing. What did he post today? And so like anyway, my point with it is I think it's silly. Yeah. And I think that it's a parody. We're spinning on a planet through space. It's not getting better. We're making more plastic. We're choking up the ecosystem. We're at the shits on fire everywhere. And nobody really gives a fuck to do anything because greed is more powerful than all that. You might as well just have a good time,
Starting point is 00:30:09 love the people you're with, try to build them up, live in as much safety and comfort as you can, because it's not getting better. Like, I don't feel like we're on the upswing, and so this whole thing, and I look at that and that seems like a dark thing, but I don't think of it as a dark thing, because I think when you're talking in a spiritual realm
Starting point is 00:30:25 There's another kind of continuity that we're not even privy to that's going on and fucking this is just this is just one of the rooms in the fucking in the in the grand scheme of things and we're walking through it. Well, see I'm I'm an eternal I mean, turnally Optimus and let me tell you why especially when I look at the way things are now We have now the most powerful decentralizing tool that mankind has ever seen. We have the internet and we have information. That too long from now we'll have 3D printers and shit like that. When you're a big company and you're this big corporation and you're partnered up with the government and you've got these controls so that you can make your product and other
Starting point is 00:31:01 people can. You've got the eliminated competition through illegal ways or whatever. It's not gonna matter because guess what? I'm gonna make my own Nike shoes at home on my 3D printer and oh, I can print my own percarset if I want to right now. And oh, I know you're saying that guns are illegal but I can make my own gun at home
Starting point is 00:31:16 with this 3D printer with a couple of pieces of material. I think moving forward honestly, and it might even happen in our lifetime, this, these, you know, game of thrones that happens with, you know, these elections don't think it's gonna matter i think people is i don't give a shit right you can say what you're gonna have the internet do we need congress i mean there's all that i've been saying that for years is like as soon as you have telephones you don't need to hire you to go there and say what the rest of us are thinking way over here in California. Like that's just not necessary, except once any biological entity is birth, it cleaves to staying alive.
Starting point is 00:31:55 And so that's never going away. It's kind of like when we alter the constitution, when, you know, when things like after 9-11 and the Patriot Act comes in, like once you give those freedoms away, they don't give a back. Surgeon seizure of Miranda rights of all that stuff, you're not getting them back.
Starting point is 00:32:11 That's a wrap. No, so you give that up and that's all done. And so the good guys like Elon Musk, why does he open source all his books for Tesla? So he doesn't get murdered is the first thing. And secondly, because he really adheres himself to the idea that if everybody's doing it, the competition will only make his company better also.
Starting point is 00:32:29 And also, I think he's a dynamic enough thinker that even if he told you everything he's thinking about today, he's already 15 years in the future. Like he's already ahead of that. Yeah, I think all of us are Elon Musk fans. Huge fans of him. And like I was saying earlier, I think moving ahead, are Elon Musk fans. Huge, huge fans of him. And like I was saying earlier, I think moving ahead, the competition is just gonna get better.
Starting point is 00:32:49 It's going to because to block competition with laws isn't gonna matter as much. But you're right, there's always people who want power and then people are scared. People want someone to lead them because they don't wanna do the scary stuff. And oh, you know what, I'm scared. And they want to make a decision.
Starting point is 00:33:06 Right, and here, spy on everybody because it makes me feel safer, even though it hasn't been proven to help shit. But you know what, spy on everybody. What could possibly go wrong with powerful entities spying on all of us and reading emails and watching what we do? What could possibly go wrong?
Starting point is 00:33:20 You know, look through history, look at how they treated people like Martin Luther King. And the thing is, is if it's all open. If it's all open, if it's all open. If you're gonna look at look through history look what how they treated people like Martin Luther King Well, the thing is is if it's all opened if every if it's all open You're gonna look at me while I'm fucking or while I'm picking my nose or taking a dump or whatever There's a like if that's if everything is open and available to everybody and I but I get to see you too Eventually everybody goes okay, well, let's have some privacy. Yeah, and we'll just agree to put some walls up You know, I mean, I mean, but I look at there, this way before it goes that way. But I agree the freedom on the internet
Starting point is 00:33:46 is an interesting idea and it's a beautiful concept that we can have an openness in these conversations and we can bring conversations like this to people that are maybe without these conversations and they go, oh my God, I'm not alone. If they're sitting in Indiana by themselves or whatever, not that Indiana doesn't kick ass, I'm not saying that Indiana, okay?
Starting point is 00:34:06 Fucking just understand. But the whole deal, I think, is that they're also curtailing that. And so they're choking off the information. And you only go to certain websites because you're only really allowed to see certain websites. Other stuff doesn't come up. Google reads every one of your emails already.
Starting point is 00:34:24 Did you guys think that you had free email? No, they read all that. They only email address. That's why it's free. It's because your information is also free to them. They read every single one and that's why you know, you get all the cookies, all the liplical or whatever that pops up on your fucking side stream. Yeah, you get K-Man coffee ads, you know? Little freaks, you know? You can just get your coffee. What the fuck, Google? But like, so those things are all happening at the same time that there's this openness,
Starting point is 00:34:54 there's big corporations trying to choke that off. And I love that idea. I mean, I'm an optimist in some ways, maybe a spiritual optimist, I don't know, but like, but I do know that greed wins, and I do know that as long as there's company like Haliburton that will say, yeah, go ahead, BP, blow up that fucking thing in the golf, and we'll just flood it with oil,
Starting point is 00:35:14 and then we'll pretend we know how to clean it up, and nobody fucking knows any of it. And so you've got people that can make huge fucking disasters. I mean, there's a group of people, maybe it does and maybe a hundred that were in a room, and they're like, hey, there's a group of people, maybe it does and maybe a hundred, that were in a room and they're like, hey, let's put seven nuclear reactors on the biggest, most active fault line in the fucking world.
Starting point is 00:35:34 Oh, and then Fukushima happens. Yeah, genius. And there's a bunch, and there's a no-no to clean it up. We'll throw saltwater on it. Like, I could have thought of that, and I'm nearly retarded. You know what I mean? Like, those are scientists, and they all agree to their answer, huh?
Starting point is 00:35:46 Like so that's why I'm not super optimistic because the guys that have all the money in the control, they don't really give a fuck. I mean you got Pakistan and India there, they're like we got nukes, we got nukes, you guys live in the same yard dummies. If anybody nukes anybody everybody dies. Like you guys share a board.
Starting point is 00:36:03 Which is, which is probably just wants to win. Which is probably why they'll never mentality. But that's probably why they'll never go to war. I mean, if the Soviets had new, it didn't have nooks and we didn't have nooks, we probably would have had World War Three. There was just a few years ago, where there was a woman that was posited to become the most powerful person
Starting point is 00:36:19 in the fucking world who couldn't wait for the rapture to come, who knew it was gonna come in her life and who wanted that. And that's Sarah Palin. So that's a person that would have her finger on nukes and believes in that and believes that Jesus is going to come and save everybody. So there's insanity like that with the most powerful people in the world. And you feel safe?
Starting point is 00:36:40 Yeah. I just feel like fucking, I don't give a fuck if I go. Well, this is why I never, this is why there's three keys. Right? Right? Well, that's why when I vote or whatever make a decision, I never want more power to those people. Because you never know who's behind all that power.
Starting point is 00:36:54 You never know. And let's be honest, the people that seek that power, usually are not the people you want to have power. You know what I'm saying? So crazy stuff. Tay, I know you're just to change directions. I know you started just a change directions. I know you started in MMA through Jiu Jitsu.
Starting point is 00:37:08 That's how you started training. I started to go back one modality. I started as a stick fighter with a group called the Dog Brothers. Oh, sure. Arlan Sanford, who is a founding member of the Dog Brothers, lives in Sanofenia, Mexico. I'd gone to Sanofenia, Mexico to go to a great books program there at St. John's College. I've got a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a's stick fighting and then a lot of those interaction for going to the ground and you know like the saying goes you know if you don't know Jiu Jitsu and you're on the ground it's like I'm a shark in the water and you don't even know how to swim
Starting point is 00:37:54 and the thing. Wait hold on so what do you mean went to the ground that means you guys actually fought each other with sticks and like like you like that's how you fought each other for real like like full contact. Wow. Yeah. That's legit. This is fucking gnarly. MMA in the cage must have been like, oh cool. That was the evolution for me, which was cool was like, I fought people with weapons, and I fought people like, multiple people like not fought, but like, or there's whatever.
Starting point is 00:38:20 Like in grappling tournaments, like, several matches a day, like, you know, upwards of six to eight matches a day of guys that you Don't know and so that's what it takes to get to a podium and a Jujutsu match or wrestling match or something like that and And then when cage fighting came up I'm like there's just one guy and there's no weapons And I already know who he is before him. I can study his style. It's awesome. Let's do that like and for me It was like I think a lot of guys in that era, it was more of a thing about what your expression could be. What the dog brothers, dog brothers started because there were guys that were heavily
Starting point is 00:38:53 armored fighting with sticks and weapons and what they'd found was it became like point fighting and karate. And there wasn't, they're like, what's the efficacy? No reality. If you didn't have a helmet on and I came across, would you have been able to close and still score all these points on me? And so let's fight without any armors to what happens.
Starting point is 00:39:11 And there was all the drama of it, like the dim mach death touch guys back in the day that would talk all that stuff about. You'll actually die from this. Or my sense they would fight in the UFC, except he would kill people. And he has a brother. That's right. Okay, don't even. I'm like, okay, dummy.
Starting point is 00:39:26 You don't even, I don't believe that you've made a phone line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line line And so you find, okay, look, there's a resiliency of the body, and then there's also what you do with pain, because it hurts a lot to get hit with a stick. It's a severe. But you have to go, okay, I'm in this moment right now, and if I address this pain, for sure I'm going to get knocked out. And that was one of the beautiful things about it for me, is that you put the pain somewhere else, and you can deal with that at another time at an appropriate time. But it taught me to become the watcher of myself in a different way and go, there's something
Starting point is 00:40:10 else that we need to address here that's a higher order of things. And like, you know, like you talk about the hierarchy of needs a lot. And it becomes like that in a real prime way. And so that was the most beautiful time I'd ever had with stick fighting. And I thought, fuck, it was the biggest freedom that I ever found. And I learned a lot and I learned a lot to appreciate my opponents. And then in my opponents everywhere,
Starting point is 00:40:32 they became, that's why I don't really see, like, oh, that's my competition. It's like my opponents are the things that make myself me in a lot of ways. There are a reflection and an energy that you can balance off of that creates a bigger energy than that you could ever have alone like you can't have that singularly. So that was my first thing with fight. I mean, fight or match. Crazy swan comes in mind for you. First one that comes in mind.
Starting point is 00:41:07 One of the coolest ones I did, we're at GrabBert's Quest and it was the first time I got in a magazine, which was really cool because there was not really any grappling magazines back then. And so every four months, they would do a quarterly grappling, or a black belt magazine. And I was the double centerfold me and Marvin Eastman at a GrabBert's Quest.
Starting point is 00:41:24 That was really cool. You know, the craziest I got knocked out by a guy one time at a championship fight in WC and this guy Scott Smith, I think he could call some hands of stone or something like that. He's a savage, but he'd be hurt, man. And like he fought three of my friends also that he got fucking hurt. He was in trouble and fucking knocked every one of us out. Like when he was in deep trouble,
Starting point is 00:41:52 like he's in a bad and not- He'd come back and he said, Yeah, that was a memorable deal for sure. But anyways, yeah, there's a lot of that. I mean, I don't know. It's a nice brotherhood to be able to be a part of. I think people see what fighting is as a viewer. And to me, it's a real different thing than that.
Starting point is 00:42:12 There's a real familial aspect. And I like that it goes back for me to the dog brothers in a way where they go, we're not here to smash each other out necessarily. You're here to make these counterparts of your tribe stronger. And so you fight to people's levels in that way, you know? Well, one thing I noticed, I did Jiu Jitsu for about six years.
Starting point is 00:42:32 And one of the things I noticed about it was, like most, I think, fighting styles where you go against each other full contact, right? You become humble. You realize very quickly that you're not as big of a badass as you think you are, and that somebody could kick your ass at any given moment, and that, you know, your body's flesh, and everybody just becomes, it's just cool, all of a sudden, the big dudes cool, the small dude, and everybody's respectful, and that was the
Starting point is 00:42:57 biggest thing I picked up, because I remember when I walked in the first time I went to a school, and I outweighed the instructor by 80 pounds at least and I even had a little bit of judo experience and he submitted me five times in five minutes. And the same thing I had except mine was like a minute and I was like, I was like, this doesn't make sense to me. Yeah. And then you're left with one or two things. You either go, this is gay.
Starting point is 00:43:18 Yeah. Right. Or you go, holy fuck, I got to know more because I thought I was tough three minutes ago. And now here I am and I don't know anything. I've humbled the hell out of you. It's awesome. I stopped training, I haven't trained for about five or six years, but I do keep up with the sport of Jiu-Jitsu,
Starting point is 00:43:33 and what's your opinion on the current state of the sport? Because I see a lot of... You watch EBI? Well, I'm talking about like all the different positions I see, like there's a lot of people getting locked up in 50, 50 barombalos, you know, their backwards upside down and it just looks so different from six years ago.
Starting point is 00:43:48 Just six years ago, when I was training, it was a little more it seemed self-defense focused, even the sport judges who then versus now, I don't know. I think that evolution happens, right? And I think that one of the things that I used to think about, and I think that a lot of things that I used to think about, and I think that a lot of teachers, I mean, it's the same thing.
Starting point is 00:44:07 It's like, it's another, it's like, you know, famine thinking in a way of like, my techniques, the best, you've got a school, but your technique is shit, and I'm gonna keep all my students here and talk shit about, cause I'm afraid they're gonna lead. There's all that thinking in Jiu-Jitsu circles, right? And for me, I think about it, it's the same way I think about business in a way,
Starting point is 00:44:25 and I think it should be free. Man, like Jiu-Jitsu is a thing that sets people free. It's a thing that forms people into being who they are. And I think it's a necessary component of humanity. It's kind of the same way, like it should be free to learn how to eat correctly. It should be free to learn how to defend yourself in a way. And by free, I mean, there should be free exchanges
Starting point is 00:44:45 that information. I mean, people need to be paid to be in that job. Everybody's got to live, right? But like, the thing is, is that information should be out there, and it's not. It's secular in a lot of ways. Like, if you go to different schools, and not all schools feel that way.
Starting point is 00:44:58 But, you know, the camps that I'm from, like Jackson's, Winkle John, it was always encouraged to go out and find different techniques. What's working? Oh, let's go and let's iron that out and see if that's good for us. And the same thing with Eddie Bravo, you know? But it seems like what's working, you see a lot of the guys going with the what's working, but they're strictly with the sport Jiu-Jitsu and it's stuff that, you know, someone translate
Starting point is 00:45:24 to MMA. Well, I know, someone translate the MMA. Well, I would translate it to a street fight. It would, yeah, and so you see two camps, like one camp is like, oh, it's, you know, all those guys don't have a have of a real fight. Yeah, that's what I would say. It's like, it goes back to what I was saying about the diet and that you've just got pilabver
Starting point is 00:45:39 and you've got talking points if you read the book, but if you haven't eaten that way and disciplined yourself that way, shut the fuck up because you got nothing to share. You've got nothing to talk about. And that's the same way I feel about sports jutsu. I feel like that if you're know what you're going when I come to you to train and I go and and you're a trainer and you have efficacy and you have an ability to be able to route courses towards different results. You got to ask me what I want. What are my goals, right?
Starting point is 00:46:08 Without that, we don't have any direction to go. And so the same thing with, I think, martial arts in that way. Like, what do you want to do? You want to just get in shape. You just want to get out of your head for a couple hours a day. You know, there's a lot of good aspects to martial arts. Mental health, physical health, self-defense,
Starting point is 00:46:24 like all these different things. And so I think that there's the conflation of Jutsu and MMA fights is, it shouldn't be as tight as it is. But everybody coming up in Jutsu since, I guess, like 99, there's always the guys, there's the competitors. If there's 100 guys in a room There's 20 guys that are competing maybe maybe 10 right top competitors that are there that are competing all the time Putting on the line trying to bring a name to their school and bring pride and all that and then there's a group of guys
Starting point is 00:46:56 And there's like 10 guys in there out of that group that are that think they're tough by association Right and there's other guys that just have their egos and play, they're like, oh cool, cool, you did that too. Those time guys though are poison. And there's always that 10% of the fucking group that are knuckleheads that are out there that are like, that they think competition, like if I'm a competitor, that, well, I did good against him
Starting point is 00:47:21 and he's a top competitor, so that means I'm good, no, it just means that we trained today. That's all all I mean. You fucking dummy. There's a big difference. So there's all that So those same guys also think that they're street fighters And I saw guys at schools all the time that would do like I saw this young kid Tim and he was hilarious, but he would go as soon as he learned how he was like a little spoiled kid and titled dad dad paid for everything, bottom of brand new car, like the whole deal. And a guy easy not to like. And then also he would go and pick on kids at school because he knew a rear naked choker, whatever.
Starting point is 00:47:53 And then he would get smashed because he's like, I don't know anything about that, but I know about this and they'd knock him out or whatever. And then he'd come back and be like, I don't like, well, stop picking on people, you won't get beat up so much, dumb dumb.
Starting point is 00:48:04 You know what I mean? And stop jumping guard on the street. And so that was the thing. But I think that, I think there's that. There's like, and then there's guys that try to make their like, auditorium, all those guys are like, well, the real Jiu-Jitsu, my grandfather, talked about self-defense and all that.
Starting point is 00:48:20 And like, Hanzo has a great response to that. Hanzo, who's the best nicest guy. That's my favorite. It's crazy. I mean, he's tremendous. He's like, how come you guys aren't on any podiums? Now, we'll see you guys at certain minutes. What time?
Starting point is 00:48:34 Well, so there's that. So it's like, what are your goals? And this is why, like, so Eddie Bravo brought a lot of newness to Jiu-Jitsu, a little while ago. That's why I'm Jiu-Jitsu, yeah, and all stripping no G. And he did import distinction. It's very, very important. The reason, but his goal was to make his brand of Jiu Jitsu more effective for fighting.
Starting point is 00:48:57 So his things, his rubber guard and the series that, you know, the series from the rubber guard. That was very effective from a self-defense perspective. I see a lot of these new moves and these spins that they do and they're upside down and they're donkey, guard, and all those words. I'm like, what are you doing, man? As a spectator, I just wanna, and I loved you, Jetsu.
Starting point is 00:49:12 Well, and if you're Jeff Glover, maybe you pull that shit off. Like, that dude's a wizard, right? Well, he's a genius. But, yeah. You can't be Jeff Glover's blue belt and expect to have those results. Like, he's put in numbers. Like, it's all a numbers game in that way, you know? And I think that's one of the big things is that the guys that are the best, like right now, you look at a Gary Tonin or his guys out of Hanzo's and Jeff Donner's guys out there.
Starting point is 00:49:35 Man, they wrap for a couple hours a day where they're just doing wraps. And then they train for another two, three hours a day. And then they're thinking about Jiu Jitsu. And then if you want to talk to them, they don't want to talk to you unless you're talking about Jiu Jitsu. It's like, and so you're, you know, the hobbyist always looks at the highest echelon of the sport. And they're like, I'm like that too. And it's like, no, you don't even have any idea what it takes to get like that. And or, and maybe there's not the time. It's not that you should be there. But to notice that those are different conversations, I think is super important.
Starting point is 00:50:08 And the self-defense aspects, I'll say this, I'll say whether you're in sports or jitsu, whether you're at Gracie Jiu-Jitsu, whether you're at 10th planet, wherever you are, if you do solid numbers and you train for two or three times a week or more for a year and somebody that doesn't, that's somebody that doesn't,
Starting point is 00:50:25 even if they're a pretty good wrestler, will be like a child on the ground with you. People don't realize that. So, your self-defense thing just comes with numbers, man. It's just putting that in. And as far as pulling guard on the street, I've done it before. Not super-priced smart to do.
Starting point is 00:50:39 I was in kind of a controlled way, meaning I knew all the players that were in the room and I was really confident in my guard also, but I've jumped the Oma Plot time, my guy, and I put him to sleep. But that was something that just I did reflexively because I'd just been training that because Eddie was like, hey, dude, I don't want you to start on top, I want you to earn the position. And so all I did for like the last two months before that was I was just pulling this one position out of an almost plot the all the time. And that's where I went all the time and I was just killing dudes with it. And so that's what I'd done
Starting point is 00:51:12 the most reps in. So when it came time, I threw a leg kick. And then the dude kind of doubled over and I saw that shoulder and I jumped right to a normal plot. And then and then I ended up having a transition and choke him to sleep. But that was, Well, that's good for a big guy. That's the thing. Because big guys get away with playing the top all the time. Sure. Why was a bigger guy? He was like maybe another 50 pounds and,
Starting point is 00:51:32 Oh, it's five. And he was like, He was like this six days. I love how that didn't make the crazy story. He was like, I'd say, give me your, give me your creative advice. You're a big fucking guy.
Starting point is 00:51:40 You know, this one time I got knocked out, but I won't talk about the time that I knocked the 255 pounds I was doing. I was like, I've heard joke to my ass. I don't know. I like that. It just shows the humility. It shows your humility right there.
Starting point is 00:51:50 I tell you to pick a story about fighting. I think 99% of the people would have shared a story about whooping somebody's ass. You dominate. Yeah. The first one that came to mind for you was a humbling exercise. Well, my best one was a stick fight, I think, maybe. And I was at a park and we used to fight in this park down in her most of beach and And I usually I fight there's different widths of sticks and
Starting point is 00:52:14 So the guys that wanted to swing their bigger balls they would have bigger sticks and be like who wants to fight me with this stick or whatever and and generally There's like 300 people watching back in the day anyway and like 15 or 20 guys that would fight and everybody would watch these guys fight and I thought that this guy and he says I want to fight with these sticks I should have just kept my own sticks which I was used to but they get slippery that retarded get slippery in your hands and so I Fuckin go to swing and and And the fucking stick is gone in the stratosphere and the fucking stick is gone in the stratosphere. It's been spinning away from me and I'm like,
Starting point is 00:52:45 and dudes right in front of me, looks at me, don't, and I get cracked on top of the head. And I go down to my knees and the first thing, the first thought in my mind, I mean, it's not humbling at all. It's like, it's all the air, I go, it'll be so embarrassing to get knocked out in front of these people.
Starting point is 00:53:03 All these people watching. And I'm done with one knee and it's black. And like the elevator doors, a consciousness are kind of vibrating closed. And I look and I see his feet and I just fucking, I come up and I stack them and I was able to finish. But like that, it's interesting. I love that experience because it shows how crazy
Starting point is 00:53:22 the mind is in that time. You know, like those little moments that become forever kind of. It's like, and then it brings in all those crazy questions about does time exist? And what is distance and all that? But anyway, yeah, you want to talk about stretching time out. I mean, you get caught in a situation like that. Yeah. Three seconds feels like 10 hours.
Starting point is 00:53:39 Dude, I never knew what that was. And then I read this book called The Rise of Superman. You read that? I haven't read that. You guys need to read it. Read it and fucking call me because God damn, it's interesting. About time dilation and about all of the juice that makes us us and it goes through all these extreme sports.
Starting point is 00:53:55 It's fucking fat. It puts a language to feelings that I'd had before that I was going through that I didn't know what that construct was that was happening physiologically in me. Holy fuck though, it's interesting. Well, they know for a fact, they can prove for a fact that as you age, you experience time differently than when you were younger. So, somebody who's young, time seems so much longer
Starting point is 00:54:16 than someone who's old. And they've proven that. That's an absolute fact. So, that seems obvious when you think back there, because don't you guys all remember when you were kids, you could wait for summer. It seemed like forever for summer, for summer to finally school to finally in
Starting point is 00:54:28 and summer get here. Now you fucking blink and you're like, fuck, I'm another year old. Less responsibilities, less things on your plate. Like just for this Christmas shop, and I'm Christmas shopming kids in a way. I just met a kid the other day and they're like,
Starting point is 00:54:39 oh, cool, how old are you? She goes five and a half, and then her mom's like, well, I think you're more like five and a half. And then her mom's like, well, I think you're more like five and 10 months or something. And but time, like, where time gets stuck when you hear the thing, whatever it is, it's like, that's a snapshot that becomes the truth. It's like, if I meet you when you're 12 years old, and then I meet you 15 years later, you're still 12 to me. Sorry about it. You know what I mean? Like, stay stuck in like this snapshot. It's weird how we're formed. It's very, very strange.
Starting point is 00:55:06 And then of course, you know, there's the report. I feel like we should be doing drugs if we're gonna talk like this. About time now. I feel like this conversation is heading for some mushrooms. Well, it's not great ambiance because it's so dark in here.
Starting point is 00:55:18 Wow, that's true. I was actually gonna bring this up. This could get real fun. Well, I was actually, because then you've got people who, I've never personally experienced like like DMT or Salvia or some of these really strong hallucinogens, but people will go under the influence for 10 minutes
Starting point is 00:55:33 and a lot of them will come out. Now, if I talk to a friend of mine who did this and he says he thought he was gone for like, yeah, he said it felt like 10 hours. My friends was telling me the same thing. Do you ever get choked to sleep before? I have been ch choke to sleep before? I have been choke to sleep.
Starting point is 00:55:46 I felt that. By the way, it's a very strange, comforting feeling. How weird is that? You get a choke. There's like a moment where you feel like, oh, there's a panic and then I'll let go. Yeah. In a way. Well, I think only a panic if you know it's coming.
Starting point is 00:55:57 The only times I've been choke to sleep, I've never allowed anybody to do that, but it's always been me fighting a choke and then I wake up and I'm like, oh, this is interesting tile on the ceiling. I wonder where I am right now. Like, there's all that, but it always seems like you've been taking a nap for hours. But in a deep R. E. M. Sleep. Like, so there's that, there's that flood of DMT and your brain that happens when you're in deep R. M. Sleep or upon death. And if your body thinks you're dying, it's flooding with hallucinogens to save yourself.
Starting point is 00:56:28 And so it's felt like I've been in like a four hour graphic, very well directed movie or something like that. And then I'm like, how long, so then minutes later, when I come to, how long was I out? Like, I'm like six or seven seconds, or whatever, it's like, it's a weird thing now. No, this is true, this is 100% true.
Starting point is 00:56:49 Like, GHB, it's the same feeling you get. Really? No, I got choked out. And again, I was trying to fight it. It didn't feel like I was gonna go out, but then next thing you know, I woke up, but it did, it felt like I had been asleep for a long time. I remember coming in at first split second,
Starting point is 00:57:02 I don't know where I was, and then I'm like, oh, okay, I'm here here and how long was I out? And guys like, you know, two seconds. Is it very strange feeling? This is why you'll see some of the kids, like in high school or whatever, they'll play that game where they knock each other out, they choke each other out.
Starting point is 00:57:15 They get that weird, trippy feeling. It's fucking weird, man. That's probably why I was like, like, coughing gas and all that too. It's like when you take that too far and then you're out and then that's it. Yeah, very strange, but to me, it's like, I mean, it's just more evidence how time is such a perception of your brain.
Starting point is 00:57:31 And what auto responses happen. I remember I was doing guard passing drills with, we were at this old place called the bomb squad in LA, where 10th planet Jiu-Jitsu first started. And I was in like a half guard and and the drill was the guy on top, he's gonna pass, he's gonna try to, he's gonna hunt the dars, and he's gonna pass with the dars or try to finish or something.
Starting point is 00:57:54 And we're doing like 30 second goes or something like that. So we switched top to bottom every 30 seconds if the guy couldn't pass, or if he did either way, whatever he just switched top to bottom. And I remember I was with this guy, Colossus, and Colossus is like, he's a professional bodyguard, and he's built, like he's like one of those adonis Cuban dudes, and like 250.
Starting point is 00:58:14 And he's passing any super sweet, like the kind, I hate bro, it's everything cool. Really soft and mellow, and carries a gun everywhere he goes, and the whole deal and Like if you're the princess of Monaco. He's the guy that's next to you in a three-piece suit type of guy, right? and so he's on top and he's got a daughter so he's going and he's passing and I come to Eddie's going all right, Switz top the bottom and and I kind of come to it that I hear his voice and I'm like huh and I see, and you know,
Starting point is 00:58:47 classes he's on top of me. And I'm like, all right. And he goes, jeez man, he says, I was trying, I thought I could get past your legs, but you just had that lockdown and you just want to let go. And I go, yeah, cool man, all right. And we switched to top, I never told him at all. I was just unconscious.
Starting point is 00:59:04 But it's like weird, like you're're your automatic function is like locks up or whatever It's probably the strongest locked-down ever. You don't even know. He's just like yeah, no idea That's asleep Yeah, it's like freezing in fear you guys ever freeze in fear you ever you ever encounter a situation where you just Just contract on no they show yeah, so like a deer, a deer and a headlights thing, right? They do. So you get so scared, you just freeze up. They do studies on this and like,
Starting point is 00:59:29 when people on like airplanes or buses that are crashing and they'll talk about people who are just like standing still and just frozen like they didn't do anything, they just stood there while shit went down and sometimes they'll get saved and afterwards they'll, they'll talk about how they just didn't, they couldn't comprehend and understand why they weren't getting roused. Like, why they could have out of body.
Starting point is 00:59:50 Do they feel like they're watching themselves? That's what they say. They say they're watching a movie and they're in there and they're just didn't compute to move or whatever. And to me, it's such a strange. Like how did that have like bolting, you know, but you're frozen. It's kind of like that dream we all had, you know, where you used to, you're naked and you're trying to run from everybody and couldn't get away. Too slow? Yeah, you're too slow. You're just running in the same place.
Starting point is 01:00:09 But to me, it's like, I just flew everywhere. Yeah, to me, it's like, what's the evolutionary like advantage of that? Like, why do we freeze? Like, at some point it was an advantage. That's why we have it with better. Yeah, like predators, you want to freeze, right? Like, I mean, some you want to run away from, but a lot of bigger predators you'd find. So that makes sense. Yeah, that just, where's Bob? Oh, he survived.
Starting point is 01:00:30 Yeah, if you, I mean, if you run from a bear, you can assure your dad. Oh, yeah, you're fine, right? Yeah, if you lay there, they say you probably That's a great point because I've been, I've been chased by a bear halfway. Yeah, I watched the Revenant. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:42 Oh, yeah, dude. Yeah, no No me and my me and my cousin. We were on a 13 and. Call of air doesn't count bro. They're intimidating. I was at the zoo. You know, I was hitting my kids in popcorn. And the call of air was like full speed though. Yeah. Full speed. No, we were all camping. I think we're at Yosemite. And we were 13 years old. Our families are camping. We went off hiking and me and him were playing on some trees That had fallen on top of each other so it like a big teeter tauter
Starting point is 01:01:09 So we're doing that thing back and forth and I see a bear and it's like it's like from here to like across the streets Far but I can see it so I freak out and I start running my cousin turns around the bear apparently Takes a look at us. We start running. I had no idea how fast bears were So this bear was like from here to across the street, right? It certainly takes a look at us. We start running. I had no idea how fast bears were. So this bear was like from here to across the street, right? Within, it didn't chase this very long. It was like three seconds that it chased us. That thing was like from the across the street to like where the wall is right there.
Starting point is 01:01:36 And you could see it breathing and hear it breathing. And luckily there were cabins nearby, so people were banging their pots and pans or whatever. Everybody saw that this bear just sprinted across. And it just cause it saw us running. So it must've come out. But I, it's like, oh, action. Dude, they are fucking fast. Like they chased down like horses.
Starting point is 01:01:56 You don't realize that shit. I'm like, oh, yeah, run. No, that fucker was right there dude. You hunt a bit, Tate. Yeah, I used to, yeah. All right, on what kind of hunting you do? White tail and just partridge woodcock, all that, I never hunted bearer and anything like that.
Starting point is 01:02:12 Oh yeah. You do with gun or with a bow? I've done both. Oh really? What's a leg with a bow? I've never done it. Yeah, you've got to be a lot closer. Really?
Starting point is 01:02:20 I wouldn't imagine so. That's pretty much it. I mean, that's a really big difference, right? And then your movement is just, it's a little different, you know? I mean, with a gun, it's super easy. Like, there's not a lot of movement. You have to do both a bow to draw a bow back and to be... You have to be quiet.
Starting point is 01:02:34 And then if you're in a tree or if you're on the ground, it's different. I've hunted out a pits on the ground and bowed through. But we would go out and we'd build our own blinds and all that kind of stuff. I grew up in Michigan and it's kind of is a common thing, you know. Oh, nice. That's, I know Rogan's big into hunting now. You guys all. Yeah, just recently, he got like last couple of years, I think.
Starting point is 01:02:52 Oh, really? Have you gone with him? Have you guys? So that's like a big, you guys are like a tight crew, right? There's a few you guys that, that's a handful. Yeah, because I've seen you, I've heard you on his show and stuff like, has he been on yours? On the, yeah, him and Sam Tripley, I guess. Oh, right. Yeah you on his show and stuff like, has he been on yours? On the...
Starting point is 01:03:05 Yeah, him and Sam Tripley, I guess. Oh, rap. Yeah. Last year or something, I don't know. How long have you been on air? With your partner? I'm so fucking bad at it. I'm really, well, like, I'm like, I'll go balls out
Starting point is 01:03:15 and I'll be like, we're gonna go like five times a week right now and we'll fucking just smash these out. And then it's been like, right now people are yelling at me on like, for the last two months, they're like, hey, it's been two months, fucker. When you're gonna get your shit together and put out a pilot like podcast, I'm like, I don't know, I'm a little depressed right now.
Starting point is 01:03:31 You know what ever, you know what I mean? It's like, your fans are brutal too. It's just me trying to do it. And then I got really over zealous. And I was like, okay, cause one dickhead is like, hey dude, love to have video. And I'm like, yeah, that's a great idea. Okay, I should do video.
Starting point is 01:03:43 They're saying I should, no, one guy said that, Tate. But anyway, so I'll let the tail wag the dog a little bit. I'll be like, all right, I'm gonna do some video then. And then I got another camera and learning, I can probably send an email and I'm like trying to, so anyway, I put a couple, there's some on YouTube. But then it just became like too much for me to think about and have the conversation and all that.
Starting point is 01:04:05 It's like I'm way better at just going in free style shit and do that. So like a guy helped this guy, Eric George, he's a bad-ass musician and a sound guy. So then I just upload stuff and send it to him and he put an intro on it because I never even had an intro on it. I just was like, I was be talking online, you know?
Starting point is 01:04:20 I mean, when you're like, oh yeah, we're unedited. I'm scripted. I'm like, I wouldn't even know where to begin to edit it. I don't know, I heard there's something called Garage Band, but I don't know. And so it's erratic at best. I do find it therapeutic at all. It's awesome, isn't it?
Starting point is 01:04:37 And it's conversations that I wouldn't normally have. And then I'm glad that I had the conversation. I never am excited to do it. I'm like, fuck yeah, I got this pocket. I'm like, oh, fuck, I've got to go do this thing. But it's always a, ends up, like it's like working out or anything else. It's like the retrospective aspect of it
Starting point is 01:04:52 is always really nice and I'm super glad I've done it. I feel like then you built something substantive that is maybe makes a difference. It feels to me like, we've talked about this before, man, I'll have a crappy, you know know day or I got some stressful situation going on And it's so therapeutic to get on this thing and talk. It's it's almost like being with a therapist except you don't have to listen anybody I need somebody though to I need accountability. It's like anything out I mean it's like people think that if you're in good shape or that if you did this or that that you're like they're like
Starting point is 01:05:22 Oh, well, you're just that way and I'm not that way. No, we're all kind of the same way. You know what I mean? We all need accountability. It's like, it's we all need inspiration. And people that are vibrating at a different or higher place or that seem to have their shit together more, they've just learned the discipline of how to get that inspiration and how to have that accountability
Starting point is 01:05:40 and they built that into their lives. Nobody gets it for free, I don't think. And it really diminishes the efforts that people that produce at high levels achieve. It's like, the rock didn't just become the rock, just because he was fortunate. Right. You know what I mean? It's like, he's been grinding for a long, fun time. He's been grinding for a long, fun time.
Starting point is 01:05:59 He's been grinding for a long, fun time. He's been grinding for a long, fun time. He's been grinding for a long, fun time. He's been grinding for a long, fun time. He's been grinding for a long, fun time. He's been grinding for a long, fun time. He's been grinding for a long, fun time. He's been grinding for a long, fun time. He's been grinding for a long, fun now, there's been a couple of people that emailed and they're like, hey, we'd love to sponsor that podcast. I'm like, okay, if people are gonna pay money for that,
Starting point is 01:06:09 even if it's a dollar, and I need to be able to be true to it and do something. So it's just like, for me, it's like a social media maturation. I need to grow up a little bit and just own it, you know? Yeah, we obviously love it to death. We love being able to talk on this thing and share our ideas and talk about our favorite thing, which is fitness and health.
Starting point is 01:06:30 Speaking of which, do you ever train people yourself or do you just kind of manage that part of the... I used to. Really? Do you now fitness? Do Jiu Jitsu or both? Both, okay. What I, my gym undisputed fitness,
Starting point is 01:06:44 it's at undisputedfitness.com. It started kind of as a training center in a way, and then there were some guys that were into Jitsu, and I was just on my way out of fights, and another friend had started the gym, and then it's all this happened, and there was a couple trainers there, and I was like, fuck, if I just go away,
Starting point is 01:07:02 I don't want it just to stop. There's all these people that are trained, like it's accountability, right? There was clients, there's some people that liked it, needed it and wanted it there. And so we just kind of kept that going, you know, and so I looked to what efforts I can do to keep that thing going.
Starting point is 01:07:18 Like I don't want to start something and not be a good steward of it, I guess. And so yeah, and so then I did everything. I'm teaching kickboxing, I'm teaching grappling, I'm teaching crossfit, whatever is there, I'm doing that. And then I started working in films around that same time. And I started going after that more and more,
Starting point is 01:07:38 so then my time became less and less than I'm called away. I'm different things. And so it just became empowering other people and getting other people away on different things. And so it just became like empowering other people and getting other people involved and doing that. And then it became, it's a bummer in a way, training people because you're not a student then. I think anybody that does a sport and that loves that sport after they start,
Starting point is 01:08:00 they're like, oh, I'm a black belt now. Now I'm gonna teach, it's like, it's like, man, it's nice to be a student, man. It's nice to, because you don't drill, the thing I loved about being an athlete was being an athlete. It wasn't showing everybody else how to be an athlete in a way, you know? And so it's nice to kind of be back into that kind of aspect,
Starting point is 01:08:19 more, because I don't have time to be a good steward of that. Like, I couldn't lead a class of people and be there five days a week or whatever they needed. But Ruben Rera can and so he does that and he's like a black belt at 10th planet Jiu-Jitsu Santa Fe and runs that and then Heather and Lorenzo and Nate, they run all the CrossFit and Strongman aspects. So I've got it like a, basically,
Starting point is 01:08:42 it's like a prior quad modality gym back in Santa Fe, New Mexico and then Lacey trained for years. She's actually taught me taught me my first CrossFit class fight gone bad and almost killed me. But I actually just sit in the car for 20 minutes because I couldn't drive like I couldn't use my arms. Oh my god, I was really fat. I did like junior Olympic volleyball, I was running marathons and it was the first time I'd ever done like, rapid, heavy,
Starting point is 01:09:07 I couldn't even lift a 45 pound bar. He was having like, help me, but he only had a 45 pound bar. So I was kind of like, be cool and. As opposed to a 35 pound bar, what's your first time? He had no skill. The ability, the gym was like super scary.
Starting point is 01:09:18 There was this giant tire and it was just me and my friend Blake, this girl who's like 80 pounds and a bunch of like super, super fit guys that were like big guys. And it was like, yeah, just do the bar or whatever. And I was like trying to do high pulls and, and I was like a couple guys, there were like 145 pound fighters.
Starting point is 01:09:37 So when she says super big guys, that's her fear of talking. I remember that being like super jack. I'm sure they're badass though, for sure. You know, whatever. They had like 45s on each side. But you stuck with it. I mean, I got hooked.
Starting point is 01:09:48 That was, that's my first time. Not only stuck with it, became the trainer to the top motion pictures, super hero action star of the world for the next six years or something, which you can't say any day off. ND8s, but yeah, I got really sucked into CrossFit. Within like four months I had my level one, I moved to LA, and did any job I could just so I could do CrossFit.
Starting point is 01:10:11 Went to the team in 2011, started working on all kinds of movie sets and helping do the strength and conditioning for actors to do their own sense. Just recently started to segue out of that because I was on the road a lot. And focusing on a caveman now, so. That's awesome. That's fantastic.
Starting point is 01:10:32 Your coffee probably, I would assume, and well, I know it reaches the fitness market much more than anything else. Right. It's kind of our barrier to entry too because that's where we were and we were into some things. I was just going to say it's perfect, right? Yeah, and it was like, Tate said, it's like, how can we incorporate things that we love in bringing these products that we found really help us get through, you know, getting through a 12 to 16 hour day on set and having to eat the craft service or whatever.
Starting point is 01:10:59 Like it's like slim gyms and like whatever stuff that they, you know, potato chips and cookies and it's like, no one's gonna make it on that. And so once we discovered, you know, how helpful a certain, like, type of coffee in a way of doing it could be, it was like, let's share that with everybody. Now, how long has this, have you guys had this caveman coffee? How long has that been in business?
Starting point is 01:11:18 We started the end of 2013. Oh, so it's still a relatively new company. Yeah, we've been online for the last few years, done really great online and we just recently started getting into the retail market. So we're, we should see these cans. I mean, they're in a bunch of gyms. You can look up on our website and find a location near you. NorCal CrossFit in this area does them. Oh, so you guys know Nioh. Yeah, and Jason. Yeah. Yeah. Oh fantastic. Very good friend of ours. Are you behind the branding behind it? The caveman coffee? We um it was actually one of our friends just like sitting around thinking of caveman, but he Tates logo mastermind. He's the design.
Starting point is 01:11:55 Oh, that's awesome. I was gonna compliment it. I really do. Yeah, that was a good idea. I mean he has the vision in his head of what like the back is gonna look like. It's gonna look like he yeah came up with all of it. Yeah, I'm a big nerd when it comes to that kind of stuff, like graphic design and all that stuff. It's also a lot of fun to be able to like make, you know, it's like I always tell people, it's like having an eliminate stand, but as an adult you get to like make up what you want.
Starting point is 01:12:15 And then you get to play with packaging, like I have a fun time shopping for that kind of stuff. We have a lot of listeners that are entrepreneurs, like start their own businesses, mainly in fitness. And you guys have obviously done so well in such a short period of time. Any advice you could give some of them? Be in love with what you do.
Starting point is 01:12:32 I think I used to look at things like, like I said, I'm like a lazy fat kid. And I want to have retirement in the fourth grade, right? Like I want to have a zero sum life. And then I grow up and I start looking at things and I go, I don't know how to do this life. And it seems like daunting, lonely process where you are alone and it's a hard world
Starting point is 01:12:57 in your backs against the wall. And that's like where I looked at life from in a lot of ways. And then one day I suppose, like what if your back's not really against the wall? And what if everybody's here to support you? And what, I started to have a different kind of idea about what consciousness might be like. And so, I think in all those ways, I think, I just want to be happy. What's the end of it? I want the people around me to be happy.
Starting point is 01:13:21 I don't want people to be sad or feel like they're up against it. And so, you just start doing things that you love. You know, I mean, that's why why do you guys start stick fighting? You know, like I had some things to work out clearly, you know, and like, Jujitsu was so huge for me because it took me out of myself and out of my problems long enough. And so then I only, and I go, I don't want to, I don't want to be rich. Like if that's like the goal, I don't, I want everybody around me to do well. And so like the things I did, I just was turned on by and I go, okay, well, I want, I didn't know that that was
Starting point is 01:13:56 going to lead to a professional fight career, you know? Or I didn't know that there's coffee, like the liking coffee and sending bags of coffee to do in Ohio or to my friend in Australia or something was gonna lead to a coffee company. I just started doing things and being attuned into the things that I like doing. And I think that when we started talking about health and nutrition, we did a couple of nutrition talks
Starting point is 01:14:18 and around food and coffee was part of that conversation. But it was all to be horrified about the state of the country and the union. I mean, I'm walking almost any hospital and most of the healthcare practitioners are even 50 or 100 pounds overweight. And I'm like, What is going on, right?
Starting point is 01:14:35 And so I'm horrified by my environment in America in a huge way. And with the consciousness and like, and even people like you say in the healthcare industry and going, well, you know, I want to get six pack of abs right? Talk to a guy one time and goes, I want to have bigger arms. I'm like, for what? Like what?
Starting point is 01:14:54 And really for what? Like if your whole sum is you want bigger arms, you're probably a douchebag in your whole life. So, so, recheck your fucking self because there's more to your body than that, you know? And like, how useful do you want to be? Everybody asks like, oh, how do I get to be this or that? Or how do I, like, how useful are you to your community?
Starting point is 01:15:12 If you're looking at it from inside out and going, what could I attract to make me greater? You've got it wrong, you know? Like the thing is, is like, how do I make me like this vessel more useful and understand more things and be more suitable for all these different environments so that I can make my community bigger and make the universe a better play. Like, if that's not where you're thinking is, flip that shit and then you'll find your place in the world and like as you're walking that road towards whatever that is that your
Starting point is 01:15:42 dream is, you'll see that there's a whole community of people there that want that too. And that's where you'll get authenticity in life. Instead of walking around like a dickhead in a fucking bow tie and a button down shirt going, Hey, how are you? I've got this new vacuum cleaner on the car. And I'd love you to try it because it's way different than the old vacuum cleaner. It's like, that's no way to fucking live. Tell your friends family.
Starting point is 01:16:01 And so I think that being passionate about what it is that you're into and going truly who is, I mean, for me, I've had the opportunity as a man to go, who are you without all these things? Like, it's like the thing people don't like to walk away from any kind of addiction, whether it's drug addiction, whether it's fighting, whether it's your career as a football player, whatever your thing is.
Starting point is 01:16:23 Like when you're a thing so strongly, and then you can't be that thing anymore for whatever varied reason, to walk out of that and go, who are you now? There's a huge fucking question to ask, and most people run from that for their whole life until they die,
Starting point is 01:16:36 and that's just fucking running from life. You've never lived, you've never drawn breath in your life if that's who you are. And if you get an opportunity to ask yourself, who are you now, outside of all the remonstrances of whatever your house looks like, or your car, your girlfriend, or your money, or whatever, and go, who am I at a sole level? And what is it that I want to create in the world and what vibration do I want
Starting point is 01:16:56 to put out? Like, that's your product. That's your thing. Like, how do I make this life better for those around me? If your product's not based on that, you probably got a bunk product, you know, and maybe rethink it. And so, like I always, so like I said, going back to being in the fourth grade and wanting to retire, everybody's looking for a new widget. I'm like, if I could find the right widget, somebody sold pet rocks.
Starting point is 01:17:16 They made millions of dollars. How can I do, where's my pet rock? And it's like, I just gave up that thing because life got so heavy and so dark and so much. And I go, wait a minute, where's happiness? What do you love doing as a human? Build who that is, you know? And what I've been telling dudes a lot lately now is,
Starting point is 01:17:33 is you're not supposed to make any money in fear in your 20s or even your early 30s. You're not going sharp in your short, become something, be about something. Quit trying to be like what you can have and go and be about something. Whether you're gonna go and be a fucking seal team, six member, whether you're gonna be a fucking fighter,
Starting point is 01:17:51 whether you're gonna be a chess champion, whether you're gonna be a novelist, go and fucking sharpen your sword of who you are as a human organism, and then fucking your money will come later because you'll become an expert at that thing, and then you'll have value to society. Otherwise, you're just valueless trying to plug and play different sales tactics,
Starting point is 01:18:07 and that's some silly shit, man, that ain't no way to live. And so, like I said, I'm a reluctant entrepreneur at best. Like, I'm not a great businessman, I don't make great decisions for the best of this or that, but I try to make the best decisions for the world and community around me. And a lot of times that looks like sourcing more expensive things or this or that
Starting point is 01:18:26 or whatever, but it's like, have a goddamn standard. Have one for yourself, have one for your product, have one for what it is, and you don't have to think something up necessarily, but once that thing comes, man, be a good steward of that thing and don't lose sight of it. And I think that's maybe the biggest part.
Starting point is 01:18:41 And Lacey's got way smarter ideas than that for me because I've just got that ideology. But let's kill herself. It's a renaissance right now. And like you said earlier with the way the internet is and the way that the world is, it's opening it up for anything that happens. So you can create whatever you want.
Starting point is 01:19:00 There's no like, oh, supplements are this way and it's these guys that create it. Create, there's a bunch of new companies that are changing that game. Like if you look at on it or you look at, what about this guy? Yeah, I mean, it's just like they're creating products that like, you know, what do we want to put in our bodies
Starting point is 01:19:17 and what do we want to do and what don't we want. And you can go out there and source that. You can find it on the internet. You can call them up and some people will be like, I will, they won't call you back or they'll, whatever, but if you call enough people, you'll find the thing that you're looking for, the person that wants to partner with you.
Starting point is 01:19:31 And you know, you can create your website for free, all of our websites we've made on our own. Our first one, like once we didn't realize once we're over. Laces made on her own. No, well, so Josh and, and Dunean made the second one, but the first one, you know, after we got a hundred orders, we got a hundred dollars at once It could only load a hundred orders, so we would lose whatever the orders were and you know
Starting point is 01:19:51 It's like obviously you have growing paints, but you just learn that as you go and and stand top your stuff and you know You do your social media yourself. It's free You don't need to buy ads in magazines. Don't buy ad in magazines Yeah, excellent points because you know as we're looking at the fitness industry, it's funny when we first started, we talked about how wellness, eventually wellness needs to merge with fitness and it's going to. It's starting to, that's really our message when you listen to our show. You can get through the first 10 minutes of us bullshiting and saying the F word.
Starting point is 01:20:22 We talk a lot about wellness, how it needs to merge with fitness. And I see, right now I see very, very few companies who kind of get it. You mentioned one on it, on it kind of gets it. They get it when it comes to that. But a lot of companies don't yet, but I see that starting to happen. I see a lot of change.
Starting point is 01:20:40 Well, that's their ego too, because they're already big doing it the old way. And they're already stuck in their dog muscle. must like we've talked about before they're doubling down. It's like when they're when you're the monster right when you're the monster kingpin and you're making fucking millions of dollars already selling a bunch of bullshit doing it the old school way and just because social media and internet's evolving they still kind of have that attitude like we don't fucking get it will come and go.
Starting point is 01:21:02 But have the have their trade routes, their distribution already. Like you said, I think that's a huge thing, the old way and the new way. And it goes back to what we were talking about earlier of the only guy that loses is the guy that doesn't want to continue to learn. And that's the scarcity mindset. You got it, you got it. And so that old way is that that famine thinking about like, oh, let's push these new guys down a little bit.
Starting point is 01:21:23 We got, we got our old way. We don't want to shake the boat. And it's like, for me, like for this company and like, we wanted let's push these new guys down a little bit. We got, we got our old way. We don't want to shake the boat. And it's like, for me, like for this company and like, we wanted stuff that was in the marketplace that wasn't there previously. I want to be able to shop. I want to be able to buy grass, fat grass, finished meat everywhere.
Starting point is 01:21:36 I don't, I don't want to have to eat poisoned animals, which is what we eat right now. It's like, I want people's consciousness to improve about that because the more people that talk about that, the less garbage I have to eat, the more choices I have. Right, because the market opens up and you get more suppliers and all that stuff. I've got friends that start protein companies
Starting point is 01:21:55 and I'm like, awesome, I'd love to be able to post a picture of this and have this, except sucralose causes cancer. And that's what you sweeten your fucking product with you. And it's 2016 and get your fucking shit together because that's ridiculous. And if you're not looking at what's in there and you get cancer, congratulations, you bought yourself cancer.
Starting point is 01:22:17 You're paying for it. We pay for our illnesses. Our lifestyles are what kills us. Make no mistake about it. We choose our lifestyle and that's what kills us. Every obituary reads exactly how that guy lived. You can reverse engineer most people's deaths into just them going,
Starting point is 01:22:33 oh, I didn't know that was bad for me. Or whatever, right? And so there's a lot of room in the marketplace for health. Now it costs more money so people go, well, in good business, you got to cut costs down to, and that's why I say I'm a horrible businessman. Because I would rather pay costs more money so people go well in good business. You got to cut cost down to and that's why I say I'm a horrible business man No, you know what I would rather pay fucking more money and I would rather buy my own health Thank you very much, but you know not a sexy. It's not a sexy. That's why but you know what even what you're saying like it's more expensive now
Starting point is 01:22:57 But it won't be it won't be in the future when more people go in you all of a sudden have now more market demand More market demand look to swing organic food is becoming cheaper because market demand is better. And then what happened? The FDA changes what organic means and now it doesn't mean anything. It's a shitty marketing term. Unbelievable. So now it just means that, hey, we need more education. We got to continue to stay in the conversation.
Starting point is 01:23:19 Absolutely. Everyone needs to be self-responsible. And it's like we get in that we're in an age where people feel like they can like sue somebody or blame it on somebody else And it's like guys one you gotta be accountable. Yeah, yeah, and that's what I think about too with the whole thing about You know when when you when you look towards it and I'll talk to guys and they'll be like well I want to do this right now. I go why would you buy your future self problems? If you eat that fuck that
Starting point is 01:23:43 Drive that or whatever the thing is, you got to look in my, am I making my future self stronger and better or am I making, or am I diminishing myself, make the choice with full knowledge and just be accountable for it. I know it tastes good right now, but you can't be bitching about your suffering later than it is what it is. You thought yourself that thing. Right. And once you do that, cool, we're all accountable. Yeah, that's it. there's nothing wrong with it, but just accept it. We're like, okay, I know why I'm fat as hell,
Starting point is 01:24:10 because I did this and that. And I made that choice, but you're right, the education's out there, the information's out there, and a lot of these products and companies and things that are unscrupulous, I think personally, are starting to get, I think it's much more transparent. It's harder to hide behind that bullshit. You know, you're talking about artificial sweeteners and stuff.
Starting point is 01:24:29 The market's starting to, you know, Stevie has becoming big now. It's crazy, yeah. It's becoming big now. It's cool. And why? Because people are starting to not want artificial sweeteners anymore.
Starting point is 01:24:40 And it's funny, you brought up protein powders. This is a health food. It's supposedly a health food thing. Think about that. You're supplementing, you're taking it as a supplement because you didn't get it is a health food. It's supposedly a health food. Right, think about that. That's a thing. You're supplementing, you're taking it as a supplement because you didn't get it in your regular diet. That's right. So why would you add in whatever else?
Starting point is 01:24:51 It's a great day to be alive too in that way. I mean, you look at, we just went to the grocery store when we pulled in here. And you know, you look, when and when have you ever seen before like protein bars or meal replacement bars in a refrigerated section? It's like, we have perishable food. World green, it doesn't need to stay,
Starting point is 01:25:10 you're not a fucking astronaut. You know what I mean? And it's like, we're in that place, but we went through the 70s and we go, oh, well, you know, what's the first meal replacement? Was a MRE out of World War II. Like, so we go, oh, we could feed this to the populace. Are we trying to have silent green people
Starting point is 01:25:27 demand real fucking food? You know what I mean? It used to be kitschy to go, oh, look, this'll last forever. It's artificially fucking enhanced to the nth degree. And then we go, hmm, maybe they don't have that dialed in right now. You know, it's like, Bill Burns got a great joke about facelifts. He's like, I would get one, but clearly they don't have a dialed in. I'd rather look like a 40 year old man than a 29 year old lizard.
Starting point is 01:25:47 And it's all blurry, but it's like, I mean, just because you can do it doesn't mean you are fucking do it. I'd say they thought they could clone. You want to wake up breath milk. And they go, we have formula, we got baby formula. It's got all the macronutrients that breath milk has in it. Maybe it does, but that doesn't take into account what it doesn't have. And then kids get
Starting point is 01:26:05 whether it's autism or cancer or whatever, the environmental things that the female mother has built up antibodies to and everything like that in her body, that's not getting transferred to that child, and now you've got a sick child. It's crazy. I just watched a video the other day, so a huge portion of, of course,
Starting point is 01:26:23 all of us have an internal microbiome, right? Gump flora, and that's what makes us who we are. It's, you have a fingerprint of your microbiome. It's crazy that they're talking about that. That makes us more who we are than our brains. It's actually, it actually drives your brain. There are a lot of them are saying that their drives your brain. They're finding connections that your gump flora will determine things like depression,
Starting point is 01:26:41 anxiety, fear, your perception. Nonetheless, your fingerprint, a lot of it, is that you get that from your mother and you get a lot of it through the birth canal. You get through the birth canal and through breastfeeding. So if you're a C-section baby and you're drinking formula, they find consistently through studies that you have a much less diverse gut flora. And this gut flora diversity, by the way, with each generation is lessening and lessening.
Starting point is 01:27:09 And it's now it's becoming kind of evident why things like autoimmune diseases and food allergies, food allergies everywhere. I don't remember food allergies. Well, we shared before. I mean, you remember when you were in first grade, a kid that had a peanut allergy or so now the whole fucking class is like,
Starting point is 01:27:25 we can't even, everybody's allergic to everything. We were really good friends, as she's a doula, she's a doctor of chiropractic, and she works heavily with mothers and pre-impost needle, it's called birthfit. And she was telling us the other day that I think Cedars has gone from a 35% C-section rate,
Starting point is 01:27:44 which is a really, really high. They would just automatically like throw women, oh, you're from a 35% C-section rate, which is a really, really high. They would just automatically throw women, oh, you're here, have a C-section, have a C-section. So now they're down to 15% because they're realizing even in Western medicine that this is really, really bad for the mother, for the baby, for the health of the growth. I mean, there's a higher risk of death for the baby. There's a lot higher risk of autism, all these other things are happening. I never knew that going through the birth canal was a thing too. That's amazing.
Starting point is 01:28:12 So your first introduction to bacteria is through the birth canal because it's sterile. And that is why eating pussy is so good for you. I love that science. You built up words. Yes. Thank you. Nailed it. It's a birth group. Eating pussy is the thing. Yes, thank you. Nailed it. Yeah, it's a birth group.
Starting point is 01:28:27 Yeah, there's birthfit.com. That's our friend Lindsay's place. And then I started to add junk to it, which I think helps and compliments it. Lindsay doesn't think it does called birth fit. But I got a lot of help for bitches out there that are trying. I mean, I can be helpful. I'm just saying not a doula, but I have some experience. Every time she has a seminar, I can look. Oh, I mean, I can be helpful. I'm just saying, not a do-lo, but I have some experience. Every time she has a seminar, I can look. Oh, I've got the seminar too. Yeah, I could
Starting point is 01:28:49 come in and help if you need me on that. Excellent. Well, we appreciate you coming on, brother. This has been an absolute blast. Loved it. No, for sure. Listeners, please leave us a five-star rating review on iTunes and please go to check out products at MindPumpMedia.com. Yeah, before we go, it's signed off real quick, Tay. Why don't you run off all places that everybody can find us from podcasts, website, everything. Let's do all your plugs right here. Oh, is there a discount code? Lacey's going.
Starting point is 01:29:17 Yeah, so MindPump at the caveman website, 12% discount. Awesome. Thank you. We just, I think we even have some Nitro on there right now. So, you're good. in your product. Awesome. Thank you. You can order. I think we even have some nitro on there right now. You're quick. You can find Lacey at L. Mackey 31 on Instagrams. Our K-Mank Coffee Co on Instagram is our Instagram handle.
Starting point is 01:29:35 You can find all K-Mank Goods at K-Mank Coffee.com. I've also got a micro-brew called Nuevo cerveza. You can find us at Nuevo cerveza.com or BloodyMaria.com is also bloody Mary mix. I fuck with I've got some nightclubs that I run with Rico Dan and John and Texas Called concrete cowboy. Oh, you can just search concrete cowboy and it was a badass place to be My name tape Fudger Finds everything about me. It's T.A. IT is my spelling And that's on Instagram pirate life podcasts finds everything about me. It's T.A.I.T. as my spelling. And that's on Instagram, Pirate Life Podcasts. It's my podcast.
Starting point is 01:30:10 I don't know what else. Oh, I'm just beautyfitness.com. So they can find, so caveman nitro, they get 12% off, my pump. My pump. My pump is the code, so just enter that check out. Listeners, I'm gonna tell you right now, this is far better than probably any pre-workout you're gonna take. Superstitulated right now. I mean, Adam, I'm like looking now, this is far better than probably any pre-workout.
Starting point is 01:30:25 Superstitialated right now. I mean, Adam, I'm like, looking at each other. This is better than any pre-workout. It's natural, it's got the antioxidants from coffee. It doesn't have any crazy sweeteners, artificial sweeteners, nothing. It'll jack you up, get your head down. I'll just natural goodness.
Starting point is 01:30:39 The other thing, doosjim.com down in Venice, that's my home gym there, my friend Logan Ones, and original nutritionals is one of my continuous sponsors. They have the best fish oil on the market. And you know, eating natural, source of shit local, like that's the biggest favor you could do for me is support your own community. Beautiful, excellent.
Starting point is 01:30:59 Happy New Year. Thank you so much. Thank you guys for coming on, brother. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. For more information about this show and to get valuable free resources from Sal Adam and Justin, visit us at www.mind pumpradio.com. Until next time, this is Mind Pump. you

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