Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 298: Increasing Squat & Deadlift Strength, Correcting Shoulder Impingement, Worst Fitness Celebrities & MORE

Episode Date: May 25, 2016

Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about tips and exercises to correct shoulder impingement, good exercises to help increase strength in squat and deadlift, calories and protein consumption..., the worst people in the fitness industry causing the most problems with bogus advice and products and their best workout song. Get the Mind Pump Discount Red, Green & Black Super Bundle at www.mindpumpmedia.com Please subscribe, rate and review this show! Each week the best reviewers are announced on the show and sent Mind Pump T-shirts! Learn more about Mind Pump at www.mindpumpmedia.com.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 A lot of times people get on and say, where do I start? We always say start and red, maps and a ball, because that's the foundation. You just want them to know. But if you always train and that kind of strength and traditional lifting, you might want to go into maps performance, which is your mobility-based, you know, you always get in really low volume.
Starting point is 00:00:16 Okay, let's hear you explain. Let's hear you explain. It's a static. I want to hear you explain this. Right, and so who would start in maps aesthetic, Adam? Who would start? Yeah, who would be a good candidate? Who would be a good candidate to start in aesthetic?
Starting point is 00:00:25 Well, it could be a couple different types of people. So if you're an athlete, somebody who trains for a sport most of time, and so you do a lot of plyometric work, you do a lot of functional mobility type movements, you would be a great person, even somebody who is like a power lifter. If you are a power lifter all time
Starting point is 00:00:42 and you strength train majority of time and you don't do a lot of hypertrophy or aesthetic training, then those people would be phenomenal to go right into aesthetic. Although I really feel like red is gonna be the foundation for almost everybody, wouldn't you think, unless you're a strength-based type person? You can start and do the maps programs individually.
Starting point is 00:01:04 Right. Absolutely, there's nothing wrong with that. But we did put them together in a bundle in that order because that's a fantastic order to go through. Like if like our super bundles. Yeah. If you the reason why we did that was if you were going to hire one of us as a personal trainer. Exactly. This is exactly what I would take someone through and that is literally every single person. That's right. Unless I had like a very specific person who's like, oh, I want to do this for the next 12 weeks, what is the best program? And that's where I think that would be the only difference. Like if someone came up and said,
Starting point is 00:01:32 I want to work on my squat and deadlift strength and out of all the programs you have, which one do you think I should focus the most on to improve that? And I only got 12 weeks, where should I start? I was like, okay, maybe I'd start you in red. Or if somebody came up to me and they said, you know Adam, I've got the got 12 weeks, where should I start? I was sure. Okay, maybe I'd start you in red. Or somebody came up to me and they said, you know Adam, I've got the next 12 weeks, you know, or a couple of months I'm training before.
Starting point is 00:01:51 I've got something coming up and I got to run like a marathon or do this. And, you know, my hips have been really achy and I've had all these aches and pains I'm dealing with. And, you know, which one of these would I start? I'd start you with mobility right away. Well, it's true because like, if you, like, I was trying to think of a scenario where you wouldn't go maps red, but it's like, there's not a lot of programs out there that are like maps red. And I think that's why that, you know, that's kind of like our starting point because even if you've
Starting point is 00:02:15 done hypertrophy training or you've done strength-based training, that's similar and has a similar, you know, you could, the way that we have it all figured out in the way that we had put it all together, like I think is a good thing to experience, even still. And then, then the natural progression there is to do, you know, the next phases that we put forward. Right. Well, check this out. You can go to mimepumpmedia.com.
Starting point is 00:02:39 You can look at all the programs individually, kind of see what's in them. And you can, if you want to enroll in them individually, like a lot of people have, or which we've put together more recently, is what we call the super bundle, where you get all of our maps programs, maps in a ballac, which is red, maps performance versus green, and maps aesthetic, which is black. You get all of them, and it's basically nine months of exercise program where you go from programming, where you go from one to the other for nine months. At the end of it, you make a pretty fantastic transformation and because you're getting all of them, you get a massive discount. All of this is available right now, mindpumpmedia.com.
Starting point is 00:03:10 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mind, up, mind, up with your hosts. Salta Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. The Salda they fit Expo was the weekend. It was. And we went there once, and then I wasn't able to go the second time, but you guys went, and you know, we get recognized by people,
Starting point is 00:03:33 people want to take pictures, but just to tell it to them. Yeah, so yeah, so we were starting to get a little more attention, which was awesome. You know, it's awesome to get recognized and to get kind of pulled in for pictures and stuff like that randomly. So, we were kind of walking me in Adam this time. It just mean Adam walking through
Starting point is 00:03:51 and this group of girls come over and they're all young, attractive girls and everything. And so, we were just walking over like, oh man, sweet. They recognize us. And the one girl comes up to Adam Just like excuse me Yeah, yeah, yeah, they're gonna yeah, what's up? Yeah, who's my phone?
Starting point is 00:04:14 Can you take a picture for me and all my friends? I was wondering where you were gonna go with this What is he does a guy was ready to sign shit? I was like, what is he doing? He was like, yeah, I was ready to sign the shit. It's like, it's a group of hot chicks though. Excuse me, and you're like, oh, are you the wizard? You must know me from my show. I'm not gonna lie.
Starting point is 00:04:31 Can you hold my phone for me please and take this you minion? Oh, oh, that's the only one. Oh, because we are so self depreciating. Am I going to admit that inside of me? I totally was like, oh, I did. There was a, they did it too, because there was. It was a whole group of cute girls. And they could come running, I'm like, oh my god. And she did, she grabbed me like that. She's like, oh I did. There was a, they did it too, because there was. It was a whole group of cute girls,
Starting point is 00:04:45 and they could come running, I'm like, oh my God. And she did, she grabbed me like that. She's like, oh my God, and I was like, I'm just armed. And it was like I was ready to sign it, but I was like, yeah, you know, like she's like, talking to me about my photo. I'm like, I'll take a picture of this.
Starting point is 00:04:54 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And then she did say too, can we take a picture? And then I was thinking, she was taking a picture with me. No, what happened? She hands me the phone, then she goes back to her group of friends, and I'm like, oh, I'm taking the picture of their group of friends. Oh, I'm doing it. Bro their group. Oh, I'm doing it
Starting point is 00:05:05 Well, I you know what I would have done in that situation. I would know Justin was just laughing I would flip the camera without her knowing and taking 10 pictures of myself and then headed to the phone I walked away Open her phone. Oh my god. It's his face. That's it was that was you know what something else had happened talking to speaking of the Thed exposed so Justin and I went back otherwise otherwise notice supplement It's rather guns are chemical a polluza So you didn't get it all their teacher bag of chemicals. We will later we went
Starting point is 00:05:38 Nobody's good. They're gonna kick us out. It's pretty crazy, dude People wait in these ridiculous lines to get these free samples of supplements. And it's, bro, the line for the bodybuilder.com booth was like out the door. Whoever, whoever thought of this first, I don't know who started the trend or who started, it was brilliant. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:05:57 What it reminded me of, correct me if I'm wrong here, if you guys think differently, it totally reminded me of on Halloween night, all the kids that are running around getting candy. You know how they speak? The same excitement, the same stupid outfits. Yeah, they're wearing them same. Or everything else.
Starting point is 00:06:13 They're like all in the stringer tank tops. You got bad outfits. You got bad outfits. You got the same like duffel bag thing, tons of makeup. It looks just like Halloween, bro. It's like, yeah, they're all getting their trick or treating, you know, like, oh, here, I want a fabric.
Starting point is 00:06:27 I hate saying this because Instagram photo, just some of these kind of people might be listeners, but there's a probably a lot. So we should talk too much shit here. Well, I was gonna come around with this here. I saw more than a few dudes randomly having their shirts off, and they're not in the booths or anything like, I'm gonna take my shirt off.
Starting point is 00:06:43 I really wanted to triple. Yeah, let me take off my shirt and I can try the shirt off. I'm okay with that. If you're, it's a cross. Because you're checking them out. I'm okay with that. If you're, if you're buff, you're allowed to do that.
Starting point is 00:06:55 That's how I feel. I feel like, yeah, I feel like, you can I just pull out my dick then? Cause, cause it's what? Cause it's kinda, cause it's just a little bit bigger than average. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:04 You sure, Rob, if you want to do that. It's still bigger than average. Yeah. You sure, rough. You want to be in the average. Yeah, careful though. I might flick it if you do that. Yeah, you're more welcome to that's when you finger. No, so, you know, I meant that I meant the kids thing. I was teasing about making fun of everybody who gets in the, you know, it's free, it's free stuff.
Starting point is 00:07:18 You're some of you might be really smart too. You get it. Then you turn around solid on Amazon or Craigslist. That would probably be smart. We take it all at the same time like I do. Some people, oh my god, the video that we posted of you sniffing and getting ready to drink drink. People were like, terrify that, oh my god, so really drink to press.
Starting point is 00:07:35 A supplement like, oh my god, like dude, this motherfucker has had a stomach before you guys. Hold on a sec, hold on a sec, sometimes I do have bad shit. You know what I'm saying? I'll sometimes I'll have a sugary red bull or a sugar free one or sometimes, I'm just, we just talk about it like, don't like make it like part of your daily life. This is why I told you, I'm gonna share some of their private things.
Starting point is 00:07:58 Damn, what gonna happen? We're gonna be out one day. No, I'm gonna share that red bull vodka. Everyone's like, fuck! Listen to me, this is why you fucked yourself, bro. And I explained to this, so I'm gonna let the listeners in some inside conversation with us off the off-air.
Starting point is 00:08:11 And, you know, we talked about early on when we first started this, one of the very early episodes, was it a Q&A or something? I don't remember what it was, but we talked about being, if we won the lot or whatever. Like, what were you doing with money?
Starting point is 00:08:24 And there's like off air, there was like shit talking back and forth between us, you know, like teasing each other like dude, I don't would totally like blow all his money on all this crazy stuff. And I'm like, listen, dude, you I'm really not like that. I'm actually have pretty good balance when it comes to things like that. I'm not obviously I wouldn't be where I'm at if I just blew all my fucking money. But I said that on air because I don't want to be the douche bag who you guys run into like in two years when I'm fucking of, I just blew all my fucking money. But I said that on air because I don't wanna be the douche bag who you guys run into like in two years
Starting point is 00:08:48 when I'm fucking making all kinds of crazy money. And I'm driving around to Lamborghini and you're like, what an asshole. He said he was gonna donate all his money to charities and start up nonprofits like Sal said. So now I told Sal, first of all, he's stuck driving the jet up for the rest of your life now.
Starting point is 00:09:03 Hold on, say, anybody sees you driving a hell of nice car or they see you drinking and then I talk shit about all the stuff that I've done. So if someone sees me drinking a speed stack, they're not gonna freak out. I can eat gelato. No one's gonna freak out because I admit all that stuff or so. I was like, man, that hurts my tummy and I want to help all these people. I need.
Starting point is 00:09:20 Oh, so let's get something straight. I'll move up here. You guys are down here. That's true. Let's take let's get one thing straight. First of all, the same things that excite you don't necessarily excited like buying a Lamborghini would not be that exciting. That being said, that episode wasn't that episode said really?
Starting point is 00:09:37 I'm buying a Lamborghini. I wouldn't want to. You wouldn't think that'd be an exciting person. That'd be awesome, but it wouldn't be like, I wouldn't want to own it. Hey, remind me. It might be whatever. Hey, remind me when we go but it wouldn't be like, I wouldn't want to own it. Remind me. Remind me, Remind me when we go in it, that you can shock and permanently.
Starting point is 00:09:47 Yes. I have a vaccine. Is it out of vaccine? I don't know if you're going to hope so. You're going to be a trunk. I don't think it will get to ride. But the episode was if you win $100 million, there's a big difference
Starting point is 00:09:58 when you're winning it and earning it over the course of years and working and that's different. Oh, this is excellent. Winning a lot of it is like, this is excellent. This is excellent. Let me hear you back, Peto here. Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:10:06 Go ahead. Let me show you guys a little bit of wizardry, right? Go ahead, pal. Go ahead, show him your wizardry. I see Adams doing this. He's trying to adjust this that way. We can move forward. He just wants me to do that stuff.
Starting point is 00:10:18 He wants me to buy a Lambo with him. Exactly. Exactly. What a help him out. So people want to be mad at you. Well, yeah, it was all from Stimming from the Subway things. We, I did a video of Sal trying some, you know,
Starting point is 00:10:30 pre-workout samples. Oh, I love your socks, by the way. Thank you. So I did it. Oh, I did it. I did it. You fuck it, baby. He said, let's not supplement indoors.
Starting point is 00:10:40 Let's not bash them anymore. Sorry, you hurt your supplement company, you sock. You know, you know, moving along here, I'm gonna be this way. I'm not changing the same thing here. They changed. I'm gonna change. Yes, I tried. I always try samples out those places
Starting point is 00:10:52 because I like to feel weird. Everybody knows, if someone's gonna make me, it's gonna alter my consciousness. Yes, it's gonna check. If it's gonna give me some pre-workout, I'll try it and have a little fun, but this is not gonna drink it on a daily basis. Plus they taste good.
Starting point is 00:11:04 You know what I mean? You're walking around, I was like, fuck fuck that looks like a taste good. Yeah, and that's what I did Plus there's normally some girl and tiny little shorts They're actually hanging out and a tummy shirt that's handing it out to you. A tummy shirt Here you know my feelings if you don't drink this Yeah, I guess I'm drinking this there's the there's the real truth There's the real truth You know what else happened why we are there was just and I went back the second time. And the douche meter actually does go up as the evening goes on.
Starting point is 00:11:26 It does, as the sun goes down, the douche meter goes up for sure, dude. Cause early in the morning wasn't so bad. Later on, I was like a pyramid of like shirtless, flexing dudes. Yeah. No, it was like, what the hell? Like, oh, I wanted to throw a grenade over.
Starting point is 00:11:41 So, when Justin and I went back the second time, extreme, extreme. We ran into our boy, figment of your imagination. Yes, the artist that, let's give him a big shout out. Fucking guy, this is who drew a picture, a portrait of me last year,
Starting point is 00:11:57 I did one of Justin this year. And super humbling experience for me, super humbling experience for Justin. Does he know this is a trio? Does he know this is a trio? And the, he does. He's aware of what I'm working on it. Okay.
Starting point is 00:12:08 Yeah. And he said you're the most muscular. So he needs, he needs the most kind of man this. Right. He needs a bigger. He wants to give it right. He has to buy the right color tan crayon. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:19 No, but anyways, he did this amazing, amazing, amazing drawing of Justin. And we went there to go pick it up and say hi to him Talk to him and I haven't seen him since last year. First of all, dude is jacked. I was gonna tell you Yeah, what Adam showed me a picture of like from the time that like he's presenting He's like lots of muscle. Yeah, man. Dude. He looks badass and he's been telling us that like he's really been applying a lot of things We talk about no way. Yeah, hold on a second. Well, he made another person more buffed. Yeah, he's buffed. The great part was I don't, because I saw.
Starting point is 00:12:48 And it better dry now, even, right? I saw it. I like mine better. I saw him and I was like, dude, he looks way more buffed. And then when I went back and I looked at the pictures and I saw the picture of him and I together, I was sure. Big difference. Oh, huge difference.
Starting point is 00:13:00 It looks phenomenal. But not the point of what I'm trying to tell you guys is for what he did bring up that was, you know, I thought was kind of neat. We talked to him for good. I don't know 15 20 minutes. Maybe longer And got a chance to share some stuff with him Oh, yeah, but I thought was kind of cool because he was like man He's like it's so crazy. I've been listening you guys since day one and You know some of the shit that you guys said was gonna happen in the industry I can't believe how much of it is coming true. Like how the fuck do you guys know that?
Starting point is 00:13:26 I said, you know what's crazy? I said, I know. We have magic. Yeah, I know Sal likes to pretend on the show that we know we're like super crystal ball. Yeah, super brilliant. And we can see the future. But in reality, you've got three guys
Starting point is 00:13:37 that have been in fitness for 15 to 20 years. And at that point, I'm standing inside the convention. I'm pointing at everybody and they go, this is not fitness, bro. I know you think it is because this is kind of part of the world that you're a part of. I'm a part of this world also. And a lot of people, this is being clamorized right now.
Starting point is 00:13:54 I mean, 15 years ago, this didn't even exist. Nobody, there was no expose for fitness and if there were, there was fucking 20 people there and they were all related to the people competing later on that afternoon. So what you see right now is just totally glamorized of the re-out, and that's the problem with the industry. And I said, so for us guys that have been in fitness
Starting point is 00:14:12 for 15 plus years, and we've already, we've seen everything, and we realize, like I said, this is not fitness. These are a bunch of competitors that get an extremely good shape and supplement companies that use those competitors to promote their products and their supplements and they've created this monstrous growing industry around it. So that being said, it's very easy for guys like us to look at things that that looks very trendy and gimmicky that fall into what people think is the fitness industry and it's not, you know, there's some very fundamental things about health and fitness that we've known for a very, very long time and us trainers
Starting point is 00:14:50 that have been training thousands of people before. We've been practicing these, they just get less sexy because, you know, this whole like fandom sort of comes out of nowhere and then attaches itself to, you know, the branding, the marketing, the, you know, sexy people involved with it and this to the branding, the marketing, the sexy people involved with it. And this just becomes the pinnacle of what everybody now thinks the definition of fitness is, which is not the case. It's actually not hard to predict some of the direction that it's going.
Starting point is 00:15:20 It's really not. If you look and you see, it's not hard for us. It's hard for us. I think if you're, if you're, if you're people are caught up in all of that, when you pick up a magazine and you read an article and you read these things that you think you're getting good information, it's hard for someone like that. That's what I think. Oh, look, we're up on the cutting edge. We read a lot of studies and science that comes out. We also, because we've been doing it for so long, we know what works and what doesn't work.
Starting point is 00:15:46 And we can see, we can just see what's happening. And we've also been in the business of fitness for a long time. And we know how effective marketing can be. And so when someones, when studies come out, showing functional movement, and we know there's gonna be a functional movement, coming out, a big trend that's gonna come out, when we see CrossFit, and we can see that type of trend, and trend that's gonna come out when we see CrossFit and we can see that, you know,
Starting point is 00:16:05 that type of trend of what that's gonna start, you know, those types of things. Well, it reminds me a lot of like sports analysts, you know, I mean, like why do they, a lot of times like, why can they see certain things like happen to certain athletes or certain teams making certain moves or, you know, they do a lot of this analysis of what's going on in
Starting point is 00:16:26 their particular industry in the sporting analogy. And so for us, we're at that level where we've been in it for so long that all we do is analyze. It's like, I know the basic fundamentals of each modality out there, unless it's something I've never heard of, which there's not a lot of those left. And to see now, like, going through all that, like, I have a very good perspective of, like, okay, there was elements of this that were good,
Starting point is 00:16:55 but like, for the most part, all this is just fat. This is like, you know, nonsense. And a lot of it's being driven by kind of, there are more, there's more than just us That's kind of the alternative alternative, you know fitness advice type of stuff. That's coming out like Joe Rogan's a great example. He's not a fitness show. He's not a trainer But they do kind of have that alternative approach to fitness and so companies are being spurred from this Organic is is entering into this this supplement market
Starting point is 00:17:24 Organic's getting into this supplement market. Organic is getting big, plant-based is getting big. These are all things in the lexicon of fitness supplements that didn't even exist five years ago. Who gives a shit about organic protein five years ago? Good luck finding organic protein five years ago. Now organic is becoming a thing. And so it's all going in that direction.
Starting point is 00:17:44 So when we talk about fitness and wellness, you know, kind of merging together, I kind of saw, it looked inevitable to me. I think we even, when we first met before we even started the show, I brought it up and I said, guys, this merging is inevitable. It's going to happen whether it happens now, it happens later on from now.
Starting point is 00:18:03 We need to get, we need to start our show now and talk about this because then we're gonna look like frickin' profits when in reality we could see, you could see that that is the inevitable trajectory is where wellness and fitness are gonna combine and it's gonna mean health again. Well, and this is also what's ironic about when people try and debate us.
Starting point is 00:18:20 Like recently somebody got on the sales page again, people always love to get on the sales page and start these debates. And sometimes they're intelligent debates, like somebody actually reads studies and stuff. The problem is even these smart guys that read these studies or even write books about fitness, unfortunately, they use
Starting point is 00:18:41 and they apply all these studies that were put together and from their biased. Yeah. And, and, and bias, the poorly controlled. Yeah. And so, you know, there's a lot of that floating around in the industry still. And it's, it's going away. It's slowly going away.
Starting point is 00:18:57 And, and like Sal said, you know, it's not like, you know, we have a crystal ball, we can see it. It's, it's for us, we, we think it's very obvious, you know, and for us personally, we had moved away from all those things, and in that direct, started moving in that direction a long time ago as we started to see this all unfold. Well, and then, too, it's how quickly, because of podcasting, because of tweets,
Starting point is 00:19:17 because of social media, you can see how word spreads. If it spreads that fast, once the general public catches wind of any sort of like somebody like bamboozling them or putting something past them that isn't truth, they get upset. And when they get upset, the backlash is enormous and so it's like you know here today gone tomorrow has become like even faster of a thing because of all this like fast moving information yeah it's the motherfucking What the fuck in Claw? Did the eagle poop in the cock? What? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:20:05 Doug, was that the longest intro of any Q&A? Yes. I'm maybe. Mr. Producer. Was it five quas? Mr. Producer. By the way, you look fantastic in your brand new mind pump producer shirt.
Starting point is 00:20:18 Are we gonna have those available at all, Adam? Yeah. So we're gonna sell the Doug shirt. Yes. How many do we have? We only have 50. And that's it. Yeah, and it'll be a limited time thing. It just says we're going to sell the Doug shirt. Yes. How many do we have? We only have 50. And that's it. Yeah, and it'll be a limited time thing. It just says the exclusive producer. It was those that since so sour spoil that I was actually going to talk about it in another episode, but he just go ahead and let the back. Yeah, that was supposed to be a surprise for Doug.
Starting point is 00:20:39 I had a shirt customally made just for him, especially I gave it to him on Saturday before we went to the Fidex bow and It's the style is like you know those security shirts in the big bold white writing that says security in Roman cost of chest instead of security says producer And then has a very small mad mic logo on the backside. So I'm pretty pumped So if you're a producer you should get one. Yeah, if you put it here not Yeah, if you just want to look cool, yeah, sure. Pretty much like me. You pretty much want to be a producer no matter what. I think that I'm going to get myself a shirt because I'm getting very cocky.
Starting point is 00:21:14 Actually, at a cocky, he's been hanging on all of this. A cocky spinner. Yeah. Go ahead, spinner. All right. We've got some questions. Starting with Carlos Benitez, 760, he's asking about the best tips and exercises to correct shoulder impingement.
Starting point is 00:21:29 Shoulder impingement, this is a, got one of the more common shoulder issues. This contributes to issues with the rotator cuff, which is really the attachments of muscles along the scapula. So what is shoulder impingement? When the, whenement? When the humorous, the top of the humorous moves in the socket, the scapula, the shoulder blade has to move along with it. And if it moves improperly, this is, if there are no bone spurs or anything anatomical, that's wrong. It's just shoulder impingement caused
Starting point is 00:22:00 by muscle imbalance or poor function. That scapula then will press on the top of the acromion, which is the joint where the collarbone meets the shoulder blade. And there's a bursa in there that's supposed to help it glide, but if you consistently pinch and push on it, you get inflammation at the bursa, you get inflammation all the muscles that surround that. You feel pain in the front of the shoulder sometimes
Starting point is 00:22:22 or the bicep tendon. More commonly you'll feel it in the back behind the shoulder and you won't be able to put your arm behind your back, type of deal. So, along with that, you get issues with the external rotators by septendin. So you want to, first off, you want to strengthen external rotation. So that would be an exercise where you have your arm at your side and 90 degrees, and you rotate it out with a weight like a cable. You also want to work on extra, a rubber band will work. You also want to do exercises that bring the shoulders
Starting point is 00:22:52 down and back, because that opens up that area where that impingement's happening. So like rows and deep tissue massage on the traps. This is like the shoulder blade elevating and getting in the way. It's just, yeah, it's always there with every movement. Exactly. Because that gap between the, you know,
Starting point is 00:23:08 where the shoulder blade meets the acromion, it becomes more narrow as you lift the arm up. And if the shoulder blade travels up along with the arm, it pinches and impinges it. So bring the shoulders back and down. I would say. Doug, can we also, is this possible? We made a YouTube video.
Starting point is 00:23:23 We made a video for a shoulder and hip mobility that would help somebody like this. Is it possible that those that want- Bigger shoulder impingement one? Well, no, there's a lot of shoulder mobility at movements in there that would help this also. Yeah, absolutely. But I was thinking, there's been a lot of questions
Starting point is 00:23:41 around that, so it's all shoulder and hip mobility stuff that we put together. If people were to, how would they contact you or email you so we can email them? How can we do that? We could just direct people to the YouTube channel. What was it up on the, is it on the channel?
Starting point is 00:23:55 It is, it's unlisted right now, but I could make a public. Okay, or maybe posted on our site. Yeah, we could do that. But I think the YouTube channel's a good, good idea. Okay, okay. For one thing, I want people to go over there and subscribe. do that. Okay, but I think the YouTube channel is a good, good idea. Okay. Because for one thing, I want people to go over there and subscribe. Got him.
Starting point is 00:24:08 Okay. Yeah, can that be good, good, good to have some of that up there because. So, what, what, what, uh, mind pump what, what's the YouTube? Yeah, search mind pump and you'll be able to find it. Okay. Okay. Okay. Um, see the rest of those like gorilla guys, like flex.
Starting point is 00:24:23 Yeah, I saw that. There was some, some mind pump on YouTube. Yeah. That that's got a bunch of if you see a bunch of big Juice heads, not us. Yeah But that's that's a very common issue is shoulder impingement and I'd say most shoulder problems or a lot of shoulder problems That I see in the gym come from that super common, especially if you work at a desk all day long, right? Sleep on the job. Yeah, exactly. Get on it, Doug. We got Sergio E. Barr.
Starting point is 00:24:49 What are some good exercises that will translate into an increase in squat and deadlift? The squat translates well to the deadlift, number one. So whatever you get your squat better, it's probably gonna get your deadlift better. The best exercise I can think of had to pick one would be the front squat. I think the front squat would help you sit up
Starting point is 00:25:11 upright in your deadlift. I think gobble squat. Gobble squat? Yeah, gobble squat would be good. Yeah, what about like a like a zircher? Yeah, for the more for the deadlift in the squat. Yeah, the zircher would be great for you. Yeah, building the deadlift.
Starting point is 00:25:24 Yeah, I think the front squat just because you front load the weight and you can work up to a pretty heavy weight. When my front squat goes up, my back squat tends to go up. And then almost always when my back squat goes up, my deadlift goes up. I mean, I don't know. Do you notice increases in your squat when your deadlift goes up or vice versa? Ah, you know what? Recently you've squatted more than you have.
Starting point is 00:25:44 Didn't you hit a PR recently? No, I missed my PR. I missed it. Uh, you know what recently you've squatted more than you have. Didn't you hit a PR recently? No, I missed my PR. I missed it. Oh, did you? Yeah, yeah. I felt great at 405. I felt like it was easy. So I went for a PR right afterwards.
Starting point is 00:25:54 Probably should have thought about that. Probably should have went for the PR at 405 and doing 405. How much did you go up to 415? 425. Oh, see, but you could hit 415 though. Oh, yeah, probably a small. Yeah, but I don't want to do it. Oh, see, but you could have 415 though. Oh yeah, probably a small, oh yeah, but I don't want to do that. Yeah, that's like a little 10 now.
Starting point is 00:26:09 That's really miss out, because now you got to wait a couple of few weeks before you can even attempt again. Well, if you guys like reverse hypers for me have been great for like dead left, because I need to really build my hamstring strength and also obviously good mornings. I don't do those, I don't do reverse hypers.
Starting point is 00:26:24 I need to. I need to. They're awesome. I need to. Do you know what I incorporate that I picked up just in the last year is the hack squats with the barbells? Old school, hack squats. Old school hacks. Do you elevate your heels when you do that one?
Starting point is 00:26:37 Or do you stand flat foot? I've done both. Yeah, yeah, I've done both. Which way do you like, I've never done on either one I haven't done one. You know, when I am on the elevator heels, I can feel myself driving off my quads more. Okay.
Starting point is 00:26:47 So I actually like to do in my chucks still. So the only thing I like my elevator hills in is when I'm squatting, when I'm back squatting, when I'm heavy back squatting on that, even when I front squat, I can actually do it in my chucks. So it's when I heavy back squat, do I want to be in my heels? So other than that.
Starting point is 00:27:03 I'm here. Other than that. Because it looks so sick. It does. It does. Yeah, I know. I'm trying to think what have I seen translate into that, a big time that's helped me out of a movement
Starting point is 00:27:17 that I've incorporated. And I can't honestly, it's tough because squat is the king, you know what I'm saying? And nothing else. Like to get your squat better. Different types of squat. Yeah, different types of squat. Even just squat more.
Starting point is 00:27:29 And I feel like the same thing goes for tension. Like, I don't know, for me, it's completely different. It's just because of stuff I've been messing with a lot, but like full tension squats. So they call it like the Dumpy squat, which is my friend. He just kind of came up with his. Is that the one with the sick? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:44 It just, just so that way it it, it really helps you to focus on more recruitment and also being supported in tents in every single incremental. It's like an isometric movement, right? It's an isometric movement. But he's moving with it. Yeah, yeah, exactly. So it's like dynamic.
Starting point is 00:28:01 So you've noticed the big difference in your squad. Oh, yeah. Really? The strength just because of like my supported ability to to break. So let me ask you this. You're obviously the expert in the room when it comes to you know this type of you know high-ten city high-tencel You know stabilization time movements. Right. It's tensile the term. Yeah, tensile would be like Yeah, isn't that what you put on your tree?
Starting point is 00:28:25 Tencils. Tencils. Tencils. Tencils. Tencils. Tencils. Tencils. Tencils. Tencils. Tencils. Tencils. Tencils. Tencils. Tencils. Tencils. Tencils. Tencils. Tencils. Tencils. Tencils. Tencils. Tencils. Tencils. Tencils. Tencils. Tencils. Tencils. Tencils. Tencils. Tencils. Tencils. Tencils. Tencils. Tencils. Tencils. Tencils. Tencils. Tencils. Tencils. Tencils. Tencils. Tencils. Tencils. Tencils. Tencils. Tencils. Tencils. Tencils. Tencils. Tencils. Tencils. Tencils. Tencils. Tencils. Tencils. Tencils. Tencils. Tencils. Tencils. Tencils. Tencils. Tencils. Tencils. Tencils. Tencils. Tencils. Tencils. Tencils. Tencils. Tencils. Tencils. Tencils. Tencils. Tencils. Tencils. Tencils. Tencils. Tencils. Tencils. Tencils. Tencils. Tencils Is Tensil the term? Yeah, Tensil would be like, is it not what you put on your tree? Tensil? Tensil? Tensil, is it? Tensil? Tensil? You said it right. I don't know if I said it right or not. He's fucking. Who knew I had to get hit?
Starting point is 00:28:33 He always gets me, I had to. I'm going to get salary, make some money. So let me ask you to put in Tensil. This is your thing here. I do them as part of a dynamic warm-up. Is that how are you using them or are you making them part of your extra stuff? I'm making it more of a dynamic warmup. Is that how you're using them or are you making them part of your extra work out? I'm making it more of a max tension.
Starting point is 00:28:47 So I'm really super intensifying the effort that I'm putting into. So break it down because the rep takes how long? Like how it's obviously going slow, right? Yeah, exactly. So it takes me like, like a real slow four count to get down. Then I usually stay down about six seconds at the bottom, six to 10 seconds.
Starting point is 00:29:07 And I drive about four seconds back up. So the thing is, is that I'm applying a different, like, you're just the whole time of patterns. Yeah, the recruitment pattern is different for me, pushing myself down like with my upper body, getting more involved in that. So I'm getting more recruitment than getting my upper body involved with.
Starting point is 00:29:27 Yeah, so how do you reps? Do you do that or is that one rep and then you rest? So that's exhausting. Exactly, yeah. You rest after like, you know, the full, the full depth and then coming back and driving up into that. So that's one and then you rest.
Starting point is 00:29:41 That's one and then you rest. Yeah, and so yeah, I'll get like, you know, at least 10 to 20 seconds, you know, rests between, yeah. Okay. I'm going to start doing them. You know, still though, that's a squat. You know, that's exactly the variations of it. Yeah. I mean, I think that's what we, I think to really answer that question best, I think we would all have to agree that nothing is going to translate into squatting deadlifting, like the variations of all those same movements. So if deadlifting, sumo deadlifting and different types. Yeah, trap bar and lifting off blocks. Yeah, exactly. All the variations of a deadlift,
Starting point is 00:30:14 the same thing goes. Yeah, that's your issue. Right, exactly. So I really feel like, you know, there's not, you're not like, I've done other exercises like if you were, if the question was more geared around like, you know, what are, what're not like I've done other exercises like if you were if the question was more geared around like you know What are what are some different exercises besides the squat that help you know build your legs? You know like build build the look of them or like you're talking about specific exercise. Yeah, yeah I will say look front squats for me for squats if it but it's again It's a variation of a squat and for the deadlift the good mornings did should give me some good translation But it's still a hip-hins, right? Yeah. But those two would be the only ones I would pick,
Starting point is 00:30:47 but again, like Adam's saying, like, even a lunge, even a lunge, if you look at the anatomy of lunge, all in lunge is a single squat. Single squat, single squat. It's a split leg, yeah, split stance squat. Yeah, so. That's all, it is. Well, man, man, man.
Starting point is 00:31:01 I want to help, I feel like I want to help that person out, give him something else, but I feel like there's just, they're really, they're really, they're really, there really isn't any just squat. And here's the thing though, squatting and deadlifting must have 50 variations each. Oh yeah. You know, you could, you could go all day or all,
Starting point is 00:31:18 all year long varying. Bro, I haven't used the machine for my legs in like 10 years. Why would you sit down? Man. Man. Man. Alright, next up, Dave Kursaminski is asking if he eats enough protein to maintain or gain do calories matter? This is a great, you know why I like this question?
Starting point is 00:31:36 Let me, no, I don't want to embarrass Dave. This is a good question. But let me tell you why this is a good question because this reflects the absolute shit that the supplement industry has put out there. This kid or this guy is asking us, do calories matter if I get enough protein? Yeah. Because that's God right now.
Starting point is 00:31:55 It's protein. Protein is all that matters. It's the only macro nutrient and that's all that your body needs to build and that's it and nothing else. Like carbohydrates and fats are essential number one. You don't even have fats, you're gonna die. Corbohydrates aren't essential, but they do provide some benefit.
Starting point is 00:32:10 And calories are very important. You could have, you could be in a calorie deficit, but have twice as much protein as you need, and you're not gonna build muscle. Ain't gonna happen. You'll get sick and die. The macros are important and calories are important. If you want to gain, you got to take in more than you burn. And if you want to lose, you got to take in less than you burn. And it doesn't matter how much protein you eat within those parameters. Now protein's
Starting point is 00:32:31 important. And there's an ideal amount. But if you hit that ideal amount and then fuck everything else up, you're not going to do well. Well, I read that. And I think I would answer that differently because I see if I eat enough protein to maintain or gain do calories matter, I think like he's more concerned like, you know, if I'm my goal's gaining and I get the protein I need, do I need to really worry if I get 30, 500 or 4,000 calories? And absolutely you do because everything helps you gain. At one point, at one point, you're going to be putting on more fat than you are a muscle.
Starting point is 00:33:03 You know, if you can, if you continue to eat in such a large surplus, then yeah, you're going to be putting on more fat than you are a muscle. You know, if you can, if you continue to eat in such a large surplus, then yeah, you might add a half a pound of muscle, but then you put two pounds of fat on. And in reality, your scale goes up, but you're not any fitter than what you were before. Well, I'm just, here's your strong man contest and you're just, you're trying to be as strong as you might be. And that's if you're eating too many calories and if you're eating too little calories, you ain't going to build muscle. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:26 And that's my point. Like fat and carbohydrates contribute to muscle growth as well, as well as protein. So it's not the only macronutrient. And yes, you can't eat too much of it. I'm literally, the protein is treated like it's this magic macronutrient. You can't have too much of it. Nothing battle happened if you have too much of it. And just worry about protein and taking nothing else matters. Which is strange,
Starting point is 00:33:50 because if you had to pick one macro nutrient that you put as the priority, right? That, yeah. Well, in defense to the... Of protein? Yeah, in the defense of protein. No, really, in the defense. That's the protein spokesperson.
Starting point is 00:34:03 I am, for protein. In the defense of protein, I know I've said this more than once, is that in all my training career, every client that I ever took on that I had dead train, other than competitors, I'm not talking about that world, normal human beings that just come to me that need to lose weight or want to work on some building some muscle or that, and they don't know the first thing about nutrition or working out, and I assess their diet, all of them under eight protein. They overeat carbohydrates.
Starting point is 00:34:30 Yes. And every single person who I've ever met that has hired me, that's competitors and they were in the bodybuilding world or bikini world or whatever it is, they all over consume protein. So there is a huge difference between who we're speaking to and who you are listening right now.
Starting point is 00:34:47 If you're an average Joe, you've never tracked your macro nutrients, you eat whatever the fuck you want when you want to, which is normally sweets and alcohol and crazy things like that. More than likely, you don't get enough protein and you over consume on carbohydrates. If I'm talking to the fitness guru and your hardcore, you read all the magazines, you've been to all the fit expose,
Starting point is 00:35:06 you love bodybuilding and mens, but you one day you want to compete, you're probably overeating protein. Yeah, you're probably eating so much pro, you're supplementing with it. Yeah, that's exactly. Westy Gaines, who is the worst person in the fitness industry? In other words, who is causing the most problems with their programs and products?
Starting point is 00:35:25 Well, who do you want us to throw into the bus? Let me just start. I'm not going first. I'm man, someone's gonna, I'm not going first. Just to go through it. I've already brought a left heat on me. I already know Justin wants to say. So you think, you think.
Starting point is 00:35:38 Okay, I mean, I honestly, I just think it's people that like haven't, it's these's these like people that are professionals that are sought after by like your average person. And it's the ones that like their voice has never changed throughout the years. Like they haven't paid attention to any new research, you know, they just keep like hammering people on either intensity or, you know,
Starting point is 00:36:03 like just starve yourself of carbs, but like they just, there's no rhyme or reason behind it. It's just like, it's just like old information that we're all, it's like beaten into our head, that's like detracting people from the truth. So it's anybody in my opinion that is like out there just like blatantly sitting pretty on old information and then trying to argue, they're same position over and over and over again. And I don't know. Like if I have to like voice just one person,
Starting point is 00:36:38 that's that's kind of hard because there's so many of them. It's true. I mean, I would say the entire, I mean, most of the industry is driven by companies that sell products. And so it's interesting, because it's an industry driven by and fueled by and funded by those types of things.
Starting point is 00:36:58 And so the information that comes out is gonna be through that lens, it's gonna be through that filter. And so it's hard to say who the worst is because a lot of these people are good people. They're not evil behind closed doors, making evil laugh. Some of them are some of them are asshole. Some of these companies ripped people off. We've seen these consumer reports come out.
Starting point is 00:37:18 But I think some of them are good people. They're just living in this interesting bubble of a world, where a lot of the information that they believe in is also false, but they truly believe it. And they promote it. Like the, you know, eats so much protein or you have to eat all these small meals or take all these pitils, you know,
Starting point is 00:37:37 these different supplements for fat loss. I'm also gay and they know, it's all great. It's all part of health. I think that the whole industry is driven by that and so you just have a lot of them. And then I would say in terms of exercise, like body buildings fucked up fitness for a long time, CrossFit brought some of their own shit, that's stupid.
Starting point is 00:37:54 But both have also contributed a lot of good things. Well, I knew that that was probably the one you thought I thought Justin was just one of my friends. And I thought of CrossFit. It's more of an annoyance thing for me than it is anything else is because like I do a lot of similar exercises and so what I do is in comparison to that. And I, I'm irritated that they're big enough of a brand that like anytime you use a mace
Starting point is 00:38:19 bell or you jump rope or like that's CrossFit all of a sudden. Now, like that pisses me off. Well, because it's just like, all it is, like they wrap it all under, I mean, that's part of it. The other part of it is that they're just like blatantly, like people are getting hurt and they're not changing. So they're, again, they're not changing their process of how, you know, they run their athletes through their programs, they're not making it safer, you know, like people are still getting like,
Starting point is 00:38:48 really hurt and they're not addressing it in the way I would like to see them address it. I agree. But I think we have to be careful on how we, we nitpick on something like that because I don't know if you guys realize or not, but it's happening to our, we're, we're doing it indirectly. And what I mean by that is, you know, we have mobility sessions, we have focus sessions, we have trigger sessions.
Starting point is 00:39:11 And what those are, these are tools, these are ways of training the body that we have named, which is in turn kind of branding. But in reality, we're not making something new up, but it's not new science, it's not a new exercise, but we're giving it a name so it's easier for people to hate the player, hate the game. Yeah, right. So I think that that's important because at one point people,
Starting point is 00:39:34 I mean, and the reason why I bring this up because I actually cut this, it's now very common for me to go to any of my gyms that I work out and there's at least anywhere between two to five people that are following one of the maps programs. And it's now gotten into where it's lingo where I can walk up and just ask somebody like, hey, what are you doing today?
Starting point is 00:39:51 And instead of them saying, like, oh, I'm hitting bars and dries, they're like, I know that that's 100% like, and we've even talked about this like in contrast to cross it because the only way to win is to create your own beat of my thing. Yeah, beat of your own thing. And then like your your thing is the thing. Well, I mean, look, you can you can narrow down really if you want to get real just down to the basic, you can really narrow it down to the problem that CrossFit has brought to the industry is that they've made intensity, they've glorified
Starting point is 00:40:24 intensity. There you go. And that they've that they've made intensity, they've glorified intensity, and that they've taken exercises that require precise controlled technique and put them under time and speed. And so you've ruined, you've taken an exercise that's already complex as shit, like Olympic lifts are super complex as hell, and then do them to fatigue, which is what you don't want to do
Starting point is 00:40:46 with a very complex danger of sex or sex. That's really it. It really boils down to that. What they've, I think, what they've done great is, first of all, they've made, lifting weights more mainstream than bodybuilding ever did. You're seeing people, people know, layman know what CrossFit is now.
Starting point is 00:41:02 They know dead lifts all of a sudden, squats all of a sudden. Well, they've split it completely in half because of the, it's the backlash because of the bodybuilding way the gym is set up. You know, they wanted to totally like go in a different direction with that. And they were successful with it because people did want a change.
Starting point is 00:41:19 Oh, look at all your, look at your gyms. Yeah. That's what I mean. I'm a part of, there's boxes now that, I'm a part of, started that. I'm a part of two big gyms right now that have literally remodeled their gyms to totally cater to the CrossFit athlete. Right. You know, we love it because that means we got platforms that have left and squat on. But that's what I mean. Like, like, okay, but if they're really as a business, they're really catering to CrossFit. Right. But it's not CrossFit that they're catering to. It's the exercises
Starting point is 00:41:44 that CrossFit is popularized. Because if I go to these gyms, but if you ask the gym owner, he would tell you we're building this out for CrossFit. You think so? 100%. Because you think if you were to wonk it and ask clubs board,
Starting point is 00:41:56 why they built the fucking edge? Because they're like, we want to see more people's fitness. Everybody knows fitness is two things, dude. It's CrossFit or bodybuilding. There's nothing in between. Well, no, my point is this, when I go into these gyms, I don't see a lot of people doing CrossFit. I don't see people doing walks.
Starting point is 00:42:12 They tend to stay in those CrossFit boxes. What I do see is the exercises that nobody was doing before. Yes. Now they're starting to do, I'm seeing people do Olympic lifts now, but doing them right where they do them, they rest, they do them. Well, I think, yeah, it resurrected that. That's need for it. That's what I'm seeing people do Olympic lifts now, but doing them right, where they do them, they rest. Well, I think, yeah, it resurrected that need for it.
Starting point is 00:42:27 That's what I'm saying. So that's why I think CrossFit was a great thing. Now, some of the stuff they're doing, I think is stupid, but a lot of the stuff they've done is great. And then forget about talking about their marketing brilliance as just... Well, at the end of the day, this is how I feel. Like you said, they glorified intensity, which to me, anything that does that,
Starting point is 00:42:44 and it's totally focused on Is one it's weak and it's wrong and the other thing that and this will rain true forever Here's a prediction for you never ever ever in the history of getting fit Well a class setting be ideal for you ever. No, I'm just gonna put that out there right now Any it doesn't matter what modality or what new times you can go above individual. We are exactly. We are so unique as individuals that are in tency level, the movements we should be focusing on, how we're focusing on those movements, all that stuff should change per person.
Starting point is 00:43:17 And if you're in a class setting that has 12, the 25 people in it, okay, maybe that one person for that workout in there, this is the perfect workout for them. But the rest of you, it's not, it's not the perfect workout. Is it a workout that burns calories? Absolutely. Does it kick your ass to get you sore? Absolutely. That's where the glorified intensity part comes in. In reality, there are much better ways for you to be healthy and fit than, than participating in a super intense driven class. Let me ask you this. you this, I am completely unaware if CrossFit are they affiliated with supplements at all?
Starting point is 00:43:50 Or do they, there is no CrossFit promoted supplements is there? Or are they affiliated through their events? No, because it's the kids. Because the box to buy into the brand. The boxes are the way they do a box, right? It's an affiliate. Yeah, they're affiliates, right.
Starting point is 00:44:02 So because they do like affiliates, then the private boxes now have the opportunity to do their own affiliates. So if you own a CrossFit box, you's an affiliate. Yeah, they're affiliates, right. So because they do like affiliates, then the private box is now have the opportunity to do their own affiliates. Or if you own a CrossFit box, you would affiliate yourself. So then I could do that. Yeah. Now are there any CrossFit athletes that are sponsored by big supplement companies? There has to be, right?
Starting point is 00:44:14 Yeah, oh yeah, sure. Yeah, no, there's just the infiltrates. Everything that has to do with it. The prime primal bit. There's a lot of like, their paleo is where they're based. Right. So all your paleo-based. They try to be like, a lot of them try to be healthier
Starting point is 00:44:25 than your standard. They try, but they still have companies like Thedays and all those other ones. Because Thedays like, we're fucking Red Bull but a different brand. You know what, that's a good point though, Justin. That's a good point though. They do tend to make health a bigger priority
Starting point is 00:44:38 than the bodybuilding world. I think so. But what's good for you? It's shit. I mean, I shifted in that direction. I didn't get an chance to answer this question, but where I was heading with that. So who I think is the worst person,
Starting point is 00:44:49 I definitely don't think it's singular. I think my peers, 100%. Oh, the bodybuilding crowd. Yeah, and I'm to every single, you know, champion, champion pro, men's physique, bodybuilding, every weight class you can think of, champion pro, men's physique, body building, every weight class, you can think of all of them. All of them get paired up with some supplement company. And the part that I feel for them and I understand, so I don't want to rack on them so hard is
Starting point is 00:45:15 if you were somebody which happens like a lot of these guys, they, they aspire to be these competitors, totally opposite of me. I wasn't that guy. These guys inspired, they one day I want to be Mr. Olympia. Like, it's really a big deal for them. And you get involved in that and you realize, this is the path that everybody takes. You work your way up to the professional level. You get on that stage.
Starting point is 00:45:34 Eventually, supplement companies will come after you and want to sponsor you. Some coach will want to sponsor you and put his programs behind you. You cover them. You'll be on cover, magazines. All these things are going to start happening to you and then you're going to be able to build this empire and programs behind you. You'll be on cover, magazines. All these things are going to start happening to you and then you're going to be able to build this empire and business around you.
Starting point is 00:45:48 The unfortunate part is those are the people that I am the most disappointed in because those people are in a position to affect and change a lot of lives for the good and those people are peddling all the shit that they're being sponsored which in defense of them, okay, it's tough because this is the way they make their money. But what sucks is you got one of these guys that's a Mr. Olympia that's got 300, 400, a million followers that are following
Starting point is 00:46:17 and all the information this person is giving is awful. It's awful. Everything from program design to how to eat, to how to what supplements to take. It's fucking awful. And the part that makes me mad about all the listeners who are listening right now that fall into it is the mother fucker probably didn't ever train a single person in his life before he got on stage. He got on and there's a handful of trainer trainer slash competitors out there. but most of them that are really good competitors are better at being told to what to do by some coach Which is starve their body and train like fucking a madman and take all these supplements
Starting point is 00:46:54 That those people have no fucking clue how to help people out Yeah, and they're out there telling people follow this program and do this supplement and train this way and eat this way. And it's like, dude, you are, you are beyond underqualified to be giving this information. And I really think that this is how Lane Norton got his big claim to fame was because he was one of the first guys to come out in this industry and start calling the coaches out that were coaching the athletes up because they're terrible. That's the other thing. Not only are the athletes my peers terrible,
Starting point is 00:47:26 but the motherfuckers that are telling them what to do are better are terrible too. And everybody's looking going like, wait a second, that just makes sense. They have the best physique. Adam, you're just a hater. That's because Mr. Olympia has such a better physique than you. Nah, fuck off.
Starting point is 00:47:37 That has nothing to do with it. Has nothing to do with it. Well, the advice is just not, it doesn't help anybody, it doesn't help the average person. And a lot of them look the way they do in spite of some of the shitty stuff they did do. And of course, throw genetics and get a lot of gear in the mix.
Starting point is 00:47:52 Yeah, those, and there you go. Most of those, I got on stage compete, can prove that a guy like me who is not genetically gives it and is not ideal to competing can still compete and can do it without a coach, without supplements with all this other crap shit. But all the rest of these, the rest of these guys, they were built for this man. You're champions. If you're in Olympia, if you're like a Mr. Olympia, you were built for this dude. You were built for this a long time ago. And then you've been able to apply all this other stuff that you're taking to do that and training for nonstop 24 seven, you know, year in, year out to try and to accomplish this.
Starting point is 00:48:26 And then they get this accomplishment and then they believe that this gives them the credibility to train people, to tell people how to eat, to tell people what supplements to take. And that right there, I think that's hurting the industry more than anything because that is what's, it's growing, it's exploding right now.
Starting point is 00:48:41 Men's physique and bodybuilding world is exploding right now more so than it ever has in the last 10 years. And so when I go to like the expo the other day, you know, it's cool to go around and so that. We're kind of teasing about it. But I cringe because I'm like, dude, this is getting bigger. It's getting worse before it's getting better.
Starting point is 00:49:00 We have an uphill battle ahead of us for sure. We're in a long fight. We're not like, I see here's the thing. I don't think they're gonna go away, but I do think that they will never be mainstream. They're never gonna be mainstream. Mr. Olympia will never be mainstream.
Starting point is 00:49:14 Not even Mr. Olympia physique will ever be mainstream. It's just the weird sub-culture lifestyle. What do you mean by the mainstream? What do you mean by that? Arnold Schwarzenegger's mainstream. Arnold Schwar and they are was mainstream for bodybuilding he was mainstream because he's are all sorts of new bodybuilding is what introduced him to the world it did but he was on pumping on the guys that that's it that is he's like a god of he wasn't like i mean the entire gulf give a shit if he was just in bodybuilding that whole time and never did anything
Starting point is 00:49:42 else i guarantee you would be his part of the adam, look, you're not a pro bodybuilder, you're a muscular guy. When you walk around, you're like a freak, everybody looks like this guy, there's extreme. And you're not even, you know, you'd have to gain a hundred pounds to walk on a Mr. Olympia stage. That world, I don't think will ever go mainstream.
Starting point is 00:50:01 I don't think anybody, the average person who wants to get in shape and, you know, is there ever gonna look at that? If you're singling out just bodybuilding, but when I say bodybuilding, I don't just mean, you know, heavyweight bodybuilders, I mean, everything that goes underneath that, which is women's bikini, women's figure. Well, physique has gone a long way. Classic, I think physique is why it's grown so much. And so it's bikini. Yeah, no, absolutely. I, I 100% believe that that, but that's just it is. I think it's getting worse before it's getting better. And we have an uphill battle ahead of us. We're, I mean, we talk about, you know, people are like,
Starting point is 00:50:32 man, you guys, I feel like you guys are influencing this and you're doing this and like, shit, we're doing shit right now. We're like a pebble in the ocean right now trying to make a wave dude, like just making little notches. Yeah, dude's a lot more going on and these guys are the ones that are that are really fucking this industry up because and but you know don't trip I mean my pump's gonna get everybody you just wait I mean we will we will we will get everybody right now but we're just not I do kids hide your wife I know I have I have plans for that industry when we when we have the kind of money or we can we can invest 50 to grand, where we can bump into a show and make a wave, but I definitely want to,
Starting point is 00:51:08 but we're just not in a position to do that yet. But when we are, we will, we'll make our way, we'll make our wave over there, and we'll correct some shit. But people like that to me, I think are the worst in this industry. And they're no different than the motherfuckers that were some professional athlete that get on covers of magazines,
Starting point is 00:51:22 or get their build it's to famous. And then because now that they you know, get on covers of magazines or get their built, build it's the famous. And then because that now that they're recognized because they're a badass athlete, super genetics, and they look awesome, that they can now be giving people information about how to eat and how to train and do things like that. That's great, bro. You know how to train yourself. Adam's not mad. Not at all. Hey, man. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:44 Next question is from any in skip. What is the best workout song for all of us here? We have to pick one for everybody. I just want everybody's individual. What's your favorite one? What's your go-to song? Ooh, that's tough. I'm angry.
Starting point is 00:51:58 I've got a couple that are really good. Maybe, because I wait. Wake up from Rage Against the Machine. Oh, that's a good one. Yeah, that always gets me just because of the build up and then, you know, you're not the Andy Screamin'. Yeah. God, you know what's funny?
Starting point is 00:52:11 Is I listen to Sepul Turra today? And I cannot remember the name of the song that just fucking got me, I'm gonna look it up right now. Oh, it's a good band. It was a... It's a testosterone. Yes, spectrum. Spectrum was pretty good.
Starting point is 00:52:24 Impending doom is pretty good too. Pantera, love music from Pantera. Spectrum was pretty good. Impending doom is pretty good too. Pantera, love music from Pantera. That'll always get me going. It doesn't really get better than fucking hostile. Yes, that one's excellent. But walk from Pantera. That'll always get me going. So your turn.
Starting point is 00:52:41 Yeah, I have disturbed down with the sicknesses probably. Really? Yeah, that's a fuck's a fuck that's a good one Just yeah, I disturbed down with the sicknesses probably one if not Tool almost any tools long I can get in really. Oh, yeah, tools like the super fast like angry Like I listen to Pantera the other day because I know you guys were random raving about it And I hadn't heard Pantera in a long time and I listened to something else that Justin recommended and if it's, if it's so, and I, it's because I think I'm not adjusted to listening like that, I'm sure if I did it on a regular basis, eventually I get adjusted, but it's almost,
Starting point is 00:53:17 it's almost distracting. It's so heavy. Yes. It's so heavy. It's so heavy. It's almost, it's almost distracting where disturbed and tool is just heavy and hard enough for me, but I feel like it gives me rhythm. There's like a rhythm to it.
Starting point is 00:53:29 So you like to feel the music? Yeah, I do. I like to feel it. See, I like to feel angry. Well, that's why I like audio slaves sometimes. I love audio slaves. I'm not even seeing it. I don't want to do it in justice.
Starting point is 00:53:40 That's a hard-do-try part. You know, I can't. No, no, no, sorry everybody. Yeah. But also like a band not many people probably follow or listen to, but I always put as like a PR song is a triffits by Norma Jean, like one of the heaviest fucking songs like ever. It's amazing. Yeah, it's gotta be, what about, is there any like rap go to song for you?
Starting point is 00:54:06 Oh, Eminem. I can listen to Eminem. Really? Yeah. Two-parks for me. And two-parks, not even, yeah. And two-parks, not even like, it's not like giving me speed with my workout, but it's just, you know, I was the, I was when I went to high school when you know, two-parks. I'm a huge bone thugs and bone thug. Bum thugs. Yeah, I can lift it up. Bum bum bum bum bum do you guys have like a set like group of songs or album that is your That's like this is the one, but you don't listen to it all the time. You want to save it? Yeah, you know what I mean? I mean because it loses its effect if you listen to it too often. Oh, yeah Yeah, for that panter is like yesterday. Don't mean shit. Oh Yeah, so like save it. Yeah, so like like rage against the machines for me like I have to do it like twice a week
Starting point is 00:55:05 And then I'll play and then it gets me. If I listen to every day I start doesn't work it, you know, no, no, of course, of course Of course you need to be it means the first time hearing it in a while right for sure That's it. Hey listeners if you like mind pump please go to iTunes and leave us a five star rating review You could win a brand new free t-shirt also check us out on Instagram at mind pump radio You can find me at MindPumpSally, you can find Adam at MindPumpAdmin Justin at MindPumpJustin. And don't forget to go to MindPumpMedia.com.
Starting point is 00:55:33 Thank you for listening to MindPump. For more information about this show and to get valuable free resources from Sal, Adam and Justin, visit us at www.mindepompradio.com. Until next time, this is MindPump.

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