Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 300: 300th Episode Extravaganza!

Episode Date: May 27, 2016

Mind Pump's first episode went live January 5th, 2015. In less than a year and a half 300 episodes have been released. In this episode Sal, Adam & Justin talk about the Mind Pump philosophy and go beh...ind the scenes about what drives the show and the mission. Get the Mind Pump Discount Red, Green & Black Super Bundle at www.mindpumpmedia.com Please subscribe, rate and review this show! Each week the best reviewers are announced on the show and sent Mind Pump T-shirts! Learn more about Mind Pump at www.mindpumpmedia.com.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Are we are we rolling Doug? We are rolling. Listen, uh, so this will be this will be the second time we record this. I don't know if you guys realize this or not, but that that entire bit we recorded last on Monday where we were talking about the winners. Uh, Doug forgot to record. Oh, that's right. It's the first time there was a record button and I think it's new. It's new a new toy and already fucking shit up. No, no, no, no, listen, I will say this. This is the first time you've ever, there's ever been a mistake, right? Well, not, not true.
Starting point is 00:00:34 I missed a recording with Adam's sparkly taint. Oh, the original, the original sparkly taint did not make it. That's one to revisit. God, that, that was, that was over the top, dude. That was shit. That was old. That was your first taste. I think that was Adam's first taste of the podcast flow
Starting point is 00:00:53 when your mouth just goes. I can say crazy shit, skinnaboo. You know what I learned from that? That you can't recreate it. Like once you say it, it's all over. We do have the original recording now with the video. So we should sell that one there. Maybe we'll put it on the YouTube channel. You want to put it on YouTube? Yeah, it's for on the forum. That's raw, dude. That's from Robbie. Maybe the forum, yeah, probably the forum.
Starting point is 00:01:15 Because you know what? Because that, yeah, I don't know if they're ready for this. I know the forum will be offended. I mean, I can't do it yet. Let's do the forum. We haven't even broken in there yet. Yeah, I've already got it our way Let's get the form. Okay, we'll go drive with the Some love to our foreign people we love you guys little little little old school first Went back when we were doing the living room. That was the old days house that was in your living room I was right so we're glasses and shit was a person with us. I should probably research on the computer
Starting point is 00:01:44 Craig was with us. We were drinking Jack and Coke. Dilly. We were drinking Jack and Coke. It a bit of the nerves. So just to let everybody know, every Monday, we've record the winners for the iTunes review. And Justin had called for 20 reviews last week.
Starting point is 00:02:02 This is the contest. Neilded. This is the contest. And weet. This is the contest. And we actually got 21 up until Monday. What's so he lost? No, he called for 20. Exactly. He got 21. He got 21. He got 21. He can't hit the number.
Starting point is 00:02:15 This is like, you have to like Jack. Like, Jack. You don't need a lot of privilege. He got to hit it right on, bro. So what we're going to do is we're going to give out the t-shirts that we're supposed to be announced on Tuesday. Okay. Now for everybody who did a review after Monday, you're going to be in the running for this coming week. So you haven't lost out, if your name's not called and your review came up on say Tuesday, you're still in the
Starting point is 00:02:38 running and next next week, I intend to push the record button. Okay. That's a plan. You don't. So here are the winners. We have five t-shirts going out. We've got shriek SSJSJS. You know, before you go on, I want to interrupt you because I think I think you should, I don't know, Doug, you screwed up. So I think you should do like, like the, like the lottery does it when the people don't win. They have to add the money onto it. So now, so now you should have to double down. You should give more shirts away, dude. We already only selected five. I've only written five down at them. What do you want me to know? I mean, I mean, on the next one
Starting point is 00:03:11 next week. Okay, next week because you messed up and nobody won. And the money goes into the pot. Now the, the lotto is up to 2.9. No, we'll give away extra shirts. We'll give extra shirts. Next week. That's right. Back you guys. All right. Next up is Metal Bag, Bri Hicks 5, Y Joe B0513, and we got B Victoria's Fit. All of you are winners. How do they get their shirts done? To iTunes at MindPumpMedia..com include your iTunes name. That's the name I just read off.
Starting point is 00:03:46 So include that in with your email, your shirt size, and your shipping address. Beautiful. And picture of your car. Did anybody leave a comment saying that they did it for Justin? Cause I feel like some of them listen on my episodes late.
Starting point is 00:03:58 You know, I didn't see that. I didn't see that. I think they all did it for Justin. You just jealous. Sure. It's my people. It's you to it for Justin. We did just jealous. Dude! It's my people! Do it for Justin!
Starting point is 00:04:06 We did lose. It's the glorious people. They come through from me, cause you're awesome. If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mind, mind, up with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. Test, test, test, test.
Starting point is 00:04:26 Hey, I want to check something out here. Just testing my levels because here's the problem I have all the time. Is I'm turning it on and off for myself so I don't get all that bad. Doug, I want you to fucking hit record because this is a great way to open the open a show. Okay. It's them hearing you try to fix your mind. I am fixing it, but now listen to this. I'm now silent. I am fixing it, but now listen to this
Starting point is 00:04:48 I'm now lying. Did you just buy a little switch? Guys, hello You're This is money did you see did you see his face? Yeah, yeah, whenever he gets a new toy that has to do with any of ours Fucking loves toys. Where when you got where, when we decided to start our first seminar, when we took, then we get the portable stuff. Yeah, he was so excited to open it. Well, I have no idea what the fuck it is. I have no idea what any of those buttons do.
Starting point is 00:05:13 That's right, it's like a kid in a candy store. It reminds me of, you know when you're a kid and you watch Star Trek or Spaceship movies and they're looking in front of a screen, you know, and they're talking like, well, we see this going on with the whatever. And it's like 80 million buttons. That's what it looks like when you're like, I don't know what they do.
Starting point is 00:05:28 Hit them all at the same time. Guys, watch this. People, people, people, so let out. So Doug basically bought a, what's that thing called? I don't know, it's a non-aw switch. Okay, so it's a switch for his mic, so it's really easy for him to turn it on and off. But when he touched it the first time, it's like he touched a clitoris. Yes, it was exciting.
Starting point is 00:05:44 Oh, look on his face. Yeah, so it was exciting. Oh, look on the space. Yeah, look on it. He like touched it anyway. His eyes rolled back a little bit. Can you guys hear that now? Oh, yeah. Yeah, you know, I get this from my dad though.
Starting point is 00:05:53 He loves electronics. Oh, does he? Yeah. I mean, my dad's 85 years old. And he's got himself a new Mac computer and all these other things. And he's totally into it. Oh, that's awesome. Yeah, so
Starting point is 00:06:05 He's never been afraid to tackle new things with electronics and he let's rare He's old people do not do a technology typically you show you know, I showed an old guy porn. I mean well That strikes some new energy. You said you go through the roof. I can do this Well, you are the expert when it comes to fan stage. Why don't all these girls have hair on everything? This is different than I remember. You didn't know I called that way back. I didn't know I called that way back in the last episode too. You know that's going to come back around, don't you?
Starting point is 00:06:31 Like the 70s push. The fur. Yeah, it's coming. It'll come. I'm down. Winter is coming. You're down. Yeah, I'm down.
Starting point is 00:06:39 But you like fur? I'm kind of into the truth right now. I'm glad that I'm more in my teeth. Here's the thing. I'm going to be a little bit more in my teeth. I'm going to be a little bit more in my teeth. I'm going to be a little bit more in my teeth. I'm going to be a little bit more in my teeth. I'm going to be a little bit more in my teeth. I'm going to be a you're down. Yeah, I'm down. But you like for I'm coming into the Tris there is glad that here's a thing more in my teeth here Yeah, I mean here's the thing
Starting point is 00:06:49 Uh, there are some girls that double down already and did the whole electrolysis thing. Yeah, listen It's it's just it's primal. You know, I'm saying you're like a like an animal. You know why hair exists down there in the first place, right? Tell us you're silent for like Everybody's like like to have to be scientific about this? Yes, because because this is no joke. The hair, okay, so hair, we have a hairy spot for the crabs to get through like exactly. No, yeah, we have a hairy spot like our armpits and our pubes because it collects, we produce lots of pheromones, lots of pheromones in that hair. And so the smell, I'm not joking, the smell attracts potential mates.
Starting point is 00:07:28 So the reason why you have hairy nuts is because the smell apparently, I know I ruined everything. You did. I nerded it out and then made it grow. Inborn, you need bone hair. Exactly, but it is even worse that you would want to encourage that to come back. Your smell is attracting me.
Starting point is 00:07:42 There's nothing wrong with the hair. It's all good. It's all, it's, that won't stop. Your smell is attracting me. There's nothing wrong with the hair. It's all good. It's all, it's, that won't stop. That won't stop me. Dude, you guys know what today is? Today is, yes, a special day. Today is the day of 300. This is our 300th episode of Mind Pump.
Starting point is 00:08:03 Holy shit. You know, like a green screen and like, you know, crazy, like, you know, spears and stuff. We can do that. Eight pack abs. Or not. We can just do what we'd always do. Fine.
Starting point is 00:08:13 Yeah, nothing. I want to say this. So right now on our forum in celebration of our 300th episode, which by the way, let's be honest, none of us in this room were going to make a big deal about it. In fact, I don't even this room were gonna make a big deal about it. In fact, I don't even think we even registered that it was 300 episodes. What happened was on the forum, one of our forum members,
Starting point is 00:08:32 I believe it was Jessica, she posted a picture of herself in one of our shirts and said, hey, celebrate the boys 300 episode, and then it kind of blew up, and everybody on the forum now is posting pictures of themselves, wearing our gears, giving us support, talking about, you know, some of the stuff that they've gotten on a mind pump, they're doing it on social media. And I got to say something, man, you know, I don't want to get, you know, ruined the funny, you know, mood that we're in right now, but, you know, moving along into this industry is tenaciously and as hard-headed as I've been for, I don't know, 19 years
Starting point is 00:09:08 There's a lot of sacrifices that I've made and I know that you guys have made I've lost very close relationships because of my tenacity because I believe in what I believe in and because Nothing will move me off that path and I've had to make a lot of sacrifices monetarily I've had to make a lot of time sacrifices and I've had to make a lot of sacrifices monetarily. I've had to make a lot of time sacrifices. And I've had to make a lot of decisions that later on, you know, you start to question because you, you know, am I on the right path? And I know a lot of people listening right now
Starting point is 00:09:35 can probably relate. And this isn't, you know, this isn't true for anybody, but for everybody, but for some of us, we just feel like this is what I was meant to do. And I've always felt that. And seeing what's happening now with Mind Plum and seeing the impact that it's having on people and some of the impact that's having on the industry to me has been emotional is not even the right word. It's almost surreal because although I believed in it full, you know, 100%, I believed in myself
Starting point is 00:10:03 100%. because although I believed in it full, 100%, and I believed in myself 100%, my attitude has always been, I'm either right or I'm wrong, either way I'm not stopping. It's win or die, that's been my attitude. And I'm not encouraging that attitude with all you guys listening right now because I don't want people to go out
Starting point is 00:10:18 and make decisions and then end up destroying themselves in the process, but that's just, I can only speak for myself and I never met anybody else with that attitude until I met you, handsome fellows. And it's in a fucking great to see. Do you guys get that similar feeling like, fuck, like I knew it?
Starting point is 00:10:36 Supercharged, you know what I'm saying? Yeah, it's just, yeah, it's what we've been kind of seeking after and we didn't even realize that, you know, there was people with the same mentality out there that, you know, you could connect with on that level. And I think that, you know, some of our fans really feel the same way. And they want to express that same, you know, feeling like they want to have things, they're authentic. And they want to believe in, in, in the process, you know, and do things the right way and you know Just cut out of the bullshit and
Starting point is 00:11:08 You know for us it's just simply about having integrity and and just working our ass off and and yeah, you know like you can This is a great thing that's happening and it's totally like It energizes me every day to open the forum and to read people's comments and just to be in here with you guys and learn from you guys too. And yeah, man, it's exciting stuff. And 300 episodes, it's crazy. And it flew by.
Starting point is 00:11:37 Yeah. It has flown by. Something that we did different and I feel like, and I don't know if you guys went through this, but I felt like, just like anything else I've ever done before too. Whenever you tell people like, oh, what you're doing, this business that I'm building, this everybody has their opinion.
Starting point is 00:11:52 I need explaining it. And everybody has their opinion on what you how you should do it. You know, saying like, oh, you need to do this or, you know, okay, so you're starting this business. So what's your niche market? You know, we'll start by hammering them with testimonials. Yes, right? And what's your demographic?
Starting point is 00:12:07 Are you going after this? And they all ask the same questions. Everybody becomes an expert. Yeah, everybody becomes an expert in this thing you're doing. And it's just like, no, we have a mission that we're trying to accomplish and what we're trying to do. And we're trying to change an industry.
Starting point is 00:12:19 So, you know, you're trying to put me back in a box by asking me how I fit back in that industry. Like, that doesn't work. You don't get it and you won't get it if you don't listen. And I've experienced from that. Like, in my family, so I'm the oldest of four kids. And in my family, I've always been the, I've always kind of been the rock. From my extended family too, I've always been the one that,
Starting point is 00:12:42 some of those people's. Yeah, the rock, just like that. You smell it. Yeah. No, it's, you know, been the one that, some of those people, yeah the rock, just like that. You smell it. If something goes wrong, if someone needs something, I'll be the one that's there. If someone has a question, Sal will be there. And I've always been the motivator, and I've always motivated my siblings and cousins and friends
Starting point is 00:12:58 and stick to it, work hard, you will succeed. Meanwhile, I'm busting my ass, and I'm not necessarily demonstrating that type of success, but I believe in Meanwhile, I'm busting my ass and I'm not necessarily demonstrating that type of success, but I believe in it and I'm working hard towards it. And so every time I tell them I'm trying something or I'm doing something new, I would feel like, fuck, I want them to believe in hard work and tenacity
Starting point is 00:13:18 and in passion, but I don't want them to use necessarily me as their example because I have yet to demonstrate or to show those results. You know that I so believe in. And it's finally starting to happen. It's finally starting to spread and reach other people. Let me tell you. It takes a long time to build a proper business. You have, you know, everybody knows, everybody knows, work hard, stick to it, grind it out. You're gonna see eventually it'll pay off. It's gonna be hard times at first and everybody knows that.
Starting point is 00:13:48 But until you experience it, you actually don't because it's way harder than you think. It's a lot harder than you think. It's not like I busted my ass for six months and then boom, or things were kind of tough for a little while and things started doing well. No, it's like you're gonna question yourself. You are going to, it's gonna shake you at your foundation.
Starting point is 00:14:08 It's going to make you question not only yourself, but your core beliefs in things like hard work, tenacity, integrity. I'm looking at people around me who, especially when the housing boom happened, who were, a lot of these guys worked for me. And they were at the best C and B players, good guys, but they weren't like these exceptional,
Starting point is 00:14:26 you know, champions of industry. And a lot of them didn't have the best integrity. That's all I'm gonna put it out. I'm just gonna say that right there. I don't wanna, you know, roll anybody, but. And I would look at that and I'd say, you know, I'd be like, okay, well, that can't be me. I'm not, I don't have the ability to, you know,
Starting point is 00:14:41 roll through a business without really believing in what I'm doing and without being totally honest. I just can't do it. It's not part of my belief system. Meanwhile, these motherfuckers are making millions of dollars buying homes, providing for their families, doing all this awesome stuff. And I'm sticking to my belief and sticking to my beliefs.
Starting point is 00:14:56 And to see now that it's, you know, it's really, it looks like it's starting to work. That, you know, our message is starting to spread and we're making an impact on a lot of people. You start to feel vindicated, you know what I'm saying? But before you get there, man, you're going to get tested. So all you guys listening right now who you're working hard at something, it's going to test you in ways that I can't even explain.
Starting point is 00:15:20 Lane Norton said it really well. And I think I've said this before on the podcast. He said this one time and it stuck with me forever is that success is the battle of attrition. And it really is, man. It's really that ability to, because it's going to test that. You think you could prepare for it, and let me tell you every time I've ever started something, I'm like, okay, I'm going to sock away this much money.
Starting point is 00:15:39 This is going to help pay bills while I'm doing this. And if I need a little bit here, it does not matter. matter. Like there's always things that come out that didn't, you would have never predicted and never pans out the way you thought. It's always a little bit longer or a lot longer than what you expected. And, you know, it's just, it's the battle of attrition. Can you, can you still keep plugging away when it just,
Starting point is 00:15:59 the light at the end of the tunnel keeps getting further away? You know, a lot of people don't have that. They, they decide they're going gonna set off towards a goal. And if they're not getting closer to the goal every day, they throw in the towel. And in reality, like building anything is not like that. You know, a lot of times, you know, you have, you have these little successes along the way
Starting point is 00:16:17 and you celebrate and you're excited, but then you have these huge setbacks too. And it's like, you gotta be, it's just like to me, the parallels in building a business is very similar to building a physique, I feel like. It's 100, it's like, you got to be, it's just like to me, the parallels in building a business is very similar to building a physique, I feel like. It's 100, it's the same. Yeah, I feel like they're so similar and it's why I have such a passion for both of them. I love to do that because you have to learn to appreciate the failures too.
Starting point is 00:16:37 I was talking to someone the other day about working out and she was really all stressed, she was stressed out and she kind of went off on this. I've been doing this and these were my goals and I wanted this and I figured if I was hired at them and I did everything he said to a tee, I would look a certain way by this and then she's kind of going on and on and on and on and I let her finish and then I said, have you ever said that out loud before? And she kind of chuckled and she goes,
Starting point is 00:16:59 no and I said, well listen to everything you just said, there's nothing wrong with your program and there's nothing wrong with your bill but you're battling yourself mentally right now if this is something for you You know what I provide you and what I tell you is not like you have to fall this to a tee right now You're following everything strict to learn to learn how your body responds everything But that doesn't mean you got to make these sacrifices where you don't ever get to hang out with your friends anymore and go drink or you don't get To go celebrate this you don't see me do that. I get to do all these things
Starting point is 00:17:27 But there is a balance to that and understanding that and it's a journey and you most certainly can make those decisions along your journey too Just understand that you know that prolongs whatever it is that you're trying to do aesthetically right now and that's okay But you got to learn to accept that the problem is this industry is giving everybody these 30, 60-day visions of transformations and so everybody thinks that like, okay, he did that in 30 days. This is why the fitness industry, I can say with 100% confidence, is a complete failure. If the goal of the fitness industry is to improve upon the fitness and health of Americans or people who enter it in terms of buying their products or listening
Starting point is 00:18:07 to their advice or whatever, the fitness industry has been a complete and utter failure, absolute failure. Obesity epidemic exploded right along side the fitness industry. Right. In that funny. Which tells me that the fitness industry's growth was fueled by the obesity epidemic. It was not a solution to the obesity epidemic. It was people seeking a solution and then not being able to find it. That's such a great point. Exactly. It's marketing to
Starting point is 00:18:35 that. Realizing that, oh my god, look, obesity going up. I got an idea. We'll create all these quick, fixed ideas for all these people on how they can save their life if they take this bill or do this like right, it has not been a solution. Obesity has not been solved. diabetes hasn't been solved. Heart disease hasn't been solved. The fitness industry has provided zero solutions. Of course, there's voices out there in the industry that are giving good information, right information, but they're not the majority. They're not the loud voices. They're not the ones that are, putting out the information everybody's listening to, so it's been an absolute failure.
Starting point is 00:19:08 So when I see some of the messages that we're getting, like one of our, one of our foreign members, her name is, I wanna give her a shout out, her name is Kirsten, I'm not gonna give her last name out because I don't know if she's comfortable with that. But Kirsten contacted us a while ago, she's been following Mind Pump for a long time,
Starting point is 00:19:22 and she contacted us through private message about her struggles with fitness, how we're motivating her and helping her, and you know, struggles with nutrition. And it's been a hard struggle for her, like it is for anybody in that situation. Luckily, she trusted us enough to take our advice. And through this process, she's learning how to make fitness and health really a part of her life or it is her life now. I don't mean by it's her life like she's obsessed with it, but what I mean is for fitness to be successful, it has to become a part of your life. And so because you have to enjoy it, you have to enjoy it, you have to understand it.
Starting point is 00:19:59 And because of that, because she's kind of, you know, really trusted us, because what would we tell her? There's no quick fixes. Because of that, because she's kind of really trusted us, because what would we tell her? There's no quick fixes. Give yourself six months of no weight loss. Let's just get you to speed it, build up your metabolism, try, focus on strength training, where everybody else is telling you to do tons of cardio and diet super hard.
Starting point is 00:20:16 Don't diet super hard, don't worry about that. I'll look at your health for now. And now, her body's changing, she's feeling better physically, but even more than that, she's transforming her relationship to food, her relationship to her body. She's loving herself, not hating herself. I mean, how many people lose weight and hate themselves through the process.
Starting point is 00:20:38 And so when I see stuff like that, man, that makes me so happy and so excited for what we're doing because I feel like This is this is this is the industry that I want to see I want to see that answer I had I had a just one thing you're talking about the industry and You know how they were trying to promote like solutions to every one of these things like I heard this quote It was I believe as Albert Einstein was talking you know, if if they were to give him like, uh, if he was to work on a problem for an hour, he would spend 55 minutes, uh, on the problem.
Starting point is 00:21:15 And then, you know, that last five minutes on the solution. So it's, it's kind of the opposite that we're all about the solution, the solution, but uh, we have to address the problem. We have to address the problem and what's going on. And like, you know, whether that's movement, whether that's activity, whether that's, you know, that's meant proper eating, it's mental, it's, I mean, we have to like, we have to get back to the root. And we have to get back to the root in that way. We, we grow in the way that's intended, you know, that's going to best fit us.
Starting point is 00:21:44 Well, our attitude from the very beginning, before my pump, we all have the way that's intended, that's gonna best fit us. Well, our attitude from the very beginning, before my pump, we all have the same attitude. It was, I'm gonna do this the way I believe and needs to be done, and I will either succeed or I'll die trying. Like, I have no problem, you know, dying a complete failure, but I'm going down and a blaze of fucking glory with my middle finger
Starting point is 00:22:01 in the air to everybody who, I think, could suck my dick because I'm gonna do it the right way, I'm going to give out a message that I truly believe in. And thankfully, you know, that message is, it's resonating and I want to, I want to give a huge shout out to our listeners because you guys are inundated with bullshit. Here we are telling you there's no quick fixes. Here we are telling you we have a nutrition guide for example Doesn't tell you what to eat. It kind of helps you figure it out for yourself. Here we are telling people
Starting point is 00:22:30 It's a long process This is a process of learning your body and listening to your body and it takes a lot of courage because on the other hand you have Hey, take our pill or follow this meal plan or do this and you will lose lose 20 pounds in 30 days, and you will look the way you want in a very short period of time, and look at this picture of this so-and-so who in 30 days made this amazing transformation. Like that is extremely alluring that is very difficult to say no to,
Starting point is 00:22:55 and then the other side you're presented with the long hard road, which is what we're doing. We're just trying to provide information and really explain to people so they get it, but luckily our audience has trusted us enough, I want to commend you guys for that because this movement is growing not because of us but it's growing because of you guys. Did you see what's going on right now with Biggest Loser? I did. They're getting a lawsuit. I don't know if you guys saw that.
Starting point is 00:23:19 They're getting a lawsuit. No, I haven't seen that. So one of the contestants is suing, it is right along the lines of what we're talking about. Suing the biggest loser, and I'm gonna read some quotes that she wrote in here. She told TMZ that the producers dehydrated them. They told them not to drink water for 48 hours before weighing in.
Starting point is 00:23:41 They did 800 calories a day, and they would actually work out eight hours a day. She said she vomited. I used to say it was three to four. I didn't know it was eight. She said she vomited every single day and they and they didn't see any issues with that. Now, I this is why I've always hated the biggest loser because as a trainer, as a fitness professional watching the show, I know what they're doing to these people. And I can see even the training center. The America's toughest trainer.
Starting point is 00:24:09 It's like, it's again, this is a fucking example of how the industry is just ruining what they're supposed to be promoting. I mean, 800 calories a day, exercising for eight hours a day. Yeah, you're gonna fucking lose weight. Why don't you just lock them up in a jail cell and starve them and make them work for, you know, I mean,
Starting point is 00:24:29 it's really not that different. I mean, of course, they're the entered in voluntarily. Voluntarily, but that is some crazy man. That is some crazy shit. Well, you know, and we had to think it was coming in. And now I watched this show since the very, since it started. And I didn't stop watching till about probably the third or four season.
Starting point is 00:24:44 And the reason why is because in each season, I think I had like a little bit of faith, the very, since it started. And I didn't stop watching till about probably the third or four season. And the reason why is because in each season, I think I had like a little bit of faith, like, oh, maybe it's gonna get a little bit better than that. Oh, maybe they're not gonna keep going this direction. And then finally by a third or four season, I'm like, oh, it's already ruined. But the very first season wasn't that bad
Starting point is 00:24:57 because it was so new, nobody knew it was about, you know what I'm saying there, just coming in here and then there's like this competitive spirit to try and lose as much the weight loss Was way more realistic compared to all the shows after because after that We came about the money and it became about winning and then all the trainers or everyone would manipulate Everything they possibly could to just to win to get this person and when you start doing that You take extreme dangerous measures to make that happen because all you care, where you start doing these, and it was obvious to me right away,
Starting point is 00:25:28 like, you'd see these guys go, the scale drop like, you know, 20 pounds in like a day or two. And it's like, dude, you don't lose body fat that fast. Like you just can't possibly even exercise enough that, I mean, water manipulation, like crazy, manipulating their sodium, they're manipulating, they're 800 calories and then training eight hours a day. Are you fucking kidding? They're starving them. Yeah, you got to watch yourself. I mean most of these competitive environments are not conducive to, you know, proper
Starting point is 00:25:56 changes that, you know, take a long time to produce. Like if you're going to be competitive about it, you're going to take chances and you you're gonna try and accelerate progress by ramping the intensity up, by starving yourself, by manipulating your water, by all these different things that people do that show change in an immediate fashion. They don't last and that's what's glorified and that's the biggest problem I have with most things people see on TV, not just,
Starting point is 00:26:27 you know, biggest loser. Like this is CrossFit. This is all these other games that like the problem is like, I love games. Like I love to compete. You know, I love sporting events and all that. But I want that to be at a based off of a skill, you know, I don't want that to be based. That's why people say, oh CrossFit's a sport, you know, I don't want that to be based. That's why people say, oh, CrossFit's a sport and you know, bullshit, you know, I'm just going to say that right now because like I don't, I don't want to see,
Starting point is 00:26:53 I don't want to see people doing something that they think is, you know, health related. Like this is attached attached with health. Like no, that's a skill. That's a skill. Like think of it as a skill. Like it's like watching pro football and being like, that's attached with health. Like no, that's a skill, that's a skill. Think of it as a skill. It's like watching pro football and being like, that's attached with... Right, that's what I'm trying to exactly.
Starting point is 00:27:11 I'm trying to hammer that home because like, people, they tend, your average person will see people that are shredded or like even in MMA, right? For instance, those guys are shredded because the demand is insane, you know, and they produce at this really high level that they've done all these skills and their body reflects that. But man, do they take damage?
Starting point is 00:27:34 Did you hear Brandon Shaw talking about that? No, what do you say? Oh, yeah, he's kidding. He was letting the cat out of the bag on that right now. He's predicting in his industry on how much shit's going to change in the next 10 to 15 years when they start having studies on all these fighters after all these years of taking this pounding and abuse and stuff like that to them
Starting point is 00:27:51 on what it's doing to them mentally. Real similar to what we saw with the NFL and even though a lot of that got brushed into the rug and everything like that with concussions and stuff, he's saying the same thing. All these getting guys to pass out and taking abuse, getting hit and nonstop like that. Well, I think, here's the thing,
Starting point is 00:28:06 if you don't address, so a lot of times, everybody, most people, at least, start exercise because they wanna look better. But why do they wanna look better? Because they wanna feel better about themselves. Let's examine that for a second. They don't give a shit about anything else and this is understandable.
Starting point is 00:28:24 I'm not hammering on these people. I'm just saying, they don't care about anything else. They just wanna look better, because just looking better, which by the way has zero due with their health or well-being, just the way they look, will make them feel better about themselves. So this is what drives all these sales
Starting point is 00:28:44 of all these different programs and supplements and stuff like that, where what we're trying to do is we're trying to help people feel better about themselves before they get to that point. And what you'll end up finding is if you really start to feel better about yourself, understand your body, do things, and when I say the right way, I mean the healthy way, the long-term way,
Starting point is 00:29:01 because not to scare anybody, but if you do like in extreme cases, like what the biggest losers people are doing, or in less extreme cases, but much more common cases, like I've seen a hundred times of clients, where they've come to me wanting to lose weight, but they've already lost it four times before, and the way they did it was through shit tons of exercise,
Starting point is 00:29:21 and really depriving themselves of calories and starving themselves, what ends up happening is, each time you do that, it gets harder and harder, and you will get to a point where your body is gonna fight back in a big way, and you will lose that battle. I promise you, you will never win that battle. I've had, I can't count how many times I've had, and it's more common with women than men, and I think it's, again, because of the societal pressures to look a certain way. But I've had more times than I can count women come to me and I am in almost disbelief
Starting point is 00:29:51 at how damaged their metabolism are, to the point where I have to convince them, you don't expect to lose a single pound for a year. For one year, don't expect to lose a single pound. We have to fix you first. We have to fix you first. We have to fix all that shit that just happened. Now imagine that woman who came to me, who has tied the way she feels about herself to her look and she's come into this trainer and this trainer just told her, you're going to look the same for about a year. All we're going to do
Starting point is 00:30:20 is we're going to try and fix you. That is a, that's either A, she's gonna accept it and believe me, which sometimes happens and sometimes they reject. Yeah. They reject it, because you want to hear that shit. Well, you know, and I think I've shared this before on MindPunt, this is why you have a minimum contract with me. I will not take some, like, back when I first started
Starting point is 00:30:40 training and you didn't need to be clients and you were trying to get clients all the time, like you would take anything and everything and clients, you didn't like the train, people that want just one're trying to get clients all time like you would take anything and everything. Clients you didn't like the train, people that want just one session, 10 sessions, whatever like you would train anything. We're now like, I won't even let you enroll with me unless I have at least a three-month commitment because I already know how much you're gonna be fighting me with me telling you like, no, we're not gonna be losing weight
Starting point is 00:30:59 right now. No, we're not doing that right now. We're getting you healthy. Right now we're focusing on that. And that's a little bit of a process. And if they're not committed to me the next month, well then in the first month, they're gonna be like, well, man, I hired this guy, I paid him all this money and I'm still the same weight that I was 30 days ago. Why would I do that? Why would I pay him anymore?
Starting point is 00:31:17 Let me, let me, let me reduce some stats right here. Okay, these are not typical stats. I will admit that this individual, I identified quite early on, probably has great muscle building genes. It's a female. It's one of our forum members. Reach out to me a long time ago, so I gave her, I helped her out.
Starting point is 00:31:32 And initial, it took us, so she was having symptoms, poor health symptoms, and a lot of it was related to metabolic damage. In the past, she had lost weight through running sometimes up to three times a day. She would run for 30, 45 minutes. She'd severely restrict her calories. She'd, you know, she'd go, she'd do these crazy juice cleanses. And over the years, she would get really, really skinny. And then she'd gain weight back.
Starting point is 00:31:55 And then she'd get really, really skinny and gain weight back. And so when she came to me, some of her symptoms included things like she would get dizzy, energy was low. She would gain weight on anything over 1200 calories, she would gain weight, just all these different things. And so I helped her and I told her, just like I told you guys right now, what I'll tell people is that, okay,
Starting point is 00:32:13 don't expect any changes physically in terms of how you look or body fat percentage, and in fact that, for a little while. I want you to pay attention to other signs that your body's responding. Energy is the dizziness gone. Do you find cravings are changing? Is your skin changing?
Starting point is 00:32:30 How does your gut feel? Mood. How is your moving? Now, these are all signs that people don't pay attention to because we're conditioned to just look at the scale and the mirror and nothing else, right? So it was a struggle. I had to constantly reaffirm and help, you know, and convince her on a regular basis, like trust me. This is a struggle. I had to constantly reaffirm and help, you know, and convince her on a regular basis, like trust me.
Starting point is 00:32:47 This is a process, trust me. So that was about four months of work. Finally, last month in April, the beginning of April, I could see based upon what she was telling me that her body is getting healthy. She's no longer getting that dizziness. She's no longer getting these crazy dips in energy. Her cravings were changing, her skin was changing.
Starting point is 00:33:09 She was getting stronger. She felt, she kept telling me, oh, I feel strong in the gym. I said, what do you mean? She goes, well, besides the weight's going up, I just feel like I'm stronger. I feel more solid. I feel like I can push my workouts harder.
Starting point is 00:33:21 And I would coach her and could say, listen, don't go crazy. You don't go over do it, but that's a good sign. So finally, I said, okay, all the signs are good. I think it's time now that we focus on your goal. Her goal was, you know, burning some body fat. From April 20th till May 25th, the other day, her body fat percentage dropped over 2% and she gained over four pounds of lean body mass. And that's in that short period of time. So her weight almost didn't change on the scale. Or actually it might have gone up a little bit, I think.
Starting point is 00:33:52 But she got leaner, a bit more muscle. And she told me she goes, wow, south for the last month now, you told me we're gonna focus on, you know, getting these goals, like my weight hasn't changed on the scales. I did the math for it. I'm like, actually it has.
Starting point is 00:34:04 You've just gained some muscle. Let me explain to you something. You're eating now, you know, you're averaging between 14 to 1500 calories a day. You're working out way less. You're not doing three times a day of cardio. If anything, you're doing cardio two or three days a week. Not only did you not gain a weight, you got leaner, and you built some muscle. How do you feel about that?
Starting point is 00:34:24 She was just like, holy shit. Like, my metabolism is getting fixed. Like, these things, it's starting to fucking work. And so, if you're on that path right now, you got to trust the process that reminds me of, when you watch Kung Fu movies and stuff when we were kids, and there's that Kung Fu master, and then students, I want to learn right now, and the master's like, hit some across the head like, the death touch. Yeah, and he's like, you know, I want to learn right now and the master's like, you know, hit them across the head. Show me the death touch. Yeah, I was like, no, no, no, no, it's like,
Starting point is 00:34:49 go wax off, wax off. Yeah, and if they don't, you know, you got to paint the fence on it. And they don't realize, you know, am I doing this exactly? This doesn't make sense. But they just, they just don't realize. On the side note, they don't want to just kick the shit out
Starting point is 00:35:03 of Tony, uh, uh, uh, Leruso, what's the name? The cry to kid guy. You don't like him? Dude, I was all about Cobra Kai. What? Yeah, of course he was. He was such a whus.
Starting point is 00:35:13 No, that whole movie man. I totally, I, he kicks the enemy face. He totally looks like what I look like as a kid, so I like him. Me too, dude. Yeah, it's a sound I can't look like that. You know what I mean? Bro, I totally related to him, dude. Come on.
Starting point is 00:35:27 He was a time kid. Oh, no. Learned in his martial art. Actually, he was kind of a bad guy. I related to John. He hit that kid at the beach, dude. Like, he defended himself. Now, does that kick them to keep fucking with them?
Starting point is 00:35:36 Yeah, but they didn't just keep like prodding them the whole time. Like, actually, leave it alone. Yeah. You know, I had a situation all day. I was in my situation in school. I had some fucking thugs that came after me a bunch of times. Did you do the crane? No, I didn't do the crane, dude, but because I wouldn't shut my mouth, I continuously
Starting point is 00:35:52 got problems. Can we get a picture of him doing the crane? We got to get a picture of him. You can be doing the crane, yeah. I don't know if I can get my leg that high. I'm not wearing underwear today. I don't know if I'm home. Oh my god.
Starting point is 00:36:01 Don't lift your leg. You might, you might look down the dog, you know, is looking right there. So, you know, I feel like this is an important time to talk about this too, because you, listening to you talk about just being a journey and a process like, you know, I've had feedback before with some people and I've, that I thought for sure would actually already be
Starting point is 00:36:19 following our program because they're fans of the show. And I'm like, oh, it's just, you know, I was thinking about, you're as, it's so expensive. Why is your program so expensive compared to like, oh, it's just, you know, I was thinking about it. You're as it's so expensive. Why is your program so expensive compared to like all these other programs that, you know, I've seen this guy and they start rambling off people like, you know, it's only like $47 for this and $27 for that and starts like a price thing like that. And I'm like, you know, here's the thing with with our program is that it when we design this, and I guess that's, it's hard because what we're doing, I feel like, is different than what everybody else is doing.
Starting point is 00:36:47 Of course, if... So, there's nothing I can compare it to somebody to give them an analogy of like, you need to understand that the whole vision and goal for us was to not only provide a program for someone to follow and get them results, but also to educate them and teach them along the way, which is why it's paired with the podcast and why we highly recommend everybody gets on the forum because the idea is that we take you through this process together with learning through my pump, with also being on the forum where you get to go with everybody else that's going through the program and we talk about it.
Starting point is 00:37:16 We talk about your journey as you hit speed bumps as you go into something and you're like, hey, I noticed this or I don't like this or what's a better way to this or, you know, can you check my form on that? Like, that is the idea, is that we don't just say, here's a piece of paper with these exercises and follow this set, this rep route for seven to eight weeks, and we're gonna get you shredded. Like, come on, dude.
Starting point is 00:37:35 Like, no, that's not what we designed, and that's not what we're gonna design. And when people tell me that, and they compare it to somebody's program online, like, that's what those are, and I can rip those out all day long. So if you'd rather me sell, you fucking's what those are. And I can rip those out all day long. So if you'd rather me sell you fucking 50 of those for $27, I could do that all day long.
Starting point is 00:37:49 Well, let's be real. You can go on YouTube and get videos of free exercises and shit all day long. If you want, you can spend zero dollars. Check it out. Would you rather waste five dollars, or would you rather invest, I don't know, $600 that gave you three times
Starting point is 00:38:05 a return. I mean, that's really what we're talking about here. You can take your money and burn it in the fireplace or spend no money but get nothing back from it or worse, get worse off because of it or you can invest in something that is truly going to give you what you're looking for or even what you may not be looking for. Because it's funny, I was, again, I had another message from somebody who had just found our show a few weeks ago and these messages are becoming more and more common. This kid, a young guy, is like, oh, I love your show.
Starting point is 00:38:40 You know, you guys, I can't believe all the stuff I used to believe and he goes, I've already burned through about 100 plus episodes in a couple weeks, which by the way, it's like 50 hours worth of Mind Pump. And so I love to hear that, you know what? You should do a post, maybe you're on Mind Pump or you're a page, one of the pages, do a post where we find out I would like to hear the most... I would never jam out. No, no, the most amount of episodes ever listened to in like a week or something like that. Like who's paying out the most? Well, I'd like to know if the average... I've heard some crazy, no? Yeah, I've heard some crazy, no. Well, when I read this, first of all, I get very touched that, okay,
Starting point is 00:39:09 he felt compelled enough to reach out. I'm glad we're helping him. Now, as a business person, because I am also a business person, when I'm reading this entire message, this is what stands out to me. The kid listened to 100 plus episodes in like a couple weeks.
Starting point is 00:39:25 That's 50 hour. It was a part time job. He had a part time job listening to Mind Pump voluntarily for a couple weeks. So in my mind, and I hear a lot of people say this, not exactly 100 episodes, but I hear a lot of people saying, I've been binge listening. I've been binge listening. I keep hearing that, binge listening. So that makes me excited because it tells me that we have that kind of addictive appeal that really successful
Starting point is 00:39:47 TV series and stuff like that have. So that's good. But I also want to know why. Like why, what made you feel so motivated to do that? Cause that's a lot of time spent. So I asked the kid, I asked the kid, I said, well, if you don't mind me asking, I'm a business person, I'm always real open and upfront.
Starting point is 00:40:02 Like why did you listen to like 50 hours of my pump in a couple of weeks? Like what made you do that? And he told me he says, look, he goes, you know, I, when I was start listening to your show, I realized that I didn't know, that there was a lot I didn't know. And the way he explained it was, he just was unaware that he didn't know.
Starting point is 00:40:22 It wasn't like he knew he didn't know. And he's like, oh, I need to learn because I don't know anything. Like if I'm gonna go learn, I had to fly a jet. You know, I know I don't know how to fly a jet. I know there's gonna be a lot of things that he learned. I think I know how to walk every day, but imagine if someone came up to me and said, you have no idea how to walk.
Starting point is 00:40:36 And then boom, they opened my eyes, I'm like, holy fuck, I had no idea. There was all these things about walking. I don't know. That's how he explained it. I had no idea because he's been working out for years. He follows lots of fitness, you know personalities He considered himself very informed and he's like I had no idea that I didn't know and so I'm gonna listen to an episode
Starting point is 00:40:53 I it was like he's like I felt thirsty for more. So then I replied to him and I'm like well Okay, so you like to read and stuff are you one of those kinds of people that likes to seek out information? He said yeah kind of do he but he goes, it's also entertaining the way you guys kind of deliver it. It's easy for me to assimilate, which makes me really happy. It makes me really happy that we're able to do that, but also makes me realize, man, there's a lot out there.
Starting point is 00:41:15 There's a lot of work done. This is what I mean by how the podcast, the program, how everything all works together. Exactly. You know, and I think, at least for me, like my vision always was that I wanted to find a way, how do I find a way to provide the service that I charge? This is free.
Starting point is 00:41:33 Yeah, can I remind everybody? Oh, I mind publishing. This is free for a reason. It's because we want to give to you. Yeah, you know what I mean? And like maybe our programs might be a bit on the pricey side, but you have three of us that have like 15 plus years experience between each of us, you know.
Starting point is 00:41:51 And I hate to use the word curating because I think it's a stupid word, but really like between our own personal experience, like training hundreds and hundreds of clients, you know, we've come together to kind of fashion this, okay, what's the meat and potatoes? Let's bring it back to the root of what everybody could benefit from, and then we can expand on that by having a forum and we can all collaborate. This is a collaboration that all three of us, a business transitioning from training one-on-one clients to now helping as many of you people as we possibly can.
Starting point is 00:42:30 So, this is all part of the process. And people that are just tuning in right now, it's nowhere near done. Right. Like, we're- Oh, we haven't even started. Yeah, but I mean, this, like, we barely are finished with what we were doing with the maps for. We still got more maps to come. We still have got so much more of this to come full circle. And all of it is really
Starting point is 00:42:49 providing a more seamless, better, or experience for you guys. But it's, you know, we're going through it right now. So those that have been here since day one, you know, they've got to watch the group. But if you just now dropped into Mind Pump like a week ago and stuff, you may think that, you know, you get on the website, you hear this, you say, oh, this is what they have to offer. Like, well, that's all we have right now because we're building everything. Like, it's not an overnight process
Starting point is 00:43:12 and it takes a lot of time to and thought into what we do and what we build because we aren't just ripping out cookie cutter workouts, we're designing a pathway that any human being can go through and find their own way through the podcast and the forum by getting extra education on top of the program. Not just follow this and try and get ripped. No, it's like, what's learn about your body and let's do it together.
Starting point is 00:43:35 And through either one, listening through the podcast, or like I said, to be on the forum where you're connected to people that are going through the same process with you, where we're all helping and coaching each other. Well, I'd like to say this too, because sometimes I think we come across like, you know, we know all this information. We're the geniuses of, you know, the industry. It's not true. No, we lean on professionals in the industry like crazy.
Starting point is 00:43:55 We stand on the shoulders of giants. We, we, this is the accumulation of our desire to learn in combination with our integrity, you know, to help people that we have gathered information from. So the most brilliant minds, people that I wouldn't, I can't even stand in their shadow. People like Mark Ripto, or the Westside Barbell methods or Smolov or Arnold Schwarzenegger, even some of the things he came up with in bodybuilding.
Starting point is 00:44:23 And some of the old strongmen, like Steve Rees and Vince Garanda, like these, this is a lot of the information we assimilate, and put together, it comes from these people. We're not reinventing anything. We're not, I mean, trigger sessions, people have talked about, frequent low levels of stimulation in the past, nobody just put it together and packaged it the way we have,
Starting point is 00:44:45 and nobody was able to communicate it the way we have. Facing your workouts has been around for a long time, but it was so complicated. Periodization was so complicated. It was based off of percentages in this and that and the other. We broke it down to different types of muscle adaptations, so you're training for specific ways. And then we explained to you why we do it a certain way. We're telling you what not to do, common problems like going to failure on every single set. For example, that's a big one, right? How muscles actually respond,
Starting point is 00:45:13 how the body actually burns body fat. The gift that we have is that we're just really good at communicating this information. We happen to be, apparently, people like to listen to us talk. Luckily, we're not super boring trainers that nobody would want to listen to. And so we've got this, we're just very blessed that we're able to, to build a present this information, but, you know, don't get, don't get any of this, you know, mixed up. We stand on the shoulders of giants, people who deserve more recognition than they got. People who deserve way more recognition than the fricking, you know,
Starting point is 00:45:42 loser. Yeah, and the biggest loser and flex and muscle and fitness and supplements and idiots with PhDs who pretend to know everything. We stand on the shoulders of people who actually had that integrity. You look at companies like West Side Barbell, you can look up how they designed their programming for free, very complicated. It's not easy for a lot of people to understand. It's not designed for different particular types of individuals very specific, but there's a lot of fucking incredible nuggets of information in there.
Starting point is 00:46:14 And so when we design our programs, this is what we're doing. We're putting it together in a way that, with a site where the average person can look at it and within five minutes they can do it. They can understand it, they can do it. And then if they want to continue to understand, because yes, you can buy our program and just follow it and never listen to Mind Pump again. But that's not gonna be truly successful.
Starting point is 00:46:34 The true success comes from, you know, enrolling one of our programs, following it, but listening to Mind Pump along the way, and if you get on the forum, that's just, you know, that's another five points right there, but really learning and understanding how your body works is. I'd go, I would go further. I almost, I almost, and it's not, and I know Doug Lee's gonna get mad at me for saying this, but, uh, yeah, right. Hit the edit button. Where's that little button thing? I almost feel like you, you should have to go through X amount
Starting point is 00:47:01 of episodes before you even allowed to purchase. You know what, dude? Let me tell you something. Nobody's buying our programs from listening to one episode. I guarantee you, everybody who's enrolled in any of our pro, you know, hard it is to sell a fucking program and fitness. Oh, I don't easy. It is a sell a supplement. I disagree with that. You think does. I disagree with that. I disagree with that. I think we have a certain number who come in after a very short period. Yes. I definitely think there's, I mean, at this point, it's grown this, but you don't think about this. Maybe because they heard from someone else.
Starting point is 00:47:27 Exactly. I imagine that you are somebody and we know each other very well. And I find something I say, Sal, you got to go check the Sal, buy this, I've been following it, I've chained, oh my God. And you respect my knowledge in the industry and what are I'm doing? And then, or even just because you're my friend and, right? And you just go buy. And you don't, and you know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:47:46 Like you don't, you don't, you don't even, and then maybe you start listing from there. But that's where sometimes the women people do that. They open it up and they're confused. Like, I don't get it. Where's all the magical exercises that I've never seen. I've seen all these movements before. Six different unicorns.
Starting point is 00:47:59 You mean I spend all this extra money and there's not like this extra package that comes in here or like a cool video where they're working out and I get pumped up before I go work out like you know It's funny. It's so crazy how oh my god. Can we talk about like some of these programs that have the guy just with a shirt off? Yes, like there's like no content. It's just like I'm just like flexing this way. No, I'm pushing this way. You mean every single one of them. Yeah, everyone most of them are like that hilarious Yeah, it's crazy.
Starting point is 00:48:25 I'm going to bring that element to this guy soon. It's crazy to me how, who we have more time. It's crazy to do that in black. Value, so much of value many times is just perception. Not always. It's a supply demand, all those economic laws. But there's also this interesting thing about perception. Like, okay, our most expensive program, if you paid in full, is $147, that's maps performance.
Starting point is 00:48:47 If you didn't do the payment plan, you just want to buy maps performance, $147, okay? And people might be like, oh, that's a lot of money for a program. But people would, they wouldn't even blink twice if I sold them like a 60-day supplement stack containing the most exotic nutrients from,
Starting point is 00:49:04 you know, Antarctica or whatever for 297 right? Yeah for two you know 300 bucks or 500 bucks people I I bought this you know I did the hcg injectable you know diet program and I spent a thousand dollars on these injections because and it's bullshit I'm saying yeah, yeah, like it's funny to me. It's interesting to me There's nothing more important that you can invest in when it comes to changing how you look and feel Aside from nutrition, then your workout. That's it. Everything else falls into a well a category of 1% And then you know what what I love which I know that you know we hit on sometimes is the neat process So why why I'm bringing that up is because yes, it's all about the exercises
Starting point is 00:49:44 Yes, it's all about the workouts and all this But what is that you know leading towards it's leading towards a more active lifestyle? It's leading towards you wanting to move more and getting involved in more things and Having a body that's able and strong and capable of you know lots of different things, who doesn't want to do that? Who doesn't want to focus on that? Who wants to just sit around and be in pain and live the rest of their lives along that line? And think of the gym as like, oh God, I gotta get the gym because I have to look a certain way.
Starting point is 00:50:18 I gotta go to the gym, gotta look a certain way. Beautiful, because imagine this, listening to, if you're listening right now, I want you to imagine this. Imagine a future where you want to exercise. Should we close our eyes? No. Keep your eyes. I don't trust it with my eyes closed. Half people are driving. No, imagine this. Imagine wanting to exercise not because it's a compulsion or an addiction, but because you truly enjoyed it feels good. Imagine you're eating healthy, not because it's a compulsion or an addiction, but because you truly enjoyed it feels good.
Starting point is 00:50:46 Imagine you're eating healthy, not because you want to stay skinny, but because that's the food that tastes good, that's the food that feels good, that's the food that you actually want to eat most of the time. Imagine if being lean, healthy, looking good, being strong, having mobility. We're not a byproduct of grinding, you know, forced work where you forcing yourself to do something that you're fucking hate and it's horrible and it sucks. But it's exactly. Imagine if that was the byproduct. That song is a score.
Starting point is 00:51:21 Imagine if it was just a byproduct of something that you truly enjoyed and wanted to do. Ladies and gentlemen, that is very possible. And that is your future if you follow some of the advice that we give. And if you go and you take that kind of longer, windy path, you stop listening to the 30-day promises, you stop listening to the Photoshopped athletes, you started listening to people actually trained individuals, you started following proper exercise program.
Starting point is 00:51:49 If you forgave yourself for the mistakes you've made in the past and you say to yourself, hey, I'm ready to do this the right way. And if you're ready to accept the kind of changes in your body that, in the initial, you might not even see on the scale, but you start to feel. And I promise you, you will look better than you've ever looked in your entire life and it's gonna be permanent. Lane it down. It'll be permanent. I know, I've, I'm gonna buy the program right now. It's gonna be fired up.
Starting point is 00:52:14 I should, I just got on my phone right now, and I just got the bundle right now, dude. See, I'm just sold right there. Well, it, Jesus. I think you not be. That might be a good place to end the episode. I tell you what, if you like Mind Pump, please leave us a five star rating and review on iTunes.
Starting point is 00:52:28 Check out Mind Pump Media.com, that's where we have all these programs, expert exercise program. We also have guides on how to, you know, your nutrition on a fast. Get on the fucking forum. Get on the forum. Get on the forum.
Starting point is 00:52:41 You seriously like. It's a tornado of communicate. Support ideas, integrity, and fun and entertainment like it's a tornado a unique support ideas integrity and fun and entertainment it's a great place and oh by the way leave us a great review and you might get a free t shirt oh and check us out on instagram mine pump radio you can find me a mine pump south atom mine pump atom and Justin is that mine pump Justin thank you for listening to mine pump for more information about this show and to get valuable free resources from Sal, Adam, and Justin, visit us at www.mindpumpradio.com.
Starting point is 00:53:12 Until next time, this is Mind Pump.

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