Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 301: Best Pre-Workout Stretches, Red MAPS For Weight Loss, Favorite Movies & MORE

Episode Date: May 30, 2016

Q&A time! Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about the best stretches to do prior to working out, how MAPS Anabolic contributes to weight loss, the ideal lazy Sunday and top 3 favorite movi...es. Get the Mind Pump Discount Red, Green & Black Super Bundle at www.mindpumpmedia.com Please subscribe, rate and review this show! Each week the best reviewers are announced on the show and sent Mind Pump T-shirts! Learn more about Mind Pump at www.mindpumpmedia.com.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mite, op, mite, op with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. What quote have I been saying to you guys since we started? What the fuck have I been telling you about? The fucking the digging graves, right? You don't say some Layne Norton one. No, no, I'm not here to fuck you.
Starting point is 00:00:22 I only tell that one Layne Norton. That's all I've been saying. That's all I've been saying. No, no, no, no, no, no. We'm not here to fuck you. I only tell that one Layne Norton. That's only, that's only the Glade Never said that. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. We're not here to min bridges. We're here to dig graves. Yes. And then somebody comes out with my and putmophia. Gotta go to get some fire.
Starting point is 00:00:33 One of our four, one of our four members said that. And then they made a picture and it said my and putmophia and it's got the same font as like the godfather. Yes. And then they somehow, and it looks so good, they like Photoshop my face in place of what's his name,
Starting point is 00:00:49 Marlon Brando, when he's the godfather. So it's like, I'm like, oh god. Oh, it's great. I don't know how to use it in the back. And just so, our four members know this already, but the listeners don't, and by the time this drops, I feel comfortable that it won't be, it'll be shortly after that shirt will be available.
Starting point is 00:01:04 So I had that shirt. You want to have a mind pump, my goodness. I had it made, it't be, it'll be shortly after that, that shirt will be available. So I had a shirt. You want to have a mind pump muffled? Yes, I had it made, it's already, it's already been... Can you see the sea of people wearing these? Oh, no, I'm pretty, I'm exotly the form. It's slightly racist because I'm Sicilian. No. No, it just rings really good mind pump muffled.
Starting point is 00:01:19 It does. I don't know, it's cool. And the fact that you're a Tallyano and stuff, I think I just feel like Tallyano. I just feel like it's appropriate. It does. It works. Yeah, that's spaghetti. No, uh, you know what? It's funny because God, we always talk about how many people we piss off in the in the like, the, you know, social media fitness celebrity world. But I'll tell you what, the ultimate example of, like we piss people off, then they try to come at us
Starting point is 00:01:48 and then they run away with their tail between their legs. And the ultimate way of that is they shut up and block us. Have you guys say how many fucking fitness pages? You're gonna put it out there. Have you seen how many fitness pages that will block us? Like we don't go on there and talk shit to anybody. No, we need more cars. But they block us.
Starting point is 00:02:07 And you know, they just like, no, I don't want any more. They go away. No, I'm crazy to me. One thing's for certain things. Leave it alone. If people like get on my page and they fuck with me and stuff like that, I'll definitely pump the shit out of somebody.
Starting point is 00:02:19 But when I'm on somebody else's page, I feel like, I don't know, I feel like that's a secret code, at least it's a code for myself. Yeah, I don't go just back to like an asshole. I do not, if I go on your page and I comment, even if it's page that I feel like, I don't know that I feel like that's a secret code, at least it's a code for myself. I don't go just back to like an asshole. I do not, if I go on your page and I comment, even if it's something I wanna challenge, I will always approach it in a very respectful manner. If someone comes on my page and you talk shit to me
Starting point is 00:02:36 on my page, well, you could get your ass ripped. You know what I'm saying? It's my page, I'm posting my shit, then you come on and then you come attack me. You might get fucked up for that, but in somebody else's page, I feel like we're always respectable. If I'm ever on somebody else's page and I read something I disagree with, I'm most certainly give it like a conversation.
Starting point is 00:02:54 I think people step outside the fact that you're jumping in on a conversation like an asshole. Yeah, so you know, in real life, you know what happens? When an asshole comes in, he's like, ah, fuck you guys, man. You could beat down. Kick to the nuts. No, somebody just did this to me the other day. Someone came on my page and, you know,
Starting point is 00:03:14 and they were not extremely professional. They weren't like super level troll, but they were definitely, you know, challenging but in kind of a douchey. Super level. They were in a douchey asshole way. And the way I engage with these people is I respond very professionally.
Starting point is 00:03:29 I respond, I try to respond with facts, I try to engage them in debate, with the rules of debate, you know, I'm not using, you know, I'm not using a straw man, you know, trying to, you know, here, I'm gonna attack this or attack that. No, we're gonna focus on the topic. And sometimes it continue coming at me douchey, in which case I will usually reply, look, if you, you want to debate the subject, we could
Starting point is 00:03:49 talk about this, like gentlemen, or you can just act like an asshole, and I'm not going to respond anymore. And I'll let them know. And usually, then they'll come at me and they'll say, okay, let's talk about this. Or sometimes it continue being assholes. And I just like, no, I'm, and so I understand blocking people when they're coming on to harassing and just being just general assholes, but blocking people because you're afraid of them because of their views and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:04:11 Like, well, let's talk about this. What do you think is a good approach? Because I think that, you know, starting with commonalities, like that's always a good way to start a conversation with somebody, even when you have an opposing opinion. Kind of like, yeah, too. I was an idiot before and thought like that. Yeah, like I remember when I was a new, and I thought,
Starting point is 00:04:27 you were gonna fight that, is that funny, comedy, you scared? No. Can I start like that? No. Oh, I remember when I was an idiot and thought like this. Like this is with you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:34 Adam's not good at this. No, that's not my approach. At all. No, I'll, I mean, you know, people have tagged people on my Instagram, especially because I'll do these controversial posts. And then there'll be usually their trainer. This is usually what happens.
Starting point is 00:04:48 Somebody will tag their trainer. That happens a lot on my page too, where someone tags their trainer to come over to debate. Yeah, like, oh, this is opposite of what you told me last week. Yeah, you told me the 300 grams of protein. And the self says no. And then the trainer will get on there and be like, oh, this is stupid or something like that.
Starting point is 00:05:03 And then I'll engage and I'll say, well, what is stupid about it? And then we'll have either a discussion or the person can be a douchey, you know, idiot or whatever. But I'm never gonna be like, well, you're stupid or your mom's stupid or go fuck yourself or a fuck your sister.
Starting point is 00:05:18 I've seen so many fitness celebrities respond to other people this way. And rather than engaging them in debate and that's a sign of low intelligence, and you just don't know what you're talking about. I feel sorry for those guys, because imagine you're a trainer, right? I think you're a new trainer,
Starting point is 00:05:34 so you're two years into the business and so that, so you feel like you've got a little bit, you know, experience to know what you're doing and stuff, and you've got your handful of clients that you teach, and you're just recently teaching them how it's important for them to split their meals up six times a day for you know, for speed them a tablazum up and you're telling your clients important
Starting point is 00:05:51 that she does that. And then she goes on to Sal's Instagram and she reads that this is a bunch of bullshit. And then of course she's gonna tag her trainer who just told her two days ago. And then imagine me and that trainer like, what do you do in that situation? You look at it and you're like,
Starting point is 00:06:02 oh man, first of all, he's using words that I don't understand. So he's probably pretty smart. And oh wow, there's studies that are attached to it. Oh fuck. I'm just gonna go look those studies. I'm just gonna call this guy an idiot. I'm gonna call him an idiot, then run, right?
Starting point is 00:06:16 Well, so here's something that happened not that long ago. So I did a post about, I've done several posts on how pre-workout supplements are mostly shit, they're full of shit. And one of, I did a separate post in which I said, you know, vasodilation or vasoconstriction, make up your mind. So real quick, I don't want to go into the details because it was a long post, but vasodilation is when you get the blood vessels to open, which is what pre-workouts claim to do, right? They boost nitric oxide, give you more blood flow.
Starting point is 00:06:42 Vasoconstrictors are other compounds that squeeze the blood vessels. And so I made the case that's heavy stimulants, because stimulants like caffeine, for example, are vazo constrictors, but they're present in all these pre-workout supplements. And so I'm like, these supplement companies who are telling you you're taking a pre-workout to get more blood flow, they don't even know
Starting point is 00:06:59 what the fuck they're ingredients do because they're giving you ingredients that combat each other. One is dilating, one is vazo constricting. It's not doing what they're saying, they're giving you ingredients that combat each other. One is violating one is vassal constricting. It's not doing what they're saying they're doing. So I did that post and I tagged a gentleman that I know through social media who we don't always agree by the way. We agree most of the time, but we don't always agree.
Starting point is 00:07:19 But I respect him because he's very intelligent. And when we debate, he debates me very intelligently and he will provide evidence and posts and studies and we'll go back and forth. And I'm talking about Mark. I'm talking about Mark. Sometimes I win, sometimes he wins the debate. So I posted that and I tagged him and I tagged him
Starting point is 00:07:37 because I was about 80% positive that caffeine was a classic vasoconstrictor in the whole body sense. Okay, I knew it for sure in the brain because when you take a lot of headache medicines contain caffeine for that particular reason, but I was pretty sure that it worked in the whole body. He gets on, he says actually, cerebral it's vasoconstricting, but you know, vascularly throughout the whole body, it's probably vasodilating. And he provided me with quotes and evidence and we went back and forth and at the end of it
Starting point is 00:08:06 I agreed that it was probably neutral because it does both it's vasoconstricting but also through other Pathways that were not 100% positive. I've you know things have you do with calcium calcium ion channels and blood and all this other stuff that it's also vasodilating but he provided excellent information and that it's also vasodilating, but he provided excellent information and unlike many other, you know, assholes in the fitness industry, I didn't delete his comments. They're there for everybody to read. I want people to read my post, read, you know, what I wrote, and then read the comments underneath the debate underneath because they'll, hey, they're going to learn how I learned, because I learned through debate. And Mark and Mark was it be very gracious enough to come on their engage but he doesn't a professional way and I fucking enjoy that I don't I think that like I
Starting point is 00:08:50 said the guys that come a curler you know don't debate you and instead you know say that they had sex with your mom and shit like that because believe me a lot of fitness people do that it's hilarious I'll read the comments and they get pissed off and block you which is crazy yeah yeah it right away turns into like a name calling thing versus like, Well, what happens is the issue that you're talking about. Let's say you're, you know, average Joe Blow or some young kid or some girl that wants to get into shape and you follow a fitness celebrity and you read their post and it's full of shit information, right?
Starting point is 00:09:21 Like, you need to eat all this protein or you need to use this particular exercise and it's's you know, the look at the form in it shitty or you need to do this and take my supplement and they read it and then they go to read the comments. But in the comments, it's 90 people agreeing with the person. Why? Because that fucking idiot deleted everybody that debated him. They did not allow any debate. All they did was delete everything. So it looks like a big agreement fast. It's a big fucking orgy with people agreeing with this idiot's information Awesome, and so it's just promoting bullshit like I leave that shit down there I mean, let's it's like up like really vulgar or whatever. I'll leave it I love it. I love that shit. You know, I'm saying I think fitness needs more of that stuff. Oh, yeah
Starting point is 00:09:58 Yeah, that just shows signs of intelligence when you can address opposing arguments. Yes, love it boom of intelligence when you can address opposing arguments. Yes, love it. Boom. Ah. It's got me. Oh, sorry. It's the ego of the quag. It's the motherfucking ego quag.
Starting point is 00:10:14 Do you kid you, my kid? It's the g- I have to say. Before we continue, I would like to make a quick comment on the Cholo-esque style of Adam'saye. Did you just get racist on me? No, no. Why not?
Starting point is 00:10:28 Sal's got mine put mafia. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, sometimes you're still racist. Sometimes you, sometimes there's strong hints of Cholo in your style, but it's not, but it's not, it's good. Like Adam fucking pulls it off in a very good-looking way. He's like, order the land. You know what he reminds me of?
Starting point is 00:10:46 Who's that guy? That tattoo guy, but he also fixes up cars and shit, and he was dating that porn star, and then he was dating that other, come on dude. He's a fuck, he just, he fixes cars. Monster Garage, was that what it was called? Oh yeah, yeah, Jesse James. Jesse James dresses like that.
Starting point is 00:11:02 Yeah, I was gonna say. He's like a cholo. It's kind of cholo-esque, but it's like Southern California Yeah, I was gonna say. It's kind of cholo- It's kind of cholo-esque, but it's like Southern California Skater, Cholo-Eye. Like, do you even write skateboards? I don't write skateboards. Are you a cholo?
Starting point is 00:11:12 No. But I do have you in fact. A cholo. I most certainly have my own style. My own style is kind of like a little bit of everything because we talked just, and I've shared and talked about this a little bit of everything because we talked just and I've shared and talked about this a little bit before. I grew up not with a lot of stuff and you know when you
Starting point is 00:11:32 put outfits together with whatever you had. And early on of course, every kids get teased for sure. And this is part of my thick skin comes from this is I never allowed it to phase me. So like if and I would just I would dress the way I wanted to dress and I would rock it with confidence. And I still to this day like I've had buddies like my buddy all bicep of the new and he'll be like, what the fuck are though? Why are you kidding me? What is that? It's not it's not what you wear.
Starting point is 00:11:55 It's how you wear it, dude. You know what I'm saying? That's that's what's up. That's fucking true, dude. It is. Adam does that subtle brilliance. He does that shit. And you're walking in something I'll be like,
Starting point is 00:12:04 what's what's wrong with your shoes? That's a flower shoe. But then he wears it the way he wears it. By the end of the day I'm like, I want a pair of those fucking shoes. Is that worth it? That's why you do wear our apparel 24 hours a day. You do.
Starting point is 00:12:14 He'll sell the hell out of it. The first time I ever experienced this, I was a freshman in high school. And at that time, the big starter parkas and things like that were really popular. I have those with the beads. Right, and I didn't have one, and I didn't have a nice jacket like that.
Starting point is 00:12:30 And my dad at the time worked for PG&E and he had one of these bright yellow jackets with reflectors on. I don't know if you guys ever seen this guys wear it. And I fuck it. It was a rainy day. I'm gonna wear a fucking water repellent jacket. So I rocked it. I rocked it with my jeans.
Starting point is 00:12:43 And of course course kids made fun of me at first and it was funny because it didn't stop me I continued to wear it more and more and in fact I wore more places and I'd wear it to the Friday football games and you know I guess that I was carried carried myself with confidence and the next year it was so wild to see like there was tons of kids in the campus that were that had bought went out and bought it or got had fathers that were in PG knee also. I come from a small school of 2,000 people. So when I say this, I'm talking about 30, 40 people, but that didn't exist.
Starting point is 00:13:14 Nobody was wearing that or doing that. It is. It's not about what you wear. It's how you wear it. It was funny because the whole thrift store thing, and I was talking to you about this. I kind of had the same experience, but it was like the, you know those shirts that were at garages
Starting point is 00:13:30 and like the like chevron or shell, or yeah, the attendance they wore these like specific types of shirts, and I started to wear those and like rock those and people like, what the fuck? You know, and then later it became like a thing, you know, like I remembered that and I was like, oh shit. I totally started that.
Starting point is 00:13:47 I have zero of concept of my own sense of style. I don't, I don't. Well you know what, that's great self-awareness though. I know, it's not necessarily because I have bad taste. It's because I have no taste. You know what I'm saying? I don't care on that level that I just, it doesn't make sense to me and I just put shit on and half the time,
Starting point is 00:14:08 either you make fun of me. Bro, you're a flavorless. Yeah, or you know, other people like, what do you, what do you fucking do? However, I have seen some people now posting pictures of themselves wearing indoor soccer shoes. So I think it might be working.
Starting point is 00:14:20 It is. All right, good points. All right, Doug, sorry. I think that was a quaw fly by. Yeah, he's gonna circle back around, circling back around for these questions. Alright, first up is Chaparli 2811. Chaparli? What is the best kind of stretching to do before a workout and some examples please? Chaparli. The best kind of stretching before a workout, you want to do
Starting point is 00:14:44 the splits and then. You could do that. Just do the splits. That's a bad idea. You know what, I'm gonna, I know, I mean, I know what a lot of the answers are, but I'm gonna deflect to either Adam or Justin who, Adam in particular, you've adopted,
Starting point is 00:14:57 you've completely changed your warm up. Yeah, by the way, we've learned a lot from Justin from this because he's the master of fucking. Well, I like to hear Adam talk about it because it's like, it is. It's a lot from Justin from this because he's the master of fucking. Well, I'd like to hear Adam talk about it because it's like, it is. It's a lot different than the world that he's been in for a long time. So, yeah, it's, for me, it is.
Starting point is 00:15:13 And it's changed a lot for me. No, you know what's crazy? I don't know if you guys remember this or not, but I remember when, you know, first going through your certifications and starting and training and learning the importance of, you know, foam rolling and corrective stretching and, you know, telling your clients, but, you know, that was like one of those things that you told your clients what to do and then you
Starting point is 00:15:32 just told them they need to do that before they see you or what I thought. That was the level of importance. Yes. Look, you have to do this. Yes, this is a sequence. Exactly. And as a trainer, I felt the need to tell them that because it is, it's important and, you know, I just kind of put it both emotions, but never would I hold them accountable to stretching or, you know, or what I make it up for. It was usually like, did you do it before we were before me or, oh, it's no, you're here. Did you form early? Okay.
Starting point is 00:15:56 Go take 10 minutes. Yeah. Make sure you do this or make sure you do that. Or, you know, or the level of my understanding of what exactly we are doing for that person was pretty basic. You know, I know, okay, we're breaking up these adhesions I used to say on your cows. That was selling points. We have a lot of things to do.
Starting point is 00:16:11 Exactly. It was selling points on it versus really understanding the science behind it and what we're doing. We're really applying it consistently. Yes. And then, now mind you too, I'm in my 20s. So I don't really have any major aches or pains going on with myself. So, and my, my little trainer brain, as long as you're working out consistently and,
Starting point is 00:16:31 and kind of doing your thing, you should never really have these issues. And if you do have these issues when you're older, it's because you're, you're older and you're out of shape. But so, yeah, I'm saying so long story short or short story long. I, you know, I remember when I, I tore my ACL playing ball and then after that, and that was in my, it was 28, ever since then, like I've had all these aches and pains and issues going on. But yet then I kept like a meathead training, like a meathead through it. And then finally got to the point where it was, it was hindering my workouts where I was like, man, I have to address
Starting point is 00:17:00 this. And when I started to really address it, implement what we had learned all over these years, and what we would tell clients to do, it was like a game changer for me on just how I felt, how I moved the exercises. Like part of why I didn't squat for so long was because I used to kill my back because my flexibility and mobility in my hips was awful. So then when I learned all this stuff and I started to play, I thought, holy shit, I, you know, this became something that was staple in all my routines. But even further, this is something where, you know,
Starting point is 00:17:29 I used to spend, when I think we went in this podcast first started for those that have been listening since day one, I think, Sal and I used to talk about how we'd spend 15 to 20 minutes of phone rolling and, you know, static stretching and stuff before we get into our workouts and it was just part of it. You know, you spent 20 minutes of really opening up. Which was a lot better than what we had done before.
Starting point is 00:17:47 Yes. It was almost nothing. Yes. And we saw the importance of it because of how much better we could move. And so now I felt that way. I was that way with my clients. Well, then fast forward to more recently where, you know,
Starting point is 00:17:58 when we went through performance and map screen, you know, and I started hanging out with Justin Moore and picking up mobility stuff. And I started to incorporate that. And it was like, holy shit, and I started hanging out with Justin Moore and picking up mobility stuff. And I started doing corporate that. And it was like, holy shit, this is game changer. Yeah. And not only that, but it was, I enjoy it more. Because doing mobility type exercises I find is just, to me, it's more engine, it's because it's your practicing a skill. Dude, you're priming your body much better than you were before. Oh, yeah. And now that type of stretching
Starting point is 00:18:25 is how I stretch before. Every single workout, I have a dynamic warmup that I do. I know on our forum, we have it posted, you know, a made a video for people that so they could see, like, these are the mobility moves that I use for my hips and my shoulders to open up. If I'm doing upper body and if I'm doing lower body, I'm doing the hip one.
Starting point is 00:18:42 Well, really, I mean, you're preparing your joint, you know, through this whole mobilizing process. So, what I love about it is it's, like I look at that now as like, I'm gonna be able to move so much better doing these more intensified lifts, you know, that I'm adding load. And my body's gonna be able to handle
Starting point is 00:19:03 same ranges of motion while I'm still increasing weight. So the only way to do that is to keep mobilizing the joints and keep everything healthy in, you know, an optimal state that it needs to be in to produce these types of movements. Why be restricted, you know, while you're also increasing your PRs in all these different types of lifts. What, what did you say you're priming your PRs in all these different types of lists. What did you say you're priming your CNS too? And you said that's it. That's it, 100%.
Starting point is 00:19:29 And that's all the new stuff that we're really, you know, associating with flexibility. Yeah, the two breakthroughs that happened for me when it comes to the subject was one years ago, I did yoga, one to two days a week consistently for maybe four months, which this along as I've ever done any type of you know structure quote unquote stretching, although I don't consider yoga stretching, but it's in that category right for flexibility.
Starting point is 00:19:54 And here's what I noticed with the four months of yoga versus when I had before been very tenacious about doing one hour of stretching a day, just regular stretching. I noticed far better mobility from the yoga than I did from stretching before. And as I'm doing it, it was blowing me away, because I was like, I don't necessarily feel deeper stretches while doing yoga. The differences in yoga, I'm supporting my body and holding myself in position and using strength to move and moving my body through these positions rather than sitting in these positions
Starting point is 00:20:27 like with static stretches. And that's what's giving me mobility. So the breakthrough there was functional flexibility which is different than just being able to stretch. There's a big difference there. Then the second breakthrough was of course, working with Justin and when we put together math performance in the mobility sessions.
Starting point is 00:20:43 And then I realized, holy shit, really you warm up, your warm up is not about getting you more flexible in the sense that you're not getting any, you're not getting more flexible on a permanent basis for 15 minutes before you work out. What you're doing is you're priming your central nervous system to number one, fire your muscles in a pattern that are gonna be favorable, and number two,
Starting point is 00:21:04 to be at the point where it's going to allow your muscles to stretch and contract within full range of motion. And the way you do that is through, Adam touched upon it, dynamic warmups. And dynamic warmups really are, so dynamic flexibility training would be, so static stretching would be,
Starting point is 00:21:20 go down, touch my toes, hold that for 30 seconds to a minute and just stretch my hamstrings. Dynamic would be, an example would be standing and kicking my leg up while keeping it straight and alternating legs. So I'm stretching my hamstrings each time, but the way I'm doing it is I'm moving my leg up, having to use my muscles to get into position
Starting point is 00:21:37 and then releasing very quickly. Is it simple example? Well, yeah, and it's not just fluid, passive movement. It's having that tension involved in your movement, and it's like not just fluid, like passive movement, you know, it's it's like having that that tension involved in your movement. So it's deliberate. So you're connected through every incremental little angle that you're trying to accomplish. So that that's what the where the C and S thing is interesting to me because, you know, if you think of it like, if I squat now I squat with a wider stance now I squat with a little bit wider stance. Why, you know, my body needs to be able to respond
Starting point is 00:22:09 and connect, you know, to my muscle tissue to keep me supported in every different angular sort of articulation that I'm trying to produce. So, guys, such a good touch on that, because it's such a great point to say, and this is where this little bit of science that Justin was just talking about right now, this is where the fitness industry takes that little bit
Starting point is 00:22:29 and then they create all these crazy angle, try some extension this way, try some extension that way, then backwards over your head this way, and this is the best way to develop. It's more important for you. Yeah, this is the best way to develop your triceps, and then they support it with the science that explains how important it is for us to. I saw saw that today. Yes. I saw that today. I
Starting point is 00:22:47 went to work out this morning and I saw two young ladies working out and they used the cables for triceps extensions and I swear to God they spent 40 minutes there doing and they weren't even gripping a handle. I've seen this trend now where people grab the fucking the actual ball of the wire themselves. I have no fucking idea why they just grab the ball of the wire instead of a handle, which makes it far less more difficult to grip and do anything with. And then they were doing single arm tricep extensions
Starting point is 00:23:12 with 50 different angles. And it's like, wow, close grip bench presses or dips would destroy that whole 40 minute workout that you just did with all the different things. And that's, you know, got it, you know, recently we were tagged on somebody who does stuff like this. And, you know, there is, it's so hard to debate something like this.
Starting point is 00:23:33 And I see people, we've had this a lot where we get tagged because we said something, like for example, I recently was talking shit about bands on a hammer strength machine. Now does that mean there's not science to support that there's benefit to that? No, I didn't fucking say that nor would I say that. There is, but there is, there's an order of operation here and there is and putting bands on a fucking hammer strength machine is nowhere near the top. There's so many other things that you should be
Starting point is 00:24:00 training the body on and teaching yourself to do way before you're doing that. Now, are you this super fucking monster athlete who's been training for 15 years already? Sure, go ahead, do that. You know what I'm saying? Go ahead. At that point, you need to get so creative. You're a pro bodybuilder, a men's physique. Sure, go ahead, do that. Get creative.
Starting point is 00:24:18 I mean, you are already, you're doing so much already. Like, why not throw that in there as a curveball into your workout right now? But what I don't like about it is when these guys are posting this stuff and they're doing it for a selling point. They're doing it because it's people are gonna go, oh my god, I've never tried that. Oh my god, that, wow, that feels different. And they know that it's a selling point for them, but it's not in reality the best thing probably for that kid to be doing because he's 22 years old. He's only been working out for about a year. He can't fucking squat properly,
Starting point is 00:24:46 can't overhead press properly, but he knows how to do a cable fucking extension in 15 different angles, because he read somebody's Instagram who sounds really smart and has got all these people following him. Well, I wanna, I wanna, you know, leave this individual with just a simple,
Starting point is 00:25:01 because it's at the best, and it was like, you're stretching and I just went off. I know. But he's asking, he's asking, he's asking the best, you're stretching, you might just win off with it. I know, but you're just worried. He's asking, he's asking, oh, I'm with you, yeah. He's asking the best type of stretching, and so it's dynamic is the answer,
Starting point is 00:25:12 but here's a very basic, and this isn't the ideal way to do it. I think the ideal way to do it is to understand mobility, and that's more than even one whole episode to talk about. Our mass performance program covers a lot of mobility, but I will say this, if you're working out and you're doing, let's say, a full body workout
Starting point is 00:25:31 or legs or whatever, one of the easiest ways to warm up is to do sets of that exercise with no weight or a very little weight and do them real slow and perfect your fucking form and exaggerate your range of motion a little bit. That's a better way to warm up than holding stretches, literally. And it's kind of dynamic if you think about like, if I'm going to warm up, I'm doing squats, I would just body weight squat or just squat with the bar and perfect my form.
Starting point is 00:25:55 Make sure my glutes fire. Make sure everything fires away and stay real tight and tense and do, you know, three, four, five sets of that before moving up and weight. That'll be superior. Smitty 80. What do you think about red maps for weight loss? Oh, so this is a longer question. His question is his wife has been losing weight.
Starting point is 00:26:15 She's been going to the gym. She wants to make it happen a little faster. And you want to know what we think about maps red or maps and a ball. Like for weight loss. So maps and a ball. Like is a very build muscle oriented program. Like most of our programs, except the direction is different in each of them. Like for example, maps with formats, you build muscle, but it's very focused on overall
Starting point is 00:26:36 mobility and athletic performance and multi-planar movement. Whereas maps enabolic is very straightforward, you get strong and the basic lifts, you build muscles, it's a great place to start. It's the foundation. It's the foundation. Is it good for weight loss? Absolutely. And I'll extend it this way.
Starting point is 00:26:53 I won't even talk about maps for a second. Building muscle is excellent for weight loss. In fact, that is the ideal way to lose weight because as we're now learning, as we've known for a long time, but we're learning now with lots of studies that adaptive thermogenesis is a real thing. In other words, as you lose weight, your body learns to exist on less calories. And so you actually slow your metabolism down as you lose weight.
Starting point is 00:27:15 And the best and one of the only ways, and by far the best way to reverse that, or to stop that from happening, is to build muscles, to make your body more expensive to maintain. The way you do that is you build this active tissue called muscle. So if you're trying to lose weight,
Starting point is 00:27:31 then besides having good nutrition, you should be focused on building muscle far more than just focused on doing tons of construction. Do you know that just reminds me another bullshit fitness industry thing? I don't know why I'm on this day. But you know like somebody who does that. So what we know, part of what's responsible for that is,
Starting point is 00:27:48 as you reduce calories like that, you start to suppress the hormone leptin, which is the most important hormone, hormone when it comes to, everyone with hormones. More hormone? Have you let me go? It's a more, it's a Mormon hormone. Yeah, I feel like I don't wanna attack all of them.
Starting point is 00:28:02 Yeah. Yeah. I'm sorry, I get it. It's the most important one when it comes to burning fat. It's what tells your body that we have extra fuel to burn. And then obviously if you're eating less and less, it's going to start to diminish or lower. So what does the industry do? They hear that.
Starting point is 00:28:16 They find that out. This is new science. This is brand new. This has been around for a while. But we find out about that. Then the next thing is, okay, let's make a pill that you could take. That boost left it. That boost left it.
Starting point is 00:28:27 You know, and so we create a supplement that's called lepatoosol or something that sounds just like it. Leptin your mom, right? Lepticon. And then we put together our own little controlled studies to show that, you know, these people that were taking this supplement over a six week period of time showed that they would have elevated levels. Never mind that there was no controls
Starting point is 00:28:45 if we're those people working out, where those people eating more or less calories. Or did they lose fat? Oh yeah, they actually get any results. Right, exactly. And then they take that and then they info-mercialish it out of it and they make millions of dollars.
Starting point is 00:28:58 Here's a problem with studies like that. Let's say you're a man and your testosterone level is 100 on the scale. 100 is very low testosterone by the way, it's below what it should be. And I give you a supplement and you increase your testosterone from 100 to 150. I can say now, take this product and increase your testosterone by 50%. Sounds like a fucking lot. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:21 Actually, the dude doesn't even notice it. And or that 50% increase could have been that he jerked off that morning and his testosterone was a little, no, no, literally, it could be something stupid. No, very sure, very similar. So a pill that shows, you know, boost your leptin levels by 13%. Number one, is it really boosting leptin levels?
Starting point is 00:29:38 And number two, okay, if it is, 13% gonna do shit for you. I don't think so, probably not. Boosting your leptin levels by eating properly and building muscle That's a big boost and that that there's all the other things that are affected from that So if you want to lose weight build muscle and one of the best ways we know to build muscle Well, try maps red and you say wait being the you know body fat, right? That's the ideal like oh yeah That's true because you could definitely just lose yeah exactly. You can just's the ideal. Like, oh yeah, that's true. Because you could definitely lose. Yeah, exactly. You just lose body.
Starting point is 00:30:06 That's yeah. Trevor Neil is asking you guys to describe a perfect, lazy Sunday, a perfect lazy Sunday. Oh, man. I don't know. I'm not going first. When was the last perfect one? Actually, maybe it'd be easier for all of us. What was the last time you did have like, it is gonna be Sunday, but a perfect just lazy day where you like probably slept in. So okay, here's mine, because it's, it's easier to happen with kids.
Starting point is 00:30:34 I got it, yeah, right? I feel, I'm sorry, guys. Yeah. Go ahead. Let me tell you how much I'm gonna sleep. Tell us about it. What is Sunday like? Yeah, a lazy morning, for me, if I can sleep into like nine, nine, 30, I feel like.
Starting point is 00:30:48 I feel like. Can you imagine? That's like beautiful, right? Like basically, like the, the warm sun has woken me up, right? That's what I've, that's like awesome, right? And then even then I lay in bed for another half hour, 45 minutes, you know, either a while, stumbling through like social media, playing with my balls for a little minutes, you know, either thumbing through like social media, playing with my balls for a little bit,
Starting point is 00:31:06 you know, doing something like that. And then, fantastic. And then get up, have a nice cup of coffee, relax, have a cup of coffee, breakfast. So by now it's noon. Yeah. And then from there, I do want to get my workout in, when that's kind of like, you know,
Starting point is 00:31:21 whenever the coffee totally sets in, the food kicks in, and I'll head down to the gym and get a workout. And then probably doing what I did a couple weekends back, which would be hanging with my one of my best friends around his pool and barbecuing and just, you know, bullshit with him and catching up and talking all these, one of my buddies that I'm talking about right now, but we go all the way back till we are like in fourth grade. So we have a lot of history and we don't get a chance to see each other as much as we used to see each other when we were younger. So and he's only about two hours away from me, so it's a very realistic thing for me to
Starting point is 00:31:51 do every once in a while, so that's what a pretty perfect day looks like. I find it so difficult, even if I'm just, you know, by myself or whatever, I feel, I feel like I'm not getting something done. I don't know if you guys ever run into that. That's why I'm probably none of us do any of those dates for you. It's so hard. I don't know if you guys ever run into that. That's why, probably none of us do any of those dates. It's so hard, I can't relax. Like if I sleep in and then I'm doing it and I'm hanging out and then I start to get this feeling of like, oh my God, I've wasted all those hours.
Starting point is 00:32:14 I can't enjoy it because I feel like I wasted something. I hate that shit. I do too. So I get really drunk and then I don't care. That's how you deal with it. Yeah, and I'm like, wait a minute, this is relaxing, I enjoy it a minute, this is relaxing. I enjoy this.
Starting point is 00:32:26 It is fun. I also think too, that's probably more truth to what you said. When I said is that, that's kind of the double edge sword or the catch 22 is probably a better analogy. Catch 22 of us is that part of being these maniacs that love to work and do this and are all passionate about it, is it never shuts down? Yeah, you know, even.
Starting point is 00:32:47 Yeah, one of the hardest things for me to do is to be present. I mean, I'll be the first one to admit that. That's one of my faults. It's one of the things that's not a great characteristic about myself. I can most certainly be in an environment with family, friends, my girl, whatever
Starting point is 00:33:03 and we're sitting there. And I'm not present because I have so much always I feel like on my mind. And it's stuff that I'm passionate about. I'm very passionate about what we do here. And I just can't shut that off. If I could, I would, you know? I think you can figure it out, can you teach me?
Starting point is 00:33:16 Yeah. Well, the only way I've been able to do like some bit of that is by putting myself out nature and like trying to like focus, you know, focus on my surroundings. So that's why one of my favorite things to do for a Sunday or whatever, just to hike and get out in the woods or go down to the beach and walk along the cliffs. And just to like, my mind's still racing, but at least then I'm outside and breathing good air.
Starting point is 00:33:44 That's the thing. If I'm going on a hike And I'm hiking and I'm thinking in my mind. I'm thinking to myself like oh, I'm getting a workout And I'm coming up with great ideas. Yeah, yeah, you know, I'm saying like I'm maybe I said I didn't I didn't shut it off But I'm in a different environment. Well for me. This is how this is how I've used marijuana This is exactly how I've used marijuana. This is exactly how I've used it. There we go. No, really. I think I think it's- We don't get a marijuana sponsorship at some point.
Starting point is 00:34:10 I will be very disappointed. That would make perfect sense for us. We should just move to Colorado. I think I'm introducing a mind-pump strain. Well, speaking of Colorado, I was just going to talk about my little brother who lives there. He's very much so pro cannabis. I'm sure because of his older brother. And the thing is that I remember having this conversation with him when he was younger and he was first introduced to it. And I said, you know, one thing I want you to understand about
Starting point is 00:34:33 your brother, me speaking about me, is it always in the third person. Let me tell you some about my Adam Sheet or the Adam. Let's call him the Adam. Good Dicks. So anyways, you know, I told him, you know, if you understand, you know, what, why, and, you know, and how everything is, it's fine to me. I said, but at least do your homework on that and understand what you're consuming, what you're doing. And then also, you know, personally, myself, I can't do that throughout the day at all because I like it, I am a very, you know, go, go, go person. I that throughout the day at all because I like it.
Starting point is 00:35:05 I am a very, you know, go, go, go person. I don't want to shut down, but that's what shuts me down now, which also explains why I could never, I could never be like a pothead. I couldn't, and I talk about on here. So I'm sure everybody relates that and thinks I'm not that guy. I'm not a guy who is smoking weed all day long. I've not, I know people like that and they function and they do their job and, you know, more power to them.
Starting point is 00:35:24 I am not that guy. I use it as an outlet to shut my brain down Like that's a tool. Yeah, when it when I when I need to settle my brain down it and I want to be present in what you know Either the conversation I'm having or whatever it is and I'm or sex. Yeah. Yeah It's a great tool Probably the only use that's a whole nother bud guest I I sort of got though if we don't get a fucking sponsorship for some weed company, I will be so supportive. I always told you guys when we're all,
Starting point is 00:35:49 you guys are all stressing out like no, some of the company nobody's gonna want to deal with us. I'm like, it doesn't matter. We're gonna get companies like Trojan, you know? Or Justin's favorite scotch, you know? Like you're gonna know, yeah. We're gonna get companies like that. I'm totally fine with that too.
Starting point is 00:36:02 I can push AstroGlide Trojan and scotch. Oh, I'm saying. Give me a call. You that. I'm totally fine with that too. I can push Astro glide Trojan and Scotch Jameson give me a call. You know what I'm saying? Sarah fit Simmons. What are your top three favorite movies? Oh, do you watch movies so I love movies? I love movies. Well, he was the one that told me like Rocky one, rock two and Rocky for ex-machine Yeah, you're the one that introduced us to that one. I'll give you credit for that. I love movies that I feel slightly changed after watching them. Whether that be sad, affected in some way, motivated, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:36:38 Some of my favorite movies are ones that I watched as a kid and that did that to me as a kid. You know, definitely Rocky was definitely one of them and it did to me as a kid. You know, definitely Rocky was definitely one of them. And it did change me as a kid, bro. Listen, the original Rocky. Let's see. We'll do together. I'm trying to do together.
Starting point is 00:36:53 I'm watching you son of a bitch. You go like you go. The original Rocky, when I watched it as a kid, cause I didn't know when I watched, I was like nine. And I knew Rocky was boxing, but I had no idea. But I watched the sky who's down and out, not very smart, but just kind of a hard worker, blue collar, and he went after his dream and this and that,
Starting point is 00:37:12 and so that affected me in that sense. I was like, yes, I felt really like, you could just work hard and get what you want. So that really affected me in that particular way. I don't know, I'm trying to think of other movies that really did that. I love movies that, Shindler's List, I wouldn't put that as a favorite movie,
Starting point is 00:37:28 but you wanna talk about a movie that affected me, man. I watched that shit and I was just, I'll fuck that for a couple of minutes. Jesus, that's heavy. That's a very heavy, that's a great turn. Yeah, I'm passionate Christ, this way. That's what I was like. Oh my God, dude, head way to head.
Starting point is 00:37:40 No, yeah, no, that was, yeah, that was definitely one of those. Glangarry Glen Ross was just like a, like just one scene in particular was just insane. The sales scene. Put the fucking coffee down. Yeah, that was just so awesome. Reservoir dogs. I love that movie because it was different.
Starting point is 00:37:56 It was kind of hard to figure out at first. Quentin Tarantino movies kind of. I love Quentin Tarantino movies. Kind of do that for me. Yeah, I love the dialogue in Quentin Tarantino. That's what I mean. Like his dialogue is so, it's kind of like, doesn't really, like people really talk that way, but he gets away with it in some, you know.
Starting point is 00:38:10 Yeah, well in some way. He just, yeah, he really like, they go off, you know. It's like, it's basically, I don't know, I feel like it's something you would read, you know, people say, but he does it in a way that like people, like they'll have a conversation. You're like, whoa, you know, the whole fiction was like that.
Starting point is 00:38:24 Yeah, like the way they talked on there. I was like, that's what I was like. They go back and forth and you're like whoa you know it. Pulp fiction was like that. Yeah. Like the way they talked on there. That's one of my, that's the one I was like. They go back and forth and you're just like ah. Yeah, it was, uh, yeah. How about you guys? I mean, Pulp fiction is probably out there. I definitely, I love Quinterotino.
Starting point is 00:38:34 I love his movies. I don't think I've ever seen one. Uh, what is it? Was it four rooms? That one, that's probably the only one I think is like, all right. The rest of it, my love, all the kill bills. I love all that stuff he did. Uh, number one favorite movie though for sure is, uh all right, the rest of it, my love, all the kill bills, I love all that stuff he did.
Starting point is 00:38:50 Number one favorite movie though for sure is a few good men. I've watched that more times in any movie that I've ever owned before. And then if I try to do like a childhood one like you said, it would probably be something I think a bunch of the podcast before is rad. Only because I got, yeah, I literally watched that movie a million times over and I bought it as an adult just recently. You know what movie I've seen probably more than any other movie. Yeah. It's got to be very close tie between, or very close between, pumping iron. I've seen that.
Starting point is 00:39:15 I used to watch that movie every day after school. Of course he did. Every day. I'd watch it and then go work out every day. And predator, right? Predator. Yeah, I did. I have watched, I can. I've watched predator a lot. Bro, I can write the script for Predator. Fucki, I have watched, I can-
Starting point is 00:39:25 I have watched predator a lot. Bro, I can write the script for predator, like line by line right now. For the beginning 10. No! Get down! I've seen that movie, so me and my cousin, Sepi, still watch that movie all the time, and we were like nine. Should not have been watched.
Starting point is 00:39:39 That's probably when we all have in common. I definitely watched Predator a bajillion times too. Did you guys watch his other We got with testicles, huh? I'm just saying he got testicles as had to I just I just I just watched Your time you just watch command for the first time no no for the first time is that first time in a very long time Oh, command. Yeah, we must have just been talking about because it made me look for insert Do you ever do like watch it now as an adult and realize I wow this is so much bullshit. Yeah, like he's got like everybody's shooting at him and he's fucking everybody up and not even aiming.
Starting point is 00:40:08 He's just just sprained. But he looks fucking awesome. Yeah, that's a big dude. That's a matter. Any recent movies that you've seen that have done, you guys have been like, oh, like the last like who movie that I watched. Yeah, you know,
Starting point is 00:40:20 well, so this isn't recent. Fuck, this is how you know you're getting old. But the Matrix was fucking, when it first came out, it was awesome This is how you know you're getting old, but the Matrix was fucking when it first came out I was definitely old, but it's old, right? It's only done for me. Matrix. Matrix was awesome. Well, I like to I like movies like that that are on a whole nother level. Yeah, first time it's ever been done That's also what Quinter Tino is so great about because it's like nobody does that. You know what I'm saying? Like I think that's all I like that's why like, well, there's movies like Momento
Starting point is 00:40:46 that I think about like the first. Yeah, I was gonna mention Momento. That was the one that I was talking about. First time I ever saw a movie like that. I was like, whoa. I think it was one of the only times I ever watched a movie and then turned right back around and watched it right after I watched it.
Starting point is 00:40:57 Wow. Because I was like so fascinated what I just saw. I was like, because the whole time I was trying to figure out what the fuck am I watching? This is confusing. And then when it all came together, I was like, I just watched this whole movie and reverse, didn't I? Holy shit.
Starting point is 00:41:09 I don't think I'm gonna watch it again. Yeah. I know. What was the one where it's like, I see dead people. Oh, yeah. Six cents. Six cents. Yeah, like that one, like when that first came out, like it just, I was like, whoa, that's
Starting point is 00:41:21 such a cool twist, the way that he, you know, wrapped it all in to like, oh, you could go back and watch the movie and see, you know, all his influence, like going through and then he made a bunch of shitty movies after that. And then it was just bad. Bob! Because that became his thing. Like, he, he made that like his little like bag of tricks. Like, oh, I'm gonna throw out twist in here, you know. That's always about the twist. Yeah, it came on. Yeah. And Shimmelamlaiam. And I'll definitely have to say, you know, that's always about the twist. Yeah, it came on. And Shimmelam Liyam Lich. Yeah. And I'll definitely have to say, I mean, yes, you guys, like just like sells Rocky, you
Starting point is 00:41:50 know, I got my Star Wars, but, you know, I have to. That's a little more of an epic movie just to you know, it's just, here's the thing. Here's the thing. What? What did you say, babe? You know, it, so we have Rocky, it's just a good man and Star Wars are probably early. It literally like, that's the way, it's just you good men and Star Wars are probably. It literally, that's the way, it's just because that's the way my brain works.
Starting point is 00:42:07 Like I think like, you know, in terms of like the future. Yeah, like the future, just like everything. Like he added elements of like that challenges you in religious, you know, challenges. There's like, you know, political challenges. There's, you know, industrial versus, you know, non-industrial. It's like, there's just like some feminine, you know, male, like heroines, like strong characters.
Starting point is 00:42:33 Like, you know, it's just so, so much depth, you know, like if people like, I don't know, I get, I get so mad. And you're like, you're so geek out when you talk to him. I love it. I love it. I have a lot of respect for that too, because Star Wars did it in a very non-biased way, which is unique in the in Hollywood because most Hollywood videos or movies
Starting point is 00:42:53 that do that have a very biased view that they're they're trying to deliver by that where like you said, it was it was more like an opening your mind and looking at it from different angles and perspectives and allowing the viewer to kind of Put it together themselves, you know versus. There's a lot of Easter eggs in there You know like there's a lot of things if you go back you get something new from it every time and that's why you know I don't think any movie has done that since for me and you know I like so like I like X machine. That was a great move X machine It was awesome because it changed the way that I thought
Starting point is 00:43:25 about artificial intelligence. So I was like, whoa. What about a scene from that angle? You guys like fight club? Great movie. Oh man, that was a good movie. That was well made, it was weird. At the end of it, you're like, fuck.
Starting point is 00:43:38 And then you watch it again. There's so many little easter eggs that pop up. Yeah, even now, there's whole websites dedicated to that freaking movie. Yeah, in terms of the easter eggs. No, that's definitely another easely top 10 for sure, if not top five. Easy. Yeah, even now there's whole websites dedicated to that freaking movie. Yeah, in terms of the history. No, that's definitely another easily top 10 for sure. If not top five. Easy. Yeah. Well, if you like Mind Pump, go on iTunes, leave us a five star rating review and also go to MindPump media.com. That's where we have all of our programs guides and apparel. You can also find us on
Starting point is 00:43:59 Instagram at Mind Pump Radio. You can find me at Mind Pump Sal. You can find Adam at Mind Pump Adam and Justin at Mind Pump Justin. Thank you for listening at Mind Pump Sal, you can find Adam at Mind Pump Adam, and Justin at Mind Pump Justin. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy, and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at Mind Pump Media.com.
Starting point is 00:44:20 The RGB Superbundle includes maps and a ballac, maps for performance, and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels, and performs. With detailed workout blueprints and over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle is like having Sal Adam and Justin
Starting point is 00:44:43 as your own personal trainers, but at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money back guarantee, and you can get it now, plus other valuable free resources at minepumpmedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review on iTunes, and by introducing minepump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support and until
Starting point is 00:45:09 next time this is Mind Pump.

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