Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 304: Diet & Stress Effects, Leaving Two In the Tank, Importance Of Isolation Exercises & MORE

Episode Date: June 3, 2016

Each week Sal, Adam & Justin answer between 8-10 Pump Head questions. Most Mondays you can post your questions on Instagram @mindpumpradio and the boys will answer as many as they can. In this Q&A the...y answer questions about the effects of diet and stress on strength and endurance, how to determine when you have hit "Two reps left in the tank," how to regulate exercise volume in MAPS Black when you are including warmup reps and the importance of isolation exercises. Get the Mind Pump Discount Red, Green & Black Super Bundle at www.mindpumpmedia.com Please subscribe, rate and review this show! Each week the best reviewers are announced on the show and sent Mind Pump T-shirts! Learn more about Mind Pump at www.mindpumpmedia.com.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mite, op, mite, op with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. I'm excited, you guys are excited? I'm always excited. Look at my pants. Yeah. I think they call that tinting. I just look like that much excitement. Bro, I'm excited. I wish you didn't say that now,
Starting point is 00:00:25 because now what I'm about to say sounds like I'm joking, but I'm not. I'm excited because I'm about to spill the beans a little bit, but the next maps program will be coming out soon. I thought you wrote this thing. We haven't brought that up yet. I'm not gonna say the name. You almost said it and Doug almost
Starting point is 00:00:41 threw that cup of water at you. I know. Now it's the color for this one is white, but we're not telling you what it's about, but it's, it's pretty gangster. It's the next, it's not just for white. No, yeah, it's not for white. It's not just for white people.
Starting point is 00:00:55 Anybody can do it for white. It's the next, the next program we're putting out and it's, it's almost done. I'm pumped. Yeah, I know about it. I'm excited. I'm excited for it too, because it's going to hit, I think people that are currently going through all the maps,
Starting point is 00:01:09 if you definitely have all the maps already, you'll probably want it, because I think it's something that will fill in the gaps of what you're already doing for specific times. And then I feel like it's going to get a whole new demographic of people too. It is because we're looking at, this is what we always do,
Starting point is 00:01:25 we look at problems in the industry, we've identified the problems, now we're providing the answer. And this is the answer to another problem. That's all I'm gonna say. Well, can I say more? Yeah, because that's okay. That's all I'm gonna say.
Starting point is 00:01:37 You can see more. I feel like he barely took a whole. I feel like there's some concepts in there that I was just like super stoked on the more I think about it, you know, afterwards, like it's really resonating with me I'm like wow that was really cool what we did You know with that concept and I feel like we always have like something like that that's so different in In revolutionary on its own that like it's understated. We took a programming problem and
Starting point is 00:02:03 We we came out with something. We basically put it on steroids. It's pretty fucking brilliant. The way it's put together. I'm pretty brilliant actually. The more I think about it, yeah, I'm pretty brilliant. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, it, I'm like, wow, this is amazing. Everything is taken into account with this minimalist type program. That's as far as I'm going to go with revealing the program itself. I might have gone too far.
Starting point is 00:02:33 I think you could say that. I think you could have said further than what Justin was saying too, because I know he wanted to use the word isolation. I think that's a cool component that you don't see a lot anymore. I think it's overlooked and one of those underrated things too for sure. Hey, have you guys been getting tagged on Instagram? You have. I've seen you guys also.
Starting point is 00:02:53 We're getting tagged on people love to tag us on exercises that people will video, expecting us to talk shit. You guys noticed that? Yeah, of course. So usually it's tagged on exercises that people make up in a machine, which is stupid almost every single time. But sometimes it's an exercise like one I got tagged on was a bench press variation where someone brings the bar down. Did you guys see this one? They're doing a bench press. They bring the bar
Starting point is 00:03:18 down to the the proper position, which usually usually is right about nipple height, right, with the bar, unless you're an old lady and then you don't want to go nipple height, because then it becomes something different. It's really low. But you come down a nipple, I believe. What the guy did is he came down to that and then keeping tension, he came up, brought the bar up to his neck with the elbows flared, and then pressed it up and came down. Again, brought it up.
Starting point is 00:03:41 So the question was, is this bad, This has got to be horrible for the shoulder. Here's the thing with movement. Exercises can be safer or more dangerous. There could be that light. Was that the one we got DM'd or inbox? Yeah. I didn't watch it. I just saw the one from Sadiq.
Starting point is 00:03:59 Sadiq was the one training me. Here's the thing, like, if you can, your body, if it's fit and healthy, depending on the situation, you can do a lot of different movements and be safe, or you can do other movements that are dangerous. Some exercises are more difficult to do in a safe way. That's one of them. Does it mean it's always dangerous?
Starting point is 00:04:17 No, if you have good shoulder stability, you're using lightweight, and you feel like you've got some benefit from doing that type of an exercise, then you're probably okay. The benefit I could see from that, you're going to get some traps involved there and some some more shoulder like what is that? What would be the point of taking it down to your chest, then you're getting what do you you're going from? You're watching. So what does it look like? What do you what's moving? What is he doing? I'm trying to picture that. No, I'm on my back. Boom here.
Starting point is 00:04:44 Yeah. Then I come up with my back, boom here. Yeah. Then I come up with the weight and then press it out. So Travis, you're gonna get some traps. I don't, I don't, I think it's more than anything. I think what they're trying to do is change the angle of the elbow, right, to change the different muscle fiber recruitment of the chest. But really what's happening is you're maintaining tension
Starting point is 00:04:58 at the bottom of the rep for like two or three seconds. So it's really not that different from just the pause bench. Okay. You know what I'm saying? When you look at it. Yeah. So I could see not that different from just the pause bench. Okay. You know what I'm saying? When you look at it. Yeah. So I could see it, I could see it maybe helping you get stronger at the bottom.
Starting point is 00:05:10 It seems unnecessary, that would be my only illusion. Yeah. Yeah. But like, I get tagged on a lot of them as well, as far as like exercises and concern and some of them are legit, like the earthquake bar, for instance. Oh yeah. Someone thought that was really stupid.
Starting point is 00:05:24 I said like, Yeah, I said that was really stupid. I'm like, no, it's an actual dude. He's expressing speed. Like he's showing you how to add velocity to this lift. And that's a tool that you would use. Probably the goofiest tool. It's very goof if you want to look for a shirt. Yeah, I've never used one.
Starting point is 00:05:43 Have you ever used one? I've used it. I've used it with Justin. But, yeah, I've never used one. Have you ever used it? I've used it. I've used it with Justin. But I mean, there's there's rationale behind it as all I'm saying. It's not for everybody. It's very specialized. But yeah, I mean, there's definitely something there.
Starting point is 00:05:54 Well, I think it's important to note too that we tell people like a lot of these exercises, oh, this is so stupid when you see somebody doing like a tricep push down on like a, you know, on the gravetron machine or what's it called? What's it called? What's it called? It's just the way this is the pull up machine. Yeah, they're doing like some chest exercise which is just ridiculous, but here's here's why reality is it's doing something. Well, and here's why I won't just think it's I won't go on their page and like, you know, talk shit because most of the guys that are doing that, you know, and it's unfortunate,
Starting point is 00:06:25 but they're normally some dude that's extremely ripped at some bodybuilder, men's physique athlete, or bikini girl with that. And it's like, hey, if they want to do all these weird movements because they've got extra time in the gym to kill and everything like that, then by all means do it. I get annoyed by them trying to tell people, you know, what, why they should do it. One of them. Check out this new kick ass. Try to try this out. Like, well, why don't you try actually lifting consistently and eating consistently first. And then you can move your way into some different stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:06:55 Like, it's just the priority of it. And somebody did it again with me, like, you know, and it irritated me because they're a big mind-pumplish and are in a fan. So like that. And they should know better than to do this. And they were trying to prod Joe with me and they were trying, they were trying to get him and I get going after each other because he had just recently posted the rubber band on the hammer straight. Just before we got blocked. He was before. This is what, this is what actually, why it happened because, yeah, you know,
Starting point is 00:07:20 because he was, he was getting on there and he was continuing to try and get me and Joe to talk shit to each other because on the on the show, I said, you know, putting rubber bands on a machine is ridiculous. Might as well use a solo flex. Yeah, a bow flex, right? And that's exactly what he said. He says, you know, he got on there and says, first model. Adam, Adam, what do you think about this, you know, and tell him that this exercise, you call bow flex or what, or something like that, right?
Starting point is 00:07:44 And Joe got on there and of course, it fired Joe up, but it wasn't going to fire me up uh, you know, and tell them that this exercise you call boflex or what or something like that, right? And Joe got on there and of course it fired Joe up, but it wasn't gonna fire me up over that like, listen, if you've ever seen fucking Joe Donnelly's 250 pounds and like fucking four percent body fat, well, the fucking you do whatever he wants in the gym. Do whatever the fuck you want in the gym. Like you could be the stupidest exercise ever,
Starting point is 00:08:00 and it's not gonna hurt that guy. I don't like the fact when these guys give that message out to 90% of the population, because 90% of the, 99% of the population is not like that, and it's not gonna do much benefit. In fact, they should be hearing messages like, hey, work on your squat, let's perform your squat.
Starting point is 00:08:16 If you can't squat, let's talk about the things that are keeping you from squatting, and what do you need to do to fix that? So you can squat. Like these are the message I feel like trainers should be giving to the general population about health and fitness. That's like, it's not so go bench press.
Starting point is 00:08:28 Yeah, don't put the bands on the hamstring chest press. Not the latest fucking tricky move or exercise that they should be doing, you know, or creative thing that they made up on the leg press. Oh my God, the worst is like the buddy bodyweight training stuff, like you know, through your spouse. Yeah, I was actually gonna create a fake account with me and my wife because we started, I kind of started to have her go
Starting point is 00:08:50 through maps red with me and stuff. And it was funny because like, she's the only girl in the weight room part, you know, at our gym. And so we're in there at like prime time hour. It's like all these like meet heads and everything. And we're doing our workout and everything. And I was in like, oh my God, how annoying are we?
Starting point is 00:09:09 You know, we're that like fit couple, you know, like relationship goals, how much tag, you know, saying like, walking on the treadmill, holding hands. Yeah, I wanted to do, I sure had got a little trouble. I wanted to do like everything stereotypical, just to like, you know, piss everybody off. Like, and we do like the pull ups where the other ones like wrapping their legs around you and you're like kissing it.
Starting point is 00:09:30 Like, yeah. Here we go. And when you do, you get a girl that's annoying. And then when you're working out and you're lifting your wife and she just, and she's gaining weight, it's progressive resistance. It's like, you're biceps? You're getting bigger. That's bad. Why are your arms look so big?
Starting point is 00:09:48 Oh, my wife's getting fat. Is there an old, is there an old famous story that the guy who climbs up the hill carrying the calf, you know, in the every, my los is a Milo Milo, so whatever, I lifted a calf every day until it became a ball and he became massive dude.
Starting point is 00:10:01 I grew with it, Karen. You know, it's funny though, these are all marketing employees that people use to draw attention to. I bet you, if not all of those people, a good majority of those people that do those posts don't even work out like that. They just know that they know like, honey, we got the kid, take some videos. But working out with your significant other is a very horny event. It is, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:10:24 Wouldn't you be regressing? I could be. It is, isn't it? Wouldn't you agree, Justin? I could be. It always can be, really? Yeah, I don't know, man. Like, I always want to. I know more, yeah, but you're weird when it comes to stuff. The wind blows. Wind blows, dude.
Starting point is 00:10:36 And you're like, yeah, no, you're, the wind blows. I'm weird. And it tickles it. Yeah, I mean, your e-zone comes with stuff like that. It doesn't take much to impress you. I know more. Well, most trainers. I know.
Starting point is 00:10:45 Well, most trainers that I know they don't like working out with their significant other because they struggle. Well, shit, we just had it. We just got into battle with Johnny and his girl, right? Because we help her out all the time and she's always trying to tell her she listens to mine, right? So she's always fighting with him about the bro shit that she's telling her. And he's texting me on the back end on the other side going like, bro, I can't fucking take this anymore. Tell my girl, tell my girl, you're fucking girl, bro, you tell her,
Starting point is 00:11:09 you know what I'm saying? Like, I can't help it, she listens to mine, but so she hears us talk all the shit and then you turn around and you give her something and that's what happens, you know? So, but I mean, I feel for that. My pump, the girl, to show your girlfriend listens to.
Starting point is 00:11:22 My girl, Katrina is the only woman that I've ever been able to consistently work out with. Every other girl from that I ever dated before that, I couldn't do that. And the one that won the reason why, it's because what I love about my girls, I can just- She does what you tell her in the gym.
Starting point is 00:11:35 No, not at all, actually. But she understands how important it is to me and that it's my time, and that I'm totally okay with you coming in and working out with me, but for me, I don't want to be a personal trainer. I don't come to the gym for my hour of training to personal train anybody, so I don't want to be over there correcting form and telling you why we're doing this and why we're now doing that. Then I feel like
Starting point is 00:11:59 it's work. You know what I say? It's what I do for work all day long. So you need to do that. You need to hire a trainer if you want that. Yeah, I would be that way if I had like all this free time and like, you know, like kind of stuff. Like, like this is where we can drop or 17 or so. Yeah, exactly. Like, like that's now turned into, it has a different meaning because now it's about like
Starting point is 00:12:21 the kids club, you know what I'm saying? It's the kids club and I'm like, hey honey, hey, how have you been? You know what I'm saying? And then we're talking together. Yeah, it's awesome, but it totally, I get you on that level. Oh, I can see though on your side.
Starting point is 00:12:36 But it's changed, the meaning's changed now. No, Justin gets it, it's horny time for him too. It is, it leads to, you know, fun. I was gonna say, there's that. You dropped the key. Do you ever have this stability ball? Honey, the kids are sleeping at the back. Can we still have one of those? Hurry, give me a hand job. Yeah. You were like, you guys are like the couple that used to drop their kids off of the gym kids club and then go out on a movie date.
Starting point is 00:12:58 Like that. I thought about it. Bro, that used to be that people used to do that. I always like, excuse me. They figured that out. I might just put a charge for that, like a cheap charge. Like I always, I always, excuse me. They figured that out. I might actually put a charge for that. Like a cheap charge. Like yeah, watch again, you guys go ahead. There's like a movie theater. Oh, they even let them.
Starting point is 00:13:09 They actually advertised it. No way. So you actually would pay them like some dirt cheap price, but like they would do that for a couple of hours. I'm like, brilliant. That is brilliant. So brilliant. And they used to be, oh wow, that's funny.
Starting point is 00:13:21 They let them do that. That was something that was like a huge pet peeve for like all the kids club people. They were just like, yeah yeah the lady just came in she was fully decked out in a dress and she just dropped her kids off she's totally going out she is not coming to join the workout it's awesome it's smart right oh my god oh yeah oh yeah the motherucking quarter after me.
Starting point is 00:13:45 We got the car. Feathers here. All right, beginning with KT cards, how much does diet and stress affect physical performance? Does it affect strength or endurance more? It affects, yes, it definitely affects physical performance. Is there science behind which one would affect more or less? I would think that it depends on the person. Yeah, it definitely affects physical performance. Is there science behind which one would affect more or less? I would think that it depends on the person.
Starting point is 00:14:07 Yeah, it does. I think probably stamina and endurance get affected kind of immediately. I think stress can improve strength depending on the type of strength. That's a good point, right? Like if you get really, like, if you snort that snolt that salt stuff
Starting point is 00:14:23 right before that, right before that. Like like like temporary stress that's put on like if like if Doug got trapped under a car. You know we'd be all stressed out. It's like an adrenaline kind of response. Yeah. So we might do that or if you're angry or whatever. But you just you just use Doug getting trapped in the car like the whole analogy of the
Starting point is 00:14:38 woman who has the baby under the car. You did. You totally did. No, you know why it's totally why you represent. No, I did that because you know when we went to the San Jose Expo. You lived in the show. You did. You totally did. No, you know why? It's totally why you rev- No, I did that because you know when we went to the San Jose expo. You lived in a car? No. And we were talking about like, oh bro, what if somebody like comes up like, because
Starting point is 00:14:52 every supplement company hate us, we talk shit to about, you know, 80% of fitness industry were like, what if somebody comes and talk shit? And I'm like, well, if somebody says something to Adam, I'll just watch Adam kick her out. And then we're like, what if someone fuck with Doug, all three of us have destroyed. Oh, we're gonna rip. Nobody ripped touchdowns off. We're gonna get away to go, you're gonna get me
Starting point is 00:15:09 to fight everyone's like, oh, that's good to know if I ever run into the guys I've done. But we're gonna go to the first. Incidentally, I'm just gonna warn you right now. No, you don't want to. When we joke around about Doug having a shiv, he really does have a shiv on it and he will stab the fuck out of you.
Starting point is 00:15:21 The last one. So here's the deal with stress. Oh, it's your deal. Stress, there's acute stress and there's long-term stress. Both affect performance in all ways. But what most of its experience is this kind of moderate level of constant stress on a day to day basis. It just sounds wearing when you say it.
Starting point is 00:15:39 It is wearing. It is very wearing. It's that, you know, I hate my job or I hate my wife or whatever, and you're dealing with this on a regular basis. Most people are like, fuck both. I hate both of those things. Oh, it'll double stress. It will reduce strength and endurance,
Starting point is 00:15:56 especially if you're training improperly. You know, if you're under a lot of stress, the last thing you should do is hammer yourself in the gym and place more demands on the body. Because your body's ability to handle all stresses is becoming limited. Its capability to deal with stress depends very, very greatly on the other kinds of stress.
Starting point is 00:16:16 It's experiencing and that includes exercise. So if you're working out super hard and your job is really stressing you out and your kids are really stressing you out or whatever, you're just piling stress upon stress on top of you and your body will perform worse. You won't burn body fat like you want, you won't build muscle like you want
Starting point is 00:16:36 and you actually reduce your performance. So under those circumstances, a good idea is to reduce intensity, learn how to use, make your workout more meditative, and use it in those ways to kind of compliment what's going on. Obviously, in a mid-sync is mostly psychological. I mean, there's physical stress for sure. But if you do, if you treat your workout more of a therapeutic type of a session and you're addressing things that will help calm you down,
Starting point is 00:17:08 calm your heart rate down or just give you mental clarity. You know, that's a totally different experience than just pounding weights and getting pissed off and like adding more physical stress. Yeah, I mean, mental state plays such a huge role. I had a client come in the other day, was working
Starting point is 00:17:25 I actually wasn't my clients working out with another trainer and he's He's been in the gym for a while. I haven't seen him for a while But so now that I haven't seen him for about a year he looks Incredible. He's built more muscle looks more fit. So about halfway through the workout I always like to compliment people when I've seen positive changes. I think it's important as trainer. So I stopped them. Nice ass. Yeah, he was, yeah, like brother, your ass is amazing. I mean, that pulls you. He means that I total professional way. Yeah. Yeah. He was, he was resting in between sets. I'm like, bro, I'm like, you look fucking way different. You put on a lot more
Starting point is 00:17:59 muscle and you know, I'm giving, you know, I'm telling them the truth. I'm giving them a compliment though. And I noticed the intensity of his workout increased by two notches after I said that, because it gave them that mental, like, oh, fuck, I'm impressed with the trainer and another trainer in the gym. Yeah, you're mental and even spiritual health will affect athletic performance on a tremendous level. And so those things make up a part of your overall wellness just as much as exercising diet, too. Well, I wanna add a little something to that,
Starting point is 00:18:29 just because I think, and I, you guys, I'm sure of the same way, too, the client that we deal the most with this, right? Cause that was really vague answer that we gave you, right? It kind of could affect you. It is a little this way. Here's some things to be wear for it, but it's like, I know that was really vague. I think a majority of the people that I've ever trained that I deal with this the most are my type A
Starting point is 00:18:51 personalities where it really affects them, right? And what I mean by that is they have this lifestyle where they probably do. They hate their husband or wife. They have a stressful job and they're just a stress case, just a stress case all the time. They're stressed about everything, finances and family life and work life. And then on top of that, they sign themselves up for a gym membership or a type of trainer that is just going to pound their body. They still take that same approach and mentality into their workout of this hardcore, aggressive
Starting point is 00:19:23 training. And in reality, that person with that extreme probably needs to complete opposite extreme. Most of those people that into the... Do a lot better with walking. Yeah, those people that hire me, I end up saying, okay, listen, you're not allowed to run now.
Starting point is 00:19:35 And they're like, you know, freak out, like, I can't run, no, I don't want you running. You don't need to be running right now. What you need to do is walk, or you need to meditate, or you need to do yoga. You need to do something opposite of all this crazy stress that I'm hearing in your life. I don't want you're working out,
Starting point is 00:19:47 it should be, you know, it should be aiding and helping, not adding to, right? As far as I'm concerned. Yeah, I mean, the point is it's still movement. It's still like, you know, you have to make sure that that's, your body's expanding energy,
Starting point is 00:20:00 because even if it's like like in contrast to the stress, you still have to go through that and it actually helps. A lot of times I find too, because I'm very much can fall into that same trap too, where I have to realize, oh my God, I'm so buried in all these things, and I'm starting to feel like I'm getting a cold, because I just had a really hard workout on top of that
Starting point is 00:20:22 and all these kinds of things. My workout needs to change so that way, I can allow my mind to stop going crazy and also my body can rest and rejuvenate, but I'm still moving am active in. Well, this happens to me at least a handful times every month. A handful times every month month I have in mind what I'm going to be doing that day. You know, I'm on phase whatever of whatever maps I'm
Starting point is 00:20:50 going on right now. This is what I'm supposed to be lifting the next day. But then, you know, the day before was just heavy, man. I worked a long day. I had a lot of stuff. I was dealing with a lot of people online and, you know, this or that. And it was just maybe family shit going on. And I was just heavy for me, and I can feel that the next day. And even though I have this planned workout ahead of me, that takes a priority. Now, because I feel this way, and I have learned to recognize when I've got heavy stress on myself, I know better than to go into a workout and just think I'm going to sweat it out or beat myself out of it.
Starting point is 00:21:24 Instead, that's the day where well I was gonna do this. Now I'm gonna walk on the treadmill and now I'm gonna work on some mobility stuff and I'm still gonna do something that's active and physical and burn calories and focus more but I'm gonna focus more on my knee and my my mental relief that I want. I want. It makes a big difference. Yeah, I'll even have a different playlist for that. I'm really listening to different music. Music is more relaxing. Normally I'm into intense hardcore rock like when I want to get after it. Time like that.
Starting point is 00:21:48 I want to do more. I do the same thing. Yeah, I want to do more peace. Yeah, more meditative. You know, it's gonna be more relaxing. So play a little ceremony, Glockhlin. Uh, what? Well, yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:56 I was doing it. I was doing it. Everlast or something like that. It's a blind. You know, when that bitch comes on TV, you're about to fucking cry because there's some dog that is starving or something. Or like you dumb.
Starting point is 00:22:08 Yeah. Like getting their ears chewed off. Oh my God. Laws of fitness is asking, how do you know if you have two reps left in the tank? You do two more and then you fail. Here's a, two reps left in the tank means, we always talk about not going to failure with
Starting point is 00:22:26 your workout. So if you're doing a set to failure, what that means is let's say I'm doing squats, I'm squatting until I can no longer squat again with decent form. So I'm failing and then boom, the set is over. We advocate stopping before that, going to failure and lots of studies now have proven this, going to failure, and lots of studies now have proven this, going to failure is too much intensity. It's more than you need, and all it's gonna do
Starting point is 00:22:49 is actually, it's gonna take away from your body's ability to adapt. You'll find that stopping two reps short of that is gonna give you better results, almost every single time. How do you know? I hate to say this, but you're gonna have to learn your body. Should I own an error?
Starting point is 00:23:04 You're gonna have to learn your body. This is part of the whole feeling your body. I have a little tip that I think that helped me. I have a big tip. I have a little tip. It's cute. Here's our everywhere today. Yeah. This is something that this is how I approach like a set.
Starting point is 00:23:19 I had, let's say I'm doing a set of 10 dumbbell chest press. I am a super stricler when it comes to form. So when I get under there and I start pressing away at 10, saving two in the tank for me is when I find a weight that when I hit that 10th rep, my form is starting to break down. And when I mean break down, I mean by the slightest bit.
Starting point is 00:23:41 I'm slowly, slowly starting to favor one side or I slowly start to feel my shoulders come out of the perfectly retracted position or I notice my body start to squirm a little bit to try and leverage it up. If I notice that it all start to happen, that's where I'm shutting it down because I can normally push out two more
Starting point is 00:23:58 or three more even from that point, you know, by cheating the rep up or by getting momentum or letting my body deviate just to get it up. So I'm cutting that weight on the last rep of perfect form. I mean, I'm completing 10 reps that looks perfect. I mean, I'm... But again, even to do that,
Starting point is 00:24:18 you gotta kind of really stay in tune with your body and kind of learn it, you know what I'm saying? Yeah. So it's just something that you tend, you'll... When it's not, it's not a mathematical formula that I think a lot of people are asking for like, oh, because I know that I feel to do the one, one rep. Yes, the one rep max percentage.
Starting point is 00:24:32 You get charts and all these things. Everybody's always had an answer for that. And like, I don't like, so I'll saying it really, it really amounts to the amount of times you've, you've done this, right? Like you, you see, tendons easy, see how the body's gonna change and react once you add like five more pounds, 10 more pounds, you know, 25 more pounds, and then you get even better, like you're like, whoa, I know that, you know,
Starting point is 00:24:57 I do pretty well with this weight, but even then that's gonna change because like depending on the energy levels or the factors of stress or that, that's exactly it. You know, that's all gonna change. That's exactly it. That's why we tell people it's about,
Starting point is 00:25:09 it's how to know your body and perceived exertion because two reps short of failure may mean something completely different when I've had good sleep and I've had good mood versus when I haven't had good sleep and my diet isn't good. So if I go based off for percentages, well that hard number, that's 75% of whatever,
Starting point is 00:25:28 and I need to do 12 reps. That 12 reps could be past failure because I didn't get good sleep last night, you know what I'm saying? So it's gotta be based off of feel, so you can have to kind of learn your body a little bit. Mike Dittore, or Mike Ditor, I'm not sure. I think you said I like the Dittore. The first time was sexier.
Starting point is 00:25:45 Yeah. That's it. That's enough. Thank you, Justin. Sorry. Mike is asking, how do I find the proper weight and maps black without overdoing volume? He's referring specifically to his warm-up. His warm-up sets.
Starting point is 00:26:01 That's a nice transition from the last question we just did. Yeah. I think for me personally, I do a little dynamic warm-up sets. That's a nice transition from the last question we just did. Yeah, I think for me personally, I do a little dynamic warm-up first. So here's how it looks for me. Let's say I'm gonna squat with 315. Let's say I'm doing sets of six or eight reps with 315. I'll do my dynamic warm-up,
Starting point is 00:26:16 which is where I'm warming up my hips, I'm warming up my knees. Then I get under the bar and I go 135, 225. And then by that time, I'm usually ready for 315. So for me personally, it's between one or two sets with good weight before I move into my heavier weight. The stronger I am in the exercise, the more warm-ups I do. So if I'm doing a deadlift, we're, let's say, I'm pulling 500 pounds or 550 pounds. I'll go 135, 225, 315, 405, then I'll go up to 495 or 500.
Starting point is 00:26:48 Yeah. So I'd say the stronger you are, the more... The more low, the higher you go in numbers as far as the load you're putting on your body, I would think, yeah, that's insane. I'm not trying to jump, drasthino, you're not trying to make massive leaps, yeah. Right. I think what he's trying to ask
Starting point is 00:27:03 is more along the lines of, he's also like the person of four is trying to find their weight that they should be at for working sets. So for example, let's say he's doing also a bench press, you know, and he gets ready to do his bench press and he's working on the first phase. So he's in like the five to eight rep range, right? And he knows he's only gonna end up doing three sets of that. So by the he says he's having a hard time what it's taking him one or two sets to find what weight he should be working at those three sets. So he was
Starting point is 00:27:35 asking for tips on how to get there. So here's what I do like if I know I have three working sets ahead of me and even though this wouldn't happen to me where I don't know my way Because I'm very in tune with my body and how much I can lift everything But let's say I didn't how I would how I teach a client this is Remember that you can control intensity and Tizzy does not always have to change by the weight So what I will do is I will start with a light a weight that I'm for sure I can do But it might be close to the way I want to work with but more than likely I'm gonna round down and it's gonna be less because I'd always be on the safer side in case I don't feel energy or strength that day.
Starting point is 00:28:10 So I teach a client to go under that weight and then let's say it's a 10 rep or at where it's talking about five to eight, sorry, five to eight reps. So you're going to start going towards those five reps and you realize that rep three, oh, this is way too light and easy for me. So slow the last two, three reps down, hell a slow. Make it, make it harder on that. Make great, great advice. Make it way, this is how I use timble.
Starting point is 00:28:32 I have to do pause squats, that same thing. There you go. And I wanna feel like my whole process is a lot like that, but it's more getting connected in the feel of it, right? So as I'm going down through the rep, I'm feeling my body kind of drop down into the right correct position. Now I'm squeezing and I'm also getting
Starting point is 00:28:53 like super connected with my CNS that way. And I'm just actively trying to create tension coming up. And so yeah, I'm not doing a whole lot of weight because that's the other thing too. You don't want to, I guess too, like I can, I've gotten this question before too, because people don't want to really expend a whole lot of energy in the warm-up process to get into the workout, because they know what's in store for them with the workout, right? So they don't want to feel like it's going to detract from their performance during the
Starting point is 00:29:20 workout. So there is a fine line with that that you kind of find and I find best for me like kind of like Sal was saying like as far as like the most demanding lifts, it'll take me a bit longer to get there. But you know, I'm trying as hard as I can not to add a whole lot of weight. I just want to add more connectivity, you know, with my body. I think it's a very fair question, and it is a very popular question. And I, and I think this is where, you know, we talk about all the different tools there are in fitness,
Starting point is 00:29:50 right, of manipulating tempos and things like that. And this is, this is how I like to manipulate tempo. And this is how I utilize it. And I still do this all the time where I grab a weight that I know is lighter than what I'm probably going to be what we consider a working set. So a working set is what you would consider, you're at that weight of whatever, 80% of max intensity,
Starting point is 00:30:12 whatever the formula is for the rep range you're at, which once again, we talk about how it's about your perception and how you understand how to feel your body out more. So then it is an actual percentage and number, which we get from a lot of other people, right? So it's learning that, learning that okay. When I do a bench press, my max bench press is 315 pounds. So obviously my very first set, I'm not gonna get on there
Starting point is 00:30:32 and do 315 pounds, like Sal saying, I'm gonna work up to that, but I'm gonna choose a way, and you don't wanna do too much volume because you know, Maps Black aesthetics already has a ton of volume. So maybe I'm gonna put, you know, 145 or so on the bar, which is significantly less than my max, and I know I could do 20, 30 reps of that, but I'm going to do 10, and I'm going to do 10 super controlled, and like Justin said, I'm going to pause and squeeze the bar,
Starting point is 00:30:57 and I'm really going to try and concentrate on my form and slowing the rep down, and you'll be surprised how effective that one set would be, and what's awesome about that, because you're not somebody who trains like that all the time, and you're not always doing these super slow tempo reps, it will be a curve ball for the body, it's a great thing for you to do for your first set when you're trying to find your way.
Starting point is 00:31:19 And then after you do that first one, I'm sure you have a good idea like, okay, that was really easy, so I could probably add a lot more weight, or that was a little easier than, you know, I could probably you have a good idea. Like, okay, that was really easy. So I could probably add a lot more weight or that was a little easier than, you know, I could probably do five or eight reps. So I'm gonna add some more weight and that's how you would feel that out.
Starting point is 00:31:33 Comic fitness. How important is it to perform isolation exercises? And the second part of that question is only if it is a legging body part? So the full question was like, he does lots of compound movements. So obviously doing rows and pull-ups and stuff hits the biceps quite a bit. Should he do isolation exercises for them? Here's the thing, compound movements will work those small muscles way better than isolation
Starting point is 00:31:58 exercises will. That's a fact. If I can do a heavy pull-up or a heavy row, I'm gonna get better bicep development than if I just did curls. However, if I wanna add volume to working my biceps, I'm limited by those big gross motor movements because they hammer the fuck out of my body. Like, I can't do 15 sets of heavy barbell rows.
Starting point is 00:32:21 Yes, my biceps will get taxed, but the rest of my body's gonna get destroyed too. So maybe I only do five sets of heavy barbell rows, but I my biceps will get taxed, but the rest of my body is gonna get destroyed too. So maybe I only do five sets of heavy barbell rows, but I wanna add volume on my biceps, but I'm limited by my recovery ability. So then I do curls. Curl sets my biceps. I got that isolation movement,
Starting point is 00:32:35 but I'm not hammering my body super hard all the time on top of it. So isolation movements are excellent for adding volume. And this is how this should be used. Isolation movements are also very good at correcting. Well, I was going to bring in the corrective aspect, especially also like for improving form and function and getting range of motion. Just like the supporting cast, like you use them in a specific, if I'm not supported in a certain movement,
Starting point is 00:33:07 or I feel unstable in a major compound left, this is where I really wanna address, like synergestes and really get into this supporting cast that's gonna help contribute to my overall performance. Well, all things being equal in this situation, let's say this person doesn't have any balances or issues like that going on, or they're not trying to develop the biceps
Starting point is 00:33:33 because they are happy with the bicep size. How I would write that person's program now versus how I would have wrote it 10 years ago is totally different. I may not even give you a bicep or a tricep exercise. If you feel very, if you like the way your arms look and you and you're satisfied with it, we don't have any imbalances going on your body, then absolutely, you know, a T-bar rose
Starting point is 00:33:53 and bent over rose and deadlifts are going to do more for those biceps than a bunch of isolation curls anyways. And if you're not trying to increase volume to increase size, I may not even train you on those whatsoever, which I wouldn't have done in the past. In the past, I would have made sure that you had every single body part and that was my thing. But now I would only do it if it was a lacking body part.
Starting point is 00:34:14 Just because there's so much bang for your buck doing the big compound movements. If I really want to change your physique, whatever it is we're trying to do, we're gonna get the most changed by doing those big gross motor movements, then spending some time on some cable curls or preacher curls on a machine.
Starting point is 00:34:31 So I would only do it if those were the situations, if it was a lagging body part or there was an imbalance with that person. So, which this is also why sometimes when people get maps read and they first start off and they're like, this is all the arm exercises I do. I only one set of this or two sets of that, like that's it, like they're expecting like this.
Starting point is 00:34:51 Well, they're not counting for the fact that their arms are being worked by a bit with all the stuff and look, the guy, the guy or girl who gets really good at pull ups and you know overhead presses or bench presses is gonna get better developed biceps and triceps and someone who gets really good at curls and tricep press downs at the cable.
Starting point is 00:35:08 That's just a fact. Well, you have one carries over there, the other one does not. You can have the biggest strongest biceps in the world and the likelihood of it helping you that much on pull-ups is slim to none. If you're a bad asset pull-ups, you're probably got pretty strong fucking biceps.
Starting point is 00:35:21 It's just how it works. Look at gymnasts. You ever seen like competitive gymnasts, male gymnasts. They don't do curls. They do a shit ton of pull-ups though. They have insane range of motion too. But they've got the craziest looking biceps you've ever seen.
Starting point is 00:35:35 They are on male gymnasts. It's all pull-ups. Yeah, that's the way it is. Listen, if you like Mind Pump and you'd like a free t-shirt, here's what you do. You go to iTunes and you leave us a five star rating and review. If we like it, we're going to send like a free t-shirt. Here's what you do. You go to iTunes and you leave us a five star rating and review. If we like it, we're gonna send you a free t-shirt.
Starting point is 00:35:48 Also check us out on Instagram at mine pump radio. I'm at mine pump sale. You can find Adam at mine pump at them and Justin at mine pump Justin and do not forget to check out mine pump media.com. We got some cool stuff on there for you. Go check us out. Thank you for listening to mine pump.
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