Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 307: Embracing Change For Gains

Episode Date: June 9, 2016

As a general rule we humans are not big fans of change. We tend to buy into one way of doing something, for example a workout philosophy, and keep doing it hell or high water. However, adaptation (wha...t you are going for when you are working out) tends to favor variety. You may not be seeing the gains you want because your body is already adapted to what you are doing. Sal, Adam & Justin discuss the value of "changing things up" in and out of the gym. Get the Mind Pump Discount Red, Green & Black Super Bundle at www.mindpumpmedia.com Please subscribe, rate and review this show! Each week the best reviewers are announced on the show and sent Mind Pump T-shirts! Learn more about Mind Pump at www.mindpumpmedia.com.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mite, pop, mite, pop with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. But I feel like your shoes... And your shoes. I feel like your shoes were dipped into radioactive material. Yeah. And turned super-hero color.
Starting point is 00:00:21 Right. That is the most orange. Did they make you faster? I don't know that's orange. It's more like... It's the exact same That is the most orange. Did it make you faster? I don't know if that's orange. It's more like it. It's the exact same color of a neon orange. They emanate. You know, yeah, you know, neon orange crayon?
Starting point is 00:00:33 That's the color of a shoes. But here's the thing. There's not a single part of that shoe that's not that color. You know what I'm saying? They didn't mix it up at all. It's the whole thing. They just said we like this color.
Starting point is 00:00:42 Let's break it up here. Nah. Yeah, they were in the boardroom, the whole shoe. We just said we like this color. Let's break it up here. Yeah, yeah, they were in the boardroom The like the whole shoe. We just Just dip it in make the is the inside that color? Yeah, the whole thing is even the inside even the inside really that's what makes them cool That's the part that makes them cool. Yeah, because there's you don't see that you don't really ever see I have a pair of red shoes That are like that that are all the whole just all red They have to glow in the dark now
Starting point is 00:01:04 Katrina's lie I had them on in the movies last night. She said she could see me when I was coming in. For real? Yeah. Cause you're shoes. Uh huh. Yeah. They're really bright.
Starting point is 00:01:14 I like them. I feel like though you don't like them. You don't like them. You would be attracted. You're such a bad liar sometimes. No, no, no. You always know when he's lying when it doesn't come up with a really good adjective. You know, they're really good.
Starting point is 00:01:24 They're really good. They're really nice. I like them. Yeah. You know, you know, we don't. Right, Mr. Vokabular, either. Oh, nice. Come on, do you hear better sales within that?
Starting point is 00:01:33 You know what, what would suck though, is being around bees. Wouldn't they be attracted to your feet? Ducks. They would really suck being around bees, man. They're gonna attack you. They're gonna come after your feet. Yeah. Cause it, you know, they might, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:01:46 They'll make you run faster. We'll see, we'll see. That's the most, yeah. They're the most fun. I feel like if you walked fast, you'd leave a streak. You know what I mean? Can you, if you run, streak. Here's a thing, if you run real fast and stop real fast
Starting point is 00:01:57 and make a little skid mark, does it make on the street, not on your pants? It orange, it's fine. Does it make an orange skid mark on the floor? Probably. We'll test it out after we're done. If he did that, what's that gank, that gank's there dancing they do,
Starting point is 00:02:08 that's what is that called? See what? See what? Yeah, if you just do a little, can you like write my name on the sidewalk with your, what's your orange? Yeah. Hey, Sal, we're leaving for lunch.
Starting point is 00:02:17 Please meet us and. Hey, you laugh, but some of those kids are really talented at do that. With that walking, yeah. I can't believe how they make their body do these weird things. Like those, uh, I can make my body do weird things. really talented at doing that. With that walking. Yeah. I can't believe how they make their body do these weird things. Like those, uh, uh, I can make my body do weird things.
Starting point is 00:02:28 Well, we know that, but it has nothing to do with dancing. Yeah. Let's, you know, pure function and performance. It's just weird for the bedroom. Hey, I want to apologize real quick to you guys, because I've been like, every once in a while, I get on like a four episode like, Sal's pissed off streak. And I've just been like that lately just
Starting point is 00:02:47 fires are angry. And I want to be still I'm over. I don't know. I know you guys don't think I should apologize. I don't think so you guys don't like you guys are okay. It's like you just get it out. You know what I mean whatever is going on get out. Well, I was telling Katrina this the other day about because you know, she gets she likes to give me shit where she when she thinks I go too far. But I'm like, you know, she likes to give me shit where she thinks I go too far. But I'm like, you know what,
Starting point is 00:03:06 that's why this works is because. Because we go too far. No, no, no, no, no, sorry. Because I feel like, you know, it's rare that you do that. It's where the Justin does it. I probably do it the most, but I always feel like the other two guys always counter that some way or bring the balance back in where,
Starting point is 00:03:23 so I feel like it's okay. If I feel like if all three of us got on the show and we were just like, and everyone was just like, fuck that attitude. Everybody must die. You know what though? Let's get that.
Starting point is 00:03:35 Let's be honest, it's not like that would be impossible. If somebody came after us publicly in a hard way, I think all three of us would be fired. We'd do a whole episode and just rip. Well, yeah, if you're dumb enough to do that. If you're really, and we've talked about that before. Like writing to a bus. I really hope this motherfucker doesn't escalate this.
Starting point is 00:03:55 Well, we're off. We're all pretty, I don't know if it's smarter or not, but whatever, it is the way it is. Like, like when was it? I was like, I was like, I don't know, 10, 15 episodes ago when Stupani made just, it was like a super general reference to like, maybe it was us, maybe it wasn't, but we did a whole episode.
Starting point is 00:04:14 I feel like, well, just to, you know, cover all the bass. We actually put his name in the ass. He's huge. He's said it. We did a whole fucking episode on it. Like, if Arnold Schwarzenegger said something bad about mine pump, we'd probably do like 10 episodes. I'd probably do it in his voice the entire episode.
Starting point is 00:04:31 Yeah, damn, just because. Just kidding, I'd never know. No, I'd never attack Schwarzenegger. He's the best. I definitely think it works out because of that. Because there's that balance. I don't think, and I think if you were to go too far plus each of us have a... Each of us have everything that we get more irritated. Like I feel like there's certain things that just drive
Starting point is 00:04:51 Justin crazy, there's certain things that drive you. It's true. And you know, it's sometimes nice like when we like poke at it a little bit, right? Oh yeah, I mean like I remember Adam was doing that with me a little bit. I totally do that. I did it to Sal this time too.
Starting point is 00:05:04 Like yeah, I was totally firing him up. Like, hey, do you don't be a pussy? Oh yeah, what are you really thinking? Really? Really? Just go on in there. What's going on that little mine? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:14 Pull that silver tongue out, dude. If we give someone a lashing. Give somebody a little lashing. They call me the silver tongue. That's it. But it's not because I like to talk. Oh yeah. Oh. That's what I'm talking about. Dude I like to talk. Oh yeah. Oh.
Starting point is 00:05:25 That's what I'm talking about. Dude, I jammed over here right after my workout because we wanted to record early and I decided to do like an all super set workout. Fuck, man. I don't know how about you guys, but after one of those kind of hard workouts, are you soar as fuck? Not yet. I feel, my body feels like, I don't know what the right word is, like a state of zen.
Starting point is 00:05:44 You know what I mean? Where it's kind of like yeah, it's buzzing a little bit. Yeah, no, I'm sore as hell Why are you so I was telling Adam? He's a black dude legit black, you know Work out and I am not a volume guy at all And I just realized that as I was going through my guys is over yet Was it the reps or the volume or both? Both. Yeah, just both.
Starting point is 00:06:08 I just don't do it. Like I literally probably 20 to like, between 45 minutes is probably as long as I normally go. So. And it's just hard slamming. Yeah. Here's what I noticed for me. This is probably one of my biggest weaknesses.
Starting point is 00:06:22 When it comes to most exercises, I'll visit the higher rep range now and again. And I was noticed the benefit when I do that, when I go back to my favorite, which is the heavy lifting. But for whatever reason, when it comes to squats and legs, I will neglect going on anything over four or five reps.
Starting point is 00:06:39 I just do it. Well, that's why. Because it's fucking sucks. Dude, it just sucks. It hurts. And today I was doing sets of, I was doing 10 or 12 sissy squats straight to front squats of 10 and 12 reps. So it was a super set.
Starting point is 00:06:51 So I'm doing like 20, 20 something reps. And I'm not using much weight because I can't, because my leg stamina is very low, because I never do that rep range. And it just ruins the whole workout, man. The rest of the workout, I'm just like, I know. I'm like, I don't have any leg dry for bench press
Starting point is 00:07:05 That's how jack that got you know You know I'm saying you're paying You know exactly I'm telling you yeah I'm ruined. I'm just like I'm so pathetic But that means I need it you know exactly that's why I won't work out I need to do address this That's why I won't work out legs with Adam cuz I know I have strong legs I avoided it. I don't want to do more than one set And I'm not gonna want gotta give him a fair chance look because he's been coming to my gym
Starting point is 00:07:26 and doing his functional stuff. I'm like, fuck, I gotta get back to this volume stuff. He's the most, Adam's definitely the most, he's the most brazed, the willing participant. Yeah, he'll try, he likes to try a lot of different things. And then decide if you like something easy. Yeah, he'll say, he'll, he'll, he'll. You know what I'm saying? Well, he gets curious. I think this is something that attracted me to Craig's personality.
Starting point is 00:07:51 That's what I liked about Craig when we first met. Well, one of them, I mean, he was an intelligent. He would experiment with you? Yeah. That's sweet. I hope he fucking soccer kicks you when he sees you. So no. He's getting Craig. He earned he of that.
Starting point is 00:08:08 He has that philosophy for sure too. Like he loves to just, he's always playing in those different stages. Yeah, all kinds of, you know, he's always about all different modalities. And I think, I don't know what it is that caused me. I think it's just, I find every time I go through one, I learn something new about my body, I see some new about my body, I see some sort of change of progression and something, sometimes a regression.
Starting point is 00:08:29 But all in all, I'm so fascinated how our body responds in the whole adaptation process. So I find I get into that. And I feel like, too, God, we do this for a living. And we're, I mean, 24, 7. We live in breath fitness. So I, God, I couldn't imagine just getting stuck
Starting point is 00:08:46 in one, one way all the time. For me, I can't do that, you know? I have to be moving and doing something that different goal, a different, I mean, that's what, like even right now I find myself in this, and I think a part of it is I'm waiting for all of us to get into our studio and I know there's gonna be plenty of stuff for us to work on and do.
Starting point is 00:09:03 But I want this new challenge physically for myself and I'm kind of in limbo, you know, and I did the competing thing and I really was into that while I was going through that. But it's kind of over for me, you know, not that I will never compete again, but it's the drive to do it and to prove something or to accomplish something like I've lost that. And so for me, I have to find it in other ways. Like I was, when I went into Justin's green, and I say Justin only, because it's his world, you know,
Starting point is 00:09:29 that he lives in for sure. And he definitely had a lot of emphasis on how we designed that. And I, you know, it's not what I'm into. I'm not into that. Like it's not my favorite way to train, but I also went into it with like, hey, let's see what this could do for my body.
Starting point is 00:09:43 If I really truly apply it and stick with it and see what happens. And man, it was huge for me to, I mean, I was just, I, I, I, I video like a video and take shots of like almost everyone of my workouts. And I don't post all of them because most of them are for myself. It's really for me because I'm assessing myself and critiquing the smallest things and noticing like range of motion. And if, you know, my heels are moving at all, I pick up myself apart.
Starting point is 00:10:07 But I like that. It's not like I'm picking myself apart. Like, it's like, oh man, I'm terrible at this. It's no, there's areas I can improve here. And, oh wow, look at my mobility. It's came so much further. So, I feel like doing that from hopping from modality to mortality like that, you get those,
Starting point is 00:10:24 you get a chance to do that. And for me, it's very refreshing and it keeps me motivated. Well, I think what you're saying is pretty awesome because I know for me, just to be purely honest, I hate sucking at anything. So when I go into something completely new, especially when it's in the gym, and I suck at it, and I get real fatigued and I get at it, and I get real fatigued,
Starting point is 00:10:45 and I get that, you know, that there's fatigued, and then there's that fatigued that you get when you suck at something where you just feel worthless, you feel like you want to puke, you feel shaky, you just, you just, makes you feel weak, is the word, is the right word. You just start, you just start to feel weak, and I hate that so much that sometimes it'll dictate
Starting point is 00:11:05 the direction that I go because I really enjoy feeling strong and I like feeling like I had a good workout. And the way I define a good workout, a lot of times in my mind is how strong I was and how tough I felt. When in reality, the way you're describing it, Adam, is the more accurate way to define whether or not you had a good workout,
Starting point is 00:11:24 where you're challenging your body in different ways? And I'm getting there. I'm definitely getting there. I'm not quite where you're at, because I've defined myself for so long by how strong I am at certain lifts, that it's very difficult for me to leave that knowing that I may be losing gains in that way,
Starting point is 00:11:43 even though I know, and I train other people in different ways, I need to get better with it. And so I'm excited when we're going to be able to work out together on the regular because what I would really like to see happen is I'd really like to see each one of us heading a workout a week. I'm saying or something like that. I don't know how we'd break it up, but let's say we all worked out three days a week together. It'd be awesome if one of us led a workout each time So I'd follow you'd follow a workout that I led you I'd follow a workout that you know Justin led and Adam leads and just getting us good in those the thing is when it comes to nutrition
Starting point is 00:12:20 I'm pretty good at it like I'm very good at being able to go vegan one day I'm very good at being able to fast or you know. I'm very good at being able to fast or, you know, I'll throw in some carbs or I'll go keto for a while. But when it comes to the workout, it's just, it's much more difficult. And it's because I hate sucking. Yeah. I hate sucking at that shit. Do you know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:12:35 No, I totally feel you on that. I think it, for that, I look at that as a total challenge again because I thought that I was like pretty receptive to that, you that, but then going through it, I realized how long it's been that I've neglected that style of training and that I really felt like I was coming into what I was doing as far as performance and becoming more mobile. And I just feel like I was so not interested
Starting point is 00:13:04 in pursuing hypertrophy and lots of volume. For me, I'm not trying to take my shirt off and I don't know, there's all these things along with that that I'm good, I'm happy on this stuff and I feel like, yeah, but you're not challenging your body to its fullest capacity. And especially when we're like sitting here voicing all these things like I have to Represent what it is we're talking about and so you know for that. That's my biggest challenge is like if I'm gonna say something
Starting point is 00:13:36 Like you do you gotta do it, you know, you gotta you put it both together. So yeah, I'm totally I'm totally up for us kind of putting all that together and applying yeah, I'm totally, I'm totally up for us kind of putting all that together and applying it, you know, specifically. Well, you know what's kind of crazy is this, this episode is, is naturally turning right into what I actually really wanted to discuss with you guys. Somebody on the forum, Nate Strickler posted about PRs and it struck a nerve with our form. Yeah, I saw that. And a lot of people had some passionate views.
Starting point is 00:14:10 What was the general question? It was basically like, should you dictate, should you PRs dictate how well you're doing with your workout? Should you chase PRs? That kind of thing, right? Yes. Okay. And a little background on Nate Strick, I think he's a third time generation Olympic lifter guy.
Starting point is 00:14:25 Like he's been lifting, like he had like one of his family members or one of his dads, his dad's grandfather competed at the Olympic level. I know that he's been a power lifter. For most of his life, he said three generations or something like that, I think he's what he said. So anyways, definitely he kind of lived that world a lot. And so he was just kind of challenging everybody
Starting point is 00:14:44 to think outside of that and what everyone's views and thought and so it turned into a really good topic I thought and it goes right along the lines of what I feel like we're discussing right now and I think a part of why a lot of guys especially guys like both yourselves that strength train a lot and have a lot a lot of strength and power movements and I was not that guy. I'm fact, I used just five years ago or less. I used to pride myself on when I would be in the gym that I'll lift the tiny ass weight next to the dough that's all, you know, looks crazy.
Starting point is 00:15:18 My thing was I go all about aesthetics, how I looked. Like I didn't care about, you know, somebody else that was dead lifting crazy weight. Like I didn't really get into that that was dead, lifting crazy weight. Like, I didn't really get into that until I got hanging around you guys. Then I started, because I started to see the change in my body and I got addicted to that and I was, and then I got into the chasing the PR. So this is why I want to talk about this because I know where Nate is going
Starting point is 00:15:37 and where he's thinking and what he wanted to express to everybody. And I think it's a very important topic. And I find myself, I happened to have posted a video of me doing a PR on a front squat. And three years ago, I didn't even use the term PR. I wouldn't even use that term. I never even, somebody asked me how much I squatted bench or deadlift four years ago, I would tell them,
Starting point is 00:16:00 I don't know, I don't max out. I never trained that way. I never cared to go that, that wasn't a focus of mine. And I felt like it can be in pretty good shape and I was seeing consistent gains year over year. So I totally avoided that. Now that fast forward, like I said, with you guys, I've seen huge gains by incorporating that into my program, but I also find found the addictive part of chasing PRs. And you know, caring about like, where are you dead of now? And then beating myself up, if fuck off. Now I'm, you know, just last week I was pulling 545.
Starting point is 00:16:32 Now I can barely get 505 off the floor and like, letting that get to my head where I had to question myself like, I didn't give a fuck about this five years ago. Why else then do I care so much about this? And am I falling into that trap of people I, and I wrote a post, like two and a half years ago, I went to try to find it. I couldn't find it last night after an eight to do. I wanted to share with them where I actually wrote about talking shit about people that top post about PR this PR this PR this PR that like, who gives a fuck? Like getting about that, you know, I'm saying there's so much more
Starting point is 00:17:00 to health and fitness than just what what's interesting to me about this topic, in particular with us, is there's a psychological component that we're talking about. I feel like you, you have to be very careful what you identify with because a lot of times you identify with something because you reject something else and you have to look at the root behind that. Like why do I reject all the mobility bodyweight type stuff? Why do I reject that so much? And did that push me in the direction of really embracing
Starting point is 00:17:34 the barbell movements? And I can talk all day long about the benefits of barbell movements, but that doesn't mean that there's not benefits in bodyweight mobility type stuff. But why did I reject that stuff so much? And if I'm being totally honest with myself, it's because I'm not good at those things. And we tend to reject what we're not good at, and that tends to push us in the direction of the opposite or something else,
Starting point is 00:17:58 and then that becomes our thing. And you see this all the time in fitness, you see the kettlebell guys scoffing, you know, at the, at the Olympic lifters and the Olympic lifters scoffing at the power lifters and the power lifters scoffing at the bodybuilders and everybody's hitting the bodybuilders. And it's, you know, unless you're a competitive athlete and you're competing in that particular sport, the reality is, and I know this, and I need to really hammer this on my head, that you should not, or it's probably not a good idea to super identify yourself with any one measure or modality.
Starting point is 00:18:31 What you should do is I think what Adam's talking about and what you, what you, what you look like you're doing is a very intelligent way to train is you are identifying with just getting your body to adapt and to challenge it in different ways. And to embrace the fact that you found something you're not good at, because, ooh, I'm not good at this, I can get good at this now. This is something I feel like I can have huge improvements within. And let me go a little further than that. If you've been listening to Mind Pump for any longer than two episodes, you know that I like deadlifting.
Starting point is 00:19:02 It's something I'm naturally good at. I mean, I could pull, you know, over 400 pounds in high school without ever barely deadlifting. It's just something I'm really good at. And I love it because I'm good at it. But, you know, in terms of like what Adam was talking about, I could push myself in deadlift right now and really train hard and deadlift.
Starting point is 00:19:22 And if I add 15 pounds to it, that's a huge win for me. But if I do something that I suck at, let's say I practice handstand pushup, which I don't think I can do a handstand, but let's say I got into it and I got good at it. The improvement I'll make with that because I suck at it is gonna far surpass my improvement of deadlift. I might add 10, 15 pounds in my deadlift,
Starting point is 00:19:42 which would be great because I've been stuck at some numbers for so long, because I've been hammering it for so long But I could go from not being able to do a handstand at all to Getting to be able to do maybe five to ten handstand pushups probably within a matter of months because it's something that I've never done and When you improve that much in something that's got to carry over, right? Oh, yeah, so if I embrace, you know, if I, and I'm really trying to get in that mindset of what you're talking about, Adam is where,
Starting point is 00:20:09 embrace the, I suck at something embrace, and embrace that I can get better at it, rather than hating it because I'm not good at it, and then identifying with it and be like, shit, I suck at this, therefore I suck. It's more like I suck at this, I'm gonna overcome it and get better. I think it's a lot of that,
Starting point is 00:20:24 and I think, you know, that's a lot of what's going in my head when I look at other ways of training is that if I've neglected it for long enough, I'm gonna suck at it. And that's why I don't like feeling weak and I don't like going through that process as much. But at the same time, like I think it's tricky because I kind't, I kind of identify with people that
Starting point is 00:20:47 want to see progress in a measurable way, right? So I don't think that people that seek after PRs necessarily, that's like, there's nothing wrong with that. I just think that if that becomes your pure focus, you know, that's something that, you know, you should, you should definitely pay attention to. If that's like, everything that's driving you as your PRs, like, you know, that's going to lead into problems. And you're going to push yourself into, you know, a corner and you're going to create this box around yourself to where like, you're only going to see so much progress before it's
Starting point is 00:21:25 going to start to decline. And if you're not willing to do the work and experience something new that's actually what your weakness is in a sense, like your body needs to go through a different process for it to then build up and fill these holes that you're taking into your current lifting situation. So, yeah, embracing change, I think. That's really what it is. Being okay with that.
Starting point is 00:21:54 And I do see, like, because for sports, like, I mean, it's tricky too, because it's very specialized. You wanna be, there's a specific way to make your body improve and have better performance, but there's also that aspect that if I'm going to experience something within a small amount of time, it is going to benefit the entire process. That's where we go through these phases. That's why we keep it
Starting point is 00:22:25 within a specific time length. And so, you know, like focusing on the fact that maybe this is your weakness, but really like, you know, taking it as a challenge and focusing on the fact that this is going to benefit the entire piece. And you can experience it again later. You can look and see what your progress is with your PRs. Like you can come back to it, but yeah, I do think it is a bit of a trap if I'm always like, you know, what's my bench, what's my squat, what's this, what's that?
Starting point is 00:22:54 Like, you know, how are you feeling? How, you know, what's my energy, what, you know, like think about how healthy you are. And like there's so many other aspects to fitness, I think that yeah, we do have to reflect and consider all these other components to health and fitness. Well, here's the thing, I think the reason why so many in particular women have embraced
Starting point is 00:23:17 some of our programs like MAP Santa Ballock is because women in particular get stuck in the, it's all about my, how much weight I can lose. It's all about how I look, right? That's all they focus on and they do that all the time. And so like anything when it's just singular focus, you tend to have side effects, right? If I only focus on weight loss,
Starting point is 00:23:36 if I only focus on how I look, then I can develop, you know, bad relationships with food, I can overwork, I can cause metabolic damage. So a lot of these women then go into maps and a ballic, and all of a sudden the emphasis, in particular for phase one, becomes how strong you are,
Starting point is 00:23:53 which is so different from them. And then they're like, okay, I'm, they're embracing it. I'm just gonna focus on my strength, and then they look different too, on top of it. But I think that a lot of times, that's what ends up happening. Like you're afraid to move away from, it becomes addictive. It becomes addictive. And I think it's important. And I find myself in this trap all the time. Look, if you focus all the time on PRs, you will get injured eventually. You're
Starting point is 00:24:16 going to get overuse injuries. You are going to push yourself to the point where you're not focusing on an imbalance and you're lifting a particular way. Even when I lift weights and I do proper form and I'm warming up properly, if I constantly chase a PR, I do notice my joints start to bother me. I do start to get aches here and there and I start to notice that. I walk differently, I move differently.
Starting point is 00:24:41 And it's important to change those things. That's why I'm really looking forward to working out with you two, because I know I'm going to, basically I'm going to just let go of my comfort zone. And when Justin, for example, takes us through body weight, you know, shit, I'm just going to be like, well, here we go. Shit, dude. Well, I'm just, I don't mean it isn't a bad way. Just body weight. So I'm just going to be like,, I'm just gonna, you know, submit and be like, okay, I get you doing a hands-to-bro. I suck at this and I don't care if you guys know
Starting point is 00:25:10 that I suck at this. You're gonna help me with my deadlift. I've been wanting to do that. I suck balls at it. So, I mean, this is, this is a big thing because everybody who, I mean, you look at people who work out the 10, most people tend to get stuck in like that one, you know, train a thought. Like you look at people who work out the 10, most people tend to get stuck in like that one,
Starting point is 00:25:26 you know, train a thought. Like you look at people who run and it's like, that's all they want to do. People who all they do is kettlebells or all they do is focus on heavy lifting or bodybuilding to them. Well, you know, this is the argument why CrossFit believes they're so awesome too, right?
Starting point is 00:25:40 You know that, right? This is what, because they can't help but think about that. Of course, they pride themselves on, you know, you'll have to fucking throw a baseball, row about fucking, you know, kick, kick, kick your way up a fucking ladder, fun, tired. Yeah. And like that's their, there's no rhyme or reason.
Starting point is 00:25:58 Like, actually, yeah, we're, we're, we're phasing it. I'm glad you brought you said that, Justin, because just doing a bunch of different shit is not the same as programming it properly into your routine. For example, let me give you a good example. Let's say all I ever do is bodybuilding training and I'm like, you know what? I really want to focus on my functional flexibility. So I'm an incorporate yoga into my routine.
Starting point is 00:26:22 And so what I do is I go and I squat real heavy and do yoga poses and run back to my squat and then do yoga poses. I am not getting the benefit of yoga because I'm not doing the yoga. I'm just throwing it into my, I'm just taking it and just like throwing it into my, you know, my routine. It's like, it's like a lot of supplements that I see.
Starting point is 00:26:41 When you read the bottom and it's like preparatory blend and they throw everything in there. And there's no rhyme or reason, not knowing that one thing counteracts another thing and they're, oh, if you combine these two things, that's not a good idea. Or the dosage that's in there is pretty much pretty good. Yeah, I can throw a bunch of shit together
Starting point is 00:26:55 and be like, my workout has a lot of variety. But at the end of the day, what a lot of cross fit workouts are, is that yeah, they throw a lot of things in there and they do a lot of different segments. But it's bleeding something versus having a chemical reaction. Yeah, it's all it's all make it work. It's all intensity driven and it's all to get better at CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:27:12 So I just have to say that because I know somebody who's CrossFit. Yeah, we've been doing that the whole time during this scene. Like see, man, this is exactly like running endurance and then doing Olympic lifts, you know, and stretching. It's awesome. No, you know, and stretching, it's awesome. No, you'd be better off, a lot of like the ways we break up our programs, you'd be better off if you wanna do that kind of stuff
Starting point is 00:27:32 to kind of focus on them for, like if I'm doing Olympic lifting, then today's session is I train like an Olympic lifter. I don't throw Olympic lifts into some other kind of workout. And if today I'm training like a bodybuilder, then I train like a bodybuilder and so on. And then you can actually get to experience like how they affect these other components
Starting point is 00:27:52 and these other adaptations that are the highlights. So whatever phase it's in, the previous phase is definitely gonna benefit. You'll see it, you know, kind of come into the next. Well, I think that's probably the, for me personally, that's probably one of the biggest things that made a game changer was, I used to do everything that we do, like in all of our phases, right?
Starting point is 00:28:15 I mean, all of our programs, but I used to do it day to day like that. It was all mixed, there was no, I didn't run something for three to four weeks, I didn't do any of that. I just, the way I always looked at it was like, I'm making sure to incorporate all these things are important. But I couldn't ever measure anything. That was what, sure, I was in good shape.
Starting point is 00:28:32 Sure, I had moments where I felt like I progressed well and other moments when I wasn't sure. But when those moments came where I would progress, I wasn't certain. What was that? Because I just started really doing some strength stuff because I did it on Tuesday, but then on Wednesday, I was doing a lot of super setting, and then I did some explosive pli work on Friday. Which one was it that was showing me these games? It's also, you can't take away the psychological component.
Starting point is 00:29:00 If I'm going to focus on mobility, psychologically speaking, I'm going to be very focused on it. If I know I'm doing it for two or three weeks, that's all I'm doing for two or three weeks, my mind will get into that mobility state of mind when I'm training versus Mondays or mobility days and then the rest of the time it's powerlifting or whatever. I'm always going to, my mind's always going to be on my favorite thing, is that I'm saying versus like, okay, for three weeks or for two weeks or whatever, I'm always gonna, my mind's always gonna be on my favorite thing, you see what I'm saying? Versus like, okay, for three weeks or for two weeks or whatever, I'm specifically training for this type of adaptation.
Starting point is 00:29:30 And let's see what happens and I can get my mind kind of wrapped around, you know, that kind of training. It's funny because we create religions around everything that we do, right? Nutrition is no different. When you talk to people about the nutrition, they'll tell you about it like it's their religion. You know, like, I eat this and I don't do anything.
Starting point is 00:29:46 This is what my macros look like and no, I don't ever go different than, you know, this macro. And I'm paleo and I'm vegan and I'm, you know, I'm Christian, I'm Jewish. I mean, it's literally like religions. And with nutrition, it's no different. You know, I found, so I believe in aliens. Right. I, you know, I Right. I've been going pretty good keto for a while, but I also understand the importance of metabolic
Starting point is 00:30:11 flexibility. I understand that it's important to allow my body to come out of ketosis and to go back into ketosis. I know there's benefits to having days where I don't have any animal products. The science is there. It'll work. And so I'll do that. And I've been doing that.
Starting point is 00:30:28 I recently had a couple days where I've had some starches, which I don't have on a regular basis, but I'll do it strategically, again, to mix things up. And you know what I always get out of that when I do that? I get results, like my body responds. I notice improvements in things like health,
Starting point is 00:30:48 improvements in performance, the way I look, and then low and behold, just from an aesthetic, you know, it's perspective, I'll get a little leaner when I do something like that every single time. So variety is kind of key, isn't it? To keep the body moving the direction you want. I think that's the important thing. So if you're stuck in a particular way of training and your favorite thing to do is to
Starting point is 00:31:10 train a particular way, you might lose performance in that particular way by switching over to something. But keep in mind that that loss in performance is temporary. And when you go back to it, you tend to, to for the most part then become better at it again. That was a temporary but you're adding more tools in your tool belt by venturing out too. By venturing out, I think of it like the video game, like if you have five star or you have five points to spend and you have all these attributes you can build your athlete all speed if you want. There's nothing that's in 100 new points but you have to disperse this. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:31:48 Exactly. And that's how I kind of feel that you're building this, this optimum human being machine. And you can pick some of it goes to aesthetics. You can pick some of it goes to speed. Some of it goes to strength. Some of it comes with flexibility, mobility, you know, but you've only got five to spend. So you got to, you got it. Some where's going to lag and this one, you know, and so learning to kind of do that with
Starting point is 00:32:04 the body, I kind of treat the same way all the time, is like, where am I most lagging right now? I probably should spend a little bit of my time. Absolutely, it's really, it's a mind-fuck because there are certain modalities that I'm just, hey, I just do not enjoy training that way. And that's because my mindset is all, it will be stuck in the, I need to get stronger
Starting point is 00:32:24 at these lifts, mentality. When in in the I need to get stronger at these lifts mentality. When in reality, I need to switch my mentality, switch my attitude and start embracing change and challenge, start embracing adaptation. Once I can get my mind wrapped around that and become, because I'm very competitive, like I know you guys are, once I can get to that and just say, okay, I'm going to find something that I need to work on that I'm not good at and just start getting better at it, once I can get to that and just say, okay, I'm gonna find something that I need to work on that I'm not good at and just start getting better at it, then I start to enjoy doing that thing.
Starting point is 00:32:51 But I have to get my mind there. If I don't get my mind there, then I'm gonna be like, oh fuck, I'm not deadlifting right now. I'm just doing, you know, handstand pushups. You know what I'm saying? So, variety really is, it's an important factor in your training. And I would say, this is one of the things that's awesome about our super bundle that we have.
Starting point is 00:33:09 Actually, I just, I got a message from someone who, her husband, has been a listener of mine, pumping, has been following some of our programs, but he had worked out for years, prior to listening to some of our advice. And this was his wife that sent me the message. And I don't remember her exact words, but it was, you know, she was grateful because his relationship to food has changed. He's not fanatical in the unhealthy sense
Starting point is 00:33:36 like he was before. She's telling me his energy and attitude is better as a result. And his body is looking different. She's like, I haven't seen him this muscular and this lean in a long time. And according to him, it feels so much easier. He doesn't feel like he's fighting uphill battle.
Starting point is 00:33:55 And part of that is because he's doing our, the way we've done our workouts with the Superb bundle, where you start with maps on a ball, like you have nine weeks there, then you move to math performance, which I believe is 14 weeks, and then you move into aesthetic, which I believe is 10 weeks. And so it's like nine months of really planned out exercise programming. And it gives you all the variety that we're talking about, but it's structured.
Starting point is 00:34:17 So, you know, for those of you who aren't trainers, who don't know how to program your routines, you just the Super Bundle, you can start from right in. You drop them right in, you start from one and you move to the next and at the end of nine months, you get super, pretty remarkable changes. So when I see messages like that, I feel real good about what we're doing. You can find that at mimepumpmedia.com. If you like mimepump, leave us a five-star rating review on iTunes and check us out on Instagram at mimepumpradia.
Starting point is 00:34:44 You can find me at mimepumpsal, just in at Mind Pump Justin and Adam at Mind Pump Adam. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at Mind Pump Media dot com. The RGB Superbundle includes maps and a ballad, maps performance and maps aesthetic. 9 months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels and performs.
Starting point is 00:35:19 With detailed workout blueprints in over 200 videos, The RGB Superbundle is like having Sal, Adam and Justin as your own personal trainers, but at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money-back guarantee and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at MindPumpMedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing Mind Pump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support and until next time, this is Mind Pump.

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