Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 319: Training For CrossFit, Losing 50 Pounds, Dealing With Anxiety & MORE

Episode Date: June 29, 2016

iTunes Review Contest Winners & Quah! Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions (@mindpumpradio on Instagram) about training clients with chronic disease and musculoskeletal issues, dietary and ca...rdio recommendations to lose 50 pounds, how to deal with anxiety, the kind of boundaries they set with clients and clients who share too much and how to train for CrossFit using proper programming. Get MAPS Anywhere at www.mindpumpmedia.com. Please subscribe, rate and review this show! Each week the best reviewers are announced on the show and sent Mind Pump T-shirts!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey guys, yes, how is it the last day? The final final final day. I knew you're going to do that. I know. It's my favorite. What's it the final day for Doug? He is. Oh, Doug's like, Hey, how you do a final day?
Starting point is 00:00:13 It's on the streets. Yes, last day. He is. Yes, with me. You went too long. Sorry. Barely Hills cop. Maybe.
Starting point is 00:00:25 Sorry. Let's get this. All right. Yeah. Barely Hills cop. Maybe. Whoa. Oh, man. Sorry, let's get this stuff. All right, yeah, it's maps anywhere. Oh, known as maps white. It's the final day for the sale. Yeah, it's the final day for the sale. $77 is going up to $97 tomorrow. Don't forget, maps anywhere is the maps program,
Starting point is 00:00:40 expertly programmed for at-home workouts. That means you don't need a gym, you don't need gym actions. You could just bust it out. It's not only for white people to know. No, that's it. You work out at home. At John Snow and programs.
Starting point is 00:00:52 It's actually an at-home program that'll actually provide excellent gains, muscle gains, fat loss, similar to what you'd get in a gym, but you're at home. And you get a t-shirt. That's right. When the sale's over, you don't get a t-shirt, but right now it's you. And you get a t-shirt. That's right. When the sale's over, you don't get a t-shirt, but right now, you do.
Starting point is 00:01:05 And one more thing. Yes. Through today, you will get 50% off of all our guides. So if you enroll a maps anywhere for the sale price of $77, you also qualify for half off all of our guides. All of our guides. So the nutrition survival guide, fasting guide, occlusion.
Starting point is 00:01:23 Aclusion. Beautiful. Where do they find this, Doug? The nutrition survival guide, fast thing guide, occlusion, beautiful. Where do they find this dog? MindPumpMedia.com. MindPumpMedia.com. Get it, it's the final day. And I have something else here, guys. Woo, we're not done.
Starting point is 00:01:34 We're not done. We have 16 reviews this week. Oh, we're on the way up again. On the way back up. You know why? Just... Summoning. Summoning, yes.
Starting point is 00:01:43 Just... La, la, la, la. I was doing the scents. Do I do? Yeah. Those are creepy voices you did. I know, I had to go with it. So I'm gonna give out four shirts this week.
Starting point is 00:01:52 Metalhead for Life 80. Oh, come on up. We like it. This is Butter 12345678900. Smooth like butter. B here's and J., 0. Smooth like butter. B, hears, and J-Pell. There you go. Yeah, so four shirts going out, send your name,
Starting point is 00:02:12 that's your iTunes name, the one I just read off to iTunes at minepumpmedia.com, include your shirt size, your shipping address, and then I could pick everything. You can leave that behind. Every time. I don't always. But I want to say one more thing what we're going on vacation guys Oh, we're gonna take a little time off. I'm gonna let everybody know the show will go on we've got one Replacements. Yeah, we've got backup sell backup Justin back up at them. We've made robots myself
Starting point is 00:02:43 Yeah, so we're gonna be airing our shows in our absence, but this means next week we will not be calling for reviews or announcing reviews. We're still calling for reviews. We're gonna give out. We're just gonna give out more shirts when we find it. So in two weeks, we're gonna stockpile everybody's reviews and we're gonna give out double the shoe. We're gonna have to do it like 50 or 60 reviews. Yeah, that's what we want. Yeah, that'd be awesome. Blanket it. Do it. If you wanna pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go.
Starting point is 00:03:15 Mind, up, up, up with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. Justin, put your fucking earphones on. Dang. Damn. I feel a little testy today. He is. I feel like Justin and I need to have conversation.
Starting point is 00:03:31 I need to have a conversation with you, Justin, about Adam for a second. Adam, I'm talking to Justin. Justin, we're having a serious problem. Justin, you've known Adam Longer that longer than I have. I'm going to mute my headphones, okay? Yes. You've known him longer than I have. I've only known him for about a year and a half. Right.
Starting point is 00:03:47 That's long enough. He seems moody today. He's a little testy. Is that, is this, is he do this? Does he go moody? You know, it's in cycles. It's in cycles. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:57 Usually correlates with, you know, when he gets waxed, I think. Is that what's going on? Maybe. I don't know. Something's going on. Something's happening All right Adam you can put your head for Your mom's no more you're back. We're good. We're back online. Fuck you too. I just want to let you know something Adam
Starting point is 00:04:12 What's that okay? We love me and Justin really like you a lot. Yeah, and we think that you Is this an intervention right and no We love it when you're a nice guy and we love you more, the most when you have nice comments. When you're not being an asshole. Right. So, I'll just say, you're like positive. I think some, I think one of us has to always kind of be an asshole a little bit.
Starting point is 00:04:36 Otherwise, we would be like a bunch of school girls who can get shit done every time. Pillow fights. Is that the same jokes? And pillow fights. Oh my god. He knocked my short top. I've only seen Justin one time B.
Starting point is 00:04:51 He wasn't an asshole, but I seen him testy one time. It's okay. It was an asshole. It was that time or the text. Remember the guy had, I was like, I was having a bad day. What do you get mad about it? So someone had it enrolled in the nutrition survival. Oh yeah, they insulted him.
Starting point is 00:05:06 And they wanted to refund because they think we're gonna make a meal plan for them, which we're not. And just it was so nice. You were so angry like, fuck him. And I didn't say that. No, I would say that. No, seen me moody. Not really. I'm really pretty on the same. You get like choppy. You're just like short. Yeah, and you're never short. Trust me.
Starting point is 00:05:38 Yeah, you're like a very long wind. Yeah, you're a nicer, nicer mean version of me. I think I think we're somewhere with you. Your tone doesn't change, but you're the way you deliver it does. Yeah, I see. Yeah, my tone changes too. It changes, yeah. I know Zachary and Adam's mad. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:55 All right, I'm just a revenue shoulder. It's what he's tired, it's what he's tired. Yeah, that's what it is. It is. Are you tired today? What time do you wake up this morning? I slept in this morning. Yeah, I said you were tired though.
Starting point is 00:06:04 I was tired I was we did a lot of drugs last week. Dude I'm barely getting My body is detoxing our first. I was like a snowstorms like Okay, no enough already we need to stop joking like that because I think people if what's gonna Here's what's gonna happen. I'm gonna tell you guys and I'm a fucking blame us for this bullshit. We're gonna meet fans somewhere. And they're like, hey, let's go hang out. We'll be like, she's a kilo.
Starting point is 00:06:31 And they're gonna be at the end. I'm gonna press some joking. They're gonna bust out drugs. Like, hey, I got some heroin. We're gonna run it in from Colombia. I'm like, no, dude, we're fucking joking on the show. Let's go party. We don't do, we don't do a lot of drugs.
Starting point is 00:06:43 Goddamn it. Yeah. So did you exercise today? I didn't, I think the day off the gym today. I lifted yesterday though. So you're tired today, that's what's going on. I am a little bit tired, but not too bad. I mean, I slept in, I got up, I was good to go. First day back at OTF, I'd been there over a week.
Starting point is 00:06:59 So I was like teaching when I've been there. I've lost my voice because I haven't been, it's crazy how quick that gets adapted, right? I've been there. I've lost my voice because I haven't been yet. It's crazy how quick that gets adapted, right? I find that fascinating. When I'm teaching every single day consistently. You don't lose your voice. Yeah, I don't lose my voice that easily at all.
Starting point is 00:07:15 I can handle four hours straight of doing it. Well, today I taught one hour after the first hour I was like voice was cracking already. So that's just from us being off for the last week when we took off up to Reno. But yeah, no, no, I'm not, I'm actually, what I get, especially with business, and I get very, you know, antsy, maybe is the word when, when I know, when I know, there's a lot of things for us to be accomplishing right now. And it's hard because we're trying to get the president on my pump.
Starting point is 00:07:52 That's what we're trying to know. Just kidding. No, there's, there's so much. There's so much revving in neutral right now. There's so much that I want, uh, I want it to get done. And in all of it's important. And so, uh, this is what drives the crazy workaholic. And me. And, you know, if everybody is working their asses off in all different directions. And sometimes like when we, for example, we put together a seminar like we just did recently. And I wanted to go awesome. I wanted to go really, really well and I want us to be excited about it and I want us to run back another one and keep doing it. And when we don't, we don't enjoy it as much because we're so over critical of ourselves.
Starting point is 00:08:30 It's frustrating because I know how important it is. I know how important it is to us to get out and and it's kind of, it's almost like charity work because it's not like we're getting paid to do that stuff. We go out there and we do these seminars. Well, the part that I enjoy the most is at the end. When we meet the people, that's when I really enjoy that. You know, we get to shake hands and hug, you know, people and have people talk about, you know, how they're doing our programs.
Starting point is 00:08:56 We're working this out. You know, I mean, like you said, we need reps and to be completely transparent and everything. Like, like we started started this the same way. And it's just like, we're just starting this other new project, and it's gonna have to start. Well, think about gonna be like kick ass right from the gig. Well, think about this way.
Starting point is 00:09:18 When we first started podcasting, we recorded a ton of episodes right off the bat. Right? Right off the bat we were doing. We'd meet and we'd record all the way we'd go three episodes and fuck yes 15 of them the first 15 episodes we lot we never aired because we originally had Craig on here and then Craig back You know he came out of it he Droped out of mind pumps, so we couldn't air them, but we actually had 15 episodes of practice I talked to Craig here the other day, a little bit. How's he done? He cut his hair. He had his sword.
Starting point is 00:09:46 Like short? Yeah. He cut it. Yes. He was bummed out. It's like dogs hair. Now I feel like such a jerk's a core. I didn't even see that.
Starting point is 00:09:56 What do you talk about? Me and Justin both commented and tagged you like four times. Come on guy. I didn't know. You tagged me on Instagram on his page I tagged you on Facebook and then we also eat we also texted you holy shit Craig cut his hair Yeah, man, this is a big deal. It is he didn't lose his strength. I know. Yes. I was a little disappointed Well, we don't know that for sure yet. I'm really curious. Let's open for the stamps in effect
Starting point is 00:10:23 I think that's gonna happen with him. I'm curious to see if he's Astral. No, he's training more functional mobility type stuff. He says he looks bigger. I love it. Yeah, he looks He looks bigger now. This is the horse. Yeah. Yeah. I think I'm gonna grow my hair out. That's what I think I'm gonna do. Yeah, did I tell you guys they used to have long like they still have longer hair? I could see you very That's it fits your person. Please don't do that. Dude. No, thank thank you Justin. Yeah, don't let me do that again I just look at pictures back then and I look like cuz my hair gets kind of wavy You know, so I look like I came out of a fucking you know I'm trying to picture as like millie vanilla
Starting point is 00:10:56 Like I need a couple chains like hey You know I get the long hair Hey come come take a ride of my I rock I just rock. You know what I said? Just gold chained out. Dude, it was bad, bro. Like I look at pictures of myself.
Starting point is 00:11:12 I'm like, why would, why did people tell me it looked deep V? You know, I'm like, I'm not sure. Yes, and here's a shitty thing. People would tell me like, oh, I like your hair. It looks nice, long like that. You fucking lie. I told you I do.
Starting point is 00:11:23 They did it because I would never do that to you. Everybody was on in on the joke apparently. You look stupid. Yeah, I mean, I would tell you that. I also, I also shape my hair. No problem. Saying that. I also used to shave my head all the time.
Starting point is 00:11:35 You've got a great, I did too. You've got a great looking head of hair right now. There would be no reason for you to change anything you're going over there. That's thinning a, you don't think it's thinning a little bit right? No, that's where mine is thinning dick. That's where mine is thinning. Well, yeah, we know where mine is tinny, dick. That's where mine is tinny.
Starting point is 00:11:45 Well, yeah, we know that, but I'm saying mine. Mine's not doing that? A little bit. No, no, it's not. I think the most, who has the most hair, Justin? Well, maybe, but I'm the most silver for sure. Yeah, you are a silver. I think you have a pretty decent head of hair.
Starting point is 00:12:00 He's got you enough to me with the silver, silver bells. Well, you might have me be, I have more silver or gray beard hairs. You know what I mean? Yeah, as long as I don't get great started for me. I'm weird. If I see a gray pew, fuck man. It's oh, that's coming. It's right.
Starting point is 00:12:14 It's happened for me. No, no, no, no, no. I saw one. Oh, okay. I saw one and that's it. Like I had a conversation. I saved him. I called him Gandalf.
Starting point is 00:12:23 Clearly. Do you shave all of them except for the gray ones? Yeah. Just leave a few. I have to leave the wizards to do their bidding. Yeah. My dick's got a few minutes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:34 It won't get up otherwise. You started to, you started to train right there. Yeah. Yeah. Great dick hair. Yeah. Ashtag, great dick hair. The wizard stick.
Starting point is 00:12:43 Yeah. I like that idea. Yeah. I always wizard stick it out. Hey, baby, would you like to see my, my gand off the gray? I think we're white. I think it's been white. Gray is cool. Gray and silver. My gray pubes. Well, you know, I would trade, I would trade gray pubes for having my hair.
Starting point is 00:12:56 Oh, yeah, because I can dye my pubes. Exactly. Would you take my gray pubes on your hair? That's the question. I mean, I don't know. I mean, I don't know. I mean, I, I, I, because I can dye my pubes. Exactly. Would you take my gray pubes on your hair? That's the question. No.
Starting point is 00:13:10 And the answer is, the answer is no. The answer is both. No transplant over here. I don't remember you having a, that, the hair being, it's really curly. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:19 Wow. It's pretty, it's really like a sheen is over it. Yeah. It's a really sparkly. Like a silverish blonde. It seems crawling in there though. I, it's a really sparkly like a silverish blonde. It seems crawling in there though. It's a little concerning. I tried running my fingers through and I scratched my hand
Starting point is 00:13:30 with the steel wool hair we got up there. Yeah. Yeah. Anyway, I made it longer than my dad. My dad only made it. My dad didn't even make it into his 30s and he lost all the top. You're shitin' me.
Starting point is 00:13:39 Yeah, he had all the top guns. No, you're doing good. You're doing it, bro. You're not your father. Plus your tall. Who the fuck's he's the top of your head? That's the plan, right? Stand up a lot. It's a good call Yeah, we don't see that shit except when you're going down bro when you're going down on the ladies
Starting point is 00:13:51 They're gonna look down He's in the lights off. That's what I do. But see this is why Adam's probably really good at it because he gets them to close Right he's gonna be really good to the close rise. You know, I'm saying. Yeah, I was like they're not looking at me Yeah, they're in another planet right now. That's right. All they see is stars and you know I'm saying yeah like ah he's like they're not looking at me right there in another planet right that's right all they see is stars and you know the possessed face yeah oh my god eagle please save us yeah please save us here it comes it's here oh shit yeah the motherfucking and the eagle's landed we're always fuck to be up every time I stay.
Starting point is 00:14:25 All right. One day I'll sail the straight face. Yeah. Starting with barbell-bre. What specific modification do you make for clients with chronic disease or musculoskeletal issues that affect the way they move? Who, who's the asshole that picked this one?
Starting point is 00:14:44 Yeah, that's all wrong. This question, winded. Did you use that shit because you're like, I'm gonna see South fucking try to answer. Well, no, because I actually think it's a very vague question which I think creates a lot of good dialogue for us. That's why I picked it dick. That's a good question.
Starting point is 00:14:56 It is. Here's okay to go. It's a good vague question. The modifications have to be, obviously the modifications have to be completely related to your issue. Yeah, thank you. I'll tell you what, I'll pick out some specific ones.
Starting point is 00:15:10 I've trained people with chronic disease like fibromyalgia or multiple sclerosis. These kind of autoimmune issues or these neurological type issues. And what's important to note with these issues is that too much intensity of exercise will cause a flare up and will cause more problems. And I wanna use those examples specifically
Starting point is 00:15:36 because I think sometimes trainers will get someone who says, oh, I have MS, but right now I'm okay and the trainer's thinking, like, cool, I'm just gonna get you really in shape and that'll make it better. But what they don't realize is that those high levels of stress can really send the body into a tailspin.
Starting point is 00:15:52 And so you have to be very, very careful with how you progress somebody with chronic disease. As far as muscular, you know, muscular skeletal issues, God, those can range from just a basic muscle imbalance to big time problems in the body. I guess one of the best things I can say right now is to simplify the hell out of this and say this. When it comes to muscular issues or skeletal issues, your goal is the same when you have somebody who doesn't have issues. Your goal is to get your client to be able to do a proper barbell squat, a proper barbell deadlift, a proper overhead press.
Starting point is 00:16:34 Now you may never reach that point. You may train this person for years and never get there because they may have a really really bad issue, whether it be skeletal issue or past injury or whatever. But the goal is always to use those as your litmus tests so that when you do them, you're just trying to prove upon them. And I'll use those as movements that help dictate what exercises I should pick and what movements I should focus on.
Starting point is 00:17:00 And if you can't raise your arms above your head because you're getting poor skin, you're getting the retraction all that stuff. Right. What's going to translate best to everyday functionality? So squats, great for sitting up and down out of chairs, like step ups for instance, right? So going up a flight is theirs. We got to better prepare this person for really the long-term tasks and still like being able to fire properly and do these types of movements with strength.
Starting point is 00:17:30 So you gotta think in those terms of like, you wanna be able to raise your arm over your head. You wanna still be able to do that, you know, for a long time. Like all these really important movements that you wanna have, like you just wanna make sure you reinforce that and establish that in the workout. You know, it's funny.
Starting point is 00:17:48 I don't know if it was on the forum that someone posted this or if I had a message, but someone told me that a physical therapist told their friend that the shoulders are not, this is the words that they use, the shoulders are not designed to press overhead. They're not designed to press overhead. And they need to press at an angle and not go directly above the head
Starting point is 00:18:07 because it's bad for the shoulders. And second part, which is equally as ridiculous, was that people shouldn't squat because the compressive forces on the spine are bad for the spine. So here's the thing with those two things. Does this question just reminded me of that. Yeah. Exercise is a stress on the body. And if we do identify what's happening when I'm squatting,
Starting point is 00:18:32 I am putting compressive forces on my spine. But if I do it properly, this is what makes me stronger and gives me more functioning. My body learns to adapt and overcome. Because if I went the opposite direction and I said, okay, let's not get you to, let's keep your joints brand new for as long as we can. So what I want you to do is I want you to sit in this recliner all day for the rest of your life. And we're just gonna, we're gonna make your life super easy so that we never create anywhere in terror
Starting point is 00:18:58 on your spine or your joints or your tendons and ligaments. What do you think will happen to that person very short period of time? They're gonna have joint dysfunction, degeneration of their spine, they're gonna have all kinds of health problems. All kinds of health problems. Like crazy.
Starting point is 00:19:11 Come on man, here's the thing, like your body's designed to move, the way of fucking move. So if you can move properly without glaring muscle imbalances or any major muscle imbalances with good stability and form, I don't care how you move, you move in that way as long as you don't have those things
Starting point is 00:19:29 present, you're okay. So if that means you're super supported, there's no issue with that. Exactly. So that means you do a back bend, which would hurt me, but let's say you do it and you're stable, there's no muscle imbalances, everything supported, everything's awesome. You've got the flexibility and mobility to do it. Moving in that way is okay for your body. Your body will get stronger.
Starting point is 00:19:46 Well, this question also reminds me too of, I think we kind of, I think off-air we discussed this recently about how we've changed this trainer's how, I would ask a question like this in the past, like what modifications would you take with someone with MS or what modifications would you do? I'd want like this specific exercise or something to help these issues out. Where and to implement into my already written program that I was going to take this person
Starting point is 00:20:13 through. Where now the way I train, if I, when I meet somebody and I see them for a session and I ask them, how are you feeling? What's going on? Like I'm, our workout is going to address those things right then and there. So if they've got issues, instead of trying to modify something so I could take them through this full body routine I want to take them through, I'm going to address that. Mobility now becomes a priority. You know, if you've got all these chronic diseases or skeletal
Starting point is 00:20:41 issues or musculoskeletal dysfunctions or degenerate anything like all this stuff needs to be addressed and this now becomes more right away. Yeah, those that's more of a priority than my workout plan that I want to take them through to build muscle or burn fat. This person needs them and along the way they're going to get those those are going to be added benefits if you're going to take people if you're going to take people through proper mechanics and mobility exercises, they're going to get strength, they're going to burn calories, they're going to burn fat, they're going to get that. But my sessions would be totally different, it would be completely geared around mobilizing this person and addressing all the areas where joints are not moving through full range of motion. And that would become the focus.
Starting point is 00:21:20 Yeah, that's a great point because the assessment process for a trainer happens every single workout. So I know you do an assessment when you get a new client and you're trying to, you know, talk to him about personal training, but really you never stop assessing. Yeah. You adjust your workout on a, you know, based off of what you see, I mean, it's, I've changed workouts all the time. I second all the time when I'm training people. Of course, you need to consider chronic disease because you want to know if I push the intensity too hard and may flare up, like I said before, because in that situation, I may train the person a little bit harder if I didn't know
Starting point is 00:21:53 that they had an issue, but you talk about mobility, Adam, you know, here's the thing, people get confused about mobility. Make no mistake. If you improve your mobility, you will build more muscle and you will burn more body fat. It isn't just getting mobile for the sake of getting mobile. Like you can get away with having poor mobility
Starting point is 00:22:10 and still being. We're talking about range of motion that, you know, you're able to fire in and have a tense muscle response. It's not like a range of motion that's loose and you know, hyper flexible. That's not what we're talking about. Yeah. Being, yeah. No, that's just simple range of motion, passive range of motion that's loose and hyperflexible. That's not what we're talking about. Being, yeah, no, that's just simple range of motion, passive range of motion.
Starting point is 00:22:29 No, I'm glad you brought that out. I know I do just graze over mobility. And I think sometimes people think that means like stretching. No, that's what I'm getting at. People think that mobility is this new buzz term for stretching, but it's not. It's a different concept.
Starting point is 00:22:44 And that's why I was so intriguing to me because everything about stretching, but it's not. It's a different concept. And that's why I was so intriguing to me because everything about stretching, the idea of it had changed once I finally really tapped into that concept of being supported and pressing on my boundaries as far as like, what my body allowed for range of motion, but was strong in each one of those incremental articulations of that range of motion. You know strong in each one of those incremental articulations
Starting point is 00:23:05 of that range of motion. You know, it's funny. So when we launched Maps, Green, or Maps performance, it's now been a little while. So we have people that have gone through the whole program. We get, I must get, I don't know. It's my favorite to read people's experience. Bro, and what do they all say? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:20 You know, I get way too. They all got way stronger. Yeah. They all expected it. They all didn't like it at first and they all were not. Modern resistance from that one. Yeah. I get it too.
Starting point is 00:23:29 But how many people afterwards were like, oh my god, I went to deadlift again. And I had a 50 pounds or I built more muscle like this is weird. Squats. Squats much deeper. Yeah. Stronger on everything. Because it takes getting like, I mean,
Starting point is 00:23:42 a big majority of our listenership, it takes a big commitment on their part to like step out of the comfort zone. I mean, a big majority of our listenership, it takes a big commitment on their part to like step out of their comfort zone. I mean, it's different. It's very different in contrast to like, you know, black and red even, but, you know, like there's definitely benefit to it, and I know this for a second. And I think in all of our opinions, it's probably the most
Starting point is 00:24:00 important, you know what I'm saying? It's probably the most important out of all the maps programs. Dude, that would be the one that the average lifter would get the most benefit out of. Absolutely. Absolutely. If I took the average Jim Rat and I had to give them a maps as a trainer, if I was their personal trainer and it's okay, I know what you like, but here's what's going to give you the most benefit. That would 100% mass performance because it's stuff people don't do.
Starting point is 00:24:23 So yeah. Syracuse Cameron, what do you recommend dietary and cardio wise to lose 50 pounds? Very, I mean, it's very, very, very determined on the individual. Again, this person had just started maps read, I believe. They just purchased maps read. They just said they're specific goals. Yeah, that's their specific goals. They're trying They just set their specific goal is 50 pounds. That's their specific goals. They're trying to lose 50 pounds and wondering what our recommendation.
Starting point is 00:24:50 Do any other current way or anything? None other mystery on that. Well, I'll say this, step one, focus on getting stronger and help you. Focus on those two things first. Here's why you want to focus on getting stronger. If you're getting stronger The chances are the odds are the high odds are that your metabolism is also
Starting point is 00:25:11 improving and increasing and in fact one of the hallmarks of Maps and a ballic phase one in particular where you're getting stronger is a increase in appetite and that's a symptom It's a reflection of the fact that your metabolic rate is increasing. So step number one, don't worry about weight loss, worry about how strong and how well you perform in the gym. Step two, look at your diet or nutrients. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:25:37 Eat to be healthy. Look at foods that are healthy. Try to prepare all the foods and meals that you eat every day. So eliminate or limit, severely limit anything that is pre-prepped. They're asking you about intermittent fasting, things like that too, or if it fits your macros type of dietary guidelines. Fasting can be used a lot of different ways, but if this person, if they're new to the game, I wouldn't recommend fast things. We have a book about it and we still wouldn't recommend it.
Starting point is 00:26:08 We think of fasting like an advanced way of dieting. It's more advanced. I want to say totally advanced, but fast things, here's the thing. Someone who wants to lose 50 pounds, could you use fasting? Yes. Once a week. I just get worried because we had to talk about like as far as the mentality of like being obese and like,
Starting point is 00:26:26 you know, what you're trying to do to fix this problem all of a sudden. If it's like this real hustle to fix a problem, you know, you need to calm down. Yeah. And for me, I'm very hesitant to do because, you know, maybe it is something like intermittent fasting will produce you like real quick results, like initially is like as far as what it's going to do. But the way that you eat like that hasn't really changed just the way that you're scheduling it. Yeah. I mean, imagine the I mean try to get excited about getting stronger like that that's a big one like change your focus for a second. And instead of saying, Oh my God, I lost two pounds on the scale or lost three pounds on the scale. Really make your focus about improving your performance in the scale. Really make your focus about improving
Starting point is 00:27:05 your performance in the gym. And do that, I would say here, do that for one cycle through Maps Red. One full three-phase cycle, just focus on your performance. Now, this doesn't give you a green light to each shitty. Be aware of what you're eating, but don't focus heavily on it. Just focus on improving your performance through one cycle. Second time around, go through maps red again, maps on a ballad again, then start to look at your nutrition a little closer. But at least by that point, you'll have nine weeks of proper programming behind you and your strength and your metabolic rate are going to be greatly improved by that point.
Starting point is 00:27:42 Well, I'll tell you, if I was coaching you personally, when I've coached clients in this exact predicament and the prescription I'd given would be maps read just like what Sal was saying. I want to take a get rid of and I have you clean your house out as far as food and get rid of anything all your potato chips and cookies and all the bullshit that shouldn't be in there. And we're going to try and make healthy choices. I want you to eat every time you're hungry. I don't want you to go hungry. I just want to teach you a better balance, like the with the nutrition guy. That's why the guy does that way. You want to talk about guidelines. That's the type of guidelines you want to follow. It's not a diet. It doesn't tell you
Starting point is 00:28:23 eat exactly this or exactly that It teaches you about the the different types of foods and where you should be getting a majority of your foods And I would have that approach with you But I want you to eat all the time when you're hungry. I want you to eat right now I just want you to make those learn to make those better choices than what you were before and then really focusing on the training program Like a thousand I don't want any cardio right now and the reason why I don't want any cardio right now. And the reason why I don't want any cardio right now is because I just want you to I want you to figure out what homeostasis is when you're eating properly training properly without adding any extra extra stimulus activity. And then I would just slowly
Starting point is 00:28:58 increase. Yeah, the worst thing you could do is just go you know balls out from the gates with everything. Yes, you know, scale it. Give yourself some stuff. If you don't go balls out, you'll end up on that list. Well, in 50 pounds, that's a year plus goal. Whether you want, I mean, you should take a year to do that. Yeah. It's not a goal that should take you two months, you know, that's not healthy.
Starting point is 00:29:21 It wouldn't be ideal. And it's probably not sustainable just because somebody else did that. Or you've heard of people doing that, it would not, I would never let you, I would never train you that way. I wouldn't live, you were my client, I would never allow you. Just, I mean, just imagine if people went into weight loss with, rather than saying I want to lose weight, they're saying, God, I really want to get fit and healthy. Yeah. You know what I'm going to, it's funny. The irony is, I haven't heard that statement
Starting point is 00:29:44 in like so long. The irony is, if people went into a program saying, not saying anything about their weight, just saying, gosh, I really want to get fit and fit and healthy. The irony is, they would lose more weight and keep it off. They would literally, if I go went into a program saying,
Starting point is 00:29:58 it's a lifestyle change. Yeah, I want to lose 50 pounds. Far less likely to succeed than someone who says, it's not a fix. And their goal is, I want to get fit and healthy. Yeah. Sal Margolo is asking how to deal with anxiety. That's a good one.
Starting point is 00:30:13 I know, just smoke weed. I know, I was hit. It ruins you. It's funny because cannabis can do one or the other. Yeah. It can either chill you out or it's done it to me, man, where I just, my age, I have whatever. Yeah, eyes have whatever eyes after you or whatever I'm thinking about that stressing me I'm like I'm gonna have a little bit of this will calm me down now. I'm really fucking focused on my problem
Starting point is 00:30:32 And that's all I'm thinking about for ever happening at them Yeah, not really it settles me down Beautiful. I'm chill. Yeah, and well now I mean I get anxious and that's probably that's probably part of how I That's how I medicate with it is because it's what settles me down at the end of the day My I'm always anxious. I'm always thinking about What we need to be doing business wise. We were sharing that on the last podcast How I can be that way and nothing settles me down more than that I mean, that's the only thing that that does kind of shut that down. I've never been paranoid. Oh, yeah
Starting point is 00:31:04 That's why I don't like it. I see that you guys do. Well, so how do someone like you who doesn't, that's not your choice. How do you deal with anxiety? I mean, for me, it jerks off. Definitely. But outside.
Starting point is 00:31:18 I don't jerk off inside. No, I walk outside like in the woods. That's my sanctuary. I got to go to the place where I walk outside like in the woods like that's that's my sanctuary, you know I got to go to the place where I'm just like I could be mindless and just like breathe clean air You know, so for me that that really helps. That's why I live there, you know I I purposely put myself Around like trees and all kinds of stuff that like it calms me down, you know internally, because I walk around just like, yeah, all the time. I just need to break away from that mentality.
Starting point is 00:31:51 So that's like my sanctuary. I'll be honest, all joking aside, the most effective thing personally I've ever done for anxiety is have a really good workout. That too. Nothing makes me feel... If you can get into it, right? You know what? I have learned now. I'm extremely, like, you guys have known me long enough. I'm extremely consistent. I don't miss workouts. Yeah. And one thing that he is, he's never, never, never. I'll be incredible. I'll be incredible. And when I'm anxious and I have lots of anxiety or stress, I know the workout's going to suck, but I force myself to go through it, and I always feel better at the end.
Starting point is 00:32:26 So sometimes I'll go in and just go easy and light, full range of motion, okay, here's what I'm doing. Sometimes I go into it, and I'm just, I tell myself, I need to be angry. So I'm gonna have a very angry workout. And at the end of it, I feel very zen. I'm just, probably some wasted, right? I can't believe it. I can't believe it. I'm just probably some wasted, right? I can't agree.
Starting point is 00:32:45 I can't agree. I can't agree. I can't agree. I can't agree. I can't agree. I can't agree. I can't agree. I can't agree.
Starting point is 00:32:52 I can't agree. I can't agree. I can't agree. I can't agree. I can't agree. I can't agree. I can't agree. I can't agree.
Starting point is 00:33:00 I can't agree. I can't agree. I can't agree. I can't agree. I can't agree. I can't agree. I can't agree. I can't agree. I can I agree. I think I'm I think I'm the only time I have a heart to get into it. Like I said, but once I do you're right I don't say anytime once I break that you know that feeling get into the workout break that sweat Then afterwards it's you right it's when I had I had someone very very close to me who fought cancer
Starting point is 00:33:20 years ago and it was a long battle and Fortunately, she didn't make it but during that period of time she's very close to me. So I was always there helping and was a family member and I did not I Especially during that time. I did not miss workouts and I remember the workout sucked I didn't make any gains or whatever because it was a tremendously stressful period But I remember making it a priority where I would break away for an hour workout
Starting point is 00:33:47 because I know what happens to me when I don't exercise and my ability to cope with stress is greatly reduced. And so I made it a point like, I'm going to move in exercise because I'm dealing with this stressful situation. I've been injured or I've had surgery on my shoulder or sick where I can't work out. And I noticed like big time, there's a big difference
Starting point is 00:34:08 in how I can cope with stress and anxiety. Exercise is like, they've done studies, man. They've done lots of studies where exercise activity is as good as anti-exhidities, strong anti-exhidities medications and certain antigen presence. And in the long term, may even be better. Maybe some studies will show that. So, workout.
Starting point is 00:34:30 Of course, mind pumps and I tell you to work out. Work out. Spence mister, how would you train for a cross-fit competition using proper programming? Oh, I got this one. Huh? You would wear a belt first, okay? Where are knee sleeves?
Starting point is 00:34:44 No, God. We're elbow sleeves, we're gloves. Rock tape. Rock tape, you're butt-chips. Rock tape, everything. The end. If I were training an athlete for CrossFit, first thing I would do is I would...
Starting point is 00:34:59 Try and talk them out of it. Oh, yeah, no. I would farm them out to an Olympic lifting coach because I would want them to learn to master that to master Olympic lifting because technique is everything when I take about five years. Yeah, because that would be everything right there. Then I would phase their workouts. So rather than doing everything all at the same time, like CrossFit likes to do, I would save that for the end of the training cycle before their events. So let's say I'm training somewhere for 12 weeks, I would do, you know, three
Starting point is 00:35:30 week phases of strength, stability, hypertrophy, mobility, whatever. Whoa, you know what this sounds like? It sounds like Maths Performance. Sounds like that. And I was just going to say, we actually program Maths Performance in that way, not for CrossFit, but to at the end of the I mean, honestly, like in all honesty here, we were addressing like, how would we program something that's like CrossFit? Because people love CrossFit and I get it, you know, like it's fun. There's a lot of hard-ass, you know, exercises they throw in there at you and it's like balls to the wall and it's crazy and You know, I like doing Olympic lifts, but I just like doing Olympic lifts Right. I mean and it like this is this is the way that we all collectively were like dude. This is like
Starting point is 00:36:15 How I would do it? You know if if say I had a CrossFit athlete I would I'd take them through that same process and like so I was mentioned You know save that endurance part. Yeah towards end. So that way you're ready for your ready for your event. Exactly. You want to waste it right out of the gate. You want to train up to and peak at your event. Exactly. And you don't do that peak, right? And you don't do that by doing everything. All it like CrossFit does. Everything all the time. Yeah. You know, that's how their work is. It's his bodies. Everything up. You want to get awesome at each one of these
Starting point is 00:36:42 attributes. No, build your strength, build your base, work on a little bit of hypertrophy, correct, and balance his mobility. And then the last two or three weeks or four weeks before your then is when you start to work. You start to work something weird. Well, I was just gonna, I was waiting for you guys to finish so I could interrupt and say,
Starting point is 00:37:00 listen dude, here's the shitty part about CrossFit and why it's- You don't even know what they're gonna get. Except that's why it would never work. You know the best way the shitty part about CrossFit and why you know what they're gonna accept. That's why it would never work. You know the best way to train something for CrossFit is to do CrossFit, you know, is to do more the stupid programming because that's how the game's done. There is no right. It's predictable. Yeah, you could actually program. Well, the reason why it's non-predictable. So for safety reasons, you're both right. You're absolutely right. It's not just safety
Starting point is 00:37:26 Like I'm thinking of it from a fitness perspective. I am too. That's that wouldn't be ideal Yeah, what because you would train your guy on Olympic lips because it would be the highest priorities It's the most technical and you'd spend all this time and then you find out he ends up throwing softball and climbing a rope 90% of the time. Yeah, so you he would lose by my guy who I'm doing all the stupid cross-fifters every day You know, I you know, you should do the movements and you should do the movements But the conditioning should be should be done properly you can't you can't condition someone well by doing wads Every all the fuck the best the yeah, but if that's what if you're training for cross the best I mean, I don't know which one of you said it or we heard it somewhere else the first time I heard someone say that you know when you're good at CrossFit, you're good at CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:38:08 Like it doesn't, there's not carryovers to other things. Like you're training in a form and a modality that is so erratic and all over the place with no program design, no rhyme or reason why they're ordering these exercises that if you take a bunch of guys like us who want a program design and put some intelligence behind it, it would actually be counterproductive. Well, no, no, here's the thing. I can't remember where I read it,
Starting point is 00:38:34 but I've read articles of... Two burpees backwards. I've read articles of some of some top top cross-fit athletes workouts and they don't look like the wads. They actually program. I've watched Rick Fronin's whole thing on his, he does four wads a day. That's how he trains for CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:38:53 And the reason why he does four a day. So he's prepared for any crazy fucking thing they throw out four wads a day, bro. That's what he trains. That's all the top five guys. That's how they train. So I don't know what article you read, but the way these guys Trance awesome, but I'm talking to our audience right now like if I had reached funny, come here, fuck you could throw anything.
Starting point is 00:39:12 That's my mean that that's the point that's the point of me sharing this too is that there is no there There is no great way to train for cross it except for cross it if some good crossfit athletes that I they hired me and said Could you get me ready for the CrossFit Games? Is it go down to your local fucking CrossFit box? Yeah, because the question does say it's competition. Yes. If you wanted to get a super fit in condition, yeah, I would train you way better.
Starting point is 00:39:34 I'll train you way better. You know, are you going to learn to live? It's I'll train you way better. You want to learn, you want to learn something specific that you do in CrossFit, I'll train you way better. I see. But if you want to go to the CrossFit Games and you want to be good at CrossFit
Starting point is 00:39:45 How would we program this? I will just it that is not program. That's not that's not CrossFit You know, so I would send you to your local CrossFit gym. Sorry Chai city fitness. What kind of boundaries do you create with your clients as far as your personal information is concerned and What about client sharing too much information to you? Oh, shit. Well, Justin Sleeps was both of his. I know that's how it's under recent. All of them.
Starting point is 00:40:11 At the same time, just the guys. I have a party at the end. Actually, this is kind of a unique question because I know for sure these guys have, because I have tons. You become kind of a therapist as a trained. Come on, bro. How long have you trained a lot of your clients for?
Starting point is 00:40:29 Years. I've got clients, most of my clients have been with for a decade. Yeah. I mean, we didn't sign any like HIPAA agreement or anything, but like, I don't tell anybody anything. We're on that level. Yeah, it is. Well, you do.
Starting point is 00:40:42 You have that kind of client client. Yeah, I'm not going to share information do. You have that kind of client. Yeah. I'm not going to share information that's like private and valuable to them and are like, you can expose them in any sort of way. It's like, yeah, I mean, look here. We're just cool like that. If you're meeting with a person, you're client. Let's say you're trying to client twice a week.
Starting point is 00:40:57 You're seeing this person for one hour. It's you and that client. One hour, two days a week, you just, you and them, total one on one time, and you do that twice a week for 10 years. Yeah, I know. Do you think there's gonna be too many boundaries? Aside from the like, you know, like, well, I can't, you know, I'm not gonna sleep with you
Starting point is 00:41:16 or not kind of shit, of course, but in terms of conversation stuff, you end up knowing everything about each other. It's crazy. You know about their family life, their marriage life, you know about what they did when they were kids and what they, because you become, you're close to them. I don't spend that much time with anybody.
Starting point is 00:41:31 Well, don't you think that a lot of people that end up hiring you, there's a piece of them that is searching for that too, also, right? Because I, at least a majority of the clients that I've had, they have more communication with me normally than their spouse, because that's part of what they have more communication with me, nor within their spouse, because that's part of what they're, it's helped. They're helped them to talk, talking out.
Starting point is 00:41:49 Yes, yeah. So you have that a lot. And you end up being kind of that therapist. So I don't think, I think the only time I've ever had a place boundaries, right, is, and by the way, obviously, Sal said, you know, is it the sleeping with you? You sense that as a trainer, they, they, they sound out. Yeah, that's it. Yeah. You know that right away. If someone's trying to get that down pretty well, you know, is it the sleeping with you? You sense that as a trainer, they sign up. Yeah, that's it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:05 You know that right away. If someone's trying to get it, you shut that down pretty well. You shut that down before they even sign the contract. So if you've allowed them to creep into that part of your life, so that's your fault. You allowed that from the beginning. That's some, but as far as like the sharing,
Starting point is 00:42:19 and there's a party that you want them to be able to do that. You want them to be comfortable enough to tell you their insecurities. And because you are, you're not just fixing something physical with them. As a trainer, there's a lot of the root causes is mental. And I want my clients to be very open and honest with me about everything, about things they feel in their body, too.
Starting point is 00:42:39 I want you to be able to talk to me about your body, what you feel and what you notice and your insecurities and your frustrations., like all this helps me coach you better. And the more I know, the more you share with me, the better of a train, the better trainer I can be and the easier it's going to be for us to get you wherever you want to be. So as far as boundaries, I think the only boundaries I've ever said is probably home boundaries, like once you, once we're done training and like it's not okay to text me at 11 o'clock a night I keep asking me for you know, I'm saying which they especially that you don't respond
Starting point is 00:43:08 Yeah, you just don't even say like that's happened. There's like yeah, you just don't respond. I'll talk to this person Yeah, you guys can't get it hold me here. You guys ever have clients like tell you but like just crazy shit like their sex live Oh, yeah, I mean I'm I'm I've been told that I'm an easy person to talk to. It's probably because I usually don't judge people. People tell me stuff. As long as I don't hurt anybody, I'm like, whatever do what you want. And so people feel super comfortable telling me
Starting point is 00:43:34 the craziest shit, the craziest shit. I trained a lady once that was a swinger, and she would have sex parties. And she would tell me, you know, not always. It wasn't like the number one topic, but she'd talk about these sex parties. And I had trained her for so long that I got to the point where I was, you know, I was, I'm curious about this.
Starting point is 00:43:54 I'm like, how does this fucking work? And so she would just explain it to me and it was crazy. It's, I mean, is it TMI? I don't know. I mean, I let it happen. No, that's one of my favorite parts about being a trainer. You get to use the sex parties. Yeah, absolutely. YouMI? I don't know. I mean, I let it happen. No, it's one of my favorite parts about being a trainer. You get to use the sex parties? Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:44:06 Yeah, I did. You get to meet so many unique parties. So many, I also think, don't you think that has a lot to do with kind of our views and how free-spirited we are, open-minded we are, because when you've trained thousands of minds and brilliant minds too, we've had tons of very intelligent clients and you've seen everything what they're into,
Starting point is 00:44:28 what they're not into, the crazy this crazy that. It starts to open your mind and more. I think a lot of people, we live in our little bubbles in our shells of our little circle of friends and family in our town. And when you get exposed to thousands of different personalities, it really starts to open your mind.
Starting point is 00:44:46 And I like that. I like that it's broad and my horizon. It's open my mind to trying things out that I wouldn't have tried before. So I would never want to close those bound. I like that. I enjoy that part of my job. Dude, I've been shocked by the amount of people that, once they feel comfortable with me, will casually talk about about and these are professionals
Starting point is 00:45:06 I'm not gonna go into details. I would never talk about what people tell me but these are you know very respectable people respectful people who will tell me about like the drugs that they did over the weekend like oh I went to Vegas. They got some I did some blow and I'm like what? Yeah, there is a this is like 50, no cardio for you. 57 year old CEO or whatever it is, I'm like Jesus, I'm comfortable telling me that kind of shit. That's awesome though, I like that.
Starting point is 00:45:33 And it's awesome, but it's awesome because just like you said, it's shocked you and probably would shock any other person that knows that person, but it makes you open your eyes that man, there's, everybody's human man. Everybody has their vice, their things. Of course they are.
Starting point is 00:45:49 And you learn about that and you start, you start to, your opinions and views and it starts to change. This same drama too, it's hilarious. I get a lot of the drama for like very, very, very high profile people, you know, like very, like very like visible roles, you know, even with the news and press and all this stuff. And then I get all the, like, super personal, like dirt on that. And I was like, whoa, they're just humans.
Starting point is 00:46:17 Those are normally the craziest ones. I love that stuff. The other right? Because I, you know, she just knows I would never, ever peep, you know, a word of any of that to anybody because that's what we establish. Well, you got to consider, people come to us in a very vulnerable state. So immediately, they have to give you a certain level of trust. Number one, they're telling you what their fitness goals are. They're looking to you for guidance. They're sweating and looking shitty in front of you. They're moving, they're trying to exercise
Starting point is 00:46:49 and they're doing bad or they're trying to, and then they're getting stronger and then they're feeling better. It's a very intimate connection, client and trainer. Well, it all's very close and intimate. It makes it a very easy picking, which is why I used to get pissed at my trainers. Oh, yeah. That would sleep with their friends.
Starting point is 00:47:06 Yeah, come on, man. Because it is like, it's like, it's like a softball pitch for a trainer, especially if he's a fit, good looking intelligent trainer, for sure. And that's, to me, like, that'll kill your business, you know, or you'll only go so far. Are you like, you, if you don't follow you everywhere, you go. Yeah, I think that's fine. No, you would really, if you have a client you really want to sleep with, you'll only go so far. Like you if you don't follow you everywhere you go. Yeah, I think that's why you really want to sleep with. You marry. Then wait till their sessions are done and then don't train them anymore.
Starting point is 00:47:33 Like don't do both. That's a bad, you know what I'm saying? Yeah, it's all bad. It's all bad. Give them to your friend or marry them like Justin said. That's what there it is. Hey, if you like, if you like Mind Pump, believe us, a five star rating review on iTunes,
Starting point is 00:47:46 you may win a free t-shirt and go to Mind Pump Media.com. We've got some pretty crazy testimonials on there, talking about how effective our maps programs are, including the Super Bundle, which is nine months of professional exercise programming. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy, and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbumble at Mind Pump
Starting point is 00:48:13 Media dot com. The RGB Superbumble includes maps and a ballad, maps performance, and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased expert exercise programming designed by Sal Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels and performs. With detailed workout blueprints and over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle is like having Sal Adam and Justin as your own personal trainers, but at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money back guarantee and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources
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