Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 333: Keto Reverse Dieting, When To Weigh Yourself, Strength Training When Cutting & MORE

Episode Date: July 22, 2016

Kimera-Quah! In this episode of Quah, sponsored by Kimera Koffee (kimerakoffee.com, code "mindpump" for 10% off), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about the exercises that have indicators... that you have reached a full range of motion, eating keto when reverse dieting, knowing when a reverse diet is complete, how frequently and when to weight yourself and the importance of strength training during a cut. Get MAPS Anabolic, MAPS Performance, MAPS Aesthetic and the Butt Builder Blueprint (The RGB Super Bundle) packaged together at a substantial DISCOUNT at www.mindpumpmedia.com. Please subscribe, rate and review this show! Each week our favorite reviewers are announced on the show and sent Mind Pump T-shirts! Have questions for Mind Pump? Each Monday on Instagram (@mindpumpradio) look for the QUAH post and input your question there. (Sal, Adam & Justin will answer as many questions as they can)

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mite, pop, mite, pop with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. Dude, it's just, um, it's just me and you. Pretend like Doug's not here. Just the two of us. Just the two, we need a singer. Yeah, we can't sing.
Starting point is 00:00:25 I can't sing. So what do you what do you think happened to Justin? Why is he so sick? Bro, he went from a running just fine to like knocked out. He's bad instantly. Yeah, I hope he doesn't have the flu. Yeah, and I did I did not want him coming in today. He almost came in today.
Starting point is 00:00:39 I was like, please God don't. No, I have the weakest immune system at all. You and me and you both. I like I started to feel sick just knowing they used to. Did you really? Yeah, like already like it was coming on. See here's the problem. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:49 I'm gonna I'm gonna crap you out right now. Oh no. He we were with him probably when he was already had the virus in his body. You think that's right. You think that's how it works. Of course. Of course you get the virus in your body and it takes like,
Starting point is 00:01:03 what do they say Doug 24 48 hours before it? I don't know why I'm out of it. Tell us doctor Doug. Yeah That's what I don't get sick. I don't I think you get a virus and it takes a certain amount of time to I'm positive it takes I don't know what the time is 24 48 hours whatever to turn into a full-blown illness and so when we were with him, he probably had this virus in him and spread it. To us.
Starting point is 00:01:33 Don't say that. He did, he might have. Well, then if that's true, then why isn't it hit us yet? How come it hasn't hit me yet? Because he got introduced to it two days before me and you did. So me and you are just harboring this virus right now. So if you're serious, correct, then I have till tomorrow, right? Tomorrow the day after.
Starting point is 00:01:53 So here's what you need to do. I'm gonna make it till Saturday. Yeah, here's what you need to do. I was at Kinesia, a Siberian, it up, dude. Now you need to get some garlic, cloves, and put them in your socks. And it wouldn't cross. Put them in your socks, put your socks on, dude. Now, you need to get some garlic, cloves, and put them in your socks. And it wouldn't cross. Put them in your socks. Put your socks on. Go to bed. And then get leeches, and put them right on
Starting point is 00:02:11 your bunch. And let them suck out the top, the toxins of your bunch. And it'll remove, I've read this. This is what they did in the medieval times. It was very effective. Very few people, I don't know if you know this or not, very few people got the flu in medieval times I think I'll take the flu. I think I think I'll take the big bed They got the b-bonic b-bonic plague, but they didn't get the flu. Yeah, so they were doing something right I think no, um, I hope not. I hope you don't get what Justin has you hit this is the problem when you have kids Dude is that your kids go out and They eat their fucking hands
Starting point is 00:02:45 and put shit in their mouth and spit on everything and the other kids are doing it and they're just out there just collecting a bunch of shit and then they come home and then they get sick and they're your kids. You can't, I mean, I guess you could lock them in the room and put food under the door, but you don't want to do that because that's mean. You got to feed them and stuff and be with them and hug them and stuff like that and you just catch everything. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:03:07 Kids are on the carry everything. They carry everything. They come home from school sick. They get, it's horrible. I'm scared of death to have one right now, man. I get sick. Every time one of you guys have been sick, I get sick. Well, you're a whore too.
Starting point is 00:03:21 You kind of kiss everybody all the time. And it could be something. Yeah, that's the whole thing. You're a santa. You're a santa. I put my fingers in my, I suck on my thumb a lot. You're a whore too, you kind of kiss everybody all the time. It could be something. Yeah, that's a whole thing. You're a sluts. You're a sluts. I put my fingers in my, I suck on my thumb a lot. You're a sluts, I could have the good ass in the deal with it. No, it's, no, and then kids get like,
Starting point is 00:03:32 weird shit too, like, they get childhood illnesses, which you're probably not familiar with, you don't have kids, right? No, no, no. So like, there's a foot and mouth disease. Foot and mouth disease, like, most kids will get that at one point. What is that?
Starting point is 00:03:45 It's a fucking virus that you get a fever and you get like a rash or blisters inside your mouth, a little bit outside your mouth and on the palms or of your hand or the bottom of your feet. It's really weird and it's something that they call it a childhood illness because you just get it and then you get it once and you never get it again. Has that been around like, these as long as chicken pox and all the other ones? I think so and I didn't know about this till I had kids. So then I you know, take them a doctor like, oh they have, you know, hand foot or whatever and like what the fuck? Or is that common? Yeah, or they'll get um, they'll get another one. I forgot the name of it
Starting point is 00:04:22 where their cheeks turn really red and they get a fever and it looks like a little, almost like a little rash on their cheeks. Yeah. They call that something. I was a little, these child illinuses that you get. Hey, are you, uh, what? Are you letting the beer grow out? I'm letting the, the, so here's what I'm doing.
Starting point is 00:04:38 I'm just gonna put it out there. Yeah, let's tell you what's going on here. I'm thinking about doing a little Captain Morgan. So I'm gonna keep the sides relatively short and let, you know, long but short compared to the mustache and the beard area, the chin area. And then what I'm thinking about doing,
Starting point is 00:04:56 I don't know if I have the balls to do this, we'll see, is I want to grow my mustache out long enough to twist the ends. I like tape. To twist the ends. Yes. tape. To twist the ends. Yes. And then I want to maybe braid the chin part area. You're not gonna do that.
Starting point is 00:05:11 I think I might. I think it'll be awesome if you did. I think I have the point. You know why? Yes. You think so? And I'm such a fan. Yes.
Starting point is 00:05:19 Adam says I have the look. You do. And I'm such a fan of cheap. I'm gonna put our eyeliner on too. That might be a little far. I did. Okay. No more. I'm not gonna do the eyeliner. I just like I'm always changing My look like as far as you know growing my hair out long chicks do it all time. Why can't guys do it? I feel like girl the girls paint their toenails and their fingernails different colors all time That's either hair different colors. It's short. It's long. It's crop. It's highlighted. It's colored
Starting point is 00:05:43 It's fuck yeah, the insert feathers and shit, and they do all kinds of shit. They get to change their... What's that one color girls, do they call it home-bre? Home-dome? Home-bre? I think they call it home-bre, and it's where the bottom is light,
Starting point is 00:05:55 like the tips are just lighter color. Oh, I think it's called home-bre. Oh. I don't know why they call it home-bre. I feel like I should know, and you know that, I feel like... I don't know. I know random shit. So you do, you change a lot of shit like right now you've got the the short clean beard
Starting point is 00:06:09 Yeah, I'm doing like the yeah the five o'clock shadow of 10 to deal this is probably Katrina's favorite look is is a five o'clock shadow I other why if I shave my face and we know when I'm two 25 to 30ish right now. So yeah So my face yeah, my face is already fat when I'm I'm that heavy, it's it looks like a fucking beach ball You know, so I can't hate it when it says and I look like a 25 year old the only way that the only way that you can tell that I'm Older as soon as I pull my ball cap off and you can tell that I'm fucking thinning then people are like, oh, yeah, you're not you can't tell you're not tall Dude 20 who's gonna see it? I'm not always sometimes I sit down then people are like, oh yeah, you're not. You can't tell, you're not told, dude. That's 20. Who's gonna see it? You're heads.
Starting point is 00:06:46 I'm not always telling. Sometimes I sit down, dude. I just, I just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm sure I'm hearing a hat and I just put it all when I sit down. Just put your hands on your head. I talked to you. So hey, bro, what's good?
Starting point is 00:06:55 No, you're not. Your face isn't that fat. It's fat, bro. It's not fat. Hey, I'm okay with it. It's, it's, it's rotundish. But it's, it's not fat. I have a long face, so I wish I had more or fat.
Starting point is 00:07:07 Because that when I get really lean, I start to look gaunt. Like my face looks skeletorish. Yeah, you know, I mean, it takes a lot for me to look that way. I do get that way. But that's like that. I am really good. I've never seen your face like that.
Starting point is 00:07:18 Yeah, when I would that's day of stage. Yeah, you have. You see me on stage. You've seen the day of your face wasn't that. Well, the last show you didn didn't go to my first show. Hold in water. I'm under face. If I'm 2% body fat, 1.5 of it's in my face.
Starting point is 00:07:34 Yeah, 100%. 100% if I got down that low, I have more than half of it still in my face. You know who I bet had a kind of round face, most of their life, Doug. You did, didn't you? I fucking knew it. That's true. Your little frown face? Round, round life, Doug. You did, didn't you? I fucking knew it. That's true.
Starting point is 00:07:46 Your little frown face? Round, round. For sure. And you know what, Adam? He doesn't, but look how young he looks. I know. That's why. Well, Adam, he looks young.
Starting point is 00:07:55 I squeezed out all those wrinkles for so many years. For being fat. No, what I'm saying is, as you get older, you lose that anyway. And if you have a lot to lose, like I'm a little old as fuck in about 15 years, I'm gonna get the fillers, I think. I'm gonna put this bill.
Starting point is 00:08:09 Let me shoot some of my body fat in your face. Yeah, just like my cheekbone. There's some truth to that. And I think that's, I'm not complaining at all. I mean, whatever. Like it's, it is what it is. It has its benefits when I'm, when I'm fucking 90, I'll look like I'm 60. That's great.
Starting point is 00:08:25 So until I'm fucking 90, though, I'm going to deal with the big fat face. So I tend to, the rock, some sort of facial hair, because I feel like, um, I can, I can almost create lines, draw, sharper lines. So I don't have, I see it with the jaw. Yeah, I see that. I'm failing, right? No, it's, it's, it's okay. You can fuck it. I think it's on the jaw
Starting point is 00:08:46 No, I think it is. I think you got the right angle So my so my beer my my mustache and shit shapes itself like I don't grow hair here in the middle I don't grow no hair here. I don't you weren't doing I thought for sure you were doing sort of God the Hitler thing on purpose No, I don't do I don't No, no, no Hitler had the mustache in the middle. It's the reverse Hitler. Oh, it's right. You're right. It's the reverse Hitler. Reverse Hitler. Yeah. Cause I, you know, who did that? Was it Charlie, no, Charlie,
Starting point is 00:09:13 jamming was like, yeah, he had the Hitler. Yeah. How fucked up is that? How, how, so here's one, and I'm not going to say anything good about Hitler. This'm gonna say. How influential do you have to be to completely ruin a style? Like you're such a piece of shit that nobody will ever name their kid after you or never, like he ruined the name, Adolf, like nobody named who wants a name their kid Adolf. And nobody will ever grow a mustache like that, ever, even though Charlie Chapman had it,
Starting point is 00:09:42 like you're not gonna grow a Hitler. You know what I mean? That means you're that bad of a person that you completely ruin a style. Yeah, famous. You know what I'm saying? That's for sure, horrible. That's what you were going for.
Starting point is 00:09:53 Are we calling Justin? Yeah, let's give a try here. Let's call Justin. I want to get him on the phone. See if we can wake him up. I think, I hope he's not, see, this is, oh, you're the one that Jack's off a lot when he's sick. So he's fine.
Starting point is 00:10:03 He'll probably answer the phone now. Yeah, yeah, that's me. Yeah, that's you. He's gonna answer all poor guys in his little jammies a bit You know my mom used to get me when I was sick what is a coloring book and seven up every time so to this day like that's my Oh shit, you're just it. What's up, buddy? You're alive Fucking barely hey, so what's going on dude what happened? I just got like fever like 102 sweating balls and aching Feel like death that's pretty much it all your all your STD's flare up at one time That's pretty much it. All your STDs flare up at one time. That's what I mean. And some motherfucker one. Yeah man. Hey how's your, how's your poops? I don't have a poop
Starting point is 00:10:54 man. I'm gonna go to eat anything. I haven't even been able to jerk off man. That's kind of like in. Oh, hold on a second dude. Yeah. You might want to go to the ER. That's a bad start. What are you taking? What would you say, elderberry? I've only been taking ibuprofen drinking a lot of water and stuff. I've got to make a trip up. I haven't been outside yet today.
Starting point is 00:11:24 I knew you didn't do what I told you goddamn I should have brought it to you wouldn't be sick today if you did what I told you what what what what What netflix show are you watching? Yeah, I'm watching Tony Robbins right now actually. Oh, we're just talking about that so funny. So I haven't seen you Yeah, yeah, so I was buzzing Good I cried twice I'd I cried too man who bullshit I haven't seen you have yes, I was a good fucking good. I cried twice I cried two minutes of bullshit. I don't cry. Yeah, hold on a second Hold on did you really did it really make you emotional for reals now?
Starting point is 00:11:58 Yeah, for real get the crazy man. So here's the thing I want to watch so I've been told many, many times that I remind people of him, in no way am I saying that I'm anywhere. The guy's, he's probably one of, if not the best speaker. So you haven't made me cry yet. Yes.
Starting point is 00:12:16 Well, I was gonna say, you're not that good. I can make you cry. No one doesn't say it. I want to give you an intervention right now, actually. This is a pizza intervention yes you do it pizza we're gonna make a no i want i want to watch the truckers i want to watch the the him speak because i want to learn you know how how he's so effective when he
Starting point is 00:12:36 speaks because i don't think it's what he says it's how he says it am i am i right uh yeah for sure he just i mean he's a really deep did you know he he's like cuts rights for people's bullshit immediately so you see these people just crumble my two seconds oh shit i want to check out it's coming
Starting point is 00:12:57 it is there it is uh... uh... shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Wee! Wee! Cwaaaaaaap! Wee! Cwaaaaaaap! Wee! Cwaaaaaaap! Today's Cwaa is being brought to you by Kai Maricopi! It's the only coffee that is infused with all natural neutropics for a cleaner, cooler, and more focused fuzz without the crash!
Starting point is 00:13:18 Put the Kai Maricopi link at MindPumpMedia.com and input the discount code MindPumpA Checkout for 10% off! It's the motherfucking Quikwa all right Dougie fresh bring it to us come on oh before you have my ass cheek. Yeah, go ahead Get you read the questions Doug. Let's just get into the shit. All right, just give us some sort of a code Where to if you got to go take a shit or something diarrhea or something crazy like that let us know No, he's on a cell phone. You'll probably just hear it on the other end. Okay, that's good.
Starting point is 00:13:49 Nothing muted out. Yeah, excellent. Raw truth. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Our first question is from DS French. What exercises have indicators of full range of motion being met, such as the butt wink with squats? So this question's interesting.
Starting point is 00:14:05 So, he's saying, how do you know when you've hit your full range of motion within an exercise? And he's using the butt wink as an example of when he thinks, you know, the end range of motion with the squat, maybe. Now, this is a bad example only because it's actually pretty hotly contested right now, right? Yeah, yeah. About whether or not a bump wink means you're, you went down too far or whether it's okay to go down that far. So I don't necessarily want to use that example because I can see that argument going in either direction. For me personally, when I'm doing, when I'm looking at full range of motion,
Starting point is 00:14:45 the goal is to go with as far range of motion as I possibly can, under good control and strength. At no moment do I want to feel like I lose stability or I lose form or I feel like my joint moves out of its proper position. And that tells me that I went too far. So for example, if I'm doing a chest fly, that's a good one, because a chest fly, you can really, some people have an amazing range of motion. I come down as low as I possibly can before I start to feel, in my case, external rotation
Starting point is 00:15:22 of my humerus. Before I feel my hands start to rotate out and I start to feel it more in my shoulder joint. And that's when I know personally that I've gone too far with that particular movement. With the squat, if I go down too low, I notice that my knees might start to travel, you know, start to, you know, add duct or add duct, you know, inner out at the bottom of the movement. Or I feel like I lose control and I have to like, you know, inner out at the bottom of the movement, or I feel like I lose control,
Starting point is 00:15:45 and I have to like, you know, all of a sudden brace my core differently because I went too low. So for me personally, it's basically, I'm always trying to aim for that full range of motion, but it has to be under control and stable. Well, I think too, he's looking for indicators, right? A full range of motion,
Starting point is 00:16:04 and it's too hard to answer that because everybody's gonna be different. Like, range think too, he's looking for indicators, right? A full range of motion. And it's too hard to answer that because everybody's gonna be different. Like range of motion for everybody's gonna be different based off of how their anatomy is. So I think the field test is probably the best of what you're saying right now, which is, you know, if you're, whatever you're working. So let's say we're working chest, you know,
Starting point is 00:16:24 Sal talked about, you know, the rotation in his shoulder and feeling it, you know, it's humor whatever you're working. So let's say we're working chest, you know, Sal talked about, you know, the rotation in his shoulder and feeling it, you know, it's humorous as he comes back. But I mean, that's, to me, as soon as you stop to feel it in your chest and other secondary muscles start to kick in, this is normal, especially on like, if you're decelerating in the chest, like I'm getting right, I'm working the negative, the barbell is coming down and okay, at what point am I a full range
Starting point is 00:16:45 emotional I feel chess chess chess. Oh now I feel everything I can feel more me squeezing my back now than I can feel in my chest anymore. I've gone through full range emotion at that point. So you know once you start to feel other secondary muscles to kick in is normally an indicator too that you've taken that through full range of motion. I would say probably between the three of us, if we were to measure overall mobility, I think Justin probably is the best in overall. So it takes a lot of work. Yeah, but it's something that people have to really work towards maintaining proper tension, even
Starting point is 00:17:27 when you're going through that lower depth. So you have to pay attention to all the signals that are coming back to you, whether it's pain or shakiness or you're somewhat unsupported in that you just have to gradually sort of work at it and get it to respond better. So Justin when you, because your shoulder mobility is fantastic and especially when you do something like a windmill or a Turkish get up I've seen you demonstrate those. This is the reason why when we demonstrated a lot of those movements in our programs, we used you because your mobility and those moves are so good. But it wasn't always that way. Was it was your children mobility always like that?
Starting point is 00:18:12 No, no, yeah, absolutely not. It actually, I was guilty of bench pressing quite a lot and I got to a point where I would hit this spot where I mean I couldn't get any significant range of motion with my shoulder because I would have so much pain and my answer to that was always to like you know just to back off for a bit, come back and just keep adding load gradually instead of addressing it as a mobility issue, something I need to actively work on my joint and support it better. So, once I kind of just switched gears and really focused on the health of my shoulder and like the ability of it as far as like movements concerned, it accelerated all the health of my shoulder and the ability of it as far as like movements concerned, it accelerated all the rest of my lifts
Starting point is 00:19:09 and helped to put me in better positions. So yeah, I could do that kind of stuff. Would you guys agree that in terms of gains, because we talk a lot about mobility and moving better, but I know a lot of our listeners are more motivated by gains, muscle gains, fat loss, right? So they say mobility, like, I don't care, I'm fine. I want to do what's going to get me faster results. Would you guys agree that if you had a client that they're going to get better gains, forget
Starting point is 00:19:39 about mobility, better gains by going lighter and training within fuller ranges of motion versus going heavier and training within full or ranges of motion versus going heavier and training in shorter ranges of motion Over long term, absolutely for sure. Absolutely. Yeah. Yeah. That's that's my experience 100% I experienced especially long term if you compare short term if it was like a two-week study and you said okay These people that are working on full range of motion and their mobility Lightweight versus this person who's maxing out time. Well, because you shocked the shit of the body and go that you might see more gain right
Starting point is 00:20:11 then and there. But long term, you do a study that's four, six, eight, six months out of hands down. See, like for me, like I noticed, so when I use myself as an example for training, I like to look at the body parts that I've struggled with. If I look at the body parts, if I look at my legs, my legs respond to anything. I could probably have big legs just leg pressing or even Smith machine squatting, things that we always, again, but like my chest, for example, or my calves, areas that notoriously on my body don't respond well, I exaggerate range as a motion because when I do that and when I
Starting point is 00:20:52 did that in the past, that's when I noticed growth, you know what I mean? Like in my chest, for years I would stop, you know, three, four inches short of my chest on my presses or my incline presses, like I wouldn't go all the way down to my collarbone. I'd stop at my chin, because we were trained that way. And there was a point where I just decided, like, I'm going to go full range of motion, I had to back off all my weights. And sure enough, I saw muscle gain from that.
Starting point is 00:21:17 And that's compared to before where I was just going, heavy all the time, same thing with my calves, like with my calves, if I exaggerate the stretch and the squeeze, of course, with under control. Again, if I want to be clear before I continue, if you're going for longer ranges of motion, you have to do them under control because if you don't, if you're not careful, you will hurt yourself. Maybe it's going to happen. Well, and this is why we were taught as trainers. This is why what we're saying is contradicting to any
Starting point is 00:21:48 so if you have trainers that are listening right now, all your certifications out there, a lot of the exercises that we do and perform are contradicting to what we learned in our certifications. And when you're getting a national certification, it's going to, it's going to bode more on the safety side first opposed to results or what's ideal for the body. Well, yeah, ideally it's full range of motion,
Starting point is 00:22:15 but when you talk about over 80% of the population suffers from some sort of either upper or lower cross syndrome They're already in a compromising position It's anatomically so you know, it's safer for us to go just down to 90 degrees or only go down to where your elbows are parallel to this You know I'm saying so that that's where we've always been taught for safety But in reality that's the idea is to get that body to work through full range of motion all those So he's still yeah Don't you feel now too that like if you were to start training again with all those parameters You've learned from like your
Starting point is 00:22:54 Servications like how differently you would approach each person just because like Like you had mentioned all these like upper cross and like all these things that people have had mentioned all these like uh... upper cross and like uh... all these things that people uh... have you know that are limiting as far as like how they even move what i feel like a lot of those parameters were sent place to be able to take them through like a regular workout you know and so that's not going to be too damaging as far as uh... their joints but they're building, you know, bad patterns in my opinion. Oh, 100%.
Starting point is 00:23:29 Yeah, I think, I think when they designed these certifications, they looked at safety and ease of training. In other words, like we're teaching all these trainers how to train people and many of these trainers have never been trainers before. So this is their first certification. They may have experience exercising. Some of them believe it or not may not. So we're going to teach this in a way that's easy for them to learn and apply.
Starting point is 00:23:53 Because if I was teaching trainers, had to train people, it would be, there's a lot more, poor Justin. There's a lot more training that's involved and teaching if I'm training teachers, trainers on how to get people through full range of motion. There's a lot more shit involved and it takes a lot more than, you know, a couple courses and then, you know, well, yeah, because and that's, let's be honest, right? I mean, if you had, you talk about, of course, any of us, if you were to start all over again with all the knowledge you have, the way you train a client is so different now than what it was compared to before.
Starting point is 00:24:29 So different. But you also, you don't have the same kind of knowledge. So just recently, this was just I think two or three days ago, I'm training a client. I had planned to do all these different moves with her. We sit down and do one thing and I noticed that her body, having trouble, I can just see by her posture the way she's sitting and I start asking, getting feedback from her on what she feels, what she notices, what I see. Then I'm like, I see how tight she is and I'm like, oh man, we need to do this. And then you automatically shift over to addressing the issue that she has
Starting point is 00:24:59 because that now becomes a priority. Even though today was squat day and, you know, bench this and do all these exercises and we're on phase, whatever of maps, but you got an issue going on with your body right now. This now has become a priority. And I know how to address that where, you know, in the past, I'd probably be a little uncertain, you know, and, or less confident in, you know, what's exactly wrong with them and how I can help them. So a lot of that is just, you know a flat out experience of doing this for so many years and so many clients of all the different things I could possibly write.
Starting point is 00:25:30 Well, I got this, I got a client just recently, who I've now only been working with. It's been less than a year, definitely. So probably six months, I think I've been working with him. He's in his 60s and he had poor shoulder, mobility and poor tracking of his humorous. And so it was hard for him to reach straight up above his head. And believe it or not, ladies and gentlemen, listening, if you take somebody who's over the age of 50, or even sometimes people in their 30s, see how straight
Starting point is 00:26:04 they can get their arm above their head without having to lean back, stick their chest out or really, really arch their back. You'll be surprised. Very few people can get their arm straight up or even slightly behind their head. Oh, I can. And he was really bad.
Starting point is 00:26:18 He couldn't get up there at all. He was almost, it was almost like he was doing a little bit straighter than what an incline chest press would be. Well, six months later now, he's doing full range of motion, shoulder presses with 15 pound dumbbells, which doesn't sound heavy, but again, he couldn't do that with no weight.
Starting point is 00:26:36 He couldn't do that with just his hand. He's been dealing with shoulder problems for over 20 years. This is a guy who came to me who is completely convinced, 100% or accepted the fact that he will never, he will never have good shoulders. He's always gonna have shoulder problems. So when I talk to him, like many times when he talks to clients, they tell you, well, I just have a bad shoulder.
Starting point is 00:27:02 Like I've accepted it, this is just how my shoulder is and it's just the way I'm gonna be. And you know, six months later, after 20 years of not being able to reach above his head with a straight arm, this guy now is pressing dumbbells and has real tall control posture activated core. Doesn't have to over arches back, doesn't have to lean back, had no more shoulder problems.
Starting point is 00:27:24 It's pretty, it's pretty fucking dramatic and really it was all it was, all it was was just changing recruitment patterns. That's, I mean, really it just boils down to that. So when it comes to full range of motion, if you can move in a very full range of motion under control with good tension, like Justin was saying, where everything feels activated, the joints moving well, you got good form, then that's where you should go.
Starting point is 00:27:52 If your range of motion is short and you're using 200 pounds on an exercise, go down to 120 pounds. I mean, you gotta drop it quite a bit, exaggerate that range of motion with perfect form, and then get stronger, excuse me, get stronger within that new range of motion. I tell you what, I tell you what, check this out. If I could, if I could squat 200 pounds at parallel, okay, and I have to go down to 120 pounds
Starting point is 00:28:17 to squat three inches below parallel with good form. I'm going to be able to get my squat, that full squat to 200 pounds pretty quick because I can pretty much handle 200 pounds within most of that range of motion. It's just that last three inches. So in reality, if I focus on that last three inches and I get my 120 pounds up to 200 pounds, honest to God, it's not going to take you that long because most of that range of motion, I can handle 200 pounds. However, the gains I'm going to see in a short per time are gonna blow me away. It's gonna be like huge gains in a short per time.
Starting point is 00:28:48 So this is a technique that everybody listening should take advantage of, pick an exercise and start to do this. And you'll get that strength back really, really quickly, but with that new range of moves. I really feel like this is what. I gotta put in that last three inches, and then I'm saying, with Justin.
Starting point is 00:29:03 Yes. Justin. Yeah, he's I'm saying. Yes. Justin's doing it. Yeah, he's still got it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I really feel like this is what, I mean, this is what Green is all about.
Starting point is 00:29:13 You know, Green is like. Maths performance. Yeah, when you go into Maths performance, it is not about the weight you're lifting. It's about you performing this exercise and performing it with excellent form through full range of motion. And it's about you performing this exercise and performing it with excellent form through full range of motion. And it's very challenging because there's a lot of exercises that are multi-plane here
Starting point is 00:29:31 and stuff that you're not used to doing inside a gym, not a lot of standard movements. So it really challenges you and it challenges you not only physically but mentally to stay disciplined to the new adaptation. My new adaptation, my new focus is working on this range of motion, working on better mobility. And it's not about how much I'm currently, now of course it's going to benefit that. Of course you're going to see the gains. Of course it's all going to come after you go through it, but that's not the focus.
Starting point is 00:29:58 And I think it's hard for a lot of people to switch that mindset because we are so PR-driven or everyone's going to talk about their squad or this or their bench press or I'm doing this or I'm doing that. Like, I celebrate more like, dude, the other day, like I could actually do a narrow stance and squat all the way down. Like, it's not like how much? Well, it doesn't really matter.
Starting point is 00:30:18 I could move that. I could move my body down there. Like, that's a big deal for me. That's a, that's such a huge win. You know, and it's, it's not, it's not a big deal that I can, how much of it I can move down there like that's a big deal for me that's a that's such a huge win you know and it's it's not it's not a big deal that I can how much of it I can move down there it's that I'm now able to move in full range of motion with good good form good posture controlled with that kind of death. Well, I'm glad you brought up a master performance because it's not it's not just full range
Starting point is 00:30:41 emotion like I'm talking about there are specific specific movements, quite a few of them. I was probably over 100 movements in that program that are specifically designed to help you get to that point. So it's not just about, yes, a very basic simple way would be to take your squat and your bench press or whatever and to just get within better range of motion. But there are specific movements that help with that that are not popular at all.
Starting point is 00:31:05 Many of which you're listening, you worked out for 10 years. I guarantee there's a lot of majority of the movements you're going to see on that. You're going to look at and be like, I've never seen these before. They're just not popular because it's not your traditional movements. However, they will contribute tremendously to your ability to lift, uh, have your weights with those traditional movements. Nice. We'll be long, Doug.
Starting point is 00:31:28 Metabolic damage 9-1-1 has a two-part question. Is it okay to do a keto type diet when reverse dieting? And how do you know when you're done reverse dieting? Okay. So, uh, let's define reverse dieting first. Reverse dieting is the concept. It was popularized by the physique, bodybuilder, figure, bikini world, or stage presentation world,
Starting point is 00:31:56 where they dieted so hard to get ultra ripped or ultra lean that they wanna come out of that. And rather than doing what a lot of people do, which is they just binge eat and go for meeting, you know, 1500 calories a day. And now I'm just gonna eat 3,000 calories a day because I'm over-dieting. I'm already competed and I'm just gonna pick out.
Starting point is 00:32:16 What they did was they found that it was better for the body and healthier if they slowly ramped out of it. So 1500 calories a day, now many, you know, 1800 and then 2,000 and then 2,500 to work their way up. It also started becoming popular to define how to get out of metabolic damage or what's known as adaptive thermogenesis. And this is where when you've been dieting, excessively dieting for a long time, excessively working out for a long time, your body's metabolism will start to adapt downward to where you're burning less and less calories, and you get to the point where you've actually slowed your metabolism down a significant amount. And the way to come
Starting point is 00:32:57 out of that, one of those strategies is to slowly increase your calories alongside a good traditional strength training. So you're giving your body the signal that it needs to and it can speed its metabolism up. So you're slowly increasing calories, trying to get stronger. You're doing it very slowly so that you're not gaining lots of body fat. And then the goal at the end of this is awesome. Before I maintained my body weight at 1500 calories.
Starting point is 00:33:24 Now I can eat 1800 calories or 2000 calories And I'm not getting any fat or so I effectively Sped up my metabolism. So the question is can you do this with the keto diet? I don't know of any studies That show that there's a difference. I think ultimately And Adam has a lot more experience with this than I do. I actually think it's an excellent strategy Do yeah, yeah, because you're extremely carb sensitive after getting ready for a show. Oh, that's a great point.
Starting point is 00:33:51 So, yeah, insulin sensitivity is extremely high. So, running a keto diet where you're virtually eating little to no carbohydrates, whatsoever, I think would bow well with you increasing your chloric intake and inching it up. So, yeah, so you would go from 1500 to 2000 calories, but your keto, so your carbs are still very low. Yeah. Adam makes a great point because when you're, most people, when they die...
Starting point is 00:34:15 This is our theory because, like, Sal said, I don't know when he studies about this, but it's, to me, it's pretty, I don't know, it seems kind of obvious that... Well, I don't know about you smart strategy. I don't know about you guys, but because I eat so low carb most of the time, when I do't know, it seems kind of obvious. Well, I don't know about you smart strategy. I don't know about you guys, but because I eat so low carb, most of the time, when I do eat carbs, I respond very quickly to them. Oh, so do I now. And when we brought this up, we had an episode,
Starting point is 00:34:32 if you haven't listened to it, you should check it out, where we interviewed Dom Diagostino, who's one of the leading researchers on the ketone bodies and ketogenic diets. And Adam had brought up how he went ketogenic for a while and then he started introducing carbs and how he only needs 150 grams of carbs to quote unquote fill his muscles out. Whereas before he would need three or four hundred grams. And Dom Diagostino said, it's because his insulin sensitivity has gotten
Starting point is 00:35:00 much, much better. So that makes sense. If you're coming out of your hardcore diet or your dieting, your metabolism is real low and you bump your calories and you make it mostly carbs, that might promote fat storage more than if you weren't keto. Yes. That makes total sense to me. So I think going keto on a reverse diet is an excellent strategy, especially if you enjoy eating that way. Because really that's what matters most, right? I think we've talked about this before with exercise or anything that you do, like consistency becomes more important than anything else. So if you're following a plan or a structure of your slowly increasing by 100 calories or so every few weeks, doing it through fats, I think is a much better strategy than through carbohydrates. And also, how do you know when your reverse dieting is done?
Starting point is 00:35:50 I mean, that's really up to you. I would say when you get to a point where you like your colork intake, where it's very real. What about when your body starts gaining more too much body fat? You know what I mean? Like, oh, now I know calories are too much.
Starting point is 00:36:05 Well, I don't necessarily know if that means that's your reverse diet is done. That can mean you just have your over consuming currently. You know what I'm saying? Okay. If you're continuing to strength train, right? If you're continuing to strength train, first of all, for every pound of muscle, these are,
Starting point is 00:36:20 there's lots of studies out on the numbers that don't be like precise with these numbers. But you use speed your metabolism. When they say speed your metabolism, your body needs more calories to sustain that lean body mass on there. They've estimated it from anywhere as low as 20 calories to 60 calories per day per pound to body weight. Basically, if you add five pounds of muscle to your body, your body now is burning an additional
Starting point is 00:36:43 two to three hundred calories a day. So if that's true, then if you continue lifting weights and you're increasing your calories, you should be able to over time continually to build up your core, can take to where you can consume more. It really comes down to, you know, where do you want to be at? You know, like, are you eating, are you now to a point where 20 let's say 2500 calories. You're not gaining any fat. You're not losing weight It's kind of like homeostasis for you. Are you happy there? Is that a manageable place for you?
Starting point is 00:37:12 And if it's not manageable and you feel you need more leeway more room We'll then go build some more muscle build some more muscle continue reverse dieting focus on the strength Yeah, until you get to a point where you're satisfied now But I I mean your your our metabolism. People don't realize that the metabolism is a free-flowing thing. It's not like this linear, you know, you're building your metabolism and it's just, it's getting better, better, better, and then it'll never see a dip or a plateau. Like, it will dip, it will plateau. You'll probably even take some steps back a little bit. But ultimately, you can continue to build a metabolism.
Starting point is 00:37:45 It's not like something, it's just, you know, like I said, it's not linear, you know, so. By the way, you know, Justin, I know you've got a little bit of a cough over there. So, so this is actually proven. So when you go to the store, I know you're going to get some elderberry and a lot of stuff. No no no joke now they found that laxatives uh... stop people coughing what you do in the me so so listen go to store by a laxative and take so i can have a fever and shit my pants no no
Starting point is 00:38:20 you can't just you need to trust me take twice the effective dose famous last word take twice the effective effective dose of the laxative, and I promise you, you'll be too scared to cough. You've got to be. Next question. I had like a dumb joke I was gonna say about reverse dieting about it being like in the other orifice to something I had like nothing to contribute to that. Oh, just there you go.
Starting point is 00:38:46 Rather than eating food through your mouth, you just put in your butt. Yeah, that's your first dining, come on. You just wanna put things in your butt. It excuse me. It excuse me. It excuse me. It excuse me.
Starting point is 00:38:58 Skyler Prey is asking. For party. Skyler Prey is asking how frequently should you weigh yourself during a deficit? And when should you weigh yourself? So there's a couple of rules. There's a couple of schools of thought with this. Yeah, um, it's here. These ones. School of thought says, uh, don't weigh yourself too frequently because some people get so caught up on the scale that it ruins either the relationship with food or it can cause binging and bird,
Starting point is 00:39:28 you know, where people don't wanna eat a lot and they eat a lot, it can cause mixed signals. I have, look, you can hold a few pounds of water or lose a few pounds of water depending on what you've done with your diet. Women, especially, we'll go through this. So if they weigh themselves every single day, and let's say they just started their period
Starting point is 00:39:47 or whatever, next, you know, I gained three pounds, how, but I've been eating really well, and they freak out over it. So there's that school of thought that says, don't weigh yourself super frequently, maybe do it once a week. And then there's a school of thought that. Well, what are you leaning towards?
Starting point is 00:39:59 Why don't you share it with me? For my own. Yeah, for clients, like, you know. So it depends on the client. So if I have a client that I can see has issues with the scale, sometimes I tell them not to weigh themselves at all and I give them other parameters of judging how well they're doing, like how they feel, how they're close fit,
Starting point is 00:40:18 you know, we'll use circumference measurements. Myself personally, I weigh myself every single day, and I do it at exactly the same time every single day so that it's a clear parameter. However, I also understand how I can hold or lose water. So I know if I have, yesterday I had a lot more sodium or if I had more carbohydrates, I know today I'm gonna weigh at least a couple pounds heavier.
Starting point is 00:40:46 When I do my mini bulk and mini cuts, my weight fluctuates throughout the week as much as three or four pounds. I'm always, if I'm trying to get leaner, I'm training downwards, but it'll definitely fluctuate that much. And here's the thing, if you do weigh yourself frequently, do it at the exact same time every single day.
Starting point is 00:41:06 You're probably best in the morning before you've eaten anything, before you've done anything, and just to be consistent so that you're not weighing food that you may have a or whatever. But I think Adam, you probably use this, but you count everything, right? You look at everything you've done. Yeah, so I like this question because I know we all,
Starting point is 00:41:26 and I love that you address that there's different schools of thought here because we all are a little bit different. I think I think we all are different personally, like how we track our weight and things like that. And I think we address clients different with this situation. And I also think that I've changed a lot in this area. I think when I was listening to you talk
Starting point is 00:41:47 about how you are with clients, I believe that's exactly how I was. I would really feel the client out. I used to have some clients that were just terrified of the scale and I'd have them way backwards. So they didn't look at the scale because I just wanted them to know that I wanted to know for tracking things, but it wasn't important
Starting point is 00:42:04 and you don't need to know. So let's just get on there. You'll turn around backwards. So I had that. And then I had something I absolutely just wouldn't weigh whatsoever because that wasn't a priority or goal. We didn't care about weight. So definitely I feel like done that.
Starting point is 00:42:16 Now, how I coach and train now is actually totally different. And I attribute a lot of that to competing. When I got into competing and I was forced to track and I was forced to see that I learned so much about myself and I overcame some major, I don't wanna say demons, I feel like that's a hurdle. Yeah, so major hurdles with understanding why my body was fluctuating or moving and I sure I had ideas because I understood science,
Starting point is 00:42:46 I understood sodium, I understood water, but never to the point where I was tracking. I've gotten to the point now where I've tracked so much and details so much, or in detail with me myself and clients of all different body types that you can move up or down the scale of the slightest bit and I will have the answer why. And so now when I coach you,
Starting point is 00:43:08 your first three months, you're weighing every day, morning and night with me. And that sounds crazy, right? It sounds normal. And I would never tell that to a person like you this for, but when you hire me, part of my little spiel when you first sit down is like, this is like gonna be like going to be like going to
Starting point is 00:43:25 school for the next 90 days. I'm not just going to get you to your goals or teach you out of there, but when you're done with me, I'm going to have taught you so much about your body and metabolism and how it responds to foods and water and sodium and all these things. So I need you to do these things for me every single day for 90 days. And during that time, you know, we're gonna have, we're gonna have a few periods if we're a girl, we're gonna have, we're gonna have some, probably someone's gonna get sick and they'll have to take antibiotics one time.
Starting point is 00:43:52 Sometime you're gonna drink, you know, a good 50 to 60 more ounces of water than you did the day before. Some days you're gonna eat out and you're gonna consume two to 3000 more milligrams of sodium in the day. And I will be able to tell you what your scale weight because I'm watching it every day will be the next. Like that analytic guy. Yeah. For sure. And I like to show people that more data, the better.
Starting point is 00:44:15 Because once once you've gone through this with me, you have all of a sudden you stop worrying about the scale because you know you and you know it's going to go up. That's excellent point. You know it's going to go up a pound or two because you know you just had 2000 more millions of. You're taking the mystery out of it completely. Exactly, there's no more, you know, and as trainers we're taught to teach the people that, you know, hey, you know, that's not fat. You can't possibly put a pound of fat on,
Starting point is 00:44:37 you know, when you only ate 1500 calories yesterday, it's just impossible. So don't stress the pound and a half you see on the scale but they still stress it. And that's not enough for them. Where now I can I can show you the science. I can say, look it yesterday, you ate 2000 more milligrams of sodium because you had 2000 more milligrams of sodium, you also took in 30 more ounces of water. Water and sodium pairs together along with carbohydrates. So not only did you drink more water, you also had more sodium, that's why we weigh 1.25 pounds more of water. Now watch what happens when we drop our sodium back
Starting point is 00:45:11 and your water goes back to your normal amount in the next two to three days, watch your weight level, and it does. It levels right out, but it takes about two or three days. But now that I can address that and I can show them that, it starts to take that mystery of way of why you're going up and down. There's so much more aware of it. And they learn what to focus now on and not to worry about the scale. So ironically, I make you neurotic about why, you know, at first. Go ahead, Justin. Oh, how do you guys feel?
Starting point is 00:45:40 Because like, I've kind of gotten back and forth with that way using that with clients and stuff and I usually tend to be like sell where I'll kind of just feel it out a lot but I used to just focus primarily more on the hydrostatic way and trying to divert their attention more to body fat as far as that being the uh... the concern and and also like taking pictures uh... you know periodically during the week just so they can see themselves in the same uh... like frame so you can you can see all these little nuance uh... games are lost to this are all those types of things
Starting point is 00:46:22 uh... but that's i mean that was one way i would I would try to get them to focus on like, you know, your body, it fluctuates. A lot of stuff that's going on. Like, Adam, I feel like he's taking it to another level. He's definitely like, couldn't be able to show you all these, you know, little fix and DNA. You have to do your homework. But, I mean, that's a valuable thing for people to be educated. Well, you're 100% though, because I didn't even mention that that's part of the deal too, is so every day you're tracking all those numbers from me, your water, your way,
Starting point is 00:46:54 morning, night, food, all that stuff. And then on top of that, once a week, I have you take a picture of yourself at the same time and three angles, front side back and the the same outfit whatever say and same day same time every every week that way we have a reference that we can look back after and always you know three four weeks in your you got training with me and you know your scale weight hasn't changed that much but then we go back and we look at I can explain to them we'll look at we're eating 200 more calories a day. Your scale is exactly the same and look at your pictures between those 14 days. And you would not have known that. And the average person would have looked at those two weeks
Starting point is 00:47:32 as probably a failure. And in reality, that person is perfect. Their progress is excellent. They have visible change in two weeks. They're eating 200 more calories a day. And they haven't put on a body, pound a body fat. In fact, they look leaner when you compare their pictures I mean when you when you can show that to somebody
Starting point is 00:47:50 So and now I tell you what I didn't do that until Instagram Instagram is what made me add that to my arsenal I never was like oh you have to take a picture yourself once I saw once I saw what it did for me once again It held I held it held me accountable. I was taking pictures every single day because of social media bullshit. And then I started looking at it. I'd get discouraged that even myself, even with what I know and everything, I'd still get discouraged after a few weeks. And then I would look back and be like, well, shit, I mean, I can't get that discouraged because I am a lot better than what I was three months ago.
Starting point is 00:48:21 I'm in a little rut right now. And so it really opened my eyes on the importance of that and teaching that to my clients is it helps them when they can see a visual picture themselves and realize I am changing. This is just a journey and it's a process and it's not a quick process. Jake X Walker, while in a dieting phase, many gurus suggest full on strength training because it's the only signal that tells the body to retain active muscle. So I've heard this before. So what some of these fitness gurus say is when you're dieting or when you're in a calorie deficit, you should focus all your efforts on pure strength training since that's the
Starting point is 00:49:09 The main signal that tells your body that you need this muscle You need this muscle or you want to build muscle and so the theory is that Pure strength training during this period of dieting will minimize any muscle loss because you're telling your body again that you need this muscle. Now here's, there's definitely a lot of truth in this, but here's where I'm going to be a little different. If I always train in strength training, if that's constantly where I'm working out, and
Starting point is 00:49:42 then I start to go into a cutting dieting phase. Which I want to mention because we didn't write it all Doug. He couldn't write it all on the board was he's actually He's in a point. He's at a point where he's transitioning to like our phase three higher repetitions low lower weight and He's in the middle of a getting ready to go to a deficit and cut So he's like wondering is it would it be best for him to stay training and strength while he's doing a mini cut? Okay, so here's it here.
Starting point is 00:50:09 Let's be very clear. Okay. There's definitely ways of training that does not promote muscle growth and there are ways of promoting muscle growth. If I took the rep ranges that you could build muscle under with proper programming, you're looking at reps one to maybe 25, literally. You could build muscle with 25 reps, which is high, and you can build muscle with one rep,
Starting point is 00:50:32 which is very, very low. The difference is when are you implementing them? If I always train in the super strength training phase, and then I start dieting, and then I switch my workout to 15 reps. I'm sending a very good muscle building signal because I've switched up my workouts. If I stay in that strength training phase all the time and I never come out of it,
Starting point is 00:50:54 I don't care if you're dieting or you're not, that build muscle signal is gonna start to dampen. Your body starts to learn and starts to adapt. This is why our maps programs are broken up into phases. And I'll use maps anabolic or what we call red as a prime example since that is our foundational program. It's broken up. Roughly, I'll give you a rough synopsis. This is broken up into three phases. And phase one is your traditional strength phase where you're doing one to five reps, you're doing lots of sets of very few exercises. Phase two would be more of your traditional resistance
Starting point is 00:51:33 training phase where you're eight to 12 reps and you're doing straight sets and you're doing more exercises, maybe less sets per exercise. And then phase three is again a bodybuilding style phase, but it's higher reps. You're doing supersets, you're doing faster pace, you're getting more of a pump. All of those phases build muscle. Every single one of those phase will send a build muscle signal to your body and getting stuck in any one of those phases for too long will make you lose that muscle building signal. So when they say you got to do just pure strength training when you're dieting, well, if you're not strength training
Starting point is 00:52:11 or pure strength training, and then you start dieting and you go into strength training, yeah, you're sending a very loud muscle building signal, but if you're always in that phase, and you start dieting and you're staying in that phase, it's not that much louder. It's not that, yeah, it's not gonna make a huge difference. That's why, you know, when I see studies like that,
Starting point is 00:52:27 right away, like, yeah, like how long is a study? Instantly, I'm skeptical. Yeah, it's like 12 weeks, right? Yeah, right away, I'm skeptical of it because to say that I think is so, it's too tough to say that. I love, this is a personal strategy I use. Anytime I'm transitioning and are out of a phase,
Starting point is 00:52:45 I love to change my diet too, because I feel like I get the greatest change that way. I'm changing a new adaptation for my body as far as training, and I'm also switching the diet another direction at the same time. So I feel like it gives me more response, which I don't know, it's all anecdotal. I don't have any studies to prove that it does cause it.
Starting point is 00:53:06 Once again, it just makes logical sense to me. If I'm switching my, you know, training adaptation, I'm also changing the diet. I'm probably gonna see greater change than had I just done a, you know, different weight training routine and stayed with the same diet, right? Just makes logical sense. Because just changing your training program,
Starting point is 00:53:23 your body, it's a new adaptation. The body is going to have to try and figure that out, it's going to change for that. So that's one thing, but then also adding in, okay, now I'm manipulating my diet too, you're throwing another, a bigger curve ball or a louder signal to the body to adapt and change. So for me, I think that becomes a bigger deal
Starting point is 00:53:44 than actually wearing about, okay, my lifting the five rep range, because now I'm in a cutting, I think that's just saying, if you were to compare zero, zero, you know, someone who lives five reps versus someone who is 15, yes, the five reps is technically a louder signal, right? That you're amplifiers and you're pushing more wattage to your speakers, you know, to do five. So of course, it's a louder signal in comparison to 15 to 25 repetitions. But like you know, to do five. So of course, it's a louder signal in comparison to 15 to 25 repetitions. But like you said, if somebody has been training for the five to eight rep range for the last two months, well, guess what? Switching over
Starting point is 00:54:16 to 15 to 20 reps is going to send a louder, better signal and more and will promote more change. Most studies will show consistently, consistently, that the best rep range to build muscle is between eight to 12 reps. However, these studies are eight weeks, 12 weeks, maybe 16 weeks long at the longest. And if you compare head to head, you know, one to five reps,
Starting point is 00:54:44 you know, eight to 12 reps and 15 to 20 reps. And you only do eight weeks or 12 weeks. Yes. And you take a bunch of people who either don't work out, work out, whatever. Yes, you'll see more gains. But if you measure them over the course of a year and you compare people who phase their workouts through different phases versus someone who stays in that muscle
Starting point is 00:55:05 buildings range of eight to 12. The person who phases is going to build more muscle. So you need to, you have to, your best results are going to come from phasing because reality is all those rep ranges send a muscle building signal and staying in any one of them for too long is not going be. Well, this reminds me the first time that my paradigm was ever shattered was, I was the skinny kid trying to build muscle and all the magazines were telling me I needed to lift four to six reps.
Starting point is 00:55:37 Four to six reps if you wanted to get big. That's what you lift. So literally for years, I lifted that way. I lifted four to six reps, I don't think I ever saw eight or more reps. And then later on became a personal trainer and so I realized, like, oh shit, no, there's an importance to me working in the eight to 15 range,
Starting point is 00:55:55 even if I am a skinny guy who wants to get bigger. And I'll never forget switching to 15 repetitions and I blew up like my body just responded. And by blew up, I mean, I added an extra five to eight pounds, which is huge. You know, mountain, you know, 20 years old, chipping away, I try to add a pound of muscle here and there. So that was the first time that it just, I went,
Starting point is 00:56:17 oh, wow. So this whole theory of lifting heavy weight is what builds big muscles. Now, that's not true. If I've been training that way forever, guess what, it's gonna build more muscle than anything else is a new adaptation. So, you know, that becomes way more important.
Starting point is 00:56:31 Yeah, the best rep range to build muscle is probably the one you're not in for a day haven't been in for a long time. So, Justin, how you doing, buddy? There it is. You guys hear my dog snoring through you guys talking? Was that your dog? Was that the do you guys talk it was that you know I was like I was like Justin's he passed out no well I think we're done with our
Starting point is 00:56:55 question we're gonna let you get some rest bro I can't believe we made you even stick on here for a Q&A like that that's a bunch of assholes we are none of us give each other a day off right no man board. I'm glad you guys called man. I hate I feel like worthless Hey, you eat you eat anything today yet. Did you have any food? No, man. I haven't been motivated. I'll probably do some here in a bit. All right, man. Well, hey you rest up buddy All right, guys, we'll be back in action here. Yeah, get well because we got to work tomorrow, fucker. Yep, try it. I'll call it.
Starting point is 00:57:27 Alright, I'm going to be like some cocaine or something. Alright. Later. There. Alright, well listen, if you like Mind Pump, go to iTunes, leave us a five star rating review. If we like it, and if it's one of the best ones that we see, you may win a free t-shirt. We've given out quite a few.
Starting point is 00:57:45 We give out between two to five sometimes a week. Also check us out on Instagram at Mind Pump Radio. You can find me at Mind Pump Sal. You can find Adam at Mind Pump Adam and Justin at Mind Pump Justin. And you can also go to MindPumpMedia.com to check out all of our workout programs. We've talked about maps, performance,
Starting point is 00:58:02 and maps, and a ball antibiotic in our episode today. Those are both available at MindPumpMedia.com. Thank you for listening to MindPump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy, and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at MindPumpMedia.com. The RGB Superbundle maps and a ballad, maps performance, and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming
Starting point is 00:58:31 designed by Sal Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels, and performs. With detailed workout blueprints and over 200 videos, the RGB Superbumble is like having Sal Adam and Justin as your own personal trainers, but at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money back guarantee, and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources
Starting point is 00:58:57 at MindPumpMedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing Mind Pump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support and until next time, this is Mind Pump.

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