Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 338: The Importance of Long-Term Programming

Episode Date: August 1, 2016

While a quick-fix exercise and diet program is great for marketing and attractive for the masses, it does not offer long-term success. If you are wanting to look and feel good for the long haul, then ...you need to take a big picture approach to you workout and eating regimens. In this episode Sal, Adam & Justin go into detail what long-term programming means and the benefits that you can derive from taking this approach. Get MAPS Anabolic, MAPS Performance, MAPS Aesthetic and the Butt Builder Blueprint (The RGB Super Bundle) packaged together at a substantial DISCOUNT at www.mindpumpmedia.com. Get your Kimera Koffee, Mind Pump's first official sponsor, at www.kimerakoffee.com, code "mindpump" for 10% off! Please subscribe, rate and review this show! Each week our favorite reviewers are announced on the show and sent Mind Pump T-shirts!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mind, pop, mind, pop with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. At the end of this episode, you're going to, you get to hear the John Mayer quote, the beautiful pipes. Justin Andrews. You get to hear a beautiful John Mayer quote, right? Yeah, so today's episode, we talked about the rocket launcher, when you get the RPG to the RPG.
Starting point is 00:00:29 It's the ARG. It's the ARG, we're terrorists now. It's the RGB Super Bundle. We talk about it because the episode you're about to listen to, we cover the importance of long-term programming when it comes to programming workouts. The RGB Bundle is nine months of exercise program. We end up going into that subject. We talk about diet as well
Starting point is 00:00:46 and why it's important there as well. But I wanna do something for all the, I wanna do something for somebody and maybe Doug, maybe we can run it for like a week, you'll let us, I know we can't do it for a long time, but here comes Adam on the fly. You should away again. If you don't own the programs
Starting point is 00:01:01 and you wanna get the nine months of programming, which is the red, the green, and the black, all of them together. And they're discounted when you enroll in the RGB. Oh yeah, yeah. So they're our big discounted. It's way discounted to do it that way versus buying one at a time, which some people do and they wish they would have gone back the other way. So if you're somebody who hasn't enrolled in the programs, you want to get started on
Starting point is 00:01:20 the bundle, you can get online right now. You can get that plus what we want to do is we're gonna give you the shirts for each one of the programs for free. So three shirts. So maps red. So they get a map's red shirt, a map's green shirt,
Starting point is 00:01:33 and a map's black shirt if they roll. In the RGB Superbundle, which is nine months of exercise programming. That's what you want to give away. Yeah, Doug, what do you say? Red, green, black, boom. August 7th or 10th.
Starting point is 00:01:45 August 7th. Cause when's this episode gonna air here? Good question. That's why it's 7 or 10. We just like to, we just like to go to the shoot from today's the 30 or 30. Today's gonna be the 29th, today's 29th, 31st, so Monday's the first.
Starting point is 00:02:00 Here's what I'm gonna suggest. We dropped this episode on August 7th. We'll run that through the 13th. Whoa, the 7th. You want to do it earlier? Yeah. You want to wait that? Yeah, let's do this earlier.
Starting point is 00:02:11 I'm excited. Yeah, let's do this. We're gonna drop this episode on Sunday the 31st. There you go. And we'll run it through August 7th. Okay, so I'm lucky. Until August 7th, if you enroll in the RGB Superbundle, which is nine months of exercise Program, and this is Maps and Obolic, which is red Maps green, which is performance and maps black, which is
Starting point is 00:02:33 Maps aesthetic you get those three shirts the red the green and the black one for free for free mind pump media calm hook And you go get it Put them phones on girl put them on I don't know I like saying girls because I'm always surrounded by Cox what it's like sometimes I wish my hosts were like these hot females, you know I get tired of seeing you guys pics all the time you wish you wish you would I am oh look at my cock. Wait, wait, wait, wait. I'm tired of it. I sense a little jealousy going on there.
Starting point is 00:03:09 Hold on, I want to see some titties. Yeah. Hold on a second. You see our pictures all the time, but you don't see our dicks all the time. Oh, please. Mr. Conservative over here. You've never seen my dick before.
Starting point is 00:03:21 We're all out. We got your dick pics, bro. Wait a minute. I don't even take them. I don't even take them. I don't know what you're doing. How do I know what your dick looks like? It's so generous with these pictures all the time. Do you imagine it?
Starting point is 00:03:32 No, I do. He's too. I don't have that creative imagination. You imagine it. I've drawn it a lot. Does that count? There's one distinct feature of it. So if you have seen it, tell me.
Starting point is 00:03:43 That's what I. It's got a bruise. Interesting. It's just bruised on the side. It's got a wrinkly face. Oh no. One eye wrinkly face. Oh no.
Starting point is 00:03:55 Wrinkly face. Ugly, fucking worm thing. Oh, I tell you what, man. God, penis has to be the ugliest fucker. They're horrible. We talk about them a lot just because they're so weird. It's way whiteness. They're just not good looking.
Starting point is 00:04:07 Everything about the male physical physical physical physical. Although I have been told to have a handsome one, but that's totally different. Probably the word a guy would use, by the way. By the way, if I don't know when they cut that. Yeah, I just, I've never heard of one of these. You have a handsome, yeah. I'm gonna say he can get husky, that's handsome.
Starting point is 00:04:24 That's what I know. That's what I know. That's what I know. Wow, what did it say handsome? No, no, no, no, I'm not a second. You're gonna get husky, you're gonna get handsome. That's what I know. That's what I know. It's not like, wow. Justin's right. Justin's right. Justin's right. You know what, you were complimented by a man. You just gave him so much.
Starting point is 00:04:32 No, no, no, no, no. Salia, you're an insurgent. I have no, no. I have no problem. I'm not, you know, I'm very secure with myself. If a guy said I had a handsome penis, I'd be like, thank you. Thanks man.
Starting point is 00:04:43 But it wasn't a man. I five. It wasn't a man at the truck stop. It was Adam. I'll be honest. Okay. It's forgivable. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:51 What are we doing today guys? I don't know. I'm still a little hurt that you wish I was a woman. Do you know what today is today is? Why wouldn't you wear a hat chick? Yeah. You know what I mean? That's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:05:02 If you were a hat chick, this show wouldn't work because I'll tell you why. Maybe. Me and Adam are so competitive, we would both compete for your show and be taming on me. We'd be competing for your attention. Yeah, I can. I mean, it would work.
Starting point is 00:05:14 Every day, show up in shorter and shorter shorts or do some weird like that. Which, speaking of shorts, just decided to say fuck it and not shave your legs anymore. Adam. I never did shave my legs. I made it bitch.
Starting point is 00:05:26 That's why your leg hairs are so blunt because you shave them. Yeah, you're gonna sell a hard time about his. Yeah. I am do to manscape right now. I am do. So you don't shave them, you trim them? Yeah, I use clippers. You clip, so you don't even go to smooth, you just go to prickly and uncomfortable.
Starting point is 00:05:42 Wow. It's not really like the sandpaper, everybody, huh? So when you get massages, regular bases like I do, and legs are like one of my favorite things to get massaged, and when you have long hair, it fucking pulls, and it drives me crazy. So when I'm, when I have it trimmed, what do you oil, dude? It's even with oil. You gotta think a hand is rubbing it on your thighs, oil or no oil, and it gets caught and pulls on the hair,
Starting point is 00:06:08 especially when you have long hair like I do. So I really like to be trammed or completely shaved. Completely shaved is too much work for me though. Trimming just takes me a minute. I throw the clippers on, I'm done, getting the shower. But if I shave for a competition, like I used to have to, those are the same trimmers you use on your no I have I have three different clippers and they're all for the nuts yes all different parts my one for the legs
Starting point is 00:06:30 yeah you get a separate one for the face yeah I have a dick clipper I have which one did you let me borrow you fucker I let you borrow the dick ones good because I use it on my dick I see I you it was for my beard. I figured that I was like, this guy's going to use this for his nut sack. I'm going to be, I am not giving him my knees hovers. No, I just won't tell him that these are my nut covers. Yeah, I remember my beard being the scraggly. He's like, who left a grape here on my neck? Yeah, no, it's it makes a big difference when when I get massaged with it trimmed, it's so much better. Yeah, yeah, so much better for sure.
Starting point is 00:07:08 I've never, I've never, uh, did I? No, I've never shaved my legs, ever. Have you Justin? Nope, never. Have you ever shaved your chest? Look at this though, like some reason I have this like sock line that looks like I shaved just for where my socks are. I just decided to stop growing there.
Starting point is 00:07:22 Well, you know what, I don't grow it here. I would show you guys, but it's a little high. I don't grow a hair on my inner thighs and they're because they rub together. Adam doesn't understand because that doesn't happen. That happens to me too. His legs aren't big enough. Does that happen?
Starting point is 00:07:35 You just did. Oh, I got stretch marks right there. Do you really? Yeah. Fuck. So here's the crazy part. This is what's annoying to me. I have stretching, Justin can see you can't see Adam.
Starting point is 00:07:43 I have stretch marks on my calves, and they don't even big. It's like I got this. It's very misleading. It's very misleading. I got it for no reason. Wow. You have stretch marks on your calves?
Starting point is 00:07:54 You just say crew on my left one. On my left one. On my left one right there. It could be cellulite. No, it's not. You get cellulite calves. I can't because I'm super medillate cell. Cellulite cell.
Starting point is 00:08:03 We're making a sure. We're making a sure. We're making a sure. Cellulite South. We're making a shittering to it. We're making a shirt. Cellulite South. Speaking of body fat. Speaking of body fat, so Adam, be honest with me, because I had someone test my body fat. I like the fuck with him.
Starting point is 00:08:14 You see that? He says over his super lean and I know it's. Yeah. You look about 9% or so. I know. I know he said. Really? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:22 Really? Yeah. Yeah, he look, possibly lean right now, but we're not gonna tell you that. Listen, I, you look, you look, you look, you look, you look, you look, you look, you look, you look, you look, you look, you look, you look, you look, you look, you look, you look, you look, you look like, you look like, you look like, you look like, you look like, you look like, you look like, you look like, you look like, you look like, you look like, you look like, you look like, you look like, you look like, you look like, you look like, you look like, you look like, you look like, you look like, you look like, you look like, you look like, you look like,
Starting point is 00:08:30 you look like, you look like, you look like, you look like, you look like, you look like, you look like, you look like, you look like, you look like, you look like, you look like, you look like, you look like, you look like, you look like, you look like, you look like, you look like, you look like, you look like, you look like, you look like, you look like, you look like, you look like, you look like, you look like, you look like, you look like, you look like, you look like, you look like, you look like, you look like, you look like, you look like, you look like, you look like, you look like, you look like, you look like, you look like, you look like, you look like, you look like, you look like, you look like, you look like, you look like, you look like, you look like, you look like, you look like, you look like, you look like, you I know I'm not 9% but he said I was 9%. Oh no, yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:45 I mean maybe seven, maybe seven, but there's no way you're over eight. No, and I think part of it is not that lean. I don't trust the caliper tested. It's good to see trends, right? I don't know if it's going to tell me accurately where I'm at but there's trends. But here's the thing about my body is that
Starting point is 00:09:00 I get strided very early. So maybe I am at 9%. Where was your highest millimeter waste? It's always my back, my back, but my back's very lean, but I have thicker skin, I don't know. See, so, and here's the thing, being somebody who's doing all this stuff like crazy, getting ready for shows,
Starting point is 00:09:16 I notice a huge difference too, like when I carve up and I drink a bunch of water, it tightens your skin up, because you feel the muscle belly's out. So, you know, when they grab a hold of you and they pinch you like that, if you're depleted and flat, so you're not. Test higher. Yeah, I'll test higher.
Starting point is 00:09:33 You can grab a hold of more skin that way, where if I'm all loaded up, especially if I have just the right amount, if I load up just the right amount of water, carbohydrates, my skin all tightens up, then when you go to pinch, especially like an area like your back, because you have a big back, you have a very muscular back. Imagine all those muscle bellies filled with carbohydrates and water, and then somebody pinching your back. It's a lot different. I want to do that. I've never done that body fat test. The one that, what is it called, the Dexascan? Oh yeah. I keep hearing people talk about it. I've never done it. I have. Is it good? No. It's terrible. Why? It's terrible. Because I use infrared to figure it.
Starting point is 00:10:05 You know what my, my favorite was not any D-Bunked to that other one, the body scanner. I fluctuated my body fat percentage, like 5%. In one day, in like three hours. Yeah, I was like a three hour difference, I got it. You know what you should have done? You can't, because you have too much integrity. But let's just pretend for a second
Starting point is 00:10:22 that your typical body will do you back supplement seller. You should have, we should have videotaped it and be like, this new fabric is so fucking good. And if effective, check this out. Go outside, like take two pills, and then like come back. And do it real time, and be like in three hours a lot.
Starting point is 00:10:36 Carb up and everything. Yeah, I lost two and a half percent body fat and three hours. God, you totally kidding me. We could have, we would have sold millions of bottles. God damn it. See, sometimes being honest, just doesn't pay.
Starting point is 00:10:44 Yeah, it's just true. It just doesn't pay. It's just true. That would be a fun one. Yeah, now those things are easily manipulated. I think you said it best when you said that, you know, all of them, calipers and, you know, the decks of can't, the decks of scan,
Starting point is 00:10:58 probably the hydrostatic way in my opinion is probably the best and most accurate. But again, that can be, you can fuck that up by not spilling enough air out of your lungs. But again, you can fuck that up by not spilling enough air out of your lungs. Of course, although I've had, I've had scared to do that. I've like, like, expand all the air out.
Starting point is 00:11:11 Have you tried it? Yeah. It's, it's, it's trying, isn't it, give me a try? No, because, well, you, it's weird because it feels like you're throwing air up as you're underwater and it's like, you know, like, it's, it's counterintuitive.
Starting point is 00:11:23 Like, you feel like, oh my God, what am I doing? Well, test this out. If you're listening right now, try this out because I did it one time and I was underwater and I could still hear the guy talking and he's like, okay, push out more air. Keep pushing, keep pushing out. And I'm like, there's no more.
Starting point is 00:11:35 Like I can't. And he's just like, yeah. And you're like forcing it out. It's really uncomfortable to do that underwater. Well, I've, you know, I talked to the guy that owns the one over here that has the rights to NorCal, so it's the same place you've all done for sure. I know you don't have his, his, his, and his brain. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:52 So he, he claims, and I don't know this because I haven't gone to dead my own research, but according to him, and I'd expect him to know more about this than myself. This is business says that even if you didn't blow all your ass, so you held your breath and you went under, which is the opposite of what you wanna do when you do that test, it wouldn't make more than a half a percent difference on your body fat. So how accurate that is and that information also,
Starting point is 00:12:14 I don't know. So the blowing out, so that has the least room for play is what I'm getting at. All the rest of them can easily be manipulated through water and carbohydrate intake, up or down. So the most important piece to all these things is just to show the difference.
Starting point is 00:12:32 Like if I... And so the trend, you wanna see if you're going up or down. Yeah, and the recommendation would be the same thing that I give like my clients that when we're tracking like their pictures and stuff is that, you know, hey, if you're gonna do these tests, do it on Friday or whatever day, it doesn't matter. But it's Friday, you know, first thing when you wake gonna do these tests, do it on Friday or whatever day, it doesn't matter, but it's Friday, you know,
Starting point is 00:12:45 first thing when you wake up before you eat, before you do it. You do duplicate the whole ritual that you went into it with. Yes, you've got to do that. If you want a really good accurate reading, then it needs to be, you need to be consistent about how much water, how much you've fed, all those things, and the easiest way to do that
Starting point is 00:13:00 is when first thing when you wake up and you eat. And the leaner you are, the more room for air. Oh yeah, which is why how I could get it to fluctuate by, you know, the average person could probably not get it to fluctuate by three to five. I can't remember what it was three or five or six. It was a significant amount. But like if I do calipers on, let's say I did caliper test on Adam and just user error and it's super easy. I could told you know, add up all five or four measurements and be off by one millimeter, which is nothing. It could be one millimeter up or down. That could equate to depending on how lean Adam is, that could equate to one or two percent. Like if he's walking around,
Starting point is 00:13:35 he's four percent body fat, one millimeter could make him six percent body fat. Yeah, you know, or five and a half percent body fat. Yeah, as you get leaner, the, the, the, it just becomes more, I, I, my view, the leaner you get, the more worthless body fat tests. And most, if so, my peers, like, when, if you, I, all the guys I would talk to, like, in competing, most guys don't even do it because they, fucks their head too much.
Starting point is 00:13:54 Yeah. And then we're all going off of a look. So it doesn't matter. It's not like you go to the judges and be like, I got down to 1.5% do I win, you know, like, it, to them, it's visual, you know, so it doesn't matter. The best, the best gauge I could ever tell people, and it to them it's visual, you know, so it doesn't matter. The best the best gauge I could ever tell people and it's tough because people like to have like objective measurable, you know, metrics like Justin talks about, but I think the best
Starting point is 00:14:15 thing is just your performance in the gym, how you look in the mirror, how you feel. That's pretty much it at the end of the day. If you're losing weight and you're closer getting looser, but you're performing better in the gym, it's pretty safe to assume that you're not losing muscle, that you're not eating too little. You know what, this is a good little actually topic, then I don't feel like we address this that much.
Starting point is 00:14:38 I feel like I address this a lot with coaching is this mental aspect of what you're getting at right now. And people don't realize that 3500 calories equals one pound of fat. So I get this a lot with people that are like freaking out like, oh my god, did I eat too much? That's a super big general, right? Yeah, yeah, so why I explain how I explain this is that? Listen, so let's say I figure out that your what your body needs to stay about the same Let's just say hypothetically. We're gonna use easy numbers for everybody. It's 2000 calories a 2000 calories You don't gain weight. You don't lose weight. You kind of stay the same and we're going to we're going along our program
Starting point is 00:15:15 And I decide that hey, I want to bump your calories up, you know I want to shoot it up a little bit. So let's go to you know 2500 calories, which is that's a big jump right there So in the 2000 that's a big jump right there. So, one's eating two, that's a quarter increase of their daily intake. That's a lot. It's more than a needed. And say we do that, or they, or they do that naturally. So, that's 500 more calories. And then they free-calac. Oh, my God, I got so fat. Listen, 3,500 calories equals one, you couldn't even physically put on that much fat. What you see, though, is the increase of carbohydrates, calories, sodium, water, and all that coming on the scale.
Starting point is 00:15:46 That's what's really affecting how you look and feel right now. And you're letting don't let that get in your head because what I see a lot of people do is they do these extremes. They swing one way and then the other way because they get all freaked out that they, oh my god, no, you didn't even put a pound of fat on. You didn't even put a quarter of a pound of fat on. It wouldn't make it's not possible. No, the day-to-day, the day-to-day variances and your weight mean very little.
Starting point is 00:16:09 It's the trend, it's the trend that you wanna look at the long trend because how many times have you guys heard this where a client comes, you know, had a dinner with someone and they ate a bunch of food and then they come in, they weigh themselves and like, I ate all this food and they lost the pound. How's this possible? Wow, this is great.
Starting point is 00:16:23 My metabolism is like, okay, it's one day. You don't, it's very difficult to discern what's happening in that one day period. There's long-term trends you wanna look at. Well, so I'm teaching that to someone right now. Literally, she's going through this. So this is all part of the process that I go through with people is I want them
Starting point is 00:16:40 to learn through their body, right? So I took away a lot of calories from her two days in a row. So I said, okay, I want you to, first of all, we're gonna be fasted. And then I want you to try and eat less than 1300 calories. And I said, just so you know, if you say this to anybody else, especially any other professionals,
Starting point is 00:16:57 they're gonna say what I'm having you do is ridiculous, but they don't know what the fuck I'm teaching you right now. So just tell everybody to piss off or don't let this concern anybody but yourself. I'm gonna show you something about your body. So for two days that she stayed under 1300 calories. So for her that's, I know I've got her in a really solid deficit.
Starting point is 00:17:13 I know I'm gonna have her depleted. The third day I wanna refeed her. And I'm gonna give her where we stay at is about 1800 is about homeostasis for her. So I'm gonna push her up to 2500 calories. After she just came off a two days where she's basically under a thousand calories on each day. So I know damn well that we're not going to put any fat on by shooting them. All I'm really trying to show her is what we're going to suck all the way out. We're going to deplete and then
Starting point is 00:17:35 I'm going to reload her full of these extra calories. That's surplus of calories. I want her to feel her body. I want her to see it. I want her to feel what she notices. And this is what happens to a lot of people. The next day they wake up and they love the way they look. Because she just eat it. She just went from being the flat look because she's depleted so hard. And then she, oh, she consumes all these muscles. It fills all the muscle. Bellies out the skin gets tighter. The ab don't remember when you're you're having me go through that when I was like doing this transformation thing. And it was a total mental fuck because the whole time, you're just so focused on cutting down,
Starting point is 00:18:08 cutting down and like, you know, staying, you know, within a certain range, but then like, you know, feeding it to then, you know, like, no, no, no, you're gonna have to feed it then to like really, you know, present your muscles are gonna kind of come through and that's a hard thing for a lot of people to like mentally grasp. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:18:25 And so then what happens is they feed and they do this huge feed. So she got, I let her have some frozen yogurt. Is there anything that you haven't had for a while that you would like to have? I'd like to let you have that. Show you that and introduce that. So she does. And of course, they look great. But this is what happens to the average person that doesn't have a coach who's telling
Starting point is 00:18:41 them what's going on with their body is they go, oh shit, I can get away with you. Correct. So then they do it the next day. Correct. And then it becomes a trend. It becomes a trend. It becomes a habit. They're appetite.
Starting point is 00:18:52 Now calls for it. Now they're out of that discipline. And then they go, and this is where you get the huge fluctuations and weight that people will go through. Well, and so the day after, right? So it's all, I always love showing. This is one of my favorite things to teach, especially someone who's really disciplined
Starting point is 00:19:06 and follows to a tee like she is. And I'm like, watch what's going to happen. Not only are you gonna like the way you look, but your appetite's gonna be roaring that next day because we just had 2700 calories if you coming off fasted. It's gonna shoot the leptin up. You're gonna feel this, I promise you.
Starting point is 00:19:21 And when you feel that, this is where you need to have the discipline. You're gonna have to get back to where we're supposed to be, which is right around your 1600 to 1800 calories. And now that we've shot the leptin up, that metabolism's refired up and you're burning again, let it do its work. You know, let it do its work. Let it help us lean us out some more, but don't give in to that, you know, where most people, they go, Oh, I'm hungry. That must be my metabolism telling me I need to eat, I need to eat because I'm hungry. No, that was lept me, I need to eat, I need to eat because I'm hungry.
Starting point is 00:19:45 No, that was leptin that shot up and kicked your metabolism up. And now you want to feel it more. But if you want to stay on course towards our goal, you fight that feeling, go back to where you're supposed to be. And then we're going to do this again, and probably another seven or 15 days or so. See, what you're highlighting with this is excellence. This is why you're such a good coach.
Starting point is 00:20:01 What you're highlighting is the difference really between short term planning and short term programming versus long term programming. So like when it comes to new, this is the same thing with exercise. Like when you look at a program, when you look at a workout, and you look at how it's programmed, most of these things are programmed.
Starting point is 00:20:19 If you're lucky over the course of, you know, a week or three weeks maybe. Like here's your Monday, Wednesday, you know, a week or three weeks, maybe. Like here's your Monday, Wednesday, you know, here's your Monday through Friday routine. Here's your exercises and it's programmed out per week and you just repeat this out every single week or the more advanced ones might maybe programmed out to a month. Nutrition is no different. Like if you're doing with this client, you're bringing them down, having them fast and they come forward and have more calories.
Starting point is 00:20:46 And they go through, but there's a long-term goal, there's long-term programming to look at. There's a lot of fluctuation there that you're accounting for in order to spread it out, so it's gonna stick. It's gonna last, it's gonna create this physique that you're gonna want. Yes, yes, when you build a house,
Starting point is 00:21:03 you don't take, it's not like I take a house and I take a saw and cut it into 15 pieces and just build, you know, the foundation, then the floor, then you just one tenth of it and build it out that way. You have to build it in layers and it's a long-term plan. It's a long-term program. Same thing is true with nutrition,
Starting point is 00:21:20 but it's very, very true, especially true when it comes to workout programming. And this is really on the same subject. It's not changed subjects, but I think a lot of, we get a lot of questions on how we design or put together some of the programming of our workouts. And one of the things that I really hit me the other night was that one thing that we consider quite a bit with our exercise programming is the long term ness of it, the big picture of the program, which you then, of course, break down into
Starting point is 00:21:51 the smaller pieces. But if you look at, for example, our foundation program, MAPSANABOLIC, or MAPSRED, you're looking at a program that's programmed out for 12 weeks. So it's a three month program program. And then if you look at like our RPG bundle, or excuse me, RGB, I would say RPG. No, it's not a rocket propelligranade. Red, green, and black bundle.
Starting point is 00:22:15 You are looking at nine months of programming. And so it's a long, long term program, but within it, you have these smaller components. And the end result is your body continues to trend positive. It trends upward in terms of progression, in terms of strength, in terms of mobility, in terms of the way your body looks. Because when you look at things super short-term, you end up without getting, you end up not
Starting point is 00:22:41 going where you want to go. And it's a multi a multifaceted approach. It's considering how the body can be best optimized within movement, within strength, within the overall look and aesthetic. The way that you perform and all these different adaptations that are very specific and there's there's you know Protocol for that, but you know, we want to make sure and we stay ahead of it So we thought really long-term with this because you know How is this going to interact with these other phases that we already have pre-existing and then how can we then inter relate that and go through this You know this 12-month experience like what would that look like this, you know, this 12-month experience. Like, what would that look like? And so, you know, this is pretty much like what it became.
Starting point is 00:23:28 It became this, this, this RP, or RGB bundle, right? I thought you were two. Well, you know, RPG, and I'm gonna, I'm gonna kind of let the cat out of the bag. I know nobody likes when I do this, but I feel like it's also a way to hold this accountable to what we need to do. You son of a bitch.
Starting point is 00:23:42 Not again. Want to, what, well, people don't realize like, you know, when we've talked about that, so much of what we're doing is still incomplete. Like it takes time and, you know, August 1st, we're right around the corner. So when this episode releases, it probably be getting close to us being full-time mind-pumpin.
Starting point is 00:24:00 One of the initiatives is for us to go back through all the programs and include coaching points. And the coaching points are, I think we're going to help people who have all these program design questions, understand our process. Because as you go through week one, each of us, especially through each one of our programs, like, you know, South is going to be able to tell you, okay, week one of red, like these are things to look for, you know,
Starting point is 00:24:26 these are the things that- Here's what you can expect. This is what you can expect, which will give you kind of an idea of the thinking that went into why it was designed that way. If, you know, this is why, and it's just because we've trained thousands of people, we know that some of these, you know,
Starting point is 00:24:41 exercises that we pair together are gonna show the greatest benefits for a majority of people. And that's hard to do. It's hard for us to create something that wasn't generic, but then that we could be able to give to potentially millions of people and help them all. So part of that, and making that very effective, we knew that once we laid the foundation, that we could come back and we could start to coach to those points. Tyne just grew a bit on it.
Starting point is 00:25:09 Yeah, so if you're somebody who already owns one of our mouse programs, this is going to be something that you get for free. So it's going to come into you automatically, we'll get it into your library. Those going forward, it will be something that they'll purchase in addition or a part of their program when they buy red or black or green. Which is like a strawberry, but it's a library. Right. So you will now have this and that's what we're shooting for is it will start to beef it up by trying to be ahead of questions that someone could possibly ask us.
Starting point is 00:25:36 So when you enter into your first week of whatever program and you get to hear from one of us discussing some of the most commonly asked questions that we get or the concerns or the things that we want you really to focus on during this. I had a kid approach me in the gym the other day his name was Vic, oh shout out to Vic first time ever met him came up to me which I love by the way if you're if you're following one of our programs you see me working out I know I've talked a lot of shit on this radio about this being my thing and you know some people I feel like are nervous to come say, hi, why I'm working out, I'm gonna be a dick, I'm totally not that way.
Starting point is 00:26:08 I love, especially if you're falling. It comes across as a dick, but it's not. He's a teddy bear. No, I absolutely love when you come up and share with me your journey or if you're a listener or you're somebody who's going through one of our programs and you have a question,
Starting point is 00:26:21 absolutely interrupt my workout, come talk to me. And hopefully I can help you out. He did, he asked me a question, absolutely, interrupt my workout, come talk to me, and hopefully I can help you out. He did, he asked me a question regarding green, and he's like, I can go more weight on this exercise, and should I, or should I focus more on the technique of it, and I was like, absolutely, when you're going through green, it's different. Justin gave a little cool little tag the other day
Starting point is 00:26:44 about the three, you know, would you say more more strength, more mobility, more strength, more mobility. Lift more, move better, move better. Look awesome. Look awesome. Yeah. I feel it. And I so, you know, green is all about moving better, you know, so it's the priority is not, you know, be stronger in this. Sure, you're going to get that as a byproduct of it, but it's not the main adaptation and your focus should be more geared around moving better. So lighter weight, more controlled, more emphasis on the explosiveness and the deceleration of this quatt. So, I mean, the mastery of these skills.
Starting point is 00:27:19 Well, the thing is, if you can take whatever your nutrition programming, it's all programming, right? But if you can take whatever your nutrition programming, it's all programming, right? But if you can take your nutrition programming or your workout programming and start from a large scale, start by saying, okay, I'm giving myself this six month target. And it doesn't have to, it's not a weight loss target. This is six months, I'm going to program out. And then you take it and you break it down
Starting point is 00:27:45 into smaller and smaller pieces. And so I'll use nutrition as an example. If let's say I go very strict ketogenic diet for the first two or three months, I'm gonna start phasing in maybe some fruits and stuff for some other type of carbohydrates to improve metabolic flexibility. And at the end of this six month cycle,
Starting point is 00:28:04 maybe I restarted again, but I have this long-term vision and goal, and the longer term you can do that and plan it out, the better, because you're gonna have, you're gonna be able to play with more variables, and there's gonna be less opportunities for things like plateau or health issues or that kind of stuff. I mean, the human body evolved this way. It really did.
Starting point is 00:28:24 I'll use nutrition as an example again. Like, the humans evolved following the food. We didn't evolve bringing the food to us. That happened much later. So it makes sense that we ate very seasonally, meaning that there were times when we ate lots of meats and fats and very little vegetables. And then, oh, now the season changes.
Starting point is 00:28:44 And now I see fruits that are growing and vegetables and fruits. And those are easier to eat than having to hunt this, you know, this animal. So I'm going to eat this for a while. And, you know, with exercise, the same thing happens. I'll tell you something. Inactivity causes problems with your health, with your joints, with your mobility. But so does specializing only in one aspect of activity. Some of the greatest injuries that you see in imbalances that you'll see happen to people that are super, super specialized in one arena. Now, if you're an athlete and you're competing in one particular thing and you need to really specialize in that, it makes sense.
Starting point is 00:29:21 But even in that case, you still want to have long-term planning and programming to avoid the pitfalls that accountur that accountur. Well, you're only going to have so much progress if that's your mentality. I have to stay within this specific regiment in order to enhance this one specific skill. whereas if, yeah, that definitely is the priority. Don't get us wrong. However, you do need to experience a different method in order to build support and really help your body to be able to react if you get outside of that framework. Exactly. Look here, most people listening to the show aren't competitive in any particular endeavor.
Starting point is 00:30:11 But they do prefer a specific type of training. Someone listening might be like, I really prefer the strength aspects of resistance training where I really prefer looking a certain way. I really prefer the flexibility or the agility, which is great. Continue to focus on that because you enjoy doing that and you wanna have passion behind what you do.
Starting point is 00:30:31 However, if you don't incorporate other aspects of training and program that out on the long term, you are going to reduce your ability to do what you enjoy doing. Not just make it better by doing those things, but you actually improve your ability to be able to do them. Like if you're a long distance runner and you love endurance, but you're very smart
Starting point is 00:30:51 about your long-term programming, you include strength cycles and mobility cycles and you're training, you're gonna be able to do more running. You're gonna be able to do more of the things that you enjoy doing. Don't you find if you're not sprinting, yeah. Right, that's something that you need to interrupt that process. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:31:05 Don't you guys find that it's like, it's kind of like phases that you have to like, slowly introduce like the right way of fitness to people. Like for example, I feel like when someone's really getting started, there's just this lot of emphasis on finding what you love, it gets you to the gym, right? Like if CrossFit is what gets you to the gym and that's what gets you to the gym, then I guess thatFit is what gets you to the gym, and that's what gets you to the gym,
Starting point is 00:31:25 then I guess that's better than nothing. And that's what everybody celebrates, and then it hangs up on that though. It does, so that's where I'm getting at this, is that, and that's where too, I think if we ever get any backlash to us, right? Or if anyone gives me a hard time about the stuff that we talk about,
Starting point is 00:31:40 or some people think that, what have I heard people say, call us refer to us as handsome. No, just as you know, like that self-righteous, but for lack of a better word, we'll say better human beings. No, no, we're just proving, I think we're actually defining what word he's trying to come up with, but say it. No, it's not worth it.
Starting point is 00:32:02 Can you see this? No, and it's not that. It's that, you know, because we talk so direct in a sort of about the about fitness and how it should be. And so, elitist, that's what I'm gonna be. People think we come off very elitist with, when it comes to, but with fitness. What?
Starting point is 00:32:19 Well, in reality, it's that, no, we, the reason why I think we all speak so passionately about all of this is because we've gone through it ourselves. There's pitfalls. There is. And let's say you're just really getting in your journal. Let's say you've been in your journey for a couple of years now and
Starting point is 00:32:34 you've found a modality that you love. Unfortunately, I hate to break it to you, but probably the best thing for your body is not the modality you're currently in. And the best thing forward, it would be out venturing outside of that outside of that challenging you. Yeah. And we don't like that. It took so much for us to get to the gym and find something we love to get our lazy ass off the couch. This showed me great results because it was the first fucking thing I chose to do, right? And my body responded. Now it's responded. Now I'm a year, two, three years in. And I'm really kind of adapted in my body, but I don't know that.
Starting point is 00:33:05 I just know that I'm not seeing the results. I was seeing before and I want more results, but yet I don't want to stop doing what I love doing. That's a fucking mental check that you need to learn. It's very difficult. It's very, very hard. I've experienced this personally so many, so many times. One of the things that goes through my mind
Starting point is 00:33:21 is I don't want to stop doing this because I don't want to lose how, you know, whatever strength I've gained, you know, in this exercise, I is, I don't want to stop doing this because I don't want to lose how, you know, whatever strength I've gained, you know, in this exercise, I say, I don't want my squad to drop. I don't want my deadlift to drop away. I don't want to lose, you know, 20 pounds on my max deadlift.
Starting point is 00:33:33 But the reality is, if you're smart about it and you look at this long-term programming, like we've been saying, your progress will trend upwards. You might take a step down in one metric, in one small metric. Like if I, this is just happening to me right now. And I'm heavily influenced by these two gentlemen on the show. Justin was the first one to really talk, you know, really hammer home the benefit of mobility. And it really became evident to me watching Adam go through this.
Starting point is 00:34:04 And so I've finally been bracing it myself and I've changed my stance in my squat, for example. I am now trying to go, so whereas Adam is learning how to squat narrow because he could only ever squat before wide, I could only ever squat narrow, and now I'm trying to squat wide, which means I've had to dramatically reduce
Starting point is 00:34:22 the amount of weight that I'm doing in my squat. Now that's a step down in one metric, which is how much weight I'm squatting. However, there's many other metrics that I'm improving upon. And I know, and I'm already seeing it, that my strength is trending upwards in this new stance, which is only gonna mean, in my old stance, it's gonna go through the roof.
Starting point is 00:34:41 And it's only gonna mean I'm gonna have healthier joints and I'm gonna be able to squat even more total pound, you know, total poundage later on. And so you have to look at this, this big picture, you have to look at this long-term programming and understand that there are metrics you're going to play with and sometimes one of them, which may be your favorite metric, maybe you have metabolic damage, maybe you have a bad relationship to food, in order to come out of it, you got to gain 2% body fat. Well, Maybe your favorite metric, maybe you have metabolic damage, maybe you have a bad relationship to food in order to come out of it, you got to gain 2% body fat. Well, fuck, that's going to be hard for you, right?
Starting point is 00:35:10 If you're super obsessed with being super shredded all the time, but guess what? You go up 2% body fat, that's one metric you may have, you know, declined in, but at the end of this long-term program, your metabolism is much faster, you're much healthier, and guess what? Now you get lean easier and you maintain it easier, and you don't have to do five hours a cardio day, and you don't have to eat barely any food every single day. And that's the difference between long-term planning or long-term programming and short-term programming.
Starting point is 00:35:38 And I don't know if any other fitness program out there that programs out, anything longer than a month or two hours. know any other fitness program out there that programs out anything longer than you know a month or two or to promote a different type of adaptation or skill that you're exactly right everything is either like one or maybe two things at most you know that they're trying to you know maybe it's strength and endurance or you know they're trying to do well talk about why why is that why is that first selling purposes yeah is that? First selling purposes. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:07 First selling and marketing. Right. Because unfortunately, what we market or what we sell is not sexy. Sign up. You need nine months. Yeah, here's our nine months. Sign up. You need nine months to just really blame the foundation.
Starting point is 00:36:21 That does not sound fucking sexy. People want third year, what do we say? What do we say? You're going to do things that you don't want to do. Yeah. You're going sound fucking sexy. People want 30 dancers. What do we say? You're gonna do things that you don't wanna do. You're gonna do things that you need to do. It's gonna take a long time. Yeah, who the fuck wants to buy that program? We don't market that way.
Starting point is 00:36:35 We are the opposite of what everybody else is. Guess what? 30 days, 30 days. And you can look this way. Do it this way. Or less than 30 days. Yes, you know, they way. Do it this way. Or less than 30 days. Yes.
Starting point is 00:36:46 You know, they have a five-day journey. Yeah, like seven-minute abs. I was like, what the fuck? I came up with six-minute abs. Exactly. Dick. I mean, it is marketing. It is to fool the consumer, or at least,
Starting point is 00:37:00 even if you've taken a step further. But stop right there. Go ahead. To fool the consumer, this is where they really get full because it actually works. There's very temporarily. There's stories I've seen a friend at a friend. She did it.
Starting point is 00:37:14 I can't believe how much she's changed in 60 days. It's so, how are you gonna tell me that, you know, it doesn't work. It does work, but why does it work? Why is it effective? And what are they really setting themselves up for? That's what you have to explain. Think of how many people you know right now, if you're listening, think of all the people you know who've done a program in 30 or 60 days
Starting point is 00:37:36 and had great success. Now, how many of them are still successful? How many year later? A year, two years, three years later. In fact, you listening right now, probably have done it yourself. Probably have done it over a dozen times. You've repeated the same process that got you the first time. Yeah, well, I'm gonna do that because
Starting point is 00:37:53 cleanse that I did last time. And then it's like, oh my God, I have to, I have to hammer myself, hammer, hammer, hammer, and then get to that point. And wait, it doesn't look the same this time. Each time it's harder. What happened? Well, here's what you get.
Starting point is 00:38:06 Here's a real key to success with long term programming. Long term programming, when you're doing it, it looks different on a relatively regular basis, which is good. This is good because it changes your focus. It changes the intent. It changes the adaptation. So in terms of getting bored,
Starting point is 00:38:24 it's actually much more difficult to get bored this way. You're changing it. Look, when you go from maps and a ballad or red to green to black, your workouts and your programming change significantly. Break it down even further. They change significantly within each program, within a two to four week period. And so you're actually changing your focus every time. And if you can embrace that and understand that, you're more likely to stick to consistent programming
Starting point is 00:38:52 for a nine month period than you were before, where you're just rinse and repeat every single week. Like I know I go on four days a week and I do 30 minutes a card, I do these five exercises and I just gotta keep doing that for the rest of my life. That sucks. That is very difficult to do, unless you're a fanatic,
Starting point is 00:39:09 you're gonna fail at doing that type of a program, or you'll fail at beating yourself up the same way all the time, because eventually, it just not only just stop working, but it starts not motivating. It starts hurting your body. Move your leg in one direction every single day for two hours.
Starting point is 00:39:27 Pick a direction, I'll give you shit, what it is, kick your leg straight up in front of you for one hour consistently every single day. Eventually it's gonna, or actually in a very short period of time, you're gonna develop muscle imbalances, pain and you'll get really bored doing that in a very short period of time. So that long term programming is very, very important.
Starting point is 00:39:42 I, what really excites me about some of the stuff that we put out is I love seeing the feedback from people when they've gone from one program to another program to another program. And to get that, wow, I didn't realize my body would change as much. And it was uncomfortable for them. Yes, it's always uncomfortable.
Starting point is 00:39:59 I love that, though. I love that when they admit, like, look, I am not good at this. I'm not good at this. And then later on, like, I am not good at this. I'm not good at this. And then like later on, like, oh, wow, this is good and bad. I got good at things to me. And it's like, yeah, we know.
Starting point is 00:40:10 You know, it's just, it's tough. It's a tough mental game that, you know, where you're putting a lot of trust in us or, you know, your coach is taking you through these things. It's like, you know, you just have to trust the process. Plus the repeating that all the time. The real reality is this, could you make a dramatic physical change
Starting point is 00:40:30 in both the way you look and the way you perform in the gym within three months? Yeah, you definitely could. But the real change is the real cemented changes. And I'm speaking from my experience as a trainer, training clients myself. So these people are directly under my tutelage. I'm speaking from my experience as a trainer, training clients myself. So these people are directly under my tutelage. I'm watching what they're doing. It actually takes years. It takes, it'll take you of good, consistent exercise and long-term programming and understanding
Starting point is 00:40:57 and allowing your body to progress in different ways. It'll take you between one to two, maybe three years of doing it consistently before you get really good at it. And it becomes a part of who you are, and it's almost effortless in the sense that you're not forcing yourself anymore. It's something you're good at. It's not unlike any other skill. If I try to learn how to play the piano, it doesn't become fun until I can play music. In the beginning, it sucks. I'm learning one key, I'm learning that key, I'm doing all these exercises. I have not made a music, It sounds like shit. And it's going to sound like shit for a while. But eventually I start playing music. And then it
Starting point is 00:41:30 becomes, it's crazy to me that people don't realize are people don't think that it is that complex. It takes that long. It takes that much discipline. That much sacrifice. That much focus. That much learning. I mean, you really are learning to be an engineer. You're learning to be an engineer of your body. Like, you know, would you really think that you could pick that profession up and not have any clue about it, or you could just Google and read some shit or read a couple of articles and that y'all said you're going to have the skill set to be a fucking engineer. No, and we don't want to scare the body. Let's be honest. The body is fucking more complex
Starting point is 00:42:02 than any of those things. We know we know the building. you know, we know everything about a building or something that you're trying to engineer like that. We are still learning about the body. So you're trying to become a master at something that we all are still trying, that we're still evolving and changing. I mean, I don't know if it gets more complex. It's very complex. And we're not trying to scare anybody away from embarking on a journey of fitness.
Starting point is 00:42:24 I just need Just be aware. Be aware and be empathetic to yourself, start the process, be humble enough to understand that this is very complex, and if you're going to follow anything, follow programs that you know are not bullshit to you. If you see a to, you know, completely transform your body, be honest with yourself. Look at that and say, hmm, it took me 15 years to look the way I do now and I'm not happy with it and I'm gonna erase that in 30 days.
Starting point is 00:42:54 Like, be honest with yourself. Okay, this is bullshit and also be empathetic and love yourself enough to say, no, I'm gonna do this the right way. I'm gonna give myself a long time. I'm gonna allow my body to change through the process. I'm going to embrace mobility. I'm going to embrace strength.
Starting point is 00:43:12 I'm going to embrace the fact that it's going to take a second for my metabolism to kick in. I'm going to understand that it's going to take me about a year to get to the point where I'm lean, not only am I leaner and feeling good, but it feels effortless and it feels like it's a part of my life now where I'm not struggling and grinding through it. That's why I hate to turn the grind, I'm grinding. I gotta, you know, it's like a super hard work
Starting point is 00:43:35 and is exercising at a high level hard work? It is, but I tell you what, it's enjoyable and it's only enjoyable if you take yourself there the right way. I can't tell you how many times I see trainers training's only enjoyable if you take yourself there the right way. I can't tell you how many times I see trainers training clients in the gym and I'm watching these clients and the trainers beating the crap out of them and the client is beating the soul out of them.
Starting point is 00:43:54 And yeah, they are and the client isn't enjoying it, they're doing it because they think they have to and I'm gonna do this and I'm determined and I'm gonna push through this thing that's hard work and effort and- Or because again, or becomes like this sadistic punishment thing they are doing to themselves.
Starting point is 00:44:11 I had fucking basking Robbins yesterday, so I gotta fucking kill myself. They ain't gonna last. You're not gonna last in that position and those clients are not gonna be with that trainer for very long and that trainer's not gonna be for successful very long because they don't, they haven embrace that is something that they they enjoy they truly enjoy doing and that's that comes that only comes from long term planning long term programming understanding
Starting point is 00:44:36 that it is a very long process it's going to change along the way and like I said if you only because I can speak very highly of the programs that we put together because I know what's in them If you want to get started on something like that, you know These programs are put together with those things in mind. They're not quick fix quick fixes That you are it is gonna be difficult at times you are gonna have to understand that your body's gonna change as you go through it and The results accelerate as you continue going through it and it requires consistency But it is a nine-month course, you know what I mean? It's programmed out for nine months,
Starting point is 00:45:07 and I can securely say that at the end of nine months, you will see very long-term dramatic change versus the short-term fleeting change that only lasts for three months or four months or whatever. 100%. So it's very, again, it's very, very important to look at the big picture.
Starting point is 00:45:25 The same is true with nutrition. If you're a very hardcore nutrition, start incorporating other things. We've talked about variety in your nutrition. Throw in a vegan. Well, this is why you'll never hear Mind Pump attach themselves to a diet. No. You know, there'll never be a diet that we could attach ourselves to because it's, we, we believe so much in rotating your foods and the benefits of all of them that, you know,
Starting point is 00:45:51 sure, and we like to address different stuff like the ketogenic diet and show, you know, the benefits behind it or things to watch or how you feel and some positive takeaways from it. But by no means would any of us say like, you know, this is the way of eating like, no, we've already learned enough that the foods that are out there, the importance of all of them and the importance of rotating them. Right. And, you know, for those of you who are consistent with your workouts, take your workout and write it out. And if it's, if you can write it out over the course of one week, and that's it, and that's what you you've repeated and the big, you know, macro blocks within your workouts like the body parts you work each time and how many exercises
Starting point is 00:46:30 you do and what exercises you tend to pick from are pretty much the same. It's time to change it. It's time to change your adaptation and time to change your focus. It's time to move into different forms of adaptation. It's hard, I know it's hard. It's hard, I know it's hard. It's come. I know you don't wanna do it. It's very difficult, but I promise you, the results you'll get in the long term,
Starting point is 00:46:50 and like I said earlier in the show, those individual metrics might drop a little bit, but you will be manipulating other metrics, and in the long term, the results you're gonna get are gonna blow you away, I promise you. You're gonna look better and feel better at the end of this three months, six months, whatever cycle that you're going through
Starting point is 00:47:10 if you're able to do this, then you did, then you ever have before. So take a long hard look at the whole thing. I wanna leave everybody with a John Merrick quote. Your party is a wonderland. Hey, check us out at mindpumpmedia.com. That's where you can find the RGB Super Bundle, which is nine months of exercise programming. You can also find this on Instagram at Mind Pump Radio.
Starting point is 00:47:34 You can find me at Mind Pump Sal, you can find Adam at Mind Pump Adam, Justin at Mind Pump Justin. And please leave us a five star rating review on iTunes. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy, and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbumble at Mind Pump Media dot com. The RGB Superbumble includes maps on a ballad, maps performance, and maps aesthetic.
Starting point is 00:48:01 Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels, and performs. With detailed workout blueprints and over 200 videos, PRGB Superbundles like having Sal Adam and Justin as your own personal trainers, but at a fraction of the price.
Starting point is 00:48:23 The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money back guarantee, and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at mindpumpmedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating in review on iTunes and by introducing Mind Pump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support, and until next time, this is Mind Pump. by introducing Mind Pump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support, and until next time, this is Mind Pump.

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