Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 339: Best % of Max, Building Lagging Body Parts, Estrogen Blockers & MORE

Episode Date: August 3, 2016

Kimera-Quah! In this episode of Quah, sponsored by Kimera Koffee (kimerakoffee.com, code "mindpump" for 10% off), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about the percentage of max for each pha...se of MAPS, 15 year old boys and creatine, PEDs in the UFC and the use of estrogen blockers, the best approach to working on weak body parts and the Astrological signs of the Mind Pump Crew. Get MAPS Anabolic, MAPS Performance, MAPS Aesthetic and the Butt Builder Blueprint (The RGB Super Bundle) packaged together at a substantial DISCOUNT at www.mindpumpmedia.com. Please subscribe, rate and review this show! Each week our favorite reviewers are announced on the show and sent Mind Pump T-shirts! Have questions for Mind Pump? Each Monday on Instagram (@mindpumpradio) look for the QUAH post and input your question there. (Sal, Adam & Justin will answer as many questions as they can)

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's your three four five five more days left to get a hole days left to get a free not one not to not three three No three. Oh, yes three free shirts. We're giving away three free shirts. If you've not enrolled if you have not enrolled in the RGB Bundle if you guys have not done that yet It's nine months of programming work and it's maps red, maps green and maps black. You get the free shirt for each one of those programs. So the maps red shirt, the maps green shirt and the maps black shirt. Yeah, it's included for free. It's a tri blend shirt. It's super flossy. They're super sexy and handsome and beautiful. It just feels good. Mind pump media.com. It's the RGB bundle. You got five more days.
Starting point is 00:00:45 Do it. That's it. Turn it on. You turn me on. Who turns you on the most? Justin, when he wears, when he wears him so short. We are.
Starting point is 00:00:54 I, you know what? I didn't have a minute. I got too weird. Give me a fist bump on that, Adam. Yeah. That's creepy. What are these, what are these, what are these episodes sound like?
Starting point is 00:01:02 I ain't gonna say anything. We're just a little slow. Look at him in his eyes. I don't gonna say anything. We're just a little slow. Look at him in his eyes. I don't know if they're sweating. I don't know, Justin, you go ahead and answer that. If we ever do lots of hard drugs together, I think Justin's in danger. I'm literally not gonna do that.
Starting point is 00:01:17 Because, no. I recommend not doing that. Yeah, what do you know? What do we do on Doug? We're gonna give away some shirts. Let's fucking do it. We do that every single time. What do the shirts look like, Doug? Let's give them all away. They are mine, Po? We're gonna give away some shirts. Let's fucking deal it. We do that every single time. What do the shirts look like, Doug?
Starting point is 00:01:25 Let's give them all away. They are minepo. Oh, Adam. Black on black shirts. These are the limited edition shirts. There's gonna be a point where we're gonna stop making these and you'll never be able to get these again. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:01:34 And that bomb diggery. That point is really soon. That's why we got those other minepoomp shirts. The ones that are black and orange. I try to create mystery of Yojete. Real soon here we'll be out of the black on black which are my favorite. So get them, whether hot.
Starting point is 00:01:47 Yes. We have 19 reviews this week. Wow. Nice. Stepping up. Stepping up. Couple of people I guess. Yeah, I think people are getting off summer vacation
Starting point is 00:01:57 and they're actually doing their job here. I feel that, I feel you know, when I feel like July was kind of a, kind of a lull. You just feel like that? I feel like I feel like. Isn kind of a lull. Just feel like that. I feel like I feel like. Isn't that typical of the fitness industry though? It is.
Starting point is 00:02:09 24-arm fitness used to do their Hawaii competition everywhere because Mark Maastroff knew that year and after year after year, that was the worst month, even worse than December and November. Everybody's traveling and vacationing. Yeah, it's a further, like for the July, it's like the first real official holiday for like all schools to be out and everything. So it's like people take off and it's traveling, vacation, and all that. Yeah, it's a great way. For the July is like the first real official holiday for like all schools to be out and everything. So it's like people take off and it's hot.
Starting point is 00:02:29 You know what I'm saying? Who wants to be in a gym? Who wants to be, you know, listening to a podcast when it's all hot outside? You know what I'm saying? You know what I'm saying? You know what I'm saying? You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:02:38 You know what I'm saying? You know what I'm saying? You know what I'm saying? You know what I'm saying? You know what I'm saying? You know what I'm saying? You know what I'm saying? You know what I'm saying? You know what I'm saying? You know what I'm saying? You know what I'm saying? You know what I'm saying? on the studio, we had personal training, massage, all that stuff. Our busiest months were the summer months.
Starting point is 00:02:45 Like the most walk in traffic came in in the summer months, which was crazy, because in the gym industry, it was dead. It's wild. Yeah, that is wild, because that is the opposite. 12 years in a row, it was always the busiest right in the summertime. And December, it was just shit. Weird, who do we got, Doug?
Starting point is 00:03:00 We have five shirts going out this week. Doom, wrap. We have Meg's I-072. I like her. Tabs 24 by seven. I like her better. What? Tommy Tuberrell.
Starting point is 00:03:14 Tommy Tuberrell. That's my boy. The rate of 5136. 6. And dark night 17. Oh, dammit. That's really my boy. That's the one I wanted.
Starting point is 00:03:23 Yeah, that's it. We wanted all of them, actually. So, dammit. That's really my that's the one I wanted. Yeah, that's it. We wanted all of them actually So send your name the one I just read to iTunes at mine pump media.com Send your address and your shirt size and we'll get that right out to one of those you didn't say clearly I want to laugh. Who was the second to last No rain 5136. Yeah, that's the one. That was one. I think it was a second. Why don't you read them all off again? Okay, Meg's I 0, 7, 2, tabs 24 by 7, Tommy, 2 barrel, the rain 5136, dark night, 17. Do it. Excellent. If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go.
Starting point is 00:04:01 Might, might, up with your hosts, Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. How fun was yesterday? Oh, at the, at the Orange Theory Seminar. I have to say, Sal finally did a good job. Every time. Every time picked on it. Every time. Well, you know what, I know, I didn't realize it until we were started doing this. How much Justin and I feed off you. Mm-hmm. You know, we really we rely on you to be sound. You give me a lot of me. Yeah, I need you to be sound.
Starting point is 00:04:33 When you're not sound, it's just then everything else is something that I'm not at him and then Justin. I'm not just enough. Am I like that whale in the ocean that's got the fish? Eating his little like gills and stuff. Yeah, I'm cleaning your teeth. It is, it's clear. I had stuff. Yeah, I'm cleaning your teeth. It is, it's got a clear, I had a good time.
Starting point is 00:04:47 I had a good time and there were a couple moments there where I felt, because here's the thing. When we get on the mics here, we've definitely gotten better over the last year and a half, but there's this feeling of, it's just so natural. I'm just, the flow is there, we're in our element. I don't know, it just feels just you were in the zone, right? When we do these seminars, I've done seminars before you guys have done them before I have no problem speaking in front of people
Starting point is 00:05:12 but it's very it's different. It's a seminar and I have yet to feel that flow and Yesterday there were a couple moments where I felt it start to come out a little bit where I felt kind of like Tony Robbins-h coming out. And one was when we were talking about the signals of the body, listening to the body. And then the other was when I talked about how Dr. Kellogg invented Kellogg's cornflakes to prevent masturbation. And everybody kind of felt like that was a fun fact. That was an excellent fun fact.
Starting point is 00:05:40 That's what I'm talking about. Normally you're good for one of those when we sit down and we hang out that I There's a sandwich. There is. I am not gonna give you shit. I'm not gonna give you shit. I'm already that giving you a little bit stinky in the middle. I feel fuck. I feel so good.
Starting point is 00:05:57 Today's the first day of work, dude. Bull time. My pump goes full new. No more topless. It was pretty obvious who cares about our business the most. Justin and then myself, then you and then Doug obviously doesn't give a shit. He just showed up whenever he wants. He's happy.
Starting point is 00:06:11 That's just like this. Well, this shit doesn't start unless I get there. I'm gonna fuck. To be fair, to be fair, Doug lives the closest. Oh shit. You literally live right down the street. Doug could walk here. Justin lives far as fuck. And he's got two kids. So I can't use the kids excuse. Although this morning, I'll tell you what, you literally live right down the street. That's a good walk here. Justin lives far as fuck.
Starting point is 00:06:25 And he's got two kids, so I can't use the kids' excuse. Although this morning, I'll tell you what, you ever have this happen Justin? You're trying to get ready, got to get out of the house or whatever, your kids doing something. And they decided that the last minute, just to fuck shit up. Like my daughter just said, I'm gonna dump this entire fucking bowl of cereal
Starting point is 00:06:40 and I'll milk all over my bowl. Like I can't find the shoes. Oh my son threw them outside somewhere What have you ever taken you said where do your kids go in the morning when you drop them off somewhere? Gram of grandpa's or yeah, you ever bring them there. We're just like all right kid. You're just wearing flip flops We're not finding your shit today. Yeah, it's like jammy's like hey mom figure this out That's what you gotta do. Make lunches again. Whoops. That's what you gotta do with kids man. They just they just throw shit at you. Yeah. Yeah. When you do drop a moth at mama dads
Starting point is 00:07:15 do you get it? Do you still have to pack their lunch or do they take care? Oh wow. You still pack their lunch even for grandma and grandpa. Here's the thing. If he does it. Yeah. Is that like a courtesy? There's like a, no, no, I don't even wanna get into that. I do wanna get into this. Really? Yeah, because this is how you throw my parents into the bus.
Starting point is 00:07:32 They don't listen. No of our parents listen. None of our parents listen. We're okay. My mom listens. Oh, your mom does? Yeah, I love her. She's the best mom for you.
Starting point is 00:07:40 She's the best mom amongst the moms. Yeah, obviously we're gonna talk nothing but highly about everything. No, I know what Justin does. I know exactly why he packs him lunches. Because if he doesn't, then the kids are gonna have some shit that he doesn't want them to have for lunch. That's it. That's 100% it. And then they still get shit, you know, when they get going. Yeah, it's so it's tough. But, you know, also too, I'm just trying to create peace, you know, because they're helping me on a lot of ends. Like, the thing is, you think grandma and grandpa,
Starting point is 00:08:13 you think like, okay, you know, you just become this babysitting service. Yeah, and I mean, you can't look at it like that because you're gonna burn them out. Of course. And so, me, like, I have to take extra steps and do a lot in order to be able to then get a date night. Or you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:08:29 Like you have to really think about the strategically. So this is my advice for anybody out there that's a new parent or whatever. Like don't just drop them off thinking like, oh, Graham, grab it, they're gonna be happy with this forever. They're not. No, you gotta get burned out. But I'll pick in shoes, right? So you get totally. No, you gotta burn out. But I'll look.
Starting point is 00:08:45 Yeah, picking shoes, right? So you get totally. How do you do with the sugar thing? Cause, cause, it's so frustrating, like, all, you know, the kids will be eating dinner and then they're not hungry or they're acting funny and I'll be like, Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:57 Did you guys have sugar today? And my kids will be like, no. That's a dumb question. No, I'm not didn't give a sugar today and I'll be, look, my mom will get all pissed off. I don't give a sugar all the time. I'll be like, okay, give me the rundown of what they ate today. No, not didn't give a sugar today. And I'll look at my mom and get all pissed off. I don't give them sugar all the time. I'll be like, okay, give me the rundown of what they ate today. This, that, the other, and then, oh, and I gave her,
Starting point is 00:09:10 and I guess it's, so you didn't give me anything else, huh? No, no, nothing else. I'm gonna have to apply for the McDonald's. Oh, I gave him some yogurt. I'm like, oh, let me look at the yogurt real quick, open the fridge. Oh, it's goger. It's the fucking sugar.
Starting point is 00:09:23 It's the neon pink, yeah, pretend to be yogurt stuff stuff. That's just yeah, it's like that kind of stuff You know what I mean? Yeah, or I'll look in the you know, I'm like a box of cheesets, which is my favorite snack by the way Oh cheesets. Oh my god. My life loves us too. I'll eat I haven't had a cheesets like crack You know, it's even worse than that. It is amazing Doritos Fucking Doritos. No, I got one for it. It's so artificial and it's even worse than that, but it's amazing Doritos fucking Doritos. No, I got one for it. It's like so artificial and it's delicious. I got one for you.
Starting point is 00:09:49 Here's a cracker that I used to love and I still, if it's in front of me, I'll eat the hell out of them. And it's the weirdest cracker of all time. Chicken and abiscus. Oh, I love chicken and abiscus. Do you remember that? Oh my god, that's our generation for sure. But what is that? I have no idea what it is. And how do you artificially flavor a chicken?
Starting point is 00:10:07 What is that? No, I'll beat that. Shrimp. Remember a cup of noodles? Yeah. Shrimp flavor. Shrimp flavor. What's shrimp?
Starting point is 00:10:17 This is like pixie does shrimp. But chicken and the biscuit is like, they took a bunch of crackers and then they got a bullion cube and just crushed it up and shut it in there and so they shook it in there. So then you eat these crackers and they taste like chicken soup. Yeah, it's weird.
Starting point is 00:10:30 And for some reason, it's really good. It's tasty. It's really, really good. That one in the vegetable one. I forgot all about that. What's the vegetable one? No, the vegetable one. That was like shaped like little vegetables and stuff.
Starting point is 00:10:37 You don't remember that. And it has like a kind of a spicier cake to it. Oh, I can't think of the name of those right now. Doug, you know what I'm talking about? They're like, and they were writing, the chicken and biscuits and those were the, the other one, those were the two crackers that we always had growing up.
Starting point is 00:10:48 Oh, I figured out somebody who's listening knows, we eat triskits. Did you have triskits? Triskits. That's like the most grossest. Yeah, it doesn't taste like anything. Straight up like bark. What did you put on it?
Starting point is 00:10:59 No, they make flavor, they make rosemary. They have a rosemary, like a rosemary, garlic, and a little bit. Yeah. What did you put on your trisket? Cheese of course Sausage she's the fuck out of it cheese it all day. No, I would sit I would sit
Starting point is 00:11:13 Do you guys even eat crackers? I don't have an app. I don't have a shit if I get wine If I'm gonna do like a wine thing we're doing cheese and crackers, but other than that I don't it's such an empty experience You know it doesn't for fit it is now right? It's just like, I'm doing this. You know, my hand is it's putting things in my mouth. I was explaining that to my sister this weekend. I think one of the biggest things I've made as far as change is in nutrition nowadays is,
Starting point is 00:11:36 now if I eat off the plan or if I'm, you know, I know I'm not eating something I deal, I still try and target something that is semi beneficial. It's something that's worth it. Yeah, like you know, like a big old burger like burger that's to fill you up. Yeah, and you get some good protein out of there. You get there's a lot of there's a lot of benefit. They're getting on their cheese.
Starting point is 00:11:54 There is. There's some fucking do this. They're getting some good benefit from that where you know, you eat something like macaroni and cheese or fucking chicken biscuits like that. That doesn't even there's no nutritional value. There's nothing. You're getting no nutritional value out of that whatsoever. So I try and I try and spend my calories. I feel like on on a semi investments.
Starting point is 00:12:12 That's how I look at it. Right. I'm going to blow my money. I'm going to blow my macro. A lot on something I want to do it on something that I feel like at least after I enjoyed the shit out of that. I walked. Bro, I used to I think about some of the shit I used to do when I sit in front of the TV as a kid,
Starting point is 00:12:26 like, eat cereal. But not with milk, just out of the box. Like it was like a box of crackers. That's how I can eat it. They don't eat it with milk, really? They eat cereal, yeah. They just eat it out of the box. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:37 It's weird. Because we used to get the, we didn't get the brand name cereal though. We didn't get the life. Oh, I got all the generic stuff. Yeah, I wasn't, the clear plastic bag. Exactly. exactly it wasn't it wasn't lucky charms. It was a marshmallow maybe the bastard fruit loops. Like fruityos or something. Yeah, it was it's like those clones that the guy sells out of the back of his car like this smells just like cool water. Yeah, it's like yeah, I burned my skin. You know, it was it was there were cereals that came
Starting point is 00:13:03 in big bags and they were total knockoffs and it cracked me up And we would eat them and nobody can whatever and it was I don't think it was worse for you Did I mention you guys that general mills is is going away from the whole artificial sweetener thing? Did you know that? That was they that just they ran a commercial. I'm not saying it's mine pump, but yeah My pump by 2017 they they they predict that like a majority of all all their cereals now will have pulled the artificial coloring and flavoring out of there
Starting point is 00:13:31 and now they're trying to go all natural and their cereals. Non-GMO's next. One small step. They're gonna go non-GMO next. Yeah, a little bit at a time. The market, the market is speaking, people are wanting these things.
Starting point is 00:13:41 So we'll see what happens. I don't know. Interesting. Yep. There's a know. Interesting. Yep. Is it me? Oh shit. Oh shit. We call it a plan.
Starting point is 00:13:52 Come here, I call. Today's Quas being brought to you by Kai Maricopi. It's the only coffee that is infused with all natural neutropics for a cleaner, calmer, and more focused buds without the crash. Put the chimera link at MindPumpMedia.com and input the discount code MindPumpA Checkout for 10% off! It's the motherfucking throng! An English Landage!
Starting point is 00:14:17 Quee-cwa? Whee! How much weight should we do? In other words, what's the max percentage for each program phase of maps? Okay, so this question was a little longer. He was asking when going from phase to phase, what percentage of my max should I use in each phase? Yeah, for example, you're saying phase one, I'm supposed to be doing, you know,
Starting point is 00:14:39 He's looking at it heavily from a metric standpoint, something that's measurable. So here's the one problem I have with percentages of max. I actually have a couple of problems with it. Because percentages of max works very well for very high level athletes. For everybody else, it doesn't work too well for a couple of reasons. Number one, your max is gonna change,
Starting point is 00:15:02 especially if you're getting stronger. So 90% of your max is all of a sudden you're gonna become 80% of reasons. Number one, your max is going to change, especially if you're getting stronger. So 90% of your max is all of a sudden, you're going to become 80% of it. Once, especially once you go through something like phase one of red where strength gains come fast and furious. And number two, two fast, two furious. Yeah. And number two, it's not taking a lot of things into account, how you feel, the way you slept the night before, your diet, your nutrition, I could go into a workout wanting to lift, you know, 70% of my max, and I'm supposed to hit 12 reps or whatever, but that 70% feels more like 80% and 12 reps now is going to fatigue when I'm not trying to go to complete fatigue. I'm trying to stop a couple of reps short. This is why
Starting point is 00:15:42 there's a subjective part of working out that you just can't remove. You just can't take that subjective part out. Unfortunately, it requires that you have a good connection to how you feel and that you're okay adjusting the weight up or down based on how you feel. This is why I think it's silly that people even debate this. I find I when you know, it's really not measurable in my opinion. It's not why I think it's silly that people even debate this. I find I when you know it's really not measurable in my opinion. It's not it's it's so like Sal saying there's so many things uh I've never done this. I've never actually measured out my percentage my maximum percentage and base my program around it and and just simply because like you said that it changes all the time
Starting point is 00:16:20 many times I go to the gym thinking that you know I'm gonna be able to get after a certain weight and it's just it's not there. I'm still recovering from something else or I'm battling something. Yeah. Or, you know, which is always a nice one. You feel fucking way stronger than what you would plan. And so then maybe you can increase more. So, you know, I always like to use our, you know, the rep going to failure like, okay, I'm trying to, if I'm following maps, the phase one, and we're in that three to five rep range, right? You're in the really low rep range, then I always wanna be able to get at least one or two more out, so I'm stopping knowing I could have squeezed one
Starting point is 00:16:58 or two more. Yeah, you don't go to failure. Yeah, so I'm never going, and I'm gonna push whatever weight I can, I'm gonna go up as high as I can with that in mind. So if that means today, I get under there and, you know, 365 is feeling pretty light. And I'm repping out three to five reps. No problem.
Starting point is 00:17:17 Maybe I will, maybe I'll go up to 405 and see if I can still get, you know, a single or double out of there and fill with a little bit of gas still in the tank. Or the reverse, I go in, planning on lifting 365 for three or five reps, and I get under the first set, and it's like a struggle to get, I mean, I basically go to failure just to get to three, I'm gonna back off the weight a little bit.
Starting point is 00:17:38 So, well, I think too, as far as discipline is concerned, like if you can wait till more towards the end of your phase to really exert more effort into the list, what a great point. That would be ideal because then we can change it up and then get into the next phase while recovering from that. Like, because you're gonna overexert yourself. You don't wanna keep going along that path
Starting point is 00:18:06 when you're in that phase. That's a great point because it's usually, it should be the end of each phase where you're pushing yourself the hardest because you know your body at that point within the parameters of that phase. I'm hitting maxes that I'm breaking, you know, I'm breaking, you know, previous numbers. So by the second or third week, I'm lifting much heavier.
Starting point is 00:18:24 But, you know, really your target should be the rep range. That's the second or third week, I'm lifting much heavier, but really, your target should be the rep range. That's the target. Look at your rep range. Look at what, and the intensity that Adam was talking about. I know that I need to be able to stop my set about one or two reps short of failure. What that means is literally, I know I can squeeze out
Starting point is 00:18:42 one or two more reps, and then I won't be able to do anymore. That's gonna take a little bit of work on your part in terms of feeling what that feels like. That means you may hit failure sometimes before you get used to it. But once I get to that point and I understand that, now all I'm doing is I'm aiming for that rep range. So if I know I'm trying to get six reps
Starting point is 00:19:00 in reality I'm trying to hit a weight that I can do for seven or eight reps to failure. And so if I do six reps I'm like, yeah, right, I could do like four more reps. I'm trying to hit a weight that I can do for seven or eight reps to failure. And so if I do six reps, I'm like, yeah, right, I could do like four more reps. I'm adding weight. This is both sides to that too. Like, that's why I mentioned the discipline aspect
Starting point is 00:19:14 of it in the beginning, because you're gonna have days like Adam mentioned where you feel like really strong. And it's gonna motivate you to lift heavier weights or do more reps when in fact, you should probably hold out and keep building up that frequency and discipline your body to respond properly first. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:19:34 And it goes without saying that will give you better results than almost anything else. If you can be disciplined enough to listen to your body to go into the gym, get under a weight, know that you need to go lighter, know that you need to go heavier, aim for that target rep range and not worry about percentages of max. This is what happens. This is what I've seen over and over again when people go in and they say, okay, today I'm lifting 85% of my max, so I'm doing 245 pounds on the deadlift.
Starting point is 00:20:03 If that 245 is too hard, they end up sticking to it anyway because that's their number. And then they end up going to failure every time or going short of the reps because they failed before it. And all they've done is themselves a disservice. They've actually slowed their progress down. They've actually reduced the amount of results that they can get from that program because they were so rigid on that percentage, that number. So you have to, you have to listen to how you feel and base it off that. And then if you're doing one of our programs, aim for that rep range.
Starting point is 00:20:32 And as long as you stay within that rep range, you are targeting the type of adaptation that we're telling you to target within the program. Well, I feel like that's why there is a range, right? There's a range in the phase, you know, first, your first phase, it's that. It's one to five, I think, one, you can even do singles. Yeah. So it gives you that range that, you know, you don't, if you're doing singles, you really should have enough in the tank for a double or even possibly a triple, right? So you need to know that that you're not, when it's,
Starting point is 00:20:59 when it's one to five, it doesn't mean like you are maxing out every single time. You want to be able to have some, some left in the tank for sure. And if you're getting five every set, then you probably should have increased your weight a little bit to where you're struggling to get five. One of the most effective things that I ever did years ago in terms of building my strength was I learned how to utilize singles properly.
Starting point is 00:21:21 Singles are sets of one rep. And in the past, because this must have been about, I don't know, I probably really learned this properly for myself about maybe eight years ago, seven years ago. Up until then, if I did a single, it was a max, like I'm going out to max. I learned about seven or eight years ago that if I took a weight that I could do one for,
Starting point is 00:21:42 but I know I could do three or four and doing lots of sets of that. So I'm just gonna get under and do one four, but I know I could do three or four and doing lots of sets of that. So I'm just gonna get under and do one and then rest and then do another set of that. And I did like six sets of that. So I'm doing six sets of slots where I'm just doing one rep. Man, you wanna talk about strength gains. The following week I come back, I could add five
Starting point is 00:22:00 to 15 pounds to the bar. I mean, literally, it'll blow you away at how fast those strength gains come when you can utilize singles properly in that fashion. You will get strong very quickly, but it will end very quickly as well, which is why we face things like that for usually three weeks at a time. Ginger Bergey is asking about... Must be your Justin's cousin. Yeah. Ginger. Ginger. Ginger's. Oh, you guys were transparent.
Starting point is 00:22:25 Ginger burgui has a 15 year old son who wants to take creatine. What are your thoughts on that? Well, she at the seminar, she was at the seminar. That's what I said, right? Yeah, she said she was there and talked about creatine. We talked a lot about creatine. Somebody asked what was in our cupboards and everybody went on talking about what there was. And I think the one common one, we all would would use or take would be 18 right.
Starting point is 00:22:45 Crating is easily amongst all the ergogenic aids out there among all the supplements that are purported to improve athletic performance or build muscle or burn body fat. Crating is by far the most studied. There are literally hundreds of well-made studies done on creatine, many of them done on athletic performance and muscle building, and also many of them done on the health benefits of creatine. It was about, I'd say about 15 years ago, or 10 years ago, where they started to study
Starting point is 00:23:21 the health benefits of creatine, and they found a few different things Creatines got some antioxidant properties creatine benefits people with Heart disease people who've had previous strokes Improves cognitive function especially in vegetarians and vegans It reduces inflammatory markers It it all kind of makes sense. Cratein is a, can be, is used to increase
Starting point is 00:23:48 or improve the amount of ATP that your cells will use. And ATP is one of the fundamental energy molecules that cells use in the body. And that just muscle cells, but all cells. And so Cratein just gives you more of that. So it's a very, very effective, and it's been tested to be very, very safe. However, we are talking about a 15 year old child who I can pretty much guarantee you has poor muscle control when it comes to lifting weights, who I can guarantee you has low,
Starting point is 00:24:21 very, very little experience training properly, who I can guarantee you has come nowhere near his potential for building strength and muscle, has come nowhere near working his potential for a central nervous system in terms of how it adapts to weights. Yes. And what you're doing is you're going to give him, if he did take creatine,
Starting point is 00:24:40 creatine will make him stronger because that's what it does. You give it to anybody and if they respond well to it or if it doesn't give them stomach issues, that's a side effects, a rare group of people will have, but let's say he takes it and he feels fine. He's going to get 5 to 15% stronger on creatine, very, very short period of time. So now you have a kid who has very little experience working out, very little experience working out properly, very poor muscle control because I have yet to meet a 15 year old who can lift weights like a 30 year old in terms of having the control with it because he's a growing kid. He's not
Starting point is 00:25:12 used to his body. So all you've done is increase his risk of injury. That's what's happened. Well, you bring up a lot of points and I've been in boxed quite a few times about like a similar question, but it was more training based. I have a group of kids that are athletes that are 12 or 15 or somewhere around that range. They're asking about load and should we add load to these lifts and what would you consider a safe approach for this and all that kind of stuff? My answer was always more skills training based. So the biggest thing, I think the best impact you can have with these kids is to,
Starting point is 00:25:52 is to really design a program that is going to show them exactly what kind of skills they need to accomplish like these major movements that are going to be the best for them long term, like your squats, your dead lifts. You know, even if it's a power explosive movement, it's really all about the mechanics and how the body is responding and firing properly. And like Sal mentioned, the central nervous system, just getting everything more responsive. Like that is like load is something that I think can wait.
Starting point is 00:26:25 You know, if you're gonna say anything, load is something that, you know, we can incrementally increase that as our skill and our response increases. Yeah, you wanna get really perfect with your movements, but you talk about creatine, one of the side effects of creatine, there's a couple side effects you can get from creatine.
Starting point is 00:26:44 And it's pretty rare and they're pretty minor. One of them is you might increase your risk of muscle cramp, and that's only because you've increased the amount of intracellular fluid that the cells will hold, the muscles will hold, and that can sometimes throw off electrolytes, but that's easy to remedy. Here's another one that's a little more serious though. There is a slight increase in muscle pulls and in injuries when people take creating. Now it's not because creating makes your muscles
Starting point is 00:27:11 more prone to injury and somehow makes them weaker in that sense. It's because creating gives you more power and in a very quick period of time and you have not yet acclimated to this extra strength and power. It's no different than me taking a car and giving it nitrous.
Starting point is 00:27:28 The car is designed to have 200 horsepower. It's got everything, you know, everything in the engine is designed for 200 horsepower. The shocks and the tires are designed for 200 horsepower. And I'm gonna give it 300 horsepower with nitrous all of a sudden. It's going to, it's gonna stress those things that were used to 200 horsepower.
Starting point is 00:27:46 Antibolic steroids does the same thing. And so creatine can increase its salt. Blow ahead. It is. And so when I train, like, even when I train older athletes in their 20s and 30s and 30s, and people who are more experienced, and they take creatine, I tell them, I'll have like sprinters, for example, and I'll say, okay, creatine is going to make you faster, but here's what I want you to do.
Starting point is 00:28:05 When you start taking Crateen, don't go all out with your sprints until you start getting used to this new strength, and let your body acclimate to it because your risk of injury goes up a little bit. When you're talking about the 15 year old, who already doesn't have great control of weights, like I can pretty much guarantee,
Starting point is 00:28:21 Crateen isn't gonna, I mean, will he get stronger, yeah, but is he gonna benefit him in ways that are more positive than negatives? No. And then you also want to consider this, the body synthesizes Crate team on its own. And I've never, I've always suspected that taking Crate team may decrease your body's ability to synthesize Crate team. I'm not, I'm not, I don't have anything to back this up, but I don't know if that would be a good idea to give someone at that age just from, just from that standpoint. If you want to necessarily give them something.
Starting point is 00:28:51 Jesus Christ. Now that we've scared you, there's death about fucking giving your kid creatine and shit. Let me tell you, it's fucking okay, too. It's like the, it's, here's the thing. And I don't know if I like the analogy of it being like a you know nitrous in your car because it's it's not going to affect him that much he's not going to he's not going to take creatine and be like holy shit I'm taking creatine no but he's going to get stronger sure period sure and you know it's it's more from an energy-based standpoint the risk the risk side effect thing is I I mean, it's very, very rare. Any of the cases that Sal was talking about, I mean, if your son is really, really pressing
Starting point is 00:29:32 hard and wants to try it, I would just make him aware of it. I make him listen to an episode like this where we talk about it and discuss the benefits behind it and the importance of it and talking about how much more important it is for him to focus on skill. But if you got the money, it's not going to, and you don't mind. It's, well, let me, let me ask you this. If we look at the things that, if she, let's say she invested $40 on a jug of creating, what are the other things she can invest that $40 on?
Starting point is 00:29:56 Well, yeah, no, I don't even weigh better. 100% there's, that's just it. That's why I said, if you have the money, if you've got the money, it's not a big deal. Your son really wants to try it. All his football buddies are taking in doing it. And, you know, it's like, you know, he wants to take creatine because his buddies are. And you just want to know if it's safe and okay. Yeah, it's safe and okay. He's going to be okay. He's not going to, it's not going to hurt him. But would I invest that way? Would I teach him? No, if we, all of us had a 15 year old kid
Starting point is 00:30:21 that wanted to take creatine, we wouldn't let him just because we would teach him that I would put emphasis in these other areas first. I also feel like it's like this rabbit hole. I mean, I was a kid that started taking trouble with that. Well, I know, and I see where you're going because that's how we all got introduced to supplements and then you feel a little bit something from that. So then you just go on in this, what's the next one and that you're chasing that feeling that you got from that supplement.
Starting point is 00:30:44 And then you're going down that rabbit hole of taking the next supplement and creatine is safe and it's been tested, but I can't say that for almost anything else that's out there. And it's just this rabbit look, I started taking creatine, I think I was, I might have been 15 or 16 when I started taking it, but I had a job, I made my own money, and my parents didn't know. That's right about when I, I mean, the guy, I got we were taking you know jugs of cell tech Yeah, that's in there. Yeah loading fate with lots of sugar and bullshit guys It's you guys stop taking creatine. Do you guys cycle it on and off or have you taken it? I haven't taken it a long time. Oh, yeah, I've cycle off and actually it doesn't sit well with my stomach anymore really
Starting point is 00:31:19 Yeah, I I've probably taken creatine almost non-stop since I was 16, 15, 16. Well, I mean, I'm at it gone off here and there, but I pretty much have never stopped. Yeah, I haven't been there. Yeah, I've been there. Yeah, I'm very inconsistent with it. I always like to supplement. I eat a lot of red meat, and so I eat a lot of red meat.
Starting point is 00:31:38 I really don't focus on much of it. I mean, you get a good steak. You can get a good two to three grams of creatine in a day. So, I mean, there's a lot of, you can get a good two to three grams of of creatine in a day. So, I mean, there's a lot of times where I eat two, two times a day that's red meat. So I'm not, if I don't, then then I will be chasing my creatine. Otherwise, I try and get it from whole natural foods. A lot of people don't know that. I'll say this to ginger burgui.
Starting point is 00:32:01 If you want your son, if your son wants to improve his strength and performance, honestly, and I'm not just saying this because this is what we offer, get your son started on maps and a ball, maps red. Having a start and pre-phase, having stick to pre-phase, the pre-phase section for a few months, and then have him move through the phases, and he will blow his friends away. They'll take creatine, they'll be doing their stupid workouts, he will blow them the fuck away just from doing proper programs. Well, that's what we would do, right? If we, you know, that's why I said that. I think when you're answering a question like that, I want to make sure that we're clear
Starting point is 00:32:31 that it's safe. Your son will be okay. It's not worth because I'm picturing in my head like this, this boy who's got all his buddies that, you know, play sports and they're all taking creatine and here's this mom who's concerned, you know, what is this shit that my son wants to take and all these kids are taking It's over the count. We also talked about it. We also talked about it the seminar I think that's and we talked about the benefits of it But of course our audience was a bunch of adults. Yeah, so I you know, I think maybe I think just making her wear that it's totally okay For him to do it would it be the order of what we would do? No, definitely not Yeah, supplements are always the last last thing that we we would ever introduce. That's any client, whether
Starting point is 00:33:08 you're 15 or 45, that would, I would still, I would still treat it the same way. And it's just, it's more obvious with what Sal was saying that at that age, more than likely his, his his muscle, his mind muscle connection just isn't there yet is. You guys, if you guys have trained 15 year olds before, yeah. Yeah. Yeah so and here's it and here's the thing their control is horrible the the weights move all over the place is very difficult to get that proper control so you do that a lot but here's the other thing with a 15 year old like your boy is about to and he's in the midst of a hormone cascade avalanche. A motion is coming. Of natural. All over his body.
Starting point is 00:33:48 Everywhere. Natural anabolic steroids. Like your boy is going to have the testosterone level of a full grown. He's pissed off. And like just ragingly bonered. Yeah. And so he's going to have like all these natural things working for him in his body
Starting point is 00:34:06 That are gonna direct him to build muscle like it's crazy. He doesn't have to lift weights You can take a 15 year old boy not having lift weights and he'll just gain muscle Oh, his body wants to so if you lay if he lifts weights properly. Yeah on top of that. You're right. Oh 15 year olds get strong super responsive 100% Mark Wohl's is asking your thoughts on P.D.'s in the UFC. And why else would someone use estrogen blockers? Is this because John Jones got busted? Yeah, pop fresh, estrogen blockers.
Starting point is 00:34:34 Yeah, was he? Yeah. What was it that he got busted for? I think it was clomin. Was it clomin? I think so. Really? We need to figure that out.
Starting point is 00:34:41 Cause I'll be very interested. Google. All right. Google is what it was. I know it was. I know it was something when you come off. It was clomapheme. It was either clomid or Novodex or something.
Starting point is 00:34:53 Are you sure it wasn't a remadex or something like that? I don't think it was a remadex, but I mean, all of the above are your post-ciple. Yeah, but they all work differently. And so I don't know. They all work differently, but they're all used the same way as far as why somebody would use that in the UFC. They're using that to, to get their hormonal levels back to, back to normal. So, I mean, does this identify that like potentially he was on 100%
Starting point is 00:35:16 there's no other, that I think that's why yeah, like, why else would you do that as like a post cycle? You had to be on a cycle. So this is, this is normally, that's why I want to know, because this is what this is what normally happens with sports and steroids is, you know, they, you're not going to get tested in the off season, right? So a lot of these guys and the off season are, you know, they're using whatever shit they can. And then when they know that even there's a potential of them, let's let's resolve. Okay. So let's resolve is in a room. It is inhibitor. So that's different. It's very strong. It's a blocker. Yeah, so let's resolve is an aromateus inhibitor. So that's different than...
Starting point is 00:35:45 It's very strong. It's a blocker. Yeah, so there's, I wanted to know because, so there's different categories of drugs that athletes will use to mitigate or, you know, negate the effects of estrogen. There's the category of substances that are known as selective estrogen receptor modulators
Starting point is 00:36:05 or serums for short. These are just chemicals that block onto the estrogen receptor and block the receptors from estrogen that might be in your body. Then there are what are called aromatase inhibitors, which prevent your body's ability to make estrogen, because men, believe it it or not also make some estrogen. And if you have high testosterone levels from exogenous testosterone, so if you're taking steroids, a lot of these guys will take an aerobotase inhibitor because it prevents all the super high levels of testosterone from getting converted to elevated levels of
Starting point is 00:36:42 estrogen. So what this Adam was saying is, I mean, this, basically he got caught for something that stays in the body longer because that's let results, the metabolites stay in the system longer than testosterone. Like he could take high doses of testosterone, come off of them and go into the test
Starting point is 00:37:01 and then they won't detect it, but they'll detect the estrogen blockers that he was using. But you don't use these drugs for performance enhancement. Kill your sex drive completely, especially let's resolve. I mean, that's like the strong, then let's row and aromatics are two of the strongest, you know, blockers and you don't want to take those.
Starting point is 00:37:21 I mean, you're not gonna get killed. You're sex drive and it's not. If you took them by themselves and it wasn't part of an anabolic steroid cycle, you would get no benefit. Yeah, and especially let's let's let's always probably normally guys that use that, they were already starting to get converted.
Starting point is 00:37:37 You normally would use a use something like no but X during your cycle to prevent it from happening. Maybe you're an idiot and you were, or you were lazy and you allowed estrogen to start to build up and you start to get what it called, bitch tits or you start to get, I know, massed you. Yes.
Starting point is 00:37:51 Scientifically speaking. Yeah. So when, uh, gyno mass, you start to get, which is just that the breast tissue, right? It starts to build up. You almost, you like a bitch,
Starting point is 00:37:59 it a guy starts to produce like a female breast from estrogen levels, uh, elevates. So I, when this starts to happen, normally they freak out and they go running, get something like let's go. And it is very strong. It does stay in your system for a long time. So it was probably pretty obvious that he was running some sort of gear. He did was doing enough of it that he was starting to convert into estrogen. And then after he came off the cycle, he had to run this let's row and that hung around long enough. Dude, doesn't this seem like the testing has gotten way more sophisticated.
Starting point is 00:38:33 They've been catching everybody. Well, I think UFC has some of the strong, have the, like, they're ahead of all this stuff. I commend the UFC for not only testing their athletes very, very thoroughly, but outing them publicly because I don't see other sports organizations making quite as big of a deal with their athletes. Because it's not just the UFC that's using these drugs, it's the NFL and NBA, it's the
Starting point is 00:38:59 MLB and NHL. All these professional athletes will do everything they can to get that extra edge, especially when you're paying these people millions of dollars. I think when you're at that level, and you have that much on the line, and you've already been busted using cocaine, and you've already made these huge mistakes, like what a dumb, like God, damn it, it makes me so mad,
Starting point is 00:39:20 especially someone who tells you, like he just will keep making poor decisions. He's just, he's such a talented, I mean, one of the, he's got to be one of the most so- So- That's right, because you want, he just want to watch him fight. Yeah. That's it. Yeah. I just want to watch him fight. Here's the thing with, with the UFC too,
Starting point is 00:39:37 you're talking about a sport where people's lives are in danger. You are trying to hurt each other and you're fighting. And you wanna talk about unfair and advantage in sports. Like this is a dangerous, unfair advantage. I'm telling you guys this, mark my words. I hope this never happens, but if there's ever a death in MMA,
Starting point is 00:40:03 which the risk is real, just like there was unboxing, and let's say somebody gets enough, you know, they do a fight, one guy knocks someone out, they end up dying, the guy that knocked him out tests positive for anabolic steroids, you will see a lawsuit, you will see a lawsuit on the person who took the steroids and that person will not just lose money, but they will go to jail. Well, because they broke the rules and because they can make the case that you took those steroids and you put me,
Starting point is 00:40:28 you put my life at risk for doing so. So they're doing something completely different or at a higher risk or something worse than even other sports because they're fighting. Yeah, we'll talk about that. I mean, because of the fact that somebody is on steroids, like in that sort of a situation where your recovery goes up exponentially, right? And it's especially with MMA being so extreme on the end of max exertion in multiple
Starting point is 00:40:56 different ways. And also like you have somebody with the strength added component to that over somebody at the same body weight, you know, it is a massive advantage. It's, I'll tell you what, you look at these sports and you look at these athletes and you watch them over time and then, you know, you're talking about an elite athlete just to be in this organization and all of a sudden, you know, two years later, oh, you know, so and so, you know, professional athlete put on 15 pounds of muscle all of a sudden. I always raise an eyebrow because I'm like, okay, I'm pretty sure you didn't all of a sudden. I always raise an eyebrow. I'm like, okay, I'm pretty sure you did all of a sudden
Starting point is 00:41:27 start lifting weights properly. You're already at a super early hour. You've never lifted weights before. I mean, how does that work? I see that all the time. It's pretty crazy. Remember when Pride, when UFC kind of absorbed Pride for Japan, and then those fighters came over to UFC?
Starting point is 00:41:42 Oh my God, Pride was awesome. Those guys all of a sudden looked. They looked like a tiny yeah. Yeah. Evanderlei Silva. He looks like an amateur body boy. We've argued though back and forth before like how much of an I think the recovery part is probably the biggest advantage that you get.
Starting point is 00:41:58 Yeah, that's why I brought that one. Yeah, I think I think that's number one because honestly the the strength and size of course you build strength, but then you also lose mobility, right? So the bigger you get because of steroids, the less mobile that you're going to lose speed. And speed is not going to improve your skill, really. Yes. Speed and mobility, I would, I would like to, I mean, I would argue that that's probably two of the most important attributes for a fighter is speed and mobility and to add a bunch of size from steroids, you would lose that.
Starting point is 00:42:28 So that's where the speed of sport guy got popular was because like he he pretty much eliminated a lot of the heavy weight lifting because of the fact that he's trying to mobilize them more and work on this snap, this quickness, the speed, as the high point of what the skill set that they need going into a fight along with endurance. Yeah, I think there's a lot more finesse that goes into giving an athlete, Annabelle X Teroids, who is in a weight class. Yeah, for sure.
Starting point is 00:42:57 You know, if you're playing football, the exact is a weight class issue. Yeah, if you're playing football, then you know, you can play the size game depending on your position. Yeah I'm just still finessed but whatever But with a with a sport like MMA where I need to fight at 190 pounds I have to stay within 190 so it's not like I can go in there and put on tons of weight what I can do is come in
Starting point is 00:43:19 leaner with a little more muscle And I can come in stronger at that weight But if I if I'm reckless and I'm like oh cool. I'm gonna take steroids so I can move in stronger at that weight. But if I'm reckless and I'm like, oh cool, I'm gonna take steroids so I can move up one or two weight classes. And now I'm fighting a dude that's naturally at that weight. I've actually not really given myself an advantage. Well, on that, and then as far as like having to go through the cutting process, wouldn't you think that somebody like having more strength infused like going through that process
Starting point is 00:43:44 with, and a ballically enhanced situation would have the advantage because. Of course. Yeah. So like you physically feel weaker when you're cutting down that. Absolutely. I mean, those are the big benefits of those are the type of things that like I think what most people translate they think, you know steroids and the muscle and strength, but really that's not what's going gonna really help a fighter.
Starting point is 00:44:06 It's the recovery, it's the sustainability. The ability is the same. Why they're cutting hard and aggressively, cutting calories and running, they're holding on to muscle and lean body mass. So when they come down, they're primarily cutting fat and they're coming in. And just the ability to train more.
Starting point is 00:44:21 Yeah, all of a sudden I could do three workouts a day instead of two. I can learn more techniques and drill myself more because I can recover. That's a huge advantage. Nathan Lang is asking, what is the best approach to working on weak body parts? For example, he's on maps red and wants to build lats. Two things things. Yeah, this is what black was built. Yeah, I mean, both red and black have a tool in them that allows you to focus on weaker body parts.
Starting point is 00:44:53 But black maps aesthetic. It's specifically designed to be able to bring up lagging body parts. Whereas maps and a ballic has what are called trigger sessions. Yeah, more overall strength. Yeah, really to just send this overall muscle building signal to the whole body.
Starting point is 00:45:10 Two things, one, prioritize the weak body parts, and two, increase the frequency and volume for those body parts. Those are the two things you can do that will really make the physical. Which is what we naturally do in black. That's what we program designed it that way. The way black is designed is you literally would say,
Starting point is 00:45:28 lats is my focus. So like right now, you're familiar with red because you own it and you're going through it. You have your foundational days and then you have what are called trigger days. And in maps black instead of trigger days, you have what are called focus days and your focused days are focused on whatever lagging
Starting point is 00:45:45 body part you want to work on. So if LATS was one of those and maybe you had one other that you would pick and you would be focusing on those other days on those specific and basically what we've programmed in there, what we've done, we've taken the thinking out for somebody else that's trying to develop that lagging body part. But really what we've done is we've increased frequency and we've increased volume knowing that that's going to develop that lagging body part. but really what we've done is we've increased frequency and we've increased volume knowing that that's going to develop that lagging body part. So that's the real big difference. And you know if you if you were going to try and do it with the red, I think the the advice would be to you know put your center your your foot or your trigger sessions around lats and and and more back exercises on your trigger days, so it's getting a little more frequency,
Starting point is 00:46:25 but your real bang for your buck is gonna be when you get into black. And we still, even with someone that has lagging body parts, we still recommend them following red accordingly, because those things are gonna, I mean, getting good at deadlifting is going to bring your lads up. It's going to build your back, it's 100%.
Starting point is 00:46:42 So, building that solid foundation for those core lifts is super important and to follow red. And then if you really want to continue on that direction and you feel like those lats are still lagging after you've completed red, then black is the direction. Yeah, and I want to make sure we give information to people who aren't following our programs because we have a lot of listeners who do their own workouts
Starting point is 00:47:03 and maybe do a body parts split and really Add volume so add an extra exercise for that body part and add frequency Frequency is the best God that is that is the one Component that you can utilize and you can have a blast with and it will give you Tremendous results. So even if you don't add necessarily, let's say today's back date, let's say I follow a body parts law, even though we don't recommend it or whatever, you wanna do split fine.
Starting point is 00:47:30 Today's back day and I normally do three exercises. Do your three exercises for back, have your back workout, but then on your next day, your chest day or your shoulder day or whatever, at the end of it, throwing another back exercise. Don't do it super hard, You're not trying to go super intense like you did on your back day, but just throwing a movement that'll give you a good pump,
Starting point is 00:47:50 like a machine row or a pull down or maybe a straight arm pull down where you isolate the lats. And throwing that frequency, throwing in that frequency will give you way better response than just necessarily adding volume all in the same day. So, if you can walk away from this episode with that with one idea for working on a weak body part, it's worked them out more frequently, not necessarily longer in the same workout, or not necessarily harder, if that makes any sense.
Starting point is 00:48:18 Absolutely. Corinne Siara is asking, what are your signs? Here's your sign. Hey, what's your sign? Here's your sign. Signs signs everywhere. I'm rocking a material brick. My man. Do this. Don't do that. Catch you. Reassign. Damn. Damn it. We didn't harmonize at all. No, I knew though if I started singing that just and what's saying, but I did not anticipate. That's all it takes. Adam, you get confident lately with your singing. Yeah, you know, that was a... Is someone telling you that you sing good?
Starting point is 00:48:47 No, last time. Last time you got... No, I talked to them. You didn't say you got better. Lessons are playing off a little bit. Yeah. Lessons off. All right.
Starting point is 00:48:56 Oh my God. You know, she said on there that she knew I was a Scorpio. Am I that much of a giveaway or what? Is it that obvious? What is that? Yeah. Scientists astrological. I love smart.
Starting point is 00:49:06 I love definitions. It's my good looking confident. These are all scorpions. I love this. I love the science of arbitrary places of the stars and the sky. It reminds me a lot of like ancient alien. I love it.
Starting point is 00:49:17 I love it. I love it. So you guys want to know something trippy? So I'm gonna- I know I make fun of this shit all time, but this is interesting. Some studies came out a few years ago that found that children born or conceived or they were in utero
Starting point is 00:49:32 at certain times of the year did in fact, were more likely to have certain traits. And they link it to sun exposure, like if you're born lunar patterns. No, no, that's tough. It was sun exposure, it was the food that they were exposed to. And if you think about this, cause astrology or the zodiac, by the way,
Starting point is 00:49:51 is for those you're listening, the, if it's not the old, it's one of the old oldest religions in the world, if not the oldest. I think it predates all other religions, where they study the dark. The studies are like harvests and everything around it. So think about it this way. If you're a human back then, which is thousands of years ago, you ate seasonally.
Starting point is 00:50:12 So sun comes out, certain foods grow. You're going to eat a lot of those. It's colder. You're going to eat more of these types of foods. You're going to get more sun exposure, less sun exposure, more exposure to cold, more exposure to heat, different exposure to different, maybe bacteria viruses. Maybe there might be some truth to say that if a child
Starting point is 00:50:30 is in utero during particular times of the year, that it may develop some different traits, either health, you know, maybe more of a propensity for certain health issues or certain health traits or whatever. Whatever the mother is consuming and they expose to. Yeah. Yeah. I think it's a good argument
Starting point is 00:50:45 It's a it's so some studies came out to support that a little bit so when I read that I said oh I wonder if there's a little bit of a little nugget of true winter babies all day. Yeah, maybe so So what are you guys do you guys know your signs heat what's your sign? Of course I know my sign. What is it? I'm an Aquarius 100 percent. Oh, it's I'm too. I'm a query. You guys are both Aquarius This is the age of Aquaria When's your when's your birthday the 26th January? Oh, okay, see I didn't know I don't know you're a query That's weird bro. Doug your sad right connected at the dick. What do you do? What do you do? I'm cancer? Oh you are Oh, are you in July? That explains so much. Why could a Scorpio and cancer that's like the best mix is it really?
Starting point is 00:51:25 So you say that's why he's spinner. That's why Doug and I work so well. Why? Because Scorpio and Cancer, that's like the best mix. Is it really? Yeah. So you're saying that's why he's spinner. That's why Doug and I work so well together. Really? Yeah. So what is it about? So what are the traits of... Oh, let's talk about the traits.
Starting point is 00:51:34 What are the traits of Scorpio? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I don't even know this. We can turn on a dime. We have a very vindictive personality. So if you scorn a Scorpio, they typically sting back. We are extremely loyal. And, you know, so if we like to nest,
Starting point is 00:51:58 so I like my routine. I don't like to go outside of my routine. I like my comfort zone, don't like to go outside of my routine. I like my comfort zone my home my house very home bodies extremely sexual passionate Incredible in bed and typically large large penises Blanketed that might add so here's what it says. So here's I just went online Here's the positive traits of a Scorpio focused brave balanced faithful ambitious intuitive. Here's the negative traits jealous
Starting point is 00:52:32 secretive resentful manipulative interesting. I'm gonna I mean, I don't know. Go to the court. Go look at cancer. Cancer is like, that was a curious. No, that was Scorpio. Scorpio Scorpio. Yeah, you know what I should do I should fuck it fucked up. I should just read the traits and we guess. Oh, I know I know what you're I know what is I don't know why you have to read ours. I don't know. All right, so you're a water sign right here's the Yeah, no air I don't know I think I think you're what I know the water bearer, but I think we're in a sign
Starting point is 00:53:04 Okay, so cancer traits to tenacious, highly imaginative, managing to do, I can't talk. It was a lot. Exactly, loyal, emotional, sympathetic, persuasive. Your weakness is moody, pessimistic, suspicious, manipulative, and insecure. Fuck, Justin, they're both manipulative. Oh my God, he knew it.
Starting point is 00:53:24 These fuck, are you guys, are you guys, Doug and I are in charge of the count. I know, I just feel the strings. I just say I might have to team up with you. Hey, it's been a rough morning. I have to cut your guys to salaries this month. All right, Aquarius traits, let's see here. I don't know why I missed you.
Starting point is 00:53:38 Now, here's what it says in Aquarius. Of all the trade, of all the zodiac signs, they are the best ones. Yeah, so let me just continue confirmed. Positive traits of Aquarius, truthfulness, just, curious, affectionate, frank and imaginative, definitely imaginative. I would definitely say amongst the four of us,
Starting point is 00:53:58 me and Justin are the most imaginative. We come up with the most, we do. I could pretty much say all those are correct. It's true. Here's the negative qualities. Unpredictable, detached. We have a tendency to go off track and inefficient. Mm.
Starting point is 00:54:14 I think that last one can be. Thank God you have a scorpion and a cancer here. Here's weird. What are the, here are the health concerns of aquariums. We're prone to disorders of the nerves. So like insomnia, restlessness, you had your little heart-papetation thing. What? Remember that when you had your thing with your,
Starting point is 00:54:31 your adrenal glands? Oh, yeah. Yeah, adrenal glands. Oh my God. So here's what happens when people read, Oh my God, it's true, everything. It's fucking true. Should we be dating?
Starting point is 00:54:39 So here's a, here's kind of a cool fact that I have the book that actually shows you all your, like your pairs and matches and relationships you should stay away from, like as far as signs. Who am I supposed to be? Do you know that Scorpio does not mix very well with hardly any other signs, except for cancer and Aquarius? There's only like three signs and those are actually the two.
Starting point is 00:54:58 Really? Yeah. What's October? I'm late. I'm late to the gangbang. I feel like we're going to have a, yeah, a what? Libra. Still Libra. I'm late to the gangbing. I feel like we're gonna have a, yeah, a what? Libra. Still Libra.
Starting point is 00:55:07 Yeah. Libra goes all well, very late is goes in the Scorpio. So the last, that, she Scorpio. Yeah, last like three days, last, I think to the 20, I think October 25th. No, you got it wrong, dude. I'm online right now. What is it? October 20th?
Starting point is 00:55:20 No, not that, but, uh, so the compatible signs with Scorpio are Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn and Pisces. Oh, the least compatible signs. Oh, you maybe, Virgo, Capricorn, and Pisces. The least compatible signs. Oh, you maybe are the least, three, the least. Are Leo and Aquarius. Yes. Wow.
Starting point is 00:55:31 Doug and I get along just fine. Yeah, well, let me look at my, let me see what Aquarius combines with. Yeah. I want to see what that is. Let's see, the most, we are the most compatible with Aries Gemini Libra in Sagittarius.
Starting point is 00:55:45 The least compatible for us are Taurus and Scorpio, obviously. Interesting. So here's a little science behind the zodiac. Do you notice what I did there? I read all the traits and you immediately connected it to things that made it make sense because you want to belong. It's just like your horoscope, huh? It's the same, what do you mean?
Starting point is 00:56:03 It's the same. Oh, like when it tells you, yeah, yeah. Like today, you're gonna have. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You're like, oh shit. Yeah, you're gonna have a challenging event. Like, every day you have a fucking challenge event. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:12 Like, oh my God, I totally connected. I, with I should have done it, I should have read like a, a horoscope. I think we would have figured it out. And said, whose horoscope is this? Yeah, I think we would have figured it out. Yeah, no, I think we would have figured it out. Yeah, whatever.
Starting point is 00:56:24 I don't know. Well, anyway, if you like our show, leave us a five star rating review on iTunes, we will pick the best ones and we will send you a free limited edition mind pump t-shirt. Also go to mindpumpmedia.com, check out all of our programs. Right now we actually have our RGB Superbundle available, which is nine months of exercise programming. Oh, and by the way, if you enroll now, you'll get three t-shirts, one for each program. You'll get a Maps Red t-shirt, a Maps Green t-shirt, and a Maps Black t-shirt. And also find us on Instagram at Mind Pump Radio. I'm at Mind Pump
Starting point is 00:57:01 Sal, Justin is at Mind Pump Justin and Adam. Don't worry about Adam. Yeah. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy, and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at Mind Pump Media dot com. The RGB Superbundle includes maps and a ballad,
Starting point is 00:57:23 maps for performance, and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal, Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels, and performs. With detailed workout blueprints and over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle is like having Sal, Adam and Justin as your own personal trainers, but
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