Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 341: How to Talk to Women, Lifting and Brazilian Jui Jitsu, Distilled Water & MORE

Episode Date: August 5, 2016

Kimera-Quah! In this episode of Quah, sponsored by Kimera Koffee (kimerakoffee.com, code "mindpump" for 10% off), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about unstable knees, distilled water, o...pinions on unconventional training and how and when to use it, how to incorporate lifting with Brazilian Jui-jitsu and how to talk to women. Get MAPS Anabolic, MAPS Performance, MAPS Aesthetic and the Butt Builder Blueprint (The RGB Super Bundle) packaged together at a substantial DISCOUNT at www.mindpumpmedia.com. Please subscribe, rate and review this show! Each week our favorite reviewers are announced on the show and sent Mind Pump T-shirts! Have questions for Mind Pump? Each Monday on Instagram (@mindpumpradio) look for the QUAH post and input your question there. (Sal, Adam & Justin will answer as many questions as they can)

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, where do we have three left three days left for or PG or the RGB? The RGB bundle. That's the maps red maps green maps black nine months of exercise programming final three days to get your free shirts red green and black You get three shirts one for each program you get the maps red shirt You get the maps green shirt and the maps black shirt and you can guess what color the maps is in each of those One take nine months of personal training nine months of exercise programming available mind pump media.com Get your research If you want to pump your body and expand your mind
Starting point is 00:00:39 Presently one place to go Might up might up with your hosts Salda Stefano Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. All the cool kids do some fucked up shit. You know, me, me, me, me. Whoa. Another. You got to know the other words.
Starting point is 00:00:58 I like when you take your voice and then you make it sound like Pearl Jam. That was Pearl Jam. You know what I'm saying? Pearl Jam is more like that. Like, and then you go, hurr, hurr, hurr, hurr, hurr. Yeah, there it is.
Starting point is 00:01:09 So, it sound like a Creed to me. You know what's it, yeah. That was like the half, half-ass version of Vetter. You know what's a little awkward? But when you're in a public bathroom and you're pooping or you're about to poop and then some dude goes in the stall next to you and he's about to start pooping or you're about to poop. And then some dude goes in the stall next to you and he's about to start pooping.
Starting point is 00:01:27 Now pooping makes noise. It's not a silent. I'm trying to squelch it a little bit. You don't want too much. But it's so stupid. I'm sitting there and I'm like, but why he's pooping too? Why do I have to be quiet?
Starting point is 00:01:40 Let's make this happen. That just happened earlier. Literally, 5- 10 minutes ago, I was in there, dude comes in. First of all, it's always interesting because you look at their shoes, right? Because you're always like, you're judging them. And how shifty they are.
Starting point is 00:01:53 Yeah, you look at their shoes. So this guy had flip flops on, so I'm like, I'm looking at his toes. I'm like, what's that? Yeah, I can pee all over. Yeah, let me see his teeth. Let me look at his toes. And then it's like the pooping starts
Starting point is 00:02:01 and because I have a little bit of knowledge of gut health and stuff, I find myself. What about you? Ask him. No. Hey, you want me to take a look at your stool for you? Hey, can you not flush?
Starting point is 00:02:13 Can you not flush? I'm going to take a look later. No, it's like the sounds and the amount of, you know, you're giving him a room. See you're giving coaching advice on the other side. I'm already. You think you're a little too high protein, you know, it's like, it sounds like you need a little more fiber in your diet.
Starting point is 00:02:29 It was a little loose. It's a little more squeaky. Yeah, yeah, they made me. No, no, no, there wasn't any farting, but it was definitely loose. Like, there was too many plops, you know what I'm saying? So I almost, I was kind of, and I've caught myself like,
Starting point is 00:02:40 why are you judging this guy? Yeah. You know, pooping. You're breaking down his actual amount of drop. Yeah, it's so stupid. Sal drops a business card on their side. But I do find it. If you like, contact me.
Starting point is 00:02:51 But I do find it, there's situations in society that we are embarrassed about, even though the other person is doing the same thing. Yeah, like, imagine this, you go to a sex shop, you're by yourself, you're like, I'm gonna buy some sex toys, right? And you run into like a person, you know, you go to a sex shop, you're by yourself, you're like, I'm gonna buy some sex toys, right? And you run into like a person you know. You're embarrassed, but they're in there too. Of course. It's stupid.
Starting point is 00:03:11 It's your next-door neighbor. Yeah. Hey, and then you start lightsabering together. Your parents? Yeah. That would be awkward. They got a big ol' rubber face. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:03:22 I think that would be the only- I can't imagine my head. Yeah, I'd be the only one. No, no, no, no. I think that would be the only- I can't get that image in my head. Yeah, I can't get it. No. Anybody else, I wouldn't care. If I ran into someone else, I'd be like, oh, funny seeing you here. I wouldn't get it.
Starting point is 00:03:32 Well, okay, now picture this. First of all, let me ask you guys this question. If you were to go to a sex shop, I'm pretty sure you guys have been, but let's say if you were to go, what would you be buying? How dare you. Oh, why don't you just ask,
Starting point is 00:03:43 what did we buy last? What was the last thing you bought there? What was the last thing? Yeah. All right. A video. You for really? Yeah. Who buys videos? Well, that's such a bad. Such a stupid investment. No, here's just you can't just you can't just go on the internet when you're when you're watching it with your wife. Yeah, I'm still a DVD. I'm still a DVD. It gets really weird. What? Yeah. So you so the last thing you went to an actual show. I don't know if I'm alone a DVD. They get really weird. What? Yeah. So the last thing you went to an actual set, I don't know if I'm alone here, but most women, like they like it all high production.
Starting point is 00:04:12 Yeah, like they want like the story. There has to be a story. You know what I mean? Yeah, I might just be like, here's porn. Like something I would look at. I grow up my brother would rather see like cinematics type porn. That's what I mean.
Starting point is 00:04:21 Then like the like hardcore shit that you like. That's most, that. Shit on my face. Whoa. Hello. Wow, you went super far with that. Yeah. No, most women are like that. And that's because that women are aroused
Starting point is 00:04:33 by psychological cues, whereas men are aroused by visual cues. But anyway, so the last time you went I used to be romance a little bit too. I'm not gonna lie. I kind of like this in a match. Shut up, bro. Shut the fuck up right now.
Starting point is 00:04:44 Because in my head I'm playing, I'm playing in my head. I'm going like oh, you know God if I roll my eyes any harder. I'm like Back on my head. I'm like are they gonna do it? Maybe they're not going to So you're like a guy gonna come in? Yeah, right at the anticipation like oh this Yeah, yeah, where when you when you go when you watch some of that hardcore shit like as soon as it turns on It's like heavy pounding you You know Stephanie still like him Yeah, there's no there's no four points so hold on suggesting last time you went it was a video. Yeah, what about you Adam? Fuzzy handcuffs fuzzy handcuffs. I think so wow
Starting point is 00:05:20 Or maybe when those great choice or maybe one of those games where you roll the dice roll of the glow in the dark dice That's good when you have friends over and stuff. What huh? Anyways dinner at my house Friday. Oh my god. No, okay. All right. I want to go to your parties now. What was yours? Huh? That the big I just realized something horrible about this conversation the big 16 inch freaking it was gonna come back to me I've been for she died. Yeah, tell us what you bought there The the Hitachi wand. There's a thing called the Hitachi wand. See, you fuckers are just, I sort of got, I mean, it's hyper performance.
Starting point is 00:05:51 I didn't teach you guys. It is hyper performance. So in, in vibrator land, there's certain vibrators that are just the best. Now the rabbit is very popular. We all know what that is. But the, if you go with just a straight vibrating head, the Hitachi makes the best vibrator. And it's the bit, it looks like the back massager.
Starting point is 00:06:12 And it's got the big round head at the front. And you plug it in because battery ones are just too weak. And it, you burn out. Wait, yeah. You breaking concrete or what? Yeah. Yeah, yeah breaking concrete or what? Battery shit
Starting point is 00:06:36 Let's just say I kind of move here Jack camera. Let's just let's just say vibrate so fast that click gets into quantum levels No, but it's a fire boom turn it out. No, but it said no, that's it. That's it. That's the last thing I got damn good I'm glad you guys didn't ask me what I got before that is it big huh? Huh? Is it is it big? How big you never seen a back massage or you know the ones that vibrate? It's like this is a good damn You know those are big that's quite some machinery those are big. Why is it gotta be small? It's not big like you can handle it You know I mean this is a guy that was trying to tell us that like big dicks turn you on. No, no, bro. Yeah. It's fucking science. You're trying to sell that to us. No, it's science. Yeah. Okay. It's called sperm competition. Well, I got you. Since then, I've been looking at a lot of
Starting point is 00:07:15 big naked dicks. I have turned on by them. It did not give me any. I don't know how to deal about that. I know. I told Katrina, all right. You know, we're going to watch big dicks for a night. I'm seeing this horse. I told me that. Yes. I answered. Trina, you know, we're gonna watch Big Dicks for a night. I'm a secret source. I don't know. Sal told me that. Yes, Sal answered. Yes, it says it's science, hun. It says it's science. It is full. I guarantee you, you're not watching porn of guys with small dicks having sex with women.
Starting point is 00:07:33 You're watching porn of guys with big dicks having sex with women. Switch it to vaginas, please. Yes. Just, just, just, scissoring. Yeah. Nothing else. Yeah. Is it?
Starting point is 00:07:42 What the sh Shhh! We call single-headed man, Kamehra Kwa! Today's Kwa is being brought to you by Kain-Marikoffee. It's the only coffee that is infused with all natural neutropics for a cleaner, calmer, and more focused buzz without the crash Put the chimera link at mind pump media.com and input the discount code Mind pump a check out for 10% off. It's the motherfucking Wow English landed
Starting point is 00:08:14 Quij Quij Comic fitness is asking about his knees one of them gives out when he squats There's no pain. Is it an imbalance or an injury? So I've actually had a... Well, he would know if it was an injury, I would think. Yeah. Well, so here's the thing. This is interesting now, because this is what I'm reading into this, to this particular question.
Starting point is 00:08:37 I've had a few clients with similar situation and the, the wording he's using is, gives out where like while he's in squat, ligament, like too much range of motion. Or it just loses power. It sounds to me like, oh, the knee gives out. You ever have someone say that to you? Like, oh, I'm walking.
Starting point is 00:08:54 You know what I mean with someone that gets all wobbly and loses that, right? Yeah, like it loses stability and it goes from stable to unstable. It's a neurological issue. I don't think it's that. I think there may be an old injury there. Here's the thing, if you tear your meniscus
Starting point is 00:09:08 or if you have, and I doubt it's a torn ACL or a PCL or anything like that, but if you have a tear in your meniscus, sometimes the meniscus itself can get in between the joint and a way that causes the need to feel like it gives out. So I'm wondering if there's some kind of a previous injury that, you know, everything healed in terms of inflammation and stuff, but that particular connective tissue didn't fully,
Starting point is 00:09:34 you know, heal. And so now he's feeling that the knee gives out because that's the word he uses. It gives out. It's not like it just feels weaker. It just, it goes out, you know, it goes out. So here's what I'll say to that. Besides having to get it looked at by a doctor. And if it doesn't, and there's knee tests you can do, you can test your ACL, PCL, you can
Starting point is 00:09:53 test your meniscus. One easy test for the meniscus is lay on your back, have somebody hold your foot with your leg straight, and be totally relaxed, and then have them twist your foot to the right and to the left until you tell them to stop and see if you notice any pain or instability in the knee and that could kind of give you a clue as to whether or not your meniscus might have some issues. But the fix is the same regardless. It would be to make your hips stronger. Strengthen your hips in all directions, but especially laterally,
Starting point is 00:10:26 because I've noticed that in, or lack of lateral stability tends to make the knee feel, especially if there's an issue with the ligaments of the knee, feel like it's given out, because a barbell squat is a very straight forward movement. And if at the bottom of the movement, his knees come out a little bit or come in a little bit, which is common with most people, it doesn't have to happen a lot, but let's say it comes in,
Starting point is 00:10:49 it comes out a little bit, it'll add pressure to some of those stabilizing ligaments. And if there's one that's not as strong, it's going to feel like it gives out. And so the way to remedy that would be to strengthen the lateral stability or the, you know, the even work on the rotational ability of the hips would be my best guess. Well, so there's, it could be something else too, right? So I've seen this before where let's say you, you tore your ACL, MCL, you had some sort of knee injury,
Starting point is 00:11:19 doesn't even have to be knee, could just been somewhere in your leg on your, you know, the side that is giving out, right? And so for a long time, you've crouched that side and you've now over compensated on the opposite side. So you have like this really dominant, let's just say the right knee is better, the right leg is bad. And then I over compensate the left side.
Starting point is 00:11:39 So now my left side becomes really dominant. And so then when I go to do like a squat, you squat, that left side is taken over for such a long time. So now when I'm healed, I'm better, and I'm starting to exercise again, and I'm starting to increase weight, that dominant side, when that weight is squat, when you're squatting down that weight, that right side gets wobbly because it's weak,
Starting point is 00:12:00 because it's weak, because it's underdeveloped and compared. It's large connection. Yeah, and so I actually would tell somebody like this to do a lot of unilateral movements. So I would do like single leg presses and do a lot of single leg type movements to help strengthen that and then catch it back up.
Starting point is 00:12:17 And if that is the case, could be a stability issue. Yeah. Could be not responding like the way it used to, not just the strength issue, but it's also not like properly stabilized. Yeah. Like a single leg toe touch. Yeah. You know, and always starting with the weaker side first. So I would do, I would do movements
Starting point is 00:12:36 like that. So then you think probably the, he's asking injury or imbalance, he probably had an injury that healed. And I mean, this is just a guess, obviously, but if he's not feeling pain, that's my, you would feel a pain if it was still injured or torn or something like that. You'd be able to notice some kind of feedback from that. Exactly. Otherwise, from at this point, I feel like it's definitely seems like it would be a corrective issue. And this is more common than you would think with,
Starting point is 00:13:07 and this is my pet peeve with physical therapist. I had, I tore my ACL on MCL, and I had a, I don't wanna say a bad experience, but I was disappointed. After it was both. I did. ACL and MCL? Oh, that sucks.
Starting point is 00:13:23 Yeah, the ACL, it was a partial tear on the ACL, MCL I severed. So when I went through physical therapy, he left me. He's just making face, he's continuing. I'm fucking sorry. I was giving them that. But when I went through physical therapy,
Starting point is 00:13:40 I was really disappointed in the way it was ran. I couldn't believe that, you know, I'm rehabbing this knee and I'm in a setting which is very common with physical therapists. Obviously, there's five people that are, you know, everyone's at different stations and there's timers and it's like, okay, you do ball squats. You're doing, you know, ankle weighted leg extensions and you're doing single leg, bounce the ball up. So, they've got like five or six people that are moving and they're on these stations and they're all doing rehab work.
Starting point is 00:14:11 And it's only managed by one or two people. And I'm thinking to myself, they put me in fact, I remember being on like ball squats, you know, so I got the wall, the ball behind my back and I'm squatting up and down, you know, and for me, I know what I'm supposed to be doing. I'm supposed to be really concentrating on coming down, controlled, and evenly distributing my weight. But that takes a lot of getting depth and all that. Yes, yes.
Starting point is 00:14:35 It's just there to support a little bit more from your posterior. And the problem is, that's really challenging because I just had an injury there. So naturally, you have an ace of bench, cool shift away from it. And you, you start to, you know, overcompensate on the other side. Well, because I'm a trainer, I know the fuck I'm doing and I'm not doing that. But I thought, wow, she just set me on here.
Starting point is 00:14:57 She doesn't know that, you know, she walks away. And if I were to just keep going up and down on the squatting, I'm going to just, I'm going to just make this deviation even worse. Sure, I'll be able to walk again and they'll get physical therapy, will get me out, check me out, a physical therapy. But, they weren't identifying the bad recruitment pattern.
Starting point is 00:15:13 They were more just like identifying where the injury was and what kind of movements in general will help provide. Here's the thing, I wanna give them some credit because physical therapists can do that. And they're trained to do. Of course. Here's the problem. The problem is she them some credit because physical therapists can do that and they're trained to do. Of course. Here's the problem. The problem is she has or he has six people in a room.
Starting point is 00:15:29 Insurance companies tell them what they can and can't do and they have to get you in and get you out. And that's just the nature of the way it's constructed. Your insurance covers your therapy up to bringing back range of motion. It does not cover you up to getting you back to where you were before. So you could have an injury go in there, bring back range of
Starting point is 00:15:53 motion, but you're still weak as hell. And that's what I mean. And then they'll set you off and you're on your own. I have had more than a dozen clients sent to me from doctors, because I train a lot of doctors, and the doctors will send them to me over physical therapists for that particular reason, because they'll go to the therapist, get the range of motion,
Starting point is 00:16:13 and then never go back to where they were before, and of course that just sets you up for all kinds of problems later on. Like, you know, what you're talking about, Adam, is I'm glad you brought that up because the intent of what you're doing when you're, is, I'm glad you brought that up because the intent of what you're doing when you're doing the exercise is just as important as the exercise.
Starting point is 00:16:29 100% If you just, You just, Yeah, if you just do the exercise, that's fine. But if you do the exercise, understanding that you need to balance your weight, understanding that you need to not shift to one side, understanding that you need to do it under control stability,
Starting point is 00:16:45 and focus on that. If you don't do any of that, you're not gonna get much out of the movement. Intent is very, very important when it comes to exercise. So with this particular individual with his knee, number one, like I said, work on hips, definitely work on hips.
Starting point is 00:17:02 The hips are what make the knees stable. That's the bottom line. I wanna say that again, you want stable knees and strong knees. You need to have good range of motion with your hips. You need to have good stability within the hips and multiple directions, good flexibility and mobility within the hips.
Starting point is 00:17:17 And then I would also do some unilateral exercises. Like do some, here's a good easy one. Sit down on a bench and try to stand up with that one leg. Yeah, very easy. Yeah. Or if that's too hard for you, sit down with just that one leg. So rather than doing the positive, just try and lower yourself on the bench with that one leg. And maybe hold on to something for balance and help. And that'll help strengthen that leg up. Xen, Zen, Zen, Zen. What are your thoughts on distilled water? Everything Zen.
Starting point is 00:17:47 Waste. Distilled water is actually, I'll go with this far. I'll go, I'll even go as far as to say, let's take all the minerals out. Don't drink distilled water. Here's what distilled water does. Distilled water pulls shit at your body. Oh, it's a vampire.
Starting point is 00:18:03 Because your body tries to balance itself out. and so drinking lots of distilled water, especially over long periods of times, will and can cause mineral deficiencies. It's a stupid idea that the bodybuilding world is prepared. Yeah, because they were trying to avoid all the sodium. Why didn't they even promote, oh, sodium. Yeah. Yes. Like as if the sodium and mineral water is fucking so high that they have to well
Starting point is 00:18:25 It's now the water you won't hold on to it. It goes right through you. It's like you didn't even go through it pulls all other shit Yeah, if you ever drink to still water It's like you didn't even you drink a half gallon as if you drink anything it just goes right through because there's no value to it Yeah, um, and you know it distilled water becomes acidic Because it attracts carbon dioxide when you expose it to air and then drink it, it's not a good idea. It's not healthy, it's not smart. And the only reason why anybody would take it or think that it's a good idea is the body building community.
Starting point is 00:18:55 It serves no purpose for anybody else. It's really ridiculous, but it's still even ridiculous for them because I don't know how many times I'm going to stress this that you're 60% of your fucking muscles are water. Yeah. And if you're gonna get on stage and present yourself, you want water in you. And the bodybuilding community is told everybody, oh, you want to be dry, dry as a bone, and you want to take all the water out. And it's like, no, you don't. You don't want to take all the water out. You want to keep water in your muscle. You subcontinuous. Yes, you don't want to punch your extra water. You want to hold, but you don't want to take it all out. Your body, you want that inside your muscle belly, so you're filled out. Well, there's there's lots of evidence that people who tend to drink
Starting point is 00:19:32 distilled water will almost always test with multiple mineral deficiencies. Like you don't want a mineral deficiency, you don't want any kind of a vitamin or mineral deficiency, but mineral deficiencies, yeah, they can really affect your central nervous system. They can cause things like magnesium deficiency. Relatively, I don't want to say common, but more common than you would think, especially amongst athletes, and they cause everything from anxiety, hormone disruptions, you know, issues and disruptions is, they can cause depression, reductions in cognition and IQ. So, there's a lot of people out there, and this has actually been documented, who have horrible issues with things like anxiety and paranoia and OCD, and they'll supplement
Starting point is 00:20:14 with magnesium and pff goes away. Drinking distilled water is just, I can't think of any good way reason to use it, except for, and only doing this under the care of a good naturopath, potentially drawing out particular toxins in the body. Well, I mean, it's kind of weird and kind of yoga, slash hippie or whatever, but I, if you think about like the body is like a electrical conducting, you know, moving object, you know, like you're taking out a lot of the minerals that interact with the water, you need those minerals
Starting point is 00:20:48 for proper signals to travel. There's actually a correlation, it hasn't been connected, but there's a correlation between the consumption of soft water, which is, soft water has very, very little minerals in it, distilled water being the softest. And that soft water just means that if you have a water softener, very little minerals in it, distilled water being the softest. Soft water just means if you have a water softener, it's designed to remove minerals out of your water
Starting point is 00:21:10 because people don't like water spots on their shower or they like that. There's soap lathers better when they use soft water and it's fine to debate with it. But nonetheless, there is a correlation with the consumption of soft water and increased incidence of cardiovascular disease. We also know that mineral deficiencies, even mild mineral deficiencies, is linked to cardiovascular disease. So I see zero reason to ever drink distilled water,
Starting point is 00:21:39 unless you wanna be an idiot. If you wanna be an idiot, I think you should purchase the water. You know what, America. It's gotta be a new one. I idiot, I think you should purchase the full one. This is America. Yeah. It's got to be whatever you want. I mean, I didn't look at the person who posted this, but it's got to be a bodybuilding tech question.
Starting point is 00:21:50 It's the only reason why I would even consider to it, because it's popular actually. You see, I've never even thought of it. Oh God, dude, I don't know how many guys I was competing next to and they're like, oh yeah, my coaches got me on all distilled water for the next week. Yeah, that's pretty fucking smart.
Starting point is 00:22:04 Got a monolidic. I don't know what I feel. I don't know what's worse. That he fucking told you to do that. You fucking listen, you know? Well, I'm looking at the Google that before you just started doing it or you just started doing it. No, it's not a bodybuilder.
Starting point is 00:22:14 It's not a bodybuilder at all. It's actually, it looks like a wellness type person. So really? Yeah. Well, but I mean, you're, or maybe they know that you just want to hear us talk shit about it.
Starting point is 00:22:23 Maybe, because they're a wellness person. They know it's stupid. They're like I saw somebody doing this I tell you what all that my bro's them. Yeah, I tell you what bodybuilding has brought some great things to to fitness It's what brought resistance training to the masses But it's brought some stupid shit and I am I'm always shocked at how much stupid shit from bodybuilding permeates like regular Society, and this is just one of those always shocked at how much stupid shit from bodybuilding permeates like regular society. And this is just one of those fucking things. Oh, we all look up to them.
Starting point is 00:22:48 They're the ones in the covers of our magazines and gender review. I'm gonna tell you this right now, ladies and gentlemen, I'm sure I'm gonna piss a lot of people off, but probably the last person in the fitness industry, you should really listen to when it comes to things like diet and nutrition. And maybe even training is bodybuilders.
Starting point is 00:23:05 I hate to say it. Bodybuilders will give you horrible shitty advice. That's in one of your and out the other, dude. No, ain't nobody listening to that. You know why? Because they all looked the best, bro. It's so hard to tell someone that when it's like, fuck you, how are you gonna tell me like that,
Starting point is 00:23:17 this, that I'm not gonna listen to this guy? They make them their champions, the other gods, these people that they're like, I'm in the gym to look like that guy. Well, Jay. And even when I've gotten into like, social media debates or talking something like that,
Starting point is 00:23:31 it's just like, well, you look at him. It's obviously working. So, who is this? It's working. Yeah. It's so dumb. Lower bicep, isn't working. I'm gonna take a picture of Justin's calves
Starting point is 00:23:41 and be like, look, not working out your calves works. Yeah, her all day. fuck, don't do anything. Pfft. Ethan Hail 33, what are your opinions on unconventional training such as kettlebells and ending clubs? And what's the most effective and how to incorporate them into your program?
Starting point is 00:24:00 Justin's question. Yeah, I love this question. Every time I hear the word ending clubs, I just think of like night clubs. Yeah, like disco take-as. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. No, I'm surprised that he actually brought up Indian clubs. I still feel like it's one of those tools that not a lot of people have been exposed to. No, not at all. And it's, they're going to get bigger. They're getting bigger. Well, just the fact that on it talks about them, right? Yeah, I mean, that's true
Starting point is 00:24:25 And it's it's such a I guess it's even more of a skill than Even kettlebells. You know, I might piss off kettlebell people, but Fuck you. Anything clubs your way A lot more coordination involved and so you know people look at that right away and I'm like, oh, I can't do that and You know, there's a process to it and there's a there's a way that you know, people look at that right away and are like, oh, I can't do that. And you know, there's a process to it. And there's a way that, you know, you learn how to handle and properly, you learn, you know, how to get proper mobility out of your wrists, your elbows, your shoulders, like all these things in rotation.
Starting point is 00:24:58 You start to figure out, wow, my body's capable of a lot more movement than I even have ever done before. And it's, it's tools like this that kind of provide that because it, it directs a lot more movement than I even have ever done before. And it's tools like this that kind of provide that because it directs a lot of the momentum and the movement in a direction that, you know, your joints just have to sort of flow into that position with. So I love it because it also adds in that resistance to get that tensile kind of strength element in there with, so it becomes more mobility and not just like I'm swinging with momentum. So I, you know, my opinion on unconventional training has shifted over the last year.
Starting point is 00:25:39 One of the things I love about this podcast is it has accelerated my evolution as a trainer or as a fitness professional quite a bit. I think each one of us could say that. Yeah, I mean, I've always been very open. I've always had great respect for unconventional training. I always saw benefit to it. But as I've worked with Justin and Adam and watched, you know, Justin, I would say, is definitely the expert amongst the three of us in unconventional training.
Starting point is 00:26:09 But watching Adam incorporate some of it and incorporating some more of it myself, he kind of makes it more relatable, I think. Well, it's just, it's just when you start to see someone else do it and then you start to do it and then you start to see what it does to you. I don't care who you are as a trainer. One of the best things you could do to make yourself a better trainer, is to try different things.
Starting point is 00:26:27 Even if you don't like it, eventually, you can talk about it better and you understand it better. And it's something that I always constantly have to remind myself of. But having incorporating some of this in unconventional training into my arsenal, I've noticed a tremendous carryover to my favorite parts of lifting, which are the
Starting point is 00:26:45 barbell movements. I'll give you a great example. I've done kettlebell, just an end, this is a very basic example. I've done kettlebell shoulder presses in the past, but I've never made them a regular part of my routine. If I worked out my shoulders, it was with dumbbells and barbells, and then maybe I throw in some kettlebell stuff once or twice a month, at most. As with any kind of training, the best results you're going to get out of it, or the things you're going to squeeze out of it are going to happen with practice and frequency, anything you do. So if you really want to get the most out of unconventional training, you should do it relatively frequently and incorporate it into your regular routine
Starting point is 00:27:25 And so I had been incorporating kettlebell shoulder presses as my shoulder press of choice on a pretty consistent basis And then more recently I've been incorporating kettlebell holds I had a conversation with Justin about three weeks ago And he actually brought it up on one of our episodes about how he loves doing kettlebell holds while he'll like Press the kettlebell up straight, stay strong and straight and hold it for a minute or walk with it or keep it to his chest and walk with it. And so I started doing those and two things I noticed. One, I got sore differently than I normally do. And that doesn't necessarily tell me it's a good thing.
Starting point is 00:28:02 It just tells me something different happened. But number two, when I went back to trying my overhead presses with barbells and dumbbells, I was much stronger and I got stronger faster than had I not done those movements. Cool, I'm glad you did that. Yeah, it does a lot of different things for you. So if you're just like barbells and dumbbells and that's your thing, I highly suggest you
Starting point is 00:28:27 incorporate unconventional training because you will notice better gains in building muscle and better gains in your barbell and dumbbell lifts. The best way that I found to incorporate these into a program is to literally incorporate them into your regular program. You don't necessarily do like, okay, one day a week I'm doing unconventional training. No, at the end or beginning of your workout, add two or three of these movements. So if today's my full body workout
Starting point is 00:28:53 and I'm in between in the middle of my workout, I'm working out my shoulders. I am doing, instead of doing my traditional dumbbell and barbell stuff, I'm gonna do three, unconventional movements that I know tend to stress my delts a little bit, or maybe at the end of my workout, I'm gonna incorporate sled pulls or sled pushes,
Starting point is 00:29:11 or maybe like I did yesterday, you know, yesterday, I did a super set, and so my normal super set on Mondays will be Cicci squats to front squats. What I did instead was as I pushed and pulled the sled straight to front squats. And so incorporating things in that way, I think we'll make it more likely for you to be consistent in your routine. And then you can really see the carryover.
Starting point is 00:29:33 But I think everybody, I don't care what kind of training you're doing, you should incorporate some of this stuff. Adam, how have you been in doing your, how have you added this stuff into your training? Oh, every day I probably have something that's unconventional. Whether it be kettlebell, whether it be a sled. But do you do it like at the beginning at the end, or do you do it like as part of the, like the middle of the routine where you throw it in?
Starting point is 00:29:53 Honestly, it really depends. It, I mean, it's always, it's always something different. You know, I'm all, and I like that. I like playing with, you know, like you did the other day. I've done that before, you know, where I've pushed the sled then I've gone over to front squats before, or I did a post a while back of, you know, we did a demo on doing a sled pool where I dropped down at 90 degrees and I'd walk it back, almost like a like extension, like a leg extension. And so instead
Starting point is 00:30:19 of like, so I squatted for, you know, 45 minutes and then at the end, I'd drug the sled like that and just had this massive pump from it. So there's, I'm always pulling, I'm doing different things. I love kettlebell work. A lot of my kettlebell stuff, if I do kettlebell, especially shoulder stuff, I like to do that first. I feel like it really helps loosen me up and mobilize my shoulder before I go do like a barbell movement. So if I were going to do kettlebells for shoulders, I would do those first Because I feel like it said it helps me versus the other way around versus going to a you know barbell press and then doing kettlebells
Starting point is 00:30:55 I feel it's more beneficial for me to do that See that's what I mean by integrating that's exactly what I've been doing and I noticed the best results that way Yeah, so that's kind of how I use these at that, but I, you know, I mean, even like I did a lateral, lateral raise with kettlebells of the day and just, just the handle of holding that is different than holding the barbell. I liked the way it felt on my shoulder. And that wasn't like before or after anything. It was just in the middle of my workout.
Starting point is 00:31:20 I'm always doing something. I love the sled. I love the sled probably more than anything. I'm training legs at least three, four times a week. So, you know, mixing that up, a lot of times what I'll do, let's say it's, you know, the second or third time I'm coming in to do legs,
Starting point is 00:31:34 and I got them pretty good, maybe I did heavy the day. That might be a day where all I do is different sled pushes and pulls, you know, and just working on full range of motion. Sometimes I'll push the sled and I'll do it in an unconventional way too, where I'm not just pushing it straight. I'm taking large steps out to the left and to the right and just trying to open my hips up and taking it through full range of motion. I love those things because to me, they carry over into real life more than anything else. You know, there's been more times in my life where I'd had to like
Starting point is 00:32:04 push something or create leverage like that and try it out. Then I have done most of our exercises at work. Yeah, I think that's, I mean, you hit on kind of a point that brought me out of the golds gym and the more commercial kind of setting where I'm not only doing barbell lifts,
Starting point is 00:32:22 but I'm also incorporating machines. I just, I found that once I got outside of that and I was incorporating these unconventional lifts on top of my barbell lifts, it just added a new dimension to where my movement helped aid in my movement. So Adam's talking about going a little bit wider and all that. You could get, there's a lot more freedom to it as opposed to being structured. So everything is in the sagittal plane or everything's in the frontal plane. If you do more of these unconventional exercises, it really places you in multi-plane.
Starting point is 00:33:02 You have to be able to react and respond and stabilize the weight properly through all these different movements. Well, see, here's what trips me out. What trips me out, and I know that a lot of listeners can relate to what I'm about to say, because a lot of our listeners hear that, hear the multi-planar, hear the functionality,
Starting point is 00:33:20 hear about the mobility. And a lot of them are like, I really don't care. I have a desk job. I just like to look to a lot the mobility. And a lot of them are like, you know, I really don't care. Like I have a desk job. Right. I just like to look to a- It looks good. And maybe I just want to get strong in a deadlift squat and a bench press.
Starting point is 00:33:32 So it's not that big of a deal to me, so I'm not gonna spend time doing it. Well, here's what you need to understand. Incorporating and integrating, that this doesn't mean that you need to go do a whole five week course of just this kind of training or whole workout's dedicated to them. I mean, that would be awesome,
Starting point is 00:33:50 but you don't have to. My point is you can integrate them into your workout, throw one or two of them into your routine, and you're going to see better visible results. Like your body's gonna look better. You're actually gonna build more muscle, and those traditional lifts, you may very well increase them like I have. Like you're actually gonna build more muscle and those traditional lifts, you may very well increase them like I have.
Starting point is 00:34:08 Like you're gonna optimize those lifts. There's no way you can't. It fills a lot of those gaps as far as being supported from different angles that you weren't as supported with. So it makes you feel stronger. Well, here's one of my favorites. Here's a great one that I've done a couple times now. You did it. You're gonna sh a shit in your pants there, buddy
Starting point is 00:34:27 My bladder is like this big dude. I didn't even go pee. Well, you know, I forgot that you know We're this is a different time for us and I drank a gallon different schedule. Yeah, yeah, I am on a different piece Listen Adam. Listen Adam. It's unacceptable. Yeah next time you fuck there interrupt me next time you fucking piss your pants I tried to leave when when we got to the, when Doug was gonna go to the Jiu-Jitsu, I didn't know you were gonna continue on. Oh, yeah. Well, though, I wasn't, I had nothing to fucking add to that.
Starting point is 00:34:51 Well, so here's, I was like, I could definitely pee during that question. Well, here's what it's interesting. What's interesting, you left the room to go pee. Me and Justin continued without a, without a hint. Not even a hitch. Then you came in and interrupted the,
Starting point is 00:35:02 the question. So, there he is. Because he didn't announce that. Justin just said that I just said that. They would even know I was I fucked you up. No, when I was going to say, uh, fuck you, just what I was going to say, one of my favorite combos, check this out. One of my favorite favorite, favorite combos and you can do this anyway, is to do an explosive sled movement like a high pole.
Starting point is 00:35:24 So I do that down the track. I don't get super fatigued, but I feel that explosive pull. Then it goes straight to a heavy single in a deadlift. Oh shit, I love that. I love it. So for me, like, let's say my max is, I don't know, five, 60 on the deadlift, or five, 40 or five, 50, or whatever, right in that range.
Starting point is 00:35:43 I'll load the bar with 500. So I know I could do a single with it. It'll be heavy, but I could do it. That'll be my single. And I'll take the sled and I'll just go maybe one length down the track, do high poles get real explosive. Then I won't run to the deadlift. I'm not trying to like fatigue the shit out of myself.
Starting point is 00:35:59 I'm just getting those muscles to fire quickly with something unconventional. Go to the deadlift, do a heavy single, put it down, rest, and repeat. And let me tell you, that right there, I've done that a couple times now, and I've noticed a more connection to the barbell, and then when I go to just a traditional,
Starting point is 00:36:18 just straight barbell deadlift, I feel like I can pull faster off the ground. Now, you can do it the flip. You can do a real heavy single, and then do the high pulls with the sled. And in that case, I am working to fatigue with the sled. So then I am going until I get real tired, then I get a full rest, and then I repeat.
Starting point is 00:36:36 I like that. I've done the single arm kettlebell snatch right before the deadlift like that. So do a heavy single arm snatch. Three reps, that's it. And then go pull. So do a heavy, exactly. Single arm snatch three, like three wraps, that's it. And then go pull. Yeah, sparks a real like like almost like torque. Yes, torque goes to the roof.
Starting point is 00:36:51 You are priming your body before I lift. Yeah, so but I've never tried this sled. That's not, I'll have to do that the next time we're inside there. Kenneth Koy is asking how to incorporate lifting with Brazilian jujitsu. I wonder who picked this one. Hmm, yeah, I don't have a background. Go ahead, so.
Starting point is 00:37:07 For this one. Well, unless we talk in general, or else you could wear your robe while you do squats. Whoa, it's just color of robe. It is a robe. You might as well call it pajamas. It's called a ghee. All right, bro.
Starting point is 00:37:22 I almost had to fight you. Yeah. I saw this with my eyes. A deer you fight you. Yeah. I saw the weird eyes. A dare you call it. Yeah. You can wear your smoking jacket while you're in the hospital. No. Oh, yes.
Starting point is 00:37:33 So they're coming after you. No, I think it's a good question because I think we should talk about how to incorporate lifting with any type of athletic training. So there's really two general categories of the way you should lift weights if you're an athlete. Category one is how you lift in the off season and then category two is how you lift in season and they both have different intents. When I'm lifting off season, my goal is to improve my strength performance. I'm trying to actively get stronger in, you know, core lifts. I'm trying to make my body more muscular, more solid with better tension. My goal is to improve. When I'm lifting
Starting point is 00:38:14 in season, my goal is now to prevent injury and to maintain. I am not into just sharpen and fine tune your skill on the field. That's it. Because if I lift weights while I'm in season to improve, and my goal is to improve in the gym while I'm in season in football season or let's say I'm competing in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and I'm training for competition, you are asking for injury and burnout. It's not a good idea. So as an example, like give us maybe maybe a move that you would work on in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and then how you would work on that specific skill, maybe in the weight room or something.
Starting point is 00:38:52 Well, if we're talking about specifically to Brazilian Jitsu, Yeah, like a throw. Okay. Like a major hip throw. What would you do in the Jitsu? Well, so Brazilian Jitsu doesn't include throws, but it's not nearly as explosive as Jiu-Jitsu, right? Yeah, it's nearly as explosive as Jiu-Jitsu doesn't include throws, but it's not nearly as explosive as Judo, right? Yeah, it's nearly as explosive as Judo. I didn't know that.
Starting point is 00:39:08 Yeah, so Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, the rules are you get points for a takedown. You get points for particular positions like passing the guard and for things like neon belly or the mount or taking what they call the rear mount. You get points for all those and the highest points go to taking the back or for a front mount. But you don't win, you can't win a competition besides and the highest points go to taking the back or for a front mount. But you don't win, you can't win a competition besides having the higher points at the end of the competition when time runs out. But you can't win instantly when a competition in Brazil gets you unless they tap out.
Starting point is 00:39:34 That's how you win, you know, right, it doesn't matter if you have 30 seconds or whatever, you get them to tap out you win the match. That's the only way to fully win a competition. Whereas with judo, you can win with a tap out, you can win with a 30 second pin, or you can win with a, what they call an e-pone, which is a full throw. And that's how a majority of the matches in judo or one, or how you really wanna win is by doing a full, complete,
Starting point is 00:40:02 throw where the person lands on their back in a particular way. So judo is much more explosive in that sense. And they limit your ground game. You hit the ground and it's very limited. They'll call you back up after a certain amount of seconds of not super active activity. You can't just try to work. With Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, it's a lot slow on ground work going on there.
Starting point is 00:40:23 They'll leave you down there the whole time. In fact, when I competed, I've competed about four or five times and one people figured out that I did Judo, which they could tell after my first match, everybody watched and be like, okay, he did Judo. The guys would just jump guard or they would sit down on their butt. So I couldn't get points from a throw
Starting point is 00:40:40 and I'd have to engage him on the ground. That's perfectly legal in Jitsu. In Judo, if you do that shit, they though, you're out because you have to actively try to throw each other. So the type of conditioning in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is a little different. It's not as explosive as Judo. Judo fighters are very explosive. It's like, boom, boom, it's like more like a wrestler. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is lots of tension, lots of tightness, lots of holding a position, lots of strength endurance in those positions.
Starting point is 00:41:08 Sounds a lot like isometrics. Lots of isometrics, like a Brazunjijitsu guy gets you in a lock or a hold. They can place a squeeze on you that you would, you cannot fucking believe. Like if they get you in a triangle choke or they close their guard on you or they put you in a position and they want to squeeze you.
Starting point is 00:41:29 It's like a bow constrictor. It will get stronger and stronger and stronger and stronger. And so you want to be able to with Brazilian Jitsu, you want to incorporate isometric movements in your lifts and they're fantastic to superset with heavy lifts. All the heavy traditional barbell movements, great carry over into whatever, I don't care what sport you do. So get good at deadlifting, get good at squatting, get good at overhead press and barbell, you know, bench press and all that stuff.
Starting point is 00:41:53 But then also, you know, let's say I do, let's say I'm doing a back movement and I do a heavy barbell press, excuse me, row. Right after that, I might jump up to a pull up bar, pull myself up and then hold myself there for time and just a really fucking tight or Do a pull-up with with my gee so I'll hang the gee over the bar and pull myself up with the grips because your grip is Extremely important. So you're basically holding a position and you're just trying to really get comfortable Yeah, get comfortable
Starting point is 00:42:28 to really get comfortable, get comfortable, get leverage, get as much recruitment as you possibly can centered in that one area or that one movement pattern that you're really trying to do. And the key here, the thing that the mistake I see people making when they're doing this kind of training is that they do it to fatigue. So they'll hold themselves to fatigue, which will reduce your strength. So you want to treat it like you're regular lifting, you want to get up there, hold, get real fucking tight. And let's say you can max, hold yourself at the bar for a minute. Well, then you're doing sets of 30 or 40 seconds. And that's about it. But if you're in season, if you're in competition,
Starting point is 00:42:58 train lie aimed for full range of motion, just to get the muscles to move and feel good. If you're off season, then lift for strength, lift for improvement. And here's the other thing, you're not gonna lift as much or as often as someone who just lifts. So if I'm doing jujitsu three, four days a week, then two days a week of lifting is plenty. If I'm not doing Brazilian jujitsu,
Starting point is 00:43:20 then I can lift much more. You're overload, you're seeing this. No, it's just too much. One Martinez 9966 is wanting to know how to talk to women. Just. Oh, yeah, I'll take this one, guys. I'm the married guy, but still have ideas. Okay, I'll get you up, girl.
Starting point is 00:43:37 This one, this was a big one on the forum just recently. Yeah, I think it was the same guy posted this in a shit ton of people. Oh, was it? Yeah, it's one. Yeah, that's one. It's my boy one. I wasn't sure if he was the one who started it or not I know that it was it was quite the threat. You know what this reminds me of So I don't talk to Talking to women is or just talking to anybody is effective communication a K a
Starting point is 00:44:02 Sales skills And I hate to say sales because people listen to you're like, oh, you're selling someone something they don't want. No, no, no, no. A good salesman believes in what they're selling. So you're presenting yourself. So I mean, you can't deny that. It is.
Starting point is 00:44:16 And here's the biggest risk. Or the biggest problem with talking to anybody, whether you're talking to a woman because you want to maybe get a date or you're talking to somebody because you you want to maybe get a date or you're talking to somebody because you want to talk to them about your product or whatever, people are so afraid of rejection that that's what fucks them up the whole time.
Starting point is 00:44:36 That's what they freeze. They're hung up on that. If you get over that, if you get over the fear of rejection, your game, quote unquote game, will improve dramatically, whether it's sales or whether it's just trying to talk to a woman. If you go up to a woman and you're okay with her saying no, or her rejecting you, I promise you your game will be much better.
Starting point is 00:44:57 So step number one, get over it. Get over the fact that that person may not be interested in you. It doesn't define who you are. It doesn't mean you're not attractive. It doesn't mean that you're not whatever. It just means that person may not be interested in you, it doesn't define who you are, doesn't mean you're not attractive, it doesn't mean that you're not whatever. It just means that person is not interested in you big fucking deal. And you just,
Starting point is 00:45:11 you wanna make sure you're presenting yourself and putting yourself out there and it's authentic. You know, like I feel like... Comfort confidence. Well, it's a lot of it. I mean, you could pretty much see what's artificial and what's real, like pretty quickly. We're very good at identifying like foreign, like something is off with this person, you
Starting point is 00:45:30 know? Like, whatever it is, if it's, you know, like if it's women, when they put like too much makeup on or you know, there's just too much, too much stuff that they're hiding, you know? Like I just, I feel like that's gonna become a problem later on. If maybe, maybe you put like the skills on and you would them into your, your trap or whatever it is, like, but it has to get real at some point, you know, so it just depends on what you're trying to attract.
Starting point is 00:45:58 Yeah, and think about it, like if you're walking up to a woman and you're okay with being rejected, your confidence level goes up quite a bit. It's all calm. And you ask any woman what is one of the most attractive things about a man and it's confidence? Well, it's the same with women. I'm attracted to the confident women. Of course, but I mean, I mean,
Starting point is 00:46:15 this he's talking about talking to women. I mean, if you're not afraid of that, you're probably going to be a lot more confident and a great way to open any conversation. And again, I'm speaking from sales now, but I think this would apply here too, is to ask a question. Asking a question is an easy way to open a conversation.
Starting point is 00:46:33 Like go up and ask her about her shoes, ask her about the music, ask her about what she's reading, ask her about anything. Why she's the hottest one in her group of friends. Right, oh yeah, why are all your friends told? That happened. I'm not the one. I'm not the one. her group of friends. Right. Oh, yeah. Why are all your friends? Oh, that happened. Yeah, he said really nice way. You know, like I use that one a lot. How does it feel being the second best-looking person among your group of friends?
Starting point is 00:46:55 Well, God, how'd you get these? Okay, so you laugh, but there is some truth. There's some truth to that. You know, as a kid, I was the skinny poor kid with crooked teeth and I was not... Hung like a horse. Took a while to grow. I'm sorry, bro, you were talking about water. I was talking to someone shit about yourself.
Starting point is 00:47:17 I had to pump it up. I know, thanks. You're welcome. Which didn't do me any good when I was a kid because I wasn't having sex as a kid. So I didn't lose my virginity until I was 20. So, but I still had girls and girlfriends at a young age.
Starting point is 00:47:30 A secret weapon. Well, I had to find my identity and early on because I didn't have the money. I didn't have the looks. I wasn't the star quarterback. So for me, my sense of humor is what probably carried a lot of my conversation with women. And I was not afraid to be rejected. In fact, I think I embraced that. I think at the very beginning of like talking to women, I think I would try and say the most off the wall shit in hopes they would reject me. And then
Starting point is 00:47:59 how would I handle that? You know, like I'm going to say something so off the wall. She's definitely going to say no, but then I'm going to say something funny right after that to keep the conversation going. And I would practice that example. So an example would be like I would walk up to a girl I've never spoke to and I would go directly right for the clothes like is Friday or Saturday better for you. And they would look at you. It's not even close.
Starting point is 00:48:20 Yeah, just totally like, huh? What are you talking about? Is it better for me to pick you up on Friday or Saturday? And if they said something like, totally rude and mean like, no, I wouldn't do that with it. And then why not? Why wouldn't you go out with me on Friday? Am I too ugly for you?
Starting point is 00:48:34 I'm not funny enough for you. You like taller, you like shorter, you like blondes? So I would not be afraid of her saying no and rejecting me. In fact, I would continue to put the pressure back on her by asking funny questions. And I wouldn't do it in a pressuring way. I would do it in a funny, funny way. Like we're making fun of me. So I was okay with that early. I was okay with no getting told no and, and, you know, being made fun of and you just can't, you can't allow that fear. And I think South said that really well of, you know,
Starting point is 00:49:02 I think most guys get hung up on that so So worried about what she's gonna, who gives a fuck what she's gonna say. Yeah. I'll never forget we're working with a guy one time. We've got too much value in that. Yeah, he, he, I'll never forget. We're in our early 20s and I used to tease him because he literally fucking talked to every woman in the gym, every single one of them. I'm like, dude, who do you not hit on?
Starting point is 00:49:22 He's like, bro, it's a numbers game. Yeah. Yeah. He's like, if I talk to 10 women, one of them is bound to say yes to me. And sometimes I get lucky and it's the dime piece. And sometimes it's not so much. But it's all good practice. You know, he really had that man and tell it. And you know, a part of me was like, you know, they're so, it's true though. You know, you can't, we get so and for guys, here's a good question. It's like, hey, do you listen to mind pump? Yeah. Boom. Oh, that is. Yeah. Any, any, is, we get so, and for guys, here's a good question, spec, hey, do you listen to mind pump? Yeah, boom. That is, yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:47 Was that work? Yeah, sure. Oh, okay. Any, any, the new pickup line. Any, any opening, but I like the sound loads are going about to increase gentlemen. Yes. Like, it depends to like a, this, this, this,
Starting point is 00:49:58 seems like a metaphor. The, the scenery and what you're, what you're in, where you're at, what's going on? Are you in a bar, are you in a gym? Are you, you know, I think that would just decide what I would say to that girl at that moment But most certainly I love coming with Off the wall off-color type questions that right away You know what that does it shifts the uncomfortable awkward side from you to that person
Starting point is 00:50:20 Yeah, you got this beautiful girl that you're looking at that you're all nervous inside that you wanna go talk to and you're like, fuck, she's so hot, I don't know if she would like me, this is that. Fuck that, I'm gonna make her nervous. I'm not gonna be here. I'm gonna be honest, I used to like literally like plan like tripping right in front of him or spilling something on my self.
Starting point is 00:50:39 I shit you in. I shit you in. And it would work like a jam. I'd be like, I'd be like walking by with my drinks and I'd be like This shit would spill all over me. Oh my god. She'd like try and help me like oh my god Thank you guys such a class, you know such a random fucking Wait a minute. Oh, I got it fucks on That's a fucking brilliant for you guys. You think I have no game, dude like
Starting point is 00:51:04 It like some fucking brilliant for you guys you think I have no game, dude like Like that's some fucking brilliant works But you have to have the right kind of personality where you can make fun of yourself and See what is that display. Yeah, what is that display that you're okay making fun yourself? Yeah, yeah, well makes them feel comfortable too humanizes you right it totally human makes you confident Like you have to be confident to be able to make fun of yourself Yep, I think where guys go wrong the most though is when they try and spit a line. They try and have a line that they say or they they make it up bigger than what it is. I mean just fucking say hi. Just go walk over and say hi to someone. Yeah, I think I think it's just don't be afraid of them
Starting point is 00:51:38 liking you. And the more comfortable you get with that, the more comfortable you with what you'll say. You know, as you get really like now, I'm so comfortable. If I see if I were to see a beautiful woman, I would just tell her you're absolutely beautiful'll say. You know, as you get real like now I'm so comfortable if I see if I were to see a beautiful woman, I would just tell her you're absolutely beautiful. Yeah, you know, I've someone told you that today. You know, someone should have told you that today. If not, they're all posties. Yeah, you know, Someone told you you're beautiful today.
Starting point is 00:51:54 Yeah. Why yes they have. Yeah. Well, they're a fucking liar. Yeah, like that. Yeah, you just can't, you can't be afraid to come up and say anything. I think, I think where people get caught up is trying to put all the words together. Yeah, it's like some formula, like they're trying to memorize with that.
Starting point is 00:52:12 That one guy with the magician hat told him to say, yeah, I would. Oh, I hate that stuff. I would fucking work. Remember the video that I worked because it, well, I don't know. It's definitely like psychology. They're playing off of it. What was the name? You had like a fucking weird name.
Starting point is 00:52:28 Mystical or something. Yeah, I was some stupid shit. Yeah. Yeah, an eyeliner and fucking. I used to do step two, right? I'd walk up to the girl and say that your girlfriend, I just came up and said, you want to ask me something. You know, once again, putting her on the spot,
Starting point is 00:52:40 I'd be like, oh, no, what? I mean, those work because, you know, you mean, you have to talk. Yeah, you have to talk. And then when she goes, no, I didn't be like, oh, no, what? I mean, those work because, you know, yeah, oh my god, it's like, you have to talk. Yeah, you have to talk. And then when she goes, uh, no, I didn't say it like, oh, well, this feels, like, hi. This feels totally uncomfortable. Now this whole time, I thought you were checking me out
Starting point is 00:52:54 and I looked over at you. I thought, God, you're beautiful. I want to come over and say hi to you. And then I find out it was, your friend was just messing with me, that's fucked up. By the way, what's your name? You know, I'm saying like, it's just getting your foot in the door and having that confidence,
Starting point is 00:53:04 who gives a fuck if someone says no to me or whatever, being on a zero fucks? There it is. Yeah, no, that's where a lot of that comes from. So you just get away from being afraid of embrace rejection. As a man, we should be used to it by now. I actually feel more for women. Like I remember like teaching like female trainers
Starting point is 00:53:21 like sales and closing, they're harder to teach because they're not used to it. They're not used to people saying no. Yeah. I'm not used to people saying no. Yeah, they're not used to people saying no. So teaching those girls will really make this work. Yeah, yeah, girl, you don't get that kind of, yeah, guys, I feel like cheerleading. Not only that, but the men, okay, think of it this way.
Starting point is 00:53:36 You're a relatively pretty woman. Fuck, you're not a pretty woman. You're at a bar. Chances are, just sitting there, some dudes gonna come talk to you. I might not like them or not, but do you how rare that is to happen to a guy where he's at a bar and a girl just approaches him?
Starting point is 00:53:51 It's so rare in fact that I guarantee you the men listening right now, can remember every single time that's happening to them because it hasn't happened very many times. Right, so, fuck you. So I would do weird things. You know what, though, you say some of that, I would do funny shit too.
Starting point is 00:54:02 If a group of girls I'd be by myself at the bar like that, I would go walk over right in the center room. I'd bend over like right in front of them and like and then look back at her. Like are you checking my ass out right now? Yeah. Yeah. You're on my level, bro. I do crazy shit.
Starting point is 00:54:14 I do crazy stuff. And to me, none of it's scripted. None of it's I've never I don't plan any of it. It's spontaneous. It's spontaneous. It's what that scenario that I'm in right then and there. Like she's got five friends. I'm by myself. Like it's all the pressure should be on me and it should be nervous. But now I'm going to then and there, like she's got five friends, I'm by myself,
Starting point is 00:54:25 like all the pressure should be on me and it should be nervous, but now I'm gonna go over there and act a fool. I'm gonna go over there and act a fool in front of all them and the chicks love that. They eat that up that you're okay with that, that you're okay with making fun of yourself. Don't, the guy who acts like a fucking dinky is cool
Starting point is 00:54:40 and walks over all swath and has some, like that guys, that guy is the guy that all the girls make fun of. The guy who's kind of goofy and shy and is that, as long as it's... As long as it's... Everything. Yeah, right Adam. Not always, not always, bro.
Starting point is 00:54:54 Actually, you believe it or not, when you have, when you have, I had more, I had a harder time getting older. When I got in shape, I got braces, fixed my teeth, put a little bit of money in my pocket, had a harder time talking to women than I did back, or now than I did back then. And that's because I get judged.
Starting point is 00:55:11 Like I literally, I know what that feels like where someone just immediately assumes that I'm an ass or arrogant or feel that way. It's like, I have to break that wall down. I can see that. Thank you, Dick. A little bit. But when I was a kid,
Starting point is 00:55:23 when I had fucked up crookie at crooked teeth, that was broken. Well, maybe we should fuck super super. We should fuck your face up a little bit. Get out of here. Not got a couple teeth. Get out of here. You have to work on your personality.
Starting point is 00:55:33 Oh. Yeah, exactly. Hey, listen, if you like Mind Pump, leave us a five star rating and review on iTunes. If we like it and we pick it among the best ones, we will send you a free limited edition Mind Pump T-shirt. Also check us out on Instagram at Mind Pump Radio. You can find me at Mind Pump Sal, just in a Mind Pump Justin Adam at Mind Pump Adam, and also check out our programs at Mind Pump Media dot com.
Starting point is 00:55:55 Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy, and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at MindPumpMedia.com. The RGB Superbundle includes maps on a ballad, maps performance, and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal, Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal,
Starting point is 00:56:32 animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, money back guarantee. And you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at MindPumpMedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing MindPump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support and until next time, this is MindPump. And this is Mindbomb.

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