Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 369: Is Too Much Protein BAD?

Episode Date: September 22, 2016

Protein is now being put into virtually everything, Snickers bars, Starbucks coffee and about anything else you can imagine. It is the new "health" food, however, is it as healthy as it is being made ...out to be? The reality is, studies are showing high protein diets are possibly linked to cancer and increased mortality. In this episode Sal, Adam & Justin dig into this increasing popular macro-nutrient and discuss the pros and cons of buying into the hype. Have Sal, Adam & Justin personally train you on our new YouTube channel, Mind Pump TV. Be sure to Subscribe for updates. Get MAPS Anabolic, MAPS Performance, MAPS Aesthetic, the Butt Builder Blueprint AND the Sexy Athlete Mod (The RGB Super Bundle) packaged together at a substantial DISCOUNT at www.mindpumpmedia.com. Get your Kimera Koffee, Mind Pump's first official sponsor, at www.kimerakoffee.com, code "mindpump" for 10% off! Please subscribe, rate and review this show! Each week our favorite reviewers are announced on the show and sent Mind Pump T-shirts!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Chicken chicken, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow. Welcome to poor in addition of mind pump radio. Yeah, wow, wow, wow. Oh, my God. You know, my dad tried to share mind pump with a friend of his. Hello. And no, he picked the wrong episode. And my mom will tell me a story.
Starting point is 00:00:20 And I guess we were doing like sex sounds and shit. Oh, my God. And my dad, who is not like super tech savvy, like tried to shut his phone off, but then you know the podcast keeps playing. Oh my God. It was so embarrassed. Did he like turn it up louder?
Starting point is 00:00:33 I'm like, Dad, you're not proud of me, are you? Yeah. It's probably the one where I'm like, who the fuck? That was one of those. Yeah. My sister just told me that she watches the, or she listens whenever she needs a smile she goes back to
Starting point is 00:00:45 But I think it's episode 163 and then it's what she said at the beginning. Yeah, the Arctic breeze We might we might have to resurrect that day. It's been a while since you've done that Well listen our our RGB bundle promotion is still going on It will be ending this month after this month around having anymore. So The RGB bundle is Maps and Obolic, Maps Performance, Maps aesthetic, nine months of exercise programming, all worked out for you.
Starting point is 00:01:12 You follow? But wait, there's more. There's more. You enroll in the forum, which you'll get for 50% off. We will send you for free maps anywhere. This is the Maps program that requires no exercise equipment. It's the first time we've ever given away a maps program for free. Yeah, you can find all of this at mindpumpmedia.com.
Starting point is 00:01:31 Comes with all the mods, too. If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mind, op, mind, op with your hosts. Salta Stefano, Adam Sch Schaefer and Justin Andrews You know why Adam found one it's not singing but it's one like musical It's a method of something with his mouth where he found that he doesn't always is with yeah He could do something now that's kind of musical that doesn't it's like a contribution
Starting point is 00:02:04 But only for one thing yeah, it doesn't kill children and puppies like it's regular singing does When he sings normally children and puppies Baby is born with Zika God damn it. You know what? You guys just stopped me before I go too far. So you're awful. I like that.
Starting point is 00:02:30 I'm so offensive. That's what I heard a little bit. I'm a horribly offensive. You're an awful human. It's not, it's not. Yes, my favorite though. It's not. Am I?
Starting point is 00:02:38 Yeah. One of them. There you go, Jess. Oh, you had to fix it. See. Can I just make a comment? He could completely give you the high. I would have reached that up real quick.
Starting point is 00:02:46 We just had a great laugh over. So we just got, sometimes we get mail here at Mind Pump Studio. And we got a box, mysterious box. None of us opened it because it was addressed to Mr. Doug Street. Doug, you are a producer extraordinaire. Yeah, and God forbid we opened it up
Starting point is 00:03:01 and there's like a rubber fist or something weird in there. So we don't want to look inside. Yeah, he's like a equipment. Doug opens it up. we open it up and there's like a, you know, like a rubber fist or something weird in there. So we don't want to look inside. Yeah, he's like equipment. Doug opens it up. He opens it up and it's a brand new microphone. Mind you, it's like the third one that he's bought recently. Because he needs to try out different ones and whatever. And he bought one and it sounds fucking amazing.
Starting point is 00:03:20 Doug, can you just put your voice on this here? Yeah, it's hello everyone. Whoa, that was that was that was I have to use a creepy voice when I used to find it. Doug, can you just put your voice on this here? Yeah, tell them everyone. Whoa. That was, that was, that was everything. I have to use a creepy voice when I used the mic. It is, it is. It does add to it. It sounds good, it's a wonderful mic,
Starting point is 00:03:33 but that's not what I want to talk about. I have Doug, it's so excited. It's like when you give a child candy. Yeah. Like he was in his chair. He's loving candy, actually. You remember those power wheels, power, power, power, like everybody wanted one, but we were even
Starting point is 00:03:47 little rich kids got that. Yeah, that's what Doug looked like right there. He was like, give me a power wheel! Yeah! King of the road! I wanted a power wheel so bad. You know what I'm saying? I never got one.
Starting point is 00:03:59 Of course, none of us had a power wheel. I have rich kids. No, I got a big wheel. Yeah, I got a big wheel too. Well, a big wheel shut up the big wheel. Yeah, big wheels are cheap Power wheels you're right those are the rich kid toys. It was the rich kid. Yeah, power you're either you were either a power will kid or you were a big Wheel, okay, I'm a big wheel kid. Fuck man. Yeah, my friend had you know what?
Starting point is 00:04:15 That's actually I would like to see a study on this. Hmm. I bet you out of it is random study I'd like to see a study of how many women like big things You know, I would I would like I would like to see this I bet you I would like to see a study of how many women like big things. You know, I would I would like I would like to see this. I bet you that it builds character. I bet you those people turn out to be more successful. Yeah, the what the ones that had the big wheel. Yes, real power. We have people, you know,
Starting point is 00:04:34 I built character. I work in a dumpster somewhere. Get a pedal. Get a turn. It was work, dude. That's what I want to think. Yeah, you I you want to go. You want to go to the park like there was effort involved in that you had a power way
Starting point is 00:04:45 Get any push the button you step on the gas you go. That's not anybody's yeah lazy ass kids do that's why I car That's why I went out the kid I car jacked a kid with a frickin powerway Go roll up on your big Rolled up all my big wheels. Do you have any grape upon? Sliding in front of them. Yeah, I had a rock. Hey you can you give me a power off throws a rock at your face I didn't care that was you're chocolate milk. I didn't care that it was a barbie Ferrari. It was a fucking power wheel I'm gonna take that thing and drive that motherfucker. You didn't care that you were 27 and she was still seven Hey, kids, you're the fact that you have one. I was wanted one. Put you down. Listen here you little bitch
Starting point is 00:05:23 Cruisant you in life right now. They made those things in four wheel drive too. They did, yeah. They made like a little Jeep, they had like a little Mercedes like, oh, they got on escalating. Yeah, all kinds of cool shit now. And any of you, did any of you guys stop it? Ever have like a legit, like what is it called?
Starting point is 00:05:39 Go cart or the little motorcycles, many bikes? My brother? They had like a hundred ninety. And I crashed on it, yeah. Of course you did. bikes, is it rather? They had like 190, and I crashed on it. Yeah. Of course you did. Yeah, fuck it. My uncle had the little go, there was like 60 miles an hour that,
Starting point is 00:05:52 they two inches off the ground, they were super low and he was taking a track. You just love actually driving that thing around. It was scary as fuck though as a kid. When you're a kid, 60 miles an hour, like two inches off the ground, feels like 200 miles an hour. I disagree with you.
Starting point is 00:06:04 It's scary as an adult. Yeah, that's like going 60 miles an hour and a little. off the ground, feels like 200 miles an hour. I disagree with you. It's scary as an adult. Yeah, I think I'm going 60 miles an hour and a little. Yeah, no, it really is. So I have some, it had a couple of times where I crap. I mean, you don't, yeah, you're, you're, you just spin out really, you know what I'm saying? It's not impossible, because I have almost done this. It's, but it's, it's close to impossible to flip those things.
Starting point is 00:06:19 They're so close to the ground, you know. But we can be in such a tiny little kid when that was going on, you could, you know. I had the little, I had the little 50, the little 50, I had one of those, I'm not talking about it. Mini dirt bike. Nice. Yeah, and actually, you know that became popular.
Starting point is 00:06:32 I had that as an adult. So that became popular. Oh yeah, you see those fat guys on it. Well, you remember when the monkey on the, you remember when the jackass trend, when jackass first came around, so it was really popular around that time. To take 50s.
Starting point is 00:06:49 And so you we would buy a 50 and then we probably put about $1,500 or two grand into it and upgrade. So you upgrade the suspension, the handlebars, the exhaust, you make it a little bit faster, more powerful and actually can fit a 200 pound man on. We used to have I actually just my buddy just sold his shit maybe two years ago. Really? Yeah, he's still, you don't look silly at all driving that.
Starting point is 00:07:09 Yeah, that's pretty funny. Yeah, I was, how old was I when I was driving mine around? The 13, maybe 12, 13, driving that thing around and getting the older girls. Oh, you're so good. Yeah, check out my bike. No, I thought I was a badass on that thing until I tried to do a wheelie
Starting point is 00:07:21 and that was my last time ever riding one. Oh, yeah. Isn't it fun? I didn't fall, I almost fell. Isn't it funny how they're try to do a wheelie and that was my last time ever riding one. Yeah. Isn't it fall? I almost fell. Isn't it funny how they're trying to do it? As a kid, as a kid, especially as a boy, right? Who did sports or road bikes and dirt bikes and things like that and ramps and jumps. Like, I don't know how many times I've crashed. I've crashed a million times, right?
Starting point is 00:07:39 But there's always like a handful of times where, oh, that one time, you know, like the worst time you ever fell your nuts on the, on the, on the, the, oh dude, I got a story. All right. See, I knew it. There's always, there's always, yeah, yeah. There was that one time though, you know, I'm saying that where you just, you slipped off the seat, full speed. Yes.
Starting point is 00:07:58 And just, I went down, so there's these foot hills by where I grew up and we used to always ride our bikes up there because it was fucking awesome. You go up, there's no adults, you can do every want. And there were like all these dirt, like little paths going down the hill and you could jump or whatever. And if you had the, if you were balsy enough, you go down some of these real steep ones and go real quick. So I was probably, I wasn't that young.
Starting point is 00:08:19 I must have been like 15 and I'm zooming down one of them because my cousins kind of dared me and I slipped up the seat and so I rode The fucking trail all the way down going hell fast on the sitting on the frickin middle bar. Mm-hmm Like just like I couldn't get my feet like the stop and I'm trying to hit the brakes and just yeah, so that's why I have one testicle now That's why you were a maxi-packedi- I remember being a kid when back before these, these, these, raisers and stuff with this generation is all cool. You know, we had like the full size scooters
Starting point is 00:08:52 when we were a kid, right? Oh, those, that's a real scooter. Yeah, right. What the hell's a raiser? So, I, yeah, I don't know what that's. And I was all into, that's my ankle, so. Bunny hopping it, right, all the time and shit. I had an actual tire on it.
Starting point is 00:09:02 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, like real tire on it. And so I remember showing off for like the local girl down the count that lived down the street, you know, and I was full of speed. She was sitting down there, and she was sitting on the grass, and I'm like coming full speed. I like a palski. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:09:17 And I'm gonna bunny hop the curb right up in front of her and some of that, and I totally did not get it up high enough and just fucking front tire right into the curb over the top of the handlebars, skinned up both knees, like forehead and... That's so funny, this must be an epidemic for boys. I swear to God, because that happened to me. I was visiting my grandma and I just remember
Starting point is 00:09:38 like down the street, it was like this little hot girl that I was just always trying to press. And so I was riding my bike. I was so cheeky. I was doing a lot of thing, dude. And like, she was outside and I'm like totally distracted. And I'm looking at her and I'm just like, you know, like trying to look cool.
Starting point is 00:09:53 Like I didn't have the balls to talk to her or anything. You know, I was just like, doing the drive by. You know, I'm just like, and then I crashed right into this like, bush. And I've totally flipped like over my handlebars and everything landed like on my back I only shit all over me. I'm like picking it off me and she's like oh my god I was so embarrassed like jump on my bike and I like sped off I just want to point out though that this is you know
Starting point is 00:10:18 Somebody could be listening to this and they're getting scared Which of your young kid like in detouring you from ever like oh my god See this is why I never go up and talk to these girls or why I don't ever do shit like that but no you know it still works out to your benefit yeah so I'm pretty sure I got to feel bad for you yeah I think she was the one who actually helped clean me up and like told me it was gonna be okay when I was crying and like don't worry your mom's gonna be there you know yeah no I know some some dude's gonna be listening to this and like he's gonna like purposely trip at the like break his arm oh yeah my cousin what time was on what time was on our mountain bikes,
Starting point is 00:10:47 and he was trying to show off, because I was much less of a dare devil than most of my friends. So he was always like, oh, check this out. So he goes to jump, and we had like shitty bikes. You know what I mean? It was like a huffy from wherever. It was not even like a good bike.
Starting point is 00:11:00 So he goes to jump a speed bump, and he pulls up on the handlebars, and the handlebars come off. The bike. So he goes to jump a speed bump and he pulls up on the handlebars and the handlebars come off. But the best part was he he he fucking stuck it. Yeah. So he's writing. He's a champion. He's writing, but he has no way of steering. And so the tire was like, it was like aiming towards the curb. So he's just like, Oh, shit. So he fucking bailed and jumps off and he cut himself and had a bunch of stitches. And then afterwards we realized like,
Starting point is 00:11:28 you still could hit the brakes. The brakes are still attached. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, yeah, yeah, damn it. Damn it. But yeah, he pulled out the fucking, it looked like a cartoon like, oh, but he went for a little distance.
Starting point is 00:11:37 I'm like, we're all sitting around like, what do you do now? Dude, the worst was like the banana board accident. So I had that one like, oh, was that the worst? Was that the, the long skateboard? It was like a long skateboard accident so I had that one like Oh was that the was that the What do you mean the long skateboard long skate? I wasn't even that long. It was just really narrow, you know Oh, okay, I actually yeah, and I actually make it a comeback right now really that's really popular there
Starting point is 00:11:55 I think it's just It's a long board. He's gonna be the skinny one just narrow super narrow. What the fuck did you do with that? I know that's nice to bomb like What you do is you go right down that like the steepest hill you could possibly go on you dare each other to like who could like stay on the longest and I Who get the speed wobbles did My knees have never recovered since like I live like just like scars all over the place from that. Did you, have you ever broke a bone, Justin? A bunch of times.
Starting point is 00:12:28 Really? I broke my right arm twice in the same year. Wow. You know, I actually saw crazy I was. Never broken a bone, never had stitches. Really? Yeah. In fact, my ACL, MCL tear was the first surgery
Starting point is 00:12:41 anything ever had happened to me. Wow. And it blows my mind. So I think I've had the least then because I have had shoulder surgery but not because of anything was torn. It was just an osteoarthritis on my AC joint and it was a little separated but no, I've never,
Starting point is 00:12:54 I mean, I've dislocated my kneecap but nothing tore. So you never broke, I never sat down. Oh no, I have, I've had stitches, I have on my head. Yeah, I've had stitches. I've never had stitches, never had anything. I've had no broken cushions, I've had at dude. I just jumped off of this retaining wall landed on a huge day. I'll never guess this here bro. We better we need to let me just say something right here We need to hurry up and make a lot of money quick
Starting point is 00:13:15 before before Justin's Maniacs it. Yeah, well now I understand why Doug was going through all that insurance stuff And he was I was like, do we really have to pay for all this stuff? He's like, he's like beefing it up. No one one of you dumbasses though. You guys are going to kill each other. I have none of those things left inside me.
Starting point is 00:13:32 I used them all up. We had to hurry up and succeed before Justin gets Alzheimer's for more life. I'm a bitch. I'm a bitch. That's all glucose now. We're finding anyway. Exactly. So, we've run a couple episodes on carbohydrates
Starting point is 00:13:47 and sugar and how the over consumption is, probably the main culprit for the obesity epidemic. And we recently just did an interview with the gentleman who I don't know in this episode's gonna air, so I don't wanna say too much about it, but he talks about being a fat adapted athlete and how he eats mostly most of his calories from fat and one of the big Misconceptions people have when they eat a diet that's low in carbohydrate is it they turn it into a high protein diet
Starting point is 00:14:13 And we've talked about that many many times and in previous episodes I remember there's an episode a while ago where I think it was a Q&A It's an old episode where somebody asked us what we thought the next, not not a big thing, but the next thing that's going to demonize. That they're going to demonize. And I had said protein. And everybody disagree with me because protein is like this magic macro nutrient. It is.
Starting point is 00:14:39 It's crazy. And you want to know what's crazy. So what spurred me to look up some more of this information was when we were over Ben Greenfield's house, he talked about the, you know, just in conversation, he briefly brought up the longevity benefits of restricting protein intake, which is something I'd been familiar with.
Starting point is 00:15:00 I'd known this already and I'd even brought up on several podcasts how high protein or too much protein intake Can contribute or was likely to contribute to things like cancer or you know issues that you know that affect longevity And so this morning, you know when I came in here I was you know me and Jessi were here a little early and so I was looking up some information And I found there's a lot of new science on protein intake. And they're finding that protein intake is closer related to longevity than almost anything else. In other words, when they restrict protein intake
Starting point is 00:15:40 with animals and they're showing now with humans that they live longer and they have much lower rates of chronic disease, not limited to, but including cancer, which is pretty crazy. And it made me think a little bit like, you know, when vegans or vegetarians point to studies on how people who eat lots of meat, don't live as long as they do, or have high rate of cancer and stuff like that. And their argument is always that it's a high fat diet.
Starting point is 00:16:13 It's a fat in there. And we've proven that's not the case. That it's not the fat. But it made me wonder, I bet you, it's because those people are eating lots and lots of protein. And so I did some digging and there's, oh my god, there's so many studies are coming out. In fact, excessive protein may in fact be as bad as eating too many carbohydrates. Whoa.
Starting point is 00:16:39 No shit. Especially in terms of... That's a strong statement. Yes, check this out. Some studies show that people who get 20% or more of their daily calories from protein have a 400% up to a 400% higher cancer rate and a 75% higher risk of mortality compared to those people who get about 10% of their calories from protein. Pretty crazy numbers when you think about it.
Starting point is 00:17:02 And I know everybody's quiet right now because we all need a shit ton of protein Everybody scared in here. Yeah, but It's kind of crazy, right? Yeah crazy shit. I would not be I would not be surprised I dive more into that study for me there. What's it's not just it wasn't just that side This is several studies. There's another study that analyzed over over 6,800 us adults 50 or over Who showed that people with the highest protein intake had far higher rates of mortality.
Starting point is 00:17:31 There were four times more likely to die from cancer. This is one study that was published in the March 4th, 2014 in cell metabolism. I don't know, it's crazy stuff. What do you guys think about that? Well, it's very fascinating. I would like to hear the controls on that though. I would like to hear what other things that those people can do.
Starting point is 00:17:48 Here's a thing, it's not just one study. There's like a lot of these studies coming out and they've known scientists have known now for a long time that restricting proteins in animals, they live longer. And it's not low, it's not like you're, of course there's an amount of protein you need because protein is essential, but it's becoming pretty clear that this is
Starting point is 00:18:12 much. This is not good. This is how I would look at it or what I'd be interested to see is I think where those people's caloric surplus or deficit or maintenance is at would mean a lot to me. I have my theories on why protein or carbs are ever really bad or could possibly toxic or could have any sort of correlation with cancer is primarily from oversaturated. Exactly. Oversaturated because you over consume already 90% of the time and then you're pumping
Starting point is 00:18:44 in a macronutrient that really has no more use because you already have more than enough of it and your blood sugar, everything is just overloaded. And it's like, yeah, okay, well, this person is over consuming and then on top of that, they're over consuming protein. So I can see how you can make these correlations with that. Now flip that with somebody who lives in a coloric deficit but runs a 75 to 80% high protein diet, I think those studies would be totally different. So that same person may, from a gram to gram perspective, be having the same amount of protein. So each, let's just say, you know, let's just say Justin Justin is eating a hundred, a 200 grams of protein in one scenario.
Starting point is 00:19:28 He's eating 200 grams of protein, but he's keeping his caloric intake under 3500 calories. Then Justin B is consuming the same amount of protein, but his caloric intake is at 5,000 calories because he's also eating a lot of fat and carbohydrates along with that. Those two people I think will or that those two scenarios of Justin will show a huge difference in the results that you're talking about. Yeah, very logical, but there's one particular study that they, I mean, they controlled for things like smoking,
Starting point is 00:19:53 waste, circumference, chronic conditions. And the associations weren't altered when the percentages of calories from fat or carbohydrates are considered, or excess calories or less calories. In other words, they controlled lots of things and they found that protein intake was very strongly connected to issues with longevity. And, you know, what specific issues of longevity?
Starting point is 00:20:16 Where are we talking about this far? Overall mortality and cancer in particular. Okay. Cancer was a big one. They think part of the reason, of the and this is now this part isn't 100% connected, but this is what the scientists are saying is they think it has to do with elevated levels of IGF1, which is a type of hormone in the body and high levels of IGF1 do have been strongly connected to increased risks of cancer. Now older people, there are
Starting point is 00:20:43 the other studies that show that older people and athletes do better with a higher protein intake, but what I think the important takeaway from all this stuff, and listen, I implore, and by the way, none of this is not conclusive by any means. It's just lots of interesting sciences coming out, and I think personally, my personal opinion is, I think they're gonna come out and eventually say,
Starting point is 00:21:07 don't take supplements that are protein powder. Don't take all these protein, but like you don't need to bombard your body with all this extra protein. And it's not coming from a natural source. Not only that, but if you do, if you do take shit tons of protein, it's not only not helping you, which is what we've been saying, right? We've been saying that for a while now. Like you don't need tons of protein. It's not going to benefit you, which is what we've been saying, right? We've been saying that for a while now. Like, you don't need tons of protein, it's not gonna benefit you, but I think they're gonna come out eventually
Starting point is 00:21:29 and say that it's not good for you, it's the opposite. I don't know, it's some... That's interesting. I mean, I try to like see as far as like the animal kingdom. Like, you see them going in and eating the entrails and going in for the guts and the organ meat and all that kind of stuff first, like that and the fat. And that's, I mean, that's interesting to me that like just instinctually, like, you know,
Starting point is 00:21:54 that's in place. I'm sure that, you know, a lot of like animals benefit from that as opposed to, but, you know, then again, there's the whole, like, if you're, whole, like if you don't have food readily available, you're just gonna scarf it up and then they go into a fasted state. So if you're going into in and out of fasted state versus fed state. That great point because I wonder,
Starting point is 00:22:17 it's a difference. You're right because I wonder if, what role fasting would put in that? And we've talked in the past past we've brought up the concept of Undulating protein intake and how I've even told you guys I have days where I have very low protein I'll go on a vegan day where it's all vegetables and maybe some like olive oil and stuff like that and coconut and I do notice Some changes in the way I feel when I do that and I'll include those
Starting point is 00:22:43 Relatively regularly. I'll do that two to four times a month. I'll have a day where I go very low calorie, mostly vegetables, very, very low protein. And I do that because I think that mimics more of how our bodies evolve. But I think the takeaway of some of this information that I've been reading is that the crazy amounts of protein are probably bad for you. I mean, we don't have any studies, long-term studies on ridiculous amounts of protein.
Starting point is 00:23:16 We just read who was it, the, what was that Instagram page, Muscle PhD or where he was showing how consuming. One point one was more beneficial than it was. Or there was even some study, of course, we talked about the whole Stepani issue where he was talking about how two grams of protein per pound of body weight showed a benefit. But the study was like 12 or 16 weeks long. I can't find a single study that examines long-term effects of eating the amounts of protein that the fitness industry promotes.
Starting point is 00:23:51 Well, the stance that I have on this, and it's a tough one because, is you know, anabolic or not anabolic, I think makes a big difference in this situation. Yes. More so than almost anything else that we really talk about. Like, we talk about people ask about branch chain, I mean, I ask it, it's glue to me, and all this other shit that's out there that's important that you can supplement with.
Starting point is 00:24:15 And whether you're anabolic or not, the difference that that really makes is kind of minimal to me. Well, I just, I feel like I would love to be able to just draw a line down the middle. Just be able to see that, you know, difference. Like it's frustrating because we won't be able to see studies like that. That will take people into account that are on like high amounts of anabolic, you know, enhancements. It would be very enlightening for the average
Starting point is 00:24:37 person. So we could just be straight up about it. Like, hey, listen, I'm exactly, I'm eating 1.5 grams of, of, of apples to apples apples because I'm, I'm taking in 300 to 500 milligrams of testosterone every week. So why the fuck wouldn't I? Because my body can assimilate that, it could utilize that. I'm, I'm anabolic 24 seven around the window. So my body chemistry is completely different than a guy even the same size as me who is completely natural. So who body is not going to process and utilize 1.5 to 2 grams per pound of body.
Starting point is 00:25:08 Well, I have my opinion on that is this, first and foremost, if you do take super physiological doses of anabolic hormones, first off, what does that mean? A super physiological dose would be an amount that would take you, you know, several fold at least or more of what any natural testosterone level would reach. Which is even the most mildest, you know, bodybuilder, steroid cycle. Right. Even the most mildest cycle anyone will ever take is 250 milligrams. Which is way more than replacement.
Starting point is 00:25:39 Yeah, way more than replacement. A doctor, you know, my hormone therapist would tell me, you know, 50 milligrams every like 12 days or so, right? It's pretty adequate to keep you at a higher per echelon of the normal testosterone. Exactly. So if you're somebody that's already taking, you know, you know, hundreds of milligrams of testosterone or steroids, and obolic steroids every week, longevity probably isn't the top of your priority list. Like if you wrote your priority list of all the things in health and fitness, muscle and performance are probably above longevity because you are already taking super physiological
Starting point is 00:26:18 doses of anabolic. So that's number one. So I don't think that crowd really looks at longevity the same way somebody who is, who keeps longevity as priority. They're looking at nutrition more as a tool to have them build more muscles. Of course not, but I would love to see the molding of the two at least a little bit, because even being somebody who's a not natural athlete, I still would like to see studies on,
Starting point is 00:26:45 what is the healthiest range for me to be consuming protein? So I'm maximizing what I'm doing. If I'm fucking around with anabolic site, I want to know, should I be at 1.5 or two, am I minimizing my results by not keeping it up that high, or am I, is it a given take? Like I sure I might be building more muscle, but then I'm putting so much stress on my liver
Starting point is 00:27:04 or my heart or something else. You know, so I would like to see that. Well, I mean, I mean, it's pretty safe to say that if you're anabolicly enhanced, your rate of protein synthesis is higher, right? So you're gonna utilize protein a little bit more than the average person. So higher protein from a performance standpoint
Starting point is 00:27:21 is gonna benefit you more if you're on anabolic steroids. And what do I mean by that? Well, I mean, like if you're, if you got a 200 pound natural athlete, they're probably not gonna get any more benefit, the upper limit of benefit from protein, which has been proven time and time and time again in studies is about 0.6 to 0.7 grams of protein per pound of body weight.
Starting point is 00:27:42 And this is for a lean athlete, if you're really obese then obviously don't go by your weight, you wanna go more by pound of body weight. And this is for a lean athlete. If you're really obese, then obviously don't go by your weight. You want to go more by your lean body mass. If you compare that person to a 200 pound athlete that's on anabolic steroids, then they may derive performance and muscle building benefit above that because their body is super charged. They can utilize protein at a higher rate. But I still don't see it being 200 grams of protein.
Starting point is 00:28:07 I think all these fucking idiots, and I'll say that again, over and over again. If you're a, you know, an Instagram fitness idiot who promotes 200, you know, two grams of protein per pound of body weight, you are advocating something that's completely unnecessary and probably harmful, even if you're on anabolic steroids. That's a crazy amount.
Starting point is 00:28:29 I cannot see, going from 0.7 grams of protein for the upper limit to go into 200 to 3 times. Yeah, I can't see that being. That just sounds ridiculous to me. I think what sends it, what happens. I could see double. I mean, you're double the amount of time right here. Your double and your testosterone low, so that you're're I don't even know if the math works that way
Starting point is 00:28:49 No, I'm sure it doesn't you know my point I think a lot of the the the benefit that they see and feel from that is just the extra calories You know I'm saying like you're eating extra calories and your body's using that extra protein for energy So that's why you feel so much better especially when you're Diating that's my favorite part like oh when'm dieting, I need to bump up my protein to prevent muscle loss. You know, studies actually show that when you diet, your body preserves protein a little bit better than it does when you have this surplacic calories. You probably don't need shit tons of extra protein when you're dieting. So it's just interesting because our industry now time and time and time again has promoted
Starting point is 00:29:26 the the wrong thing and protein We know protein you need the amino acids for rebuilding and repair of your muscles And so of course the whole you know, they take that to the next step and they think oh, you know Here's something that builds muscle So why don't we just eat shit tonne a whole whole bunch of it, and we have an entire industry. Could, let me ask you that guys this. Think about this. How much money do you think our industry would lose
Starting point is 00:29:55 if conclusive evidence came out that showed that eating excessive protein caused cancer? Not even just caused cancer, that anything above that marker is pretty much useless or bad. Yeah. Imagine. I mean, most of the money that our industry makes is off powder is protein. This is the sad part. This is the unfortunate part because it's the same thing that we just talked about recently. What this was just this last Monday, the New York Times, right? They came out with the whole sugar article and talking about how Harvard scientists that
Starting point is 00:30:26 were paid back in the 60s to say that it was fat, that was causing all the disease and stuff. It was nothing to do with sugar. There's no different in our industry now because protein powders and subalmit companies dominate the information that most people receive. Most even our peers, right? Most of our other podcasters, other professional bodybuilder athlete guys and fitness guru trainers are sponsored by fucking supplement companies.
Starting point is 00:30:54 It's the number one revenue stream for most of these guys. Most all, the irony is most all of this information I've seen in contradiction to fasting have been from protein supplement companies. Always. Like met our acts and all these other like I read a couple of these and they're like get the fuck out of here. All of these. It's funny because we're not going to see go away because it's I mean these companies are growing. There's more of them popping up. It's growing faster now with social media. It's given the opportunity for the average
Starting point is 00:31:22 Joe blow to get you get 100,000 followers and turn around and people don't realize how easy it is to release the supplement and we could fire one up in our garage and have a supplement line by next weekend. Right, you wanna think about protein is, okay, so carbs and fats are for energy, for energy production, fats are superior for long-term sustainable energy.
Starting point is 00:31:44 Carbs are great for short-term energy, so if you're like an endurance athlete and you need to refuel halfway through your 15-mile run or whatever, you want some fast-so-carb, protein is used for repair and rebuilding and some essential functions. And so you basically want to eat enough protein to do that. Anything over that, and then you start to use protein for energy, which is not really a good source of. Protein is not a good source of just turning into energy. It can be. It can be turned into glucose through gluconeogenesis, but your body would rather use carbohydrates
Starting point is 00:32:15 for that or use ketones from fats. So eating all this excessive protein isn't really a good idea. Like we've said before, that upper limit, and when I say upper limit, what I mean by that is, in studies where they see an extra benefit, and it's usually a small extra benefit. It's like a squeezing out of extra performance, comes from that upper limit of 0.6 to 0.7 grams.
Starting point is 00:32:39 Does that mean that that's what you need to hit? No, it means that if you're below that, and you're eating adequate amount of protein, you're eating your essential amount of protein, you're fine. And squeezing out that extra performance, you might not even notice that big of a difference for the average person. You know, we're talking about like athletes and people like if Adam went to go on stage, like, you know, a 1% improvement in his appearance is going to make the difference between first and second place. But to the average person listening to this podcast.
Starting point is 00:33:09 So many other things you need to address first. Now 1% you're not even fucking noticed. First of all, you're not lean enough to notice. You shouldn't be that lean to notice because if you are, you're unhealthy. It doesn't matter because you're living an everyday regular life. And if it does matter to you and you don't compete and you don't do all this stuff, you might wanna examine your connection and your connection to exercise and food.
Starting point is 00:33:30 You might have a bad relationship with the two of them. Clang just asked me the other day, they said, I know you guys are stance on protein, they're like, but what would you recommend for a protein powder if you're going to? And I said, well, I would find something on natural organic if you could, but honestly, now, and I said, that's what I would tell people in the past,
Starting point is 00:33:48 but really like, I haven't even touched any of that stuff in almost a year now, because now my attitude is, if I miss my protein intake for one day, I don't even worry about it. I just fasted that day or I'm under by 60 grams. Well, tomorrow, I'll get over by 30 or 40 grams. Like, I'm not really worried about a 24 hour clock anymore of like, oh, making sure, oh shit, I'm only at 100 grams of protein. I still need 50 more grams. Gotta take my protein shake, gotta eat my bar.
Starting point is 00:34:12 Like, no, fuck it. If I'm not hungry, I don't feel like eating that night. I'm not going to, then tomorrow, normally where I would have eight ounces of chicken, I might have 12, you know what I'm saying? I'll tell you, when I go so much more benefits to that, then. Yep. When I did, I did a 14 forty eight hour fast and I felt amazing afterwards But then I've also done like I said I've done vegan days where I'll have I mean honestly god grand total of maybe
Starting point is 00:34:33 70 grams of protein which for me is quite low compared to how I normally eat At most right and it's a vegan day. So it's just like cooked vegetables and you know I'll cover them with olive oil or I'll cook with coconut oil or whatever. And when I go back to eating my regular protein, I hate to give anecdote because it's my own personal experience, but I swear to God, it feels anabolic. I feel anabolic from it. And there is evidence of a protein,
Starting point is 00:34:59 a desensitizing effect from eating too much protein, too frequently, to where your body becomes less efficient and effective at utilizing it for rebuild and repair. Well, I think I'm flooding it with only a million cents. It only makes sense for all nutrients, all macro micronutrients. I feel like when it's just like a sponge, dude, it's like our body is like a sponge when it comes to nutrients and the water is the food of nutrients. And if it's an oversaturated sponge and you run the water through it, the water just
Starting point is 00:35:27 kind of runs through the fucking sponge. Well, I'm like drinking all that water out, but that sponge on its subterlite. Eating something real versus a powder. Like think about the process of that as far as your body's digestive process. And like having, you know, the proper amount of timing your body has to kind of go through to get all the systems to work correctly and in place. And just the amount of other nutrients you're going to get from something that's coming from either an animal source or a source that is plant derived. But at the same time,
Starting point is 00:35:58 like you got to work through it to be able to get to the nutrients and your body needs to go through that process internally, just like you got to work through it when you able to get to the nutrients and your body needs to go through that process internally, you know, just like you got to work through it, when you're doing your workout to get the benefits of weight training. There's so many things too, when you're not eating something in process and it's something whole real,
Starting point is 00:36:14 we talked about digestive enzymes and we talk about fiber and things like that that your body misses out on a lot of stuff when you're getting it artificially, it's not the same as when you're getting it from whole foods, the process that has to go through. I was trying to explain this to the data, somebody when we think of our metabolism, you
Starting point is 00:36:29 know, it's this free flowing thing, we know we can manipulate, it can change. It's actually changing on a regular basis up and down, up and down based off of our sleep, based off our hormone levels, based off of how we're consuming and eating. And if we are, if we're eating all this fake process stuff, it's to me, it's like you're you're like putting like water down gas in your car, you know, so you think your engine's going to run sure it's going to run, but is it going to run as efficiently as if you were fueling it with the right fuel? Well, even aesthetically, right?
Starting point is 00:36:55 So you can produce this amazing physique. And I see all these competitors and all these people preaching to death, the fact that a food is a food, a calories a calorie, you know, this and that. And you know, like they go through this whole process and their whole argument is solely based off of like how they look. Well, I look this way, so you have no argument against what I'm talking about. However, they don't describe the feeling they feel, you know, how they wake up, their energy level, like if they have, you know, acid reflux, if they're having like, you
Starting point is 00:37:25 know, all these other signs and signals and symptoms that they're going through by eating all this processed food. Well, you know, you were saying Adam about, you know, taking a powder and not eating it, not chewing it, not all the digestive enzymes, you know, just chewing. People don't realize that chewing is a very important part of digestion. Yeah. It actually is. The reason why we chew food is we're pre-digesting the food.
Starting point is 00:37:47 And in our saliva, there are enzymes that are released into the food to assist in breaking it down and swelling. As it goes down through. Right, in fact, not, in fact, one of the easiest things you could do if you have stomach issues, if you have irritable bowel syndrome, or especially the diarrhea side, or even both sides, actually the constipation If you have stomach issues, if you have irritable bowel syndrome or, especially the diarrhea side or even both sides,
Starting point is 00:38:08 actually the constipation of diarrhea side, if you simply sit, no joke, I'm not bullshitting, if you sit there and really chew your food well and swallow it, just do that by itself. Watch what happens. You would be surprised, you would think you might have a food intolerant. Sometimes you just don't chew your food. Somebody wrote a whole number one seller book on it. Yeah, they've made a diet all the way around it.
Starting point is 00:38:27 They've made a diet around chewing your food like 50 times. And that's like that's all they do. Like you eat what you normally would eat, but the only difference is every time you take a bite, you chew it 50 times. I think even Deepak Chopra or that guy or whatever, he's just like his whole thing is about like, you know, being present and like, you know, like, slowing down as far as when you're eating.
Starting point is 00:38:49 And so you actually really taste it and you go slow through that entire process. Well, think about it. It makes logical sense. Think about it this way. Like, it's for most of us because we scarfe our food down, right? We have a glass of water with our food and we drink while we're eating to help us swallow the food because we're not chewing it effectively.
Starting point is 00:39:05 I mean, let's be honest, for most of human evolution, I'm pretty sure if we had food, sometimes it was water, sometimes it wasn't. And if you didn't chew your food very well, you're fucked. Right, so you're choked. You probably sat there. I'm really chewed the fuck out of you. That's a great, that's a great point.
Starting point is 00:39:20 Remember the last time you were sucking on a soda and chewing a burger and fries, like you're like bite the hamburger, throw a couple fries in your mouth and suck the soda to help warm. You're trying to talk to him. Yeah, to get it down. Like tell me that's not like 60% of America.
Starting point is 00:39:32 Like that's what's happening right now as we speak. Right, so when shoveling a burger, French fries, and a fucking soda. Somebody listening right now is doing that. We're talking to you. We are talking. Sorry, buddy. So when you think of like all these like process, powdered all these processed powdered protein powders and stuff like that,
Starting point is 00:39:48 like you're eliminating so many of these steps that have to go into digestion and all these steps are very important to human health. It's funny, protein powder, I mean, I have a protein powder, I barely ever use it. You know, the reason I use it, first off, I use a quarter scoop of protein powder and I use it for flavor because I have this organic use it, first off, I use a quarter scoop of protein powder, and I use it for flavor, because I have this organic one that's with steveon, every once in a while, if I have a little sweet tooth or whatever, I'll take a quarter scoop of that, and I'll throw it in, you know, my coffee in the morning and blender or something like that,
Starting point is 00:40:16 because I like the taste of it, but otherwise, it's funny, I've eliminated, I've eliminated most of my supplements, and I would say I was probably among the three of us. Yeah, I was gonna say that's a big deal because you really want to make it work, right? Yeah, you want those supplements. You love the packaging, the experience it provides. I'm gonna say all that kind of stuff. I am not gonna lie.
Starting point is 00:40:37 I am a supplement, fanatic, and horror. I love supplements. Just watch this guy to fit Expo run wild. Yeah, I just love this the marketing the science I love the way they sell them. I love the the false promises as much as I know it's bullshit Yeah, you know when I was a kid I was a sucker for I mean I had a job at the age of 15 I was working so I had money I said buy all kinds of shit and so you know and every single one promise to do something None of them work, but I always bought the next one. And I'm probably the last one in this room
Starting point is 00:41:08 to really eliminate 99% of my supplements. I mean, and I have, I take Craya Teen and I take it probably twice a week at most. I take fish oil maybe two or three days a week. Usually days I don't eat fish, I'll have a little bit of that. Maybe vitamin D in the winter, I'll take a little bit, but I mean, nothing, I don't take anything. I say, take shit all the time.
Starting point is 00:41:31 And the funny thing is, I feel better now than I ever have. And as I continue to go without supplements, without protein powders, without post workout, and pre workout, and all that other shit. It's incredible. I mean, my pre workout consists of coffee. I have chimeric coffee, and that's it. And I've never felt better.
Starting point is 00:41:52 It blows me, it absolutely blows me away. And then how many messages do we get from people? Who say that they do the same thing? So I mean, I tell you what. Well, you look at the market the same way I do, and I get very fascinated by it. Like for example, I brought up the book on, you know, somebody else here's, oh, there's this great diet. It works. You know, all you have to do
Starting point is 00:42:09 is chew your food 50 times and that's as far as they go. Like I instantly want to go, okay, well, what it's a little bit of science behind it because obviously if you wrote a book and a million of people bought it, made a ton of money producing more saliva. There's got to be a little little one's going on here. Yeah, right. What exactly is happening here? Like, okay, that makes sense, but that's, you know, leave it to the fitness industry to take, you know, a good piece of it, you know, advice and science. You'll have like fit gum.
Starting point is 00:42:31 Yeah, right. And just, and keep doing my chewing right now. Kift, wrap it into something and market and sell that shit to you. I mean, that really is the formula. Yeah, I tell you what, if you're listening right now and you take a protein powder, try this, try stopping, just don't take your protein powder anymore.
Starting point is 00:42:50 I'm pretty sure you get enough protein from your food. If you listen, the only people that should take a protein powder are people that have just started. That, well, no, that have serious eating issues where they can't get enough, like people who are recovering anorexics or where they just can't get enough food in because they can't eat. Maybe a vegetarian. Yeah, I, you know, maybe, but for most of you listening, you know, a lot of you listening
Starting point is 00:43:11 are interested in building muscle and getting stronger and this and that. It's a better way to say it, a majority of you. Yeah, you're probably, you're probably get more than enough protein from food. Stop taking protein powders, just stop. Stop it for a while. Here's what you'll notice. Those you people who are struggling with trying to get leaner will get leaner. Those you trying to build muscle now that you're eating more real foods as a result of not taking more protein will build more muscle. Digestion will be better. You'll feel better.
Starting point is 00:43:39 And after about two or three months of doing this, you're gonna realize just how big of a waste of money that highly processed powder, you know, that tastes like cookies and cream or whatever. Is it a completely different way to live? When you go to buy like a supplement, it's kind of like, you know, when you're a kid and you're like, you saw this ad for like the sea monkeys, and you buy it, and then you put it in the water,
Starting point is 00:44:04 and you're like, what the fuck is this? That's supplements. I hate that shit. Don't buy it. Anyway, listen, we love shattering your paradigm. And if that happened on this episode, leave us a five star rating review on iTunes. And share the damn episode. Help some other motherfucker around.
Starting point is 00:44:20 Yeah, share this one. If we like your review, if we pick it, you'll win a free mind pump t-shirt. You can find this on Instagram at Mind Pump Radio. You can find me at Mind Pump Sal, Adam at Mind Pump Adam, and Justin at Mind Pump Justin. You're welcome. And save the gym, bros. Don't forget to check out all of our programs at Mind Pump Media dot com. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump.
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