Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 405: More Butt Building Secrets

Episode Date: November 21, 2016

In this episode, Sal, Adam & Justin go into more detail about the fastest and most effective ways to build the butt. (For mores see episode 309) Have Sal, Adam & Justin personally train you with a new... video on our new YouTube channel, Mind Pump TV. Be sure to Subscribe for updates. Get MAPS Anabolic, MAPS Performance, MAPS Aesthetic, the Butt Builder Blueprint AND the Sexy Athlete Mod (The RGB Super Bundle) packaged together at a substantial DISCOUNT at www.mindpumpmedia.com. Get your Kimera Koffee, Mind Pump's first official sponsor, at www.kimerakoffee.com, code "mindpump" for 10% off! Please subscribe, rate and review this show! Each week our favorite reviewers are announced on the show and sent Mind Pump T-shirts!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, with your hosts. Saldas Defano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. Let's get out there and help them butts. Yeah, this is, we did that episode on how to build your glutes, and it was so popular, and it was so much more information that we wanted to cover, that we did another episode which you're about to listen to. Who doesn't want their butt touched?
Starting point is 00:00:27 We, exactly, we put together a build your butt bundle which includes maps aesthetic and maps and a ballac and we teach you how to use them properly to wake up a sleepy butt. This is a butt that does not fight formula for the perfect ass. There's a modification in there teaching it is trigger sessions and focus sessions specifically to build your glutes and this month in rolling in any bundle you can you can have your pick of any guide including the nutrition survival guide
Starting point is 00:00:54 or the fasting guide and you'll also get a free t-shirt uh... you can find all this at mind pump media dot com justin is clearly the most uh... man most manly of us. And I don't mean, I mean, he's just, he's like, if we were all objects, he would be sandpaper and he's a bacon or something like that. He is.
Starting point is 00:01:13 He's a style issue. He just put it out. I just, You come up with sandpaper and bacon. I'm just trying to think of something like very, like you would have a flower somewhere in there. Who would have something like that in there? Justin is just, he just, he saw dust and a fucking, you know, a hacksaw.
Starting point is 00:01:27 Let's break this down real quick. If each one of us was a piece of food and tool, what would be, what would be, so Justin would be sandpaper and bacon. You would be, you would be tweezers and, for sure, for sure you'd be some tweezers. That would be my tool. Yeah, they would be food, would I be?
Starting point is 00:01:43 I don't know, food, yeah, it's covered. A keish. Oh, they all made me food. I don't know. Food. Yes, come on. I'm a keesh. Oh, you're going to make me a fruit, you dick? No. I'm not that far from that. Like Jesus gave. You're like a nice omelet.
Starting point is 00:01:54 Yeah, I could see that. Right? Yeah. All right. Well, then we'd sell. It would sell. You're still meaty, but it's, you know, it dresses up nice. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:03 We're going to turn up. We're going to tool, would you be? I don't know. Uh, yeah. I wouldn't be. Yeah. I wouldn't be a tool. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. You'd be like an almond actor something.
Starting point is 00:02:14 Yeah, well, like, you know, you have to read how to like put everything together. Like a book, you'd be a bookend. You'd be something like that. Like a manual. You're a manual for a tool. I'm like, yeah, I'm a manual. Yeah, you go. Uh, but the, the short short, Justin is just fucking,
Starting point is 00:02:26 he's too gnarly man-leaked for Lululemon. I feel, you know what I mean? Like look at the short, he's wearing now, and it just, well, that fits him. I tried, you know, I gave it the old try, and you guys were making fun of me. I thought he looked good. I thought he looked fine.
Starting point is 00:02:39 I think, I don't know, man. I mean, my wife kind of agreed, she's a man. Yeah. It just doesn't work. It's the whole thing too, like the V-neck man. I mean, my wife kind of agreed with me. Yeah. It just doesn't work. It's the whole thing too, like the V-neck thing. I just like, I can't pull it off. Exactly, like you can't do it. Exactly, you could pull off a V-neck, no problem.
Starting point is 00:02:55 Justin could pull a flannel, you know what I mean? It just wouldn't, it just that works. It's just not his vibe. Yeah. His vibration doesn't do that. But, you know, I appreciate the brand and all that. So, whatever. I love it on women.
Starting point is 00:03:08 Yeah, do you talk about this? Yeah, you know, Lulu is awesome. Remember when they used to make the pants that when you would stretch them a little bit, they were see-through? Yeah, didn't they, didn't they? Yeah, that was great. Didn't they have big recall on that, right?
Starting point is 00:03:20 Stupid, big recall on that. Stupid, how dare you? Yeah, I wish I would have bought some stock right after. I meant a big dip for a minute there. They did and they go back up. Oh yeah, of course. Of course they did. They've really taken the right man, taken the industry by storm.
Starting point is 00:03:34 They're really don't, there's not a lot of competitors with what they do. I mean, you have other yoga pants that are, but typically the other all it wetter or whatever. All the other ones are like cheap, yeah, cheap versions of, but Louis will really set the bar with, you know, these yoga pants that could make a 70 year old woman's ass look good. I'm saying like it's fucking magical.
Starting point is 00:03:54 I did it. Grandma, Grandma Gilt. No, they are. Think about it. They literally like, have you ever seen somebody like wearing yoga pants and you just know, you're like, I know she doesn't have that good of a ass. I just, there's no way.
Starting point is 00:04:06 Damn it, that's so put together. It squishes it all. It's rid of all the pockets and it does. It puts it all together in this nice little room. We're play doughy kind of consistency. Well, I mean, this tells you a lot about the market. If you're gonna develop some kind of accessory to the fitness industry, your target markets women,
Starting point is 00:04:24 I mean, period. I'm sorry. All day. If you can get the female market to really adopt your product, you're cold. Can we talk, can we talk about women's butts? What? And, uh, that's a fantastic idea.
Starting point is 00:04:38 Oh, well, this is how it happened. Well, we're talking about yoga pants, we're talking about girls' butts, and it just reminded me of a lot of what I've been seeing in the gyms. And it just, it drives me crazy. It drives me crazy. All, it drives me crazy with all these girls with now the bands around their knees
Starting point is 00:04:55 and doing all the butt kick exercises. And I just want to go over and help them so much. Like, I want to sit in that sky. It's like physically. I sit in that sky. I do want to, I just want to help you. So much. sit in that guy. I just want to help you. So much. So much.
Starting point is 00:05:07 I want to help you. Let me help you. I'm going to help you so hard. Well, I know we have lots of listeners. I have, we have to have lots of listeners that are wanting to build a butt. And of course, that's part of why we created that. Send your pictures for your butt.
Starting point is 00:05:20 Mundo. Yeah, that's why we created the build your butt bundle was to help people utilize those movements. Like, okay, so just to cut, I wanna make this clear, just because you feel an exercise in an area, like for example, like a glute kick, you really feel it in your butt. Doesn't necessarily mean that it's working
Starting point is 00:05:39 it better than other movements. That's true. So that's something that- Or as effective because working it, they're feeling it because the muscles definitely working. Yeah, that's nice. But is it effective? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:52 And believe it or not, some of the most effective exercises, you almost don't feel like, let me break it down. One of the best back developing exercises you could do is a deadlift. You won't feel a deadlift in your back as much as a concentrated cable row or pull down. But a deadlift. You won't feel a deadlift in your back as much as a concentrated cable row or pull down. But a deadlift will build more muscle. So, you know, glute kick pack or band, abduction is going, you're going to feel a burn in your butt, you're going to feel your butt,
Starting point is 00:06:18 but is it going to build as much muscle in your butt as a heavy barbell squat or lunge or deadlift now, not even close. Right. Squat, deadlift, good mornings. I mean, those, those, in a hip, the hip thrust is starting to get put up there a little bit. I'm not 100% sold on it. I know, I tagged you on his little, his little,
Starting point is 00:06:40 little, definitely can load a decent amount of weight doing that if you do it. It's a compound movement. Yeah. And you can load, yeah, of weight doing that if you do it. It's a compound movement. Yeah. And you can load, yeah, you can load quite a bit on it. I don't know if I'll put, you know, he puts it up there. He's like, he's saying it's better than a squat and all this other stuff. Yeah, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:06:54 I don't know if I'd go that far, but... You're more convincing. But I could see it being, it could definitely, I could see it being one of the fundamental foundation on... Can we talk about that? Can we talk about that study? Did you guys, no, I tagged you guys on that. Did you guys look at it? He wasn't comparing it to squats though, right?
Starting point is 00:07:10 It was just, it was what? A glute bridge or hip bridge to, I'm comparing it to different, was it a different foot position? No, I don't think, I think it was just in general. Can we make it easier to use the glutes in a multi joint exercise? Was different study, sorry. Barbell hit thrust better for upper glute activation compared to what though?
Starting point is 00:07:35 Bandit American. I don't know what American stands for. I mean, I know what Americans are. I didn't hear this country. Yeah, fuck you, man. I'll show you what it's. It says show you Americans. It says it's comparing a barbell, a band, an American.
Starting point is 00:07:50 I'm assuming that it's like a barbell hip thrust versus a banded hip thrust versus versus I don't know what American hip thrust would be. I'm not sure. So it's an American hip thrust. Let's Google that right now. And so people make up exercises all the time now. The glutes, the glutes are freedom as you hip thrust. Let's Google that right now. And so people make up exercises all the time now. The glutes, the glutes are freedom as you fucking thrust. Glutes are made up in primary three groups, right?
Starting point is 00:08:13 And he's saying that the upper, which is the Maximus, yes? Gluteus, no, it's medius. No. Is it that what he's trying to talk about? No, the medius is the inner deepest part of the glutes. What is the upper part? I said the upper part.
Starting point is 00:08:29 Is that what it says in the post? Upper glutes. Yeah, he uses upper, which is, I'm trying to figure out which one he's, what part of the glute he's referencing. It's a good thing we should know this. Yeah. And we don't. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:42 I'm glad we planned this out. You guys are doing great. No, I'm pretty sure I'm right here. Did you pull up his page? I didn't. Yeah. I'm glad we planned this out. You guys are doing great. No, I'm pretty sure I'm right here. Did you pull up his page? I didn't. Why don't you pull it up so we can talk about it? Huh? Why don't you pull it up so we can tell? Is it just his name, the name of his page? You don't know, you don't follow Brett. I do. I do, but I'm about to, uh, maybe I don't anymore. Did I stop following? Yeah, there you are. Uh, here's a thing. You know, working your glutes,
Starting point is 00:09:08 those small movements that you talked about, like the band and the kickbacks, they definitely have their place though, you know what I mean? They definitely have their place. They just have to be used right. Why look at it as, you know, stimulating, like a pre-exhaust as you guys call it, or just like a corrective approach.
Starting point is 00:09:26 So, especially like I'm doing tube walking or something, I'm just trying to get glute connectivity. That's how I would tend to use these accessory lifts and these like before we'll just get them to fire. I'm just thinking of it from a volume standpoint, right? Like I think the one thing that can, that's gonna promote the most muscle growth is overall increased volume. So if you do 1,000 leg kicks and the weight of your leg is fucking five pounds, and even though it's an isolation movement, you can really fill in your glute
Starting point is 00:09:57 from doing the leg kicks, what is 1,000 of those times, the weight of your leg versus doing 10 heavy squats? I mean, we preach a lot of those times, you know, the weight of your leg versus doing 10, 10 heavy squats. I mean, we preach a lot of the frequency and volume, like, is being like, that's a good mentality, but I feel like then this is like an extreme of that that they're not ever focusing on, like, bringing more of the intensity in there and the gross motor movement. There's a death, there's definitely a balance between intensity, volume and frequency. And the way you manipulate that balance,
Starting point is 00:10:31 strongly will determine how effective your routine is for whatever your particular adaptation goal is. And if it's off, if intensities, just weigh the fuck up here and frequencies real low and volumes real low, it's not gonna be as effective effective if frequency is super high but your intensity is super low and your volume. You know, it's like a formula and putting them in the right combination will give you the best results and different exercises work better within each parameter.
Starting point is 00:11:01 For example, if I'm looking for a great way to add intensity, then I might look at a barbell squat. If I wanna add lots of more volume and frequency, and I've already done my intense squats, well now I can look at those smaller movements, right? Because if I could continue to throw in heavy barbell squats, there's a greater chance I'm gonna overdo intensity and override or do too much to where my body can't,
Starting point is 00:11:27 it doesn't have the room to adapt because it has to recover so much, type of deal. So, but yeah, I mean, you just can't, you just can't beat those barbell squats and those lunges and those dead lifts. They're just your best, absolute best building movements. So, I mean, I know this was the subject you want to talk about when it came to butts.
Starting point is 00:11:47 Have you guys ever had a client where they said, I really want, I have a flat butt, I really want to develop my butt, and then it was just like, it took forever or didn't really work. I have it, I never have. What? I said, have you?
Starting point is 00:12:01 I was agreeing with you. No, yes. I'll agree with you. No, yes. I'll agree with you. You just caught me, dude. I was saying, have you ever had a client where trying to develop someone's butt was almost impossible? I've never encountered anybody where the glutes were like this crazy hard body part to develop.
Starting point is 00:12:19 It was just about activating them. And once we did it, it was like boom, there it is. Well, that's it right there. I mean, I've met people and I've had people that have was like boom, there it is. Well, that's it right there is, I mean, I've met people and I've had people that have had a very, very hard time. And even after you like get them doing a squat, they still have a hard time.
Starting point is 00:12:32 But that's just because the neurological connection's not there. So this is where these exercises come in handy. Like this is where, you know, the hip thrust and these the floor bridge type movements and glute kicks and these isolation movements are great is just to do that. But it's also understanding that, right?
Starting point is 00:12:50 It's like doing that with that intention of like really focusing, really trying to concentrate on what you're trying to do versus pumping out these reps or making these isolation exercises super heavy and challenging. That's the wrong thing to do. Like making a movement like that, that is your main intention is to work on a neurological connection. Does it make sense to be doing that super heavy and going to fatigue and then your body starting to deviate while you do it?
Starting point is 00:13:16 That's just, that doesn't make sense at all. So, you know, clients, I've had clients, and it also matters to like the type of, I mentioned mentioned this I think on an episode two or you know the origin and insertion of of the glute is A lot of how your butts can end up looking and shape shaping up to be right because you know you have these these really long origin insertions It's kind of caused this flatter looking butt, you know because it's long separated Out really far versus somebody who has this perfect bubble butt and she didn't do anything to get that bubble butt, you know, all she did was have a short origin insertion. So it was talked about that because genetics obviously, but then the fat of a lot of women now just being that the butt is such a focus and having these implants and
Starting point is 00:14:03 you know, having fat injections and all these kinds of things. I noticed, like, I don't know, did you guys watch the MTV video awards by chance at all? Like Kanye did this, like, sort of a, it was a really interesting kind of video. This girl started dancing, like, it was like in a gym setting, but man, she was built. Actually, her glutes in particular, like you could tell that, you know, she squats and dead lifts and all that.
Starting point is 00:14:31 And it was real, you know, so the message there being like they're trying to sort of show more of a real look to that. And like a lot of women really responded to that. Well, we talked about how it was obvious as shit when someone's gonna, they have no hamstrings. Yeah, because you see it everywhere I mean you see this fake butt phenomenon and it looked I couldn't look I guess train the train our guest says trainers We have different eyes than the average person so maybe I can see I can see fake muscles
Starting point is 00:14:58 Yeah, and so maybe like the average person goes like oh my god I would totally do that because it looks great like no, no, when you put a fake ass on somebody who doesn't train hamstrings and train their legs really hard, like, how did they get that? Yeah, it just looks really fucking weird. It looks weird and ugly to me. It doesn't look good. Like, you gotta have some shapely legs to you.
Starting point is 00:15:21 And- Well, it's a muscle. I'm telling you right now. It's not, it's definitely not one of the top five difficult muscles to develop, it just isn't. No, it's not forms, it's not traps, it's not calves. No, like I'm saying, it's a big move. It's one of the biggest strongest muscle in your life.
Starting point is 00:15:36 I'm telling you right now. You're a center of gravity right there. I'm speaking with full confidence. If you learn how to connect those glutes properly and they're firing and then you get good at squatting and deadlifting, you're going to develop a butt. There'll be a very big difference between how your butt looks now and how it's going to look in just six months, especially a year of proper training. You can't say that with every single body part. There's definitely body parts like calves, even some, even arms, biceps triceps sometimes
Starting point is 00:16:04 where you've got guys who have been lifting weights for years and they're any much to bicep and tricep training and they've just got bad genes and it just never will look good but it's very rare where you can't develop a half way decent but. But is up there with chest and back and quads. Those are all the big muscles. You can't... They all grow.
Starting point is 00:16:24 I would say glutes is probably the muscle. And then even with athletics and everything else, like just like you could, you could basically draw in all of your power, like a lot of the power coming from, you know, the glutes and the hips. So I mean, it's, it's so crucial to a lot of these power moves and explosiveness and all that too. Here's something too. If you're a runner, the way you run will determine whether or not you lose your butt or you maintain it or even build it a little bit.
Starting point is 00:16:55 If you're a distance runner and that's your form of exercise, unless you're blessed with wonderful but growing genetics, you'll probably lose your butt. Yeah, you run your butt off literally. You because distance running involves. Please, ladies, don't do that. Distance running is low intensity by nature, right?
Starting point is 00:17:12 Because you're doing it at a steady state for long periods of time. Your range of motion is very short. So because you're not, you know, getting high knees, you're not taking big steps, they're smaller steps. You'll develop calves and some quads maybe, and hamstrings are but will not develop and maybe go away. And I've seen lots of imbalances from people who were distance runners and then came to the foates
Starting point is 00:17:34 and they had no hips, no glutes. Because they're quads and calves develop, but the butt stayed underdeveloped. They're basically like falling forward. Yeah, it's just, and you can see, I can see it. I can always tell when I look at someone, it's like, okay, you must distance run because I can see where you're underdeveloped. They're basically like falling forward. Yeah, it's just and you can see I can see it. I can always tell when I look at someone Like, okay, you just you must distance run because I can see where you're underdeveloped and where you're developed. If you're a sprinter on the other hand, Oh, dude, you'll develop your butt. Great legs. You will develop your butt and hamstring, especially if you practice
Starting point is 00:17:58 your takeoff and stuff. Sprints uphill. Yeah, yeah, uphill and an explosive taking off, man. That's where you're gonna you'll actually develop. I love Hillsprints. As a matter of fact, I've recommended this to clients and I've seen it myself. If you don't run and don't sprint, and all you do is lift weights and you want to add another form of exercise
Starting point is 00:18:18 that may stimulate some new growth or adaptations in your glutes, I recommend going out and sprinting. You don't gotta do very many. Go out and do like five 50 yard dashes twice a week and add that to your normal regular team. Or yeah, explosive jumps to you. Yep, yep, from a deep position. From a deep position, you just get that nice,
Starting point is 00:18:42 maximal contraction. Let's point that out though. Okay, so most people that I see do jump boxes, do them, they do them crossfit style. They do them where they're fatigued and they're just like, they just throw their whole body. Yeah, that's so that's so hard
Starting point is 00:18:59 when you recommend them. As a matter of fact, note that they're Douglas. There you go, a box jump. Make sure we get a box jump. Just gonna demo that, not this guy. Yeah, I'll be there. Mr. Vertical over there. Well, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:19:10 I've got a good vertical. I got a great vertical. I just don't look coordinated. Yeah, I don't know. I just don't look coordinated. I think we're gonna make him do it just cause of that. For sure. Yeah, so I think that's probably,
Starting point is 00:19:23 a lot of people do the box jumps the same way a lot of people squat, you know, and they do this quarter squat or they come down just a little bit and they explode up. So I love a deceleration squat off the jump box. That's a great one. Oh, were you jumping to a squat? Yeah, you absorb it. You absorb it on the way down. I love to teach that. Yeah, our like a depth jump where you're responding right away once you hit the ground and then you jump forward. Oh, there you go. So you go, yeah, you basically come all three of those
Starting point is 00:19:53 are great videos with their, oh wait, great for performance. I got a movement where we haven't really ever talked about reverse hypers. Oh, yeah. Oh man. You want to talk about like developing one of my favorite. And ass. a reverse hyper in fact
Starting point is 00:20:08 When you look at strength athletes like power lifters who are masters of the squat and the deadlift Probably the most consistently recommended auxiliary exercise. I was gonna say that's why though Well, why because it's an auxiliary because it's not gonna fry your central nervous system But yeah, you're getting that great boost to your activation. And not only that, but they see lots of strength carryover, because they've done everything from kickbacks to hip thrust, to all these other movements, but consistently across the board, power lifters will always respect the reverse hyper as a movement that has much carryover to deadlifts and squats.
Starting point is 00:20:47 And it's because it really develops the glutes. I've been doing them with bands. I've been getting on a hyper and going backwards on it and then putting bands around my legs and doing some just on focus and. We should explain what you mean by that by carry or because I just recently was watching some Mark Ripto stuff and it inspired me to want to write or create something. So people understand this, like the Rack Pools, like I was, you know, there's these movements that people start doing
Starting point is 00:21:14 and they think that they were created to improve another move. So that's really, when you say carryover, it's really like, it's like compartmentalizedover, it's really like, or it's like compartmentalized. So this is like the top part of the major movement. Yes. Or the bottom. And that's really why that the reverse hypers, because you're taking a part of the deadlift
Starting point is 00:21:36 or the squat, that's, it's an important piece. And I'm glad, you know, it's interesting. You say that it's, it's really difficult to objectively quantify. It truly is because they do rack pulls, they do deficit deadlifts, they do add change, you know, chains or bands for increased resistance at the top. But a reverse hyper will add its own carryover, that those other movements won't do. And it's very difficult to kind of figure out what's gonna do that and what's not gonna do that.
Starting point is 00:22:07 You know what I'm saying? Like another example, pull downs. We think of pull downs as like kind of like a, you know, B level back exercise. Guess who likes doing pull downs? Heavy bench pressers and powerlifting. Heavy bench pressers and powerlifting work their lats with heavy pull downs because there's carry over to the bench pressers and powerlifting. Heavy bench pressers and powerlifting work their lats with heavy pull downs
Starting point is 00:22:26 because there's carry over to the bench press because of the stabilization component. So that's an exercise that you wouldn't necessarily think, you know, would have any kind of relationship with a particular lift. There's particular movements that they do. I could see pullovers for sure because you've okay. The pull down.
Starting point is 00:22:46 Well, yeah, but it's like a pullover, right? Same thing. It is, but they don't do, they just don't, they don't do that. They do pull downs. Like that's their, like you'll see in their prescription, their bench press prescriptions, a straight arm reverse grip pull down or a V bar pull down to help.
Starting point is 00:23:01 Oh, you mean, oh, I thought you meant like a pull down as far as like a pull over motion. No, with a straight arm. No, like a lap pull down. A lap pull down. A lap pull down, you know? And they'll say it's got carry over to stabilize their bench press because power lifters are really good
Starting point is 00:23:15 at actually being the last pull. I could totally see a pull over. Because yeah, I would think about this that wouldn't you rather do a pull over which you get a little bit of the chest. You get a little bit of chest activation with that, and then you're also going to hit the last one. See, here's, and again, here's, here's that this is why I said it's difficult along the
Starting point is 00:23:31 lines that you were talking about with carryover. It's difficult to object, to be objective with it. Like I would think, for example, a pullover would be better because I'm working these same muscles. However, through practice, a traditional lap pull down, you know, palms up, grip, a lot of them do or v-bar grip. It's got more carryover. They've got, they place much more value on that than the other movements to strengthen their, you know, their bench press. That's strange. Yeah. So, but that being said,
Starting point is 00:24:02 movements that tend to carry over to the big barbell movements are typically ones you want to focus on because getting better at those big barbell movements is going to always give you better results than getting better at random exercises. We know that's right. If your deadlift goes up, you're going to develop, don't just focus on the potatoes, man. You're going to have the meat in there.
Starting point is 00:24:24 Exactly. And that's, I think the point I was trying to make up, you're going to develop. Don't just focus on the potatoes, man. You're going to have the meat in there. Exactly. Well, and that's, I think the point I was trying to make with the reverse hypers is that it is, it's, you're breaking up parts of big movements, right? And just like the rack pull, like it drives me crazy when I see guys doing a rack pull and they're doing it because they heard some men's physique guys said, you know, make, you know, don't do full deadlift. So you don't get, you don, build your waist or, you know,
Starting point is 00:24:47 oh, do a rack pull because this builds your, your upper part of your back more like, you know, all these dumb, the real reason for a rack pull is to give yourself a break from doing full conventional deadlift because ultimately your goal is to continue to progress. So we're going to lock out. Yeah, it's to work on the upper part of that movement
Starting point is 00:25:03 without frying yourself because pulling a bar up off the ground every single day or three days out of the week is just taxing on the balance. Not only that, but you can handle more weight at the top portion lift. And so it's a great way to overload that portion of the of the rap with the weight that you wouldn't be able to do full. Yeah, but there's a whole technique behind it. There's programming behind it. It's all strength based. You see, you do see a lot of people in the gym who don't, they don't do full deadlift.
Starting point is 00:25:29 Yeah, they just do that. They just do, yeah. I've seen worse. I've seen guys doing rack pulls on the Smith machine. So they've limited the range of motion and they're using a Smith machine to deadlift. Oh, yeah. To deadlift.
Starting point is 00:25:43 Have you seen that? Oh, yeah, I've seen it. Yeah, I've seen. Have you seen that? Oh, yeah. I've seen it. And I, it just doesn't make sense because you don't, because somebody is out there that, and that's where I get the, I think, you know, and I just got into the rubber bands on it. Oh, God, right? Smith machine rubber bands.
Starting point is 00:25:57 Make sure you wear your belt. And that's what I do for the next Schwol's video. I'll just put some rubber bands on the Smith machine and deadlift away. Yes. You know, and I guess when I when I point stuff out like that people, you know, get all Oh, don't be a hater to each their own and different exercises for different people. No, we don't not tell people not You know, we're not making while we are kind of making fun of them, but We're just kind of breaking down like if you listen to our show We're gonna let you know there's some exercises that unless you have all the time in the world
Starting point is 00:26:24 I know Adam said this before like if you've got all the time in the world, I know Adam said this before, like if you've got all the time in the world and you just want to do random shit and throw stuff and you'll have fun. Here's the thing, I mean, are you not gonna make fun of the guy that brings in, you know, like a shake weight and all he does is sit there and like shake it
Starting point is 00:26:36 right in front of you? Of course you are. Of course you're gonna make fun of that guy. So that's how I look at it. It's stupid. I think of it less of me making fun of people and more of me pointing out like that I can't stand that these people are, they've got half a million followers
Starting point is 00:26:51 and they're teaching people movements incorrectly and not incorrectly in meaning like their form is bad but it's like the purpose behind the move. Like that's why this whole, how this all started, we're talking about glutes, right, And girls doing these kickbacks and doing, because some silly supermodel girl does a video of her doing these, you know, or the curtsy lunges, you know, and then they're doing a million of them,
Starting point is 00:27:14 these curtsy step overs, like, and they're just doing all these, like reps and reps and reps and reps and reps, they're just like, dude, why don't you teach these people how to fucking squat, you know, teach them how to, teach them all the variations of a squat You want to help them you want to help them build a butt you want to create a good butt program Like teach teach people the mechanics of squatting dead lifting in good mornings properly Nothing is going to build their booties better than that all that other shit is a waste of their time
Starting point is 00:27:38 And the only reason why they would ever even do any of those other movements is either one for some sort of like specific reason to pre-exhaust or or not getting proper firing out of their muscle in a specific angle, exactly, or neurological reasoning, or if they're already doing so much squatting, deadlifting, and good morning, this is, this is additional work to that. So, so it's not as taxing on the body, but do I've seen I've seen girls do these booty workouts that are an hour long of All these body weight movement kick butt kick back and curts you keep the band on you know between their thighs for the entire hour I see leg press the gym does that and it's just I want to just stop from big Yeah, or like the leg press right so you see that that's a popular one I know it's the leg they put the bands around their knees and then they leg press so they can get some more leg press, right? So you see that that's a popular one. I know it's the leg. They put the bands around their knees and then they leg press so they
Starting point is 00:28:26 can get some more glued activation, right? Because they're their knees are the band is pulling them in. So the the medias, the gluest media says trying to fight the knees open so they feel it in their glutes. But dude, you're not even doing a hip-hengement movement. You're you're pressing with your legs. Like it's not even really a good, glute activation, like exercise, like go do a squat. Not to mention, you know, when you start doing that, those little tricks like that, you run the risk of creating an imbalance, because now you're teaching your muscle recruitment patterns to push out while pressing, which is okay if that's the recruitment pattern
Starting point is 00:29:04 you're trying to create because you're correcting something. And it's okay. So if you always squat and press like that, you'll start to get bad recruitment patterns where your abductors are always going to pull your knees out when you try to push lots of load like you're squatting underneath something or whatever, which you don't want. You don't want to do that. You don't want your legs to think about pushing out or unless you, unless it's, it's very specific, you know, saying.
Starting point is 00:29:29 Well, and, and, or you're intrinsically doing it yourself. In fact, there, here's another video idea, Doug, I have a, a little mobility drill for that where you're just, you're just practicing. It's a very small range of motion in the squat at position where you are practicing engaging the glutes down in that position by forcing your knees out yourself, not forcing, but you actually doing it yourself and transically forcing your knees in and out. So teaching your body to fire that and activate that because a lot of people just can't do that. You know, stuff like that is going to, uh, by far, benefit you more than getting on and doing these.
Starting point is 00:30:07 It's funny because the glutes are, glutes and back are the kind of those muscles that you can almost tell, you can always tell if someone just goes in the gym and gets a pump and kind of works out wrong versus someone who's actually strong. You know what I'm saying? I can almost always tell the roided out typical little body builder person
Starting point is 00:30:30 who I know does machines and cables and leg press and stuff like that versus the guy who's like, oh, he's definitely some strong. Yeah, he actually picks heavy stuff up. You can always tell with the glutes, right? I've seen a lot of people in the gym like that where they've got the lads because they do their pull downs and they've got the biceps and the peck. Ooh, glutes, right? I've seen a lot of people in the gym like that where they've got the lads, because they do their pull downs
Starting point is 00:30:45 and they've got the biceps and the peck. And ooh, sprinter, right away. But then you look, but then there's no glutes and the back is shallow. And you know that they're not, they don't have the real kind of carryover strength, you know, versus... Which is unfortunate.
Starting point is 00:30:58 Because my heart goes out to those people because I know it's like to be like that. And I know how much work it took just to get them to look as fit as they look right now. And it's like, man, if you only knew there's a better way, like if you only knew that all of them seated rows and single arm cable and hammer strength banded machine exercises and Smith machine things you were doing,
Starting point is 00:31:18 just crazy and crazy. I mean, really, that's the girl who does all the glute kicks with the bands is just like the bodybuilder, Mensfazie guy who's going around doing all the crazy machines kicks with the bands is just like the the bodybuilder men's physique guy Who's going around doing all the crazy machines for his back and he's skipping deadlifts. It's like bro Yeah, like literally like drop all that shit deadlift and then watch the development in your back It just blow your mind away. I am I will say this though something's happening Something's happening because I am seeing that's because you see because mine pump is influencing now
Starting point is 00:31:44 Is that what you think of course now we're it we're in because I'm starting to That's because you see because my pump is influencing now. Is that what you think? Of course, now we're in the... Because I'm starting to see. We're into the millions of people now. I mean, now we're now in our area alone. We're reaching thousands at least, because obviously we're worldwide, so millions are spread out all over the world. But I mean, there's thousands of people.
Starting point is 00:31:57 I'm seeing thousands of people. These competitors deadlifts and stuff. Yeah, you're seeing it more. And squat. I know, even though I know that I've not ever wanted to admit it, but I know they're listening. Yeah, which is good. I mean that to me that's what matters because I don't give a shit. I don't give a shit about I care about these guys that are that are
Starting point is 00:32:14 representing the the fitness world and are out there giving information to the majority that you know that you do it right man teach people right for gonna teach people either keep your mouth shut and do your own thing, because then I don't care. If you're gonna do your own thing and you can do all this weird shit, that's fine. Do it. I'm saying I'm not here to judge.
Starting point is 00:32:31 I'm not here to make fun of you, not at all. I only have an issue with the people that are out there giving information that have no business giving information. Well, I mean, it was three years ago, maybe two and a half years ago, where they were actually making posts saying, I don't deadlift because, or you shouldn't deadlift because, or, you know,
Starting point is 00:32:48 I'm not a power, I'm not a powerlifter. They're not bodybuilder style. Yeah, I'm a bodybuilder. I don't care about how much I can lift. So therefore I don't do these exercises. Literally, it was like two years ago. I remember when we first, before we even started mind pumping, you know, scrolling through and you're reading, I'm like, what?
Starting point is 00:33:03 Why are they saying that? And now I'm seeing them post videos of themselves, doing these big lifts. And I think whoever's influencing them, I don't want to, you know, be pompous and say it was us, whatever's influenced them great, but you're starting to see their muscles change too now. They're developing a little bit differently.
Starting point is 00:33:20 Oh yeah, you know. They look good. They're starting to look good. Yeah, yeah, no. The only drawback I could see from a professional physique competitor, especially one that's that's on a lot of gear From deadlift things they just might build too much muscle and start going into bodybuilding because it's just there. There's yeah Exactly, no, you're right. Absolutely speaking of which man What are those guys who are going over the Middle East fucking time?
Starting point is 00:33:41 What's going on dude taking that crazy That cow that looks like an ox, like a myostanidero. Something's going on. Something crazy is going on. Yeah, no. So what is it, Kuwait? Where are they going?
Starting point is 00:33:53 I think it is Kuwait. So all these bodybuilders who've been competing for years, who've already been taking shit tons of everything, who are already massive, they're going over there for like three, four months and They're coming back like like a big dude like another human horse, which when you something There's something they're doing once you get into the pro body building world, right? And you're you're taking all the gear you're doing all this like these guys like everything is inches
Starting point is 00:34:17 People don't understand that either too like I hate when people take credit away from these guys because they do take gear right and everybody knows it like it's like Oh, well, he takes steroids. That's why it looks that way. No motherfucker. Like he isn't not only is he taking steroids, he is doing everything. He is in the, he is in the, you live, that's what you do all day long.
Starting point is 00:34:34 Your life is that. Yes, to look like that is not steroids. That's just one tiny little piece of everything that dude is doing. I mean, let's be real, let's always do a lot, but they're scientists with it, and they take them throughout the day, and it's timed, and packets,
Starting point is 00:34:48 like they're science experiments. But I think the point eating shit sends a cat. Well, where I think the point that we're trying to make is that, especially these guys who've been competing for five to 10 years, they're not gonna gain 25 pounds of muscle anymore, they're gonna max themselves out. That's where I was going, I was thinking, I mean, when you get to this point,
Starting point is 00:35:05 like, you're 300 pounds, you know, lean a pro bodybuilder will tell you, if you can get, if you can gain five to 10 pounds every year, you're doing great, you know, so. You're like among the best. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:15 That's at that level. Yeah. When you're already 283 pounds lean. So put that in perspective, and this is, I think this is a good point to bring up just to even the average listener who doesn't give two shits about bodybuilding or being a big old monster like that that is that if these guys are doing everything in their power as far as diet steroids
Starting point is 00:35:32 working out and They're happy with five to ten pounds a year of adding muscle think about that from your perspective like people always want so much to happen So fast for them and they don't realize what a long, consistent grind is to sculpt this ultimate physique, this physique that a lot of people desire, but then just don't have the discipline to put the consistency of these guys are fighting for five to 10 pounds every day.
Starting point is 00:35:57 That's a half a pound a month. Well, when you first start, when you first start, you can gain muscle kind of quickly. And then eventually, especially when you start to hit your potential, you know, like I've been working out forever. I'm natural. And for me, gaining five pounds of muscle would be like an incredible blessing at this point because I'm starting to bounce off my, I think my limit a little bit.
Starting point is 00:36:20 Like I'm starting to hit that ceiling a little bit, right? These guys have hit their ceilings because they've been on gear for so long. They've been training so long. They've been squeezing out every little drop for as long as they have. Then they go to Kuwait for three or four months and come back and it's like, boom, 20 pounds of muscle. What are they doing, dude? Something's going on.
Starting point is 00:36:40 And there's a whole group of them. There's a whole group of them. There's quite a few big names that are and a new workout But you know what let's be honest. I mean the each and every one of them will be back in because they're all represented by different companies And they're all gonna be selling their Yeah, the newest supplement I started taking zero net carbs Yeah, it was the evil gen that made me gain 20 pounds of fucking muscle. Oh, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:37:10 That's not why you're gaining 20 pounds of muscle. It's because you're on some weird, you know, weird, new shit. This eventually will spread. We're going to find out. You want to gain 20 pounds of muscle, listen to Mind Pump. Listen to Mind Pump. Thanks for listening to Mind Pump. Leave us a five star rating review on iTunes.
Starting point is 00:37:24 If we like it and we pick it, we're going to send you a free t-shirt. You can also find us on Instagram to Mind Pump. Leave us a five star rating review on iTunes. If we like it and we pick it, we're gonna send you a free t-shirt. You can also find us on Instagram at Mind Pump Radio. You can find me at Mind Pump Sal, Justin at Mind Pump Justin, and Adam at Mind Pump Adam. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy,
Starting point is 00:37:41 and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbumble at MindPumpMedia.com. The RGB Superbumble includes maps on a ballad, maps performance, and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal, Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels and performs. With detailed workout blueprints and over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle is like having Sal, Adam and Justin as your own personal trainer's butt at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a 430-day money back guarantee and you can get it now
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