Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 518: Zac Efron's Baywatch Workout, Cluster Sets, Feeling The Burn & MORE

Episode Date: May 31, 2017

Kimera-Quah! iTunes Review Winners! In this episode of Quah, sponsored by Kimera Koffee (kimerakoffee.com, code "mindpump" for 10% off), Sal, Adam & Justin analyze Zac Efron's Baywatch workout before ...answering Pump Head questions about ersonal/emotional/psychological growth aids as detriments or positives for physical growth, whether "feeling the burn" is good or bad, the benefit or detriment of cluster sets and the fat but fit movement. Get our newest program, Kettlebells 4 Aesthetics (KB4A), which provides full expert workout programming to sculpt and shape your body using kettlebells. Only $7 at www.mindpumpmedia.com! Get MAPS Prime, MAPS Anywhere, MAPS Anabolic, MAPS Performance, MAPS Aesthetic, the Butt Builder Blueprint, the Sexy Athlete Mod AND KB4A (The MAPS Super Bundle) packaged together at a substantial DISCOUNT at www.mindpumpmedia.com. Make EVERY workout better with our newest program, MAPS Prime, the only pre-workout you need… it is now available at mindpumpmedia.com Have Sal, Adam & Justin personally train you via video instruction on our YouTube channel, Mind Pump TV. Be sure to Subscribe for updates. Please subscribe, rate and review this show! Each week our favorite reviewers are announced on the show and sent Mind Pump T-shirts! Have questions for Mind Pump? Each Monday on Instagram (@mindpumpradio) look for the QUAH post and input your question there. (Sal, Adam & Justin will answer as many questions as they can)

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, with your hosts. Saldas Defano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. Hey, in this episode of Mind Pump, we have some pretty good conversations. It starts off when we're talking about parasites. Oh, yeah. Talk about my parasite clan. There's not a lot of bro talk in this one today
Starting point is 00:00:25 So you might want to hang in for the whole episode Those of you that just come in here for the information. This one's got you know what I know you're gonna miss It's so you people that come just for that. You know don't worry. I'll bring it back hard Adam talks about his flotation tank experience We examine Zach Efron's Baywatch workout and we tell you if it's good or if it's stupid. And then we get into some pretty good questions. We actually talk about personal, emotional psychological growth,
Starting point is 00:00:55 and how that affects the gains. That's what the Z at the end is. We also talk about feeling the burn, what that means and should you aim for it, and will it make you build muscle and burn body fat faster means and should you aim for it and will it make you build muscle and burn body fat faster? Or should you go get some medication? Then we talk about cluster sets and circuit sets.
Starting point is 00:01:12 Are they effective or can they make you hurt yourself faster? Lastly, what is the fat but fit movement? You get to hear our opinions on that. And by the way, for those of you who are new to Mind Pump and you're kind of a beginner here, Adam talks about something that we got just for you somewhere in the middle of the episode. So don't fast forward anything in a little Easter egg. And I think today's the last day for our t-shirt promo, if I'm not mistaken, right? Enroll in the maps. Final day! Enroll in the maps. Final day. Thank you. Enroll the maps.
Starting point is 00:01:46 You're seeing that. RGB bundle, which is nine months of exercise programming, all broken down for you, or the Super Bundle, which is almost a year's worth of exercise programming. Enroll in one of those two, and by the way, those are massively discounted. You'll get your choice of two shirts.
Starting point is 00:02:02 And by the way, these shirts are amazing. They're, we have them personally blessed by a Tibetan monk or Justin, one of those two. Well, yeah, I put my essence on it. You'll get two shirts for almost free, I think, less than a dollar. You can find out about all of this at minepumpmedia.com. Plus, we wanna give away some shirts.
Starting point is 00:02:20 Give away some shirts. Oh, yeah! Yeah, we got 12 reviews this last week. That's not bad. Yeah. And we're going to give away four shirts. Oh, good. So the winners are eat, sleep, imagine, Kayla Ressik. Oh, imagine. Jay Kokoski and Will Sands. All of you are winners.
Starting point is 00:02:37 You're all brilliant review levers. Yeah, absolutely. A great job. What? So we do want to get those shirts out, absolutely. It's a great job. What? So we do want to get those shirts out to you. So send the name, the one I just read,
Starting point is 00:02:51 to iTunes at MindPumpMedia.com, send your shirt size and your shipping address, and we'll get it right over to you. Do you know who else has a kermity quality to their voice? Besides your girl that you threw under the mirror. I didn't like that. Yeah, She hates it when I say it. But it sounds good on her. It sounds hot. But do you know who else has a Kermity? A Kermity quality. And I can't explain it. It's that little bit
Starting point is 00:03:15 of that. Right? Yoda. Yeah, I know. Yeah. My man. Fucking Yoda dude. That's right, bitch. Why don't you call me Yoda instead? Instead of Kermit. Was that supposed to be mind-blowing? Yeah, no, did you get Kermit? I'm going mind you dude. Can I can I can I put you guys on the spot real quick? Is that possible? This is what I want you guys to do spot me bro because I'm tripping out right now On what so I did Nestle in yeah, yeah, yeah, I decided to do mess. It's just a little mess. I'm taking it way back. I'm doing opium I So I started three no four four or five days ago. I bought this
Starting point is 00:04:06 For four or five days ago, I bought this anti-parasite kit. And all it is, it's just these certain herbs that you take. It's got wormwood and black walnut, husk and garlic and, you know, caprylic acid and a few other things, right? And it's a 15-day protocol. And the reason why I bought it was because my gut was just fucking off, dude. It was really irritating. I did a whole insustory on this. And these are known as antimicrobials, but they're also effective, legit effective
Starting point is 00:04:29 for potential parasites. In fact, I was reading that wormwood is actually used to treat malaria. It's pretty, pretty cool stuff. So started taking it. And the first couple days I had what they describe on the internet as a felt like a die-off, like I felt kind of shitty. And now I feel, wow, man, I feel really
Starting point is 00:04:49 fucking good. Doesn't mean I have, I don't think I don't know who knows if I had a parasite or not. But it also, they're also balance out if you have bacterial overgrowth. And right now I feel really fucking good. I think you guys should try it. Cool. I really do.. I think you guys should try it. Hmm, cool. I really do. I really think you guys should fucking try it. I'm on my, I'm on a kick right now. So we have a die off.
Starting point is 00:05:11 Well, it's, it's pretty interesting because I've never really done anything like this before. Well, what does it require? Did you need to go fasted into it? Do you need, do you need to do anything? No, you just take it with whatever you're consuming. You just take it. Yeah, that's, now they Now, they recommend you eliminate sugar
Starting point is 00:05:26 and all these other stuff, which we pretty much don't do anyway. I went 48 a.m. fast and then I started doing it. But it's pretty interesting and I also learn that parasites are more common than people think, especially if you eat a lot of sushi, believe it or not. Oh, wow. If you eat a lot of sushi, believe it or not. Oh wow. If you eat a lot of sushi, the, not great odds,
Starting point is 00:05:47 it's like everybody has them, but it's more common than you would think. Well, what's the contributor to that? Which fish? Raw fish? It's not just one specific fish. No, I think just raw fish. The one I took Doug was called Perismart.
Starting point is 00:06:01 So no affiliation, we're not affiliated with him. Although we should put it in the show notes, might as well put in the show notes. So people have a link to it. Can you get it on Amazon? Yeah, that's where I got it from. Okay. And the stuff in there, like I said, if you have like gut imbalances, even just bacterial, it might help you.
Starting point is 00:06:17 But what a lot of people notice when they take this stuff is the first couple days, they feel like they're getting worse. Yeah, I don't know if I can feel it. And they start feeling bad. That's the only thing right now. Not everybody. Not everybody's like that. And remember, I don't know if I can feel it. And they start feeling bad. That's the only thing right now. Not everybody. Not everybody's like that. And remember, I was going into it
Starting point is 00:06:28 already feeling pretty shitty. So it's addressing the overgrowth, like potential overgrowth in certain areas. That and or if you do have in fact, you know, parasite stuff going on. And it's funny because my tolerance for caffeine is much better. So I feel like,
Starting point is 00:06:44 Well, what's the symptoms if you have a parasite? Oh, man. Here's the problem. because my tolerance for caffeine is much better. So I feel like, well, what's the symptoms if you have a parasite? Oh man, here's the problem is there's a cute symptoms, so which would be obvious, like severe diarrhea, nausea, all that stuff. But there's a lot of other symptoms that are kind of vague, like anxiety and depression and fatigue and, you know. Don't you think those ones come after the the major ones though like diarrhea in the like
Starting point is 00:07:08 Not always so you remember dr. Ruscio talking about how he discovered he had parasite when he was in college He didn't have any gastro symptoms whatsoever all he had were These kind of psychological symptoms. He just wasn't feeling I remember him talking about that and he went and got tested in those that on air or off air He talked about it was on was on our show, our episode with him. And the cool thing is, is that the over-the-counter kits are relatively effective for treating parasites. So pretty interesting, I've never done it before,
Starting point is 00:07:37 but I'm pretty in touch with my body, and it's pretty, pretty good. Any concern that you'll need to take this on take take this now like because you've like one of the things I didn't like when we started like on our can Bucha kick one Bucha, kombucha, kombucha, kombucha, how would the farm be want to say tomato tomato potato potato. Can't buy ucha. It went when I started I got on this kick where I started taking them like every day and
Starting point is 00:08:02 then I became like dependent on it it for my stomach to feel good. No, no, no. As a matter of fact, you wouldn't want to take these types of herbs more than two or three cycles a year max because they can be pretty harsh on the body. And it even says so on the box. So no, you should not take this all the time. Now there's certain things you can take relatively frequently or consistently like garlic, which has its own antimicrobial effects or whatever,
Starting point is 00:08:33 but like warm wood. It gives you great burps. They don't want you taking it for long periods of time because it can be not good for you. Where is there anywhere else that we can get warm wood besides? Yeah, you could buy us. It's a supplement. You can get it.
Starting point is 00:08:46 You can just go online and so when you flip the boss around, but there's other things you want to combine it with because there's different stages in a parasite's life cycle and different things kill it during different stages. So like one herb may be good for killing them when they're alive. Another one may be good for killing the larva or the eggs or damaging the eggs so that the other earthy kill it. It's pretty disgusting. You know it's crazy. So I get out of me. Dude, if you dive into like, you go online
Starting point is 00:09:16 and you start reading about people's experiences, what people do is they take a picture of their poop. And they'll have, they'll show it. They'll rate your poo dot com. They'll have pictures and they'll show like, oh, this take a picture of their poop. And they'll have, they'll show it. Right your poo dot come on. They'll have pictures and they'll show like, oh, this is a parasite. This is a parasite. It's all come out.
Starting point is 00:09:30 I'm so gross. Fucking disgusting. Oh, that is disgusting. But like skin issues can be a result of it. Anxieties, like all these psychological effects can be a result of it. Like that's what Ruscio said he experienced when he was in college.
Starting point is 00:09:42 Like he was just feeling fatigued, like he wasn't recovering't recovering today and by the way my I have not been eating high calorie at all I've been eating low calorie because I'm trying to kind of you know compound the effects I'm eliminating lots of things and I did not expect to be as strong as I felt today and my energy feels I don't know better than it's felt on a long time and it's to I think it's directly result of this 100% because I was doing all the probiotics and everything else before Take a pic of your poo. Well, I did so I'm gonna show you guys right now I think I think I need to do it just so we have some balance in this conversation So yeah, I'd love to see what you guys. Yeah, I mean if I can do it expensive if I can do it with
Starting point is 00:10:19 Because I just literally said okay. I'm on my kick again and back to tracking and doing all that. And let's see how's the biggest worm. I did. If it doesn't require me to change or shift what I'm doing, I can just add it into my routine right now that I'm game for that. So you wanna hear something gross too? Is that?
Starting point is 00:10:36 Do we have a choice? Even grosser. Is your ears are gross? Please, yes. It starts talking to story. Even grosser. If you're sexually involved with someone, the odds that they'll,
Starting point is 00:10:46 which we all are. They'll, well, that person, so let's say you do this treatment, right? And you do in fact have like parasite and you're feeling a lot better. Your significant other probably has it too, because you guys, because you put your mouth down there,
Starting point is 00:10:59 have sex, you'll have stuff, they're gonna get it, they might, the likelihood that they'll have it is high too. So if you're doing it and you're feeling great, you might wanna buy a box for your girl and be like, honey, you gotta do this too. Otherwise we're gonna be passing around the person. Do you go through the whole box?
Starting point is 00:11:13 Is that the deal? It's 15 day, the one I bought is a 15 day cycle. And I, Oh, how many days are you on right now? I'm on day, I wanna say five or six. You're only five days in? Mm-hmm, oh my God. But, what do you mean, oh my God?
Starting point is 00:11:27 You and your like, what's the opposite of a hyper-conductor who thinks like everything, hyper-conductor is like thinks that everything that is wrong with it? Well, so here's, I just show that guy, I do. I just show that guy. Well, so here's the thing, if, he's a believer.
Starting point is 00:11:42 I'm very, well no, you guys know this. I'm very, very in tune with how my body feels, especially food because I'm so sensitive. And I've been dealing with gut issues and all my normal stuff, all my avoiding this and eating that and taking this probiotic and fasting was not helping me and it was like three weeks, dude. It was like three weeks of like all these symptoms
Starting point is 00:12:01 that were really fucking annoying. And I did this and the first day, the first one or two days I did it, I was feeling almost like a little worse. And then by the third day, I was like, whoa, I'm feeling, and then by day four, like I had the best poop I've had in a long time. And I'm still having it.
Starting point is 00:12:20 You're also coming off of 48 hour fast, right? The 48 hour fast, I came out of the 48 fast Started this this treatment and I got a little worse for like the first couple days, which really really What's the word? sucks made me yeah like disappointed like what the fuck is going on here? It's really angry, but by day four I would think that has something to do with you being on a complete empty stomach and then ingesting something like that That's just like whenever well like I said I know my body really well
Starting point is 00:12:47 And I've done this before and usually if I come off a 48 hour fast and then I introduce the right foods I'm like cured but it didn't seem to be the case But now I feel really good again. This is my personal anecdote However if you like talking to Dr. Ruscio Dr. Ruscio's had said me, quote, he said, I said, dude, how common are, because he had, you know, parasite, he actually tested for him. I said, how common are they? Are they? And he said, they're not super common, but they're more common than people realize, because in modern Western societies, we think that that never happens,
Starting point is 00:13:20 right? And he goes, it's more common than we think. It's not super common. He goes, what's really common is dysbiosis, where we have our gut floor is just all over the place. And he said the things that are in these parasite cleanses are also antimicrobials in which, and remember, he talked about this on the podcast, how for some people just controlling the overall growth of their bacteria will help them because they just have this environment where shit's just growing out of control. And he said, these are people. That sounds like Justin's stomach to me.
Starting point is 00:13:52 Maybe. And these are people that ever hit something just like crazy stuff. Yeah. That's just like this afro of bacteria. Whenever I follow him after he's gone to the bathroom, I just assume that like there must be like this crazy fucking shit storm of a party going on. There's a lot of bacteria. Listen, we know how to get down.
Starting point is 00:14:07 And they don't want to die. They cling to the side of the toilet. Okay. Adam, how was your speaking of floaters? How was your floats? Let me tell you, I am. You did the float station for the first time. I am beyond excited for these guys to be down street. I got a chance to meet the owner Ryan so little shout out to Ryan And we get to the float station. Is that the name? Yeah, did you I'm jealous? I'm the only one now hasn't done it Well in here, and you know what's crazy? Sometimes like So you know, so Sal you never know if he's like over excited and exaggerating because he does it so much I'm so I went into it with like this, you know, whatever. I have to roll my eyes really hard.
Starting point is 00:14:47 Yeah. Let's be honest. It's like, you think you're the greatest song. If you listen to my pump long enough, this is the story. This is the typical thing you'll hear. I'll say something. Adam would be like, boom, bullshit. Adam does it and he's like, it's the greatest thing ever.
Starting point is 00:15:01 So, and this could be the first idea. It's different than it because I'm. No, no, no, okay, not to flip like, anyway, just tell us your experience. Let me tell you, let me tell you a couple of things, okay? So, right away, what I was most, the facility is fucking awesome. It's, it's beautiful.
Starting point is 00:15:17 Yeah, beautiful. And did you know that they're building upon that? Yeah, I know, they're putting like a whole meditation. Yes, there's gonna be an outside lounge area, we can get some sun and like, it's gonna be dope be dope like it's already dope and it's gonna be like 10 times better So I'm very excited to do so I'm actually gonna get him by the way So you guys know I'm inviting him down here to meet and hang out with all of us So I've already got him to agree to we're gonna go and do a whole video vlog series in there
Starting point is 00:15:42 So that'll be awesome, so we'll introduce everybody to the actual location. Now, right away after I went, I told this, I said this on my InstaStory, there was some things that I would do differently now that I've experienced it, because it really wasn't that amazing for me. And I didn't get like this, whoa, just this was so great and so relaxing. In fact, I never fell asleep. It took till almost the very end when the music came on that told me I had 10 minutes left for me to finally fully relax. And so I, and I, and I know there's a lot of reasons
Starting point is 00:16:18 why that was one, I was really excited to be there. Like I was really excited to check it out. I can't wait. Yeah, I was talking to the owner. I can't wait to relax. I was talking to the owner. You know was really excited to check it out. I can't wait. Yeah, I was talking to the owner. I can't wait to relax. I was talking to the owner. You know, it's the fuck out of this. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:16:28 I went in and I should know better like that, which Katrina and I had a really intense training session, maybe a couple of hours before that. So I had to, so you call it. Yeah. I had a pump on. I had some adrenaline going because of the place.
Starting point is 00:16:41 It was a new place. I was excited of it. So I could tell that I was really uneasy when I got in there. And there was some things that I should have done that I didn't do to about halfway through. What I thought was super dope. What, and Justin, this is the part you will dig.
Starting point is 00:16:56 I would use this like different ways each time. So I would use this one to go in just to purely meditate, fall asleep and relax. Then I would actually love to do doing tension movements while you're floating in saltwater is sick. Because I would take... So once I got where I was floating completely, and I couldn't completely relax, I'm like, well, fuck, I'm in this thing. I may as well like kind of stretch out everything and take it through full internal external rotations, stretching my finger. And I started taking like, while I'm floating,
Starting point is 00:17:26 I took my hips and I rotated my femur, as far as I could internally, then as far as I could externally. And then I could feel, I could all like free and suspended. Yeah, you're so free and suspended. And I could see, I could feel all of my imbalances, like my hips.
Starting point is 00:17:42 I could, I squeezed my glutes and kind of, I could feel myself neutralize my spine. And then I got my posturebalances, like my hips, I could, I squeezed my glutes and kind of, I could feel myself neutralize my spine and then I got my posture where it, so I was like totally doing like posture check on myself while I was floating. And because you're suspended. So I got like this kind of great core work and did all this stuff while I didn't feel when you, because that when I came out, I felt like my central nervous system was so sensitive. It brings so sensitive because it really brings it down. I could see this being like CNS recovery.
Starting point is 00:18:10 When we come out, lights were really bright. Like lots of people was almost too much. Like I almost wanted to go meditate afterwards. So to like reactivate to the world. You're right. It will. But you said that so I was kind of ready for it. So right away before I even walked out the room, I put my shades on.
Starting point is 00:18:25 I didn't want to get blasted by the light outside because it was still light outside. I did notice too that the music when it came on the second time, so I had ear plugs in and I'm laying out of the water. And when the music, the music's really faint. If you have ear plugs in and you're under the water, it's really, really faint.
Starting point is 00:18:41 Well, after I had relaxed for an entire hour and then the music at the last 10 minutes comes back on, it was, I could hear, it was so loud. It sounded like it was twice as loud, but it wasn't louder, it was just that I was, I'd laid there and complete silence. My breathing sounded loud. Like that was part of why I couldn't settle too
Starting point is 00:18:59 as my breath. So think about that, think about that, right? Think about how our CNS is being constantly bombarded with signals, electronic signals, people, loudness, you know, this is why, one of the reasons why it's so rejuvenating, and I find this more as I get older, it's so rejuvenating to go in nature, where you're not getting bombarded
Starting point is 00:19:20 which is why you feel so replenished, right? So you go in this, you know, float tank and it's sensory deprivation. Literally, it is completely limiting. It's like a reset. It's, yeah, and that's what I felt. I felt like my CNS got a crazy reset, which is why when you come out,
Starting point is 00:19:35 you don't want to go to, like, we went to a restaurant to eat lunch. Yeah, it's like too much. And I was like, this is too much. Like I feel too sensitive to this. I need to let my body react to me. I could see how doing this, if you're on really hard training and you're pushing your body to the limit and you're on that brink of like overdoing it or not doing it enough,
Starting point is 00:19:51 you know, especially for athletes, we always push in that limit. I could totally see how this has a huge. Did you notice he had stealing fire up there also? Yeah. So I didn't mean, as soon as I walked in, I was like, oh man, great book, right? And started talking to him and he's like, oh, you've read it. I'm like, yeah, not only I read it. I've actually interviewed Jamie Will and Stephen Collar He's like, what? And so then I told him all about mine pop and then what we I said
Starting point is 00:20:11 I would love to come in here shoot a whole vlog series So we exchanged numbers and I'm follow up on him But I also thought after I did it like wow now if I could go back and do it again I would do some things leading up to that to like get the maximum benefit of like completely relax. Well, what everybody says to do is to have some cannabis beforehand and edible. Apparently it's supposed to be a much more trans,
Starting point is 00:20:41 what do they call it, transcendent experience. Transcendent. Transcendent, I just made up a word. So, hey Adam, transcendental railroading. Shouting, shout out to my boy Adam. You're having a lot of fun, you little bit. So, I don't know, yes, I got him. And you know, when people analyze what happens,
Starting point is 00:20:57 when you sleep with the right amount of cannabinoids, it improves the relaxation state or whatever, the right brain waves when you're sleeping. I went in high. So I went in. I went, of course, silly sound. Yeah. Correction.
Starting point is 00:21:13 Yeah, come on, of course. It's a week. It's a weekend. I'm going in. Absolutely. I'm going to smoke before I went in. So I did. I, because I didn't fall asleep, I can't say that it helped
Starting point is 00:21:24 or didn't help. I think like I said, I didn't fall asleep, I can't say that it, it helped or didn't help. Um, I think like I said, I noticed this with you though, you have, it seems like you resist because you know, remember, you know, I, cause he's analyzing too much either that or so they talk about this in, uh, meditation or when people take psychedelics and do shamanic voyages or whatever that some people have a tough time, letting go is what the words that they'll use it. And I noticed this when we all did the, what was it called the lucid light?
Starting point is 00:21:52 Lucid light. Epelio, right. Like me, Justin and Taylor were able to like chill because the lights are flashing your eyes and it is a lot, but then when you relax, you can go into it and you, it feels very expansive and you see like all these, these lights and stuff. And you were saying out of them how, it feels very expansive and you see like all these, these lights and stuff.
Starting point is 00:22:06 And you were saying out of them how it was just too much, you wanted to blink your eyes and then you don't like until it like stopped. Yeah, I was really annoying. And then you also said how it's real hard for you to just sit and meditate, like you need to do stuff and whatever. So I'm, this is, and I,
Starting point is 00:22:20 I've been thinking about this too, because I had a lot of the same mechanisms in place when I go through anything like that too. This is why we started using brand of femenol. That was like, oh cool, because it's guided and you can follow something and it's not like you're just sitting there and trying to get to that place. But then even for me, more impactful was going through that Wim Hof breathing.
Starting point is 00:22:48 And so this is like, so my two senses, like I'm curious to see if Adam will, if he goes through that, does the ice plunge like, if that kind of force, because it really does, it forces you to not analyze anything. Like you can't tense, you can't like focus on anything else other than just trying to get outside of yourself. Yeah, so it's, that's the only time it's ever worked for me, dude.
Starting point is 00:23:12 Well, Brain FM's been a game changer for me. And you've talked about this in the past. Yeah, Brain FM's been a game changer for me. And don't forget, so I'm, you know, my woman of six plus years is like, is an expert on that. Is a meditation genius, bro. And her whole family is so this is not a new path for me,
Starting point is 00:23:31 which I was gonna make that clear to all our listeners, like, oh, I don't even experience all this, no, I've been in fucking in this and before that, I was religious and prayer and all that stuff. So this is all familiar territory for me. Right. I just, and I was, as soon as I got in there, he hasn't seen, is though, right? Well, because, you know, I think a lot of people
Starting point is 00:23:50 take a lot of this stuff, which has been around, the float tanks have been around since the 70s. It's not fucking new technology. Thank you. And 60s, maybe. Yeah. It's been around for a while. Yeah. 60s are 70s. I know it's been around for a very long time. And why it's so popular right now is because of its the counter culture to being plugged in so much. And it I think it's a great tool, a great resource. Now when people start getting very religious about it and get woo woo about it is when I roll my eyes because I've been around all this for a very long time. And I'll tell you like the the lucid light, like annoying as fuck to have a light flickering
Starting point is 00:24:27 in your face. I don't give a fuck who you are. Like, it maybe that it relaxes you and it helps you, that's good, that's you. You know, everybody is different. And it, and it, Oh no, no doubt, no doubt, everybody's different. You've just, you've said,
Starting point is 00:24:39 you've talked about this many times at how you have a tough time settling down. Yeah, and so, and when I went in the float tank, man, I got in and right away, like, you know, because they let you can play the music, you can have the lights going, you do a lot stuff. You know, I shut everything down, I focused on my breathing, I did my, on my box breathing to really try to settle me down. Like I said, I rotated everything in and out, kind of like stretched everything out. So I wasn't in there like, you know, oh, come on work, work for me. No, I know better than to do that. But there was things like I said, I was excited to be in there. That probably didn't help the cause. We had a really hard training session a couple hours before that.
Starting point is 00:25:17 So I was probably amped and pumped still from that. I drink a lot of water and fluid. So I probably was, you know, even though I went pee right before, I had to go pee again towards the end. So, you know, there's a lot of factors that came into play that didn't allow me to get fully relaxed. But I don't, I definitely don't think it's a, it's a competition or you know, one person's better or worse, I think. Well, what I'm saying is, I think it's just your experience is different.
Starting point is 00:25:40 I'm not fighting it either, you know? So that's, it's never been I Mean I think right now I I do Arguably probably the most of this stuff, you know, I don't talk about it because I'm not a big fan of The like how I feel like how people can get when they start talking about the meditation and being connected to the ground like Everyday I do all these things to and it's made a huge improvement. I'm like I'll tell you what though Above all the things that we it's made a huge improvement. I'm like I'll tell you what though Above all the things that we've experienced and we've done brain FM has been the biggest game changer for me I all of them have helped all of them have helped me settle down become more present
Starting point is 00:26:16 Brain FM has been the game changer of all of them I've seen it firsthand too in New York Mexico And you're like on the couch and you're going through just the The meditation part like you're completely he started snoring and it was completely gone like within like a couple minutes In a room full of everybody watching you do stuff. It was crazy. I wonder if you if they do they sell Waterproof headphones. Yeah, I'm wondering if you could get, like, put your phone in like a good sealed bag or something where you can listen to it in the float tank. So I already talked to him about it.
Starting point is 00:26:50 Okay. So I already talked to him about it. Interesting. They're gonna implement it into the float tank. Oh, so it'll be already in there? Yeah, it'll be playing in it. That would be weird. Well, so check this out.
Starting point is 00:26:58 This is what I did when I was in Mexico. I got on one of them. Oh, you told us. Yes, I got on a raft. I put my Bose headphones on and my Bluetooth so I could have the phone outside, right, on the water. And I floated on top of the water with my meditation brain FM.
Starting point is 00:27:14 Oh, bro, nothing has been more relaxing than that. So for me, that's another thing. If I were to go back, I actually enjoy the music to kind of so brain FM really, really helps settle me into that in that position. Otherwise, it is tough to get a lot of the stuff going on in my head to fully settle down. I did notice it towards the end once I, you know,
Starting point is 00:27:36 you think if you had stayed in, let's say they didn't kick you out after an hour and you stayed for two hours, you think it with a second hour would have been different. It's hard to say. Yeah, that's hard to say because there was a part of me too that was wondering, you know, like, oh, I wonder if I'd been in here for 30 minutes. Because even when I did it, I didn't right away,
Starting point is 00:27:54 at first I was kind of like, I felt like my body was spitting. What I, here's what I, what I did when I was in there is I felt like, did you experience this where you're laying flat, relaxed, and then you get the sensation like you may be spinning or floating to one side and you don't know and you wanna go reach and touch the wall, did you get that at all?
Starting point is 00:28:11 Of course, yeah, you definitely did. So what I did was when I was in that and it kept me like, occupied, is I just said, fuck it, I'm gonna imagine that I'm spinning and I went into it to make myself feel it more than that actually helped me meditate. Instead of being like, okay, I'm not spinning, I said, all right, I'm spinning, let's go into it to make myself feel it more than that actually helped me meditate. Instead of being like, okay, I'm not spinning. I said, all right, I'm spinning.
Starting point is 00:28:28 Let's go into it and see if I could actually, like, almost play mind games with myself, like, make myself feel it even more. And then I noticed that I was able to get into it, but the first, and it's hard. Did you lose perception of time in there? Because I almost felt like, oh, yeah, definitely. Yeah, there was a point where I was like, like man I still got like another 45 minutes or so right? Yeah, and then also the music came on I was like okay, it just goes to show you that your perception of time is you perceive it Based on external stimulus a lot. Yeah, I mean, there's an internal rhythm too
Starting point is 00:28:58 But and they've done studies of this where they've locked people in a room and then they don't tell them if it's night or day and see what happens. And it's weird because it's an hour felt like 15 minutes to me, which was very strange. I'm very excited to do it again. Knowing what the experience was like, getting out the first one. So now I can like prep myself and eating into it because I'm going to, like, really cool.
Starting point is 00:29:21 Yeah, I'm gonna yoga stretch and do some of my movements like this in my body, it's completely relaxed. I'm definitely to, like, really cool. Yeah, I'm gonna yoga stretch and do some of my movements, like this, and my body is completely relaxed. I'm definitely doing that. Yes. Attention stuff. Yeah. Oh, dude, that sounds awesome. That in itself is worth, like, so I was talking to Trina,
Starting point is 00:29:32 like, I wouldn't mind actually going in there sometimes and actually playing music that I'm not trying to fall asleep and just doing tension, because my body. I should dance the machine. Yeah, no. My body felt so good just being suspended like that and feeling all my imbalances, like, I was tuck so good just being suspended like that and feeling all my imbalances like I was tucking my chin, my hip and it was crazy because I could feel like I could
Starting point is 00:29:51 move my hips here and move my spine. Well, it makes a lot of sense because then it brings it back to everything is intrinsic and that you take gravity out of it so it's not like you're fighting forces. Yes, you're creating things. You may have just, the marketing, the marketing side of me just may, I mean, you may have created a new, well, I'm correctional exercise. Totally, I'm self-assessment. That, to me, this time, because I didn't, like I said,
Starting point is 00:30:15 I didn't get as meditative of an experience out of it. This time, because I, like I said, I think of how I went into it, but I it fuckin' felt great on my body. I felt like I reset my CNS, everything after, and I went into it, but I it fucking felt great on my body. I felt like I reset my CNS everything after and I felt amazing afterwards. And I spent a majority of the time like I said, connecting all that, extending my foot all the way out all the way up, rotating my shoulders in out like and touching all those areas. And then trying and then what I would do is I
Starting point is 00:30:40 literally intrinsically try and hold myself in this perfect neutral spine alignment with all where I know all my embouches. I have the slight forward head. I know I have an anterior pelvic tail. I know that one side my foot slightly internally. So I knew I know where all these issues are. So I'm like trying to address all of them intrinsically and keep myself neutral. How did you try like in between sets?
Starting point is 00:31:03 Just like I found this really hard to completely relax. Well, that's what I would do between. It took me stages, like I'd relax, and I'd be like, oh, can I totally relax? I'm like, oh, no, wait a minute, I'm kind of tensing this a little bit. All right, relax, then. So then what I did is I did a checklist.
Starting point is 00:31:16 All right, toes, totally relaxed. Feet, oh shit, we gotta relax those, ankles. And as I moved up, I realized I was holding at the slightest bit of tension in each part of my body where I was holding my position a little bit. And it was really weird to just go through and be totally, totally, totally relaxed.
Starting point is 00:31:33 I don't realize how hard that was. Very difficult. Did you guys not to change the subject, but did you guys, what's the deal with this whole Zac Efron body baywatch work out? It's because so baywatch just came out this weekend. So it just got released this weekend. So of course, all over the cover of all the magazines
Starting point is 00:31:50 in the grocery store, and everything like that, is the sexy Zac Efron and what do you look like? And how is he? The Seq1 300 came out. He's so handsome. So, and you know what, this reminds me of something that has been on my mind anyways that we should do, because so many of these terrible celebrity trainers get all this fucking notoriety for doing shit workouts.
Starting point is 00:32:10 I looked at the workouts so they published the workout. You can see what it is and it's not horrible. It just could be a lot better. It's like a bros split, you know, push, right? There is, I'm looking at it. It's the movements they chose could be, you could do so much better. Can I just tell you what happened here? I'll tell you 100% what happened.
Starting point is 00:32:28 Number one, pretty sure I bet a lot of money that this is not the workout that he did all the time. 100%. Guarantee you what they did is they just put exercises together because now you can pay for this, you can also pay for this Baywatch workout. And it also helps pump up the movie itself. But I'm looking at it right now
Starting point is 00:32:49 and there's nothing spectacular about it. In fact, I think the exercise order is a little bit interesting. I don't really even like it, the way they put some of these exercises together. And here's the thing with celebrity trainers. Have you guys seen so far a celebrity trainer? That's worth like their salt, you know what I mean? I haven't seen any of them do anything that's the trainers that I respect the most don't typically train I read
Starting point is 00:33:13 Obrace trainer his book way back when I don't know if it's the same trainer. She has now or whatever but I remember reading his it wasn't bad But most for the most part most of these guys are just It wasn't bad, but most of the most part, most of these guys are just, they're not the greatest programmers for sure. Dude, so Zach Efron's trainer is Patrick Murphy, and Zach Efron reached 5% body fat after just 12 weeks of training. Well, obviously, super dedicated diet exercise, probably on something as well. They're in Hollywood for fuck's sake sake and they make a lot of money But it's just a regular three-day split back biceps legs shoulders chest arms And I'm looking at the exercises and I really don't like the way they it would be fun to actually take that exact
Starting point is 00:33:55 Workout and the the basic bones and structure of it and just improve upon it. Yeah, how we would improve it That would be fun. Yeah, take break it down and show like okay, let's let's add some compound lifts and Here, let's do something that actually I mean, they've got some this is a position I mean, this is a position. I'd love to have in this company where we had some one young kid who like all they are doing Is like what's hitting the fucking new stands right now? What what's the latest thing that's trending and then we would Evaluate it and then improve upon it. It's so, it's for free. It's so remind us of you. Just get 300 and it's like anytime there's somebody in great shape has awesome abs and
Starting point is 00:34:31 it's so brilliant to just jump on that bandwagon and create something that directly markets to that because people are just like so superficial. Bro, how many trainers have become famous because of that, right? They've become famous after, you know, the 300 workout, the Wolverines workout. You got ready for Superman. What's this, what's this whole thing? Oh, no, oh yeah, what's his name?
Starting point is 00:34:55 That one dude, the super handsome guy. Yeah, like his leg split starts with leg press. God, why are they doing leg press? Why are they having people leg press at all? I don't just have him squat, barbell squat, like the best exercise on earth. So we could, I think we should do that. Let's put that out.
Starting point is 00:35:10 Dumbbell squat front raise. So there was this trend a while ago when fitness that was stupid. Why would you do that? Well, exactly. There was this trend in fitness that was probably about, I don't know, 15 years ago, do you remember this? Where trainers would take two exercises and combine them?
Starting point is 00:35:24 Yeah. Okay, we're going to do a walking lunge side lateral. That needs to be the quiz. Yeah, exactly. He used to be competitive. You do like one move that did like three or four different things. Yeah. You're like, fuck.
Starting point is 00:35:35 Well, let's, let's take a circus in here. I know we, we got to get to our Q and A, but let's real quick, because you brought that one up, let's just right away explain why that is stupid to me. Like a squat to a front race. One of the number one, okay, top, this is top three for sure, for everybody, when they squat, having good thoracic mobility because of the fact that everything is rounded and forward, because we do everything in front of us, computers, driving, whatever. So your pecs, your delts, your- You're already fighting to get your shoulders to retract properly. You're already struggle to get your shoulders
Starting point is 00:36:10 in a retractive position when you're in a deep squat. So to ask somebody to do a front shoulder raise while you're making a posture of imbalance that a majority of people already have even worse. That's why that's- I can see you better off doing like a squat to a reverse squat. Tell me you're not gonna round your shoulders at all
Starting point is 00:36:29 when you're trying to lift, court and raise. And not only that, but I think, so you know, when people do a squat, they need to put their arms out and firm for balance. Maybe that's where he's coming up with the rationale behind it. I could see this as a- This is a front-loaded squat.
Starting point is 00:36:41 I know exactly. I could see how this could be maybe a conditioning exercise. You know, sometimes- A goblet squat. Yeah, where you this could be maybe a conditioning exercise. You know, sometimes a goblet squat. Yeah, where you're trying to get someone to like, you know, just move. So you're like, okay, here, do this. It's just aimless movements. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:36:52 It has no purpose. No. And so this is what- Well, and this is what- And this is what here's the thing too. So what happens? Why are these keep servicing? Why they keep getting all this attention is people put together
Starting point is 00:37:06 these weird combinations. And because you've maybe a consumer, you've never thought to put a... Oh, I've never done that. This is the special moves. And this is the part that always pisses me off is that when you look at maps, if there's any knock on it, people are like, oh, I've seen those movements. It's so simple. Yeah, especially red or anabolic.
Starting point is 00:37:26 Right. Because we took the biggest bang for your buck movements that are going to give you the most of them build the most amount of muscle burn the most amount of fat. That's how we designed it. It's the beauty of it is the simplicity of it. And it'd be really easy to throw a bunch of crazy, unique exercises. People have never seen and have a hard time doing all together and say Here's the maps program. They'll be awful be awful. That's not the idea. This is what drives me crazy
Starting point is 00:37:52 No, the magic is in doing the exercises properly and in programming them so But we know it's pretty Conclusive the exercises that are to give you the best results. And they're the ones that you keep hearing about. Deadlift squats, overhead presses, heavy rows, supine presses. Change presses. And then there's twisting exercises for that plane. I mean, it's not rocket science.
Starting point is 00:38:18 Now of course, if you're priming, there's where you're going to get some more complex movements. Or if you're training for mobility. God, he got it. You got it in a men's fitness too. Yeah. Is that the one we were in? Men's fitness? No, we're in men's journal.
Starting point is 00:38:30 Men's journal. Man, it's terrible. Yeah. Alright, bring on the bird. We call it a planet. We call it a planet. We call it a planet. We call it a planet.
Starting point is 00:38:41 We call it a planet. Today's Quas being brought to you by Kain Merikoffe. It's the only has been brought to you by Kamehra Coffee. It's the only coffee that is infused with all natural nutrients for a cleaner, calmer, and more focused buds without the crash. Put the Kamehra link at MindPumpMedia.com and input the discount code MindPumpACheckOut for 10% off! It's the motherfucking Kwa! An ageless landage!
Starting point is 00:39:07 Kwee Kwa... It's the motherfucking clock. The eagle has landed! Quique-cloi-qui. First question is from the Logan Doherty. Do you think personal emotional psychological growth aids are detriment or positives for physical growth? For example, Adam focused on the ego check. Did that help or harm his fitness goals? Do you want to answer first Adam or just to see talked about you? This has been on my mind a lot and this is actually a really good question. Because right now I am just transitioning back to tracking my food and getting really regimen about my training and my diet.
Starting point is 00:39:46 And I've been intuitive eating and intuitive training for quite some time now. It's been, I don't remember when I started, but it's been a while now. And it's been awesome. It's been very freeing. I've maintained myself in decent shape. I've made leaps and bounds with my mobility. Like I've never felt so great with my mobility, my back pain, I've gotten out of it, my connectivity to my feet,
Starting point is 00:40:11 and even in the way my toes are spread out, looked different. So much I've made huge improvements, and then you talk about, I've been reading aggressively right now, so I'm knocking out at least one to two books every single month, spending more time meditating, doing things like the float tank like we talked about doing a ton of this stuff and it's been awesome. All of it's been awesome.
Starting point is 00:40:34 It's been great. Now that being said, it has slightly detoured me from my aesthetic growths. Yeah, from them gains, from trying to be, you know, Mr. Big Buff Guy. So I don't think though it's made major detriment because it's just changed my focus. It's just those things have been a priority and the other ones, part of me completely letting them go is not because I couldn't manage them with all those things.
Starting point is 00:41:07 I could track and still do all those things. I could increase my training volume and still do all those things. It's just that for me, part of truly letting go and being completely intuitive about how I train and how I eat required me not caring about those things. And so I intentionally let go of all that and I dove deeper into the reading, the meditating and doing all those things. So this will be something that'll be exciting is to what will maybe not exciting for me. For me, it'll be exciting to learn about myself is as I move forward right now,
Starting point is 00:41:43 I'm going to put a lot of focus back on tracking, training, and building my physique as if I was competing. In fact, I was even thinking about running myself to get ready for a show as if I was going to do a show, even if I don't do it, but alongside a schedule of one of the big shows that's coming up, like USA's or Olympia or something, and just, you know, diet for eight to twelve weeks and let people kind of follow my journey
Starting point is 00:42:08 Why I do that even if I don't get on stage So and meanwhile I'm going to keep up all the reading keep up the meditating keep up all the things that I've been doing and so You know, I'll probably be able to speak to this even better in about three months while I'm trying to manage the two of them. So, I don't think that it's been detrimental. I think it's definitely made such huge improvements that even if I decided to let them all go, it's connected some major dots for me on my own body and awareness and health and my relationship with exercise and food and it's made me in relationship with myself and my own image.
Starting point is 00:42:50 So I've been able to let that go and be like, I don't need to have the biggest arms or I don't need to look this certain way. As long as I'm healthy and I'm making myself improvement as far as my overall physique and psychological growth and emotional growth. That's a huge win for me. I think it's all on how you define, how are you defining physical growth? If I took a, let's say, a top-level national competitor bodybuilder, 260-pound shredded
Starting point is 00:43:22 on a shit ton of gear and Probably not taking care of you know their body and their health very well and then they go on a personal growth a personal, you know psychological emotional, you know personal growth path where they're checking their ego At the end of that they're they if they do it right they probably will Stop all the ridiculous gear. They probably will stop harming their body with the amount of food that they're eating. And they probably will lose muscle. But is that a negative?
Starting point is 00:43:53 Is that a detriment? Or is that more a true reflection of their true self? Excellent. And that's what you have to ask yourself. Here's what I noticed for myself. I noticed for me, and I've been doing this for a very long time, is when I train intuitively, eat intuitively, and I'm really, really honest with myself,
Starting point is 00:44:14 when I'm really honest with how I eat, and I'm really in tune with doing things for overall wellness, my body likes to settle between 188 and 186 pounds. Just what it likes to settle. And I'm lean. I've got some strength and I feel good. Sometimes my ego creeps back in and I want to get stronger again and I want to build a little bit again.
Starting point is 00:44:36 And I start throwing in a little bit of extra food and I change my training a little bit and my weight creeps up into the low 190s, sometimes mid-190s. So I've got kind of two body types, right? But I had this conversation with my girlfriend last night and she was saying, oh, I looked at pictures on myself back when I was super skinny and I didn't like the way my face looks.
Starting point is 00:45:02 I'm afraid of whatever going there or what if I don't like the way I face looks. I'm afraid of whatever going there, or what if I don't like the way I look when I do this type of nutrition. And we were talking about this, and I'm like, you know, your body will kind of settle where it's gonna be its healthiest if you're as true to yourself as you possibly can be with your food and nutrition. Whatever that means.
Starting point is 00:45:21 So at the end of the day, really focusing on your ego is always a positive, it's always going to end up being a positive. You may not look the way you did when it was all about your ego, but then again, is that was that a better place to be? Well, it's closer to balance. I mean, I feel like there's the opposite side of that because you guys are kind of coming from the muscular end of the world, right? Like we're focused on getting bigger and powerful and strong and improving your body from that aspect of it whereas, you know, being in a place like paleo effects or me growing up in Santa Cruz
Starting point is 00:45:59 You know, it's like I get a lot of the check your ego a lot of the Mindfulness a lot of this kind of like, you know, super in touch and in tune from that aspect, but they're not focused on strength, they're not focused on, you know, physicality. There's extremes to both sides. You know, so that's the thing. It's like you just have to kind of realize
Starting point is 00:46:24 where you are currently and where you can navigate towards more balance. I think if you really are true about your ego check and you look and your true example of yourself, you will be very balanced and you said there's extreme on both sides. There's people, lots of them, we know them, we've met them, who identify so strongly with, I'm going to be healthy and I'm going to be, I'm going to meditate, I'm going to explore my consciousness and whatever,
Starting point is 00:46:54 that they identify with that so strongly that that become, they're like bodybuilders, but just in that sense. Right, exactly. They're no better in my life. I will get, there is one person who I've met who has exemplified in my personal opinion, the truest expression of themselves. Paul check, Paul check. And when you look at Paul, okay,
Starting point is 00:47:14 here from an objective standpoint, here's a man that is 55 years old. He takes a shirt off, he's muscular as fuck. He didn't look like a bodybuilder, but he got damn impressive. The dude can move like better than almost anybody I know and he's 55. He's got abs.
Starting point is 00:47:30 He, he, he, he talks calm. He's, he, you know, he's just a true expression. He eats, he doesn't sit there and I have to get this much protein, I have to get this much fat. The guy went vegan for a while because his body was telling him he needed to do it and he said he lost some muscle while doing it, but that was what his body was telling to do. When I meet someone like that, I say that,
Starting point is 00:47:51 that to me is a great example of true wellness and health. Because I've also met the other side, the hippie who they look like they're pale, like they're dying because they've identified so strongly with that end that they're not even eating healthy either. They're just like the way they do. They're depriving their body of certain nutrients and they're not strength training because everything is all about stretching and relaxing and you know, you know, that side.
Starting point is 00:48:17 I think Paul was a great example. When I met, years ago, when I met Jack Lelaine, Jack Lelaine blew me away and he was like that also. I looked at Jack and I'm like, and he was 90 something years old when I met him. So impressive to me. And he gave off that energy. And there's a few times in my life where I've met people who were older, who really blew me away with that. There was a woman that used to work out at one of the gyms that I managed.
Starting point is 00:48:41 She came into my gym. She was in her 60s. She had a long gray hair, she had these deep wrinkles in her face, but she looked so healthy and vibrant. There was nothing fake about it, there was no face lift, there was no augmented brass, there was no, she wasn't coming in
Starting point is 00:48:59 to look a particular way, she just did it because it made her feel good and she was healthy and sometimes she came in and she lifted weights heavy. Sometimes she came in and she would meditate in the aerobics room or she'd do yoga or she'd do body weight movement or whatever. You know, I would see her doing all these different things and her workouts at the time to me didn't make sense. Now they make plenty of sense. And I remember meaness woman and being like, so attracted to her and I don't mean it in the sexual sense. I just meant like she was a magnet. And I would't mean it in the sexual sense. I just meant like she was a magnet.
Starting point is 00:49:26 And I would talk to her all the time because I was completely blown away by her approach. And now looking back, she was just really, you know, listening to body tune with her body. Exactly. So at the end of this path, here's what's gonna, here's what will happen. Here's what will happen to me.
Starting point is 00:49:42 As I would go, the pendulum would swing in either direction. I'd go, oh, I'm in two-it-a-veeding. I'm in two-it-a-training. And it turned into, I don't care. And then, okay, now I care. I'm a track and build up everything. Oh, no, I care too much. And now it's all ego.
Starting point is 00:49:54 And I go back and forth. But I noticed through each cycle, the pendulum swinged a little less and a little less. And I'm somewhere now in the fourth cycle of this. I'm nowhere near where I feel will be. Well, that's the important thing is you can never really be fully comfortable. You have to introduce new stimulus. You have to kind of check yourself where you are to, okay, I'm here now. What do I improve from here? It you know, you get to a place, but then you want to, you want to introduce something else to, to provide that change from either direct.
Starting point is 00:50:30 And here's something that, something else I noticed. I used to look at really shredded bodybuilders and, you know, bikini competitors. And I would admire like how they look. And I'd be like, fuck, I wish I could look like that guy without having to take steroids like I Wow, they look so cool. Oh my god. That's so impressive and as I've gone through this like self-examination Ego check understand wellness and health from different levels and different understandings when I see that now What I see is dysfunction Both physical dysfunction and just their movement, and you can see
Starting point is 00:51:05 muscle imbalances and stuff, but also dysfunction internally. I can see it in their skin, I can see it in their health, I talk to them, and I can just hear it in their voice like this person is just not healthy. It's all about how they look, and it doesn't seem attractive to me anymore. The reason why I want to say that that is there's people listening right now who are so closely, they're grabbing on so hard to their muscular at goals that any thought of them losing a little bit of muscle
Starting point is 00:51:34 because they're gonna go on this path of wellness, will keep them from doing it. And they would look at these people and they like idolize them. And what happens is you start to really see that the true, you're, you're, what have, you're, it's a reflection of what you think is going to make you happy. And when you really move down that path, you start to look, like I said, you start to look at these people and you start to see kind of disease and dysfunction. And what's really interesting
Starting point is 00:51:59 is the, for example, we'll talk about bodybuilders. You take a pro bodybuilder or even an amateur bodybuilder and you take a bunch of guys that want to build muscle. They'll look at that guy and be like, I want to look like that guy. The average woman looks at that guy and says he's gross. Those are the words that they use. That person looks gross. And I think it's because-
Starting point is 00:52:16 You're using an extreme analogy. Extreme, it's extreme, but I think- That doesn't happen with like a mincephazine-looking guy. Oh, well, there's a lot of you know what? Think about it. Let me tell you. No, we'll think about it. We see them. Think about what a would a physique like a Brad Pitt from Fight Club, be more attractive to the mainstream than a top level men's physique competitor.
Starting point is 00:52:41 I think so. I absolutely think so. So there's there's even in. So close though. I think so. I absolutely think so. So there's even instant. No way, dude. Brad Pitt on stage on immense physique contest would get maybe when it first came out. But now the guy's a little bit like, well, yeah, if you're competing, of course, yeah, my point is that he's he's got millions of millions of dollars. Yeah. He's got a lot of that going for. I want to I want to defend this a little bit, though,
Starting point is 00:53:07 because one of the things I love about, one of the things I love about our shows that we've done a really good job of helping people connect these dots and become more in tune with their relationship with food, with exercise, and with their own body image. And I think that's a lot of our message. Now, during this time that we have spent
Starting point is 00:53:27 talking about this, I also feel like we have somewhat demonized or made people feel guilty for wanting to look really fucking good. And I think that's not fair. I think that we have to be careful of that. And I just want to put it out there. First of all, a lot of people think they've seen like this crazy transition of me
Starting point is 00:53:50 with my ego and all this stuff because at the beginning of the show, I was labeled as Adam the ego and I've been working on all this stuff like that. The truth of the matter is, I happen to be a pretty fucking self-aware emotional and intelligent guy and that's what I've read books like this my entire life.
Starting point is 00:54:07 So it hasn't been like this huge altering thing for me and like now I'm, I loved Minnes' physique so much and now I'm like super anti. I love to show people that you can't put me in a box and you can't categorize me and you can't tell me that I am a bodybuilder or I'm a hipster guy. Like you're about to see me transition back am a bodybuilder or I'm a hipster guy like you're about to see me transition back into this bodybuilder type of mentality guy which for me means I'm tracking my food, I'm
Starting point is 00:54:31 increasing my volume and training and I'm checking the scale, I'm measuring my food, I'm going to do those things and I don't think there's anything wrong with me doing those things and my goal is to look really awesome. That's what I'm going to be working on right now. Am I going to still include my mobility? Absolutely. Am I still going to include being mindful and float tank and meditating and brain FM? Absolutely. But there's nothing wrong with going after a physical goal like that. It's understanding and being aware of what that could lead to which is people identifying with that. I don't identify. I didn't even identify with that before I went into competing much less when I went through it and reached the pinnacle. It'll be interesting to see how much more if at all efficient you may be this time around.
Starting point is 00:55:16 You know what I mean? I want more effective. I think I mean every year that I mean I'm 15 plus years into this game. And I think every year, I get a little bit better and a little more in tune. I mean, Abraham Lincoln said it, right? Like, I have no respect for a man that is no wiser today than he was yesterday, right? So I live by that mantra of always growing and always evolving. And I think that every year I'll be better no matter what.
Starting point is 00:55:43 I don't, what I don't think, is it has anything to fucking do with any books that I've read in the last year. I don't think it has anything to do with me going super mobile guy now. No, I was that's a that's the perception that people might have because they've been paying attention to the show that hasn't been this great evolution of me. I'm going to go back to like sometimes like I get it so much now that like that makes me want to go back and compete just to show them the fuckers that now I'm not like all stuck in this box and and think that's so bad. Like there's nothing I when you go into.
Starting point is 00:56:12 I don't think you need to prove yourself. No, I don't. That's why I won't. But my point is that there it's not I don't want people to think that because you have a goal to compete and maybe one day be a pro in men's physique or bodybuilding or a skinny, that there's something wrong with that. You can do that. You can set goals like that. You can fucking kick ass at it and you can be very mindful and aware of what you're doing. Like I used to, when I was competing from day one, I used to tell people,
Starting point is 00:56:41 while I was tracking my progress, I'd say, listen, here's where the sport of it comes in. Right now, it's eight weeks out. I'm eating very healthy balance. I'm training very healthy, very balanced as I get closer to show time. And now I'm required to look a certain way on stage, watch me go to the sport side of this. And I'm going to start doing things that I'm very aware of that are not ideal for my body.
Starting point is 00:57:04 I think it's important to point out that, first off, there's growth that comes from challenging yourself and you anyway you do it. Absolutely. So I don't want the message to get mixed up that it's, like if you go into it right, you challenge yourself whether that means you're climbing Mount Everest, which is not healthy,
Starting point is 00:57:23 or you compete in a bodybuilding show, which is not healthy, or you compete in a bodybuilding show which is not healthy, you can come out of it with a lot of growth. And that's true for any challenge on your body. I think, especially when you've been in fitness as long as you have, there's a lot of fun and learning you can do in all aspects of it. And that's just growth.
Starting point is 00:57:43 Well, I'm being growth-minded. And something else, I'll tell you right now, if I were to compare the year and a half or two years at whatever it was that I went through competing to, let's say the previous, or this last year or so of not competing and being mindful and being more connected and reading more, whatever, the amount of growth that I made as a trainer,
Starting point is 00:58:04 as a coach, as nutrition training, I made more competing than ever in my life. That what it made me so in tune with my body and I learned so much about food going through that process, I've become way better of a coach and a trainer because of it than I ever was previously. And that was because I took my body to these levels and extremes.
Starting point is 00:58:26 And that's why, and I know I tease you sometimes, because you talk about being so in tune with your body. Because for me, I've never been as in tune as I was when I took my body to that level of where I was not only super incredibly lean and depleted, but then I also was tracking everything to the gram. So I could increase my carbs by X amount in this day incredibly lean and depleted, but then I also was tracking everything to the gram. So I could increase my carbs by X amount in this day and I would evaluate how I felt.
Starting point is 00:58:51 And when I started to connect those dots, it was like, whoa, so much blew my mind about how these foods were affecting me because I was so detailed about it. So that gave me a new level of awareness that I would never have accomplished had I not taken myself through that. So, you know, I know I'm on my phone my soap box about this, but I felt like this is an important, I'm glad you picked this question because this has been on my mind a lot and I feel like, you know, we've definitely, we've attracted a lot of the hippies, you know, we've attracted a lot of the people that I've been feeling the same thing and even with the message, well,
Starting point is 00:59:25 and you know why we've gone that direction is because like our voice, like we're talking to people that have the same mindset that we had forever for years. And so to combat that and to bring them into the more healthy end of things, it's let us down into more mindfulness and, you know, intuitiveness and like figuring that piece of it out and extracting yourself from
Starting point is 00:59:49 identifying with this like super super human like body type that we have to like acquire and achieve like we're so Like I understand why we've gone this direction, but it's it is at a point where it's like you know I got a lot out of sports. Like sports challenged me on every level, like emotionally, physically, everything to the breaking point. I got to points where my body just felt broken
Starting point is 01:00:20 and my mental state, I felt beaten down and I overcame a lot of shit because of that. And in the brotherhood and all that kind of stuff that I experienced with that, I wouldn't replace that for the world. It's just, it's the transition process because I don't want to always, I'm not that guy. Like I'm not always that guy.
Starting point is 01:00:40 That's an experience. This is always a danger of identifying with anything. Yeah, it's a level of awareness while you go through that process. I was just hiking with Taylor over the weekend and he was asking me questions about competing with that was like, because of all the stuff that we talk about. And he's like, oh, do you see yourself never going or doing it? I'm like, no, not at all. Absolutely.
Starting point is 01:01:00 I see myself, I'll say something right now. This is the fucking truth. To this day, there is not a moment that that it does not like that I can't remember more clear and then feeling than the feeling of and I and he had never heard me tell it this way because He hasn't really paid attention to all the bodybuilding shit. I said listen USA's When I went to USA's first of all those that have no idea about fucking competing USA's is the most prestigious show besides Olympia. Okay, Olympia is the biggest show,
Starting point is 01:01:29 and then USA's is the next biggest show as far as how prestigious it is as far as who comes, how big it is, it's in Las Vegas. It's all the first place winners in the entire country are going on to one place, one time a year to compete to see who the best motherfucker is. The top two people get to go pro. I took second place on that stage.
Starting point is 01:01:49 So now imagine when I'm standing inside of wet republic and Calvin Harris is spinning. The place is sold out. There's probably 20,000 people fucking in this area. I'm standing up on the highest VIP booth dancing and enjoying myself after taking so that means I have For sure not maybe the best fucking physique in that entire Fucking area at that time that feeling that moment was one of the coolest fucking feelings ever Does that make me a bad person? Does that make me somebody who's like, you know, do I did a fives with that?
Starting point is 01:02:24 No, it's interesting that you would say that, though. Why would you say, does that make me? It's like you're defending it so strongly, which I'm depending up, I'm depending up so strongly right now because I feel like our message has been so anti that. That's why I you've never heard me share that passionately before, but this conversation that we're having right now is reminding me of that. And this has been on my mind a lot because I feel like we've been on this kind of trend, right? We kind of go in waves on my pump of we've been, we've been going the opposite way so long that I don't want to send the message to people that that you should feel bad for that. Like I don't, I shouldn't feel guilty for that, that feeling or that moment.
Starting point is 01:03:01 Like that was, that was an incredible, an incredible moment. We talked so bad about bodybuilders and how they're so not aware. We don't necessarily know that. Maybe a majority of them, because I've been around it and I see how bad it is. We've talked about that. Well, there's the bodybuilding that is the minority, which is people who compete all the time. Then there's the bodybuilding, which is the majority. It's just as people who compete all the time. And then there's the bodybuilding, which is the majority, it's just people who like to lift weights
Starting point is 01:03:27 and do bodybuilding exercises. Right. And most people have no desire to ever step on a stage and compete. Most people just wanna lift weights and look good and feel good. And a lot of what we talk to, I think, is that. Those are the people that we talk to the most.
Starting point is 01:03:44 We do have a lot of competitors who we talk to, I think, is that. Those are the people that we talk to the most. We do have a lot of competitors who we talk to. And like any extreme endeavor, I don't care if it's athletic or mental. I know people who go to school to pass the bar and go to extremes to do it and lose in touch of their health and their mental sanity just to do that. Same holds true for bodybuilding
Starting point is 01:04:05 or physique or bikini is that you're going into an extreme endeavor and like any tool that has that much power, it can affect you very positively or it can affect you very negatively and you just have to know what you're getting into. Again, like anything extreme, I mean, you can go and become addicted to marathons and have horrible results from it and it can really damage your body and your mind or you can go into marathons and come out with and become better as a result. And it really doesn't matter what it is. We talk about bodybuilding because we're closer to that world than I think almost anything else, or at least, you know, I was a fan of it and Adam competed in it. But it's true for anything. Yeah. I think that world than I think almost anything else, or at least, you know, I was a fan of it and Adam competed in it.
Starting point is 01:04:45 But it's true for anything. Yeah. I think that this was just a good question at a good time because of our message the way it's been for so long. And I think it's important that people know that that, you know, I by no means am anti, I don't think we are anti, you know, bodybuilding or getting in shape that way and going to the extreme. You just kind of approach it the same way how we feel about like CrossFit. It's a sport, it's a sport. It's not what's healthiest and ideal for the body to live in that world year round, year round.
Starting point is 01:05:15 But it is something that I think you can do and be very aware of what you're doing to your body at the time and have some sort of balance because there is a lot of good that actually can come from it too. Quick interruption by our sponsors, you guys, lots of people been asking us how they can support the MindPump Mafia family. Our first one is our Chimera Coffee that we love.
Starting point is 01:05:34 You guys go to chimeracoffee.com, that's Chimera with a K for 10% off, don't forget MindPump at the checkout. We also have our big top beard company dot com for 33% off. Also MindPump at the checkout. We also have our big top beard company dot com for 33% off also mind pump of the check out check out also brain FM We talk so much about this for sleep and meditation. It's brain dot FM for 20% off also mind pump at the checkout You guys we also talk a lot about books on here all the time. We're using that audible You guys can get a free trial 30 day trial plus one, plus one free audio book. If you go to audibletrial.com-flored-slash-mind pump, and then last, we get lots of people asking about Ben Greenfield CBD supplements.
Starting point is 01:06:12 So we hit him up to hook you guys up. You go to getnaturedblend.com-flored-slash-mind pump for that discount. Our next question is from Yanuli. I recently heard that feeling the burn when lifting is not good. In the past, I always heard people talk about the burn. Is it good? Bad? Please explain. Neither. Gunnery. Exactly. Where are you burning? Where's the burning sensation coming from? Burning my biscuits. So feel the burn was a marketing term coined by the fitness industry to sell and then repurposed by a Bernie Sanders. Exactly. That asshole. No idea.
Starting point is 01:06:50 To sell exercise videos. So back in the 70s and 80s, like Jane Fonda and who's the other girl, Austin, something Denise Austin, made like tons of money and built these empires selling these home exercise videos to women. And they were all bodyweight based movements. And it was all about you're not gonna build big muscles, you're gonna build, you're gonna tone and sculpt. And the way you do it is by doing a shit ton of reps and feel the burn, go for the burn, aim for the burn.
Starting point is 01:07:24 And that was like the, that was their marketing ploy. So now you hear people talk about feeling the burn, is it good or bad? It's neither, it's not good or bad. It just is a signal that there's waste by products building up the muscle, fatigue is building in, it's not lactic acid, we used to think it was lactic acid building up, but it's not, has more to do with, I think the calcium channel.
Starting point is 01:07:48 People still think it's that. All constantly. Yeah, no, it's actually, in fact, lactic acid helps create more energy for muscles when you're moving. It's just, plus you would die if that happened, right? If you had all that much buildup of lactic acid, you would die. And your muscle, yeah, if your bloodstream had that much you away,
Starting point is 01:08:04 yeah, built up in it, you would die. If your bloodstream had that much you away, built up and you would die from it. So that's not the lactic acid. It has something to do with calcium, the calcium channels. Although that's what I used to say when I was a young trainer. I remember that. Damn it.
Starting point is 01:08:15 You can train your body so that it doesn't, your muscles don't burn as soon. So if I did an exercise with 12 pound dumbbells and I did 20 reps and it really burns that crazy at rep 25 and I can't do anymore, as I get more endurance, as my muscles become more efficient, at utilizing energy and getting rid of waste, I'll burn at 30 reps or 35 reps.
Starting point is 01:08:38 But no, it's just a signal that fatigue is happening and there's waste building up. It's not something you need to aim for necessarily. Just listen to it like any other signal. Some training, you have no burn. I mean, phase one, you don't get a lot of burn at all. When you're working fire rep range, there's little burn. There's no burn at all.
Starting point is 01:08:56 You get a lot of, I could sit and put my arms out to my sides and rotate into little circles. And I'll get my shoulders on fire after about two or three minutes of doing that nonstop, is that gonna give me the best results for muscle building? Good analogy. No, it's not gonna give me the best results at all. I'll build a little bit of endurance
Starting point is 01:09:16 with a very short range of motion. So you gotta be careful when you hear people saying, like, no, you have to aim for this. Like, here's the fatigue you're looking for. Here's the kid to bring up because I mean, like you just mentioned with like the phase one type training, it's like people like, I don't know if I got anything out of that, you know,
Starting point is 01:09:32 because they're not feeling a burn afterwards. And it's like, there's too much rest, you know, and it's just like, they don't understand like the process. Like we're focusing on central nervous system training. Like, like, we're not trying to get you to a place where it's like, I'm feeling that super muscle fatigue, you know? Well chasing the burn reminds me of people who chased the pump. You know, it's very similar.
Starting point is 01:09:54 Very similar. And I know we talk a lot about that. This was a major game changer for me. Also, we talk about paradigm shattering moments was when I started training in that one to five rep range, you know, because even as a trainer, I used to think to myself like, ah, there's no, I never need to compete,
Starting point is 01:10:10 I never need to lift maximum weight like that. I don't care, I don't know what my bench, what my squat, what my dead level, my maxes, I never lift less than eight to 10 reps, you know, I was always chasing the pump. I had a very trained, very much so a body builder, a man-toward, even though I knew the benefits of the different phases, I still stuck to that, which is crazy to me, which was also, I think, what leads us all to know that there's probably tens of
Starting point is 01:10:35 thousands of people that are listening that are probably the same way, too, that are chasing this burn or chasing this pump. And if you're somebody who's liked that, nothing's going to benefit you more than probably heading over to the one to five rep range because you're going to get some huge results from that because you never train that way. And the opposite is true. If you're the guy or girl who just loves to max out, never feels the burn. Yeah, never feels the burn. It hits PRs. Guess what? I go in and hit some, some supersets, chase the pump and find the burn and watch what kind of results you will, you're gonna get from that.
Starting point is 01:11:06 Yeah, that's interesting that you say that. That's a great point because I think what's, what may be more important to focus on is understand the type of fatigue that you're gonna feel, or the body signals are gonna feel based on the type of adaptation that you're trying to elicit. So, I'll give you an example. Let's say I'm doing explosive plyo training.
Starting point is 01:11:29 The last thing I wanna feel when I'm doing plyo training is a burn. Once I start to get fatigue in that particular sense, I'm no longer teaching my body to be explosive with its contractions. Now I'm training simply for endurance. Yeah, it's now become anaerobic. Yeah, and I just, I seem to,
Starting point is 01:11:46 I'm just doing box jumps as a result. I'm doing box jumps for endurance, which I might as well just go for a runner, you know, get on the stair master. With pliode jumps, I'm not looking for the burn it all. What I'm looking for is the ability to explode as quickly and as forcefully as possible, which means in between jumps,
Starting point is 01:12:06 I need to rest as long as it takes for me to be able to do that. And when I notice that I'm no longer explosively creating this forceful jump, I'm done, I'm done with the exercise. And what you'll notice when you do plyo jumps is the first couple sets, you're almost getting into the groove by the third, fourth set,
Starting point is 01:12:22 you're jumping harder and higher than you were before. And once you start to see that detriment, you're done with your training. Complete opposite from training for a burn or for a pump. Now on the flip side, if I'm training for muscle endurance and I'm not getting a burn, then I may want to aim for it a little bit, right? I may want to go for that particular feel. So learn to understand what you're aiming for, what you're trying to feel for that type of adaptation.
Starting point is 01:12:48 If I'm training for maximal strength, all I'm trying to do when I'm deadlifting for sets of one to three reps as I'm trying to feel as strong and as tight as possible. And when that fatigue starts to set in, where those sets now I'm really fatigued, I'm done. I'm done with that type of training. I'm channeling into that highest amplitude
Starting point is 01:13:08 you could possibly produce, right then, and then that's it. I think if people start thinking of exercise as practice, they'll train so much more effectively versus beat myself up or do something to my muscle. When you think like that, it tends to stir, or do you squatted shoulder raises? Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 01:13:28 It's fucking easy. It starts to steer you in the wrong direction a little bit. You know what I mean? Where I'm like, no, I gotta, if I'm thinking of practice and I'm perfecting this movement and aiming for this particular adaptation, you tend to be a little smarter with your training.
Starting point is 01:13:39 Well, this month, all month long, we're doing something that we've never done before, which I'm really excited about, which is that we're starting a starter pack bundle, which is like, okay, if we have somebody who's just coming on board, they're listening to the show. What is the ideal way for us to start off with our programming?
Starting point is 01:13:56 And that would be our Maps Red program with our nutrition, with our fasting guide, and access to the forum. So right now, that's gonna be running all month long, and you'll see within Maps Red, there's gonna be a phase where you're gonna feel that burn and then there's gonna be another phase where you don't feel that at all.
Starting point is 01:14:12 And they're both very important to you maximizing your results. So there is a way to phase that in and out and in that program alone, you're gonna get all those benefits from that. To be clear, this episode is actually gonna release I think on the last day of May. So, that's the promotion for June, but we'll start it, since you said that, we'll start
Starting point is 01:14:31 it today. And that's taking those things that you mentioned and making a massive discount. And the reason why we're doing it is because we've got a new flood of listeners coming in from some of the other podcasts that we've been on. So, if that's okay, Doug, we can run that, start down the last day of the month. Yeah, sounds good, let's get it going. All right, all right, our next question is from Sarah Getz Fit, underscore recovered.
Starting point is 01:14:52 What are your thoughts on cluster sets? Are they effective or are they a recipe for injury? So I'm assuming they're talking about circuits, right? When you combine like three and more exercises together. Cluster of fuck. Yeah, will you put three and more exercises together and do them. Now the typical way people think of circuits is they think of circuits as these like fatigue-based type workouts or fatigue-based type programming. So I'm doing 20 reps here, 20 reps there, 20 reps on another exercise, and I'm just getting really exhausted and trying to burn a lot of calories.
Starting point is 01:15:24 And my goal with the circuit is to burn more calories in a shorter period of time and lift weights at the same time. That's one way to do a cluster set or a circuit. It's in my view also the least effective way of doing it. I love to do circuits or cluster sets with strength training. I like to put sets with strength training. I like to put three heavy sets together. In fact, I just did it today where I did a single or a double of squats, dips, and pull-ups. And so I do like a heavy single squats, rack up the weight, walk over the dips, strap the weight around my waist, a heavy single or double with dips, walk over to the pull-up bar, weight around my waist, with your most demanding one first. Yes, and what I find with that is it gives me this total body, anabolic signal.
Starting point is 01:16:11 It also teaches my body to be able to exert strength in these different planes and different movements. And it's just another, it's like I'm throwing my body a curve ball in terms of adaptation. So then the other way I like to do cluster sets is I'll do opposing body parts. So I'll go hamstring quad or back chest, bicep tricep, which are more like supersets.
Starting point is 01:16:35 I think they're very effective if used properly. I think they can be a recipe for injury when you're doing a shit ton of fatigue-based programming and somewhere towards the end of your circuit, you're doing very technical exercise like, you know, overhead squat or a snatch or a clean, and that that definitely is not a good idea because you're doing very technical movement. I think you need to get rid of them and I'll tell you why. Have you been on her page yet? No. Okay, so I'm gonna I'm gonna address. I'm gonna gonna dress you directly and the reason why I'm looking at her
Starting point is 01:17:06 page right now and she's she used to have an eating disorder and she's looks like she's doing great now with starting to become with working on her body image issues and gaining weight is like her main focus right now. So if you get up on her page right now, you'll see that she used to be like super extreme running, starving her body and struggled with her body image. Now cluster setting, super setting, high intensity workouts are feeding into that same issue that you've always had. In fact, your training should probably have long rest periods and you should be training heavy and I would get out all the and maybe you're not ready to transition here yet but this is the direction that you you need to go eventually and this is very common with somebody who has these body image issues where they feel that they if soon as they eat
Starting point is 01:17:57 they got to go run it off right away because they they eat 500 calories and so they need to go run until they've surpassed 500 calories. So maybe you've gotten better about that and you've just now transitioned over using weight trainings that are running as that. And so you're doing these high intensity type workouts. You're kind of trading one thing for the other. You're just getting more benefits because now your resistance training,
Starting point is 01:18:17 so you're probably building a little bit of muscle. If you want to really move on and continue to grow on the body image issues that you've suffered from before, then I would not recommend. I've dealt with many clients in the exact same shoes that you were in and that you're currently in right now. I would not be doing cluster sets. I would not be doing super sets. I would not be doing hit workouts.
Starting point is 01:18:40 All those things are feeding into the stuff that you've struggled with. And her body probably just plain and simple. Needs. Yeah, it'll thrive. Straight. Straight. Straight, straight. Straight, straight training.
Starting point is 01:18:54 Focus on basic. Like, like maps and a ballad for her would be perfect. And in fact, I would even have her take out the supersets of phase three and just do the higher rips of phase three. But phase one for you, Sarah, will blow your fucking mind. Your body will respond so well from training with, I mean, Adam's right on the button because I looked at, I just look at your page also. And that's a, it's a mental, you know, discipline. That's, that's something that's going to be a struggle to do, but like just, just rest in the fact that it's so different and shocking and hard
Starting point is 01:19:27 for you to wrap your brain around that it's going to be transformative for your body. And here's another thing too, when you look at some of these pages, I'm not talking about her anymore, I'm talking about this in general, you'll see, and if it just be objective, you'll see lots of signs that this person as They've progressed to another level, but they've taken their obsession with food and it's moved into another phase Which is better than where it was But it's still an obsession and the way you can tell is If you look at your own page if you all of us who are listening look at your own page
Starting point is 01:20:03 And if you're someone that's dealt with body image issues, scroll through your feet, through your all your pictures, and if most of your pictures or a lot of your pictures are a food and there are foods that are like, I mixed cookies and cream with this and I was able to take peanut butter and put it on this and it fits my macros and here's some pancakes and it's all centered around that. You've taken your food obsession and just moved it to another level, but it's still there. You still have it. And that bleeds into exercise obsession as well. And I'm not saying this to single people out, and I don't want you to feel bad about what you're doing, but be very objective. And like Adam said, one of your best things you may want to try doing
Starting point is 01:20:41 is going the opposite direction. If you were super endurance, super. I just want to point out too that you're extremely common, believe it or not. You are not alone. And I just said this on the episode the other day. It's amazing. Most of the people that are like, we're all the opposite people are doing the opposite things,
Starting point is 01:20:58 right? Like the hippie crunchy people that are doing all the meditating and the relaxing and being mindful and grounded and pleasant. They need some fucking beast mode in their life. They need to do some cluster sets. They need a super set. They need to go get after it every once in a while. Putting that stress on their body would probably do a lot of good for them.
Starting point is 01:21:15 Unfortunately, they're so that extreme that they're anti that, right? And then the people that are beast mode getting after it, running like crazy cluster setting, super setting, those motherfuckers could probably be mindful a little bit and slow down and actually train like one to five reps and rest two to three minutes between the rest and maybe go do some meditating. So you know, I think all of us are guilty of this. And I think all of us should look at ourselves and go like, well, where do I fall? And do I find a way to incorporate all that? So we're all gonna gravitate towards one to the other
Starting point is 01:21:51 for whatever reasons, whether we had an eating disorder or we just, we played sports when we were younger or we gravitate to a certain way. It doesn't matter, a point being that we're all naturally gonna gravitate one way or the other and it's learning to be objective. And like Sal said, and look at that and say, oh wow, could this be another form of what I was doing just a little bit,
Starting point is 01:22:11 it's a little less worse than what it was before. And when I look at the profile, and you ask a question like this with cluster sets, it cluster sets, well, if you were a client of mine, I'll tell you right now, we would not be doing cluster sets. Now you'd be in phase one, yeah. I'm absent about that. And maybe longer than normal, If you're a client of mine, I'll tell you right now, we would not be doing cluster sets. Now you'd be in phase one. Yeah. I'm absent of a lot.
Starting point is 01:22:25 And maybe longer than normal, because I think that, if anything, you would benefit from staying in that type of training for a while longer than the average person. So just keep that in mind. Next question is from Polkadot Squats. What do you think of the fat but fit movement? Oh, good question. Polkadot Squats, that's Brianna, good friend of mine.
Starting point is 01:22:45 I coached her for a little while. She just did, took third place in her first power. Yeah. So she's on our forum. Congratulations to her. She was awesome to work with. This is a great question. The Fat Butt Fit movement.
Starting point is 01:23:00 So I like, I definitely like the message behind it because people in their healthy states, when they're represented in their true sense of their healthy states, come in different shapes and sizes. That means some of us are going to look leaner than others, some of us are going to be curvy or heavier. That means some men are going to be... We're going to be husky. Some men are going to have a little bit more body fat on them and some men are gonna be- We're gonna be husky. Some men are gonna have a little bit more body fat on them
Starting point is 01:23:25 and some guys are gonna be a little skinnier, more ectomorphish, and this is true for women as well. And this means that some people are gonna be bigger but be very healthy and very fit. And there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. I think there's a big problem with, I mean, God, I'm gonna be preaching to the choir here, right? When you look at all the marketing that comes at us,
Starting point is 01:23:48 the understanding that we start to get even as children is that healthy looks like young and lean. That's what healthy is. Healthy is young and lean. And if you're anything but young and lean, it's not attractive. So even if you're lean, but you're old, you're not healthy. Or if you're lean, but you're old, you're not healthy.
Starting point is 01:24:05 Or if you're heavier, because that's your body's natural, that's your body's, you know, authentic representation of its health, that you're not healthy. You have to be this, you know, what we see in magazines and what we see on the internet, which is super unattainable and is one particular way of looking. And many times, does it represent health, even in the people that are posing for these pictures online? So I like the base of the fat but fit movement. You can definitely be based on, you know, model, you know, mainstream model, you know, standards, fat, which by the way, is not hard to do, right?
Starting point is 01:24:43 You can be overweight based on those standards But be very healthy have a great mindset Be very fit to where you can perform I've known some athletes that never had a six pack in their lives, but could fucking outperform and look okay One of the best fader that's it's gonna say yeah one of the best fighters of all time in mixed martial arts Was doey he looked doey now he didn't look That's fader. That's what it's gonna say. Yeah. One of the best fighters of all time in mixed martial arts was Doey. He looked Doey. Now, he didn't look, he didn't look shredded
Starting point is 01:25:11 and I don't think he was fat. Like, if you met him in person, you'd be like, ooh, that's a big dude. But he wasn't like this ripped avatar of, you know, what we would think in a video game or what a, you know, good fighter should look like. And that dude could kick everyone's ass and did not get tired.
Starting point is 01:25:23 Yeah. His brother was the same way. Great appearance. Look at that other fighter, what's his name, the dude with the beard? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I was just trying to think of his name too. Like big country.
Starting point is 01:25:33 Big countries and other guys. Yeah. You're just like, man, he's got a huge gut. And man, the power of that guy could produce. But you thought he would like get exhausted, I was like, oh my god, this guy's gonna get destroyed and he was just killing fools. It was, and then I know people who,
Starting point is 01:25:51 from a, when you look at them, you look at their body, you're like, wow, that person looks super fit and they've got all these health problems, they've got all these mental issues with exercise and nutrition, and they're not overall fit. So fat but fit movement, I totally support it. Now here's the problem with it.
Starting point is 01:26:11 It also becomes this rally cry for people who... This is where I was in a time and I was wondering if you're gonna go here. Of course. You just mentioned this on the show the other day that somebody asked, what was the question they asked that led you to talk about this? I love my body.
Starting point is 01:26:27 Yeah, proud of my body. I don't care what you know. Just like anything else, there, you know, whenever a movement period happens, we just got the beginning of this episode was about the whole fucking mindfulness and hippie movement, and then what happens? Extreme, you know, there's always everybody has to take everything to the fucking extreme, man. It's like human nature, dude. It is. It's like there's a lot of good that can come from this fat
Starting point is 01:26:45 but fit movement. But then of course, what that turns into is actually a bunch of really insecure people about being fat that are trying to use that as a shield to deal with the issues that they're really dealing with inside because they're unhappy. Because if you're really truly fit and taking care of your body,
Starting point is 01:27:04 your body will normally reflect it. Like if you can see that, you can see it on their skin, you can see it in their eyes, you can see it on their weight, you won't be carrying 30 extra pounds of body fat on you if you're really, really healthy. Well, it's great to build that confidence, wherever you are as far as, okay, if I'm overweight, but now, all I'm overweight,
Starting point is 01:27:25 but now, all of a sudden, I have all this like extra confidence to carry myself with this, but let's now channel that into improvement, you know, like let's not just stop there and be like, hey, I'm, you know, I'm so great. I love my body. And then that's why I become complacent to where like I can, I can improve, become healthier, and whatever that looks like, everybody's individual, we're trying to describe with that, but yeah, it becomes an excuse. In fact, I don't even like the way that they named it. What does that mean, fat, but fit?
Starting point is 01:28:01 It's almost like you're like, oh, I'm apologizing for the, I'm fat, but hold on a second. I know it's kind of an oxy. But I'm also fit. Like what does that, what does that mean? Why don't we just call it like fit? Why don't we just call it the fit movement or just the health movement?
Starting point is 01:28:15 Right. Why is this whole fat but fit? It's also, you know, if you're identifying your body image by what you don't look like, then you have a problem. What I mean by that is like, oh, I'm not skinny like that person over there, but I'm fit. Like, what if that person didn't exist?
Starting point is 01:28:31 What would you be? You know what I mean? That whole contrast, that type of thing. Like, I've seen body shaming. Like, excepted, you know, acceptable body shaming is when you body shamed skinny people. This is, like for some reason it's cool. That's a great point.
Starting point is 01:28:44 To talk about, she's got a flat ass. She's skinny, she's got bones, men want, you know, women with real curves or you guys. Yeah, or guys are like, you know, abs on a skinny guy's like, tits on a fat girl or whatever. Right, like it's all the same shit. Oh my gags.
Starting point is 01:28:59 See a rib. It's all the same shit. And let's. You're shitting on everybody. The goal should always be to love your body. Now let's just examine that for a second. If you truly love and care for your body, you're gonna eat a certain way, just the way it is.
Starting point is 01:29:13 You're not gonna feed it bad foods a lot. You might sometimes, because there's other benefits to sometimes celebrating things like birthdays and holidays. And hey, I'm gonna drink with my friends because we're bonding and we're enjoying this you know this moment together. But you're not going to do it very often because you truly love your body. Loving your body doesn't mean I love my body and I don't care about my body. So I'm going to do whatever I want to my body.
Starting point is 01:29:41 Well that's the opposite of loving your body. That's not loving your body. It's hating your body and hating yourself. And that's where you can get some of the negatives of this particular movement. And like anything, people will take it, identify with it and turn it into something. Right, take it to the extreme.
Starting point is 01:29:55 Take it to the extreme. So. Take it to the limit. Take it to the limit. What was that in? Was that scar face? I don't know. Yeah, I think it was scar face.
Starting point is 01:30:04 What was it? Yes it was.face? I don't know. Yeah, I think it was Scarface. What was it? Yes, it was. Hey, 30 days of coaching, we have it at MindPumpMedia.com. It's free for anybody. It is an amazing resource of fitness information. It's packed full of information with podcasts, episodes, where we timestamp, where we talk about particular subjects, bullet points on those subjects, studies to back up our opinions and methods of training and
Starting point is 01:30:32 exercise and meditation and all these different types of things. Highly recommended everybody does it whether you're beginner or advanced, but especially if you're beginner, you get it at mindpumpmedia.com. Also, if you want to ask us a question that we can answer on these Q and A episodes, the place to do it is on Instagram. You go to Instagram, MindPumpMedia is the page, ask the questions there, if we like your questions, we'll answer them on air. And lastly, each of us have our own Instagram pages,
Starting point is 01:30:58 and they're all unique, and they all provide different fitness value. You can find my page at MindPumpSoul, Adam is at Mind Pump Adam and Justin is at Mind Pump Justin. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbumble at Mind
Starting point is 01:31:19 Pump Media dot com. The RGB Superbumble includes maps on the ballac, maps performance, and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels, and performs. With detailed workout nutrients in over 200 videos, the RGB Superbumble is like having Sal Adam and Justin as your own personal trainers, but at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a 430-day money-back guarantee, and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at MindPumpMedia.com.
Starting point is 01:31:59 If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing Mind Pump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support and until next time, this is Mind Pump.

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