Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 522: Overtraining Mistakes that Wipe Out Muscle & Performance Gains

Episode Date: June 5, 2017

In this episode the boys talk about Adam's transition back into the muscle building world and then get into how excessive or excessively intense training can destroy muscle and performance gains. Get ...our newest program, Kettlebells 4 Aesthetics (KB4A), which provides full expert workout programming to sculpt and shape your body using kettlebells. Only $7 at www.mindpumpmedia.com! Get MAPS Prime, MAPS Anywhere, MAPS Anabolic, MAPS Performance, MAPS Aesthetic, the Butt Builder Blueprint, the Sexy Athlete Mod AND KB4A (The MAPS Super Bundle) packaged together at a substantial DISCOUNT at www.mindpumpmedia.com. Make EVERY workout better with MAPS Prime, the only pre-workout you need… it is now available at mindpumpmedia.com Have Sal, Adam & Justin personally train you via video instruction on our YouTube channel, Mind Pump TV. Be sure to Subscribe for updates. Get your Kimera Koffee at www.kimerakoffee.com, code "mindpump" for 10% off! Got a beard? Condition your beard with Big Top Beard Company’s natural oils and organic essential oil blends to make it not only feel great but smell amazing! Get Big Top Beard Company products at www.bigtopbeardcompany.com, code "mindpump" for 33% off. Add to the incredible brain enhancing effect of Kimera Koffee with www.brain.fm/mindpump 10 Free sessions! Music for the brain for incredible focus, sleep and naps! Please subscribe, rate and review this show! Each week our favorite reviewers are announced on the show and sent Mind Pump T-shirts!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. Hey, in this episode of Mind Pump, I kind of dig into Adam a little bit and find out why he decided to become a bro again. Yeah. Or is he? You'll find out in this episode. We also talk about signs of when you know you're
Starting point is 00:00:27 training too hard. Yes, it is possible. You can train too hard and it will halt your progress. You don't train when you're hard. It takes just and we cover that in this upcoming episode. We also talk about how I'm overcoming some gut issues and what I'm doing with my nutrition. By the way, if you wanna follow Adam's journey, what I like to call the bro journey, you'll find it on his Instagram page at Mind Pump Adam Swole Path. He's showing his nutrition, he's tracking his exercise. You might wanna download Fat Secret app
Starting point is 00:01:00 and follow along. Lastly, we've got one of the most exciting promotions we've ever had going on now. And part of it is we know we have a lot of new listeners coming in from some of the other podcasts that we've been featured on more recently. We have a starter bundle. It's the great, it's the best way you can get started in Maps programming. And what it includes is Maps and Obolic, which is what we consider our foundational program. It also includes nutrition and fasting guides to help you with your diet and also learn how to use fasting for health properly.
Starting point is 00:01:35 You also get access to our forum for free and Maps Prime, which has a self-assessment tool, so you can correct imbalances. All these things are deducted at like over half price, you can find this at mindpumpmedia.com. Justin, Justin, I have to talk to you about something. Adam, I need you to cover your ears. Please, we haven't talked to me. Me and Justin have a real quick conversation.
Starting point is 00:01:59 Is this about last night? Bro, we may be in the midst of the bro version of Adam. Whoa. Yeah, I think he's um, I think he went back. Back to the old. He got pulled. I think you're actually getting the wrong guy to try. Damn it. I told you not to listen. I think you're getting the wrong guy to try and team up with you. Sorry. I told you not to listen. I think you're alone alone on this one, bro. Oh, man. I've been kind of flirting with a little bit of darkness myself. Darkness.
Starting point is 00:02:29 Darkness. Yeah. Well, there's darkness. It's, I'm just teasing you. How many meals did you bring with you today? I brought two. That's all I really, that's not two. It's not, that's a, well, I really don't.
Starting point is 00:02:41 In the middle. I really don't need to bring five or six. I'm not here beyond three, four o'clock. So, and I'll probably eat one meal out. What are you eating in your meals? That one's exactly the same. So, it's a stir fry that I had yesterday, that I made yesterday.
Starting point is 00:02:59 So, it's leftover from that. So, it's basically just a chicken stir fry with a chili paste. That's delicious. It's got aparagus chicken stir fry with a chili paste. That's delicious. It's got asparagus, spinach, bell pepper, mushroom, all that stuff inside of it with chicken and then white rice. So I got a bite. That's fantastic.
Starting point is 00:03:15 I like your Insta story last night. What part? Were you trying to be a dick to everybody? I was fucking hippie at home. Fuck this hippie shit. Oh yeah. Everybody, I'm not a hippie. I'm so buff watch It's I think we've had this tone for quite some time now and I think there's been a lot of good that's came from and I think it's been A good message coming from guys that are in the in the fitness industry and we're not we're the opposite I think of what a lot of people do
Starting point is 00:03:44 But then I also think that there's some balance with that because not everybody has this ability to be in two to eating and training and doing all that and there's steps to that lead to that. And even myself, somebody who's been doing this for as long as I have been, you know, right away, the first thing I noticed when I was tracking that, it's never, no matter what I say, and how for sure I think I know, until I actually put it in and I actually look at it, I'm never right on, and I'm always off somewhere,
Starting point is 00:04:13 and my body isn't getting ideally what it needs, and instantly once I start to... Oh yeah, balance is important. You said fuck the hippie crunchish shit, I guess if you're denouncing Balance, you know, I mean or was that no no the atrix no the hippie crunchy bullshit It would be the extreme is what what what that means. Oh, so that wouldn't that wouldn't be like all said
Starting point is 00:04:38 I'm deciding. I'm not going to meditate or work on my breathing or do mobility or yoga, like all that stuff is awesome and I think important. But what's the part that you're fucking? It's the everything we talk about, is that? We've gotten away from talking about macros and building and going after it like that, so it's the end intensity. Yeah, although that's been a focus of mine lately too. I feel the same sort of pull because I've been voicing against it for so long because it's been a focal point for decades for me.
Starting point is 00:05:18 And so getting away from it was really revolutionary. And now coming back into it with a more integrative approach is something that I definitely want to express. And, you know, going through this process too, like, it's one of those things like, you kind of start to see how all these techniques bleed in and they benefit, you know, that portion of training that is the sexier portion of training. And I remember a question, somebody asked, I don't know if it was on a quaw or on the forum,
Starting point is 00:05:53 but they asked, do you guys even really follow your maps programs or you guys step by step, these workouts you have, like late outlet? And to be honest, yes, I have gone through the program specifically, but also have gone in and out and explored other options because this intuitive process leads you into understanding your body a little bit more
Starting point is 00:06:22 and trying to pursue new techniques and new ways to express movement. And so like I've been kind of pulled in all these different directions to try and figure out how to sharpen and refine and optimize the process, but I'm getting back to the foundation in the meat and potatoes, so that's kind of exciting.
Starting point is 00:06:39 Isn't that funny though? That's like the process of learning is like, you'll go way over here, right? And you'll learn that. And then because you're so far in that direction, you get a lot of pitfalls. You either overdo it or you start to get negatives as a result of avoiding the other side.
Starting point is 00:06:57 And then the learning process will typically bring you way over to the other side. And then you start to bounce back and forth, but each bounce is less extreme until you kind of, you know, come lower towards the middle, if you will. I see it more as like a give and take. I mean, someone asked a really good question just to the day on Q and A, and I thought that was a really, really good question. And something that had been on my mind a lot is that no matter how you draw it up and look at it, well, there's give and take.
Starting point is 00:07:26 You know, if you end up spending so much time in this world, it's gonna take away from another part of the world. So, understanding one, what your body needs and what you want, too, is really important. I think that we stress so much about, like, you know, the average, most people out there are not spending the time doing what they need to be doing for their body. And it you know, the average, most people out there are not spending the time doing what they need to be doing for their body. And it seems to be the opposite, right? If you're
Starting point is 00:07:49 the extreme hippie crunchy side, you probably need a little bit of beast mode in your life and probably need some intensity and probably could be training a little bit harder and be and be a little bit more loose about things. And so, you know, anti-everything that has anything to do with its artificial or process. And it's like, all I do is eat my greens. And if it didn't come from dirt, I refuse to touch it. And, you know, I think those people can have a little bit of flexibility in one direction.
Starting point is 00:08:16 And I think the guys that are all extreme hardcore, you know, take everything under the sun to try to build one more pound of muscle on their body or burn one more pound of fat. And they're using everything more pound of fat and they're using everything they possibly can and they're hammering the fuck out of their body. Those guys could use some time of meditation. So, you know, they, you have to give and take a little bit to be. And then I think that, you know, part of my journey was, you know, heading over to the
Starting point is 00:08:41 other side was to embrace all of it. Let go. I hadn't been on a scale. I hadn't taken a mirror selfie to kind of like look at where I'm at. I hadn't done it. I haven't measured and weighed anything. I hadn't tracked anything. I hadn't worn my Fitbit. Like I totally got rid of everything and said, I'm going to completely embrace this, you know, culture of just intuitive everything. And there was lots of great takeaways to that. But there was a lot of things too that I missed about tracking. And one of those biggest things for me is just being certain that, okay, I am hitting my targets. And the
Starting point is 00:09:21 very first thing that was very glaring to me and I just brought it up today on my Insta story was We talked really heavy about the over consumption of protein and we pushed that hard on people because in our Experience with bodybuilding you know, and in that culture guys are doing three grams of protein and taking two three shakes and one bar here Another bar there like crazy and over doing it. So we're trying to be the counter to that culture. But in reality, for someone like me, I grossly under eat protein. And it's that is it because you don't like protein, or is it because you you tend to crave or want to eat other macros. I love protein. I love me. But you know, what is it?
Starting point is 00:10:08 What is it then? When you're into, like when you're not cracking, what do you think is preventing you from eating the optimal? Well, well, it's not like there's something preventing. It's just my body will or my I will naturally gravitate to a carbohydrate over a protein. Yeah, that's what I mean. I'm wondering, like, what it, like,
Starting point is 00:10:26 but even, I can't even bring back what is, like, so is it convenient? I normal day, okay, a normal day, four meals. That's a lot, right? Four meals. I know most of us eat two, three times a day. So four meals a day is a normal, solid day of eating for me. It would be less sometimes too.
Starting point is 00:10:42 Sometimes I eat as low as two or three, but let's say four meals. All four meals. All four meals, I get a balanced amount of protein. 30 to 50 grams. 30 to 40 grams. Now, 50 is a lot. You know how much 50 grams of meat is?
Starting point is 00:10:53 Do you actually know how much that is? That's like 12 ounces, dude. You know, very few people eat 10 to 20. Now, I do some meals. I do get like that. But normally, if you go to a Chipotle or those are four ounce servings, dude, you double it up, that's eight. That's not your only talking 40 something grams of protein.
Starting point is 00:11:10 So do that times four meals, that's one, that's one 40 to 160. I'm 220 pounds. That's, and that's a good day. That means every single meal, I had a good balanced amount of protein. Now say a day where I'm busy. So did you track what you were eating before you were trying to add to
Starting point is 00:11:27 the course. Oh, of course. That's why I'm saying this. That was the first thing that was. Over your total calories around. Oh, my total calories were around 2500 to 3500, depending on the day. So are you keeping the calories the same at bumping the protein or you bumping everything up? You know, like my, if you follow my answer story, you'll see what's going on right now. This first week for me is completely just tracking. Like, I'm not trying to follow anything right now. I'm making some subtle adjustments because I've been tracking since last week and right away. I noticed I was under protein. So the first thing for me is just make sure I'm getting adequate protein every single day. I think that in itself, I'm already seeing my body respond.
Starting point is 00:12:03 So that was the first. What are you aiming for? Right around 180 to 220. Okay, so you went from like 120, 140 to 180 to 220. Yeah. And the calories, are you keeping the same? Are they going up from those? Well, so yesterday, because I, so Sunday,
Starting point is 00:12:19 we went on a big hike, we just had a great training session. You know, I didn't have my Fitbit on the day, because you know, had her. So she was well over 15,000 steps So that day I consumed like 3500 calories. Well yesterday. I didn't do any hiking. I did a Trigger session for my workout. So my consumption was more like 2800 calories So, you know, I'm right now. I'm I'm adjusting according to my movement But I'm not like I try and tell people the first like week or two is really just kind of figuring out your core maintenance. Like I need to see, you know, what day, now that I don't have orange theory or anything
Starting point is 00:12:53 outside of that, like those were, I was stepping 15 to 20,000 steps two days out of the week, plus another two days of the week where I was stepping like 12, 15 now I'm dropping as low as six, sometimes 8,000 steps in a day. That's half the movement. So the goal now is to build muscle. You bumped your protein. I'm going to lean out too. At the same time.
Starting point is 00:13:13 Okay. So body composition change. Yeah. What about the scale? Are you trying to move it up? Yeah. I want to say, so the goal is always to stay, especially at the very beginning, like if I'll manipulate the weight later down the row, but right now it's to just exchange,
Starting point is 00:13:26 is I don't want to- When a building get leans. Yes, okay. So I wanna stay the same on the scale. So your calories, so the extra 50 to 80 grams of protein is another 240, 250 grams of, excuse me, 250 calories. Is that gonna be, what I'm saying is, is that gonna be an extra on your calories?
Starting point is 00:13:45 Are you keeping the calories where there's slight surplus? Yeah, are you going in a slight surplus? That right. The extra protein, are you lowering something else right now? Right now, what I'm doing is getting my macros at a good balance. And what I mean by that is this. So when I tracked last week and I was like, I'm not gonna try and do anything. I'm just gonna see what I'm doing. Like one of the habits that I had picked up recently
Starting point is 00:14:08 was Chipotle is a regular meal that we all eat, right? So when I go there, a lot of times I get my burrito bowl with double meat and then I would eat it with chips. Well, those chips account for 200 calories of nothing but really carbohydrates. And I need about 200 more calories of protein. So that's an example of something that has been dropped off the diet. And now it's been replaced. So I went over to get the vitality shakes other day, which is just a green smoothie blend. And I had some.
Starting point is 00:14:42 Oh, that's the one from Whole Foods, you like that? It's not Whole Foods, but I know it's 20 times. So, and I had some of the organic protein scooped into that. So I replaced it with some veggies and protein instead of what would those calories probably would be in chips before. So your calories are roughly the same? Yeah, right. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:15:03 That's why I don't want to lose weight. I don't want to see this. I don't want to see this again. And this would be an example of me cutting calories would be if also nice all the weight to scale. Now as you're training what's different about because I want to know it's a good question. And I want to spell this out. No, these are all very good questions.
Starting point is 00:15:17 Because you're going to be track, you're actually going to be, and I hope, I mean, obviously this is something you're putting out there. You're going to be tracking not just your food, but you're going to be doing like pictures, right? To show people. Yeah, I mean, obviously this is something you're putting out there. You're going to be tracking not just your food, but you're going to be doing like pictures, right? To show people what changes you can make. Yeah, I've taken before pictures and everything and I'll eventually get everything all posted up
Starting point is 00:15:35 for people so they can, so I'm logging everything. So are you doing like a map, you're doing like map-synthetic based programming? Yeah, so Maps Black is the foundation of what I'm doing, but I'm also blending it with prime and some of our mobility stuff. So the black is going to be the foundation. I like the sexy athlete bundle. Kind of like that. Kind of like that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Kind of like that. And so that's the main that's the main focus. Although there's there'll be little
Starting point is 00:16:01 things that I add to that because yesterday was a trigger-blended mobility day together. But for the most part, yeah, Matt's black is what we're talking about. Now, how has your training... Okay, so before you were heavily focused on mobility and you know, you say intuitive eating, but it was probably... I mean, more it was geared towards just overall wellness, health, and maintenance.
Starting point is 00:16:27 Now you're pushing little body composition change, build muscle burn body fat. You bump up your protein by about, it seems like about 40 to 80 grams a day, which you're still not in the ridiculous range, you're only probably at one to one. Calories around the same, training has changed. What was your training like before?
Starting point is 00:16:46 Cause right now you're doing kind of like sexy athlete bundle where you're doing like that. Mostly aesthetic, but adding some performance and some performance. Well, this is a good point and a good question also. And I think to caution people, I think what they intend to do right now. And what I want to show people is that you don't want to go
Starting point is 00:17:03 from one extreme to the other extreme, right out the gates. You don't need to go from one extreme to the other extreme. Right out the gates, you don't need to do that. Our bodies are extremely smart. They'll get adapted to whatever you throw at it. And if I throw the whole kitchen sink at it at the very beginning, then yeah, sure, I'll see great change in the first week or two, but then I'll hit a hard plateau. So even like going into black right now, I'm like letting off if I feel like that's more than enough for today because my volume has been is extremely low
Starting point is 00:17:27 So because I was there you're slowly gonna ramp that up. Yeah, so there'd be weeks where I mean I was in the gym always this entire time of in two to eating and training I was in the gym every week three to five times minimum still but a lot of times I would go there'd be a week I go to the gym and actually never really hit any iron. About the only thing I never ever neglected because legs are a priority for me with squatting and dead. So squatting and dead. Plus they're super functional.
Starting point is 00:17:54 Exactly. Exactly. And that the way I looked at it was this is going to be a great way to at least maintain a lot of my physique and size by doing those big compound lifts. Then the rest of everything was really built around, all the stuff I wanted to fix. A lot of mobility, a lot of corrective stretching, a lot of stuff like that, a lot of prime, a week go by and that's all I did was squat deadlift and then all the rest was prime and mobility.
Starting point is 00:18:17 Now that I'm transitioning over into black, I know blacks a lot of volume and I know I haven't been giving my body that much volume. I don't want to go from one extreme to the other. So I'll follow the structure of it, but then what I'll do is, if I'll build a tell like, well, this is a lot, you know, if this is way more than any training session that I, you know, way more volume than what I had done. And by volume, so people understand what that means. It's set to repetition repetition and weight.
Starting point is 00:18:40 So total work load. Yeah, total workload for a workout. There's, if I hit a session like today's gonna be a great, you know, because yesterday was trigger, so now I'm back to a foundational day today. And if I'm, you know, 40 minutes into it, I'm not done with my routine, but I know I'm like, I've done way more than I had done
Starting point is 00:18:58 anything I did last week. I may cut it off. I may shut it down that day because I know I don't need to push the body any any further than that. Let's see what's interesting about this this whole process is I mean at the end of the day We've all been in the fitness industry for a long time, but we're all we all love the The way you can manipulate and change things to change everything from state of mind to Your body how it looks, how it moves to,
Starting point is 00:19:25 you know, all these different things, right? Your health, all these factors. And what's really cool is knowing what you know and really being aware of how your body's changing is how quickly you can elicit change in your body by being really smart about, I mean, you can already, I can already tell, I could tell, I could tell,
Starting point is 00:19:44 yeah, you tightened the screws. I could tell... Yeah, you tightened the screws. I could tell last week you started making a little bit of changes in the way your body looked. And so it's really cool to do, and I think, I mean, all joking aside, and I joke around and said you were, you know, being an asshole, whatever, on InstraStory. I just think that's hilarious, but all joking aside, I think what's really cool is being able to have fun with these types of things and as
Starting point is 00:20:08 a host of a fitness podcast, it kind of keeps you sharp, you know what I mean? Because you're able to comment on certain things and talk about certain things as you're experiencing them and there's going to be people in our audience who want to, you know, who can learn from all the experiences you're going through. It's always different. I think it's important to check ourselves constantly as to our message and to get back to other ways of thinking and express the way we work out, the way we move and pursue other ideas, so we don't get stuck in and become dogmatic. It's like everything that we try so hard not to be, and I know.
Starting point is 00:20:56 It's a constant check, isn't it? It is, and I mean, the human body, it's like every day is a new challenge, and obviously you wanna get to a point where you become efficient at something and so when you start to realize you're becoming efficient at something, that's really where you need to pursue new stimulus.
Starting point is 00:21:15 And so even if it's something like old that's, we're revisiting, I think it's important that we go through this process again. I think what's funny is that, you know, if you talk about like, you know, bodybuilders with big egos, right? Cause we talked about this when we got paleo effects. You know, bodybuilders with big egos
Starting point is 00:21:34 and they're all about their, you know, their insecurities and their, you know, whatever. You see that on the other side too. You see that with people who are extreme in the inside who's super ego is how like I'm so natural. You know, I'm so. I'm so natural. I walk in the men's bathroom barefoot.
Starting point is 00:21:53 Yeah, I mean, it's just as pretentious to me. I thought it was just as pretentious as a body billion. Just different. You know, I'm saying it's like it's different. And I feel like just in the head or right on the head, I, you know, I've been feeling this for a while now of our message. And it's kind of a bummer because I was really enjoying a lot of the benefits from it myself. And I think that it was an important move and transition from me. But then,
Starting point is 00:22:15 of course, like you said, real quick, it can sound dogmatic. And then I even felt that tone on the forum. And some people had expressed that, and it's like, listen, just because we are expressing and sharing our story and our journey where I, it doesn't mean it's like, we are like super anti-dogmatic. I do not want to be that way, and I refuse to be in a box, and so I will continue to do this,
Starting point is 00:22:38 as long as we have a podcast, as soon as somebody starts to fucking think that I'm certain way, I will switch gears, just because of that, because I find it's necessary to teach and show that the importance of that. And every time I learn something new about myself and my body.
Starting point is 00:22:52 That's the important thing, right? The important thing is to take like the parts that you've learned, you know, that really have lots of value and take those. Keep them. And kind of like bring them, it's almost like you're walking through life with this backpack and You're gonna walk and you're gonna see certain things and every once in a while you should pick something up and put in that backpack and take it with you a an easy example of
Starting point is 00:23:17 Of this philosophy is if you look at the and this is easy an easy example because people will be able to get it right away to Is if you look at the, and this is easy, an easy example, because people will be able to get it right away too, is if you look at mixed martial arts, the evolution of mixed martial arts really is in taking what works from different fighting styles and utilizing what works and in combination with other things that work from other martial arts and making you a complete and effective fighter. And if you look at mixed martial arts and its evolution, man, it changes so quickly. I remember it wasn't that long ago,
Starting point is 00:23:51 where in MMA, they were talking shit about spinning heel kicks and spinning body kicks and checking people with kicks real low, right? And then all of a sudden, you got some dude who did everything else real well, but he was so good at implementing a couple things that now, you know, you see spinning heel kicks, you see, you know, some of these moves, people are real effective at them. See how it could be applied.
Starting point is 00:24:15 It is deadly. Yeah, so it's really, it's really a lot like that. And fitness and wellness and health and that whole thing, it's full of pitfalls, and the biggest pitfall has got to be where your ego steps in and then you become this like, that's what I am, that's all I am. And you lose the potential positive from all these different things. We talk about it all the time, but we're not immune. We're definitely not immune to it.
Starting point is 00:24:43 No, no, of course. And there's a lot of things too that I notice, I mean, I'm curious to see, when as I go through this transition for me on things that I have found very important to my life that I don't want to lose. For example, part of this whole intuitive eating, all this thing like that awareness,
Starting point is 00:25:07 and I've also attached the meditation, the breathing, the reading, I'm not gonna, one to two books out every month. There's certain things I've been doing, incredible amounts of work on mobility and stretching. I don't want to lose a lot of that stuff. And I do know, like I said earlier, that there's always give and take a little bit
Starting point is 00:25:27 when it's going to be tough for me to live in both worlds completely. And so already in my mind, I'm thinking of practices that I want to put in place. So I keep my mobility while I start to build some size on me. And I don't stop knocking out, you know, a book plus a month. And I don't stop meditating and things like that.
Starting point is 00:25:51 So, you know, I'm gonna, I'm gonna make sure I put some things in place that allow me to still stay mindful, still stay present, still stay mobile. And you know what's really like ejected from? And what's really interesting too is, I just realized what we've been doing this whole podcast is we talk about them being worlds, two worlds.
Starting point is 00:26:10 Yeah. In reality, it's not, it's all the same, right? If your goal is, optimize optimization and enjoying your living, that it doesn't, it's not one world of the other world, this one over here, that one over there, it's all, right? It's the whole thing. It's about optimizing the entire thing, which means you're going to focus on, at time, you're gonna build lots of strength, more power, or some of that stamina that you need,
Starting point is 00:26:39 that intense stamina, how you keep the integrity and your joints while you're doing that process, all of that's indicated. All of this stuff, like maximum performance, but also, you know, I, you know, Paul Check was an example of this dude, kind of can do it all, and I find that, and he does it all very comfortably,
Starting point is 00:26:57 and he's been practicing this obviously for a very, very long time. So it'll be cool, it'll be cool to see, man, your progress pictures and what you can manipulate and change and how your body can, you know, from a visual standpoint. And, you know, what people see. It's also going to be interesting to see if you go with going through it this time, if you, how you can not develop imbalances along the way. Yeah, that, that to me is the most important of all the things that I want like
Starting point is 00:27:26 I because I do want to say you know I and going back to the Instastory and you know, hollering out the crunchy hippie thing. And I'm sure I've offended people. That's the first time I've been there. There's some things that I mean, I'm in some of the best. It's great, right? I there's I've been able to say this several times now that I'm in the best something of my life.
Starting point is 00:27:48 And right now, I'm in the best like, mobile shape of my life. Like I am, I'm my low back pain is gone completely. My knees don't ache. My toe, even my the way my toes are touching and gripping the ground is different. Like, I have such better connection and to all of my muscles, it's crazy. I can see and feel a huge difference in that.
Starting point is 00:28:14 And I know that that's because of all the work that I put in. And I hope that I can make sure I keep practices in place. Well now I shift my focus. Because even though they are not separate worlds, it is all one world, they are different focuses and some of them are conflicting with each other. So building a ton of muscle is conflicting with being super hyper mobile.
Starting point is 00:28:37 So how do I live in both worlds or how do I meld them together? We'll be exciting, It'll be fun. And I love challenges. I love challenging my body. I love learning about my body. So going after this with, I don't have to be on stage, so I don't have to be so focused on just the way I look.
Starting point is 00:28:56 Well, that's cool, because then you don't have to go so extreme with your diet. Right. That's your, yeah. Right. So I get to, but I do want to chase that. I even thought about looking into some of the big shows that are coming up and mirroring a prep so people could follow Even though I don't I don't have any plans to get it on stage, but mirroring with a little crash in event Just peel down
Starting point is 00:29:18 Yeah, one of those breakaway outfits Well, I was I was telling Katrina. I was like, you know, maybe I'll get in a show, you know, like maybe I'll drop in. I'll be like, I'll be like, I'm like, are you stupid or what? I'm like, what? She's like, you know what's going to happen to you. She's like, you've been disconnected. You've been out of the circuit now for over a year.
Starting point is 00:29:38 They're not going to place you above the top 10 or 15. You're going to get a horrible placing, no matter how great of a physique you bring. Why would you do that to yourself? Like, I wouldn't care, I'm not going to go win first place. Like I'm not trying to get it. She said the wrong thing to you. Knowing you as well as I do. That's like when Adrian told Rocky,
Starting point is 00:29:56 you can't win when he's gonna fight the Russian. You just shouldn't do it. Anytime, can I just tell you listeners right now, female listeners. Don't say you can't. Don't challenge your man's ego by telling him he can't do something because odds are he's gonna try harder. And if you really think he's gonna get hurt or something,
Starting point is 00:30:14 you're better off just telling him like, hey, listen, you want to do that? You need to hire it out. Well, I would, yeah, I'm gonna fix that. Considering she's a ninja, I wouldn't put it past her to intentionally have done that just so you can see see that I'm sure it benefits her when I'm walking around naked looking like that. It's not hard for her to look at that smart lady. Yeah, I'm sure that's probably a ninja move. You know, I wanted
Starting point is 00:30:39 I somehow we landed here and I guess a transition or a segue into, you know, the training too hard or over intensity. Yeah, that's a great topic actually. How are you gonna know? And I'll ask both you guys, because I know Justin is, he's also voiced that he's gonna kick up. You've been doing this now for two weeks now,
Starting point is 00:30:58 or a week or so, where you've, I've seen your workouts and you're doing some pretty intense stuff. Yeah, and I'm, a lot like Adam, I'm trying to like really slowly, like gradually ramp up the volume, I think is the big factor for me because just knowing that like the change of environment and the change of us like moving to this location, I know the volume has gone way down. And I've been expressing strength, but I've been more experimenting with different types of movement and like trying to figure out like what my body's capacity is.
Starting point is 00:31:36 And so now the focus is, okay, let's get back to barbell training. Let's get back to some more intense movements, compound movements that I want to take it step by step and still apply this long end range of motion, tense work. I have strength in that movement and it's quality. So I guess my, my, I'm taking it like a skill. So like if I'm, I'm working on a squat, I'm, I'm really hyper focused on what I'm doing with that squat. And, uh, and I'm ramping up that intensity and I'm trying to, to, to, to max and, and peak on that intensity.
Starting point is 00:32:20 Well, let's, so let's, for people who are going to follow along, because I guarantee you that you can be listeners who are like, cool, I want to do this, you know, also I want to start ramping things up. What is, what are some signs that you guys personally look for that tell you when you're working out too hard or too much? You know what I mean? Like when do you know, okay, I need to scale it back a little bit to maximize, you know, my body's progress. Yeah. When it sort of starts to detract from your, like, I need to scale it back a little bit to maximize my body's progress. When it sort of starts to detract from the next day, I feel like my energy levels have completely diminished to where, even if I'm doing a trigger session, sometimes I can feel
Starting point is 00:32:59 like I feel fried. Like I just feel like I don't have the type of energy or motivation like I normally would. Whereas if I look at it more, like I wanna ramp up my intensity, sure. But I still, I don't want that to detract from, building up that volume. So, like, so you feel, you'll notice the next day that you'll feel
Starting point is 00:33:24 like instead of like, okay, that volume. So you feel you'll notice the next day that you'll feel like instead of like okay I worked out real hard today and then it's the next day and now I'm feeling kind of run down. Run down. And that's what you know. That's funny because Justin and I are like we'll use the opposite things to give us feedback on that. So what I'll do is I will actually, I'm trying to do as little as possible. So, and you gotta be clear with that. It was little as possible to a list of change. So, this is, and I look at it at snapshots of the week.
Starting point is 00:33:56 So, for me, so Justin is probably more likely to overdo it, listen to his body, the next day, and say like, whoops, little bit too much, I need to back off. I'm more likely to underdo it and go, hey, next The next day I'd say like, whoops, little bit too much, I need to back off. I'm more likely to underdo it and go, hey, next week I need to kick it up a notch. How do you know that? I take snapshots of the week.
Starting point is 00:34:11 So I'll look at a week. So then, you know, this will be a better conversation in about a week or two when I actually have a week or two under the belt, because then I can give people more specific numbers, like X amount of steps. And this is how many, where my calories are, yada yada. So you'll be doing this all on your Instagram page, right?
Starting point is 00:34:29 Yeah, yeah, I'm already sharing the story right now. Cool. You guys got a lot, I tell you what, if you're into, you know, if your goals are aesthetic based, and you want to build muscle and kind of burn body fat, Adam yesterday posted his macro count, he's posting, I'm assuming you're gonna post pictures of your progress. It'll be cool to fall.
Starting point is 00:34:51 It's only been a week, so I don't know how many great progress. Well, this is the best time to start though, right? Start following the process. I'm logging everything, though. I'll take pictures every day, so I give myself a bet, but I'm not gonna post that every day. That's ridiculous. No, but then you're like, you're posting,
Starting point is 00:35:05 yeah, I'll share everything. Excellent. But, so what I'm doing is, I'm always gonna lean on the less volume, less intensity side, and then if a week goes by, if I see no progress in my pictures, my scale, so I'll use that as my feedback. I'll look at my picture, I'll look at my scale, I'll look at my picture. I'll look at my scale. I'll look at my strength. I'll look at all those things and say, am I stronger? Do I look better?
Starting point is 00:35:31 Is my weight up or down this week? Now based off of that, going into this next week, I will either ramp up intensity and or volume and or keep the same depending on the feedback that I'm given. So I'm more likely, which is very common for me during this process of trying to figure out where I need to be. I'm all have a week where, you know, a week goes by and I go like, fuck, I look exactly as the same as last week, which is totally normal. And I tell people that's okay. And I would rather bowed on that side than the other side of pushing it too fast, too hard. I'm I lean more towards, I'm going to do little and then, hey, next week looks like no
Starting point is 00:36:11 real change. Now, I'm going to add this into my routine or restrict from this and based, you know, and I'll make those adjustments every week, whether it be calories, steps, or just flat-out volume. Now, are there any red flags? Like, oh shit, that was a little too much, like, or, you know, I think I need to back off on this or whatever.
Starting point is 00:36:31 A large swing on the scale. Oh, I see. What do you consider large? Well, my body, when I'm drinking, yeah, when I'm drinking a gallon of water plus a day, my body easily fluctuates six to eight pounds through the night. So a fire saw. That's quite a big, that's a quite a big fluctuation.
Starting point is 00:36:50 I don't know why I said that in a time accident. That's a quite a big fluctuation. Yeah, no, I get up and pee three times in the middle of night. It's really annoying. I have a tiny bladder. So sure a diaper. I thought about that actually. Katrina wasn't really excited about that.
Starting point is 00:37:04 I can get kinky. She'd have to change. Yeah, she's down for like a night like a role playing like that, So sure a diaper. I thought about that actually Katrina wasn't really excited about You'd have to change yeah, she's down for like a night like a role playing like that But like a constant I mean the right see I made a duty. Yeah, this isn't that cool I'm gonna change your diaper Yeah, no, so if I see a huge shift which for me won't happen because I'm pretty in tune with my body even though a lot of things. And I think this is important to note, you know, I mentioned before I was doing orange theory and all these steps. So now that we're doing just the podcast in here, I haven't tracked
Starting point is 00:37:35 since we were just doing the podcast. So I'm actually really interested to see what a week of like stepping and moving. I have a feeling I'm extremely low in comparison. Like, I think we've had some. So you're gonna put your Fitbit on? I'm already wearing it. Oh, I see. Yeah, no, I'm already wearing it. So, once I get that feedback, that will give me a really good, because I, it's crazy, but, and this is why I think this part is so important, is I can easily go from 3,000
Starting point is 00:38:01 to 5,000 calories consuming in a day day and they all be good and okay, like depending on where my activity level is, because I can easily be a day that we didn't do shit all day long and only burn about 2800 calories. And then I can have a day that we go hike San Antonio, we have a leg training session. I'm saying Katrina and I go for a walk to walk the dogs.
Starting point is 00:38:22 Next thing you know, I'm at 20,000 steps. I burn 5,000 sudden calories and you know my macros should reflect that somewhere in my week. It should change and fluctuate based off my activity. Well so so while you guys are kind of motivating me right now, the sounds kind of fun because I've already started incorporating more regularly. Well rewind a little bit. I was dealing with some pretty interesting autoimmune kind of gut issues. Like I did way back in the day for like three weeks and it was really bothering me.
Starting point is 00:38:53 And I'll tell you something right now, for anybody who has gut issues, they all understand. You can't focus on anything but that. You can't, like you just don't progress. You don't progress in your training. You don't progress in almost anything. You just feel like shit. It's so connected to your your physical performance your mind your sleep your attitude It's really annoying. I'm on a protocol now that I think is addressing the issue and I'm starting to feel really good and now that I'm feeling good
Starting point is 00:39:20 I started doing my old school like like maps and a balleric trigger sessions, which every single time I do trigger sessions consistently, I'm always, always blown away by how much of an impact they make on my aesthetics. It's, it really blow, every single time I do it, it blows me away because I'll do them consistently, so three, for me consistently, it's three times a day on my non-heavy workout days. And I'll see it that day. Literally that day, I'll notice in the mirror, my muscles look fuller, and within two or three days
Starting point is 00:39:52 of doing them, I notice that I just look more sharp. Sharp would be the right term, I think. I just, my muscles look fuller and more defined. So I've already been doing that because I've been feeling better, but you guys are kind of motivating me to, you know, wanna, I don't know, train for, and for me, it just means just getting leaner, like getting a little bit more shredded.
Starting point is 00:40:11 It's a good time. It's summer right here. Yeah. We're going to be around pools. We're going to be taking some trips. We'll be out in Vegas. We're going to be out in Florida real soon. Oh, by the way, that reminds me.
Starting point is 00:40:19 Oh, good. Yeah, there you go. We're going to be out in Tampa, Florida. We're going to see, we're going to see Lane, Northern. We're going to out in Tampa, Florida. We're gonna see we're gonna see Lane, Northern We're gonna see Ben Povalski. I think Pukolsky. Pukolsky. So we'll be out there with the M140 gym that crew Really excited to do that. We're gonna be there for a good four or five days So if you're a listener you have a podcast you're out there Or you guys have some recommendations of people you know that live out there.
Starting point is 00:40:45 We will be on as many podcasts as we possibly can in the area. So if you know podcasts that are located in that area, shoot, let us know. Actually, who should they email? Admin. You good? No, info info at mind pump media.com or you guys can just go to the Instagram and hit mind pump media. The DM over there. Taylor can get on top of that.
Starting point is 00:41:02 But just it's the Tampa area. So just remember, Florida's a big fucking state. So if it's, you know, if it's seven hours away, okay, that's not, I mean, I appreciate the law right in that area. Yeah, we'll be around the Tampa area. So anywhere within an hour or two from that area, I'm sure we can make a connection over there. So we'll be doing that. Cool. Thanks for that. So back to the whole training too hard thing. For me, personally, I notice if I train too hard, I feel, I'll start to feel it in my joints. I start to get a little bit like achy. Yeah. And the connective tissue, because my tendency is a little unique in the sense that my tendency when I'm going too hard is I start pushing the weight a lot.
Starting point is 00:41:48 I start lifting more and more and heavier and heavier because if my ego gets attached to anything with resistance training, it gets detached. You just said something. You just said something that's a really good point that I want to point out that I didn't mention that I'm doing also because of this. I feel like a lot of people, and I'm sure you can agree with this, and your business is probably you and me, is tend to stick in a modality or phase in talking about maps.
Starting point is 00:42:17 That's my favorite. That you love, the heavy one to five range, right? Yep, that's it. So I'm actually, when I'm starting black right now, I'm starting in phase three. Even though our program is designed to take you through one, two, and three, and that's because it's the opposite phase of what I've been gravitating towards for the last six plus months. It wouldn't make any sense to go phase one. Exactly. So if people understand that, and this is really a great way for you to uniquely
Starting point is 00:42:42 use maps, because maps has all the programs have either three or four phases. So it's almost like there's three programs built into one. And if you are somebody right now who you are like a strength guy, you love a girl, you love lifting one to five repetitions, then I would start you in like a phase three. And if you're somebody who's more like the bodybuilder type
Starting point is 00:43:02 where you love supersets, high intensity working out and you're lots 10 to 15 rep range, and you get on one of the maps programs, I would then start you for sure in phase one. So based off of what you do most of the time, if you want to see the maximum results from the program, I would start in an opposite phase than what you normally do.
Starting point is 00:43:21 That's just what's gonna get your body changing. You know, otherwise your body's not gonna change if you stay in the same thing all the time. And for me, you know, and again, you know, it's a constant check, but when I start to lift heavy and I start to get strong, nothing excites me more or feeds my ego more than that feeling. I just identify, I tend to identify with it, right?
Starting point is 00:43:44 And I'll push it and I'll start to feel, I'll start to feel it in my joints. I'll start to feel a little stiffness in my hips or in my elbows. And I can always warm up real well, prime real well, make it go away for a second, and then go push that weight again. And then my diet will start to reflect it
Starting point is 00:44:01 to where I start to push certain things in my diet like more cholesterol, more proteins and saturated fats, which tend to make me feel really, really strong. So, I'm trying to keep that in check. And for me, if I'm being smart and I'm being aware with my training, I really can do a good job with this if I'm really trying to pay attention to. And it's that I should feel good. I should feel good after my workout.
Starting point is 00:44:30 I should feel good the day after my workout. I should feel great in my everyday life. I shouldn't feel like you were saying Justin we're sitting here recording and I'm like, oh damn, I've hurt him. Oh my God, I'm so sore. Or you know what I mean? I should feel like, wow, I've hurt so much. Oh my god, I'm so sore, or you know what I mean? I should feel like, wow, I feel fantastic.
Starting point is 00:44:47 I got lots of energy, my mood is good. Sleep is a big one. One thing that I notice, if I train too hard, I can't sleep. It's almost like I'm too amped to go to bed, even though I know I'm tired. So if my sleep isn't feeling good, like all these are really good signs that, you know,
Starting point is 00:45:10 you know, I need to kind of scale back on something or start to switch gears. So this is going to be fun. I think I'll, you know, yeah. Well, you bring up a good point. Like, and that's when I was talking about like squat and kind of getting back into the skill of it, like I, I am the same where I get excited that I'm lifting heavy again. And so sometimes you get disconnected as you're doing the lift. And my focus completely with this process going back into intensity and intensifying these lifts
Starting point is 00:45:42 is to stay connected throughout the entire rep range. And that's really a challenge because lifting heavier weights, you tend to disassociate, you tend to get into the rhythm of it and the momentum of it. And you want your mechanics to kind of produce what you want to produce and then just generate as much force as you can and just move it off of you, right? Which is like, it's really challenging to keep that tension, keep that connectivity throughout
Starting point is 00:46:16 that entire rep range. So, as I'm loading the plates and as I'm ramping myself up, I'm trying to check that. So I haven't earned the next plate yet because I felt myself get disconnected in any portion of that lift. So anyway, that's something that I want to like throw out there as I'm benching, as I'm overhead pressing, as I'm dead lifting, you know, anything that I'm adding and I'm plate loading where I'm like, oh, fuck, I'm strong. I'm going to go heavier. Did I earn that weight yet? Did I do the full range of motion that I've been working on so hard to establish and connect to control
Starting point is 00:46:56 and control with no balance or anything like that, right? Right, right. Because you know, like, even I noticed, like, as I'm connecting to at the bottom of my squat, am I engaging first, driving my feet, and then connecting my hips and my glutes and establishing that first and then driving out, or am I just pushing and then leaning? Yeah, and watching my knees, it's... Now Justin, are you doing the nutrition side as well?
Starting point is 00:47:24 Is that changing for you during this process? I'm not counting macros but I'm still extracting dairy and so I'm doing sort of more of an elimination reintroduction and so that was the first item that I'm focusing on. Just the next one, yeah, it's gonna be more gluten-focused. And... Now, have you noticed anything from Cutting Dairy Y'all? Yeah. I have. I have.
Starting point is 00:47:53 Really? Yeah, sorry. I know, it sucks. It's your favorite dude. Dude, like cheese is my ill-nonna, right? It's the one, but I was just doing it. I feel like it was too frequently falling into my diet. You know, like I just, it was just there too often. So extracting it, I feel less inflammation,
Starting point is 00:48:11 I feel, you know, like I still have a bit of heartburn on occasion, but I noticed that, like, I definitely have less inflammation. So that's excellent. Yeah, parent. Yeah, for me, for nutrition, my nutrition doesn't dramatically change usually, but I was pushing the shit that I know I shouldn't really work with me well a little too frequently before, which is why I think I fell into
Starting point is 00:48:39 where I wasn't feeling good. I would have pasta here or I'd have a treat here or there or I threw in a tiny bit of dairy or things that I know bother me and I just became a little bit too frequent I think for my body and I got a little cocky. So I'm just being very, very good about eliminating the things that I know just don't serve me well. And that's basically what I would have changed so far. So you know, you'll see me fun to watch. Yeah, I know it will be circling back to the main topic of, you know,
Starting point is 00:49:12 the over intensity thing is, you know, and why I sent that message to the group text, I was not that I really wanted to talk about, I just had been going through my feed and I've seen a lot of these young guys and pushing each other. And it's like, I get the athlete side, because you feed off that energy of another guy, oh, five more, come on, push more of this. But I see these, and these guys were the ones
Starting point is 00:49:40 I'm referring to right now, or in their early 20s young athletic really fit guys that are trying to keep building muscle building, more muscle and I'm watching like they're training and how they're training their buddies and everyone working out and I'm going like, man, if you only knew like if you'd scaled back on that and kind of found a better balance
Starting point is 00:49:59 that your body would just explode and grow. And when you just train the fuck out of it, intensity wise, I thought, people don't realize how smart the body is, man, it's crazy. How quick it gets you used to what you're throwing at it. And when you throw everything on it really early on in your training, it gets adapted to that. And then to take it to the next level requires so much more. And then eventually you just run out You run out of intensity and time, you know, you you can only add so much volume in an hour or two hour of your workout To where then eventually you end up doing what a lot of these guys do which is double days and all that stuff
Starting point is 00:50:39 When you're trying to build muscle All those extra calories that you're burning just makes it that much harder for you to replenish the body with the nutrients that you need to now then refuel, grow, repair, and you just end this vicious cycle of what we call the recovery breakdown where you're just constantly stuck in this trap of hammer, hammer, hammer, recover, recover, hammer, hammer, recover, and then you're never letting the body fully Never growing you're never adapting. Yeah, it's just recover from the damage Mm-hmm, and then and then damage yourself again and people confuse recovery with adaptation. So they think Oh, I got sore muscle recovers now. It's gonna build and get stronger. No, not not necessarily many times all that does is just heal and
Starting point is 00:51:23 And in extreme cases if you continue to tear down and tear things down, it doesn't even fully recover, so you actually start to go negative. But at best, if you're not sending a signal that's telling your body to adapt by building muscle, you're just staying in the same spot. You're just tearing down building up, tearing down building up, tearing down. And they never go any further. And a lot of people Are stuck in this a lot of people go to the gym and it's the same thing we can a week out and they're at best
Starting point is 00:51:52 They're maintaining yeah, they're just kidding. They get really efficient at the the workout they're doing and then in their head It's like oh, it's it was so difficult and so hard. I'm so glad it's not that like it was during week one week two But in reality like I'm always kind of's not like it was during week one or week two. But in reality, I'm always kind of seeking that feeling. And you gotta be comfortable with being uncomfortable. And that's all part of maps and the idea of the phasing and never allowing you to stay in a certain phase for longer than three or four weeks is just when you start to get really good at that workout.
Starting point is 00:52:21 You change it. Yeah, you change it and you get uncomfortable again. And it's tough. It's a very hard transition to go when you just start feeling like hitting your stride, that workout was easy. I'm throwing them 100 pound dumbbells up like nothing. But you're seeking his growth. Right.
Starting point is 00:52:37 And that's the formula for growth. Right. And here's straight away from that, then you're not going to grow. Now here's something that I want to try, when I have the time to do so, because we know how frequency and greasing the groove as Pavel will call it, or practicing exercises, is an effective tool to build muscle and get stronger. And what I mean by that is like,
Starting point is 00:52:57 rather than going, you know, balls out squats, you know, for a workout, you could squat with less intensity every day and practice that technique. And you, especially if it's a change, you could squat with less intensity every day and practice that technique. And you, especially if it's a change for you, you'll find your strength and muscle go up as a result. Here's something that I was thinking about. I was actually talking about this with Jessica.
Starting point is 00:53:14 She's going to do this with me. When we have the time, what we want to do is we want to pick like three lifts, like squat, overhead press and maybe a pull up or something like that, right? Or a deadlift or something out of a hip movement, an upper body movement and then something else. And what we want to do is every hour on the hour do a single set of each of those exercises at a medium intensity. Like and do this for like 10 hours or 8 hours throughout the day. Like take a break, eat a little bit, go back, here we go.
Starting point is 00:53:47 One set of squats. Say and try to match every hour is the same. So if I pick a weight and I pick a rep range, I do that same thing throughout the day. The goal isn't high intensity. The goal is not to go to failure or super fatigue myself. It's just to do this crazy practice throughout the day and see what happens. And I have some theories. I've, one of my theories is I'll feel like my performance will increase within that day, kind of mid day. Like by the fourth hour, I'll probably feel really strong
Starting point is 00:54:14 and then maybe start to see some fatigue. But I really want to see what'll happen by pushing that. So I've kind of played a little bit with that, not to that level. It's like trigger sessions times a million, right? Right, well, like were you just kind of like, I kind of thought of like breaking the maps workout up over the entire day.
Starting point is 00:54:30 Instead of like it being all in one hour, it's like all do three workouts today that are quarter the size, right? Or four workouts, quarter the size and just those and then move on. It'd be interesting to see how that would have a little 15 minute session. The thing that I wonder that you,
Starting point is 00:54:44 where like, I can see where it could really benefit strength, mechanics. I wonder if there's any drawback of not allowing the pump, enough of blood into the same muscle group area. Oh, yeah, it's definitely not going to be aesthetically ideal. Well, it might be because it's a change. Yeah, right. Yeah, I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:55:07 That's a great point. A great point because you've never done that. That's the part. So I've thought it's also gonna require all fucking day. Yeah, I need to be next to a jam or something. You know what? Well, what would make this, and I've talked to it, this what Katrina, I actually discussed this,
Starting point is 00:55:18 like, because we're talking about actually doing a page that I juji's book. I have this big huge living room and dining room area that we don't really use. I thought, what if we put like a platform and a squat rack there? So I could deadlift and squat and overhead press right there. And that I just start. That's what we're talking to do.
Starting point is 00:55:33 Yeah. And then just actually just throughout the day, like, hey, let's go get, let's go get a set or two of squats in real quick. And then we'll go back later on and we'll get some deadlifts in. Yeah, exactly. And just kind of sporadically throw it. Yeah, we've talked about doing this. And I'm curious in what that looks like,
Starting point is 00:55:47 and we may do that, so I'll keep people posted. I know we have it here, so I kind of done that's why I met my- But you have to be here all day. Yeah, that's the thing, it'd be cool if it was at home, and you're like, hey, let's just chill at home all day. We'll watch movies in between, you know, we could do a set every, and of course, you know, it helps that my girlfriend is a fanatic every, and of course, you know, it doesn't,
Starting point is 00:56:05 it helps that my girlfriend is a fanatic about it as well, so we'll have fun while we're doing it. But I'm, it would be impossible without that in your home, right? I was gonna have to like, park your car outside the gym, go in your car in between, or I don't know, live in the gym all day. Well, what I have done is that, like I say, I've kind of meddled it in a little bit is,
Starting point is 00:56:22 like we'll get here early, and I'll kind of do a couple exercises, not even really break a sweat because I'm only doing one or two things. Then before we leave here, I do another one or two things and then I actually go to the gym later on in the night and then I basically, like I said, breaking up the maps programming in three different workouts.
Starting point is 00:56:38 And it's funny because you don't really break a hard sweat. It doesn't seem like it's really, really challenging but I accomplished the same amount of volume. So what I did notice was I didn't see a loss, I for sure didn't go back. It's challenging the frequency model even further. I mean, it's taking it to the next level and really, because think about it, if I'm doing, because I did the math, right, I said, okay, if I do eight hours of this, where at the beginning of the hour I do this, and I do two sets per exercise.
Starting point is 00:57:05 That's it, just two sets of squats, two sets of overhead press, two sets of pull-ups. I'm doing 16 sets of those exact same exercises throughout the whole day, which is more volume than I normally would have done. Way more volume than I normally would have done with those exercises. But because it's like an hour in between, I'm not going to get the same kind of fatigue, so it's taking the maps, philosophy, and just making it super extreme, and it very well-me, maybe too much, and very well-me, you know, do it, and then afterwards be like, well, that didn't work.
Starting point is 00:57:37 Well, it could be something cool. I definitely, well, there's some really cool benefits I think that there are with this, and even though I haven't done it all all the time with the weights, I also follow this like idea of moving after I consume. And this is something Katrina and I were talking about this. Oh, F2B food. Yeah. So she's like, you got to share this on the podcast. Go. So I've never really thought about that until you just shared that with me.
Starting point is 00:57:57 So here you go. So when we were we went to your breakfast spot or by your, well, lost out of your old abs. Oh, yeah. Thanks. And we did your little walk. I went back to the houses and her and I walked afterwards. That's a great walk. And so we're talking while we're back there. And I said, you know, have you ever thought about like
Starting point is 00:58:13 how what we've evolved to now like where think about the average American probably eats anywhere between two to four meals in a day. And some probably a lot of people are driving on a commute and shoveling something in their mouth or they sit at a restaurant and some probably a lot of people are driving on a commute and shoveling something in their mouth or they sit at a restaurant and eat somewhere. Have you ever thought, like, and I've told people this before that if we actually got outside, the average American walks about 4,000 steps a day.
Starting point is 00:58:35 If you were to go outside and you were to walk for one hour, you would accomplish about 8,000 steps. So that means that the average American doesn't even step for 30 minutes consistently for the day. Now, think of this. That means that the average American doesn't even step for 30 minutes consistently for the day. Now think of this. That's horrible. That means the average American spends more fucking time consuming than they do moving to the minute when you think about that.
Starting point is 00:58:55 So think put that in a perspective. And think if you actually just made a conscious effort, more people probably spend time on the toilet. Well think if you've just made a conscious effort to tie, and I know this sounds ridiculous, but this is what I said to her. I said, imagine if we like, you know, we sat down at the restaurant. As soon as we sat down at the restaurant, I hit the stopwatch and just let the time go.
Starting point is 00:59:12 Like, you know, oh, we wait, we order our food, we consume our food, we relax, we coffee, this and that. Boom, I look at the stopwatch and, you know, 32 minutes goes by. What if I just walked and moved for the same amount of time that I actually sat to fucking eat? What would that do? What would that do from a calorie expenditure and how much would that negate everything
Starting point is 00:59:32 that I'm actually taking in and what a difference that could make? Oh, that would be huge. Not to mention, from a cultural standpoint, all of the ancient cultures, all of the old cultures of the world where they've had societies for a long time, it is embedded in their culture and in some of them in part of their religions even, to go for a walk after you eat.
Starting point is 00:59:55 Now I know in the Mediterranean, like my family's from Sicily, right? After you eat, it's like that's what you do. You eat and then you go for a walk with people in Asian cultures. They go for a walk, you know, and it doesn't have to be like, if you look at it, that's what you do. You eat and then you go for a walk with people. In Asian cultures, they go for a walk. And it doesn't have to be, like if you look at like Chinese cultures where they'll eat their meal and then they'll go for a walk afterwards, it's not like they're cruising real fast.
Starting point is 01:00:16 These real slow, kind of nice walk. And this is kind of cool. If you look at all these old cultures and look at some of the things that they have embedded in their cultures, many of the reasons why they have these things embedded is because they have health benefits. And that's why they became a part of their culture.
Starting point is 01:00:32 The health benefits of walking after you eat, Adam touched upon the calorie burn, but besides that, the digestive process too. The digestive, look at first of all, astronauts many times have issues with digestion in space because of lack of gravity. The reason why your butthole is not the bottom of your body and your mouth hole is at the top of your body is because gravity assists in the digestive process.
Starting point is 01:00:57 And if you don't believe me, hang yourself upside down for two days and see how many times you poop. Or just hang yourself upside down and eat. How uncomfortable that sounds. Yeah, right. So you'll be thrown up poop. Exactly. It's a very important part of the digestive process is gravity and moving, exercising and moving.
Starting point is 01:01:14 By the way, there's hip flexors, the so-as, for example, that travels through the body and literally is in and around your digestive organs. And many times inflammation in your gut will cause hip problems because it affects the so-as and vice versa. So-as issues can cause digestive issues, especially if it's in flame because it's all in that same vicinity. So walking and moving and using those hip flexors. It actually encourages the digestive system
Starting point is 01:01:47 to move into digest food. Moving encourages the production of stomach acids. And I know people are like, oh, I have heartburn, I have too much acid. Not true. Usually heartburns result of too little acid in the gut and so you get this kind of rebound effect. So walking and moving post meal is a crucial part
Starting point is 01:02:07 of effective digestion and some people, especially those that are on the more constipated side, notice that it goes away if they go for a 10 or 15 minute walk. Well, man, you think it's so crazy how backward we are now because we evolved our entire, for thousands of years, having to travel miles and hike forever to find and scavenge food, right? Then you get it, you consume as much you can,
Starting point is 01:02:31 and then the next day you get up and you do the same thing again, you hike, can you go forever, and maybe if you're lucky, you find food that day, maybe you don't. And then like, there's very little time is spent actually sitting and consuming. We're so the opposite that we barely fucking walk and ever have to move, and all we do is sit down and consume.
Starting point is 01:02:48 It's so ass backwards. How many yoga classes have you guys taken? Total? Like you've been in a class. Like a actual class, maybe five, three. Have you guys ever noticed this is a big joke with yoga instructors? You ever hear people fart in class?
Starting point is 01:03:04 Totally. It's a big thing, like, and You ever hear people fart in class? Totally. It's a big thing, like, and they'll tell you. That's the old lady. And I remember when I took my first class, I heard a couple, you know, more, oh shit. It even happened to me. And the yoga instructor's always like,
Starting point is 01:03:16 hey, that's totally normal. It's part of yoga, it's part of movement, it gets things moving, and I thought that was hilarious, but it's absolutely true. Like, movement encourages digestion, encourages things to move through the body. It is, it makes perfect sense and by, you know, here's the other thing too. You know when you eat sometimes and you feel kind of sluggish and like, oh, I feel, I'm going to take an app.
Starting point is 01:03:39 If you walk after you eat, you just don't get that. You feel awesome. You feel awesome. We always feel so good. That's a great point. I'm glad you brought that up. Yeah, it's kind of crazy when you think about it though, when you put in a perspective like that,
Starting point is 01:03:49 like, whoa, that's a trip, right? Like, do we literally spend more fucking time on our ass, shoveling in our mouth, then we actually just do walking to get the food, whatever, and it's so back to the show. I'm gonna open a restaurant where you pick whatever you want to eat and then we put you in a room with that food and now you have to catch it and kill it Yeah, I want a burger. Here's your cow. You have fucking Calorie deficit, bro, even though you had a double burger you actually burned 3000 calories
Starting point is 01:04:15 Well, you remember I think this was just like this was when we first started a maybe a year and a half two years ago That guy got all kinds of publicity for losing like a hundred and something pounds. And of course it was a commercial for Walmart. But the idea was kind of clever and smart. And that's why I think it got so much traction was, you know, he ate at Walmart three times a day, but he had to walk. It was his Walmart was like two miles away.
Starting point is 01:04:41 So it was two miles there, two miles back. So he walked there, he consumed, then he walked back. And he won't story with Jared. And I don't know if it's a safe story. It is. You went to walk to get his foot long, and then he walked somewhere, there was all part of his process. And so he, and then he walked past the kids and walked past the school every day. Exactly. That's where I went all bad. I don't want to help. I'm sure he's getting playing a foot long in jail right now. Yeah. Fuck that guy.
Starting point is 01:05:09 Samarine. Well excellent. Look, 30 days of coaching is available. MindPumpMedia.com, and it's free. It's an amazing resource for information on all things fitness and wellness. We've put a lot of time and energy into this, and it doesn't cost anything. You just go to MindPumpMedia.com, opt-in and you'll get all that information.
Starting point is 01:05:29 Also, you can follow Adam's journey. Looks like he's trying to get super buffed again and it's on his Instagram at MindPumpAdam. My page is MindPumpSowl, Justin is MindPump Justin. Also, leave us a review on iTunes. When we like the reviews and we pick the best ones, those people get free t-shirts, so if you want a free t-shirt, leave a review. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy, and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbumble at MindPumpMedia.com.
Starting point is 01:06:07 The RGB Superbumble includes maps on the ball, maps performance, and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal, Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels, and performs. With detailed workout nutrients in over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle is like having sal and an adjustment as your own personal trainer's butt at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a 430-day money back guarantee and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at MindPumpMedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a fine-star rating and review
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