Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 528: How to Perform Better in Bed, Best Time to Consume Calories to Build Muscle, Training & Diet Differences for Natural vs. Anabolic Lifters & MORE

Episode Date: June 14, 2017

Kimera-Quah! iTunes Review Winners! In this episode of Quah, sponsored by Kimera Koffee (kimerakoffee.com, code "mindpump" for 10% off), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about lasting lon...ger in bed, training and nutrition and how it changes whether you are natural or on anabolic steroids, the best time to consume calories for muscle growth and advice they would give young people looking to start something like Mind Pump. Get our newest program, Kettlebells 4 Aesthetics (KB4A), which provides full expert workout programming to sculpt and shape your body using kettlebells. Only $7 at www.mindpumpmedia.com! Get MAPS Prime, MAPS Anywhere, MAPS Anabolic, MAPS Performance, MAPS Aesthetic, the Butt Builder Blueprint, the Sexy Athlete Mod AND KB4A (The MAPS Super Bundle) packaged together at a substantial DISCOUNT at www.mindpumpmedia.com. Make EVERY workout better with our newest program, MAPS Prime, the only pre-workout you need… it is now available at mindpumpmedia.com Have Sal, Adam & Justin personally train you via video instruction on our YouTube channel, Mind Pump TV. Be sure to Subscribe for updates. Please subscribe, rate and review this show! Each week our favorite reviewers are announced on the show and sent Mind Pump T-shirts! Have questions for Mind Pump? Each Monday on Instagram (@mindpumpradio) look for the QUAH post and input your question there. (Sal, Adam & Justin will answer as many questions as they can)

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Let's give away some t-shirts give away them shirts dog. All right. We had 19 reviews this last week Wow On our way up there we go. So we didn't even call for it. No, I did no you didn't yeah, I did I did Okay, you did to myself fine So we're gonna give away five shirts to see crazy in the email Love attraction give those shirts away. All right, five shirts going out, starting with Renfro Fitness. Buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, bu, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, bu, bu, bu, bu-shirts, bro, come on. Come on, man. How do they get that back sale?
Starting point is 00:00:46 All right, gaining. Send the name I just read to itemsofminepumpmedia.com include your shirt size, your shipping address, and we'll get that right out to ya. Boom. Big sexy bear out. If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go.
Starting point is 00:01:03 Mind, hop, mind, up with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. Boy, if you're easily offended, get ready. Yeah, would you seat that all up? You might not be for you. You might not want to listen to this upcoming episode of Mime Pomp in the beginning. For about 30 minutes, we talk about political correctness
Starting point is 00:01:26 and the fear to talk about certain topics. And I end up talking about certain topics. Adam apologizes to someone that he offended on a previous episode. Believe it or not. That was amazing. We talk about Adam's mom. And we always talk about my outing
Starting point is 00:01:47 with my ex-wife and her boyfriend. And lastly, Justin talks about his bearded dragon. What are we talking about when we say that? You'll have to listen. It's right. To figure it out. Then we get into the questions. We discuss how to last longer in bed,
Starting point is 00:02:03 because of course we're experts on every single subject including fitness. We like to tackle stuff like that. We also talk about how you would compete, train, and eat if you were natural versus if you were on anabolic steroids. Does that even make a difference? Then we talk about, does it matter what time you eat? Does nutrient timing really make a difference in your fitness and health goals?
Starting point is 00:02:23 And lastly, we talk about how you should start a podcast like Mind Pump. If you were so inclined, we give you guys advice. You wanna do what we're doing? We tell you how in this upcoming episode of Mind Pump. Also, our summer starter pack is still available. It includes maps and a ball, the nutrition and fasting guide, maps prime, and access to our forum. What we do is we took all those things and we discounted them by over 50% off.
Starting point is 00:02:54 It's the perfect way to get started. It's ready set go. It's like turn key, ready to go. Like, hey, let's do this. It's everything you need and the forum access, that way we can kind of help you along the way, along with our community. Now you can find the summer starter pack at minepumpmedia.com. Yeah, yeah, why don't, why don't you, you want me to go mind my mind?
Starting point is 00:03:15 You have contributors. Minds are small. Yeah, I feel like yours is gonna be bigger than mine. No, no, there's nothing, it's not big. It's just, it happened to me this weekend. I'm like, what's this, what was it? No, the episode that we released, I think it was about 5 526 or whatever where we're talking about like cult leaders and whatever and I mean Oh, that's right. I made a
Starting point is 00:03:31 And I got some messages because I said some controversial shit like I said that how historically You know men have been we've been leaders culturally right like the tribe leader or the you know president or whatever and how been leaders culturally, right, like the tribe leader or the, you know, president or whatever, and how there's been studies done, and when men went today, like modern times when men and women are questioned, whether or not they'd rather work for a man or a woman in terms of their boss, that men and women would prefer to work for a man. Actually, in fact, I read one article, let's see if I can find it, where actually more women than men actually said they prefer to work for a man. And I was speculating that there may be,
Starting point is 00:04:07 there's definitely cultural reasons for it, definitely societal reasons for it. But there also may be some biological and evolutionary reasons for it. And, you know, man, people don't like that, I said that. Some people don't like it. Because, you know, I'll tell you what, what makes me angry.
Starting point is 00:04:24 Because, like, I definitely don't think I'm someone so that's sexist even say and whatever. Oh, good. Yeah, which is stupid. If anybody that knows me, you look at a woman like I look at my girlfriend, for example, one of the things I love most about her, even my ex-wife.
Starting point is 00:04:40 I love very strong, independent people. I love to be challenged. And I also, I have a daughter. And I don't even, I've heard people say things like, encourage your girls to do, you know, science and to do math because there's, I feel like that's even, I feel like that might even be condescending. Patronizing, dude.
Starting point is 00:04:59 You know, it's, it's, it's, I don't, there's no difference for me, one way or the other. And anybody who knows me will it's, I don't, there's no difference for me. One way or the other and anybody who knows me will tell you that I don't, I don't, that I'm not sexist in the, in the slightest, but nonetheless, what makes me upset is that there's subjects that have become, you can't talk about that. You can't talk about certain subjects at all. You can't even discuss them objectively
Starting point is 00:05:23 because they've been politicized. Politics has come in and that's what politics does very well and I want people to, I hope people understand this that politics in Western society, especially in America, is a trillion dollar business, not a billion dollar, it, probably a trillion dollar business. And most of the money goes into manipulating people into believing and voting certain ways. And what they'll do is they'll take topics and they'll make them political so much so that even bringing it up,
Starting point is 00:05:58 people will assume that you're either a conservative or a liberal or even bringing it up. People will say you're sexist, racist, you're an a conservative or a liberal or even bringing it up, people will say, you're sexist, racist, you're an idiot, whatever. Like, for example, climate change is one of them. Like, I know people right now are like, oh, it's a, like, there are actual scientists who are, and whether you disagree or agree with them,
Starting point is 00:06:19 there are actual scientists who are trying to bait, whether or not human actions are making these huge changes in the climate and whether or not they're as big of a deal as some people would say. That's all they're saying, but oh boy, if you just say that, like you're awesome, you can't even talk about it. Or if someone does a study on the differences
Starting point is 00:06:39 between men and women or boys and girls, like people get really upset about, like you can't even talk about so economics is another one. This is what you can't even talk about economics is another one. This is what really makes me laugh. Economics is kind of a science. You look at it and you see supply demand. This works. That doesn't work. But it's so politicized that even arguing, like if I were to come out and say, hey, maybe this particular program, this particular program that we have for the city. Let's say we put a program together where we're putting money towards after school programs
Starting point is 00:07:12 for inner city kids, right? And if I were to come out and say, hey, let's examine the numbers and see if this is doing anything beneficial. Just saying that, people would get pissed off like, are you against kids? Are you against these poor kids? And so it just makes me angry that people can't even discuss because I don't like if you could have the most wrong idea in the world and it can be sexist or racist or horrible, but I'd like to hear it so that I can shut you down
Starting point is 00:07:40 intellectually or so at least maybe we can change your mind, but like trying to like shut down conversation before it even starts or the fact that people are scared to say things is Crazy to me like this is another one is like like and here's an easy one that I know everybody will agree on that's why I'm gonna bring it up scientists have a very tough time studying Certain drugs they can't for the longest time, like scientists could not study LSD or psilocybin or marijuana or these types of substances,
Starting point is 00:08:13 they couldn't even study them. Because they were politicized so strongly that someone can't, I mean, you can study anthrax and Ebola. Like, you can literally as a scientist, you get the right, it's easier to get your hands on Ebola than it is for a long time. Then it was to get funding for a study on LSD to see if it benefits people with, you know,
Starting point is 00:08:34 trauma or something like that. And that's starting to change, but it was just an example. So, that was the controversy I had this weekend. Was that where people hit you up? I got a couple of messages and then one of our four members was like, you know, you shouldn't even, you know, entertain the idea that there may be a biological difference between men and women because it's so dangerous.
Starting point is 00:08:53 I'm like, no, actually, I think it's dangerous to be scared to even talk about anything. Right. Because then we don't know what the answer is. And let's just say for, Well, especially the way you presented it. I mean, that's the one thing. One of the things that I think is so great about,
Starting point is 00:09:07 when you share information like that is I, your delivery, I think is, is really well. I mean, and, and I know sometimes you talk in certain ties about stuff, but typically it's the stuff that's more in our wheelhouse, like when it's fitness related and we, we are certain about it. But then when we're, when we're speculating, you always preface before you say anything, you say, you know, hey, this could be this and it could be that. What the fuck is wrong with that? Well, I think it could be true. It could be wrong too. But when you say it like that, I think
Starting point is 00:09:36 you set the table well for that. Dude, I'll give you another example. I'm about to just, I'm just going to dance on the third rail right now. I'm going to just lay on top of it. I know. I just saw an article, I need to pull it up, where I think it's in New Zealand, a transgender female, one, a weightlifting competition, like blew away her opponents. And I think I'm saying it right, transgender female means
Starting point is 00:09:57 she was born a man, and then, yeah, me transition. Yeah, woman. And it's become politicized to the point where if you say, she may have a, like an advantage, like a major advantage because she was born a man and went through puberty as a man, you are now labeled intolerant,
Starting point is 00:10:18 a bigot and oh, you're probably a conservative. And the other side, if you're a liberal, you have to agree with the fact that, no, it doesn't matter. We're all, she's a transgender female, so she should be able to compete. And I think that's silly. First of all, let's discuss it,
Starting point is 00:10:34 and not call each other names and make it political. And let's also use our hard science. She went through puberty as a man, probably has an advantage. That's my strong, strong, strong opinion. It could be wrong, but it's my strong opinion. Why can't we say that? Why can't we talk about that?
Starting point is 00:10:58 Maybe I'm wrong. I don't think so, but maybe I'm wrong. And I'm not being a bigot at all. I could care less. It know, it's just like we should be able to say, yeah, you were born as a man, you went through people, it's crazy how much you have to dance around the wording of how you've been presenting that dude because it's just like it's well, I'll tell you what, look at differences. There was like, it's not like a big deal. Like there's differences between men and women and if you don't want to admit that, then that's foreign to me.
Starting point is 00:11:28 I understand how we can, we're getting to this point where everything's so homogenized. Why can't we be different? Like, what's wrong with that? Because, again, if you say we're different and there may be a biological reason for it, you can be labeled, like I said, sexist or a bigot, or you're ostracized, you know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:11:50 And here's the interesting thing to me. Like, feminists stand up very strongly for the rights of women, which I think is awesome. Yeah, of course. But in cases like this, they're silent, which is think is awesome. Yeah, of course. But in cases like this, they're silent, which is weird to me. I don't, if I was a woman, I would be like, wait a minute, what about those women who are competing
Starting point is 00:12:12 against this transgender female? And there's a lot of science that says that they may have a genetic advantage. Why aren't we standing at, I don't know, it's very strange to me how people are so silenced that they can even speak out. It's more their are so silenced that they don't know what to say. It's more confused. It's like crickets. It's more the reason why I stay away from the goddamn party, which I can't.
Starting point is 00:12:33 You're not going to get anywhere with it. You can't. I feel like any time I've ever tried to talk about it. I end up stepping all over my own fucking tongue. I'm saying it's just like, I don't give a fuck. What anybody does with their body, to each their own, when it comes to competitive sports like that, it's just like, that's where it gets a little interesting. Well, it just, it seems to me that like,
Starting point is 00:12:52 however you were born, so whatever you do from there, that's totally up to you, like, you know, to use their own, like I said, I think that's totally fine. But as far as playing competitive sports, I think that you would have to fall under however you were born. I just feel like that's only fair, or you're not that much different than the athlete who's competing with steroids or taking that. Then if that's the case, then let them do all that too.
Starting point is 00:13:12 If hormones don't play a role or a factor in an advantage, then all the women and men should be able to take testosterone steroids and then whatever. I know, my position is I definitely think there's an advantage. I think if a boy is stopped from going through puberty and transitions then as a female, then I think that that advantage might disappear. But I think if they go through puberty, even if they change hormones and along the air of a high, lots of testosterone, I still think there's an advantage. And I'll tell you what, I don't see too many transgender males
Starting point is 00:13:47 winning competitions. Like, you don't see the opposite too much, or like a woman transitioned to a man, and then wins a weightlifting competition. There was that one MMA athlete, who was a transgender female, who's in the cage beating the fuck out of, you know, other female competitors.
Starting point is 00:14:02 Like, that was kind of a debate, but the people who even argued against that were like hammered like how dare you bring that up as a potential So I don't know to me. It's just like let's talk about it. Fuck talk about it My mom's ruffling some feathers this week man not even by on purpose either. I didn't even see that coming I didn't see you know, so what it would happen with you so I walk in the gym yesterday I was at gold or what's now called American Barbell. I was down there and right into one of our buddies
Starting point is 00:14:31 who remain nameless just because I don't want to get myself in any more trouble than I already have. And you know him and I are chopping it up or talking. He's like, hey man, I was over at Tori's gym yesterday and he's like, he said, and I was wearing my mind pump shirt and he walked up to me right away. It was just like, what the fuck's up without him talking shit, man? And I was like, and he goes,
Starting point is 00:14:52 what did you do, bro? And I'm like, what? It just didn't dawn on. I forgot that we had just did that episode. And that's why I don't know if you saw on the forum. I asked the forum. With just the one where you said that he was doing too much cardio or something like that.
Starting point is 00:15:03 Yeah, so, and so I do want to make a formal apology Because I did go I did go but you well, yeah, I wouldn't call us like friends like we don't hang out I've never until you spend the night at my house I don't ever consider you that much of a friendly we haven't if I haven't spent the night your house You haven't spend that in my house like we're just acquaintances Sleepover yeah, yeah, so once you've slept over one time, we are now considered like friends, right? So then he rubs your ears.
Starting point is 00:15:26 You guys have both has spent the night at my house at least once in your life. So we are now officially like real friends, not just acquaintances or co-workers, right? So Doug's still got to spend the night. I'll be back to see your morning. You want to spend the night together. So it doesn't matter, right? So you get to spend the night together. I mean, that's just that's what forges a true friendship.
Starting point is 00:15:41 Okay. So at this point, we're just good acquaintances, right? You know, we both compete. We're both the IFBB pros, men's physique guys. And I got nothing but good things to say about the guy. And I feel bad because the only reason why it popped in my head was somebody was asking a question about, I don't remember the question was it was related to, oh, your body burning muscle. Oh, doing too much cardio and I was talking about the real science on how that works
Starting point is 00:16:09 That our body is actually adapting to be more efficient at running all the time It's not literally eating up and burning muscle and we were talking about that Well, I had just that morning had tuned into his insta story and I you know I follow what he's doing. I see his new gym and stuff like that. And I think it looks fucking awesome. Super happy, excited for what he's doing over there. He actually owns a gym. Yeah, really nice ones. In fact, and I've been meaning to reach out
Starting point is 00:16:32 and actually go over there and check it out. It's beautiful. He just finished it and opened it up. Is it all cardio? I'm sorry. I'm just trying to do a formal biology here and you're throwing jobs right now. I don't even know him.
Starting point is 00:16:45 I didn't, okay, start over. So I listened to it, right? And, you know, I didn't need, where I went too far was, I referred to him as a cardio queen. So that was inappropriate. So I apologize. To me, a little queen. Because that's an insult, right?
Starting point is 00:16:57 It wasn't intended to say that. It flew out of my mouth because I have no fucking filter. The reason why I did those is I had just been recently following his journey and he does a lot. He does a ton of cardio and he's known for that. And, you know, he shares on his Insta story. So if you put it out there all time, like, I mean, fuck, you should be able to talk about it, right?
Starting point is 00:17:16 Like he's doing cardio three times a day, you know, and it's they're 20 minute bouts. So whatever. Public domain. But the point is he has this really lean incredible physique and, you know, for guys that are in men's physique or bodybuilding or wanting to build more and get bigger. I wanted, I was just using him as an example because I know he has a large page. So I apologize for the cardio queen statement. I didn't mean to like, it was not meant to be a slide or a
Starting point is 00:17:40 jab whatsoever. So I didn't need to go that far and say that. But I do stand by my statement that's a fact. If you continue to do lots of cardio like that, that's what's going to happen, right? You're not going to be out your body as you're telling your body, it's not advantageous for it to have a bunch of bulky muscle on it because you're running all the fucking time. So the point is that I was just trying to use that
Starting point is 00:18:03 as an example and not trying to knock the dude and what he's doing. So but I guess he walked up to our boy and said like, what the fuck? What did I do to Adam? Like, why is he calling me out like that? And I was like, oh shit. Well, you obviously respect the guy because I think for you to even apologize is a big deal. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:24 No, he doesn't unless he actually means it Well, I if you didn't mean it you you would you would end up doing is doing a whole episode on white He's got himself well, I didn't I mean sure right? Yeah, well, I respect that he didn't I respect that he didn't fire because this is the way I envision it probably played out because this is what happens in with people right people He I bet he doesn't even listen to the show that much if ever. I'm sure somebody who does listen to show saw an opportunity to walk over and start shit and be like, Hey, do you hear of Mindful Bottom fucking talk shit about you on a show? And I bet he probably didn't even go and listen. I bet he probably just soon as he saw an opportunity to talk to one of our mutual friends said something and
Starting point is 00:19:04 knowing that it probably get back to me. And I'm like, you know, it wasn't like I was talking shit. I'm not, you know, if I was going to do that, you would know, you know, and you would feel it for sure. You get tagged. You know, you know, what though? I mean, it's true because the science is demonstrating now. You do lots of activity all the time consistently.
Starting point is 00:19:21 Your metabolic rate starts to adapt to the and slows down and we talked about this in that episode where they they studied these hunter gatherer societies that exist today and they were blown away that these hunter gatherer is metabolic rates or at least they weren't burning more calories in the average seditary person which to them was like how the hell is that even possible but it's an evolutionary trait so yeah doing shit tons of cardio all the time It'll do that doesn't mean you're not gonna get health benefits Yeah, and it doesn't mean to you know
Starting point is 00:19:50 I also want to point out because there are examples of guys. I know that you know run like crazy and are still pretty big I mean genetic genetics still play the first role, right? The biggest yeah, there's still the big role But what what I have found is when you're a body type already, if you struggle to build muscle, like my frame, like I have, leaning out is very easy. Like I have that, you know, I know we talk, semano types don't really exist anymore, but for just for argument,
Starting point is 00:20:16 say we'll say, you know, I'm an ectomorph body type, right? So it's very easy for me to lean out. I get on the treadmill and it like just falls right off of me. My body wants to be that. I've been the treadmill and it just falls right off of me. My body wants to be that. I've been fighting my whole life to be a bigger guy. So with somebody who's liked that, if you're that person, this is a very important thing to pick up on and learn. Now, if you're the opposite, it's totally different. If you're somebody who just holds on to muscle and you can build really easy and it's tough for you to
Starting point is 00:20:45 lean out. The opposite is true here, right? Maybe someone like that. Like, and I only use the the man because he has a similar body type. I know he has an ectomorph body type like mine. And that's an example of somebody who doesn't need to do that as much because their body already will go that way really easy. In fact, it's probably more of a struggle. I'm sure if you were to ask him openly, and if you would be candid about it, would tell you that, you know, building and putting size on is probably more of a struggle, just like it is for me.
Starting point is 00:21:17 It's tougher for us to be a bigger, bigger guy. We should make a trip down to his gym, check it out, if it's a new J. Is it in the area? If, yeah, if we're still Oh, We're still Yeah, so I you know I was fuck you guys. I you know I had a couple people listen to it and then tell me I said listen if Let me know if I came off that way or you felt that way because I'll definitely reach out to him and write a formal Apology to him if it came off that way because I was not intending to be that way. And then they everybody confirmed,
Starting point is 00:21:45 like, no dude, you weren't a dick. If they know you, you could be a total dick. Like he weren't a dick. You know you're a dick when that's the statement, like, well, it came off dickish, but knowing you. It was really nice. It was really nice. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:58 It was a new friend. No, did you guys do anything this week, anything different? Yeah, did you? I had my mom's boyfriend. Oh, that's right. Made a visit to me. Oh, wait a minute. Does she know anything yet?
Starting point is 00:22:09 I don't know. Maybe you shouldn't say she knows. She knows the rest. Yeah, dude, is she finds out through Mind Pump? Well, I don't think it was like a big formal secret anyways and if it does, it's whatever, you know? Oh, no! Yeah, no, I don't think it was it was it.
Starting point is 00:22:22 It was I asked him. I said, you know, have you guys talked about this? Is it like gonna be it? He's like, oh, yeah, I don't know we've discussed it I just wanted to come down talk to you So first of all, you know, my mom is got a new boyfriend They've been dating for about three months or so. I had lunch with him maybe like a month or so ago got to know real nice guy And then like last week he slid my DMs and I was like, and at first I had a check and see who it was. I'm like, who is this? And I was like, oh shit, that's Lonnie,
Starting point is 00:22:49 my mom's new boyfriend. And he says, hey, I'd love to chat with you when he get a chance and send me over his cell number. And so I called him a couple days later and said, hey man, what's up, talk to me. And he's like, oh, yeah, I was kind of thinking we could do this in person. And I was like, oh, okay, yeah, no, that's cool.
Starting point is 00:23:10 What are you thinking? And so I said, you know, Saturday I'm gonna be around. I got Katrina's family's got a wedding thing we're doing. We're gonna be there all day at our mom's house. Just come stop by and say hi or whatever. And he's like, oh, cool. I'm gonna be in the Bay Area around that time anyways. So he rolls up and he gets there.
Starting point is 00:23:25 And right away, I kind of have an idea though, like what's going on. I'm like, this is just kind of different that he's reaching out that way. I'm like, and I knew that they're talking about moving in with each other this summer. And so I'm like, oh, I bet he's going to probably propose to my mom before they move in together.
Starting point is 00:23:44 And sure enough, that's what it was. He came down to kind of, I guess, get my blessing on that. Right, not sure. I think it's cool, dude. No, I think, cause here's the thing, it's a lost art, dude. It's a lost art that, you know, men, you know, they don't go by this sort of old school
Starting point is 00:24:02 kind of courting process or like even just like getting the respect, giving the respect. So I went through this whole process when I was like gonna ask for the blessing for to Mary Courtney. And it's just one of those things that like, you don't think is a big deal, but then when you're on the other end of that,
Starting point is 00:24:23 it's just cool. Right, so it's a- No, I'm sorry, it's dead, bro on the other end of that, it's just cool. So it's, I'm not expecting that. I feel like that, you don't see it often, and when someone does it, I thought that was cool. My mom obviously speaks to her father and puts that so I'm, to have him, it's different being the kid. I'm the son, right?
Starting point is 00:24:41 But you're definitely the patriarch of the family. So that's why he came to you. Yeah, and I thought that would recognize I felt like that. And for him to recognize that that early on in their relationship and to do that, I thought that was pretty cool. And I had a lot of respect. We had a great talk, man. I shared with them just to give them a heads up that, you know, how crazy my mother was and said, you know, just look out. You're winning so much lately.
Starting point is 00:25:06 Lately, it's episode. Just why everybody's stop listening to it. Justin, you can't say anything controversial. I know. I'm thinking about it. I'm like, I'm pissing everybody off.
Starting point is 00:25:17 But what should I say? That's going to piss people off. He, uh, he was great, man. And actually, um, all the things that like concern me that I thought maybe I thought maybe he would have a hard time with my mom, I thought like, man, they've already kind of handled that in the first three months they were dating. And I was like, you know what, this dude's going to be really good for my mom. I think they compliment each other really well.
Starting point is 00:25:37 And I think he's a good guy. And I have a lot of respect for him for doing that. So I thought that was pretty awesome. So. Good deal. Congratulations. Congratulations to my mother. If she even listens to her. Can't sound the bag. Oh, by the way, he's proposing tomorrow. Ring and everything. I had an interesting thing happen this weekend. So my daughter had her recital. So I remember I told you guys I was taking her to her dance. Her dance recital. So
Starting point is 00:26:06 So I remember I told you guys I was taking her to her dance her dance recital so right we go there and First of all I get real emotional when my kids do anything and I mean anything I can see you know why we laugh because we can see it Bro it can be it can be anything. It doesn't even have to be that spectacular I'm sitting there and I'm just watching and she cobs up and I'm like so much I'm fucking sweating because I'm so excited and like yeah, and she was just Shaking her little booty up there and dancing and she was totally into it. She did so well And I definitely shed a few tears and my girlfriend gives me a hug and a pat on the back and which made me feel even dumber on the back, which made me feel even dumber. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:26:45 Like, here's the two shoes. Yeah. But so this was the first time, this was the very first time that me and my girlfriend hung out, not really hung out, but were with my ex-wife and her boyfriend. Oh, shit. Oh, you did not share this with us. Yeah, so she brought me, is there making this? She brought her her boyfriend and I had now did you know this going into it? Yeah, okay
Starting point is 00:27:09 So you know I encourage it. Here's a thing. Here's a difference between me and my ex. I am not awkward around her boyfriend Because I says you right. I'm not I mean You know what I walk up to the guy I should he's more awkward. I shake because he seems pretty cool Seems like a nice guy. I don't He's more awkward. I shake. He seems pretty cool. He seems like a nice guy. Yeah, I don't have any problem with him being around my kids. He's a cool guy. I mean, if he wasn't, he would know right away. Yeah. But he's a, he seems fine. I mean, I walk up to him. I give him, you know, I shake his hand. I have conversation with him. What I'm trying to do is I'm trying to show my kids.
Starting point is 00:27:39 Cause here's what happened that I noticed. Here's what I noticed with my children that I pick up on. Is that when you're a kid and your dad or your mom has a boyfriend, if they like the person, like my girlfriend's so amazing with my children, right? My kids love her, but I could see in the beginning how they felt like, could they tell her that they really liked her? And could they really have a lot of fun with her
Starting point is 00:28:04 because they felt like maybe they were portraying their mom, you see what I'm saying? But if they saw that their mom was really cool with my girlfriend and they were friends, then they wouldn't have this thought in their mind, this stress, you know what I mean? That, oh, here's a set of, it's not a competition. Like, no one's ever gonna replace their mother,
Starting point is 00:28:22 just like no one's ever gonna replace their father. And so I want my kids to see me be cool with this guy who sees them sometimes, so that if they end up having, I don't want them to be rebellious towards him because they feel like they're honoring me. That'll cause problems. And if he's a cool guy and he brings value into their life, that's great, that's a great thing.
Starting point is 00:28:43 So it was an opportunity to kind of try and do that. Like, I was like, to forge this. Yeah, I want everybody to see, but it was still kind of awkward. Like, my ex is in very, she's not, she tries a little bit, but she has a little bit more of an issue with it than I do. Maybe because my girlfriend is around,
Starting point is 00:29:00 my kid's more than her boyfriend is. So, it's maybe doesn't feel balanced, I don't know, but I thought it was pretty cool. You know, my parents were there, so my parents got to meet. So my ex's boyfriend, yeah. Back up a little bit though. So what do you mean by that?
Starting point is 00:29:12 Did she get awkward? Like with like a handshake or hug? What did you like going like for something like that? You just feel like just our surface conversation. You just, you get a nice day out here, right? The clouds, they look fluffy. You can just, you can, it's a nice day out here, right? The clouds, they look fluffy. You can just feel it. I'm gonna get a group hug, everybody.
Starting point is 00:29:29 Yeah. You can just feel the, the energy is just a little bit awkward, you know what I mean? Which is totally, totally understandable. I'm not saying any, totally understandable. But I'm trying to talk her into like, doing something all of us together, like for the kids. I got a force on.
Starting point is 00:29:44 Yeah, like no Adam takes it there Dude you guys are doing serious adult stuff this weekend. I was not I saw you I saw your poor core in the wood. Oh, bro. I was having a great time Just just jump in and kick in rocks and you know throwing logs and all that stuff with my kids We actually went to the pet store and we bought a bearded dragon. So yeah, I got them that That's cost more than having a dog By the way isn't bearded dragon like a slang term for vagina. No, it's a lizard. Is it?
Starting point is 00:30:17 Well, I know it's a lot of the awesome, but I thought you I thought you said that I have a bearded dragon Come visit my bearded dragon Is that just me how big is he dragon. Or that's just me. How big is he right now? He's just, he's small. They get big though. They get big. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:32 I found them like 15 crickets and like just, you know, it's fun to watch and like inhale these things. Now what do you do when he gets old and dies? Do you make him into like a belt or something? Probably shoes. Scrubs. Yeah. I don't know. I just got him.
Starting point is 00:30:46 They lived a long time, don't they? I think so. A long time. Yeah, yeah. Like 500 years or something. The kids love him though. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:56 My youngest, I worry about him because he's like, he's kind of like a Lenny from of Mice and Men. Oh, I mean, say what's the killer? I'm just like, no, don't squeeze, don't squeeze. Like, you have to open palm., like that's the rule with him. So he doesn't, because he's done that with like, you know, Blue Belly Lizard, he's like, I caught one, dad, I caught one.
Starting point is 00:31:14 It's not moving. And he's like, shakin' in. And he explodes. He's grip is tight. That can be strong. And he's only four years old. I'm like, oh no. So yeah, I have to regulate a little bit with that,
Starting point is 00:31:26 but they took off for San Diego. And so now I get to, you know, take care of the lizard. Wait a minute, right now you're alone at home? Oh shit. Oh yeah. Porn hub and chips. Oh my God, tonight's gonna be epic. Get the tissues out.
Starting point is 00:31:42 Yeah. Oh God. Actually, you should sleep over, dude. You should sleep over my house, or I don't tell. Oh, fuck you guys. I will enjoy myself. Why myself? I'll make it over.
Starting point is 00:31:52 No, no. Do you share with your wife how much you enjoy that? Because I feel guilty when I tell Katrina because she's the opposite. Yeah, I can't say that. Because I just, I don't know if it was being a single guy for as long as I was or what, but I just, something about't know if it was being a single guy for as long as I was or but I just something about having a whole bed to myself and spread my life.
Starting point is 00:32:09 It's just one night. It's like, oh wow, this is different. Yeah, it's partially why I love staying in hotels. I love going to a real fancy hotel and have a big giant bay with all kinds of fluffy pillows and all of myself. Oh, you just play out. Oh yeah, like a starfish. I don't like being alone at all. Oh wow.
Starting point is 00:32:24 Well, not that I hate it. You're a major spooner, that's why. It's true, you know, for a stand. I don't, I mean, I'm okay with it, it's all good, but I enjoy being around people so much that. Yeah. If I were alone for a while, I'd end up inviting someone over and be like, hey, it comes to the above.
Starting point is 00:32:39 Well, I could see that because when I had my place, I remember, did you have people over all the time? Well, you know, I went through phases, right? So it was a three bedroom, right? And at one point, I had both rooms rented out and then I realized I didn't like that. That was just too much chaos in my own house. I was like, okay, we'll get rid of that.
Starting point is 00:32:55 So then I always had one roommate and then I went through a phase, I was like, you know what, fuck this, I don't need anybody to rent from me. I'm gonna, I just want the place to myself. And for I think for two years straight, I had just house myself. It was a bit lonely then. So my favorite was when it was like my best friend,
Starting point is 00:33:10 you know, written a room in there and it was him and I and he was busy and had his thing go on, but then I still. Everyone's still always each other. Yeah, yeah. So we still had, I still had somebody around because otherwise a house just feels really like lonely when you're all by yourself all the time. But there's some
Starting point is 00:33:25 perks to it. I mean I vacuum naked and shit and fucking I do that in the house. Yeah. My kids hate it. Yeah, I'm sure they do. I'm just gonna put it away. Put the bearded dragon away. Alright, let's bring on the bird. Wee-caw-feet! Go ahead and plan it. Caw-meer-caw! Today's Caw has been brought to you by Kine-Marikoffee. It's the only coffee that is infused with all natural neutropics for a cleaner, calmer, and more focused buzz without the crash. Put the Kine-Marik link at MindPumpMedia.com and input the discount code MindPumpaCheckout for 10% off!
Starting point is 00:34:04 It's the motherfucking vlog! An English Landage! Queu-qua-w. Our first question is from JC Martinez 96. This is a serious question. How do you last longer in bed? JC usually finishes really quick with his girlfriend and is frustrated because he wishes he could go longer and
Starting point is 00:34:26 Did not have to stop when she is starting to enjoy it Well, let me tell you like the old my old battle My We need to bring some questions follow my method and I guarantee you last one hundred and twenty seconds Yeah, no, so something disgusting. Oh now and I guarantee you last one hundred and twenty seconds. I think it is. No, so- Something disgusting. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:34:48 So you can definitely train yourself to last longer. One of the most effective ways to do it, believe it or not, besides thinking of shit while you're having sex to try and keep yourself from going over, Yeah. Is when you masturbate, this is legit. I thought of Rosanne Bar singing the national anthem, not so it's for me. I almost can't. I almost finish. Oh.
Starting point is 00:35:12 This is true now. This is actually a technique you can utilize. When you masturbate, bring yourself to the brink of orgasm, but don't let yourself orgasm. Allow yourself to come down a little bit and then masturbate more. Bring yourself to the brink, come back down. And you do this five or six times in a row to train yourself to control that feeling. This is actually a legit technique that I read about. Some people actually enjoy masturbating this way anyway.
Starting point is 00:35:46 But a recent study. Confirmation. But that's why. Who's got you thumbs and likes that technique. What are you guys talking about? This guy. But it's a technique that's actually, if you go to like a sex therapist or whatever, they'll actually try and teach you this technique to do this. Also, having believe or not, things like stress and the anxiety around it will actually cause it to happen sometimes. So, sometimes what will happen with men is that they'll have so much anxiety over finishing too quickly. That one of two things will happen. They'll either a finish quickly or b they'll have issues with erection. So
Starting point is 00:36:34 they'll go the opposite because they're so anxious about it. It's like when you're teeing off for golf and you're like don't hit it in the water. Don't hit it in the water and you hit in the water. Yeah, I mean, here's something you could do right now, like talk to your girlfriend about it and tell her, say, baby, listen, I get too excited, I want to finish too soon, so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna let you know when I need to stop, but I'm gonna keep doing stuff to you
Starting point is 00:36:57 while I try to recuperate, and then we'll do this back and forth type of thing, and I don't even think she'll mind, she'll probably like that, you know what I'm saying? No. That might even be something she'll enjoy. No'll probably like that, you know what I'm saying? No. That might even be some she'll enjoy. No, of course. I think that's the, okay, so I got it. I got a little mind pump gives advice on shit
Starting point is 00:37:12 that's not fitness related. Well, it's, so I gotta do a disclaimer with mine too. I don't know how we do this, Doug, but. Try sheep skin condoms. Yeah, so yeah, disclaimer first on this. I'm not recommending this. I'm just gonna tell you what I used to do So you get a really small rubber band
Starting point is 00:37:31 That's somewhat worse actually So One muscle relaxer two beers and two puffs off of marijuana. Oh my god So I well fucking I'm being honest, right if we're gonna be keep shit real here And I'll tell you what it not only it works so well that honey plug your ears here because she's not gonna like this one This is like taking me all the way back to the probably the second or third girl that I ever ever slept with She was she was 30 and I was only like 20 21 years old and
Starting point is 00:38:02 You know, I had I had figured this. I figured this formula out by accident. It was just by accident that everything had come together right here. Like I remember I was training hard and I had just happened to take a muscle relaxer. We also decided to go out there. This is your personal story. Don't do that.
Starting point is 00:38:17 That's the disclaimer, right? So someone died. I'm not recommending this to anybody because of course most of those bottles say do not drink with alcohol, doing those things like that. I'm just gonna this to anybody because of course most of those bottles say, do not drink with alcohol, doing those things like that, so. I'm just gonna put it out there of that screening by.
Starting point is 00:38:31 This was something that I did. And I do wanna preface this with this. I think if you are with your girlfriend and you guys have been together for a long time and this is still happening, this is a very awesome thing. So that's awesome that you can still, like just go that, I mean, I know you're trying
Starting point is 00:38:48 to please your girl, but that's awesome that you are that hyped to have sex with the same girl you've been probably been having sex with for quite some time. So that's an awesome trait to have first of all. But I get the idea of what I do that. And I remember being 20, 21 years old and I always dated or hooked up with older women and you don't want to
Starting point is 00:39:05 be the 20 year old boy who like you know as soon as she touches you orgasm right so. Yeah but when you're 20 you just go again right. Yeah. Well yes and no. I mean so or or or you or or you I did you know I took a muscle relaxer two beers and two hits off of a joint so that was kind of my recipe for a good three to four hour session. Oh my God. The muscle relaxer, obviously, relaxes your muscles.
Starting point is 00:39:33 It actually kind of numbs you down there. And then the one to two beers also. And you got to be careful because you could go too much of all of that. There is a fine line. And I definitely flirted with all that I thought like okay Well if that made me go for like three hours What if I did two of those and three of this and four hits or what and so I found a sweet spot for myself that
Starting point is 00:39:57 That was I could still orgasm, but then it would be like these hour-long plus sessions and but then it would be like these hour-long plus sessions and it was like magical. If I over did it, it would be terrible because then I would end up having sex for like four hours and I couldn't come. So there's definitely like a fine line here of not to mention just their sore. Well, there's also things like you can go to
Starting point is 00:40:17 sex shops, have these. You can spray your dick with this numbing. Like a spermicide or something. It's a numbing cream. So you, you know, once you get hard, and I've used this too, I've tried everything. So this is actually in my wheelhouse here. So if you, if you spray your dick with this.
Starting point is 00:40:35 I like this one of our first episode. Say the rear dick. It does, I know you guys are making fun of me right now, but I tell you this, this was the thing, and I'm sure at his age, this is the shit that's going to your head, like, you know, I got a woman that's beautiful It's hot and I don't want to be a one-pump chump. I don't want to I want to be able to I want her to go home and tell her girlfriends Like I just had the best sex in my life with my man and
Starting point is 00:40:56 Guys take a lot of pride in that now what happens if you spray the desensitizer on yourself and then you have sex What if she gets desensitized to you then well, so that that's the downfall of something like that So what you do is you'd actually put a condom on out over it and then you have sex, what if she gets desensitized to you then? Well, so that's the downfall of something like that. So what you do is you'd actually put a condom on it over it. So you would spray it, then you put a condom over, and then you would do that. Oh, I see. But I'd learn the hard way what you're saying right now.
Starting point is 00:41:13 The hard way. Literally, right? So no plan in ten and there. Yeah, so those were some of the methods that I use. But I, with Sal, I think the older version of me would refer to this because I don't condone you doing all the drugs and things that I'm saying. Now, what I would do is right before,
Starting point is 00:41:32 and I still do this to this day with my girl, is that when I'm about to come, and if I'm wanting to give her the night of her life, I would just, I stop whatever I'm in the middle of doing that's about to make me come, and then I spend the rest of that time on her and Pleasing her and then while I think that's the best that's the advice. Yeah, I mean, that's that's the that's the the PC advice and I think that's fair But I also think for her. I mean, I think for the woman shit She probably would really enjoy that you know, I'm saying. I don't see any I can't see how woman's gonna be like oh
Starting point is 00:42:01 What you want to go down on me now? That's horrible. Yeah. Unless you're bad at it. Just in how about you? What's your advice? More practice. My man, more practice. Oh, just take more swings, huh? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:16 More reps. That's fair enough, too. You get through the honeymoon stage. Yeah. And then that's what I'm wondering how long they've been together, but I'm pretty sure our boys have been with her for a while, right? I think he's a long time for a member and MP family. Like how long they've been together, but I'm pretty sure our boys have been with her for a while, right? I think he's a long time for a member and MP family like I think they've been together. Yeah, do you guys know? I don't know you guys don't know you guys know that idea. Yeah, I know it is
Starting point is 00:42:33 Yeah, I think they've been together for a while. I don't know you have to let us know because if obviously if it's really fresh and new Dude, it's tough for everybody. Well, they do I mean they do have con I don, they do have condoms for that. Like the same thing you're talking about where it like desensitizes you a bit. So, you know, like they, I don't know. I was never big on the condoms thing. Justin, Justin has the old, I've heard about it. Justin has the old school approach where it's like,
Starting point is 00:42:59 this is a race, honey. And if I get there first, that's your fucking fault. You know what I, bro? You know what I, bro? You know what something to handle my business is? We're such fucking fault. You know what I'll, bro. You know what something to handle my business. We're such idiots too. You know what else is like, what we'd even say about this is, lengthen your four-play, spend a lot of time having four-play.
Starting point is 00:43:15 Well, it may be show organ. That's what you do. You're really advanced with tools. That's what you said. I mean, that's pretty much the same. Well, I mean, if you're having sex and then you're about to come and you pull out and you do something else that's four- mean, if you're, if you're not, if you're having sex and then you're about to come and you pull out and you do something else that's for play as what you're doing. So for play is definitely the, which I mean, that's a, to me, that's a no brain.
Starting point is 00:43:31 To me, that's the, I don't know about you. That's the most enjoyable. I mean, I enjoy that more than anything. It's the whole fun pre game. It. Yeah. No, to do this, do this day, that's how I have sex with Katrina is that we are for playing for a majority of the time, which is, you know, good 45 minutes hour than the last whatever bit is to having sex and then the orgasm part. It's like not having kids in the house, Justin. Yeah. Yeah. An hour, but then there's two solar to walk.
Starting point is 00:43:55 Okay. Yeah. Just keep it like 20 minutes. Doug, Doug bring us the next question. I guess I think it's time for the next question. That's the last thing I need. All right. Next question is from Young Gains Fitness.
Starting point is 00:44:07 If you competed as a natural, how would this affect your training slash nutrition compared to being on antibiotics? So they're asking, what would be the difference in your training and nutrition, natural versus being on antibiotics? A little bit different, but very little. Yeah, you know what's interesting about this? The reason why you see such a difference sometimes is mainly because you get away with more.
Starting point is 00:44:31 Yeah, that's exactly what you're doing. When you're on an anabolic, so you tend to progress in spite of the mistakes that you make, I think what works best for you as a natural would also work best for you while you're on anabolic. To me, that's a no-brainer. The reason why, and the only reason why it'd be different is that it appears laziness, to be honest.
Starting point is 00:44:50 If I'm taking a bunch of antibiotics, I know I can get away with having some shitier food in the diet. I know that I can get away with over-training myself a bit. Like, I know I can get away with some of those things. But if you're, if you've learned, and this is also why anybody who hired me to help them get ready for a show and they wanted to know about, you know, gear and steroids and a box, what should I take? I wanted them always to take themselves to the best shape of their lives naturally first before they even considered that because once you had
Starting point is 00:45:25 those tools and you could do that, if you applied that with anabox and it was like a whole other level for you versus you taking anabox and then kind of like, you're inconsistent with your diet and you kind of over-trained, you don't really focus on your programming very well and you still can get in pretty good shape as long as you're consistent with your training, right? Yeah, I see a lot of people who will get on anabolic and train and whatever and they'll see results. And then when they stop seeing results, the first thing that they do is they
Starting point is 00:45:52 increase the dosage of the anabolic or the chains or drugs, rather than looking at the training and nutrition. And so it becomes all about the anabolic that they're on. And the drawback to that is you never really learn what works really great for you. And this is one of the reasons why I know people who've took taking antibiotics for a while and will go off of them, and then they have horrible results and they think it's because they have terrible genes and that they need to be on antibiotics.
Starting point is 00:46:22 And it had discussions with friends and said, look, the reason why your body's progressing so horribly now is because you're never really learned how to train your body properly. You're still doing the same stuff that you got away with before, but you can't get away with it now. There are some things in nutrition where you might benefit from changing a little bit by being on anabolic on antibiotics. One of those is increased protein intake. I think being on anabolic, actually, no, it does demonstrate studies will show that being
Starting point is 00:46:52 on anabolic will increase the rate that you can utilize protein. Well, I think just in general, both not just protein, but calories, carbs, proteins, just anabolic. Yeah, because you're anabolic 24 or 7, and that's the difference, right? The difference is, you know, your body is, and what that means, you're anabolic is, your body is primed to build muscle.
Starting point is 00:47:13 It's, you're sending, when you take something synthetic like that, you have a around the clock signal that's saying your body wants to build muscle. So, if you have that signal all the time, you overfeeding, a lot of that overfeeding will go to building muscle. So that's the beauty of that is you, it's actually really tough to overfeed when you're on anabolic. And that's the reason why you see a lot of these meatheads when they train and they're bulking or building, they're just fucking eating everything inside because they can because all that extra shit
Starting point is 00:47:46 That would normally make a natural person get fat a lot of that is going to building muscle for them because they're Antabolic 24 or 7 but that doesn't mean that if that person actually took the same principles the natural the guy who's natural The same diet and a training principles and applied that with antibiotics He would be in a far better place. The ideal situation is to train exactly like you would if you're natural, right? Because then you're getting the benefits from that and the enhancement, the antibiotics provide to that regimen.
Starting point is 00:48:15 Because a lot of times like, correct me if I'm wrong, like most of the antibiotic athletes will gain in spite of their poor training habits. Yeah, I mean, I guess. And honestly, it's the same rule. And what Justin's talking about training the same is follow the same principles. Obviously, your training is not gonna be the same
Starting point is 00:48:34 because you're probably gonna be stronger. You'll probably have a faster recoverability so you may be able to play with intensity a little differently. But follow the same principles. This is, if you look at pro bodybuilders, some of the best pro bodybuilders of all time were natural for a long time before like Ky green, Ronnie Coleman, like those guys competed as natural's, which meant either A, they were natural, B, they took very low doses, but look at Ronnie
Starting point is 00:49:00 Coleman. There was a year where he, because people didn't realize this, Ronnie Coleman was a pro body builder for a long time before he became Mr. Olympia, and never really ever cracked the top 10. He was impressive, but he wasn't a top 10 bodybuilder. And then one year, this was the year I believe during the eights wasn't gonna compete,
Starting point is 00:49:17 so the Mr. Olympia was up for grabs, and everybody thought, I think Flex Wheeler, I thought everybody thought he was gonna win. Ronnie Coleman hits the stage stage and he looked crazy. Like, all of a sudden, he decided to get on a shit ton of gear and he'd already been competing for a long time. And the difference was ridiculous and he destroyed everybody, he just wrote the competition.
Starting point is 00:49:36 And until this day, I think Ronnie Coleman's one of the most dominant bodybuilders of all time. In fact, in my opinion, if Coleman and his best hit the stage now, nobody could touch him still. Well, you, yeah, absolutely. Because of the size. I mean, he's... I mean, size conditioning, I mean, the guy was just everything, right?
Starting point is 00:49:52 Yeah, no, he had it. But he looked crazy when he competed as a natural, and again, I don't know if he was natural, but he was definitely on less stuff, but even then, he looked crazy. His back, his wheels, everything was crazy. Yeah, the only, I would, you know, I would be the guy who's trained his body several times in both worlds.
Starting point is 00:50:10 When I'm on antibiotics, I'm increasing my volume at a faster rate. We're now like, I'm a little more strategic about increasing volume. In fact, I kind of lean more on the lesses more type of deal, where when I'm on anabolic, I kind of flirt more with the, oh, that's probably a little more than I needed, but that's okay, because I'm on gear. I'm going to probably recover fast enough to be okay.
Starting point is 00:50:35 So that's really the difference with the training. And then the nutrition is, I get to be lazy. I don't have to be so dialed about my food. It's just like, as long as I hit my main targets, I can over consume, and I don't have to be so dialed about my food. It's just like, as long as I hit my main targets, I can over consume and I don't have to worry about a lot of that going to fat. In fact, a lot of it will end up packing more muscle on.
Starting point is 00:50:53 But I definitely think this is also the trap that a lot of guys that utilize steroids as their only way or their main way that get them in the best shape of their lives is they now attach that to the steroid and they think it's that. And a lot of it is that for them because they're getting in good shape despite all their poor training, their poor programming and their poor nutritional. One piece of advice, if you're on, because I've seen this happen too, I've seen people
Starting point is 00:51:18 go on gear for the first time and then all of a sudden dramatically increase their volume and their intensity because they're like, oh, I'm on steroids, I gotta ramp everything way up, and they barely gained any muscle because they went into overtraining. Just because you can, doesn't mean you should, remember that.
Starting point is 00:51:34 So, if you get on antibiotics and you're like, wow, I could do two and a half hour crazy long workout and barely get sore, doesn't mean that that's effective. No, no, you still want to, you'll get away with a lot of shit, but it doesn't mean it's the most effective way to train so. I mean that that's effective. No, no, you still want to, you'll get away with a lot of shit, but it doesn't mean it's the most effective way to train yourself.
Starting point is 00:51:46 No, I mean, there's still the same rules apply where you, I mean, we are still trying to do the least amount of work to elicit the most amount of change. So, you know, there's no reason to ramp up your volume that fast. The difference is I would be ramping my volume up at a fast-terror rate than I would if I was all natural, but it's still the same rules apply where you want to inch it up every single week to two weeks, progressively overload versus, ah, doing all of it because you feel amazing right out the gates, you know? Quick interruption by our sponsors, you guys.
Starting point is 00:52:16 Lots of people been asking us how they can support the Mindpump Mafia family. Our first one is our Chimera Coffee that we love. You guys go to chimeracoffee.com, that's chimera with a K for 10% off. Don't forget, mind pump at the checkout. We also have our big top beard company.com for 33% off. Also, mind pump at the checkout.
Starting point is 00:52:35 Check out, also brain FM. We talk so much about this for sleep and meditation. It's brain.fm for 20% off. Also, mind pump at the checkout. You guys, we also talk a lot about books on here, all the time we're using that audible. You guys can get a free trial, 30-day trial, plus one free audio book.
Starting point is 00:52:52 If you go to audibletrial.com forward slash Mind Pump, and then last, we get lots of people asking about Ben Greenfield CBD supplements, so we hit him up to hook you guys up. You go to getnature natured blend.com forward slash mind pump for that discount. Our next question is from Healthy Happy and Free. They have heard it doesn't matter when you consume calories, but they have also heard that they are better consumed at certain times. What is the truth? Is eating most of your calories at night detrimental to muscle growth. So ultimately, and the grand scheme of things,
Starting point is 00:53:29 when you consider nutrient timing. Yeah, when you consider what you eat, in terms of your calories, your macro breakdown, the quality of your food, if it works for your body, the timing of your food is way down the list of importance. It doesn't make nearly as big of an impact, not even close to calories, macros, and quality of food.
Starting point is 00:53:55 So in the big grand scheme of things, if you work a schedule where the only time you can eat it night, like don't stress yourself out trying to change your eating habits. Now here's what the science says the science says all things being equal for health for believe it or not for fat loss for muscle building for longevity. The best time to eat is really a structured a structured limited time. In other words, like intermittent fasting type of deal, where people eat within a six hour or eight hour window. So they're science right now,
Starting point is 00:54:32 and it's not super conclusive yet. Okay, it's just, there's a lot of studies now that are being done that are all kind of pointing this direction, and it makes evolutionary sense. That if you eat all of your calories within an eight hour window, it's better for you on most levels. Now, that being said, is it better to eat in the morning or at night?
Starting point is 00:54:52 Some studies will show that eating during the day may be better than eating at night, but here's the problem with those studies. And here's why I would take those with a grain of salt. When you take a huge sample of people and you're trying to do this survey or whatever, and they're all surveys because it's very expensive and impossible to gather a hundred people and walk them in a laboratory and just feed them what you want. Usually it's surveys where they just ask people questions
Starting point is 00:55:21 and they find out, oh, these people eat in the daytime, these people eat at night, and all that stuff. The problem with this is people that tend to eat during the day and not a lot at night also tend to be more health conscious. Okay. People who eat really late at night tend to make... Like a poor... It's an afterthought and it tends to be poor eating decisions.
Starting point is 00:55:42 It tends to be, I didn't eat all day, I'm back home from work, I'm stressed, I'm just going to eat this fast food or I'm going to eat this snack that's in my cupboard. No, I have a theory on this right here. Somebody just asked me this, they sent me a DM about, hey, I noticed that you have huge dinners because right, just in the last two weeks, a lot of my meals, my dinner, specifically on my fat secret has been like, you know, 800, 900 calorie dinners. And I said, yeah, sometimes a lot more and sometimes a lot less. Most importantly, I'm consistently inconsistent. And to me, I think that my theory is, you know, if you tend to always have a really, really big dinner,
Starting point is 00:56:28 that's probably one of the best things that you could do is actually intermittently, you know, skip dinner, or have a really low calorie dinner, and then have a higher calorie breakfast the next week, and to be constantly kind of playing with that, the way we talk about underlating your calories, I also think it's, and it would be smart for you to be kind of confusing your body too on it. If it's been getting 900 calories every dinner, every single night for the last six months, probably the one of the best things you could do
Starting point is 00:56:56 is probably switch it over to the morning and have the big morning meal and then now have a light dinner and kind of throw a curveball at it. So that's just my opinion in my theory. Yeah, I agree with that. Yeah, I agree with that because if we consider human evolution, I don't see any humans ever for most human evolution being presented food and them saying, oh no, no, I don't want to eat that now.
Starting point is 00:57:20 Yeah, it's nighttime. I think humans ate that. China survived. They ate it when it was there. Right. So if they got the food and it was a nighttime and they were hungry. I mean either it doesn't matter what time it is Yeah, as far as timing I feel like it's it's yes and no right and I think In just no probably touch a little bit on this with sports. I feel like Sports play a little bit more of a role when timing. Yeah, for energy purposes, right? So for me, that plays a little bit more of a role.
Starting point is 00:57:49 Most people that ask this question though are trying to lose body fat. What also depends on how adapted you are, like what your schedule currently is, because I would say like, yeah, like let's load up on carbs and all this day before and whatnot and let's make sure that we got that kind of an energy
Starting point is 00:58:05 going into the game and all that. But it really depends on the individual and their schedule and when, if you're able to operate without food in your system and that's how you're energized and you're charged, keep with that protocol. Whatever it is going into the workout that you feel like you have the best energy and you've figured out your schedule and balance with that
Starting point is 00:58:28 That that's usually where I tend to go But yeah, there's obviously there's there's ways to kind of low especially for an endurance Type of a sport or something that's a little extra strenuous You want to really prepare ahead of time to make sure you manage your your energy and then how you can be able to manage that throughout the endeavor. Yeah, I don't... So the best studies on nutrient timing when it comes to athletic performance, muscle building fat loss, the best studies demonstrate that you do replenish glycogen faster if you eat post workout.
Starting point is 00:59:03 However, if you don't eat post workout, your body still replenishes glycogen just as effectively as it would otherwise. And so it really doesn't make a difference unless you plan on exercising again. So like if I had a hard morning workout, and I'm gonna have a point. Yeah, and I'm gonna have another hard workout
Starting point is 00:59:20 that we're gonna have to do in the next day. Or that night, I'm better off eating in between rather than going, you know, working out real hard, fasted and then staying fast and then working out again. I used to do that for like, double days or, you know, a really strenuous week of practice. And you know, like, going into the next day, you want to make sure and fuel up.
Starting point is 00:59:38 So I would fuel up after my, my practice and make sure that, you know, I got that timing, that window in. But yeah, otherwise it's like, you know, my practice and make sure that I got that timing, that window in. But yeah, otherwise it's like, you know, your body will regulate that. And there's most, I mean, this whole like eat a big breakfast, eat real light in the evening. That's kind of an American thing.
Starting point is 00:59:59 I don't see too many other cultures doing that. Like, I don't think the Japanese and the Chinese have massive, massive breakfast. I think they have small, very, very light breakfast. I know in Italy and Mediterranean cultures, we don't have a huge breakfast is very much an American thing. In fact, if you go to Europe, many European countries,
Starting point is 01:00:20 especially the Mediterranean, there aren't too many breakfast spots where you go and sit down and have these big breakfast. I know my cousins come and visit, they kinda trip out over that, where I'll take them to like, these breakfast joints where they get big pancakes and stuff and like, oh my gosh, like, it's the morning,
Starting point is 01:00:35 I'm not that hungry. Personally, for me, eating a huge meal in the morning is super counterproductive. I feel like shit the rest of the day. I would much, I feel so much better eating at night. This is too where I used to fight coaches all the time because the protocol was to then go in the morning and go to these buffets and like you know Eat like your pancakes waffles like all this like you know eggs and bacon and And I just found you know because we would play around like two three o'clock in the afternoon and
Starting point is 01:01:03 It would just completely drain me of energy. And I was just like lethargic and mentally unclear and going into the game. I had this fog, and then I just realized, like I just decided not to eat breakfast and then go into the game, and I loaded up more the day right before that. And that really helped.
Starting point is 01:01:22 So my energy levels were way better. You know what, nutrition timing for somebody who is trying to get like in just overall shape, like lose body fat or build muscle reminds me a lot of the isolation movements that guys do for, you know, all these like sideways chest press and like, you know, this, you know, weird, like angle just to hit a certain tiny little muscle on the body And I actually had this conversation I ran into our buddy Johnny not that long ago and him and I were bullshit and back and forth And he's getting ready he hit stage in three weeks and I was telling him how great he looks right now And I was like man, it's it's getting crazy in this gym and the more and more I see I come in here the more I see these
Starting point is 01:02:03 and the more and more I see, I come in here, the more I see these stupid exercises that these people are doing. And here's the deal, like, and he's a guy who does a lot of these stupid exercises. And why it's not stupid for him, is because of where his physique is at. Like, and it's like the same thing goes for like the meal timing. You will see me as I progress through this whole journey
Starting point is 01:02:26 on my Insta story of getting in competitive shape again. I will start to time my carbohydrates around my pre and post workout. You've done everything else. Now you're starting to play with a small, it's like putting a wing on a fucking Honda Civic. Yes. Like there's no why.
Starting point is 01:02:42 Yes, I'm doing it for you. No, that's exactly what it is. It's like tough man. And that's in the why I use yes, I know it's exactly what it is is like tough man And that's in the why I use the analogy of why it's like the isolation movements It's the same thing so when I see like this little skinny kid You know who's you know trying to build you could tell he wants to be a build muscle and he must have just saw Joey Swole as fucking Instagram doing a sideways chest press and so he's in there doing that I'm thinking to myself man this kid I know what he's wanting to do and what he's trying to do. He's really wasting his time with the silly exercise that he could be doing. Big barbell movements and dumbbell presses
Starting point is 01:03:13 and exercises that are going to build so much more muscle on his chest that is going to make his chest look so much better. But he thinks right now that by turning sideways on this chest press, he's going to get his inner chest worked more or his lower pack or whatever the fucking Joey Swole saying that it does. So these guys will do these things and it's not that they, these types of movements don't have a place. Just the people that are doing them have no business really doing them yet. It's just you don't, you have other big rocks that you should take care of first and the same thing goes with this nutrition timing.
Starting point is 01:03:43 It's, it's not to say that there's some science that doesn't support having a four to one carb to protein ratio post workout within the 20 minute window isn't beneficial for the body. Like sure it is. But you're talking, you're splitting hairs when you talk about what a difference
Starting point is 01:03:58 it's making in your overall physique and the grand scheme of things. There's so many other things that you should be stressing about, then you should be actually worrying about carrying a shaker with you that as soon as you get out of the gym, you take it because that's silly to me, unless you're at the competitive level that your body is already so dialed
Starting point is 01:04:17 that you're trying to squeeze out every little tiny extra thing that you can give you the competitive edge, then it makes sense. Then it's like, okay, I get why that guy is doing it, but if you're somebody who is, and you know who you are, like if you don't look like a fucking pro physique guy on stage,
Starting point is 01:04:34 you'd probably have no business doing a sideways chest press or doing these other machine exercises where you're bent over sideways and rear delt flying to just hit the, you know, the rear delt while you do it and isolate a certain area like Dude, go do some fucking overhead pressing some squat some dead lifts and some movements We just gravitate to all that like novelty unique stuff, right? Like whether it's like oh my favorite athlete was taping himself this way and then I'll see you see everybody in the gym taping themselves
Starting point is 01:05:01 Oh crazy, it's also easy too. It's also easy like nobody wants to go to the gym taping themselves. It's also easy too. It's also easy. Like nobody wants to go to the gym and lift heavy and move some shit. And you know, a lot of people like to go to the gym and just spend an hour doing these little small movements and walk out with the one. They want to wear the uniform. Well, I also, I blame the motherfuckers that are sharing it though too,
Starting point is 01:05:18 because they're on a platform where a ton of people are looking at them. They have incredible physiques, and maybe like where they're at in their journey that, you know, this, you know, exercise benefits them a little bit, but they've also done a ton of, well, they've laid a huge foundation to get that point where they even have any sort of,
Starting point is 01:05:35 and they're probably in the gym for two hours plus a day. So it's like, okay, if you've already been in the gym for an hour and you hit all the big major movers that are gonna build muscle and now you're over there doing a sideways chest press, then fucking to each their own. Do it if you want to, but you know, it's the same thing goes for the meal timing. Like, dude, if you got 30 pounds of fat to lose and you're fucking racing home or you're carrying your shaker cup to get your 20 minute
Starting point is 01:05:56 antibiotic window in, like, okay, dude, you're what you should be doing is actually not drinking the shaker cup, walking on the fucking treadmill. That's going to benefit you burning more fat than anything else. Or vice versa, if you're somebody who's doing the sideways chest press, all these isolation movements, and you're trying to catch your 20 minute, anabolic window, no,
Starting point is 01:06:13 you should be doing some barbell presses or squats or dead lists because that's what's going to benefit you, you're physique more than anything else. So it's really about prioritizing, and when it comes to nutritional, nutrition timing, it's way, like South said said at the bottom of the list as far as priorities to sure is there some sort of an advantage to it? Very very little and more than likely that advantage is
Starting point is 01:06:35 Miniscule and compared to all the other things you're probably missing. Ryan Sursa is asking what advice would you give to a young person wanting to start something like mind pump? You know, it's cool about this question, is that when we started mind pump, okay, hindsight's always 2020, so I can look back now and be like, oh, this is what you should do and this is what we did that was right. We had, we knew what we wanted to do, but we all had zero experience in this realm. None of us had podcasted before.
Starting point is 01:07:08 None of us knew really what the formula was going to be to be super, you know, to really blow up and do well. What we did have is we, you know, we had a good sound because we had good equipment thanks to Doug. And we also got on the mics and did not hold back, and we're honest, and, you know, with all of our combined experience, had lots of knowledge that we wanted to share. So, the advice I would give you, if you're going to start a podcast, or you want to start something like Mind Pump,
Starting point is 01:07:40 will number one... Have some life experience first. Yeah, well, not only that, but see what other people are doing one, have some life experience first. Yeah, well not only that, but see what other people are doing right and pay attention to that. But at the end of the day, really gotta be true to your message and what you're saying because what I've noticed
Starting point is 01:07:55 through podcasts or anything that people really like to listen to or watch, is the message is important, but equally is important is the passion that's behind it and the realism that comes across. So if you're talking about something, but you're delivering it away where people are really enthralled to listen,
Starting point is 01:08:15 you're gonna do much better than someone else who may be even delivering your great information as well, but they don't deliver it very well. And a lot of that has to do with you really believing in what you're doing. So when you get on the mic, talk about those, the things that you're really passionate about, it's going to come across and it's going to be easy for someone to listen to. The second piece of advice, and this is pretty easy for me to give, is I've seen a few people start podcasts by themselves, which can be done, but it's gonna be very difficult because you're gonna need lots of guests, lots of podcast interviewing people, so it makes it a lot easier to bounce ideas
Starting point is 01:09:05 off of each other and it doesn't fall on one person to carry the entire show. And as if you've been listening to since the beginning of this particular episode, one of us can be very controversial and the other one doesn't necessarily need to be that way and it balances out the show because trust me, there were three sals I'm sure or three people for three people giving advice to take drugs and you sure we would get in trouble and we wouldn't be so but it's it's cool to have to lean on each other a lot for that on the show you know that you could talk to yeah I have a little more to say on this here's what I see happening a lot right now is,
Starting point is 01:09:47 and I've got somebody who's close to me family-wise right now that I'm watching do this, and I do my best to be as supportive as I can, but I kind of shake my head too. Like, what are you fucking thinking, dude? There's other ways to go about this. I think what happens, a lot of people see, someone in C's like mind pumping, they go like, oh shit, look at those guys. Like, you know, they're
Starting point is 01:10:08 not even that smart. They're not even that good looking. Like, you know, they can barely fucking bought some mics. Right. And they're like, you know, and they, I can explain some of the shit they talk about. Like I can start a podcast and do this. Well, you know, before any of that happened, maybe that's true. Maybe it is true, right? Half of it. So I think that there's ways for you to start to build a network before you jump to a platform like podcasting or YouTube and many other platforms that are big like that. You can monetize.
Starting point is 01:10:43 This was a lot of the journey that I did. So when I got onto Instagram, I got onto Instagram with the intention of building a fitness business like mine pump, even though at that time, I had no idea it was gonna be mine pump or it would be with Sal and Justin. Like I didn't know that much,
Starting point is 01:10:59 but what I did know was I had met a buddy of mine who now works with us, Taylor. Yeah, Tee Dog. So I didn't. I called T-Pain. Taylor was in his early 20s and he had built a social media business. He had built a Facebook page that had I think 10,000 plus followers on it and he had built a brand for himself and he was making six figures at 20 something years old off of Facebook and I was extremely fascinated like I had heard of this before but I didn't know anybody personally that I had seen do that and then a young guy his age do that and so I was really
Starting point is 01:11:36 impressed and the first thing that went through my head and no disrespect to him and I'm like this motherfucker gonna do this I can do this on the side while I'm doing everything else. I can figure this out. And so at that moment, I began my journey into social media and trying to build a network of people. Now, I made a lot of mistakes that I could go on all day about and share that process, but I think first trying to build a network of people that want to listen to what you say
Starting point is 01:12:03 and using a platform like Facebook, like Instagram, like Snapchat, these are all fine. And I think different platforms will appeal to different people based off of your personality. So maybe you're funny and you're goofy and you're creative and so Snapchat works really well. Or maybe you write like really good posts like Sal does and maybe like a Facebook platform that's better for reading is more you.
Starting point is 01:12:26 Or maybe you've got really good talent and a really good eye for taking pictures and photos. Or gorgeous. Or yeah, or you're gorgeous and you have a badass camera or whatever. And so maybe Instagram is a great platform for you. Whatever that may be, I think finding the platform that fits you the best first
Starting point is 01:12:42 and then trying to build a network of people like minded people, because that's important too Like you want to you want to you want to fit a genre right? So why he why how Taylor built a good business was now give you the short version of what he did Was it's very popular for shoe guys like myself to be trying to hunt down a pair of shoes like when I'm looking for a pair of Jordans That I want to buy I'll be scouring the internet for it. And Taylor would be a guy that I would find and Taylor would find the shoes and he would be a broker.
Starting point is 01:13:11 Now many guys before him had done this business but what he did that was really clever was he was not charging a broker fee. He was just putting people together. So people fucking loved him. It was like, hey, this guy has these Jordans, this guy wants to buy these Jordans. He would just putting people together. So people fucking loved him. It was like, hey, this guy has these Jordans, this guy wants to buy these Jordans. He would introduce those people
Starting point is 01:13:28 and he became the middleman who didn't make any money. And what was so brilliant about that was he had a long-term plan. He knew he was gonna do a lot of work and he was gonna help a lot of people out and he was gonna connect a ton of people and not make any money at first, but he was setting the stage
Starting point is 01:13:42 for what he was gonna do later on. Now that's a lot of how Mind Plumple was built. There's a lot of things that we did leading up to the podcast that set the stage for it to organically grow the way it has grown. So you can spend your time right now trying to build a network of people and you know, what ended up having for Taylor was he had all these people on his Facebook that were all shoe guys. So what did he do? He created a business all around shoes in an apparel line that and he made clocks. He made air fresheners. He made key chains.
Starting point is 01:14:13 He made t-shirts and sweaters and he made all these custom things that had his brand on them that like that were sneakers. And of course if you're got a bunch of sneaker people that are following you, they're probably gonna be into having a sneaker air freshener or a sneaker keychain, it just makes fucking sense. Yeah, I think, I mean, that's great advice. And I also think that what we did very well that we don't really give ourselves credit for
Starting point is 01:14:37 is we figured out the why. And, you know, Sal kind of mentioned about, you know, what you're passionate about, but really understand like what your message is going to be an excellent point. And ours was really to be counter, counter information that, you know, challenged the status quo and challenged the, what considered common knowledge within the fitness and wellness community. And then also to bridge that gap between wellness and fitness, which there's a huge disconnect
Starting point is 01:15:07 between the two and we felt that there was a need to mend those two communities together. And just for us to kind of, we really had to sit and have a sort of powwow and think about like what that looked like in our own minds and from our own backgrounds, how we could influence and voice into that direction. And so everything we've done from here has been,
Starting point is 01:15:34 that's been the cornerstone of how we've gotten to where we are. But at the same time, it's a growth process. And it takes a while to figure out how to organize and monetize. And so one thing that we did, obviously, we didn't want to come out and charge and make money and turn on the monetary funnel with what we were doing because we had to figure out like what our audience wanted or what we could benefit
Starting point is 01:16:11 our audience with and not just blast them with ads and we had to grow into all these things. And so I just think that this is definitely a great business for people to pursue. And I get excited when I see fitness people wanting to get into this platform because it's just gonna make, if you guys listen to us and you wanna do a podcast,
Starting point is 01:16:34 it just makes our voice stronger because there's more of us. It does and it brings moral awareness to podcasting. The more there are. It's not that popular yet. No, it still blows me away that I'll tell someone, you know, that I host a podcast and I'll be like, what's a podcast? I mean, there's still people that there's a quite a few out there that say that hasn't penetrated the market nearly as much as something like YouTube. But, you know, we have good chemistry that really helps a lot.
Starting point is 01:17:05 Like we can sit down and bullshit. And I'm sure you have a friend who you can sit down with and just talk. It does do. That helps a lot. If we're completely honest with ourselves, we kind of suck at podcasting. We're not very good at podcasting.
Starting point is 01:17:17 Like I don't think. Well, I mean, it depends what you define. Well, I know I know you're Mr. Optimistic all time and on the opposite when it comes to that stuff. I think that Justin probably hit it on the head the best that of all three of us. We really did define our why and there is a mission behind mind pump
Starting point is 01:17:33 which is what gives it a lot of power because we knew that there was a lot of people who would relate to us when they learned this information just like when we learned this information, it was such a like, oh my God like that's not what that's not what everyone's saying that's not that's not the magazines that's not what this celebrity saying you mean to tell me that's bullshit like you know there's there's not a lot of people that actually knew that and we knew that when we created this movement that as people started to find out about it, that we would gain momentum. So having that Y is, to me, so, so important.
Starting point is 01:18:07 And then building a community of people around you. Because then we can get away with not being the best podcasters. I mean, how many times do I make up a word and fuck up? Or how many times, you know, have we had to go back and say, like, oh, we said this, but this is now true. Or, you know, or how many times have we gone back and listened to an episode we didn't thought, oh my God, that sounded so terrible. We are not by far not the best, you know, potty.
Starting point is 01:18:31 I mean, I've talked a little bit for that one. Yeah. How horrible were our interviews for the first year? I mean, there's so much I can go and pick us apart. Very horrible. But, you know, like it's gross. Like Justin said, too, the future of business is going to be how much free shit you can give away.
Starting point is 01:18:48 So build your audience before you ever decide to monetize and give as much information and knowledge and whatever away as much as possible because we were told this a while ago by someone we respect very highly and it's only, it's moving in this direction and that is whatever can be free will be free. So think about that. If you become a provider of information and content you've got value, if you're selling it, you're gonna have to figure out how to kind of switch that
Starting point is 01:19:21 or pivot at some point because at some point it's all, everything's gonna be free. Well, that was decentralized. That was Tom Billion. And something else he said that 100% agree with too, was I remember we asked a question, I asked him, one of us asked him that, you know, what do you think is the biggest mistake
Starting point is 01:19:35 that people make trying to build a business like this? And he says, for sure, trying to monetize too soon. You know, that's everybody, they all said and get a few followers and they think that, oh yeah, now I can, I've got this in the ads on. Yeah, let's start making some money right now. And it's not what it seems. I'll tell you what, and it's way different
Starting point is 01:19:56 than most people think. Like if you were to look at like our Instagram page compared to some of these people that I know that have like a million followers, it does, just because you have a million followers on Instagram doesn't necessarily translate into you're making a million plus a year in business. Like it's there's many guys I know with much smaller pages, we're an example of that, that make a lot more than that. I know lots of guys that have huge pages like that and make nowhere near that kind of money.
Starting point is 01:20:21 So you know, just because a bunch of people are following you on Instagram or Facebook, doesn't necessarily mean you've got a million dollar business that you're sitting on. Well, just because they follow you, doesn't mean you provide a lot of value. Yeah, actually, yeah, no, exactly. It's true. There was a while ago when we paid,
Starting point is 01:20:36 and we were looking on Instagram, there were Instagram pages. Lady. And we paid some of them, just, hey, just put a post up saying, you know, listen to mine pump or whatever is a form of advertising and This person had like three million followers. Yeah figure wow People are gonna be like okay check these guys out pretty million followers. We should see some kind of a boost and
Starting point is 01:20:58 Downloads or whatever zero. No, we saw nothing. Yeah, it was zero Just just to go and then there's people who've posted about us who have like 15,000 followers, 30,000 followers, and we'll see like a boost. So, listen, if you found us through JoJo, make sure you write us. Yeah. Because I don't know, maybe we do have one person.
Starting point is 01:21:19 Okay, yeah, maybe we do. Hey JoJo followers, thank you. Hey, check it out. Check it out. Check it out. Check it out. 30 days of coaching from MindPump is available for free at MindPumpMedia.com. Also, if you want us to answer one of your questions like we do on these episodes, this is what you do.
Starting point is 01:21:36 Go to Instagram, go to MindPumpMedia, find the Q&A or Qua meme and post your question underneath. And if we like your question, we'll read it on there and we'll answer it on there. Also, we all have our own Instagram pages. They're all unique and they have different information to even different than what you'll hear on the podcast. My page is Mind Pump Sal, Adam has Mind Pump Adam and Justin is Mind Pump Justin.
Starting point is 01:21:58 Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy, and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbumble at MindPumpMedia.com. The RGB Superbumble includes maps on the ball, maps performance, and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels and performs. With detailed workout nutrients in over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle is like having Sal Adam and
Starting point is 01:22:35 Justin as your own personal trainers, but at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a 4 30 day-back guarantee and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at MindPumpedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a fine-star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing MindPump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support and until next time, this is MindPump. We thank you for your support and until next time, this is Mindbomb.

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