Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 542: Combining Unilateral Training with Barbell Training for Maximum Gains + Reviews of the 5-Factor Diet, M-Plan & Other Popular Celebrity Diets

Episode Date: July 3, 2017

In this episode, Sal, Adam & Justin discuss Unilateral training, the pros and cons and how to combine it with barbell training to maximize gains. In the second half of the episode they review several ...diets that are now popular with celebrities and discuss how to avoid the pitfalls that many of these diets have. Included are the 5-Factor Diet, M-Plan, Alkaline Diet & more. Get our newest program, Kettlebells 4 Aesthetics (KB4A), which provides full expert workout programming to sculpt and shape your body using kettlebells. Only $7 at www.mindpumpmedia.com! Get MAPS Prime, MAPS Anywhere, MAPS Anabolic, MAPS Performance, MAPS Aesthetic, the Butt Builder Blueprint, the Sexy Athlete Mod AND KB4A (The MAPS Super Bundle) packaged together at a substantial DISCOUNT at www.mindpumpmedia.com. Make EVERY workout better with MAPS Prime, the only pre-workout you need… it is now available at mindpumpmedia.com Have Sal, Adam & Justin personally train you via video instruction on our YouTube channel, Mind Pump TV. Be sure to Subscribe for updates. Get your Kimera Koffee at www.kimerakoffee.com, code "mindpump" for 10% off! Got a beard? Condition your beard with Big Top Beard Company’s natural oils and organic essential oil blends to make it not only feel great but smell amazing! Get Big Top Beard Company products at www.bigtopbeardcompany.com, code "mindpump" for 33% off. Add to the incredible brain enhancing effect of Kimera Koffee with www.brain.fm/mindpump 10 Free sessions! Music for the brain for incredible focus, sleep and naps! Please subscribe, rate and review this show! Each week our favorite reviewers are announced on the show and sent Mind Pump T-shirts!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 We're in our Yeah, and now and then I see a little bit closer to I get that Well, I stumped you I stumped you that was painful start over. No, no, that was the one we're leaving Turn around right now Everybody sign up for the web Shit's a web and all about maps. It's the webinar you've been waiting for. It's prepro. Okay, that was good.
Starting point is 00:00:32 Bro, I like how you make up for it. I like how you not only sing the lyrics, because very few people do this now. Sing the lyrics and. Play the instrument. Instruments with your mouth. So you do the whole thing. It's like, well that's what I did in the band.
Starting point is 00:00:45 Like I was like the guitar rhythm guy, but you didn't do play the eight, but what do you mean? You played the instrument though. It wasn't with your mouth. Yeah, you didn't show up. Oh, I like I'm playing with my mouth. So, uh, I'm special on the 13th. We're doing a live webinar. It's free to anybody who registers and it's us going through our newest maps program. We have not released yet. It's Maps Prime Pro. It is of all of our programs, the most corrective in nature, really, really getting down to the nitty- gritty of all the distal joints, the wrist, the hands, the fingers, the feet, the ankles, the knees, your spine. It really goes down in detail.
Starting point is 00:01:32 It teaches you how to self-assass and then how to correct issues with those areas so that not only do you avoid things like injury and pain and dysfunction, but you actually improve on all of your major lifts, and with, along with that comes better results. And for the first time, what we're doing is we're actually going to go over it and kind of go through it for free. So it's not like, you're gonna literally get on the webinar, and we're gonna show you the tests and teach you how to perform the tests. And we're gonna teach you movements to correct imbalances that you may find within these times. We're going to have Dr. Brink there with us, like really describing all the coaching cues and the things to look out for as you're performing these exercises and these different techniques
Starting point is 00:02:14 that are really going to take your toolbox, your tool set, and it's going to expand on it on an incredible level. And we're not, it's not going to be open for free forever. We're going to keep it open for free for now. We don't want a ton and ton of people on it. So it's better to get on now sooner rather than later. Because there is a feedback, I think, option on the webinar. Doug was talking about how you can chat and ask questions and stuff.
Starting point is 00:02:40 And we want to be able to have that opportunity to answer people's questions. So I highly recommend you're hearing this now, go on there and register now, and that way you get in the webinar for free. The site that you go to is mapsprimepro.com. So that's maps M-A-P-S-P-R-I-M-E and then pro-P-R-O.com and then you just sign up for it and then on the 13th you get to watch the webinar Let's roll if you want to pump your body and expand your mind There's only one place to go Might, might, up with your hosts
Starting point is 00:03:18 Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer and Justin Andrews in this episode of mine pump In the beginning me and Justin make fun of Adam for a quick second, but then he comes back and explains what's going on. We talk a lot about mobility, and then we talk about the benefits and detriments of unilateral training, that's where you train one side of your body at a time, versus barbell training
Starting point is 00:03:42 where you're training both sides. What are the pluses and what are the minuses of each and how would you incorporate both of them to maximize your overall results? And then we get into some diet reviews. We actually review. We went on Doug went online and he found five popular celebrity diets and we broke them down and reviewed them and told everybody which ones are good, which ones are bad, and which ones are absolutely horrible.
Starting point is 00:04:11 The diets we go over are the five factor diet. Then we talk about the pressed juicery diet, the alkaline diet. We talk about Courtney Kardashian's diet, and then we talk about our favorite, the M plan. Yeah. We teach you all about these, and then we tell about our favorite, the M plan. Yeah. We teach you all about these, and then we tell you if you should waste your time doing the secret, it's magic.
Starting point is 00:04:30 Exactly. In this episode, check it out. Dude, how funny, just that how funny was it? Were you getting the same feeling I was getting yesterday when Adam was demoing his, so Adam did this really impressive, very impressive thing, especially for a big dude
Starting point is 00:04:47 He did a From his knees jump to a pistol squat Came up bent over all in one leg never switch legs or anything or went on both legs and then did a single leg deadlift with 100 pound dumbbells in each hand Very impressive. He had to practice a few times doing it Yeah, to kind of get the hang of it right because it's a it's a skill. It's a technique You don't about being nervous when Jordi got in there. Yeah Yeah to practice a few times doing it, to kind of get the hang of it, right? Because it's a skill, it's a technique. You don't about being nervous when Jordy got in there. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:07 And then he just, like, he just does it real quick. Oh, no! We're like, oh yeah, he's got youth. We're getting old. Yeah, that's all right. Although, I think mechanically, I think it was my form of the way. That's the wisdom part, right?
Starting point is 00:05:21 Yeah, that's what we used to ask. At least that was what I was like, oh, god, my back. Why was I like, I know. I was like, we can make it look pretty and then afterwards we're like immediately right at some point at some point guys I hate to break this to us because I'm breaking this to myself too because I like to talk about this at some point you're gonna get your ass kicked in some way shape or form by some dude mainly because he's younger Really easy that's what cars three is like all about that
Starting point is 00:05:59 Depressed this isn't true. Yeah, no, that's why you always have to just make more money than I'm I guess you always throw that at them Oh, yeah, we told one up of some other way? Wow, you've got crazy energy. That's awesome. Cool, how many books have you read this month? Oh yeah. That's cool. It's life experience. You see my watch it costs more than your car. Yeah. Isn't that weird?
Starting point is 00:06:13 Yeah. Little peeing contest. Anyway, did you guys work out yet today? No, yeah. Why? Why? You're the only guy that really likes to do the morning things. When?
Starting point is 00:06:23 Like when? What time? I haven't had time today. What's your training is look the morning things. When? Like when? What time? I haven't had time today. What's your training is look like right now, Justin? Are you following a set? Like, this is my goal, this is what I'm doing, or are you just going there and decide, I'm gonna do this and do that.
Starting point is 00:06:36 Have you bought any online programs? Yeah, whatcha do? Yeah, I bought a few. No, I don't do that. Like, I have a very specific kind of agenda in my head. Like, I gotta accomplish at least two of these compound lifts. Like, for me, if I could just stick with that, I create a workout around that.
Starting point is 00:06:51 So what's today's compound list of these? Today's is quats and overhead press. Oh, okay. Yeah. Last last time, yeah. I see you're going with the exotic lifts. Very exotic. Very.
Starting point is 00:07:00 I could have guessed that. Like, let me think. What is Justin's best at? But you know what? I'll be honest, I'm actually gonna incorporate some Bulgarian split squats. I've been listening to people talk about them a lot lately.
Starting point is 00:07:12 What's up with that? I don't know, you know what it is? It's the unilateral training is getting a lot of attention because there's a little bit of controversy actually. I was just listening to a conversation with Mike Boyle talking about why he doesn't do back loaded squats and was articulating his rationale for that with his athletes and the way that he trains.
Starting point is 00:07:33 And actually, he presented a pretty decent argument with it. I feel like I can argue that. I think there's a lot of, I mean, when you think about when we walk, we're always in a semi-single leg squat or split stance or a ball. I mean, when you think about when we walk, we're always in a semi single leg squat or split stance or a bulge. I mean, that's, you know, it's really about the, and who is it, Dr. Shallow? Dr. Jordan Shallow explained how having one of the legs
Starting point is 00:07:56 going back, I want to move forward, places the pelvis in a particular position that is very functional in terms of how it displays strength. But when, of course course like everything right someone will be like, oh, this is why it's better So that's what you all you should do. Yeah, no, and I think to like to to his credit though like he kind of I mean he he his mentality is I'm doing what works with my athletes that I I test out single day. And so he kind of looks at a lot of current like researched items that are getting more notoriety and like certain gurus that kind of pop up
Starting point is 00:08:34 that have a very specific research backing idea. And he sort of either takes it, you know, with like I've been doing that already or that's something I haven't been doing, I'm gonna try it out, or I'm not gonna listen to it because this is actually working for. So here's a theory that I would have on comparing, let's say a split-stand squat or a lunge
Starting point is 00:08:57 or a Bulgarian split-stand squat or versus a barbell squat. If you were to compare, and this is just my prediction, if this study were created, if you were to compare groups to see which one resulted in more functional carryover strength to, let's say, some kind of a strength based type sport, maybe like football or something like that, with a little bit of aerobic, but mostly anaerobic. I think in the short term, the back squat
Starting point is 00:09:24 would result in better results. And then maybe in the short term, the back squat would result in better results. And then maybe in the long term, you'd start to see that the split stance stuff would be better. And the reason why I think in the short term, the squat would be better is there's less skill involved. So you can get in the squat, learn it kind of faster, and then really start to maximize output.
Starting point is 00:09:42 Whereas with the split stance stuff, there's a lot, it's just more balance involved, more skill, maybe to maximize output. Whereas with the split stand stuff, there's a lot, it's just more balance, involve more skill, maybe involve involvement. Well, I look at it as like a foundational strength pattern that you're able to load a significant amount on your back and have it evenly displaced. And so that's gonna generate more intrinsic force to overcome those external force.
Starting point is 00:10:06 Now you're doing it with a bar in your bag. The argument to that would be like when and ever a sport are you perfectly balanced. But like I said, as a foundational strength to pull from. So you've increased your capacity for more strength. Now I'm going to focus on my skills of, yeah, I'm gonna strengthen, from a unilateral perspective, because that's what I'm gonna be functioning with primarily.
Starting point is 00:10:32 So that's always an argument, right? And that's been around for a long time. When am I using, when am I bench pressing in the sport? When am I rowing in the sport? So for a little while, their trainers were literally taking the movements from the sport and mimicking them with resistance,
Starting point is 00:10:49 but we know how- Super specialized. But we know how bad that worked. It didn't work very well. It didn't work out the way they thought. I think strength, there's a couple of things with strength that you want to look at. Number one, it's a skill.
Starting point is 00:10:58 So there's a lot of skill involved with the strength, which means, which is why it's important to practice your sport while you're training, because if you just get stronger and don't practice applying that strength, it doesn't mean anything. But I do skill diminishing. But it's based off frequency. Exactly. And at the end of the day though, like, like maximal strength is kind of that foundation
Starting point is 00:11:18 that contributes so much more to the other pursuits than the other pursuits do to the other one. So, like, it's going to make you faster, it's going to make you more explosive, it's going to increase, you know, balance stability more so than in terms of contributing to other factors, more so than the other individual factors. You know what I'm saying? So that's why I think like if you take like a box or you're not just doing resistance with a punch, which actually believe or not, it's terrible for boxing, so it throws your
Starting point is 00:11:44 timing off But you know, you they're gonna do great from getting some base strength and then applying that maybe in the ring with their training and stuff Mm-hmm. That's just my that's my opinion what I what I found fine with the unilateral stuff Especially with legs like when you talk about a single leg squad Bulgarians put stance a single like dead, what you see me doing recently. It's really amazing when, especially if you do stuff like barefoot, right? So I'll go do like that single leg deadlift, really heavy barefoot, like three reps.
Starting point is 00:12:16 And then after I do that on each side, it's amazing to go grab a barbell and go do 400 pound deadlift and feel how connected I am to the ground. go grab a barbell and go do 400 pound deadlift and feel how connected I am to the ground because of the stabilization and the control that you have to have on a single leg, everything has to be, there's no room for air, like there is or less room for air. Yeah, I like evaluating that,
Starting point is 00:12:42 like your true strength with a balanced form of that. So therefore, if I split, I'm working on one individual side at a time to build them up, but I don't want to get too far where I'm over dominant on one side versus the other, which could happen. But I want to be able to express an overall strength pattern. And so that's why I do still stick with barbell training because it's not very specific, sports specific, but I want to see how that's translating to overall strength. And then also, how do I express that in a more functional pattern with it?
Starting point is 00:13:27 And there's definitely a balanced component that results in more muscle and strength. I will say that. I'll argue that all day long. And this is one of the reasons why free weights in my experience, and most people will agree with this, at least most trainers will, build more muscle than machines that mimic free weights in my experience, and most people will agree with this, at least most trainers will, build more muscle than machines that mimic free weights. So like you could do a bench press versus a machine chest press or a deadlift versus a machine deadlift.
Starting point is 00:13:55 And the free weight ones tend to just build more muscle and more strength. And that I think has to do with a balanced component. But then there's almost like a diminishing returns and it becomes negative when it becomes too much. Because if we keep pushing that and have people stand on a physio ball or do everything on uneven surfaces and stuff like that, then you stop getting that effect.
Starting point is 00:14:18 So it's almost like this. It would be interesting to draw a graph to kind of measure that. Like here's the benefit, Now you went too far. Yeah. And now this measurement, because barbells, and you're doing things on two legs, they tend to build more muscle than the single leg or individual type, you know, unilateral type movements.
Starting point is 00:14:37 Now, of course, that's an a versus, you know, one-to-one basis, but of course, you want to do both, right? Well, I think also, I think he argues to a lot of times like the pursuit of just building more muscle may not be to your benefit. Right? All for sports, yeah. Yeah, so I mean, you have to, you have to evaluate the why. And I think that the conversation actually did agree with, which, you know, I mean, some
Starting point is 00:15:00 of that, like he made good points, I'm not saying I agree with it, but at the same time, the conversation of it was interesting to listen to that perspective. That's why it does make sense. If you're entire goal, if you can deduce down what you're physically training for and the why, even if you're just your everyday person, if you can figure that out going into the gym, you're just gonna be so much more effective.
Starting point is 00:15:27 Yeah. Well, okay, now let's talk about that. Let's talk about the average person. I'm not playing a sport, right? I just, I wanna build some muscle, and I wanna be in good aesthetic shape, but then I also wanna be very functional, and I don't wanna pain.
Starting point is 00:15:40 I don't wanna have bad, I don't wanna have achy hips, and achy knees, and I wanna have have good mobility, you know, which one wins? And this is a good discussion. Well, this is where this is definitely where you got a weave and out of all of it. And when let me tell you, yeah, because there's less as a minuses to just doing one of the other. And from personal experience over the last couple years
Starting point is 00:16:00 right now, you know, I've done more barbell lifting in the last two years and I have my entire life, for sure, by far. And I've seen more strength gains and muscle size than I ever have in my entire fitness career. Now, which is awesome considering that I've been lifting for 15 plus years, that's rare, right? You see the bulk of your gains, the first part of it. So that's supposed to happen now,
Starting point is 00:16:24 especially been training that one. Yeah, and especially being an older guy, right? It's, you see the bulk of your gains, the first part of your... Sure, so that's supposed to happen now, especially if you've been training that one. Yeah, and especially being an older guy, right? Right. So, and I attribute a lot of that to the barbell lifting, to getting into a more dead lifting, more squatting, more overhead pressing, 100%. Now, that being said, I also have had more imbalances,
Starting point is 00:16:42 more aches and pains, and more issues with my body than I ever have with that. Now, there's some factors that I think play into that is one of those is I got very addicted to the results that I was getting from the barbell squatting and deadlifting, I was gains. The gains were coming on fast, and I was enjoying it so much that I went from the guy
Starting point is 00:17:04 who just four or five years before that was, you know, constantly varying every workout. Like that was what I was notorious for. I used to say that I've never duplicated a workout. I used to really say, as a trainer, I used to say, 10 years of lifting in my career, I've never duplicated a workout.
Starting point is 00:17:19 That's how I trained. A train, every workout was unique and different and I was always challenging my body in different ways. And there was a lot of good that came from that, but there was a lot of, there was a lot that held me back, right? I think it held me back from getting reaching my potential of what I could get by actually programming better and focusing on adaptation, by incorporating more barbell lifts. But what I did have that, I mean, I was very functional and I didn't have any aches and pains, I didn't have a lot of imbalances going on.
Starting point is 00:17:49 And when I started heavy lifting with the barbell, it started to exaggerate some of those. And now they're very obvious to me. Sure. So you have to look at where do imbalances come from. There's a few different places, but in a trained athlete, many times they come from over developing a particular pathway or skill or, you know, over strength in your recruitment path. Which is easy to do when you're getting
Starting point is 00:18:15 after the barbell. And, well, when you're too focused on one particular thing, whatever that may be, whereas when you're constantly, constantly varying things, you have no, you have really no opportunity to do that because it's always changing. But then you get the detriment of not really maximizing this. There's like a happy medium, right? Like if all you do is, like if you just heavy squat and program squats all the time, you're going to get really good at squats. You're probably built a lot of muscle. But the odds of having imbalances
Starting point is 00:18:46 or aches and pains that result from, or at least the common ones that can come from a squat, increase the odds of it, increase. So, this is why it's so important to program these types of things, but going one way or just the other and saying, this is the only way to do it, which people tend to do that,
Starting point is 00:19:04 and I don't know why they do that. There's a gain so much from all of that, all of that stuff. Like, the way I would do it, if I were to do unilateral training, the way I would do it would be, is I would make it a phase. I would do, like, two. That's kind of what I was alluding to,
Starting point is 00:19:21 like by getting into squats. Like, I just, you know, like, I didn't necessarily agree with the points, but I'm like, wow, that just made me think that I haven't done unilateral training specifically with that focus and intent in a long time. And so I was like, oh, I'm drawn to that and also front loaded squats.
Starting point is 00:19:37 And so these are two things that I feel like, I'm always thinking ahead of that, like what haven't I, what movement have an I focused on in a long time? And I'm very much more of a movement like specific, like I feel like a deficiency in a certain type of a movement or I'm not strong, like that's what I'm gonna focus on,
Starting point is 00:19:56 not like my body part or bringing my body up or this or that. So. Well, when you look at like, if you're trying to look at it like a trainer or a coach who's coaching athletes, I got a thing and I didn't listen to the podcast or the books that you're reading right now so I don't know if this is true or not.
Starting point is 00:20:11 But I feel like if I'm in his position and I'm arguing unilateral movements over the backloaded barbell squat, I feel like as a coach, I could see it as the wrist versus reward. That's what it is. That it's not that barbell squatting isn't good. And we can see here and argue how great it is.
Starting point is 00:20:27 It's the king of all exercises. But the risk is much greater than the guy who's doing the Bulgarian squat or is doing the single leg deadlift because it's such a technical movement. And you have to lighten the load in order to perfect the movement. So it doesn't allow so many of these imbalances, come out where I can cheat a deadlift up
Starting point is 00:20:49 with both feet on the ground. I can. You got to remember he's dealing with a lot of like professional athletes that. Yeah, rule number one, it's a preservation. Yeah, so it's a different mindset. Right. You know, a lot of them had to really train hard
Starting point is 00:21:02 and build a crazy big big muscular frame to even get to that level. Now it's just like so many forces against them, they have to be able to absorb and react and be solid in their joints and supportive in their joints. So that's like high priority. And you also made the comment about how for athletes gaining more muscle isn't necessarily, or many times, is not as the opposite of what they would want to do.
Starting point is 00:21:34 Yeah. There's a lot of sports where being heavy is always bad. It's actually more rare that it's good. Yeah, like if you play football to some extent to pay on your position, mass is going to be, if you want that strength to bodyweight ratio, it's always, it's always that. It's exactly that. But like almost all sports that I can think of, even the combat sports, the combat sports or weight classes.
Starting point is 00:21:58 And one, one thing that you, that you'll notice, especially back in the day when MMA, I'll use MMA as an example, when the drug testing wasn't as, you know, whatever, and you saw more of these roided-out athletes, is that they would go up a weight class because of this increased muscle that they got from their steroids and stuff. So now you've got a guy who's fighting at heavyweight, who naturally should fight at light heavyweight, and the only way he got up to heavyweight was through the use of antibiotics. But now he's fighting a dude that's a natural heavyweight.
Starting point is 00:22:28 Right, yeah. And he's comfortable in that. They're comfortable in that way. I know how to use it. It's not so much muscle. Here's the thing with muscle, like carrying lots of physical muscle requires a lot of energy and a lot of oxygen.
Starting point is 00:22:40 So when you see a 220 pound dude, where he's carrying a shit ton of muscle, then you see a you know 220 pound, you know, dude, where's carrying a shit ton of muscle then you see another 220 pound dude who's just naturally kind of that body weight and is also fit. There's stamina tends to be a little bit better. This is an observation that lots of coaches have made. I could anecdotally, I mean I had going through college football like because I was in a framework like 185 in high school and I was like, my strength to weight ratio was off the charts, you know, I was very strong for being 185 and lean and mean and mobile. And then going,
Starting point is 00:23:13 How, what do you walk around it right now? What do you, what do you weigh? I'm at like 230. So that's a big difference. Yeah. Wow. So I jumped, I jumped and I just ended up to that. And some of your best lifts that you've talked about were done in college, right? Yeah, wow
Starting point is 00:23:26 Yeah, wow, you're a pussy now, dude I never thought about that though. I didn't I didn't realize that you were that light I'm college. He was happy. I was getting to yeah, I got heavier than that. It's what I Okay, so one eighty five was high school. Okay, Okay, so you're scaring me there, dude. I thought you were 185, setting all these big lifts. You done? No, no, not the big list I talk about.
Starting point is 00:23:51 I did that in college, yeah. I did that in college. I mean, I did some impressive sort of lifts. Like, you know, my bench was always good in squats. But anyways, like, yeah, in college, so they wanted me heavier, because I had a different position I was I was inside linebacker. I was an outside anymore. I wasn't strong safety
Starting point is 00:24:09 And so the so size is better They thought I needed more size. Yeah, cuz I mean you you get pulling guards and you get like tackles and there's there's some big boys Like I was going to get like you're plug in the whole right there too a lot of time So you gotta go ahead to head with you. Taking on the full back You know full sprint and so like I had to build the shell and Man, I saw my whole summer like I just voted to put it on size and I just ate like a horse like Lifted lifted and all I had to do was just focus on lifting like super heavy and like max I put on a ton of how much How much did you think over that summer?
Starting point is 00:24:45 Well, so I ended up coming back in season at 2.35. Holy shit, hold on, but how much? What did you start with? So I was about maybe about 200. You gained 30 fucking pounds over the summer? I did. Holy shit. And it wasn't all muscle, I'm sure.
Starting point is 00:25:02 Yeah. Actually, I'm positive because I was not on anabolic There was some fat there and that's deep with me forever Yeah, yeah, seriously, the right different talent. Oh my god, dude. Can I just tell you how like heavy I felt You know like I was just not comfortable in that body and So you're like way bigger your thing like lost mobility. I lost I lost explosiveness like But I mean I could definitely take a hit and I could you know unleash a hit on somebody But I was like winded you know, oh it was it was gnarly. Yeah, I mean it's you definitely athletes are looking for that Strait that strength, that strength,
Starting point is 00:25:45 that strength strength strength, the weight ratio. I taught I taught a putty day. You want to be, for most sports, being big is okay so long as your strength comes up and you have this great ratio of strength to weight. If that starts to change to where you're still getting stronger but the rate of strength is not going up at all to match your size, you're just moving more weight now. You're just a bigger, heavier person.
Starting point is 00:26:14 And in some sports like football weight, and some weight's good, right? Especially if you're on the line or... Yeah, position's the same. And you know, mass, just moving mass, physics shows that it's just gonna hit you harder but if you can't move that you're not gonna do well and then a lot of sports like cycling or you know but again sports where there's a weight class or you know even baseball you want to you want to have a good straight to weight ratio it's it doesn't
Starting point is 00:26:41 it's not it's not the the number one thing but for the average person like Adam was saying Who wants to like build muscle? The barbell movements are king, but you are going to run into problems if you always live there Yeah, if you live I've done this I've done this Countless times to myself because I love barbells. I love barbell lifts. I love heavy pulling and squatting and pushing and all that stuff And I've developed in balances and overuse injuries I love barbell lifts, I love heavy pulling and squatting and pushing and all that stuff. And I've developed imbalances and overuse injuries. As a result, I had shoulder surgery, I had my AC joint resected.
Starting point is 00:27:13 It was probably about 10, 11 years ago, maybe longer actually, probably 13 years ago. And it was because I had pushed bench press so much for so much of my life, and I had become so one dimensional that I had created an imbalance and had to get surgery, then I can't, I can never press like I did before now as a result. I've had to hip, burstitis from just squatting heavy all the time and not working on the unilateral stuff. And even till this day, my unilateral work is,
Starting point is 00:27:43 you could see what I could lift with a barbell, and I should be able to lift so much with a dumbbell or unilaterally, and it's not even close to that, because that's what I focus on. Which is now, believe it or not, ironically, now that I have a garage gym, I'm gonna probably do less barbell movements, which is funny, considering,
Starting point is 00:28:01 and a garage you tend to do more, but I'm gonna be doing more unilateral stuff. That's a big priority for me right now. So I started incorporating that maybe a month or so ago, and that video you're talking about that I shot was kind of a progression to that of me been working on this. So that wasn't the first time that I obviously attempted something similar to that.
Starting point is 00:28:23 So, and I do, I'm at 220 now, so I'm weighing 220, and I'm still able to do stuff like that. So we're going to see how far I can get with my weight while I maintain that. And a big part of me being able to push the weight and still that is actually unilateral movement. So I've already done that, and that was already a priority of mine because I did put that together the last time that I went really aggressive on gaining was I went so much barbell that I got really stiff and rigid. Strong.
Starting point is 00:28:51 Fuck, I was strong. It was really strong and felt like I put on some of my back, my gains and my legs, my gains in the last couple of years that I hadn't seen in the previous 10 plus and lifting. So that part of it, but it also exaggerated these imbalances. So I'm, and I'm sure those imbalances were there before, right? And that's what I mean by the, what it's because of the barbell. Because it's not like, because if you lift a barbell correctly and perfect with good form,
Starting point is 00:29:16 you shouldn't have any imbalances from that. But all it takes is to be off just a little bit. And when you're pulling up 500 pounds, you know, it really exaggerates that imbalance and that's where you get these. It's not just that though, it's also just, I don't care what movement you do, I don't care if it's unilateral, barbell, whatever. If you do the same thing, the same movement all the time.
Starting point is 00:29:39 And this is what, and this is, I think, the bigger problem, I don't necessarily think the barbell promotes imbalances as much as people love barbell movements and always inject them. Like, every, like, Chess Day, you know, people are bench pressing all the time, or, you know, deadlifting, you know, every week or squatting twice or three days a week all the time, that's, I think, more may contribute to problems. Because it's, imagine if you did any exercise all the time Do you think I mean, I don't know if that I don't know if that's a true statement or not because I feel like What we've seen in the last few years
Starting point is 00:30:13 As far as dead lifting and squatting. It's been huge and we you know, we attributed that to crossfit, right? And so we've seen a lot more that I mean still blows my mind that I can go to gold and actually have to wait for a squat rack where that just didn't happen 10 years ago. But I still think that... Maybe it's just how you, maybe a more accurate statement wouldn't necessarily be how you often... The intensity. Intensity, how you program it and what you do around it.
Starting point is 00:30:38 Yeah, yeah. Yeah, because I definitely highly recommend, I would tell someone, don't ever stop. I mean, I think a good compound barbell lift should be in every lift, you know, in every workout somewhere in there, like Justin was saying right now, like he picks two compound lifts
Starting point is 00:30:53 and then builds around that. I think that's a, I think you just should do some unilateral stuff with that and multi-plainier stuff with that, you know, so it's like, you do your own specific, yeah, cause that's the thing. It's like, I wanna express overall, like, you know, how my body's gonna respond
Starting point is 00:31:10 and give the right strength signal, but now also I wanna be joint specifics. I know where my imbalance is lie, and I can address them and build, you know, around that and strengthen them. I remember years ago, I was probably, I was a kid, I was young. I think I was a teenager, and I always bench press, I always bench press.
Starting point is 00:31:28 And I think my, I don't remember what the number was, but I got stuck at a particular number. And I had read some article. 135? Yeah. When I was 14. I know. And I read some article where some old-time bodybuilder said, one of the best ways to get your bench press to go up
Starting point is 00:31:46 was to do dumbbell chest press only for like a little while and then go back to the barbell. It actually worked. For sure. I remember that. I remember the exact same thing. Really? He's just phasing it.
Starting point is 00:31:58 It was so, but it's, I mean, it worked. You know, I got better at the dumbbell. Did the same thing when I did really really low and intensified ring pushups, suspended ring pushups. It was a totally different stimulus. Now I said I got even more strength in my depth of my pressing movement. It all contributed. It all bleeds into the overall.
Starting point is 00:32:24 I actually used to do something with, that night you brought that up, you brought back a memory of that. I had that exact same epiphany, right, where I was like, oh shit, let's go destruction. And what ends up happening is you start normally, most people start with the barbell, right? And they start barbell pricing a lot,
Starting point is 00:32:41 and then they realize that they're weaker dumbbell pricing. And it's like, it's not cool to, you know, lift 50 pound dumbbells when you could barbell press 225, right? It's like, yeah, avoid it. You look like you're a lot more of a beast. Right. And I actually remember reading something very similar, Sal and then I was like, okay, you know, fuck this. Any tape might go out, I'm going to, I'm going to do dumbbells. And I actually stuck with dumbbells until I got to the point where I was moving almost the same weight with the dumbbells as I was with the barbells.
Starting point is 00:33:09 So like where else both dumbbells add up to the... Yes. And then I came back to the barbell and then worked on the barbell until I progressed that weight and then I'd go back to the dumbbell. And that was kind of how I went back and forth. This is way before maps and phasing and you know, underlating our programming like we do now.
Starting point is 00:33:24 But that's kind of what I used to do in the past is I would stick with barbell for a while and then when I feel like I'm slowing my progression down then I would switch over to dumbbells and I used that for like basically all muscle groups. So I would do the same thing for like a shoulder press and then I would work over the dumbbells and then I'd go back and forth.
Starting point is 00:33:43 So that was kind of how I phased those things. Well, reinforces the stabilization of your shoulder. So now you have two to accommodate four that are independent. And so it just definitely carries over to now I have a solid barbell where I'm equally loaded as I'm coming down. It's like I did all that work stabilizing work that contribute to the overall Strength it's crazy Doug you wanted us to review some
Starting point is 00:34:11 Celebrity diets or something yeah, I mean they We have a popular celebrity things that are going on right so there's a number of diets out there that are popular among Celebrities and I wanted to get your take on them. You're our favorite people. I'm gonna just give you my opinion before I even hear them. Okay, there we go. They know a lot about nutrition. Probably more than us.
Starting point is 00:34:32 I take all my advice from celebrities. Yeah, I'm just kidding. Are the authority, are they not? Yeah. All right, well I'm gonna start with the first one I found here, which is the five factor diet. Is it from a Kardashian or what? No, no, it's just.
Starting point is 00:34:45 Actually, I do have one from the Kardashian. Oh, thank God, Doug. Thank you. I have to have my nose. I can't wait. Please. The five factor diet. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:54 And so what this is? Five components of fitness. Yeah, it comes from the number of elements each meal should include, which are protein complex carbs, fiber, fat, and fluids. Followers eat five meals a day with recipes that contain no more than five ingredients. One cheat day is allowed per week where you can eat anything and everything you like. That's guilt-free. My favorite diet.
Starting point is 00:35:18 I've never heard of this before. Yeah, yeah. And it's followed. Sugar butter cubes. It's followed by Lady Gaga, Megan Fox, Kate Beckinsale, Katy Perry, and so on. If Megan Fox falls at it's a pass for me. Yeah, right away.
Starting point is 00:35:32 Yep, yep, yep. No, I go ahead and agree with you. By the way, for the listeners to know, this is what happens when someone comes out with a new diet or something, and they've got like some money behind them. They get on the phone and they call. Oh, beautiful movies.
Starting point is 00:35:44 They are. They try to do it. She's doing it. They get on the phone and they call. You're a beautiful movie star. They can't do it. She's doing it. They call super celebrity, whatever, whoever. And then if the celebrity answers the phone to their publicism, like, hey, is so and so willing to say that they're following my diet for percent of the sales or for $50,000,
Starting point is 00:35:59 I'm like, sure, and that's it. So I highly doubt they do this. The five elements are protein, fiber, carbohydrates, some mouse and then fluids. Yeah. And you have to include all those in every meal and you have to have five meals. Five meals a day. But nothing can have more than five ingredients. Right.
Starting point is 00:36:18 So what they've done is they've effectively eliminated heavily processed foods. Yeah. Potentially. Potentially. Potentially. Because I can still get crazy if I wanted to. Oh, so you, okay, we'll eat. So nothing you eat can have more than five ingredients in it. That's correct.
Starting point is 00:36:32 And there's supposed to all include protein, complex carbs, fiber, fat, and fluid. Okay, you've got to give me an example of this. I've got to see, can we see it on the TV or can you read it? Oh, the fine one. Or read it, that's fine. I'm trying to build all fluids. I'm trying to build a meal in my head right now that only has five ingredients. Well, no, no, not that whole meal,
Starting point is 00:36:54 each food in the meal can not have more than five ingredients. So like chicken bread. So it's trying to encourage whole foods over something that's packaged and has 15 things inside of it. Super generic way to do it. Like chicken versus chicken nuggets. Let's talk about that. Okay, so this is what I think is clever and smart. Oh, wait a minute. Is this the sample one? Hold on, read breakfast.
Starting point is 00:37:20 Let's breakfast. Breakfast, five factor French toast. Five factor French toast. Wow, hold on on tell me what the morning snack has a bread for Morning snack is five factor Barry shake. I wonder hey guys real quick. I wonder how they're making money just like Do you guys can you guys guess how they're making money? You go. Can you have a five factor? All right. Is it a five? Yeah, so next up is lunch, which is chef salad made with fresh lettuce tomato roasted turkey boiled egg whites and seasoned with Mrs. Dash.
Starting point is 00:37:50 Hmm. I think I paid by Mrs. Dash. Afternoon snack non-fat French onion sour cream dip with celery. No fat, please. Dinner salmon, quinoa salad, salt, pepper. So it's not an unhealthy diet, except for the five factor French toast and five factor, five finger fist punch. Well, okay. So it like almost every diet,
Starting point is 00:38:16 you take a little bit of something positive or a little bit of science and you, you gift rapid with a Megan Fox and you give it a very clever name. That's catchy. It's pretty low. And it's easy to follow, you know, so it's clever, right? It's clever. It's, you know, it's tied to someone super hot. And then don't forget, once a week, you can fucking go crazy.
Starting point is 00:38:39 And then there's just encourages. And then all those cheat and almost all diets will have something that is appealed that everyone appeals to right like like the peanut butter You're here now Sunday they get something in there that everybody's gonna be like, oh that is fucking awesome Yeah, but it's like it's shit. It's shit. Well, you shouldn't say it's shit, right? Like someone followed this diet They a lot of people would be better off following this than following what the imagine. What?
Starting point is 00:39:08 Any diet's gonna be better than that. Well, I know, but okay. Here's the thing, let's talk. Follow the cucumber diet. We help you. What I want us to try and do, because we all know. Unpeel. Doug doesn't even need to tell me the next three or four diets
Starting point is 00:39:18 that he found. You never know. We're gonna be able to shit on all of them. But let's talk about, like if I had, and I would like this all to vote on, whichever ones We think is the best idea. Why don't we go through one out of five? What do you get? Okay, that's all the rating. We'll go through all however many how many how many fingers you give them
Starting point is 00:39:32 I give them the middle all right this next one is followed by Nicole Richie Rooney Mara and Gwen Stefani. Oh, it's the pressed Juicere diet. Oh, yes, let's please next two. Six juices a day, 1200 calories. Oh, wow. Followers receive a daily supply of juices, especially delivered every morning. Each and fresh nutrient pack drink is designed
Starting point is 00:39:57 to replace meals and snacks and all alcohol caffeine and nicotine should be avoided. Sounds animal. Wait a minute. Now see, now this. The whole fucking diet is all shit. It's just mush. All shakes.
Starting point is 00:40:08 Now that is a shitty diet, right? Okay, okay, thank you. So I feel like the least the five. The first one was way better than this. Yeah, come on, dude. Like the first one, if my client came to me, he said, Adam, this, this, uh, this is a one finger diet.
Starting point is 00:40:19 My five factor diet meal plan is working great for me and I really enjoy it and I looked at it and I saw it. I'd be like, okay, it's better than a lot of shit that's out there. Open your mouth and we pour it in. Can we see these shakes? Are you kidding me right now? You know what, press juicery, that's the place
Starting point is 00:40:37 we used to get those smoothies. Remember we go and have them, they make those coconut drinks, they're really good. So here's the problem with juices. You're eliminating a lot of the good stuff from whatever you're juicing. Oh, you're just lazy? By squeezing out the juice. Right, because most, a lot of, most fruit, like the skin and stuff and the seeds are like
Starting point is 00:40:58 vegetables. Or vegetables, like the fibers, you know. That's where all the good stuff is. And you're just concentrating the hell out of the sugar. And it's pretty handy me when I probably drink it, but look at this lazy. And of course, you have to buy their juices. I mean, really, okay, so here's another thing
Starting point is 00:41:14 you need to understand about supplements, and this is a supplement. A very effective strategy for a supplement company is to construct a diet around their supplement. You sell the diet, but in order to follow the diet, you have to take their products. So you're not selling the supplement. It's so formula.
Starting point is 00:41:33 Right, so they're not coming out saying, hey, our juices are the best juices. They're saying this is the best diet. And then you buy the diet and because you bought the diet. Oh, by the way, it's specifically. Hey, man, when I used to sell memberships at the gym, I'd sell personal training. Number one, because I knew that people needed it,
Starting point is 00:41:49 but number two, because I knew they had training. You had to have a membership. You had to have a membership. You had to have a membership. You had to have a membership. You had to have a membership. You had to have a membership. You had to have a membership.
Starting point is 00:41:57 You had to have a membership. You had to have a membership. You had to have a membership. You had to have a membership. You had to have a membership. You had to have a membership. You had to have a membership. You had to have a membership.
Starting point is 00:42:04 You had to have a membership. You had to have a membership. You had to have a membership. You whatever. Oh my God. Yeah, you just drink them. This would be a miserable. This is good if you, I don't have any teeth. So if you're, yeah, yeah, you're right. If you're bedridden, if you have no teeth, you should try the pressed juicery. I want to juicery. Next one, Doug. Yeah, I found this one.
Starting point is 00:42:18 It's Victoria Beckham, his joy. This one, it's the, David Beckham's wife. Yeah. Okay. I like this stuff. Mochup. That's gonna be joined this one. It's the, David Beckham's wife. Yeah. Okay, another hot, already I like this diet. It's gonna be a good one. This is a alkaline diet. So is diet rich in fruits and vegetables
Starting point is 00:42:34 that curtail's consumption of acid forming foods like dairy, pasta, meat, and fish, the goal to keep the body's pH balance between 7.35 and 7.45. pH balance for. Yeah. Genesad, Jennifer Aniston, Kirsten, good luck with that.
Starting point is 00:42:52 When is Paltral also like this? Good luck with keeping it right there, all day. Well, no, you're out, okay, hold on a second. People, there's something, no, something. Your body maintains a certain level, no matter what. It's like, it's like, it's really fucking good at doing that. Number one, number two, this whole alkaline acidic type process that, or sales pitch, that
Starting point is 00:43:10 people are using with diets and stuff. When people tend to eliminate certain foods because they're acidic and replace them with other foods that tend to be alkaline, the alkaline foods that are recommended are like really healthy foods, like, you know, spinach and kale and all these amazingly healthy foods. And so they think it's because they've made their body more alkaline when it reality. That's right. You stopped eating candy bars out of a wrapper and now you're eating kale. Yeah, fine.
Starting point is 00:43:36 What do you think it's going to happen? That's it. So that's really what's going on. Can you pull that one up, Doug? Can I see that one too? I like to see it. You like to see what the pictures of it? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:44 No, I like to see what we're talking about. Yeah, I know. I want to see just in? I like to see it. You like to see what the pictures of it? Yeah, yeah, no, I like to see what we're talking about. Yeah, I know. I want to see just in case I decide to get it, you know. No, there's no, you really no fear of your body going too acidic or too out. By the way, two alkaline would be bad too. Alkaline burns you just like acid does, right? And he's into the base.
Starting point is 00:44:00 Base. Base, sorry. This is a, this is pretty popular right now though. The, in the alkaline water cleaner. Yeah, I know you get that you get the waters and the drinks now they're supposed to make you more alkaline. You have this test that people are doing like some gyms like they do this they'll test you and they'll be like oh wow you're really your pH is off like take this take this you know how the fuck do they test it? No acid your. Your pH is always kind of the same.
Starting point is 00:44:25 Your body, you kind of regulate that. What do you mean? It's like your body. You have a cup of coffee and it throws that off. It's always moving, dude. Yeah. What are they? It's very sensitive.
Starting point is 00:44:36 Your pH balance is very, very sensitive. It's just like a plant. Like when you, when you overfeed nutrient, like if you give a lot of nutrients, like more than your body, your body absolutely needs it a sitting, right? It will fluctuate to pH levels up and down. So it's easily fluctuating.
Starting point is 00:44:51 That's why I said good luck at keeping it in that range because a cup of coffee can go through it off the ground. Yeah, it's exactly, that's a good analogy because VO2 is something that is forever moving on us and you can manipulate that in a two day. And that's how, so this is what they used to do, like they'll take these tests, right? These people will do these like finger litmus tests. They'll know the finger prick test
Starting point is 00:45:16 and they'll test your blood real quick and then they'll tell you like, oh my God, you're so far off and then they'll give you these supplements. Like take this for a couple days, come back and test and you'll come back and you'll be like, it'll swing the other way. Yeah, but no, here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:45:27 Like, I'm just looking this up, and this is what I thought, because I kind of read this. The idea that diets can materially affect blood pH for the purpose of treating a range of diseases has zero support, zero scientific support. There's nothing to support this. If your body, if your blood is actually in acidosis or alkylosis, that's very dangerous and potentially serious,
Starting point is 00:45:49 but I think you'd know. It's not like you're walking around going, I'm fat. You know this appeals to people's like heartburn. Like me. He's like, oh acid, I gotta get rid of my acid. You just gotta eat a better balanced diet. I wanna hear the next one, Doug. Well, the next one is a headline first off.
Starting point is 00:46:06 It says, Courtney Kardashian reveals her, that's the same least strict detox diet. No detox. We're detoxing. Anybody want to venture a guess what this might include? Yes. In the morning, I have to have super antioxidant drink.
Starting point is 00:46:20 I have lemon juice. I have cocaine in the morning. And then I'm going to eat. This is the coolest diet we've done yet. Oh, I don lemon juice. I have cocaine in the morning and then I go eat. This is the coolest diet we've done yet. Oh, I don't eat. Okay, so I'm gonna read off what she does every day. Except for this little product. So for breakfast, she eats a minimal amount of fruit and usually opts in for her go-to avocado smoothie.
Starting point is 00:46:40 For lunch and dinner, she sticks to proteins like fish and chicken and maybe some cauliflower rice or broccoli. Following dinner, she's not allowed to eat breakfast for 14 to 16 hours. Oh yeah, and one day per week, she does a 24 hour fast, which she only drinks water and bone broth. Do you know what these celebrities do? None of this, none of this.
Starting point is 00:47:02 You know what, well, you know what we've turned dieting into and this is what it fucking annoys me. What do you mean fucking annoys me. We've turned it into like a competitive. No, no, no, it's turned into like a like it's a fat. It's a cool thing. Like what do you want right now? What are you trying? What do you? And it's they're in search like because I bet you money if you actually Google search Kardashian and all the different diets that she's tried over the last 10 years. I bet you there's a whole shit working so well for me this week and and this is what's wrong with uh... with america is that we have we have this on or off the wagon and everybody is is is debating over whose diet is better when in reality the reason why any of them
Starting point is 00:47:41 and all of them are seeing results are changed from any of the fucking diets is because they go from Mindless eating where they eat all the shit in front of them and don't pay attention to all the sudden now I'm trying to exercise and pay attention and you could follow any diet and do that and you're gonna see the same results You know what all these I'm zoning I'm Mediterranean. You know all these diets have in common You know what all these I'm zoning I'm Mediterranean. You know all these diets have in common Thrown low calorie. Yeah, right. They all that's that's that's the number one thing that they're that they all have in common is they all go back to Law thermodynamics, right? So it's they all restrict the shit out of you calories You put anybody and everybody on a 1300 to 1500 calorie diet and I promise this is all like how skinny she's getting It's like there's no health like a promotion in here. Is there a dog?
Starting point is 00:48:27 Well this this this this this card out what's her name something Courtney card action Courtney her I mean what she's saying doesn't sound bad. No, I know I'm saying but like highlight the health of it But they may yeah, they make it sound like it's like this is cheap Let's just imagine she hacked the system. Yeah, no, it's nothing on it. All right, you want more of these? Yeah, we want more. I can't believe it. All right, Tom Brady and Giselle Boonchin. Is that how you say that?
Starting point is 00:48:51 Well, that is a hot power couple. Boonchin, Boonchin? Boonchin, Boonchin. Justin's like, I'd hit it. Yeah. Which one? Yeah, he's got five Super Balls at it. You know, I've got five Super Balls at it.
Starting point is 00:49:02 I've got five Super Balls at it. I've got five Super Balls at it. All right, I have a ton of things. I'm telling you, I'm telling you. All right, so there's one of those rings. Their diet is about 80% plant-based and 20% lean meats. They have no dairy, no sugar, no flour, no olive oil, no night-shade vegetables. And for Tom, no strawberries.
Starting point is 00:49:20 What is the salad that doesn't get strawberries? What's the night-shade thing? That's the second time I've heard that this week. Night shade vegetables, like eggplant. No, I understand what our tomatoes, eggplant, like I understand what's the deal with them. Yeah, what's bad about them? What's the deal?
Starting point is 00:49:35 So they tend to be more common in intolerance. So if you take vegetables and you look at the ones that tend to bother people with gastro issues or digestive issues and stuff like that, or if people go and get like these actual food intolerance tests, that test antibodies. Not for food allergies, but for intolerances. Nightshades are up there, and dieticians have known for a long time that if they, that for people with, you know, irritable bowel syndrome, one of the things that they'll turn to to remove
Starting point is 00:50:05 from a person's diet that'll make them feel better is night-shade vegetables. So that's why it's probably in there as being removed. And it looks like that's what they did. They eliminated all the common food intolerance until intolerance as people have, except for why do they remove olive oil? That's weird.
Starting point is 00:50:24 That is weird. I'm offended Yeah, I mean all was good for your hair. You know good for everything I mean that's really interesting with someone like Tom Brady Who I feel like out of all the people we've named so far is on the the better end of the smarter group out of all these celebrities Not because he's a badass football I mean I'm a little biased because of that too. But I'd be interested to see if he was put on this diet
Starting point is 00:50:50 because he actually had somebody look into. It sounds like it because he's avoiding strawberries too. Right. Like, I mean, so I would just... Where I don't, and so far, I like the first diet and his diet the best. If I'm like, if we're voting on like, you know, what would
Starting point is 00:51:05 I tell someone is a pretty good diet that some celebrity's doing right now at what he's doing is. Well, it would be interesting if you had like a continuous glue comitory, had some kind of monitoring his reaction to these different types of foods. And maybe that was the thought process where they extracted it, you know, so if there was that much thought that went into that specifically. God, you know, so if there was that much thought that went into that specifically, I mean the individual gravity. It's so crazy like the new science that's coming out with the individual individual responses to food. Oh yeah. It's gonna shit on every diet. Dude, no way. There won't be any more diets.
Starting point is 00:51:37 Dude, once this gets completely like mainstream. It just echoes what the three of us have seen. We've been trainers for a long time. We've been in fitness for a long time. That's why we refuse to become a myod diet. It's right, no diet diet. It never blows me, I never ceases to blow me away when I'll run into people or train people whose body responds so different from other people.
Starting point is 00:51:58 You know, for a little while there as a trainer, I was, because we were taught this actually, early on, that you, that not eating animal products is not good because we were taught this actually early on, that you, that not eating animal products is not good, because you'll lack certain vitamins and minerals, you need to get them from, from me. But then as a personal trainer, I had several clients who just, they just felt and did their best completely avoiding me altogether. And I remember thinking like, are they lying? And it can't be, I see what's going on. I mean, it's obviously their individual body makeup.
Starting point is 00:52:26 So there's so much more complicated than we think. So I mean, I'm with you Adam. I think, because Tom Brady's diet sounds like someone came out and tested him and said, here's what we're gonna do because they eliminated some foods that are actually healthy, like strawberries and nightshade vegetables, by the way, are very healthy. If you don't have an intolerance to them,
Starting point is 00:52:43 you shouldn't have always done. Well, and I was joking about him being the smartest, but what true story of the guy is like, the one known as one of the most prepared football players to ever play the game. And like literally, he's a goat. He's to the detail on every single thing that you got. It's almost as awesome as man.
Starting point is 00:53:00 So it's a lot. Now he already blew all that away. Yeah, that's no longer a depressing day. That's no longer a depressant game. That's no longer a debate anymore, but it's easier to sell. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So that being said, he strikes me as the guy who would probably fly the top researchers.
Starting point is 00:53:18 I mean, the guys that we get to talk to, like that, because why we talk all the time, like, it's just going to shit on everybody's diets, like in the future. I mean, I guarantee he has access to those type of people. He, to me, is somebody who would actually reach out to somebody to put him on a specific diet for his body versus Kim Kardashian or whatever they'd rather Kardashian. They seem like the type that we get.
Starting point is 00:53:38 I'll sign this check. Yes, that would get a phone call from a company that says, listen, we're gonna pay you $1 million or X amount of dollars in royalties. The T-shirt. Yeah, that. Well, when that much money is depending on... I'm speculating, too, by the way.
Starting point is 00:53:50 I mean, I can't put it in. No, actually, this is how we can do it. I think I read about this. I actually think I read about him doing a specific diet because he's getting older. He wanted to perform better. So he followed this diet and training that made him, you know, performed the way he did recently,
Starting point is 00:54:03 which was very good. But, you know, it makes you kind of wonder, follow this diet and training that made him perform the way he did recently, which was very good. But it makes you wonder, especially with these professional athletes, the amount of money they make and the amount of money that they invest in themselves and their bodies to perform and how tech is moving in the future. It's going to be very interesting. You guys know that they've grown meat in a laboratory, and they actually have eaten it. So they've gotten stem cells, grown a steak,
Starting point is 00:54:27 it doesn't taste good. In a lab, and then people eat it, and you're right. That's what they said. That you're right, people say it doesn't taste good, but I think they came out with another generation of it, and it tasted just fine. It's more expensive to do that than to raise an animal, but at some point, at some point,
Starting point is 00:54:45 you gotta think about like in the future, like, well, you got to talk about this. Super rich athletes. So let's talk about, is that living tissue? It is, it's stem cells, cell. Okay, so are we living tissue? You think vegans are gonna be against that or no?
Starting point is 00:54:57 Because I feel like it's like, that's close to, well no, that's closer to the toe. That's what I mean. That's more tofu than it is cow. I don't know, I mean, you're creating flesh, murdering it. No.
Starting point is 00:55:10 When I was tripping me out, it's like way in the future, I mean, they could test your body, find out your individual chemical makeup, and then like grow your food for you. It's like, this is the perfect meat for you. Dude, you know what, Juppie? Do you know what Justin and I just heard on a podcast?
Starting point is 00:55:24 The prediction that by two, first wealth, by 2046, me for you dude you know what jockey do you know what Justin I just heard on a podcast the prediction that by two first well by 2046 is it 45 I think so what the singularity no that would not singularity that we actually will actually be able to stay alive for it in mortal yeah yeah yeah yeah so it's yeah so you guys know that he works for Google now right I didn't know who he is great personal yeah he's like this futurist that That is already he's made lots of predictions in the past and they've come true and he uses these You know, he looks at a lot of different things like Moore's Law and you know a lot of different calculations and he calculates You know and figures out that you know the singularity is gonna happen at this particular point and at this particular point
Starting point is 00:56:03 We'll figure out this particular this thing and he's been on point, it's pretty crazy, but I think he works for Google with their AI department like to create the place. I know they've put a lot of money into that. Yeah, pretty interesting. Are there any diets left there, Doug? Okay, let's wrap it up with Katie Perry's M plan. Oh, it's only a favorite.
Starting point is 00:56:22 The M plan. The M plan. She's gone downhill lately. M and M's. That would be a good one. Yeah. It requires one three M&M's a day. Yeah. It would work. Three M&M. No, it requires one meal per day to be mushroom based. That's it. Oh, no, no, no, this is even better yet. The diet can magically target specific areas of an unwanted fat While leaving the breasts Unaffected. No, no
Starting point is 00:56:51 That's my winner. That is the best. Yes. Please pull this up. Not touch some breasts guys Can I just say something right now? Why don't we why don't we just do why don't we do this? Wow I love I think we should do I think she looks like a crazy to here's what I want to do I think we should do this and only people that will be in on it will be mine pump fans and us Let's make up a bullshit die like like hey, we've designed a specific diet that It'll make you lose the fat you want plus make your dick grow or super like that right? Oh my god I see the greatest video. It was like this conspiracy that she was like part of the lizard people Like that Russell brand or whatever like left stories. They were like
Starting point is 00:57:34 Lost my shit. We have to watch that one dude. So this diet wreaks of like you know someone's sitting some a group of people sitting in a room And they're like hey, what would sound cool? Yeah, oh, I know this would if like one of the meals is all mushrooms Listen you need to read that much to read that one more time I'm arguing the fat cells but not the breasts the new diet that claims replacing a meal a day with a mushroom with mushrooms Read it all that but well, but it makes a lot of sense shed fat But only in certain parts of the body. The waist, hips, and thighs, but not the bust.
Starting point is 00:58:10 Good. Wow, that sounds perfect. Yeah. I wonder, I think everybody would want that fucking diet. Tim mushroom. Nothing's wrong with mushroom. These must be second-allage mushrooms. Exactly, dude.
Starting point is 00:58:21 It's just second-allage mushrooms that you're eating. It's the little, yeah. Like, oh my god. Take these mushrooms. The fine print at the're eating. It's the little, like, oh my god! Take these mushrooms. The fine print at the bottom. Imagine what you want to look like, and that's what you'll look like. Well, I want to go ahead and retract what I said earlier, which was, most of these diets take a little bit of science, and then they fucking, they're just, they're just zero.
Starting point is 00:58:39 I don't know if there's any science around this one. This diet pushed by the mushroom farmers in America. It's so great you can tell. This diet pushed by the mushroom farmers. It's so great, you can tell. We got to miss a mushroom. You see the sidebar, all the stuff that gets promoted for Doug, because that's kind of scary, that Doug's the breath. You got to put your laptop up on this computer. It totally gives away anything that you've been
Starting point is 00:58:56 Google searching lately, because it just popped up, like because obviously we're doing weight loss and diets that's not key show. There was a diet gimmick on the right, and then there was the cameras, which I know you just bought your new camera. So it's being, it's gonna be funny when Doug pulls us up on the TV one day and we get to like some big deal dough.
Starting point is 00:59:14 Yeah. That was for half a month. I'm not sure, searching that. Brush over four foot deal dough, half a month. So I like to get it now at Amazon Prime. I like to get deals as tall as I am. Now with bolstered grip. I like to wrestle in my mind.
Starting point is 00:59:32 Yeah, no man, this is horrible. And celebrities promoting this. That's what they do, right? Celebrities promote this. All right dude, that's why I did not want you guys started just murdering the first diet. And I knew it was gonna get worse. Yeah, I knew that.
Starting point is 00:59:44 When I was listening to him, I'm like, you know what, for a celebrity diet, this is not- gonna get more. Yeah, I knew that was like, when I was listening to him, like, you know what, for a celebrity diet, this is not, yeah, this is not half bad. I've seen a lot worse and then Doug just proved me right by going on with the rest, oh Kelly Osborne does this one too, huh? Oh, well, yeah, imagine she's done a lot of drugs. It must work for her.
Starting point is 01:00:00 You learn this watching the Smurfers. So just speaking of like, like people need to know this, like food, organizations and unions and groups or whatever, they do get together and they do figure out ways to get Americans to eat. How do we get them to buy into the show? Shoot, no joke. The grains, like the cereal.
Starting point is 01:00:17 No joke. The cartoon Popeye with the spinach. That was supported and pushed by farmers that grew spinach. Well, if you were a kid, it was like healthy things though. Well, so if you read the book, but it was brilliant. If you read the book, Hitmakers, it gets into this actually.
Starting point is 01:00:31 It's actually really fascinating and Disney is one of the biggest culprits of this. So they have created just like this controlling the way we think through these story telling through these cartoons. Oh, dude, like, if I tell you guys right now, what food should you eat if you want to get better eyesight? Like, damn beans. Like what foods? Carrots, carrots, right? Completely made up.
Starting point is 01:00:51 Right, totally. By the industry, by the people itself. Carrots, you know, spinach or, you know, milk, milk, for your bones, cast and your bones. Like all these different things, which is funny, which I bought into like, oh, thousand percent. By the way, or an apple day, it keeps the doctor up.
Starting point is 01:01:05 Or no, remember the milk, the body builder that would drink milk, like that commercial in the 80s? Yeah, yeah. Dude, now I vividly remember that's why I wanted to start building muscle. Dude, yeah. And drugs are like scrambling eggs. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:18 He's your brain on drugs. Then it works. Yeah, a parent, but like, and of course, I got the mess. All the stoners are like, I'm hungry, no, I got I got the message that easy that spinach built muscle So here I am in a fuck ton of spinach And look at you I'm a 15 year old kid my mom's like it's how you want more stash like no no no no no
Starting point is 01:01:39 No, I mean more I'm gonna get all the spinach just make me give you spinach., give me spinach, I care, it's mom, why am I losing weight? I wanna go on. How about the spinach diet, should be getting? Yeah, I'm cheating all the time. Ah, here, you know, I think the moral of the story here is, don't listen to celebrities. Yeah, that's the first one. Yeah, definitely.
Starting point is 01:01:58 And really, I think what people need to take away, and I think what we talk a lot about, even when we talked about the ketogenic diet back then, and we talked about the health benefits of that that we had to be very careful that we were explaining to people that, listen, we're not saying that this is the diet everybody should follow. There's some bit of health benefits to doing that, and it definitely fits for some people with special needs.
Starting point is 01:02:17 And I really think that most diets like that, like your ketogenic, your paleo, I think there is a good reason for someone to follow that if it is a, something medically wrong with them that could be, like you got cancer, like I could see putting my, you know, family member that got diagnosed with that on, like a ketogenic diet. But everyone going after these diets for weight loss, you know, really the, all of them work because they're all restricting calories. I mean, that's the main reason why i see any of them work i'd like to see a diet that has you eat more calories in your burn and then you lose weight
Starting point is 01:02:51 i'd like to see that magic show me that died at that's the fucking best i have all right right right right right it's right it put it out there and i think people by it and and again i mean this is goes back to why i'm such a fan of tracking is that, you know, just being mindful of what you're consuming. That's the new diet we're gonna write.
Starting point is 01:03:10 Right, just tracking diet. Just the tracking diet. To eat whatever you want. Just track, because track it. I tell you what, when you start looking at the chart work, actually you have to, you're forced to look at what you're eating all day long, sometimes you go, oh my God. First step is awareness.
Starting point is 01:03:22 Right, be awareness diet. Be awareness diet. Oh, I wrote that one. I call it. You call it. I think I said it first here. Some of you ran with our blubber diet, right? Oh, the Inuit diet.
Starting point is 01:03:34 Inuit diet. Hey, you know what's going on? I'm pretty excited all month long, right? What are we doing this month? Probably one of the, we're doing the bogo. What are we calling it? It's not all month long. Oh no, it's till the 12th. It is on the 12th. The bogeo. Damn it. You almost got us in trouble at 12th. The
Starting point is 01:03:48 bogeo. Bogeo by one get one. It's our first. Ever. Everyone get one. So it's the super bundle map super bundle, which has all of our programs. The goal is to get your friend involved. You know you have a friend that needs mine. You want their liability, but they're absolutely too stubborn. So what you need to do is blow their mind away with the fucking best programming out there in the market. You need to get them the free one or trick them into giving you half the money for your terms. You get it.
Starting point is 01:04:15 Or you could just get them to buy it and then you get the free one. That's what I'm saying. You're a real closer. You're a real closer. But yeah, it's got all the pro-ream assumption clothes. It's a year's worth of training, programming, priming. It's got, I mean, everything you could want, and you get a free one for enrolling for it. And it's the first time we've ever done something like this, and it's only going on until
Starting point is 01:04:36 the 12th. So you can find out about it at mindpumpmedia.com. Also, we post a brand new video on YouTube every single day. What you want to do is you want to go to YouTube, you want to look up Mind Pump TV and subscribe, so that you can get notifications when we post new videos, which is every single day. Lastly, check us out on Instagram.
Starting point is 01:04:55 My page is Mind Pump Sal. Adam is Mind Pump Adam. Justin is Mind Pump Justin, and Doug is Mind Pump Doug. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy, and Doug is Mind Pumped Up. Masterformance and Maths Esthetic. Nine months of phased expert exercise programming designed by Sal Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels, and performs.
Starting point is 01:05:33 With detailed workout nutrients in over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle is like having Sal Adam and Justin as your own personal trainers, but at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a 430-day money-back guarantee, and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at MindPumpedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a fine-star rating in review and items and by introducing MindPump to your friends and family.
Starting point is 01:06:03 We thank you for your support, and until next time, this is Mind Pump!

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