Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 600: The Benefits of Unilateral Training

Episode Date: September 21, 2017

In this episode, Sal, Adam & Justin discuss unilateral training and how to use it to become stronger in your more traditional bi-lateral lifts. Included as a bonus with this episode is a FREE Unilater...al Training Workout Mod. You can get it at www.mindpumpmedia.com/p/free Mind Pump Roller Skate Challenge!! (2:00) Guys talk extreme sports Mind Pump hairstyles (16:58) Free MOD! Related Links/Products Mentioned FREE UNILATERAL TRAINING WORKOUT MOD!!  The Rise of Superman: Decoding the Science of Ultimate Human Performance – Steven Kotler (book) 12 THINGS ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER MOVIES TAUGHT US ABOUT FITNESS (article) Organifi Discount Code "mindpump" How To Fix HPA Axis Dysfunction - Ben Greenfield Fitness (article) Irresistible: The Rise of Addictive Technology and the Business of Keeping Us Hooked – Adam Alter (book) MAPS Prime Mind Pump TV (YouTube) - Z Press to take Your Shoulder Development to the Next Level People Mentioned: David Linder Mike Boyle (@BodybyBoyle) | Twitter Arnold (@Schwarzenegger)  Twitter Would you like to be coached by Sal, Adam & Justin? You can get 30 days of virtual coaching from them for FREE at www.mindpumpmedia.com. Get our newest program, MAPS Prime Pro, which shows you how to self assess and correct muscle recruitment patterns that cause pain and impede performance and gains. Get it at www.mindpumpmedia.com! Get MAPS Prime, MAPS Anywhere, MAPS Anabolic, MAPS Performance, MAPS Aesthetic, the Butt Builder Blueprint, the Sexy Athlete Mod AND KB4A (The MAPS Super Bundle) packaged together at a substantial DISCOUNT at www.mindpumpmedia.com. Make EVERY workout better with MAPS Prime, the only pre-workout you need… it is now available at mindpumpmedia.com Have Sal, Adam & Justin personally train you via video instruction on our YouTube channel, Mind Pump TV. Be sure to Subscribe for updates. Get your Kimera Koffee at www.kimerakoffee.com, code "mindpump" for 10% off! Get Organifi, certified organic greens, protein, probiotics, etc at www.organifi.com Use the code “mindpump” for 20% off. Go to foursigmatic.com/mindpump and use the discount code “mindpump” for 15% off of your first order of health & energy boosting mushroom products. Add to the incredible brain enhancing effect of Kimera Koffee with www.brain.fm/mindpump 10 Free sessions! Music for the brain for incredible focus, sleep and naps! Also includes 20% if you purchase! Please subscribe, rate and review this show! Each week our favorite reviewers are announced on the show and sent Mind Pump T-shirts! Have questions for Mind Pump? Each Monday on Instagram (@mindpumpmedia) look for the QUAH post and input your question there. (Sal, Adam & Justin will answer as many questions as they can)

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. In this episode, mind pump, we actually started off pretty random. We had no direction with this episode. That's some serious humor. These are my favorite compensation. That's some serious human. These are my favorite core penetration. We had some good conversation at the beginning,
Starting point is 00:00:30 had some fun. The litter flying. But then we got into a great topic. We talked about unilateral training. Oh, unilateral, that's what it was. Yeah, not unicorns. Yeah, so we were talking about training one side of the body, the benefits of doing it that way,
Starting point is 00:00:43 and why, or how how that can contribute to games. So we got something for you. So here's what we did. We actually made a unilateral training mod or workout. So you don't even have to have a maps program, but if you do you can insert it in your maps program. If you don't, you could just do this workout. It's all unilateral style training. We have a bodybuilding style workout. We have a functional style workout. And then we have a body weight style workout. Totally free. It's completely free. So it's for everybody. You can get it. All you got to do is go www.mindpumpmedia.com forward slash P forward slash free. You got to type all that in. P for free. So again, it's www.mindpumpmedia.com forward slash P forward slash free and get your
Starting point is 00:01:31 free unilateral training guide. Don't forget the www. Yeah, if you don't do that for some reason Facebook only. Well, I will also have a link in the show notes. So and then we'll try to make sure we time a post I will on my Instagram too to make it easier for people. For some reason when we do the free thing and we have to do the forward slash bullshit, it makes it harder. It's actually easier to buy something. It's to give something for free. Let's all get you the lateral together. You in the brow. It's all fine in old school song. I'm gonna play one for you. It's gonna take you back. It's just a song that is gonna take you back, bro. I want you
Starting point is 00:02:03 to tell me. I'm terrible at this game. No, no, no, you'll wreck. You'll know this gonna take you back, bro. I want you to tell me I'm terrible this game No, no, you'll you'll like you'll know this one. I don't know I'll know this one knowing you and the kind of I feel like I Feel the kind of cars you like to drive or you used to like to drive also just listen We already start. No, just listen If you remember this I turn my I turn my ear into the microphone Turn it up man. He's Remember that shit I know that song, but what's it from? Wait, what does that take you back dude? Oh, it does take me back it does doesn't it reminds me of people like skating
Starting point is 00:02:42 Bro, this is the look Roller skating. Oh That's right. Did you guys ever do that? Rollering. Yeah, did you ever go to Aloha? Did you go to Roller Rinks? Dude, that was the thing. We had one here.
Starting point is 00:02:52 That's like a dying thing now. First of all, I did go, but second of all, I just want you guys to envision me on roller states. I don't want to just see the video. I don't want to just envision. I want to have Taylor put that together. No, no, no, no. He just gave us a balloon. I'll put on her. He just gave us a grand. I don't want to just envision I want to have Taylor put that together. No, no, no, no
Starting point is 00:03:05 He just gave us a bullet. I'll probably just give us a grand Sal. He answers questions on roller skates. We are we are going to get Taylor to do that because you know what He was just so good. This is so good. We just did the ice bath challenge might as well do the roller skate Have you guys ever well you're not know how to roll a skate really well? What are you talking about? I know you're talking about. He does. Yeah, I think he was on a roller, I think he was on a roller ring team.
Starting point is 00:03:31 I, you know, I could do some triple luxus. Of course, you want to do this. He says you're going to be fucking awesome. Because he's a hoax. He's a hoax. How about this? I'll do it if we, I answer questions, but Justin has to do analogies. Oh my god all day Got this like like water and ramps. Yeah, it's a water. It's a ramping up
Starting point is 00:03:51 Building up a bucket of water I hope that episode what I want is to like put a post out it like just have like some weird image Yeah, and then be like you guys need to explain what I was talking Yeah, yeah, and then be like, you guys need to explain what I was talking about. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Because I wanted to know. You know, it's crazy, as we are sitting here with you, so I get to see your hand gestures, so you're actually building the story and analogy with your hands while you're talking,
Starting point is 00:04:15 and I still could flip together. So imagine the people listening. Oh my God. I like, yeah, I started out with an idea, and then the idea turned into nothing, like it didn't make sense. It was just, you were telling this analogy that that, that, that, that, that, I started out with an idea and then the idea turned into nothing. Like it didn't make sense. It was just, you were telling the analogy that, that, it wasn't like it was hard to understand or you're trying to, it was literally like me saying
Starting point is 00:04:35 like, didn't work. Yeah, it's like me saying like, well, if you add five plus purple, you get a triangle. Like, it wasn't, it wasn't, it wasn't, it wasn't, none of it was bad. None't it wasn't it None of it was fine for spring. None of it was bad. Well, I had just got done giving up. I thought a pretty good it now or a pretty good example of what we're talking about and just like You know, it reminds me of the synology. No, no, I was like I was working on this and now. Yeah, yeah I worked in my house
Starting point is 00:04:59 It looks like this flesh it out. Bro, you know drops and ramps and then water. This is what happens This is what happens when you deal with creativity creative people it comes out either fucking hit a home run Or some shit that makes no sense we get like ejected you know Remember when we were creating a prime and we were writing out the program Yeah, and then Justin got from some for some reason like an hour He got really focused on what the compass should look like. Yeah, very focused on the compass. Like that consumed me.
Starting point is 00:05:28 It's right to that. And I was like trying to make it work. And then I realized later I was like, this isn't working. Like I'm losing the guys right now. It's like, it makes so much sense, but I can't, I can't put it on paper. But we did it. So frustrating, but we needed it.
Starting point is 00:05:43 We needed it. It's all part of the process, too. Yeah. I mean, we have a compass in there. So we had to get out all the spiderwebs. Still part of it. Still part of it. It was.
Starting point is 00:05:52 So you guys did that. How you guys did the roller skating and the rings and stuff, with the girls and whatever? A little bit. I mean, I ate shit. That wasn't like awesome, you know. But we could do like a train where you could eat it.
Starting point is 00:06:04 You never went through a roller bait kick at all. You didn't do that? No, you know, but we could do like a train where you never went through you never went through a roller-bade kick at all You didn't do that. No, I didn't roll you roller-bladed. I did did you really? I only did for hockey pro like in line hockey. I got a you got to do roller blades then I got to see that dude I mean if you roller skate I'll roller-blade 100% We're doing this but you guys I know you know I'm gonna get hurt We are doing this but you guys I know you know I'm gonna get hurt No, no, we'll pass you. Oh, you know cycle We got to even the playing field in the patch trying to cycle Fuzzy just as bad. No, don't put too many pads. I'll make his ingestants gonna be like it's open season to fucking tackle
Starting point is 00:06:36 Oh my god, I can't wait see Can you do roller do My pucks and people my pubs are big enough. We don't have insurance for us So my pubs and people my pubs are big enough. We don't have insurance for us Yeah, so we don't need people that are real was so was that like a big thing when you guys were kids for like Where do you want to go? I was like the spot. Yeah, really? Yeah in Santa Cruz that it was Scott's Valley There was like a ring they turned into a library now, but yeah, they used to be like the happiness spot Dude wasn't there a nightclub in Santa Cruz downtown, but it was for like 16 and up or something. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:05 What was it called? Yeah, that was on the boardwalk. Yes. Yeah, yeah, yeah. What was that called? That's right. We went there for like one of our proms when I was like a freshman. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:15 I don't remember the name. I remember that. I remember going there. And then there was a night club that was 18 and over in San Jose. I think it was called the Edge. Is that, do you guys have ring of belt? That's pretty good. Yeah. You know, I came later, right? So I didn't come till I was 19 here.
Starting point is 00:07:27 That sounded bad. So I went into San Jose until I was 19 here. So that was, I think, when I got here, that the parts were just in barns and shit. Yeah. Yeah. House parties. No, we roller skating.
Starting point is 00:07:45 I mean, rollerblading just came on the scene when I was a kid, right? So it was a cool thing to do, I get that time, right? It was like, that's how old we are by the way. We're old enough now to like see something come into style and out of style. Oh yeah, yeah, no, it was a thing for a hot minute. I mean, like nobody does anymore.
Starting point is 00:08:00 No, no, no, in fact, actually, you know, it's funny, the guy who I competed with, David Linder, Taddett Muscle, I actually just saw him do him and his girlfriend, Rollerblade, and he just looks funny on Rollerblade, because he's massive, right? He's a big old, huge muscle guy. And I was funny because I was like,
Starting point is 00:08:15 man, I used to roll a blade too. So I get, he was like Olympic ice game. So it kind of sucks, right? So he was like a bad guy. He was an Olympic ice skater? Yeah, I think he went to the Olympics. And if he didn't go, I know he was like, he was like a bad at. He was an Olympic skater? Yeah, I think he went to the Olympics. And if he didn't go, I know he was like, he was like right there.
Starting point is 00:08:29 I heard it in an interview he did one time and they talked about that that he's, he's trained for the Olympics. That's just sounds to me like, and you would never, that's no, there's no crossover because like ice skating is more graceful and like you don't necessarily develop massive muscles or was he like a speed skater? Yeah, he was a speed skater.
Starting point is 00:08:47 Oh, yeah, those guys are fast. Fucking muscle like crazy. Have you seen those guys' legs? Yeah, did. Some of them were impressive. Some of the most muscular legs I've ever seen in my life were not on bodybuilders. They were on some of these speed skaters
Starting point is 00:08:58 and those speed cyclists. Yeah, they're the do those racing or around the track. Their legs get massive. Those guys have massive legs. Yeah, those short bursts like that. Yeah, he's got, and he's got pretty good sized legs. I mean, obviously he's not doing that anymore, but yeah, I saw a post of him rollerblading
Starting point is 00:09:12 and reminding me that, you know, I would, it probably, I'm trying to remember how old I was. I, it was before high school, maybe like right, two high schools, probably when I stopped. So like all through like fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth grade. That was like when it was you know rollerblading came in snowboarding then wakeboarding like I was I did all that So and that like when it was it when a new sport a new extreme type of sport came out You know my buddies and I always tried it. I wrote a scooter I did that's about the old Vespa no no no like a kick scooter like a did. That's about the only little Vespa. No, no, no, no, like a kick scooter.
Starting point is 00:09:45 Like a kick scooter. This is before Razer. The training room. Before Razer's were invented. These were scooters with tires. Wow. That was a really funny thing that I, and it's still kind of popular,
Starting point is 00:09:55 are those little scooters because I feel like there's less that less cool. Yeah, they're easy. They're so little. Like skateboarders hate those things. You know, they go to the skate parks now and they're like doing their little shitty kick flip thingy Oh on the author razor. Yeah the razor. That's kind of cheating Yeah, and it just like hits you in the ankle really hard if you seen those videos like people make where oh
Starting point is 00:10:16 There's when it hits them in the ankle. They're like oh Yeah, oh so funny. There's kids that are like hardcore into that like that's a whole like that's a whole thing where they're Trinket. I saw two guys And like they were in high school that rolled up with them somewhere and they parked them and they're like all like gun metal And they were all done all fucking trick down Like it's a I don't really a thing. Oh, it's like yeah Yeah, yeah, yeah, they're all over those skate parks and like yeah, skateboard. It's a major thing Don't like it and it was one of those things that when it first started
Starting point is 00:10:47 I remember when it came on scene because my little brother was in junior high and he got one and I remember thinking like that Is such a stupid little toy that's gonna never gonna last took off and it did take off crazy Well, they're smooth if you ride them you can cruise forever on them They're super easy. Yeah If you ride them, you can cruise forever on them. They're super easy to do. I love them, dude. I'll take my kids and I'll go down like a hill or something and just see, I'm too tall for them. So I have to hunt you.
Starting point is 00:11:13 I'm breaking. I'm serious. Like, they're not built for me. You get what you hit over six three. So I bought one for adults, actually. You bought one for them? Yes. I've been using my kids in the, bro.
Starting point is 00:11:24 It's got like a bigger wheel on the front and the back, and they're fucking great, dude. That's awesome. You have one? I can go pretty fast. That's funny, because I've been really wanting to buy like a BMX, like old school, like you know, the ones that you can do, like jumps and stuff,
Starting point is 00:11:38 like the freestyle ones. Yeah. Like I really, like for Christmas, like that's what I want. Because yeah, because they have all these like cool little like Parks for kids to go on you're too big. Well, you know But they have like like adult like small one so so we tricked so my buddy Justin and I like when we lived together He had one The he tricked all out like we dumped like another grand into this thing to make it custom for a big body
Starting point is 00:12:02 So you can ride these 50s and it used, we used to fart around on the thing, that was a blast. So you had to use the changes of suspension out, yet to do some different work on the handlebars, so your knees can go up and ride, but we used to ride the- Oh, you're talking about the legit motor rides. Yeah, like legit 50s that we used to soup up,
Starting point is 00:12:18 and we used to mash around, that was a cool thing for a while there, to be like oversized and do a great, yeah, using the 50s all jacked up and stuff. What's the hardest you guys have ever bailed on something like that? You guys are doing stories? Aw, I endowed so hard, so hard. My whole face like scraped on this like asphalt.
Starting point is 00:12:36 Oh, how old were you? I was like probably 10 or 11. Oh, yeah, yeah. Just destroyed my face. Two ER trips and knocked out and extreme sports stuff So I've been knocked out from wakeboarding. I've been way way way from wakeboarding. Yeah, wake water Dude, oh yeah, the water is fucking worse than you break us down for me because I've never oh If you land yeah, when you're back and especially when you're moving at a high speed like that the water's like concrete
Starting point is 00:13:02 Yeah, so really you feel it because because I know that you see that, you see people bounce off the water, but that's what it feels like. It feels like you hit the ground. So I was attempting what they call a tantrum, which is like an open back flip on a wakeboard, and I throw upside down, let go of my hand,
Starting point is 00:13:18 so I'm completely bailed upside down, and I get parallel to the water, and I just come smack on my back in your head. Yeah. Flat on the water and it was I was out for just a short while like I came to when the boat came around and peaked me up I have a life jacket on so it was totally fine. Holy shit. But I completely went black and I all I remember was like the guys trying to fish me out of
Starting point is 00:13:39 the water and you know I was like oh came to so that was but it I mean it hurt a little but not that bad it was more being knocked out and my bell rang. I had a massive headache and shit afterwards. I crashed, I hit a half pipe one time on the snowboard and I, I was like one of those ones where I was like, I'm doing this all out. And like if you've ever done like tabletops, half pipes,
Starting point is 00:14:00 one of the things you don't wanna do when you do big tricks like that is to half-assam because they're designed to get over them. Yeah, exactly. They're designed to bomb them. Like you can't hit a tabletop and not hit a tabletop away or you'll land on the hard part of it. You need to hit it hard so you can clear it all the way. Same thing for like a half pipe. You got to get all the way up to half pipe. You got to have some speed.
Starting point is 00:14:19 So I'm like balls the wall. I hit this half pipe. It's a good probably 12-15 high so taller than the ceiling right and it shoots me up another 10 feet in the air. Same thing there I get parallel and then I come down right on the edge of the top of the of the half pipe run on my tailbone. So that's the one you said were your leg went no that was another that was when I was writing an ATV and I was hitting a tabletop jump with on a motor. Oh, that was that, right on a quad. Jesus. Hit that and that started a barrel roll.
Starting point is 00:14:51 Dude, it's inevitable. If these extremes were to be. Yeah, if you're really into this stuff, that's just, you know, you're just, you know, you're getting hurt. Well, it makes me, those are my worst ones. I got tons of crashes. Those are just the bad ones. Yeah, because I was doing the hospital years. I broke my right arm twice the same year.
Starting point is 00:15:03 Really? Yeah, you know, I've never broken a bone. I just look at it in my knee. On my bike, I was riding down a hill, going too fast and ended up just riding down the frickin' middle bar the whole way down, smashed up my nuts a little bit, but nothing like your guys' story,
Starting point is 00:15:15 probably because I wasn't doing crazy shit, you know what I mean? But it makes me wonder like, because there's definitely some character building that goes through that process, except the fear, then they're getting the courage back and the strength in yourself. Kids don't go out as much nowadays. I wonder how much of a role that plays in it.
Starting point is 00:15:33 This is why I was so connected to the book, Rise of Superman, because in Rise of Superman, they talk a lot about extreme sports and I connected so much to that and understanding that flow state and understand what that's like to get into that when you're feeling a rhythm to where almost everything slows down for you.
Starting point is 00:15:51 Like I could totally connect. Because like when we were kids they actually sold or you made them yourself ramps you would put in the street and you're eight, nine years old you guys would go jump the ramp and that's what you did. I'd never see that anymore. I have, I have have I'll bring these in Don't let me figure I still have this I have photos of me doing that when I'm in fourth grade and jump in my what we would lay my And this back when remember the cameras we have to put the cameras in they
Starting point is 00:16:18 Get 12 exposures or what are like that, and then you 12 flashes yeah, 12 flashes so We would lay under the ramp and the other guy would jump over the top of him and take pictures. I'm the bottom of it. So I got all these pictures of like the bottom of a timer, so I'm trying to breathe like, Thrash her. Oh, whatever those things were.
Starting point is 00:16:33 That's where the time grew. We're idiots. And I'm like literally rocking MC, I have MC Hammer pants on, right? So I have the Velcro. The Velcro. The Velcro, yeah, dude, I have a few bands, bro. If you remind me when I'm home.
Starting point is 00:16:45 I had some fishbone ones. I had, it's a really, really, I think I even have like a turtle neck tongue tip. I did it every time. Ha ha ha. The turtle neck in the, yeah, the shitty pearl. Like, totally. Like, I had this, I would curl like a huge wave
Starting point is 00:17:01 in the front of my head like this. And I would like, yeah, I would have like hairspray and be like, shh, yeah, my hat would go on top of my huge wave. Yeah, you remember, that was like a total look. I have a fifth grade picture where I'm wearing a hat and it's the, and I know my mom was so pissed, dude. My mom's like, you wore your hat in your,
Starting point is 00:17:18 in your, if I get a portrait, you're a, you can see my hair. Oh, she was so pissed at me because I wore my hat and my fifth grade picture. Dude, I got, I got a haircut where I just, I had, I bought Moose. This is when I first started putting shit see my hair. Oh, she was so pissed at me because I wore my hat and my fifth grade Dude, I got I got a haircut where I just I had I bought moose This is when I first started putting shit in my hair and I just spiked the fuck out of it, but it's like Spiked everywhere It's like it's like it's like straight up. It's like a ball a bit and then and then you made a helmet and then to make matters Or something like what do I do with the front of my hair? So I give myself bangs, dude. Like, can I kick that?
Starting point is 00:17:45 Yeah, come on. It was fucking hard. Back in the heart. I did. I spiky with a little bit of part. I didn't even get it back there. You know what I'm saying? I was still didn't understand the fuck it's going off.
Starting point is 00:17:56 And it was kind of hard to fuck it up back there, you know what I'm saying? Yeah, exactly. But yeah, I did. I had the bangs and shit going on in the front. Oh, great. But back in those days, you would put so much guys ever you guys use aquanet like so much Yeah, man hairspray
Starting point is 00:18:09 I know what but yeah, that was gel sure. I used to form my hair into a lot more gel What it was gonna look like you know, I'm saying like it was like max headron Yeah, this part that was like severe It was like very I remember I remember there even became a time when a time when that became popular and then all these companies and brands started coming out with all these different types of gels and then it became like who had the hardest gel? Like, so you have all these?
Starting point is 00:18:35 They would like market the shit out of that to us in between cartoons. Yeah, I remember all my cousins, all everyone was like comparing each other's gels that they had on this one right here is legit. If I'm in a style like this, I'm gonna wear this one. Rock, gel. That's true. I have actually got my hands on, I don't remember what it was called, but it was like the consistency of glue.
Starting point is 00:18:58 Like it was like that. It was like white, like glue, hella sticky. You put it in your hair and it was like beeswax. And the way, no, the way they tested it, it even said was like your hair will hold in like 50 mile per hour winds like this. And it was legit like, like if you took a shower, like my hair would be so hard when I go to take a shower. Water would just run off. I have to add water and slowly like melt it, like get it back to the way I could start to move concrete.
Starting point is 00:19:25 Yeah, I do. I blame it for why I have a hair loss. So it's sprayed on that aqua net and all those chemicals in my hair. It's probably why I'm fucking going bald. Yeah. It's like you're light and fired all the follicles. Yeah. Oh, shit. You guys end up working out today. Oh, you haven't worked out in a while, huh? That's been almost two weeks for me. I mean, I went, the falling off the ladder. Well, first went to Alaska, then I come back, fall off the ladder, get sick. Like, man, I'm just like, you know what?
Starting point is 00:19:54 I have to keep saying it's not a metaphor because it sounds like a metaphor. It does sound like it, yeah. Like, I'm gonna skip you back on that ladder boy. Yeah, just gotta get back up on that ladder. Let's go get it back up on that ladder, son. Literally fell off the top of the ladder. Well, on his back. Oh, let, just gotta get back up on that ladder. Let's get it back up on that ladder, son. Literally fell off the top of the ladder. So on his back.
Starting point is 00:20:06 Oh, and the asshole moves. Fuck Justin and Taylor, they're sitting right there. You know what I'm just like over there. I'm with you, dude. I'm with you because here we are trying to build a YouTube channel and we had a fucking viral video right there. Nobody felt like that.
Starting point is 00:20:21 That was the one. Yeah, we caught you on camera falling. Oh, because you just need like surveillance one. Yeah, we caught you on camera falling. Oh, you just need like surveillance camera. How many people do you think stage those things? Oh, I feel like so many. All of them. I feel like it's gotten that's what sucks about maybe we should do that. No, it's all of them. We'll never do that. You don't want to you don't want to stay. Stage a fall. Never. Okay, what if we surprised? Well, we didn't know what we did on the one and the for the commercial right when we Well, when Justin yeah, well, we kind of did we kind of didn't you know say we can't walked out that was kind of in
Starting point is 00:20:49 Probably yeah, that worked. Yeah, so that was it like really planned but I think that well I don't think we'll ever have a message or a youtuber show that's like Yeah, it's hard to like yeah, it's hard to fall like without like you know hard to like act it Yeah, like yeah, that's to to fall, like, without, like, you know, hard to, like, act it. Yeah, like, yeah, that's to be real. Yeah, because, yeah, that's true, because you don't want to get hurt. I think that's a talent. I think it's gonna be worth it. You just gotta agree that I'm gonna fall,
Starting point is 00:21:11 and then you have to, like, do this. It's gonna suck, yeah. So, you're not working out because you fell off the ladder. Yeah. Yeah, no, I've had a couple of days where I, so last week I was starting to feel better. My back was, and then I was about to work out. And I'd said, ah, I should give it one more day
Starting point is 00:21:27 because if anything, my ass, I typically push it too soon. So I'm like, ah, when I think I want to come back in a situation like this, I've tried to train myself over years like, one more day is not gonna kill you to take a day off. So I took a day off and then I end up getting sick. And so I'm so, I'm not not that sick Yeah, this is you normally Am I yeah, you don't have a middle I do not you're either fine or pneumonia
Starting point is 00:21:53 Yeah, are you guys like I am like if I get sick dude? I am the biggest baby. I'm knocked out for two days straight. I don't want to move from my door You are a little bit Power through it. I have. You are a little bit. You're a little... I have to power through it, I have kids. You are a little irritable. I just... I can't be a little bitch. I have children. I can't do it.
Starting point is 00:22:10 Yeah, you get irritable when you're sick. I do get... In fact, you're so irritable, but you're also a self-aware person. Yeah, you vocalize it. You vocalize it, it hits. There's warning behind the storm. Yeah, your best storm is coming.
Starting point is 00:22:22 You'll be like, hey, listen, I'm irritable because I'm sick. They don't say some shit. Yeah, you know, let her really fly. Yeah, you'll be like, storm is coming. You'll be like, hey, listen, I'm irritable because I'm sick. I don't say some shit. Yeah, yeah, you know, let her really fly. That doesn't excuse you. Oh, I'm telling you, it's really cool. That's what Katrina says. She always says, like, you know, you're just because you say it doesn't excuse you being an asshole. Really ramps up. I gotta try that technique. I call. Next time I'm having an argument, I'll be like, listen, honey, I'm gonna be an asshole. I'm gonna say some mean shit, I'm gonna say here comes, it does stop in the blow.
Starting point is 00:22:50 It does work a little bit, it may not get you out completely, but it's like, at one point she'll go, well you got a respect for telem, you said it at a time, so he is aware of it. Yeah, what about you, how did you work out today? No, I haven't worked out to you at all. But you have, I'm planning on it. What do you? How did you work out today? No, I haven't worked out today yet. At all, not yet. But you have planning on it.
Starting point is 00:23:07 Yeah, I've tried out training. Are you still doing that? So I'm mainly just focusing on the lateral. Because you were doing all the lateral still. Yeah, yeah. So I just really have liked it. And so I'm even pushing it a little bit too long, like sticking with unilateral training.
Starting point is 00:23:21 But I think it's about time where I should kind of go back to barbell training. I wonder if you could ever, this would be interesting. Like let's say you could squat, you know, let's say your max is 300 pounds. I wonder if you could ever get to the point where you could do half of that with one leg. I mean, I'd be very difficult because so much balance
Starting point is 00:23:40 is, you know what I'm saying? Oh, absolutely. You think so? Oh, absolutely. Who is, yeah, legs., I mean, think about that. I could dumbbell. I used to get up to dumbbell presses almost as much as what I could max bench with.
Starting point is 00:23:51 Really? Yeah. I'm trying to think if it's Mike Boyle, he's talking about like, that was like a point against the fact that he doesn't have people like backload their squats, but he would have people like load like three, 400 pound like Bulgarian like splits squats. So it's like, he's like, it's not,
Starting point is 00:24:09 it's not that we're like taking load away from, you know, like trying to increase our strength. It's, it's just, you know, he's not doing it like, particularly like three barbells. Maybe the problem is more in the sense that we're so not used to training unilaterally, that there's a big learning curve in terms of the balance and stuff. And that's why training unilaterally, that there's a big learning curve in terms of the balance.
Starting point is 00:24:26 And that's why you're like, oh, I'm losing performance. And it's because, not necessarily because you're, it's inferior, but more so because we just got to get an acclimated point where you could get your balance and do it all right. Which makes a lot of sense. I think from a mechanical point, there's so many benefits. You just, when you start doing unilateral work,
Starting point is 00:24:47 it's so hard to cheat and exercise where I feel like it's really, not only is it really easy to cheat a barbell exercise, it's really hard sometimes to tell when you're off a little bit, where I feel like it's so obvious. It's easily overpower and compensate, you know, all the side.
Starting point is 00:25:04 Right, yeah, when you're trying to rip a barbell up, you know, the slightest bit of a shift, you know, or asymmetrical shift in my hips a little bit like, that could be the difference with my back getting thrown out, like big time, you know, or causing like major imbalances over time from lifting that way. It almost makes sense to do it like a complete cycle of unilateral training.
Starting point is 00:25:27 Like in other words, let's say you're a training beginner, you want to start them off on both arms, both legs at the same time, not on everything, but for the most part because they have to build coordination and strength, all that stuff. Get them to a certain point where now they're comfortable doing squats and bench presses up, and then go to unilateral training for a whole cycle, learn to balance and strengthen, move that up and then go back and kind of go back and forth. Now you got me thinking right now that this Doug,
Starting point is 00:25:51 either this would be a good series or this would actually be a good programmer guy to actually get a mod. Yeah, like a mod to create just like as a, like a delote phase where you go through all unilateral stuff because it's very beneficial. Yeah, if you want to kind of step out and like work your way through this and do a cycle, oh my god, you have massive carry of it. Well, I think so too. I think if we actually structure it, like it actually put some thought into it, we could create a
Starting point is 00:26:16 fucking really bad ass one because I'm thinking right now that one of the things that I've loved about because I've been doing the same thing as Justin for a while now, and it's been fucking huge for me. And a lot of it is because of that, because I've been neglecting it so much, so I know that's obvious, which but that also makes- But there's fucking value there. Right, there's,
Starting point is 00:26:34 and nobody places any emphasis on it. Yeah, some coaches build their whole program and system around it, but yeah. Yeah, it's not popular. Some, well, it's like anything else, right? With like we talk about on the shows, like some people attach themselves completely to it, and they're like in the camp of everything should be unilateral. And then there's people who just like just totally neglected completely, right? So I think there's, I think there's something
Starting point is 00:26:57 to be said about intermittently, you know, like, well, we say that we've been saying them the show forever, the importance of intermittently putting it in there, but maybe actually even structuring it to where you face, if we're looking for someone for total overall just health, wellbeing, strong, all overall, like there's just, you're just wanna be a better human body, there's definitely for sure, I think some value to running that for a couple of months, and then coming out of it.
Starting point is 00:27:22 So here's a problem with this kind of stuff, is that, and I know what it is, because I fall for it a little bit myself, but definitely when I was younger, I would fall for it in the sense that, when I knew objectively, logically, it would be smart if I were to train like this for a little while, work on mobility,
Starting point is 00:27:37 or work on whatever, the thing that held me back was the fear of losing games, or the fear that, okay, I know I should back off on my deadlift for a little while and focus on this movement, but then I'm gonna lose strength on my max deadlift, which may be true in the short term. This is something that took me a long time to learn. Yeah, you may lose some gains because you go from all heavy barbell stuff to now budget and lateral stuff, but when you go back to that barbell stuff
Starting point is 00:28:06 or in the longer term scheme of things, you build more muscle, you actually better off. I mean, I felt like that was a lot of what I tried to share over the last year on my Instagram and talking about that on this show was that you watched me do this. I stopped really heavy lifting and I put so much energy and focus on mobility.
Starting point is 00:28:26 And I did. I took a step back. I mean, I wasn't still squatting 400-cent pounds, but I'm right back there again. And I feel a million times better, like all the issues that I've reported. Oh, wait. And I mean, my squat depth and mechanics right now are way better. It's so funny, the old time strong man and bodybuilders, even up until like Schwarzenegger era, they would do compared to bodybuilders now
Starting point is 00:28:56 way more cross-training. Like Arnold and Franco both would incorporate cycles in phases of powerlifting, like a straight up, like a powerlifter, they would incorporate phases of power lift thing, like a straight up, like a power lifter. They would incorporate phases of body weight movement, ballet to help them with their posing, jogging. They would do phases of jogging to build those kind of they're very progressive of that.
Starting point is 00:29:17 And I think, and of course, modern bodybuilders, I think can't do that, because now they're just so massive and dysfunctional that it's just you can't do anything else. You glorify the dysfunctional. But the average person building muscle and stuff, you're going to build muscle better if you do this kind of stuff. You take a break and say, because I would even, you know, along those lines of the unilateral
Starting point is 00:29:38 phase, I've been talking about this with you Justin for a while now is a whole phase on body weight. Like do nothing but close chain. Totally. You you know body weight type movements get some rings and some Get a lateral no no no no no Like just as a separate face. I was like damn dude. Just as a separate face Just as a separate face which by the way by the way I learned something the other day that made me feel extremely Weeks sauce. Do you know my girlfriend used to be able to do one arm pull ups? Oh really? Like a legit one arm pull up. That's impressive. Holy shit. That's what she said. But I mean, she doesn't lie. So like I do. So all along those lines. But I think having like phases like
Starting point is 00:30:16 this where you kind of go drastically in a different direction. I mean, we phase our workouts anyway. Yeah. You know, that's how we design our programs, but unilateral body weight training. I think doing a whole two weeks like that, then going back to routine, you'll probably see. Well, we always talked about this too when we created the programs about building mods, and that's why we have mods on some of them is to, you know, there's ways, if you have a program that you appeal to more, whether it be green, black, red, whatever, white, and then you go, okay, well, I like that about it, but then I would like to add this to it.
Starting point is 00:30:44 It's sort of home base. Right. And you go, okay, well, I like that about it, but then I would like to add this to it. Sort of home base. You go venture off. Yeah, so I think building a really sick mod. What do you go to exercise for each body part for the, like the, the, the, the, you know, lateral stuff. You know, so shoulder press stuff, I like to use a kettle, single, single arm kettle. So one arm, stand up, or flipped up, yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:31:01 Right. So that's for my, my shoulders, for sure I'm doing that. I love a single leg deadlift for hamstring glute, and then I love a Bulgarian split squat for my legs. Those are the main ones. What did you do anything for chest or back? You know, when I do chest, I'll do, I call it mess around.
Starting point is 00:31:19 Alternate. Yeah, with alternating dumbbell presses, and I'll do some work like that. I'll do, I'll even incorporate even like like I was doing that with rows the other day too But the big ones are the ones that just name that I probably use the most. Yeah, I do very similar I mean, it's yeah, you want to stick with sort of the basics of the Bulgarian squats and you know overhead press like with with single kettlebell, but yeah I'll also do I do a lot of carries and I do a lot of overhead carries
Starting point is 00:31:45 and stuff like that where I'm doing suitcase carries and just sort of solidifying my stability as I'm walking with it like a former walk. But yeah, I do do some bench pressing with one, I haven't done that in a really long time, but I did a few sets like that where I'd just take a dumbbell and I would lay in a bench and just do one arm at a time. Now did you have one in each hand? Or was it just one arm? No, just one, so I'm really squeezing the shit out.
Starting point is 00:32:14 Yeah, my core and obliques and everything is to keep me on the bench. It's pretty tough. Yeah, I like another thing that I've done, I do this to my regular workout, is I'll take dumbbells and rather than bringing them both down at the same time, and both at the same time up, I'll come one down at a time, and hold them, the other one up in the top position, or reverse,
Starting point is 00:32:33 bring them both down, and keep one always in that bottom position. Do you do that as well? That's exactly what I meant when I said alternate dumbbells. That's how I do it. For me, I see the biggest carry over, but I guess for me, if I will chest is not a major focus for me. So I'd probably play, play around with that more if that was the Bulgarian messing with the Bulgarian and the, and the single leg deadlift, those to me. Yeah. And also do like step-ups too. That's where I get a lot of like, I need to do more.
Starting point is 00:33:02 Transverse plane and you know, these planes a little bit harder to get, you know, rotation and, you know, in the mix of my training. So yeah, I'll do some stuff like that where I'm rotating and then I'm stepping up. But yeah, more like step ups that are, you know, one leg focus. Yeah, I, when I do unilateral stuff on my legs, man, I, in getting better, but man,
Starting point is 00:33:21 I had such a discrepancy between the right and left, and it was just one just felt comfortable, and the other one just fucking didn't at all, which tells me that there's a completely different connection going on here. So this happened, this was me when I first started. There was a major discrepancy between the two for me. Well, it was the difference of this. Like, when I did, I can't remember which side it was right now, but when I did, let's say my right side, I could easily rep out, 10 reps, and felt easy control went right into the mechanics,
Starting point is 00:33:53 balance everything there. When I went to the right side, like I was off balance, I was struggling to stabilize, I could feel like I wasn't even, all my muscles weren't firing equally on that side. Eight, I was struggling. So there was a major difference on the two when I first started. That's actually why I love the bulgur because it caught them up really quick.
Starting point is 00:34:12 I just made sure to always start with the weaker. I was just going to ask you. We hit that number with the weak side. And then I kept strengthening as far as that was my indicator on when I was ready to press up on weight. It's like, okay, I can get not many reps comfortably on that side. Now we can move up and I just can't move it up that way. I moved up really quick every week that I revisit the Bulgarian's squat. I was increasing the weight significantly and feeling good about it. It wasn't feeling like I was pushing it really.
Starting point is 00:34:40 Yeah, I think the strength is there. It's just a matter of like getting everything organized and firing correctly, because it's like, it's a different type of a skill. I don't think people realize or quite appreciate even us sometimes we forget, I know we do because I forget all the time just how much strength is a skill. Like, I mean, think about this. You could barbell squat, 300 pounds, but you can't one-legged squat, 150. It's not because you don't have the strength.
Starting point is 00:35:14 You obviously do have the strength. It's because you don't have the skill. It's there, yeah, you just have an established skill of it. You haven't taught your body these mechanics. No, and when you start to learn that skill, once you kind of get the idea of the skill and your body moves well, then you can really stress the muscle, which is why initially you get such
Starting point is 00:35:33 crazy strength gains because you're just getting better and like unlocking it. You're unlocking it and getting better and better and better. And then you guys see the translation, when you go back to your... Totally. Yeah, like, you know, sitting at the bottom of your squat and like feeling super supported and like I could get up,
Starting point is 00:35:49 like I could sit there for a long time and I don't feel any like twinges or aches or, you know, like sometimes it takes a little while to warm up to, you know, heavier load. And I feel like after doing bullgaring squats, it's like, boom, I'm like, everything is just oiled and efficient. So, because I know a lot of people listening around everything themselves,
Starting point is 00:36:09 I, well I do the bilateral stuff, and then I always throw in some unilateral stuff at the end, so what's the difference? What's the difference that, sure I do Bulgarian squats at the end of my workouts, why do I need to do all my workouts, or the whole workout, unilateral?
Starting point is 00:36:24 Like what's the difference between the two, and is there a difference? Well I think it's just a matter or the whole workout, you're in a lateral. Like what's the difference between the two and is there a difference? Well, I think it's just a matter of the, what emphasis you're putting there, right? Like if you're training strength and you've put a whole workout in and then you go over and then you work on something like that, you're not going to get, you're not going to get as much of the strength benefits in that movement as you would if it was a primary focus. For good. So, you know, it was a primary focus. Very great. So, you know, it's not to say that that's wrong or you can't do that.
Starting point is 00:36:48 That's 100% of... You're just not going to make it the primary focus. You're not going to get the most out of it. Yeah. Or as quick as you could. And I think that if you're moving to a new adaptation like that and you already know that you're going to get good bang for your buck because it is new. Why not really get the most out of it? It's all about adaptation specificity.
Starting point is 00:37:08 It's very specific to the stimulus and this is why we phase our workouts and we don't have all. You know, if you do three workouts a week, instead of doing phase one workout Monday, phase two workout Wednesday, we have you do phase one for three weeks, phase two for three weeks. This is one of those reasons is that the way your body adapts is very, very specific. day, phase two workout, Wednesday, we have you do phase one for three weeks, phase two for three weeks. This is one of those reasons is that the way your body adapts is very, very specific. Right. And like you were saying, like if you do all your workouts for the next couple weeks, you don't want competing signals.
Starting point is 00:37:34 Yeah. Well, it goes back to what you said, you know, even strength is a skill. It's a skill. And if I'm trying to treat it as a skill, then I want to make it a focus. And I want to, now I don't want to do it for so long to where my body does get so used to it that it's not seeing the same results, but you got to get it somewhat comfortable and used to doing it for a while if you're going to see the maximum results from it. Now here, the other thing to consider too, we're talking about from a functional strength, and then,
Starting point is 00:37:58 you know, of course, that translates into more muscle, you know, you know, way or whatever, but body builders have used unilateral movements for a very long time, but for very different reasons. Like, they don't give a shit about, you know, how much weight they're moving necessarily or function, but they'll do unilateral movements because of the feel. Because they can sit there and isolate and squeeze and feel, you know, the muscle. They don't want to develop specific areas of their body. And there's definitely some merit there because I know when I'm doing like a, especially if
Starting point is 00:38:31 it's a single joint movement, like a one-legged lady extension or a curl or a side lateral or whatever, when I'm doing that one side, that one body part and I'm taking out the other one for a correctional standpoint, it's awesome, but also for just isolating and squeezing and feeling something. It's great. Oh, when you talk about sculpting the body in my opinion, like it's a must that there's unilateral work in there because you are, there's so many little tiny muscles that you're trying to develop that this is where this becomes different and unique, right?
Starting point is 00:39:03 When other people are talking about just, and I know we've cracked on bodybuilding and how bodybuilders train a lot, but there is a lot of merit to some of the things that they do to sculpt the body. Where I think this is... Nobody is connected to their muscles as bodybuilders, period.
Starting point is 00:39:18 I think that where it gets mixed up is that, you know, the kid or the girl who's just getting started in the gym, they don't wanna be wasting their time doing some bent over single arm angled cable, reverse fly to target their left rear delt and not incorporate their traps or their rhomboids and so they're in this really fixed isolated position
Starting point is 00:39:42 because they need more rear delts because that person is gonna get way more bang for their buck working on the core lifts that we talk about. But if you're somebody who's advanced, you've been lifting for a long time and you're into the sculpting the body, there's a lot of huge benefits to doing a lot of single arm isolated type movements.
Starting point is 00:39:59 And I tell you what, being somebody who trained and competed at the professional level for men's physique and that look, I have a very different look right now, my physique than I did then. It's a, I don't look the same way because I don't lift the same way. I do way more than just a big gross motor movements. I barely ever do any of the auxiliary type touch,
Starting point is 00:40:19 touching exercises where I was heavily that way. And it's in the look I describe it as bodybuilders that like train that way, have this kind of bubbly, like look, like all every muscle. Every little muscle has a lot of shape to it because they've targeted every tiny little muscle where if you do a lot of the big compound lifts, you look dense and hard, but then you don't look
Starting point is 00:40:43 as bubbly all the way around because you're not, a lot of times the big muscles are taking over the big motor movements like they should and the tiny little isolators and stabilizing muscles are not getting a lot of extra work. You know what else this is good for is when you're trying to get someone to recruit a muscle or to feel a muscle in another maybe compound movement. So an example would be, you know, I've done this before where I'll have a client do a bench press
Starting point is 00:41:10 and they just don't feel their packs. So I'll have them do like a one arm, cable fly, bring it in, squeezing the shit out of the packs, really connecting to the pack, doing a little bit on both sides, then bench pressing and now. So if you get the recruitment signal, the proper one there, that you prime ahead of time, right?
Starting point is 00:41:28 So yeah, that's just like emphasizing the need for that neural connection. In fact, one of my favorite ways to superset on a body part is what I call a pre-exhaust superset, or actually I had not the one that invented that term, but it's called a pre-exhaust superset, where you do an isolation movement for a muscle, really aimed to feel it, burn it out, get it really, you know, like get it to fatigue, and then move to a compound movement that hits that muscle.
Starting point is 00:41:54 Now you're not so worried about, you know, trying to feel that muscle, go through, do the exercise, and you want to about getting connected and getting a pump to that, you know, that target area. It's crazy. An example would be like a lateral to an overhead shoulder press or like a fly to a bench press or like a straight arm pull down to a pull up. You'll get like the first time I ever was able to feel a pump in my lats, which by the way,
Starting point is 00:42:18 that was the hardest, there was the last area I ever felt in my body working out throughout the years. That was the area that took me the longest to finally get a pump with my lat. But the way I did it was, I was isolated with straight arm pull downs, was able to squeeze and isolate my lat, when right to a pull up, got down,
Starting point is 00:42:35 and for the first time in my life, I was like, oh shit. I think, oh, they contributed. I have a lat, what do you know? I have a pump inside my lat. For sure. Good stuff. Check this out.
Starting point is 00:42:44 Go to YouTube, subscribe to our channel. Mind pump TV, we post a new video every single day. Also, we have 30 days of coaching. It's for free, it's for everybody. It's at mind pump media.com. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy,
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Starting point is 00:43:59 We thank you for your support, and until next time, this is MindPump. and until next time, this is Mindbump.

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