Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 860: The Right Way to do HIIT

Episode Date: September 17, 2018

High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is popular and can be very effective for conditioning and burning calories when done correctly. However, there are a lot of pitfalls if done incorrectly that ca...n dreail your fitness goals. In this episode Sal, Adam & Justin discuss what to do and what NOT to do when implementing HIIT training. Why sometimes we are compelled to “pick up the bricks.” The constant battle with social media warriors. (1:41) How weak have people become?  The guys go off and discuss the documentary America: The Story of Us. (4:00) The importance of traditions in different cultures. The constant battle with what and how much we feed our loved ones. (8:05) The Right Way to do HIIT. (19:35) Their favorite form of HIIT. (24:40) Eliminate Injury & Pain. The proper intensity to avoid joint pain, muscle dysfunction and injury (28:38) Program Exercise Correctly. How to select the correct exercises, the order and the tempo. (30:45) Adam’s “Bro-Science” Theories. (40:07) It’s Not All About Intensity. Yes HIIT is about intensity, but not to abuse. Learn the right intensity for you. (45:25) How the guy’s bring HIIT into their routines and the value of it. (49:10) Links/Products Mentioned: MAPS Strong **24 hours left to use the Code – “STRONG30” at checkout for $30 off** America The Story of Us FREE REPORT: 3 Most Common Mistakes With HIIT Workout Programs (and how to avoid them) High-Intensity Intermittent Exercise and Fat Loss MAPS HIIT Would you like to be coached by Sal, Adam & Justin? You can get 30 days of virtual coaching from them for FREE at www.mindpumpmedia.com. Get our newest program, MAPS Strong, an expertly programmed and phased strongman inspired training program designed in collaboration with World’s Strongest Man competitor Robert Oberst to trigger new muscle building adaptations and get you STRONG. Get it at www.mapsstrong.com! Get MAPS Prime, MAPS Anywhere, MAPS Anabolic, MAPS Performance, MAPS Aesthetic, the Butt Builder Blueprint, the Sexy Athlete Mod AND KB4A (The MAPS Super Bundle) packaged together at a substantial DISCOUNT at www.mindpumpmedia.com. Make EVERY workout better with MAPS Prime, the only pre-workout you need… it is now available at mindpumpmedia.com Also check out Thrive Market www.thrivemarket.com/mindpump! Thrive Market makes purchasing organic, non-GMO affordable. With prices up to 50% off retail, Thrive Market blows away most conventional, non-organic foods. PLUS, they offer a NO RISK way to get started which includes: 1. One FREE month’s membership 2. $20 Off your first three purchases of $49 or more (That’s $60 off total!) 3. Free shipping on orders of $49 or more You insure your car but do you insure YOU? If you don’t, and you are the primary breadwinner, you will likely leave your loved ones facing hardship and struggle if you die (harsh reality). Perhaps you think life insurance is expensive, but if you are fit and healthy, you can qualify for approved rates that are truly inexpensive and affordable. To find out if you qualify for the best rates in the industry, go get a quote at www.HealthIQ.com/mindpump Have Sal, Adam & Justin personally train you via video instruction on our YouTube channel, Mind Pump TV. Be sure to Subscribe for updates. Get Organifi, certified organic greens, protein, probiotics, etc at www.organifi.com/mindpump Use the code “mindpump” for 20% off. Go to foursigmatic.com/mindpump and use the discount code “mindpump” for 15% off of your first order of health & energy boosting mushroom products. Please subscribe, rate and review this show! Each week our favorite reviewers are announced on the show and sent Mind Pump T-shirts! Have questions for Mind Pump? Each Monday on Instagram (@mindpumpmedia) look for the QUAH post and input your question there. (Sal, Adam & Justin will answer as many questions as they can)

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mite, ob-mite, up with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. In this episode, we start out, the first 18 minutes, we have fun conversation. We talk about people who complain about everything. We talk about a great documentary, America, the story of us, great documentary, food and culture traditions, but then really the majority of this episode is talking all about high-intensity interval training, hit training.
Starting point is 00:00:34 It burns more fat, more effectively than other forms of cardio, but you gotta do it right, and there's a lot of pitfalls. Now, there's also a guide that accompanies this podcast. The guide goes into more depth. It's totally free. Go to mindpumpfree.com. It's the Maps, Hit, Guide. It costs nothing.
Starting point is 00:00:53 In that guide, we talk about the three most common mistakes with Hit Workout programs. And I also want to mention, it's the final day. In fact, it's the final hours. If you're listening to this episode when it releases, you have a few hours left to get maps strong for $30 off. It's our newest maps program. It's the one that people are all talking about right now.
Starting point is 00:01:14 It's really popular. I did not expect this kind of response. I'm excited. It's really exciting. Map strong. If you go to mapsstrong.com, there's two S's in the middle there, mapstrong.com, and use the code strong 30, ST, R, O, N, G, and the number 30, you'll get $30 off. But again, that promotion ends at midnight. So without any further
Starting point is 00:01:36 ado, here we are talking about hit training. Yeah, speaking of social justice, where I get I get these every once in a while where I get somebody and and I and I always hesitate to respond Because you know like my uncle always tells me like right don't don't pick up the brick out of my There's no sense in like even responding to stupid stuff. I just I can't help it Yeah, I can't help it when it's time. It's just compels you. Well, it's just it in a noise Okay, here I am. I got my Instagram story And did you guys see the story that I did with Katrina the show in her body fat percentage? Yeah, yeah incredible feedback
Starting point is 00:02:09 I got for that. I must have got 50 to 100 DMs just alone saying like man, thank you so much Yeah, cuz you're explaining the whole thing right there like this was a really cool example of what you guys talk about on the show And then I also did the link to the exact part of where we talked about the show and so And so a lot of great plot. And then I get one person who says, you know, maybe try using something else besides we fed her. It sounds like you're referring to her as a dog. What? And I'm like, I said, first of all, I said, we stands for her and I, and she's not insecure.
Starting point is 00:02:42 So it's okay. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I just like, come on dude, really like people. I just, I would just, and normally I don't respond to stupid DMS. If you respond to me stupid DMS and I don't respond back to you, that's probably why. Quick with the fake outrage.
Starting point is 00:02:58 I just don't want you to stop. This is what I'm saying. So because there's no, there's no fear of recourse You get a lot of stupid comments like that because would that person Ever come up to you and person and be like hold on second. Yeah, did you just say fed her? She's not a dog They would never do that in person always remember when I was I don't know it on it. Yes That remember that I'm. Check me. Yeah. Oh, remember when I said, when I referred to them as girls, I told them thanks girls for
Starting point is 00:03:29 after they made me mad. Goddesses. What did she say again? Yeah, she told me that she's, she just kind of like, she did like when I was, and looked at me and then was just like, you know, maybe goddesses or, yeah, she gave me like three other similar options. And I was, I kind of looked at her sideways, I was confused at what she was referencing and she's like, instead of calling them girls,
Starting point is 00:03:47 it's disrespectful. I was like, oh my God. Are you fucking, are we really here now? Is this your side? Are we really here now? Dude, can I tell you something? Kids, you know what I'll put it in perspective for you? So fucking annoying.
Starting point is 00:03:59 I gotta recommend this. You need to watch the documentary. It's called America, the story of us. Oh yeah, in history, champ. And it was a huge series. I don't know how many episodes they are. I watched a couple. And it's on Amazon Prime right now.
Starting point is 00:04:14 It is fucking amazing. I'm enthralled by it. It's super old, I've seen it. It's eight years old, but it's so good. And it shows the how America started, whatever. But here's what's cool about it. When you're watching it, literally, as Jessica and I are watching it, we're America started, whatever. But here's what's cool about it. When you're watching it, literally, as Jessica and I are watching it,
Starting point is 00:04:27 we're both looking at it, I have to pause it every 10 minutes, we look at each other, we're like, no wonder people complain all the time right now. Everything's done for us, we're massive pussies. Back then, they would have never- They're so soft. Nobody gives a shit.
Starting point is 00:04:40 They were doing wagon trains through the West, not knowing where they were going. They're gonna eat whatever they find, and then they're gonna create land and create a fucking life. They literally have babies, and they're the only ones that make it. You know, by the time they get there,
Starting point is 00:04:55 whales died. Bro, it's a crazy document, but it makes me realize how weak people have become. And I don't know. I don't know. So don't know. 100%. So weak, it's like, you know what it is? Like I said, everybody's seen around. Nobody has a bath bowl.
Starting point is 00:05:09 We're so comfortable. Everything's produced for us. We've got electronics that do what the fuck we want. Where if you're poor today, you still have TVs and microwaves and ovens and water and whatever. Whereas before poor meant you died. Not saying anything bad about, but my point is everything's so amazing now that I think maybe we're hardwired to complain
Starting point is 00:05:29 and it used to be, we're looking for problems so we're creating problems. Yeah, maybe we used to complain about wolves, you know, like oh my god, the fucking wolves gotta do something more. Oh, the invaders are, you know, now we don't have anything so we're like, that guy said feed. Yeah, you're my feelings. Oh, he's, he called us girls, even though we are.
Starting point is 00:05:47 Yeah, girls. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, how dare he. We don't know why in a hardship. I don't know why it annoys me so much, dude, because it's, because it's we need to work harder or something, you know?
Starting point is 00:05:59 Well, especially something like that. It's like, first of all, if you knew Katrina, Katrina's one of the, and I know I've done some posts, like this, talking about her, first of all, if you knew Katrina, Katrina is one of the, and I know I've done some posts like this, talking about her, one of the strongest, hardest working women I've ever met in my life and independent and very, very, very strongly. If I say something like where her and I are arguing or going back and forth, if I say anything to her that she finds disrespectful, she trusts me. She says something. She gets me a right hook. She gives me a right hook.
Starting point is 00:06:29 No, so this woman stands up for herself. Let me tell you and make sure that she's spoken to correctly. So when someone gets on there and does something like that, I'm like, you know how stupid that is? Like get out of here with me. That's because you're a guy. Get out of here. You know what's funny?
Starting point is 00:06:43 Cause like this has, this has happened to me now a couple of times. We'll be at my mom's house and we'll be eating dinner. Jessica and I are both in fitness. We're both, she's a trainer. I was a trainer for a long time. We're both in the health. We both help check each other to stay, just to make sure we eat healthy, make sure we stay active.
Starting point is 00:07:02 If I'm tired, she'll say, come on, Sal, do another one or if she wants to eat something, I'm like, you sure you wanna do that? Is that gonna make your stomach feel good or whatever? So the two times my mom has seen me say something to her, but she hasn't seen Jessica say anything to me. So I look like a massive asshole. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:20 You know what I mean? Like Jessica, you can't shift. One letter, letter E. Yeah, because especially because, you know, she's like embarrassed to say no to my mom who is extremely persistent. Like if you go to my, it's just a typical Italian mom.
Starting point is 00:07:33 If you go there, she's gonna make food and then her job is to convince you to eat as much as you possibly can. That's literally her job. And so she'll do this to Jessica and I'll be like, and Jessica doesn't really, she'll be like, I don want to say no and plus it looks good on top of it And I'll be like honey, it's gonna hurt you. You know, I'll be like mom listen hurts her stomach. I'm like
Starting point is 00:07:52 Let her speak for herself. Don't tell her what to I'm like no, no, no, no, that's not what you're That's not what you're happy right now. That's that's what I trust me. It's afterwards complaints because she's a person So let's do this. You just reminding me of something this happened. So my best friend, you guys saw just had his baby, his baby girl, beautiful, healthy baby. And we went to go see him the day the day he got out of the hospital and her. And we were there. And so his wife is mong. And her mom is full mong. And she speaks, doesn't speak a lick at English. And their family, they're very tribal with when they have traditional things,
Starting point is 00:08:28 which by the way, this is fucking rad. I'm heading over there and I asked Jared, I said, hey, do you want us to bring anything for you? And he goes, no, no, no, he goes, yours on this special diet, his wife's on a special diet. And I'm like, oh, okay, so I get there and he's he's he's cooking it up. Now she's she's nursing the baby and seeing that you could tell they're just
Starting point is 00:08:49 I mean, they're just fresh out of the hot they're exhausted as fuck. You can see in their face. Oh yeah, they just they're exhausted. I remember that face. Oh my gosh. It happens in the middle of the night. Just the labor. You see em both just exhausted right. She's holding the baby and she's nursing Jared's in the kitchen and he's he's preparing up her special meal and I'm looking at him. Well, what is it? And he's like, oh, it's a it's a whole organic chicken and they boil it for X amount of time. And then it's and it's in a broth, the broth, and then and just steamed white rice. So this is a traditional post-pregnant post-pregnancy. And she is to eat that as long as she possibly can. Like that's just just stay on that stay on that diet
Starting point is 00:09:25 What yeah, interesting very interesting right? I want to I want to break that down. I why I was very I was like This is cool like I thought that was because things like that exist for a long time I asked I so I asked her to ask her mom was her mom speaking and she said I was all the nerdy side of me right so they're they don't even they're not paying attention They're just cherish is doing what he's told. You know, they all freak out on him if he doesn't give it to her. Like, it has to be served at a certain temperature even to her. Like the first time Jared served a tour,
Starting point is 00:09:53 it sat in the kitchen for a few minutes and it cooled down a bit and he got yelled at. Fire mom. No, no, no, no, it's gonna be hot. Fresh hot, right? Right, I'm gonna have to write. So he serves her, he hits him. Yeah, so he's like, you know,
Starting point is 00:10:04 it has to be done a certain way. She kind of stands over him and why he's doing and stuff. So I'm all, this is fucking cool, bro, because you know, everybody, you know, you see so many people after, before, during pregnancy and after pregnancy, they'll just go and eat garbage, dude,
Starting point is 00:10:19 just with their cravings and all this stuff going on so that you don't start to haul pass. Yeah, it's exactly, it's like a haul pass, right? So they have created a custom where, and maybe the health benefits are just to prevent them from eating garbage. You know, maybe. But who knows? You said it's been around for a long time. Oh, yeah. So now there's a whole chicken.
Starting point is 00:10:35 They boil it down in the water. So now she's drinking the broth, she's got the bone and the tendon in her. Yes, yeah. Literally a whole chicken gets thrown, a whole organic chicken gets thrown into a pot and then gets boiled for ex-mod And then they eat the chicken she drinks it each she's supposed to drink all the broth She's supposed to eat the whole chicken the skin everything all on does anything else going that no Nope, nothing else goes in that then she has white rice. I do think she had I do think she has some vegetable
Starting point is 00:11:01 I don't know what vegetable that she consumes that's's so interesting, but I ought to ask that. So I'll get back to you on that one, but I thought this was really cool. And because she's getting the minerals from the bones, she's getting a great amino acid profile, she's getting the whole chicken. White rice, obviously a very easy to digest. A form of carbohydrate.
Starting point is 00:11:20 Very interesting. So here's the funny part in this, why you reminded me this story about like moms and stuff like that. So she's Jared does that and we're sitting down. We're sitting down in the living room where they're probably about 15 minutes or so. And then I, she's going back and forth and mong with her mom. And then her mom, her mom seems to be like kind of yelling at her about something. And you could tell she's exhausted.
Starting point is 00:11:39 And mom, I'm, jeez, you can tell she's, they're going back and forth. And she's like, she's all frustrated and we're like, what's wrong with everything okay? And she's just like, no, my mom is concerned that you guys aren't eating and she wants me to make you guys something. She's what I heard. She was like, and she's had a baby. Right, get up on the baby.
Starting point is 00:11:55 Yeah, no she is. She's like, yell you at them to make something. And they're going back and forth, back and forth. And then, you know, then we go back to talking for about five minutes and then to do it again, back and forth, back and forth. And I'm looking at her turn, like, no, no, we're okay. I'm trying to tell her we're okay.
Starting point is 00:12:07 And then they're still going. And then her mom pulls $20 out and is telling her to go order us pizza at least. At least order them pizza, right? At least give them food, feed them, you know, like because we're guests and stuff. And I'm like, Katrina and I are like, no, no, we're good. We ate all right. We're fine. So her mom's trying to hand me $20.
Starting point is 00:12:23 She's trying to give me money and stuff like that. That's the culture, man, listen. Yeah, that's the culture, bro. That would be hospitable. Yeah, and I think it's a long, long, long, it's an old culture, and I think the old cultures they lived through some hard times, and showing people in that community,
Starting point is 00:12:40 showing people you want to give them food, and you want to help them. It's like that in my culture. When someone comes over my mom's house, you are offered food and coffee. And if you're not offered food and coffee, then it's considered disrespectful. So it's all end, they will end.
Starting point is 00:12:56 And you're supposed to say no the first time. And so that's why they keep pushing you. It's like their goal is to get you. I remember when I was dating my ex-wife, this is when I was, I was a kid, so I was like, okay, so I was working at 24-offent, and so I was like 19 years old, and I'd worked till 10 o'clock at night, right?
Starting point is 00:13:13 So I'd work real late, and I'd drive by her house to say good night to her because I was working all day long. Her mom would, remember my ex-wife's a tie-in too, her mom would hear me from upstairs, and if I wasn't quiet, I had to be real quiet, but if she heard me, she'd wake up, come downstairs, and she'd cook.
Starting point is 00:13:30 And 11 o'clock a night, she'd cook me dinner. And she'd warm me up something. It wasn't something out of the fridge. She'd come down and she'd start frying some cooslethe or making some pasta. And it's kinda cool, I'm gonna be honest. That's cool, I like that. That's pretty cool.
Starting point is 00:13:44 Well, my cousin, I got a great story here. I told him, I think I told you guys this a long time ago, but my cousin, when he got divorced, he moved to San Jose because he got a job down here. So he was up in Sacramento. And because he was going through the divorce and it was right after the market crash or whatever. So he had to short sell his house.
Starting point is 00:14:02 So he was like not doing very well financially. So he lived with my grandparents to get back on his feet. He gained 15 pounds in like two or three months. Like straight 15 pounds. He's always fed. My grandmother, he's like, dude, I would wake up to get ready for work. And I'd come downstairs and it have a fucking
Starting point is 00:14:22 full on like ridiculous breakfast. Then she would pack them lunches and he's like, dude, she give me a cooler. He'd have a cooler of a food. And it's good, it's really, really good food. And so there was a color, because I remember I would see him, I'm like, you know, we talk and he's like,
Starting point is 00:14:37 bro, I'm getting fat right now. I'm not mad. Cause I grow up. I'm feeling like, but they're hardcore pressure, dude. You can't, like, we actually ended up leaving. It went back and forth for like 15 to, and we're in the middle of this diet right now bro Bro, they will I took a dream of like I'll give it a look like we could fuck out of here
Starting point is 00:14:52 I ain't even no pizza right now. They won't have to get guilted into that right now like it'll be all so Dude, I remember he told me a story where he was he had this car He finally sat down my grandma to have a conversation with and she doesn't understand when you say like I'm gaining weight Because she's like you're not fat you look good. You were too skinny, but I have a conversation with him. She doesn't understand when you say, like, I'm gaining weight, because she's like, you're not fat, you look good, you were too skinny, but so he goes, no, no, he goes, I really need you to give me less food. So we had a conversation with her. So she said, fine, how much,
Starting point is 00:15:16 finally she gave up, she said, fine, how much pasta do you want in your bowl? And he goes, I don't want the pasta to come out of the bowl. It has to be flush with the bowl. She's like, fine. So she goes over to get his pasta and she goes around the corner because they went in another room. So she goes around the corner to get the pasta.
Starting point is 00:15:32 So he could see her through the reflection. There's a mirror and he can see what she's doing. She filled that fucker up so that the pasta's sticking out over the bowl and then she pressed it down. What's that? To make your fear in the bowl, bro. I'm making me the day. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:50 Okay, you wanted to fit in the bowl? I'm making my dad. I'm making a fit in the bowl. I'm making my dad. I'm making my dad. I'm making my dad. I'm making my dad. I'm making my dad.
Starting point is 00:15:58 I'm making my dad. I'm making my dad. I'm making my dad. I'm making my dad. I'm making my dad. I'm making my dad. I'm making my dad. I'm making my dad. I'm makingata bread fucking sandwiches, right? He goes I need there's too much carbs I can't do this so he goes to the grocery store and he buys sliced bread and he says if you make me sandwich
Starting point is 00:16:15 You have to use this bread. She's like okay fine. I make it. He picks up his bag for lunch He's like this shit's heavy Why is this so heavy? He opens it up and she's forced slices of bread. She made like meat, or actually like a slice of bread, meat, cheese, whatever. Like a big mac and salad. She made him two sandwiches into one
Starting point is 00:16:34 because he said he only wanted one sandwich and he only wanted that bread. So she hacked it. So it's one sandwich. I love your grandma. You know what I mean? So 15 pounds of mass gaming. Oh shit.
Starting point is 00:16:44 It's pretty hilarious. Anyway, shit. It's pretty hilarious. Anyway, anyway, it's good time. So you guys as parents weren't like that when you were a kid, trying to stuff you guys? Yeah, no, my mom was totally like that, and especially my grandma too. So that was definitely part of the culture as well. Like it was either potatoes or, you know,
Starting point is 00:16:59 it was just different, like, carb sources, but they would just shove that. You can't leave the table till you cleaned your plate like every little last morsel, too. And I'd have to sit there. Did you get in trouble if you didn't? Yeah. Yeah, you didn't trouble.
Starting point is 00:17:12 And even when I learned to eat my vegetables first, because they were disgusting when they're cold and mushy, you know, and I was like, fuck it, I'm gonna eat this first. But then I would be full, but I still had to finish like every single thing they plopped on my plate. And I'm like, oh that would be full. And but I still had to finish like every single thing they popped on my plate. And I'm like, oh, just just oversaturated. He's an hello god. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:31 So you can imagine the battle that I have with my with my parents and my kids. Of course. It's a it's a constant battle to the point now where my my my I feel like they're keeping secrets. Dude. So like breakfast was a big deal in my family. And like so my grandma has this recipe for like buttermilk pancakes It's like fucking amazing, you know, and it's like that was what we grew up on is he's like little like light fluffy
Starting point is 00:17:53 The contest was how many you could eat right nice. I just eat stacks of these things and So my mom still tries to keep this tradition. I'm like mom. No, like please don't like every when I pick them up You know Sunday and like they've watched them overnight, you know, I'm like, oh, she's going to make him pancakes. So I'm going to be fucked, you know, like, just like they're going to come back just wired, like, you know, maniacs and sure enough, like, but she's still trying like make me eat them. And like, she's just so persistent. Like, no,
Starting point is 00:18:20 like, save some for you. Look, they're right here. Like, you know, there's stacks of them. And she's finally giving up, like, finally. Oh, did she? Yeah, I know you're not gonna eat it. See my guilt's me. See my parents, I think are keeping secrets of my kids. That's what I think.
Starting point is 00:18:33 Yeah, I get it too. No, no, no, for real. Like, the other day, I went over there to pick up the kids and I'm like, so would you guys, would you guys eat today? Would you guys do with Non-Non? You know, my daughter was like, oh, you know, she got me a cookie from the store
Starting point is 00:18:46 and my mom looks at her with this look. And my daughter looks, and I could tell on my daughter's face she forgot not to tell me. So I'm like, are you fucking, are you guys keeping secrets from me? It's my children, you know? You can't do that. So I had this, and some, both my parents rolled their eyes
Starting point is 00:19:01 and I said, you know, I told my parents this, they said, listen, I said, you just turned 60 to my dad. I said, mommy, not that far behind. Pretty soon, we're close. I said, we're very close. I'm gonna come to the house. I'm gonna throw away all the food that nobody's supposed to eat
Starting point is 00:19:14 and I'm gonna buy your groceries for you. And you should have seen the look on their faces. We had a fight overall, huge argument. And I said, I promise I'm gonna do this. Because if I'm gonna take care of you guys when you're sick, I'm gonna make sure you guys are in better condition or whatever. I'm gonna start throwing food away.
Starting point is 00:19:29 It's like kids, it's like dealing with kids. I'm so close. Speaking of fat loss, cardio, you've been doing hit cardio. I just, so I just introduced it, I wait. This is kind of the process for me. Now, we're doing this six week competition right now. And if I was competing, I'm mirroring a lot of the things that I would do getting ready for a show, even though I know that I'm still not in a, in a, a great place to do that.
Starting point is 00:19:55 But when we, so for the first five weeks, I've had zero cardio, everything that I've done leading up to this point has been all through just walking more steps. And so I gradually went from 8 to 10,000, then 10 to 12, then 12 to 14. Now that we're heading into the final week, this is, so the first bit of cardio I ever introduce is hit. And I do 10 to 12 minutes post workout. And you get a 10 to 12 minutes. It's important for people to, I don't think anybody
Starting point is 00:20:26 does hit right. They don't do it the right way. They think hit means beat the shit. It's like an hour. Yeah. Yeah. No, that's not the intention. No, no, what do you do for that period of time? So I tend to move around on different pieces of equipment or even paddle ropes and things like that. But I use my own perceived exhaustion. So what I do is whether I'm using ropes or stairmaster, elliptical treadmill is I get after it real hard for about a minute. So one minute I go as hard as I can for one minute. And after that one minute I walk, if'm on a treadmill or I slow way down on the elliptical to where I'm almost barely moving,
Starting point is 00:21:08 and I allow my heart rate to come all the way back down. And I wait for it to feel like, obviously it's not gonna come back down to resting, but it comes back down to what I would feel like when I was walking, I don't feel like I'm pushing in, which right now when I first start hit, it takes about 90 seconds to recover, you know, because I don't have good cardio endurance,
Starting point is 00:21:25 as that improves that time will shorten. And so people ask me a lot, like, so do you follow a protocol, like, one on, two off, and 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off, to bodice style, like, how do you do it? And it's like, well, I don't really, I mean, I pay attention to my time, but I don't get on the equipment, say,
Starting point is 00:21:41 okay, I'm gonna do these two minute intervals, one minute, one minute intervals, because everybody's cardiovascular endurance is going to be varied and different, and the same thing with each piece of equipment I do is going to be more challenging others. Right. And I think that, yeah, it's definitely going to be different for everybody as far as like the goal is to be able to choose and select and exercise that, can go that added bit of intensity with and you can really rev up it with, you know, safely within that. So it's not going to look like
Starting point is 00:22:13 explosive jumps for everybody. No, right? So that's a misconception, though, is a lot of people wanted to go right into plyometric work and super aggressive, even powerlifting, for instance, and they throw that in like a hit workout. No, what you need to understand is hit and plio and resistance training is anaerobic. Hit is also anaerobic. It's not purely anaerobic, but it is more of an anaerobic
Starting point is 00:22:39 form of cardio than steady state type cardio. An anaerobic meaning without oxygen, it means you're burning energy a little bit differently, like you are with weights, and it produces a different effect. The example that I like to give is the sprinter versus the long distance athlete. When you look at a sprinter
Starting point is 00:22:55 who also runs a lot versus a long distance runner who runs a lot, because the sprinter does this anaerobic explosive bursts of running, they build muscle, or at least they hold on to muscle. And they look very muscular as a result. Now, why is that an important thing to understand? Remember, your body is always aiming to get better at whatever stimulus you're throwing
Starting point is 00:23:19 at it. And what you're asking your body to do with steady state cardio, if you do that a lot, is you're asking your body to do with steady state cardio, if you do that a lot, is you're asking your body to increase its endurance, but it also at the same time doesn't require much strength. And so it makes itself more efficient by pairing muscle down. Now hit, also ask your body to build some endurance, but really also requires more strength. Now why? Well, when you're doing hit properly, let's say I'm on the elliptical, and I'm pushing for a 30-second sprint on the elliptical, I am pushing as hard as I can with my legs.
Starting point is 00:23:51 I am sending a signal to my body that's saying, we also need strength. And so as a result of that, hip cardio results in fat loss, but in less muscle mass loss. And they've done lots of studies this, when they've combined the two, where people do hit versus people that doing lists, and or steady state, and hit just burns, just doesn't cause the muscle loss, that the steady state cardio tends to do. Now the problem is that people take hit, and they think it just means hard and long.
Starting point is 00:24:23 And now what they're doing is they're doing a robec work, but they're just trying to do harder and they're doing more of it. And it's a tremendous stress on the body. And it's not gonna really yield you benefits. Hit cardio needs to be short. That's the biggest thing about it. So like one of the ways that I'll tell people to do hit,
Starting point is 00:24:39 and this is by the way, this is for people who already have a decent amount of mobility and conditioning. So what I'm about to say, don't do this if you're not somebody that can run well and have some, you know, some good mobility. One of my favorite forms, I hit a sprints, go to a track and do 50 yard or 100 yard sprint, and then wait to a heart rate comes back down to the point where you can do another one and then do another one and do sets of that, like you treat it like you would wait. Just like, my favorite, I should do hillspring. Hill sprints.
Starting point is 00:25:10 The best, oh, way better. Yeah, you want something that's gonna build and then you gotta, that'll tax you really quick, real quick. Then you walk down the hill, give yourself a little bit of rest, let the heart rate come down, sprint back up, walk back down.
Starting point is 00:25:22 And again, this is all about finding that max exertion. Like, how can I do that in a safe manner where, you know, I'm not going to destroy my joints, but I can reach like a new level that I'm stretching my capacity a little bit more. And that's how your body, you know, will get like prompted to change, you know, and that's something that, what we're doing is we're flirting with that a bit.
Starting point is 00:25:44 And so that's why it is also necessary for you to take that bit of recovery time to then be able to perform again at that high capacity because a lot of times I find people really want to do this for fatigue. And it becomes a circuit of fatigue and slop. And you're not really teaching your body much other than to endure something that's difficult. Yeah, and again, when you're doing an aerobic type activity like weight training and hit can be classified as anaerobic, you're burning because it's anaerobic, you're burning ATP at Innocine triphosphate. This is that muscle energy. And it burns up very quickly, and it's burned up by the mitochondria of your cells.
Starting point is 00:26:26 As a result, hit and resistance training increases mitochondrial density in your body. You increase your body's ability to do this particular thing more. That's a faster metabolism. So a lot of the problems that we talk about excessive cardio use, less of that applies to hit cardio, which is why hit is such a good form of cardio
Starting point is 00:26:49 and why it's gotten so popular recently. The only drawback to hit is that because it's intense, if you have immobility issues and stuff like that, I don't think it's a good idea to take a beginner and tell them to do 30 seconds sprints. I don't think that's a good idea. Well, this is also why I love just-and- Tom out the hill because that's one of the best things for you. Like, so when you're running up a hill, you're not getting the heel strike that
Starting point is 00:27:11 you're getting when you're running on flat ground. You run on flat ground and you take somebody who has really poor mechanics, that pounding on their joints is really rough. Spritting up a hill actually is nice because you never fully lock out. You're always in this kind of bent pad of your foot. Yeah, you're on the pad of your, on the pads of your feet and you're always in this bent knee. So you never lock out really, really good for clients that you're concerned about joints and they're breaking, breaking down. I love, love, he'll sprint for that. But even, I mean, I did mine yesterday on the elliptical. So you don't have to, I mean, talk about there's a zero impact right there. Zero impact. Get on the elliptical. Got on there, the first minute I was just kind of cruising,
Starting point is 00:27:47 kind of warming myself up. As soon as it hit the two minute mark, I went as hard as I could for one minute, as hard as I could. At that, at that, at the three minute mark, I phew, slowed all the way down, and then I let my heart rate come all out. I love two pieces of equipment, and this is the only kind of cardio equipment I would even have in the gym is you know The assault bike and then also the Versa Climbing. Oh my gosh Like talk about getting the max capacity quickly, you know, you can you can easily do that because it's like it and Incorporates your entire body and it's just yeah, I've been trying to rower. Yeah
Starting point is 00:28:21 I've done the rowers Yeah, I mean they they're tough for us. I don't find them that challenging as much as the Versa Climer in the assault bike. Just kick my ass. Yeah, and I think I will say this though, it is extremely important and actually wrote a guide on like the three biggest mistakes
Starting point is 00:28:39 that people make with hit. So if you want more detail, you could check that out. But you know, it's, when it comes mobility, mobility, I would say is more important for hit cardio than it is for steady state cardio. Like if you're going to reap, if you're going to reap the benefits of hit cardio, which are it burns a lot of calories in a short period of time, it tends to prevent muscle loss, especially compared to other forms of cardio. And in some cases, it may actually help build muscle, especially if you're able to sprint and run, you know, do sprints uphill, like the guys just said, mobility is important because
Starting point is 00:29:14 it's intense. I mean, that's what stands, the hit stands for high intensity interval training. You got to have better mobility because the hardest, the harder you push yourself, the more likely your form is gonna... You're pressure in the hinges. Yeah, it's gonna start to break down and stuff, and some mobility is real important. I don't typically recommend people prime before cardio, although it's typically a good idea
Starting point is 00:29:37 to prime before any physical activity, but I definitely recommend people prime before hit. Like for sure, it's a good idea. Well, this is, I mean, part of that people prime before hit. Like, for sure, it's a good idea. Well, this is, I mean, in part of that is just also to minimize risk. I mean, you're just, you're at risk for injury. I mean, you're mechanically off and then you go do something explosive, which, you know, you mentioned earlier, a lot of people like to do these plow metric type movements. You're doing something where you're jumping or ice skaters or doing these type of explosive
Starting point is 00:30:04 type movements. They're very compromising on the joints, especially if you're jumping or ice skaters or doing these type of explosive type movements Very compromising on the joints if you especially if you're not mobile and you don't have strength in that mobility So I think that was one of the coolest most unique things when we wrote our hit program was including that Was because I've never seen a hit program where somebody addressed that and it's like well one of the reasons why I wouldn't teach Clients pile mattress is because they're mechanically, they're broken down. So it's like, well, if you do the due diligence and you put your work into programming mobility days into your routine and then doing hit, I feel much more confident about your safety, doing movements like that
Starting point is 00:30:38 explosively after you've done, you know, a certain amount of mobility work. And now the here's the other thing with hit. Hit can be done with lots of different forms of equipment. So really the staple thing to understand with hit is short bouts of intense activity, with bouts of lower intensity activity, and then you continue that kind of cycle. Now that being said,
Starting point is 00:31:02 because that is a staple of hit, right? That being said, there's been a lot of confusion where people think, oh, well, then it's all the same. So I'm going to get the same benefits if I do hit on elliptical, then if I just do a bunch of circuits with weights or I just do not the case, if you're going to do a piece of cardio equipment, it is quite simple and basic. If you're going to use weights for hit, programming matters. Programming matters very, very much because I see people just throw, have hazardly throw exercises together, like I'm going to do a hit routine. And you need to program properly if you're going to use resistance for your hit workout because you still don't want to develop imbalances, create injury.
Starting point is 00:31:43 And you still want to maximize. I saw this in the gym yesterday with Katrina as we were walking on the treadmill. I was like, I don't know if today's like trainer cringe day or what because there was three different situations yesterday of trainers doing stuff with clients. I'm like, fuck, my pump still hasn't isn't big enough yet. We still haven't reached everybody. I'm watching this trainer right in front of me and she's got this lady who, she's got no but, these big old fake boobs and I know that she's there to probably build her butt and burn some body fat.
Starting point is 00:32:18 Like you could just tell by her body type that that's probably what she's hired this trainer to help her out do. And she's setting up this little circuit. It's right in front of my treadmill's on walk. And I'd love to watch people watch when I'm on the treadmills it is. And especially trainers, I like to see
Starting point is 00:32:32 what they're programming doing. And she sets up a box to jump on. She goes and gets a medicine ball. And then she goes and gets a bosew ball. And she's like, you know, you're in for some fun. Oh, I see coming. and I'm already like, oh, what's coming? Let's hear comes.
Starting point is 00:32:48 And she's so she's to do these jump boxes. Slamball and then she does. Then she does decide on the Bosew ball. And then she does the slams, slam box, right? And then exactly what she's doing. And the worst part about it is some oxygen magazines shit I feel I feel so bad because I know this lady with she I know she wants a butt and I can see by the way She's jumping so she every time she jumps at the tiny little box. She jumps and she's I mean
Starting point is 00:33:18 She's barely bent at the knees So she's not even getting close to parallel when she when she lands. Both her knees are caving all the way into the point where they almost knock each other each time. So her femur is completely internally rotating, which is why she has no butt. So her her glute meat is completely shut off. And then she's doing these jump boxes. So she's probably feeling all quads and probably mostly knees. And then she's going over and she's doing these slam balls and her posture so rounded forward. As she's going side to side, I'm just like, oh God, if she doesn't end up putting her back right now,
Starting point is 00:33:49 she's just exasperating this fricking this rounded shoulder position that she's in and then the boasts who ball right afterwards and just going through this killer circuit, you know, just one after another, after another and I'm like, what the fuck? I'm like, why would you pay $100 now? You don't need a trainer for that. You don't need a trainer for that.
Starting point is 00:34:05 You don't need a trainer for that. If you're supposed to do a bunch of terrible movements, like I tell people this all the time, it's like, just jump around and fucking weird-ass moves. Yeah, just weird shit. Bro, that's lazy personal training. That's my second biggest. Well, okay, so I don't know,
Starting point is 00:34:18 I don't know if it's that as much as it is just, it's just being, I've never seen this girl trainer before. She's the first time I've seen her in this gym, so I'm assuming she's pretty new. And I think it's more of that. I think it's a lack of education and experience than it is lazy. I think she's trying to be creative.
Starting point is 00:34:36 I think she was trying, I think she's probably told her box jumps will help build your butt. You know, the core, the slam ball is gonna help her abs. And then I don't know what the fuck her theory was on the Bosew Ball twist or whatever. But so I think she's, I think she, and then someone probably told her that hit workouts
Starting point is 00:34:52 are great for burning fat or whatever. So, you know, it's probably more a lack of knowledge and experience. I hope so because if it's an experienced trainer and they're doing that, it's lazy. It's literally, oh, I'm gonna make my client really sweaty. Let me throw four exercises together and let me not coach them,
Starting point is 00:35:09 because that's a lot, most of the time I've seen that, there's no coaching. It's literally time, time, time, time, time, you know, switch exercises, that switch it supposed to do. Okay, switch exercises, you don't need a coach for that. You know what, you need a stopwatch. You can do it yourself. The other thing that annoys a shit at me is when I see trainers make their clients, like go run around the
Starting point is 00:35:29 block or run on the train. Warm up for like the first 15 minutes running around the building. Why, so you can text your buddy, why your clients are... Yeah, that's an amazing move. Oh dude, when I had trainers, that would do that. What a great conversation. I mean, hit is a extremely effective tool. Now have to do it right. When used correctly. I mean, such a great tool. I mean, I love it for this exact reason.
Starting point is 00:35:52 And I love the fact that I'm gassed after a minute because I just show I have no cardio endurance right now. I know that, but I also know that if I don't and I'm pushing like this, that's a new adaptation for my body. My body's going like, oh, shit, what was last time out of this? You asked us to sprint for my body. My body's going like, oh, shit, what was the last time Adam? You asked us to sprint for one minute.
Starting point is 00:36:07 You know what I'm saying? They just did so, I get a great response. This is what I used to tell a lot of the competitors that I would see their coaches would tell them in the off season to keep all this cardio up. And I'd be like, okay, if we're in the sport of body building. Yeah, what the hell they do when they go in, can't pre-cultivate.
Starting point is 00:36:21 Yeah, why would you want your body to be at all adapted or used to this cardio and then you go into prep? Because then what do you do? All you can do is ramp up more time, which is what most of them do. They go from cardio once a day on offseason and then prep comes around and they're having to do it twice
Starting point is 00:36:41 a day and twice as hard and fast it on top of that. It's like, oh my god, why? Why do you, you don't need to do it like that? Like let your bodies and the part that's so detrimental to it, to, to them is that it's really tough to keep that up. Like who is going to train hit workouts every single day? Like who's going to keep that type of, that type of regimen up forever? Like you just got to really get up for that, man. It's not, not fun to be trying to keep that up all the time.
Starting point is 00:37:06 That's one of the things that I talk about in the guide or report is the over, because it's intense, because the name of it is high intensity interval training, then it becomes an overapplication of it. It becomes this, I don't think you should do hit cardio every day. I don't think I think that's way too much for most people.
Starting point is 00:37:26 I typically will recommend it. If I do, I'll recommend it at most a few days a week. And it's for like 20 minutes max. It shouldn't be for longer than that. Just do a phase of it, you know, maybe two weeks or one to two weeks, you know, or focus solely on like building up our gas tank again, you know, and like building up that endurance
Starting point is 00:37:45 and stamina, if that's the goal of yours, but. It is, it is. And when you're doing it with weights, the goal, just like with plios, the goal should be that you're pushing yourself, but you're not pushing yourself like you're doing a long distance run. I don't know if that makes sense.
Starting point is 00:38:00 Like you're pushing yourself, but if it gets to the point where you're just war of attrition and you're just going through it. What I see is not pushing hard enough. Like I see people pushing hard, but they think that because they're doing it for a long time. Yeah, a long time. That's what I mean.
Starting point is 00:38:14 Yeah, like you see people doing this, like, battle robes are doing the stair master and they're like getting after it. And they're getting after it for two, three, four minutes long. It's like, nah, you want to go as hard as you can for like a minute and then- And go a lot harder. Yeah, go harder and then lay off and then go hard and then lay off. That's why it's high intensity.
Starting point is 00:38:33 Yeah, it shouldn't be that like, otherwise you're getting closer to cardio. You're getting it to be like traditional type cardio and then we're really sending the signal for us not to keep muscle. No, it's gonna be like gas. Yeah, quickly. I mean, and Sal, you brought it up like the sprinters in a good example,. You know what I mean? They want to be like gas. Yeah, surely. You mean, and you saw you brought it up like the sprinters
Starting point is 00:38:48 in a good example. I mean, what are they sprinting? You're sprinting like 50 harder, you know, 40 yard dash or like that. Like that's it, like it's short, short and hard. Yeah, sprinters do very little running for more than even a mile. I mean, they'll do like a one mile, maybe warm up
Starting point is 00:39:02 and then they'll do their mobility. And yeah, when I do jump rope even like I'd start by getting into a good rhythm, but then I'm riding the doubles and I'm doing doubles, and then I'm done, and then I'll do it again, double that and then I'm done. Is that your favorite way of doing a hit cardio?
Starting point is 00:39:17 Yeah, that one I can incorporate real easily because like after a workout or like, you know, if I have that window of like 15 minutes and then I'll just spend it on like intervals spend it on intervals of just bouts of doubles. And then I'm tired. Jumping rope is so hard. It takes a lot of time. It's a skill.
Starting point is 00:39:34 Yeah, it is. Where did you pick up on when you were doing kickboxing? Yeah, when I was warming up for Moitai, they would make the first 10 to 15 minutes. It's pretty lazy programming on this part too, which was just to get us like hammered for it. And the thing is you did it with like no shoes and so your barefoot, so the fear there's like,
Starting point is 00:39:54 you know, whack your feet, you know, leather rope, and you did quite a few times, but you got better at it as a result. I wish I was coordinated enough to jump rope. Now I have some like a bro science to add to this that a theory that I use myself that and it's just formulated it over time and different articles and things that I'd read. It's Adam's bro science. Adam's bro science.
Starting point is 00:40:17 So, and why I say it's bro science? Because I understand that there's a ton of individual variants here. So when I use numbers that I'm saying right now, that's the bro science part of it. So like, for example, they say that about 80 per... In an hour intense workout, weight lifting, we use about 80% of our glycogen stores. Now, that is a bro science number because that number is very arbitrary. There's a million different variances and what you ate before matters,
Starting point is 00:40:47 how many calories you've normally burned in a workout. Totally general blanket statement. Totally general, so that's the bro science part of it. But my theory is that, okay, so give or take, I'm utilizing most of my glycogen stores during that weight training routine.
Starting point is 00:41:03 So I'm gonna push, after afterwards my workout, I'm gonna go do this hit to completely deplete that out and then I stretch out my next meal. So then I go, okay, then I'm not gonna eat for another hour or two hours or until I feel really hungry and I wanna eat something. I do this when I'm leaning out. I've done it for every single show.
Starting point is 00:41:25 Now, because you're so lean and because you're so, you track everything, do you see a difference doing it that way versus other ways? Yeah, in your physique. That's why I'm saying like it's response really, really well. So I've talked about before when I'm in lean mode, I'm stretching meal times out apart from each other. When I'm trying to bulk, I'm stretching meal times out apart from each other. When I'm trying to bowl, I'm trying to add calories, I need more calories.
Starting point is 00:41:49 I'm trying to fit as many meals as I can in so I can eat as much calories in order to put size in. Then when I go the other direction, I tend to do the opposite. I tend to start to stretch the time out between meals. Let myself get comfortable with being hungry every now and then. I get hungry. There's nothing that gets me more hungry than a crazy heavy weight train session, followed by a hit, like afterwards my body feels like it wants more food. And then I push that out, I stretch it out another hour or two.
Starting point is 00:42:18 And my theory is that I'm completely tapped if glycogen. And even if I'm driving home, I'm showering, I'm resting and relaxing, that my body is sitting there metabolizing fat as a primary source of fuel. And you know, all the tracking that I've done for me, it's done completely, it's done really, really well with leaning me out when I'm getting ready for a comp. Another thing, too, to take, to keep in mind, and they've done studies on this where when people do cardio before a workout or do a workout before cardio, the thing you do first is where you're gonna you'll get more of the adaptation with what you do first.
Starting point is 00:42:50 So if your goal is, you know, build muscle, speed, and metabolism, do you have first? Yeah, you want to lift weights first and then if your goal is endurance, then you want to do your cardio first. And they've shown that it's, you know, we're splitting hairs here. It's not this huge massive difference. However, small differences, add up to big differences over the course of a year or two years or whatever. So if you're planning on working out for a long time, you wanna organize it to where,
Starting point is 00:43:17 you do your cardio after your workout. So typically what I'll recommend to clients is post workout, I'll tell them to do a 12 to 15 minute you know hit session and I Do you really don't tell them to do anything before which is funny because it was always the reverse I remember when I first became a trainer you told people to do cardio before the workout because that's how they that's how they War the theory behind that was they say it takes what at the average of six to 16 minutes for the average person to jump into the creb cycle.
Starting point is 00:43:47 So even if you get on a treadmill and you start running the first five minutes, your body is still using Storm's Lackage and before it starts to tap into utilizing fat. So the theory was, okay, get your client on the treadmill, have them run or get to elevate their heart rate for 10, 15 minutes, pre-workout. Then when I go into lifting weights, you train this high intensity weight training routine. So the idea was you're going to be burning fat the entire time that you're also lifting weights. So you actually see that, but then they'd try and reserve like the intensity to keep them
Starting point is 00:44:14 in that zone, you know, in the fat burning zone versus like letting them get into more intensity training. So you'd see people warming up doing this crazy warming, and then they'd try and monitor them to not exert too much. Well, that came back from the, I saw it a bunch. That came back from the information and the science that was supporting that. And this was the fat burning zone.
Starting point is 00:44:34 The most efficient place, and I used to explain this to trainers because this was really popular to do exactly what Justin's saying was that when you are in the quote unquote fat burning zone, target heart rate zone, it's the most efficient place for your body to burn fat, but by efficient, it doesn't mean it's the place that you burn the most fat. It means you burn the most as a percentage of the overall calories.
Starting point is 00:44:55 Exactly. But if you're overall, I mean, you know, 60% of 500 is a greater percentage than 50% of a thousand, but which one is a greater number, right? Half of a thousand is much bigger than six percent. So the harder you push, the more calories you can burn and turn the more fat you can potentially burn, but it's the most efficient place to do that. Just another hook, they try and market.
Starting point is 00:45:16 Oh, well, they taught us to sell that. Yeah, that's how we used to sell it. Yeah, no, I used to scare people in the training that way. Oh, you're not in the fabric, don't you? Yeah, for sure, You're burning muscle. Now, I do find it, I do find that target heart rate and monitoring things like that is a little more applicable to somebody who is competing.
Starting point is 00:45:36 Somebody who is always flirting with that fine line of being catabolic because they're so low calorie all the time. And so they're wanting to push their kilocalars up, but not push so hard that they send this signal to the body that, hey, we're gonna go into cardio endurance. And I don't want to lose this, or I don't want my body to start to adapt and lose muscle on it.
Starting point is 00:45:57 So I do see some of that for like a body builder where I could see, okay, that makes sense. I could see you doing that. But for the average person who's over consuming calories, the harder you push, the more you're gonna buy. Honestly, the reason why Hit doesn't burn or build, excuse me, cause you body to lose muscle, like regular cardio can do, doesn't always do it can do,
Starting point is 00:46:18 is because Hit is just, it's cardio that mimics weights. I mean, I've been saying it's anaerobic and I'm trying to hammer it in. It's intermittent intensity. Well, you know, workouts and exercise. Well, I'm sore. For example, I'm sore today. I'm sore in places in my hamstring and my glute
Starting point is 00:46:34 from the Olympic group. Yeah, like I actually took a minute for it to register. I was like, what is that? I didn't do hamstrings yesterday. What the fuck am I hamstring sore today? Well, you need a lot of force production, you know, for a lot of these movements.
Starting point is 00:46:45 Yeah, and so that requires muscle contraction at a high level, you know, as opposed to, you know, just long-term, like kind of going through the motions of the movement. And that's why I want people to understand, like your workouts are a few things. One of them is the calorie burn of why you're doing it. But the most important thing that you need to consider
Starting point is 00:47:03 when you do your workouts is, what signal am I sending my body? And what is that, what kind of adaptation is that signal going to cause? And that's an important thing to understand because if the signal that you're sending your body is telling your body to adapt by becoming more efficient with calories to slow its metabolism down,
Starting point is 00:47:21 then that's what you're gonna get by doing a lot of it. If the signal you're sending is saying, we need more strength, then you're gonna build more muscle. And as a consequence of that, you're going to have a faster metabolism, or at least you're gonna preserve muscle, which is why in head-to-head to head studies, consistently hit cardio causes fat loss,
Starting point is 00:47:41 but not muscle loss, or at least not nearly as much as the steady state, the application of too much steady state. And this, I remember, I don't know if you guys remember, this was a while ago, when the studies first came out to show this, I remember I was a, I must have been a trainer for five or six years and the study comes out and any SM I think
Starting point is 00:47:58 is the first one to promote it and they're like, oh yeah, people are burning more body fat and not losing muscle by doing 15 minutes of cardio versus this steady state thing. Cause back in the day, back in those days, when I first became a trainer, you wanna lose fat, you got on a treadmill or an elliptical and you stayed there for an hour.
Starting point is 00:48:15 You stayed there for an hour. That was how you lose fat. You, weights bulk you up and cardio is how you lost fat. So, and there's still some of that, right? So, still some of that remnants. But we now know, like, send the right signal and your body will adapt in the way you want. And the reason why this is important is
Starting point is 00:48:31 when your body wants to adapt in a direction, you have to fight it. You know, if my body adapts in a direction what wants to build muscle and then incidentally speed up this metabolism as a result, it's not gonna be as hard for me to be lean. It just isn't. If I push it in the other direction,
Starting point is 00:48:46 well now we've got situations where I have to figure out how the hell I can keep this muscle in my body or like what happens to a lot of people. They lose 10 pounds, five of it's muscle. Now their calories are much lower. Now to maintain that the heathy meat eat much less, doesn't last very long. They go back to the normal calories. They gain the 10 pounds back, but most of it now is body fat and they're in a worse position than they were before
Starting point is 00:49:10 I guess I should share too and I'd be interested how you guys would because I'll tell you how I Progress my hit so Day one obviously the first time you get on to do hit and you haven't done it You're gonna be exhausted and what I'll be able to do this next time and next time after I should be able to do more. So I started, I didn't say this to the audience, but when I got on the elliptical too, I'm at a level 10 resistance. I want resistance for that,
Starting point is 00:49:35 and that's how you kind of get those extra benefit. It'd be better for me to add, instead of just going fast, and just going low resistance, and just trying to go fast, I would much rather have resistance and go as hard as I can for a one minute. And then that's where I'll increase.
Starting point is 00:49:50 So like, when I get on there, I won't be able to do that today. Today I'll probably be in here. So I'll probably do stuff with the battle ropes or something else. But tomorrow when I get in the gym and I lift again and I do the elliptical, I'll probably jump to level 11 or 12.
Starting point is 00:50:03 And I'll keep increasing the resistance on there until I can't do that really hard for one minute and then then my time frame of resting will start in a shortened so to go Hard for what hard one minute Increase the intensity on that resistance where it's already so I'm already starting at 10 I'll creep that up and then I'll slowly start to shave my My resting time my resting time is approximately 90 seconds right now. So that's how I will progress it. Yeah, I start mainly with the one exercise which is doubles for a jumper open.
Starting point is 00:50:36 That's because I can manage that specifically. I understand, as I'm getting as many rounds as I can get where I know, like, okay, I'm definitely hitting fatigue. You know, and so, and then I'll time my rest in between how long it takes me to recover, but then I'll progress it into do more, like, stuff with the kettlebells as far as, like explosive type controlled movements, and so then I can add, you know, just kettlebell swings,
Starting point is 00:51:03 and I can get a little more involved with that and just do stuff where it, because kettlebells are nice because you can easily transition into other moves pretty fluidly. So if I get into kettlebell swings and I get into front loaded squats with that and then I bring them down and do pushups on top of them, it's a very controlled back-to- back to back to back thing, rest,
Starting point is 00:51:25 and I can still like keep my form pretty consistent. Yeah, I do similar to what you do at them as where I'll start, and I typically will keep mine about 30 to 45 seconds of a sprint and then I'm just aiming for resistance, how much harder I can push the resistance, or if I'm doing a sprint outside, I haven't done this for a long time,
Starting point is 00:51:44 but a while ago that's what I did, is I would just or if I'm doing a sprint outside, I haven't done this for a long time, but a while ago, that's what I did, is I would just see if I was faster, and I'd time how fast I could sprint the same distance. And if I was increasing my speed, I knew it was because I was more powerful, and I had more power to exert. And then that's all I would do is I'd be, and the reason why I like doing it outside,
Starting point is 00:52:04 and I haven't done this for a while, and if I were to do it again, I would work my way up to it because running Hill Sprints or whatever, can beat you up. Yeah, you don't just go out and do it. I'm actually motivated to do it now. Oh, I love it.
Starting point is 00:52:15 I treat it like weights. That's exactly like a set, like a set of any exercise. So I'd get at the bottom of the hill, and you know, I'd do my warm up, and then when I'm ready to go, I'd sprint. There's this perfect hill's called Agony. Yeah. The name of this hill is Agony. The hill's called Agony. It's at my old high school, And you know, I do my warm up and then when I'm ready to go I sprint is perfect hills called agony
Starting point is 00:52:25 Yeah, the name of this the hill is agony the hills called agony. It's at my old high school And like it's not that far away I'll be probably videoing to in some of those. Oh, that's so awesome some agony and I'll sprint up the hill as hard as I can Get to the top and I'll walk down or jog down and I'll wait at the bottom and you know Keep pacing and stuff till my heart weight rate comes back down and then I'll do it again as fast as I can and I'll wait at the bottom and I'll keep pacing and stuff until my heart rate comes back down. And then I'll do it again as fast as I can. And I do, you know, anywhere between five to 10 sets, maybe 12, 15 sets of that.
Starting point is 00:52:53 And I'm literally treating it like I do with weights. And it could take me, you know, it might take me 30 minutes, but really it's because I do such a long rest in between the sprints, because the goal isn't, the goal isn't to do it until I'm exhausted. The goal is for me to be able to exert force powerfully and sprint quickly each time I do it. And that for sure, when I was doing that,
Starting point is 00:53:15 I remember my legs growing. Now my legs respond very fast, almost anything I do, but they've never grown from other forms of cardio. And I remember distinctively going, oh shit, I'm building muscle in my legs. When we wrote our hit program, which is one of the most popular programs that we ever saw when we knew it was going to be,
Starting point is 00:53:31 because apparently people love this stuff, it's the only program that we actually have a warning on it. There's not, we don't have a single program where we actually put a, it's called integrity, we were trying to be honest, you know? Well, that's also why we waited, right? We knew it would sell well way back when, but we knew it's like, this is not the message
Starting point is 00:53:47 that we want to give people, because we don't think that more people need more hit in their life. We think more people need strength training and some of the foundational training that has long gone, moved on from that people don't do anymore that I think benefits people's bodies the most. But we did put that in there, and we also phased the program program and it's a short program.
Starting point is 00:54:07 It's the shortest program that we have and we don't recommend people do hit type of training for long periods of time. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, it's like a wonderful tool for fat loss in a two to four week period is what I would say. And if you like to do hit training just because you enjoy doing it and you enjoy that kind of workout,
Starting point is 00:54:29 then I don't think there's a problem with doing it every week. You can definitely overdo it, just like you can overdo anything. But like I said, three days a week, if you're fit, is probably a decent number for me. I also see some value in it for people that are still playing sports, whether you're young,
Starting point is 00:54:46 you're young and you're playing sports. And so because that style of training does mimic kind of like football especially as well to real game speed and having and doing that. Right, being on the call upon those muscles and be explosive. So if you're an athlete or even if you're not somebody who's a young athlete, I mean, I was doing more hit in my life when I was Playing in a basketball league that made it made sense for me to do these types of pro this type of workout Because it was a way that I could still build muscle and do that
Starting point is 00:55:16 But then also I was getting some endurance for when I was playing basketball So it transfers over nicely if you're playing sport But if you're just an average person and you just want to lose body fat and you're looking to use hit, it isn't something that you want to do long-term whatsoever. No, no. And now the free report highlights the three most common mistakes that people make with their hit workouts. So if you like to do hit and you want to make sure you're not screwing it up by making the most common mistakes go to mind pump free.com It's free. It's a free report doesn't cost anything And then of course you want to take it the next level and you want to follow a well-programmed hit routine
Starting point is 00:55:55 All set up and written out for you then you can do our maps hit a program, which you can get at mind pump media.com Thank you for listening to mind pump if your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy, and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbumble at MindPumpMedia.com. The RGB Superbumble includes maps on the ball, maps to performance, and maps to static. Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming
Starting point is 00:56:25 designed by Sal Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels, and performs. With detailed workout blueprints and over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle is like having Sal Adam and Justin as your own personal trainers, but at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a 430-day money-back guarantee, and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at mindpumpmedia.com.
Starting point is 00:56:54 If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing Mind Pump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support, and until next time, this is Mind Pump!

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