Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - BONUS: Introducing MAPS Strong

Episode Date: September 11, 2018

In this episode, Sal, Adam & Justin go into detail about their newest MAPS Fitness Product, MAPS Strong. MAPS Strong was developed in collaboration with World's Strongest Man Competitor, Robert Oberst.... It is not just a program for people who want to get strong but for anyone looking for a fun way to create new muscle adaptations by doing new exercises in different rep ranges outside of the other MAPS programs. You can get MAPS Strong at www.mapsstrong.com. Use the code STRONG30 through September 16, 2018 for $30 off. Would you like to be coached by Sal, Adam & Justin? You can get 30 days of virtual coaching from them for FREE at www.mindpumpmedia.com. Get our newest program, MAPS Split, an expertly programmed and phased muscle building and sculpting program designed to get your body stage ready. This is an advanced program and is not recommended for beginners. Get it at www.mapssplit.com! Get MAPS Prime, MAPS Anywhere, MAPS Anabolic, MAPS Performance, MAPS Aesthetic, the Butt Builder Blueprint, the Sexy Athlete Mod AND KB4A (The MAPS Super Bundle) packaged together at a substantial DISCOUNT at www.mindpumpmedia.com. Make EVERY workout better with MAPS Prime, the only pre-workout you need… it is now available at mindpumpmedia.com Also check out Thrive Market! Thrive Market makes purchasing organic, non-GMO affordable. With prices up to 50% off retail, Thrive Market blows away most conventional, non-organic foods. PLUS, they offer a NO RISK way to get started which includes: 1. One FREE month’s membership 2. $20 Off your first three purchases of $49 or more (That’s $60 off total!) 3. Free shipping on orders of $49 or more You insure your car but do you insure YOU? If you don’t, and you are the primary breadwinner, you will likely leave your loved ones facing hardship and struggle if you die (harsh reality). Perhaps you think life insurance is expensive, but if you are fit and healthy, you can qualify for approved rates that are truly inexpensive and affordable. To find out if you qualify for the best rates in the industry, go get a quote at www.HealthIQ.com/mindpump Have Sal, Adam & Justin personally train you via video instruction on our YouTube channel, Mind Pump TV. Be sure to Subscribe for updates. Get Organifi, certified organic greens, protein, probiotics, etc at www.organifi.com Use the code “mindpump” for 20% off. Go to foursigmatic.com/mindpump and use the discount code “mindpump” for 15% off of your first order of health & energy boosting mushroom products. Add to the incredible brain enhancing effect of Kimera Koffee with www.brain.fm/mindpump 10 Free sessions! Music for the brain for incredible focus, sleep and naps! Also includes 20% if you purchase! Please subscribe, rate and review this show! Each week our favorite reviewers are announced on the show and sent Mind Pump T-shirts! Have questions for Mind Pump? Each Monday on Instagram (@mindpumpmedia) look for the QUAH post and input your question there. (Sal, Adam & Justin will answer as many questions as they can)

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, with your hosts. Salta Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. In this exciting bonus episode of Mind, Home! It's coming in hot. It is today we are launching our newest MAPS program. So pumped! MAPS Strong! We're very excited in this episode. Today we are launching our newest maps program. So pumped. Maps strong.
Starting point is 00:00:25 We're very excited in this episode. We explain the program, talk about what's in there, talk about who we created it with, why we created it, what it's for, what kind of results you can expect. This is our launch. That means it's on sale. So if you go to mapsstrong.com, that's MAPSSTRNG.com. Use the code strong30. That's strong with the number 30 no space.
Starting point is 00:00:48 You'll get 30 dollars off and you'll get a free maps strong t shirt. Make sure you enter in your e or home address and your size in the in the fields when you do that when you do enroll. And by the way, this sale and the free t shirt end on the 16th. So if you're listening to this today, we launch. There's only six days left and that's pretty much it. So here we go. Do you guys have any cool articles? I have to say that some more.
Starting point is 00:01:13 What is today is not about that today. Today's an exciting day. I mean, it isn't exciting today. It isn't exciting today. It is not about something to share. You know what, you want to know a current event. I have a current event for you. That's what I was going to say.
Starting point is 00:01:24 Yeah. We are dropping fucking strong. Dude dude stop it. I am pumped for this. Yes strong You know what I mean we've been like sitting on this you know I've been and like anticipating finally being able to unleash this to the world It's so it's been so difficult to keep my mouth shut about this program because I was so excited to the first one to do it I was so first of all I did it and it's an incredible program. It's an awesome program for just building sheer muscle. Yeah. Which is what really blew me away, because I knew...
Starting point is 00:01:54 So here's the deal. Here's what was really exciting about it. We enlisted a professional, high ranking strong man, an actual strong man competitor, Robert Obers. He's one of our good friends. Yep Podcast a few times big dude fucking awesome. We gotta you let explain to like what people don't I don't know I don't know I some people may not know like when we did you know a static with I mean split with Arya and then we did a Robert Overs we did this program with there's's reasons why we picked these athletes too. It's not just that their bad asses and their sport,
Starting point is 00:02:26 but, you know, Aria represents one of the only, if not the only men's physique pro on the Olympia stage, that's 100% all natural. Yeah, which so, and I think that just blends with the brand really well. And when you look at Robert Overs, the stuff that he's putting out there as far as information about nutrition and exercise
Starting point is 00:02:44 and mobility and endurance. He trained smart. Right. He actually trains really, really smart for a strong man. And not to say that other strong man's trained dumb. It just means that he's on the cutting edge of that sport as far as how to take care of your overall health and still compete in the sport, which I think is a major reason why we partner. Right. And the thing about strong man, because we were thinking about this, we're like, okay, what are the attributes that make somebody an effective strong man competitor, right? Now forget the size and all that stuff, because at that top, top level size matters. You get these big, big, big, big, big, giant.
Starting point is 00:03:20 They're giants, but what are the attributes? Of course, you need to be strong, but it's not like powerlifting where you just need to have that one rep strength There is that component, but if you watch strong man events There's that component plus there's agility plus there's stamina and then there's this functional component where they're doing these odd lifts and these movements that Mimic more of either real life or or something you wouldn't find with traditional barbell It's like that Nebraska corn fed strength. You know what I mean? It's like the, I work all the time and I just build up
Starting point is 00:03:51 this insane motor, this tank, that can just get shit done. Yeah, and what's exciting about it for me is it's very different. And, but it's also still very effective at building muscle. When I did the program myself, I was surprised at how much stamina and calorie burning that occurred with it, because in the program, we have our foundational workouts, but then we have what are called work sessions, and the work sessions are designed to mimic the type of performance you would need if you were going to compete in strong. But set up in a way where you could do these movements in your gym and whatever in your regular gym.
Starting point is 00:04:27 Now I have a home gym, so I did everything at home, but it involves a lot of stamina, some endurance, and a lot of calorie burning. And I was surprised that not only did I build muscle, but I got leaner because the workouts involved so much gross motor movement. Well, it's interesting. I mean, it was such a great blend between us and Robert in that, Robert has been doing this and competing for a long time.
Starting point is 00:04:51 And he has his way of doing things and leading up into competition. And he has all these crazy tools that are accessible to him. And like us coming in was really to reverse engineer what he was doing, but then also make it more relatable for your average person going to the gym. How can I work out and have that same experience with the tools that are accessible?
Starting point is 00:05:14 Exactly. I'll get messages from people who are like, I love working out, I've been doing it for a long time. I want to try something different, but I still want build muscle, burn body fat and that kind of stuff, but I want to try something different, but I still want build muscle, burn body fat, and that kind of stuff, but I want to try something different. And so that's what this program is. And it's really what it is. It's the meeting of the minds. You have three trainers with, each with 15 to 20 years experience. So lots and lots of experience, training lots of bodies, everything from athletes to people with injuries to old, young, everybody.
Starting point is 00:05:45 And then you have a strong man athlete with his own years of training, his own body and competing. And we all went, we all drove together and we got a house and we hung out for three days and we sat down and we wrote this freaking masterpiece number program. And it's just so, it's just so awesome. I talked about the Zurchcher squats, snatch grip, high pulls, the farmer carries. Circus presses. Circus presses, like the fat girl presses for the, for the, for the, for the app. My favorite name. I mean, just brilliant exercises
Starting point is 00:06:16 and the way they're put together and the workout is just, I can't wait for people to, to do the program and I can't wait to get the feedback, because people are gonna trip out over the effectiveness, but this is kind of the direction that we wanna go with a lot of our program. I wouldn't be surprised if there were some people that thought this was their favorite program. Well, you said it multiple times,
Starting point is 00:06:37 because you and Jessica did it before anybody else did. So you guys were kinda like the test babies on it, and you said that that was her favorite program She's done yet. She's done them all. It's her favorite program already. She loved it the most and I'm not gonna lie I was at first I would when we first did it I thought this would it would appeal to a small group of people that would It was like an insane a niche. Yeah, I was I was a little concerned about that But then after getting the feedback from like Jessica and I know Katrina's going through and loves it right now
Starting point is 00:07:05 I sent it over to my sister like everybody all a lot of the girls are actually the ones that are telling me how much they they love doing it Well, what Jessica liked about it the most was she liked the fat burning effects from it because I was unexpected It's a posterior chain heavy Program because in strong man you are lifting a lot of things in in front of your body whether it's a deadlift or a car or a tire or whatever and so you need a strong back and you need strong hips which is basically glutes and hamstrings and so you know an area of focus for Jessica for a while now has been her glutes. It's always been an area that she's had trouble having respond.
Starting point is 00:07:45 Through strong, she's like, oh wow, my butt is growing from doing this program and it's because again, it's designed to be really strengthened that posture here, Shane. The work sessions are my favorite and they were remarkably difficult. Well, this is a little bit different too when you compare our other programs
Starting point is 00:08:03 because the work sessions are harder. There are much harder. Right. Normally, your off sessions, I mean, I guess you could say that it kind of anywhere was like this where we had the AMP sessions to ramp up intensity. We sort of flipped it on its head, our normal form. Right. Because typically with like maps aesthetic and maps performance, you know, the off days,
Starting point is 00:08:21 mobility or focus days tend to be much lower intensity, where the intensity is much higher on the work session days here. What's beautiful, another thing that's beautiful about MAP Strong, because we were collaborating with Obers, you know, for example, when you do MAPs and a ball, it's got three phases and it starts off in the low rep heavy phase, then it moves into the hypertrophy mid-range, you know, phase of reps, then it moves into more hypertrophy mid-range phase of reps, then it moves into more supersets and higher reps. Strong flips it.
Starting point is 00:08:49 So with maps strong, you start with the higher reps and exercises that work well with that. And then you work your way towards the last phase, which is the heavier phase. Now why do we do it that way? Well, if you're a strong man competitor, that's kind of how you lead into your sport. Well, think about it. It makes sense to, I mean, just like you, even strong man competitor, that's kind of how you lead into your, your sport. Well, think about it. It makes sense to, I mean, just like you even Olympic lifters, this is how they train. It's you want to get mechanically sound. Yes. Before you go to lifting max low type of stuff and so nothing's better than that. They're
Starting point is 00:09:15 doing a really light weight, lots of repetition. So you get those, which I think is constant practice, which is the skill of it. It's so perfect for somebody who's like wanting to potentially get into lifting like this, but is uncertain of some of these movements. Like, this is the way you do it. Really lightweight, 20 reps. So you get the mechanics down and get really just like practicing and you build a gas tank, like nothing else, man. That stamina and that endurance carries with you, you know, for it's a great tool to have.
Starting point is 00:09:45 It's great, you know, to fall back on that, have energy to get through the heavy lift. Well, so the other thing too is map strong, is loosely also a program that is maps and a ballock-esque. It follows an anabolic style of, because anabolic's very raw power strength, speed of people to have, is in build muscle. This is the perfect extension of maps.
Starting point is 00:10:03 Well, when you look at them, so if you look at the program side by side, it's this beautiful pyramid of phasing. So you start with anabolic, you go low mid-range high, you extend a high rep with strong, different movements, work sessions. So you go up, up, up, up, then you go down. And then it comes out.
Starting point is 00:10:21 If you combine these two programs, which is exactly what I did, because when I started Map Strong, I was coming out of a cycle of a maps and a bulk style workout. It was like seamless. And I came through it, and you know, when you combine Map's programs
Starting point is 00:10:35 in a very, very well good way, what ends up happening is you miss plateaus, you just, you progress continuously throughout the entire cycle. Well, the good structure for the, I mean, you're talking about six months worth of programming plus, you know you progress continuously throughout the entire structure. For the, I mean, you're talking about six months worth of programming plus, you know, I'm saying. So that's, and it's, and the here, the way we laid out all of these, and I think, and there's sometimes people, people don't know this that, you know, there's, there is
Starting point is 00:10:56 an order of operation with the maps program, like it's not to say that you can't drop in and do any program. You could technically do that, but we've definitely structured it with the types of exercises that we're teaching in the amount of volume that you're teaching. In a perfect world, you've gone through anabolic, you've got some good, a solid foundation, and then you move into a program like strong. I think that's just like the way we did with aesthetic and then split like in a perfect world. If I'm teaching somebody who wants to sculpt the body, and they hit me up and said, what program's best for me? I said, well, if you haven't done aesthetic, start there,
Starting point is 00:11:29 and then run that for three months, and then progress to split. Yeah, it's great. I mean, this year was, was really our focus was to build out like these other programs that were sort of the, the more challenging versions of like our foundational programs. So what we wanted to do is to kind of spread and optimize a little bit more because we've been adapting and we've been adapting to this foundational movements
Starting point is 00:11:54 and that's our core, but now let's flirt a little bit with the extremes. And so this is definitely one of those where we're flirting with the extremes. And so it's a very fun program for that. It's one of my favorite programs by far. And you know what it's gonna crack me up is when people get into the program
Starting point is 00:12:11 and then they see that we have ladders in agility work. And you know what, by the way, this was not our, this was not Robert Overse. He suggested he's the one that said, oh no, you wanna put agility work and Ladders in there because it's benefited me greatly in my strong man competitions now for us as personal trainers And of course as fitness business marketers. I'm looking at this and I'm like that's beautiful Oh, it's brilliant. Oh, it makes total sense. It makes totally somebody that giant and strong like move so well was was a huge selling point for me You do ladders and you're now incorporating you know a strength hit style component into your workouts
Starting point is 00:12:52 That's why I think this program is gonna shock people because I think a lot of people might think map strong and okay They worked with a strong man. It's gonna look like a powerlifting routine. No, it's not it There's definitely that component in it, but there's a very strong and integral component of agility and stamina and function in it. And a lot of the exercises are ones that you don't normally see or do in the gym. And one of the things that I learned a long time ago in my career is there's a lot of exercises. I could name it. I could sit here and I'd probably rattle off at least a thousand, but I know it's more than that. Not all exercises are created equal and some exercises are superior to others. Well, there's a lot of movements that are forgotten exercises that athletes just don't
Starting point is 00:13:33 do anymore. A zircher squad is a fantastic example of that. There is a fantastic muscle building. Well, especially when you talk about functional, we get into this all the time, we already just on, in this conversation on our form, the other day of like what really defines functional, like and functional is something that is going to apply into real world strength and real world movements. And it's most, and it's crazy when you think about that and you think about this whole movement
Starting point is 00:13:58 or this whole movement in the fitness industry to become more functional, but yet we see very little people doing zurchersquats, which in my opinion is arguably one of the most functional movements. Their version of functional is like balanced based, you know, for the most part is what we've seen. Like, and, you know, this is this is something that is very applicable. How many times will you pick up a bag of dog food, a bag of cement, a bag of a box, a box, a box, a box, a box of, a box of, yeah, a couch, move something, carry a child.
Starting point is 00:14:28 Like how many times in your life will you do that? Will you front load something close to your body and squat down, twist it? Inside also out wide. I mean, there's stuff in the program. I love like the Snatch Crypt deadlifts and like these high pulls, like things like that that, you know, I just don't think people think
Starting point is 00:14:43 in that direction, but what it does for your muscles and your posterior chain is amazing. I've never done, so I'd never done snatch grip, deadlifts, or snatch grip high pulls as part of a work that I've done them, but the thing about a workout when you program and then them in, is you do them often enough to where you start
Starting point is 00:15:00 to get good at them, and when you get good at a movement, then you can start to reap the benefits. It doesn't, you don't really get much benefit if you throw it in every once in a while. And this snatch grip movement, I had never done on a consistent basis. This was a secret weapon of mine in men's physique. I don't know anybody in men's physique,
Starting point is 00:15:16 I know that was doing that. And if you go deep enough in my Instagram, you can see videos of me doing snatch grip deadlifts. So you're beating everybody on your back. And that was like a, that was my thing. And my whole upper back, and I tell you what, what blew it out. First, what blew it out was getting back into deadlifting
Starting point is 00:15:32 and actually doing that consistently. And then I started playing with the SnatchGrip Deadlift. And I felt like it just widened and thickened my back out. And I definitely attribute a lot of that to that. And if you do, if you go far enough back in my Instagram, you'll see I have videos of me doing that way long ago, well, before we were doing any of this stuff. And the high poles is another one.
Starting point is 00:15:49 The snatch grip high poles that hit my traps, like I've never felt before. I know, the blow shoulders and traps. What it also did is it also, it's incredible. And what I love about the snatch grip high pole is, it is a power movement, but it is a less technical power movement than almost all of the power It's a beautiful place to start people. It's it is the place to start people pretty much because power movements are so
Starting point is 00:16:11 technical and so difficult that we've pretty much almost never put them in any of our programs because there's no benefit to them unless you do them perfect and it's a hard movement to learn. A snatch grip high pull if you have a little bit of experience, you're gonna get it right after a few tries. And then you're gonna start to reap the benefits of explosive power movements. And I felt that carryover into everything, which is very strange.
Starting point is 00:16:35 And here's a deal. Yes, I'm working my upper back with it. Yes, I'm working my shoulders and to a lesser extent, my biceps. But because I'm learning how to explode, I noticed that in my squats, I noticed it in to say that I'm gonna have to say that I'm gonna have to say that I'm gonna have to say that I'm gonna have to say that I'm gonna have to say that I'm gonna have to say that I'm gonna have to say that I'm gonna have to say that I'm gonna have to say that I'm gonna have to say that I'm gonna have to say that I'm gonna have to say that I'm gonna have to say that I'm gonna have to say that I'm gonna have to say that I'm gonna have to say that I'm gonna have to say that I'm gonna have to say that I'm gonna have to say that I'm gonna have to say that I'm gonna have to say that I'm gonna have to say that I'm gonna have to say that I'm gonna have to say that I'm gonna have to say that I'm gonna have to say that I'm gonna have to say that I'm gonna have to say that I'm gonna have to say that I'm gonna have to say that I'm gonna have to say that I'm gonna have to say that I'm gonna have to say that I'm gonna have to say that I'm gonna have to say that I'm gonna have to say that I'm gonna have to say that I'm gonna have to say that I'm gonna have to say that I'm gonna have to say that I'm gonna have to say that I'm gonna have to say that I'm gonna have to say that I'm gonna have to say that I'm gonna have to say that I'm gonna have to say that I'm gonna have to say that I'm gonna have to say that I'm gonna have to say that I'm gonna have to say that I'm gonna have to say that I'm gonna have to say that I'm gonna have to say that I'm gonna have to say that I'm gonna have to say that I'm gonna have to say that I'm gonna have to say that I'm gonna have to say that I'm gonna have to say that I'm gonna have to say that I'm gonna have to strength were the heavy farmer carries with the trap bar. Those were gnarly and you know, it's not a specific muscle group that you're working. So that's total body. Behind you.
Starting point is 00:17:12 Dude, my core, it would work your core like because you're sitting there and you have to brace yourself and I got up to 500 pound farmer walks and boy, did it. I mean, I, I, it actually made my arms, made my biceps grow a little bit, even though I'm not doing curls, just from holding that much tension. I'm not even able to. I'm not even able to. With that much tension, it's pretty awesome.
Starting point is 00:17:31 It's really cool to work with people who are experts or at the top of their field. Like when we wrote Prime or Prime Pro with Dr. Brink, it's like when you work with someone at the top of their field, and then guys like us who know how to write in programs and tailor them so that most people can use them, it was so much fun. It was so much fun working with somebody like Robert. Yeah, it's the first time we've had a collaboration with a professional athlete where we're really
Starting point is 00:17:57 diving into their mind, their competitive mind, and then trying to make that relatable and something that we can translate to your average person in the general public. Well, we had great conversations. Robert and I had all these conversations on recovery and how mobility applies to training. And then he's explaining his approach to training and why he structures certain things the way he does. There's a heavy emphasis in strong man
Starting point is 00:18:26 with overhead pressing strength, for example, right? Now, overhead pressing strength, I will argue all day long is much more functional than horizontal pressing or like a bench press. I know a lot of people place a lot of emphasis on bench press, nothing wrong with the bench press. It's a great exercise. It's one of the top six exercises you should do.
Starting point is 00:18:44 But an overhead press being able to stand and stabilize your body and press overhead. Well, how long, I mean, how many times are you laying on your back, you know, pushing things off you? That's right. Right. Just not as, not as frequent. I mean, I'm always lifting things up and putting up on shelves or whatever it is, but just that's something I do a lot. Well, so Jessica loved, the other part that she loved about Strongman was because Strongman training encompasses a lot of overhead pressing and stabilization at that, in that position. So variations of the Z press from wide stance to narrow stance,
Starting point is 00:19:15 Z presses, all the overhead presses, the AM rap sets that are in there in the work sessions, which fry you, but they're designed to give you a lot of stamina. Jessica's arms looked phenomenal. It's really the delts, right? It's the delts that create that illusion. Always, I always tell girls this,
Starting point is 00:19:31 that like one of the best ways to build, and this is for guys too, I mean, it's not just girl, but girls tend to stay in my experience of training clients. Women don't tend to build shoulders, they tend to stray away from them, and it is one of the best ways to pull an arm together to make beautiful looking arms, because it separates the bicep and tricep really, really well.
Starting point is 00:19:53 I remember women for a minute there, it was like Michelle Obama, like everybody was like seeking after her arms, because they're so nicely defined. And it's one of those things that is desirable. And even if you don't realize it right away, it provides that nice. Almost every, almost every single bikini competitor that I've trained, the focus is almost always hamstrings and shoulders because they're the two
Starting point is 00:20:16 most neglected areas that people don't realize pulls, pulls together parts of the body. Like the hamstrings do such a great job of pulling the glutes together. If you develop really good hamstrings on someone, it really separates and makes the butt look even bigger, even if you don't have a big butt. The same thing goes for the shoulder when you develop that really good shoulder where you have this great spade look.
Starting point is 00:20:37 You don't even have to, and I remember the first time I pieced this together when I was younger because I used to, that's all I trained was buys and tries. And I touched a little bit of my shoulders. Like I used to think my theory went out, and this is when I was younger because I used to, that's all I trained was buys and tries. And I touched a little bit of my shoulders. Like I used to think my theory when I, and this is when I was a trainer, was oh, when I did chest, I was hitting a little of my front
Starting point is 00:20:51 delts when I did back, I'm hitting my rear delts. And so then I'd throw some laterals and the rest that we can never really address the shoulders. And I had these big arms, but then I had this kind of sloping shoulders. They just didn't really set, didn't look that great. And I began to leave my thighs and trisons. It was a strength of mine alone
Starting point is 00:21:09 and take that extra volume and workload that I was putting into them and put it into specifically just developing my shoulders. And I lost like an inch on my arms, but I grew my shoulders so much that everybody thought my arms got way bigger. And it blew me away like, oh, wow, this is crazy.
Starting point is 00:21:24 My arms are actually for sure of shrink. I was measuring them, but everybody thought my arms are better because it built out my delta. Delt's are one of the top aesthetic muscles. Now, one thing that we, that's important that people understand about aesthetics is the reason why we find things aesthetic in the first place is because aesthetics
Starting point is 00:21:43 are supposed to be a visual representation of health and function and strength and, you know, viability for fertility or for procreation or for protection. Well, there's a reason why delts are universally considered an aesthetic muscle group. A guy with nice delts, you know, women will typically find that looking attractive. A woman with nice delts, men will typically find that attractive because it looks You know, they'll say she has nice arms like it exaggerates the X factor It is that but also because look at the shoulders are the hips of the upper body It's the most mobile joint of the upper body and if you have well-developed and strong shoulders
Starting point is 00:22:20 You're probably pretty damn functional and pretty strong in most planes of motion. It's just the one thing, it's really hard to have nice looking delts and be weak in any one direction. That controls so much of the state, basically what your arms do. When you look at your arms, it's a long lever. That is the closest part that attaches
Starting point is 00:22:39 the long lever down to the trunk of the body. And because it's so mobile, if you need to have strong shoulder muscle. You said it perfect. You can't do any upper body exercises without incorporating them. That's right. Think about it. Every upper body exercise that you would possibly do with any part of your body, your shoulders are incorporated. Either as a major stabilizer or a major remover. Well, it's going shock everybody, and I kept telling you guys this early on when I was doing this with Jessica,
Starting point is 00:23:07 is you know, when you create a program like MAP Strong, that's written with strong men competitors, you know, one of the worries is like, are women gonna wanna follow this program? Well, after Jessica started doing it, and realizing, this is a posterior chain, heavy shoulder heavy workout. One of the reasons, the main reason why she loved it was her body was shaping in a way
Starting point is 00:23:27 that she totally wanted, like a girl, like how women want their bodies to be shaped, to both look strong and feminine. And this program really, without us realizing, that's what it does. I mean, we were basing it off of the functional characteristics of strong men, but that's what the program ends up doing. I think you're going to be shocked at how many women do this program and really enjoy it because of those components, because of the glute building components, the back and the shoulder building components.
Starting point is 00:23:52 And originally I thought it would scare a lot of them away, but I don't think that's going to happen, especially our audience. I think we have a much more educated audience, like as far as our listeners that listen to this show, so I don't think they're the type that, you know, they're not the type that fall into the pink program for just women or the blue program, just for men type of deal anyways. They understand that they should be lifting
Starting point is 00:24:11 specific exercises just like men, so it's not like unique to them. It's by far the funnest, the most fun program that I've ever had of all of our programs. I love bodybuilding. I love, you know, training with the basics and the dead lifts and squats and the overhead presses. But strong was just really, it was really, really fun. It's a fun workout.
Starting point is 00:24:32 I wish we had this when I was a trainer in my early 20s, man. As a toolbox, dude, I would have, just how many times have you hired someone hired you and that was their goals I want to get stronger. I know they want they had certain things that they wanted to be stronger in. I thought man I wish you know that I'd have to go and write a program out but how if I if I was a trainer that listens to the show and stuff like that. Which we have a lot of these guys and girls that own all the programs and that's exactly what they do is they use it just as a reference tool yeah because you get so many clients that fall into one of these categories which is
Starting point is 00:25:07 what I kind of always seen us going towards and that's where we're heading now is you know we we started off with all the foundational programs that we believe that everybody should go through like I think I think my recommendation everybody should go through red green and black like that just should be a foundational thing that everybody learns because I think that there's some staple things in there that we designed on purpose for the average person that just wants to be healthy and in shape and strong and fit.
Starting point is 00:25:34 But then now we're starting to branch out into like unique stuff, right? And that things fun. Yeah, this is where it gets really fun as a trainer is to, and it's cool because I like the way that we went about it instead of just throwing random programs out there with no rhyme or reason behind it. It's very methodical as far as the process that we've gone into. We've thought, I mean, when we take off and we do these trips, a lot of this, this is
Starting point is 00:25:59 the type of conversation that we're having. We're talking about, you know, what is the right, thinking about our audience, thinking about the programs that have been released, thinking about what people are going through. And then it's going to be the best for them. Yeah. Well, a border of operations. How do we release them? You know, like, this is just another one of those that just fits right into the pie, like perfectly. So it is. You know, well, so was a lot of fun about this is when we invited a lot of people don't know that there's strong, there's female strongmen competitors.
Starting point is 00:26:25 And we invited Kristen Graham to our studio. I was so impressed by her. To film some exercises and ads for this program because she competes in strongmen. Now this girl is so strong. She's very muscular but also very feminine, which is a very difficult line to balance on. But she looks phenomenal. She looks incredible, but she's strong as fuck. Did you see? I mean, yes. We were filming some exercises. First of all, this is a girl who's...
Starting point is 00:26:53 Max 100 pound sandbags. She just thrown over her shoulder like it was nothing. Like it wasn't even there. And so we're talking to her and we're watching her do these exercises. We're filming. And I'm like, God, she looks so I'm like, what is your, if you don't mind me asking, like what's your max deadlift? She's like, oh, I four 20. Like get the fuck out of here. This little girl and she's not huge, she's a petite.
Starting point is 00:27:14 No, no. She's probably about the same, I don't know, height, this size Jessica, would you say? She's about the same. She's like five, what is she like, five two maybe? Pull a four hundred, four hundred and twenty pounds off the floor. Absolutely insane.
Starting point is 00:27:24 And you watch some of the competitions that she competes in. And she does exceptional. Oh, so great. You can even see in the hype video. Those that have seen it already or we'll see it today. I mean, the video like she's working out with like legit weight in the hype video. Right. Which let me tell you being someone we just, you know, just recently we had to do a photo shoot where we're lifting weights for photos for the new website and stuff like that. It's exhausting.
Starting point is 00:27:46 Oh my god. Yeah, and I was trying to be like, okay, we don't need this much weight, but she's like, oh, no, and she can't put the weight on and just ripping it out. I'm like, oh my god, okay, yeah, you got this. She's strong. Yeah, it's a pretty cool sport to watch,
Starting point is 00:28:02 but I'm really excited about, because one thing that I like to do a lot, actually we all like to do this, is we look at different physical pursuits and in sports in particular. And many times it's an extreme version of a particular physical pursuit. Like if you look at endurance running
Starting point is 00:28:16 or you look at sprinting or weight lifting or power lifting or whatever. And we like to look at them and take components of them and isolate them and put them into programming so we can apply to the average person. And strong man, when you really break down the things that you need to be a good strong man, really it boils down to being a well-rounded strength athlete. You have to be a strength athlete, that's the core.
Starting point is 00:28:39 Like you've got to be fucking strong, but you've got to be well-rounded as well. Which most athletes, I mean, that's a humongous advantage if you're stronger than your opponent. I mean, that's the basis. That's the foundation of our pursuits going forward from there. We got to have that, you know, that strength to pull from, and this program will definitely, definitely, you know, add to that, that strength tank. Yeah. I'm excited about this one. So we'll see what happens. Yeah, can't wait to see all the feedback.
Starting point is 00:29:06 This is the official launch of MAP Strong. So that means it's on sale and discounted. So $30 off, you just gotta go to mapsstrong.com. There's two S's in there, MAPS, S-T-R-O-N-G.com. You have to use the code strong30. That's the number 30, the word strong, no space, strlng 30, get the 30 bucks off going map strong dot com. Check the program out. Very different,
Starting point is 00:29:32 very fun. Are we hook them up with a free t shirt too? This one, we are too, right? So they also get a free t shirt. Oh, that's right. Yeah. And that's during the, is that during the just just during the launch? Just during the launch. Then we always tell people too, just, you know, you got to give us 30 days because there's a 30 day money back guarantee on all of our programs. So 30 days before shirts will start to go out to everybody. But if you buy it in this launch period, you'll not only get the $30 up, but you also get the free t-shirt. Also, if you, when you get the program and you start doing some of these different exercises
Starting point is 00:30:02 and movements and workouts, film them, tag us on Instagram. We want to see what you guys are doing. This is a really, really fun program. Again, $30 off, mapstrong.com, use the code, strong30. Get it. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy and maximize your overall performance, check
Starting point is 00:30:25 out our discounted RGB Superbumble at MindPumpMedia.com. The RGB Superbumble includes maps on a ballad, maps performance, and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased expert exercise programming designed by South Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, money back guarantee and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources
Starting point is 00:31:05 at MindPumpNedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing MindPump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support and until next time, this is MindPump. This is Mindbomb.

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