Monday Morning Podcast - Thursday Afternoon Monday Morning Podcast 4-29-21

Episode Date: April 30, 2021

Bill rambles about breaking up, sponsorships, and checking out of society....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Finding suitable mental health medications can be a challenge. The Genesight test may help. Did you know that genetics can play an important role in gaining insight on how a person may respond to various medications? Understanding this may help reduce medication trial and error. Genesight is a genetic test that analyzes variations in DNA. It shows how genes may affect someone's metabolism or response to medications commonly prescribed to treat depression, anxiety, and other mental health conditions.
Starting point is 00:00:27 Visit for more information. Hey, man, what's going on? It's Bill Byrne. It's time for the Thursday afternoon just before Friday, Monday morning podcast. And I'm just checking in on fucking you. What's going on? Hawaii. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:00:53 It's Thursday. Dude, it's fucking payday. Get a fucking go to DeAngelo's and get a fucking steak and cheese. Fucking barbecue chips. I always hated barbecue chips. Never tasted good. You know, you just go, you got to go with the originals. That's what I do.
Starting point is 00:01:15 Once a week, I go out and I get myself a nice fucking sandwich, right? With an orange, Fanta, and chips. That's what I did yesterday. Afternoon, I had a little bit of a window because this because this is the new me. Now, I realized that I'm fucking, I do too much. Hey, Bill, you're doing too much. Why don't you fucking take it down a little bit? Yeah, I'm a fucking lunatic.
Starting point is 00:01:46 You could give me 24 hours off and I will before even get my fucking foot, my pasty freckled foot out of bed. I will think of things that will tie me up until at least four in the afternoon. Oh, I got the whole day off. Oh, maybe I'll do this. Do this. And then I fucking, that's what the fuck I do because if I don't fill up the day, then I have to sit there and be alone with my own thoughts.
Starting point is 00:02:13 That's what it is. I always thought for years I was driven. I thought I was, I thought I was an achiever. I wasn't. I wasn't. I was just depressed. So I was trying to get away from it because like all good German, Irish people, you're not going to sit there and live with your emotions.
Starting point is 00:02:35 You're going to fucking run just in front of them, you know? Your emotions are like some overbearing dad that's trying to live his sports dream through you, making you do road work at like five in the morning. He's got his head out the window yelling at you and you're just trying to stay a little bit in front of the car. Because maybe the yelling doesn't sound so loud. That's what the fuck I've been doing. So I cannot tell you how hard it is for me to just sit down in an afternoon and eat a
Starting point is 00:03:05 sandwich with a bag of chips and an orange Fanta and not reach for my phone. Like to just fucking sit there. I, I, I, I can't do it. Like I kept going. Okay. I had my phone alone and my hand went like a fucking crackhead. I'm just, I had to just go over and fucking reach for the thing. Um, yeah, it's pretty wild, man.
Starting point is 00:03:31 It's pretty wild realizing, you know, I always knew I was fucked up, but like to realize I'm this fucked up, this far into it. I mean, who's getting who'll I'm like the 11th to 12th hole at this point. I didn't know I was going to have to go back and fucking change all the mechanics of my swing here. I had no idea. I had no idea, but no, I had a great talk with my, uh, my wife after we had a, we had a nice, we had an, oh, we had a nice one.
Starting point is 00:04:00 We had a nice one. Um, yeah, nice one, but you know, I went for a walk. That's the new me. I was like, you know what, I'm just, I'm just going to go for a walk. What am I going to do here? You know what I mean? This is like being at the DMV and expecting to get a satisfactory answer. I just said, you know, I'm just going to go for a fucking walk.
Starting point is 00:04:20 Okay. I'm just going to go for a walk, I'll listen to some music, you know, and I'll just keep walking until I don't care anymore. So you know what, two and a half, three miles later, you know, I start to turn around, I start coming back, feeling a little dehydrated. Yeah. My organs shutting down, you know, prioritize whatever the hell I was upset about. And I came in, I just had this great conversation with my wife and we got on the same fucking
Starting point is 00:04:46 page. So, um, I don't know, I'm going to try to slow down a little bit if you can fucking believe it. I've spent the last fucking 30 years just fucking working my ass off, which has been fun and it's been great, but I'm also realizing like, do I want to be that laying on my bed? What'd you do? I fucking, I fucking worked every fucking say fucking, you know, I don't, I don't know what that I would like a few more days and just sitting down on a porch.
Starting point is 00:05:13 What the fuck is the purpose of having a porch if you never sit on it, right? I don't know. I'm all over the place. I stopped doing yoga, fucking shoulders fucked up again. I just can't wait for this whole stupid goddamn lockdown bullshit to be over. I didn't even give a fuck anymore cause like at this point when they have like a vaccine and people still don't want to take it, it's at that point you just got to tap out and be like, all right, just, you know, people still thinking it's just a flu.
Starting point is 00:05:41 All right. Go out and go get it then. I don't give a shit. I've been vaccinated. I don't give a fuck. I'll just wear like extra long turtlenecks. Oh, like that character and that stupid fucking, not stupid legendary comic strip. What the hell was it?
Starting point is 00:06:00 Oh, Bazooka Joe. I thought it was that other one with Jughead and all of them. Um, anyway, sorry, just fucking empty in my brain here. Like fucking, what is it, almost 10 or six in the morning, um, I was watching some true crime with my wife last night. I don't know why she's like, I think you'd SNL did a sketch about that, how women like watching those true crime shows, um, but we just sit there. We watch them.
Starting point is 00:06:34 We, I swear to God, so many of them, we, we don't even agree with what they came up with. Um, as far as like who the fuck did it, there was just some fucking twisted people out there who like, rather than breaking up with somebody, they kill them. I just like, there were a lot of fucking psychos out there. You know, like who's kidding who like breaking up with somebody just fucking sucks. And if you're listening right now, you know what I mean? Like, listen, I had to break up with people in, in my past and the thought definitely
Starting point is 00:07:14 went through my head. What if they just got into an accident and died so that I wouldn't have to have this conversation? And then he'd be like, ah, man, I can't think that, but that's, that's the difference. But as psycho goes, hey, wait a minute, right? Do you realize how psychotic you are that you think that killing somebody and then trying to get away with that is going to be easier than just sitting down with somebody and being like, Hey, you know what, I'm not happy.
Starting point is 00:07:47 You know, I thought this was love love, but this was just more like friendship love. And you know, I want more than that. And that's what you got to say. You can't be like, I think you deserve more. Oh, fuck, don't pussy out done. Just fucking keep your foot to the floor and be like, I want more than that. All right, this is about me. I love like you.
Starting point is 00:08:15 I like love you. That's not enough for me. You know, I love my buddy, but I don't want to marry him. You know, it's kind of a love like that. That's the way you go. You know what I mean? Like right now, if you're listening to this podcast and you're on your way to Home Depot to buy a tarp, because you think you're going to, you're not going to get away with it.
Starting point is 00:08:46 Just fucking break up with them. You fucking lunatic. You're going to find somebody else. Um, anyways, well, you know, this is what happens when you go to bed watching fucking one murder show, murder story after another. My wife, I don't know what she said, told me that she likes that she, that she watches it because as a woman, like you think that I guess, you know, what would I do if I was in this situation?
Starting point is 00:09:13 How to recognize these signs? So I guess I kind of understand that remember a long time ago, uh, I had this thought like like as a man, like, you know, when you watch those behind the scenes in prison, you know, and you see somebody go into jail, you know, and you put yourself in that position going, how the fuck would I survive that? First thought, how would I prevent from myself from becoming somebody's boyfriend or getting gang raped, getting stabbed, like that mindset that you go into. I finally realized one day like, Oh, you know what?
Starting point is 00:09:51 Women have to do that. Just leaving their house, considering there's so many fucking guys out there that are stronger than them and are psychos. Right. So I guess, so she, I guess that she watches that show because she's trying to learn what not to do or signs. I don't know. If you listen to the beginning of this podcast, I sound like I'm out of my fucking mind.
Starting point is 00:10:18 Maybe she's worried about me. Anyway, we're going to plow ahead, plow forward after that one. So listen to this shit. So I, uh, my continuing saga of playing with the idea of buying myself my dream pickup truck of Ford F 250. And, um, I just kept flipping back and forth on that color of velocity blue. You know, it wasn't the blue I thought it was going to be. And then I went down there and I hated the blue.
Starting point is 00:10:53 And then I came back and looked at it. I said, no, it's actually kind of a cool blue. It is fucking blue though, right? So finally, the other day, a buddy of mine knew a guy that had the fucking Raptor version of the Ford F 250 four door. Just like this thing was like the size of a fucking battleship and he swung by my house and I looked at it and, uh, it was a beautiful truck. But I realized that that blue isn't for me.
Starting point is 00:11:19 It's that that is a, Hey, look at me blue. You know, where I'm looking for more of a, Hey, you know, fuck off, you know, nothing to see here blue. So I think I want the anti-matter blue. Whatever, this is just silly shit. This is just a silly dream of a married man with two fucking kids that I think I'm actually going to get that truck. Well, whatever, I do it every day.
Starting point is 00:11:48 Every day I go on the website. I can build my dream F 250 now in under like fucking 35 seconds. I used to have the fucking, I know exactly what the fuck I want. Um, but so anyway, I called up a buddy of mine who has an in at Ford and can get me a, you know, a good deal. And he said, there's something going on. There's a chip or something that the Ford's need and like the production has slowed down. So if I was going to get one that, um, it would be a 2022 at this point, if I was going
Starting point is 00:12:25 to special order one. So, which means 2022, there might be some new colors. So now I'm waiting to see what the new colors are. It's funny, they only have like fucking, you know, eight, nine, 10 colors. And if you go back, back in the day, I mean, they had like, there was like fucking like 40 colors you could choose from two tone and all of that stuff. He's fucking corporate cuts. They just took the fun out of everything.
Starting point is 00:12:54 Man, I can't imagine like, I would think that that would be fun in the, uh, I mean, who knows, they probably don't even have people like that, like literally physically paint them. Does anybody work on it at Ford or GMC Chevy? One of these fucking places dodge like, how do they go? But is it just a robot now goes and paints it? Cause I remember back in the day when, um, when I used to watch, uh, when fast and loud was on, and I used to watch KC paint cars, I remember him saying after a
Starting point is 00:13:30 while, how he fucking, you know, when they just wanted to do a patina thing, how boring it was for him just to do a fucking clear coat. I mean, it's like writing with invisible ink, basically. Um, and now, you know, excited he would get when he got a little creative leeway to pick a cool color, you know, and basically tap into the whole fucking reason why he, you know, someone who paints cars gets into it. Cause you look at a car and you, and you, you connect to it, the color that would look the most badass on it.
Starting point is 00:14:08 Um, for the life of me, I don't understand why corporate people just force the masses to choose between white, gray, or black. You know, they'll give you a red and maybe a blue and then you just done all the fucking colors in the universe. They're like, yeah, go fuck yourself. These are the, these are the colors. Um, I mean, the seventies, you could buy an orange pickup truck. Two tone.
Starting point is 00:14:45 They had something called like fucking, let me listen to these fucking colors, man. I'm just gonna, we'll just pick a year. What do you guys like? Yeah, you like, let's say 1973 Ford F two 50 colors. All right. Jesus Christ. Look at them. And right there, there's a fucking bright orange one.
Starting point is 00:15:06 All right. Here we go. Ford truck color, of course, this is on fucking eBay. Oh, zoom in. Here we go. All right. First of all, there was one, two, three, four, five times one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, nine times five.
Starting point is 00:15:26 There was 45 fucking colors to choose from. Now, now you couldn't get these in all. Maybe there was, let's see here. One, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven times five. This is for Ford trucks. So you have 35 colors to choose from. They had wind blue, Baja beige, winter green, saddle tan, Tampico yellow. I've seen that with white.
Starting point is 00:15:57 It's fucking gorgeous. Yankee blue, Durango tan, tidewater, aqua, Rangoon red, pure white, Fiesta tan, boxwood green, a buddy mine has one of those has a boxwood green with white, it's fucking gorgeous. Sequoia, brown, Polly, hot ginger. That's the one I would have got. Polly, I like to think I'm a hot ginger. Diamond green, Aspen tan, Royal maroon, what a maroon.
Starting point is 00:16:33 Midnight blue Polly, Holly green, Brooke blue Polly, Mill Valley green, Wimbledon white, that's a classic, candy apple red, bright lime, Imperial red, shell white, Bahama blue, limestone green Polly, diamond blue, chrome yellow. This is the last one here. Sea pine green, Scandia green Polly, Mallard green, Harbor blue. I mean, what the fuck? And then you could get like two tone combos, all of that shit. Now they just got iconic silver, gray, black, white.
Starting point is 00:17:15 I mean, they give them cool names for the, you know, I don't know. I would think that that would be more exciting. And you would, you would get more people to come in, but I also had another idea. You know, how there was a while for a while there, right? This is back when music videos were bigger and I think rappers had a little more influence. You know, I don't know, I'm also not in that world, but like, I just think rock stars and musicians had, I think more influence on like fashion and style and that type of shit. Back when MTV was playing videos and everybody wasn't just, you know, on their phones and on
Starting point is 00:17:53 the internet and you know, whatever. But I remember it like Jay-Z had his own sneaker, the S dots, the Sean Carter's, right? I remember the only reason why I knew that because I was on tour with Charlie Murphy and he bought like fucking five different pairs. Five different pairs. So, and they were a big success, right? And I was always wanting to look at Kanye West and the Yeezys. Those are a big success.
Starting point is 00:18:17 I've never understood why, why a car company never partnered up with a rapper or a rock star or a country star and built like the fucking whatever, like a car, like the same way they had the Sean Carter sneaker. You could have a Sean Carter, whatever car he's into, Porsches, Mercedes, country star, like the fucking Travis Tritt fucking Ford F2P. I don't know anybody country music, you know, and just you get somebody who's a famous musician who is so into cars or trucks that they literally think they have a problem, like that level of passion and then the designers of the cars or the trucks just ask them, what's your favorite truck?
Starting point is 00:19:11 What is missing? And there you go. Like they had the Eddie Bauer Bronco for all those years. I'll tell you right now, I'd bring back the full-size Bronco in that little first thing I would do is that little console in the middle, you know, you could also, it's also a cooler. You say, no, I know, because then you'd be promoting drinking and driving, but that option's only available if you live way out in the fucking sticks. Hey, why can't get people out here riding motorcycle without a helmet?
Starting point is 00:19:53 I can't have a full-size Ford Bronco with the cooler right by my elbow? I mean, shit, is this America or what? Um, yeah, so anyway, I mean, that's what I would do. I'd bring back, I'd have way more colors to fucking choose from. It's so fucking nuts. Like you can go onto like Adidas website and literally design your own shelter. These goddamn cars, it's just black, white, gray, go fuck yourself.
Starting point is 00:20:32 It's supposed to be excited that Ford F-250 has one custom color. You know, I know all you fucking hipsters and fucking young people. Dude, just go out and get a wrap. I guess you could do, but doesn't that like one night? I guess that doesn't void the warranty. Because if you went out and got a whole custom paint job and they really did it right, they'd have to take the whole fucking thing apart and then there goes your warranty. And then you got to hope that the paint shop is going to put the thing back together
Starting point is 00:21:00 better than they are at the factory and they're not. They're not going to. They just don't. They're not going to be better than those fucking soulless robots. Sorry. All right. I watched a couple of games last night. I watched the ending of the Edmonton Euler Winnipeg jet game.
Starting point is 00:21:20 I love watching Edmonton. I love that fucking team, man. It's a fun goddamn team to watch. You know, aside from the obvious, I almost said Taylor Hall, Connor McDavid, but like, you know, dry saddle. I just like that whole team. Nugent Hopkins nurse. I like their defenseman.
Starting point is 00:21:45 I just a fun fucking team to watch. They're never out of it. And I also like just watching Canada versus Canada hockey just feels like the most purest form of the sport, even though, you know, it's a bunch of Russians and Europeans for the most part. It's still fun though. I watched the ninth inning of the Angels versus the Rangers. I'm really into baseball this year, man. I think trying to slow my fucking psychotic goddamn brain down is
Starting point is 00:22:23 drawn me back to baseball. But the Red Sox man, 16 and nine in first place. Four and a half game lead over the Yankees as a true Red Sox fan. I completely ignore the devil raising the Blue Jays who are three games and four games out. You know, it's not like they haven't had great teams. Raise a great every year. It seems fucking Orioles, man, always in the basement. When the fuck are they going to turn that thing around?
Starting point is 00:22:49 They were such a great team when I was growing up. 60s to 70s in the 80s. You know, they were going to the World Series. It felt like every four, five years. They weren't what they wanted in 66. They wanted 70. They lost in 79. Then they won in 83.
Starting point is 00:23:09 And then they just it just the whole fucking thing went away. Royals are fucking tearing it up 15 and eight. I love the fucking Royals way back in the day. Jesus Christ, they're just going to run away with that division. Huh? It looks like it. 15 and eight. Then the White Sox are 12 and 10.
Starting point is 00:23:33 And then everybody else is under is under 500. The tribe are 11 and 12. Twins are 18, eight and 15. And the Tigers are eight and 16. That was my dad's team growing up. He liked the Indians and the Tigers. And then the athletics. Look at them playing 600 ball.
Starting point is 00:23:57 And then the Astros. You know what they should do? They should fucking their team song should be get it on. Bang a gun, get it on. I love everybody thinks they're fucking cheaters. I just saw something the other yesterday. I literally saw something yesterday. Whitey Ford, the great fucking New York Yankee,
Starting point is 00:24:19 used to scuff the the baseball with his wedding ring every game and then put mud in it. I mean, just everybody was doing something to get a fucking advantage, you know? The whole fucking thing. Your team cheats, but mine doesn't. Oh, Jesus Christ. Santa Claus comes to my house,
Starting point is 00:24:38 but he doesn't come to your house. Anyway, all right, let me do a little fucking read here. Let me do a little read here. Oh, look who it is. Indochino. Discuss how little things or small gestures can mean a lot in a relationship. Share an example.
Starting point is 00:24:58 Oh my God, little things. Little things are the biggest things ever in a relationship. You know what I mean? Before you get out of bed spooning with your wife, hugging or telling you that you love her. You know, your wife, you know, getting off her fucking ass once every fucking three years and making you a sandwich, just something little like that.
Starting point is 00:25:23 It's just, it's amazing. Oh, Jesus, you know, one of the great little things you could do for the person you're with. The end of the day, you fucking give them a foot rub, especially if you're old. Jesus Christ. People next door think there's a porno happen. It's like, no, she's just rubbing my foot.
Starting point is 00:25:51 All right, sorry. All right. Love is defined by the little things that matter the most. With Indochino, the perfect custom wedding suit with every detail accounted for is more affordable than you might think. Oh, you gotta go to Sinatra and get your own fucking tuxedo here. Share a story of a surprising way a couple you know
Starting point is 00:26:11 has met or an interesting way they show their love. I got nothing on that one. Wait a minute. What? I mean, I don't know. I don't ask people about their love life. So how did you two meet? Fuck, that's such a great question
Starting point is 00:26:37 that if there's ever parties anymore. So how did you two meet? Can you believe this weather? Every piece is made to your exact measurement and you can customize every detail. I mean, I think that should be enough, man. So that's amazing right there. From breathable linen fabrics for warm weather weddings, Georgia,
Starting point is 00:27:03 to statement linings, you can create a suit that fits and your style perfectly. Say a little bit of a little something about yourself. You're not an off the rack kind of person. You got style. Well, you're a person. You need people to see you. See me.
Starting point is 00:27:28 The best part, Indochino's suit started just $299 with all customizations included. 300 bucks. You walking down the street with the suit no one else has. Shop the wedding collection or book a virtual style consultation. At Right now you can get $50 off any purchase of $399 or more by using the code BRR at checkout.
Starting point is 00:27:55 That's $50 off a purchase of $399, $399 or more at India, November, Delta, Oscar, Charlie Hotel, India, November, Promo code BRR. All right. You got to go custom suit. If you can do a custom suit for fucking what?
Starting point is 00:28:21 $399 minus $50 for $249. No, $349. Sorry. Suck it, Matt. It's a great way to start the marriage off. She sees you coming down. Holy shit. He gives a shit.
Starting point is 00:28:35 He cares. You know, and that's also a good way to find out if you're marrying a psycho. Why'd you get a custom suit? Huh? Is there somebody else? Are you trying to track somebody else or anything? Then he can be like,
Starting point is 00:28:50 hey, does anybody have any fucking reasons this guy doesn't want to get married? I do. I do because she can't handle my Indochino custom fucking suit. Okay. And if you can't handle that, that is the tip of the iceberg. And there is no fucking way I'm sharing a bed with you for the rest of my life.
Starting point is 00:29:09 That's really what it is. That's what it is right there. All right. Here we go. Man living alone on an Italian island to leave after 32 years. I've been living alone on an island mentally since 1974. Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 00:29:27 You should see this guy, Matt. He looks like he's been living alone on an island and they did nothing to try to make him look better. Then they photoshopped some fucking island behind him. This is what people look like before there was lotion. Oh my God. It looks like you unwrapped a mummy. I'm too vain to always 81 years old.
Starting point is 00:29:51 You know what? He doesn't look that bad. My fault. I thought he was like 36. What would that mean? He got to the island at fucking 32. Wait a minute. Wait a minute.
Starting point is 00:30:03 Not 32. 32. He's 81. I'm all fucked up here. 4. He'd be 36 years old. That's what it is. All right. So he's 81 minus 32.
Starting point is 00:30:19 He moved there at 49. Yeah, I can see that. Yep. If you're going to live alone on an island right around 49, I can see that. That's a good age to move. You know, you do it when you're too young. It's just like, all right,
Starting point is 00:30:38 you don't know how to talk to chicks. You're fucking, you're freaking out too much. You're thinking, you're getting too far ahead of the game. You know, but at 49, okay, you gave life a shot. You tried it. You tried it. Okay.
Starting point is 00:30:56 I'm going to get that one bedroom apartment. I'm going to go to Waikia and I'm going to buy some stuff. You know, when you're sitting there, am I feeling it? Is there a sense of happiness and fulfillment? Not yet. Now, oh, what are those crocs? Is that what everybody's wearing? Oh, fucking get some of those.
Starting point is 00:31:15 Hey, I got a girlfriend. Let's, let's go to the Olive Garden. You gave it, you gave it a file. Get into the local team. All by the merch. I'll know all the stats. You gave it a shot and it didn't take. And usually at that point, you got two choices.
Starting point is 00:31:37 Well, you got three. You know, one is to roll credits, which you don't want to do. Second, you know, you turn to some sort of fucking mind altering shit to numb the pain, which is never good on three, the healthiest of them all. You just fucking walk away from society. Let's listen to this guy's story. All right. Maru Morandi, 81, moved to Budeli off Northern Sardinia in 1989.
Starting point is 00:32:13 Mr. Gorbachev, tear down that. Well, I don't know when the fuck that it was right around then, right? Well, he was already out by 89. That was George Bush, not gonna do it, right? Mike Dukakis sticking his head out the fucking tank. Last year, however, Mr. Morandi said the owner of the island, which is famed for its pink beach, wanted him to relocate. Well, I mean, you know, for a guy that owns his own island to let a guy live there rent-free
Starting point is 00:32:43 for 32 years is pretty fucking cool before he gets vilified. The guy on the island, Mr. Morandi said, I will leave hoping that in the future, Budeli will be protected as I have protected it for 32 years. He wrote on Facebook on Sunday. Oh, we love the island and nature. I like this guy speaking to BBC Outlook in 2018, the former physical education teacher. Oh, he was a gym teacher said he had always been a bit of a rebel. I was quite fed up with a lot of things about our society, consumerism, and the political situation in Italy.
Starting point is 00:33:23 Yeah, he must have been real fed up if he walked away from the best food on the planet. Mr. Morandi said, I decided to move to a desert island in Polynesia away from all civilization. I wanted to start a new life close to nature. This guy actually gets life as fucking nuts as this guy seems this guy gets life. Although it would have been nice if he brought somebody with them, you know, or maybe he gets life more than me that this guy can actually fucking be alone. Anyway, after beginning their journey by sea, he and a number of his friends, oh, they had friends that were going to do this with them. He and a number of friends landed on the Italian archipelago, I don't know how to say it, of La Maddalena, where they plan to work and make
Starting point is 00:34:13 money to fund the rest of their travels. But after arriving on Budeli and meeting the island guardian, who was about to retire, Mr. Morandi decided to stay and has remained ever since looking after the island and speaking to tourists. Jesus Christ, can you imagine if you fucking put you didn't know he was there? It's a deserted island. And all of a sudden this guy comes walking out from behind the ferns. Is that Tom Hanks? Are they doing a sequel? However, he has faced a number of eviction threats over the years. In 2020, the president of La Maddalena National Park, Fabrizio Funesu, told CNN that Mr. Morandi had carried out illegal alterations to his hut. Oh, for fuck's sakes. A former radio station dating back to World War II. That's what he
Starting point is 00:35:09 lived in. How fucking cool is that? A petition calling on Italian government to allow him to stay gathered more than 70,000 signatures. But on Sunday, Mr. Morandi announced the decision to leave telling the Guardian newspaper that he would move to a small flat on the nearby island of La Maddalena. My life won't change too much. I'll still see the sea. You know, it wasn't that a nice, that was a nice heartwarming story. You know, I know he never found love. He did. He found it with the sea in the fucking island. Jesus Christ. I mean, what, I want to talk to that guy about his fucking existence. Just waking up, not being like, ah, fuck, I got to do this podcast, and then I got to go run over
Starting point is 00:35:59 here. Then I got to rehab my fucking shoulder and all of this shit. You know, I got to, oh, what, what, what do we, Instagram? Everybody's going over to TikTok. I got to go over to fucking TikTok now. He didn't have to deal with any of that shit. You just fucking wake up and be like, all right. I think I'll climb up that tree and have some coconut water for breakfast. Then every once in a while, being excited when Taurus showed up, all of them trying to get away from jeggings and fucking crocs and flat screen TVs that they get on a boat and then they come out there and they see him happy as hell, living in a fucking World War II radio hut. And that guy gave people a great perspective. Good for him. All right, that's it. The little family's going to be
Starting point is 00:36:56 getting up soon. So I got to go do that shit. Oh, Billy taking it easy. Oh, Billy slowing it down a little bit, you know, before my fall tour, before it gets crazy again. What is today? Today's, it's almost the end of the month, right? It's got to be what, the 29th? 30th? What is it? The 29th? All right. There you go. Two months without cigars or anything else. I'm thinking maybe I'll have a cigar when I fucking watch the Kentucky Derby, although my first thought is, but then dude, you're going to start that bullshit back up again. We'll see. We'll see what the fuck happens. I don't know. Anyway, that's the podcast. I was just checking in on you, just like that guy in the island, like he just pulled up. Hope everything's good with you. I hope you get a chance to sit on
Starting point is 00:37:49 a porch and eat a sandwich, you know, just fucking chill out and not look at your fucking phone, you know, because I'm so self-involved that I think that you suffer from the exact same things that I do because the universe exists between my ears. Sorry. All right, have a great weekend, your console. Talk to you on Monday. Hey, what's going on? It's Bill Burr and it's the Monday morning podcast from April 29th, 2013. How are you? How are you doing? I am in a fucking phenomenal mood. Absolute. I'm in a great goddamn mood. You know why? You know why? Because I'm not even mad right now that my cell phone is ringing this fucking early in the podcast. I'm not. I'm not.
Starting point is 00:39:20 You know what's funny? That cell phone just made me completely lose my train of thought. That's how simplistic my brain is. It goes into straight line, one fucking thing knocks it off track, and I just, I forget where I was going. Why am I in a great mood? Oh, I know why because the Celtics showed that they have fucking hot and the Lakers lost, got swept, disgraced, humiliated, and I loved every goddamn second of it. You know why? I'm back on track. I feel fucking vindicated after all these Laker fans, you know, were tweeting me, Facebooking me, my spacing me, friend stirring me, saying that I'm just a hater, you know, which is the classic thing that somebody says when they can't refute any points that you made. They go, oh, you're just a hater. As when I told them that the guy that they
Starting point is 00:40:15 constantly sit there and call and chant MVP at is, is a fucking cancer on that team. It's a fucking cancer and they just can't see it because I'm not saying all of them, but just because they, that everybody plays these fantasy fucking football, baseball, bullshit, all they look at is stats. All right. Let me tell you something, Laker fans, when you're not eating your pot cookies and body fucking boogie board and or whatever the fuck it is you guys do, you know, when you're not laying back at the chair at the dental office, getting Botox in your fucking head, even though you're only 19 years old, why don't you just put yourself in the position of the other players on the Lakers? All right, you wake the fuck up, get out of the
Starting point is 00:41:06 sun, stop frying up your goddamn brain and just use a little bit of common sense. Listen, I know after the games when Kobe walks off with 10 seconds left during a loss because he got his 37 points, you know, that afterwards when they asked the other Lakers in front of the camera and they go, oh, you know, how did you feel about that? And then they just go, well, you know, Kobe, he's, he's a competitor. You know, he's one of the best that I ever played the game. And I mean, he wants to win. I mean, we all do. And that didn't happen tonight, unfortunately. And all we know what to do is to just keep, I can fucking do it. Just keep working hard. And did you have any sort of annoy you at all? They walked off court? No, no, it didn't bother
Starting point is 00:41:52 me. You know, every guy has a different personality. I mean, you can just fucking gracefully navigate that minefield and just say all that bullshit. I would fucking give a million dollars if I had it to listen to the other Lakers on the team, their cell phone conversations when they leave the Staple Center talking to their fucking bras, you know, going all Paul McCartney and John Lennon, fucking sake of them. You know, they're coming out of there and they're fucking Range Rovers and they're fucking $100,000 Mercedes just driving out going, can you fucking believe that motherfuckers want to get fucking, you know, I'm wide open. I'm wide open. Right here. Right here. Yo, fucking guy takes a turnaround jumper with three guys hanging off on 10 feet behind the
Starting point is 00:42:44 arc. I don't care that it went in. I'm telling you right now, dude, what the fuck would you do? Okay, if you were at some four H club and you're supposed to build a tree for it, you know, and you're holding up the board and you're supposed to hammer in both sides, one conscious hammers in his side, then just fucking walks away and the whole thing collapses out of the tree and he just walks away and everybody else at camp is laughing at you during the loss and he's fucking already back eating a popsicle stick in the fucking log cabin. How would you feel? What would you be saying? You know, I'll tell you, if it was televised around the fucking world to all the four H's and your goal was to continue being in four H's, you do exactly what the other fucking
Starting point is 00:43:31 lake or people do. You just sit there going like, well, you know, he's, he loves building tree forts and it's really in his heart and when things don't go well, he gets upset. And you know, all we know how to do is just to get out there tomorrow. Actually, your voice would be way higher. Actually, all we know is go out there tomorrow and try to build a tree for it. I love it. So the guy, he gets injured. All right, now you can actually sit down and maybe watch the Lakers you get maybe get to watch Steve Nash do what the fuck he does distribute the goddamn ball rather than pass it to Kobe and then sit there, you know, I don't know what what do you do with that after you pass it to Kobe? I mean, you might as well just
Starting point is 00:44:16 fucking sit down, you know, take a little catnap or whatever. I was actually looking forward to that shit. And what happens? What happened? What is the cancer? What does this guy do? He starts tweeting during the game, criticizing the fucking coach. Lake offense, you can't read through the lines when his coach said he's a fan now, that's what fans do. And then Kobe like laughs it off that right read between the lines. He's saying this guy's one of the biggest cunts I've ever had a coach in my life. Even when he's not on the court, he's still fucking up the chemistry of the team. All right. Did Bill Russell ever tweet during his Celtic career? All right, you get the point. You know what I'm saying? I feel
Starting point is 00:45:02 vindicated. How about those Celtics? How about those old ass Celtics? I was really nervous that they were going to that they were going to get swept. And I don't know. I got to be honest with you. I didn't watch one second of the Celtic series. I can only pick one sport, you know? So I've been watching the Bruins and I got to tell you, man, I have never been so fucking frustrated with the team in my life. Jesus Christ, the first two periods we come out, we played great, played great. We always scored every fucking game I watch. We score two fucking goals and we look phenomenal until right towards the end of the second period or the third period when the whole thing just falls apart. I don't know what's going on. I'm actually, I just think
Starting point is 00:45:49 it's one of these years, one of these years where you can't, there's no way I can't figure out what the problem is. Nobody can figure out what the problem is. And unfortunately, somebody's going to have to pay for it because when you don't get where you want to be, either the coach has to lose his job or somebody has to get fucking traded. I don't know. It was like watching the, I mean, this is obviously not as bad, but a few years ago when the Red Sox, when the wheels fell off with them, and rather than everybody just sitting down and being like, all right, we won two World Series, we obviously know what the fuck we're doing. Okay, let's try to figure this thing out. Everybody started pointing fingers and the whole fucking thing disintegrates. And it was like watching
Starting point is 00:46:31 Van Halen breakup. You know, David Lee Roth left Van Halen brothers go over this way, you know, and are they better for it? Did they ever make a better album than those first, what, four or five? They never did. They never did because they fucked with the chemistry. So anyways, this is the Monday morning podcast. I'm your wonderful host, Bill Burr. And I got a buddy of mine up and coming comedian Danny LaBelle has a has a new comedy album that's coming out. This isn't a commercial. This is just I'm just a nice little promotion for a friend of mine. The name of the album is called some kind of comedian. April 30th tomorrow, the album, unless you listen to this years in the future,
Starting point is 00:47:18 then it's already out. But if you're listening to it today, April 30th, tomorrow, Tuesday, 2013, April 30th, the album is out in stores and will be on iTunes,, etc. It's recorded in Scotland, which I think is cool. You know, gives it a nice different flavor at the Glasgow Comedy Festival. Danny LaBelle, it's called some kind of comedian. Check it out if you want. What's great is if it's on iTunes, you can listen to some tracks. If you like it, you can download it. If you don't, you don't have to. But either way, don't fucking start bitching at me. I like this guy and I think he's funny. Okay, go fuck yourselves. All right, back to the podcast. Where the hell am I? What the hell did I want to talk about?
Starting point is 00:48:02 After going on and on about that, you know, I've been reading this Daily Mail thing. You guys go on this website. What's the deal with Daily Mail? Did I already get rid of it? Oh, no, there it is. This is the most insane fucking website. They just got, they got, I love it. They got stories all around. They got one here. This is a bad one. Boy two and 10 month old brother died after exhausted Australian mother left them in the shower and fell asleep for 10 hours. Jesus Christ, what the fuck was she on? Huh? I was really tired and I slept for 10, you don't sleep for 10 hours unless you've been doing what blow for three days. I guess some people can sleep that long.
Starting point is 00:48:51 That's fucking, I mean, I know I shouldn't be laughing at this shit. That's a bad one. Then they got this other story. It says you've got a, you got a friend in me, Xena, the warrior puppy rescued as it was starving to death, now changing the life of an autistic boy. And you got to see this picture of this dog. When they found it starving, it looks like a fossil with fur on it. It already looks like it's dead. Somehow this thing comes back to life and is now helping this kid that has autism. All right. So there's one for your cat people. You ever found an emaciated fossil looking fucking cat? All right. And you nursed it back to health, giving it milk and whatever and a little box for
Starting point is 00:49:36 it to shit in the house and give you that look like, yeah, you deal with it like cats always do. All right. Do you think at the end of that journey that it would then fucking help out some autistic kid? You think a cat doesn't have a fucking ability to do that? You know, they don't because they're a bunch of cunts. So there you go. The two debates have ended today. Dogs are better people than cats and the Celtics have more heart than the Lakers. That's just it. Okay. And I'm also going to, I'm also going to fucking check off. Kobe is not the fucking MVP. All right. Kobe is if you're in fantasy football, fantasy basketball, that's the fucking guy you want your goddamn team. He's not even in the game and he's still
Starting point is 00:50:22 affecting. He's got to sit there and tweet and criticize his own goddamn coach. Oh my god. That guy earns the K, you know, incant. All right. Onto some other shit here. And I know it's been a lot of, it's been pretty much nothing, nothing but sports talk this week. This one actually transcends sports to show that everybody in sports is not a fucking meathead NBA star Jason Collins comes out as gay, making him the first openly homosexual athlete on a major American sports team. Now, other people have come out, but always after their careers. And I think it's fucking great. I've said for years I wanted it to be a football player who was the most fucking like, like a Ray Lewis level guy. I always thought that that would
Starting point is 00:51:20 be fucking hilarious. Just because not all because it's just an extra level of way to talk shit to fans of the other team. You know, which I guess is probably homophobic to be like even a gay guy is kicking the shit out of you. You know, like there's not some tough gay dudes out there. So look at this. I'm learning things too. Here it is. NBA star Jason Collins came out as gay today in a revealing interview. But how many people are going to lose their jobs trying to write a Twitter joke about this one? Or their endorsement with some fucking insurance company, making him the first professional athlete in American sports to come out as gay? Ah, what somebody else is? Is a soccer player come now? Oh Jesus, that's an easy joke right there.
Starting point is 00:52:05 I'm not going to step in that fucking minefield. I'm not going to do it. I'm going to be mature throughout this entire story. 34 year old basketball player opened up an interview with Sports Illustrated amid much speculation about rumors that the major athlete would be coming out of the closet. The initial reports came from the National Football League as a number of straight players said that they would support a teammate should they reveal they were gay. Yeah, why wouldn't you? I got to tell you, the showers got to be a little weird then, you know? Hey, is this fucking dumb? Should they have their own showers then? Or at least pay a cover if they're going to go into the shower? I'm going to open this debate with my own moron.
Starting point is 00:52:51 Should they have to pay a cover charge when they go into the shower with everybody else with all the other dudes on the team, you know? I mean, what the fuck? What if I was playing in WNBA? They wouldn't let me go in the shower. He's going to walk in there with a stinger, right? They would all be flipping out. That's a fucking very ignorant yet interesting point. You know, everybody on your team is in shape. They're all got their abs and their pecs going. You can't tell me that's not a fucking enjoyable experience. That would be like me if I got to walk in and shower with all these Victoria's Secret models and they'll be like, eww, get out of here, you creep. What? I'm just like you. I also like wearing high-heeled shoes
Starting point is 00:53:44 with feathers, right? I don't know. Either way, I'm fucking around. I think it's great. It's about goddamn time. And I think it's fucking hilarious. I guess there's so many morons that are sports fans that I wish that I was in a sports bar when this came out and just watching fucking guys eyebrows and fucking getting all twisted up. What? It's sports. You're not supposed to be gay. Um, I think it's great. Good for him. Good on him. Who's he play for right now? I never 30. Oh, the Washington Wizards come out as gay. Oh my God. Did they make the playoffs or not? I have no idea. I have no idea, but I can guarantee you somebody, somebody's going to lose their job, trying to make a joke or somebody's going to, uh, oh Jesus, you know, all those Bible Belt people.
Starting point is 00:54:47 If he ever plays a game down in like fucking, if he plays the Grizzly, they're going to be standing outside the team bus. You are going to hail. That's when you know you're a moron. God. When you, when you fucking, you make one syllable words, two syllable, you're going to hail. He's in bayon. Um, what's the one, and they always do the one about the chick. I can't fucking remember my brains fried people. I've been on the road this entire month. Actually, this entire fucking year, I figured it out and I can't even remember the numbers. We're like something like 17 or 18 weeks into this year and I've been to like 20 cities. All right. I really don't know what's going on in the world. This is how fucking out of the
Starting point is 00:55:41 loop I am. I knew that there was an explosion in Texas and it took me two, three days before I, I read something that let me know whether it was an accident or another fucking Timothy McVeigh psycho. All right. So I do the, um, I do the, uh, what did I do? I did Dallas. I'll take you through my week. What was it? Wednesday? The fuck is today? I don't even know. So Wednesday or Thursday, I went to Las Vegas. Um, and I did a private show. Um, they go, you got a private show in, uh, in, in Vegas. And I didn't even ask who the fuck it was for. I was like, oh, making some money. Yeah, I'll go to Vegas. I'll walk around. I'll take a fucking steam. It's one of my, the only time I ever take a steam is when I go to Las Vegas because every fucking casino has one.
Starting point is 00:56:36 And, um, it's the greatest fucking experience of your life. You know, you walk in, first of all, everybody in there is always like 80 years old. For some reason, old guys love taking a steam. The only time you have a fucking go in there, right? So I always go in there and, uh, you got to go in there also with like an extra towel because you, as you're sweating the impurities out, all the impurities are sitting on your skin. And if you don't fucking wipe towel off, you just absorb them back in or a lot of them, the ones that don't drip off of you or whatever. So you fucking go in there. You have a great goddamn time. You and some other like fucking guy looks like Mr. Hooper from fucking Sesame Street, you know, and, uh, you come out,
Starting point is 00:57:23 you fucking pours open, you fucking shave. You're not going to have to shave for like another three days unless you're one of those hairy apes. And, uh, then you go upstairs, you take a fucking nap, you sleep like a goddamn baby, right? Unfortunately, I came in too late, so I wasn't able to do all this. Um, so anyways, typical me like an asshole. I'm one of those, some, some comedians are really organized and then you have other comedians like myself where as I'm going to the airport and either Nia or the taxi guys go on what airline I'm looking it up in my phone. Um, so I get there and I go, who am I doing this, this, uh, this private show for? And they said, oh, it's, uh, it's a poker tournament with a bunch of oil men. There's like 10 billionaires,
Starting point is 00:58:09 the rest are millionaires, and there's a couple of bankers there, right? So here I am now feeling like fucking Beyonce, you know, when she performed for those dictators after all my time talking about, uh, you know, blood money and all that shit. Here I am going out there. I should have put on a little glitter dress and dance like a fucking whore. And I go out to go do this benefit, right? Cause I just said yes. Cause I saw the money. So right now, all my credibility, you know, beyond me being a moron is out the window at this point. Cause I still did the gig, right? So I go down and I do the gig and, uh, I got the funniest, the weirdest fucking applause break. I actually had a great time and I enjoyed afterwards. I was shooting
Starting point is 00:58:57 this shit with a couple of them. They were fucking hilarious. Like just their whole perspective, being in Hollywood that is so goddamn liberal to then perform for these oil men. And, you know, they're talking about, you know, I was making fun of them talking about fracking and like what the fuck it works. I don't give a shit, you know, poisons the water supply. I ain't drinking it. And they're all laughing. And I made some sort of reference to a bird covered in oil. And then I just started doing this red necky character going, well, what the fuck, you know how to fly, get out of the oil, you dumb motherfucker. Dude, a pause break. I thought they were going to get mad. I was kind of breaking their balls.
Starting point is 00:59:43 They thought it was fucking hilarious. And this doesn't make them any worse than anybody else. They're just like everybody I meet on the road. They are 100% immersed in the deal that makes them still be able to put fruit loops on the table. So anything positive about it, they fucking love. And that's what I found. That's what I've learned through traveling, is that people love their own deal. And they think that their deal is the only deal. And it's the only way to go. And anybody who's against it is a fucking cunt. And that includes the most liberal fucking people on the planet. You know, if you listen to liberals talking about police officers and that type of shit, like they, they do like reverse Fox news, you know, so,
Starting point is 01:00:32 so I did that gig and had a fucking great time. And then I flew to Dallas the next day, did it, did a YouTube video, made one of those tours of the city had a great time there. Fucking show is amazing. Crowds were unbelievable. It's a combination of crowds being unbelievable. And I've done so many shows. So I'm really on my fucking game. You know, I'm not like going up there, shaking the rest off, trying to figure out what comes next. I've just been on my fucking game. And so okay, I remember us talking about trying to get to like how out of the loop I am. So I'm driving down. It's me, Verzi and Tom Lewis, the guy who films all of my tours of cities. We're driving down to Austin, Texas, going down the 35 Eastbound down loaded up in something.
Starting point is 01:01:29 And Tom, Tom's like this fucking, like he just researches everything. So we're on our way down. He goes, he's like, there's this insane bakery, because me and dumb Paul Verzi, we were just going to go to an I hop, you know, get pigs in a blanket or just, you know, whipped cream on just dumb shit, you could get 10 feet from your own house, you know. So he goes, no, he goes, if you guys can just hang in there another 10 minutes away, it's this place called the the Czech shop by Czechoslovakia and they have these fucking insane breakfast foods and all this type of shit, right? So we go down there. And I walk in there, okay, and I can instantly tell it's not a chain or maybe there's a couple left. I don't know. Maybe there's a chain. I have no fucking
Starting point is 01:02:12 idea. I go in there. All I know is I see a bunch of locals sitting there standing in line, lines out the fucking door basically. And I'm like, all right, this is going to be some good shit. And they make all like these little like breakfast sandwiches. I'm trying to find this thing here. And this is what I ordered. I ordered a hot chubby with cheese. And I have not been able to say that without laughing, I snickered when I ordered it, it was a spicy sausage and like this, this honey bun with like cheese in there. And little Czechs bakery. And this is what this one, it's right in Waco or Water, Texas. I'm a fucking moron. I'm sitting there and I'm watching all these people walking in there like three,
Starting point is 01:03:00 four, five people dressed all in black red ribbons. And I'm going and I'm sitting there eating with Verzi, right? A couple of more on sitting there. These people either just came from a wedding or a funeral. I'm guessing it's a funeral. Look at that. Look at misery on that face. And then Tom gets in the car and he tells us that we're literally like an eighth of a mile from where the fucking place exploded. I've never felt so fucking dumb in my life. Like this is like one of the biggest stories in the country. I'm sitting here an eighth of a mile from it. People are coming from funerals for loved ones and I'm eating a fucking spicy chubby with cheese going. That guy looks kind of sad. My face actually turned red
Starting point is 01:03:46 from embarrassment, embarrassment of my own fucking stupidity. It's fucking horrific. There's nothing funny about that story. What I'm basically asking you guys is why do you tune in every week? If you're going to listen to somebody this dumb. All right. And with that, asking you why you tune in every week, we got some advertising. everybody. All right. Look, you got to have a plan for your future. You do financial planning. You get insurance. But to get to peace of mind, you've got to make sure your family is also legally protected. So where do you turn for affordable legal protection you can trust? Simple.
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Starting point is 01:05:13 more savings. Enter Burr, B U R R in the referral box at checkout. If you're a parent or an entrepreneur, don't wait any longer. Call or visit and protect what's yours. All right. There's one Z and his number two Z. You all know it. I don't know how many times they got to keep saying it. People sit down today, look in the mirror and ask yourself one question. Why do I keep going to the post office? Why would I keep going to the post office when I can do everything at home with what bill? What could I use You'll never have to go to the post office again. It's phenomenal. You get, you can get official us postage for any letter of package using your own computer and printer. Uh, no need for one of those expensive postage
Starting point is 01:06:03 meters. offers more features than a meter at a fraction of the cost. No hidden fees or longterm meter commitments save up to 80% compared to a meter. Plus you'll never have to go to the post office again. In fact, offers special postage discounts. You can get even, you can't even get it the post office. Um, I use to send out all my DVDs and I ladies and gentlemen, Emma Moran, if I can figure out how to use that scale and use my printer, you can too. So don't be intimidated if you're an oldie like me right now. Use my last name, Burr, B U R R for this special offer, no risk trial plus $110 bonus offer includes a digital scale and up to $55 free postage. Don't wait. Go to before you do anything else. Click
Starting point is 01:06:50 on the microphone at the top of the homepage and type in Burr, B U R R that enter Burr. Alrighty, that was painless. At least it was while you had to listen to my reading. So I guess, you know, I'll go fuck yourself. Let me close this out here. Yes, I don't want to save that. Hey, when you download stuff like this, does it slow down your computer after a while? Should I be like erasing these reads every week? All right, let's get to some questions for this week, everybody. Dear Bill, really enjoy your humor in the podcast. Well, thank you very much. That's very kind of you. But please stop telling people to pay off their homes and to not refinance when the bank calls with a new loan vehicle that saves the money and is a no brainer.
Starting point is 01:07:38 I am a real estate appraiser. Oh, what the course you are, you country, you're in the business. If these people stop refinancing, I'll be out of a job. Oh, I get it now. I just turned 50 and have no other skills. So unless that I can open for you on the road, what do you say we take it easy on this fragile economy and keep a lid on the unemployment? Thanks. So to save your job, you want me to look the other way and tell all these people to fucking refinance. And even though they're six, seven years into their mortgage, you want me to start them right back at the beginning at payment number one for 30 years. At least with all that front-ended loaded interest, start it all over again. You're kind of blaming the victims here. I don't understand
Starting point is 01:08:28 how we all ended up under the thumb of these bankers. I could see if they initially started off with mixed martial art training. And then after they won the championship, they then got into banking. Then I could see why everyone would be so afraid of bankers. But the fact that they're just a bunch of pencil pushing Jack was the last time you saw a tough banker. And I'm not saying they're not out there because I know I'll get emails. Dude, you see this guy down at the local branch. This kid could have gone pro at left fucking tackle, but he blew out his knee. Are you actually trying to tell me that it doesn't save them money? That's the illusion of it. It lowers your mortgage payment for the month, but it prolongs your interest. And in the
Starting point is 01:09:23 long haul, you end up paying way more money. And you're asking me to co-sign off on like years more of indentured servitude to these banker cunts. I can't do that. I have ethics. I do private shows for oil men and bankers. Listen, sir, if you can tell me, if you can write me back, let's listen, we'll make this a two potter. If you can write me back and tell me how that's saving them money and don't do that. Well, they were paying two grand a month for their mortgage and now their minimum payment is 1700. So it's 300 off. I want you to do, do the math, go through the 30 years of it and their interest and all that. Okay. You're not going to be able to write me back and say that they're saving money. They're not. It's a fuck over. And it's a very easy fuck over to read that
Starting point is 01:10:12 when the bank reaches out to you and says, Hey, you want to save money? Hey, listen, we were sitting here trying to figure out how we could make less money off of you. It's a fuck over. All right. I've already done my filthy deed this week. Tap dancing for a bunch of fucking oil men. You know, how the fuck am I? What am I supposed to do? You know, do have I come up with some sort of alternative fucking source to help your car going? I don't know. Whatever, sir. I'm one of the biggest hypocrite you're ever going to find. I know your deal. You want people to refinance so they can what continue making their, their payments? Listen, whether I tell them to do that or not, like none of the laws got changed and the banks got these houses back to do it all over
Starting point is 01:10:59 again. I told you that story a few weeks ago, but the guy who sold me my house, he goes, dude, you bought at the perfect time. You can get like another 50 grand for your house if you sold it today. He goes, the market's exploding. And he goes, I've never seen anything like this. It's like, what are you talking about? You've been selling houses for 10 years. You live through the fucking biggest bubble ever. And I, you know, oh yeah, you think so? He doesn't give a fuck. They don't give a fuck. So don't fucking come at me with your hat in your hand and talk about this fragile economy when you know what you're doing out there. All right, with your fucking three card money. Jesus, that got a little fucking, got a little, a little chippy. All right,
Starting point is 01:11:41 hair loss or sex loss. Bill, I'm sure you've heard of propitia. Heard of it. I used it. I used it. And when I ran out of it, I just had that honest moment with myself. And I was just like, there's no way there's not going to be a side effect. Okay, there's always, there's no way. There's just no way. There's no way this thing. Okay, I'll save my hair, but damage my liver. You know, what do I need more? You know, a full head of hair or a functioning fucking liver. You just, you know, you just got to bite the bullet and turn and just turn old, just age gracefully. You know, I try to keep my hair short. I try to offend as little people as I go through the slow process of seeing what my skull actually looks like. He goes, I have a lot of friends on it
Starting point is 01:12:31 that say it sort of works. Definitely slows down hair loss by doing something. However, apparently the drawbacks is no boner. Oh, is that, I don't, I don't know either way on that one. That's, that's some bar room stuff. I think that it, that can, that can happen to some people. I have no fucking idea. He said, so do you choose hair to get sex or choose no hair, which might mean no sex? Is this some sort of sick joke by the pharmaceutical companies? No, you're, you're fighting nature. Listen, dude, I'll tell you right now. All right. There's women out there that think a shaved head is sexy. Not all of them, but there's enough. All right. There's enough out there that you can keep going out, banging women
Starting point is 01:13:20 you know, some women find a shaved head fucking they, they like it turns them on. So listen, this is the great thing about women is they can see beyond what you look like. Okay. If you come in there and you got a little swagger and you're funny and you're fucking, you know, shaved head shows confidence, dude. You're like, fuck it, preemptive strike. You guys are walking out on me. Well, you know what? I'm kicking you out the door and you take out your clippers. You know, I buzzed my head down a few years ago. I fucking loved it. Man, I took all the jokes when you're cancer patient and fucking make a wish, but, but, but Peter's out after a couple weeks. You know, I don't know. I go back and forth. I go back and forth. I mean,
Starting point is 01:14:10 I go literally from doing, maybe I'll do the fucking hair transplant to all the way back to all fucking shape my head again. I have no idea, but I got to be honest with you, dude, it, it doesn't, the vibe you're bringing is going to be way more. Listen, do you really want to get with some girl who's with you because you have a fucking a nice big cow lick on top of your fucking head? And if you didn't have it, then she wouldn't be with you. You know, going bald is like driving a piece of shit car. It really keeps the whores away from you. All these fucking idiots with full heads of hair driving around in flashy cars, you see what happens to them? What happened to Mel Gibson? He should have just gone bald,
Starting point is 01:14:54 but he didn't. He kept fighting it, doing shit up there, drove around in a flashy car. I had to give up my fucking lacquer tickets, you know, flipping out, flipping out. You know what, dude? Yeah, don't take those fucking drugs. Those drugs are brand new. And the side effects that they're talking about, I'm telling you, is just the shit that they're letting on to cover their ass is that they said that there was some side effects. Okay. From what I've overheard bars, the people on the FDA, half of them used to work for these pharmaceutical fucking companies. So they got the nuts running the fucking nut house. All right. And you're just going to be again, you're going to be a little lab rat if you start taking that shit. All right. So I would suggest
Starting point is 01:15:34 not doing it. Let nature take its fucking course and do what I'm doing, wait for the cure. And I guarantee you it ain't going to come. So just fucking man up and go bald, you fucking pussy. Okay, do what I'm doing. Just slowly let it happen. A year from now, I'm going to have fucking hair plugs and I'm going to be performing for dictators for New Year's Eve. Give New Year's Eve. Be best friends with Beyonce. I didn't see my itinerary either. I didn't know who it was. I literally used the same excuse for performing for oil men. Anyways, loner. Hey there, red haired reindeer. Love everything you do and listen to you as you, as you has changed my life. Jesus. All right. Now this one isn't going to be on me.
Starting point is 01:16:28 Love everything you do and listening to you has changed my life. Sorry, that is on me. However, although I am more comfortable being myself now than I was before I listened to you, I've got a dilemma. I don't know why, but I don't leave a lasting impression on people. Oh God, dude, that's one of the saddest things ever. You just said you're forgettable. Hey, you know what you should do? You should turn to a life of crime. You know, don't hurt anybody. Just go in with an unloaded gun and start robbing convenience stores. Right? Get the money you take off and then fucking when the cops come. Can you give us a description? Yeah, you know, that's the funny thing about him. You know, he just,
Starting point is 01:17:08 I don't know if it's because I was so scared or the fact that he just was just so forgettable. Okay. I know he had an arm because he was in a hand because he was holding. Anyways, I go to a community college and for some unknown reason, my personality doesn't attract anyone. I lost all my friends from high school. They all moved on with their lives and the people in my college don't notice me. I'm very eccentric. Jesus Christ, dude, you sound like you should be on some list here, man. Please tell me that you're not going to fucking start reading about chemicals. All right. He goes at work. Everyone loves my crazy ass personality and my spontaneity, but these two-faced cunts are such liars. They always say, oh, we should hang out,
Starting point is 01:17:53 but every Monday I always hear about their stories of them going out without me. I've tried to make plans, but they easily flake. Please bill, your podcast keeps me sane and you can only make sense of this. PS, you know, that polite fake personality everyone has when they first meet someone, whatever girl has that personality only around you and no one else. Is she uncomfortable with you or likes you? Jesus, dude, Jesus. All right. Fuck. How do I fucking cut out? How do you why? How do I reenter this fucking atmosphere without burning up? Listen, this is what you got to do. Okay. You can't give a fuck whether people hang out with you or not. All right. If I, if I had a guess, I'd say maybe you're trying too hard.
Starting point is 01:18:50 You know, take a deep breath, just fucking relax, come in on Monday, say what's up to people and go about your business. That's what I would do. All right. And stop trying to hang out with them. You know, take this new fucking relaxed approach, go into a bar and just be chill. Don't have a crazy ass personality and be spontaneous because I think I'm reading into that. You're trying too hard and you're freaking people out. Just fucking chill. All right. Just fucking chill out and relax. If that girl has a fake personality around you, that does not mean she likes you. I think you're freaking people out a little bit. I'm not trying to criticize you here. I think you're just trying too hard because the fact
Starting point is 01:19:31 that your friends from high school took off from you, you might be, you might be a little self conscious. So now you're questioning who you are and you're trying to fucking ramp up to this energy level that you're not normally at. So it's, it's weird and people out. So I would just fucking chill, you know, but, but please do not fucking go to work and do something crazy because there's a lot of that shit in there that made me fucking worried about you. All right. Just fucking, let me tell you, just like I said to that dude going bald, just fucking go bald. You know, somebody makes a joke about it. You laugh. Yeah, it's fucking awful. God bless you when you're full out of air and then fucking make fun of this shirt. There you go.
Starting point is 01:20:14 I hope that helped out, sir. All right. All right. Viking twins and oh Jesus, Viking twins and Jesus. Bill, I know you're tired of relationship advice, but this may, but maybe this will be different. Here's the deal. I'm having goddamn twins in September. Well, congratulations. I've been married for nearly six years now. I love my wife and I'm definitely stoked on having children with her. However, while she is a Christian, I am not and I am a little concerned. And then what, what is he right? All fucking greedy. All fucking ready. He wrote that. He wrote that all is one word everybody. If you think I'm dumb and he wrote, he wrote all his AL no spaces. Okay. Stop rolling your eyes,
Starting point is 01:21:06 feeling that you're smarter than me. He says I'm a little concerned about what our kids are going to learn if we decide to go to church and whatnot. I'm just not sure that I want my children to learn about hell and sin and all that other bullshit. That's just not a story for fucking kids, you know, like you'd be bet you better be good or when you fucking die, you're going to burn for goddamn eternity. I want my kids to be happy. I don't want them expecting a bitch slap from some imaginary figure. If they tell a fucking lie or something, kids should be innocent and full of wonder and gay and all that shit, you know, so funny how guys can't just write happy stuff. You got to somehow tap out, you know,
Starting point is 01:21:52 they should be happy. They should go sledding and all that shit, you fucking cunt. You know, we always got to do that. Anyhow, I'm not exactly sure what Nia believes, but you guys, but if you guys had kid, would this be an issue for you too? No, neither one of us goes to church. Another, so we're going to go to hail. Another problem is that either way sucks if they believe in hell, they'll live in fear. If the little shit heads believe what I believe, they'll think they're just going to goddamn rot in the fucking ground and disappear when they die. So they'll be bitter, cynical and fucking miserable just like their father. Now I disagree with that because I think you just go into the ground. That's what I think, but that's not why I'm bitter and cynical. I'm
Starting point is 01:22:36 bitter and cynical because of like that fucking email that I got from that 50 year old real estate guy who wants me to side with the banker cunts and no one will pick up an axe and go into these gated communities and get these pencil pushing pussies. You know, and every fucking week we work and we got to take our fucking check and take it down to the goddamn bank and give it to them. You know, acting like this is a safer place to have than stuffing it in your mattress. You know, you might as well stuff it in a mattress. You're never going to walk in and your mattress is going to have a lock on it and be like, yeah, fucking that's closed. Go fuck yourself. And I know what other people are saying. Well, you know,
Starting point is 01:23:21 what if somebody breaks into your house? Does anybody look under the mattress at this point? It's such a cliched place to put a couple hundred bucks. You know, out of fucking. No, you can't with that's why I'm cynical. That's why I'm cynical. Okay. Because, you know, I'll talk to hockey fans. Okay. And they'll have the biggest dirtbag piece of shit and tend to injure guy on their team. But because he plays for them, they don't give a fuck and they'll put them in their ring of honor. And then if somebody does something to their team, then they're flipping out going, that guy should be out of the league. That's why I get bitter and cynical is because it's depressing. It's depressing that, that the amount of people that just look out their own heads. And you know,
Starting point is 01:24:07 if it's good for me, then it's fucking good. And I don't give a shit. And they, you know, they lack empathy. That's why, but not because you're going in the fucking ground. So I wouldn't equate it to that. Anyways, my solution thus far is just to go north. You know, no, I don't die in fucking battle. Die in fucking battle, sons, and you'll get to be members of the Anaharjar. I don't know. This is some Lord of the Rings shit. Fight and die every day, only to be resurrected at night to feast with Odin and Valhalla. I don't know what any of this is. Something when you and your fellow ghost warriors fight the fucking wolf and Fenrir until the end of time. That's a badass speech. If I knew how to fucking pronounce it,
Starting point is 01:25:00 that's one of those things where you're walking around with that thing on your arm for a falcon to land on. When you go to shake hands, you grab the other guy's forearm. He goes, I think that's the way to go. I have absolutely no idea how to really relay these concerns to my wife without offending her. Yeah, I mean, considering you're right in me, I get it. But I think I care enough about my kids to make this an issue. My kids are going to be completely mediocre and never accomplish anything. Then there's no need to heap. Oh, what? My kids are going to be completely mediocre and never accomplish anything. There's no need to heap hell on that pile. What do you think? All right. Well, I was with you until you said your kids are going to be mediocre.
Starting point is 01:25:42 You can't say that to him. You got to give him that head start. You got to build him up. You see, now I got and I got to talk to you about two things. I mean, I don't know, you're really far down the fucking road six years in and now you're having kids to finally bring up the religious issue. This is really something that should have been discussed before you got married. But I get it. You fell in love with this person. You can't pick who you fall in love with as they say. I would just sit down and tell her what you told me. And then when she was like, well, why did you bring this up six years ago? Use the line I just said.
Starting point is 01:26:23 Just say because I love you. I saw you and there's nothing I could do. I fell in love with you. I think you're great. And you know, now I just want to discuss this with you. And I'd like to do it without you crying and making me feel like a bully because I, I, you know, these are half my kids too. So what if once a week, every, every other week, you scare the shit out of them. And every other week we go into the backyard and I dig a hole and go, that's where you end up. You can sort of balance it out. Yeah, dude, I don't know. I don't know how to do it other than you just have to sit down and talk to her and just say, listen, I don't mind spirituality. I don't mind, you know, believing in a higher power and everything,
Starting point is 01:27:06 but I really think it's a lot to heap on the whole heaven and health thing. And I think when they're young enough, when they go to church, they're just going to be bored and not know what people are talking about. And I think it'd be a great thing for their self-esteem if you and I didn't drive away and try to communicate all that hell shit to them. All right. Maybe they can still take them to church, but just keep reinforcing that this thing loves them. All right. That is a fucked up thing to just bring that into their lives. You're going to burn forever. Have fun playing frisbee. All right. Pro flowers, everybody. Mother's day is coming up. Huh? Who's better than your mom? No one. All right. Did you give your
Starting point is 01:27:52 mom a hard time growing up? Of course you did. Of course you did. Were you like me? Did you get into a fight with your brother? You went after he slapped you in the back of the head and you grabbed the garden hose and you tried to spray at them through the fucking screen of the kitchen and you flooded the kitchen. All right. And your mother came out with a wooden spoon and beat it over your head until it snapped in half. Did you do that? Of course you did. Isn't it time? Did you take out the car and wrap it around a pole? Then they got sued by the family that fucking makes the telephone poles? Of course you did. Don't you think it's time? Something that may be, uh, are they giving me like suggestions here? I know to make it funny. Look at these suggestions.
Starting point is 01:28:31 Talk about how you're making up for it by sending her pro, I'm not going to talk about stuff that's not going on in my life. I'm going to talk about other fact that I love my mom and I love my girlfriend. So I'm going to get them flowers. Is there an easier way to do it than Absolutely not. Proflowers has one dozen rainbow roses for $19.99 or you can double the roses and get chocolates plus a premium pink vase for just $29.98. That's 50% off. You just need my code Burr. B-U-R-R when you order to get these special prices. You get a colorful bouquet of roses or is it bouquet? Is it bouquet of roses that will make your mom smile? This offer is just for my radio listeners. Um, it's a listener favorite every year. Come on, man, you guys got to do more than
Starting point is 01:29:21 just send your mother a card. Women love flowers, you know, and she's going to love that you care. Even though you've gotten older and you're married, you still remember and dear old mom, profiles are guaranteed to last a full week or your money back. You know, see if you get a sweater, she wears it one day, she puts it in the drawer. You get the flowers with that beautiful face. She's going to see them all week. All right. So here's the deal. The only way to get this amazing Mother's Day deal is to go to, click on the microphone in the top right hand corner and type in Burr. B-U-R-R. That's Click on the microphone and type in Burr. Order now. This special pricing expires soon. Yeah, do it right now. Just get it out of the way.
Starting point is 01:30:04 And then the pressure of Mother's Day, you know, you're not going to have to worry about running out, going to CVS, trying to pick out the last fucking three cards that are left. You don't want to do that. All right. So there you go. All right. Last read here, everybody. They already do this one. Ah, Jesus there. Evoise. Oh, I like this one. Evoise is the reason you're going to make more money in 2013. How do you like that for confidence right out of the gate with their copy? They are the reason you're going to make more money. When your customers call, you'll have your own toll-free number, professional greeting, dial by name, directory and more. You'll sound like a Fortune 500 company and blow away your competitors. You'll sound like a Fortune 500 company, even though you
Starting point is 01:30:48 only have three employees. You could just have one employee and they'll make you sound like you got this giant factory already and you're somebody to get in business with. Evoise lets you give out one number that rings wherever you are. The beach, the bar, it doesn't matter. You'll sound like you're at the office. Yeah, unless people are screaming in the background. I mean, we have to go to, I guess you're going to the bathroom. You got to go to and use the promo code bill. Evoise takes, oh, Evoise even takes all your voicemails, transcribes them and sends them to you instantly as a text or an email. So you can check your voicemails before the meeting ends and not look rude. Evoise is only 10 bucks a month. For a long time, my listeners have
Starting point is 01:31:28 been able to get free tiles, free trial of Evoise for six months, but that's about to come to an end. Okay, so guys, make sure you sign up for your free trial of Evoise between now and the end of the month, which is literally tomorrow and get your six month free trial before it's too late. Come on guys, I want you to get you out of them cubicles if you want. All right, it's your last chance to try this great service for free for six months. Go to, use the promo code bill. That's promo code bill or just go to the podcast page on and click on the Evoise banner right now. All right, there you go. Okay, back to the podcast and what better way to go back to the podcast by reading this lovely email, this lovely email right here called
Starting point is 01:32:11 Getting Cockblocked by Jesus. Oh, geez. That would be hard. Became walking in performing miracles, full head of hair, Chris Christopherson beard, you know, just got that robe, all the checks. Oh my God, do you have anything underneath it? Hey, Bill, love the podcast. I'd really like to hear your thoughts on this experience. I'm going through with a lady. All right, at the end of last summer, I met a girl and we hit it off immediately. She's one of those girls. Oh, wait, I forgot to add, I forgot to mention that I'm going to do a Nia log this week. A Nia log. And I know a lot of people are asking why is she not doing her podcast? And it's because our house is gutted right now. And she's being an absolute trooper. And she's handling most of the bullshit
Starting point is 01:32:59 as I'm out on the road. Okay, but she's going to come on and do a Nia log this week. And one of the topics is going to be the first openly gay athlete. All right, I'm going to I'm actually going to ask her that question about the shower shower love every now and then I get a little bit something and a something and a something at the end of last summer back to this guy cock block by Jesus. I met a girl and we hit it off immediately. She's one of those girls who's not only gorgeous and sexy, but she's really cool too. Oh, top shelf. We've got a lot in common. And I'm totally into her. I've seen her regularly since then. And she stayed with me a few nights. We've had absolute we've had absolutely mind blowing sex during those nights.
Starting point is 01:33:43 Ah, Jesus, dude, you're going to fall hard for this one. I'm already in love with her. I don't even know her. But most importantly, we have fun together and we connect on a personal level. So I decided to take it to the next level and see if she'd be into dating on a wreck on the regular since we've been hitting it off so well. That's when it gets interesting. She says she is a Christian. I, on the other hand, am definitely not a Christian. Although I've studied religious writings for many years, I don't consider myself to be a religious person. But since I'm not a Christian, she's really reluctant to date. But she'll fuck your brains out. Dude, I don't know, man. I think you might just have to enjoy this one. You know, it's like
Starting point is 01:34:27 renting a car you can't afford. Go out and take it on the highway, man. Have a good time with it and bring it back by Thursday. Whatever, I'll keep reading here. The Bible says Christians should only date other Christians. The Bible says a lot of things that don't make sense in society now. My mother is a Catholic and my father is as non-religious as I am, but they've been happily married for almost 30 years. It irritates the hell out of me that since I don't love Jesus, that she thinks I'm an unsuitable partner. I don't need to love Jesus to know how to be a good gentleman. I treat it with respect and I'm a good partner and a friend. What do you think, Bill? Literally, everything else about this girl and how we get along is stellar. It's a fucking shame
Starting point is 01:35:13 to let that go. Thanks, Bill, and go fuck yourself. Well, here's the deal. I would present your argument and if she still has a fucking problem with it and she just won't do it, then you know what you got to do. You got to walk away until your heart gets crushed by this girl. Or even worse, you talk her into something by just wearing her down into something she doesn't want to do and then you're six years into your fucking marriage having twins like that other poor bastard and you have to have that other problem, that big fucking conversation. She's getting older, so she's going to have a couple of kids. She's not going to be rocking your fucking world. You know what I mean? You got a beer belly, so all the looks and all the hot sex is out the
Starting point is 01:35:53 window and now you just fucking with this person, all right, that you don't line up with religiously. So that is a big one. That is a big one. So that's what I would do. I would sit down and I would present my argument to her and just lay it out there. Just say, listen, I really like you beyond a physical thing. I like you, you know, and I'd bring up the thing you said about your parents and they still get along and then just say, but look, I don't want to get emotionally involved with you if you can't look past the fact that I don't believe in the bearded baby. That's how I'd leave it. And then you know what, if she has a fucking problem with that, then you walk, you walk, all right? Or what you do is just hook up with her once every fucking 10
Starting point is 01:36:50 days, 10 to 15 days, you hook up with her, you fuck her brains out, you have a great time, and then, you know, you walk away, you know, so you don't get drawn in. Like, I don't know. Being with somebody else, it's like the more you see them, it's like fucking eating Doritos. You know, if you just take a few and you put them on a plate and then you leave the bag in the cupboard and you're watching a game, you know, you're not going to get up and go grab the bag. All right, but if you fucking got the bag there, you're going to consume the whole goddamn thing. And that's what the fuck you're going to do with this girl if you keep hanging out with her. All right, you're going to consume the whole fucking thing, you're going to
Starting point is 01:37:30 be totally invested with your heart, and then she's going to walk away because you don't want to get fucking dirty fire ash put on your forehead every fucking February. Then you're going to be crying in the fetal position, and you have to spend fucking goddamn year or two of your life trying to cry this bitch out of your heart. You know what I mean? Sit down and have this conversation with her. There you go. All right. Netflix documentaries. Hey, Bill, just listen to the recent podcasts. In the podcast, you mentioned that you like documentaries. I love them. I absolutely love them. Documentaries are like reading for stupid people. You know, you get this like watching a book. Unless you watch those Michael Moore ones are that one that that guy made about Nirvana.
Starting point is 01:38:10 You know what I mean? Like Michael Morris should be like considered like video like op-ed pieces. You know, I and you can it's easy to tell. I hate to single that guy out, but that guy I think is one of the biggest offenders of somebody who's just like already has his mind made up and is editing around the opinion that he already has. And he's just, you know, taking you by the hand and leading you down to this absolutely fucking so ridiculous to one side. That guy to me is as ridiculous as fucking Bill O'Reilly. You know, I'd actually say he's more ridiculous than Bill O'Reilly. You know what I mean? Anyways, I don't like talking politics. Here we go. Now, I know you say you don't like football soccer, but I know you love this, but I know you'll love this. It's called
Starting point is 01:39:03 the four year plan and it's about a team called Queens Park Rangers. They had just been taken over by a team of billionaires, including big names in formula one. I love, by the way, I love formula one racing. I never watch it. I always miss it. I always somehow the season's weird. It starts in like February or some shit. I don't know. I always miss it, but formula one racing is like if you're ever going to meet James Bond, it's going to be at a formula one race. Like you're just talking the richest people on the planet, the greatest bone structures of any people you're ever going to see, nothing but full heads of jet black hair and some of the hottest ass you're ever going to see in your life are at these things.
Starting point is 01:39:51 It's insane. And then what I love about it, the sport is the level of intelligence to get that car to just go just a little bit faster. And then it also makes sense that there's right and left turns, you know, and they race in the rain. It's real. It's real. It's the real fucking deal. I'm a huge fan of it. By all means, somebody let me know in the next formula one races. It's not like I can't go on the internet and find out. Was it the fuel channel? I know somebody shows them. I always wanted to get that in just one year. Just follow it for the whole fucking year. You know, the Ferrari team and all those fucking Mercedes and all those great car manufacturers. Anyways, here we go. Somehow someone persuaded these formula one people to
Starting point is 01:40:37 allow a TV crew to record everything, which is basically them owning this, this soccer club. In a nutshell, it turns out to show exactly how not to run a club. Spoiler alert. Here we go. This documentary may change how you see football. By the way, I'm from Birmingham, England, England, and I support Aston Villa. My apologies because I know I probably said that wrong. I really don't know why I've told you this, but please watch it. It's fantastic. No, absolutely. I would, I would love to watch that. I'd watch one on on World Cup soccer. I like World Cup soccer that the whole world is watching and it really is a world championship when you win it. You know, those fucking horns that they were blowing that really blew it for me last time. I remember trying to
Starting point is 01:41:26 watch it. I was in Vegas with Tom Papa and he had this show at the Orleans and it was me and him doing this, this comedy show. I was such a fucking great weekend. So I brought the lovely Nia with me and we both went up to his suite and we were watching. I was actually psyched that I found an American that was into the soccer and we were sitting there watching it and that stupid fucking horns being blown the entire time. It just became this running joke is he's Tom started imitating and just kept going. It was some sort of Jerry Lewis kind of fucking noise and we would just be trying to focus on the game and every three minutes one of us would do our impression of those horns and
Starting point is 01:42:13 somehow it stayed funny for the entire fucking match and but that really that really hurt the World Cup like those horns should be banned. So anyways, whatever, whatever, I'm saying I'm going to watch that one. Did you say what it was called? Yeah, you did. It's called the four year plan. I'm definitely going to watch that. All right. Hey Billy boy, just wanted to give you a couple of good documentaries to watch on Netflix. Oh, look at me. I think I hit it. I hit a nerve. I hit an artery. People are enjoying. Just want to give you a couple of good documentaries to watch on Netflix. I am the first one. The imposter is a really good one. Also, the wild and wonderful whites
Starting point is 01:42:57 of West Virginia is absolutely hilarious. You know, I started to watch that one and it's really fascinating, but there's something about watching people who are poor at a certain point, poor and uneducated. I have to shut it off because it feels like, I don't know, it's like watching that that here comes Honey Boo Boo. I started to watch an episode of it and you know, I was kind of laughing along and everything, but when they went to that auction and they were basically auctioning off food that grocery stores couldn't legally sell, you know, it was kind of past the expiration date or and then they were bidding on like old cookies and shit. Now there's no way they
Starting point is 01:43:50 couldn't have been meat because you could kill somebody. So I know that maybe it was something about it was food that the grocery stores couldn't sell. These people are so broke that they were buying, they were bidding on weak old cookies and then like high fiving and excited when they won the auction. Like they just bought a fucking Shelby or something. I have to shut it off. So, but it is fascinating. The other one is, he said, one more is called unguarded. The story of Chris Heron. Heron, I don't know how to say it. He was a badass high school basketball player out of Boston who threw his career away on drugs. That's another rough one to watch. I like watching the ones where people they win in the end,
Starting point is 01:44:35 you know, but I'll watch that when he says, love the podcast and you stand up, go fuck yourself. All right, that is the podcast for this week, everybody. I hope you enjoyed it. And I have to tell you, man, this was one of the most amazing months in my stand up career, all these beautiful venues that I got to perform in. It's really a blessing to be able to do stand up at a theater. And I wanted to thank everybody that has come out to my shows this month. And I really learned something this month about all these so-called B and C level cities, like they're the shit. And, you know, people are so fucking appreciative when you come out to them. You know, I'm not talking like Dallas and Austin and that type of thing. I'm talking about when you go to like
Starting point is 01:45:20 Tallahassee, you know, I mean, it's so ridiculous. I guess last week I kept calling a Columbia, both Charleston, South Carolina that I went to. I mean, that's an A level city. They had like fucking houses with $9 million, right on the water, but like just people don't go to them. We actually, I know that I mentioned that I was going to do a tour of Canada, and we were going to do it in the summertime and we realized how stupid that was. That, you know, I've done a lot of stuff for the NHL, going on their radio show and everything. We really need to promote this thing because I haven't toured Canada and I don't want to be in front of 40 people every show. So we took that tour, we moved it to January of 2014 during hockey
Starting point is 01:46:07 season where I can actually promote the thing. So I don't go to fucking Thunder Bay and stand in front of two people, but so that's kind of a bad thing if you wanted me to come to Canada. So I apologize because I know I said I was going to be there, but we are putting together a tour of all these, the flyover states in place of that in July. And some of the dates are going to be like Boise, Idaho. I know I got a date or two in Montana, the last state I need to go to, then I've been to all 50. I remember hearing Deadwood, Kansas, I think Oklahoma, some places in Colorado that aren't Denver because I always go to the comedy work. So I'm going to try to get out there and maybe do another bus tour and hit all these places that I've never
Starting point is 01:46:58 been to. And you know, I have people come up to me at the end of my shows, go, man, I drove four hours, I drove six hours and like these insane, I drove here from fucking Iowa. And you know, so I think it's about time that I fucking drove out to where they're at. So that's going to be happening in July. I'll let you guys know about the dates as soon as they get solidified. And once again, thank you to everybody came. It's how fucking great this tour was. I actually, you know, I ended up in Kansas City at the Midland Theater and the promoter's girlfriend made all these cookies with my name on them and said the Midland Theater thanking me for coming out. It was one of the nicest fucking things anybody has ever done for me. And you know what's so funny? I have such a
Starting point is 01:47:46 fucking sweet tooth. She made like 20 of them. I took them all home. I stuck them in my luggage. And some of them broke. But I have such a sweet tooth, I put them in this fucking tupperware, even poured the crumbs in there. So my battle for not being old Billy fat face, I'm fucking losing it. But so and as much as I appreciated that, please, somebody else don't do it to me because I'll become a tub of shit if somebody gives me cookies after every fucking show because I'll eat all of them. It's an embarrassing weakness that I have. All right, that's the podcast for this week. For people who want to get into the NHL, the NHL playoffs start tomorrow, I believe April 30th. And I'm going to fucking, I'm ride a diet with my Bruins and I'm hoping just something because
Starting point is 01:48:31 it's the playoffs that they can somehow put together three good periods. I don't give a fuck. I'll always watch and my love them go fuck yourselves. That's the podcast. I'll see you next week there.

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