Monday Morning Podcast - Thursday Afternoon Monday Morning Podcast 8-3-23

Episode Date: August 3, 2023

Bill rambles about Pink, butterscotch pudding, and farmland....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Bill Burr and it's time for the Thursday afternoon just before Friday Monday morning podcast and I am just checking in on you. Just checking in on you. See you in all your weeks going. My week's going good. I'm on vacation. Vacation from what? You fucking liberal piece of shit Well, it was last time you picked up a hammer and fucking swung it Y'all ain't working out there. You don't strike on strike from what plain make believe Y'all come out here self-care line and experience little fucking reality Can you spell that Mr. Fucking Hollywood writer? South Carolina, experienced little fucking reality.
Starting point is 00:00:49 Can you spell that, Mr. Fucking Hollywood writer? So sick of you fucking liable's belly aching a mile here, trying to listen to Travis trick. Taking a fucking little bit of a break, I'm still doing some standup, man. Because that's the deal. You can't, you can only take a break from standup for so long, and then it starts dipping. It's like doing cardio, right? You're on that elliptical every fucking day. You know, you're blowing through.
Starting point is 00:01:22 You're getting 5,000, 55,500 fucking steps in and a half hour. Like it's nothing. Staring down the soccer mom next to you. What you got, woman? Why don't you go back to your thigh master, were you below? I don't know why I've adopted this southern accent, but it's fucking fun.
Starting point is 00:01:51 I don't know a lot, but I know enough. You know what I mean? You know what I'm saying? I don't need to know all the information to know what's going on. to know what's going on. Not to say that Southern people have done. It's just fun to act like that in that accent. I mean, you could do it where I'm from. Dude, I got street smats. You know what I'm saying? Just fucking, all these fucking suits
Starting point is 00:02:20 in the capital area walking around with their fucking, you know, oh, I got a position, you know, the fucking, you don't have an office, you have a cubicle, all right, when the walls don't touch the ceilings, that's not an office, all right? You like one of those dogs with a fucking lampshade around your neck, except it's a fucking office. You know, never in my life have I been able to read a spreadsheet, and I don't have any desire to fucking learn. I did take an accounting class.
Starting point is 00:03:00 And like most classes, it started off well. Got a B on the first thing. I was doing well in introductions. And then I start getting overwhelmed by information and then it just kind of all falls. It all falls to the wayside. What is it, whatever the fuck that means? I don't even know if I'm saying that right.
Starting point is 00:03:20 There's an expression to look up the wayside. How do you spell way? Is that like way powder? Is it W-E-I-G-H? It all falls to the wayside. Let's look this up, shall we? It all falls to the wayside. Is that even an expression? Oh, that's all one word. It all falls to the wayside. Instead, for it all falls to the wayside. Wait. Okay, what does fall to the wayside? If someone falls by the wayside, they fail to finish an activity and if something falls by the wayside, people stop doing it
Starting point is 00:04:14 and making it a use of it. So why does one company, wow, origin, we got to go origin here. Hang on one second. Sorry. God damn it. Fuck and curious, motherfucker. Oh God, from the parable of the sour told by Jesus or Jesus and recorded to the New Testament of the Bible. The term appearing in Matthew 13, colon 4, Mark Mark 14.4, and fucking Luke, always dragon-ass 8.5. The parable is the story of a farmer who sows seeds and some fall by the wayside, and it wasotting down and the fouls of the air devoured it. Well thank you for explaining that. By the way, somebody sent me this fucking clip of pink at Fenway Park and it had to be the sickest thing I've ever seen. You know, she's always had like the trapeze stuff flying around the crouching tiger, hitting dragon stuff, right?
Starting point is 00:05:30 She's like in the outfield. And all of a sudden, she just starts doing back flips over the whole crowd across the whole stadium on this wire. Just, and they had her lit up like tinkerbell. It looked like anyway. And she just fucking, I don't know how many she did like, like fucking 20 of them across a major league baseball park. And then she landed on this little thing like Superman, like wave to everybody everybody and then they brought her along the upper deck and she was like running acting like she was running in air along the fucking upper deck.
Starting point is 00:06:15 And then it goes back to where she started and she's still running in the air and at one point she just has like one leg up and one leg down like landing like Superman and this fucking thing she landed on couldn't have been more than like like two feet across a little circle and she landed right on it. Who's like the sickest thing I think I've ever seen in a concert. I just can't imagine being on drugs. We're at the back of the stadium. I mean you're just sitting there going like, Jesus Christ is fucking seat suck. I mean, that might as well be Martha Stewart down.
Starting point is 00:06:50 And all she's just like, Oh, that's fucking coming at you. Like, wait a minute. I hope she warned people. Hey, anybody on psychedelics just to let you know this is real. Okay, it's all done with wires, you know, it's super safe. All right, just letting everybody know before I freak you out. That's what was killing me because it's the greatest visual thing I think I've ever seen. I've watched it like a hundred times. Like I don't even know how did she count how did they time it like how does she know like she's doing the backflips
Starting point is 00:07:33 I don't I who the fuck doesn't who the hell would do that all the shit that's happened in concerts fucking lighting things falling down on people paralyzing you do that. That's like astronaut level balls. But anyways, I was just kept thinking about if like nobody knew that technology existed, but somehow they had it back in the 80s when I was going to concerts,
Starting point is 00:07:57 and I was just thinking like, and you had no idea that was coming, like what the crowd would have just stampede it out of the stadium thinking you were like a fucking witch or something. You know, if you went to go see Queen and Freddie Mercury is up there, I paid my prize, I paid my dues. You're sort of fucking backflipin' across the fucking stadium.
Starting point is 00:08:20 If you really do this guys a fucking witch, let's get out of here, man. Anyway, shout out to Pinker and anybody who saw that. I can't imagine if you're up there and all of a sudden, even just for that moment, even though you seat suck, right? Not the back flip part, but when she runs by, like she's on this fucking invisible unit, look at it, like she's on a horse. Just came flying by, I mean, that right there makes it work, worth the trip. I think it's a really smart thing.
Starting point is 00:08:58 You know, as I remember back in the day, I saw the Rolling Stones and uh, most of it's Sullivan Stadium and I was way up in the upper deck and uh, you know, Mick was like the size of my fucking thumb and he never fucking flip through the crowd. He was just up there sachet and in his fucking loose clothes. He's always wearing like silk or something. Right, can't have me clear who's touching me baldy. I move around a lot, yeah. Don't know if you're seeing it, in a band running stones, been around fucking 60 years.
Starting point is 00:09:38 It's the worst English accent ever. Hey Keith, can you cool it? Anyway, I was fucking blown away by that. I don't know who the hell came up with that shit. We had Tommy Lee going upside down in his drum kit. But even then, they showed it in the music video. So you, they, Molly Crew was nice enough to give you the heads up that it was coming, because they knew that their crowd was gonna be on drugs.
Starting point is 00:10:09 Anybody was at that Fenway show, like tripping on mushrooms or whatever, and had no idea that maybe you were a casual fan of pink. I'm coming out, again, I got that back. I'm coming out, you know, like the hits, right? You don't know the deeper cuts, deep pink, right? So you just fucking go with the friend of yours, you know, and you're like, well, you know, all right.
Starting point is 00:10:33 At least I can do some drugs. Anybody that anybody go to that show and have no fucking idea that that pink was gonna be in seven seconds right next to your fucking seat. You'll be fucking hilarious if everybody rips her off and then that just becomes the standard thing. Like you have to have that at a concert and then all these fucking old guys from my generation all of the thing. I gotta do what and all of a sudden, you know, fucking old ass David covered Dale. It is still not.
Starting point is 00:11:09 And he's fucking gotta do like fucking back flips. All right, Bill, we get it. Whatever, I was blown away by it. I think it's amazing. But I also, you know, I could not take myself out of the fan experience there. Go and hold. You gotta fucking warn me. if you're gonna do,
Starting point is 00:11:27 she must have been flying around before that and that had to be the finishing move. Like, I don't know how the fuck you top that. You start dropping money. What? What? What? What?
Starting point is 00:11:44 What? What? In a gesture of generosity goes horribly wrong at the pink concert. I was looking down and people were tearing it one another and I was like, no, this bunny's supposed to set you free. I'd like to apologize to anyone who has trampled for the de blooms that I dropped while doing 27 back flips from one side of Komiski Park to another man. It's just fucking, that is incredible. Supposed to me, I just stand there doing the old shit joke. So I'm on vacation here, man. And I've been riding this back every fucking day.
Starting point is 00:12:28 Renting a back, finally down lower than that. You're like, Bill, you're on vacation. Why are you still yawning? Why are you still tired? Oh, because I have a three year old son who comes in every morning at fucking 658, whether you like it or not. Hi, dad. loud as hell. I want X-SAM, what's that, I got out,
Starting point is 00:12:51 data, data, X-SAM, what's that, I gotta be like, son, son, you gotta be patient, you gotta be patient, and then he just drops his voice down, he just goes, X-Hawage. I want X-Hawage, data. Data X-Hawage. What?
Starting point is 00:13:12 What? Then I start laughing, and then he gives me that killer smile, oh my God, so my heart melts, and next thing you know, I'm up. I'm up and I'm making a fucking X sandwich. He can finally hold the sandwich close. You know, it was the best,
Starting point is 00:13:29 it was when he couldn't and the eggs would fall out and then we just go, oh no! Oh no, dad, oh no! Oh no! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha That would just play along going, oh, no, jeez. Let's get those eggs, you gotta squeeze it. Gotta squeeze the fucking toast together. Anyway, I'm an eating like a fucking champ. Eating like a champ.
Starting point is 00:14:02 Smoothies, salads. You know, trying to learn how to do splits. eating like a champ, smoothies, salads, you know, trying to learn how to do splits. Sorry. I did add something even more feminine in there. Anyway, what else was I doing? I caught a little bit of coffee last night. I did go out to dinner and I ordered really well, but then I saw the dessert menu and you know me, hey, I don't need to tell you guys about me, right?
Starting point is 00:14:33 I mean, believe me, you'll know what I'm thinking. I used to love calling when you used to do bits about guys like that. I fucking loved it. Hey, and you know me. No, I don't know you fucking narcissist. Anyway, yeah, I say I don't need dessert. It's been fucking fantastic. Cause everywhere, you know, it's the summertime.
Starting point is 00:15:00 And I'm going around and we're in, you know, this touristy place and everybody's fucking eat nice cream. I don't know what it is. I think ice creams the thing to get this year, which I gotta be honest with you, I don't know why you get ice cream on a hot day. Why the fuck you would go for dairy? You would never go like, oh my God, it's fucking hot out.
Starting point is 00:15:20 Somebody give me a glass of milk and these fucking people are a chowin' the thing. And I say this every summer, there's nothing funnier than watching a grown man eat an ice cream cone it's the funniest shit you know now like homophobia has gotten to the point that is a straight man if you have a banana you have to be like breaking pieces off of it you can't just eat the banana like the way a chimp does because everybody says it looks like you're going down
Starting point is 00:15:50 on a fucking dick, right? That's the latest homophobia. I don't know how the ice cream has gotten away with it. Is the guy sitting there going down this looking like, you know, the whole fucking thing is just like, it's like, you know, the whole fucking thing is just like, it's like, you know, the manliest, the manly guy, and then all of a sudden he's just giving a sloppy ice cold blow job as he's walking down the street.
Starting point is 00:16:12 I fucking die laughing every time I watch it. It's the funniest fucking shit. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Anyway, enjoy your summer, everybody. It's just, even just in general, it's just something funny about a guy standing there holding an ice cream. That's even better when he's waiting for his wife just standing there holding the ice cream. Like, all he needs is like a balloon tied around his wrist. Oh, Bill, can we just enjoy, you know, one of the last summers before the oceans rise and swallow up probably 12 of the 50 states?
Starting point is 00:16:54 Um, I cannot fucking... Oh, so anyway, so last night we're at the restaurant. And for like a year and a half, I've been craving butter scotch pudding. Like, I don't know what got knock loose in my brain, but back in the day, you know, my mother used to buy those Swiss, missed instant pudding things that would just 100% fructose corn syrup, whatever the fuck it was, all trans fat. I mean, if I have a drop of a fucking heart attack, it's because of those fucking things
Starting point is 00:17:31 way back in the day. But whatever, I was like craving one of those. I wasn't craving a gourmet, you know, butterscotch fucking thing, but blah, blah, blah, blah. I wanted the fucking Swiss mess and last night I go to this restaurant, my lovely wife, my mother-in-law, and we had a great meal and I looked at the dessert menu and they had a fucking butterscotch putting with some sort of whiskey something and I was like, I would have got up with this booze in it. And he is like, it burns off.
Starting point is 00:18:10 It burns out of there. All right. You're not a chef. I'll take that for a fucking answer, right? So I ordered the thing, but all three of us split it. I had like five bites of it and it was very good, but it was afterward where I was just like, you know what, that didn't scratch the itch. I wanted to go back and child sense memory.
Starting point is 00:18:39 I wanted, like, because the one I had last night was fucking, was amazing, but I wanted the fucking white trash one. You know, the one somebody comes knocking on your fucking trailer door and you come walking over. You got half the fucking dessert, you mustache. Can I help you?
Starting point is 00:19:05 Pfft. Pfft. Pfft. Pfft. That's one of my favorite things people say when you're trespassing. Pfft. Can I help you? It's so fucking like, like non-confrontational but confrontational but passive I guess would be. But I also like how all of a sudden you start talking like you work in a macy's.
Starting point is 00:19:30 Is there anything I can help you with? You know, keys to my car. Tell you where my watch is in the house. May I help you? Excuse me. Are you lost? Excuse me. Are you lost? Excuse me, is there a problem? These are the expressions of people
Starting point is 00:19:52 that have not had a fight in 30 years and don't want to have another one. That's how they, they, um, hello? No, notice none of those fucking sayings were ever in a semester alone. Schwarzenegger, Steven Segal, Jason State the movie. They never go, you know, is everything okay? Well, I guess they could get away.
Starting point is 00:20:24 Excuse me, are you lost? I'm trying to do Schwarzenegger. What's a good Schwarzenegger? I have to get some fuck bill. Do you have you guys watched the documentary, the Schwarzenegger documentary yet? That's what keep, I keep hearing that voice. Still here at my head.
Starting point is 00:20:45 You got this picture in your mind of what you want your body to look like and you will it, you will your body. Whatever the hell he said, that just stuck. You will it to look like that. So I wanna look like that old dad that maybe used to do hard drugs because that's one of the things that they don't talk about about hard drugs is when you do hard drugs younger in your life for whatever reason you're just like skinny for your whole life. You know, you know, they're all these rock stars.
Starting point is 00:21:22 All the ones that had had the big heroin problems. They come out. It's this weird sort of like it's like this heroin dad bought that they come out with. We can see their rib cage where their chest, where their pecs should be. fucking this little pot belly. I am fascinating. I do this thing with Dean Del Ray, where we try to find the most the most accessorized rock stars. And you just try to see where it went off the rails. I mean, it just gets crazy. All right, so you got the fucking leather on leather outfit. You got the tattoos, then you go with the eyeliner, right?
Starting point is 00:22:17 And then you gotta have like, like, fucking 40 bracelets, like 12 earring. You just look at them, you know, like a fucking headband. I love wearing a bandana and then you put a hat on top of the bandana and then there's a bandana tied around the brimmy of fucking hat. You just wanna look at them like, dude, how long does it take you to get
Starting point is 00:22:37 fucking dressed and undressed in the morning? I mean, just the fucking sound, you know, some chick state in this guy, hey, hang on a second, I gotta get ready for bed. And he just goes in there and it sounds like somebody dropped like a fucking, like a box of nails. It's just him getting, taking all of his fucking. Don't even take them all off. They all link together. Some of these fucking people.
Starting point is 00:23:10 Bandana, I hat on top of the bandana, bandana around the brim. And then they got like some sort of fucking glasses, 40 fucking earrings, nose ring that connects to something like they're fucking, I don't know what, something else. It's like we get it. We get it. You make money.
Starting point is 00:23:33 Fucking play in music. I kind of feel like it's like as they go around the world, people keep giving them gifts and they just keep putting it on themselves. Or I made this jacket for you. Hey, thanks mate. And then they fucking put it on and then they get another jacket and then they cut the sleeves off for one. All right, it's a jacket on top of the jacket with a windbreaker and then a vest and an
Starting point is 00:24:01 overcoat. Sorry. and a vest and an overcoat. Sorry. I think that idea was as long as it takes to get fucking dressed as a rock star. Twice that Malcolm Young had it down. Guy would come out, black t-shirt, white t-shirt, whatever, blue jeans, underwear, socks, sneakers, done. And he would just go out there and play, and that was fucking it. The man did not have a stylist yet came up with his own style.
Starting point is 00:24:36 I didn't wonder how many of those suits Angus brought out on the road. I mean, he has to have, I mean, that's like workout clothes with that guy. The guy comes off stage, it's like work out close with that guy. Okay, it comes off stage. It's like he's coming out of the ocean. I mean, there's no fucking way. They just hang that thing up wet and let it dry and then he fucking does it. I bet early on in his career, they did. Oh, Jesus. Now, there's a question nobody asked, Angus. Hey, seven nights into your tour on the high voltage tour. How nasty was that fucking school boy outfit? All right, I don't have any fucking reads.
Starting point is 00:25:14 I don't have any reads. Did you guys see that thing? Not to get into politics here. This is I am watching the I like, I have no hope. Okay. So I'm just watching just to see if my suspicions are true. So everybody claims on the left and the right that they like a straight shooter and all of that type of stuff
Starting point is 00:25:33 and somebody that's gonna tell it like it is and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, So somebody sent me this thing that R.F.K. Jr. told this whole story about how this corporation with this one guy at the head of it put all these independent pig farmers out of business. You know, they just had more money and they had a more efficient way of killing pigs and they were able to slaughter like 30,000 pigs a day in Butcherham. And because they did, they drove the price of like pork all the way down to like, I don't know, 25 cents or something,
Starting point is 00:26:15 which caused all these other independent farmers to go bankrupt. And then, if you wanted to keep being a pig farmer, you then had to sign a contract with this corporation that puts you out of business. And the corporation supplied you with the piglets, with the food. You know, you had to do exactly what they said. They basically became serfs, like the feudal system on their own land. They took over it basically, I don't know, 80% They took over it basically, I don't know, 80% of pig farms in this country. And then in the end, you know what they did?
Starting point is 00:26:49 They sold it to China. So these are the kinds of stories that you say, and this is wrong and this really messes with America, right? You watch what they do to that guy. You watch how they fucking try to tear him down in all of the, because all of these fucking politicians know this shit's happening. And you know, this isn't new information, but you know, they can't be pro senators and congressmen cannot be prosecuted for, I guess, insider trading. They're privy to all of this stuff.
Starting point is 00:27:31 And because they can't, these companies on Wall Street send them information to basically give them the hook up. So they'll make a bunch of fucking money and then essentially look the other way when these corporations are doing evil shit. So all of these fucking assholes where they go like, he's a public servant. He isn't. They're serving themselves. So whenever a guy like this comes along, you know, Robert Kennedy, Jr., Bernie Sanders, and even Trump in a way, even though Trump was sort of the corporate evil fucking guy, like how he made himself out to be like this Robin Hood guy, what it's just like, dude, you like the amount of money that you've cost the average
Starting point is 00:28:18 Joe with all these bankruptcy. It's like, you know, it's don't declare bankruptcy and they wipe away the debt. They got to get the money back. Like we have to pay for that and he stood up there like the dead judge the the bankruptcy laws and his own fucking people are applauding him Yay, we paid your tab and None of us are a member at your golf course I Just find it fascinating watching the liberal Democratic party what they did to Bernie Sanders these last two elections where he won the popular vote And they were just like now we're still giving you a company man and they gave his Hillary and fucking, you know
Starting point is 00:28:54 Joe Biden, I mean I don't know. We'll see what's gonna happen. I don't have any faith that like You know, I'm waiting for a politician I don't have any faith that like, you know, I'm waiting for a politician to start talking about this stuff because I don't understand what we're doing. We're completely letting the country go to hell. And then if you bring it up, people, he's a fucking socialist communist,
Starting point is 00:29:18 the gas will be nine million dollars a gallon if this guy gets it and then the guy just goes away every fucking time. So you watch. You watch. And it'll be done by the left. But just disappointing, because all I want, all I want for the next president,
Starting point is 00:29:36 I just want somebody sane that gives a shit about people. That's it. That's it. Does that ask him too much? or at least doesn't have dementia? Alright, anyway we'll see what happens though everybody. This is old butterscotch bill signing off. Have a wonderful beginning of August. Don't get upset that it's August. Enjoy August. Alright, still this summer. Alright, see you. Hey, what's going on? It's Bill Burnett. It's the Monday morning podcast for Monday, August 3rd, 2015. What's going on? Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah you, can you believe it's already August 3rd?
Starting point is 00:30:45 Where is the summer going? No need to fret everyone. Because now that we are in the golden age of global warming, you know, right before all the bad shit happens, the great thing is, the summer goes right through to like October at this point. So there's still time to get your beach body ladies and gentlemen
Starting point is 00:31:09 You not really helps with you you ever just get depressed at how quickly life is going by how quickly time is going by you know It really helps that is if you're working towards something I Sweaty God not try to get all fucking goofy here-help. I'm actually excited for August to end, to get right through this month because I know where I'm gonna be, because I've been working out today. I stepped on the scale and my goal was to get go from 180 to 177, drop my three pounds for the fucking week. I go to the gym every day It's just because poppy life You know what I'll be a fanny Wow you're gonna gym every day you're cut
Starting point is 00:31:56 Woo I got on I got on the scale babble to lap up when I got out of bed I got on the scale this morning. And I weighed in at 176.4 or point, FOA is some people say in Massachusetts, or basically the New England area. 176.4, six ounces to spare. Pretty psyched about that. What I did this week was I just kept eating the exact same way that I've been eating,
Starting point is 00:32:32 which is perfect as I know how to eat. You know, there's only so much you can read about nutrition. You know, about good carbohydrates, what a good fats, bad fats, good cholesterol, bad cholesterol, fucking glycerin, whatever, I just a glucose and all that shit, I just shut up, all right, with your words, you know, those fucking words don't excite me. They don't make me go, oh, what's the next sentence going to read? I got to figure out how to get excited about reading about nutrition. You know, I just can't, I cannot get into reading about nuts and berries. You don't want to mean there's no car chase, there's no titties, there's
Starting point is 00:33:14 no classic lines, no shiny suits, oh, there's nothing, what is there for me? You know, like sitting through with some fucking movie, you know, you didn't want to see, but you fucked up in your relationships, so you're trying to repair it, see like, all right, I'll fucking, uh, oh yeah, let's go see this movie. What is it called? What is it called? Seven suppers in September. What the fuck I'm thinking about?
Starting point is 00:33:44 Dinner dates, divine, whatever the fuck it's going to be. Anyways, but I switched up the cardio this week. I went to the gym and I skipped a rope a couple of times. So it was a different kind of cardio. So my body's still like, hey, whoa, whoa, what the fuck's going on? You know, because I overheard somebody say you're supposed to confuse your body every like three to six weeks. So I did that and it's working for me. It's working for me. Oh boy, oh boy. And I'm psyched that I'm losing weight. But this is the time and I,
Starting point is 00:34:12 because I'm recording this on Sunday night. And it's about, I don't know, seven, eight o'clock. I don't know what the fuck time it is. And this is the time and night where I usually crack open a cold one. And I'm not, I'm 28 days in 29 when you hear this and you know so now I'm not craving alcohol I don't give a fuck about it I'm gonna give a shit but like I'm not like you know I'm used to
Starting point is 00:34:35 my new lifestyle you know this is it just wide. Oh fucking brain cells. Straight line all counted for. Jesus Christ on board shitless. Fucking board shitless. But I am working towards a few things. I took my first uh, um, auto rotation, uh, advanced auto rotation class and I fucking loved it and I felt like I've got like 30% better at them in one lesson and I'm just gonna keep taking those fucking things until I can simulate a Engine failure and land it like essentially in a parking spot and once I do that then I'm gonna feel like all right Now I feel comfortable to fly around take some passengers and that type of shit That's what you do. You don't get your license and then go well That's not what you do. You don't get your license and then go, well, I got to pass the fucking test. Let me just fly around and hope nothing happens.
Starting point is 00:35:33 That's not what you do. You keep going. You keep learning. Keep trying. Fuck. 28 days in. 72 days, 72 minus 28. That's 52 minus 844 44 days to go I'm rapidly approaching the halfway point which is 36 days Was 27 35 shit. I was hoping next week I was gonna be at the halfway point who's kidding? Who people I'm gonna come off I'm gonna drop about 20 pounds and I am gonna come off this fucking This stretcher no booze and I'm gonna put on at least 30 pounds just a booze weight. Forget about all the dumb food choices I'm gonna make when I'm hammered. Um, now Jesus, so anyways, 176.4, there you go. So all I gotta do is lose 2.4 this week, I'm gonna give a fuck. I just gotta plow through this fucking week, you know?
Starting point is 00:36:20 Cause then I'll be down to 174 and then it gets exciting, right? Then you start getting into the low 170s and that's basically, you know, that's where, you know, because that'll be down to 174 and then it gets exciting, right? Then you start getting into the low 170s and that's basically, you know, that's where, you know, in my business, I could go out and get a headshot and maybe a book of Cheerios commercial. That's an exciting way to be at, you know what I mean? No, you can sit there and laugh. Those toasted-oes commercials, they fucking pay. I did one a long time ago. I think it's up on YouTube. If you search for it, search old Billy Redface, toast at os. Nah, I'm kidding, I never did one of those.
Starting point is 00:36:50 But I wasn't a honeycomb commercial when I was just a kid. Honeycomb's big. Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's not small. Nah, I wasn't in that shit either. Anyways, let's get on with the podcast here. So that's the deal, trying to get in shape, you know what I mean because I'm not a young fella anymore and If anything tells me that is when fucking you know Heroes of mine for when I was a kid dying this sleep
Starting point is 00:37:15 Fucking devastating news of Roddy Raudy Roddy pipe are passing away this week, man I could believe it was fucking 61 I Could believe it was that old and I could have believed it was that old. And I also was thinking like, that's 14 years away from me. And 14 years you can die in your sleep, like that can happen. And everybody's okay with that, you know, like, I, uh, I'm not okay with it. I mean, they missed a guy in shit, but anyways, so, rest in peace, rowdy, rowdy, piper. Thank you for all the fucking laughs, piper's pit, man.
Starting point is 00:37:44 That was the best. Just when they think they know the answers, I changed the questions. I got to meet him a couple of times when I was down the comedy store and I had a chance to hang out with him one time and I didn't because he was that big a deal for me and I didn't want to know him too well because he was such a big fucking deal. That's when that I'm telling you. Before the rock in Stone Cold Steve Austin, which was definitely a golden age, and I think the rock is the best guy ever on the mic other than fucking Ric Flair. That's what I my own personal opinion, whatever. But before the golden age of the rocks don't cold Steve Austin mankind. Oh, who's a guy? What the
Starting point is 00:38:29 fuck was he called? I just know what the rock used to call him. He used to call him the red, you know what? Oh, what was his name? I can't fuck him up. Routing, rotting pipe, sergeant slaughter. Mr. Wonderful. Jimmy Superfly, Snooker. I used to watch all of that shit. Larry's a Bisco, Tony Garea, Ted D. Biasi, Greg Daham, a Valentine, Ivan Putsky, Pat Patterson.
Starting point is 00:39:08 Who else? The end of Bruno's semartino. And now there was a reddit fellow there. We had the belt. What the fuck was his name? Bob Backland, Hulk Hogan, Andre the Giant, the Iron Sheik, George the animal steel, the fucking moon dogs, Mr. Fuji and Mr. Saedo, the man of the wild Samoans, Captain Lual Bono, Freddie Blassy, the grand wizard of wrestling. I used to watch that shit every fucking week. I loved it. And one of the biggest parts when when fucking Routing Roddy Piper came on the scene. It was like who the fuck is this guy Came out and that killed and from day one was talking. She was one of those guys
Starting point is 00:39:55 He he showed up and he was a star. It seemed like it was just overnight He was so good. You couldn't remember wrestling without a man And I can't believe that man 61 years old. looked great too, and I saw him fuck it look great Terrible that I mean I'm getting to that age where that gets terrifying like how old was he with the fuck? So anyways Yes, the men start to make me feel old so I feel good that I'm actually working towards some shit So oh Billy fucking 20 hobbies here. So I'm working on those good that I'm actually working towards some shit. So oh Billy fucking 20 hobbies here. So I'm working on those uh, autorotations and I actually started taking drum lessons again because I'm sick of
Starting point is 00:40:29 fucking flailing around the kit and uh, you know, I was always, I always admired guys that had that fucking flawless technique. And I think seeing Keith Karlock when he played with uh, steely Dan and just watching the obviously no matter how much technique i have them never gonna play like that guy but just watching uh... him just effortlessly go around the kit and the sticks are doing the work is just guiding with his hands just
Starting point is 00:40:58 forgets is really some drum geek shit but it's fucking unreal and haven't said that does anybody know who who was Jim croe she's drummer does anybody have any idea I'm trying to figure out who played on that working at the car wash blues which is really you know it's kind of a corny fucking song who's getting who but the drums on it are they shit I love the drums on that fucking song and I finally figured out that little fucking I'll play a little something for you this is a little fucking press role that the guy doesn't the beginning i'll say where the hell is it come on or here we go
Starting point is 00:41:33 it is coming up right now right here i fucking love that and two three and and one But I've been sitting in my fucking just like a fucking rain man trying to figure that thing out and I started taking lessons and My teacher helped me out with the shit. I'm psyched. So I suck at it But I know I know physically how to do it So I just got you just sit there and you do it a million times who knows maybe I'll bust that song out of the the comedy gym
Starting point is 00:42:06 Oh Jim Croci God damn it that guys got some depressing songs Huh New York's not my home And I learned a lot of lessons and they were not the nice kind of all the shitty things about fucking sleeping In a doorway getting mugged having to call his parents that New York's not my home I just started singing that don't you know that I gotta get out of here I'm so alone don't you know that I gotta get out of here
Starting point is 00:42:40 because New York's not my home thank god I never knew that song existed when I first moved to New York and was eating my balls at the Old Boston Comedy Club. Oh, it got on crying. That was that early 70s shit. They were not about bringing people up. They were just like, no, sit in it. Sit in that depression. Yeah, he's got a couple. He's got I got a name. You know, like the pine trees, line in, no winding road. I got a name. I got a name. So I have to song doesn't make any sense.
Starting point is 00:43:14 Like the singing bird and the croaking toad, I got a name. That neither one of those animals has really as a name, unless it's a pet, other than that, it's just called what it is. That'd be like if your name was human being, right? You know, maybe I should just sit back and enjoy this song. I don't fucking know, but I just, you know, and I can't with me like my dad it did. And even then it gets sad, but I'm living the dream that he couldn't give. What do that mean?
Starting point is 00:43:44 He drank away his paycheck every week It was just fucking good Lord Guys put none number one songs and he's all he's all fucking sad Might as me that the the Seattle guy there right what the page boy haircut He was a saddy too. We had all these great fucking albums. He didn't like it here Anyways, what am I doing? What am I talking about here? There's something I wanted to talk about. Oh, so my wife for whatever fucking reason absolutely loves that show that American greed and
Starting point is 00:44:17 She watches like three of those episodes every fucking night before we go to bed and I and I always end up falling asleep because it's the same fucking story over and over again. You know? It's the same thing. The guy starts up a fucking business. He he dressing the party, he's faking it to you make it. He gets a bunch of investors. He hands out fake spreadsheets and he got these fucking innocent people just going like, you know, I saw they were charging. I was getting 30% and I was like, this sounds like a good deal to me. Right? And then they always go, you know, they always get some really bad metaphor. They invested in an ice cream chain,
Starting point is 00:44:56 but this wasn't the flavor they were looking for. When we returned, glass in the ice cream. Oh, wow, wow, that fucking song. glass in the ice cream. Wow. Wow. That fucking song. American greed. I'll tell you, you know what he's going to end up on fucking American greed is that cunt who shot that lion.
Starting point is 00:45:17 Everybody's talking about this dentist that went over and illegally poached this lion that was friendly with people. I love that shit. Is it friendly with people until what? It bites somebody's fucking head off? Fucking unreal. You know what I mean? Everybody's fucking salient, gas the pit bulls. You shoot a fucking lion and he's like, oh he was nice. He was a good lion. I'm not saying it was a bad lion. I'm not saying the guy shouldn't have done it. I think everybody's missing the fucking story here. All right, speaking of American
Starting point is 00:45:46 greed, this guy paid 50 grand. All right, that's just for the fuck, that's not even for his flight to go over there and kill this fucking lion. All right. I'm not trying to stony thing up here, but how the fuck an adentist afford to drop 50 grand to fly to Africa to shoot a fucking lion illegally. Just thinking of all the how expensive the shoes he had to buy that he had to sneak around and that had to be some sort of ninja wear fucking I'm going to shoot a protected lion wear that he had on right. I dropped 50 grand on that and now he's gone underground. The golders house he's got a mansion right and all they talk
Starting point is 00:46:36 about is this fucking lion and I'm watching an episode of American Great. How do fuck are you for all fill in fucking I'm any teeth that you fill in. This guy's pulling teeth. He's I'm telling you right now. I used to work in a dental office right and I there was some good dentists just like cops. There's some
Starting point is 00:47:01 good cops. There's some bad cops and I'm not talking about interrogation. Talking about brandishing a weapon. It's just like cops, there's some good cops, there's some bad cops and I'm not talking about interrogation Talking about brainishing a weapon No, I'm talking about fucking people pulling teeth that didn't need to be pulled fucking doing root-doing fillings on teeth That did not need to be fucking drilled into because they bought a car beyond their own fucking Needs or whatever they're there, they have financial responsibility. All right, I think this guy should be fucking taken back there. Just for the simple fact, just for the simple fact that he, uh,
Starting point is 00:47:37 he went to another country and did that. What do we got over here? Does the MGM still have a lion? What if he he what if somebody from Zimbabwe came over here? What about the MGM lion, right? Right as they were recording that you're watching an MGM film they fuck please turn the air conditioner back on Yeah, the lovely knee everybody she came in. This is a studio man. They've letterman had it cold I'm having it cold. He lasted fucking 30 years on television. I want to do 30 years of podcasting Well, what's good is the air conditioning if you're gonna fucking turn it off listen
Starting point is 00:48:16 I'm talking about that dentist that went out went over to Zimbabwe You got to go grab a mic from the from the closet there I know no one wants to listen to this. Let me just hit pause here. Ah, fuck it. I never hit pause. Um, Do you know that story near? Yes.
Starting point is 00:48:33 This dentist from Minnesota, he's a, you know, he likes, he's one of those big game hunters. You know what I mean? He's one of those fucking guys. I'm gonna shoot something that people think is scary. And they can be like, Oh, I killed that shit. You know, like mean? He's one of those fucking guys. I'm gonna shoot something That people think is scary and they can be like, oh, I killed that shit You know like it went up and he fucking put it in a chokehold Take it didn't you you went over and you shot it the fact that you can go you can walk up
Starting point is 00:48:56 and kill an armed man a Human being with the gun you could fucking kill you could you could do it Even if he knew you were coming you have a gun he is a gun you could do that. So now you're going up to a lion. The thing doesn't have a gun. So I mean how fucking difficult is it? Actually they shut it with a crossbow but there's one they shut it with a crossbow was because they were trying to disguise. Doesn't he have he's gone big game hunting before right? Like he's done it a lot. Well here's the thing that I thought I saw some weirdly alarmist headline being like, you know, he's like a serial killer of animals.
Starting point is 00:49:28 And it's like the way they were putting it was like, you know, this is what he does all the time. I don't know. He's one of those guys, he doesn't seem like he kills to eat it. Yeah, yeah, it's just for sport. Yeah, he's one of those guys to be like, yeah, you ever hear of an alligator? Fucking shot one in the head.
Starting point is 00:49:43 It was, he put it up in his study or something. Yeah, I like one of those guys. He's one of those guys. So he went about him. He fled, right? Like he, uh, he went over to Zimbabwe, he went like a crossbow, and he fucking went into some, like wildlife sanctuary.
Starting point is 00:49:57 Allegedly, this lion was friendly with people. I love that shit. Stassel the lion. Cecil or whatever. It was, it's, yeah, it's friendly until it isn't. To the one day you do something that reminds us, it's, you know, something from its childhood and it fucking bites your head off.
Starting point is 00:50:12 But it's what it's supposed to do. It's a lion. Yeah. It kills shit. Yeah, of course. So you went in and you fucking killed it, to capitated it, skin the fucking thing. Yeah, what's the head?
Starting point is 00:50:22 Yeah. First of all, how do you get the head back? I don't know. I don't want to know. You got to go gym bag. They're gonna drain it out. They probably do it there. Oh, no, you know what he did. He probably takes the fucking just the skin from the head. You bring that back and then you just you have somebody like make a like a lion back and then you just, you have somebody like make a like a lion skull and then you put it over there because no one's gonna know that the skull isn't in there, right? This is the kind of shit. This is like pre-meditated. No idea. Let me issue this now because you're into American greed. This guy's a dentist.
Starting point is 00:50:59 He paid 50 grand to do that. Now he's gone underground. They're going by his house. He has a mansion. This guy's a dentist. He has a mansion. He's going all these expensive fucking, you know, going around killing all these. How does a dentist have all that fucking money? Is he like a hoity-toity fancy dentist that like doesn't take any insurance at all like self-paying? I worked in the dental office. Nobody was going on a safari. Even to just look at him. Forget about to just want to safari how much money that is forget about You're gonna go over there and then sneak back later kill a lion but you're the fucking thing and sneak it back Yeah, I don't know he sounds very sketchy though
Starting point is 00:51:42 That's Bill Dwayne the theme to American Greed later Yeah, do your best Stacy Keach impression Well, give me a scenario what it's always the same scenario the same thing It's like a Ponzi scheme and he throws lavish parties and you bias Ferraris and BMWs And he called him Ferrari Mike dude., how many times is it? Ferrari Mike, yeah. How many times is ludicrous gonna show up in the background of one of those? Louis Chris has oddly shown up on two episodes.
Starting point is 00:52:12 Two episodes. Two episodes of American greed. Greedy white people love ludicrous. They fucking can't get enough of them. I don't know, it's really weird though, yeah, how he came up twice. It's fucking hilarious. Not that he does business with these people But he's like he knows the people that did business with the person being profiled. It's like that
Starting point is 00:52:32 He's like a private party. You know when they like that you show rich you can have ludicrous rap in your living room I love that show I love that show. Bam, bam, bam. That fucking song used to be. What are you doing? That fucking, that, that, that, that, Missy Elliott song used to drive me up the world. We're jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, Damn damn it, man. Nobody paid attention. No, we gave shit It was the only good part of the song was when he came on You're talking about the song with solo 12 amators. Yeah, that is the best part
Starting point is 00:53:16 I loved it. It was inspirational No one believed in him and he said fuck this. He made his own goddamn tape and then he was selling them out of the back of the car And then he was crushing it He's gonna be on Empire next season. I didn't like I didn't like the part where he started buying the gators It's just like no, no, no, no real estate. Oh I'm sure he has tons of real estate Not the guy he's singing about some of the guy he's rapping about Let's talk about ludicrous. Oh, I thought you're talking about ludicrous How soon before ludicrous is on American greed,
Starting point is 00:53:46 at some point he's gotta come clean like. It's gonna be on Empire, I just told you, next season he's gonna be on Empire. Well I'm telling you right now, if he shows up on a third, a third episode of American greed, somebody's gotta be like ludicrous, like. Yeah, who's he hanging out with?
Starting point is 00:54:01 Yeah, I don't get it. I don't know. Look how white I am. I don't know any white guy on that show. That's pretty interesting, huh? I'm sure you do. Actually, they just haven't shown up yet. I'm sure you know or have somehow tangibly been involved with some like crazy corporate American greed type dude, but it's just so fun. I used to do corporate gigs. I bet one of those guys went down. Of course. Yeah. No, but not if you don't hate to a fucking campaign. Yeah, no, but not if you not if you donate to a fucking
Starting point is 00:54:27 Camp no, but you're like a white guy working in show business like there's at that some point you came across somebody That did some American greed type shit like that's just how it goes. No, I don't think so. I don't think they go to the funny bones in the Improvs I Think when you sell out stadiums like him the adams theaters like venues promoters you know last one we watch this guy and that he throws a party in like indian apple is
Starting point is 00:54:56 and he has ice sculptures cut into the playboy of indiana yet cut into like fucking dollar signs yeah and then he stood on his balcony with hundred dollar bills And this none of the money was his and just fucking did the he made a rain. They made it rain And like just what I love about those what I find them so fascinating about them is just Just that living in the moment and thinking like how long do you think you're gonna fucking get away with this? Mm-hmm And then they do but then what then it's always kind of funny, just the dumb shit they buy, but
Starting point is 00:55:28 then once they actually start showing the people that lost, it's always like, you know, he was a farmer, he grew food for the country, he never sold out to corporate farmers, he had 170 grand, he gave it all to Ferrari Mike That's you they have like a hundred He had a nice watch. He was well spoken. I thought he was a nice person Yeah, it's always like a hundred twenty hundred seventy thousand. I'd like their entire life Yeah, and then they take it and they go all right and they get the fake fucking spreadsheets And they immediately walk out the door and they go buy a watch with that like
Starting point is 00:56:07 Just like just go spend it on themselves. Yeah those yachts that six million dollar yacht we saw I know I didn't feel like it was really all that for six million dollars like the deck of the court and everything We're talking about basic to me What I thought that that thing would be like 40 million bucks that thing Oh, it had seven bedrooms with their own bathroom on a boat. No, I know it is all that shit go me That's expensive. I'm not gonna turn the can you turn the fucking AC back on please are you really that hot? I was freezing my ass off when I came in I know you were some old lady sweater on that's are you hot? Oh, you just wanted on always let her man had it on are you actually yeah Oh, you just wanted on. I'm always hot, baby.
Starting point is 00:56:45 Letterman had it on. Are you actually? Yeah, no, it's fun. I'm dying in here. Really? I'm white, you know? It's all that hot air. Oh, too shay.
Starting point is 00:56:55 White people like the fucking cold, Nia. I know. We do. We're pasty. We know we're white like the snow, Nia. All right. Why did you want to come in? I wanted you to go. Well, I think there was a question that somebody wanted to fucking ask you.
Starting point is 00:57:11 Where is it? Where is it? Can you talk about our beautiful day by the pool today? No. That was so nice. Can we talk about fucking UFC fucking? Yes. Let's talk about 34 seconds of pure domination by ronda rousey I didn't know I didn't know what that girl had said about her father that was the first like when you said that last night that was the first
Starting point is 00:57:37 time I had heard that oh yeah that girl like so one of our friends that they came over last night that she said something about her dead father and She don't do that. That's why would you do that? Ronda already hates you just by virtue the fact that you guys are gonna fight Why would you throw fuel on that fire by talking about her family? Like she already just feels like if I step into the ring with you I want to like kill you hurt everyone that loves you. That's what her mindset is.
Starting point is 00:58:07 So I don't understand why she thought that was a good idea strategically trying to do some psychological warfare when she knocked her out. And Rogan said she went down like she got hit by a sniper. I'm meeting me. That goes in his all-time fucking quotes. Everybody and I live in a burst it out laughing She looked like she got shot. She did she fell over in that weird posture We're like you sort of end up falling on your neck
Starting point is 00:58:32 Yeah, bent over at the waist and your ass up in the air like with your on your knees. It's just terrible Yeah, like somehow your legs stay awake longer than your upper body and you just go in it's look I respect anybody who goes in and that fucking thing but like, why the fuck would you go in and, and, no, say all that shit? Not a good idea. Well, she learned, she learned. I usually, I usually root for an underdog, especially when someone's so dominant, you just want to see a fight or whatever. But once you said, oh, that shit about her dad, I was like, I don't know what you have to, you have, I was actually upset that she didn't get to be or longer. Yeah, because she deserves another like 34 seconds. I felt like the third, the third fun. She had a look on her face like,
Starting point is 00:59:17 oh, fuck, and I thought, and I, I think I said this is already over. I feel like that need to kind of like caught her off guard. I think she got a little winded when she got her that like left Need of the body. She's kind of like, oh, not she got a little I would have started crying. Yeah Once I got my wind back Well, I don't know why can't find the question. I don't see one here Listen to your podcast years. That's the Russia one fucking Ronda Rousey just dumb It's just it like it's the same thing every time now
Starting point is 00:59:49 It's just to say like she's probably not gonna fight for another couple years There's no other woman that's lined up ready to fight Ronda Rousey is there like I don't know my friend said she does have another He thinks maybe she'll fight again another six months or so but like I don't know who out there can take her I don't I don't give a shit just stick somebody else in front of her fucking amazing to watch I don't give a fuck to people like you gotta do the pay per view it's only 30 some seconds it's like you're watching a legend you're watching a fucking little she's already a legend at this point and you're watching I don't think she's in a prime she's through the armbar thing all the time and I she came in
Starting point is 01:00:29 no I'm bar i really like that yeah she did she does not have a block off great enjoyable totally fucking enjoyed it yeah so anyways let's let me get back in the fucking question i like better when i bring you on in the end Because then we ride it out because I always feel weird like having you swing by like we don't live together
Starting point is 01:00:52 You know what I mean, okay, well if you can find it. We'll do it on Thursday Okay, well here's something for you. You'll even yes. I was gonna talk about that paleo diet Those people try to just tell us the whole thing they need. Do you want to do paleo? I think it's fucking hilarious. Why? It just means, even mean vegetables. That's pretty much it.
Starting point is 01:01:16 Well, I mean, that makes sense. But here, this fucking thing here, oh, by the way, so do you hope that the United States extradites the dentist back to Zimbabwe? Do you feel like he should do 10 years in prison and a hard core prison? That seems like a little much. He's going to get butt rigged. I think I think he should be fine probably a lot like a lot.
Starting point is 01:01:36 No, fuck that. I think he should be taken back. At some point, you got to put a value on animals lives. I agree. What's the way you're saying he should go to jail? I think he should. I don't think he should go to jail? I think he should, I don't think he should go to the hardcore one. Right. I think that he should go to the jail, being protective custody and through his 10 years, he should have to fix everybody's teeth.
Starting point is 01:01:56 I think for free. He should work in an animal sanctuary, like cleaning up all like the shit and everything. He can't have that. You can't have that. That's like having a pedophile work at a kindergarten. Eventually, he's gonna fucking kill some. He's gonna kill. He's gonna be able to... I mean, he's... You know, I just tell you something.
Starting point is 01:02:14 That's something a lot of way away. There's not some law in place about him going and killing that animal. Because it shouldn't there already be something that he can do that. No, there is, but he left the country. He left the country. He's back here. So now he's got to get the United States to send one of their own now the United States we're not gonna send the guy because that's one of our
Starting point is 01:02:32 guys he's got the barcode in the back of his neck and he's not making us any fucking money if he's by us I mean the Illuminati guys you know what I mean he's not paying any fucking income tax or any of that type of shit. He's not walking around, you know, saying what he's supposed to be saying because he got it out of his TV. You need that zombie. You need that guy. He's a big game hunter. That guy he's going to be on the side of those. I got to be honest with you. I totally respect hunting. I think it's the shit. I love animals too, but I think if you go out and you hunt and then you do it for food or whatever
Starting point is 01:03:05 Or you're doing it to learn how to do it. I respect that go shoot a fucking deer There's a zillion of them. They're like mosquitoes, but like to go out there and and you know shoot a lion a leopard Jay these beautiful fucking animals with it. Yeah, dude, believe me. If there was a bunch of fucking it It would hurt the lines running along the prairies. I mean that's what we would have on the 4th of July But we're not we fucking killed all of them. I think there's really something like, I don't, what this guy does, I don't lump all hunters into it. Did he go out on his own? Was he like this row? No, we hired these guys. I was gonna say he hired people, right? So he had people who knew the terrain. And those guys are busted. Those guys are going to trial and they're staring at 10 years.
Starting point is 01:03:46 Oh, they are. Oh yeah, and being a bottom. I was gonna say, I know he paid somebody like an exorbitant amount of money in order to do that. He didn't just go out there on his own. Yeah, it was incredibly stupid of the people who live there. And this fucking guy, I don't know, he must have had the size of that duffel bag that he must have put the fucking head in.
Starting point is 01:04:03 It's just, it's unbelievable. I love how you're obsessed with the whole the how does the head travel from to what do you do I don't know how you take a hand to cut it up his ass like those drug meals you know how you have to fill out those whole cards we travel we travel internationally it's like are you gonna are you bringing any fruit or any like wildlife for any like plants or something? I got an elephant's head in my double bag.
Starting point is 01:04:30 Do you mind if I look in your bag, sir? Yes, I do. Do you have any liquids in there? No, it's all been drained. And you know, sharp off, you can't do any of that. But the fucking with the, I actually think there's something fucking wrong with you. If you have to go around and kill the most
Starting point is 01:04:50 deadliest animals to human beings, like walking around, doing that shit, I feel like that was an old school, like Teddy Roosevelt, I'm an insecure guy, and like you see that? I can kill that. I can kill that. I can kill that.
Starting point is 01:05:02 I can kill that. I can kill that. I can kill that. I can kill that. I can kill that. I can kill that. I can kill that. I't kill that. It isn't about like, I can't kill that. I can't kill that. I can't kill that. I can't kill that. I can't kill that. I can't kill that. I can't kill that. I can't kill that. I can't kill that.
Starting point is 01:05:10 I can't kill that. I can't kill that. I can't kill that. I can't kill that. I can't kill that. I can't kill that. I can't kill that. I can't kill that.
Starting point is 01:05:18 I can't kill that. I can't kill that. I can't kill that. I can't kill that. I can't kill that. I can't kill that. I can't kill that. I can't kill that. I can't kill that. I can't kill that. I can't kill that. I think I'll give him props, who is as he used to crossbow. You know, that's, but of course for you know, I had to fucking laser pointer and shit, but like I just, I think America has bigger problems
Starting point is 01:05:31 than rich people shooting lions. Meaning what? They shouldn't, they shouldn't pay attention to this. I, yeah, I just think there's more important things to rally behind. I don't really, I mean, I don't, you know, give a fuck about a lion. I give a shit about this. I yeah, of course. I care about lions, but I care about human beings more. Who do you care more about lions or our snoop line? Snoop line. Yeah, I care more about snoop lion than an actual lion. Yeah. Is it because he has two animal names. Yeah, it's extra snoopy and lion
Starting point is 01:06:08 No, I mean, I just like I said I don't think it's right that he's going over there and I think I am It's completely wrong, but I think that and I think he should be turned over Everything that's going on right now. I I don't I can't bring myself to what's going on What's going on what's going on Just in terms like climate in terms of like politically racially all that stuff all that stuff I was telling you how I'm afraid for my brother to drive Medical and racial climate. Yeah, I care more about that than Alion ends in Bobway. I do. That's just how it goes, but I love lions Why are you looking at me like that?
Starting point is 01:06:46 It's not that confusing. No, I don't just fascinated by, but I was interested in I was sitting there looking at, like, I think animals are more important than people at this point. I feel like that's the, a lot of people's reaction. They get so upset over animals. I think it's a very, but I think it's a very weird
Starting point is 01:07:01 where people place their eye Iron when it comes to rights I just sometimes feel like the rights of animals seem to be worth more than the rights of some people and I think that's fucked up I don't No, it can't more about lions. You care more about a lion and snoop I can't I care more about snoop and then a lion I got nothing at snoop. That was a bad I Just funny though. It was a bad. I just
Starting point is 01:07:25 funny. It was funny though. No, I just think that there's too many of us. I would definitely rather be in a room full of animals. I think than a room full of people. No, I wouldn't. I don't live with animals. I don't. And I like people. There's just too many of us. And the fact that we don't think we're animals is bizarre to me because we behave way worse than they do. Way worse. Yeah, that's true. Yeah, we've completely, you know, bears don't change rivers and straighten them out and fucking poison them and build new kill. But we're fucking animals. We're animals. Right. Torture shit, kill shit, kill shit, the kill shit. We lie and cheat and shit. Well, fucking I'm an animal. We're fucking awful.
Starting point is 01:08:10 But in the same scenario, if I had to choose between that dentist guy and a lion, because you said right, choose a lion or snoop lion. And I said, snoop lion. But if I had to choose between a lion and that dentist guy, I would choose the lion. Racist. All right, Nia. Thank you for being here. What have snoop lion killed the lion? That would be hard. But what if he just sort of he just sort of that lazy laid-back fucking voice justified it? I don't know. I just don't see Snoop you're not a good in any situation where he would kill a lion Because he's not gonna he's not gonna fuck with you know what he wouldn't No, cuz we don't do that. I mean you don't do that. We don't do that. You guys like to do that whole racist. I mean listen to white people like these white these shows about like wilderness and survival and like naked and afraid it's like I mean there's there was one black
Starting point is 01:08:57 dude that I saw in the commercial but like for the most part and you can always find one person that's going to be exception of the rule but it's like I don't know why why people feel like they need to constantly like fuck with animals or like be out in nature naked. Like we've evolved class that. I can answer that. Why are you doing it? I don't get it. Cause we're bored.
Starting point is 01:09:17 Oh, really? Yeah, we don't have a cause. We're not being oppressed. It's just. You need something to give you that sort of adrenaline rush. 16 hours a day. That's what we jump around and flip around and skateboards and shit with board. Oh Jesus, that's so terrible. I'm not saying it's terrible. We just board. Generally speaking white people. Remember, I showed you
Starting point is 01:09:38 that we have a certain income of where board where there's a white guy like standing on like a cliff like an, I don't know, the Grand Canyon, or some place really fucking scary, and it's like, you know, why people will do shit like this, but then they'll cross the street when walking on the same side with a black person. But they'll stand on the ledge of some fucking, you know, cliff or like, Mount Everest.
Starting point is 01:09:57 It's like, what are you guys doing? Like, what are you trying to prove with all that? Wrestling gators in the bayou? Like, what the fuck is, I don't, what? I love all that. Why? And Australian fucking accent, and then youators in the Bayou. Like, what the fuck is, I don't, what, I love all that. And Australian fucking accent. And then you brought up the Bayou and fucking New Orleans. But like, why, I really though, just what the nature and the fucking with animals, why do you do that? I mean, can't you do that with every culture and race?
Starting point is 01:10:21 Be like, why do you do that? I suppose, but I feel like white people really like push the envelope in terms of these extreme experiences in nature and like, I don't know. Because we don't have any gangs. White people have gangs? What are you talking about? But they're like a fissure. There are many, there are many white gangs.
Starting point is 01:10:41 No, but like, okay, name them. Jessu James gang. That's a good class class, is that's a gang? The fucking, I mean, white people have gangs, come on. You know like in certain, like you know, they're... No, we have groups. Groups? We don't have clubs.
Starting point is 01:10:57 We have clubs, they share. Governments, we have shit like this. So I, but I shit is like mainstream. Okay. I remember a long time ago I got this fucking hilarious talk with Patrice. Can you can you push that thing so it's not rattling over there? Oh my god This whole AC situation is is what we live in an old house, okay the fucking Heaters rattle a little bit That we run the AC's for like while. He's freezing in here.
Starting point is 01:11:25 Oh goodness. You got a fucking afghan on. I know, and I'm still cold. All right, so I got to the hilarious Arby one day. Like Patrice, when he used to just get sick of white people, would, you know, he just would stop coming down to the club for a little bit. And then sometimes he would call me up and vent.
Starting point is 01:11:42 Am I a white people? No, he would vent at me representing white people. So one time, I'm sitting at home just being white, you know, hanging out, having a fucking peanut butter and jelly sandwich, phone fucking rings. I pick it up and like, hello, and he just goes, Bill, he goes, what, what do white people do? He didn't even say a lot. Like, what do you mean he goes, what, what do you do?
Starting point is 01:12:12 I'm like, I was like, did you just get pulled over by a cop? Like, what, where's this coming from? Like, what do you mean, what, what do we do? Like, what, he's like, what do you do? Like, what do you mean? Yeah, he you mean what do we do like what he's like what do you do Like what do you read the table? Yeah, he's like black people we do this we do that. What do you guys do? You're going hilarious like you say yeah, but the thing about it is how did you answer him? I fucking answered him like I go what do you mean what do we do you just don't recognize our shit is mainstream? It's it's like hiding in plain sight so you don't see it So you don't think that you don't think that there's any sort of culture or anything like what do we do?
Starting point is 01:12:53 The all the XC look at skateboarding okay that came from surfing you know and the fucking ways weren't there And XC no skateboarding and totally evolved into what that is what stock car Pollination people were doing stock car racing wait, wait I'm not like Polynesian people were doing. Stock car racing. Wait, wait, I'm not gonna sit here and have you try to tell me that white people didn't come up with anything. I'm just talking. You fucking do that all the fucking time. I'm just fucking.
Starting point is 01:13:13 It's the most event ketchup shut up. But I don't know. Like skateboarding? Polynesians came up with skateboarding. No, no, but skateboarding. I saw it documentary with dark town and Z boys and a fucking empty swimming pool at Santa Monica. But I thought skateboarding came from surfing and then this is really coming from Polynesian people. I don't know. I could be wrong.
Starting point is 01:13:31 Do you thought what? Didn't surfing come from like indigenous people? No, no, I'm talking about skateboarding. I know, but that skateboarding came from surfing. It was sort of derived of that culture. Yes, right. So I'm saying, but didn't surfing come from... So you're saying what people didn't surfing come from... So you're saying what people don't get credit for skateboard? I didn't say that. I was just asking who came up with a thing
Starting point is 01:13:53 that inspired skateboarding. Yeah, I'm just wondering. I'm just wondering. What? I thought, this is like literally, then this becomes the argument ended up having a petrice. All right, stop car racing. Stop car racing. Okay., that came out of moonshine. What is that?
Starting point is 01:14:09 Moonshine basically back during prohibition when alcohol was fucking illegal right what you would do is if you were fucking bringing Illegal booze moonshine You know cross state lines and all that type of shit. You wanted a fast car, but you didn't want it to look fast. So what you did was it looked like a stock car. Like a stock car you got from Detroit. That just looks like a Chevy. That looks like a Ford, but underneath the fucking hood, you souped the fucking thing up and you were able to outrun the cops.
Starting point is 01:14:39 The cops didn't have fucking radios back then. So these guys that did this shit, all right, would talk shit about my car's faster than your car. No, it isn't, blah, blah, blah, blah. So they started racing and that started start car racing. That's a cultural fucking thing. So then it's on fucking TV. So I started listing all of that shit. He was actually going, he said,
Starting point is 01:15:00 I think one point he went, he said, good answer. What he said, and I just, and like, like fuck you I'm not asking for your approval it's all fucking conversation is annoying is that car racing like something that's very important to people like is it like a big deal I know you're already looking at because I know what you're gonna do I think I came out wrong I'm not I'm not even gonna get into this conversation I never gonna go music and then everything I'm not even gonna get into this conversation. I'm not even gonna get into this conversation. I'm not even gonna get into this conversation.
Starting point is 01:15:27 I'm not even gonna get into this conversation. I'm not even gonna get into this conversation. I'm not even gonna get into this conversation. I'm not even gonna get into this conversation. I'm not even gonna get into this conversation. I'm not even gonna get into this conversation. I'm not even gonna get into this conversation. I'm not even gonna get into this conversation.
Starting point is 01:15:35 I'm not even gonna get into this conversation. I'm not even gonna get into this conversation. I'm not even gonna get into this conversation. I'm not even gonna get into this conversation. I'm not even gonna get into this conversation. I'm not even gonna get into this conversation. I'm not even gonna get into this conversation. I'm not even gonna get into this conversation.
Starting point is 01:15:43 I'm not even gonna get into this conversation. I'm not even gonna get into this conversation. I'm not even gonna get into this conversation. I'm not even gonna get into this conversation. I'm not even gonna get into this went to I'm and you fucking red shit that said you guys did it. Like that is the dumbest shit. Like that whole fucking credit thing is so fucking stupid. But in Egyptian, it's everybody. But in Africa, so that's African, so that's black people. I know, it isn't, no they're not. Aren't they?
Starting point is 01:15:56 They're African. Yeah, so that's my point. Yeah, so like when you see, when you see an Egyptian guy, you think that guy looks like you I don't know I feel like some of them are So I'm French German and Irish your friends. So yeah, I have a little bit of French, but I'm mostly German Irish Let me finish. Oh, so I'm a European. Uh-huh. So me and Italians. Yeah, we're on the same fucking page So Ferrari. Yeah, that was us
Starting point is 01:16:22 That was us So Ferrari yeah, that was us That was us That was pasty freckle guys we did that shit give me a fucking break. No you guys invented like vodka and stuff like that man, no no Irish Russians. Sorry. Sorry I don't know I don't know the history. I mean that's I don't want to get I didn't want to get into this fucking debate as more of a like a German Irish whiskey What's the other ones bourbon no is that an American thing? most scotch is from Scotland bourbons from Kentucky. Yeah whiskey was but Egypt is an
Starting point is 01:16:59 Africa is I think is was nauseous point is that was that a true thing? Yeah, the Africa is a fucking continent. Yeah, it is. Not a race. True. It's a continent. There you go. So like, can Irish people take credit for shit
Starting point is 01:17:12 that happens in Romania? Because they're all European? I feel like there's a reason why this is different, but I don't know why. So I'm not going to answer that question. But I feel like. Can I fucking have that written on a t-shirt? Like, I feel like an Egyptian person have that written on a t-shirt like
Starting point is 01:17:33 Egyptian person what the fuck would they necessarily say I'm African or would they say I'm Egyptian they would probably say I'm Egyptian Yeah, but I don't know enough about all I know is that all this is in Africa So if you met anybody over in Europe saying I'm European No, they go on French. That's sure. swish. Yeah, swish. I'm Swiss This is this is actually this is like a toxic this always becomes a toxic conversation Okay, I will try it. No, I'm not about you and me. I'm just saying it because I don't want to stir up everybody Because it's very easy. Yeah, you can go off the rails and it becomes this big fucking race you're fucking racist at all this type of shit Resist the urge to read too much into this people. Anyways, I'm just so stock cars.
Starting point is 01:18:11 I was a big account for why people is what you were saying. No, no, no, I'm not saying it's a big account. Wow, you know what I hate about this conversation? What I hate about this conversation. I know it's a feel like that. I can't say anything. I can't's like that. I can't say anything. I can't fucking say anything. If I say anything, that's true though.
Starting point is 01:18:30 If I say anything, then all of a sudden it's this and this. There's a whole bunch of shit that I'm leaving off. Because I'll then become, I'll be called a fucking elitist. Okay, what do we do? We fucking pretend to go the moon. That's what we do. The space shuttle. That's the shit. You just see it on TV. That's that's some shit that we did. I mean, that's that's kind of a cool. No, it's amazing. I know the astronauts weren't wrapping. They didn't have this space suit hanging off their asses.
Starting point is 01:19:05 I know that. The kids didn't want, but the kids still wanted to do it. You have to fuck out of anyone. Chuck Gager fucking around. It's cruel, mother fucker out there. Give me a break. I'm just getting your go, because I see you wanting to leave out of your skin right now.
Starting point is 01:19:21 I can say some type of stuff right now. I'm saying, but I fucking hate when you do that. What? My brother used to do that. Do what? You just say shit to get me going. I'm being honest with you and I'm saying what I'm feeling. Don't just be sick. I can't say some shit to get you going. I know you can. You do all the time. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have marked stock car racing or any of that stuff. That was a nice. Yeah, the thing you know what the fuck? You know, one of the greatest things about stock car racing or any of that stuff. That was a nice. Yeah, the thing you know what the fuck? One of the greatest things about stock car racing is what's going the level of intellect in the pit versus across the racetrack sitting in the stands. That's why I love going or car racers. And is that why people think they're elitist or something?
Starting point is 01:19:59 No, because you got these guys like what the fuck they have to do? Because it's so regulated now just to try to squeeze and then the fucking hundredth of a hundredth of a second to try and win this fucking race the level of science Physics and all that shit that's involved that these guys the fucking egghead shit that's going on in there and then right across the track It's just fucking I don't know I I went to the Indianapolis 500 two years in a row. I went to drag racing. Do you know in between races, they pull the whole fucking engine out and rebuild the whole goddamn thing in between races. There's a whole team of guys. Why? I don't know why because it matters that much. everything has to be
Starting point is 01:20:45 brand new okay like that cool song you guys made up right brand new everything sorry everything has to be fucking brand because if it isn't if it isn't a brand new fucking engine the amount of money they could cost you that split second of cost you is a different like six figures a lot of money that's what they're doing when they stop and all the guys run over and they're like no no and drag and drag racing. They're they're changing the engine. I thought they were just like no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no wiping off the windshield. No I'm not talking I'm sorry. Put them oil in something maybe. No no in that type of racing.
Starting point is 01:21:22 Gentlemen's done your engine? That's right. And hang one of those little air fresheners from the rearview mirror. Right. No, no, I'm talking about in drag racing. You know those long skinny cars with the big fucking tires, then they got the parachute comes out in the back.
Starting point is 01:21:40 The engine sits behind the driver. I see. They've finally figured out to do that. After years of them trying to see around it. Why do they have a parachute though? Don't they have brakes? They do, but it's going 300 miles an hour. Oh, so you need all the help you can get?
Starting point is 01:21:53 Yeah, and they don't have flaps to put it down, and you can't reverse the engine like a plane. I see. And they're landing faster than a fucking 747, but it doesn't weigh as much, but there's a neck. That's all the fucking physics. And it's also probably probably if they stop quicker They don't have to fucking make his big of a track and that saves the guy owns the track money all of this shit all of this fucking nerdy egghead shit
Starting point is 01:22:15 All right, okay, so this is what white people do they get on a fucking They get on they get on a they get on a dirt bike and They get on they get on a they get on a dirt bike and They figure out how to go off a ramp and flip in the air two times over and they land into foam And they figure out how to do that and then they try to land. Yeah, they they they were we're bored We're fucking bored white people need gangs again like if you notice like white people In the 20s You when you had the gangs in New York was at the 1800s of fucking right We would you know what it was I know I could really try
Starting point is 01:22:56 I could really try to wipe people right now. I could really say some mean shit about us Once the genocide in this country was over and there was nothing left, we just got bored and we just started fucking with animals. There's really something. Evil about white people? I mean, I just feel like you're always trying to take over something or like oppress somebody, or like hurt someone, like why? I would say this. Please explain. I don't think it's a white thing. It is an opportunity thing. And most people.
Starting point is 01:23:28 So there's an opportunity for. Well, if you notice, look at this business. If you look at most people in this business, you see when they get a little something, how it affects them. Some people, I find with it, a lot of people when they get a little bit of power, I'm talking just getting a fucking, you know,
Starting point is 01:23:46 enough money to have your little personal assistant, you know? I asked for dick half, you know, they start doing shit like that, right? And you're talking about it's such a fucking basic level. When you get to the operational, when you're talking about, like, you're gonna start a fucking war, and you're actually gonna profit off of it. I mean, and you go into those fucking parties where everybody wears a mask and you sort of walk
Starting point is 01:24:13 away from your wife and come back later and act like you didn't fuck 40 women on a pile of gold. Like human beings can't have to be kept in check. We can't handle that level of power So as fucked up as white people look if you really read a little bit You know, I'm not read I know you read all the time But if you read about you know, you go over to Asia You know, there's some characters over there that will give white people a run for their money. And I mean, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:24:49 Yeah, well, that's a very arrogant fucking attitude. Why don't you read it first? Okay. Yeah, check out some of the stuff, you know, go over there and bring up Japan with anybody who doesn't live in Japan about some of the shit that they did. I really want to go to Japan, though. I really want to go to Japan though. I really want to go to Japan. I know, because you saw lost in translation.
Starting point is 01:25:08 And you're not going to read about it. You're going to keep that in that white people. That's not the reason why. Listen. I mean, that was, I mean, it's definitely how it's done. I used to do a bit in my F saying that white people are the Jordans of evil. Like every group has their head.
Starting point is 01:25:24 We're, I don't know, we're innately good at it. Don't you want to go to Japan though? Don't you want to see Tokyo? I heard it's incredible. I like it. I love the food and all that. I'm not listening. I'm not shiingling out Japan either. Like they're any fucking worse than anybody else, but they got some characters over there that have done some things. Well, you know, hopefully, we insulted them a little bit. Between like the
Starting point is 01:25:45 stock car racing and everything else like hopefully you guys will come back from, you know, the brink because I feel like your PR rep is asleep at the wheel. What do you mean? Listen, one of the great things about being white is you just don't give a shit. What other people think about you Clearly. Yeah, I don't give a fuck what you think. Why would I give a shit? You know what I mean? Where am I going? Where is the question I was supposed to be asked?
Starting point is 01:26:12 I'm trying to find it right now. Yeah, I went easy on you, by the way, with skateboarding and stock. I went easy. OK. I could have, you know, I could have brought you the other shit you bring up though, then it's considered fucking racist, even if it easy. I could, I could, you know, I could, the other shit you bring up though then it gets considered fucking racist even if it happened. I say, well we would have done that if we had the
Starting point is 01:26:31 opportunity. Right? Isn't that what all the women say? I would have benched press 600 pounds if I was allowed to go to a gym. Oh, ooh, ah, ooh, ah, ooh. Oh my God, how funny was it last night? We're not gonna name names here, okay? But after the fight, when my buddy, right, me, in my buddy hanging out, I'm in my late 40s, he's in his early 50s. Ah, fuck you.
Starting point is 01:26:59 I'm not gonna say anybody's name. No, no, no, no. Nia, Bill. Nea, Bill. Oh, God, you're such a fucking party, pooper. That was just the generation gap there was fucking layers. I could do some advertising here before you fucking. Oh, my God, it's almost an hour over. It's almost a 50 hour. No, I'm saying the hour it. Oh my god, it's almost an hour over. It's almost a 50. An hour over? No, I'm saying the hour's almost over. I have like fucking verbal dyslexia, I can't even talk.
Starting point is 01:27:32 So you're gonna walk out of the engines, you just don't think white people have done anything? Not culturally. Is there anything that we get credit for artistically that spikedly or some other grumpy guy with black frame glasses? Isn't gonna come along and say well actually fucking Pine top Johnson fucking did that originally I
Starting point is 01:27:54 Feel like you guys probably were the ones that started like using like a jug like blowing on a jug as an answer Like I feel like that was a that sounds like a jug, like blowing on a jug as an instrument. Ha ha ha. Who, who, who, who, who, like I feel like that was a, that sounds like a white invention. Not invention, but just like blowing on it somehow, like, we've stopped with this passive version of drinking like all the moon shine. Remember you talked about moonshine earlier, like drinking moonshine and then putting it down and going, whoo, that was a lot of moonshine.
Starting point is 01:28:23 And it was like, oh, that makes a who, who, who, who, and then you came down and going, oh, that was a lot of moonshine. And it was like, oh, that makes a, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, and then you came up with that. Ha, ha, ha. Really starting to wonder why you married me. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. Well, okay, I'm going to leave you to do your advertising. Okay, why don't you go read up on some things? Okay.
Starting point is 01:28:43 Ha, ha, ha, ha. Ha, ha, ha, ha. Okay, why don't you go read up on some things? How smart was that I did not take the bait come to Russia All right, I think this is a travel one. Maybe you could be into this. Okay. I Wish sweaters we think of that Everybody's neck was cold until white people came along started started knitting Come to come to Russia Hey Billy Kami Redfield you guys started barbecuing you started that Mm-hmm, and then we took that from you. Yeah, we take it from you. We just influenced you still allowed to do it
Starting point is 01:29:25 I don't know it is so that you took it from you. We just influence you still allowed to do it. I know it is good that you took it from us What about all those blues musicians they never heard music before? They never heard They didn't fucking they just slowed it down What are you talking about Beethoven played all those blues notes? Beethoven yeah, there's Beethoven in American. I'm trying to play Beethoven played all those blues notes. Beethoven. Yeah. Was Beethoven an American? I'm just seems white. Oh, okay. You're still, oh, you're still on it.
Starting point is 01:29:50 I'm still on it. All right. Okay. Can we just move on to the question? Come on, I like this. He shit's fun to me. You don't think that was funny? Bum bum bum bum bum bum bum.
Starting point is 01:30:00 No. It's really not. There's really only seven notes. Everybody kind of played. Everybody's showing. ukulele face all right come to russia Hey billy commie red face. I've been listening to your podcast for for over a year now And I was really excited to hear about your eastern European tour next year But I'm pretty sure you don't even think about going to russia. Yeah, I do Moscow it's right near the Baltic States. I'm going to try to go to Lithuania
Starting point is 01:30:25 and fucking those other two ones that are there. Estonia. That's two out of three. It's not bad for an American. Okay. And Bala Muck. I can go to Moscow. Charlie crew went there. You ready to party Moscow. Yeah, on MTV. Hair metal hair metal scene. Oh, white people definitely came up with that. Yeah, dressing up like a lady and singing rock Santa Claus came up with that. I thought Santa Claus was like a no not like I don't know. It's Santa Claus black No, it's from another country though Say that be the courteous name ever for a black guy. All right. Hey Billy com here at fist Bob over there. I'm pretty sure you never think about Russia I know it's very unlikely for an English speaking comedian to visit but Dylan Moran and Eddie is there did it a couple You have Eddie is it probably did it in Russian?
Starting point is 01:31:20 Guys like Albert Einstein telling jokes did it did a couple years ago and it turned out great Well, if you decide to come here after all you should not you should bring near sorry You guys like Albert Einstein, I'm telling jokes. Did it a couple of years ago when it turned out great. Well, if you decide to come here after all, you should not, you should bring Nia. Sorry, my eyes went to Nia, I saw the end. You should bring Nia. Okay. And visit St. Petersburg, not only because
Starting point is 01:31:35 that's the second largest city in Russia, and I lived there, but because of the beautiful architecture. Lots of museums, I hate museums. I hate museums. Fucking go in there looking at plates and shit. There's a spoon somebody is in the 1500s. Oh yeah. You can see the beginning of the microwave in this structure and all that crap. I think she'd love it here. I also hope you'll at least consider St. Pete as it's not far away from Scandinavia and
Starting point is 01:32:02 everything here has become way cheaper for tourists because of our weak currency Now it was in St. Petersburg Then that used to belong to Finland and they beat Russian World War two But they would down with Hitler and then they had to give up that part Or is that something else? I have no idea. Oh, that's right. Yeah. Why would you but if you go there? I'm pussy riot is playing somewhere. I'd love to check them out Well, how would you do that? Why would I do what? Go see pussy right and Brooklyn put some fucking nerdy way kid that wants to be naked on TV for six months That's what you do. You don't see it in Russia. We get arrested to show when you claim
Starting point is 01:32:38 Can't show you claim in Russia On the on the unrelated note I subscribed to Netflix just to watch your show last December because you just couldn't stop bitching about the pirating like how he turns it around on me like I'm the asshole and Netflix is not even available in Russia so I have to use the V P N and shit oh poor fucking baby I go see how much we love you here please come to our beautiful and totally not hostile country and see it for yourself that's not what a cab driver told me when I was over there in Europe say you got to be careful in Moscow after dark but then again
Starting point is 01:33:11 you got to be careful here please come to our beautiful Toledo always yeah what the fuck I would love to see you St. Petersburg I think that would be really cool you know be funny if it's a totally fucked up city and this guy hates me and he just lures me over there. He beats me over the head with my mixer. All right, female coach, a Billy but kiss. Thoughts on the Cardinals hiring of female coach, I hear she can take a hit. I think she's got what it takes or is it a publicity stunt? does that mean take a hit I think it's football I had no idea that they did it you didn't read about this I know I tapped
Starting point is 01:33:51 out on the news during Hillary Clinton Bruce Jenner and somewhere around there I just I just I've been too busy to watch anything on the news I heard that there was a woman that was hired to be an NFL coach but I don't you know I don't follow football so that seems like a very big deal. Why? Because they've never had a female coach before. Yes, but how is that like how is that going to affect wins and losses? It probably won't matter what gender you are. It's like a quota thing. Yeah. But it's still like, it's never been done before. So it's historical, right?
Starting point is 01:34:31 Yes, it is. It is a story. We have yet to learn any lessons, if any, just yet, but it's a big deal that it's happening. It's a publicity stunt. It's not a publicity stunt. I'm not saying she's not qualified, but this is what the NFL is a corporation and every quarter they have to have a Show a gain That's just how a corporation works and they try to make more money. So they have reached every possible fucking football fan
Starting point is 01:35:00 All right, they did that years ago So then they started bringing in people like Britney Spears to sing during the Super Bowl, just trying to get people hooked on it and then they wear pink for a whole fucking month. Now they're getting in with trying to get in with the ladies, they're trying to get more, it's just, I think it's a business move. That's going to be disguised as forward thinking, I'm not saying she's bad and not qualified or anything, but I just think that that's why they're going to do that. I don't care for shit.
Starting point is 01:35:29 I don't have to, I don't care for fuck if she's good and they win that I think it's a good move. If she stinks, unfortunately all the other women behind her will be judged. So I imagine she has a lot of pressure. It's just weird when you go into the locker room. You know what I mean? Everybody standing there with their dicks out and shit. You know what I mean? Now they got to cover up. It's weird. You'd rather they just be able to stand around with their dicks out and not have to worry about covering up. Well, I mean, I don't think like that does the male coach walk into the females locker
Starting point is 01:36:04 rooms, is this sitting there taking off their sports bras? Probably not they go look we got to get out there in a second half and shave your clamp Probably not Definitely not to them afterward definitely not not in the lot so she probably does the same thing definitely not in there Like talking to them like there's no way no, but you got back then that then that hurts her as a coach that should can't go in there And they're standing there with her dicks out because she's got her as a coach because they go in and they discuss Strategy during half time you go into the locker room to talk about that are they naked during half time? No, but after the game you talk about the next week and that type of shit, but somebody got hurt It's a locker room somebody Somebody's got their dick out.
Starting point is 01:36:45 It just happened. Somebody's got to take a shit at half time. It fucking happened. I guess that's what I was wondering. Do you have to be naked just because you're in the locker room? Yeah, and this is what's gonna happen. This is what's gonna, oh, the adjustment. They're just gonna keep adjusting it.
Starting point is 01:37:01 Okay. Yeah, and then a guy can't have his dick out and a fucking men's locker room. Oh, the injustice of it all. You see what I'm saying though? You guys just keep encroaching, encroaching and crotching and then we always have to adjust to you. You guys do not adjust to us. Well, if you're walking into a men's locker room, there's going to be a dick out. You have to either it's fucking deal with okay or you have somebody going Then take some notes. I'm sure she's preparing to deal with any dick center out. I'm sure I'm sure of you fine Good guys she needs to worry you guys you guys are obsessed with us
Starting point is 01:37:37 Well, yeah, yeah, okay your obsessed with keeping your dick out in the locker rooms. No, no, I'm saying you guys are obsessed with us Yeah, we're I'm saying you guys are obsessed with us. Yeah, we're totally obsessed with you. Yes. Why can't you guys just start your own shit and fucking go do that? Well, it's not a start car company. Why do you guys always have to come? It's a men's football league. There was a woman's football league. I wouldn't give a fuck. I got to get in there Staying next to some clams. It's got strategy. I'd let you have your fucking deal Absence makes the heart grow fonder and the most loving way ever Can you fuck off for three hours on a Sunday can we just have a minute? Jesus Christ the shit that said in a locker room, then they're going to get offended.
Starting point is 01:38:27 There, I love it. I love it. The NFL is doing this. I guarantee there's going to be something, something fucked up happens. There's going to be a lawsuit. Didn't that happen years ago? It happened in Boston, right? The fucking, the woman went in there and these guys acted like fucking immature idiots. And then there was a lawsuit. Then she had to go to New York. It was a fun guy to sell the team. It was nuts. I don't know what I don't know what I'm talking about.
Starting point is 01:38:53 Dicks being out in locker rooms. Yeah. Nothing good. Very bad. I can't happen about that. Yeah. Jesus Christ. I'm uncomfortable in a fucking locker room.
Starting point is 01:39:03 I go to the goddamn gym. You fucking go in there. Okay. You're staring at your eyelids But eventually you're gonna walk by somebody taller than you It's gonna be hanging down You're in a men's locker room. You're gonna see a dick. It's just happened I was gonna say men don't like talk to each other like make it in the locker room So the other day I went to this all
Starting point is 01:39:26 That's a guy. There's always the nake. Well, this is not there's also a generational thing as far as being comfortable Being naked around another man in a locker all like the old guys don't care. They don't give a fuck Yeah, they do they grew up in the little rascals era They they like the parents bedroom and then all the kids slept in the same fucking bed with a dog and like a fucking Wolverine right Then you had my generation. I was one of the last generations that in gym class
Starting point is 01:39:57 The guys gym class you went in and when you showered it was just this communal fucking shower and you didn't win in there like a bunch of cattle. Fuck you. No stalls or anything. Everyone's just in there. Just went in there. There's a bunch of like shower heads all around. Yeah, but no stalls. And that started in sixth grade.
Starting point is 01:40:17 I remember I've never been in this first week. The first week. The first week of gym class. Only like six kids had the fucking balls no pun intended to take the shower And they went in the shower and it was wide open like all the lockers were all the way around it Mm-hmm school I went to so you could like they walked in that dude and me and like there was like six other guys We were laughing like hysterically These are kids I knew all the way to grade school and they came walking by butt ass naked
Starting point is 01:40:45 It's the thing about a naked guy. It's either the funniest thing ever are absolutely terrified spending On the situation and it was fucking hilarious, but after like two three weeks It was normal and no one gave a shit and We were part of the last like generation and we thought it was like when we heard like the women's Jim they they had their own little private showers, which was weird to me. You think the guys would be fucking more weirded out?
Starting point is 01:41:12 We were actually more advanced than you guys, more mature, we could all shower together and be after the first week and be mature. I don't know if that's what that really means. What doesn't mean? That we're all secreted in games. You know, you're all animals. Just throw you in there and hose it down.
Starting point is 01:41:27 I know. That's really what it was. Yeah, yeah, fuck the animals. Yeah. So anyway, so there's different levels of, like generational, you know what I mean? That guys will just, like old guys don't give a fuck. They don't give a fuck.
Starting point is 01:41:44 And then there's the weird guy who also doesn't give a fuck. They don't give a fuck. And then there's the weird guy who also doesn't give a fuck. You don't know what he's doing. That guy you come walking in, right? Did Jim I go to like you can see like you come walking in the lockers are to the right. And then straight ahead is like the sink area with the mirror and shit. And like you know I walked in there one time and there was a guy standing there completely naked except flip-flops shaving. And I just, I walked in, I just went, yes, really?
Starting point is 01:42:16 He can't fucking just throw a towel on. Anyways. I'm just saying, Dicks be out in the locker room. All right big green egg. Hey Bill Congratulations on the new big green egg actually he's had it for a couple years I'm not by any means an expert, but I've been experimenting since December with mine based on your description We have about the same setup egg the guru with two probes and a fan rib rack etc I also have a pan that I keep water and
Starting point is 01:42:45 yep I've seen that, uh, made you put on the plate set, all right, uh, and put it in there while I'm smoking. All right. So he says I put it on top of the smoking plate. Yes, just like I've seen in the YouTube videos, he goes, I'm not sure how much of a difference it makes, but it seems to keep the inside of the big green egg pretty human and it catches a lot of the drippings. A few pointers. Keep the charcoals at the line. All right, that's the fill-up line. I think that's what they said. Soak the chips, but don't soak the chunks. You can soak the chunks, but they smoke just fine
Starting point is 01:43:19 without soaking. Yeah, tickery. It just smokes, right? It's easy to get the big green egg hotter, but really hard to get the temperature lower if you overshoot. The temperature is all about airflow. The top vent on a slow cook, 225-ish is cracked to about a quarter inch. This is what I've seen on YouTube. When you clean out the ash, make sure you have it cleaned. You've cleared all the holes on the bottom of the grill. They can usually clog up in the big green egg mold perform like it usually does.
Starting point is 01:43:47 This is if you're going to smoke something. For ribs, I've had luck with the yellow mustard spice rub combo. Dude, you watched the same fucking YouTube videos like this. That's the ass of this. This is the video you showed me with the mustard. Yeah, prep the ribs the night before, make sure you remove the membrane from the ribs before you rub it down and make sure the ribs out of the fridge and let them get to room temperature before you slap them on the smoker. Usually takes about eight hours or so for three racks. I can't wait to try this. I just set the
Starting point is 01:44:12 temperature to 225 and let them go until the ribs get to 190. I wrapped them in foil and let them rest about 20 minutes. Dude, I cannot fucking wait to do that. I'm gonna get good at that shit I'm gonna try ribs and a pork shoulder This month hopefully oh All right, let's get through this because this thing's gonna take forever for me to upload All right, yeah, you want to go yeah, all right good to see you. That was a fun one I love the jug thing that The jug thing was good. I feel pretty strongly about that joke. You got so passive aggressive.
Starting point is 01:44:51 You're like, so like, hey, uh, fucking with that Ronda Rousey fest once she could talk about a, you know, she talks about, I always say everybody's name. Am I saying name right? Ronda Rousey? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:45:02 Alright, she fucking gets that fucking dead look on her face like yeah, destruction is about to happen. All right. Eating help. Oh, by the way, most of those fights kind of stunk on that one except for that one where the guys ended just doing the rock and sock, I'm bleeding all over each other. That was just my wife fucking freaks out When that shit happens not like freak it out like oh my god gross. She loves it Standing up screaming at the TV grounded pound grounded pound. Yes, I fucking love it Lunatic all right eating help dear Bill bills and roses. Hello from Wisconsin Ah the badges I'm 22-old factory worker and guitarist. Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 01:45:49 I used to work in a fucking warehouse and I played drums with a bunch of musicians. How do you guys always end up in the fucking factory? Oh, the factory's not a warehouse. Bill, just read the goddamn question. I've been a fan of yours for five to six years and one of first thank you for everything you put. All right right nothing looking forward to F is for family got to get that plug in there okay the reason I'm writing to you is I for my entire 22 years of existence have had a hard
Starting point is 01:46:15 hard have had a hard gut that I never ever been able to shake off earning myself the nickname teapot and an early age for my short and stout appearance. Oh God, that's hilarious I'm a little teapot short and stout and they started calling you teapot Oh, and you started having fantasies of murdering all of them Anyways, I wouldn't say I'm obese, but I'm certainly starting to lose the battle of the bulge while I get a bit of exercise Some work and hit the gym once in a while. My diet is complete shit. The thing is, I was raised on takeout, fast food, and fried fats.
Starting point is 01:46:50 Dude, the fact that you're not a big tea pot is pretty amazing there. So that's already a victory. He says, I literally don't know how or what to eat a way to start for that matter. All right, well, I would go on the internet and I would start looking up nutrition. Alright, shocker that this West consummative is a shitty eater, most where most of the
Starting point is 01:47:10 populations looks like they could play old line for Mr. Rogers in the Packers. Could you please give a few days worth of meals to eat to lose pounds? I figured now it's the time to get in shape, absolutely, and attract a cutie so I can start to build my empire. All right, P.S. Tom Brady is innocent, and anyone who thinks otherwise is just upset because they have to watch their team each shit every Sunday. Unlike our powerhouse dynasty teams,
Starting point is 01:47:37 best luck, best to break the Patriots organization. See that? See that, what happens when you get respect to the Packers? The true New York Yankees of the fucking NFL, because they won all, they won in every fucking era other than the 20 years after Lombardi and Bart Star, you know, they went to Lindicke, the magic man, and then they got Brett Farve and then it's been all good. These to be, they fucking won championships in the 1930s all the way I've already read off all that fucking champion NFL Championship Super Bowl championships whatever championship existed whatever era they fucking wanted they one more than anybody else
Starting point is 01:48:13 All right here we go All right, well all right. This is what I every day what I've been doing is I have oatmeal in a banana I don't put anything in the oatmeal. No milk, no sugar, no honey, none of that fucking shit. I have that. And then for a snack between that and lunch, I have an apple. And then for lunch, I have a sandwich with a side salad. Sometimes I just have the meat and no bread. And that's if I'm, you know, I weigh myself every day and I try to lose two to three pounds and if I feel like I'm off course I won't have the fucking bread
Starting point is 01:48:48 and Then I don't know between like fucking Lunch and dinner. I don't know what I have I Usually try to eat something healthy if the worst thing I'll do is maybe cereal or I'll scramble a couple of eggs And then for dinner either go totally veggie or I do the protein the size of my hand, my palm of my hand, I should say, and a side salad. None of this shit is groundbreaking. You can find all of that online. And I try to stop eating like around, you know, six-ish, around six o'clock. After that, I just drink water the whole night. And if I'm hungry, I have pre-cut celery sticks in the refrigerator that I will either just eat those or if I'm really feeling kind more hungry than that
Starting point is 01:49:28 I will have like a half a spoon or a spoon full of peanut butter and you fucking do that and you add cardio The fats got nowhere to go at least for me and it's just been falling off my body Although I'm still disgusting man. I could still sit here and just grab a nice fucking handful But whatever man, I've lost ten point two pounds ten point i'm shaving down the ham here people alright boston hates the olympics this is the last one uh... hey there billy jimrat i read boston won the bid to host a twenty twenty four olympic games but the city couldn't get the citizens behind it
Starting point is 01:50:01 apparently boston residents don't want the games to be held there i thought that was weird because boston always seems very proud of America to me. I figured they'd be stoked about hosting the games. They root for a team called the Patriots but have little or no interest in watching America's finest athletes compete. I would like to hear your take on this and I'd also like to know what position you take on the matter if you were living back east. Thanks to go fuck yourself. Yeah, what kind of fucking moron wants the Olympics in their town? You don't want the Olympics in your town.
Starting point is 01:50:31 You want the Olympics in the city that's close to you. So you can drive to it if you want to go see it. Like I wouldn't want it in Boston. I put it in Hartford. I don't want to deal with that fucking traffic. The traffic's already fucked up as it is. You don't need a bunch of people coming over here. And it's not, is it the winter at Olympics at least?
Starting point is 01:50:48 Olympic hockey would be the shit, but nobody gives a fuck about track. The high jump at all of that shit. I don't wanna see that. I like the winter at Olympics. And even then, fucking put it in a Hampshire. There's too much traffic in Boston. They got like 40 highways and they all fucking merged
Starting point is 01:51:03 right at the TD bank North garden And there's no way to go they stuck it all underground because it's so fucking annoying to look at and they put a park over the top But top of the thing and they try to act like it isn't happening. It's a complete fucking shit show Yeah, it's a shit show when there isn't the Olympics All right, we don't we don't need that shit. We don't need that shit. All right Fuck that you want the Olympics you you take them we'll come and visit you you don't I mean that's like that ol' analogy I said my brother taught me about having a boat he's like you don't have a boat you want to have a friend who has a boat then
Starting point is 01:51:36 you just show up with the 12 pack and you're a hero and then you fucking leave at the end of the day and he's got to deal with the barnacles and and dock in the fucking thing that's the same thing with the Olympics you don't want the Olympics in your city the only people want the Olympics in the city are the people that make money off a Building the tents and the shit that the people the tents the fucking state that those people want it there Nobody else wants it fucking there and by the way, they're not the finest fucking athletes Okay, the finest fucking athletes get paid You know what I mean? They're professional athletes are amateurs
Starting point is 01:52:07 So it's sports open Mike Who the fuck wants to watch that and have a tie up traffic? All right everybody. That's how I feel on that shit I hope you enjoyed that debate that fund the beta just had with me What is I gonna say what else do I got I keep saying it's fun? So I just please please don't if you're gonna be fucking ugly about it Just write to somebody else's podcast. Just try to have a good sense of humor about the shit. Okay, we've all contributed in our own little way Culturally, racially, humanly, all of that. All right, don't be fucking morons. All right. So anyways, that's a podcast for this fucking week I'll check in on Thursday. That's a podcast. Thank you so much for listening.
Starting point is 01:52:48 Go fuck yourselves. I'll talk to you on Thursday. Good fit. Good fit. Good fit. Good fit. Good fit. Good fit. Good fit. Good fit. Good fit. Good fit. Good fit. Good fit.
Starting point is 01:53:12 Good fit. Good fit. Good fit. Good fit. Good fit. Good fit. Good fit. Good fit.
Starting point is 01:53:20 Good fit. Good fit. Good fit. Good fit. Good fit. Good fit. Good man. Good man. You have to get this job. Good man. Good man. Good man.
Starting point is 01:53:34 Good man. Good man. Good man. Good man. Good man. Good man. Good man. Okay, here we go. 1 tbc 1 tbc 1 tbc 1 tbc 1 tbc
Starting point is 01:54:10 1 tbc 1 tbc 1 tbc 1 tbc 1 tbc 1 tbc 1 tbc 1 tbc 1 tbc 1 tbc Good man!
Starting point is 01:54:40 you

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