Thursday Afternoon Monday Morning Podcast 2-25-16
Episode Date: February 26, 2016Bill rambles about cults, gay neighborhoods and fancy jeans.
Bill Burr rants about relationship advice, sports and the Illuminati.
1222 episodes transcribedBill rambles about cults, gay neighborhoods and fancy jeans.
Bill rambles about winter, the NBA and Hitler.
Bill rambles about door locks, The Vegas Gamblers and doing roids.
Bill rambles about old house, wearing a suit and the c-note next door.
Bill rambles about Hershey Kisses, a certain something and trumpet voice.
Bill rambles about the Broncos, three toed sloths and putting your dick on the table.
Bill rambles about jagermeister, underwear and Deal Delray's 50th birthday.
Bill rambles about Girl Scout Cookies, Open Carry and Superbowl Analysis.
Bill rambles about Stingrays, snake bites and 70's love songs.
Bill rambles about the Patriots loss, the Bonzo Bash and the world's poop.
Bill rambles about the history of wedgies, potter's graves and Carolina's field.
Bill rambles about Vancouver, Hail Mary's and El Chapo.
Bill rambles about the New Year, the Los Angeles Rams and entrapment.
Bill rambles about lasagna, heights and vasectomies.
Bill rambles about power of attorney, stale breath and the Detroit Pistons.
Bill rambles about the Rose Bowl, the Stanford Band and the "I'm sorry" fall.
Bill and Virzi ramble about eggs over medium, Bill's hatred of Star Wars and Jay's adventure.
Bill rambles about lumberjacks, Alan Jazeera and liking the odds.
Bill rambles about the Pelican teeth, being homeless and waiting for your LAAAYY-DEEEE!!!
Bill rambles about dog shit, tape worms and giving thanks.