Mum's The Word! The Parenting Podcast - How To Be An Actress & A Working Mum - with Daisy Wood-Davis

Episode Date: May 12, 2024

On This Week's Mum's The Word:Kelsey Parker is joined by former Hollyoaks & Holby City star Daisy Wood-Davis on this week's podcastThey'll Discuss:How to balance being a performer and a motherWhy showers are boringThe importance oh having a passion projectGet In Contact With Us:Do you have a question for us? Get in touch on our Whatsapp, that's 07599927537 or email us at askmumsthewordpod@gmail.comThanks for Listening---A Create Podcast Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello and welcome back to Mums the Word, the parenting podcast. I'm Kelsey Parker and I'm your host for this week. Oh guys, Easter holidays, hasn't it dragged? It's felt like a lifetime. We've gone everywhere, the kids and me, we've gone on walks. I've got them out on their scooters. We've gone to see Matilda sing along. We've gone to see Kidz Bop. There's literally nothing we haven't done. I can't wait and let normality resume. So today's guest is Daisy Wood Davis. She's an actress, singer, and she's best known for her roles in Hollyoaks and Holby City. And most importantly, a mum to her little boy, Asa. Welcome to the podcast, Daisy.
Starting point is 00:00:53 And for those that don't know, Daisy's actually my friend. I've got another friend on. How have you been? Really good, thanks. I mean, we bumped into each other in the woods a couple of days ago, didn't we? Yeah, I just think it's literally like the law of attraction because I messaged Daisy last week like what was it Thursday Friday I can't even remember what day of the week it is and I was like do you want to come on the pod blah blah blah and then literally bumped into I've like
Starting point is 00:01:17 not seen you in ages and then I bumped into you over the woods. I know. And I was like don't talk to me now don't talk to me now save it for the podcast don't talk to me now. Don't talk to me now. Save it for the podcast. Don't talk to me now. Oh, thanks. How's your 2024 been so far? Good, good. It's been busy because I'm starting rehearsals for a show in a couple of weeks. Yes. Tell me all about the show. So I'm doing Bonnie and Clyde the musical, which was in the West End last year. I actually went to see it on press night with our mutual friend, Louisa Lytton. Oh, I love that. Yeah, I went to see it with her.
Starting point is 00:01:51 But you're going on tour? Yeah, we're going on tour. So that then closed and now they're going on tour and I'm sharing the role with the wonderful Catherine Tildesley from Corrie, who's just a dream on and off stage. So we're sharing the role, which is really nice and such a lovely thing that the producers are doing for. Well, not just for mums. I think they're doing it for other parts as well.
Starting point is 00:02:13 But I think it's a really good thing that producers are doing now because who wants to go away for six months when you've got kids at home? Well, realistically, you can't. You wouldn't be doing the show, would you? Realistically? Because you can't leave him for that long? No, exactly. So how are you going to make it work? Tell me, I'm interested. Good question. Can I come back to you in four months time? I don't know, because also, so I have like my regular job, which is, I'm a talent manager for like a social media agency. is um I'm a talent manager for like a social media agency so I'm continuing that while I'm also performing I also teach so I'm teaching at the same time and I'm going to be away and I have a husband and child so it's going to be an interesting period you can do it you're a mom oh exactly we can do it all spinning all the plates and the thing is I've been a bit nervous about it and
Starting point is 00:03:04 thought oh it's too much and worried about Asa. But actually, I think back to when it was really quiet and I was having my maternity leave and I really was just missing performing and doing what I do. So I just need to remember that I'm lucky and it's what I want to do. Yeah, and I think with what we do, you have to take what you can when you can. And that is it. And you work it around the babies and the children and whatever else, because we do just have to make hay while the sun shines, don't we really?
Starting point is 00:03:33 And that is it. Absolutely. And like you're saying, you've been through their moments where you're like, oh, I just love a job now. I'd love to do this. And you're having the opportunity and it'll be amazing. And also it will be some you time, some Daisy time to go and do what you love and your passion and sing every night. Yeah, definitely.
Starting point is 00:03:51 And yeah, I need to remember that and tell myself that. I think you get very much into the mode of just doing everything for other people when you're a mum, don't you? And it's your needs obviously come last. So I need to remember that this is what yeah this is what I've always loved and also that one day if I keep plugging away at it and people still want to employ me that Asa will one day be watching me on stage and that really excites me yeah you've got
Starting point is 00:04:16 to keep your foot in the door and you've got to keep doing it and you love it don't you and also you're actually incredible as well let's not not forget that. Oh, bless you. Daisy is like super talented. But those that don't know, she can literally do everything. But her voice is unreal. So if Bonnie and Clyde is in a theatre near you, you need to go and see it because it will not disappoint. Well, think just before COVID, you were going in to play. I was Carole King in Beautiful, yeah. And we did that for 12 weeks.
Starting point is 00:04:47 It was my dream job. I loved it. But it's only, like, literally in the last, like, my mum asked me to sing a Carole King song at her birthday party and it's the first time I've been able to do it without crying. I was devastated about that job. Yeah. Because it was my dream job and then obviously it all went...
Starting point is 00:05:04 But you did it for 12 weeks? Yeah, did's on the cv did it but i went to see that that show and it's literally incredible but such but you did it daisy and like you said you've got it on the cv and i think covid took a lot away from a lot of people that you know even for me building the performing arts school back up like we lost so many children in covid so many because obviously and have you got them all back no we've we've had to start again we literally have rebuilt the business again do you know what i mean we were in a really good place we were just like there we were like yeah we're smashing it and then it was like covid oh and then we've had to rebuild from the bottom again and I'm really focused on like getting the little ones through like so me and Daisy have known each other for a long time but
Starting point is 00:05:50 you know when we when you were at performing arts school the old ones who aspire to be the older ones but that's what I'm sort of missing the older children we're just rebuilding I think in the next couple of years I'll have the older ones yeah yeah so you're up on tour you're a talent manager as well now I mean literally you're doing amazing being an actor a lot of people think that that's all you do and I think a lot of actors sort of keep their other job on the DL because if they think that it is a bad like look that you're not obviously earning 100% of your income through performing but most actors and most people in our industry will have their bit on the side because you cannot like be earning from it all the time unless you're obviously like super successful so I'm really
Starting point is 00:06:36 happy to have found a job that is sort of in the industry as well and it's from my experience of like being in Hollyoaks getting a following doing like Insta ads and stuff and getting to know that world. And I'm working with like some friends as well at the minute. And also it's I work from home, which is just perfect for family life. I used to feel that like we were just speaking about K2K. I used to feel that like, oh, I don't know anyone bring up like K2K stars. It's like, oh, why is she doing K2K? But you need something else.
Starting point is 00:07:03 And you know what? Sometimes you just need a passion project. And me i absolutely love k2k like you you're now like you are empowering other women because you're like you can do everything you can be go on tour but also i can still manage you and i can still do a fantastic job for you yeah well i hope so that's what i'm aiming for and you, that's also why I need to keep it because realistically I need a job to go back to, to pay my bills. And obviously don't want to be on stage every night
Starting point is 00:07:33 for all of Asa's childhood as he's growing up. I want to be around for evenings. So yeah, you just have to work something else out. Yeah. So we don't know how you're working it out yet. Is your mum going to be heavily involved with looking after Asa or well my husband Madge he um is also an actor but he Luke Luke's his old name Luke's his old name but he yeah he's senior lecturer of acting at UEL
Starting point is 00:08:00 University of East London so that means that he gets like turn times. Oh, that's brilliant. Yeah, and it's fallen in his summer holiday. So he's mostly going to be with his dad, which is perfect. Oh, it's meant to be though. That is meant to be. Yeah, although they're not really visiting me that much. That's what I was going to ask. Are they going to travel around?
Starting point is 00:08:18 Because I had Louisa on this and she was like, when she got 222, she was like, you know, at first I was like oh Ben's gonna come here and bring over here and it didn't work out like that she was like literally I went I came home they didn't travel around and see me it was just too much well actually it was speaking to her that made me because she said it's too much and you want to keep him in his like familiar place going to nursery I need to keep things really normal for him so talking about Asa and we like to know your birth and your pregnancy and I like to know
Starting point is 00:08:53 everything in between so talk to me how was your pregnancy how did that go and how was your birth pregnancy was a dream it was we were in a really fortunate position where we'd moved down from Liverpool and we were living at my mum and dad's in between houses. So like pressure was off in terms of like paying a mortgage. It was something like coming out of the end of one of the last lockdowns. So it was just like a really chill time and there wasn't much going on. So I didn't really feel like I was missing out on any social events or anything. And I just loved it.
Starting point is 00:09:28 Absolutely loved being pregnant. And did all the hypnobirthing, all of that stuff. How did that go for you, the hypnobirthing? I liked elements of it. But there's also elements of it that I, from coming out of the other side, feel quite, not annoyed about, but I feel like it really led me down a path of thinking that it was going to be a lot easier than it was. And actually, I probably would have liked a little bit more honesty.
Starting point is 00:09:55 No, but the thing is, it is painful. I mean, you're actually pushing a human out of your vagina. Exactly. And I think we've fallen into that thing a little bit where it's like we can't say that it's painful to anyone yeah of course it's painful really painful and if I didn't and I think I just really believed because I was putting myself into that like hypnobirthing that I would be able to breathe the bubble the bubble that's what my hypnobirthing was like go to the bubble and I was like I just keep picturing myself laying on the beach and I be for that's got to be my bubble.
Starting point is 00:10:27 Surely. Yeah, that's a nice bubble. But yeah, I think maybe I came out a little bit shell shocked from and actually compared to like our NCT friends or other friends that I know their birth stories. It wasn't that bad. I think it was quite a normal experience, particularly for a first baby. But I did feel quite traumatized by I think the pain that my body experienced but I think that's the power of us women that we can go through that pain and people say to you don't they nothing whatever compared to childbirth and I don't think it I don't think any other pain will no and then and then we want to do it again so yeah and that's why I said it can't be that bad because we we sign ourselves up to do it again. So... Yeah, and that's why I said to her, it can't be that bad because we sign ourselves up to do it again. I mean, literally, I went nine months after.
Starting point is 00:11:09 I was like, yep, I'm pregnant again. Was Aurelia nine months? So I was nine, yeah, Aurelia was nine months and I fell pregnant with Bodie. Oh, my... So I loved it that much. Let's do it again. And also, mine was quite traumatic as well.
Starting point is 00:11:20 And I was like, yep, doing it. Just go for it again. I don't overthink, though. And also also I knew what to expect that second time so did you feel like your second was easier your second better my carrying and being pregnant was a lot easier and I looked like a dream with Aurelia I looked horrendous and I just thought that was normal but actually being pregnant the second time I realized it wasn't normal and I was really ill but then Tom obviously
Starting point is 00:11:46 got diagnosed didn't he when I was 35 weeks so my perfect pregnancy went out the window I was like oh I was just in stress central and I wasn't eating I wasn't doing a lot so it was probably again another traumatic birth but for me I was actually just more wanting to get the baby out and get on, get on with life, get on with life. I need to move forward with, I think. No,
Starting point is 00:12:08 it wasn't, especially with Bodhi. It wasn't, it was like, right, you're having chemo and you're going to radiotherapy. It really wasn't on my, my radar to be like, oh yeah,
Starting point is 00:12:16 what have I just been through? I think it's taken till now. I'm now reflecting on all my births again. I'm actually seeing a spiritual therapist of course I am and we're talking like I need sessions just on my births alone because what I went through in both of my births that's what I mean I just think it's really rare for a woman to come out feeling sort of unscathed by it and feeling like it was just like a really pleasant experience which is a shame it is a shame but everyone on Instagram's like I'll tell you my birth story i'll tell you my birth story like
Starting point is 00:12:48 everyone's got a birth story haven't they because i think do you think it's that we're underprepared but you did the hypnobirthing but you still feel like that even with the hypnobirthing they didn't cover they didn't turn around and say to you this is actually going to be really painful yeah i think there's an element of um but then again i guess it depends how your brain works and whether that works for you and i think your pain threshold as well if you've got a higher pain threshold yeah and i didn't really know i mean i assumed that i didn't because i'm dramatic no no i feel like do any actors or people from performing arts got a high pain threshold but for me my waters broke first and apparently I don't know if this is medically true but apparently that does
Starting point is 00:13:31 really increase the pain because when the amniotic fluid hits the cervix it just gets everything moving a lot quicker than it sort of naturally should do and I think also that's why I think when they break your waters that's why it goes from like nought to a hundred because they've broken and then you're like right you're in full-on labor now not that I'm a trained midwife neither me or Jay-Z I mean we did go to a Sally O'Conty we did do a lot of sex education talk but we're definitely not trained midwives it wasn't much science going on though my waters broke on the day I turned 37 weeks and it was also the day that my sister organised a surprise baby shower for me. So I think she put me into an early labour with that but yeah it then took like five days for
Starting point is 00:14:16 him to be born. So he was really early then? On the day I went into labour was the day he wasn't classed as prem. Oh okay but your waters broke at your surprise baby shower or before? No, in the evening. So I wanted, because I didn't want a baby shower, to be honest, when I've always been to them in the past, they've been a bit boring. So I was like, I don't want a baby shower. They're boring for other people.
Starting point is 00:14:40 Like, if everyone... I think it's boring for the pregnant person. It's like, why do I want to party and not drink with everyone? I've never been to one where, like, everyone's had a drink. I feel like everyone vibes off the mum. I had a bump party with Aurelia. Like, everyone came. It was men and women.
Starting point is 00:15:00 Tom got absolutely paralytic. I thought, oh, my God, he's going to break his leg before the baby comes. I was in so my God, he's going to break his leg before the baby comes. I was in so much pain. So I was just so swollen and it was horrific for me. And I look back at the pictures and think that was actual hell, but it looked really nice on Instagram. Oh yes.
Starting point is 00:15:17 I remember this actually. I remember seeing pictures of it. It looked beautiful. You had like bouncy castles. But I just looked like a swollen mess. I literally looked, I had my hair plaited but I just looked like a swollen mess those I literally looked I had my hair plaited to the side don't know why I had that no I didn't I didn't I actually Tom actually was calling me Princess Fiona from Shrek and I actually I had the I had
Starting point is 00:15:37 a dress on that actually resembled her and now I look back and think I actually was her I actually looked like Princess Fiona when she's when she's an ogre that's harsh that's harsh yeah but I did it's the truth yeah I know what you mean so yeah baby showers for you so then my sister organized a surprise one and I basically just wanted everyone to get drunk so I was serving everyone drinks till like half one in the morning and then got into bed at like quarter two and laid there thinking uh this is like too much for 37 weeks and then felt my waters go that's similar to Bodhi I'd watched an episode of Towie watched episode Towie and he started really kicking and then I got up and my waters broke Towie did it Towie did it I can't remember even who was in it at the time,
Starting point is 00:16:26 but I was definitely watching Towie. Diags, let's blame him. Do you have an insatiable fascination with the paranormal? Brace yourself for the supernatural world is about to reveal all of its secrets on the Paranormal Activity Podcast. And who better to guide you through this hair-raising journey than myself, Yvette Fielding, renowned paranormal investigator.
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Starting point is 00:17:24 Yes, they did that and then nothing really progressed as in i had contractions but they weren't at the like three and ten stage so then i had to go in for like antibiotics for them to keep an eye on me for infection then they ended up giving me this and then they all just go south doesn't it it's when it's over medicalized basically and then they gave me like a the drip then I like needed an epidural ended up not to scare people that is like having a punch in the face when you get the drip when you're on the drip yeah any sort of um induction is just a very risky what did I say I said something like oh I feel like I've just been whacked in the face in the midwife's like who whacked you in the face I was like no I feel like I've just been whacked in the face because it literally just they put that drip in and then it was up like yeah it takes
Starting point is 00:18:16 it to a different level yeah and I was like I just had sweat pouring off my head I mean anyone listens this do it it's a fantastic experience have a baby we love talking about births on this podcast have one yeah it's the um my sister had the induction as well and it just made it escalate to a ridiculous level where she just went to a different place and I think that it's really made me think when next time comes around I'm just not going to have any going to really push back on any sort of induction so we've done birth then we have baby Asa and how how is he what's he like tell us everything about him I know that he's absolutely gorgeous he's gorgeous he's just um he's just amazing I just amazing. I just think kids, it just has made me realise just how special children are. They're so pure. They're so full of joy. They live in the moment constantly and are just so carefree. And I'm really proud of him. He's so caring. We've just obviously had a new
Starting point is 00:19:23 addition to the family with my sister having a baby, baby autumn. And he is utterly obsessed with her kisses, cuddles. So gentle. I thought I'd have to like watch him around her a little bit, be a bit, but I feel so I could leave him in a room with her to pop and get
Starting point is 00:19:39 something. Can I know that he wouldn't, you know, give her a smack by accident or anything like that. He's just a very gentle boy, loves music. I think he might be wouldn't, you know, give her a smack by accident or anything like that. He's just a very gentle boy, loves music. I think he might be a performer, you know. Oh, no. Not one of those.
Starting point is 00:19:51 Do you think yours will be? Oh, 100%. Well, you've met my daughter, for one. Yeah, she definitely will be. What about Bodhi? I think he will be. I've been told by mediums and people that he will be a performer. But I don't know.
Starting point is 00:20:05 He does love it. They both love music. They love singing. And it's literally in their blood from both me and Tom. And I guess that's the same face. It's in his blood. They don't stand a chance. No, what do you expect?
Starting point is 00:20:16 But what was he like as a baby? He was quite an easy baby, really. He was really good with sleep in the end. Like the first 12 weeks weeks no sleep at all obviously but um I remember at 12 weeks he started it is hard to know what to expect with your first isn't it like it is yeah and I just think you're so nervous everyone's so different as well like if that worked for you then that's fine isn't it you've got to go with what works for you and if you're nervous and you're worried about that you know about baby stop breathing and then you did the right thing also Asa was
Starting point is 00:20:50 five pounds four so he was obviously tiny and therefore he wasn't allowed to there was quite a lot of rules that came with him with his birth weight so he wasn't allowed to wear sleeping bags he wasn't allowed to have a like certain things on him and we were just so nervous about if he fell asleep in the moses basket while we were that he'd like somehow wriggle something over his head because he couldn't have a sleeping bag on yeah we were just quite fraught and i think that's that is quite a common thing with first babies i guess but i would definitely be more relaxed next time yeah you don't feel like you're gonna do that again you feel like you're gonna i have you know do you know what as well you can't really do it
Starting point is 00:21:29 with the second one because you've then got Asa who's you who's staying up till four in the morning and then then uh changing shifts like well exactly you would literally be the walking dead as parents yeah like you I feel like with your second when I speak to people they say that going from none to one is the hardest but one to two is like baby's just got to get on with it haven't they literally when if you have a second baby they've just got to slot in with your life yeah definitely it's gonna be a very different experience next time but something that we did have that I would that I just loved and obviously I know it's like we were really lucky because we were gifted it otherwise we could never have afforded it was
Starting point is 00:22:10 the snow has anyone spoken about the snow on this podcast no oh my god it's just amazing I mean it's like a family heirloom to us now so it's a bed um that obviously goes it's there like next to me essentially but when the baby like makes any sort of noise, it gently rocks them and makes a noise. And then as they stop crying, it stops. And we put Asa in that at like 12 weeks. That's when he started sleeping through. And then he's always been a very good sleeper since then.
Starting point is 00:22:40 And my niece uses it. She's a good sleeper. So you're hoping if you have a second, it's going to work for the second? Oh, it's going to be in that snoo from the get-go. See, the thing is, I do think it is just down to baby. Aurelia was absolutely horrendous days, literally horrendous. Cried nonstop, didn't really sleep.
Starting point is 00:22:58 Now she's actually, like, bedtime. She actually sleeps in her bed the whole night. It's Bodie that wants to be with me and get in and out of bed. But with Aurelia, she actually sleeps in her bed the whole night it's bodie that wants to be with me and get in and out of bed but with aurelia she actually goes to bed at like anywhere between half six and seven and sleeps all the way through but as a baby she was an absolute nightmare like tom was ringing and texting everyone and it actually got to the point of him i had to say to him can you stop because you're actually embarrassing me because he was like our baby just don't stop crying our baby doesn't stop crying there's got to the point of him, I had to say to him, can you stop because you're actually embarrassing me? Because he was like, our baby just don't stop crying. Our baby doesn't stop crying.
Starting point is 00:23:28 There's got to be something. Is she breastfeeding right? Is she doing this okay? I'm like, back off. I mean, once he actually got her, put her in the car, drove up and down the M25 and rang me and was like, she's still crying. I'm like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:41 And I guess like colic, people talk about colic. I'm like, does colic just mean a crying baby? Maybe. Yeah. I mean, the crying is just unbearable though, isn't it? But I had a lot of it with Aurelia. She didn't stop. Even my mum said, I've never known a baby like this. My mum would get her, put her in the car chair and then just try and rock her off, rock her off, rock her off. But she'd just be there. Oh, she's so happy as well. Like you wouldn't, it just goes to show nothing to do with their personalities or.
Starting point is 00:24:09 No, she is so lovely. I mean, she like loves Asa, doesn't she? She's so cute with him. She was like, can you say Aurelia? And then he was like, Aurelia. She went, well done, well done. She's so caring, isn't she? And like, you can see her being a mum.
Starting point is 00:24:24 Oh yeah, she loves life and loves people. Yeah, people person. So what do you feel's next for you? So we're going on the Bonnie and Clyde tour. What else would you love to achieve? Work-wise, I would love to... I want to go back into TV, because obviously I had my stint in Hollyoaks
Starting point is 00:24:45 and did Holby for a bit after that and just loved doing TV. And did you love the soap world? Did you like how fast-paced that was? What do you prefer, soap or theatre? Oh, that's a good question. Oh, in terms of just the work, it is theatre. But in terms of lifestyle and the money, it's it is it's far better paid and also like you get your weekends you get your evenings theater is
Starting point is 00:25:13 just so consuming um and it's quite anti-social yeah it's anti-social hours it's like you've got to be in you only get you only get two matinees don't you you'll get like what is it Wednesday and Saturday yeah Wednesday or Thursday and then Saturday so they're your only daytime really and then the rest is just evening work so it is really unsociable yeah no it is so I think yeah next I'd want a telly job so that I can still do my acting but also be around as a mum it's finding something that you can be a mum and do everything around your child I think when you have children you're like oh how do I make this work but you will you will just make it work I said to Madge the other night how did they not tell us at contis like oh ladies if you want kids this career's got about a 10 year lifespan once you leave
Starting point is 00:26:02 because you can't really do it afterwards I guess they wouldn't make it no one would train they're not honest about pregnancy they're and birth they're definitely not honest about how long you've got to work in this industry days yeah that's true yeah I mean yeah it's like well there's so many women out there you know you've got uh Anna Mavapaka who's fighting for all these rights for women in the work world and i guess being in the industry is one of a really tough one to be in because we don't know what job we're going to have next and we don't know where we're going to be next so it is really tough to have a plan to have children yeah it is and like don't even get me started on maternity leave and maternity
Starting point is 00:26:42 pay it's just like oh when did you decide to have children was it like you both came together was like this is the right time or did it just did that just happen the reason the reason we had asa was because our wedding got postponed because of covid and i said to him if we're postponing the wedding i really don't want it to stop what our plans were so we just decided to do it the other way around as a lot of people did I think during that time which was lovely because it means that I've got a picture here it means that he's in all our wedding pictures yeah that's so lovely I mean COVID was good for some like reason like you know it made people have the babies and
Starting point is 00:27:20 also with a wedding we all put so much emphasis on a wedding, but a wedding is about two people that are in love. And it's not about a whole singing or dancing thing, is it? It's literally, as Diane would put it, it's just a piece of paper. When I looked at your wedding on Instagram, I was jealous that I didn't get an invite to that wedding. I wanted to see you in your wedding dress with red wine spilt down it. I wanted to be there for it. So Daisy, tell everyone. You've got to tell everyone.
Starting point is 00:27:54 Well, for reference, please, everyone go to my Instagram and have a look. It's pinned picture. And follow. And follow and engage with my account. And follow. And follow and engage with my account. And yeah, I basically, I think when you're nervous, you make some odd choices. And I had obviously done a wine tasting for all of it. And the white wine was so good.
Starting point is 00:28:17 But for some reason, on a really, really hot summer's day in Spain, I decided to drink red wine all day when I was in my white wedding dress I mean I've got pictures where my teeth like you know the red wine teeth I think what was I doing what a weird weird choice anyway I was obviously having the time of my life dancing up and down looked down at my dress I basically got it looks like I've got half a bottle of wine red wine just all down my wedding dress and all of my bridesmaids were running up to me like oh my god what should we do what should we do and I was that drunk at this point I was like I don't care I'm not gonna wear it again and she just
Starting point is 00:28:53 tipped more down herself I think I thought this is quite now it's done this is quite funny oh it's absolutely brilliant when I saw that on Instagram, I thought, yeah, exactly. You literally have had the time of your life. And that's what a wedding is about. Yeah, we had the most amazing wedding. Going abroad is difficult in some aspects, but it also just makes it so special because you just have a holiday with all your best people. Yeah, I love an abroad wedding, not going to lie.
Starting point is 00:29:21 Right, anyway, Daisy, thank you so much. This has been a lovely catch-up and a lovely gossip yeah plug plug away anything you want to plug right now i don't really have anything to plug but from obviously bonnie and clyde if it's coming near you please come and say hi and yeah check out that wedding dress picture because it is funny. Oh, it's absolutely brilliant. Anyway, thank you so much. Send love to your sister and Autumn. I will. Thank you so much for being on Mums the Word.
Starting point is 00:29:52 Love it. Do you have a question you want me and my guests to answer? Get in touch by emailing askmumsthewordpod at or leave us a voicemail on WhatsApp. That's plumbsthewordpod at or leave us a voicemail on WhatsApp. Our number is 07599927537 or leave it as a review on Apple Podcasts. Make sure you hit the subscribe or follow button so you never miss an episode. If you're listening on Apple Podcasts, then please leave us a review and a five-star rating.
Starting point is 00:30:25 It helps others find us and talking of spreading the news please tell another person about the podcast and help us reach more people so i've been kelsey parker you can find me on being underscore kelsey on instagram where i'm just being me we'll be back with with another episode, same time, same place, next week. Thanks for listening.

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