Mum's The Word! The Parenting Podcast - Tackling Social Media - With Louise Boyce AKA Mamma Still Got It

Episode Date: June 23, 2024

On This Week's Mum's The Word:Kelsey Parker is joined by Model and Mummy of 3  Louise Boyce on this week's podcastThey'll Discuss:How to control social media usage with your childrenWhy mum's nee...d that time away to relaxAnd some great embarrassing story'sGet In Contact With Us:Do you have a question for us? Get in touch on our Whatsapp, that's 07599927537 or email us at askmumsthewordpod@gmail.comThanks for Listening---A Create Podcast Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello and welcome back to Mum's The Word, the parenting podcast. I'm Kelsey Parker and I'm your host for this week. So this week we put on a charity football match for my late husband Tom Parker and I had such a proud moment because Aurelia stood up in front of everyone and sang and everyone was crying she sang somewhere out there from an American tale and it was so beautiful and she honestly just made me so proud and she's gonna follow in her daddy's footsteps I know it so today's guest on mums the word is Louise Boyce she's more commonly known today as m Has Still Got It and creator
Starting point is 00:00:47 of the hugely popular Bernie, leading Louise to be known as the woman with the little hands. Outside of being an award-winning content creator, Louise is a model, podcaster and best-selling author, as well as a mother of three children. Welcome to the podcast Louise. How are you doing? I'm all right. I have to apologize. I'm not there in real life. My daughter's not very well so she's off school and currently watching Frozen so hopefully she doesn't come running in but I am actually quite tired today. We're one of those nights where she was just up in the night not feeling well and uh yeah so I feel a little bit tired today and you forget them you forget them stages don't you you're like you have like a you do like a clean like you know a couple of weeks of good sleep and then you're like oh to be fair yeah my bode still actually wakes me up in the
Starting point is 00:01:43 night and stuff so I don't feel like I've had a proper night's sleep in a very long time even last night he was in my bed yeah and you know I went through a stint recently where I was getting good sleep but now like I'm getting all these like perimenopausal symptoms which are waking me up and I'm like come on give me a break like can I just sleep do you know what it was so funny the other day, actually, this is my, this might be a bit graphic for this podcast, but I was on my period the other day and I'm very open with my children for them to like, see what's going on and whatever else. And Aurelia was like, they're both stood there. And I just had that moment to be like,
Starting point is 00:02:21 poor Aurelia, she has got so much to go through like and Bodie just did then I thought you you actually have nothing to go through but she has got it all she's gonna have to start her periods she's gonna have babies and then she's gonna go through the menopause it's like never ending for us women it never ends never ends but we're strong and we can do this we are we can get through anything um so other than that how have you been how's life treating you how's motherhood treating you yeah you know it's uh motherhood is always challenging you know you always think that once one phase is finished another one opens up and you're like okay this is new and i think with my eldest obviously i'm going through new things with him all the time he's 12 and he is definitely that pre-teen guy um and uh yeah it's like it it's he won't yeah i can't he won't let me see
Starting point is 00:03:23 him like when he comes out the bath or the shower, he's now really private with everything. And I'm a bit like, I made your penis. I'm allowed to look at it. And he's like, no, mum. And I'm like, fine. Oh, stop it. That's what my mum used to be like with my brother.
Starting point is 00:03:34 She was like, let me, I need to see that it's all, everything's okay. I'm like, mum, leave them alone. Is that you? Yeah. So he's at that. And I totally get it, of course know and I don't need to see his willing but this is really weird to even talk about but I love this straight away
Starting point is 00:03:51 lose on I'm like opening with me and periods and everything else and now you're like right willies I know I know um and obviously I totally respect that, of course. But I think it's because it's just a new phase of motherhood that I'm experiencing for the first time. When my other two go through it, I'll be like, yeah, I get it. You know, this is normal. But when it's your first one going through these new experiences, it's like, oh, my God, this is another thing that's changed. And, you know, time goes so fast. And before you know it, you know, you'll probably be at college or whatever. And it goes too fast. time goes so fast before you know it you know you'll probably be at college or whatever and it's just it goes too fast it goes so fast when you're in the trenches of like sleep
Starting point is 00:04:33 deprivation or breastfeeding or like upshrivels and nappies you just think oh my god this is never going to end and it does end and it ends before you know it and then and I find myself kind of like missing those days of no I don't miss sleep this night because I had a sleep this night last night and I don't miss that but I miss the baby you know like snuggles and nap times together and it was you know it was so beautiful and now that's gone what do you feel like the hardest stage is do you feel like you're hitting the like the teenage you think that's going to be quite difficult I think it might be difficult in ways to like navigate um you know whatsapp chats you know I already have kind of seen some whatsapp chats on his phone that I've not been
Starting point is 00:05:19 happy with and I've had to like take it off his phone um and have you know kind of talk to him about online bullying and all of that jazz and what was that like just like a boy group chat or was it like a class group chat or there are so many group chats there are so many because there's there's a whole um a whole school not a whole school a whole class chat, the whole of his year seven. And then there's like a sports chat and then there's a chess chat. And then all the sports that he does and clubs that he does, there's a chat for it. to take him off WhatsApp because he will miss out on vital information from, you know, his, his, his clubs and stuff. But then you obviously get chats that are groups of friends and yeah,
Starting point is 00:06:15 there was a chat recently and it was, it was boys. And I couldn't believe it actually. It was really bitchy between boys, which I was, I didn't think the boys went through. Boys are the worst they're the worst I genuinely were like I didn't think that he would and to be fair in all honesty like it wasn't it wasn't him it was other boys in the group that were saying things and I was reading it and I was like no I don't like this look we're gonna remove you from this group because also it's so tough because you don't want you know you're tired with the same brush aren't you like you if you get caught in that group and you're all gonna you're all gonna get in trouble
Starting point is 00:06:54 for it aren't you yeah and it's so I going back to your question I also think the toddler, terrible twos, the tantrums, that was really testing. And yesterday when I was walking home from school, there was a mother across the road who had a toddler who was just screaming on the floor, refused to get in the pram, refused to walk. And it brought back these kind of PTSD,, like, oh God, I remember that. And, you know, even my four year old every now and then she will still have a massive meltdown. Like she had a meltdown this morning that it wasn't Thursday. It was Tuesday. And she was like, no, no, I want it to be Thursday. I'm like, well, it's not Thursday. And she had the biggest meltdown. And you're just like, come on, man, like you're four.
Starting point is 00:07:42 I'll be over this, you know, but four is still very much in the trenches sometimes. Yeah, I'm at a funny stage of a railer at the moment. I don't really know. And like you said, if it's not one, it's the other. You're at a different phase. Like with her, I don't even know what it is, but she's just not herself. Like she's normally so happy-go-lucky, doesn't care.
Starting point is 00:08:06 I don't know. I don't know what it is. i don't know what it is i don't know whether it's not saying friendship groups but you know when they start school and they it is that like pressure of like friends i don't know i don't know if that's the case or you know we have had father's day so that could have been um a contribution to that but yeah she's just not herself but i'm asking like what's going on i'm really sorry one second sorry one second my daughter's being a weirdo hang on sorry my daughter's being a weirdo we've had it all on this pod now i'm really sorry she wanted me to rewind something frozen oh i love her i'm really sorry. She wanted me to rewind something frozen. Oh, I love her. I'm really sorry. It's okay. I enjoy a podcast at home with a child.
Starting point is 00:08:51 Yeah, she's just in a funny stage. I just think, you know, they just go through so many different stages and you don't really know where you're at and when it's one, if it's not one, it's the other. So obviously that brings me to saying, obviously you're on social media.
Starting point is 00:09:06 How do you feel about the kids and social media and Instagram and TikTok? Yeah, this is a really tricky subject at the moment at home. Obviously my younger two aren't on anything. Whereas my eldest, again, he's got friends who are on social media and my son wants to be on it. And it's honestly, it's like an ongoing thing because I'm like, you don't need it right now. And, you know, I'm trying. He came with me when I went to go and talk to the government about kind of changing the laws on social media. So he was there in that meeting room. Oh, tell me more about that. Tell me more. What did you do?
Starting point is 00:09:49 Yes. So it all started because I was on the train coming home from London and there were a group of girls on the train. There must've been about 15, maybe younger, probably younger actually. And they were all talking about what apps they're using on their phones to distort their bodies to make their bodies look slimmer or their bums bigger or their boobs bigger like and I was just I just had this like I have to go and talk to them um and I just went up to them and I was like girls you don't need any apps to change your body you're perfect the way you are like please just don't um they looked at me like I had three heads and I kind of like yeah I was gonna say how did that one go down well I mean they didn't they just stared at me as if to say what like shut up what do you know stranger danger stranger danger that's
Starting point is 00:10:39 what they thought but I'm glad that I did but then I I put this on my Instagram. I talked about it on my Instagram. And then the response from that was enormous to saying that there is a huge problem. I know there's a problem like, you know, there it is a problem. I managed to have an appointment, have a meeting with people at Parliament to talk about changing the basically making social media 16 plus and also banning. Like I can't I can't ban these apps, but people like young teenagers are getting fed when they're scrolling on their phone they're getting fed ads that say download this app and you'll get a really trim waist and a bigger bum and you know they're getting fed these advertisements that they're not asking for and um they don't need to be there so i just went out to say look you know things need to change and you know they did agree that they they know that there is a problem and a lot of them in the meeting room had children that were younger and will get to that point and they were
Starting point is 00:11:48 all saying yeah we're you know we're also quite worried about all of this but it's a long road it's not as simple as just sure okay we'll do that you know it's the tech giants are extremely powerful yeah huge and but you know things are in motion and also there is an amazing campaign i'm sure you've heard of it called um smartphone free childhood they're doing an amazing job with awareness and really getting the message out there and what we can do is kind of not wait for the government to say right you're not allowed to do this anymore we kind of can do it ourselves if we all in this together as in parents need to be um kind of clued up with what to say to the kids and if we if all the parents are on the same side and that we're saying to the kids, you know, we don't want you to have social media, then it might work.
Starting point is 00:12:49 If you think about our kids know that they have to be a certain age to get a tattoo or buy alcohol or get a vape or watch an 18 rated movie. They know that they can't do that so then it's like well then maybe we need to get to a point where they know that social media is not available for them until a certain point but it's really tricky but you need the parents to be behind it because it's basically down to the parents to to see what apps are on the kids phones that's what i was going to say some parents just want the easy life though don't they and they can't be bothered with the arguments yeah and there are a lot of arguments and the thing is as well like I do know a lot of kids teenagers that are on social media and some of them have a great time you know it's not all doom
Starting point is 00:13:38 and gloom some of them have a great time um they're you know making up dance routines and whatever but it can be a place where it's it can be also a dark place and i think if parents just set certain rules like we have rules in our household like there are no screens after a certain time and definitely definitely don't let your kids go in their bedrooms with a phone at night ever because that's when they'll be like oh I'm alone no one's going to come in what can I search for I think that is um a real kind of just just don't do that if you're going to do anything don't do that to start with do you know what's quite funny like um my cousin she's now 22 she won't mind me telling this story uh shit I think her and her friend,
Starting point is 00:14:25 they must have been about 12 or yeah, they were 12. So I've got a performing arts school. Anyway, I've seen this video that maybe this was like musically or something. They posted and they were in the back garden, her and her friend, and they were dancing. And obviously they posted it. It was quite like sexy dancing or whatever.
Starting point is 00:14:45 So my auntie went, well, what we're going to do is we're going to get all the family around. Everyone's going to come over and you are going to get up and you're going to do that exact same dance for the family. How do you feel about that? And she was like, well, I don't really want to do it. She was like, exactly. So that's inappropriate to go online because you wouldn't do it in front of the family. So don't do it online and I was like that is brilliant that's a good point that's a good point that's a very very good I'm gonna get
Starting point is 00:15:10 your nan and granddad in the front row and you can yeah jiggle your bottom and do whatever you want to do in front of them she's like no she's like yeah she never posted anything again I don't think she even I don't even think she even posts on Instagram now she's probably scared of her mom she's 22 well there you go and actually that's a really good point I don't even think she even posts on Instagram now. She's probably scared of her mum. She's 22. Well, there you go. And actually that's a really good point. I kind of do think that, you know, exactly that. But then, I mean, I know it's completely different,
Starting point is 00:15:37 but I wouldn't dress up as Bernie with my little hands in front of anyone in real life. I just wouldn't do it. So should you be doing that online? Who knows? Who knows? Probably not. wouldn't do it so should you be doing that online who knows probably not list lips the podcast where we give our expert not so expert advice join us as we figure life out one episode at a time yeah you don't want them break dancing in the middle of weather spoons do you really a tanned ankle, no socks, boat shoes. So they have like a partially tanned foot.
Starting point is 00:16:08 So you got through it? Yeah. Well, I mean, well, we're not together now. Oh, well, yeah, there is that. Gotta say I'm furious. High five yourself. Boom. Another life saved, you know.
Starting point is 00:16:18 Find us wherever you got this podcast. Just search Listlips for weekly topics and some seriously juicy listener dilemmas. Anyway, let's talk about Bernie. Tell everyone about Bernie. Those that don't know about Bernie, please tell us. Tell us more. Tell us what you do. Bernie seems to be more popular than I am. Bernie is a complete accident.
Starting point is 00:16:47 He's a character that I made up. I basically, I play my kids out with this character and I have these little plastic hands and a pink hoodie. And I make videos about my kids using this character. And it's just gone a bit bonkers. People love Bernie and it's um I'm kind of seen to be known now for the the lady with the little hands on Instagram which
Starting point is 00:17:12 was not the reason I went on Instagram at all um but here we are and um yeah it all started because my friend came around when I had my third child came around saying congratulations he's a bottle of prosecco a card his pair of plastic hands was like that's really weird and then she said well you know you'll need an extra pair of hands now that you have a third child and I was like okay I get I get the pump and then put those hands away in a drawer that I never really look at and then COVID hit and homeschooling and trying to work at home and all that disastrous rubbish and my son did he came up to me when I was trying to finish an email and he was like mummy watch mummy mummy watch this like mummy watch and then did something like really
Starting point is 00:17:58 pathetic um and I was like that's quite funny can you do that again and then he was like, well, that's quite funny. Can you do that again? And then he was like, no. And then, so I basically fished out the pans and filmed it myself pretending to be him. And that's it. The rest is history. I had no idea that it would be as popular as it is. It's kind of crazy. And yeah, I wasn't planning on being Bernie ever so before
Starting point is 00:18:29 you were just posting content on Instagram so you was you already had like a Instagram following and presence or this blew you up yeah so I had I started Instagram um in 2017 and I called it Mama Still Got It because at the time I was, I've been modeling for years. Which you have still got it. Can I just say she's still got it? Not today. I mean, I'm looking at my video and I'm like, oh my God, I literally look horrendous, but thank you anyway. So yeah, I started Mama Still Got It because I was modeling. And then when I said that I was pregnant I was basically kicked out of the industry and I I really suffered with that because I kind of felt like I was damaged goods because I chose to have children how dare you have a child you know what
Starting point is 00:19:17 I mean like come on and so I realized that social media was on the rise and a lot of other models were on Instagram and actually getting jobs through Instagram rather than having your agency and my agency at the time lost all their faith in me because I had a child so then I just went to Instagram and called my channel Mama Still Got It because I was like I want mothers women to know that regardless if you've had a child or your age or whatever we've still got it like we still want to work and look good feel good and we're still capable of doing everything we did before we're probably even more stronger now that we are mothers and um without a doubt without a doubt someone says that to me the other day and i was like look i've got
Starting point is 00:20:02 i've got multiple businesses and i'm a mum so please don't mess with me but the ultimate one is I'm a mum yeah don't mess with the mum and I do feel that since becoming a mother I'm much more up front and like I won't take any crap whereas before I was such a pushover I'd be like oh yeah of course you can be mean to me it's fine whereas now I'm like absolutely not um so yes that's where it started and then it was there was always a bit of like comedy in there but it was before video was on Instagram it was a different time I remember when you couldn't even comment on things on Instagram it was literally like you post a picture and you can like it and that was was it. But talking about filters, you remember the filters and overlays you used to put on to try and make your pictures look pretty. And then you scroll back down and you think,
Starting point is 00:20:50 what was I doing? Why have I put a board around that? Like, what was I actually thinking? Horrendous. I know, absolutely. But you know, it was very cool at the time. So then, yeah, COVID hit. And that's where my content completely changed because I found myself like many others at home with children struggling and not really knowing what the hell was going on with the world. downloaded TikTok and it was when like TikTok was like kind of more for younger kids and dance
Starting point is 00:21:28 routines and you know god forbid a 40 year old mother would ever be on it so I just downloaded it and I found the content really funny and I found myself laughing a lot and so I just thought you know what I'm going to try this out and because I was new to TikTok I didn't have any followers so I was like doesn't matter what I do because no one's following me I'm just gonna do it I'm doing it see what happens yeah I was just like it doesn't matter and then it started to get some momentum on TikTok so then I thought I'm just gonna put one of these videos on Instagram and see what happens and it did well so I did another one and another one and I just kept going and because we were stuck
Starting point is 00:22:06 at home every day doing nothing I just said to myself right every day at five o'clock I'm just going to do a TikTok and just it was like the thing for me every day just to keep myself sane and and a job but like creating yourself a new job yeah basically yeah I guess I did without realizing it and then so I was doing that I was like posting a video a day and then it wasn't until later when yeah I did one with the hands and then that kind of took off yeah it's just been it's been amazing it's been bonkers but amazing and I am now I am known for the lady with the little hands but i met someone the other day yeah who was like i bet her real life shook her hand and she went i'm really sorry but your hands look quite normal size and i was like no no no not my hands these are my hands get your hands out get your little hands out there must be one i tell you what i have got here we want bernie
Starting point is 00:23:06 we want bernie that's for something else where is my hands i don't know they're here somewhere but actually talking to people kovid did create for creators a massive platform really because people were at home so they could then focus you know like you didn't have the daily struggles when you were at home like like you're saying you could do a video at five o'clock because you had no other pressure now you're probably feeding the kids at five o'clock do you know what i mean or running to an activity like it gave people that that time and that space and the platform for people then that are creators to create And that space and the platform for people then that are creators to create.
Starting point is 00:23:46 Absolutely. And the weird and wonderful did come out. It did come out. And that's the thing people say to me, like, I'm just going to move my screen because my head looks weird. People would say to me, like, were you, like, were you funny before COVID? I've always been funny i think to my my family and my friends i've always been known as silly i've always been silly um but i don't know it's strange because i think something did come out of me in covid that i didn't i don't i do wonder had COVID not happened, would I have gone down this route? I have no idea.
Starting point is 00:24:27 I have no idea. Well, even with my Tom, COVID did a funny thing to him because he did ration adventures. And people now even come up to me and go, oh, my God, Tom was hilarious. Every day he went out on a ration adventure to, like, get toilet paper, get beans, get eggs. And he used to, like, hide them. He used to go out in ski masks. Like, hilarious and he had all these ration adventures and for me obviously that's like I've got a bit of Tom like I can go back and be like oh my god remember him at that time like he was hilarious so you know lovely yeah sorry bring it bring it back to me Louise
Starting point is 00:25:01 there oh what am I doing it's all about me how do you find dealing with the pressures of being a working mum and doing social media and everything else you do do you find it hard to get that work mum balance posting on social I mean I yeah it's it is it is it is tricky you know juggling lots of balls and i've read somewhere why are you bringing balls into it we've already had willies we do not need balls i know i just said balls and then i was like but you do juggle balls you're you're taking it weird now no no no all right well we'll look spinning plates when you're spinning lots of plates um sometimes you need to let some smash like some of the little plates that don't really matter at that point so i have to really ask myself what is really really important
Starting point is 00:26:00 right now what do i need to do right right now and it can change from anything like well I do need to send that email or I really do need to make that content or I really do need to pick up my kid from school or whatever like I actually just have to say to myself what's more important than other things like oh I really need to put that I need to hang up the laundry or I need to you know hoover the stairs like things like that I'm like that can wait that can wait and wait and wait and wait. So I have to kind of discipline myself to kind of make my time the best used. And it is stressful. Don't get me wrong. There are moments where I'm like, I do feel quite stressed and like, oh my God, I've got so much to do. And then your kids are asking you for something and you're like, oh, I've got to do this. But I've also learned that I have to,
Starting point is 00:26:52 like, for example, if I get like a really shitty email when I'm on the way to school pickup or I've had a phone call that didn't really go the way I wanted it to go and I'm upset by it, I have taught myself to not let my storm rain on my kids so when I'm with my kids and I pick them up I want them to see the best version of me and I have before like they'll be like have you got a snack yeah here's a snack I don't want that snack and then I'll be like explodes because I'm carrying all this stress from an email
Starting point is 00:27:23 and then they get that version of me and I don't want them to see that version of me because it's that explodes because I'm carrying all this stress from an email. And then they get that version of me. And I don't want them to see that version of me because it's not their fault that I've had this shitty email. Can I swear on this, by the way? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Swear away. Too late then. And yeah, so I've learned to try when I'm with my kids to just kind of clock off from everything else that that is on
Starting point is 00:27:46 my brain which is really difficult to do sometimes but I don't want them to see me constantly like unengaged with them or stressed I just have to like put my phone away put my laptop away and then I'm with them and that is from I try and do from pickup to like dinner time I'm with them and that is from I try and do from pick up to like dinner time I'm with them and then after dinner I'm like right go and chill out and watch a bit of Netflix and then I'm like frantically trying to like catch up with things and but I mean there's always I feel like constantly spinning plates constantly but then I also find if I'm not busy I'm useless yeah you'm useless why am I not busy that's how I feel I'm that person I love being busy and I've figured out I like being busy yeah my coping mechanism with life is being busy because the busier I am yeah the more pressure I put on myself the more I like thrive and achieve whereas if I'm
Starting point is 00:28:42 not busy then I'm just sat around and I'm like oh I've not done that and I've not done this and then I'm not like hungry for it and I get oh no I'm absolutely useless if I'm not busy like to a point where I'm like I think January was quite um slow for me and I remember just sitting here just being like, I was just staring, doing nothing. And I was like, I probably should, you know, cook dinner. But I was like, ooh, it was very weird. Yeah, I know what you mean. You get down, you're like in a funk and you're a bit like, ooh. And then you're sort of in your own head
Starting point is 00:29:14 and then you're worried about work and money and whatever because obviously we don't have like set money coming in. So you're always chasing that money and it's hard, isn't it? Yeah. It's hard isn't it yeah it's hard but that's that's great that you do the switch off time between school pickup and dinner because I guess I was going to talk about like mum guilt but I guess then you're not you haven't really got the mum guilt because you're there in your present I mean it's not every day that I can do that when I do I do feel like I've got the balance
Starting point is 00:29:47 sorted. Although I do have my phone going, where's this content? And I need this reply. Just wait, it's coming. It's coming. I mean, there are days where I'm off shooting or I'm abroad or I'm at a meeting and I'm not at home. And then, you know, that, that mom guilt does come in. But again, I've had to remind myself that I'm, I'm working, or if I'm, you know, having lunch with someone, it's great. We all need to have those times of something for yourself because that is a form of self care. And then you come back feeling like you've renewed your batteries
Starting point is 00:30:25 because you've had some time yourself. And I've, you know, you shouldn't feel guilty to do that because it's making you a better person. I kind of find that I'm probably a better parent when I've had some time off. Yeah, Lou, I'm going to Ibiza tomorrow for five days without the kids on a hen do.
Starting point is 00:30:43 Oh my God. Oh, please don't have any mum guilt and can I come yes oh my but already they but they like make you feel like that don't they because already I've packed up my suitcase and they're like oh like they just start straight away they're like oh where are you going are you going on what you're going on holiday without us mum yes mummy's going on holiday without you oh we're really gonna miss you who are we staying with what are we doing I'm like it's all covered don't worry you're looked after like mummy is going to have a lovely time that's going to be amazing I'm actually really envious my husband just got back from um Berlin he was watching the football out there and uh he's come back like buzzing like like he's had that holiday I've had some time to myself
Starting point is 00:31:27 and he's back and I'm just like right I am out of here don't know where they are I might come with you tomorrow yeah just come book a flight nine o'clock Gatwick see you there yeah I'm there if only I know if I do anything right now if. But I just feel like for me as well, that maybe them little holidays and stints that I take time away, even if it's taking the kids, it's me switching off because I'm terrible at switching off now. So we need that, don't we, as parents, to be a mum, be the best mum you can possibly be.
Starting point is 00:32:03 You have to switch off and take some time out. You do. I mean, absolutely. I do think it's a form of self-care I mean even if it's you know not IB3 even if it's something as simple as going for a walk by yourself with like no phones or every Sunday night I have a bath that's like an actual event like there's wine and there's Netflix and there's bubbles and there's candles and I love it and it's every Sunday and I've like that's been going on for years and that's when all my family I don't exist and I'm like don't even bother coming in don't even say the word mum all right it's mum's time I mean it's like we did go through I mean obviously there were times where the kids would come in
Starting point is 00:32:45 and blow out the candles and I'm like, for fuck's sake, just leave me alone. But now they know. I have had words. And that's something, for me, that's something that I look forward to every week. And I know that that's my time to just unwind and just do what I want.
Starting point is 00:33:01 And actually, I do love it. I do love it. I mean, it's not Ibiza, but I do love it. Yeah it yeah well now i'm worried i'm gonna get back up from ib from need to go on a little uh retreat somewhere we'll book a retreat let's just do it let's just go we can have a bath i'll come around i'll show you my bath i love that i want to do you put your bath time routine up on uh socials? Like do you do the setting and show everyone what you do on a Sunday? I feel like that's so good because you need,
Starting point is 00:33:31 like other women need to know that it's okay to do that. Yeah, maybe I should. But I think they'll probably think, I think anything I do that's serious on my Instagram, people think that, you know's gonna come out so I don't know maybe I did actually do a reel about being in the bath and Bernie coming in blowing out all the candles yeah that's I did do that that's great um but no we have got to a point now where or do you know what mine do when I'm in the bath come for a poo I'll be in the bath
Starting point is 00:34:06 and they poo oh my god it drives me so that's another reason why I've had to say to them don't yes because I have been in the bath minding my own business in like absolute zen and then one of them comes in turns the lights on does a poo a poo, doesn't flush, walks out, doors open. And I'm like, guys, this isn't working for me. I have explained to them, no, and now they know. Don't go anywhere near mum on that Sunday night. It's marvellous. Oh, I love that.
Starting point is 00:34:38 You have been an amazing guest. Thank you so much, Nui. Thank you so much, Moo. Number is 07599927537. Or leave it as a review on Apple Podcasts. Make sure you hit the subscribe or follow button so you never miss an episode. If you're listening on Apple Podcasts, then please leave us a review and a five-star rating. It helps others find us. And talking of spreading the news, please tell another person about the podcast
Starting point is 00:35:25 and help us reach more people so i've been kelsey parker you can find me on being underscore kelsey on instagram where i'm just being me we'll be back with another episode same time same place next week thanks for listening

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