Muscle for Life with Mike Matthews - Dr. Andy Galpin on Muscle Fiber Types and Muscle Growth

Episode Date: January 20, 2020

There’s a lot of confusion and debate about how muscle fiber types relate to muscle growth. Some people say only fast-twitch muscle tissue can get big and strong and some of us naturally have more o...r less of it and can’t change that regardless of what we do in the gym. Others say both fast- and slow-twitch muscle can grow bigger and stronger and the makeup of our muscles is malleable, but we shouldn’t take any special measures in our training to try to emphasize one muscle type over the other. And others still say “muscle-specific hypertrophy” training—using different rep ranges with different muscle groups based on their dominant fiber type—is the optimal approach to training, and especially as an intermediate or advanced weightlifter. Who’s right? Well, I wasn’t even sure myself, that’s why I invited Dr. Andy Galpin on the show to explain. In case you’re not familiar with Andy, he has a PhD in Human Bioenergetics, teaches various university-level courses on sports nutrition and exercise physiology, and heads a lab that runs studies on muscle fiber type and muscular adaptations to exercise on a cellular level. His lab is also conducting an intermittent fasting study to learn more about the implications of fasted training on muscle growth, which I’m helping fund through my sports nutrition company Legion Athletics. 6:38 - What are the different types of muscle fibers? 13:49 - Is muscle fiber type the main reason why people gain muscle faster than others? 23:14 - Why do you think the olympic lifters had more fast twitch muscles? 24:37 - Can some people transform from type 1 to type 2 faster than other people? 26:55 - Is this information useful for normal lifters or experts? Should training be optimized or altered according to muscle fibers types? 29:48 - How do you emphasize building type 1 and type 2 muscles? 41:02 - How should people perceive muscle groups and how does that affect your exercise routine? 47:10 - Can you lose your fast twitch muscles by focusing on slow twitch? 56:00 - Where can people find you and your work? --- Mentioned on the show:  Books by Mike Matthews: Bigger Leaner Stronger:   Find Dr. Andy Galpin Online: Instagram: Twitter: --- Want to get my best advice on how to gain muscle and strength and lose fat faster? Sign up for my free newsletter! Click here:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, Mike here. And if you like what I'm doing on the podcast and elsewhere, and if you want to help me help more people get into the best shape of their lives, please do consider picking up one of my bestselling health and fitness books, including Bigger, Leaner, Stronger for Men, Thinner, Leaner, Stronger for Women, my flexible dieting cookbook, The Shredded Chef, and my 100% practical and hands-on blueprint for personal transformation inside and outside of the gym, The Little Black Book of Workout Motivation. Now, these books have sold well over 1 million copies and have helped thousands of people build their best bodies ever. And you can find them on all major online retailers like Audible, Amazon, iTunes, Kobo, and Google Play, as well as in select Barnes & Noble stores. Again, that's Bigger Leaner Stronger for Men, Thinner Leaner Stronger for Women, The Shredded Chef, and The Little Black Book of Workout Motivation. Oh, and I should also mention that you can get any of the audiobooks 100% free when you sign up for an Audible account, which is the perfect way to make those pockets of downtime,
Starting point is 00:01:18 like commuting, meal prepping, and cleaning, more interesting, entertaining, and productive. meal prepping, and cleaning more interesting, entertaining, and productive. So if you want to take Audible up on that offer, and if you want to get one of my audio books for free, go to slash Audible. That's L-E-G-I-O-N athletics slash A-U-D-I-B-L-E, and sign up for your account. Hey, Mike Matthews here and welcome to another episode of Muscle for Life. Now there's a lot of confusion and debate about how much muscle fiber types relate to muscle growth. There's no debate as to the existence of different muscle fiber types like fast twitch and slow twitch and hybrid muscle fibers. But some people say, for example, that only fast twitch muscle tissue can get big and strong and that some of us naturally have more, less of it, and that we can't change that regardless of
Starting point is 00:02:19 what we do in the gym. And thus, some of us can get big and strong much easier than others and get much bigger and stronger than others simply because of the difference in the makeup of our muscles is malleable but practically speaking it doesn't really matter they say we shouldn't take any special measures in our training to try to emphasize one muscle fiber type over the other and we should train in whatever way they think is best but doesn't account for the differences in muscle fiber types throughout our body. And then others still say that muscle specific hypertrophy training, so using different rep ranges with different muscle groups based on their dominant fiber type, is the optimal approach to training, and especially for intermediate and advanced weightlifters. Now, who's right? Well, I actually wasn't sure myself because the research is very complex. It's very technical and it's hard to separate the signal from the noise and determine practically
Starting point is 00:03:35 what is best. And so that's why I invited Dr. Andy Galpin on the show. Now, in case you are not familiar with Andy, he has a PhD in human bioenergetics and he teaches various university level courses on sports nutrition and exercise physiology. And he also heads up a lab that runs studies on muscle fiber type and muscular adaptations to exercise on a cellular level. So he really was the perfect guest for this. Now, Andy's lab is also conducting an intermittent fasting study to learn more about the implications of fasting on muscle growth. And I am proud to say that's a study that I'm helping fund through my sports nutrition company, Legion
Starting point is 00:04:18 Athletics. And so let's get to the interview. I hope you like it. Hey, Andy, welcome back to the podcast to talk again about muscle fiber types. Yeah, good to be back, man, for the second time. Yeah, yeah. It'll be even better this time. It'll be an even smoother delivery. For people listening, what happened is we recorded this one time and the audio, it just turned out that the audio was messed up because the software I was using didn't do its job. So now we're doing it again. And just so you know, that was my single best podcast performance in my life. And now it's, of course, that's how it goes, you know? Yeah. Now I'll probably do like a, you know, D plus C minus today. So it's going to be a Joe Biden performance.
Starting point is 00:05:05 You're just going to start rambling incoherently. Yeah, exactly. So that's the segue for what we're going to talk about, which is muscle fiber types. Oh geez, you guys are excited to listen, aren't you? Talk about like the hair on your legs and kids liking to touch you and stuff, you know. So yeah, for muscle fiber types
Starting point is 00:05:24 and a quick little bit of intro for people listening. The reason I wanted to get Andy on to talk about this is one, this is an area of expertise, specific expertise for him. And it's something that I've read a lot of conflicting expert opinion on. So you have different muscle fiber types, which Andy's going to explain, and that's not controversial, but what is kind of controversial is how does that change from person to person? Can it change much depending on how we train? Should we tailor our training to our muscle fiber type breakdowns? And that can even then some people will say that if you really want to maximize your results, you should tailor your training to muscle group by muscle group because different muscle
Starting point is 00:06:11 groups tend to be more dominant in one type of fiber or another. And yeah, so those are the main questions that I get. And that's what Andy's going to break down for us. And with also an eye to practicality, which is always nice where, cause there are some things where you can get so lost in the theory and then you pull back and you go, all right, does any of this matter? Like, do I even need to care or should I just keep doing what I'm doing? You know what I mean? Yeah, man, let's do it. I'm excited. I don't wherever you want to start. So I think we should just start with a basic description of the primary muscle fiber types. And from there, we can kind of dive into the specifics of how those fibers are then distributed
Starting point is 00:06:52 throughout the body and how they work and the rest. Sure. Most people are familiar at this point of fast twitch versus slow twitch fibers. And that name is fairly descriptive. So the thing that differentiates these fiber types is their ability to twitch and by twitch mean contraction. And they call it fast and slow because it's not a strength issue, it's a speed issue. And so functionally the difference between a fast twitch fiber is it contracts with more velocity. And we can actually maybe jump ahead
Starting point is 00:07:23 of the court here for a quick second, but this is one of the other major misnomers is people assume that fast twitch fibers contract with more strength than a slow twitch fiber. And if you look across the literature, it doesn't really seem to be that's the case. When equated for size, they seem to contract with about the equal strength. But certainly force is, or speed rather is is different between them and so therefore the power profile is quite different and we can get this later but different types of trained individuals and even potentially different muscle groups will actually have differences in size so some people will have fast twitch fibers that are significantly larger than slow twitch
Starting point is 00:08:01 fibers but others will have the opposite where-twitch fibers may be bigger than their fast-twitch fibers. So that's something we can come back to if you'd like. That's interesting. Do fast-twitch fibers generally have more potential for size, right? That's something I've always heard, at least. Yeah, I don't know if that's necessarily inherently true. We have some association that that seems to be the case. It's pretty robust that larger fibers tend to be fast-fetched fibers unless you're very specifically endurance trained. If you're heavily, especially like long-duration endurance, then the reason why you're saying that is because what we typically do is look at like a strength training study, and this would be an 8 to 10 or 12 week strength training study and we typically see
Starting point is 00:08:45 fast twitch fibers do hypertrophy more in that setting than slow twitch fibers and so we tend to then assume they have a greater propensity for hypertrophy than the slow twitch we also have some molecular data to support that as well so the fast twitch fibers tend to have a more active and pronounced what we call an anabolic cascade so this would be all the molecular and genetic things you have to have go on inside a muscle cell to cause it to grow. And so when they have more of that, it seems to be more in tuned with the stimuli to cause hypertrophy.
Starting point is 00:09:14 But it's not exactly clear if that happens or how that happens from there. Some of the confusion is what you actually let into. We've been suffering from 30 to 40 years of what I'll call confusion in this field. That's not really confusion. It's mostly nomenclature issues. And it's actually, there's logic behind it. I could walk you through it if you really care. But the short answer is most of us, and by us the scientists, have confused each other
Starting point is 00:09:43 because the methods we use in the laboratory to test and measure these things are so different that they have resulted in a lot of different names. And so we actually think we're measuring the same thing. We've been measuring different things. And so it seems like, well, one paper shows this, another paper shows exact opposite. Like what the hell? That's because we didn't realize or folks didn't realize or not appreciating the fact that you're kind of measuring different things so kind of speaking past each other yeah if you look at from the outside and i know because this was me for many years like looking at the outside you're just like what the hell is going on this field just seems like a mess but there's actually a common thread and the story is very simple once i was
Starting point is 00:10:22 able to to uncover that and And like, oh, I see exactly what's happening here. So it's not nearly as confusing as we think. The problem is, though, people continue to use these less valid, less specific, less precise methodologies. And so we continue to get more studies coming out, coming out, using things that we know are just rife with error. And so it makes it really difficult unless you're just like, this is your jam. It's just, it would be basically impossible to kind of follow up or keep along with what's going on. And so people on the outside doing their best to try to keep up with the science, it's pretty tough. Yeah. I mean, just the nomenclature,
Starting point is 00:10:59 the jargon alone, it produces a very large moat that keeps, and understandably so, because there's so much to understand to be able to just go through some of this research and come away going, oh, okay, yeah, I see how that conclusion came from what they did and the data makes sense to me. It's very technical. And that is one of the reasons why I wanted to get you, because it's something, for example, an area that you know so much more than I know. And I wouldn't be able to do this discussion anywhere near the amount of justice that you can because I don't have the technical chops to get that deep into the physiology because I just haven't put the time into it. Yeah. No, I do because, I mean, I did for five years.
Starting point is 00:11:44 This is like all I did so the part of the confusion is this we tend to call them fast switch and slow twitch but that's not really how they work it's more of like there's a giant continuum or spectrum okay and on one end of the spectrum they're clearly slow twitch and there's the spectrum they're clearly fast twitch but when you get in the middle that's where things get confusing and so depending on what you're doing scientifically you have to kind of draw an you get in the middle, that's where things get confusing. And so depending on what you're doing scientifically, you have to kind of draw an arbitrary line in the sand. And you say, okay, everything on the right side is fast twitch,
Starting point is 00:12:09 everything on the left side is slow twitch. But someone else could draw that line slightly differently. And so that changes everything. And when your margin of error is 10% or 15%, well, how are you ever going to pick up any sort of change if that change is less than 10% or 15% because it's within your margin of error? The problem is using a system that has that line of subjectivity. And so when you look at all the studies that have used those methodologies, of course, coin flip, like one comes up one way, one comes up another way.
Starting point is 00:12:37 But all of the studies, and this is, I guess, the hope or the positivity here is any of the studies that have used actual specificity here where it's not an objective thing where it's like we're going to every individual fiber and measure it objectively rather than sort of calling it one of these things subjectively the answers are actually very clear with all the questions you started off the conversation with i could probably answer a lot of those with pretty good certainty because looking the outside looking in you'd be like well there's no true showing it both ways and then i could show you actually it's showing both ways because they did this this and this wrong in their in their methodologies so we can probably answer a lot of those questions and others like pretty close to there's some more like we don't know but then actually the nice part
Starting point is 00:13:18 is there's some answers that i think we have a lot closer to that we didn't have last time we talked so there's a silver lining to our technical snafu. Yeah, like we're getting there. I mean, this is science, man. Like science isn't pretty. It's not a straight line always. It accumulates over time, right? Yep.
Starting point is 00:13:34 Well, let's get to that then. Let's start with, I mean, shit, we can start with, it doesn't really matter, I guess, where we start. We can start with something basic. You have a suggestion? The basic one people want to know is sort of can I change? And we can go from there. I'd say that. And then just where are they as far as a baseline? Is it true that some people are predominantly, let's say, a fast twitch type of physiology, and that's why they came into the
Starting point is 00:14:00 weight room so strong or able to gain muscle so quickly? That's something I've heard and I've been asked about fairly often as well. Okay. Yeah. So just really quickly on that last piece, whenever we think about functionality at the whole cell or at the whole organism level, we have to understand it's not a single contributing factor. And so the reason why you gain so much muscle so quickly, it would never be explained by one thing. The reason why you're strong and you gain strength so fast, it's never one thing. It's, well, it could have been muscle fiber type, could have been a neural issue, could have been a connective tissue issue, could have been a hormonal issue, could have been a lot of different things. So could be anatomy, right? You just have totally biomechanics.
Starting point is 00:14:36 Exactly. Could be a whole host of things. So number one, I'd say stop reducing the complexity of human physiology to a single explanation. So that sort of tangent aside, we'll come back to the bigger picture. And just one thing to add to that, one of the reasons why people have reached out to me on that point specifically is often because they feel like they are deficient, where they have always been maybe average or even under-muscled and would assume that then they're like, oh, they are predominantly slow twitch type one, if people listening, if you've heard that type one, slow twitch type two, fast twitch. Yeah. Okay. So that's actually good. If you can remember to, we can talk about some interesting things there. Yeah. So the quick thing is,
Starting point is 00:15:21 of course, we're all born with a different genome sort of thing. So some of us are going to have a different starting place in the line. There's no doubt about that. We're not all born with the exact same fiber type profile. So they're different, of course. But the question from there then is, what's your ability to change it? And this is where if you look at the literature, it quote unquote looks confusing. You just have to trust me on this one.
Starting point is 00:15:43 It's not even remotely close to confusing. It's so abundantly clear. There's no wiggle room on this at all. Your ability to change your fiber type, so how many of each fast you have or slow versus you have, is incredibly easy. It's very, very plastic, and it goes in both directions. So you can go from fast to slow and slow to fast, and I'll grant you it's a little bit harder to add more slow twitch fibers in other words like pure type ones than it is type twos but your ability to move throughout the rest of the profile is very very high and so in order to understand that you have to kind of understand i talked about earlier how it was fiber types are really on a continuum so it's not just
Starting point is 00:16:21 like one and two right there's not fast twitch and slow twitch it's not just like one and two, right? There's not fast twitch and slow twitch. It's extremely fast, extremely slow, and a whole bunch of these things in between. And the ones in between are called hybrids. And in fact, a paper just came out the last week or so called Mixing It Up, The Biological Significance of Hybrid Skeletal Muscle Fibers. And that was in the Journal of Experimental Biology. But this is just echoing what we've been saying for a long time, is these hybrid fibers, these are fibers that are not fast twitch or slow twitch. They are both. So this is one muscle cell that is slow twitch and fast twitch. Or going even further, it could be fast twitch and what we call super faster or mega fast twitch. In fact, we see them pretty routinely in our lab that is actually all three parts. So it is slow, fast, and mega fast in the same exact muscle cell.
Starting point is 00:17:08 We also know that the quote-unquote fiber type of a muscle cell is not uniform throughout the entire cell. So what I mean is in one huge muscle cell, it's not just a type 1 the entire way. So one end, it could be type 1. At the other end, it can be type 2. It could be something different in the middle. And just so people are visualizing this properly, you can use muscle cell and muscle fiber interchangeably, right? So we're talking about- Yes, sorry.
Starting point is 00:17:32 Yeah, and I just want people to understand so they can picture it in their mind. So a long cylindrical, just one individual cell or fiber that can contract, right? Yeah. Think of a ponytail. Okay, so a ponytail, the? Yeah. Think of a ponytail. Okay. So, a ponytail, you know, the entire ponytail itself would be a muscle. But really, the muscle is just made up of a whole bunch of individual hairs. And they're long, cylindrical, just like you described, pretty dense, pretty thick. In fact, human skeletal muscle fibers are the largest cell
Starting point is 00:17:59 in all of biology by volume. They're huge cells. So, yeah, cell fiber, think of that as just one. So in this particular case, say that the part of the hair that's by your scalp could be fast twitch, but when it gets all the way out to the end of your hair, it could be a slow twitch or something like that. So it's not exactly, but it's clean, like, well, it's fast twitch, slow twitch. And would that be considered a hybrid? Well, no, it would depend on what part of the cell you looked at. Because we don't take the entire cell out, right? You only go in there and take a chunk of it. So if you took the chunk that was at the base and all you saw was a fast twitch.
Starting point is 00:18:34 And then you'd be like, oh, it's a fast twitch. The reason is, I mean, if you picture, there are some individual cells in humans that are several inches long. But I wouldn't even know where the cell started or finished. So it would be just one, impossible to find that out. And two, I'd have to go in and remove, you know, five or six inches of length of your leg. And so like no one's going to do that. So we just go in with a little needle, take a chunk out and just hope that what we're getting there is kind of representative of the entire muscle. But we also know that the fiber type is different between different layers. So as you go deeper in the muscle, as you go more
Starting point is 00:19:07 towards the outside, the concentration of fast versus slow changes. And so that alone gives you some flexibility in terms of, well, you know, depending on the exact place you put the biopsy on, you're going to get some slightly different results. Having said all that though, okay, we have this spectrum. And so what we know is, is it's very responsive to exercise. It doesn't matter what type of exercise per se. It can be endurance training, it can be strength training, circuit training, sprint work. All of these things change the fiber type profile. Some inactivity does the exact same thing in the opposite direction. Aging changes it very quickly. Even, I think the shortest one I'm aware of is 11 days of extreme disuse,
Starting point is 00:19:45 which changed fiber type profile. And we haven't seen this in humans yet because it hasn't been tried. But there's been many, many studies in murines, rats and mice, as well as in primates, that even nutrition, cold water immersion, CO2 versus O2 concentrations, all of these things change fiber type as well. So, of course, training is also. Yes. Training is the easiest one to do it with. It's incredibly easy, and I can highlight it really quickly with our twin study. A couple of years ago, we looked at monozygous twins, so these would be identical twins. And what that means is it's a genetic clone, right?
Starting point is 00:20:23 So it's not just like brother and sister. It is the exact same genes split in half and come out. So the nice part about this model is it gives us total controls. Like we have 100% accounted for genetics. Okay. And then one of the twins would have a long, say, 30 plus years of physical activity, structured exercise, competition, with the other twin having no really formal exercise training. And we saw that the endurance trained twins were 95% or higher slow twitch. And the non endurance or the sedentary twin was 50 50 fast
Starting point is 00:21:01 twitch slow twitch. I don't know how much more difference you want me to show in your ability to change your profile. And if you were to replace the endurance training with a lot of weightlifting, you would see it heavily skewed in the other direction, I'm assuming? Well, we don't know. We've never been able to do that. Problem is we don't have a lot of people who have 30 plus years of strength training history. Sure, yeah. I mean, that generation is coming because our generation is coming.
Starting point is 00:21:22 But that's actually what we're trying to do right now is we're trying to recruit specifically people who have lifelong exercise, but strength training exercise, not jogging. I feel like I've seen some research, I think it was done with powerlifters that showed that they had more or less a 50-50 or maybe it was a 60-40 type two, type one. It wasn't nearly as weighted toward fast twitch as not you but as someone might think
Starting point is 00:21:48 considering all the weightlifting experience that they've done yeah so i can count out with a couple of things those studies have been done my friend actually paratesh did many of those studies in the 1980s and 90s unfortunately that was with the type of fiber type analysis method that's that like objective sand draw a line in the sand so this is not a lot you can draw from those things having said that we have a paper that we are just about to put in review with trained power lifters men and women and they weren't extremely high fast switch concentrations either. It's pretty split between 50-50, but I can counter that with the study we published a couple of years ago in Olympic weightlifters, and these would be men and women,
Starting point is 00:22:34 and these were at the national or international elite world championship and or Olympians. Those were actually with the proper fiber typing methodologies, and they were extraordinarily fast-switch. In fact, they were the highest ever documented concentration of pure 2A fast-switch fibers we've ever seen. And the methodology in the latter is different than the former? Yes. Okay, okay. The powerlifting study that we just finished, we weren't able to do this what we call single fiber, where you pull out one muscle fiber at a time. We had to kind
Starting point is 00:23:04 of homogenize it all together for lots of reasons but i don't think it would have changed the story too much how come well just because live technique stuff you know it'll change it 10 to 15 but it won't change it 70. and why do you think the olympic lifters had so much more fast switch muscle yeah that's a great question. I think two reasons. Number one, if you look at our weightlifters, these were, again, people who were Olympians. They were on the world team. These are top five in the world
Starting point is 00:23:32 or at least top two, three in the country. The powerlifters were not. The powerlifters we looked at were competitive, but they weren't making elite totals. They weren't bringing these things. And so, for example, in the weightlifter study, we actually were able to split it, competitive but they weren't making elite totals they weren't bringing these things and so for example in the weightlifter study we actually were able to split it what we called elite so these are world team members versus national caliber members and olympic weightlifting to make it to national
Starting point is 00:23:55 championships it's still pretty tough but to make it on the world team that's that's quite a bit different and what we saw was the world team members had noticeably more faster tribers than the national level and to follow that up the world team members also had about twice the training time and experience than the national californians so i think what we're seeing here is a clear well this wasn't longitudinal but well i don't know if the world team members made it to the world team because they were born a little more fast twitch or it's because they trained twice as long either way having more fast twitch most likely meant you were going to be a better olympic weightlifter yeah for certain and these power lifters like i said they had been competing for a year or so but they were not nearly olympians so i think
Starting point is 00:24:38 that's what is it also possible that some people they can transform more type one into type two even though they may not start out with more type two they just genetically have that capability i think your ability to change is probably pretty uniform so you just need to start with more basically if you're going to have a genetic advantage well i know i think that helps i think you'll find success earlier if that helps i also just think that they've been training in the sport for seven years versus three. So, you know, I don't know. The interesting part would be to follow this up in five years and to see if any of the people that were on the national team then made, eventually made a world or Olympic team. Because they just tended to be there while they were not younger age.
Starting point is 00:25:21 They were definitely younger training wise and experience wise. So that makes sense. Hey, if you like what I am doing here on the podcast and elsewhere, and if you want to help me help more people get into the best shape of their lives, please do consider supporting my sports nutrition company, Legion Athletics, which produces 100% natural evidence-based health and fitness supplements, including protein powders and bars, pre-workout and post-workout supplements, fat burners, multivitamins, joint support, and more. Every ingredient and every dose in every product is backed by peer-reviewed scientific research. Every formulation is 100% transparent. There are no proprietary blends and everything is naturally sweetened and flavored.
Starting point is 00:26:14 To check everything out, just head over to And just to show how much I appreciate my podcast peeps, use the coupon code MFL at checkout, and you will save 20% on your entire order if it is your first purchase with us. And if it is not your first purchase with us, you will get double reward points on your entire order. That's essentially 10% cash back in rewards points. So again, the URL is And if you appreciate my work and want to see more of it, please do consider supporting me so I can keep doing what I love, like producing podcasts like this. So, all right. So we know that we can change muscle fiber types back and forth, and it's a spectrum. It's not just like a switch that you flip on and off. Let's get into more of a practical kind of view. How much does this matter in terms of,
Starting point is 00:27:11 let's say the everyday person who's not wanting to be a competitive weightlifter, they just want to get jacked. The male and female versions of that, how much does it really matter? Let's look at it from the perspective of coming back to what you had mentioned earlier that I took a little note on is, is this a reason for concern for anybody that, oh, maybe they're just genetically deficient. They just started with a lot more type one than type two, and therefore they're going to have a lot harder time gaining muscle, or maybe they're not going to be able to gain as much muscle as they want. And then should training be optimized or should it be altered at all according to any of the information that we have on muscle fiber type
Starting point is 00:27:58 distribution throughout the body? Yeah. So, okay. Let's come back to the second question. So it'll get too far off track, but yeah, I do think there is a major practical take home to this. So number one, one of the things that we know with aging is it doesn't matter how you look at this. The short version though is maintaining quality muscle is probably about the most important thing that there is with aging. is probably about the most important thing that there is with aging. If you don't believe me, you can do some searching on your own, but that's extensive and well-documented. You lose muscle, you have problems. And it's probably the single largest predictor of short aging or poor aging. Well, with that loss of muscle, we know that losing the fast twitch fibers is almost specifically the major problem.
Starting point is 00:28:42 You don't tend to lose slow twitch fibers. So from a practical perspective, I think this gives tremendous fodder for maintaining or making sure no matter what strength training is a part of the equation at all times. And so I know that wasn't your question, but the reason I say that is if you're a trainer or you like training people on the side, I think that's good ammunition for the people who are reluctant to strength train because they don't see the benefit or they don't want to add muscle, things like that. Like this is a major part of your health. Or they think it's dangerous. That's also common, especially with people in the 40 plus crowd and 50 plus crowd where
Starting point is 00:29:15 they think that any form of serious resistance training is just inherently dangerous because of their age. Bingo. Yeah, exactly. And so in my mind, I kind of thought maybe there were some coaches or trainers working here. And so you would want that piece of information because that is a practical takeaway. It's like, yeah, you want to talk about the health side. Boy, there is no faster way to lose your health and lose fast-fetched fibers. And what we know clearly, even in the aging folks, the easiest way to maintain or increase your mass, which fiber, size or quality
Starting point is 00:29:45 is strength training. And when you say strength training, just to get specific, because people might be wondering, as far as training goes, how do you emphasize or prioritize development of type two versus type one? Yeah, cool. So this is exactly where I was going to go with that. For those individuals, for like an aging person, that's kind of a different conversation. Just who cares? Just get them moving. Any sort of resistance training is going to be fine. Yeah. Work towards some basic strength standards, right? Totally. Yeah. And we can maybe do a separate show or something if you want to talk about general strength training guidelines for aging, whatever. But I don't think that's really what
Starting point is 00:30:17 you're asking. Yeah, it could be a good separate episode. Ironically, it's the next book project I'm going to be diving into soon is going to be a book specifically for the 40 plus crowd so it'd be timely actually perfect yeah okay so where the other practical piece this is fiber type specific responses and this is something my laboratory spent a lot of time on and we have published a lot of papers in this we got another one coming out right now uh we actually independently look at fiber type and sex. There's unique roles there. So we have potential argument for sex-specific recommendations for strength training. We have potential recommendations for sex-specific tapering prior to competition, or fiber type specific, I mean.
Starting point is 00:30:56 And we have some information for fiber type specific hypertrophy rep ranges. So these are three very specific areas where we can say, okay, this information could help us with understanding, do you need a different volume? Do you need a different taper? And do you need a different prescription of recovery? One thing we also just finished recently is it's either fiber type or it's sex specific post-exercise recovery window. And so if you go back to the old post-exercise anabolic window stuff, all that's been done in men. And so all those numbers we have this, this, this, when we look at it in women, the numbers change. And so there's possibility. And I think
Starting point is 00:31:36 a very strong possibility at this point that there may be different windows, quote unquote, of optimal recovery post-exercise for women based on men. And if it's not women based on men, it's based on fiber type composition. Specifically, what does that look like? So this is what we got to figure out. It could be something like, and this is not the answer, like we have to do another study to get the answer, but it could look like something like this, like maybe fast twitch people need to get their nutrients in a lot sooner post-exercise, but slowitch people, the time domain doesn't matter. The problem is almost all of these post-exercise recovery studies
Starting point is 00:32:11 don't take fiber type into account. And so they just smash everything together. And so the way statistics work is that's always going to come out with no result. Because one person is a 10, one person's a negative 10, the average is zero. Oh, it didn't matter. No, like you didn't have enough precision in your study. That's exactly what happened. When we have precision, when we tease that out, we see, well, this group got way bigger response. This group, it didn't matter at all. Oh, it turns to be these ones are all fast-trick people and these ones are all slow-trick people.
Starting point is 00:32:38 So that's something that I think we're going to have very practical recommendations on. I've applied for a couple of grants in the last year to do that, but that whole process takes time. So it'll be a few years before we get that out. We actually have, we're almost finished with the clinical trial on intermittent fasting and fiber type specific responses right now. So we'll have more information coming. Yeah, we being Legion, so my sports nutrition company, anybody listening knows about Legion is funding some research. And so this is one of the studies where also we gave protein for it. And we're also funding a lean bulking study that's being headed up by Eric Helms and James Krieger. And the next year we're going to be starting a study on or putting up the
Starting point is 00:33:14 money for a study on creatine and hair loss and DHT, which would be great just to give more clarity to that because the problematic rugby study that has a lot of people worried and it'll be nice to have a better answer to that question of does creatine cause hair loss? But yeah, we should definitely do an episode on the intermittent fast study. We should probably think about it in terms of marketing of when it's probably – well, you let me know when you think it's best to – when you have the information, when you can make for a good discussion and somewhere along the way to publication, I guess. Yeah. Cool. Okay. So to come back to your question, the things that we kind of know are, and there's been evidence in the last, even this is what I was referring to earlier in the last
Starting point is 00:34:00 couple of weeks, the idea that there's a fire type specific hyperglycerin range, I think makes a lot of sense. Before you jump into that, let me just ask you quickly on what we were talking about previously. So you have how there very well could be a difference in terms of post-workout nutrition. When you look at it by predominance by fiber type, what about gender? Now I'm assuming those things go together, but I just wanted to make it clear for anybody listening, because there might be women listening going, which am I? You know what I mean? So, okay. If you look at females who are untrained, so sedentary, middle-aged folks, whatever, typically women will have 10 to 15% more slow twitch fibers than men. So women tend to be slightly more slow twitch. However, when you account for
Starting point is 00:34:45 training status, those differences go away completely. I'm yet to see a single study with trained women with precise and accurate fiber typing where they actually have more slow twitch fibers. So I think it's maybe a default there, but it goes away quickly with training. And like I said earlier, or I didn't actually, but in our weightlifting study and in our powerlifting study, we actually see the women have more fast-twitch fibers, at least the same amount. So that's kind of what I was saying earlier. You either have to count for sex or you have to count for fiber type if you want to be totally precise, one or the other. And so then I guess for most of the people listening, men and women, they're going to be people who are into resistance training.
Starting point is 00:35:25 So they're going to have a lot of fast-twitch muscle fiber in their body, likely. And so I'm just curious. So the standard post-workout advice is, even what I say is, have a serving of protein, 20 to 40 grams of something high quality within an hour or so of finishing a workout. You don't have to race home to get your shake ready, but within an hour or so. And there might be a benefit to having some carbs as well, especially if you have something else physically demanding that you're going to be doing later in the day, whether it's a second workout or whatever. Otherwise, the carbs probably don't really matter. I understand the argument some people make about insulin levels and how you can keep insulin levels
Starting point is 00:36:10 elevated longer if you combine carbs in the meal. And I understand that. Maybe that makes a small difference over time, maybe not. And then as far as fats go is kind of whatever. Basically, have some if you want, don't have any if you don't. Based on what you were talking about, do you foresee any changes to that? Any significant changes? So you do have to be a bit careful with fat post-exercise, immediately post-exercise. So in that anabolic sensitivity phase, you do have to be a bit careful of fat because that can have a blunting effect to the anabolic cascade.
Starting point is 00:36:40 But there hasn't been a ton of follow-up studies to that. It depends on context, but I guess with our current study, we're going to see. Because we've got one group who's getting fed protein-controlled, calorie-controlled, but one group's getting fed over about 13 hours of the day. And this would include a meal prior to training and then mid or immediately post protein ingestion and then several meals throughout the day. The other group is training fasted entirely and will wait at least one hour after workout to start consuming any of their calories and they'll consume all their calories within an eight hour window. Nice. So we're going
Starting point is 00:37:13 to put that to bed one way or the other. Yeah, that's practical too, because that's for a lot of people that train first thing in the morning. For example, I hear from them, they don't really want to eat anything before they don't like, you know, the feeling of having food in their stomach when they go to the gym and they don't have time to wake up an hour early or something just to eat some food. So then that's what they do. And then by the time they shower, get to work, finally get to eating some food, it might be two hours or so. Yeah. And there are a lot of the times they're like, you know, you hear people say this, like, if you train as hard as I am, like you can't eat immediately after like, oh, okay. Like,
Starting point is 00:37:43 yeah, I get it. Like sometimes when you train really hard, the idea of putting food in your stomach isn't exactly appetizing. I've trained pretty hard, but I can't say I've actually gotten there. Like, what does that mean? You're, you're just puking. And then that's when you know, you're done with your workout. Once you've puked, I guess we've had a lot of people that are just like, Oh man, I prefer to weigh a little bit. I'm like, all right. So some people don't like eating immediately after the workout either. Like you said, they'd like to shower and get changed or whatever, and then kind of get about their day maybe.
Starting point is 00:38:09 But because there's been a lot of, because we kind of went through the spectrum, right? Which is like, all right, you got to eat within 30 minutes, post-exercise, anabolic window, blah, blah, blah. And then it was like, well, no, actually it's not true. It's only about 24 hour period. But I think that pendulum swung way too far as well. Because it does matter.
Starting point is 00:38:24 Protein, okay, fine. But carbohydrate timing post-exercise too far as well, because it does matter protein. Okay, fine. But carbohydrate timing post-exercise, it matters a ton. What kind of training are you doing? If you're an athlete, like an athlete I work with, they are definitely almost surely training again that day, if not multiple times that day, and isn't it three? So you better believe your protein timing matters, because we don't have that many feeding windows. And you better believe your carbohydrate timing matters. And you're definitely training the next day so i guess if you're like the type who just does like biceps today and you won't do biceps again until wednesday well okay fine but most athletes i work with don't do that so they're going to be training their legs quote unquote every day and their arms quote unquote every day so you you don't have time to mess around in terms
Starting point is 00:39:03 of carbohydrate recovery in terms of carbohydrate recovery, in terms of performance, because that's the question I have to ask too. Are we talking a performance athlete? Are we talking about somebody just trying to gain muscle? Are we talking about somebody just trying to lose fat? These all have slightly different recommendations. So we can only answer one of them. And in this particular study that we're talking about, we'll at least have the hypertrophic question answered. And we have men and women enrolled in the study. So maybe timing does matter for one, but not the other. So we are going to account for both fiber type within the individual person and the sex.
Starting point is 00:39:31 So we have kind of a really four groups, if you will. Men fasted, women fasted, men fed, women fed. And then within all that, we have fiber type specific analysis. So we're going to have a lot of questions answered. Maybe the window of matter is one for, say, for for example maybe there's an effect for fiber type composition but there's not an effect for sex or maybe the opposite so i don't know what could happen wouldn't it be ironic if it comes full circle and now it's a thing again and it's always been a thing it's just people didn't understand the nuance of it well yeah like it was i think there was so much push
Starting point is 00:40:04 back to get rid of the idea that okay you like, you don't have to eat within like seconds of your workout that people lost the nuance. And it was like, well, hold on here. Are you working out fasted? Well, then you probably should eat pretty quickly. Yep. Are you working out fed at like three o'clock in the afternoon after 1800 calories today? Yeah. And a serving of protein just an hour before. Yeah. Right. Like you had 50 grams of protein three times ready today. Like, okay, yeah, fine. Like it probably doesn't matter, but that's what I think we push back on that probably too hard, but I don't know. I mean, again, like maybe the fasting group gains more muscle and then maybe I go, fuck, it doesn't matter at all. Um, so I don't know. Like we
Starting point is 00:40:41 have a ton of controls and it's all blinded. Interesting. Well, definitely keep me posted on that. I'll be looking forward to seeing it when it's ready. Yeah, we're getting very close. We've had a lot of people finish already. So next big wave starts here soon. So it should be interesting. Sometime this spring, we should be wrapping up. Let's get back to something you had mentioned, because this is definitely one of the practical
Starting point is 00:41:00 takeaways that people will be wanting to have an answer on is, let's just say muscle group is really what it comes down to, right? The idea that you should train and how it's normally represented is you should be training from what I've seen. It's not so much about exercise selection. I mean, some exercises don't lend themselves well to certain rep ranges, but it's mostly around the rep ranges. So you should be training with very heavy weights, maybe in a rep range of anywhere from one to max six for this muscle group, maybe your legs. And then in a smaller muscle group, like your shoulders, you really shouldn't be ever doing sixes. You should only be doing 10 plus. Yeah. So this is, um, we'll call this idea of what we'll call a fiber type specific hypertrophy range. Okay. and so, and this is actually something
Starting point is 00:41:45 that has come out in the last several weeks. I do think there is good evidence, at least initially, to suggest. So what I mean when I say suggest is we haven't shown this yet, but I think it is evidence to say this is probably happening, that fast-touch fibers probably respond better
Starting point is 00:42:02 to a lower repetition range per set than slow-twitch fibers. And we have lots of practical examples of this happening. And when you say lower, just so people know, what are you talking about? Three to eight, maybe. Okay. And slow-twitch fibers, maybe more to that eight to 30. There's probably a large overlap there. Yep.
Starting point is 00:42:22 But something like that. So if you were to do like five sets of five, you probably will see reasonable hypertrophy in your fast twitch fibers. And I doubt you would get much in the slow twitch. You do sets of 20, you're probably seeing the exact opposite. Tough to stimulate the fast twitch fibers there, but almost certainly going to move the needle on the slow twitch fibers. So we've actually been trying. I've been working with Brad Schoenfeld. you know, I'm sure you know Brad. Sure. We're trying to drum up some money because I've been wanting to do this for like four years. It's not that hard of a study to do if we can just find some funding, but this is not that difficult of a thing to pull off. And I would
Starting point is 00:42:56 suspect that's probably happening. So to come back to your muscle question, we do also know that the different muscle groups have a general difference in their fiber type composition. And so we have what are called anti-gravity or postural muscles. These are things like your soleus, your spinal erectors. Those tend to be much more slow twitch. So if the fiber type specific hypertrophy rep range does exist, then it would say, yeah, actually train your soleus more in like sets of 20 or 30 or something. But your gastroc, which is in your calf as well, the bigger, more pronounced muscle, is almost the exact opposite.
Starting point is 00:43:29 It's almost entirely fast twitch. So train that thing more in the 5 to 8 to 10s or something like that. Which would be kind of counterintuitive based on what we've been hearing about calf training for a long time now, which is, oh, you're just supposed to blast your calves with unlimited reps, basically. And if you have the genetics, you'll have calves. And if you don't, you won't. So that's pretty much it. Well, this is the thing. Why is it some people do it and it works and some people do it and it doesn't? Biology is not random. I'm in the latter group, by the way. My calves have received way more volume than you'd think looking at them.
Starting point is 00:44:02 Right. I'm always of the perspective where it's like, well, I guess it's just like you had that. Well, we always just like genetics, but that's, I think, a short way out. No, I think it's probably the program. When have you changed the program? Have you done it differently? Have you done the exact opposite? I bet that, in my opinion,
Starting point is 00:44:17 most people, if you do have one, or because there is this hypertrophy range that's specific to the fiber types, I bet then if you trained in the opposite one, you may see a greater stimulus. And to understand that, we have to go back a quick second. So here's the thing. If, say, you have more slow twitch than fast twitch, are you going to respond better to higher rep ranges? Well, I don't know. Because the problem is, what if you sort of maximize the genetic potential and size of those slow twitch fibers already? Then you might might actually respond better to doing the opposite. And so I don't know what to tell people. Oh, you think you're a slow-trick person? And vice versa too, right? In the case of some
Starting point is 00:44:52 muscle groups. Yes, exactly. And so I think it does give us like, I can kind of hedge it to two things. I can come down and say, okay, great. Knowing your fiber type profile or knowing the fiber type profile of the quads versus the hamstrings the hamstrings being far more fast which is why they stay sore for like 600 years right you do hamstring curls or whatever you're just like three reps in and you feel like your hamstring is going to explode yeah and then when you're getting in bed the night before you're gonna be squatting heavy your hamstrings are still kind of sore and you're just hoping like come on please just recover it's like no, no RDLs tomorrow, please God. Oh, like, right.
Starting point is 00:45:28 Well, I don't know if that means then you should train them because more fast switch rep range because they're more fast switch or you should do the opposite. It depends on what you're going out. I mean, I guess this really could be a good argument for, there are many good arguments for periodization, especially for an intermediate plus weightlifter, right?
Starting point is 00:45:44 I mean, in the beginning, it's pretty straightforward. You don't have to get fancy with the periodization, especially for an intermediate plus weightlifter, right? I mean, in the beginning, it's pretty straightforward. You don't have to get fancy with the periodization, in my opinion, double progression in the right exercises takes care of most people's first year. But beyond that, where now it is beneficial to work in multiple rep ranges for all of the major muscle groups that you train directly, right? Yeah, 100%. Then regardless of exactly how it all teases out, even if it is a bit of a black box, you still can get the outcome. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:13 I think maybe this is, yeah, because you're totally right, but I think where this has more weight is somebody who's like hit a plateau or somebody who's like, this is not working. Okay, great. Have you done the exact opposite in terms of rep range that may be possible so this could be the person who's kind of that mid-level training or that person is really far down the line who you're like trust me like i've done you know this is as large as my calves are going to get okay great well maybe the fast switch fibers are peaked out and you got to go the opposite direction which is hit them with more repetitions per set do a more endurance based thing and try to build up the size of the
Starting point is 00:46:48 slow twitch fibers to round you out more. And this might be a silly question, but I'm going to ask it anyway. So let's say that that's the case, right? With any muscle group, you've done a lot of heavier lifting and you got what you've got. And it occurs to you, Hey, I haven't done higher rep stuff in a long time. I'm going to do a bunch of higher rep stuff. And let's say you commit to a month of just higher rep training. Would there be any chance that you could lose fast twitch because you were focusing on the slow twitch for, let's say, four weeks? 100% you will. Oh, okay. Four weeks, no.
Starting point is 00:47:24 Okay. Probably not a ton. But if you go for a long weeks? 100% you will. Oh, okay. Four weeks? No. Okay. Probably not a ton. But if you go for a long enough period, then you will. Yeah. If somebody who's reasonably trained, I think you probably need six to eight weeks to start seeing noticeable changes in vibratype. I think that would probably be happened if you're super, super, super trained. Maybe that's a little bit if you go in the exact opposite direction. So for example, if you are a really highly trained powerlifter, and all of a sudden you switch and you start running 50 miles a week, well, the fiber type will change within probably a month. But if you're talking like, oh, I lift weights, you know, I strength train, and then I did like a different type of strength training, it's still really not that different at the level of muscle.
Starting point is 00:48:02 So it would probably take somebody eight or so weeks to see sort of noticeable changes in fiber type from there. If you're really, really untrained, you don't do anything, well, then we could pick up changes in fiber type within, you know, three weeks probably. So, so you could put yourself in a kind of ironic position where if you were to make too drastic of a change, then yeah, you might actually gain some size and some strength in your slow twitch. But if you're completely neglecting your fast twitch, those gains could be offset by losses in fast twitch. That's right.
Starting point is 00:48:33 So my response to that is, and it's actually just topical because currently I'm wrapping up a new second edition of, it's a sequel to my more beginner book for men. So the beginner book is called Bigger, Leaner, Stronger, and the sequel is called Beyond Bigger, Leaner, Stronger. And so the first edition has been out for a bit and now I'm updating it and really just rewriting it from scratch is what it has come to be. In this new second edition, the training program is you are training in a given rep range for a week. And so it's weekly undulating as opposed to daily. I prefer that personally for a couple of reasons. And so something like that then could make a bit more sense. I mean, that's a shameless plug, but it
Starting point is 00:49:16 doesn't have to be exactly like that. My point is where I'm being exposed to how the training block, the macro cycle starts at 10, 8, 6, deload. That's your first month. Those are weeks of 10s, mostly compound exercises, some accessory work in a little like 10 to 12, but your primary exercise is 10, 8, 6, deload, 8, 6, 4, deload, 4, 2, 1, deload, and then a bit of AMRAP to test your strength and kind of restart so over the course of months i'm being exposed to a number of different rep ranges without abandoning whether it's the strength training or the more higher rep hypertrophy quote-unquote training for too long yeah no i think my practical advice to people on this is is to do something like that and there's lots of versions of it but uh if you're just like unsure what you are fast switch wise or slow twitch or you're like i want to address them both we'll do something like
Starting point is 00:50:08 that where you address both ends of the spectrum so to me you'll optimize hypertrophy most likely by having a broader exposure to rep ranges and i would say that this is one area that we haven't spent a ton of time on there's some on eccentric and i believe it's convincing enough but the repetition type i think has a different influence on fiber type. So eccentrics are going to address the fast-food fibers more so. And so you could do a difference, you know, change your eccentric or concentric isos or tempos or however you want to play with that, but I think that would do it as well. And so in general, where I've landed on this hypertrophy stuff is, if you just want to build long, landed on this hypertrophy stuff is if you just want to build long sustainable muscle growth over time i think the broader the exposure of the insult the better but now i gotta say one piece
Starting point is 00:50:52 on that is it's not so broad that it's not intentional so there's a difference between randomization and variation randomization is not going to work variation is going to work very well so there has to be a plan a purpose don't just be like well i'm going to go to the gym every day and do something totally different. That's not how you get gains. And especially not as an intermediate or beyond weightlifter in the beginning, of course, as a newbie, you can kind of be a random for the first couple of months and be like, Hey, this is easy. Yeah. Well, you can get away with it, but that doesn't mean it's good. I think that's my little checklist. We checked every box. Is there anything bouncing around in your head that you feel like we should address for you?
Starting point is 00:51:24 One thing I will get is there have been a couple of studies where people have looked at sort of putting people on a genetically matched, if you will, strength training program versus mismatched. Okay. And so I think those are worthy of addressing here. What this means is people will do like a very basic DNA test and they'll tell them, you know, are you more fast twitch or more slow twitch or whatever. DNA tests and they'll tell them, you know, are you more fast twitch or more slow twitch or whatever. And then more fast twitch people either get put on a fast twitch program or more fast twitch people get put on a slow twitch program or the opposite. So we sort of have this four group things. And those studies will show that the people on the matched program tend to do better. So if you are a fast twitch person and you do more of that that like 5 to 10 rep range or so,
Starting point is 00:52:09 you will probably see more growth than if you were to do the 20s or 30s. I guess that makes sense, right? You're kind of just playing to your strength. Totally. Oh, so you said it really well there. I don't want people to be too short-sighted with that because it's playing to your immediate strengths. And if you're untrained and you just get started, probably. But that doesn't mean like once you're decently or well-trained, that that's where you should stand. Or I would argue that's probably not even the base you should set. Well, it doesn't make sense anymore. Everything that you were describing earlier and how much this can change, like you are physiologically different now after your first year of hard weightlifting. Yeah, I think without question you are. So those studies are interesting. We're going to do sort of more of these, but with that piece, like I do not see any futility at all in genetic-based testing for exercise programming.
Starting point is 00:52:51 So don't run out and be like, oh, okay, I want to know my fiber type. I'm going to get a DNA test. A DNA test can't tell you your fiber type. Even though some of them say that they can't. Absolutely not. That's part of the marketing. 100% cannot. There's no chance.
Starting point is 00:53:04 It would be the same as saying like, oh, I tested your genome and I figured out where you live. What? It has nothing to do with there. So I can't test because genes only, they're just like, it's a deck of cards, right? And it's like, yeah, you're going to have, you've got three cards there. But until you flip a card over, it doesn't matter. And so if you have five cards on the deck and they're all face down, well, the one you decide to flip over is the only one that counts.
Starting point is 00:53:30 So that's how fiber type works is they have to be expressed. So genes have to be expressed for them to matter. So just because you have a gene and it's never played, it doesn't ever matter. So that part is there's no futility, I think, in running out and getting $100 spit in a can and them telling you how to do your exercise. That is preposterous at this point. No utility, right? Not at all. Okay, good. Yeah. Yeah. Cause you had said futility. So I thought you were arguing the other way. I was like, I was like, really? As if it's not futile. Yeah. Okay, good. No, that makes perfect sense. And so I think that it comes back to just practically speaking, puritization works.
Starting point is 00:54:02 I would say my caveat, and I talk about this in this book that I'm wrapping up is I actually don't think for people getting newly into proper weightlifting, they don't need to get too fancy with it. They can stick with something simple. Like I said, doing the right exercises, lifting heavy, mostly heavy weights, double progression, a little bit of lighter weights, maybe on some accessory exercises. Just if you're a guy, go do that and you're going to gain your first 20 pounds of muscle or so. And it's going to be fun, straightforward, very simple. And how do you go though from that first 20 to maybe the last 20 that you have genetically available to you? And that's, I think, where it now makes sense to get a bit more into what I was talking about previously about, you know,
Starting point is 00:54:45 how I'm training where it's, you put a bit more thought into, like you said, the variation and planning your periodization and really paying attention to frequency and volume. And it's not that it's complex, but it just takes a bit more work and you need a spreadsheet. And I've heard from a number of people over the years who were either new to weightlifting altogether or new to proper weightlifting. They try to jump into the deep end and use an overly complex program that's really meant for advanced weightlifters and get bogged down in the details. They're not even sure how to do it theoretically looking at a spreadsheet, let alone actually get into the gym and do it correctly. So I'm big on simplicity, especially for people who are new. do it correctly. So I'm big on simplicity, especially for people who are new and then adding just as much complexity as needed to keep the needle moving and to ultimately get to the
Starting point is 00:55:31 top-ish range of our genetic potential, if that's what we want to do. Some people don't want to do this. Some people don't care. Some people just, a guy, he gains 30 pounds of muscle and he says, dude, I love this and I'm done. And I just want to maintain this now. And I want to do some different types of things that I find that are fun. And for women, maybe that number is even half of that. And that's totally fine too. Hey, this was great, Andy. This is a great discussion. Very informative. I know it's going to do well because this is something that I have not written or spoken about much. So I really appreciate you taking the time to break this down. And why don't we wrap up with where people can find you and find your work. And if there's anything in particular that you want people to know about in the way of
Starting point is 00:56:10 products or services, anything upcoming, let's let them know. Yeah, sure. So probably the most active on Twitter and Instagram, just at Dr. Andy Galpin. Those are the places. If you want more education, I put as many of my class lectures and materials and stuff up on my YouTube page. Those are also on my website, just So if you want to learn more about fiber types or muscle fizz or nutrition or whatnot, those are all up there and those are all just 100% free. So
Starting point is 00:56:36 I don't really have anything to sell. So those are up there as well. And we'll probably maybe circle back once we wrap up this intermittent fasting study, and we can kind of break that down. Yeah. Yeah. I look forward to it. Well, thanks again, Andy. This was great. And until the next time, Hey, and no technical issues. This is a good sign. We'll see. No, this time we had none. So, Hey, Hey, Mike here. And if you like what I'm doing on the podcast and elsewhere, and if you want to help me help more people get into the best shape of their lives, please do consider picking up one of my bestselling health and fitness books, including bigger, leaner, stronger for men, thinner, leaner, stronger for women, my flexible dieting cookbook, the shredded Chef, and my 100% practical and hands-on blueprint for personal transformation
Starting point is 00:57:28 inside and outside of the gym, The Little Black Book of Workout Motivation. Now, these books have sold well over 1 million copies and have helped thousands of people build their best bodies ever. And you can find them on all major online retailers like Audible, Amazon, iTunes, Kobo, and Google Play, as well as in select Barnes & Noble stores. Again, that's Bigger Leaner Stronger for Men, Thinner Leaner Stronger for Women, The Shredded Chef, and The Little Black Book of Workout Motivation. Oh, and I should also mention that you can get any of the audiobooks 100% free when you sign up for an Audible account, which is the perfect way to make those pockets of downtime like commuting, meal prepping, and cleaning more interesting, entertaining, and productive. So if you want to take Audible up on that offer,
Starting point is 00:58:25 and if you want to get one of my audio books for free, go to slash Audible. That's L-E-G-I-O-N athletics slash A-U-D-I-B-L-E and sign up for your account. All right. Well, that's it for today's episode. I hope you found it interesting and helpful. And if you did, and you don't mind doing me a favor, could you please leave a quick review for the podcast on iTunes or wherever you are listening from? Because those reviews not only convince people that they should check out the show, they also increase the search visibility and help more people find their way to me and to the podcast and learn how to build their best body ever as well. And of course, if you want to be notified when the next episode
Starting point is 00:59:19 goes live, then simply subscribe to the podcast in whatever app you're using to listen and you will not miss out on any of the new stuff that I have coming. And last, if you didn't like something about the show, then definitely shoot me an email at mike at and share your thoughts. Let me know how you think I could do this better. I read every email myself and I'm always looking for constructive feedback. All right. Thanks again for listening to this episode and I hope to hear from you soon.

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