Muscle for Life with Mike Matthews - The Best of Muscle For Life: Beating Training Plateaus, Effective Supersets, & Changing Your Body and Life

Episode Date: February 18, 2022

Some people—my favorite people—listen to most or even all of my podcasts, but my wizbang analytics tell me that while many listeners tune in on a regular basis, they don’t catch every installmen...t of Muscle for Life and thus miss out on insights that could help them do at least a little better inside and outside the gym. That’s why I do “best of” episodes that contain a few of the most practical and compelling ideas, tips, and moments from the more popular episodes I’ve published over the years. This way, you can learn interesting insights that you might have otherwise missed and find new episodes of the show to listen to. So, in this installment of The Best of Muscle for Life, you’ll be hearing hand-picked morsels from three episodes: Dr. Mike Israetel on Breaking Through Muscle Gain Plateaus (Originally published 7/10/2019) Should You Use Supersets to Build Muscle Faster? What 18 Studies Say  (Originally published 6/6/2018) Motivation Monday: If You Can Change Your Body, You Can Change Your Life (Originally published 8/7/2017) And we’ll be starting with number one, Mike Israetel on breaking through muscle gain plateaus. Timestamps: 0:00 - Our (new and improved) protein bars are back! Try them risk-free today! Go to and use coupon code MUSCLE to save 20% or get double reward points! 3:55 - Dr. Mike Israetel on Breaking Through Muscle Gain Plateaus 11:47 - Should You Use Supersets to Build Muscle Faster? What 18 Studies Say 18:08 - Motivation Monday: If You Can Change Your Body, You Can Change Your Life Mentioned on the Show: Our (new and improved) protein bars are back! Try them risk-free today! Go to and use coupon code MUSCLE to save 20% or get double reward points!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello, and welcome to Muscle for Life. I'm Mike Matthews. Thank you for joining me today for another installment of the best of Muscle for Life, which is basically a hand-picked selection of the juiciest morsels from some of the more popular episodes I've recorded over the years. And I do these episodes because some people, my favorite people, of course, they listen to most or even all of my podcasts. But my analytics tell me that while many listeners do tune in on a regular basis, they don't catch every episode. And thus they miss out on insights that could help them do at least a little bit better inside and outside of the gym. And so I had the idea, why don't I do
Starting point is 00:00:45 these best of episodes where I share some of the most practical and compelling ideas, tips, and moments from the more popular episodes that I've done over the years. And these best of episodes, they do well. And so I keep doing them. And in this installment of the best of muscle for life, you are going to be hearing highlight reels from three episodes, Dr. Mike Israetel on breaking through muscle gain plateaus. That is an interview I did back in July of 2019. I really enjoyed it. And then we have a monologue that I recorded called, should you use supersets to build muscle faster?
Starting point is 00:01:21 What 18 studies say. And that was originally published back in June of 2018. And then finally, there is another monologue called If You Can Change Your Body, You Can Change Your Life, and that was originally published back in August of 2017. Before we begin, question, gentle listener, what would a perfect protein bar look like to you? How about plenty of high quality protein, nutritious plant-based carbs, fiber, and fats, non-GMO, gluten-free, no artificial sweeteners, flavors, dyes, or other chemical junk, fresh, soft, and delicious. You know, an all-natural protein bar that's an ideal on the go snack mid afternoon,
Starting point is 00:02:06 pick me up or healthy and guilt-free treat. Well, that's why I created a protein bar. Yes, I have a new product to announce and it is a protein bar. And these bars are packed with 20 grams of high quality whey and milk protein and nine grams of prebiotic fiber, which means that they can support muscle building and gut health. And these bars also contain just 240 calories, 24 grams of healthy carbs, 12 grams of fat, and just 4 grams of added sugar, which means that they can fit into any and all meal plans. My protein bar is also 100% naturally sweetened and flavored, and they contain no artificial food dyes or other chemical junk. So if you want a delicious, all natural, low sugar protein bar with 20 grams of five-star protein, you want to try my protein
Starting point is 00:02:59 bars today. Head over to slash bar. That is B-U-I slash bar. And if you use the coupon code muscle at checkout, you will save 20% if it is your first order with us. And if it is not your first order over at Legion, you will get double reward points on that order, which is 10% cash back. And know that if you don't absolutely love MyProteinBars, just let us know and we will give you a full refund on the spot. No forms, no return is even necessary. So you can't lose. Go to slash bar. Now place your order, use the coupon code muscle, save 20%, try the bars risk-free, and see what you think. Okay, so let's start with number one.
Starting point is 00:03:49 Let's start with the interview I did with Mike Israetel on breaking through muscle gain plateaus. Plateau does not mean rates of gain you are unsatisfied with. In that case, everyone always should be considering themselves plateauing because unless I'm turning into Thanos, then I'm plateauing because I would love to be growing faster. Let's say you put on 10 pounds of muscle a month. I mean, that sounds absurd, but what if someone was like, hey, do you want to put on 15? I mean, how many people would really say no? They'd probably say, yeah, sure. So then sort of reflexively, we have to redefine a plateau as like, well, anything under 10 pounds
Starting point is 00:04:20 of muscle a month, but that's completely insane. So the more direct concern here is that individuals will think that they're at a plateau, whereas they're really like you described, just transitioning from very new gains into intermediate gains. New gains happen on a weekly and monthly order as far as rep strength on lifts for the weekly and visual changes that are pretty apparent monthly. And then intermediate gains sort of happen more in the monthly and yearly timescales, right? So monthly, you notice that you're getting considerably stronger. And then, you know, within several months, every year, sort of, you notice that you're looking very different. And that can be a shock.
Starting point is 00:04:59 So one of the first things to do is to set realistic expectations and to sort of benchmark your progress and figure out if you really are plateauing. One thing that has to be said before we get into any more advanced critiques is that you've got to be measuring your rates of progress or at least benchmarks of how you're doing in order to figure out if you're plateauing. I've spoken to too many people at gyms, and they say, you know, I think my bench was plateauing. I'm like, okay, like, like how, how's it plateauing? They're like, well, I think I'm just not getting stronger. I'm like, okay, what's your best rep effort recently? And they're like, um, I can't remember. I'm like, well, she can't remember how strong you are.
Starting point is 00:05:35 How the hell do you know if you're plateauing? It was completely insane. So basically you want to make sure you keep a good log book, keep tabs on your appearance. Generally speaking, taking pictures is good. Sometimes you feel like you don't, you know, pictures and body weight. You look at, you know, you weighed 165 pounds and you looked like something. And then two months later, you think like you've plateaued, but then you take a picture and you weigh 168 and you look a little sharper. You're like, oh, well, gee, I don't even know what I was thinking. I'm like, sometimes, you know, you look at enough
Starting point is 00:06:00 Instagram pictures of other people and you can get ahead of yourself. And then as far as rep strength, that's the easiest one. That's the sort of golden ticket to benchmark is, you know, you look at enough Instagram pictures of other people and you can get ahead of yourself. And then as far as rep strength, that's the easiest one. That's the sort of golden ticket to benchmark is, you know, how is your repetition strength? And that comes back to the importance of having good, basically identical or very similar technique from week to week to month to month on basic exercises. So you can keep track and see if your squats are actually getting stronger, your pull-ups, your bench press, so on and so forth. And if that's the case, you may find that after analysis, you're not really at a plateau. You're actually at a small rate of improvement. Now, the cool thing is, is all of the tips I'm going to share,
Starting point is 00:06:32 plateau busting, so to speak, are applicable to just making your gains better. So there's not any different tips of like, well, because somebody could say like, well, okay, you know, Dr. Mike, fine. I'm not technically at a plateau, but I don't want to gain five pounds on my squat every two months. I want to gain 10 or 15. Same tips, so no worries, but at least you can be assured that you're not at a plateau. Technically speaking, a plateau in any definition is defined as a lack of ascension. So on any timescale you want to measure, let's say you're measuring three months behind and to now, three months ago to now, you're looking at your rep maxes on, let's say, whatever, let's say you say your quads are plateaued. You look at your
Starting point is 00:07:11 best rep efforts on squats, leg presses, and hack squats three months ago, and you compare them to today, and you see that there is no increase or a decrease. Any decrease is definitely a plateau or worse and no increase as well. So my first recommendation is deload. If you don't know what that means, look it up. There's tons of ways to just type in deload definition on Google and then you're going to get hit with a ton of stuff. You might even find an article I wrote on it over at Muscle for Life if anyone listens, if you search for deload exactly yep you'll find articles by you by me like we you know the there's one on juggernaut that my colleague and i wrote a long time ago like fatigue and its causes or you know what is fatigue and there's just tons of stuff
Starting point is 00:07:54 about how to deload just the real simple basics that a lot of people just don't do because you walk into a gym 95 of the people won't be able to tell you what a deload is so when those people say man you know like i'm kind of kind of a plateau, automatically light bulb as a trainer or coach or someone who knows stuff should come up in your head and be like, this is probably just an accumulated fatigue issue. You know, as soon as you remove accumulated fatigue, it turns out they were making gains the entire time. So the next is still kind of a backdrop kind of thing, but it's so important. It has to be said, and we don't have to spend much time on it because this podcast today is probably about training, right? But it's just, it's one of these things that kind of has to be said, and we don't have to spend much time on it because this podcast today is probably about training, right?
Starting point is 00:08:26 But it's one of these things that kind of has to be said, but that has to be said as innuendo for it's really, really important. Is your nutrition fundamentally sound? Is your sleep fundamentally enough? Are you gaining weight at a rate high enough for it to reflect itself on the scale so that you're actually fueling and providing substrates for the muscle growth process? And lastly, possibly not least, are you managing stress and various stressors effectively, which can include other physical activity forms? And now that brings us to the workout program. So the critical component of almost everyone who's concerned about plateauing
Starting point is 00:09:05 is training hard enough in the sense that they bring their sets relatively close to failure, and they're trying to lift relatively happy. Very few people, these are the kind of people that don't train hard enough. They're usually just not concerned about plateaus, right? They're just kind of, I mean, just read the newspaper in between sets, that sort of thing. So big factor in determining rates of gain is your volume, your training volume. And that basically is on a spectrum from what we'd call a minimum effective volume all the way to maximum recoverable volume. So here's our trap people get caught in. They do their workout where they train their biceps every week, several sessions.
Starting point is 00:09:39 Total number of sets per week that they do for biceps is, say, 10. When they were a beginner, their minimum effective volume was one set per week. You can get beginners to grow from one set of biceps per week that they do for biceps is say 10. When they were a beginner, their minimum effective volume was one set per week. You can get beginners to grow from one set of biceps per week, like literal first timers. And after a couple of months, that might go to six to eight sets a week where you can make really good gains on just training your arms maybe twice a week for three or four sets at a time. After one, two, three years, your minimum effective volume, the minimum amount of physical number of sets that it takes, hard sets, to grow your biceps might actually exceed eight or ten, right? And for many people, your minimum effective volume slowly trends up through your entire lifting career.
Starting point is 00:10:17 So what you might be doing is running an amount of volume that is no longer sufficient to make gains for you, and you're sort of baffled and puzzled at the sort of details. that is no longer sufficient to make gains for you, and you're sort of baffled and puzzled at the sort of details, it's kind of like gaining weight from, you know, 100 pounds to 200 pounds to 300 pounds and wondering why like an apple no longer fills you up. Well, you're a different size now. Like it's going to take two, three, four apples, right? Same idea. So you got to try to figure out what your minimum effective volume is and if you're training above that. Second thing is you got to try to figure out what your maximum recoverable volume is and if you're training above that. Second thing is you got to try to figure out what your maximum recoverable volume is and make sure you're not training over that. The human body and every individual muscle can only recover from a certain amount of volume at a time, period.
Starting point is 00:10:55 And if you exceed that amount of volume per week especially, then your body spends all of its resources healing you from the muscle damage and has no resources left over to actually make you better recovery precedes adaptation right so like your body's going to try to fix you first and then it's going to work on whatever it's got left to make you better if you train so much that your body can only barely fix you or not even you're not recovering then you essentially are in a position where you've mathematically ruled out muscle growth altogether. All right, that's it for the highlights from the interview I did with Mike Israetel. And if you want to listen to the whole interview, you can find it by going back to July of 2019. Now let's move on to the monologue that I recorded on supersets. What is a superset? Let's
Starting point is 00:11:48 start there. Well, a superset is a weightlifting technique where you do two exercises in a row with little or no rest in between the exercises. This is why they're often called paired sets as well. And when you pair more than two exercises in this way, that's usually referred to as a circuit or a tri-set for three sets, a quad set for four sets, and so on. You've probably also heard the term giant set as well, which usually refers to a circuit of four or more exercises done back to back. Now, sometimes supersets are used to target the same muscle group with the goal of more fully activating all of the muscle fibers. At least that is the purported goal. And so, for example, you might superset barbell curls with dumbbell hammer curls, which both target the biceps, but in slightly different ways. Now, supersets are also used often to target different, usually opposing muscle groups. And that's usually just
Starting point is 00:12:45 to save time. So, you know, you might superset the bench press with the barbell rows, which target your push and pull muscles respectively. And then after completing a superset, you will generally rest for a minute or two before moving on to the next superset or just set exercise or whatever in your workout. Many people assume that supersets are highly effective. Supersets are difficult. They are painful, more so than traditional sets, but that does not mean they are better for muscle and strength gain though. The main reason that supersets feel harder is simply the shorter rest periods that makes weights feel heavier, that gives you a bigger pump, it more elevates your heart rate. But studies show that none of those things are powerful muscle building
Starting point is 00:13:33 stimuli. None of those things necessarily mean that that workout is going to result in considerable muscle growth. Let's move on to the next claim, which is that supersets help you do more reps in each workout and therefore are better for building muscle. And the first part of this is true. Yes, supersets do help you do more reps in each workout if you are keeping the time equal. By supersetting exercises together, you get more work done in the time that you have to work out. And as accumulating volume, total reps, total hard sets, you can look at it in different ways. That is an important part of muscle building. Research has shown that a number of times. It all kind of sounds good, right? The problem,
Starting point is 00:14:14 however, is just as a calorie is not a calorie when it comes to optimizing your body composition, a rep is not a rep when it comes to optimizing strength and muscle gain. In other words, you have higher and lower quality volume. And if you want to gain muscle and strength as quickly as possible, you want to emphasize the former, the high quality volume as much as possible. One of the key factors that determines the quality of the reps that you do, the quality of the volume is the intensity or the amount of weight that you are using relative to your one rep max and the RPE, the rating of perceived exertion, which really you can just look at as when you finish a set, how many more reps could you get? Reps in
Starting point is 00:15:06 reserve is another way of looking at that. So the intensity of your workout is how much weight do you have on the bar and how far are you pushing yourself in your sets? How close to technical failure are you coming? And technical failure, of course, is the point where you can no longer maintain proper form to complete a rep. All right. So now that we have thoroughly torn supersets down, now that we have cut them down to size, let's talk about a better kind of superset, a better way to superset, because as you have probably concluded by now, they just aren't very useful in the way that they're normally practiced. They aren't better for muscle growth than traditional sets. They make it harder to handle heavy loads and to add weight to the bar.
Starting point is 00:15:47 And they really don't save that much time. I mean, does 15 minutes really matter that much in your day? Probably not. So what are supersets good for then? Well, I like them when they're used to create what are called antagonist paired sets. When a muscle contracts, it's considered an agonist and the muscle that produces the opposing motion is considered the antagonist. Therefore, an antagonist muscle is simply one that performs the opposite function of another. So for example, when the biceps work
Starting point is 00:16:19 to flex your elbow, the triceps are the antagonist because they do the opposite, right? They extend. So the difference here between antagonist paired sets, the better superset and the traditional superset is this. With traditional supersets, you're increasing fatigue in a single muscle group. With antagonist paired sets though, you are training two muscle groups and you're simply doing more sets in less time by shortening rest times without greatly increasing the fatigue in either one. So in effect with antagonist paired sets, you are using your sets for one muscle group as the rest periods for the other, which are naturally unengaged while the agonist is in the driver's seat. So you do your biceps set, your biceps are being worked, and then you go do your triceps set.
Starting point is 00:17:04 And because of how your body works, your biceps are naturally un, and then you go do your triceps set. And because of how your body works, your biceps are naturally unengaged here. And while you're training your triceps, that is your biceps rest. So to speak, this also works for muscle groups that aren't antagonistic, but are far enough away from each other that training one just doesn't impact the other. For example, I like to superset shoulder and calf exercises because it saves time and I don't really see any sacrifice or performance on either because like a side raise or a rear raise and a seated calf raise are not very demanding exercises. They are very isolated in terms of the muscles they are working and they don't place much strain on the body or much demand in terms of overall force production or energy production.
Starting point is 00:17:50 Well, I hope you liked my choice snippet from that episode. And if I have piqued your interest and you want to listen to the whole thing, you can find it by going back to June of 2018. And last, we have a monologue. If you can change your body, you can change your life. One of the things that I love about fitness is you can't slide by on bullshit. It's just one of those special things in life that you can't buy, steal, or fake.
Starting point is 00:18:20 There aren't any rewards for complaining or failing, and it doesn't care about your opinions or feelings. In fitness, the bottom line is you have to give something to get something. I mean, it's called working out after all, and for a good reason. You either do the work and transform your body, or you don't. Period. This is a very valuable lesson to learn, I think, because it's a metaphor for something bigger. No matter what you're facing
Starting point is 00:18:45 in life, you basically have two choices. You can put in the work or get put in your place. Nature must be smiling at everything we try to do to change or avoid this rule and escape its certainty. Not so long ago, our forebears had to chase, fight, and kill just to survive. I mean, they expected hardship. They were willing to face the worst. They embraced the fact that the universe, in all of its apparent tranquility, is really a carefully balanced chaos of forces that we barely understand. Now, us, on the other hand, we have it very easy. And that makes it easy
Starting point is 00:19:27 to go soft, to lose perspective and be lulled into idleness, inertia, and irresponsibility. And I like to think that working out is something of an inoculation against this. I like to think that it's a tribute of sorts to the primacy of work, a constant reminder that the same power that you muster to change your body can also be harnessed to change your life. And that's another reason why we do it, right? Another reason why we pour so much time and energy and effort into our training and why it's so important to us. You know, many people, they look at us and they just don't get it. They wonder, is it just narcissism? Have we just fallen in love with our reflections?
Starting point is 00:20:15 Or maybe it's insecurity, they think. Maybe they think we're feeding some sort of superiority complex. Or maybe it's something darker, something like self-loathing. Are we just unable to accept ourselves the way that we are? Well, if you ask me, all of these people, they're just missing the point. We don't train to feel vainglorious or paper over shortcomings or punish ourselves. We train because it gives us more than a better body. It gives us a better life. It builds a lot more than muscle. It builds character. It teaches us how to stop bullshitting ourselves and confront reality. It teaches us how to have courage to commit to big goals. It teaches us how to create purpose and meaning. It teaches us how to take action instead of just making excuses and finding reasons to fail. And you know, at bottom, I think working out teaches us a very powerful lesson.
Starting point is 00:21:08 If you have the power to change your body, then you have the power to change your life. That's why we train and let's not forget it. Let's also not forget that the gym is a lot more than a place to just move, grunt, and sweat. It's a miniature cosmos of sorts where we can make contact with the deeper parts of ourselves, our convictions, our fears, our habits, our anxieties. It's an arena where we can confront these opponents head-on and prove that we have what it takes to vanquish them. I think that the gym is also a setting where we can test the assumptions we've made about ourselves and the stories underlying them. It calls on us to demonstrate how we respond to the greater struggles of life, adversity, pain, insecurity, stress, weakness, disadvantage,
Starting point is 00:21:57 and I think in some ways calls on us to demonstrate who we really are. In this way, I think the gym really is a training and testing ground for the body, mind, and soul. You know, the conflicts that we learn to endure in the gym, they empower us in our daily lives as well. The concentration, discipline, and resilience required to build a great body are also required to build a great life. And like I've been saying, are also required to build a great life. And like I've been saying, if you can do one, you can do the other. Because the way to do anything is, at bottom, the way to do everything.
Starting point is 00:22:39 And that's it for a few of the featured moments from If You Can Change Your Body, You Can Change Your Life. And if you want to listen to the rest of the episode or the whole episode, you can find it by going to August of 2017 in the feed. Well, I hope you liked this episode. I hope you found it helpful. And if you did subscribe to the show, because it makes sure that you don't miss new episodes. And it also helps me because it increases the rankings of the show a little bit, which of course then makes it a little bit more easily found by other people who may like it just as much as you. And if you didn't like something about this episode or about the show in general, or if you have ideas or suggestions or just feedback to share, shoot me an email, mike at,, and let me know what I could do better or just what your
Starting point is 00:23:26 thoughts are about maybe what you'd like to see me do in the future. I read everything myself. I'm always looking for new ideas and constructive feedback. So thanks again for listening to this episode, and I hope to hear from you soon.

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