Nerd Poker - Episode 44 - Finsurrection

Episode Date: November 19, 2019

Halcyne's life is in the balance, and so is the stability of Dame Island's relatively newborn democracy as the we rejoin our adventurers in the wake of the juggernaut's violent power move. If you thou...ght Dargthur hated the Path of the Vaunted tusk before, now it's EXTRA extra personal.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey everybody, I'm Brian Poussin, Comedian, writer, actor, nerd. I've been playing D&D with my friends for a long time. I decided to do a new podcast where we play Dungeons & Dragons in my very own dining room. With my wife, kid, and my noisy dogs. So meet my friends Sarah, Kev, Dan, Blaine, Chris. Now it's time for another episode of Brian Poussaint's Nerd Poker. Season three. Hey, everybody.
Starting point is 00:00:52 It's Brian Poussaint, and you're listening to Brian Poussaint's Nerd Poker. Episode 44. My friends are here. We're down one. Blainey, Blaine, Blaine. But he'll be back. we're not worried that he had a horrible accident this episode like we were last night he's seeing a music band oh yeah he's seeing bow house so he's he's wearing black like usual but he's acting extra gothy tonight. Chris is here. Hello. Ken. Hi.
Starting point is 00:01:26 Dan. Hey. On the other side of the table. It's nice over here. Yeah. Switch it up. Hey. Hi.
Starting point is 00:01:35 I'm playing tonight. Oh, cool. And at the end of the table, our friend Sam. Hi, everyone. Hello, Sam. Hi, guys. Now, Sarah, you were sitting on that side of the table for all of three minutes before Brian's child farted over there
Starting point is 00:01:48 so I hope the rest of this goes a little smooth he thought he was farting he thought he was farting just on me but it went everywhere else for a lot of splashback all over everybody I'm gonna think some you know what they call patreon supporters I wish you would whoa everybody. I'm going to thank some, you know, what they call Patreon supporters. I wish you would.
Starting point is 00:02:07 Whoa. Okay. God, I've been waiting for you. Thank you. Gus is the tenebrous one. Thank you. Gus is the tenebrous one.
Starting point is 00:02:14 Fun theory. Oh my God. Thank you for answering the questions for us. Oh man. Uh, thank you. Uh, Dak and Coke.
Starting point is 00:02:23 Thanks Dak and Coke. Thanks Travis Johnson. Thanks Travis. Thanks Dak and Coke. Thanks, Travis Johnson. Thanks, Travis. Thanks, Barf Priest. Thanks, Barf Priest. Thanks, Robo Hobo. It's not Barf Priest. Open for Guar.
Starting point is 00:02:33 Thanks, Kalon Rivers. Thanks, Kalon Rivers. Thanks, The Fat Baker. Kalon Rivers. Thank you. Thanks, Flock of Seagulls. Thank you. Some good ones.
Starting point is 00:02:42 Thanks, Tortilla the Hun. And thanks, Killy Killall. Thanks, Killy. Killy Killall. uh some good ones thanks tortilla the hun and thanks killy kill all thanks killy kill all uh and now uh did you have anything else you wanted to say brian before we get into what happened today last time something we were saying i was gonna say no i don't know no any thoughts you know last night we were just cuddling, watching Hulu, all those dreams? He got real reluctant to talk about anything other than what happened. Oh, well, we've been having a lot of fun on Patreon and people should... What? Is that what you wanted me to say?
Starting point is 00:03:17 What? I mean, maybe like before I did the music and was like a syllable into the voice. To what you gotta do. I just, my comic timing is off today. But what I will say is what happened last time on Nerd Poker. Was it that much louder, Chris Tolman? I mean, you were coiling or...
Starting point is 00:03:34 It's just that voice. Well, we are about to get into some filthy business. A giant humanoid narwhal exploded all over everybody. We got into some tense negotiations with the path of the vaunted tusk and hal seen had the worst uh luck of the saving throws so uh i'm gonna go ahead and drop the voice and we'll just get into the technical details of that you know um basically what uh where we're at is if you were listening to the end of last episode,
Starting point is 00:04:07 like 20 seconds passed between when Dr. Uid woke up and everyone went down and took their damage. So I had Sarah do three death saves. She failed all of them. Blaine immediately went to cast healing on her. And I was like, like nah she's dead um and then you guys took her up to the temple of bahamut with the priests uh at which point after halseen was being tended to by the priest we figured out she could re-roll one of her death saves with her inspiration token and she made one and so it's like in this sort of in between place uh uh when she made that
Starting point is 00:04:47 last saving throw chronologically so what i would like to do is just say she took a catastrophic amount of damage um she's not dead because she technically would have made that saving throw before dr uid cast healing on her so she doesn't even need one of the priests to say cast revivify or anything but it it would it would have fucked her up pretty bad so um what we're gonna do is have hal seen do a religion check not my strongest stat you're a cleric though right yeah i don't get any it's weird it's like i guess i could have but i yeah it's not an automatic like you don't get a bump to it at all unless you like specifically arrange your stats this game is crazy i do think a lot of people thank you a lot of folks probably will try to stat that somehow i mean i don't know
Starting point is 00:05:35 yeah i've never played a cleric actually i don't think ever before this one so even in older editions but um 15 oh that's great so um what I would have done if you'd rolled lower is you might have gotten in touch with the... We don't want you to die. Brian, you can finally poop. It's been a week. The higher you roll, the less, say, collateral damage you're going to take.
Starting point is 00:05:59 What I would have done if you'd rolled a 10 or lower is it would have been worse permanent damage and you would have gotten in touch with bahamut who would have just sort of been uh the substitute god for valkyr because it's his temple that you're laying down in right now um but you do manage to get in touch with valkyr uh you you get a sense of being alone in the ocean suddenly after having blacked out it's dark you feel like you're floating on the surface of water and staring up at a starless sky but only from just the vague feeling of it not from really being able to see anything everything's very dark uh i'm gonna have six nice very nice okay so uh you come to and you have a a lot of wounds um and you notice the priests are removing uh a piece of your armor that is jammed really hard in your shield arm
Starting point is 00:06:59 uh and they managed to get it out without permanent, let's say, a handicap happening to that arm, but you do feel like there might be some collateral damage down the road. There might be some issues with your shield arm if more attention isn't paid to it, much like we had with Queep and his eye. Oh, God. My shield is my everything. Well, it's certainly a source of some bonuses you get um if you remember that's a pretty fancy shield you're attuned to so um we could use it and you guys all see how
Starting point is 00:07:33 soon wake up to be awake again thanks these guys are all crowded around you in your bed up in the temple of bahamut so i have to loot my body you all plus dr uid uh see how scene kind of blink to the priests are all trying to cast different spells on her But you notice none of them are very Let's just say Showy spells I mean they're doing minor healing on her I put her belt and her boots back down on the bed
Starting point is 00:07:59 And go I guess you're going to need these TikTok you didn't give them your blood did you? Hmm? My Meccano sap? Motor oil. My grease twig? Last thing I remember, you were trying to make a blood pact with an evil cult.
Starting point is 00:08:14 No, no, no. You convinced the guy to blow himself up and you instead. I suck grease twig open for a corrosion to conform. That bit's always funnier when you come up with a weirder band to be the headliner i dropped the elbow uh house drop the elbow yes i'll seen uh you immediately get eight additional points of healing back oh good um from first that's going to be dr uid what he
Starting point is 00:08:37 cast on you previously i'm rolling for him and then the priests are going to give you an additional eight. So sorry. Total is eight plus what? Was the first one? Eight plus eight. First one I said was eight too, right? So you're 16. Can I borrow a pencil? You're at 16 hit points.
Starting point is 00:08:56 Please. Thank you. You guys hear massive commotion and once she seems relatively stabilized, all but one of the priests excuse themselves and start to back away and head down the stairs. I mean, there's yelling, lots of stuff happening down in the main hall. That guy was by himself, right?
Starting point is 00:09:19 Yes, he was. He was. But there's catastrophic damage. I mean, you didn't really look around i gotta go help i'm going down to wherever the people are all right do a constitution check uh eight so you get up um without you know feeling like you can't handle it or anything, but you do feel like pain in your shield arm as you head up. Maybe you should take a break. I think I should probably go help cure people.
Starting point is 00:09:55 All right. Well, I can help you if that. There's at least probably a dozen guards that are in need of a medical attention in addition to Lord Husterbus, who was presiding over the negotiation. It was, you know, a little bit of a wimp, but new at politics and such things.
Starting point is 00:10:10 So, uh, he was nice enough to you guys. You, I would think might be a little curious of how he's doing. Let's go help. Sure. Um,
Starting point is 00:10:16 now if you remember, I really only gave you a basic description of what happened in the room because you were so focused on how scene. So good old house scene got a lot of the attention however here we go into catastrophe so you guys head down the stone steps into the main area of the viridian keep and much as the giant narwhal fella promised much of the ceiling and the four stone pillars that hold it up are broken up it hasn't pierced the ceiling and the four stone pillars that hold it up are broken up. Uh,
Starting point is 00:10:45 it hasn't pierced the ceiling, but the explosion was big enough to cause damage to the stonework. Um, there's rubble on, on a couple of folks who are dusting themselves off. And then there's a few folks who, uh, through the forest damage were smashed against the walls of the keep.
Starting point is 00:11:00 You notice when you get down there, Lord Huster bus is not there. The scribe is not there. Basic insight would tell you that's not necessarily like a deceptive thing it's just maybe they were injured and taken away maybe they're dead and they were taken away but uh they weren't armored so they're vaporized they could have been vaporized uh he did say to run right before it happened he did so he might have been clear of the area. But there's people everywhere. Everybody do a perception check, please. I'm going to go off whatever the highest roll is.
Starting point is 00:11:30 Natural 20. Beautiful. What's your bonus, boss? Five. Hello. Okay, well, no point in. 12. Okay, yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:37 If you can't beat a 25, we're going to go off that natural 20. Cool. TikTok, you immediately are able to scan the room and get a pretty good sense of what's going on there's there's um definitely dead guards everybody seems demoralized by what happened they i think uh you would note just how absolutely distraught everybody is they're not even really like uh that proactive and you overhear a couple people talking about how lord hustarbuss is dead um so uh you do notice in the far end of the room near the double doors that are now kind of smashed
Starting point is 00:12:12 apart there is a figure in a black cloak lined with purple runes uh doing his own version of scanning the room. Who's that? Do a insight check. Just you. Twelve. Got a bonus stat? Ten plus two. Okay. He looks really familiar, but you don't think you've seen him lately.
Starting point is 00:12:41 Do any of the rest of us recognize? Or would we see? I would point him out and go you there who's that um as soon as you point him out he kind of like makes a like an insulted face and he runs out the double doors you notice no one seems to pay the calling out any mind like they're nervous about him or anything yeah let's go did i see him I'm pointing him out to all of them and saying, guy, black robes, purple, let's get him. Did we see him? I mean, you only have enough time to see him kind of like,
Starting point is 00:13:11 you see his boot out the doors. I'm behind him. I'm assuming they're after me. Do we remember somebody with a purple lined robe? I will say you have no reason to, other than him being familiar, suspect him of it. No one seems. Well, the fact that he just ran away is pretty suspicious yeah um do i see are there like wounded people lying about there's when people
Starting point is 00:13:29 lying about and there's guards running away i mean it's sort of it's sort of chaotic there's it's like i said people are distraught but there there's other people running away besides this robe guy you just pointed and yelled at so i just want to do like a quick i'm just looking if there's a group of like injured people that i can you know just do a quick heal on before we ranger people is that what you said i'm sorry injured i'm sorry i can talk same time my brain went kaplunk only healing rangers today yes i don't know why no it's like a hunting party what's happening um do a uh yeah do a perception check or you know what i'm gonna do a medicine check if you want you can you can a medicine check you can make that a medicine or a perception okay i definitely gonna do medicine
Starting point is 00:14:11 then do you want to split up and run after this guy 17 all right yeah so you see there's uh the captain of the guard is is uh really fucked up he's always alive but he's on his his back and um there's people looking for a priest but the priests who came down with you are already attending okay well there i i'm gonna cast prayer of healing and it's up to six people so i'm just trying to find myself include i'm gonna include myself if i can right i can yes yeah so i'm just going to cast that and then i guess on him and anybody else uh tiktok is down a couple of hit points too i'm trying to look for like very injured people because this is gonna be people can drag some other soldiers over
Starting point is 00:14:45 if i'm not mistaken this is a 10 minute spell though to cast yeah i feel like i i feel responsible and i need to do this you guys can are you chasing this guy i think we're gonna chase after yeah okay okay i'm gonna heal people in this room um and you're you're gonna basically stay behind while everyone else runs off i'm just trying to let more people die under sweet okay roll your healing they'll they'll drag some soldiers over okay i'm casting it at third level so oh excuse me i had no you burped until you go to jill taco no that car okay so everybody gets 14 points back for now that's that's that's a lot for them um they start after 10 minutes they pick themselves up it's 10 minutes no we're gone by that yeah i mean we're gonna now check in with you guys i just want
Starting point is 00:15:35 to finish up what we're doing with how i'm seeing if we got any of that healing but we're you ran i mean yeah the only way you get that healing is if you didn't chase this guy no problem uh so uh yeah you help them up the captain of the guard is very grateful um he he says you know uh what what is everyone doing do you know like what what's the plan where's where's we will be in touch and then i go out the door okay um hold that thought yeah i mean i just want to make sure i just want to he does kind of go like oh good luck i guess like, we're not going in. We'll be back. We're here.
Starting point is 00:16:06 Okay. Uh, you guys have quite a headstart. Um, once you get out the front doors and how scenes back there healing still, we're, we're sort of, you know,
Starting point is 00:16:14 doing the time split here. You see him run off to a nearby tower. Um, and he, uh, sort of nods to a guard at the door heads inside. He's ignoring you as you chase after him. Hey!
Starting point is 00:16:28 Stay there. I'll let you pick. You can do persuasion or intimidation. Oh, well, I'm horrible at both. Oh, no, that's wrong. I'm actually better at intimidation. You're fine at it. What are you self-duplicating for, you silly robot?
Starting point is 00:16:41 20. Not natural. I mean, he looks over and he's like, what? Why are you walking away? We have to save the city, silly robot. 20. Not natural. I mean, he looks over and he's like, what? Why are you walking away? We have to save the city, you fool. Okay, how are we going to, who are you? The arcanist.
Starting point is 00:16:52 And he kind of just like goes back. He continues through the door. I guess he's fine. What are you talking about? But why did he look familiar? Oh, I can't. Yeah, what are you?
Starting point is 00:17:01 I'm not there. I'm trying to go in there. Who are you? The voice of the listener, I guess. yeah what does that mean he's he he you got him for a second fuck it let's get him gus go fly to the top what's up boss i'm on the boat i heard like a weird noise in the distance hey did uh that monster show up anus anus oh yeah you know i saw a weird gross fella go in the water uh you told me uh let me look at gus's list uh you said uh keep in mind venus is a friend so venus is a friend i have on gus's list do you want to hear my list yet no we, we got to chase down the Arcanist. Hang on. Okay, cool. I have a list.
Starting point is 00:17:45 So he loves adding to that list you've been hearing lately. I'm real worried. We need to hear about that list. We do. Well, post-explosion. It's become really funny because you talk to him about it. So he feels it's, I will tell you, he thinks it's special because of how often you ask about the list, but because you haven't let him tell it,
Starting point is 00:18:07 he's getting kind of excited. You run up to the Magus Tower and yeah, there's a single guard there and says, the Ice Five, yes. Yes, what's his name? He is Arcanist Jagen. He is, everyone sort of rolled their eyes at the Dungeon Master there,
Starting point is 00:18:24 but okay, he's just Arcanist Jagen. Because we don't know that name uh sure um and uh yeah he is he is a you know a wizard he does what he can well we're following him all the way up i guess yeah he would be at the top of his tower all right all right that's good darth are you ready sure he kind of opens the door perplexed by the urgency and uh you guys have about 10 flights of stairs to run up so you get to the top he can fly um are you gonna rush sure every time he tries yeah well he's not but he's are you going to carry tiktok i don't have to carry anybody not this time okay i mean you don't want to be carrying it's fun because it's like on one hand you could get there faster on the other hand listeners boy they love when you fuck that up it's always great doctor do you want him to carry you instead
Starting point is 00:19:13 all right carry me cuckoo bird let's go athletics check athletics check add your athletics bonus please what'd you roll? A 12. What's your bonus? That's with bonus. So you pick them up and it's that same Scooby-Doo wacky races stuff. You can make him go a little faster, but overall he's going slightly faster than he normally would.
Starting point is 00:19:45 Kick your feet, TikTok. I'm trying. And so, yeah, like with, come on, your normal speed, TikTok, is 30 feet per round, right? So you're going like 34 feet per round. And he could be going much faster if he wasn't doing this. Tiki-taki-too! And you guys, you do make it faster than Dark 3. You get up to the top and there is a
Starting point is 00:20:05 large uh wooden sort of hatch wow but you'll have to go a lot faster than me well you were holding us back you call 30 feet behind you where he is running up the stairs but you get to a hatch are you gonna burst forth together dramatically what's happening yeah okay so it's like a short ladder up it's only five feet so like you know you get to this platform and the ceiling is low and you can just kind of knock it open or you can test it. I don't know what you want to do here. Is it locked? You do an investigation check. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:34 I mean, I'll say at this point, you're no longer carrying him. It was a fun moment you got to have in the tower, but 20. It seems like it is locked by magical means oh well i can't do anything about that knock knock knock jagen open the door is dr ued with them oh that's a good question he is just a question can you dispel i was going slower i wasn't being carried by a bird it really moved us much faster uh yeah um so you get up there and yeah it's magical you bang on a do a um once again let you choose oh intimidation okay that's what i'm built for uh 21 uh there's a pus and then it opens a crack and Arcanist Jagen's face peers out.
Starting point is 00:21:27 Now at this point, um, you do see that he is an elf and he's a high elf. He's got very long pointy ears. He looks middle-aged. He's got long black hair. Why do we recognize? What is it?
Starting point is 00:21:37 I'm looking at his face. Why do I recognize this guy? He stares very closely at you. Uh, I'm going to let you do an insight check again. Did you guys recognize him too or just? He kind of blinks at you like he doesn't know who you are. No, I mean, did he seem familiar to everyone or just to TikTok?
Starting point is 00:21:55 I don't know. To all of us or just? Investigation? Only TikTok got a good look at him, yeah. Oh, okay. 21. That is a insight, not investigation. 21. Okay. got a good look at him yeah okay 21 uh that is a insight not investigation 21 okay um you takes you a second but with a 21 i'm only giving you this because you rolled over a 20
Starting point is 00:22:15 all right you piece together this guy was sitting at a table at the baron's observatory when you guys had that big meeting with all those adventurers in episode one so he hasn't seen you in 10 years he didn't really recognize you but for you it was only a few weeks ago and you're like oh this this fucking guy this wizard all right so i will baron knew this guy and you start to go oh oh right oh arcan is jagen okay and you remember that he is from dame island he made the trip up to the baron's observatory and so he must have escaped somehow interesting yes a lot of questions for this guy yeah what are you doing well uh we've got to stop the path of the vaunted tusk they're they're going to do something if they've just blown up our leader.
Starting point is 00:23:06 Do you know where they're located? Do they have a home base? He sighs deeply. What was your persuasion? My intimidation? You did intimidation? I thought it was 21. Yeah, it was high enough.
Starting point is 00:23:18 He says, all right, come up. But, dude. What? I'm not going to steal your wallet who are you? we're the ice five we're here to help the ice that's Darkther presently ice four he doesn't
Starting point is 00:23:34 say the admiral but he gives him a look like the admiral so yeah so you four are invited up um he he's sort of uh looking through a book not really paying attention to you guys um but he you do hear him uh stop for a second he like looks you and says the ice five you've never heard of us no i have I have heard of you. You're that Bozor pirate clan, right? We're more sort of like a friend to all in Clottenheim who wish to be free.
Starting point is 00:24:14 Okay. Well, here's the problem. The Path of the Vaunted Tusk is someone we had an alliance with. That alliance is clearly gone. They've also removed our leader, so there is a vacuum of power this is probably alcine's got that covered don't worry about that she's gonna find some so whoever's got the weirdest sexual history in your town she will figure it out and make that person in charge definitely gives you the uh phil hartman as peter graves all right uh so anyway what i was just going to
Starting point is 00:24:44 point out is uh there's normally an emergency plan that we're probably not following through on right now uh i'm hoping what they don't do is alert the giants that there is a vacuum of power that would be bad the giants have been waiting for an opening like this and i don't know if you've heard of the giants so to speak but they are from the northeast yeah we met we met one of the Giants, so to speak, but they are from the Northeast. Yeah, we met one of them. They're at war with Donkey Land and they've been hoping to use us as a positioning point to expand their power west.
Starting point is 00:25:13 So this could be bad if the Giants find out they could take Dame Island and its resources. How are they going to find out? There are emergency flares that can be fired from another tower across town, but they would have to break into the tower. I don't have access. Wait,
Starting point is 00:25:31 you have flares that say we're vulnerable. Now's a good time to attack. No, there's, there's flares calling from help for help from blue bog, but blue bog is not in, you know, got it.
Starting point is 00:25:42 The best shape right now. So that's sort of like saying, Oh, they're setting off an emergency. Now must be a good time. Correct. And it's best not to show that hand. Now, there is a spell you have to cast to release the flare that I don't.
Starting point is 00:25:56 It's complicated. Jesus Christ. Great plan. I can't stop the flare from being set up. But if somebody has something from the city uh a scroll they can set it off themselves it's supposed to be a you know somebody sent from lord hester bus and it could be something that they acquired during the panic i don't i don't know how long does it take to get that other tower 10 minutes let's go what are you doing here i'm trying i'm trying to fly there
Starting point is 00:26:22 he says okay you you can you can try flying there, but there's a magical barrier that prevents someone from just flying there. The giants can fly as well. It's not as simple as all that. Oh. I'm trying to find a spell in this book that will allow me to break the seal, and we can all go if you like. Why don't you work on that, and we'll meet you at the tower.
Starting point is 00:26:42 All right. The tower is to the south. It's on the other side of the Viridian keep right now you're a couple blocks north of the viridian keep leave go the way you came and go back south viridian keep and there is the tower i will tell you the path of the bonded tusk is based in the south ocean so you're going to want to know they could be coming from the south the giants will be potentially coming from the east. That is about all I think I can say. And then there is, of course, the miniature abyss we have sort of off to the west,
Starting point is 00:27:13 just offshore that we've been worried about. As long as we wanted our fucking boat back. God, I hate this game. Did you say miniature abyss to the west? There's a staging point for the path of the vaunted tusk we've been promising to stay away from um it's yes it's a cave uh deep in the cave there is a deep underwater pit uh we believe there are magical beings in there and the path has asked have asked us to stay away from it and this may they may be doing something out of that
Starting point is 00:27:42 pit so if you look at the map um it's not's not really marked, but it is just West of Dame Island offshore. Um, and he, he's like, I'm worried about all these things, the East, the South, the West.
Starting point is 00:27:54 Well, let's hit the title. And he says, if you have a boat, you may want to consider firing some cannons at some giants. I don't know. That could be happening. We're here to get our cannons back.
Starting point is 00:28:03 Actually. That's part of why we're here. Oh, well, you, you, you get our cannons back, actually. That's part of why we're here. Oh. Well, you got your cannons back, right? No, we had to do this dumb thing first. Oh, weird. It's almost as if the negotiations could have gone fine and you could have gotten the cannons instead.
Starting point is 00:28:14 I don't think so. The guy walked in with a bomb strapped to his tits. I don't think so. Okay. Why did he set it off? Did you yell at him or fire an arrow at him or anything like that? He was turning it on when I shot him with an arrow. I might just be speaking as your dungeon master to be a dick right now.
Starting point is 00:28:28 Sorry. Bye. So you guys are going to head down. Yeah. Okay. I'll tell the guard is how seen. So yeah, at this point,
Starting point is 00:28:38 by the time you get to the bottom of the tower, how seen, what are you, you're, are you going to peek out the door and just, all right. Do a perception check real real quick uh that is a 12 all right you get pretty good bearings you do when you come out see these guys
Starting point is 00:28:59 running south uh out of the the mage tower to the north and then there's more of a barracks tower to the south there's a few other towers but tower to the south. There's a few other towers but these are the two big towers and they're clearly running at least towards the Viridian Keep and the main thoroughfare through town. Can I ask that guy if he can heal me real quick? Do you have a
Starting point is 00:29:17 potion or something to help me out? Oh, the arch? Yeah. The arcanist? Yeah, the arcanist. Um, yeah. He's now. Nothing? I mean, do, yeah, docanist um yeah he's nothing i mean do yeah do do uh yeah persuasion check it's got to be persuasion what do you think licky uh 11 yeah sorry i we've got a lot of wounded people right now so can they stop and tell me what's going on absolutely i do want to have i do want to report. I just ran out of there and I want to talk to the captain,
Starting point is 00:29:47 the guard, captain, the guard. Yeah. So just, they lay it on me, right? They just give me the quick.
Starting point is 00:29:52 Yeah. We're going to the South tower. Okay. It's still happening. Okay. So what should we tell these guys inside to do? They seem very aimless. Maybe they should get ready to go check out uh the cave they've been
Starting point is 00:30:07 so obedient about not investigating i love how you're so suspicious of politics is tiktok it's great i know there's some dumb shit going on um okay uh shoot okay so they're going we're heading to the tower but they're unless you think we shouldn't I think we should get to that tower and murder those guys yeah I guess I feel bad about it do something are we sure that the mayor really did die and that's not like a
Starting point is 00:30:38 do everybody do an insight check I mean because you can ask around more but this is going to be an insight check based on just over all the gossip you've heard from everybody. Spill the tea. Exactly. Well, it's like what,
Starting point is 00:30:51 you know, what have you, I did say you heard a couple of people say they thought it was dead. Nine. Anyone be a 13. What's your bonus? no no bonus all right highest you got 13 i got a four okay you only can think of when you were in viridian cape you heard a couple of guards sort of muttering to each other that lord hustler bus was dead but you're not 100 sure because you haven't engaged anybody about it yet.
Starting point is 00:31:26 You can ask somebody, though. Yeah, I'm asking the captain. You talk to the captain of the guard. He doesn't know. You can ask other guards, but the captain just says, clearly we're rudderless. There should be someone in the keep right now telling us what to do. I'm not feeling well, but I'm about to head out
Starting point is 00:31:41 myself. Alcine, I think this is your moment. I'm declaring you temporary mayor of Dame Island. The captain raises an eyebrow. I was going to, I was going to, I was going to cast motivational speech. Okay.
Starting point is 00:31:55 But I actually don't think it's the, it sounds like it's the right spell, but I don't actually think it's the right spell for the, I wouldn't try to look it up because I don't have the card. And I think it takes 10 minutes. I don't have the, it's not in the book. It's Bill Murray's speech from Meatballs. That was a pretty good speech about love, right?
Starting point is 00:32:13 I don't remember. It just doesn't matter, Dan. You address allies, staff, or innocent bystanders who exhort or inspire them to greatness, whether they have anything to get excited about or not. Choose up to five creatures within range that can hear you just doesn't matter that's right like i can't tell if it actually motivates them or if it all it does is give them these extra hit points and stuff got it i don't know if you can tell from
Starting point is 00:32:36 what you're looking at but yeah i mean uh you are more than welcome to try, and I will do my best to make it interesting. So, I mean, if you're... It inspires Chris Makepeace, that's all. My internet's a little slow, so I'm trying to pull it up. Woody the Wabbit. Okay. I just had it in my cleric notes. I don't have it. And if it involves hit points, I'm all in.
Starting point is 00:32:59 I've got 12. Oh, well, I can help you with that separately. Cool. Dr. Ewart, I imagine, could also. He's the one they call Dr. Uwud. He makes you feel all right? Yeah. He's going to be your Frankenstein.
Starting point is 00:33:17 That's right. I love Nikki Sixx, but some of the lyrics. Yeah, they can get five additional hit points or advantage of wisdom saving throws. I love Nikki Sixx, but some of the lyrics. Yeah, they can get five additional hit points or advantage in wisdom saving throws. I mean, yeah, I'll tell you if it succeeds. Just what I'm saying is I think it's more of a speech about, it's going into battle speech, not the kind of motivational speech that they need right now.
Starting point is 00:33:38 I don't think. I mean, it's possible they will. You don't know. I would say with your insight role you you would know that everyone everyone could be invaded you know there could there could be either uh a narwhal army or a giant army coming your way or both how do you get the giant army to fuck off like well right now you don't know for sure the giant army is fuck off. Well, right now, you don't know for sure the giant army is aware
Starting point is 00:34:08 of what's happening. Just have to make sure the signal doesn't go off. If we stop the flares from going off, then we stop the giant army from coming. Okay, cool. I mean, we killed one giant. What's 600 more? What's an army? Okay.
Starting point is 00:34:23 Are you going to head to the tower? Unless you want to... No, you gonna head to the tower unless you want to do you want to no no let's head to the tower okay um tell the captain right now he's the fucking steering the ship yeah he's in he's in he nods um and did you make the suggestion he's gonna head to the miniature abyss i said i said everything the arcanist said that cave is a problem you got people you know you got people scared you need to rally your people they should be prepared for an attack from the South. And I will, I will let one of you roll a performance with advantage to rally him. You should do right.
Starting point is 00:34:54 Anyone else should do it. Oh, for performance. Are you having a performance anxiety? I have a plus zero. I didn't have a plus one. I sound like I have a great performance. Oh my gosh.
Starting point is 00:35:05 We're not together, are we? How's your performance, Admiral? Yeah, you're in the keep talking to the captain right now. I have a plus three to perform. Ooh, Admiral. Come on, Admiral. So what am I supposed to do? You're trying to convince him to rally all his troops and head to the cave where there's fish folk.
Starting point is 00:35:22 All right. So you can roll with advantage. Thirteen plus. cave where there's fish folk all right so uh you can roll with advantage uh 13 plus so that's 16 on that one that's good that's pretty good uh 20 even better yeah 20 plus three yep that's a natural 20 natural 20 all right well you know the idea here like a preemptive strike it worked yeah well at least to investigate like like he said they've been fucking off they haven't been it's part of been part of the truce so dark there to be clear you're asking the town guard to go investigate the right but i'm telling these guys to step up and that this is this time to save our asses and you know can you do it for the listeners can you do it as dark sir you rolled a 20 i think people want to hear you get real sour with these cards. I fucking hate doing that shit.
Starting point is 00:36:07 I know you hate it. You can say one word. No, let's just do this. Alright, so you give them a real sour glance after TikTok informs them what they have to do and it penetrates their very souls. They feel as
Starting point is 00:36:24 if they have been coated in Sour Patch Kid-like sugar and they are feeling the lemony tang. So what am I actually asking them to do? You're asking them to go. So basically this is going to get the captain of the guard to rally a bunch of guards and take it super seriously. They're going to head to the west. They're going to cross the river and they're going to head you know like to the west caves they're gonna they're gonna cross on the
Starting point is 00:36:45 south and then they're gonna cross the river and they're gonna they're they're gonna post some yeah they're gonna do their best to rally uh but they they don't have somebody in the keep trying to guide them so we want some of them to defend the tower step up yeah yeah um we're going to the tower and so you guys are heading out anybody defend it hmm no okay well we're going there okay yeah all right you you had you i don No? Okay. Well, we're going there. Okay. Yeah. All right.
Starting point is 00:37:07 You, you had, you. I don't know if you knew that we're the ice five. Oh, right. Yeah. Sorry. Um, and, uh, so you're going to leave the keep and head to the tower. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:18 Go on the streets. There are people gathering in the street at this point. Um, and as you head to the south tower, you notice, even though it's a military barracks there's a suspicious lack of guards like in front of the barracks you don't see any guards um it's clearly got you know a big shield outside i mean you don't know you haven't had an eye on this building so you're just approaching it now barracks up close for the first time there's a barracks at the base of the tower how many guards do we have with us none i think we should you sent them all elsewhere i told okay i think we have to assume that this is their plan and that we need to they have to move fast you would you would guess from the big shield uh and it says dame island in common that this is meant to house soldiers it
Starting point is 00:37:58 looks like that there is a staging area for troops to maybe even show off for the citizens but like there's no patrols there's no like there was you know at the arcanist tower there's one guy outside on the street standing in front of the door there's no such thing here is there can you visibly see the magical protection or no um you see three doors there's two that go into the barracks one that looks like a sort of visitor's entrance a side one that looks like it might be some sort of storage or soldier's only entrance, and then there's one that looks just for the tower. But the corner of the barracks is connected to the tower.
Starting point is 00:38:32 Okay. Dr. Uwage, you'll probably check and see if it's still magically protected? I will tell you he can do that, but you got the impression it was like maybe just the top of the tower. You don't know. So he's going to do an arcana roll. got the impression was like maybe the just the top of the tower you don't know so he's gonna do an arcana roll i mean he didn't roll that great um he's i don't know he'd probably detect magic right yeah uh we can do that see where it is you know what yeah we've done this before i can have the sheet out but does somebody want to actually be responsible for driving him because i feel like it's always more fun for listeners if someone can
Starting point is 00:39:08 be like i will run dr ued there's like reaching for well it's always it's always a little shitty to put it on someone else i think we need someone to volunteer to be comfortable in the voice real good it's like me making brian do the dialogue he always is like you know dan really well no one of you has to want to run dr. Ewitt or else it'll be just... Why don't we community run him? Aw. Alright. That's what I was doing. Bunch of hands in the puppet.
Starting point is 00:39:33 Sure. But that means if all of you are responsible then if no one remembers... Bunch of hands in the puppet. So anyway, did he... So he's so he's gonna catch it tech magic yeah um yes i'm just pulling it up as i said the wi-fi will be a little pokey on my computer sweet um i mean i guess we can start heading where are there any other guards in the city or
Starting point is 00:40:01 not that we've seen there were there were there's been sent to the caves yeah well how many were there uh yeah the door is magic he says there's magic all up and down the tower there's no guards here we have to wait if you wait uh i mean you can try to do something with the tower door you you've only just gotten a magic or i have detect magic pulled up i don't wait sorry we can't like open the door you can try all you've done is detect magically protected is the is the some part of the tower and the door is magically protected there is a magic aura around the door you haven't investigated it what if we go into the barricade let's investigate investigate that door everyone's doing it you can what someone has
Starting point is 00:40:36 to do with advantage one person oh what are you ken did it first so he's he's taking the lead here ken did it first so he's he's taking the lead here uh our detective queep what do you spy 13 with advantage yeah he rolled it twice you did it twice he did i rolled it outside but yeah okay um okay so 13 uh it it doesn't open you can tell it by itself it does seem like it's magically protected somehow you said it's physically connected to the bear seems magically locked it's physically connected seem like it's magically protected somehow. You said it's physically connected to the barracks? It seems magically locked. It is physically connected. So it looks like there is maybe a way that you could go into the tower
Starting point is 00:41:10 through the barracks because there's like 20 feet of stride. Why don't we go check? Because if this is magically locked and they tried that, then they went in there and maybe they're stuck and we'll corner them. It's almost like, can I borrow your dice tower? It's almost like if the dice tray and the dice tower are like this. So it does seem... Yeah, let's try to go through the barracks. I like
Starting point is 00:41:30 that idea. Dan just pointed to his pants, everybody. I sure didn't, you creep. I'm going to go through your pants. Do an investigation on the barracks doors. Do you want to take the main door or do you want to try the side door? Whatever's closer.
Starting point is 00:41:45 Because a soldier's only door is a little closer. Let's go soldier's only. Okay. What'd you roll on that investigation? 12. It doesn't seem like there's any traps. Is it locked? Doesn't seem like it's locked.
Starting point is 00:41:56 You rolled a 12. All right. Let's go. Yep. Pops open. Stealth. All right. Everyone roll a stealth check, please.
Starting point is 00:42:05 So one roll for Dr. Stealth. All right, everyone roll a stealth check, please. So, I'll roll for Dr. Ud. He has a plus three to stealth. You got a nine. 25. I got a 15. Five. 16. Okay.
Starting point is 00:42:22 You're dragging that shielding on the ground a little bit. okay you're dragging that shielding on the ground a little bit uh you come in and you see uh there is a mostly empty room but sitting in the center of the room at a table there is a fish man uh you know like with those sort of quills on his arms and kind of a creature from the back lagoon face he's just he's sitting there and he's eating a human arm uh other than that there's nobody else here and you guys are kind of surprised if he kind of like looks up uh you easily overtake him i won't even make you roll the fuck out of him for a combat um and nobody shows up right away he's eating an arm but you're able to just sort of all go over together and chop them up is there more gore in this room do an investigation check 19 there uh is a closet uh so right now you're in what looks like a storage room um there's a
Starting point is 00:43:17 there's a few basic spears hanging up in here but most of the equipment is not present there's some log books and there's a closet with blood it looks like there's a trail of blood being dragged into the closet yeah well how many buddies are in the closet is there an exit to this room okay we got to stop this right well we got the door let's see how many people are dead in here yeah all right um you pop open the uh door uh hey hal, do a dexterity saving throw. Great. I think something's wrong with my die. I'm serious. I rolled so many twos in a row.
Starting point is 00:43:56 Too late. Thank you, though, Brian. So dexterity saving throw. Hang on. So that's a five. I have advantage against being frightened to poison and spells so uh none of those things are happening a fairly standard metal trap goes off on the doorknob uh and you take uh that was grima sorry i lied anyway oh bonus episodes everyone sorry here are the adventures of grima i gotta move my papers um you take uh 11 points of damage
Starting point is 00:44:25 as a very uh sharp series of metal teeth and on a spring just sort of bang out really quick from where they shoved the bodies uh yeah it looks like it wasn't trapped the door that had bodies inside it i just want to understand their motivation well i feel like it would be a pretty um how scene would what's how scenes intelligence how scenes intelligence is 12 okay well then she's not entirely sure why they set it off okay but they did uh and uh yeah it looks like it and when you open the door, there are four dead guards in there missing various limbs. And somehow, for some reason, they either relocked the door or something that rearmed the trap. Is there an exit to this room heading towards the tower?
Starting point is 00:45:18 Yes. It looks like you'd have to go one one room uh out of this room to get there but okay there's a there's another door leading away from this room in that direction safe to assume there's gonna be more people waiting for us if they left this guy here in the next room there's gonna be that's fine let's be stealthy about it let's uh stealth stealth so you're gonna pop okay check for traps we'll check the trap invest someone Someone do that investigation with advantage on the door. Well, you can't both roll. One of you gets to roll twice.
Starting point is 00:45:48 Go. 15, I think. Yeah. Pull up that bonus. What you got? What you got? Now, 13. Okay.
Starting point is 00:46:00 It doesn't seem like there's a trap on it. But you've already seen a closet trap go off. Mm-hmm. So. I'll open it. Doesn't seem like there's a trap. But you've already seen a closet trap go off. I'll open it. Okay. Jump away when you open it. It is unlocked and there is no trap on this door. That's how you do it, Halcyon.
Starting point is 00:46:16 I'm going to have all of you roll your stealth check at this point. Stealth check. 17 for me. 10 for Dr. Ruud 21 18 9 okay
Starting point is 00:46:31 so you kind of go with the door it makes a little bit of a noise as you all kind of gather around it but it's dark magically dark
Starting point is 00:46:41 not unlike what your friend Darkthor might cast wait sorry before we go any further i just wanted to i was gonna can i cast cure wounds on myself yeah of course and me i can you're not in combat so there will be no reason you can't do that um sure i can do uh not yet i'll do uh i'll do me and then you that's two spells though then i won't have i'll have fewer no no i mean how i really need it so that's the only reason i'm doing it right now if we're about I'll do me and then you. That's two spells though. Then I'll have fewer. I really need it so that's the only reason I'm doing it right now. If we're about to.
Starting point is 00:47:10 I'm at 12. Oh okay. Hang on let me see how many slots I have left. That's important then probably. We might need this in a second. Dan why are you getting out the minis? Get someone to order pizza? Not getting them out so much as just getting ready in case. I'll do me and then you.
Starting point is 00:47:28 I have dark vision, though, so what do I see? Anybody else? I believe Dr. Hood has light. Yeah. And dispel magic. And impenetrable. Dark vision just gives you a bonus to how far you can see in normal darkness this is magical and can he cast dispel magic dark vision does not cancel out the spell darkness is what it feels like can you please uh restate what you're
Starting point is 00:47:56 saying because i can only take one question at a time i am i'm very excited can dr uid cast dispel magic uh He sure can try. If he has it. I don't think he does. It's Detect Magic, I guess. Yeah, he does not have Dispel, unfortunately. Poo. I can tell you guys something.
Starting point is 00:48:20 Why don't I really quick? I'll tell you. So the door opens and you all try to see through this darkness darkness but it seems soupy black right at the edge of the door and the door opens inwards so the door almost disappears with your hand into the darkness where does the darkness stop like what's right at the doorway i'm talking about height you can't see it's just the doorway is like inky black wall it's all the way down to the floor yeah well i mean the you can't see the ceiling you can't see the floor it's like a it's like a almost a membrane of black filling the doorway as you push it in so uh really quick uh here's the spells that dr uid currently has
Starting point is 00:48:55 learned uh cure wounds uh he has already spent so he can't do that uh to tech magic he spent he has does how many slots does he have though because he might good point he does have those cantrips too yeah he he cast it third level the first time um and then he still hasn't learned at second level and first uh he does not have any more detect magic um he does have goodberry and long strider he has flame blade wait if he has moonbeam this is where we're getting to this slots thing again yep i mean they're all filled no but they should be he should just have any he could use any spell in a second level slot that he has prepared. Doesn't he have to prepare it at the beginning of the game? That he has prepared.
Starting point is 00:49:46 So any prepared spell, he should be able to use in any slot of that or that it's allowed to use that slot or higher. Correct. It looks like choices have been made for the slots. So I'm telling you what really... No, the slot I'm saying the slots don't have assigned spells to them.
Starting point is 00:50:02 The slots are just slots of any spell like you have like, as far any spell. Like you have like, as far as I understand, you have like four slots for second level. And so he could use any of his prepared second level spells. So he could use cure wounds or whatever it is. I thought you could only prepare say four second level spells at a
Starting point is 00:50:17 time and that he would have to make a choice. You can only prepare yes, but you can use, you can cast the same one multiple times okay as long as you have a slot yeah right yeah got it and you can cast them at higher slot levels also yes correct i feel like i'm just not saying what i already think is true the right way okay so we're just gonna move on because I feel like I need a 15 minute conversation to figure out
Starting point is 00:50:47 what I should be saying. I will say as a cantrip he has poison spray produced flame and thorn whip so he could be busting that out. Excellent. And can he give TikTok some good berries? He can. Does TikTok need good berries? Does he want them? Alright, here they come.
Starting point is 00:51:05 Desperately need some. Okay. And you're good or no? Yeah, I just healed. Okay, good. All right. So you can take them for four points of healing. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:51:20 So this doorway's kind of open. You guys have been sort of patting each other on the back, healing a little bit, trying to be stealthy. what if we just uh they can't see either i imagine can you see well you've got dark vision yeah but we've been over this dark vision is not really related to the case somebody's in here who's got the best uh like range area napalm the fuck out of that room that's what we've that's what right um yeah i mean probably poison spray or yeah poison doctor why don't you poison spray yes i mean i can yeah but i mean i do think hal seen might have the best spells that you're talking i mean she has shatter she has like
Starting point is 00:51:58 call lightning down well do you want to do one of those or you well we don't know i mean yeah i guess i just don't know exactly what we're. Okay, then let's go in. Just kill a bunch of friendly guards. Just run in the inky black? Well, that's what we're talking about. It's either just shoot blind and hope we hit him or go in there and engage. Do we know something's in here?
Starting point is 00:52:18 Assuming. We assume some fish people are in there. So you're heading into the black. Nah. Let's figure it out. Everybody do a perception check. All right. Would dancing lights do anything?
Starting point is 00:52:32 I can fire some arrows at random and hope I hit somebody. Whoa. You don't feel like a standard light spell is necessarily going to pierce this based on what you've seen with your experience in darkness. I got a 20 for perception. 14. But you can can try you're welcome to try uh 20 and 14 you'll be rolled for the doctor i rolled a four for the doctor i don't know what his bonus is 13 um really quickly i'm going to just give you guys a breakdown of uh you this looks like the spell darkness that you've seen many times magical darkness spreads from a point you choose fills a 15 foot radius sphere for the duration so you feel like this is maybe a brick of the room but
Starting point is 00:53:08 maybe not the whole room uh a creature it says specifically a creature with dark vision can't see through this darkness non-magical light can't illuminate it however magical light might be able to if the point you choose is on an object it can emanate from the object um it can completely cover stuff like blah blah uh if any of the spells area overlaps with an area of light created by a spell of second level or lower the spell that created the light is dispelled so if you have a light spell over second level, and Dr. Uid I have has only produce flame cantrip, which is not high enough. But if you have dancing lights at a higher level... Dancing lights, yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:58 All right. So you're able to bring this humanoid form of light through. I can cast four bits of light. What color are they, Doctor? This will tell us something about his personality. I see a card. Cool. I hope he doesn't pick black.
Starting point is 00:54:18 You can pick one. So this is a cantrip also. It's not going to be a high enough level to dispel it. What if you cast darkness on the darkness? That's what I was wondering. I mean, it would be very Swedish black metal, I guess. Darkness can only be fought with darkness. Sometimes you'd have control of a layer of darkness
Starting point is 00:54:37 over someone else's layer of darkness. But you can't reverse the spell by casting a reverse. No, not really. That's some second edition stuff, I think. Remember second edition? Yep. Those were the days. That's your version, right, Sam?
Starting point is 00:54:56 Oh, those were the days. There were so many days. Let's see. You know, Doctor... I got an idea. I'm going to cast Det detect evil into the like the nice and see if i can identify it great okay so you concentrate for a second and you're so just sort of searching for righteous or vile intent in the room ahead of you and it seems empty
Starting point is 00:55:20 oh okay that's positive also with the perception rolls you guys did forever ago before we got into some light and darkness semantics. I mean, you're not hearing noises. All right, let's go. They could also be
Starting point is 00:55:33 vapid. Should you just fly up? Idiots. Can you fly? Yes, I can fly. I mean, I mean in general, I just
Starting point is 00:55:41 should you fly? Should you fly? Are we just going to feel our way around? Yeah, I'm going to stealthily kind? Should you fly? Are we just going to feel our way around? Yeah, I'm going to stealthily kind of. Yeah. So you're all going to kind of like. Stick to the walls.
Starting point is 00:55:49 Creep in the black. I would stick to the walls. All right. But are you going to fly up? No, I don't think I need to. Okay. Well, it's not about need to. It's do you want to.
Starting point is 00:55:56 You're free. I don't need to carry anyone. I'm going to scoot along the walls. I jump on his back. Creep, it's time for a piggyback. Let's get down to business all right all right so uh why well for fun it sounds like you're you're it's time for an aracocca rodeo you guys are all sneaking around you're feeling around the walls you do get a little bit away and it looks like
Starting point is 00:56:17 once all of you kind of fan out a little bit this was cast specifically on the doorway just to slow people down um it looks like someone made a hasty retreat through a door into the tower all right so there's definitely this room got cleared out by the fish folk and it was hasty um okay check for traps on the on the next door yeah it is open i mean that's how you can tell like it's you look at the back of the room and there's like clearly a stairwell going up unchecked for traps like. Like scoot through kind of SWAT style. Okay. Now I will fly.
Starting point is 00:56:49 Let's watch. Someone's for sure going to shoot us. As you run through the next door, you see just on the ground, there is another dead guard. There's also a book with pages torn out of it laying next to him. What's the book? It's the spell. Do you want to pick it up?
Starting point is 00:57:03 Set off this flare. All right. Is he all the way dead? Huh? Is's the spell. Do you want to pick it up? Set off this flares. All right. Is he all the way dead? Huh? Is he all the way dead? Or like Princess Bride and mostly dead? No, I was going to try
Starting point is 00:57:10 to spare the dying if he was like in his death. Do a medicine check. I'm going to say it's a DC 10. Six. Can't tell, but he's hanging on to life if he's there. He's not good.
Starting point is 00:57:28 Okay, I'm sorry. I got to move my papers. This is entirely my fault. Oh, do you have a proficiency bonus you forgot to add? Not only that, but I subtracted one and I should have been adding six. Oh. So 20, actually. Oh.
Starting point is 00:57:39 He's alive and he's hanging on to life, yeah. Okay. But it's rough. Like, he's probably down to zero or one hit point. Okay. Well, I cast Spare the Dying on him, which. Okay. If he was in the.
Starting point is 00:57:48 So he stabilizes. He's stabilized. Yeah. But then. He's got a pretty bad wound. I just don't have that many spells left, brother. I will not describe in great detail. Any.
Starting point is 00:57:59 So where's the exit? Straight ahead? Yes. You just came through sort of. This guy is laying on the ground on the inside, and you're looking at this book that was laying next to him. Okay. It's got Elvish writing on it.
Starting point is 00:58:14 Anybody speak Elvish? Doctor, you do. I do. Doctor, you read, like, evil Elvish, right? Yes. Common Elvish. Under Common? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:22 Common Elvish. What'd it say? It's just straight up elvish i mean this is this would be a job for i think hal seen or dr who had either of you could read i would just say uh hal seen to take a look at it okay that guy gets seven hit points back i just cast cure ones on him because i think we really need to get up this tower um there's clearly a there was a spell of protection that they let's just go they rip pages out to get through the first barrier that was probably on the door you all just walked through and there's probably
Starting point is 00:58:47 more spells ahead and they wanted to take let's murder them um okay as we're running i'm thinking to gus hey trouble trouble you're for sure gonna be under attack so watch it watch watch the water okay boss uh i can tell you right now uh nothing's going on other than that weird dude yes wake him up and make sure he knows that the city is under attack oh yeah should he let um um mother brain know yeah hey can't she help us out hey tell venus to get help i love hearing that name it's gross every time yep uh okay yeah he's underwater right now i'm gonna I'm going to go find him and I'm going to go tell him to talk to the mother. Thank you. So you guys are heading up this stairwell.
Starting point is 00:59:32 You get to the top and right. You're you're you're doing your best. Are you going to try and go faster stealth? This is going to affect fast what you find at the top. Okay. So everybody do an athletics check for me. If you get a high enough roll, it's going to positively affect how soon you get up there.
Starting point is 00:59:50 But you are doing this as sacrifice of 19, 23. Ooh, two good rolls. Someone roll for Dr. Dr. Is going to get a 19. Also,
Starting point is 01:00:01 you guys are rolling. Great. Plus three, 14 for 17 for Dr. U. So 17 for Dr. U total. 12. 12, okay. You make pretty good time.
Starting point is 01:00:09 You get up to the top. Dark Thor, you will be sort of in the back because everyone else rolled really high. So they're going to outpace you just slightly. And yeah, you see there's two guys. There is a really big kind of beefy fish dude one of those jacked fish guys one of those jacked uh fish guys and but he's a fish man with the quills kind of like the guy you just overpower really easily and he is with this weird little like demon looking
Starting point is 01:00:40 guy he's got like a like a glowing flame over his head it's like a little imp and the fish the beefy fish dude's like holding the pages up for the imp and you hear the imp making little like kill the uh again there's only two of them and there's five of you so i'm gonna let you know uh it's gonna be a pretty quick smash it up. Let's do it. So I'm not going to make you roll initiative. These guys are weak enough, but I am going to say... I say kill the imp first so he can't get there. Right, I'm going to make you say who you're going for. Him, for sure.
Starting point is 01:01:18 The flash off. You can pretty easily go for him. Just because he can fly and he's wee, if you're going from first, he's going to try to escape your grasp. That's three on one. He rolled a 15 on his dexterity check. Who's up? Who got the highest on
Starting point is 01:01:35 their athletics check? Do you remember? TikTok. Hey, TikTok, do a, we'll do a contested dexterity check. Just do a contested. Contested dexterity? Mm-hmm. Ah, shit shit eight uh he evades so he's just flapping around shoot a crossbow at him um he starts to fly down i'm gonna make you roll to hit him once add your bonus yeah 16 to hit so you manage to knock him out uh and he sort of rolls
Starting point is 01:02:07 down the stairs you pretty easily dispatch the other fish guy uh make sure he's dead go down and yeah and get that he's he's well the scroll the other guy has yeah um you can get the the the spell pages from this guy great um yeah, it looks like a custom protection spell that was going to allow them to the top of this tower. So you managed to stop something. Great. Good. So we at the top of the tower?
Starting point is 01:02:33 Yes. Okay, cool. And if you wanted, you could try to go up there, but you do feel like what the main... Well, there's nobody up there already. Not that you know of. Maybe we should set off these flares just to let everybody know the city's been under attack.
Starting point is 01:02:43 No, I'm kidding. It looks like that. Has Chris gone insane? Did you say we are out? We are at an hour, yes. Alright, so yeah, you guys are up at the tower. You stomp on this little demon guy's head and it was close, but
Starting point is 01:03:01 yeah, because you chose to do this, there are definitely other emergencies happening. But you feel like you may have stopped the giants from invading the city. That's good. Should we go help the guards? Perhaps. Yes.
Starting point is 01:03:17 And maybe get some guards to guard the tower. Yeah. Maybe when we get to the cave, we can send the guards back to watch the city, the South specifically. All this and more on the next episode of Nerd Poker. Hey, Sam, what do you think happened? Hi, guys.
Starting point is 01:03:33 On episode 44, I just got back from Wisconsin and forgot I was supposed to be taking notes. I just realized- I feel bad that we did that to you. I just realized the way this group is playing this game we're basically the a team uh chris is particularly spicy this episode uh casting motivational speech is very funny uh we're going to a fish cave to murder um there's a magic door this game is a lot of doors oh no something is is wrong with Sarah's dice. Dark they're casting light is very soft and nice. I like that side of him.
Starting point is 01:04:07 I think can you fly Bobby is from Robo Robo cop. Of course this group picked fast over stealth. There's a beefy fish guy. I'm worried it's me and I hope we make go down stomp his head t-shirts. Awesome.
Starting point is 01:04:24 Thanks everybody. Anything you want to plug? No uh if you're in la i'm doing shows checking out i'm headlining flapper soon come see me and stuff yeah for all my tour dates thanks oh and follow us on patreon i wish you would Thanks for listening to another episode of Nerd Poker. You can follow us at slash nerdpoker, and you get bonus episodes from there. And you can also send us anything at P.O. Box 16069, Encino, California, 91416. Thanks for listening.

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