Nerd Poker - Episode 84 - The Calm Before The Dad

Episode Date: September 1, 2020

The Ice Five are have alerted Halcyne's father that they are at an incredibly powerful intersection of mortality and immortality, and the way out just went "pop." Hopefully what about to arrive is fri...endly! If not, they can probably just set them on fire.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey everybody, we've got our August drawing here for our winner. Thank you to everyone in the Stargoyle level and above, but of course, thank you most of all to Toons7AD. That's Toons7AD. That's T-O-O-N-S-7-A-D. It might be ToonsRad if the 7 is an R. Thank you, ToonsRad. Congratulations. Hey, everybody. I'm Brian Poussin. Comedian, writer, actor, nerd.
Starting point is 00:00:50 I've been playing D&D with my friends for a long time. I decided to do a new podcast where we play Dungeons & Dragons in my very own dining room. With my wife, kid, and my noisy dogs. So meet my friends... Sarah Ken Dan Blaine Chris My noisy dogs. So meet my friends. Sarah. Ken. Dan.
Starting point is 00:01:05 Blaine. Chris. Now it's time for another episode of Brian Poussaint's Nerd Poker. Season 3. Hey everybody, it's Brian Poussaint. And you're listening to Brian Poussaint's Nerd Poker. It's episode 84. All my friends are here. Ken hello hi oh nice uh sarah hello
Starting point is 00:01:31 nice philly uh dan oi nice that uh oh our madness video people really love that thing that we did. We'll talk about that in a minute. One step beyond. Yeah. Blaine. Hey, how's it going there, hon? Good, baby. That felt weird. All mine.
Starting point is 00:01:53 Chris. Howdy. I'm a cowboy. Yee-haw. And Sam. Please don't do a voice. Hello, Sam. Hi, everybody. There he is. Great voice, Sam. it's sam and please don't do a voice hello sam hi everybody great boy sam
Starting point is 00:02:06 holy crap uh yeah our madness video uh it's i don't love the tiktoks or the things that you watch where it's just like a loop or whatever but i can watch us do this for a long time yeah sam's i mean i realized when i listened to the episode again that blaine had said you said you were doing the one step beyond dance which maybe gave sam the idea for the music but the music is much better what i was actually playing was that bugle military bugle music so you guys were really doing yeah oh right right yeah madness had a trumpet player which i think they may just have saxophone and trombone i would love if our madness historians could just but anyway sam did a great job and it looked fun and you know what it wasn't as accurate as sarah
Starting point is 00:02:57 would have liked but uh the rest of us what i was doing i was playing google like that's what i was doing i just want to be clear, you love Second Wave Ska, and you're trying to be historically accurate. Just so you know, I played Madness in my car yesterday because of the show, and that's never happened. Wow. I've played the specials in my car, but never that band. But yes, we delved into some Madness yesterday.
Starting point is 00:03:22 Madness is great, especially early Madness. I love all of Madness, but they do kind of get into kind of like chill 80s like the music near the end with like Wings of a Dove and Michael Caine. It's just more like, hey, no, it's all chill. Yeah, and Our House is not. That was the turn. Our House is in too many commercials at this point. That's not what the band's about, right?
Starting point is 00:03:45 No. The Prince is really good. Guns of Navarone. They have so many great songs. I saw Madness open for the police in 1983 in Philadelphia. They were fantastic. At the end, there's like 500 of them, and they're basically polyphonic spree, whatever.
Starting point is 00:04:04 They're jumping around on stage, just randomly running around. And at the very end, they all land in a single file, perfect line. They take a bow, and their caps spell madness. And just the way they had been all over the place and just collapsed like lottery balls into the right spots. It was insane. I saw the Pope come to Philadelphia right around the early 80s and they threw batteries at him right actually you're thinking of when the pope opened for bill burn catholics are no joke anyway uh yeah i'm just trying to think about frozen dog poop because of philadelphia let's
Starting point is 00:04:42 thank some catholics sure let's thank some catholics and others yeah let's not don't presume we're non-denominational nerd poker and i'm gonna be believer non-believer muslims catholics christian protestants whatever the catholic lowercase catholics which as far as i know are most catholics at this point uh hey everybody we love it when you can contribute at the stargoyle or hey boss tier on patreon and one way of showing it is giving you shout outs so we would like to thank michael ashburn thank you michael thank you michael thanks gabriel jimenez thank you gm thank you aeternum dave oh yeah thank you dave Thank you, Aeternum Dave.
Starting point is 00:05:22 Oh, yeah. Thank you, Dave. Thank you, Mandalorian Coffee Breath. Thanks, him. Thanks, Sneak Attack Tortoise. Nice. Thank you. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:05:34 I bent my Wookie. Thanks, IB. Thank you. Thank you. That was a very good Ralph Wiggum impression. Thank you, Michael Teal. Thanks, Michael. Thanks, Michael.
Starting point is 00:05:46 Thanks, Big Angry NPC. Oh, thank you michael teal thanks michael thanks michael thanks big angry npc thanks evan anderson bliss thank you thank you please play betrayal at balder's gate if we can figure out how to play that on we might do that thank you ezekiel t barnacle the. Thank you. Way up in the middle of the air. Thank you Primrose Fantasia. Thank you. Thanks James DTJ, which of course means down to juice.
Starting point is 00:06:17 Thank you Kenders Rule. Thank you. Thank you Jack Watkins. Thanks Jack. Thank you Jack King. Thank you. Thank you, Jack Watkins. Thanks, Jack. Thank you, Jack King. Second Jack.
Starting point is 00:06:31 Thank you, that super snug butt plug of our old pal Nug Nug. Too clever by half. Thank you, Time Boat's Boat Scroat. Yay! Not clever enough by half. And finally, thank you, Terry's's daughter's self-published collection of surprisingly evocative if technically flawed escapist poetry like a layer like onion layers just peeling terry back hey blaine who are those patreon
Starting point is 00:07:00 supporters brought to us by dan those patreon supporters are brought to you by vitamin vitamin vitamin hut when you need a vitamin down in your gut our fully trained staff's gonna show you what's what we're inviting you into the vitamin hut vitamin hut i-64 and four four downtown dan oh my gosh thank you so much blaine without vitamin hunt where would any of us be i'd argue uh under the overpass shooting up vitamins uh well i'm so glad we finally hooked them as a sponsor oh thank fucking goodness right they're hard hard to get but you know they got got tired tired of shooting all my vitamin d between my toes. Finally, vitamin D. I'm D to D.
Starting point is 00:07:47 Vitamins finally in pill form. It's like we're living in the future, Dan. What? Huh? Anyhow, next, let's get into what happened last time on Nerd Poker? The Ice Five discovered none other than the Altar of the Tenebrous One. They passed through a portal into some sort of pocket dimension, in a chamber that contained a geode-like bowl for magic items,
Starting point is 00:08:23 two leather tubes that descend into the altar, and finally a stone altar wherein a humanoid can lay and be infused with the power of deconstructed magic items. Then, that being will supposedly be able to reach up towards the black flame-lit crown hovering above the altar that is otherwise too dangerous to hold with one's non-subjugated arms. You are now all just kind of hanging out because Helsene reached out to her father who she thought was probably dead but might have some unique insight if she used a sending spell. After a brief moment, Halcyon's father responded and instructed everyone to tell no one, trust
Starting point is 00:09:13 no one, and wait. They are now hoping something good will happen because the portal behind them closed and it will be two days before Halcyon's father can supposedly reach the party. We now take you back to the Ice V already in progress. And that's how we'll do it. Okay. Perfect.
Starting point is 00:09:37 Great plan. It's been a great finale. Yeah. I realized that I was just going to give you, I don't know that much in terms of backstory. I went back and looked at what, because it has been a while since we started the game, just so you guys are on the same page with what I, like what Halcyon's backstory is.
Starting point is 00:09:51 It's basically just that when we started the game, she, her father had been, she thought assassinated by like a noble, another noble family in Vendaria who were like scheming and trying to draw power. And like, she she part of her like uh interest in justice is that she wanted she really wanted to get another family back in power that was less um you know destructive and schemey i guess right dan is this fair to say i
Starting point is 00:10:18 don't know is this track with what you this is part of why i thought it was so interesting that you called your dad because your dad was a character that mostly you and i talked about over email and text it wasn't really someone that came up on the air so it is good that you would clue everybody in a little bit he was yeah he was like a noble family son elf but then he was assassinated by like the other some other family that was trying to grab power in daria so or that's what i thought um but then it sort of all seemed moot because vendaria disappeared i guess was the idea yeah i mean like this is why it didn't come up i think as we played over the last year and a half because it wasn't like oh we're gonna go to the town we're gonna you know
Starting point is 00:10:55 when we set up all your character backstories it was taking place 10 years ago i forced you in the first episode to flash forward 10 years so as far as halsey knew her dad died shortly uh before the events of the comet uh and then 10 years passed and over those 10 years vindaria teleported itself to the feywild to protect the population from the warforged army that landed with the comet so it was really a hail mary pass to try to send him a message because i thought he was dead yeah and i'm gonna have dan telfer i'm gonna have uh hal seen doing an insight check uh okay based off of that brief message you got back from your father and i'll tell you what you feel you are able to take in from that please tell me i'm very
Starting point is 00:11:47 curious what her sense is uh 21 oh shit all right well uh a couple of uh basics based on the way sending works it wouldn't go to the wrong person or someone impersonating your dad uh unless some other spell was at play and you've got a pretty good feeling that it sounded like your dad. So there's a possibility someone could be impersonating your dad using a spell other than sending to... What's the word I want?
Starting point is 00:12:19 To intercept and then respond. But you feel like that's a pretty low... Like it's a one percent chance of that happening um you think instead uh it really is your dad uh with the 21 i will also tell you uh you think maybe the pause could also mean that he was sending the message from the feywild uh you also think from the way he was like i'll be there in two days so urgently that either he knows or someone he knows uh is aware of how to get to where you are um and you just discovered that uh you know a sun elf has been here within the last like 15 20 years uh you're not sure what point
Starting point is 00:12:59 but they were wearing some kind of circlet crown. And you don't have enough insight to figure out between you and the rest of the party whether or not that was King Valix of Vendaria, whether or not it was Arthur Threxhaw, also known as the Archmage of Anzervale, your dad. It was definitely a Sun Elf noble was here. So, yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:22 And also, the Sun Elf noble was here with other people who tried to kill the the uh mr beef right so i feel like i feel like the question is was it we don't know that the ice five doesn't know was it my dad like my my feeling about unlike dark there my feeling about my dad was that he was like a good guy right like he was a good like i he was part of the nobility but he was not one of the you jerks and you heard that he was adjacent to some necromancy that everyone was participating in to try to just protect the city uh but like it was like it was very early days the necromancy that they used to protect the city from the warforged happened after you were all frozen so basically he could i have no idea my
Starting point is 00:14:11 just to the group i don't know it could be that he was the one who was here it certainly sounds like it if he can come back this easily or he knew exactly where we were and he's getting here i don't know what that means i have no information for you guys other than what i've given you so i just want i just want to know that everyone to know that I'm being as straightforward as possible about it but I don't I don't actually know what him coming here means and now we don't have a choice
Starting point is 00:14:34 unless we try to use TikTok's chest TikTok's chest yeah his secret chest chamber. Gus is with you. Of course, the Mr. Beef. Sarah referenced his juniper beef, the centuries, perhaps eons old cobalt
Starting point is 00:14:56 that is sort of nestled in a corner right now, dozing. It is morning. He's already had a little morning song and dance, so he's just trying to recuperate because uh he he put a lot of energy into it wait i thought he didn't sleep that's why he stared at us while we slept uh well he doesn't need to sleep but i think when you know he he goes into like a i'm bored kind of just stillness fair enough yeah i stare at him turn about his fair play you only do it for a few seconds before you see his head kind of lift upness fair enough yeah i stare at him turn about his fair play you only do it
Starting point is 00:15:26 for a few seconds before you see his head kind of lift up and just like stare back like as if he was already half asleep i wave all right guys what do we want to do we want to wait do we want to wait for my um dead father to show up do we want to try to get out of here? Do we want to try to destroy the altar before anyone gets here? So many choices. So many terrible choices. Yes. Well, was your intention to wait for your dad
Starting point is 00:15:58 to show up? I thought he probably wasn't going to answer. I thought he might give us... If he was alive, my thinking was... he probably wasn't gonna answer and then i didn't think if he did answer that i thought he might give us if he was alive my thinking was because i asked him about the altar i asked him about arthur threxshaw and the violet fang i thought he might say like you know something like arthur threxshaw is you know trying to become that i just thought he might give us some information i guess um but instead he did not. Classic withholding father situation. So basically now I just have to wait for him to get here or we have to do something else.
Starting point is 00:16:31 And I don't want to make that decision because I don't want to be responsible for something bad happening. Well, if we leave, if we bring Mr. Beef with us, would Mr. Beef function in the same way that Gus allows me to go to the Feywild? If we bring Mr. Beef with us, could he function as like the whatever, the compass to bring us back to this room? Why don't you roll a little insight check there,
Starting point is 00:16:57 Mr. Tallman? I will tell you something different if you get a 20 or a 22, but if you roll under a 20, this is a a tough one you won't actually be able to piece much together i got a 14 yeah i mean you feel like there's a chance but that's it but also the question is if we left what would we do right we came here to destroy the altar yes and then we're at some point gonna have to deal with the violet f Fang and the Archmage, was our thinking. But didn't we get the impression that the altar will possibly hurt us if we try to destroy it?
Starting point is 00:17:31 Yeah, well, Juniper said that we'd have to, only he thinks only the Tenebrous One himself can destroy the altar. We don't know if that's true or not. Got a real Thanos situation on our hands. Haven't seen it. Oh, it's a lot like Star Wars. So, actually, it is a lot like Star Wars because falling off the
Starting point is 00:17:55 Marvel train relatively early, like Iron Man 2 era, means that once you get behind, it's impossible to catch back up. I know, I think was one of the captain america's but whatever it was then it's like we now i have to watch 11 movies to be able to like get back caught up and you know i have two small children that's just not gonna happen well the good thing is you don't have to watch star wars at all i don't ever have to watch star Wars? Not the new ones. Oh, the new ones. Yeah, no, we discussed this before.
Starting point is 00:18:25 I know. You gotta watch Mandalorian Episode 1, my friend. Yeah. That's the one where Brian is the guy with the beard. I agree with that sentiment. So, let's just go watch the Mandalorian. We'll just chill here and watch
Starting point is 00:18:41 the Mandalorian. Halcine, do you still want to become the Tenebrous one? No, that was just a fun little whimsical journey. That would be a bad tattoo to get as a teen, becoming the Tenebrous one. Well, we could. Yeah. Yes? No?
Starting point is 00:18:58 You don't? No, no, go ahead. I'm just, yeah. We could wait for your dad to show up. Nobody necessarily knows we can escape here. So maybe we use my portal as a, if, if somehow like someone's either going to come to help or they're going to
Starting point is 00:19:16 immediately run in here and try and murder us. And if we need to escape, maybe we need to come up with an emergency slide. Yeah. Well, maybe we need to come up with a code word or something like that. Something now. Like the JetBlue
Starting point is 00:19:29 attendant who opened the emergency slide, remember? And jumped out? Remember that guy? Oh yeah, that guy was awesome. So let's just like JetBlue or something and then we just like jump on the slide. That is your chest. Whee! And what did he yell he yelled like uh leave
Starting point is 00:19:47 britney alone or something like that right dr uid is there any way to tell if someone's listening to us right now for example what you mean like our uh some sort of read out of our listeners what well let me just go ahead and check the creator dashboard on wait are you talking about dodges of dragon stuff uh uh is there uh i mean i've probably i wouldn't have to worry about burning one out so i can throw up a detect magic again it's about midday yeah you guys have been up for a few hours talking at this point you can throw a bit of tech magic is there uh can i kind of do a sweep can i sort of run it over mr uh mr beef and see if there's some sort of if he's being used as an antenna or if he's acting as some sort of magical hell alexa and transmitting everything back to amazon headquarters and next time i open my
Starting point is 00:20:42 computer up there's going to be ads for things i don't want yeah sure why don't you uh if you cast the tech magic it lasts up to 10 minutes it says so what you can do is you can uh you can do it to walk around the room and just try 30 and within 30 feet and it should tell you what kind of magic yeah like this chamber is a couple hundred feet long the deep end has the sort of geode bowl in it then the middle of the room has the altar this guy the kobold's up in a corner um you guys are sort of near where the portal used to be so uh does that does the kobold eat does he have food is he magically sustained what's the he seems like he's immortal somehow um he he says he's eaten a couple of things over the years but he doesn't really need to he says he doesn't really need to sleep doctor you should give him a good berry just for the experience
Starting point is 00:21:31 so uh to answer your detect magic um you're just uh sensing uh the general area why don't you i'm gonna ask you to do a perception check uh so you can perceive the subtleties of this okay how about a 17 plus oh a plus you say a plus i say plus four all right uh interesting 21 okay um let me do something okay hit me it's me in vegas okay that's why i'm bad at gambling it's the joke there a couple of things um you notice uh he's he doesn't have like a magic aura like he's got any objects on him um you know what i mean like magical beings don't have like a detect magic thing go off so he just appears to be like a living being who's sort of curled up in the corner like staring up at hal seen in a really like
Starting point is 00:22:31 penetrating unfortunately like kind of like just like bored way uh and you don't sense he has any like loot on him um good you got a big big aura big stink fan big aura off of um off the bowl geo you get uh aura off the altar you get a you get this almost blinding aura off the crown where you have to kind of like put a hand up to see around the room and there's even like a little residual magic in the uh leather tubes that you think is just some sort of like dust left over from either a ground up or destroyed magic item that used to be in the bowl that got stuck in the tubes. Walking around, there's not much here. Even the stuff that's fused to the wall, like the explorer adventurer people type who are like slammed up against the wall and petrified. Like there's no real magic aura
Starting point is 00:23:25 off of it um you get the basic equipment magical auras off of your friends uh and then there's just sort of two odd things that sort of pique your interest one tiktok's pockets are lit up like there's some just sort of like pulse in one of uh tiktok's pockets and then hot pockets uh yeah so like when you're walking around everybody everybody's got like sort of basic auras coming off of their magical armor their magical weapons but there's like this almost just like boom boom she's just happy to see you and uh or they could just be bananas also at right when the spell is about to to expire and you're about to tell tiktok uh about what you see uh pinging and you look up and you just think for a second you
Starting point is 00:24:06 see a being uh kind of like the the ghost of a being looking down on you and go uh as you make eye contact with it yeah from the from the ceiling like a magical ceiling no like like they were spying on you and when they realized they got caught they uh ended the spell okay interesting i mean there's one guy who's been spying on us a lot is that is blaine the only person who saw that yes and he told us yeah i can communicate that in a series of uh uh wild gesticulations with my arms like this. Guys, guys, guys. Did you recognize them? A g-g-g-g-gold. A g-g-g-g-g-g-g.
Starting point is 00:24:50 What's in TikTok's p-p-p-pocket? Yeah, what has he got in his pockets? When the two of you confer, you realize it's coming from your party bank. The money? Gold? The money, yeah. The money the money yeah you got magic money where did we get the money the
Starting point is 00:25:10 the large amount of money from something somebody's tracing money just yeah so we'd have to spread it all out on the floor is all of it lit up or just like one coin it was about one coin sized so when you take the pouch out you're like oh yeah maybe we do have to spread this out on the floor to really see what's going on yeah well even like let's say we figure out which one it is we have to leave or we can just destroy it we destroy it so they can't keep spying but yeah what would you guys do it let's yeah let's definitely try and destroy it do we remember getting a coin from the from the archmage at some point or
Starting point is 00:25:54 from the violet fang I do am insight check all of you are allowed to all of us yeah please everybody do it because i'm not going to be and this will be a general insight check to see if you can figure out what's going on with the coins as you spread them all out on the floor uh i must have had a short circuit because i rolled a uh a thing called a one 17 i've lost lost knowledge you just you just start
Starting point is 00:26:24 thinking about how with tenure you could be making a whole lot of money at NFL University. I could be back on campus right now. 19 plus 3, Dan. Nice. Another 22. Get my vet fixed. Chris and Sarah, what'd you get? 17. Doesn't matter.
Starting point is 00:26:41 I love when you guys roll low and you're just like, it didn't happen. We're not playing today uh yeah okay so queep dark through as these all get spread out you're you're all you all kind of go over uh little shot of blaine's botch there he held it up for the camera uh womp one one one the uh the memories you guys have of most of your exchanges are pretty uh innocuous and you're all thinking you're like i either this happened by chance or somebody uh got a little sleight of hand to check on us at some point and slipped this into the thing because you you look at all the coins and all of
Starting point is 00:27:25 them look like just different minted years of claudenheim currency except there is one coin that is uh bronze and otherwise looks like the other uh gold silver and copper it's like it's like kind of copper but like it's got a strange hue into it beeping but because you're spreading it out i'm not going to make you do a perception check you'll just kind of like spread out you're like okay one of these coins looks different it's a different it's a different metal yeah um is there a spell magic any available anybody do that i don't have a dispel magic i don't have any i i hadn't i mean i i think i have it available but not
Starting point is 00:28:06 prepared so telekinesis charge to bend it do we think it's like a do we think it's like a tracing somebody's following us we've been followed for a while oh right because of the ghost so
Starting point is 00:28:22 wouldn't the idea be not to destroy it, but to maybe put it somewhere else? Well, maybe he might be using it to... Remember, that was what happened with the other thing we had, was that he was able to spy on us, like actually visually be there and see us. And also think of it this way. If we destroy it, then they know where we are. But right now, the same way that i can teleport to a place their thing they potentially have a portal into this room of their own because of it so maybe we need to destroy it real quick okay especially if they've seen us uh tiktok they've seen us see it tiktok
Starting point is 00:28:58 you hear a voice in the back of your head guys uh-oh uh it's a very familiar voice no one else hears this except for tiktok all right um you hear uh the voice of i just remembered i just realized what as soon as you said that tiktok i'll just but didn't the baron have a special coin-based tracing system? You hear the Nibbin Dairy Waxel Puzzle Gig, the honorary bear to pepper green. Everyone's favorite Primus song. Well, Nibbin Dairy Waxel Puzzle Gig was the honorary bear to pepper green. He was a little no-miss inventor.
Starting point is 00:29:40 Creepiest one yet to ever seen. Sometimes he would limp around. Sometimes he had a chair couldn't trust him not even twice not even on a dare uh it's like being there he says uh tiktok uh yeah uh that's me I'm listening to you guys. Sorry. Slipped you in there. Want to keep track. Permission to board timeboat. You can reply to this message. Hmm.
Starting point is 00:30:15 I turn and repeat that to everybody. It's the Baron. That's the Baron listening in. But we don't know that he was necessarily the ghost. The ghost up in the ceiling, Dan, is that he was necessarily the ghost does that the ghost up in the ceiling dan is that the same as the coin can't tell but do you chris do you remember that that he had talked about he told you and yeah it was in that letter yeah now that now that you said yes that he had a it was his uh listening system but i remember it being souls i remember it him being
Starting point is 00:30:43 saying more it was like i can hear everybody's thoughts so i think maybe that ghost up in the ceiling is somebody else right maybe um well first of all we want to give him ask him where he's going to take time but like to do what okay well permission to board time right i mean like can you bring it here to this room get us out of here so am i asking him what do you mean or am i saying to him we're not on the time boat or like what am i saying oh yeah i assume he knows well he knows we're not on the time boat so yeah why does he want to get why does he want to board time boat right all right hey yeah why do you want to get on our boat are you helping or hurting all right is that it for now cool um only a second passes and he says i'm fleeing dame island
Starting point is 00:31:40 it's anchored to the south uh fegma says i need to say Fegmaw says, I need to say the name of Gus. I need to say the name of your pseudodragon. I know it, but I want your permission anyway. We'll trade for information or riches. I turn to everybody. Dame Island has fallen. They're fleeing.
Starting point is 00:32:00 And he's asking permission to get aboard timeboat so they can all escape. That sounds fair. Has it fallen or does he just want to get aboard timeboats so they can all escape. That sounds fair. Has it fallen, or does he just want to get away from the action? You definitely feel like that's a possibility, what Halcyon's saying. Also,
Starting point is 00:32:16 do you want to do another insight check? Anyone who wants to figure out what that Baron's up to, you don't have to do this. I will say, TikTok, you get advantage on this insight check. Great. I got a 20. It was 17 plus 3. Nice.
Starting point is 00:32:32 Nice. I had 21. 17 plus 4. Sorry, Brian. It's alright. Take it. With my advantage, I got an 8. Let's take the 8. Let's take the 8. That's good luck on a Chinese license plate it means infinity oh i was trying to figure out if that was racist
Starting point is 00:32:53 you just said chinese lightning license plate in my it was red flag red flag red flag well now it is just say no i know i know that there was like a huge there's a huge bidding war for a license plate that just has the number eight on it in japan now i just did the white power sign trying to do a white symbol uh uh an eight but it's like at a point it's uh it means it means uh eternity prosperity something along those lines and so it's a very desirable thing and i my mind went there and now it's two minutes in cool well dr uid you sort of are chatting with everybody and in your opinion uh although this might sound to you just more like a broad general dantel for passive aggressive npc trait the specific behavior of uh the baron of pepper green is that he never really lies so much as he obscures facts that he can use to bargain later and you think it's likely that yeah maybe he's
Starting point is 00:33:52 just fleeing also with over 21 uh with over 20 i should say uh you remember they were working on a spell that would kind of like kick all the non-humans out of dame island so it might just be that spell just fucking like ejected him from dame island or something so like there's a there's a possibility there's just a battle going on and he's trying to get away from it and if we don't give him permission he's not protected in city limits you know what i mean okay and he's trying to get control of gus no he the password to get on the boat is Gus. And he's saying he knows the password, but he wants your permission to use the password. He's trying to be mindful so that we don't kick his ass later.
Starting point is 00:34:33 That's nice. I mean, he only did it because we caught him, but sure. Yep, sure seems like it. I mean, why not? Now you have a direct line. Now we have a line to timeboat. Yeah, he's offering to trade you wealth or information for permission to board. So how about this?
Starting point is 00:34:49 I'm saying this to the group, not to him. So now that we've got old fucker under our boot, how about we just start making him check in regular? Like for now, like now we have a telephone to time boat. Yeah. For now. Like, now we have a telephone to timeboat. Hmm. Yeah. And then maybe while we're doing that, let's right now ask him any questions we have about, just tell him he needs to answer truthfully. Anything about the altar? Because I can't remember if we specifically had talked about that.
Starting point is 00:35:20 No, I don't think he did. Or maybe we want to ask about... Beef? Maybe he... Oh, well, maybe he might know something. If we say, like, hey, we've come to believe that things in, like, you know, Halcyon's father. Like, was something about Vendaria? Because he might have known that, right?
Starting point is 00:35:35 He had all these spy things. So, he might have information about stuff that had happened in Vendaria. So, the response right now is, you know, given our limited communication, spill everything you've got on altar of Gehenna and Vendaria or your dad. Um, I guess, I mean,
Starting point is 00:35:57 I don't know what, how much did he know? Like specifically, I guess what I would be asking would be the politics of Vendaria. know what i mean like is it too much dan just waggled his eyebrows groucho mark style so lord so maybe it's not that so maybe it's tell us everything you know about altar of gehenna can we trust halseen's father or like the what happened you know like do i it wouldn't have been a secret that my father like we could say like the, what happened, you know, like, do I, it wouldn't have been a secret that my father, like we could say, like, and also what happened when, you know, Halcyon's father was, or we can just say his name, my dad's name and be like, you know, this person was assassinated in Vendaria shortly before the comet. Do you know anything about that?
Starting point is 00:36:41 You know, and then he might be like, yeah, I have some hot goss and then share it with us yeah no you don't i'm just trying to i'm trying to figure out how we do it all in as many a few words as possible what's his name again uh dan your your father yeah uh your father is uh vincenzo everlow everlow everlow any everlow i leave it to Zoe Eberlo. Eberlo? Eberlo. Benny. Eberlo. I leave it to Sarah whether Halseen kept that name when she went independent. No, I'm like Cher or Madonna. Chad Hayes. Just Halseen. Rosie?
Starting point is 00:37:20 I assume I'm awaiting Chris to figure out what he wants to make his 25 word response. All right. Darling, fascist bully boy, give us some more money, you bastard. May the seed of your laws be fruitful in the belly of your woman. Neil. All right. I'll say to him. So.
Starting point is 00:37:48 Is that Young Ones? That's Young Ones, yeah. Go ahead. Full report on Gehenna Alter and Vincenzo Eberlo On Gehenna Altar. And.
Starting point is 00:38:09 Vincenzo Eberlo. That it? For now. All right. A letter later. A few minutes go by. You assume he's first using your password and boarding boarding i didn't say he could get on yet well maybe not but he definitely had a sense of urgency and i think that's the assumption you would make based on the silence that is now occurring guys
Starting point is 00:38:38 he's already breaking the rules does he know that the password is uh uppercase g and then lowercase us uh you you uh but yeah there's a minute um uh he says okay gehenna altar you need something with cosmic level power to To be destroyed while in. The basin. Vincenzo. Wow. Yeah. He's in the inner council of.
Starting point is 00:39:18 Feywild Vendaria. What you want to know. That's the limit of his words all right i shared that with a group cosmic level thing to turn one of us into a beholder with blue crystals uh i mean you wouldn't think it would turn you into boulder with grizzles you think it would give you this sort of uh we already knew that part we already knew right this is not like this is not a crystal level transformation this is like you would become a demigod with uh domain over another plane um but you would have a certain amount of power where you could maybe like teleport uh the entire party places but you would shed
Starting point is 00:39:59 your physical form and sort of become a demigod um and then uh uh what else would you go cosmic level thing like uh again if you want like uh some details i'm gonna just sort of ask insight checks from everybody this is an insight horrific episode because you're trapped in a chamber so you guys do an insight check what you think about this cosmic level item and And also you did remember, you left the Baron hanging about what do you want to know about Vincenzo? He did tell you guys in the high council of Vinery. Give me them numbs. 22. 22.
Starting point is 00:40:34 21. I'm doing all 17s today after my botch. We got, again, the barbarian with all the high level smarty pants. Amazing insight. I don't know why. 15. Dark, there's rolling some jeff spicoli he doesn't know not much insight queep your bird brain is just flickering to life over and over again and uh you think uh there's the the the articles you have that the druids use to try to stop the comet
Starting point is 00:41:06 might be uh powerful enough because they were used to stop a comet that's like an interstellar event so you think it would have to just be a really powerful magic item like that shiny object says the bird man um but yeah and then i try to chew on it with my beak oh you're gonna hurt yourself birdie you know you could line your cage with the news today because of those clowns in congress am i right everything in there everything in the newspaper should be in the funny pages baron standing by for vincenzo questions yeah so i will say all that to everybody and say how seen what do you want to know about your dad well i mean so now we know that he's like part of this inner council what was the plan what was in daria's plan do we know like is it basically that
Starting point is 00:41:54 now someone from they're trying to probably get someone one of the sun elves from vendaria to come to become the tenebrous one to be able to restore Clottenheim or whatever. Is that what we think is happening, Dan? Uh, say again, I was checking my notes. Um,
Starting point is 00:42:11 like, do we feel like that the hidden city of Vendaria, that if they have an inner council, that they basically are trying to get one of them to become the Tenebrous one so that then they can like restore themselves. I mean, you've already done some insight roles related to this, uh not necessarily could have been the uh archmajor van der veil um also could have happened before the events of the comet so it could even be like
Starting point is 00:42:36 somebody from back in the day but we could so we could ask we could ask i mean you could ask that you could be like who you know who is who, you know, who is, who want, who is trying, who is vying to become the Tenebrous one? I mean, the Baron, well, I guess he's only been out of the pen for,
Starting point is 00:42:50 yeah, he wouldn't necessarily know. Right. Well, he's got his coins, right. He's got that network. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:57 So in theory, he knows everything in theory. Or he knows. Yeah. I mean, you could just, I guess you could say like, what is it?
Starting point is 00:43:05 You could, we could just ask a more general question, which is, you know, uh, who should become the Tenebris one? Do we want, well,
Starting point is 00:43:13 I was just going to say like, what is Vendaria's plan? You know, what is Vendaria? You know, what is Vendaria's plan? Great. Does anyone have any intention of coming to the altar?
Starting point is 00:43:24 I assume so. I mean, he said, wait here and trust no one. I mean, well, besides him. Okay. Well, don't act, don't, because we, he specifically said, trust no one and tell no one. So I, it's like, I don't know whether we should trust him or not, but we should be careful about what we say to other people. Well, he, he are, are you talking about the Baron? The Baron already knows.
Starting point is 00:43:45 We didn't tell him. That's right. He just, do we feel like he, do we know that he can eavesdrop constantly? Based on your insight check earlier, you do think it was likely that the specter you saw was the Baron listening in and then dropping his little scrying spell. So you don't think that was another person. Okay.
Starting point is 00:44:07 So you do think, at least at some point, he turned off the listening and is now trying to be respectful with sending spells. Okay. Well, we have to tell... So it's... So he already knows. But yeah, so we could say, like,
Starting point is 00:44:19 what is Vendaria's plan? Well, it could be, A, number one, don't tell anybody. He will, but at least we've yeah done do done due diligence and then we say what is the goal you know what is vendaria up to what was what is vendaria's goal here and like maybe who should we be most worried about or something so many factions right yeah but who should we be most worried about who's biggest danger. Let's hear it. Tick tock. First,
Starting point is 00:44:47 tell no one. Next, what's Vendaria's plan? It's eight. All right. hold on, and then pause I'm pausing my thing to him and I'm looking back What's the third one? Who's the most dangerous?
Starting point is 00:45:12 Great Finally Nine Who's most dangerous? Cool And do you think you're ever going to get back together With Slash and the rest of Guns N' Roses? Dangerous? Cool. And do you think you're ever going to get back together with Slash and the rest of Guns N' Roses? Remind me what the three questions are.
Starting point is 00:45:33 Every time we do a bit, my brain farts. What is it? The three questions? It's who's most dangerous? What's Vendaria up to? And what's the third one? The first one was tell no one. So it's just two questions. So first thing he says is, sure.
Starting point is 00:45:44 And answer the first question uh then he says vendaria seeks returning but there's still war forged where uh vendaria once lay no spies in feywild unsure most dangerous unsure maybe violet fang maybe zeta gog archmage is dead i didn't even know archmage was sick damn it damn it so she's coming it's now getting to be like you know late afternoon evening
Starting point is 00:46:33 first day on the two days it'll take supposedly for Halcyon's father to show up I'm gonna whip up some good berries guys you guys want some good berries? I'm good at the moment. Right now we're just kind of assuming that nothing's going to happen before Halcine's dad gets here. Right?
Starting point is 00:46:54 Right. Okay. All right, so we we wait right don't touch anything you have no response you're gonna cease communications for now with the baron i mean if let's think i guess and what else check in tomorrow okay well here we are in a giant room in hell the day the first day begins to wind down um of course juniper beef offers to sing another song or uh you know whatever you may uh enjoy he also if you remember, but you're not sure how likely he is to repeat
Starting point is 00:47:47 himself. So continue with great risk. Hmm. Get him to sing. Hey, you know what? Gus has got a list. What?
Starting point is 00:48:08 Oh, not me. Oh, you want to hear more from Gus's list? I'm just saying we have some time and we keep... I don't know. You want to hear some stuff from my list? Hey, Mr. Beef, get ready for a ride. Okay. You want to hear some stuff from my list, boss? One or ride. Okay. You want to hear some stuff from my list boss?
Starting point is 00:48:26 One or two. Okay. Give us one. If you remember the last one I said was if I used them as a pillow at night the Ice Five would see that coming. That means I would probably use you as a pillow when you weren't expecting it, which wouldn't
Starting point is 00:48:43 be a night. Here's next two. Are you ready? The next one is, the Ice Five would not expect me to use them as a pillow during combat, but that seems like a bad idea. Can I do two more? Are they all pillow stuff now?
Starting point is 00:49:06 The next one's not pillow stuff. All right. Okay, good. The next one is, sometimes I can't stop talking unless I'm given permission to. That one doesn't still apply because I have free will again.
Starting point is 00:49:20 Geez. Want to hear two more? Yes. One more. All right, two more? yes one more alright two more what next one is I probably shouldn't talk about this list
Starting point is 00:49:30 unless my friends want to learn about my feelings the next one true every word the next one is if if my friends
Starting point is 00:49:41 wanna learn about my feelings I better not overdo it can I do two more? God. Yes. Two more. Okay. Next one is.
Starting point is 00:49:53 Are we dead? Next one is, I can't leave TikTok unless he asks me to. I'm going to vomit up my Goodberry. The next one is, Queep says, a whole lot of cocka things. Hey, cockadoodle. Now open with that one and you'll have a nice little set. We'll trim it down.
Starting point is 00:50:14 We'll get them in a little five minute thing and we'll start putting you up. Did you say you're not allowed to leave unless I say so? Uh-huh. Do you want to leave? Oh, I mean, you could free me of my bond to you. Oh, how do I do that?
Starting point is 00:50:30 Oh, you just mentally dismiss me. Oh, and then you just go and... I do whatever the fuck. Yeah. Alright, well, that's good to know. Yep. Forever and ever. Guy, I look at the group. Do we want to say goodbye to Gus right now?
Starting point is 00:50:46 Wouldn't that just make us all want to die forever? People would be really sad Yeah, I would hate it Well, but he could make You know, if you love something, set it free And then if it returns to you Right? Isn't that how it goes or something like that?
Starting point is 00:50:59 Yeah That sting But if I dismiss him... Well, he has nowhere to go right. Oh, he can't travel at will to the Feywild. I think he would disappear back to the Feywild. He has to be smushed. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:13 I think you'd have to kill him in order for him to do that. But then he also wouldn't have a way to return from the Feywild. Right. He needs to be summoned via someone bonded to him. Let's just keep him for a while do you want to be released i'm good for now okay hey can i suggest that can i suggest this is just you know take this with a grain of salt you know take it for what it's worth but can i suggest to you that sometimes it's really helpful when we tell our friends what we want or need and how we're feeling
Starting point is 00:51:41 so if at some point you start to feel like you know what i i feel like i would like to be released if tiktok was okay with that i think better than putting it on your list would be to tell him directly i hear you i ain't no ding dong i get it oh all right well fuck me for trying i guess to be so kind i just got free will and all my memories back, so I just make it clear. I'm not like brain damaged and dumb. Wow. I don't think that's what anybody was saying. I will never try again. I guess.
Starting point is 00:52:13 You know what? And thus ends another chapter in Gus's list. Well, that hurt. You want to hear two more? Nope. Oh no. Guess what? Halcine's starting her own list now she goes oh here we go oh shit uh it is now approaching bedtime uh late evening i'm i'm awake from all this tea i mean like yeah i think we're just sort of like i feel like we got to fast forward we
Starting point is 00:52:44 if we've decided we're staying, we just got to fast forward to the next event. Fast forward. Fast forward. Well, I won't fast forward because the suspense is so amazing right now. But, uh,
Starting point is 00:52:56 yeah. Uh, if you're going to go to sleepy by, let's get a perception check from Gus and Tik Tok. Copy those two guys. perception check from gus and tiktok copy those two guys this perception check brought to you by big seven big five with two fingers up your ass and nine twelve two in the seven one in the eleven nine twelve also seven guys burgers that's too many guys seven guys burgers uh nine twelve
Starting point is 00:53:25 incredible I got a 17 Gus got an 18 cool um you feel like you at one point like hear like a little like noise but the two of you search and don't find
Starting point is 00:53:41 anything in the middle of the night otherwise the night passes uneventfully, and you guys wake up the next morning, your spells relearned. Please make note if anyone wants to change the spells, if they are of a class that can change their spells. And
Starting point is 00:53:57 there we are. It is now morning of the second day. I will tell everybody, hey, there was a noise last night. it's my sleep apnea i'm sorry oh all right my doctor wants me to get one of those masks but until they make them less intrusive i'm just gonna maybe die every night but i love mine also just a reminder there's no change my life as far as you guys can tell there's no way in or out of this room and you don't even know if there's anything on the other side of these walls.
Starting point is 00:54:26 It might be a pocket dimension. You might be in the Feywild. You're not sure. Pocket dimension. Pocket dimension. Pocket dimension. Hmm. So something might be in here with us.
Starting point is 00:54:37 That's all. Okay. All right. By some way, you mean like a snack machine? Can we search the room again? Seeing as we've got nothing but time. Yeah, search the room. Everybody some snack machine. Can we search the room again? Seeing as we've got nothing but time. Yes. Everybody do an investigation check.
Starting point is 00:54:50 All right. Oh, damn it. 18. 14. 18. Three. Three. Jesus Christ. 14 18 3 3 Jesus Christ My insight's better than my investigation
Starting point is 00:55:13 A 4 plus Go fuck yourself So 30 Yeah With a little bit of searching All you guys really notice is like i mean you've gone over this room a couple of times already like you but this is your first i think investigation check since you first got here you did one um you're uh you're just kind of looking around
Starting point is 00:55:34 don't again don't find much new you do kind of like look in the geode basin and see like it's got what looks like you know like old organic material could be dead skin could be something else um just like leather but uh not not really anything that could have produced a noise no openings or cracks in the room uh no sign of life no prints in the dust nothing like that well a couple more hours go by mr beef just hanging out yeah mr beef uh again he offered you uh uh you know his his entertainment options and now he's just sort of gone back into uh like observation mode where he just like is staring creepily back and forth at everybody sorry i'm managing my spells but uh right now but jet blue again that's the that's the escape word somebody says that and it's go time sure yeah okay just checking
Starting point is 00:56:35 uh well are we are we close uh yeah i mean if you guys want to spend a couple more hours just waiting. Last chance to interrupt some narrative before, yeah. For escape plan, we can go to the Feywild, but it occurs to me that because Gus is a focus, for example, we've got we could maybe
Starting point is 00:56:59 try and go back to Timeboat. We could try and go back to Darkthor's ship because he's got the bracelet. I'm just thinking if we have an option of escape places. That's a good idea. Maybe we should go to the big boat.
Starting point is 00:57:16 Yeah, is that a choice? Yeah, because going to the Feywild, I mean, that's where... Gus is from. He was the foe. But Dan, would that work? That's also where my dad is coming from, right? Do you think so? Do you think it could work?
Starting point is 00:57:31 I'm just saying, we get to pick if we think about it now. So, Feywild, yes? Or the ship? I think if we get to pick, then I say Timeboat. Let's not mess with the Feywild. Right? Yeah. Absolutely. Okay. Do we not mess with the Feywild, right? Yeah, absolutely. Okay.
Starting point is 00:57:46 Do we have a thing having been on timeboats? Dan, do we have a physical stuff from the boat enough to get us there as a physical? Unfortunately, no. You don't think you can really control the place you land in the plane of existence. Oh, okay. Oh, okay. Oh, so we,
Starting point is 00:58:06 we're going to go to the Feywild no matter what is what you're saying. Okay. So that's our only option. Yeah. The way, the way, uh, his,
Starting point is 00:58:14 it's like a window based teleportation spell. It's like, it's going to be anchored to kind of wherever you've, you've traveled. You don't get a lot more control other than that. It's not something you could use to go from continent to continent on the same plane of existence but can we use it to go back to our plane of existence you could try got it okay so that's an option are we you want tic-tac only do an insight check oh boy not good at these hey 20 nice uh you think there is a chance if you tried to use your window spell right now you would
Starting point is 00:58:48 be teleported inside the mountain of pandemonium's fang because this is potentially a pocket dimension regardless of whether you chose your home plane or the feywild you could teleport inside the mountain be eject, and take a bunch of force damage and just start free-falling through a cloud of bugs. So, Feywild, then. We should go to the temple. If that happened
Starting point is 00:59:16 in your home dimension, you'd be ejected into a cloud of bugs and go into free-fall. If it happened in the Feywild, you're not sure if there'd be bugs, but you would also be ejected into a free-fall and take a bunch of forest damage so perfect all right no options it would seem not from uh without some consequences okay well i'm gonna i'm gonna continue licking my spells while we maybe there's something i can do that can help but that's not good listening as we get into evening uh the uh purple and black portal suddenly goes
Starting point is 00:59:52 uh and reopens and uh run out hal seen a familiar elf uh comes through wearing silk robes uh it is your father looking quite healthy and he says hal seen uh thank you for alerting me uh we need to move quickly before someone finds out what's happening it is good to see you what is happening well what we need to do is destroy the mantle of the tenebrous one don't you agree yes we're yes we do agree guys i look at everybody like yes yes sure why not hey while we're here yeah yeah yeah he says well here's the plan uh some some friends of mine and i from the council of indaria have brought a homunculus that it it's it's basically only aware of one thing that it should lay down and accept the mantle and then destroy it as soon as it gets the power we've brought uh we've brought a magical
Starting point is 01:00:53 item that we will destroy in the basin that will imbue the homunculus with the power but the homunculus is not sentient we will allow you to examine it, but we must act quickly. And as he is saying this, you see three... Blaine's doing a lot of physical comedy that lets me know that he doesn't trust what Dan is saying. As he says this,
Starting point is 01:01:17 you see three elves, also in silk robes, enter the room carrying what is clearly a homunculus and some kind of a robe. And I'm going to share that image with you guys now. Oh. Do-do-do-do-do.
Starting point is 01:01:30 One moment. Ladies. Blaine, what is this transition brought to us by? This one's brought to you by Prongles. Who can afford Pringles in this economy? Ice cream, chip beef, Moogoo guy pan. Prongles, bet you can't eat one. Cool.
Starting point is 01:01:51 Love them Prongles. All right. So then you guys see this. That is what they look like. Oh. Gross. Pretty drawing, though. Faceless.
Starting point is 01:02:02 Yeah, it's a cool drawing. Yep. That is by Aaron English. The elves are super attractive. Two women, two men. That's my dad. All four of them. That's your dad on the left, Halcine.
Starting point is 01:02:15 They're like an elf Abba. And yeah, they say you can examine the homunculus if you want, but again, we must act quickly. So why didn't you do this before? Why are you only doing it now that we're here? Well, this is risky. We've been researching how to do this as best we can, and we're not sure that using this magical item that it will be powerful enough. But this is the most powerful one that we can risk destroying. But you think if you had a good item, it would work? Yes. And he
Starting point is 01:02:48 shows you the item. He kind of looks around and he holds out the book that he is holding. And he opens it up and you see inside of it it looks like the paw of a small dragon. Hmm. It's got a little, like, hidden book compartment when he opens it up. It's a false book.
Starting point is 01:03:07 Aren't most of them. Okay. Can you just give us five minutes to, you know, go over the plan with our five minutes alone? He says, yes, of course.
Starting point is 01:03:19 And, uh, steps back and, and, you know, sort of looks thoughtfully at his friends. Okay. So, what do you think?
Starting point is 01:03:32 Is he telling the truth? I feel good about it. I mean, it feels terrible. It's a weird, blank-faced, nightmare person. But I also sort of feel at this point, like, genuinely. What else are we going to do? well yeah do we have a better plan we don't know what the fuck we're doing so like maybe just try to let this homunculus man uh become the number one and uh be ready to yeah i mean i guess you know what i mean like i genuinely
Starting point is 01:03:58 am like if we don't do this what do we do well we can kill him afterwards right maybe well they're gonna make this yeah i feel like he's going to become the tenebrous one and then he's going to be the tenebrous one right wait what did they say again about how how they are going to control like how he's not sentient they said he's not sentient so he's only been programmed with one command your father said to as soon as he gets destroyed crown he will instantly destroy it. He will destroy the crown? Yeah. He will become the Tenebrous One to destroy the mantle of the Tenebrous One.
Starting point is 01:04:34 And then what happens? So then there's just no more powers? Maybe. That seems like the idea. Look, why would he have gotten this drawing if it wasn't important? It's true. It's like the drawer that's animated different on a Bugs Bunny cartoon.
Starting point is 01:04:55 I think on that note, we will call it the end of the episode. Yeah. Seems like a good cliffhanger. Hey, Sam, I'm going to stop sharing this image, which again, thank you to Aaron English who drew the nerd poker logo. Yeah, it's really cool.
Starting point is 01:05:10 The cast portrait for doing that one. Cool. Great stuff. Sam, what do you think happened? Hi, everybody. Thank you for asking. All right. Episode 84.
Starting point is 01:05:18 We are waiting on Halcine's dead father. Sarah, all you need to know about the Marvel movies is that at the start each movie had one funny person and then by the end everyone's hilarious now and it wears thin blaine noticed somebody was spying on us so we're spreading all of our money out like scrooge mcduck the hero we're thinking of is stephen slater a woman was rude to him and yelled at him with profanity so he grabbed two beers, quit over the PA, and
Starting point is 01:05:47 then slid down the emergency slide. Aha, that guy. He was charged with many felonies, but held his ground and got community service. Did he yell like some Ronnie Dobbs thing, like, fuck all y'all? No, he just went, I've been here 20 years, this is my last day.
Starting point is 01:06:04 That's great. Two beers. I'm surprised this group allowed themselves to be traced through money, considering how apparent they make it in the movie Point Break, that you always check your money for dye packs and government tracers.
Starting point is 01:06:20 Yep. That's a different group, though. Bodhi's not with this group. I just meant the group of people playing it. I'm going to cut it out of the episode because it's not good audio, but I need you guys to know that at a certain point, Brian stopped the podcast because the audio sounded bad, and I almost started crying with joy. And finally, is one of the characters' names Beef?
Starting point is 01:06:42 Yes. I fucking love this game. is one of the characters names beef yes yes fucking love this game um hey i got a couple of po box uh goodies uh the first one's uh for uh blaine it says uh to uh blaine kapach what do you buy the man with 20 charisma the man who perfectly times every bit i don't know he's an enigma so i'll just send him this box full of shaving cream be nice and clean shave every day and you'll always look keen thanks uh for all the laughs he actually got the 45 of that fuck oh my God. Wow. Benny Bell. Wow. Yeah. Fantastic. By Benny Bell. I love our fans.
Starting point is 01:07:28 And I love him the most. Vocal by Paul Wynn. And then he is more in the note. His name is God. His name is God? No. What?
Starting point is 01:07:38 You pronounce that. Reveal. That's a reveal. That's sacrilegious. Spongloidian. Spongloidian. Patrick. Oh, you got to say it likerilegious Spongloidian Spongloidian Patrick oh you gotta say it
Starting point is 01:07:46 like Jerry Lewis Spongloidian Patrick Kramer's his name and then at the bottom of the note he says been a fan
Starting point is 01:07:53 since the Sark days you all inspired me to start playing in 2015 and to become a DM in 2018 I love you all fan and Patreon
Starting point is 01:08:02 for life Patrick smiley face thanks patrick yeah thank you one more and this is well uh melanie thought this was funny i shared it with her uh dear brian persain's nerd poker thank you for all the podcast and entertainment you have all provided all the way back to Mr. Show. I've been a fan since the first podcast and was elated when I saw new episodes pop up a few years ago. Here's a small token of my appreciation.
Starting point is 01:08:39 I could not get the image out of my head after the Fat Halbert conversation took place. Please try to get one to Pat and when you see him, when people can see see each other again so he made these stickers and I got tons of them Fat Halbert oh my god can somebody take a picture of it that's incredible right there Fat Halbert
Starting point is 01:09:01 yeah you get it yeah Right there. At Halberd. Yeah. Do you get it? Yeah. Oh, I did. Oh, okay. Yeah. Cool.
Starting point is 01:09:17 And then so he says, oh, this is sweet, though. Sappy emotional part. My, oh, Jesus. My father passed away from COVID complications in early April. Um, sorry, man. I listened to a lot of my, of nerd poker during the time I was waiting to travel home. And when I was helping my mom with all that came after. You all really helped in ways you could never have intended. Never have intended.
Starting point is 01:09:40 You all are awesome. I will keep listening as long as there are new episodes. Thank you, John Jansen. McHoo-ha on Patreon and Organic Reality TV on Instagram. P.S. I really appreciate Blaine's references. Sometimes I'm surprised the whole thing doesn't devolve into a Charlie Callis routine. Wait, it doesn't? That's pretty good.
Starting point is 01:10:01 And then he says, hashtag Titanica rules. Thanks, John. So sweet, man. Yeah, thank you, John. Thank you. Thank you, John. Thank you. And sorry you went through that.
Starting point is 01:10:14 I can't even imagine. So brutal. But I'm glad we were able to provide you any sort of laughs. And then one last thing. June 23rd, Mr. green lung released my favorite stoner album of 2019 woodland rights i'm looking forward to red fangs upcoming album release thank you for all the brilliant entertainment that you've created and then it's a stoner shirt green lung i've never heard him but the shirt is so stony and metal.
Starting point is 01:10:46 Wow. Grateful Dead fantasy. That's cool. We have awesome fans. That was Hal from Ontario. Thanks, Hal. Thanks, everybody. Anything you want to plug? I've been enjoying another bottle of
Starting point is 01:11:02 hot sauce from Satanic Hot Sauce. I'm sorry to interrupt everybody. He makes good shit. We don't share things anymore. I'm doing stand-up on Twitch, slash telferdan. I'm trying to do an hour a week on Friday nights at 8 p.m. Pacific. Wow. I have my first stand-up show new date
Starting point is 01:11:25 it was August 29th but that was way too soon to promote it so we're September 19th it's me and Johnny Taylor I will be recording it here but it'll seem like we're in a comedy club together and then there's even a green room
Starting point is 01:11:41 everybody gets to hang out after the show and there's a band performance and some special guests. And we're just going to try to make it feel like you came to a comedy club and then hung out with me in the parking lot afterwards. So that's September 19th,
Starting point is 01:11:58 Saturday night, 7pm, That's my birthday. And all that other stuff. You know, Grandpa Metal and all that all that other stuff you know grandpa metal and all that anybody else blame me and Stacy Keats you're heading out to the Bonneville salt flats
Starting point is 01:12:14 next week we're gonna try to we built ourselves a little device and we're gonna try to break the world record for electric motorcycle sidecar so I kind of think we have it in the bag. Amazing. Cool.
Starting point is 01:12:29 Thanks, everyone. Thank you. Coming to get you, 220. Thanks for listening to another episode of Nerd Poker. You can follow us at slash nerdpoker, and you get bonus episodes from there. And you can also send us anything at P.O. Box one six zero six nine Encino,
Starting point is 01:12:49 California, nine one four one six. Thanks for listening.

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