Not Another D&D Podcast - 8-Bit Book Club: Animorphs - The Invasion

Episode Date: June 10, 2022

The Book Buds and returning guest Jake Hurwitz read the first installment of K.A. Applegate's young adult, sci-fi series Animorphs! Come for the sarcastic 90's teens, stay for the body horror...; and always remember, TWO HOURS IN A MORPH! CREDITSProduction and Editing by Trevor LyonSONGS"8-Bit Book Club Theme" by Emily AxfordSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey everybody, it's Emily here to talk to you about Adam and Eve. Who wants better sex? And who wants to start having better sex immediately? The best way to level up your sex game is to go to right now. Adam and Eve is offering 50% off just about any item, plus free shipping, which includes rush shipping. More than that, Adam and Eve wants to make your life easy. They offer discrete shipping as your privacy is a priority.
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Starting point is 00:00:59 Just enter offer code PAPA at checkout. That's P-A-W-P-A-W at This is an exclusive offer specific to the podcast so be sure to use the code PAPA to get your discount 100% free shipping and get it fast with brush processing. Code P-A-W-P-A-W. Goodbye, Sweeties. This is a Headgun podcast. Welcome to Ape at Book Club, the only book club that makes you dumber. We are your lore lords. I am Brian Murphy joined by my life slash comedy partner Emily Axford.
Starting point is 00:01:51 Dumber for the summer. Yes. I love it. I panicked. We know it normally responds to that. No, you don't. My other life slash comedy partner called the retainer. The more you morph. Hey, very good. That's all I got old Tanner. The more you morph.
Starting point is 00:02:05 Hey, very good. That's all I got to say. The more you morph. We'll start calling you more you morph. And then, of course, our special guest this week, Jake Herwitz. Welcome to the show. Yeah, I actually, I don't want anybody to know my last name.
Starting point is 00:02:17 My name is Jake, but I can't tell you. Just Jake. Oh, wow. Wow. On brand, on top of that. He could be a Jake from your hometown. I actually have some pointed questions about you sharing the name of the protagonist
Starting point is 00:02:30 of this first person narrative. So we'll get to that, Jake. Tell you what, I was immediately on his side. You were on his side. Yeah, yeah. We read the first episode, or the first episode, Jesus, the first book in the Anomorph series. You can call a book in episode.
Starting point is 00:02:46 Yeah, it reads like a TV show. Yeah, it does. It really is like, honestly, it reads like a movie. I have a very specific idea of the creative vision with which this should be fulfilled. Okay, but she's great because it's already been done. There is a Nickelodeon TV show. There is a Nickelodeon TV show.
Starting point is 00:03:00 I guarantee they are not doing what I think it deserves. Yeah, yeah, I would imagine not. I can't imagine the Morphs look great in 1996 or whatever they did. I don't think the Morphs are supposed to look great. I think the Morphs are supposed to look janky and weird and upsetting. That's what I was gonna say.
Starting point is 00:03:16 Okay, so you know what, let's just jump right in and I'll say that when I read this, I didn't realize this is a horror. It's a horror. It's a horror. It's body horror. It's in the horror genre. So I think that the interpretation it deserves is I think it deserves a stranger thing's
Starting point is 00:03:33 reboot, but with early Peter Jackson special effects, prosthetics, Peter Jackson bad taste, meet stranger things. We have to make this movie. You want Kid Andy Circus to take the role, is what you're saying. You want like a Kid Andy Circus to be doing all of the animal morphs. Young Circus, yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:52 Young Circus, maybe Young Circus. I want to look at very young Circus. So why don't we do a little bit of a plot overview to anybody who's not already in Anna, in Anna Murph? Yeah. Which is what we're calling the fans, of course. So we've got five, 90's teens. We've got Jake, Rachel, Tobias, Cassie, and Marco.
Starting point is 00:04:14 Basically, Jake's kind of just the regular dude. Rachel's like the cheerleader, who's also like the very type A1. She's kind of not really the type A1. She's kind of like the described rest attractive, but She's kind of not really the type A1. She's kind of like the described rest attractive, but she's kind of just like game for anything. She's just cool, Rachel's down. She's cool, yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:32 She's cool and if like God, if she wasn't Jake's cousin, I really think that that would work. The description of her being as hot as you. Jake does describe. She's like, okay, yeah, she's hot, but she's my cousin, so I actually don't know that. But also he has a crush on the other girl, Cassie, but doesn't describe her as being hot,
Starting point is 00:04:49 but really goes in on how hot is cousin is. But that would be kind of like a preteen teenager way of reacting to a crush, right? Is to be like, I guess I like Cassie. Yeah, I mean, I guess Cassie's hot. It's just like, I just like really want to be with her. I love her short hair. She's like from a sick family of vets and lives on a farm
Starting point is 00:05:06 and I'm in love with her. Which is quiet. She says the right thing all the time. She says the right thing all the same time. Yeah. But I would say that the hottest thing is what's unobtainable to Jake. Oh, so it's always cousin.
Starting point is 00:05:18 Right, yeah. Okay, we're going there. Jake went there. Yeah, Jake went there. Jake went there. I, Jake went there. I was merely reflecting on page two. Tobias is the weird kid. He's like the nerd kid.
Starting point is 00:05:32 He's the kid that most of us would be, which is that as soon as he finds out that there's aliens and stuff, he's just in. He's just like, this is awesome. I always say, yeah, they all spend most of the book just digging their heels into their skepticism about the fact that there's an alien Invasion happening mostly Marco. Yeah, Marco sucks. All of them keeping like yeah, it must have been a dream I think it must have been a dream me and I was just like if this were me
Starting point is 00:05:58 They would be like I'm an alien and I would be like I'm in yeah, I'm in take me. Yeah, take me now There's a great scene after the like, Andalite crashes down. We're like, Tobias like touches his head and like shares Andalite alien memories. Yes. With this being that he met like 10 minutes ago. Yeah, no.
Starting point is 00:06:16 He's a freaking weirdo, but we love him for it. Tobias became the three-eyed Raven. Yeah. All that is true. That's true. That's true. Tobias is the brand that we deserved. Then we've got Cassie who's the,
Starting point is 00:06:30 I guess like horse girl energy sort of. Love interest? Horse girl. Yeah. She's an introvert, an introvert. Yeah. I don't know. It is fun to read her description through the first person POV
Starting point is 00:06:41 of someone who's like in love with her. Yeah. Because it's just like everything she does, he's like, Cassie, everything she says is right. She says the right thing at the right time, all the time. She's brave and cool. Yeah. I feel like this is already an inversion
Starting point is 00:06:53 of the horse girl trope, though, which I like, because Cassie is absolutely a horse girl, but she's also just like a biologist and a veterinarian, and also lives on a farm. I don't think she's a veterinarian. Her parents are. Her mom is a veterinarian, her dad. One of them is a veterinarian. and also lives on a farm. I don't think she's a veterinarian. Her mom is a veterinarian. Yeah, yeah, yeah. One of them is a veterinarian.
Starting point is 00:07:08 I think both of them are. She's in eighth grade, so I don't think she's a veterinarian. Yeah. I don't think she is. I can't say for sure. I don't know what her job is, but it might be eighth grade student. We might have to wait till Cassie's book to find out if she has a full-time job,
Starting point is 00:07:21 but I don't think she does. Wait, they all get their own book. Yeah, they all get a million books. This is what I learned after when I was looking at the Wikipedia that made me amped. A lot of things kind of had, Tobias getting touched by the end of life and getting the memories. Tobias mentions that, well, you didn't fucking tell me about it. But I'm like, oh, and Tobias' book, I bet we are gonna see that, you know? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:46 Well, they don't go replay the same stuff over and over again, but you will see his POV. Oh, okay, then never mind, that was just bad. But Jake, you could write that. You could write that story. All right, we haven't gotten through all the kids, so then there's Marco. Marco is the fucking worst.
Starting point is 00:08:02 Marco is a huge turd, except he has one of the, like, a real crazy backstory that they just drop in there. Oh, yeah, that's mom drowned. That is mom drowned? Yeah. No, no, very specifically, it's like, Marco does not buy into this, does not want to morph,
Starting point is 00:08:19 thinks that they need to stay out of all this, and the reason is that he's like, well, my mom just died and I'm all my dad has. And then it's like his mom drowned in a lake, leaving nobody. What you know, because you know she's gonna come back later as a york. Like you know this, gonna happen.
Starting point is 00:08:36 You know she's freaking your- Yeah, that's why they're setting it up. Oh, interesting. I have to tell you what I thought was gonna happen. I thought that they're setting up a detective mystery for them to turn into dogs and go sniff out. No, that might happen in a video. This is very yirke-forward series.
Starting point is 00:08:58 That did not read. I just thought that was a tragic back story. Murf, you read the books though, so you knew this was happening. I don't know for a fact what happened to Marcos' mom. I don't remember how far I read. We can actually, over on our Patreon, I think we'll do a little wiki wander for Anomorce. We'll dig into all the lore.
Starting point is 00:09:13 I'll stay silent until then. Yeah, maybe, I, it, maybe perhaps you know. But I assume something happened to her, because why would they introduce her? I kind of prefer it just as a backstory, just because it's so brutal to be like, his mom died, she drowned. She drowned.
Starting point is 00:09:30 He left nobody by the way. Yeah, that's why I don't want to become a gorilla. They talk about what happened to Marco's dad, and he's like, he watches TV with the sound off, and it's like, it's so fucking tragic. It's amazing. Some of the description that this are haunting. I know. Strang like strangely well written.
Starting point is 00:09:46 This is why he was like, he never knew his father and his mother just left him and he's going back and forth between an aunt's house and an uncle's house, both of whom hate each other and don't like him. They really established how much no one gives a shit about Tobias, which makes something that happens later, except for Rachel likes Tobias,
Starting point is 00:10:04 but they make it so that a thing that happens later isn't as sad, which is kind of fucked up. But anyway, Marco sucks ass because Marco is all of the things that are hard to read about this book, which is all the rad 90s teens of like, somebody must say, we're gonna be lunch like 10 times. Like that 90s teen, like run away, like, us say we're gonna be lunch like 10 times. Like that 90s teen, like run away,
Starting point is 00:10:27 like we're gonna, that thing's gonna eat us for lunch. Yeah, it's just like sarcasm incarnate. Yeah, PG's sarcasm. PG's sarcasm is just never good. And this is a children's book, so I'm not, I'm not faulting the author, I'm just saying I fucking hate Marco. Yeah, it's just Marco represents a
Starting point is 00:10:45 A time past a certain type of child that might still exist, but certainly existed in the 90s. Yeah It is funny though that this entire group of kids of the five of them about four of them Basically are in a construction site get visited by an alien who says please take on my cause Here's powers to turn into animals. And four out of the five of them are like, I don't know, we're just kids. Maybe we should take this to an adult. Yeah, government.
Starting point is 00:11:14 Yeah, so what's that they should be telling the government. I think this is, it's beautiful because I think it is just, it's definitely about kids growing up and learning who you can and can't trust. Because I'd be like if I was 12 and an alien crash, I would probably wanna tell my dad. Absolutely when it's got my dad. I know, way, I would definitely just be like, cool, this is my mission, I'm only an out to.
Starting point is 00:11:38 As soon as the alien said I couldn't trust anyone, I'd be like, I agree. My dad's a fucking jerk, even if he's not as a jerk. Yerks everywhere. Oh, no, actually your daughter's not a yirc. Not easy yirc. He's just using freaking yirc. He's using freaking yirc. Yeah, he wouldn't, he wouldn't buy me an ATV. He's absolutely a yirc. Let's do a real quick little plot rundown. So basically, all the kids are at the mall. Jake is our protagonist for this.
Starting point is 00:12:06 The 90s settings and this are strong. Yeah, we've got malls. We've got construction sites. We've got construction sites that were supposed to be malls. Right. So they leave the mall and are walking home through a construction site when an alien spaceship crashes and this mortally wound. This feels like it would be the beginning
Starting point is 00:12:26 to like an episode of South Park or something, because it's just like this insane thing to put on a bunch of teenagers, like this alien. Just show up and be like with my dying gasp, I ask the last people that I see to carry the baton of my cause. Quick, go into my room and get my cube. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:43 So they have to get this and the like the the alien is called an and a light which is basically like a blue Centaur with a bunch of eyes. So this eyes on the horns to end a scorpion tail. It's rad and they can morph also They freaking rule so this and a light is wounded gets out of the spaceship and is just instantly like ah Domastineagers do not fear. I will help you, but there are space lugs coming. They're called yurks. They come to different worlds and they go into your head and anyone here could be being controlled by a space lug.
Starting point is 00:13:17 They've already got thousands of your people under control. You can't trust anyone. Oh, so they have no mouth, so this is all communicated telepathically. Right, yeah. So they can telepackly hear him scream. Yeah, so yes, and can't trust anyone. Also, they have no mouth, so this is all communicated telepathically. Right. Yeah. So they can telepathically hear him scream. Yeah. And they feel it sometimes.
Starting point is 00:13:29 Yeah. They feel a sadness. Tobias, like, loves the freaking Andalite. Can I take a pause just to share this Andalite's name? Because it also rules all the, all the alien names in this book, fucking rock. Prince El Fangor, Sereniel Shem Toul. I wrote that down to a good name.
Starting point is 00:13:45 Definitely coming up in the Wiki Wanderer. I wrote a list of words that we need to Wiki Wanderer. So the Prince is dying and they're like, we're just some teens. We're going to be lunch if we try to fight these slugs. And he's like, don't worry, go in the space, you could get my cube, and then you could morph just like us. And they go in and they get the freaking cube
Starting point is 00:14:06 They touch the cube and then the yirks show up five sides five teens five sides for five teens It was faded. It was faded and then Space ship with a bunch of yirks come down the yirks are controlling different alien species that they've taken over One of them is the Hork Bajir. Is that how you say that? Hork Bajir. Yeah, I'm a major hork head. I fucking love the Hork Bajir.
Starting point is 00:14:31 No one's a fan of the taxon. No one likes the taxon. The taxons were like millipede aliens and the Hork Bajir are like giant. They have just like claws everywhere apparently. Yeah, they're dyno blade snakes. I was looking through the second edition spell jammer recently, and I like that this idea of aliens
Starting point is 00:14:52 is a little reminiscent of that idea because it's all like, basically like space bugs and space camera, just like that. So the Horkbazir, like a space bug made of knives, and it's really cool because the Antelites like you should pity them. They are a peaceful people, even though they look scary.
Starting point is 00:15:09 And it's just a bug made of knives. It is funny design to be like and thus emerged a space insect with knives for fingers. And it's like they are the peaceful people. They are merely sous chefs. Yeah, they look fearsome, but they are gentle. But the millipedes, those for your sum, but they are gentle. But the millipedes, those ones look fucked up
Starting point is 00:15:27 and they are. Those are actually awesome. Yeah, the centipede dudes are bad for real. Yeah, they're complicit. Well, taxons did it voluntarily. They were like, yeah, yirks. Put it, go in my brain, we have it on the side, but the hork bajir, they're like imprisoned.
Starting point is 00:15:43 The taxons have an alliance with the Yerks. The Horkbezier were taken over by the Yerks. So basically we see the Yerks come down, they've got their host bodies, because they're all slugs. And then the head one is called Visser 3, who is an Andalite, great name, with a worm in his brain. And we see the And V viscer three kills the prince,
Starting point is 00:16:07 the prince and the light who was dying by eating him. I know, that's when I was like, I was sitting there because they're also spending so much time describing first person POV Jake's fear, right? Like Jake is terrified the whole time and they're really going out of their way to be like, my muscles clench with fear. My palm sweat, the hair stands on,
Starting point is 00:16:28 you know, like really describing it. And then as soon as the bad guy, eight, our good guy launching the story character, I was like, this is a horror. That's what I thought that. I really like that there's so much lines and attention given to Prince Elfengor to be like this, like, calming presence. There's like a moment when you like turns to them and says like,
Starting point is 00:16:47 Courage. Yeah. Yeah. And then he gives them, he gives them the last of his courage. That's why they fight for him. That's why Tobias is so, so on his side. And that's why I am as well. Yeah. Yeah. And this is why I'll never live up to my full potentials because I don't have a space alien deer centaur looking out for me and giving me a little time for the space alien deer centaur. I would definitely die by immediately getting the ability to turn into an animal and then just going
Starting point is 00:17:16 to the biggest animal and just getting slashed. Oh, just getting in a tiger habitat and getting attacked. Well, no better way to learn than by going to the chimpanzee cage. Oh, it ripped my face off. Oh, no, they ganged up on me. They truly are a social creature when it comes to attacking me. It's really true. There's like a split second before you touch it and put it in that trance
Starting point is 00:17:40 that it goes in when you collect its DNA, where it could really just fuck you up. These kids are really lucky. So they have to run away because I think Jake like yells or something when the end of life gets killed. You just can't contain yourself. He's so pissed. He's so mad. So Jake, at this point, Jake, Jake Hurwitz, are you reading this?
Starting point is 00:18:02 Are you picturing a young version of yourself? Great question. I I wasn't it really only happened when I first read Jake. I was like I'm so excited and I'm happy as it went on I was you know probably around the time when he started describing how hot his cousin was I was like yeah, I was like you know I can't relate to this. You know, I'm out. Jake, this guy's not me. They described Jake's mom as being a writer. Oh, that's right. Is this based on you, Jake?
Starting point is 00:18:33 Yes. Did this happen? Is this truth? Is this history? Does your mom not like TV because she's a writer? Because that was her justification for not liking TV. Yeah, my mom is a writer, but she loves TV. Yeah, no, she...
Starting point is 00:18:49 Wow, that sounded like a lie, Jay. Yeah, he could have been lying. No, she loves TV. Why do that sound hollow for her? I can't think of a show she likes, but I'm sure she watches it. This guy can morph! Morph right now. Turn into a lizard.
Starting point is 00:19:04 Let me watch a three minute morph transformation. That was a book in Craigslist. I think we need more things. I took several minutes. Didn't it take minutes? Yes. Literally. It's time to do a few times.
Starting point is 00:19:15 It's taking several minutes. I'm going to read a passage of Tobias morphing from bird to human. And it is grotesque. And then they end it with with and it took three minutes. Oh, God. Let me tell you something. It is beyond weird watching feathers turn into skin. The brown feathers ran together and merged and turned pink.
Starting point is 00:19:38 It was like the feathers were melting like they had turned into wax and were being heated up. The beak disappeared quickly and lips grew out of it. The talons split into five and became toes. Ah! Halfway through the process of changing, Tobias was a lump, half pink, half brown, with feather-like pattern still visible on his back and chest. His face was small and mostly human, except he still had those sharp alert hawks eyes.
Starting point is 00:20:11 Dude, tiny, shriveled arms, which really hit from the front of his chest with fingers like a baby. All in all, it was a pretty disgusting sight. You just turned, turned around. What would you do if you were on the subway and someone started morphing into it? And they're like, sorry.
Starting point is 00:20:35 It's so weird to give someone the power and make it ugly. It's like you can turn it to any animal, but like the trade-off is that it takes you to 10 minutes and you scream the entire time. Whoa. This entire book series is a would you rather? It's so funny to me because they could have made this rad especially because this is like the 90s but no they were like morphing could be like a cool like Superman real like you know do it quickly but no it's long weird uncomfortable it's your bones feel like Nova can't.
Starting point is 00:21:06 It's cool that it is fucked up. Yeah, no, I love it. That's what I mean. Yeah, it's like you're taking a huge shit. It's like you're trying to get it out. It makes more sense why these Rad 90's teens aren't excited to be anamorphs when they're seeing Tobias' weird little shriveled face as a hawk. Tobias is a freak for a heel.
Starting point is 00:21:24 He's long, so by the way. Tobias doesn't like itriveled face as a hawk. Tobias is a freak for it. He loves it right away. He loves it all. Well, I think that there is. Also though you see it, you see the way that, because they take on, when they morph into the animals, they take on a bit of the animals sort of essence. Yeah. And you see at one point when Jake was dealing
Starting point is 00:21:40 with something emotional, he was retreating into like the whole happy dog consciousness. So more thing does have a narcotic effect. Right. So basically they would that I could more. They have to run away from this construction site. Would it like more? There's a bunch of people chasing them.
Starting point is 00:21:58 They basically recognize a bunch of people from town and everything. So they learn that this york problem is very much around that there's all these humans. After the next day, they go to bed and Jake pretends that it never happened. I feel like the level of appreciation they all had for the Andalite juxtaposed with every single one except to bias pretending the next day that it didn't happen is so easy. Yeah, it like so crazy. I think it's like I love the end of like but that was a dream. Okay yeah to school.
Starting point is 00:22:32 Yeah I guess I'll play Sega. Thank God that was a dream because I have school to go to. Yeah you just learned about it like you insane war for your planet. You fell in love with an alien and now you're just pretending it didn't happen. I just think that they're overcome with the existential dread of it all and it's a lot of pressure for a 12 year old kid. So I can sympathize a little bit. I hate that I'm the Marco in this situation,
Starting point is 00:22:56 but I guess I am. I guess I'm the Marco. Yeah, you're being a real freaking Marco. Because I think that kids wouldn't even, they would just be like, sick, I could be a fucking cat. Yeah, I think that, I feel like when I was a kid, the idea of like, of understanding gravity was not as powerful as the desire for imagination
Starting point is 00:23:16 and the desire to be, and the like belief that I really was an alien. Yeah, thinking I had magic powers would definitely overcome any kind of like, all I was fucking looking for was an excuse, thinking I had magic powers would definitely overcome any kind of like, all I was fucking looking for was an excuse to believe I have magic powers. Right. Yeah. A single push.
Starting point is 00:23:32 All I was looking for was an escape. Yeah. It's a little bit of that X-Men thing, right, where it's like, you know, a character being like, everyone hates me because I can fly. My life's so sad because I can fly. Everyone hates me. I can't, I'll never find love. I'll never find love because I can fly.
Starting point is 00:23:50 You know how hard it is for me. No, you're great. That X-Men has a beak. You just got a beak and they call them beak. Yeah, you're fine. You understand? Well, I fly. I can't take someone I love up there with me.
Starting point is 00:24:03 There's definitely some X-Men that like, yeah, they might have like a beak or something and that's gonna be tough going to high school with a beak. But like, shut out to beak. Yeah, is beak a real X-Men? Beaks a real X-Men. It's a beak. Yeah, he gets married to the X-Men who has fly wings.
Starting point is 00:24:19 I can't remember her name though. And they have a bunch of beaky fly babies in the latest run. So they make birds. They do make birds. They do make birds. Yeah, it works out for beaks. Can I ask though, like,
Starting point is 00:24:29 beak on their own, what function does that serve in the term? What speaks power besides having a lot of mammals? Does beak have wings? It's all contained in the name. It's all contained in the name. Beak does not have wings.
Starting point is 00:24:43 Beak has kind of like chicken feet for hands. Okay. So what's that you tell what I'm trying to understand is, if you're assembling a team. Probably a super strong beak, I assume. Yeah. So is it like the beak is a weapon, the beak can pick locks. Do they speak bird?
Starting point is 00:24:58 It's just a good beak. It's just like, as far as beaks go, it's a pretty swell beak. I think beak is at Xavier School for gifted youngsters, mostly because he had no rules to go. Because I think beak is from like the Midwest and nobody was really keen on the beak. Just seeing a chicken man around. Oh, God, oh, God.
Starting point is 00:25:14 Keen on the beak. Interesting. So when they all wake up the next day and they're all like, that was just a dream. We don't have superpowers. Ugh. Ah. My man, Marco, it's staying so real.
Starting point is 00:25:25 At a certain point, Jake, Tobias comes to visit Jake, and Jake believes Tobias is like, yes, we saw the aliens, yes, we saw the Yerks, but no, you can't turn into an animal. You're lying if you telling me that you became a hawk today. And then we get the best line in the entire book, which is Tobias saying to Jake, I became dude. Oh, that's right.
Starting point is 00:25:45 Oh, his cat's name is dude, yeah. His cat's name is dude, and he goes into Jake's room and says, I became dude. The animal names in this are pretty intense. Like there's dude at the cat. Yeah, I like it. Homer the dog. Yeah, what's right?
Starting point is 00:26:00 Homer makes sense, because it's like, this Jake was definitely obsessed with the same thing. I see, I was thinking Homer like the, um, the Odyssey. Yeah. Yeah. No, no, no. Yeah. No, absolutely. I was talking. Never mind. I was like, wow, they really swung in two directions, but now I see more of a vibe. Uh, so yeah, we'll just fast track through the rest of this. So they, but basically now they know that there's a bunch of local people that are yirks. They finally believe that they can morph. They find out that Jake's brother is probably a yirk
Starting point is 00:26:32 because he's actin' weird. Not Tom, Tom. And Tobias reveals the ultimate goal, which is that Tobias received from the Andalite prince. El Fangor. Ocelerini Elcentul. Thank you so much. I was trying to suss out.
Starting point is 00:26:47 Rest in peace. Tobias receives the very important information, which is that the Yerks have to like every couple days enter a pool and just like... Just swim around. Just swim around. A pool of slugs. There's another logistic around morphing,
Starting point is 00:27:02 which is you can only more for two hours. And if you write, or longer than that, you are stuck as the animal. Yeah, which is very fun because it suggests to me that like the end of the light has this very cool technology, but it's still very much in the beta phase. Yeah, you just gave it to a bunch of kids. It's also fun too, because I'm pretty dangerous.
Starting point is 00:27:21 My cube is dangerous, but touch my cube. Please touch my cube and sign this waiver home. Oh no. This episode of NADPOT has brought to you five bird dogs. They're a company that makes pants and shorts, so no matter where you fall and the age old battle between the two, you can rest assured that bird dogs as you covered. Now we all know when the legwear war begins and we're forced to choose a side, it's gonna be difficult. Luckily Bird Dogs has made the decision of which pants and shorts to buy a little easier.
Starting point is 00:27:55 Bird Dogs stretchy khakis are designed to fit slimmer through the thigh and leg to give you a truly sculpted look. And instead of making their clothes out of restricting cotton, Bird Dogs invented a cloud-knit fabric that looks just like khaki, but stretches so you get a way slimmer fit without having to sacrifice movement. And trust me, you are going to need all the movement you can get when you and your brothers and legs are out there on the battlefield kicking the shit out of your rivals. So when the lower body battle begins and brother is forced to kick brother, make sure
Starting point is 00:28:24 you are wearing bird dogs. To get yours and a free Yeti-style tumbler, go to slash pop-off or enter promo code pop-off at checkout. That's slash pop-off or promo code pop-off for a free Yeti-style tumbler. You won't want to take your bird dogs off, we promise you. Okay that's it for me, Go team pants and enjoy the show. I just realized it's a cube, but it was five-sided. I don't know enough about geometry. Is that a normal thing? No, it's six-sided. I think like the andolite was touching the side. Okay, that makes sense. I was trying to picture a five-sided.
Starting point is 00:29:02 I don't know that the cube itself had powers. I think the cube transmitted the powers. Oh, okay. It's like a power PA. Yeah, exactly. Gotcha. So now they've got to find this yurk pool where the worms swim. Yeah, so they go to the zoo. And they, so they can blow it up.
Starting point is 00:29:18 I'm pretty sure in Tobias said we need to find the pool and so it would up. We need to find it, blow it up. We're else we're going to be lunch. They go into the zoo to acquire some animal DNA of badass animals. Actually, wait a second, Murf. Literally it begins with the bad guy eating the good guy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:34 So Marco being like, we're gonna be lunch is actually quite a legitimate fear. Oh, I know. He's absolutely right. It's just, he just says stuff like that a lot. We're gonna be lunch. They go to the zoo to acquire DNA of badass animals. Absolutely right. It's just, he just says stuff like that a lot. We're gonna be lunch. Yeah. They go to the zoo to acquire DNA of badass animals.
Starting point is 00:29:50 There's some hijinks there. They're like chased by security guards and whatnot. Oh, there's a golf cart chase, quite a challenge. There's a golf cart chase. It's such amazing middle school with the fulfillment because they have a golf cart chase. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:03 There's a lot of like high school bait. Yeah. They jump into a golf cart to turn the, I'm so excited to be here with you. I'm so excited to be here with you. I'm so excited to be here with you. I'm so excited to be here with you. I'm so excited to be here with you. I'm so excited to be here with you. I'm so excited to be here with you. I'm so excited to be here with you. I'm so excited to be here with you. I'm so excited to be here with you. I'm so excited to be here with you. I'm so excited to be here with you. I'm so excited to be here with you.
Starting point is 00:30:12 I'm so excited to be here with you. I'm so excited to be here with you. I'm so excited to be here with you. I'm so excited to be here with you. I'm so excited to be here with you. I'm so excited to be here with you. I'm so excited to be here with you. I'm so excited to be here with you.
Starting point is 00:30:20 I'm so excited to be here with you. I'm so excited to be here with you. I'm so excited to be here with you. I'm so excited to be here with you. I'm so excited to be here with you. I'm so excited to be here with you. I'm so excited to be here with you. I'm so excited to be here's like, OK, so that makes a lot of sense because they were really recklessly driving in that golf car. And I was picturing that thing going at 90. I think we go like 15 miles per hour max. Holy shit.
Starting point is 00:30:35 Really? Marco got whiplash and died. That's what, because they literally started crashing to the wall. And I was like, Oh my god. So yeah, they have a rad 90s escape and then of course the Yerk pool is under the high school. And the mean assistant principal is a Yerk,
Starting point is 00:30:53 which is great for my assistant principal is a Yerk. Perfect kids book stuff. I like to think that the principal is in a Yerk and they're like desperately trying to get him. They're like, oh, it's elusive. I think the principal isn't a Yerk out imagine. desperately trying to get him. They're like, oh, it's elusive. I think the principle isn't a york out of magic. Why would you need the vice principle and the principle? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:10 You don't need all that heat. You don't need all that heat. That's true. So basically, they know they're york pools under the high school. They've got all these badass animals now, but Cassie gets captured and is being brought down to the york pool. But they are able to save her using the badass morphs. They go underground under the high school.
Starting point is 00:31:30 Which is a really fun, the perverse person who morphs in the, let's reclaim Cassie is Rachel. And when they were at the zoo, Rachel was like, oh, I love dolphins. And everyone's like, you can't be a dolphin. And then when she morphs, she turns into an elephant. Yeah. It's so badass. Hell yeah. Rachel rules. Yeah, Rachel takes her all.
Starting point is 00:31:52 And she is the only one who loved Tobias. I do like that. Yeah, there's that moment where Tobias in Hawk Form lands on Rachel's shoulder and everyone's kind of like, what's going on between Tobias? Well, only Jake was a little jealous. I don't know if you guys sense that. I was like, I didn't get why she mousseled his head.
Starting point is 00:32:09 That was speaking in the third person. That was weird. Why is someone dating my cousin? Only I should do it because why would anyone get my cousin? I'm not saying I should, but why would anyone? Ah. Just saying jealous.
Starting point is 00:32:27 Should we do anamorph spoilers? I've got some... Wait, but no, no, no, Murf, we haven't revealed the ending, the tragic ending. Yeah, all right, yeah, so tragic. So then basically they save Cassie and then at the very end on for, and then, oh, actually, wait, you totally forgot the sickest fucking moment,
Starting point is 00:32:46 which is they save Cassie, and then this main bad guy shows up and morphs into his final form, and he says, I acquired this body on the fourth moon of the second planet of a dying star. And it turns into an eight-legged, eight-headed creature that throws fireballs at them. And I was like, I need to know more about this fourth moon of the second planet of a dying star. Yeah, that's sick.
Starting point is 00:33:15 Visser 3 is such a perfect, like, 80s villain because he, like, ends that line by saying, like, it's like, he's like, always always like, he's always making little puns to himself and like really kind of like, just bringing the cheesiness up despite the fact that everything is so terrifying. Everyone has to have a little bit of 90s attitude. And then, but then actually, so then they like basically escape this guy.
Starting point is 00:33:38 So in this book, they don't even destroy the pool. They basically save Cassie. No, just save Cassie, yeah. And then escape this guy, but Tobias stayed as a hawk for two hours and it ends with Tobias landing on Jake's window cell and Jake being like, come on man, come on man, more loud.
Starting point is 00:33:59 Who's back? More loud dude. What's up dude? We missed her out Tobias. Turn it to a little baby bird guy. Come on. Do it. I want to see your little baby toe claws.
Starting point is 00:34:09 Do it. Make your feather skin. Make your feather skin. I want to see your skin feathers. Jesus. What more so? Tobias gets stuck as a hawk. They tease at the whole time because like Tobias keeps fucking around.
Starting point is 00:34:21 You know it's going to happen. That little nerd wanted to be a bird the whole time. He did on purpose. He did it on purpose. I think he did on purpose You know what's gonna happen. That little nerd wanted to be a bird the whole time. He did on purpose. He did it on purpose. I think he did it on purpose. He did it on purpose. I thought it was like a little bit. I definitely was like, I don't, he wanted it.
Starting point is 00:34:32 He kept being like, I love being on purpose. He said I had to hide in the cave for too long. It's like that cave was described as being the size of a stadium. Like you can hide as a guy. He wasn't that afraid. He's just like, you know what, just to be safe, let me say it's a bird forever. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:50 It's true. Even one day went to the zoo to find better animals because they were basically like, okay, like we can't do this final thing as dogs and cats. We got to go to the zoo. Tigers, gorillas, et cetera. Tigers, gorillas, elephants, and Tobias is like, no, I'm good. I actually really am. I'm really into the hawk thing. All I need is hawk and tuna.
Starting point is 00:35:16 What if Tobias' last lines is, I guess this is me from now on. If I, you know behind it, he was just like, yes. Yes, I'm a bird. for me for my mom. If I, you know behind it, he was just like, yes. Oh, yes, I'm a bird. I've definitely said this is me now when I got it like by a new hat. This is me now, bond Dutch hat. I guess this is me now.
Starting point is 00:35:34 Bob sideways. We're all chasing that retail hawk. Yeah, we talked about it earlier, but they really set it up that like, no one was gonna look for Tobias when he was a bird Yeah, like they're really just like no one really cared of no one gave a shoot about Tobias at all Well, she cares about him, but she's an animal worth she will know his secret Don't you doesn't it make you wonder though like what is the I I really want Rachel or Tobias
Starting point is 00:36:02 The story to be them realizing that they love each other, but now Tobias is stuck as a hawk. Well, Rachel, learn how to animal off into hawks to have jaunts with Tobias. Ooh, so they can do beefy kisses, yeah. Do you want to know the answer? I actually, I think I don't want to know the answer unless it comes up in the wiki wonder. Okay, truly, I want to finish the series, so I really hope people enjoy this episode. I want to keep it going.
Starting point is 00:36:28 It's at least 26. Is it only 26? Okay. It's at least 26, and I know this. That's not bad. Well, I know this because if you look in the back, there's a little page where you can order all the books from your stylistic improv. Oh, I do remember that.
Starting point is 00:36:40 That's awesome. We should get some cooler racists too. Uh huh. Yeah, we can get the, do you think they still sell the 1999 Anamorph's Wall calendar? Should we get one for each of us? You know, it's gonna come back around, right? At some point, don't years sometimes end up lining up
Starting point is 00:36:54 with each other? I don't think it's gonna be 1999 again unless like, there's another, uh, messiah event or some sort of like cat catastrophe. She means the days. Yeah, that's what I said. Oh, the days when. Probably.
Starting point is 00:37:09 Yeah, you're probably right on that one. I know, I know, go. But we've got existential crises on the brain from Anomorphs. Absolutely. I think there's a really funny part in it where Marco actually is the one who suggests the name Animorphs. And then Jake is like, Animorphs, I said, it was okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:32 You're titular moment. You're going to actively have your first person in your life. It's the 90s. Be underwhelmed. It sounded okay. Yeah. This was like, you know, the same time that they made the X-Men movie and they made them all wear leather
Starting point is 00:37:47 because they were like, shh, spandex on a superhero. No way. Everyone was like, everyone was so ashamed of everything about themselves in the 90s. Everyone has to be a badass. At one point though, they did go to that. What was it called, the sharing,
Starting point is 00:38:02 which is like the cool, that basically. The sharing was such a funny name for the cult. It was a really good name for it. I thought it was a good name, and also really creepy, because basically, Tom was part of it, and this is like how they recruit from become brain slugs, and they basically recruit people by throwing a beach side barbecue and volleyball party.
Starting point is 00:38:24 It's such good, clean fun to get the worms in your brain. That was such a fun. You just go and you have good clean fun. And it worked on all the kids. All the kids were like, you know what? We were suspicious before, but today's been really nice. Yeah, Marco went so hard on Jake. Marco was like, yeah, your brother is a fucking jerk, dude.
Starting point is 00:38:41 And then they go to this sharing. They like play Frisbee, they have a bonfire, they have a barbecue, and Marco's like, I was totally wrong, these guys are awesome. Yeah, I was just so tricked, I'm the good clean-up. I just went swimming, and now I'm fine. There's a great moment where Tom's like, yeah, we played Beach volleyball at night,
Starting point is 00:39:01 but it's like so funny, because we can barely see the ball. It's hilarious, dude. It all sounds like so fake. It's just like everyone trying so hard to cover up the fact that they know. Yeah, I know, because it's also, I mean, obviously anytime an adult is writing a, again, I don't fault the author at all. Anytime an adult is writing a story, it's so accurate. For kids, they're not going to have teenagers do what teenagers actually do, which is like would just be, Marco would just throw a rock through a window and everyone else would, and then they don't go shriking the woods and be morons. But in this book, it's like, he knows the most fun thing I could think of doing, eating barbecue with my friends. And the most dangerous thing I do is truss pass a little bit on an old construction.
Starting point is 00:39:46 I wonder if kids still could tr trust pass on construction sites though, because I definitely used to do that in my neighborhood too. I have to hope. Yeah. You got to. You're awesome. Really fun and edgy feeling. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:57 Although, I know we live in LA where like, I know there's just traffic all the time. So I like literally never see a kid on the bike. Yeah. Never once. The one spoiler I would ask for is, so they never turn into dogs and use their sense of smell to be detectives. So I think they sort of do.
Starting point is 00:40:16 I don't think specifically for Marco's mom. But specifically for Marco's mom. Is there like a spider man? I'm almost picturing like a spider man version, but a detective and a dog instead of a teenager and a spider. Is there like a superhero that is that? Like a detective. What do you think spider man is about?
Starting point is 00:40:34 Spider man is about a teenager who gets spliced with a spider DNA. I don't know any of the spliced with spider DNA and then starts exhibiting some of the spider traits. I'm actually a detective who gets their DNA spliced with a dog so that they have a really good sense of smell. I'm back on board. I thought you thought that Spider-Man was about a guy
Starting point is 00:40:53 and a spider who would be pretty good. That's a real Spider-Man. That was so hard to fill. Oh. The spider's not cooperating. What do you think we should do, Richard? That's the spider's home. Okay, I stepped on the spider.
Starting point is 00:41:12 We need to do it, Richard. That's fine. We have three spiders. We're down to two. You're allowed one more, miss. Oh no, the bad guys are getting away. Spin a web, Richard. Spin a web.
Starting point is 00:41:24 Upside down. The spider fell asleep. Hang on. I'll be like. Oh no, the bad guys are getting away. Spinner web, Richard, Spinner web. Upside down. The spider fell asleep. Hang on. I'll be like Charlotte's web, except they solve mysteries. That's pretty good actually. I think we're onto something here. But yeah, I can't remember. I've definitely read most of these books.
Starting point is 00:41:38 And part of me thinks we'll have to go over this in the WikiWonder. I do think they might go to the quarry. It's a point where Marko's mom. Marko's mom. I think, you know, supposedly it's called, well, I think now I remember what Marko's mom is. And this is terrible, this is terrible audio because I'm just looking at you knowingly, but
Starting point is 00:41:56 I can't say anything. Is she a horde busier? No. Is she a traction? No. She's not a taxi. Is she in the sharing? It's sort of.
Starting point is 00:42:09 Is she a gap rash? That's a word I wrote down. A gap rash? G-H-A-F-R-A-S-A-G. It was never described. I don't know. I think that might be, can we go over all of the great words in this,
Starting point is 00:42:22 by the way? Yeah. I do have a list of things that I want to look up on the wiki wonder. Okay. And the lights bug fighters, Z space, blade ship, taxon, visor three, and Tyrion Bogmorph, gaffrash, Prince, Elfinger, exerid and so on. Chom total and Kodrona rays.
Starting point is 00:42:44 Kendrona rays. Yeah Drona rays, yeah. I just love that they have to go into a hot tub every three days. Cause like, honestly, it's like a pretty good life. Right? I guess they need those worm nutrients. They need to, and it was a silvery pool.
Starting point is 00:42:58 It seems kind of fun to just, yeah, when little worm wiggling around in there. Yeah, if it weren't so dangerous for humans. Dude, you would be one of the voluntary, you would volunteer yourself for a yirk. little worm wiggling around in there. Yeah, if it weren't so dangerous for humans. Dude, you would be one of the voluntary, you would volunteer yourself for a yirk. There were people that did that. There were people that were like,
Starting point is 00:43:11 I don't wanna be a control in my life. I don't wanna be a dude anymore. I wanna be a dude anymore. I just wanna be, I wanna have a freaking wet, I wanna be a wet worm in my head. And how different is that than what Tobias did, which is surrender himself to becoming a hawk? Right.
Starting point is 00:43:24 What happened to the hawk that Tobias became? It's still there. Yeah. They're just sharing about the name. They're sharing about the name. Yeah, they share about it. Oh, gosh. They're like twins. Like, twins.
Starting point is 00:43:33 Okay, so he has it. Oh, that's gonna be really fun. Yeah, someone to talk to then. When Rachel becomes a red hawk and they start sort of seeing each other. Start a family. Here's how dumb I was. It's like a nine year old or whenever I read this book
Starting point is 00:43:46 the first time. I remember being kind of shocked and shook when Tobias stayed as a bird. But when I read it, it's not coming. When I read it this time, I was like, yeah, no, as soon as he did the first time. As soon as he came back, he was like, it was amazing.
Starting point is 00:44:02 I'm like, this guy's gonna become a fucking bird. I love it. I love me a like this guy's gonna become a fuck I love it. I love you. It's good bird. Even though it's telegraphed though that scene that scene of him being like Just come on come on Tobias more Also because him and Jake weren't even that good a friend There's basically just Tobias got picked on at school. And Jake one time was like, hey guys knock it off. And Tobias started falling them around after that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:30 Which is like a very specific type of kid, which like I instantly pictured him. Yeah. It's true. I think that Jake and Tobias are better friends now now that Tobias is a hot guy. And Marko was such a shithead the entire time that I think I would also have gotten closer to Tobias
Starting point is 00:44:44 because Tobias totally, Tobias was cool. Tobias entire time that I think I would also have gotten closer to Tobias. Because Tobias totally. Tobias was cool. Tobias was actually, I think they said that Jake was the leader several times, even though he never did anything. Yes. But I think Tobias was the real, Tobias from the get-go was like,
Starting point is 00:44:59 we are fighting for the end of the lights. I don't care what you guys do, I'm on his side. And every, right. Followed Tobias actually. Yeah, and Rachel was you guys do, I'm on his side. And every way. Followed Tobias, actually. Yeah, and Rachel was pretty much like, I'm with Tobias. Yeah. Tobias and Rachel are the only ones
Starting point is 00:45:10 that made up their minds. That's true. I think they're the best ones. Yeah, I agree. Actually, Cassie's great too. Cassie's reveal of like when they basically like all met back up the next day and were like, I don't think it's a dream, guys.
Starting point is 00:45:24 And then it was just like, they looked at, and then like, like galloping down the hill was a horse and they're like, it's Cassie. And then she morphs into like a latex suit and she's like, I found a way to keep my clothes on when I morph. And Marco never figured it out, never will have to now. Yeah, because they get into it that like Cassie is like a good morpher.
Starting point is 00:45:47 She's like an artistic morpher, which is very fun. But then also there's a really funny scene after that where they have to hide her morpher from the cop. Oh yeah, she's just like turning back into a horse, I think. Or she was half way in a morpher. Which is why it's yet another great call that morphing takes a while. It was sick when they were making their escape
Starting point is 00:46:09 and she was like at the pool, they're about to put a yurk in her brain. She broke free, running towards the escape and then becomes a horse and two people ride her to safety. That was a sick Cassie moment. Which does actually kind of break the three minute. It takes three minutes to morph roll, but you know. Yeah, well, she's good. I think the Cassie moment? Which does actually kind of break the three minute. It takes three minutes to morph, but you know. Yeah, well she's good.
Starting point is 00:46:28 I think the Cassie's so good at it. Yeah, I might have taken three minutes for Tobias and his weird baby bird morph. Cause he was milking it. That sick fuck loves being a bird. Yeah. Like that in between. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:46:40 He's like, let me have feathers a little longer. Yeah. Yeah. It is true that like the entire time they show you how long and disgusting the morphing are and you're like, gosh, I hate, like this is really cool. I want to be a bird, but like is it worth it? And then Tobias gets stuck and you're like,
Starting point is 00:46:55 oh, the danger is a morphing. So I feel like we are going to be going to school to school with a PSA about the dangers of morphing. If a endangered prince from an alien race gives you a cube, just know that two hours in the morphing you got to be careful kids. And I'm happy to just I'm just gonna I'm gonna come on to this like little show that call will say down the road and I'm just gonna read that passage of Tobias morphing. Does that sound fun to you? I'm going to open and close every single assembly with that.
Starting point is 00:47:29 Six sides on a cube, two hours in a morph. Remember those numbers, kids. If you think you can handle that, cut to the construction set on your way home. Now here to try the point home, your friend in mind is to buy us the Hawthorl. I was bad at being a kid but I'm a hawk now. I love being hawk.
Starting point is 00:47:51 Tobias, shut up. It'd be so easy to fake it and just grab a random hawk. Tobias, my husband. This is Tobias the hawk boy. He could talk in your head if you were also an animal or if you're not. That's just how it works. Yeah, God, they're really made it so easy to protect. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:09 Talk to your kid about morphine today. Oh my goodness. You guys want to do, I guess we can kind of combine it but book club with like a short rest type thing and do roses and thorns? Oh, no, we do A to J, right? Oh yeah, we'll do A to J. How about vissers and kissers? Oh, vissers and kissers is good, though.
Starting point is 00:48:28 Vissers and kissers. Okay, vissers are bad. I do have vissers and kissers. Yeah, let me hear it. Let me hear it. My only note, and I actually really enjoyed the book. Okay, I truly enjoyed it. As I read it on my flight, and as I was on my way home,
Starting point is 00:48:43 I was thinking about how I could read the next one. So I feel like me, you're like three times as old as the age of someone that's supposed to be into this book, but I am. I found it to be at times a little repetitive in the, this was a dream. Only I wish it was a dream, because it was real, but it seemed like a nightmare.
Starting point is 00:49:04 And then every single person had that exact same thing. So Jake realizes it's real, and Tobias is like, I can morph, he's like, no, you can't. Then he watches it, and then he's like, Jake, you can morph, he's like, no, I can't. And then he goes, then they go to the fun. And Mark goes like, I can't morph. You guys are crazy.
Starting point is 00:49:22 It's like, there's so many people. many there's two people who are a little excited I think that like kids are like skeptical Pretends is just unbelievable to me. I'm skeptical about that. Let's face it kids want a morph Yeah, let's face it or at least give them different POVs Everyone's POV was like, yeah, right. Everyone said yeah, right. It's like, yeah, just change it up. They're all different people.
Starting point is 00:49:49 So that's gonna knock this down from a perfect score for you. Even the narrative tone of the book was like, here's a crazy story. You're probably not gonna believe it. Like the whole time. It was just like clipped sentences being like, this is really dangerous stuff.
Starting point is 00:50:03 Do you think you can handle it? Yeah. It was so casual. I feel like that was kind of just like the vibe of like you know, though, was like just kids being like, no one's gonna believe us. We're hit. But they didn't even believe each other.
Starting point is 00:50:16 But they didn't believe each other. Yeah, I didn't believe each other. I think my, my viscer is that I kind of wish that they said, I was like, of course I want the assistant principal to be a york, but set them up. You could have easily. They kind of didn't make him that bad a guy at a top. I wanted one scene with him being like a jerk. They should have been like, Jake got to detention.
Starting point is 00:50:39 They just thought the same vice principal was like enough. It was enough. Like no one had a vice principal that they liked. So that's the thing. Which is such a cartoon and movie thing, like did you actually hate your principal when you went to school? Our school didn't have a vice principal.
Starting point is 00:50:55 We just had a principal. Yeah, I don't think that we had a vice principal. I think we had a vice principal. And he was fine. I didn't have a problem. My cousin is a principal. And he's like one of the best guys I know cares so much about school.
Starting point is 00:51:04 I'm like, yeah. If you were an animal, would you like him though? Probably not. My cousin is a principal and he's like one of the best guys I know cares so much about the school If you were an animal or if would you like him though? If you were a world animal I had one principle I hated and one principle that I didn't really know much about but he rollerbladed through school And that was pretty cool. That's that is cool. Yeah, whoa. That's such a year. Yeah, trying to blend in Yeah, right your scant rollerblade You're a thing though, Emily. That's the thing. Your scant blood. And that's why you can't trust anyone. I have a couple of kissers for this episode.
Starting point is 00:51:37 I was surprised by how much I learned rereading this book. Oh, the animal facts about animals. Yeah. Yeah, there's a lot of great animal facts in here. They would always be followed by, it would always be like, which is a type of a guana as if you can. Yeah, and like you can. Sorry, I made you learn asshole.
Starting point is 00:51:54 Again, there's a real confidence problem in my mind. You had to like hedge everything in irony or sarcasm. Yeah, it was that. It was like the bit about the, the anole and the way that they have panoramic vision because they have eyes on the side of their head. It was really cool. Oh yeah. So they have no depth perception, but they have like a wider range of vision to watch out
Starting point is 00:52:17 for predators. Also very nice heroes journey stuff to have Jake be struggling with like a very visceral cowardice. And then the most important morph that he did, like turning into the lizard to find out where the pool was, he turned into a very scared animal. Yeah. Yeah. And then the truth of him, his final form being that tiger and feeling confident, feeling calm, even a little face of danger.
Starting point is 00:52:44 Uh huh. Yeah. I think someone read Joseph Campbell. and feeling confident, feeling calm, even with a face of danger. Uh-huh. Yeah. I think someone read Joseph Campbell. Yeah, this was rad. Whoever wrote Anna Morphs. I think we should call it the Morphers journey from now on. Morphers journey. Yeah, yeah, I like that.
Starting point is 00:52:58 I like that. I think what we need is a new series, exact same plot, except for with just some 30 year olds. You know what I mean? Yeah. Like they're just leaving work going to happy hour. She manned it like comes down. But then it would be like 30 year olds would just be like, oh, this is so awesome to be an animal.
Starting point is 00:53:17 My body hurts, that's true. Oh, I want to join, I turn into a bird and fly. My back hurts from a long plane ride. I think I'd find out like that there were thousands of yorks and be like, oh, there's nothing we can do. There's absolutely the guys. Let's just use our animals to escape. I have to be honest.
Starting point is 00:53:37 Let's just beat dolphins, guys. Even now, I think if I found myself experiencing a UFO, someone comes out and is like, this is going on. I don't even think that I would be skeptical now. Also the fact that M would be so on board with it, I think I could still, we could still have our home life because I think what would happen is we would probably just fight yirks all the time as different animals.
Starting point is 00:53:58 And then also just like, I guess we wouldn't have time to be podcasters or anything anymore. So we'd have to like steal stuff, I guess, but we could do that as like words. If we, if the podcast ever goes away, it's because we're animals. We're animals. Well, we'll post a hiatus right.
Starting point is 00:54:13 It's this Mervin Emileer gong. Your invasion, Mervin Emile, I can no longer produce the podcast while they save the life for your fucking children. I went over to Mervin Emile's house and there were two more cats than they're used to be. For some reason. And they were standing on high in their hind legs.
Starting point is 00:54:30 Oh, day one, we just fall asleep as cats and become cats, and then someone comes to check on us, and they're just too extra cats in our house. That's definitely a possibility. I mean, it'd be cool to be a cat, but that'd be a real waste of the power. Yeah, agree. It's also so funny because in all the descriptions,
Starting point is 00:54:47 they really take on the animals' personality. It would be like, okay, I'm a cat. Oh, it's midday. I really want to take a nap. I'm gonna take a nap. Oh, that was another great horror scene that we didn't talk about when he was a lizard and the lizard instincts ate a spider
Starting point is 00:55:03 and he didn't want to eat it. And you basically described trying not to eat this spider. And then against his will swallowing this like writhing alive spider as a lizard. That was fucked. That was great. And the only thing worse than swallowing a spider is eating broccoli.
Starting point is 00:55:20 Ugh. Oh, there was some broccoli hate. It's gonna be lunch. That's my viscer. That's my viscer for this episode. Broccoli is pretty good. You just got season of correctly. Yeah. It's gotta be charged.
Starting point is 00:55:31 I feel like a rad nighties teen about it. I don't love it. I like you gotta put it in the oven, put it on, maybe like something in the 400s, cover it in tin foil, and then at the end you take the tin foil off so you get like a little bit burned. Yeah, yeah. Well Chris, yeah. I don't think Jake's mom was going to these links. Yeah, but she's a busy writer.
Starting point is 00:55:51 That's true. She's busy keeping her children from watching TV. I will say, Kisser's definitely the last scene as soon as basically as soon as Rachel turns into the freaking elephant, it's on. Oh, that's good. The end of the book is a thrill ride. It's a thrill ride. It's a tear jerker for the bird boy. It's like sitting for a final battle.
Starting point is 00:56:08 It's just like descending into a cavern with like a writhing slug filled pool. Yeah, yeah. Poor Jake, he gets two losses back to back. Like he loses his brother to the Yerks after almost rescuing him. Wait, he loses his brother? Yeah, they try to rescue Tom. He doesn't die. He's recaptured by the way. They lose him to the car. They try to stay. They lose him to the Yerks after almost rescuing him. Wait, he loses his brother? Yeah, they try to rescue Tom.
Starting point is 00:56:25 He doesn't die. He's recaptured by the way. They lose him to the car. They try to stay. They lose him to the Yerks. That's cool. That's cool to end it on that cliffhanger. That was a kisser for me, because you know,
Starting point is 00:56:34 there's that whole thing with Tom. It's like, oh, we're not as close as we used to be. Yeah. Tom's being an asshole to his brother. And then you find out that there's some people that are Yerks voluntarily. And then, and Jake is like Oh, what is Tom one and then they're like no Tom top spot really hard. So yeah, that is such a wild scene because there's just people watching TV right next to
Starting point is 00:56:56 Horkbys years Yeah, there were other Horkbys years that were down to get turned into Yerks and they were all just watching TV together They're all just watching everybody loves Raymond together and there's like fucking weird underground. Right. Which I guess the idea of signing yourself over to the Yerks would make sense in almost like a squid game way of like I could see there being this weird upper class thing of like people getting like these like cushy rooms or something and treating it as some weird experience. But the idea that they're just in a separate cage watching TV, hearing people scream and
Starting point is 00:57:30 they're fine is really weird. Yeah. All they get is like lazy boy chairs and that's it. Weird stuff. Some would say that maybe the real york is growing up. Yeah. I mean, for sure, that definitely felt like a theme in this, especially with Tom's journey.
Starting point is 00:57:49 It was like, Tom doesn't like basketball anymore. He's just trying to help find out who set off fireworks at the construction site. He's just trying to help. That's so fun. All right, see you later and remember, let me know if you hear anything about the construction. I'm doing your yurk.
Starting point is 00:58:07 This is such a great behavior. I'm doing your year. This is such a year of behavior. Oh, it's so obvious. I hate that your behavior is absolutely going to become part of our vocabulary. Just so, yeah, just so obviously for some reason, cares about searching for the kids who were seen at the construction site. Hey, dude, I'm just a regular S17 year old little bro. Did you hear anything about like some kids that were at the construction site? They were saying crazy stuff, like they saw a spaceship
Starting point is 00:58:35 with some space worms. Isn't that weird? Isn't that weird? You don't believe in UFOs, right? Dude, you saw what you would think that was like not a UFO, right? Anyway, just looking for some confirmation me and all my friends are gonna go eat hamburgers on the beach do you want to come
Starting point is 00:58:53 only a little bit of sand makes its way into the burger it's pretty funny you're coming right just perfect not your baby we're all gonna go skateboard around and report crimes. Just like normal teenagers. What a complete volleyball and look out for Miss Koreans. And Marco's just like, this is normal, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:19 Shout out to the Marcos out there whose friends make them stronger. You can unleash the gorilla within you, I believe in you. Yeah, it is hard not to like Marco when he becomes a gorilla and starts punching people. Yeah, yeah, he makes a lot of King Kong jokes. That's true. It is good character justification
Starting point is 00:59:36 that his mom both drowned and the badger found. And disappear, yeah. Well, you know what? And let's end it there. We'll tease that. We will reveal what happened to Marko's mom over on the Patreon. We're gonna be doing a little,
Starting point is 00:59:49 we're gonna be diving into the Animorphs lore and revealing some things. Time to wander. Time to wander the wiki. Thank you guys all so much for listening. You can listen to that over on our Patreon, slash a nad pod. That's NADD.
Starting point is 01:00:01 POD don't sing yet. Oh, okay. Fine. And we't sing yet. Okay, fine. And we've got some live shows to plug. You can get tickets to our live shows over on slash live. We've got Portland on June 16th. We've got Los Angeles on June 17th. And we've got Vancouver on October 21st.
Starting point is 01:00:22 Please check those out. slash live. Yes. Anybody else got anything? That was what I was gonna say. Ooh, all right. Yeah, I'll third that, but also I do have some juicy little bits and bobbins
Starting point is 01:00:35 from the PO box. Oh, Stu share. Yeah, we've been getting a lot of nice notes from folks. So I would love to highlight some of those if that's all right. McKenzie, who's sorority sister Emily met at a bar, said that she tried putting her dice in the moonlight, but unfortunately, all she got was a little crappy street light, and they rolled directly.
Starting point is 01:00:57 So try again, I would say McKenzie tried again. Try again, maybe it was a fun story that the dice came up with. That's true. Oh, there you go. Maybe they blessed you in a way that you have not perceived. Yeah. Anna sent us a note about how listening to the show helped them succeed during their first time playing D&D. So happy we could help you and be there in spirit, Anna. Let's see. Emily D in Montreal sent us a nice note. So happy we could help you through tough times. Oh, and best of luck with your new career as a bio-archaeologist. Oh, rad.
Starting point is 01:01:26 Oh, that's cool. Let us know if you find any freaking cubes. Yeah. We need one, we need one, we need a more. We need one. Yeah, if a cube crashed and like the 1800s it could be buried by now. We gotta find these cubes.
Starting point is 01:01:40 There's sacred, deep earth cubes out there. Let's see, oh, we got a lovely handwritten note from Marge. Glad to hear your kids love Big City Greens. It's a very good show. Anna and Chris in Cassidy sent us a save the date and a lovely note about how Anna was listening to our show on their way to their first date with Chris. That is so nice. That's Kizmit for sure.
Starting point is 01:02:01 Wow, so actually we can take credit for it. Yeah. Yeah. So we can decide if this wedding goes through or not. I thinkmit for it. Wow, so actually we can take credit for it. Yeah, yeah So we can decide if this wedding goes through or not. I think that's cool. Yeah, we're allowed to object because we'll be in the audience We will be in disguise though, so I'm pleased I'll be a hawks whirling on this guy I'll be a gorilla Yeah, they walked down that wait a minute. there's two gorillas. We only invited one. Oh, a gorilla in like a really cute dress.
Starting point is 01:02:32 I'm going just to see that. I will of course be a dolphin. Theodore sent us a lovely note and a key chain from their home state of Oregon. Apparently, there's a state park there that looks exactly like the Crick or theodore. So gosh, I want to see that someday. Let's see, I got a couple more. I'm just burning through them all. Gig F, AKA giraffe and goggles art.
Starting point is 01:02:51 Santa's a nice note with some drawings of Mavros in the triplets. Thanks, Gig. Dylan, the manager of Circus, Santa's a voucher to Dine at the restaurant in Dublin. Ooh, we will have to go next time we are over there. We were in Dublin for, I think, not even 24 hours. Yeah. Yeah. So next time though, over there. We were in Dublin for I think not even 24 hours. Yeah. So next time though, let's see Samantha, Santa says, save the date and individual notes. We're happy we could keep you in
Starting point is 01:03:12 Blake Company during the pandemic. Oh, sorry, you can make it a Dallas live show definitely next time. And last of all, a postcard from Maggie and Chandler in Colorado. Thank you so much for coming to our Seattle show. That is all of our notes. Thank you all so, so much for coming to our Seattle show. That is all of our notes. Thank you all so, so much for listening and sending things in. 1920 Hill or seven, who number two, two, two, two, most of the least California, 90027, invite us to your wedding to be a permanent.
Starting point is 01:03:35 Yeah. Sweet. And you can follow us on social media. The Remain Man Outuse at CHPRI, if it's me, at Caldys Caldwell, at ASTRA, Emily, at Chico, which is Jake. And you can tweet about the show using hashtag NADPA that's NADDPOD. We are we on!
Starting point is 01:03:49 You the Mortis of the Nation, we are we on! The Mortis of the Nation! They made a book about a video game, game, game, game. We made a podcast about that book. It's the end of the show, Ronin. You know what that means? It's time to shout out our Benevolent Council of Elders, you Benevolent Little Beauties.
Starting point is 01:04:21 I'm talking about Brad D. Jeffrey S. Hugh C. Later McS Skater, Matt M. Jordan DJ, Cutter W, Daniel G, Dylan B, who is missing his own D&D game to go see NADPOT LIVE in LA. I don't think you'll be disappointed. Dungeon Mama, Daniel the Dastardly Dame, Beardman Dan, Danny P, Michael McD, Vincent W, Mr. Cole, Victor T. Boundnor's Boy Forever, Dominic P. Andrew A, Justin I, Ragnar Ferrand, T.J.M. Trayle the Cray-Fay, Jared E. Christopherien L. R. Cyborg version of Josh the Cobald. Brian W. Vice President of Business Development of Sure Incorporated. Whew, that's a good one. Richard X Machina. Michael L. Taylor S. Calum L. Samuel B. Mike H. Martin P. Matthew E. Way cooler than
Starting point is 01:05:30 Angry Wee. Adam G. Tyler F. Panama James. Andrew The Bard.. Hercule Parold, a private folk detective. Jimmy R. Crocoholic, Lucas B. Raco, It's Kevin, Calder's, cold, com-hash-tag. Love to all my supporters. New York, Cascade for Casc. Steven C. Mike K. Lady Taco, Joy T. Nara, Witt, and Wimsy.
Starting point is 01:06:12 Jake L. Nick W. Brave the Badger, S.M. Mutton, the Mad Droid, has been trying to undo his friend who's been stuck as a polymort sheep for three weeks. Foster, the original boneless duck, Erin, the asshole ranger. Big beard of the mad, Eric McDee, giant monsters on the horizon. Perseval, Frederick's giant van mussel, Klozowski, Derolo, the third, Christian A, Olivia Kay. J. Dragonborn. Joro. The Innopropro.
Starting point is 01:06:46 Liam D. The San Drian. Ben A. Feldonis. John III. Dave H. Vivian. Koala Bear. Catherine S. David Kay. Christian S. Rebecca G. Dustin S.
Starting point is 01:07:00 Connor F. Hawkeye Pierce. Bookfars Assistant Izzy F. Mark U. Blair, the bug, Blair, Barb, Blurian. Katzie, Kelsey J. Perkchop. Ariel, the occasional mermaid. Selena and Valacy Raptor.
Starting point is 01:07:18 Minnich, the magnificent magic carp. Pat L. Achoo the A. Lauren H. Joshua D. Ryan S, the Bone Duster, the Charming Fluff, Robert Chris, Telekitty Creations Fan Illustrator, Ploupes, Carly Ann, Addy K, AP dot cleric, Laurie P, those who love and give where they can. Spam gaming, who's just some guy, I guess.
Starting point is 01:07:45 That's kind of an upgrade from being a not-so-good gamer. Grant L. Conor Savage. Christopher J. Pepplepot. What happens when you stand on a D4? Your foot takes one D4 damage. Ooh, look at that. Celil, Leviathan, Bioquart Seven, Remington CD, Amber, Dextrous, Sullivan H, Trump, Hopdrapper,
Starting point is 01:08:09 Sydney T, Jack H. Hi, my name is Brian Murphy. I wish I could tell you that I'm a golden finch, but I'm really just a dirty, city pigeon. Ha ha ha ha! A for X, Hashtag, Sexy Saul, Slurping, Sinidies! Garble the Moist! Juicy Kiwi Saw's Future Life Partner. Champ Wild, Balan, Sprite Pepsi, Keralyn C. Louis is your center dad, Emily S. Harry Cox, Ali, congrats on finishing your master's degree, love you! Estelle, Justin L. Tourley Skirmisher, Dandy, E&D, Bunny, Hashtag Claudia said nothing
Starting point is 01:08:49 wrong Hashtag neither did the robot dogs, Hashtag, Frogpile, and Claudia Suck. Marco P, Pup Kalish, learns the balance through it, Dakota James P, Frida M, Pagos, the self-proclaimed V prince, Tracy P,. the Crick-Elf Librarian, Friar Physet, Andy E. Holly Hyena, Anthony A. Christen Z. Leah C. Page H.
Starting point is 01:09:15 Beatrix's beautiful baby batter. Pixel stars, Kristen with a K. Cal supports Calder's cold com hashtag stay strong they can't stop us all. Commodore Galaxy, Edison N, Russell H, among named Dilgo, zero parity than not so bad DM. Look at you, good for you! Nios, the novice monster hunter. Some jerk named Simon I jumpedy shouted at me that I should remember him and free him as if I knew who he was.
Starting point is 01:09:50 Lorelei Frost Morgan M. A. Peeling Sticker Steven E. Mr. Adams Meg the Male Carrier of Bohumia James F. Jimmy A. Hi man, hi man yeah, that's me. Captain, Captain E, M4L, the Dragon Ambassador, Wayfarer, inventor of the SS Storm Beyond, Andrew B, Coat Fresh, Barple Good Barrel, Barthaparian, and Brewer Emeritus of Hohwater Deep. Welsh Linder. Gareth G. One Big Curred. Eric M. Mr. D. Sean J. Mr. Silly Head. Monster Captain René Us.
Starting point is 01:10:34 Olivia, the enchanting bard who will totally be making money off all the duct tape tails with an on-the-go, all the stop show. Bousslay, the Artificer. Mikaela R. Albin's Alabaster Aftermath. Hashtag, come up its will, rise. Salam, sticky sauce, Hashtag, CCC, double down. Colliope's cumulo, cum blast. Hashtag, CCC, forever! Riley S. Sirsig93, FICO.
Starting point is 01:11:04 Buckles and his ballgags! No one is cooler than angry we especially not the front half of a horse costume! The game itself! Chaos Kampf, aka IMASMAPIRE! Chacked Aeron R! Tony G, Logan D, Anthony Dale Murphy Jr. would like to declare his full support of Hashtag CCC and its derivatives! Josh H, Jack the Jack's Jinx and Rogue in search of Bahumias biggest balls! Sammy the Niko, Mango and Panadas, yum! After all that come talk, I could still find Mango and Panna da sounding like a fun little dessert. And finally, Korra Bright. Thank you all so much.
Starting point is 01:11:51 We love you. You make our show happen. Mwah, mwah, mwah, mwah. Goodbye, Sweeties. That was a Hate Yum Podcast. guest.

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